Staffing arrangement. State arrangement. The document is filled in by any method

  • 07.05.2020

Among the personnel documents of an enterprise, a special place in Russia is occupied by the staffing and staffing table - each personnel officer or manager should know the differences between this documentation and the principles of maintenance. Indeed, various standards and legal requirements apply to these documents. And in order to draw up a staffing arrangement for 2018 in accordance with all the rules, it would be best to familiarize yourself with a sample of such a document.

Staffing - what is it

The staffing is a document that stores personalized information on employees, positions, salaries and other aspects of the work of employees that are important for the personnel department, employer and accounting. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that this document is drawn up in free form by the decision of the employer himself and is not a mandatory document for the implementation entrepreneurial activity and personnel management.

There are no legislative regulations that would regulate the legal necessity of staff placement. Thus, this document is auxiliary, is not checked by regulatory authorities and is used by employers only for their own internal purposes, which means that it can be drawn up in any form.

The staffing enables employers to track state compliance, provides effective accounting tools, and makes it easy to navigate staff records related to employment issues and employment contracts. At the same time, since there are no uniform standards for staff placement in the legislation, this document can also be called a staff replacement or a staff book.

Differences between staffing and staffing

Considering the existing differences in the standard arrangement from staffing, you must understand that these are two completely different documents, each of which has its own characteristics and scope. Despite the fact that both the schedule and the placement relate to the personnel issues of the organization and consider personnel management, in most aspects they are quite different - you can express this difference using a simple table:

Regular arrangement staffing
Mandatory in terms of legislation The arrangement is an internal document and the employer is not obliged to draw it up in principle. The schedule refers to the documentation that must be present in any business entity that has employed workers.
The form There is no single form established by law for staff placement. The staffing table is compiled in accordance with the unified form T-3, however, since 2013, employers have the right to develop their own forms.
The nature of information about workers The staffing contains information about specific employees, indicating their passport data, as well as orders on the basis of which they were accepted into the state. The staffing table does not contain information about specific employees, but only about the list of positions in the enterprise and current salaries or.
Shelf life Like another internal document, the staffing must be kept at the enterprise for 75 years from the date of termination of its maintenance. The legislation provides for the retention of the staffing table for 3 years.
Possibility of addition The staffing can be supplemented with new positions or information about employees at any time. The staff list can be supplemented only if the relevant procedural measures are observed and an order is issued.
Relevance of information In the regular arrangement, actual indicators are indicated, taking into account all additional allowances and bonuses. The staffing table assumes the indication of only basic salaries or tariff rates, without taking into account additional payments.
Influence at labor activity The arrangement can influence labor activity only according to internal regulatory documents enterprises. On the basis of the staff list, specialists are selected and included in the staff for a specific position.

Staffing for 2018 - we draw up in accordance with all the rules

many personnel specialists I am interested in how the staffing for 2018 should be drawn up, and how to do it in accordance with all the rules. As such, there are no specific standards for the design of staffing, respectively government bodies cannot assume the imposition of any sanctions for violating the procedure for creating and maintaining such documentation. At the same time, in order for the staffing to be an effective and convenient document, a number of recommendations should be followed:

The staffing and all the information specified in it can be considered a staffing table if they contain all the data necessary for the last document. In this case, all legal requirements begin to apply to the staffing, but this can simplify the maintenance of personnel records.

The working activity in the organization is filled with all sorts of bureaucratic nuances. The maintenance of some documents is mandatory and is determined at the legislative level, while other papers can be entered by representatives of companies only at will. One of the latter is considered to be a full-time replacement used to generate a list of employees of an organization and conveniently track it.

More details about this document, the principles of its design and the features of this procedure will be discussed today. Also below you can find a sample for filling out a staff substitution, which is used without problems to maintain a list of employees of any Russian enterprise.

Staffing or staffing is one of the many documents used in the system personnel records enterprises.

At the legislative level, the need to maintain it has not been approved, however, many organizations still prefer to have this document in their possession and systematically use it in the course of their activities. This state of affairs is connected with a number of advantages received by any enterprise in the course of staff replacement.

In general, this document contains:

You can download the completed placement form here:

You can download the application form to fill in the staff substitution here:

Deadlines and other features of the storage of staff replacement

In the process of maintaining the staffing of the organization, the persons responsible for this have the right to correct and modify the document in every possible way. The main thing is that this should be done within the framework of its structure, while it remains unchanged. Simply put, personnel officers can delete laid-off employees from the replacement, change their salary and carry out similar actions, but when changing the tabular structure of the document, it is necessary to completely replace it.

Like any business documentation, the staffing has its own. It is defined in the previously noted Order and is as much as 75 years. After this period of time, the document must be destroyed and, if necessary, replaced.

If, in the course of its activity, the enterprise conducted staff replacement, but later abandoned it, then you should not immediately get rid of the document. According to the law, the arrangement must be placed in the archive and kept there for the prescribed period. Naturally, no one will check compliance with such norms, but in order to implement legislative formalities, it is still not worth abandoning them.

The person who is reflected in it as such is directly responsible for the storage of the document. Often they are the head of the personnel department, however, if necessary, any representative of the personnel department or the head of the organization can be entered in the appropriate column. At the legislative level, the powers and requirements for the person responsible for storing the replacement are not defined, therefore, in this regard, one should rely solely on the regulatory legal acts of the enterprise itself.

On this, the most important information on the summarized issue came to an end. As you can see, regular replacement is pretty good. Is it worth it or not? The question is difficult. Perhaps representatives of any organization should answer it themselves. We hope that the presented material was useful to all readers of our resource.

Write your question in the form below

The staffing table is the main document that is used to formalize the structure, staffing and headcount organizations in accordance with the constituent document (charter or regulation). The staff list contains a list of structural units, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly fund wages. This document gives management the right to staff the organization and its structural divisions with employees. On the basis of the staffing table, the personnel department conducts the selection of employees for vacant positions, forms a reserve for promotion, organizes advanced training of personnel.

The staffing table is approved by order (instruction) of the head of the organization or an authorized person, the authority to approve this document must be secured in writing. In such an order, in contrast to standard form there is no ascertaining part of the order for the main activity, and the order may begin with the word I ORDER, since no additional explanations are required to put the staffing table into effect.

On the basis of the staff list, the names of positions, specialties, professions are established, which are reflected in employment contracts and other personnel documentation.

Staffing is the responsibility of the labor economist, who is part of the department of organization and remuneration. Since such a unit is not available in every organization, the development of the staffing table is most often entrusted to the personnel department, or the planning and economic department, or a group of specialists, or accounting, i.e. the management of the enterprise independently decides who is responsible for this work.

At enterprises with a large official and numerical strength, it is advisable to develop and approve the staffing table for each structural unit.

The staffing table is compiled, as a rule, in the amount of three copies, the period of its storage at the place of development and approval is set by the management (permanently or 3 years).

The form can be filled in both manually and with the help of machine technology (printing, computing, etc.), however, with the obligatory backup of information on paper. With the manual method of filling, all entries must be made in ink or a ballpoint pen clearly and clearly, without blots and erasures.

The names of structural divisions, as a rule, are indicated in alphabetical order, without abbreviations, in the nominative case of the singular.

Coding of structural divisions is necessary for the formation of consolidated reporting. Currently, the division coding system is mandatory only on state enterprises. In non-governmental organizations, it is introduced if they include a large number of structural divisions, and automated systems are used for personnel management.

Servants are social group workers who are predominantly employed mental labor, as a rule, leading, adopting and developing management decisions, information preparation. Workers - a social group of workers engaged mainly in physical labor. The work of this category of workers, as a rule, consists in the creation of material wealth, as well as in the technical and production support of the organization.

The name of the profession is taken from the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers (ETKS).

Job titles are given based on industry-wide Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees. Besides, qualification requirements by job titles of individual industries are contained in various collections.

It is better to give the full and officially accepted names of new positions, since the entry in work book should be understandable to both the new employer and the authorities responsible for issuing pensions.

In the staff list, the names of professions (positions) are indicated as part of the structural units. They are given starting from the top level and ending with the junior level: manager, deputy manager, specialist, technical executive, etc. In the staff list, it is allowed to indicate double job titles separated by a "-" sign, while the official salary is set for the first position in the double title.

In the event that the organization has employees who are not part of any structural unit, they are registered as "other personnel".

The name is indicated in full, in the singular of the nominative case.

Abbreviations "head", "deputy", "beg." not allowed.

Approval visas are affixed on the last page. If the approvers have no comments, the staff list is submitted for approval. If there are amendments to certain provisions, then this is indicated after the main details of the visa (position of the approver, his signature, decoding of the signature (initials, surname) and date).

In this case, comments on the draft (including dissenting opinions and additions) are drawn up on a separate sheet. They may also be presented in reverse side the last sheet of the project.

The comments of the heads of structural divisions, with the consent of the official responsible for the development of the staffing table, are taken into account (included in the project).

The remarks with which executive other persons approving the document do not agree or do not agree, is considered by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him when approving the staffing table.

If during the approval process, the project is significant changes, then it must be revisited. If the project includes clarifications that do not change its essence, then re-approval during revision is not required.

References, conclusions, reviews, memos and other documents created during the preparation of the project and the approval of the staffing table are stored together with the projects for 3 years after the approval of the staffing table. In addition, if the charter (regulation) of the organization provides for the submission of a draft staffing table for approval to the founders of the organization, then correspondence with them (with the exception of the minutes of meetings of the founders) is subject to special storage.

The approved staff list is sent one copy to the personnel department and to the main accounting department. One copy is kept as part of the management documentation of the organization.

In some organizations, the staffing table is entered into the commercial information and issued in only two copies - one for CEO, the other for the main accounting department. The relevant extracts from the staff list are sent to the structural divisions, and the part of the document relating to the personnel department is sent to the personnel department. vacancies.

The staffing table is a long-term document, however, if necessary, changes and additions can be made to it. Changes and additions are made by order of the head of the enterprise or a person authorized by him.

There are two ways to make changes to the staffing table:

1) change the staffing itself. New staffing for next

the registration number is approved by the order for the main activity;

2) when the changes made to the staffing table are insignificant, they can be issued through an order for the main activity.

If changes are made to the staffing table by means of an order, then the heading

order can be as follows:

- "On making changes to the staffing table";

- "On changing the staffing table";

- "On a partial change in staffing."

The following reasons may be indicated as grounds for making changes to the order:

Perfection organizational structure organizations;

Carrying out activities aimed at improving the activities of individual structural units;

Reorganization of the organization;

Expansion or contraction production basis organizations;

Change of legislation;

Optimization managerial work;

Planning and economic calculations of the personnel department, elimination of duplication of functions, etc.

When new positions are introduced into the current staffing table and old positions are excluded, the names of positions are changed or new departments are created, then often these processes affect already working personnel and then it is necessary to make changes and adjustments to personnel documents of employees, depending on what changes are introduced.

In these cases, the personnel officer needs to perform different procedures for processing personnel documents.

laying on additional responsibilities on the employee provides for the expansion of his labor function determined by the employment contract. In its content, this is similar to combining positions (professions).

Changes in base (official) salaries are carried out in case of changes in the tasks, functions, scope of work performed by departments and individual employees of the organization. When salaries change in the staffing table, it is necessary to make changes to the employment contract, since the mandatory conditions employment contract are the conditions of remuneration, including the amount tariff rate or official salary of the employee, additional payments, allowances and incentive payments; in personal card N T-2 (section 3).

Creation of new divisions. The basis for the organization (reorganization) of a structural unit is:

The decision of the head of the organization;

Draft structure and staffing of the unit with a list of categories of employees;

Draft regulation on structural subdivision;

Draft job descriptions for all categories of personnel of the introduced unit;

Draft regulation on the remuneration of employees of the unit.

The service is created when the range of tasks to be solved cannot be performed in full within the department and if there are at least two independent divisions in the structure, one of which must be no lower than the department;

The department, as a rule, is created in the structure of the service and is characterized by the presence of two clearly defined non-overlapping areas of activity;

The positions of heads of departments are introduced in accordance with the structure that satisfies the principles outlined above;

The positions of specialists and working personnel are introduced when new goals, tasks and functions arise that cannot be performed by the existing staff or with a significant increase in the amount of work at this workplace.

Introduction of a new (additional) position. A set of documents is sent to the name of the head of the organization, including:

A memo from the head of the unit with the rationale for the introduction of a new (additional) position in the staffing of the unit;

Updated unit structure;

Project job description for a newly created position.

The position of a leading specialist and employees equivalent to him is introduced if there are two independent areas of work, each of which is performed by a specialist, if there is a scope of work for at least two specialists;

The position of a senior specialist and employees equivalent to him is introduced with a significant increase in the requirements for the level of qualifications imposed on any workplace based on a business assessment or a subjective assessment of the head of the unit;

The positions of specialists and working personnel are introduced when new goals, tasks and functions arise that cannot be performed by the existing staff, or with a significant increase in the amount of work at a given workplace.

Job reduction. Such a decision is made by the management of the organization upon detection of a discrepancy (duplication) of functions, duties, scope of work performed by the internal regulations adopted in the organization. The decision to reduce the position occupied by an employee of the organization is issued by order of the organization in accordance with labor law two months prior to the entry into force of this decision with a warning to the employee about the upcoming dismissal due to redundancy.

The dismissal of employees in connection with the liquidation of a structural unit, the reduction of the position occupied by an employee, is carried out by a personnel order with the appropriate wording.

Work uniform the staffing table, which contains the initials and surnames of employees holding positions provided for by the staffing table, is called the replacement of positions or the staffing. In practice, other names of this document may be used. Staffing has no unified form, for its compilation, the tabular part of the staffing table can be taken as a basis. The main difference between the staffing and the staffing table is that it is a dynamic document that changes depending on the ongoing (numerical and qualitative) changes in the personnel of the enterprise, organization and does not require the issuance of an order for its approval.

Any organization, enterprise or firm has a number of internal documents required to be filled in. Their presence is regulated by the labor legislation of Russia and must be approved by the management.

The arrangement and schedule are important and Required documents for any enterprise. These acts are necessary to structure the work of the entire organization. Not infrequently, employees wonder what all this means and what is the difference between these documents.

Both documents are equally used in order to regulate the number of staff of the company, the organization of work , as well as distribute structural departments and their responsibilities. In addition, the documents contain complete information about the positions occupied by employees, indicating their specialization. The profession of each employee is accompanied by a mark on the level of his qualification. The regulations also regulate working time and the number of employees employed.

What is staffing and staffing?

Not infrequently, many employees do not quite understand exactly what a staffing is and how it differs from a staffing table. This leads to confusion. The first is the regulation , which reflects the structure of the staff of the firm or company, as well as the composition and number of employees hired. In addition, it reflects all positions and salaries of employees. This regulation is mandatory for any organization.

Schedule - not a mandatory document and is determined by the needs of specific enterprises. It represents the daily routine, including breaks, as well as full plan work for a year. The plan is drawn up for one calendar year in accordance with the current calendar, while the arrangement practically does not change over time. Changes are made only in case of change personnel policy.

How is staffing different from staffing?

The difference between the staffing and staffing lies in the content of these documents. The arrangement regulates the entire work of the staff of the enterprise, while the schedule is an optional document responsible for the work schedule. It has free form filling out, and can be compiled by an employee of the personnel department. The arrangement is filled in according to the form and only by an authorized person.

Russian labor legislation does not contain mandatory requirements for the mandatory presence of a state plan, but it is important if the work of employees is predetermined by their positions, and not by the type of work performed.

Staffing and staffing - form T-3

Form T-3 is a mandatory form for drawing up such acts. As already mentioned, the schedule can be drawn up arbitrarily, but most often it is recommended to adhere to a certain form.

The form is filled out as follows:

  • Name of the organization;
  • Bank details;
  • Structural division into sections;
  • State positions, including those without employees;
  • staff size;
  • Possible salaries (including all allowances) - are indicated in numbers, probable boundaries are also prescribed.

All data must be reflected without fail in this plan. It also contains the number of staff, in other words - all employees of the enterprise, their salaries and the total salary of the organization for one month.

Staffing according to the staffing table - sample

The document must have all the necessary notes, including not only salaries, but also allowances for positions. All forms are required to be filled out, must contain transcripts of signatures. Only in this case the document can be approved by the management. Must be approved by the management or authorized persons of the enterprise.

Staffing order

The order can only be approved after a full review. All columns and columns must be filled in, after which they are sent for verification and approved by the management. This is not just a formal document, and although it is not legally binding, this act should be in every enterprise. A sample order will help to avoid mistakes in drafting, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the completed order.

The acts are approved by the head of the entire enterprise, or by his deputy, who has received the authority to do so. Any changes must also include notification and confirmation from management. Essentially, the data regulations are regarded as a mandatory charter of the enterprise, reflecting all the basic data about the hired employees.

The staffing table contains information about the structure of the organization, its staffing and number, as well as wages for each position. However personnel workers use in their activities also such a document as staffing. Consider its features and differences from the staffing in this article.

What is a staffing

The document in question is also called staff replacement and staff list. It is not mandatory for personnel service, but rather handy tool for personnel records. For his absence, the employer cannot be held liable.

The legislator did not approve the form of this document, therefore, the development and production of the staffing form falls on the organization itself. As a rule, the T-3 form is taken as the basis, used for staffing, to which one more column (or several) is added. It contains information about employees who hold the relevant position (last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the category of employee, on which the salary or work schedule of the employee may depend, for example, a pensioner, student, disabled person, etc.). This information allows you to create reports for management or keep statistics on certain issues. Such information may be necessary to submit information to the Pension Fund, military registration and enlistment office, Insurance companies etc.

However, the main purpose of the staffing is the ability to track vacant positions, determine the organization's need for additional workers, calculate the filling of staff units with existing personnel, including part-time workers. Compiling this document will be very useful in organizations with a constant "turnover" of staff. The staffing list is an excellent tool for building an organization's personnel policy. In the event of vacating a position, a person engaged in personnel matters may, using this document, determine which of the current employees is able to fill this position.

Filling out the staffing

Since the document in question is developed on the basis of the staffing form, we will give the procedure for compiling the staffing list along with general provisions about the scheduling.

The staffing form (T-3) was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 N 1. In the table used for the staffing list, the following columns are filled in for each position:

  • structural subdivision to which the position belongs;
  • the name of the position (specialty or profession) indicating information about the qualification (rank, class, category);
  • the number of staff units;
  • information about the tariff rate (i.e. salary);
  • surcharges and allowances, in addition to the tariff rate;
  • the total amount of wages, which is obtained by adding the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the columns relating to wages.

In addition to the approved form of the table, when compiling the staff list, columns are added:

  • Full name of the employee holding the position;
  • additional information(for example, “maternity leave until 11/19/2018”).

The staff substitution can be filled out both in paper form and in electronic form. Last option more convenient for reporting and counting vacancies, and also simplifies filling out this document, especially in the case of constant "turnover" of personnel.