Filling in the diary on production practice personnel management. Analysis of training, retraining and advanced training of workers, operating at the enterprise. Personnel policy LLC "PromAvtomatika"

  • 14.04.2020

1. a brief description of company and its main activities.

2. Measures and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC _______________.

3. Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel.

4. Organization of the personnel assessment and certification procedure.

5. The main provisions of the internal work schedule at _________ LLC.

6. The main provisions of the scheme for building material motivation in LLC _______.

7. Basic provisions of the construction scheme non-material motivation at ______ LLC.

8. Evaluation of the organization of personnel management in LLC _______.

An individual task for an internship in the specialty “Personnel Management”

Name of the object of practice OOO _____

The purpose of the practice (according to the program)

Practice objectives (according to the program)

1. Acquaintance with the company, which is the base of practice

2. Study organizational structure and forms of organization of work in the organization's personnel management

3. Acquaintance with the structure of specialized units in the personnel management system and job descriptions

4. Acquaintance with the regulatory and methodological documentation regulating the processes of personnel management of the enterprise, the system and procedure for the implementation of document management

5. Acquisition of practical skills in working with documents that determine the organization of the work of individual subsystems in the personnel management system

What documents will be presented to the student for review

2. Internal labor regulations

3. Regulations on the personnel department

4. Job descriptions of employees of the personnel department

5. Regulations on the selection, selection and hiring of personnel

6. Questionnaire for employment

7. Regulations on the assessment and certification of personnel

8. Regulations on the system of material and non-material motivation of personnel

In the performance of what work and the preparation of what documents the student will take a personal part

1. Collecting statistics and filling out recruitment reports

2. Inviting candidates for an interview

3. Participation in the interview and primary selection of candidates

4. Development of alternative sources of staff recruitment

5. Advising applicants on open vacancies by phone

The form of student participation in the performance of work and the preparation of the document:

Get advice Yes No

Will take part in the survey Yes No

Perform calculation of indicators yes No

Create an auxiliary table yes No

Working with initial information Yes No

Practice leader

from the enterprise _____________/____________(_________)

signature, date

Head of SFU Practice _____________/____________ (____________-)

signature, date

Student _____________/____________ (_____________)

signature, date

1. Brief description of the company and its main activities

__________ LLC (chain of stores) is a supermarket of a universal type and offers more than 35 thousand items: household goods and stationery, souvenirs, gifts, cosmetics, perfumes, accessories. The seasonal assortment is regularly updated (gifts for the holidays, gardening equipment, school supplies).

From the very beginning of its activity, the company used elements of self-service in the trade of stationery and household chemicals.

In accordance with the Charter, the Company was established to carry out economic activities in order to meet public needs for its products, goods, works, services and to sell, on the basis of profits, the economic interests of participants and members of the Company's workforce.

To achieve the goals and objectives, the Company carries out the following activities:

1. Trade and procurement activities, including wholesale consumer goods, foodstuffs, industrial and technical products;

2. Foreign economic activity;

3. Organization of items Catering(cafes, bars, restaurants);

4. Production and sale of food products, consumer goods;

5. Manufacture and sale of stationery and interior items;

6. Organization service centers maintenance of the goods sold;

7. Manufacture of medical equipment and medical products, medicines, sale of medicines, raw materials;

8. Intermediary, dealer, distribution;

9. Carrying out construction, repair and construction, installation, commissioning, production of building materials;

10. Printing activities, replication and sale of printed materials;

11. Wholesale, retail and commission trade;

12. Household services;

13. Organization of exhibitions, fairs, auctions.

The supreme governing body is one Founder, whose share in the authorized capital is 100%. All decisions on issues related to the competence of the general meeting of the Members of the Company are taken by the Founder of the Company solely and are drawn up in writing.

Management current activities The Company is carried out by the sole executive body represented by the Director, who is appointed by the Founder for a period of up to 5 years and is accountable to the Founder of the Company.

Labor relations of the Company's employees are built on a contract basis. Labor income of each employee is determined by his personal contribution, taking into account the final results of the Company's work, is regulated by taxes and is not limited to maximum amounts.

The minimum wage for the Company's employees is established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

The form, system and amounts of remuneration, as well as other types of income of employees, are established by the Company independently, depending on the profession, qualifications of employees, the complexity and conditions of the work performed.

Contract workers may receive remuneration in the form of wages, and in the form of a share of profit in the presence of a mutual agreement between the employee and the Company.

Employees of the Company are subject to social, medical insurance, social security in the manner and under the conditions established for workers, employees state enterprises RF.

The Company provides employees with safe working conditions and is liable in accordance with the procedure established by law for damage caused to their health and ability to work. The employee is responsible for the damage caused to the Company in case of violation of the technical safety rules by the employee.

Labor relations of the Company's employees, including their social and pension provision, as well as issues of the Company's social development, are determined in internal documents Companies, including the collective agreement.

The structure of LLC __________ has a linear-functional principle of construction based on unity of command (Appendix 1). The number of staff is 300 people.

The Human Resources Department is represented by the HR Director, the HR Development Manager, the HR Manager, the HR Records Specialist.

The HR Director is the head of the Human Resources Department and performs the following functions:

1. Ensuring the competitive advantages of the company through the creation of an effective personnel policy that allows forming a team of highly qualified specialists;

2. Development and implementation of the personnel policy of the enterprise;

3. Development of standards and regulations for the selection, adaptation, placement, retention of personnel;

4. Coordination of the implementation of technologies in the field of HR by all employees of the Department;

5. Setting goals and organizing the practice of fulfilling tasks in the field of human resource management in all departments;

6. Increasing the professional level of employees;

7. Staff motivation;

8. Ensuring the effective use of personnel;

9. Establishment and control of the personnel movement accounting system;

10. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions;

11. Ensuring compliance with labor laws.

HR Development Manager:

1. Conducts focus groups with company personnel to determine the need for training programs;

2. Develops special trainings for staff;

3. Plans, accompanies and supervises special courses;

4. Researches, evaluates and selects third party programs;

5. Provides leadership in the development and delivery of programs;

6. Improves teaching aids and resources;

7. Manages the maintenance of documents related to the training of employees;

8. Performs typical duties leader in planning, evaluation, organization, debriefing and control;

9. May also be responsible for overseeing staffing, conducting performance appraisals, training and professional development of subordinates, promotions, salary increases, layoffs, disciplinary action, etc.

HR manager:

1. Determines the company's need for personnel;

2. Studying the state of the labor market, the level of wages, social programs at various enterprises to develop the concept of recruitment;

3. Develops cards of vacancies and vacancies;

4. Draws up a schedule for the search for workers needed by the enterprise;

5. Determines the sources of personnel search;

6. Gets acquainted with the resumes of applicants; meets with applicants; conducts interviews with applicants; organizes professional, psychological questioning and testing of applicants; studies the business and professional qualities of applicants; checks the recommendations of applicants; examines the characteristics and information from the previous jobs of applicants;

7. Evaluates the results of interviews and testing of applicants, selects applicants that meet the requirements of the enterprise.

8. Maintains recruitment statistics (Appendix 2).

The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for:

1. Accounting for the personnel of the organization, its divisions;

2. Registration of acceptance, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor law, regulations and orders of the head of the organization;

3. Keeping personal files of employees, making changes in them related to labor activity;

4. Filling, accounting and storage of work books;

5. Accounting for the granting of vacations to employees;

6. Registration of documents on pension insurance and their submission to the social security authorities;

7. Drawing up the established reporting;

8. Timekeeping.

2. Activities and forms of organization of work on the formation of the internal image of LLC _______________

The success of the company, in many ways, lies in the fact that it began with creative and cheerful people. This is still of great importance in the policy of recruitment. Employees of _______________ LLC are successful positive people who skillfully combine freedom combined with responsibility, innovation and creativity, appreciating the traditions of partnership with customers, suppliers and colleagues.

The employees of the chain of stores have every reason to be proud of their work, because the company provides all the conditions for this: a decent, regularly indexed salary that objectively reflects the professional level of the employee, social guarantees, career opportunities, confidence in the future. As well as:

1. Corporate discounts on the employee's personal card for goods and services of the company;

2. Organization of preferential hot lunches for employees of all departments;

3. Providing material assistance to employees of the enterprise in extreme situations;

4. Annual free flu vaccination of employees;

5. Gifts for employees' children;

6. The most comfortable workplaces;

7. Overalls;

8. The opportunity for all employees to visit the sports complex (gym, swimming pool, volleyball, basketball, football) free of charge.

3. Organization of work and procedures for the selection and recruitment of personnel

Recruitment Policy

The site formulates the basic principles that the company adheres to when recruiting for vacant positions:

1. “Competence is the main requirement for candidates. We study biographical data, professional career and recommendations, determine the level of professional knowledge and skills, business and personal qualities, health status, predict the success of adaptation in the team. We focus on growing specialists and heads of structural divisions within the enterprise;

2. Objectivity - we strive to minimize the influence of the subjective opinion of persons making a decision on the admission of a candidate;

3. Continuity - we carry out permanent job on the selection of the best specialists, the formation personnel reserve from external candidates and employees of the enterprise;

4. Scientific - we use the most modern methods in the recruitment process.

Assessment method





Allows you to collect key information about the candidate that is important when making a decision

High probability of exaggeration by the candidate of his qualities, skills, knowledge

Average, additional clarification needed

Initial interview

Allows you to personally verify the accuracy of the information contained in the questionnaire and evaluate the behavior of the candidate

Inability to fully assess the candidate's abilities and motivation, a high degree of influence of subjective factors

Psychological testing

Allows you to assess the degree of compliance of the psychometric characteristics of the candidate with the specifics of the workplace, as well as the compatibility of the candidate with the socio-psychological climate of the organization

Difficulty in interpreting results, special training required, strong influence external factors on the condition of the candidate at the time of testing

Medium or high when using several types of testing that evaluate the same factors

Workplace internship

Opportunity to look at the candidate "in work"

Separation from the work of a specialist mentor

Average, because in the process of acquiring skills and adapting to the company, the candidate is not able to fully express himself

Assessment of the conformity of the information provided with reality

The procedure for selection and selection of personnel

1) Determining the need for personnel:

Stage 1 - Application for a job opening. Responsible for stage 1 - line manager. The application justifies the need to open a vacancy, the need for workplace equipment, and the job responsibilities of a new employee. An application for opening a vacancy is filled out on a special form by the line manager in whose department the opening of a vacancy is planned, and submitted to the Human Resources Department.

Stage 2 - Examination of the vacancy. Responsible for stage 2 - HR Director. Based on the application for opening a vacancy, an examination of the vacancy is carried out (identification of the objective need of the department for a new employee). With a positive result of the examination of a vacancy, an application for opening a vacancy is sent for approval to the director.

Stage 3 - Description of the requirements for the candidate in the form of a specification as an addition to the application for a vacancy. Responsible for stage 3 - HR Director. The specification is drawn up by a specialist of the Human Resources Department together with a line manager on the basis of an application for opening a vacancy signed by the director.

2) Technology of personnel search:

The HR Director determines the list of vacancies based on the applications of managers, develops a strategy and tactics for searching for candidates (depending on the vacancy, the time required to close the vacancy, requirements for candidates and financial resources), as well as the choice of candidate selection methods.

The search for candidates is carried out by posting vacancy announcements in the following resources: mass media (newspapers), recruitment agencies, recruiting agencies, specialized and higher educational establishments, employment centers, Internet, specialized stands in shops. Responsible for posting information about vacancies - recruitment specialist.

The company's requirements for candidates and the form for submitting an advertisement and specific media are determined by the HR director.

The recruitment specialist controls the release of announcements and files it into the archive, and also requests and submits to the accounting department all the necessary reporting accounting documents (invoice, certificate of completion, etc.).

3) Technology of selection of candidates. The following methods are used in the selection of candidates:

1. Questioning.

All incoming calls for vacancies are taken by a recruiter. Responsible for the positioning of the company, the correctness of the information provided - a recruitment specialist.

Applicants at the professional level and above are encouraged to send a resume or application form to email recruitment specialist. Once every 2-3 days, the recruiter sends the resumes of applicants for current vacancies in printed form to the HR director.

Candidates below the level of a specialist are invited to fill out questionnaires of the established form in stores. Candidates leave completed questionnaires in mailboxes. Every day at 9-00, a recruitment specialist collects questionnaires from mailbox store and registers them indicating the desired position, the source of information about the vacancy and the required salary level, i.e. collects statistical data.

The recruitment specialist ensures the formation of a personnel reserve of candidates by registering and storing questionnaires / resumes of potentially interesting candidates for the company.

2. Initial interview.

The recruiter informs the HR manager about the number of applicants. The HR manager coordinates the date and place of interviews with the head of the department and informs the recruiter of the need to schedule an interview.

The initial interview with candidates from the specialist level and above is conducted with the obligatory participation of the HR Director. Initial interviews with candidates below the specialist level are conducted by the HR manager and the head of the department. The initial interview with the "grassroots" personnel (electricians, drivers, cleaners, janitors) is conducted by a recruiter and the head of the unit.

Responsible for organizing initial interviews is a recruitment specialist. The recruiter records scheduled interviews and their outcome in an interview log.

3. Psychological diagnostics (if necessary).

Responsible for conducting diagnostics recruitment specialist. The place of diagnostics is the central office. Time - every working day from 11-00 to 13-00.

4. Workplace internship. Duration 2-5 days

Based on the results of the interview and testing, the line manager together with the HR manager make a decision on the candidate's exit for an internship and determine a mentor.

Invites a candidate for an internship - a recruiter (after the interview) or a HR manager (during the interview). Informs the mentor about the date of release of the trainee - the head of the unit (mandatory).

Documents accompanying the internship: an intern's memo (issued to the intern), an internship program and an evaluation sheet (issued and filled out by the mentor). Responsible for maintaining the specified documentation and presenting it at the final interview is the head of the unit.

At the end of the internship, a commission consisting of: the head of the unit, the line manager, the HR manager, the HR director (if necessary) conducts a final interview and decides on inviting the candidate to work.

Responsible for assessing personal qualities, motivation and forecasting the professional success of candidates is the HR director / HR manager. Responsible for assessing professional qualities, knowledge and skills, as well as for the decision to hire a candidate for work - the head of the unit.

The official invitation to work is made by the HR director or HR manager.

Documents, the presence of which at the final interview is mandatory: the candidate's profile, the results of psychological testing, the five-day internship program. Responsible for the organization and control of the internship procedure and the final interview is the HR manager.

At the stage of the candidate's internship, the recruitment specialist checks the candidate's recommendations. The reference form is attached to the questionnaire. Responsible for checking references is the recruiter.

Registration procedure labor relations with a candidate

1. Preparation for applying for a job.

Upon the invitation of the candidate to work, the candidate writes an application for employment. The application is endorsed by the head of the unit (with a pencil).

Responsible for the correctness of filling out the application, the date of admission and the name of the position - the head of the unit. The candidate takes the application with him and submits it, along with other documents, to the inspector of the personnel department on the day the employment relationship is formalized.

The candidate is given a list of documents that you need to have with you when applying for a job. Job application forms and a list of documents are kept by office managers. Responsible for issuing forms - office manager.

2. Registration for work and initial adaptation.

Responsible for the implementation and correctness of registration for work in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the personnel inspector. Registration of labor relations with the employee is carried out every day at 9-00 in the central office.

The personnel department inspector introduces the employee to the organizational structure of the company, the main regulations, rules, social package, official duties etc.

Responsible for the development of the familiarization package (adaptation) is the HR manager. Responsible for familiarization - the inspector of the personnel department.

4. Organization of the personnel assessment and certification procedure

Personnel assessment is carried out in the form of a monthly assessment (assessment of the results of the employee's work and their compliance with the standard of work at a given workplace) and in the form of periodic certifications (assessment of the compliance of an employee's qualifications with the requirements of this position)

Assessment goals:

  • Evaluation of the results of activities and the level of qualification of a specialist
  • Making decisions directly related to changing the compensation package (confirming one's rank, changing the rank up or down)
  • Identification of potential, business career planning
  • Providing feedback from management, increasing work motivation
  • Staff training planning
  • Making decisions related to the development of the enterprise (changing the organizational structure, training, staff expansion, etc.), with an assessment of the activities of the entire department or division (identifying work problems)
  • Informing the employee about the expectations and requirements of the enterprise, its plans and upcoming projects
  • Monthly assessment

    Monthly assessment of employees is carried out by the line manager as a summing up of the results of the month. Until the 3rd day, the line manager evaluates each of his employees according to three blocks of criteria (heads of sections and departments according to four blocks of criteria):

    Block A: Disciplinary work standards

    Block B: Technological work standards Compliance with established technology (no errors)

    Block B: Behavioral work standards

    Block D: Standards for organizing the work of the department (for heads of sections and departments)

    On a monthly basis, the line manager submits a proposal for consideration by the commission to change (increase or decrease) the category (for each position there are 15-25 categories and, accordingly, 15-25 salary steps) with mandatory arguments.

    The proposal of the line manager in the period up to the 7th day of the current month is discussed by the commission consisting of: line manager + direction director + deputy. director + HR director. The final decision on the proposed changes is made on the basis of its comparison with the results of the work of the entire unit or department.

    Prior to the issuance of wages for the past month, the line manager must conduct an interview with each of his employees and announce a decision to change or not change his rank.


    Certification is subject to all employees of the enterprise with work experience at the enterprise from 1 month (including all heads of all departments and divisions).

    Certification can be of the following types:

    • at the end of the probationary period
    • another
    • extraordinary

    When hiring or transferring to another position, the deadline for the first certification is assigned (not earlier than one month after the actual admission to work and not later than 2 weeks after the end of the probationary period).

    The next certification is carried out every 6 months for the following positions: sales assistant, cashier, storekeeper, office manager, freight forwarder. For other positions, the next attestation is carried out annually.

    Extraordinary certification is carried out on the proposal of the immediate supervisor of the person being certified. The employee himself can also declare his desire to undergo extraordinary certification. If the immediate supervisor refuses to recommend him for early recertification, the employee with this question can contact a higher manager (through the level), whose decision on admission to certification is final.

    The certification results are the basis for establishing qualification category the size of the base part of the salary (the cost of an hour with hourly pay).

    Certification procedure

    Stage 1 - filling out the certification sheet by the certified employee. Responsible - employee of the personnel department.

    Stage 2 - professional testing. To assess employees in positions such as a salesperson, cashier, storekeeper, accountant, personnel inspector, etc., professional tests are used (questionnaires consisting of 10-50 questions related to the employee's substantive activity). Responsible for updating the questionnaires, conducting testing and checking tests - the director of personnel.

    Stage 3 - analysis of the results of work for the certified period.
    Responsible - the immediate supervisor (prepares a characteristic for the certified employee).

    Stage 4 - certification interview. To conduct an attestation interview, an attestation commission (3-7 people) is created, which includes the immediate supervisor of the attested employee, the head of the unit, a representative of the Human Resources Department (permanent staff), heads of related departments, deputy. CEO (variable composition). The chairman of the attestation commission is a representative of the Human Resources Department.

    The meeting of the attestation commission should be held in a friendly, unbiased atmosphere in working time. The certification committee before the start of the interview gets acquainted with the characteristics of the immediate supervisor. Members of the attestation commission ask questions to the person being certified and put down marks in an anonymous evaluation sheet according to the established factors. For all completed evaluation sheets the average grade is displayed, which is rounded up - this is the qualification category of the certified employee. When attesting managers and some specialists of an enterprise, the result of certification is a qualitative assessment of A, B, C, D (real results of work and competencies at the level of expected, lower, significantly lower or higher than expected). At the end of the attestation interview, the first part of the attestation sheet is filled in, where the recommendations of the attestation commission are made.

    Certification results

    The results of the attestation are brought against signature to the attested employee no later than 1 week after the attestation interview. Responsible - the immediate supervisor (during a personal meeting, the immediate supervisor explains the results of the certification, the assigned category and the corresponding salary, as well as the comments and recommendations of the certification commission, personal tasks for the specified period). The result of certification can be both an increase in the qualification category and its decrease, in addition, the category may remain unchanged.

    Based on the results of certification, a personnel reserve of the enterprise is formed (the first candidates for promotion and for vacant positions in other divisions of the enterprise). All information obtained as a result of an employee's appraisal (including the appraisal results) is confidential and is stored in the personnel department.

    5. The main provisions of the internal labor regulations in LLC _____

    Internal labor regulations - local normative act ___________________, which regulates, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties to an employment contract, the working hours, rest periods, incentives and penalties applied to employees, as well as other issues related to regulation of labor relations in the Company.

    Employment in the Organization is carried out on the basis of a concluded employment contract. When concluding an employment contract, a person entering a job submits to the personnel department of the Company the documents specified in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Employment is formalized by the order of the Director of the Company, issued on the basis of the concluded employment contract.

    For all employees hired under an employment contract for the main job, who have worked in the Company for more than 5 days, work books are kept in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

    An employment contract may be terminated at the initiative of the Employee and the Employer on the basis and in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The termination of the employment contract is formalized by the order of the director.

    On the day of dismissal, the Employer is obliged to issue to the employee his work book with the record of dismissal entered into it, other documents related to work - at the written request of the employee and make the final settlement with him.

    LLC ____________ and employees of the company have rights and bear obligations in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The list of duties (works) that each employee performs in his position, specialty, profession, is determined by job descriptions (functional duties) drawn up taking into account the provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers, Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees.

    The Company establishes three types of work schedules:

    1) daily work with a five-day work week with a normal
    working hours (40 hours per week). Start of work - 09:00 End of work - 18:00. Break time from 13:00 to 14:00. Days off: Saturday, Sunday.

    2) daily work with a six-day work week with normal
    working hours (40 hours per week).

    3) shift mode of working time; weekends, according to the shift schedule. Cycle - five working days, two days off.

    The work schedule is specified in the Employment contract by the employee;

    Based on production tasks and functional duties certain categories employees, flexible working hours, irregular working hours or part-time working hours may be established in individual labor contracts.

    Work outside the normal working hours is carried out at the initiative of the employee - part-time work or at the initiative of the Employer - overtime, and cannot exceed 4 hours a day and half the monthly norm of working time. Application overtime work The employer may carry out in exceptional cases with the written consent of the employee, in the manner and within the limits provided for by labor legislation.

    The employer is obliged to remove from work (not allow to work) the employee on the grounds specified in Art. 76 Labor Code RF.

    Work on weekends and non-working holidays allowed only for employees of those departments in which shift work is established; for all other categories of employees, work on weekends and holidays is not allowed. The working time on the day preceding the non-working holiday is reduced by 1 hour.

    Employees are provided with an annual basic paid leave of 28 calendar days. Non-working holidays falling on the period of vacation are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation and are not paid.

    By agreement between the employee and the Company, annual paid leave may be divided into parts; In this case, the duration of one of the parts of the vacation must be at least 14 calendar days.

    The provision of annual paid leave is carried out in accordance with the vacation schedule and on the basis of a written application from the employee.

    At the written request of the employee, the company provides an additional paid leave of 3 working days in the following cases: marriage registration (to spouses), birth of a child (to the child's parents), death of a close relative (parents, children, spouses, brothers, sisters).

    For exemplary performance of labor duties, success in labor competition, increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, continuous and flawless work, innovation in work and for other achievements in work, the following incentives are applied:

    1) rewarding with a valuable gift;

    3) payment of a cash bonus;

    3) declaration of gratitude.

    Incentives are announced in the order, brought to the attention of the entire team and entered in the work book of the employee. When applying incentive measures, a combination of moral and material incentives for labor is provided.

    6. The main provisions of the scheme for building material motivation in LLC ________

    The system of remuneration and motivation of the personnel of LLC _________ is aimed at ensuring stable guaranteed development of its production and commercial divisions. The purpose of the wage system is to determine the share and contribution of each employee as a result of the work of the unit and distribute in accordance with these criteria the income of the unit.

    The basis for the payment of wages to employees of subdivisions is the payroll fund, which includes the following payments in cash:

    Salary in cash:

    • wages for work performed;
    • incentive payments;
    • compensatory payments related to a special mode of work and working conditions;
    • payment for time not worked.

    The system of remuneration and motivation of personnel is based on the following principles:

    • focus on achieving the final result;
    • a combination of collective and personal interest;
    • payment depending on the quantity and complexity of work;
    • refusal to equalize wages;
    • normative method of labor planning;
    • encouragement for combining professions;
    • the employee's salary is an official secret;
    • evaluation of work is carried out directly by the head;
    • additional payment at the expense of social benefits and guarantees;
    • additional payment for seniority;
    • fines for causing material and moral damage.

    The total salary of a full-time employee (manager, specialist) consists of the official salary and bonus based on the results of work for the quarter. The salary of employees of the trade department consists of the official salary and remuneration for the final result of the activity, and for employees trading floor installed hourly payment labor. The official salary of an employee of the company is determined by the staffing table and is fixed in his contract.

    The fixed part of the wages (official salary) of employees of subdivisions is determined on the basis of a system of categories. The assignment of the work performed to certain tariff categories (positions) and the assignment of appropriate qualifications to employees is carried out by the immediate supervisor in the manner determined by the documents regulating relations between the employee and the company. Assignment to an employee of a higher rank and, accordingly, an increase in wages is carried out based on the results of periodic certification.

    Tariff rates (salaries) by categories are differentiated according to the complexity of the work performed and the assessment of the employee's potential. The amount of remuneration for the final result is determined by the results of work for the month.

    7. The main provisions of the scheme for building non-material motivation in LLC ______

    The system of non-material motivation of employees of LLC _______ includes the following methods:

    • gratitude announcement;
    • awarding with Certificates of Honor LLC __________
    • inclusion in the reserve for promotion to a higher position;
    • Gratitude is declared to the staff of the company for the following achievements:
    • performance at a high level of their labor functions;
    • a significant improvement in the technologies used in the company;
    • overfulfillment of planned targets;
    • progress in improving the quality of work performed and services rendered;
    • carrying out separate, one-time events on behalf of the management of the company or division;

    The certificate of honor is awarded to employees for conscientious and impeccable work, professional skills and having at least 1 year of work experience in the organization, as well as contributing to the development of the organization and the achievement of the company's strategic goals.

    Inclusion in the reserve for promotion to a higher position. The attestation commission, based on the results of the attestation, has the right to submit motivated recommendations for consideration by the head of the organization on including him in the reserve for promotion to a higher position.

    If the head of the department considers it necessary to encourage the employee, he prepares a presentation addressed to the head of the organization on declaring gratitude to the employee, rewarding diploma or making a decision to promote an employee to a higher position. All decisions on incentives are made by order of the General Director or by order of his deputies and heads of departments and are announced at a general staff meeting.

    An entry about announcing gratitude, awarding a certificate of honor or making a decision to promote an employee to a higher position, indicating the date and number of the order (instruction) on promotion, is entered into the employee’s personal card in the information base.

    8. Evaluation of the organization of personnel management in LLC _______

    Personnel management in LLC __________ is distinguished by a fairly high level of organization. All personnel processes are clearly regulated, almost all procedures are enshrined in regulations, instructions, rules, etc. There is a clear division of personnel management functions into areas: recruitment, development and evaluation, personnel records and general management of the department, as well as the development of a human resource development strategy.

    ________ LLC uses modern personnel technologies in the selection process, in the system of material and non-material incentives, assessment and certification of personnel. Corporate ethics developed and based on mutual assistance, creativity and self-realization of each employee.

    The organization regularly conducts all kinds of trainings, training seminars that allow maintaining and improving the skills of employees at the proper level. For new employees, the onboarding program provides for introductory training and mentoring.

    The results of developments and projects are carefully monitored through comprehensive statistical analysis to identify the most effective ways of implementation.

    ___________ LLC also cooperates with recruiting and consulting organizations to improve the effectiveness of personnel decisions.

    1. Diary of a manager's work experience, student

    Diary of an internship for a student of the Faculty of Economics at ZASO Agrofirm "Chernomorets"

    Day month Year

    Location and summary study question of the practice program

    Analysis, conclusions and comments of the student on the issue under study

    Superintendent's remark and assessment of the student's work (signature)

    Office of the agricultural company, agricultural department, planning department.

    The study of the natural and economic conditions of the economy, its size, structure and specialization.

    The territory of the economy and its lands is located on the plains, which contributes to the favorable management of the economy.

    Planning department of the agricultural company,

    Analysis of the production and financial activities of the organization.

    The number of non-negotiable and current assets increased by the end of 2009, net and gross income also increased.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department.

    Detailed consideration and familiarization with the methodology for implementing the business plan of the enterprise.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department.

    A brief analysis of the implementation of the business plan for the previous year.

    Analysis of the business plan for the previous year.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Consideration of general remarks of the business plan (purpose, typology).

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

    A brief review of the sections of the business plan.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

    Consideration of the summary of the enterprise.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

    Analysis of the state of the branches of the economy.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

    Analysis of the market, its structure and features.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

    The study of production, organizational and financial plan enterprises.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of the business plan for the current year.

    Legal support of activities and risk assessment and insurance of the economy.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Consideration of the essence and main functions of the strategic plan of the enterprise.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department, accounting department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic plan for the development of an enterprise (industry).

    Familiarization with the methodology for compiling, structure and content of the strategic plan of the economy.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, planning department, accounting department.

    The methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic plan for the development of an enterprise (industry).

    Formation of conclusions and conclusions regarding this strategic plan for the development of the enterprise.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department.

    Consideration of the essence and basic principles of self-supporting tasks.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department.

    Methodology for compiling self-supporting assignments.

    Consideration of the main indicators of self-supporting assignments and the methodology for their compilation.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, accounting.

    Organization of accounting of wages at the enterprise.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, accounting.

    Organization of labor and wages in industries and intra-economic units.

    Study of payroll methodology.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Planning department.

    Familiarization with the lease agreement.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Planning department.

    Drafting lease agreements.

    The study of the correctness of filling out the lease agreement and the features of the lease-contractual relationship.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, accounting.

    Studying basic tax calculations.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Financial department, accounting.

    Tax calculations and relations with authorities tax service and insurance organizations.

    Consideration of the relationship of the economy with the tax authorities and insurance organizations.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Planning department.

    Marketing service organization.

    Studying the state of the economy marketing service.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    Planning department.

    Development of the main blocks of the enterprise's market strategy.

    There are no comments. The work was done excellently.

    The head of the practice from the enterprise and the student - trainee sign the diary of the manager's work practice.
    Management Practice Schedule

    2. Diary of manager's practice

    Faculty of Economics. Department of Economics.

    Diary of an internship in the specialty "management of organizations" of a student of the "economic" faculty at a large enterprise.

    Place of internship

    Comments and suggestions

    Main office

    I studied the structure of Krymskaya Niva LLC, got acquainted with the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise - department managers, chief accountant, chief agronomist, head of the personnel department and chief economist.

    Leaders, in my opinion, are sociable and kind people.

    Main office

    The company rents office space, where the offices of the director of the company, accounting and personnel departments are located. My workplace equipped with a computer desk where a computer is installed. The accountant of the enterprise showed and told me which accounting programs are installed to serve the process accounting at the enterprise.

    The office is not spacious enough. Computers should be replaced with more modern ones.

    Main office

    Acquainted with the Charter of the enterprise. Certificate of state registration and Certificate from the Unified State Register enterprises and organizations of Ukraine. Studied the activities of Krymskaya Niva LLC, the composition of the founders of the enterprise, the responsibility of the company's participants, the rights and obligations of the company and its participants, the composition of the authorized capital of the enterprise, got acquainted with the management bodies of the company and its officials, the procedure for distributing profits received from financial and economic activities .

    There are no comments.

    Human Resources Department

    Studied the work of the personnel department of the enterprise. I got acquainted with the job descriptions of the employees of the enterprise, the procedure for their preparation and approval by the director of the enterprise. Participated in the compilation tariff rates for time wages for drivers, tractor drivers and shepherds of the enterprise.

    The work in the HR department is stressful, but the employees do it well. There are no comments.

    Human Resources Department

    He took part in the execution of orders for the employment of seasonal workers, who were accepted for work on the harvesting of grain crops. I got acquainted with the procedure for filling out applications for employment, drawing up orders, making entries in work books.

    There are no comments.

    Human Resources Department

    I got acquainted with the personal files of the employees of the enterprise. As necessary, I replaced old photocopies of documents, reissued registration cards of employees of the enterprise due to wear and tear.

    There are no comments.

    Human Resources Department

    I got acquainted with the operation of the enterprise access system. I got acquainted with the work of the electronic program "Avers-frames" - instructions for maintaining personnel office work at the enterprise, a set of forms for working with personnel, samples of the correct preparation of orders, certificates, explanatory notes, acts and other documents necessary for conducting personnel records management. I visited with the director and the chief agronomist at harvesting in the village of Zavetnoye and the village of Lugovoe.

    The program used in the personnel department is very convenient and easy to learn.

    Human Resources Department

    Studied the procedure for registration of foreign workers to work in Ukraine. To do this, I visited the regional employment center with the head of the personnel department, and received a list of documents required for registration.

    There are no comments.

    They showed me the location of the farm, the pens with animals, the process of feeding and watering the animals. They talked about the process of breeding and veterinary care of animals. An inventory of animals, feed and farm equipment was made in my presence.

    The farm is large, well equipped, but more time should be devoted to its cleaning.

    Transportation Department

    I got acquainted with the transport, administrative and economic departments of the enterprise, the specifics of their work. Boss transport department showed the equipment available at the enterprise - tractors, seeders, plows, cultivators, harrows and others. They told about their work, the timing of current and major repairs.

    There is little transport at the enterprise, but there is the most necessary one, which can perform several jobs.

    planning department

    Together with the economist of the enterprise, he made a technical and economic plan for the work of the enterprise for the 4th quarter of 2010 and the 1st quarter of 2011, where a list of enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex supplying Krymskaya Niva LLC was determined mineral fertilizers, herbicides, the necessary equipment for autumn and spring field work.

    Together with the chief agronomist of the enterprise, he took part in a meeting of the public board of the district state administration, dedicated to holding cleaning work.

    There are no comments.

    planning department

    Studied lease agreements for land plots concluded by Krymskaya Niva LLC with the owners of land plots, the obligations of the enterprise to the owners of land plots.

    There are no comments.


    Together with the chief accountant of the enterprise, he visited the grain-receiving enterprises of the village. Lenino, the city of Feodosia and the city of Kerch. Studied the process of registering the movement of grain from suppliers to the HPP. I got acquainted with the contracts for the storage and processing of grain. Studied the pricing structure for grain crops.

    There are no comments.


    Assisted in the payroll of the company's employees. Studied the timesheets, the process of payroll based on the submitted timesheets, staffing and tariff scale. I got acquainted with the collective agreement drawn up between the administration and the employees of the enterprise.

    There are no comments.

    planning department

    Studied the contracts concluded between Krymskaya Niva LLC with suppliers and buyers of goods, works and services - the structure of the contract, the main provisions, working conditions and payment for goods, works and services, the system of financial sanctions for non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

    There are no comments.


    Studied the current accounting programs for accounting at the enterprise - "Avers-Accounting", "BEST-ZVIT". In addition, I got acquainted with the electronic reporting system at the enterprise. Together with the company's accountant, he was in the tax office, pension fund and social insurance funds on the issues of quarterly reporting.

    Accounting programs turned out to be very difficult and I could not master them.

    Human Resources Department

    Compiled a report on the employees of the enterprise for the employment center - available vacancies at the enterprise.

    There are no comments.

    Human Resources Department

    With the head of the personnel department of the enterprise, he made changes to the current vacation schedule for employees of the enterprise.

    There are no comments.

    Main office

    Working with an internship report

    There are no comments.

    Main office

    Completion of the internship report

    There are no comments.

    Signature of the chief economist student on the manager's practice diary. Date and stamp.

    3. Diary of integrated practice in the management of organizations.

    Student ________________________________________________________________

    Groups ______ course, 20__ - 20__ academic year

    Place of internship ____________________________________________

    Date of arrival at the place of practice _____________________________________

    Date of departure from the place of practice ______________________________________________

    Head of practice from the university ______________________________________

    Head of practice from the enterprise ________________________________

    Simferopol - 2010

    1. Individual calendar plan-schedule of comprehensive practice in the management of organizations

    Practice Program Study Question

    Department name, service

    Number of working days

    Systemic model of enterprise management

    Industry specific features of functional enterprise management

    Enterprise personnel management

    Management of marketing activities and implementation of commercial functions

    Management in the material and technical subsystem of the enterprise

    Management in the financial and economic subsystem of the enterprise

    Management in the social subsystem of the enterprise

    Excursions to the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex

    Finish writing the first section, the second - in draft form

    Practice leader

    (signature) (full name)

    Intern student ______________ ________________

    (signature) (full name)

    Amount of time spent (hours, days)

    Feedback from the head of the organization and signature

    Analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise

    The study of the features of enterprise management, based on the legal form

    Characterization and forecasting of the enterprise activity in accordance with the theory of the life cycle

    The study of industry-specific features of the functional management of the enterprise

    Studying the practice of managing marketing activities at an enterprise, management in the material, technical, financial, economic and social subsystems of an enterprise

    Analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise and justification of ways to improve it

    Studying the experience of planning innovation activities and developing an innovation strategy in an enterprise

    Practice leader

    From the enterprise ______________ ________________

    (signature) (full name)

    4. Diary of the industrial practice of a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management in the specialty "Management of the organization".

    Place of internship

    Comments and suggestions

    Date of completion of the work

    GVP "Privetnoye"

    Acquaintance with rich history and traditions of GVP "Privetnoye"

    GVP "Privetnoye"

    Study of the production and financial activities of GVP "Privetnoe"

    Economic department

    Analysis of the implementation of the GVP "Privetnoye" business plan for the previous year

    from 16.01.08 to 17.01.08

    Economic department

    Studying the methodology for compiling a business plan and its main indicators for the current year in GVP "Privetnoye"

    from 18.01.08 to 22.01.08

    Economic department

    Studying the methodology for compiling and the main indicators of a long-term strategic development plan in GVP "Privetnoye"

    from 23.01.08 to 25.01.08

    Economic department

    Studying the methodology for compiling self-supporting assignments in GVP "Privetnoye"

    from 28.01.08 to 29.01.08

    Economic department

    Study of the organization of labor and wages in industries and on-farm subdivisions in GVP "Privetnoye"

    from 30.01.08 to 31.01.08

    Economic department

    Study of the state of lease and contractual relations of GVP "Privetnoye"

    from 01.02.08 to 04.02.08

    Economic department

    The study of tax calculations and relations with the tax authorities and the insurance service in the GVP "Privetnoe"

    from 05.02.08 to 06.02.08

    Economic department

    Studying the marketing service in GVP "Privetnoye"

    Economic department

    The study of the main blocks of the marketing strategy of the enterprise

    The practice diary in management is signed by the student and the head of the practice.

    Manager Practice Diary - 4.6 out of 5 based on 5 votes








    gr. D / BUP-12-032 _______________________ A.E. Fighters


    Art. teacher _______________________


    from the enterprise _______________________

    Vladivostok 2014


    State educational institution higher professional





    P U T E V K A

    Student Boytsov Anton Evgenievich

    Department of "Personnel Management and Labor Law" gr. D/BUP-12-032

    Sent by Scientific Progress - M LLC

    For an introductory internship in the specialty "Personnel Management"

    Practice leader: __________________________

    Marks on completion and timing of practice


    State educational institution of higher professional







    2nd year student gr. D/BUP-12-032

    Boytsov Anton Evgenievich

    Place of internship

    Head of practice from the enterprise __________________________________

    (last name, first name, patronymic, position)


    Practice leader's signature

    Studying the procedure for registering Scientific Progress-M LLC and licenses.

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC.

    Study of the product profile of Scientific Progress - M LLC

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC


    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Studying the management structure of Scientific Progress-M LLC based on the staffing table.


    Brief description of the work performed

    Practice leader's signature

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Study of the product profile of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Analysis of the location, characteristics and characteristics of the population served.

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC


    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Introduction to staffing.

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Familiarization with the features of the organization of the work of the personnel officer of the company

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Study of the employment contract LLC "Scientific Progress-M"

    Human Resources Department of Scientific Progress-M LLC

    Studying the motivational component of the sales department

    Start of practice 02.06.2014 End of practice 21.06.2014

    Trainee Signature________________


    (last name, first name, patronymic of the head)


    personal signature

    Feedback on the work of a VSUES student based on the results of undergraduate practice

    Student Boytsov A.E., group D / BUP-12-032, 2nd year, Institute of Law and Management, specialty "Personnel Management") in the period from 06/02/2014 to 06/20/2014 passed an introductory practice at LLC "Scientific progress - M "as an employee of the personnel department - a trainee.

    The professional important qualities of the future specialist revealed during the practice were evaluated according to a 5-point system as follows:

    Professional - business and organizational qualities

    Personal qualities

    The level of training of a future specialist in accordance with the requirements of your organization is estimated as

    In order to improve the “quality” and competitiveness of a future specialist in the labor market, attention should be paid to

    development of qualities,

    Acquisition of knowledge,

    Improving practical skills and abilities,

    Formation of a culture of behavior

    Other (specify problem areas)

    Practice leader

    from the enterprise _____________________________________________________________

    (position, I.O. Surname)

    Introduction ................................................ ................................................. .......................................... ten

    First block. Theoretical basis personnel management ................................................................ ......... eleven

    Second block ................................................................ ................................................. ...................................... fourteen

    1 General characteristics of the enterprise .................................................... ............................................. fourteen

    2 Analysis of the activity of the enterprise .............................................. ............................................... fifteen

    3 Management of personnel motivation and incentives .......................................................... ............... eighteen

    3.1 Conducting a sociological study of the sources and types of motivation .............................................. 18

    3.2 The effectiveness of the organization and the motivation of personnel .............................................. .................... 19

    3.3 Influence of hygienic factors on staff motivation .............................................................. .............. twenty

    3.4 Factors of intrinsic motivation............................................................... ................................................. ... 24

    Third block .................................................. ................................................. ............................................... 29

    Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ...................................... thirty

    List of references .............................................................................. ................................................. .. 31


    In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:

    • to study the concept and determine the place of personnel as the most important resource of the organization;
    • to study the methodological foundations for the selection and evaluation of personnel in the organization;
    • to analyze the theory of development of personnel motivation abroad and determine the possibility of using foreign experience in this area in the conditions of domestic organizations;
    • explore the problems of personnel policy and staff turnover at Scientific Progress-M LLC
    • develop principles and methods of motivating personnel in the organization;
    • to substantiate the mechanism for the selection, evaluation and motivation of personnel in the department of the organization;
    • develop an organizational project to improve the process of recruitment and evaluation of personnel;
    • develop recommendations on staff motivation;
    • to test the methodology and method of functioning of the proposed mechanism through empirical research using sociological methods.

    The subject of the study is the process of personnel management in the departments of Scientific Progress-M LLC.

    The object of the study is the organization LLC "Scientific Progress-M"

    Tools were used as research methods. economic analysis, methods of statistical research, such as questionnaires, surveys, testing.

    First block. Theoretical foundations of personnel management

    In order to successfully compete in a rapidly developing market, organizations need to constantly and comprehensively improve their activities. The departments of marketing, sales, finance, logistics are more and more actively oriented towards Western models and practices, IT systems are being introduced, and new brands are being created.

    Compared to the above aspects of the work of companies, the sphere of personnel management still in some cases remains the least technological and manageable.

    And since any organization is a single whole, each of its “weak links” inevitably affects the productivity of other parts of the corporate mechanism (production, marketing, financial block, etc.).

    That is why the leaders of large Russian companies increasingly feel the need to build effective systems of personnel management. After all, any innovations - whether technical or ideological - are used and managed by people, the efficiency and success of the organization in the market depends on them. Any team is a group of people united for a particular joint activity.

    One of the ways to improve personnel management is to maintain the connection of the personnel management system with the goals of the organization. The effectiveness of the functioning of any system of management of the organization is determined by its contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. This is all the more true in relation to human resource management, which permeates all areas of the organization and affects the effectiveness of other management systems - if the sales system does not work effectively enough, this is a reflection of ineffective personnel management, because the wrong people work in the sales department, they are not motivated enough, professionally prepared, etc.

    Personnel management is effective to the extent that the employees of the organization successfully use their potential to achieve its goals, i.e. to what extent these goals are achieved. The approval of this provision as one of the basic values ​​of the organization is the most important condition for creating an effective personnel management system. For many organizations, the opposite trend is characteristic - to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel management using indicators specially created for this purpose: employee satisfaction, staff turnover, hours spent on professional training in isolation from the goals of the organization. Taken in isolation from the organization's goals, these potentially important metrics contribute to the isolation of HR from the organization. The development of this trend is facilitated by the widespread perception that HR professionals are far from the main activity and have little or no influence on it.

    In order to ensure the required compliance, organizations can use the following techniques and methods:

    • conduct periodic audits of existing personnel management systems in terms of their compliance with the goals of the organization (ensuring the required organization of production behavior). Similar audits should also be carried out in the event of a change in the organization's development strategy;
    • involve HR staff in the development and revision of strategic short term plans organizations. Inform the personnel management service in detail about the goals of the organization and progress in their implementation;
    • ensure the constant participation of the top management of the organization in the development and revision of personnel management systems, evaluate (including material remuneration) the work of the personnel management service based on the results of the organization's work (the degree of achievement of organizational goals).

    Another way to improve personnel management is to maintain the compliance of the personnel management system with the state of the external environment and the culture of the organization.

    The external environment in which the organization operates is in constant motion - equipment and technology, customers, competitors are changing. The people themselves are changing - the current and potential employees of the organization. Personnel management systems, which were well combined with the external environment some time ago, may be in a state of acute conflict with it at the present time. The organization must constantly monitor the extent of this discrepancy and make adjustments to its systems to prevent a crisis. Indicators of the need for change, i.e. the actual inconsistency of personnel management systems with the state of the external environment can be an increase in turnover, a decrease in productivity, the emergence of conflicts between employees and administration, and organizations with government agencies.

    In the event of a reorganization of personnel management systems that no longer correspond to the state of the external environment, the organization's management may face another conflict generated by the rejection of new methods by the organizational culture of the organization. Such a conflict can be no less painful and destructive in its consequences. Therefore, the compliance of personnel management systems with organizational culture is also a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the latter. In practice, organizations can reduce the risk of conflict between management practices and organizational culture by:

    • accounting organizational culture at the stage of creating personnel management methods and using elements of the existing organizational culture as a basis for introducing new methods;
    • explaining the need and inevitability of change to all employees of the organization (creating a sense of crisis);
    • explanations of the benefits and benefits that new methods will bring to each employee and the organization as a whole;
    • trial introduction of new methods in one of the departments of the organization in order to develop them and assess the impact on the employees of the organization;
    • a targeted campaign to change the culture of the organization, including speeches by managers, publications in intra-organizational publications, mass events, etc.

    Therefore, when creating personnel management systems, management should take into account such a factor as the presence of a specific culture of the organization. Taking into account the presence of organizational culture in practice means building personnel management systems in such a way that they enhance the positive aspects of this culture from the point of view of the organization's goals and, conversely, neutralize the features that hinder the implementation of organizational goals.

    An important area for improving personnel management is maintaining the integrity of the personnel management system.

    The task of the personnel management system is to form the production behavior of its employees, ensuring the achievement of organizational goals. The desired production behavior is determined by two main factors - motivation and the ability of the employee to perform the required functions. The mechanism of human motivation is very complex, therefore, the desire of an employee to fulfill the necessary production functions influence all methods of personnel management. The same is true for the ability of an employee, determined primarily at the stage of selection and developed by the organization in the process of vocational training, depending on the feedback and remuneration received by the employee from the organization.

    Therefore, the integrity of the personnel management system is the most important condition for the effective management of employees of any organization. If the systems for selecting and developing the leaders of an organization focus on achieving strategic goals, in-depth knowledge of the business, a broad outlook, the ability to assimilate and use new knowledge, and feedback and reward systems mark special professional skills, accuracy in the implementation of individual plans, employees of the organization receive contradictory " “signals” of what behaviors are valued by the organization that negatively impact their performance.

    An organization can achieve the integrity of its HR system by:

    • clearly defining the organization's own goals and communicating them to all its employees;
    • detailed modeling of the "ideal" production behavior for all positions (employees) of the organization;
    • coordination in the work of divisions of the human resources service;
    • constant interaction of human resource specialists with line managers who directly manage personnel.

    Effective personnel management is impossible without the active and constant participation of the top management of the organization in determining the tasks of personnel management arising from the goals of the organization, modeling production behavior, creating and implementing personnel management systems, and evaluating their effectiveness. Since people are the most important organizational resource, the leader of an organization should devote most of his time to managing people. Unfortunately, this does not happen in all modern organizations, especially at the lower levels of the hierarchy - at the level of workshops, brigades, groups. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of personnel management in the organization as a whole, since managers are essential tool implementation of personnel management methods, and insufficient attention on their part to these issues is transformed into a poor quality of personnel management.

    An organization can achieve a higher degree of managerial involvement in personnel management by:

    • effective communication, including explaining the need for and benefits of line managers' participation in personnel management in an understandable latest language of numbers, costs, profits, performance, etc. Unfortunately, quite often HR specialists are not well versed in the specifics of the organization and cannot explain themselves in the language familiar to managers;
    • attracting managers to participate in forms of work with personnel that are "attractive" for them - conducting interviews with candidates, vocational training sessions, and managing individual projects. This will allow them to gain experience of direct participation in the development and application of personnel management methods and will provide an opportunity to form a more objective view of personnel management in general;
    • special training in personnel management, which allows to form an idea of ​​this function of managing an organization that corresponds to today, and to develop practical skills in working with personnel.

    Thus, the organizational structure and set of procedures performed by the personnel department may depend on many factors, the main of which are the following:

    • strategic goals of the organization;
    • line of business (trade, production);
    • stage of development of the organization;
    • business unit development strategy (in the case of holding structures);
    • the level of management at all positions, starting with the first persons;
    • participation of the head of the personnel department in strategic management;
    • the degree of trust in the head of the personnel department;
    • number of staff;
    • priority areas of work with personnel, determined by the mission of the organization.

    At the same time, the personnel management processes should become the assembly point of the organizational and functional structure of personnel management. The personnel management strategy sets the requirements for the content of these processes.

    Second block

    1 General characteristics of the enterprise

    Society with limited liability"Scientific Progress-M" was founded and registered in 1996 in Moscow as a private commercial company with various types activities. Since 1998, the company has been supplying electrical products (automatic switches and residual current devices) for domestic and industrial use, and then also supplying switching, protective and lighting equipment for the aviation and space industries. Over time, the range of supplied products has expanded significantly, and work on the assembly and supply of aviation technical equipment (ATI) has become one of the main activities of the company.

    From 1998 to the present, Scientific Progress-M LLC has installed business relationship with many domestic enterprises, developers and manufacturers aviation technology and ATI. For more than 10 years, our company has been cooperating with Elektroavtomat OJSC (Alatyr, Chuvash Republic), being its official dealer and implementing a number of joint programs with the plant for the development of new products.

    A joint program for the development and development of new products is carried out with the Engel Experimental Design Bureau "Signal" named after. A.I. Glukharev (EOKB "Signal"), the purpose of which is to create two way explosion-proof switches of the type PPV-2s and PPVD-2s for the new launch complex "Angara" by order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev. In addition, by order of the Tianjin Aviation Electromechanical Company (China), together with EOKB "Signal", the work on the creation and development of two types of pressure alarms CXM-0.8A and CXM-3A (flapping membrane alarm) for the diesel engine protection system has been almost completed from overheating and fire.

    In the last two years, business cooperation has been established and a program of cooperation with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Ufa Aggregate Production Association(FGUP UAPO), whose products the company supplies to domestic and foreign markets. In the future, we are counting on a significant expansion and deepening of cooperation with FSUE "UAPO".

    The company is directly related to flight simulators. At one time, on the basis of the office, with the organizational and financial support of the Company, an Open joint-stock company"Aviation simulators", which is a business partner and "subsidiary" enterprise of LLC "Scientific Progress - M"

    Long-term business relations are maintained with such domestic manufacturers of aviation products as:

    OAO Sarapul Power Generation Plant (SEGZ)

    OJSC "Saratov Electric Unit Production Association"

    OJSC Plant Electropribor, Alatyr

    OJSC "Design Bureau of Electrical Products of the 21st Century", Sarapul

    JSC "Moscow Plant of Electromechanisms"

    CJSC Firm "TESS-engineering", Cheboksary

    The products of these manufacturers are supplied by Scientific Progress - M LLC to aircraft repair enterprises, airlines and organizations on its own behalf and at its own expense. Contractual relations for the supply of ATI have been established with Kuban Aviation Lines OJSC, Irkutsk Aircraft Repair Plant No. 403 OJSC, 308 ARZ Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Russian Ministry of Defense, ARZ 810 OJSC, Kirov Machine Plant 1 May OJSC, AviaDelta CJSC, CJSC VneshAviaTrans, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communications and a number of other ATI consumers.

    In its practical activities, Nauchny Progress-M focuses on close cooperation with Russian manufacturers of a complex range of products and equipment. The program for mastering the production of new developments has been completed at the plant of JSC Elektroavtomat fire fighting equipment and began their serial production.

    Through close ties with Russian manufacturers Scientific Progress-M LLC fulfills orders for the assembly and supply of products, equipment and spare parts, both for Russian and foreign customers, including a wide range of aircraft. Has experience in deliveries to China, the Baltic countries, the CIS and Latin America.

    Working with us, you will reduce delivery times, save time, nerves and money.

    2 Analysis of the activities of the enterprise

    In the course of the study, the personnel composition of the company Scientific Progress - M LLC was analyzed in the organization (6 employees). Socio-demographic characteristics of employees are given in Table. one.

    Table 1 - Socio-demographic characteristics of employees (%)

    Thus, the age of most of the employees is from 41 to 50 years. Only a balanced distribution of the organization's employees across all age groups can ensure the necessary level of succession.

    Table 3 - Distribution of personnel by level of education

    In the organization under study, there is a fairly high level of education of employees. Thus, 33% of employees have higher education, which for the most part represent the company's administration. At the same time, 33% of employees have secondary specialized and secondary technical education.

    In addition, I believe that in order to manage personnel at a large trading enterprise today, it is necessary to have a higher education.

    Table 4 - Dynamics of the composition of personnel by length of service

    As an analysis of the dynamics of personnel by length of service shows, the number of new employees practically does not increase - with experience of up to one year against the background of a declining number of employees who have worked at the enterprise from 1 to 3 years. The number of employees with higher experience remains virtually unchanged. Thus, we can conclude that there is no turnover in the company.

    Table 5 - Dynamics of staff turnover at Scientific Progress - M LLC. in 2012-2014

    There is no problem of staff turnover at the considered enterprise as a whole. Thus, there can be no talk of looking through the personnel policy.

    The lack of turnover can indicate a good salary level and working conditions.

    In general, issues related to staff turnover are among the most difficult in the entire science of personnel management. These issues cannot have a simple and quick solution, since the interests of the enterprise's management and ordinary employees are manifested in different ways. To solve the existing problems described, one should often resort to the use of psychological techniques and individual approaches.

    3 Management of personnel motivation and stimulation

    In order to study the motivation of the organization's personnel, a sociological study of the personnel of Scientific Progress - M LLC was carried out. The study is aimed primarily at identifying motivational reserves.

    To study the motivation of staff, we conducted a detailed study, consisting of several stages:

    First stage. Study of sources and types of motivation.

    Second phase. The relationship between staff motivation and labor productivity.

    Third stage. Influence of hygiene factors on staff motivation.

    Fourth stage. Identification of motivators for the growth of labor productivity and staff satisfaction.

    Each of these stages consists of a number of studies. The methods of conducting the research were the questioning of all personnel, the enterprise LLC "Scientific Progress - M". For the survey, standard questionnaires were used, as well as questionnaires compiled by the author.

    As methods for processing the questionnaires, the methods of direct counting, cumulative total, group average, as well as the OIR method were used. The processing of questionnaires was carried out by machine using resources software product Microsoft Excel 2013.

    3.1 Conducting a sociological study of the sources and types of motivation

    The first stage of the study is devoted to the study of the sources and types of personnel motivation in the enterprise under consideration based on the study of objective and subjective motivation in the organization.

    A questionnaire was used as the basis of the study.

    essence this survey is to show what motives dominate the work of the staff of Scientific Progress - M LLC.

    The conducted survey makes it possible to judge that the sources of moral and power motivation stimulate the employees of the enterprise most of all. This means that at the moment the staff is generally satisfied with the moral aspects of their work (indirectly, this may indicate a good climate in the team, an understanding of their social significance, etc.) on the one hand and the presence of a very strong power, i.e. administrative motivation, under the influence of which people perform their work. This is indirectly a sign of a strong and strict administration.

    In the second part of this study, we need to test the data obtained, and also try to understand what, according to the employees themselves, motivates them most. The meaning of this study is to determine the objective or "real" and subjective "desired" signs of motivation of the staff of LLC "Scientific Progress - M"

    An analysis of the obtained this “real” picture of motivation allows us to conclude that, in general, the above study is correct. Although direct motivation received the highest score, power motives still have very strong positions. And still least of all at this stage of development of the organization, the staff is stimulated by material motivation. This is true - after all, the average level of wages in the company is not much more than 35 thousand rubles, which, although not a bad indicator for the region, certainly cannot be considered a decent wage.

    Thus, we were able to slightly correct the obtained results.

    Now let's try to determine what, in the opinion of the employees themselves, would stimulate them in the best way. To do this, workers were asked to identify the five most significant factors.

    There is a fundamentally opposite picture here. Naturally, employees of Nauchny Progress-M LLC are most interested in financial incentives for their work. Another an important factor they rightly believe moral aspects his work. At the same time, employees are least interested in power motivation, i.e. they do not recognize administrative pressure on them.

    Comparing the results obtained, we can conclude that at this stage of the development of the company Scientific Progress - M, a good team with great moral motivation has formed. However, at the same time, administrative pressure is very strong on the staff. Despite the great need and interest in material incentives for labor, the management, unfortunately, makes little use of these levers.

    In this regard, the company's management can be recommended, firstly, to increase the material motivation of employees, actively use bonuses, incentive gifts, organize contests, such as "Best Seller of the Year", etc. with a cash prize. And, secondly, to ease the administrative pressure on the staff, weaken the already tight control and cancel the "punitive" methods.

    3.2 Organizational performance and staff motivation

    The successful work of the organization as a whole increases the motivation of its employees. Table 6 shows the respondents' overall assessment of the results of the organization's work.

    Table 6 - Overall score organization performance respondents (%)

    Fairly successful

    Not Successful Enough

    Difficult to answer

    The majority of respondents of Nauchny Progress - M LLC believe that they are working successfully (60%). A large number of respondents (19%) believe that the company is not working successfully enough, apparently, this is due to the large number of competing enterprises.

    The quality of the services provided directly affects the motivation of the staff. Quality is seen as a component of an organization's performance. The higher the quality, the stronger the feeling of satisfaction of the staff for the results of the work.

    Table 7 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with the quality of services provided (%)

    A small number of respondents are completely satisfied with the quality of services provided. About half of the employees of Scientific Progress - M LLC are only partially satisfied with the quality. At the same time, the number of those who found it difficult to answer is quite large. This is 7% of the respondents, which indicates, first of all, a lack of interest in the affairs of the organization, a low level of self-motivation among some employees.

    3.3 Influence of hygiene factors on staff motivation

    These factors are designed to reduce employee dissatisfaction. Among other motives, they are satisfied first of all as a matter of course. They must be present within certain limits so that the highest degree of dissatisfaction does not arise.

    These factors include:

    • organization management policy;
    • personnel management policy;
    • remuneration;
    • working conditions;
    • team relationships, etc.

    In the presence of favorable factors of satisfaction, a state arises that leads to a decrease in the feeling of dissatisfaction with work, however, satisfaction does not increase.

    The effectiveness of the personnel policy in the organization was assessed by employees of the company "Scientific Progress - M" (Table 8).

    Table 8 - Evaluation by employees of the level of work with personnel %

    The results of the study indicate that personnel management in the organization is not effective enough (this is according to the staff). Thus, the procedure for selecting and placing personnel is considered effective by only 30% of employees. The same number of employees of the enterprise (30%) say that the selection and placement of personnel are not effective enough.

    A fairly large number of the company's personnel (22%) consider personnel assessment to be insufficiently effective. Apparently, the personnel assessment procedure has not been worked out well enough.

    Work to improve the qualifications of employees is also not carried out effectively enough. This position is shared by 70% of employees. As for advanced training, the data shows that the staff is practically not trained, and if they are trained, it is not effective enough (30%). Training is essential. Quality is improving in Japan, as through continuous training, even low-level employees acquire analytical and statistical skills.

    Work to improve the qualifications of employees is also not carried out effectively enough. This position is shared by 78% of employees.

    Thus, the respondents are not satisfied with the level of personnel management in the organization, which leads to a weakening of motivation.

    As part of the third stage, we also conducted a study of job satisfaction using the FIR method.

    Among the methods for measuring job satisfaction, preference was given to the technique developed by P. Smith, L. Kendall and W. Halin. This technique is called descriptive index, abbreviated OIR. The choice of this technique was due to the following considerations:

    • simplicity of final scales;
    • the method makes it possible to measure the phenomenon of job satisfaction in a multidimensional way, i.e. we can talk about the assessment of various parameters of labor activity.

    Job satisfaction is considered by us as a certain form of labor attitudes, which is a fixed attitude, the formation of which occurs in the process of active interaction between the subject of labor activity and the organizational environment.

    3.3.1 Brief description of the FIR method

    The theoretical value of this method lies in the fact that it actually summarizes the main results concerning job satisfaction problems, analyzes sometimes very contradictory data and identifies their causes. Establishing the reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction is in itself of great importance in improving the psychological climate of the organization.

    Job satisfaction is a good indicator the functioning of the organization, because it is in it that the changes that occur in the management of the organization are most compactly reflected, which in turn affects the actual behavior of employees.

    This study was conducted in five groups: work, manager, salary, promotion and employees.

    This study showed that the employees of the company are most satisfied with their colleagues. This is confirmed by previous studies. A good microclimate in the team, of course, is an excellent motivating incentive for good work.

    In general, there is a fairly high satisfaction with the immediate supervisor and work. This is a good sign and can serve as a basis that the management has good contact with subordinates and is not separated from their problems. In addition, the majority of respondents consider their work interesting and socially significant.

    However, all this is observed against the background of extremely low satisfaction with wages. As we have already said, material incentives must be introduced as actively as possible at this enterprise.

    3.3.2 Motivation and working conditions

    The importance of working conditions for employees of the organization is increasing today. Good conditions work does not increase motivation, however, poor working conditions sharply reduce it.

    Table data. 9 indicate that the majority of employees of the enterprise (68%) are completely dissatisfied with their working conditions. 22% are only partially satisfied with working conditions.

    Table 9 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with working conditions (%)

    More than half of the respondents of Nauchny Progress - M LLC (54% of respondents) noted that poor working conditions also lead to conflicts in labor collectives.

    3.3.3 Motivation and reward

    The remuneration includes salary and additional payments and benefits. The level of staff motivation is largely determined by the level of wages, which should depend on the cost of living, the financial condition of the organization, the level of wages in competing organizations and the order of state regulation.

    The vast majority of employees of the company "Scientific Progress - M" are not satisfied with the level of wages or are only partially satisfied with them.

    Table 10 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with the level of wages (%)

    The low level of wages sharply reduces the motivation of staff to productive work.

    The system of material incentives is designed to link the results of the work of each employee with the material reward received.

    The study showed that a small number of respondents were satisfied with the existing system of material incentives (Table 11).

    Table 11 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with the system of material incentives (%)

    Two-thirds of the company's employees are completely dissatisfied with the current system of material incentives.

    In a number of factors to improve the efficiency of the organization, one of the first places respondents put material rewards. Thus, 78% believe that improving the work of the organization is possible through effective financial incentives, which corresponds to the actual state of affairs, since the level of income today is too low to not think about it during work, and direct all your efforts to solving organizational problems.

    3.3.4 Team relationships

    The effectiveness of personnel is inextricably linked with the conditions of social tension in labor collectives. As a rule, the more favorable the environment, the better the employees work. The favorable psychological climate of labor collectives is characterized by a high degree of trust among the members of the collective, exactingness towards each other, mutual responsibility for the results of their work, cohesion, and psychological compatibility. This is manifested, first of all, in the satisfaction of the staff with the relationship with colleagues, with the immediate supervisor and the head of the unit.

    Table data. 12 indicate a high degree of satisfaction of respondents with their relationships with their colleagues (76%). At the same time, every tenth of the respondents is not satisfied with the relationship in the team.

    Table 12 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with relationships with colleagues (%)

    With a relatively high degree of satisfaction of the majority of employees, the problem of dissatisfaction of some of them can be solved by purposefully moving these employees to other departments. Here we can talk most likely about psychological incompatibility.

    Most of the respondents (Table 13) are satisfied with their relationship with their immediate supervisor. However, 19% of the employees of Scientific Progress - M LLC are not satisfied with their relationship with their supervisor.

    Table 13 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with the relationship with their immediate supervisor (%)

    In addition, a large number of those who found it difficult to assess the relationship with the immediate supervisor. This is every fifth respondent.

    The study carried out revealed enough a high degree respondents' dissatisfaction with their relationship with their immediate supervisor in the organization under study. This problem is quite relevant today. A modern leader should be able to create a good psychological climate in the team.

    The study revealed even lower rates of satisfaction of the personnel of organizations with the relationship with the head of the unit (Table 14).

    Table 14 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with the relationship with the head of the unit (%)

    Every third of the respondents found it difficult to assess the degree of satisfaction with the relationship with the head of the unit. Taking into account that the teams of departments in LLC "Scientific Progress - M" are from 3 to 20 people, we can conclude that the middle managers of all the organizations under study do not pay due attention to creating a good psychological climate in teams, which leads to a decrease in motivation among quite a large number of workers.

    According to 23% of employees, the head of the department does not know how to create a favorable psychological climate in the team.

    Thus, the problem of relationships in the team has a direct impact on the performance of the staff.

    Motivational reserves associated with job satisfaction factors can and should be used, however, the increase in staff motivation in this case will be short-term and superficial.

    3.4 Factors of intrinsic motivation

    Through motivators, intrinsic motivation to work is satisfied, which creates long-term satisfaction and increases performance.

    Factors of intrinsic motivation (motivators):

    • interesting job;
    • a responsibility;
    • independence:
    • career opportunities;
    • recognition of merit;
    • opportunities for self-realization, etc.

    Overall job satisfaction contributes to a good work environment.

    The production climate is, first of all, the state of satisfaction or dissatisfaction among the majority of employees of the organization. Factors of the production climate are the style of leadership, intra-company information policy, personnel promotion systems in the organization, etc.

    3.4.1 Motivation and interest

    The most important motivator of successful labor activity is to provide a person with a job that would meet his personal interests, inclinations and would contribute to the maximum disclosure of his labor and creative potential. At the same time, job satisfaction comes, a person gets the opportunity to use his knowledge and abilities, to achieve high professionalism.

    If a person finds his work interesting, he is usually more satisfied and works with more efficiency. The work should be interesting, require skill and not be too easy. This can be achieved by improving the organization of work and developing a non-specialized career.

    Perceive their work as interesting, requiring ingenuity and creative search, 18% of employees of LLC "Scientific Progress - M". For 13% of employees, the work is calm, not requiring much stress. At the same time, every fourth of the respondents considers their work to be monotonous, of the same type and boring. For the majority (57%) the work is very hard.

    Not every job can be interesting and creative. But the problem of selection and placement of personnel is still quite relevant today. If a person is not engaged in his own business, then it is hardly necessary to talk about his high motivation for work.

    3.4.2 Motivation and responsibility

    A person, as a rule, is ready to take on great responsibility for activities, the results of which are associated with his name. The data in Table 15 indicate that the employees of the company "Scientific Progress - M" LLC feel a fairly large responsibility for the affairs in their team.

    Table 15 - The degree of responsibility of respondents for the affairs in their team (%)

    Difficult to answer

    Every tenth company surveyed is irresponsible in its work. In addition, 21% of workers found it difficult to assess the degree of their responsibility. There is a direct relationship between responsibility and performance. Without a sufficient degree of responsibility, there can be no good result.

    The personnel of the enterprise under study have an ambiguous attitude to the performance of their work (Table 17).

    Table 17 - Attitude of respondents to the performance of their work (%)

    So, only every third employee of the company strives to give all his strength and knowledge to work. Half of the interviewed employees of the enterprise do only what is required of them, but no more. One in five works without desire at all, out of necessity.

    Thus, analyzing the attitude of the personnel of the organization under study to their work, we can conclude that the motivation of many employees is not high enough.

    3.4.3 Motivation and career

    Opportunities for job and professional growth of employees are a good motivator. If an employee does not move up the career ladder, then his dissatisfaction does not increase, at the same time, if an employee moves up the hierarchy, then his satisfaction grows, which leads to increased motivation and increased performance.

    A career involves a progressive change in the skills, abilities and professional opportunities associated with the worker's activities. Personal development and professional growth is one of the most effective ways to increase the contribution of staff to the work of the organization.

    When studying career motivation, researchers proceed from the fact that most individuals are tuned in their lives to success. Though there are many who are oppressed by a constant sense of fear of failure.

    The internal drive to advance (introverted motivation) is formed under the influence of a person's dynamic traits. These are needs, interests, attitudes. External motivation for official and professional growth (extrovert motivation) is provided by the stimulation of this process on the part of the organization by the line manager or the personnel management service.

    Table 17 - The degree of satisfaction of respondents with their official and professional growth (%)

    Figure 21 - The degree of satisfaction with their official and professional growth

    The study showed that the vast majority of employees are either completely dissatisfied with their job growth (42%) or partially satisfied with it (41%). And only 12% of employees are satisfied with their career. Considering that the Geometry of Fitness fitness club has almost thirty employees and can create career opportunities for its employees using such methods as rotation, formation and development of a reserve, apparently no work is being done in this direction.

    Employees need constant help in their promotion. Promotion procedures should ensure that promotion is solely for business merit.

    3.4.4 Involving employees in team management

    One of the most common methods of motivation today is participation, that is, the involvement of employees in managing the affairs of the team. This can be carried out using the mechanism of equity capital or the type of organization of Japanese "quality circles".

    Employees have a natural desire to participate in the processes taking place in the organization that are related to their activities. If a person in an organization takes an interested part in various intra-organizational activities, then he thereby, receiving satisfaction from this, works with greater efficiency, better, more efficiently and productively.

    Participation in decision-making, in setting goals and in their subsequent implementation contributes to meeting the needs for achieving self-realization and self-affirmation. Participation in decision-making makes the expectation of the result of their activities and possible remuneration more real and clear for the employee.

    Table 18 - Evaluation of their opportunities to participate in the management of the affairs of the team (%)

    In the considered enterprise LLC "Scientific Progress - M" there is a rather low level of satisfaction with participation. 37% of employees are completely dissatisfied with the opportunity to participate in managing the affairs of the team, 26% are partially satisfied, and 30% found it difficult to answer.

    In order to direct the ability of the employee to achieve the goals of the organization, it must be allowed to participate in the development management decisions, to allow a certain freedom of action within the framework of the functions performed by him.

    Control Status Conclusions labor resources enterprisesOOO "Scientific Progress - M"

    The solution to the problem of staff turnover in the company should be addressed comprehensively: through, firstly, improving the system of selection and evaluation of personnel, and secondly, by organizing a motivational mechanism in the departments of the enterprise.

    When determining the requirements for candidates, the following principles should be used:

    1. Every choice of candidates for the position is, the inevitable compromise - even the best have weaknesses. The key to selection should be a clear idea of ​​what qualities and qualifications are really necessary for a given position, and which, if necessary, can be neglected.
    2. The greater the number (within reasonable limits) of candidates considered for each position, the greater the likelihood of positive selection results; the fewer candidates, the more likely a serious compromise on a number of important characteristics.
    3. A clear distinction must be made between the skills that must be acquired before entering a job and those that can be acquired after entry. Additional qualification requirements should not be introduced unnecessarily, especially for positions with few applicants.
    4. Increased requirements for "current" qualifications may result in a lack of attention to the overall potential of the applicant, which may be in demand in the future.
    5. Different combinations of characteristics for candidates may be equivalent to the performance of job duties.
    6. A clear definition of the requirements for the position removes the inevitability of the subjectivity of assessments.
    7. When determining qualification requirements to an applicant for a position that is part of the team, you can try to compensate for the individual weaknesses of this team, due to professional and personal characteristics its members by formulating the relevant additional requirements for candidates. Studies indicate that the climate of the organization, its goals and objectives, the characteristics of the members of the workforce also determine the specific features required by candidates for the position.

    Based on the above principles, the job specification allows you to determine the "ideal" candidate, in terms of his competence. Competence in this case should be understood as the unity of knowledge, professional experience, abilities and behavioral skills of the individual, determined by the goal, organizational role and situation. Therefore, it is necessary to identify professional, methodological and social competence within the framework of competence as such.

    In addition, it seems to us that the personnel assessment system in the company under consideration is far from optimal.

    The company often trusts personnel and recruiting agencies with the problem of recruiting employees.

    In the process of self-assessment, the specifics of the vacant position are not taken into account; those professionally important qualities that the applicant must possess are practically not explicitly distinguished. Also, there is no quality and quantification these qualities.

    An analysis of the personnel composition of the personnel of the LLC "Scientific Progress - M" enterprise and its dynamics showed that there is no problem of turnover of young personnel with little experience, who for the most part are sales managers. This indicates a good moral atmosphere in the company and an acceptable motivation for the labor market today. But if the company's policy does not change and individual motivational components are not introduced, then staff turnover is inevitable.

    As the analysis showed, the motivational management of the company is rather poorly developed, although the motivational reserves of the personnel of the department under study are quite high. In my opinion, they can be involved in creating an effective organizational motivation mechanism using appropriate methods and principles. Meanwhile, according to the opinion of many specialists in the field of personnel policy, the system of personnel motivation has a huge potential, which, if developed, can achieve very good results.

    Third block

    1. How does the HR manager analyze the results of his work, according to what criteria?

    The main criterion is the dynamics of staff turnover, the lower the turnover, the better the manager's work is performed

    1. Describe the level of satisfaction with the work of HR specialists (subjective characteristics, the degree of satisfaction with various factors - working conditions, socio-psychological climate, wages, career opportunities and professional development, etc.).

    The specialist is satisfied with the work according to the following criterion:

    • working conditions - by 4 points
    • socio-psychological climate - by 4 points
    • salary - 3 points
    • career opportunities - 2 points
    • professional development - 3 points
    1. What professional and personal qualities are in demand in the activities of a human resources specialist, and which ones still need to be developed?

    The ability to analyze the preparedness of a specialist for the planned work

    1. What areas of retraining and advanced training are relevant for employees of the HR department, what form of training is optimal for them (on-the-job training, field seminar, training at an intracorporate university, etc.)?

    Field seminar and on-the-job training

    1. What knowledge, skills and abilities from specialized and related areas are required in the activities of a human resources specialist in this organization?

    Knowledge labor law, knowledge of the basics of economics and wage systems


    An analysis of the personnel composition of the staff of the LLC "Scientific Progress - M" and its dynamics showed that there is a problem with the motivation of the staff. The staff works, but does it automatically, without much enthusiasm. This problem can be solved by organizing various departmental competitions to fulfill the sales plan.

    The solution to the problem of motivation of the company LLC "Scientific Progress - M" should be solved comprehensively, I test some methods and see which of them are most effective for this company.

    Also, it is necessary to exclude the possible turnover of staff, because with a given average income of the staff, it is possible, because. There is quite strong competition for good specialists in the labor market in Moscow today. It is also necessary to properly recruit staff.

    The right decisions in the field of selection for vacant positions cannot be found until the requirements for the applicant for the position are clearly defined. Only in this case can the characteristics of the candidates be measured against the established criteria.

    Revealing the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of recruitment methods in the enterprise, and demonstrating the place and role of the selection of managerial personnel in ensuring efficient operation enterprises, the author, pointing out that the activities of the company LLC "Scientific Progress - M" are carried out under the direct control and with the participation of management personnel, draws the following conclusions:

    • availability of qualified labor force, the degree of its motivation, organizational structures and forms of work that determine the effectiveness of the use of personnel are the main factors in ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise in the conditions of the formation of the Russian market.
    • intensification of management and improvement of the quality of personnel work is possible only through the use of fundamentally new approaches to work with personnel, a change in the role of personnel services of enterprises and firms, and an increase in funds allocated for work with personnel.
    • the creation of management systems, to the greatest extent possible to reveal the creative abilities and initiative of employees at all levels of the management hierarchy, should be the goal of production reorganizations as part of the transition to a market economy in Russia.

    So, in the course of the study, an analysis was made of the methods for selecting and evaluating the personnel of Scientific Progress - M LLC, a number of shortcomings of the methods used were identified, and conclusions were drawn on the directions for improving these methods. In addition, a number of proposals have been developed and substantiated to improve the structure of the selection and evaluation of personnel. The improvement program was developed on the basis of the initial data on the activities of the enterprise, and is also associated with a specific composition of positions and jobs that the enterprise currently needs.

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    higher professional education



    Student Priymak Alexander Sergeevich

    I am a student Priymak Alexander Sergeevich, during my internship from June 24 to July 21, 2013. in LLC "PromAvtomatika", serving the enterprises of NGP, fulfilled the approved internship plan, namely:

    Functions to be performedCalendar dateDepartment nameOrganizational management structure of the enterprise LLC "PromAvtomatika"24.06-26.06.2013LLC "PromAvtomatika" Acquaintance and analysis with the enterprise management system. Creation of administrative documents.27.06-01.07.2013LLC "PromAvtomatika"Analysis of the principles of enterprise management, analysis of staff turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports02.07 - 08.07. 2013LLC "PromAvtomatika"Identification of positive and negative points in the management system at LLC "PromAvtomatika", development of recommendations for its improvement07/09 - 07/17/2013LLC "PromAvtomatika"Drafting a report on the completion of practice 18.07 - 21.07.2013LLC "PromAvtomatika"

    For an internship, I was hired as an assistant manager at PromAvtomatika LLC, which serves NGP enterprises.

    With rich experience, LLC "PromAvtomatika" provides high-quality and timely Maintenance NGP enterprises and own projects.

    During field trip

    studied legal acts, the Charter, documents, job descriptions, regulations, safety instructions;

    • drew up documents, orders for hiring and granting leave, letters;
    • carried out the instructions of the head of the enterprise;
    • participated in the conclusion of an employment contract;
    • acquired practical skills in enterprise management and work motivation.
    • I completed the following steps in my plan:
    • -studied the Charter of the enterprise, the collective agreement, internal regulations, job descriptions of employees, regulations, safety instructions;
    • -completed the instructions for compiling a business letter and sending it by registered mail to the address indicated by my head of practice from the enterprise, prepared and distributed documents in cases by groups and types;
    • consolidated existing and acquired new knowledge and skills in the work of personnel management of the enterprise;
    • got acquainted with the work of the Department of Forecasting Management;
    • analyzed the structure of enterprise management;
    • conducted an analysis based on the results of the survey;
    • developed proposals for improving the enterprise and personnel management system.

    I got acquainted with the enterprise, with its structure, activities.


    Enterprise characteristics

    To ensure the rhythmic work of the NGP enterprise for the production of competitive products, it is necessary to supply production with materials in a timely manner, rational organization transportation cargo, as well as maintaining equipment in working condition and providing production with electricity and the necessary types of fuel. It is the works listed above that constitute the content of the maintenance of the NGP enterprise.

    Maintenance of the NGP enterprise involves the solution of the following two tasks: ensuring the normal functioning of the means of labor; ensuring the uninterrupted movement of objects of labor in production.

    The solution of the first of the above tasks is carried out in the course of organizing auxiliary production - repair, energy and instrumental.

    In solving the problem of rational organization material flows the logistics service, warehousing, and transport facilities are involved.

    The structure of these farms and services is determined by the characteristics and scale of the main production, the size of the enterprise, as well as the level of development of its cooperative ties. The combination of repair, energy, instrumental, transport, storage facilities and supply services makes up the system for servicing the production process of the NGP enterprise by PromAvtomatika LLC.

    LLC "PromAvtomatika" was founded in 1999 and operates on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and federal law of the Russian Federation "On Limited Liability Companies", in order to provide services for the design, supply, installation, commissioning and repair of various devices and automation systems, equipment and instruments. OOO "PromAvtomatika" is legal entity and builds its activities on the basis of the Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The period of activity of the enterprise is not limited.

    The defining areas of activity of PromAvtomatika LLC in servicing NGP enterprises are:

    · Installation work, repair and maintenance of electrical distribution and control equipment,

    · Service maintenance of NGP enterprises,

    · Organization and maintenance of energy accounting systems, dispatching systems,

    · Development of projects for industrial processes and industries related to electrical engineering, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, as well as in the field of industrial construction, systems engineering and safety engineering,

    · Production of electrical work.

    The financial condition of OOO "PromAvtomatika" is characterized by a system of indicators reflecting the availability, placement, use of financial resources of the enterprise and all production and economic activities of the enterprise.

    The main form in the analysis of the financial condition is the balance sheet. According to the current regulatory documents, the balance sheet is currently compiled in net valuation (accounting for fixed assets and IBE at residual value without depreciation). The result of the balance sheet gives an approximate estimate of the amount of funds at the disposal of the enterprise. It is convenient to study the structure and dynamics of the financial condition of an enterprise using a comparative analytical balance sheet.

    An analysis of the management system and financial condition of the enterprise according to the indicators I conducted shows that the enterprise has created efficient system management, the deviation from the actual and planned number of personnel is not significant. This allows us to conclude that PromAvtomatika LLC employs not only economic, but also managerial professionals.

    Management methods are a set of techniques and ways of influencing a managed object in order to achieve the organization's goals.

    Administrative methods are classified according to the formula of influence (order, order, recommendation, instruction, instruction), according to the form of transmission (documentary, oral), according to the period of use (estimate, month, etc.)

    The administrative activity of the organization in question is carried out mainly through the issuance of orders by the head of the organization. According to the content, orders are divided into two types: according to the main activity and according to the personnel.

    The order on the main activity is a regulatory document reflecting management decisions on issues of production and economic activities, planning, reporting, financing, lending, product sales, foreign economic activity, improving the structure and organization of work industrial enterprise etc.

    The order signed by the head is registered by the employee responsible for record keeping. The order comes into force from the moment of its signing, unless another period is indicated in its text.

    Analysis of the organizational structure of the management of OOO "PromAvtomatika"

    When studying the regulatory documents of the institution (in particular, the provisions on departments and job descriptions), I built the organizational structure of the institution. Based on the structure obtained, I concluded that the organizational structure belongs to the linear-functional type of organizational structures, since it has a number of specific characteristics inherent in this type:

    there is a separation of processes by functional divisions;

    in the hierarchy of the institution, both linear and functional managers function;

    functional units report directly to the line manager of the institution.

    In the process of conducting an expert survey, respondents were asked questions about the strengths and weaknesses of the institution, opportunities and limitations in the development of Promavtomatika LLC. When analyzing the responses, the "SWOT" method was used - analysis. The organization does not have a structured database of candidates, there is no evaluation system in the selection of personnel, the selection of personnel is carried out on the basis of a chaotic conversation in personal contact with the head of the personnel department, and then with the director of the organization. Recruitment is limited to filling necessary documentation and acquaintance of the new employee with his immediate supervisor and team.

    The process of adaptation of new employees in the institution proceeds outside the zone of regulated processes. Assistance in adaptation to a beginner from the side of management is limited to a story about the performance of the required functions by him, all other information new employee forced to extract independently by contacting his colleagues. There is no control over this process and its results in the institution.

    As for the personnel management service, it is currently being formed.

    Thus, as a result of the author's analysis of the structure and management system for the persons of PromAvtomatika LLC, the following trends were identified:

    the management structure of the institution has a linear-functional structure;

    the institution lacks a clearly formulated development strategy for the entire organization, a personnel management strategy in particular;

    lack of documentary carriers fixing technologies for personnel management;

    there is a misunderstanding of a number of managers about the need to change the process of working with personnel;

    The main indicators characterizing the dimensions commercial enterprise are shown in Table 1.

    Table 1 - Indicators characterizing the enterprise for 2010-2012

    No. Indices 2010 2011 2012 in % of 2009 RUB 2.06522307.4111.76 Gross income from the sale of goods, thousand rubles. Incl. advertising3604 5002923 40081.1 80.08Profit, ths. rub.

    From the data in Table 1 it can be seen that, in general, all indicators of the enterprise's performance have deteriorated over the past two years. Thus, the volume of products sold in 2012 decreased compared to 2010 by 9.7%, the number of employees decreased by 4 people. The cost of fixed production assets for the analyzed period increased very slightly (by 0.9%). The profit of the organization in 2012 decreased by 46.4% or by 1463 thousand rubles. the level of profitability in 2012 was 4.2%, which is 40.8% less than in 2012.

    The wage fund in 2010 is planned in accordance with the standard in the amount of 160 thousand rubles. in fact, it amounted to 164.1 thousand rubles. The level of payroll expenses in 2012 decreased by 0.01% compared to the previous year, but increased by 0.05% compared to the plan. Savings in the wage fund was achieved by reducing the number of employees of the enterprise in the current year.

    Based on the results of a survey of employees of PromAvtomatika LLC, the following conclusions were made:

    the release of personnel is carried out mainly due to low wages, while the management is trying in every possible way to retain highly qualified personnel: increasing wages at the expense of extrabudgetary funds, training, retraining, advanced training at the expense of the employer, creating favorable working conditions, and so on;

    the most important for the personnel of the organization are the working conditions in which they work;

    the motives that have the greatest value for the team of the organization are mainly related to the realization of oneself in the profession under normal working conditions and relations in the team;

    material reward appears only in the next sector of the structure, this is mainly due to the limited funds coming from the budget, when certain labor indicators the employee understands that he will not be able to receive more funds than allocated from the budget, a small adjustment of these funds is possible from the company's own budget;

    three clusters (groups) were singled out that most clearly characterize the attitude of the team to the characteristics of work: 44.1% of respondents say that they are satisfied with such characteristics as career growth, advanced training system, certification and assessment of personnel, to characteristics that are less satisfied this group includes wages, provision, equipment, special programs; 10.3% of respondents are practically satisfied with such characteristics of work as relationships in the team and working hours, least of all they are satisfied with the amount of wages, the possibility of self-realization, the availability of equipment and the possibility of initiative; 13.2% of respondents are practically not satisfied with such characteristics as career growth, wages, special programs and provision of equipment.

    As measures to increase the effectiveness of the work of LLC "PromAvtomatika" employees and improve the system of labor incentives in the organization, it is proposed to introduce a personnel assessment system. It was proposed to introduce a decentralized remuneration policy in PromAvtomatika LLC, to introduce alternative forms of incentives, to complicate marketing goals. Thanks to an effective incentive policy, you can achieve the best results, increase the profits of the enterprise. To motivate employees of an organization to improve social status employees, as well as for the effectiveness of personnel management, a social program, consisting of non-material and material motivations. These activities will help increase professional motivation, increase the degree of customer satisfaction; quick and high-quality decision-making related to personnel management at any level of enterprise management; to improve the social situation of workers and good governance staff.

    Thus, the stimulation of labor of workers is of great importance in the development of the sphere of commodity circulation. The main purpose of labor incentives is to establish the earnings of employees depending on the result of their work, their contribution to the overall results of the enterprise.

    During my internship, I got acquainted with the work of the department "Department of forecasting management".

    Planning can be broadly defined as the activity of "shaping the future".

    The main scope of planning work in LLC "PromAvtomatika" is performed by employees of the Department of Forecasting Management

    Forecasting is one of the management functions, which makes it possible to foresee the possibility of adverse production situations. A feature of the emergence of a problem situation is the fact that it carries a danger, a threat of destruction of the production system.

    On the one hand, forecasting makes it possible to foresee the possibility of problem situations and take preventive measures, and on the other hand, with the appearance of undesirable events, to identify them and identify the degree and depth of the development of the crisis in order to develop a solution to eliminate it. A feature of forecasting in anti-crisis management is the fact that, unlike other cases, forecasting here is almost constant.

    All management is built on foresight. But prediction may be different. It differs

    by horizons (near future and far, limited by time or has an indefinite time period),

    in form (plan, program, prediction, forecast),

    according to sources (intuition, scientific analysis, analogy, generalized experience).

    The planning process can be thought of as a sequential flow of activities that includes the following steps:

    ) statement of goals;

    ) formulation of the problem;

    ) Search options actions;

    ) evaluation of options for action;

    ) making a decision in the form of determining the planned parameters;

    - management of the organization of the implementation of the plan;

    ) implementation of planned targets;

    - monitoring the progress of the implementation of the plan;

    ) diagnostics and testing of the results of the implementation of the plan based on a comparison of planned and actual parameters, analysis of the causes of deviations.

    The possibility of foresight becomes the most important in the context of the complexity of production, the growth of its scale, the acceleration of scientific and technological development, changes in the socio-psychological and economic conditions of human activity.

    One type of foresight is strategy.

    AT crisis management strategy plays a special role. It allows you to prepare for crisis situations, recognize the nature of weak signals of crisis development, reduce the number of tactical errors, navigate confidently in problems that have consequences in the future, develop and use efficient technologies management, find positive elements in difficult crisis situations.

    Analysis of the number and structure of personnel

    Speaking about the team working at PromAvtomatika LLC, we can say that it consists of 26 people, including the general director. If we talk about the distribution of workers by functions and departments, then we get the following picture:

    Commercial management. (6 people, including the general director), engineering management (6 people), financial and economic management (4 people), project management department (3 people), technical management (7 people).

    In order to characterize the structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its professional and qualification level, we will use a number of auxiliary materials, among which the personal files of employees and the statistics of the enterprise turned out to be especially informative. The data obtained were summarized in the following table:

    Table 2.

    Indicators characterizing the structure of the personnel of LLC "PromAvtomatika"

    Indicator value Indicator in 2011 in 2012 people people Senior managers11 Middle managers44Specialists46Employees57Workers108Total:2426? men1815? women611 working pensioners12 from 45 to retirement age46 from 35 to 45 years1510 from 25 to 35 years36 to 25 years12 two higher, postgraduate, doctoral studies00 higher education1012 special secondary1213 general secondary21 incomplete secondary00

    The level of professional training in the specialty, after the analysis of the composition of the staff, is as follows:

    Rice. 1 The level of professional training in the specialty of the employees of the enterprise LLC "PromAvtomatika".

    From the above data, it can be seen that the category of workers whose professional training is based on higher education increased and amounted to 46% of the total number of employees. This suggests that workers improve their professional training, moving from one category to another. There are minor fluctuations in other categories.

    Characteristics and analysis of the personnel management system of LLC"PromAvtomatika"

    It is advisable to start the analysis of personnel management with an assessment of the provision of OOO "PromAvtomatika" with labor resources in the reporting year 2012 (see Table 3)

    Table 3

    Provision of LLC "PromAvtomatika" with labor resources for 2012 (persons)

    It is also necessary to carry out qualitative analysis according to the distribution of employees by age, level of education and work experience (OOO "Top Business Integrator").

    Table 4

    Distribution of workers by age

    Groups of workers by age, years Number of workers at the end of the year, people

    The tension in providing LLC "Top Business Integrator" with labor resources can be somewhat relieved due to more full use available labor force, growth of labor productivity of workers, intensification of production, comprehensive mechanization and automation production processes, improvement of technology and organization of production.

    The completeness of the use of labor resourceswe estimate by the number of days and hours worked by one employee for the analyzed period, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund. Such an analysis is carried out for each category of workers for each production unit and for the enterprise as a whole.

    Working Time Fund(FRV) depends on the number of workers, the number of days worked by one worker on average per year and the average length of the working day:

    PDF = HR * D * P

    At the analyzed enterprise, the actual fund of working time is less than the planned one by 16350 hours, including due to changes in the number of workers:

    FRV chr = (CR f -ChR pl ) * D pl * P pl \u003d (164- 160) * 225 * 7.8 \u003d + 7020 hours.

    In PromAvtomatika LLC, most of the losses [(492 + 197 + 656) * 7.8 + 9840 = 20330 hours] are caused by subjective factors: additional vacations with the permission of the administration, absenteeism, downtime, which can be considered unused reserves for increasing the working time fund . Preventing them is tantamount to releasing 11 workers (20,330 / 1,755). Significant in OOO "T.S.V. Transcompany" and unproductive labor costs,which consist of the cost of working time as a result of the provision of low-quality services for the installation and adjustment of networks. They make up 1640 hours.

    Reducing the loss of working time - one of the reserves for increasing output.

    To calculate it, it is necessary to multiply the loss of working time (DWP) due to the fault of the LLC "PromAvtomatika" enterprise by the planned average hourly output of products, or in this case, the time for the provision of transport services as a whole:

    VP \u003d PDF * CV pl = (20 330 + 1640) * 284.9 = 6259.2 thousand rubles

    Unproductive labor costs due to defects in the work of LLC "PromAvtomatika" amounted to 1640 hours. Due to this, the level of average hourly output decreased by 0.6%, or by 1.71 rubles. The modernization of the existing equipment made it possible to reduce labor costs by 5,670 man-hours, or 2.02%, due to which the level of average hourly output increased by 2.06%, or 5.87 rubles.

    Personnel policy LLC "PromAvtomatika"

    The personnel policy of the enterprise includes the following areas of activity:

    Recruitment and selection of personnel


    Job Descriptions

    Personel assessment

    Staff development

    Creation of a personnel reserve

    Let's take a closer look at each of the HR functions.

    The main tasks of personnel selection are:

    creation of a reserve of candidates for employment;

    formation of requirements for professions and positions;

    evaluation of potential candidates.

    The search for candidates for vacancies is carried out both within the enterprise and outside it.

    The starting point for the selection and hiring of personnel in LLC "PromAvtomatika" is the determination of the need for personnel. Regardless of whether there is already a specific candidate to fill the vacancy, or whether the involvement of external candidates is required, the manager structural unit fills out an application for the need for personnel, a requirement for a candidate and a job description.

    The application for staffing needs is completed annually at the beginning of the year, as well as in cases of need, but not less than a month before the actual date from which the new employee must start work.

    Based on the request for staffing, the personnel management department advertises vacancies. First, advertising is carried out within the company OOO "PromAvtomatika". Advertisement placed on the bulletin board and distributed electronically.

    For all candidates wishing to work at LLC "PromAvtomatika", questionnaires are filled in the personnel management department, on the basis of which an electronic database is formed.

    Applicants who meet the requirements are interviewed by the HR department.

    The Human Resources Department forms a personal file of a potential candidate and submits it to the immediate head of the structural unit in which there is a vacant position for review.

    The selection of candidates is carried out by the direct head of the structural unit. If the manager has not chosen a suitable candidate, he informs the employee of the personnel management department about the need to continue the search and clarifies the specifics of his requirements for the candidate or explains why the candidates presented to him do not meet the requirements.

    After acceptance final decision the head of the personnel management department notifies all applicants for the position. Applicants for whom negative decisions are made receive a polite refusal to hire. Information about them is entered into the database of potential candidates.

    After the candidate is approved for the position, a labor contract. The employment contract is signed by the citizen and the general director of PromAvtomatika LLC.

    Employment contract signed CEO, is the basis for registration of the admission of a citizen to work.

    Employment is issued by order of the enterprise.

    A newly arriving employee undergoes introductory briefings on safety, industrial sanitation, fire safety rules and other labor protection rules.

    Introduction to the position is carried out by the personnel management department and the head of the relevant structural unit. The employee is familiarized with all the main provisions of PromAvtomatika LLC. These include:

    short description organization, its structures and management systems, the history of OOO "PromAvtomatika";

    collective agreement;

    internal labor regulations;

    regulation on bonuses for the main results of economic activity.

    After completing an internship at PromAvtomatika LLC, I had the opinion that at PromAvtomatika LLC the main problem in the enterprise management system is the psychological dissatisfaction of the personnel with the working environment. Without conducting special psychological research, it is possible to draw some intermediate conclusions and recommendations for improving the personnel management system. The main problem of the personnel management system is an unfavorable psychological environment, leading to tension and conflict situations.

    The psychological climate of the team, which reveals itself primarily in the relationship of people to each other and to the common cause, is still not exhausted by this. It inevitably affects people's attitudes to the world as a whole, their worldview and worldview. And this, in turn, can manifest itself in the entire system of value orientations of a person who is a member of this team. Thus, the climate manifests itself in a certain way and in relation to each of the members of the collective to himself. The last of the relationships crystallizes and a certain situation - public form self-relationship and self-consciousness of the individual.

    Each of the members of the collective, on the basis of all other parameters of the psychological climate, develops in itself the consciousness corresponding to this climate, the perception, evaluation and feeling of one's "I" within the framework of this particular community of people.

    Often in the team there are people who are dissatisfied with any aspects of the activities of the team or individuals. In this case, personal hostility, excessive adherence to principles, etc. can serve as a cause or cause for conflict.

    In order to correct the existing negative situation in the enterprise, it is necessary to develop a number of measures that would help improve the corporate culture in general and reduce the number of conflicts in the team in particular.

    There are several effective ways to manage a conflict situation. A simple difference in characters should not be considered the cause of conflicts, although, of course, it can become the only cause of a conflict situation, but in the general case this is just one of the factors. You need to start with an analysis of the actual causes, and then apply the appropriate methodology.

    As a way to prevent the very appearance of conflict situations, I propose to use the method of interpersonal contact, which would be of an organized nature.

    The plan of such events can be presented in the form of the following table. (see table 5)

    personnel personnel policy psychological

    Table 5

    Activities aimed at improving the psychological situation in the team

    Name of the event Date of the event Purpose of the event 1. Sports competitions between divisionsSpring, autumn. Nothing unites the team better than a single goal and competitive conditions. As such, sporting events are ideal. Field trips (Bird Day, Forest Day, system administrator, Tourist Day, Harvest Festival, etc.) Depending on seasonal and weather conditions, at least once every six months. Corporate parties Once a quarter, it can be timed to coincide with some event, but not necessarily an official one. You can simply arrange "March 8 Day", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", New Year. It has approximately the same goals as the previous group of events, in general, they are aimed at establishing interpersonal contacts in an informal setting4. Family holidays(Father's Day, Mother's Day, Children's Day) Father's Day - the third Sunday of July, Mother's Day - the last Sunday of November, Children's Day - June 1 additional opportunity to establish not only interpersonal, but also interfamily ties, which strengthens the connection between generations. And contributes to the development of working dynasties in the enterprise

    This plan is exemplary, it is important not to overdo it with the frequency of such events during its implementation, as this also causes additional fatigue in the team, and, accordingly, the formation of a negative attitude towards work.

    Among the private ways to resolve conflict situations and improve the psychological situation in the team, we can distinguish:

    formation of corporate complex goals. The effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments or groups. The idea underlying this technique is to direct the efforts of all participants towards the achievement of a common goal;

    development of interpersonal styles of conflict resolution, including the style of avoidance, smoothing, coercion, compromise and problem solving.

    Summing up, we can conclude that the personnel of the organization and its management, regardless of the size of the group, should always remember the importance of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team, consciously build their behavior and choose the most optimal team management style to increase the efficiency of the work process and the profitability of the entire enterprise . And subordinates strove for innovations and improvements, there was a desire to work and be in demand.


    ANN student_ 008-0027 ________________________

    Direction of training _ Management _

    Priymak Alexander Sergeevich

    № p / p Date Summary of the work performed Place of work (position held) June 1, 24, 2013. I got acquainted with the structure of the organization, its divisions and departments. Studying the history of the enterprise development. I got acquainted with the Charter, internal regulations, safety instructions. OOO "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager I got acquainted with the organizational structure of the company, the principles of its work in the market. Compiled together with the head of practice S.N. Kaplev individual task (plan). Enterprise business. General rules for the preparation of various documents I got acquainted with the collective agreement. OOO "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager Analysis of the organizational structure of the management of OOO "PromAvtomatika". Used the studied methods of production management. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager Familiarized with the personnel management system at the enterprise. Participated in the drafting of orders for personnel: - on hiring, on the provision of leave. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager 5.28.06.-30.06.2013 Analysis of the enterprise management system, department "Forecasting Management Management". I got acquainted with the rules of registration of organizational and administrative documents, administrative documents. Participated in writing the order on granting parental leave. Filled out the employment contract. "PromAvtomatika" LLC, manager's assistant6.01.07.2013Analysis of the personnel management system at the enterprise. Participated in the planning meeting, drawing up purchase and sale contracts. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager7.02.07.2013Analysis of the principles of personnel management at the enterprise, analysis of staff turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports. Participated in the preparation of the order to dismiss the employee, in filling work book employee. "PromAvtomatika" LLC, assistant manager8.03.07.2013 Studied the personnel management system, as well as the personnel planning process at the enterprise. Studied archival documents. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager9.04.07.2013 Analyzed the principles of personnel management at the enterprise, staff turnover based on archival materials and statistical reports. Studied the process of making managerial decisions. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager10.05.07.-08.07.2013 Familiarized with the management bodies of the labor collective, their composition and powers; collective agreements and their role in regulating relations at the enterprise (organization), in the development of self-government. Psychology of small groups and collectives. Stages of team formation. Studied the financial statements. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager11.09.07.-10.07.2013. Identified positive and negative aspects in the personnel management system at LLC "PromAvtomatika". Conflict situations and ways to resolve them. Analyzed the financial stability of the enterprise. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager11.07-12.07.2013. Studied the selection of personnel and hiring. He got acquainted with the main directions of the organization of work of the head and his subordinates, planning of individual work and its content. Gathered indicators characterizing the structure of the personnel. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager15.07.-17.07.2013 Developed recommendations for improvement in the personnel management system at LLC "PromAvtomatika". Participated in the preparation and holding of a business meeting, conversation, reception of visitors. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager qualifying work. Compilation of a report on the completion of an internship together with the head of the internship from the enterprise. LLC "PromAvtomatika", assistant manager

    07.2013 Student______ Priymak A.S.


    personnel personnel policy psychological


    An internship is an important element in the preparation of a future specialist. Industrial practice gave me the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the process of training in practice, to develop skills independent work. I learned how to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in solving specific professional issues. During the internship, the main part of the knowledge I received during training was in demand.

    The internship helped me understand how much depends on a well-designed management system at the enterprise - from the right personnel to the effective work with information. It is very important for the head of the enterprise to develop a suitable personnel management system, to learn how to stimulate employees.

    In the process of work practice, I studied the regulations of PromAvtomatika LLC, which serves NGP enterprises, the Charter of the enterprise, internal regulations, job descriptions, regulations, safety instructions. Learned to draw up orders for the main activity and personnel, business letters, a contract of sale, to conclude an employment contract with an employee; conduct and analyze surveys, draw conclusions based on their results and build recommendations.

    During the internship period, I got acquainted and analyzed the structure of the enterprise management apparatus of LLC "PromAvtomatika", the department "Management Management Forecasting", with the experience of the organization, planning and management, with management methods labor collective; with the existing practice of planning the work of team members and evaluating its results, the procedure for compiling and passing service documentation. I learned the technology of preparation and adoption of managerial decisions, the organization of their implementation. Acquired practical skills in enterprise management and work motivation

    In the course of writing this internship report, I analyzed and researched the main issues related to the enterprise management system and personnel management. As a result of the analysis, we can conclude that PromAvtomatika LLC is a successfully operating service company that has high competitive advantages However, against the backdrop of successful economic prosperity, the company is experiencing a staff turnover. In the course of the study of various areas of the functioning of the enterprise management system, I came to the conclusion that this fact is associated primarily with the psychological dissatisfaction of the personnel with the work process.

    As recommendations, proposals were developed to improve the enterprise management system, an action plan was drawn up that would help relieve the tense psychological situation in the company and improve interpersonal relations between staff.


    Profile of an employee of OOO "Promavtomatika"

    Dear leaders and specialists!

    Currently, LLC "PromAvtomatika" is studying the personnel management system. In this regard, we ask you to take part in the survey, the purpose of which is not only to study the existing personnel management system, but also a sincere desire to improve it in your interests. The questionnaire is anonymous. The accuracy of your answers will allow you to draw reliable conclusions. Please read the questions carefully and circle the number that corresponds to your answer. You can give multiple answers to the same question or enter your answer on the blank line. We hope for your understanding and support!

    What attracts you to work in this organization?

    (mark the three most significant positions for you or enter your answer in the free lines)

    prestige institution 001

    interesting work 002

    opportunity to realize your professional potential 003

    salary level 004

    team relationships 005

    career opportunity 006

    location of organization 007

    corporate culture 008

    Do you have enough knowledge for the work you are doing?

    quite enough 011

    basically enough 012

    not enough 013

    find it difficult to answer 014

    Do you need advanced training?

    find it difficult to answer 017

    Whether there is a job description at your workplace?

    Do you have to perform work that is not characteristic of your position?

    find it difficult to answer 022

    Do you think your work is objectively evaluated?

    (one possible answer)

    evaluation criteria too high 023

    assessment is quite objective 024

    evaluation criteria are too low 025

    no evaluation criteria 026

    find it difficult to answer 027

    How do you feel about innovations in organization and management?

    easily accept and adapt to them 029

    I am more satisfied with the usual methods of work 030

    I am against innovation 031

    didn't think about it 032

    How do you think your career is shaping up?

    good luck 034

    not too good 035

    not at all successful 036

    find it difficult to answer 037

    To what extent are you satisfied with:

    (please circle the answer in each row of the table)

    ПоказателиСтепень удовлетворенности Вполне Удовлетв.Удовлет воренНе совсем Удовл.Не Удовлет- воренНе могу сказатьсистемой подбора персонала038039040041042системой адаптации молодых специалистов043044045046047содержанием труда048049050051052организацией труда053054055056057условиями труда058059060061062оплатой труда063064065066067степенью нервной напряженности068069070071072перспективами карьерного роста073074075077078стилем руководства Вашего подразделения079080081082083стилем руководства организации084085086087088отношениями в Вашем подразделении089090091092093отношениями между подразделениями094095096097098системой оценки Вашего труда099100101102103системой производственных взаимосвязей104105106107108распределением обязанностей внутри подразделения109110111112113информационным обеспечением114115116117118компьютерным обеспечением119120121122123материально- technical support 124125126127128 organization culture 129130131132133 image of the organization in the city 134135136137138 the ability to make independent decisions

    10. Which of the following conditions would influence your desire to change jobs?

    higher salary 159

    best team relationships 160

    lesser claims and demands 161

    the opportunity to open your own business 162

    clearer definition of the boundaries of my duties 163

    quieter work 164

    less risky job 165

    I am not going to change my job under any circumstances

    Please, a few words about yourself:

    Your age:

    year and older

    What education do you have?

    average 181

    secondary special 182

    n \ higher, higher 183

    Your work experience in the organization:

    up to 1 year 184

    over 5 years 187


    Tags: Personnel management system at the enterprise Practice report Management

    "Togliatti State University"

    Institute of Finance, Economics and Management

    Department of Finance and Credit



    Student ________________________ course ______________________ group

    Specialties_ 080105.65 "Finance and credit" ________________________

    Surname, name, patronymic of the student ____________________________________

    Institute of Finance, Economics and Management __________________________

    Name of organization, enterprise _____________________________

    2013 academic year


    Practice leaders

    From university

    Surname Kovalenko_______________________________

    Name Oksana _____________Middle name____ Grigorievna

    Position, academic title, degree___ PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

    From the enterprise

    Surname _________________________________________

    Name _______________ middle name _ ______________________

    Job title_____________ _ ______________________________



    Head Department of Finance and Credit

    "_____" _________________ 201___



    Acquisition of skills in filling out and compiling financial documentation of the organization under the guidance of the head of undergraduate practice.


    Detailed study and analysis and evaluation of financial activities. A detailed study of the organization's financial management structure. Providing information on the conducted research of financial activity to the head of undergraduate practice from the organization. Formation of a report and a diary on the passage of undergraduate practice. Signing of this documentation by the head of the practice.


    the date


    Surname, initials and position of the head of studies

    Familiarization with the established internal regulations, rules of conduct, the established mode of work, work and rest.

    Analysis and evaluation of financial (accounting) information on the example of organization documentation.

    Acquisition of skills in filling and compiling the financial documentation of the organization.


    No. p / p

    Conclusion of the head of the enterprise on the work of the student

    Collection, analysis and evaluation financial information organizations.

    Filling and formation of financial documentation (reporting).

    The work was completed without comment


    During the period of undergraduate practice, computers with the established legal systems "Garant", "Consultant" were used to collect and study theoretical material related to the financial activities of the organization and the service program "1C: Accounting" - collection and processing of financial information.


    Student _______________________________________________________________

    (surname, initials)

    FULL NAME. student passed undergraduate practice from December 24, 2012 to February 24, 2013. During the undergraduate practice, he showed a high level of theoretical and practical training, good knowledge reading financial statements and financial records. During the entire undergraduate practice, F.I.O. the student was responsible for the assigned work. Actively took part in the study of financial documentation, assisted the employees of the financial department of the organization in collecting and processing documentation, analyzed and evaluated the financial and economic activities of the organization over the past three years, got acquainted with the procedure for maintaining financial documents, with the order of storage of forms strict accountability, participated in various daily work.

    Comments on the passage of practice to the F.I.O. no student.

    Practice leader from

    enterprises _________________________________



    the date

    Comments and instructions of the head of practice from the university