Workday photo indexes. Photo of a working day. Sample of filling in a photo of working time

  • 22.05.2020


A photograph of working time is carried out in order to study and measure all, without exception, the time spent during a shift or other period, namely, in order to identify losses in working time and their causes and develop, on this basis, measures to eliminate shortcomings and introduce a scientific organization of labor; study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of advanced workers; establishing standards for preparatory and final time, workplace maintenance time, time for rest and personal needs, as well as obtaining initial data to determine the operational time for handmade; establishing equipment maintenance standards and staffing standards; identifying the reasons for non-compliance with the norms; development of organizational and technical measures. Depending on the objects of observation, there are individual, group, brigade, mass and route photographs of working time (FRV). With an individual FD, the object of observation is one worker at one workplace, with a group one, the observation is carried out over a group of workers, each of whom performs a separate operation at their workplace, and with a brigade, a team of workers engaged in one common operation. The route FRV is carried out for a large number of jobs by bypassing them along a certain route or when the object of observation (worker) is in motion, and in the case of a mass one, one observer studies the work of a large number of workers (groups, teams, sections, workshops, etc.) .

Working time photography is divided into working day photography (DFD), production process photography (FPP), equipment usage time and self-photography. With the help of FRD, all types of working time costs are studied, including breaks, the duration of observation is equal to the duration of the worker's working day. At the FPP, at the same time, the study of the cost of working time, the time of use of the equipment and the actual modes of its operation is carried out, and at the full name, the observation is carried out over the operation of the equipment in order to study and analyze its use during a shift or other period of time. In the process of processing the PDF data in each observation sheet, their index (letter designation) or code is put against the record of the time spent, and the duration of the time spent is determined. Costs of the same name are grouped, then a summary of all observations is compiled for the balance of working time by cost category (actual and standard).

In our case, we will limit ourselves to taking a photograph of the working day of one worker (machine operator). Its results are shown in Table 3.1:

Table 3.1 Observation sheet of a photo of a machine operator's working day

No. p / p Name of time spent Duration
hour: min. min.
1 2 3 4 5
Start of shift 7: 00
1 Receipt technological map and tasks 7: 05 pz 5
2 Receipt of blanks 7: 13 pz 8
3 Getting a Tool 7: 17 pz 4
4 Machine setup 7: 30 obs 13
5 Operational work 8: 18 op 48
6 Change cutting tool 8: 21 obs 3
7 Machine lubrication 8: 27 obs 6
8 Relaxation 8: 35 exc 8
9 Operational work 9: 40 op 65
10 Cleaning chips and waste 9: 45 pz 5
11 Delivery of OTC products 9: 53 pz 8
12 Relaxation 10: 08 exc 15
13 Receipt of a new task and technological map 10: 12 pz 4
14 Receipt of blanks 10: 17 pz 5
15 Handing over the old and receiving a new tool 10: 24 pz 7
16 Machine changeover 10: 35 obs 11
17 Talking to another worker 10: 47 mon 12
18 Operational work 11: 00 op 13
19 Lunch break 12: 00 - -
20 Operational work 12: 44 op 44
21 Troubleshooting the machine by a mechanic on duty 13: 12 pt 28
22 Tool change 13: 15 obs 3
23 Operational work 14: 28 op 73
24 Relaxation 14: 34 exc 6
1 2 3 4 5
25 Machine setup 14: 42 obs 8
26 Operational work 15: 15 op 33
27 Tool change 15: 18 obs 3
28 Operational work 15: 36 op 18
29 Workplace cleaning 15: 44 pz 8
30 Delivery of OTC products 15: 53 pz 9
31 Leaving the workplace prematurely 16: 00 mon 7

where pz - preparatory-final time;

op - operational time;

obs - the time of service of the workplace;

ex - time for rest and personal needs;

Fri - time of breaks for technical reasons;

Mon - the time of breaks caused by violation of labor discipline.

Now, based on the data of the observation sheet of the photograph of the machine operator’s working day, we will develop the actual and standard balances of time:

Table 3.2 Actual and standard balances of working hours

Cost index Actual balance Regulatory balance Change in costs
t, min. % t, min. %
pz 63 13.125 37 7.7 26
obs 47 9.792 38.4 8 8.6
op 294 61.25 370.08 77.1 -
exc 29 6.042 34.52 7.2 -
Wed - - - - -
pt 28 5.833 - - 28
mon 19 3.958 - - 19
Total: 480 100 480 100 81,6

Based on the analysis of the actual and standard balances of working time costs, we calculate the coefficient of working time utilization:

To Spanish \u003d (T pz + T op + T obs + T exc) / T cm

To Spanish =(63+294+47+29)/480=0.902 or 90.2%

The share of breaks for technical reasons from the nominal working time is:

K pnt \u003d T pnt / T cm

K pnt = 28/480 = 0.058 or 5.8%.

The share of breaks caused by violation of labor discipline from the nominal working time is:

K pnd \u003d T pnd / T cm

K pnd \u003d 19/480 \u003d 0.04 or 4%.

The possible increase in labor productivity due to the elimination of time losses of a technical and organizational nature is calculated by the formulas:

R pnt \u003d (T pnt / T op) * 100%

R pnd \u003d (T pnd / T op) * 100%

R pnt \u003d (28/294) * 100% \u003d 9.5%;

R pnd \u003d (19/294) * 100% \u003d 6.5%.

The total growth in labor productivity or output P total will be:

R total \u003d R pnt + R pnd

Rtot =9.5+6.5=16%.

In the course of the analysis of the costs of working time, breaks caused by violations of labor discipline were identified. In order to completely eliminate them, it is proposed to carry out the following organizational and technical measures:

1. Department of labor organization and wages to include in the regulation on remuneration a clause providing for the use of reducing coefficients for violation of labor discipline when calculating wages for workers. If at the end of the month the time of breaks of this nature is up to 10% of the nominal working time, then the monthly wage of this worker is reduced by 10%.

2. In connection with a possible increase in labor productivity by 6.5% due to the elimination of interruptions caused by violations of labor discipline, increase the output rate for one worker by 6.5%. Before the introduction of measures to improve the organization of labor, the number of workers at the site (P 1) was 15 people, the annual output of one worker (In 1 year) - 3200 thousand tenge, the cost of 1 tenge of production (Z t / t) - 0.73 tenge / tenge, the share of RPM in the cost price is 31%. After the introduction of organizational and technical measures to improve the organization of labor, the increase in production will be:

P \u003d (IZRV / OP f) * 100%

where IZRV - change in the cost of working time actual compared to the standard;

OP f - the value of the actual operational time.


Annual volume production before the introduction of OTM was:

At 1 \u003d At 1 year * H 1

B 1 =3200*15=48 million tenge.

Increase in production volume, excluding labor costs:

DВ=В 1 *Р/100%

DВ=48*27.76/100%=13.32 million tenge.

Annual economical effect according to UPR in the cost of production:

E year control \u003d DВ * W t / t * K control

E year control = 13.32 * 0.73 * 0.31 = 3.014 million tenge.

Annual economic effect:

E year \u003d E year control - E n * KV

where E n is the standard coefficient of comparative economic efficiency.

E year \u003d 3.014 - 0.15 * 2 \u003d 2.714 million tenge.

The payback period for the investments made will be:

T ok \u003d KV / E year control

T ok \u003d 2 / 2.714 \u003d 0.74 years.

Normative payback period of capital investments:

T n \u003d 1 / 0.15 \u003d 6.6 years

Due to the lack of need for additional products, the amount of reduction in the number of workers is calculated by the formula:

DH=DB/V 1 year

DH=13.32/3.2= 4.125 or 4 people

As a result of the introduction of the proposed organizational and technical measures to improve the organization of labor, the increase in production amounted to 38.4%. The annual economic effect amounted to 105.83 thousand rubles. tenge. The payback period for capital investments is 3.9 years. In view of the lack of need for additional products due to the growth of labor productivity, it is possible to dismiss four people who most maliciously violated labor discipline.

For wages. Different organizations may have different tariff scales, differing in the number of digits and the degree of growth of tariff coefficients. With the transition to market relations, significant changes in the organization of wages in enterprises. The rights of enterprises in the distribution of their earnings have been expanded. The state reserves only: ...

Coal industry, etc.). They take into account the sectoral conditions of production at the enterprises of this group, as well as the specifics of the forms and methods of labor organization used at them. Intersectoral standards are developed and used to standardize labor in a number of sectors of the economy (for example, uniform standards for construction and installation and loading and unloading operations, standards for processing ...

Labor. Due to the rational organization of production and labor, it is possible to double the volume industrial products without additional capital investment. Grade state of the art standardization of labor also testifies to the unsatisfactory provision of enterprises and educational institutions scientific - methodical and practical manuals, normative materials. 1. Organization of labor. ...

Specialists and other employees - tariff official salaries increased up to 10%. Their introduction is carried out at the expense of savings in the wage fund received commercial organization as a result of the work on labor rationing and reducing labor intensity, subject to the actual improvement in economic efficiency and growth in labor productivity 7) dated June 27, 2007 No. 91 "On ...







Relevance of the research topic. Photography of the working day, one of the methods for studying the use of working time by continuously observing and measuring all its costs throughout the shift. It is carried out in order to identify reserves for increasing labor productivity.

With the help of a photograph of a working day, the following main tasks are solved:

  • determination of the actual balance of the use of working time,
  • the actual production of products and the rate of its release throughout the shift;
  • identification of losses of working time, analysis of the reasons that caused them;
  • obtaining data for calculating the norms for the preparatory and final time, the time for servicing the workplace and the time for rest breaks, as well as the norms for servicing units and machines by workers.

Carrying out a photograph of the working day makes it possible to identify outdated and erroneous norms, to analyze the use of working time by advanced workers; determine the rational composition of the brigade and the forms of division of labor in the brigade method of organizing labor; obtain data on the hourly production of products during the shift.

Depending on the number of objects of observation and the target task, the following types of photographs of the working day are used:

  • individual,
  • group,
  • brigade,
  • photo of a multi-station work day,
  • route,
  • self-photograph of the working day.

The purpose of the study is to create a photograph of the working day of a sales manager.

THE CONCEPT "Photograph of a working DAY"

Photo of the working day (FRD) is the study of the labor process, with the aim of identifying the cost of working time during the period under study (often a whole shift), to determine the reserves for increasing labor productivity. It allows you to uncover the causes of the loss of working time and, by eliminating them, improve the use of working time throughout the shift. During the FRD, all, without exception, the costs of working time are measured and recorded, and especially carefully - the loss of time for various reasons. FRD is an important tool for studying the organization of labor and production, as well as one of the methods for setting time standards for preparatory and final work, maintenance of the workplace and rest. With the help of a photograph of the working day, they study the use of working time by the best workers in order to disseminate their experience: they design the most rational (accepted as the norm) distribution of the work shift time by classification groups (categories) of time costs: analyze the loss of working time and the organizational and technical reasons that cause them , in order to develop measures for troubleshooting and improving the use of working time: determine required quantities workers servicing units and machines, i.e. establish service standards: take into account the actual production of products and the rate of its release.



The FDD technique consists of several stages:

1. Determination of the objectives of the FRD. Determining the type of FRD that is adequate to the goals set.

2. Determination of analysis parameters. Choice of the bases of classification of expenses of time. Carrying out preliminary analytical work on the grouping of time costs.

3. Preparation of observation forms.

4. Training (instruction and education) of observers.

5. Planning the time of the FRD, coordinating it with interested parties (the head of the unit, the personnel service, etc.)

6. Informing staff about the proposed FRD, explaining the purpose and consequences of the FRD.

7. The actual conduct of the FRD.

8. Processing of results.

9. Analysis of the results and development of solutions (or recommendations).

During the FDD, much attention should be paid to the preparatory work. The results obtained largely depend on the thoroughness of the preparation.


Determination of the objectives of the FRD

As already noted, the purposes of using a photo of a working day can be very diverse. However, there are quite a few types of FRD, and their choice is determined by the goals.

The main objectives of the FRD:

Identification of losses of working time, establishment of their causes and development of measures to improve the organization of labor by eliminating losses and wasted time;

Obtaining initial data for the development of standards for preparatory and final time, time for rest and personal needs, service standards;

Determination of the reasons for non-compliance with the norms by workers, study the best experience, determination of the possibility of combining professions;

Obtaining source materials in order to establish the most rational organization of workplaces and their maintenance.

Defining Analysis Parameters

Preparation of observation forms


Date of observation: 04.10.2010

Start of observation: 9:00 a.m.

End of observation: 18:00

Work: customer service, work with suppliers, sales analysis

Working conditions: normal

Sales manager: Kurenkova Inna Sergeevna

Age: 26 years old.

Work experience: 6 years.

Work experience: 3 years.

Attitude towards work: conscientious

No. p / p Name of working hours Current time in hours and minutes Duration (min) Index
Arrival at the workplace 9.00
1 Workplace preparation 9.05 05 PZ
2 Customer Service 9.30 25 OP
3 Receiving and familiarizing with e-mail 10.00 30 OP
4 Obtaining a list of paid invoices from the accounting department, familiarization with it 10.20 20 OP
5 Checking the availability of paid goods in stock 10.40 20 OP
6 Customer Service 11.00 20 OP
7 11.10 10 PRn
8 Placing orders to suppliers 11.35 25 OP
9 Customer service 12.05 30 OP
10 Discussion of the order with suppliers by phone 12.25 20 OP
11 Customer service 13.30 65 OP
12 Dinner 14.30 60 PRn
13 Customer service 16.30 120 OP
14 Break for personal needs 16.35 05 PRn
15 Customer service 17.30 55 OP
16 Making a plan for the next day 17.55 25 PZ
17 Turn off the computer, clean up the workplace 18.00 05 PZ
18 Leaving work 18.05
Total 540

PZ=05+25+05=35 min. (preparatory-final time, min)

OM=0 min. (workplace maintenance time, min.)

OP=25+30+20+20+20+25+30+20+65+ 120+55=430 min. (operational time, min)

PRn \u003d 10 + 5 \u003d 15 min. (time of breaks for rest and personal needs, min)

Td=480 min. (duration of the working day, min)

PR=0 min. (time of breaks depending on the worker, min)

Mon=0 min. (time of breaks that do not depend on the worker, min)

60 min. (dinner)

First of all, let's analyze how effectively working time.

To do this, we use the formula for the utilization of working hours:

Ki= PZ+OP+OM+PRn = 35+430+0+15 = 480 = 1

Td 480 480

Consider the coefficient of loss of working time, which does not depend on malfunctions in production, for this we use the formula:

Kpr= PR-PRn = 0-15 =0

Td 480, a

The coefficient of loss of working time, depending on the problems in production, for this we use the formula:

Kpn = Mon= 0 = 0

Td 480

Consider the coefficient of a possible increase in labor productivity by eliminating the loss of working time:

    kpt = PR - PRn + PN = 0-15+0 =0,031

OP 430

Analyzing the data of the photograph of the working day for 04.10.2010 by Kurenkova I.S., we can conclude that the working time is used by this contractor by 100%.

The coefficient of loss of working time is absent.

The coefficient of increase in labor productivity is minimal.


Photo of the working day (FRD) is the study of the labor process, with the aim of identifying the cost of working time during the period under study (often a whole shift), to determine the reserves for increasing labor productivity. It allows you to uncover the causes of the loss of working time and, by eliminating them, improve the use of working time throughout the shift. During the FRD, all, without exception, the costs of working time are measured and recorded, and especially carefully - the loss of time for various reasons.

FRD is an important tool for studying the organization of labor and production, as well as one of the methods for setting time standards for preparatory and final work, maintenance of the workplace and rest. With the help of photographs of the working day, they study the use of working time by the best workers in order to disseminate their experience: they design the most rational (taken as the norm) distribution of the work shift time according to

analyze the loss of working time and the organizational and technical reasons that cause them, in order to develop measures to eliminate problems and improve the use of working time: determine the required number of workers servicing units and machines, i.e. establish service standards: take into account the actual production of products and the rate of its release.


1. Arkhangelsky G. Organization of time: from personal efficiency to the development of the company. – M.: AiST-M, 2008. – 455 p.

2. Vesnin V. R. Fundamentals of management. - M.: "Elite-2000", 2009. - 472 p.

3. Vikhansky O. S., Naumov A. I. Management. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. 528 p.

4. Gamidullaev B.N. Saving time and indicators of its evaluation in the processes of enterprise management. - Penza, 2010. - 253 p.

5. Gerchikova I. N. Management. - M .: UNITI, Banks and exchanges, 2007. 480 s.

6. Zavelsky M.G. Economics and sociology of labor. – M.: Logos, 2010. – 208 p.

For the purposes of planning the number of staff positions, as well as studying the degree of employment and labor productivity certain workers, a photograph of the time of work of the staff is used with the design of the document of the same name. It allows the management of the company to take the right decision when forming the staff of the company, job descriptions, setting standards and plans.

- this is a continuous observation of the responsible official over the work of employees with fixing the exact time of each process.

The main goal of this method is to increase the productivity of personnel and identify available reserves when using these resources in the company, as well as reducing costs both per unit of product and in the whole enterprise.

The tasks of photography include calculating the total amount of time spent by all employees, the amount of products manufactured in a specific period of time, taking into account possible losses, rational construction of the workflow, as well as identifying sources for increasing labor productivity.

By studying the data received, economists and managers develop regulations and draw up plans and budget for the company, as well as adjust it. The photograph may also be taken after the introduction of new automated equipment, which will result in the release of workers.

Basically, the responsibility for studying the working time is assigned to specialists personnel service or economic department. Photography can be carried out both for the entire work process, and for a certain stage, team or specific specialist.

At the preparatory stage, before the study, the objectives of this event are determined, the current norms, job responsibilities are studied, and candidates are considered whose activities in the organization will be examined. To obtain high results, it is more expedient to choose for observation professional workers with significant seniority or better work performance.

In some cases, self-photography is allowed, in which the employee independently records the corresponding time and duration of his work in the report. This will allow the employee to independently identify waste spent at work and increase the efficiency of the robot without involving third-party observers.

In the process of observation, a report is compiled, which is called a map of the photograph of the working day. There is no standardized form for it. The completed form must contain certain details. As a rule, companies develop a form, which, if necessary, is filled in by a responsible person.

Then the analysis of the received information is carried out, according to the results of which deviations are revealed, and decisions are made in the future.

Photo of the working day example of filling

The document indicates the name of the company and its structural unit. Further its name, number and date of observation.

In the map of the photograph of the time of work, the full name is recorded. selected employee, profession by education, position held and the name of the work performed.

Then you need to briefly describe the work performed by a person.

In the tabular part of the document, information is filled in for each stage of the workflow, indicating the name and code (if a coding system is used). The following columns indicate the beginning and end of each stage, as well as the duration. In the "Note" column, you can reflect the number of products produced and other explanatory information.

Under the table, a summary of the photograph of the work is summarized, in which it is necessary to calculate and record separately:

  • Preparatory and final time.
  • Workplace maintenance time.
  • operational time.
  • Break times.

The document is signed by the head of the structural unit in which the observation took place, as well as by the responsible official who conducted it. At the same time, their positions are indicated and their full names are deciphered.

One of the reserves for increasing the efficiency of any organization is a more productive use of labor resources. In this case, a simple and effective tool for obtaining and analyzing objective data is a photograph of a working day (FRD).

Work day photo is a method that allows you to study the distribution of the time of a particular employee by observing, measuring and documenting all, without exception, the time spent on work tasks during the working day.

Mastering the FRD method makes it possible to obtain unique results in the field of personnel management and its productivity, even in conditions of incomplete coverage of the work performed in the company by rationing. The FRD process is aimed at determining the time spent on each operation, identifying and analyzing the reasons for not completing tasks, and optimizing the labor process as a whole.

Working day photography provides answers to the following questions:

1. How much time does an employee spend on a certain type of work?

2. How much time does it take for different employees to perform the same type of work?

3. Is it possible to increase labor productivity and at what expense?

4. Is it possible to omit (simplify) any of the business processes or delegate them to other departments?

5. How to establish labor productivity standards and identify the reasons for non-compliance with these standards?

Types of FRD

Depending on the number of objects of observation and the target task, the following types of photographs of the working day are used:

. individual- determine the time spent by individual performers, which allows you to study the work with the maximum degree of detail;

. group- monitor the activities of several employees interconnected by the work process, for further rational distribution of responsibilities between group members. The main purpose of group photography is to study the coherence of the work of group members, the degree of their workload, the organization of work, to identify the causes and duration of lost working time, to explore other issues that do not require accurate measurements of time;

. comprehensive- makes it possible to identify the relationship of individual production processes, study the production rhythm of work, determine the degree of rational use of equipment, develop specific measures aimed at increasing labor efficiency. In this case, a group of observers studies the work of a team, workshop, department or enterprise as a whole, which makes it possible to cover the entire set of production processes or a significant part of them;

. self-photography- the specialist independently measures the time of his activity.

Important detail: in order to obtain more objective and reliable data, complex photographs of the working day are taken over several days (weeks, months).


A photo of a working day can be used for different purposes:

1. Defining the structure of working time, identifying the most costly operations and types of work.

2. Studying the experience of the best employees. The working time budget of employees who demonstrate the best results can be taken as the basis for setting tasks, evaluating the effectiveness of an employee, and finding the best ways to organize work.

3. Establishing norms. Analysis of data for several employees provides input for the development of labor standards. Moreover, the FRD method is used by several employees with different efficiency labor in order to increase the validity of the norms.

4. Identification of the reasons for non-compliance with the norms. If the norms already exist, but individual employees do not regularly comply with them, then with the help of a photograph of the working day, you can identify the reasons for this situation.

5. Identification of lost working time. With the help of FRD, it is possible to determine at what stages of the workflow there are losses of working time and how they are caused: inefficiency in the organization of work, irrationally built technology, or dishonesty of employees.

6. Improving the process of organizing labor at the enterprise. The FRD allows you to describe the existing business processes in the company and evaluate how optimal they are.

7. Evaluation of the employee's work efficiency. Monitoring the work of an employee and assessing his time spent on various work operations is an opportunity to assess the level of his professionalism and motivation.


The technology of taking a photograph of a working day consists of several stages.

Stage 1. Preparing for a photograph of the working day.

At the initial stage, the goals of taking a photograph of the working day are set. Based on the goals set, the type and methodology of the PFD are determined.

If a main goal FRD is monitoring staff compliance with the rules of internal work schedule , then a photograph of the working day can be taken simultaneously with a group of employees (grouping employees by structural unit or by type of work performed). Violations of labor discipline will be noticeable immediately.

If needed identify lost time, optimize the company's business processes, then a photograph of the working day must be taken individually for each employee, carefully recording the operations performed by him, interaction with other employees and structural divisions.

Also, at the first stage, it is necessary to decide whether to inform employees about the FRD or it is worth coming up with a suitable legend for introducing an observer.


The preparatory stage involves the training (instruction and training) of observers. The results obtained largely depend on the preparation.

It will not be superfluous to coordinate the FRD forms in advance in order to correctly reflect the necessary information in them. This is especially important if the study will be conducted simultaneously in several structural units by different observers.

Stage 2. Photographing the working day.

Photographing is carried out according to the current time. The measurement results are recorded in the observation sheet (Tables 1-3). In columns 1 and 2, the observer records the start and end time of each new action (inaction). In column 4 he describes the activities, in column 5 he lists the equipment needed to do the job. Each entry shows either what the worker did, or what caused his inaction.

Each element of work or break must be documented separately. Particularly clearly should be distinguished the elements of work on the maintenance of the workplace, as well as breaks in work, taking into account their nature and reasons. In this case, columns 1, 2, 4, 5 of the observation sheet are filled in directly in the process of observations, and columns 3, 6 - during processing of the photographic results.

Economist working day photo

This photo was taken on 03/18/2016 by direct measurement of the time spent on the basis of the Order of the head No. 147 of 03/09/2016 in order to study the cost of working time during the employee's working day.

The results are presented in table. one.

FULL NAME. employee: Petrova A.I.

Work experience in the specialty: 2 years.

Table 1. Photograph of the working day of an economist



Turning on the computer

Clarification by phone of the content of the required information. Distribution according to requests by e-mail of planned indicators of the work of the unit

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Telephone set

Collection of the necessary initial information for the analysis of the implementation of planned indicators by the production sites of the Voronezh division of Kameliya-Invest LLC

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Analysis of the implementation of planned indicators for the production of products by the production sites of the Voronezh division of Kameliya-Invest LLC according to the reports of the heads of production sites

A computer

Clarification of physical and monetary indicators from the executors of reports

Telephone set, Internet connection

Making changes to the analytical report on the implementation of planned indicators

A computer

Preparation of analytical notes to the head of the department on the feasibility of introducing new materials in the production of products

A computer

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Analysis of the payroll fund of the Voronezh division of Kamelia-Invest LLC for the month

Computer, telephone

Conversation on personal topics on the phone

Telephone set

Payroll planning for next month

Completion of work, shutdown of equipment, order in the workplace

Computer, printer, telephone

I got acquainted with the photo of the working day: economist Petrova A.I.

__________ / Petrova A. I. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

__________ / Ryabchenko A. R. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

This photo was taken on March 17, 2016 by direct measurement of the time spent on the basis of the Order of the head No. 147 dated March 9, 2016 in order to study the cost of working time during the employee's working day.

The results are presented in table. 2.

FULL NAME. employee: Makarova S.V.

Job Title: Accountant.

Work experience in the specialty: 13 years.

Subdivision: Voronezh subdivision of Kameliya-Invest LLC.

Table 2. Photo of an accountant working day

Start time of action (operation)

End time of action (operation)

Duration of operation (action), min.

Work in progress (action)



Turning on the computer, turning on the sorting of electronic databases

Reception and control of primary documentation for accounting areas and their preparation for accounting processing. Return of documents that are not executed in the appropriate order to the compilers

Examination Email, familiarization with the content

Computer, Internet connection

Preparation and sending of the necessary information on the cost of manufactured products in the reporting quarter at the request of the head of the department (selection, photocopying of invoices of third-party organizations, costing by type of product, etc.)

Copier, computer, printer, internet connection

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Performing work on accounting fixed assets

Computer, printer

Lunch break

Performance of work on accounting of production costs

Computer, printer

Reconciliation with service providers over the phone

Computer, telephone

Checking email, reviewing content

Computer, Internet connection

Scanning of payroll documents and sending them by e-mail to the main office of the company

Computer, scanner, internet connection

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Meeting with the head of the department on changes in tax legislation

Preparation of documents for transfer to the archive

Turning off the computer and other equipment, order in the workplace

Computer, printer, scanner, copier

I got acquainted with the photo of the working day: accountant Makarova S.V.

__________ / Makarova S. V. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Responsible for taking photographs of the working day: HR manager Ryabchenko A.R.

__________ / Ryabchenko A. R. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Photograph of the working time of the purchasing manager

This photo was taken on March 19, 2016 by direct measurements of the time spent on the basis of the Order of the head No. 147 dated March 9, 2016 in order to study the cost of working time during the employee's working day.

The results are presented in table. 3.

FULL NAME. employee: Sergeev P.I.

Job Title: Purchasing Manager.

Work experience in the specialty: 9 years.

Subdivision: Voronezh subdivision of Kameliya-Invest LLC.

Table 3 Photograph of a purchasing manager working day

Start time of action (operation)

End time of action (operation)

Duration of operation (action), min.

Work in progress (action)



Turning on the computer, printer, copier

Computer, printer, copier

Request from the planning and economic department of the procurement budget, agreed with the financial department, for the current quarter

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Requesting information from the main warehouse about the availability of materials

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Determining the availability and requirements for materials for the current quarter

Computer, telephone

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Computer, printer, telephone

Lunch break

Drawing up a monthly purchase plan

Computer, printer, telephone

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Holding marketing research to study proposals from suppliers, price level, delivery terms according to the procurement plan

Reception and processing of documents related to the procurement

Computer, printer, Internet connection, telephone

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Final agreement with the supplier on the terms of prices, date of shipment and method of delivery of products to the warehouse

Computer, internet connection, telephone

Application background information to supplier database

Computer, Internet connection

Drawing up a report on the work done during the day, turning off the computer and other equipment

A computer

Acquainted with the photo of the working day: Purchasing Manager Sergeev P.I.

__________ / Sergeev P. I. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Responsible for taking photographs of the working day: HR manager Ryabchenko A.R.

__________ / Ryabchenko A. R. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Stage 3. Processing of results.

The calculation of the duration of the elements (filling in column 3) is carried out when processing the results.

At this stage, column 6 is also filled in, each element is classified. For non-production personnel of the company "Kamelia-Invest" used the following classification of working hours:

OV - total working time (duration of the work shift);

PZ - (preparation for the task, maintaining the means of production in working order during the shift);

OP - ;

OLN - ;

NTD - (lateness, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature departure from work, etc.).

Based on the data obtained (Tables 1-3), a balance is created labor activity. Table 4 presents economist's working time balance.

Table 4. Balance of working time of an economist


Total observation time, min.

Organization of the workplace and final work

540 min. (9 h)

Operational time (time of direct execution of tasks)

Leisure time and personal needs

Violations of the rules of labor discipline

Column "Total duration, min." tab. 4 is filled based on the data of table. 1 as follows:

PV = 10 + 15 = 25 (min.);

OD = 45 + 60 + 70 + 40 + 30 + 75 + 65 + 35 = 420 (min);

EA \u003d 10 + 60 + 10 \u003d 80 (min.);

NTD \u003d 5 + 10 \u003d 15 (min.).

Calculation of the coefficient K1, which shows the share of the cost element in the total observation time:

K1 (PZ) \u003d 25 / 540 × 100% \u003d 4.6%;

K1 (OP) \u003d 420 / 540 × 100% \u003d 77.8%;

K1 (OLN) \u003d 80 / 540 × 100% \u003d 14.8%;

K1 (NTD) \u003d 15 / 540 × 100% \u003d 2.8%.

Consider accountant's work balance(Table 5).

Table 5. Balance of working hours of an accountant

Working time classifier


Total duration, min.

Percentage of total observation time (K1), %

Total observation time, min.

Organization of the workplace and final work

Operational time (time of direct execution of tasks)

Leisure time and personal needs

Violations of the rules of labor discipline

Filling in the column "Total duration, min." based on the data in Table. 2:

PV = 10 + 5 = 15 (min.);

OD = 15 + 20 + 105 + 80 + 75 + 15 + 15 + 45 + 50 + 25 = 445 (min);

EA \u003d 10 + 60 + 10 \u003d 80 (min.).

There are no violations of labor discipline rules.

Calculation of the coefficient K1, reflecting the share of the cost element in the total observation time:

K1 (PZ) \u003d 15 / 540 × 100% \u003d 2.8%;

K1 (OP) \u003d 445 / 540 × 100% \u003d 82.4%;

K1 (OLN) \u003d 80 / 540 × 100% \u003d 14.8%.

Table 6 contains data on the balance of working time purchasing manager.

Table 6. The balance of working hours of the purchasing manager

Working time classifier


Total duration, min.

Percentage of total observation time (K1), %

Total observation time, min.

Organization of the workplace and final work

Operational time (time of direct execution of tasks)

Leisure time and personal needs

Violations of the rules of labor discipline

Column "Total duration, min." tab. 6 is filled based on the data of table. 3:

PV = 10 + 35 = 45 (min.);

OP \u003d 5 + 15 + 150 + 50 + 30 + 80 + 45 + 15 + 15 \u003d 405 (min.);

EA = 10 + 60 + 10 + 10 = 90 (min.).

There are no violations of the rules of labor discipline.

Calculation of coefficient K1:

K1 (PZ) \u003d 45 / 540 × 100% \u003d 8.3%;

K1(OP) = 405 / 540 × 100% = 75%;

K1 (OLN) \u003d 90 / 540 × 100% \u003d 16.7%.

Stage 4. Analysis of the results and development of solutions (recommendations).

Based on the data obtained as a result of the FRD, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are developed to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

In our case, the analysis of photographs of the working day of an economist, accountant and manager of the Voronezh division of Kamelia-Invest LLC showed enough high level of compliance with labor discipline, since there are either no violations, or the NTD has a low value (2.8% of the total observation time for an economist).

Before starting the observation, it is necessary to decide what exactly is considered a violation of labor discipline. After all, the so-called smoke breaks, tea drinking during working hours, conversations with colleagues on extraneous topics and other time wasters are often simply necessary to maintain a normal environment in the team from a moral point of view.

Important detail: in order to avoid misunderstandings in this regard, it is recommended that the internal labor regulations be set out in writing, agreed with the team and trade union organization. When hiring new employees, it is necessary to familiarize them with these rules.

During the PFD, it was revealed that the purchasing manager spends about 30 minutes. each day to report on the day's work. The management of Kamelia-Invest considered that this was a significant investment of time, and decided simplify the forms of intra-company reporting both purchasing managers and other employees.


Reporting forms, their content and frequency should be reviewed periodically in any case, as in today's rapidly changing business environment, any information quickly loses its relevance.

Based on the results of the FRD, it was decided to include in staffing The Voronezh division of Kamelia-Invest LLC was hired as a computer typing operator to delegate the following functions to him: photocopying and scanning documents, sending and receiving e-mail, archiving documents, compiling simple reports and text documents. It allowed unload qualified personnel(accountants, economists and managers).

In any case, it is easier to find a person who has the skills to communicate with a computer and other office equipment than a competent economist, responsible accountant and experienced manager. And from the point of view of remuneration, this option is the most optimal.

The efficiency of any department largely depends on its provision with modern high-speed equipment (high-speed computers capable of working with large amounts of data) and communication facilities. Perhaps, according to the results of the FRD, in some cases it will be justified to purchase such equipment, because the efficiency of the company depends on the efficiency and reliability of the data received.

The FRD also provides an opportunity to consider the use of the same equipment (scanners, large format printers, color printers) by several employees / departments without compromising the effectiveness of their work. Such equipment is used, as a rule, sporadically, to perform one-time tasks.

The results of the FRD can be used to resolve the issue of promotion, for certification, awards, etc.


A photograph of a working day can be taken by the company itself (a more economical option) or entrusted to a company specializing in this (the result of the study will be more reliable).

Staff, organizational system, methods of work, management style of the company are quite easily influenced by the enterprise, manageable and at the same time have a significant impact on the overall performance indicator. That is why a lot of attention should be paid to increasing labor efficiency, and the FRD in this matter is one of the most convenient and rational methods for studying the costs and losses of working time.

O. S. Polyakova, expert

A photograph of a working day is a way of fixing the loss of working time and the efficiency of using human resources, which allows maximizing the quality of work of employees and minimizing costs, as well as solving many additional organizational issues in the activities of an enterprise. At the same time, each employer should familiarize himself with the details of this procedure and HR specialist because this tool has many advantages. An example of filling in a photo of a working day can serve as a good example for its implementation in any organization.

What is a photo of a working day and why is it needed

Workday photography has nothing to do with the process of taking photographs and photographic art. This is a purely personnel term used to optimize and control the cost of staff working time.

By itself, the photo of the working day is a process of controlling and measuring all the expenses of an employee's working time over a certain period of time. At the same time, all actions of the employee, without exception, are recorded - the most effective is the method of minute-by-minute control with the entry of photographs of the working day into the appropriate form. It should be noted that the legislation does not regulate this procedure in any way, therefore, all the features of its implementation can be established by the employer independently.

The objectives of the photo of the working day include:

  • Finding existing losses of working time, their measurement and the subsequent adoption of certain personnel decisions to eliminate them and optimize labor costs.
  • Fixing information for subsequent optimization of the arrangement of workplaces and premises.
  • Creation of an initial database for the subsequent introduction of various labor standards, reorganization of working hours.
  • Finding reasons why employees fail to comply with their official duties and structural analysis labor day at the enterprise.

At the same time, the procedure for taking a photo of a working day implies its implementation in several stages:

  • Preparatory stage. It implies a general definition of the goals for which photographing of working time is carried out, and also establishes the direct objects of observation and regulates all subsequent actions of the employer and responsible persons.
  • Conducting surveillance. This is directly the procedure for photographing the working day of the selected objects of observation, implemented in accordance with the developed program.
  • Processing of results and their analysis. This is the final stage of the photograph of the working day, which, nevertheless, is the most important in this procedure, since it is it that allows you to subsequently undertake certain organizational and personnel decisions problems encountered and work optimization.

Each of the above stages should be considered in more detail separately.

How to Prepare for a Work Day Photograph

Before taking photographs of the working day directly, the employer should carry out a significant number of preparatory procedures, otherwise the whole process may be useless or ineffective. At the same time, the preparatory stage should in any case provide for the solution of issues individual for each enterprise. However, regardless of how exactly the photograph of the working day will be carried out, most often the preparatory stage will include the following activities:

Preparations may vary for different structural divisions enterprises, for various purposes of holding photographs of the working day. The employer himself has the right to determine the methods used and the objectives of the said procedure and change it to suit his own needs.

Taking a photo of the working day - features and nuances

When taking a photograph of the workplace, the employer must take into account that this process does not ideally reflect the actual situation in the enterprise. First of all, it should be noted that with a short duration of the photograph, employees can specifically adapt to demonstrate better results than practical ones, and accordingly, the assessment will not give the expected results and cannot subsequently be incorporated into the procedure for improving the efficiency of labor organization. This feature should be taken into account by employers and persons responsible for photographing the working day in the first place.

An important point is the fact that a photograph of a working day in itself can increase the efficiency of an enterprise - this is due to the above-described feature of such a procedure. After all, employees who understand that their every action is controlled, most often work more efficiently than in the absence of control.

Direct photographing of the working day should begin with the actual beginning of the working day. Therefore, the specialist responsible for its implementation must arrive earlier than the analyzed workers. The photo of the working day includes all periods of the employee's labor activity, starting from preparation for work and ending with the procedures for completing it. However, in some cases it may be appropriate to take a photograph only for certain periods of time.

It is necessary to distinguish the method of timekeeping of working hours from the method of photographing a working day. In the first case, only cyclic and identical procedures are measured to identify and establish general standards for the production of marketable products or the provision of the same services, and in the second situation, the total costs of working time throughout the day are assessed in a comprehensive form.

During the procedure, the inspectors must be equipped with the necessary prepared forms and strictly record every action of the employee. However, it should be remembered that during the breaks provided for by law and if the employer provides employees with additional breaks within working hours, such periods of time cannot be taken into account as losses of working hours and minutes.

Processing and analysis of a photograph of a working day

Based on the information obtained during the photograph of the working day, the employer, personnel officer or head of a department or enterprise can take certain actions aimed at realizing the goals originally set for this procedure. Methods of influence will depend both on the initial goals and on the results of the photo of the working day, the characteristics of the activities of a particular organization and the available resources. Since the employer will have a complete time structure, he can take various decisions to improve business performance, namely:

The presence of lost working time does not always indicate inefficient personnel management. So, some positions when photographing working hours can demonstrate a large number of hours during which they are not engaged in their duties. Such situations are most relevant for employees of repair and emergency services at the enterprise - after all, while they are not working, this means that there are no problems in the organization.