Application from the employer to the educational institution. Order for referral to advanced training courses Sample application for referral to study

  • 06.06.2020

In a dynamically developing economy, constantly improving legislation, changes in other areas of public life, an employer may objectively need to send employees for training. What regulatory legal acts and other documents should be referred to when sending employees for training? What rights and obligations of the employee and the employer are provided for by the legislation in the field of education? What does an employer need to know about additional professional education? The answers to these and other questions related to the training of employees are in the proposed material.

General characteristics of regulatory legal acts

Issues of training and obtaining additional professional education are regulated by Sec. IX Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, for clarification of issues related to referral to training, it is necessary to refer to the provisions federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation"(hereinafter - Federal Law N 273-FZ), as well as the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 07/01/2013 N 499 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities additional professional programs"(hereinafter - the Order).

Separate clarifications are contained in the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 09.10.2013 N 06-735 “On additional professional education”.

Rights and obligations of the parties to labor relations for training

According to Art. 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to train and receive additional professional education in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

At the same time, the need for training employees (vocational training and vocational education) and for them to receive additional professional education for their own needs is determined by the employer (Article 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The training of employees and the receipt of additional professional education by them is carried out by the employer on the terms and in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreements, labor contract. Forms of training and receiving additional professional education for employees, the list of necessary professions and specialties are determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees in the manner prescribed by Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local regulations. Thus, an employee without the consent of the employer cannot be sent to training.

However, in cases stipulated by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts RF, the employer is obliged to conduct vocational training or receive additional professional education for employees if this is a condition for them to perform certain types of activities.

For employees undergoing training, the employer must create the necessary conditions for combining work with education, provide guarantees established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations, labor contract.

student contract

The issue of concluding a student agreement is regulated by Ch. 32 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Employer - entity(organization) has the right to conclude a student agreement with a job seeker or an employee of this organization for receiving education on the job or with a break from work. A student agreement with an employee of this organization is additional in relation to the employment contract.

The student agreement must contain the names of the parties, an indication of the specific qualification acquired by the student, the obligation of the employer to provide the employee with the opportunity to study in accordance with the student agreement, the employee’s obligation to undergo training and, according to the qualification obtained, work under an employment contract with the employer for the period established in the student agreement, period of apprenticeship, the amount of payment during the period of apprenticeship.

The student agreement may contain other conditions determined by agreement of the parties.

It is concluded for the period necessary to obtain this qualification, in writing in duplicate.

With regard to the validity of the student agreement, such an agreement is valid from the day specified in it, during the period stipulated by it. The validity of the student agreement is extended for the duration of the student’s illness, military training, and in other cases determined by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

During the term of the student agreement, its content can only be changed by agreement of the parties.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for various forms of apprenticeship. Thus, apprenticeship is organized in the form of individual, brigade, course and other forms.

Apprenticeship time during the week should not exceed the norm of working time established for employees of the appropriate age, profession, specialty when performing the relevant work.

Employees undergoing training in the organization, by agreement with the employer, can be completely exempted from work under an employment contract or perform this work on a part-time basis.

During the period of validity of the apprenticeship agreement, employees cannot be involved in overtime work, be sent on business trips not related to apprenticeship.

Pupils during the period of apprenticeship are paid a scholarship, the amount of which is determined by the student agreement and depends on the qualifications they receive, but cannot be lower than the minimum wage established by federal law.

The work performed by the student in practical classes is paid according to the established rates.

Note! Applies to students labor law including labor protection legislation. Therefore, the terms of the student agreement that are contrary to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, agreements are invalid and do not apply.

Persons who have successfully completed apprenticeship, when concluding an employment contract with the employer, under the contract with which they were trained, a probationary period is not established.

In the event that the student, at the end of the apprenticeship without good reasons does not fulfill his obligations under the contract, including not starting work, he, at the request of the employer, returns to him the scholarship received during the apprenticeship, and also reimburses other expenses incurred by the employer in connection with the employee's apprenticeship.

The student agreement is terminated at the end of the term of study or on the grounds provided for by this agreement.

Additional professional education

In accordance with Federal Law N 273-FZ, additional professional education is aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, Professional Development of a person, ensuring that his qualifications correspond to changing conditions professional activity and social environment.

Obtaining additional professional education is carried out through the implementation of additional professional programs (training programs and professional retraining programs).

To master additional professional programs are allowed:

- persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;

- persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

The content of additional professional programs should take into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in the qualification guides for the relevant positions, professions and specialties, or qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties, which are established in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on public service. Professional retraining programs are developed on the basis of the stipulated qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education to the results of development educational programs.

Training in additional professional programs is carried out both at a time and continuously, and in stages (discretely), including through the development of individual subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), internship, application of network forms, in the manner established by the educational program and (or ) agreement on education.

The development of additional professional educational programs ends with the final certification of students in the form determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently.

Additional professional education is an integral part and an independent type of continuous education.

Types of additional professional education programs. Additional professional education programs include advanced training and professional retraining programs.

The advanced training program is aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activities, and (or) increasing the professional level within the existing qualifications.

The professional retraining program is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification.

The content of the additional professional program (APP) is determined by the educational program developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise established by federal laws, taking into account the needs of the person, organization, on whose initiative additional professional education is received.

An additional professional educational program can be implemented in the forms prescribed by law, as well as in whole or in part in the form of an internship.

The forms of training and the terms for mastering the DPP are determined by the educational program and (or) the agreement on education.

The volume of development of the DPP is established by the Procedure. Clause 12 of the Procedure provides for the minimum allowable amount of DPP development. Thus, the term for mastering advanced training programs cannot be less than 16 hours, and the term for mastering professional retraining programs - less than 250 hours.

Persons who have successfully mastered the relevant DPP and passed the final certification are issued a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining.

When mastering the DPP in parallel with obtaining secondary vocational education and (or) higher education, a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining are issued simultaneously with the receipt of the corresponding document on education and qualifications.

Internship. Separately, the legislation refers to an internship as a form of obtaining additional professional education. The content of the internship is determined by the organization, taking into account the proposals of organizations sending specialists for internships, the content of the DPP. The terms of the internship are set by the organization independently based on the objectives of the training. The duration of the internship is agreed with the head of the organization where it is held.

The internship is of an individual or group nature and may include activities such as:

independent work with educational publications;

– acquisition of professional and organizational skills;

– study of the organization and technology of production, work;

- direct participation in the organization's work planning;

– work with technical, regulatory and other documentation;

- performance functional duties officials(as an interim or understudy);

- participation in meetings, business meetings.

Based on the results of the internship, the trainee is issued a document on qualifications, depending on the implemented DPP.

In addition to advanced training courses, retraining and internships, educational organizations offer other forms of training that do not belong to additional professional education programs, but are also aimed at improving the professional level of employees. The choice of the form of training depends on the goals and objectives pursued. In some cases, a seminar, conference, forum, etc. may be sufficient to obtain some specific skills or clarify certain issues. Based on the results of these types of training, a training document may not be issued. To obtain deeper knowledge, it is necessary to turn to the forms of additional professional education.

The procedure for sending an employee to training

The issue of formalizing the direction of an employee for training is not directly regulated in the current legislation.

To send an employee for training, you need to select an educational organization (as well as the appropriate program) and conclude an agreement with it. Payment issues are regulated by the contract.

In addition, it is necessary to regulate relations with the employee in sending him to training. So, the direction to study can be formalized by concluding a student agreement. As a rule, such an agreement formalizes the receipt by an employee of higher education or other expensive education. Usually, when sending to study, a student agreement is not concluded. In this case, the employer must issue an order or other administrative act, according to which one or more employees are sent for training. Upon completion of the training, the employee submits to personnel service training document.

In accordance with Art. 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when an employer sends an employee to vocational training or to receive additional vocational education with a break from work, he retains his place of work (position) and secondary wage at the main place of work. Employees sent for vocational training or for additional vocational education with a break from work in another area are paid travel expenses in the manner and amount that are provided for persons sent on business trips.

Educational organizations

It should be noted that Federal Law No. 273-FZ does not provide for state accreditation of educational activities for additional professional programs. In accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 108 of Federal Law N 273-FZ from the date of its entry into force, certificates of state accreditation in terms of additional professional educational programs with state accreditation are recognized as invalid for all educational organizations. At the same time, educational activities are subject to compulsory licensing (Federal Law of 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ “On Licensing certain types activities", Art. 91 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ).

Also important is the qualifications of teachers.

Right to Occupation pedagogical activity have persons who meet the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards(Clause 1, Article 46 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ). Thus, persons who do not have academic degrees and titles can participate in the educational process of additional professional education organizations. For the position of "teacher" by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2011 N 1n "On approval of the Unified qualification handbook managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education” establishes the following qualification requirements: higher professional education and work experience in educational institution at least one year, in the presence of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate, residency, adjuncture) or a PhD degree - without presenting requirements for work experience. As a rule, for a practical worker, the training provided by teachers who combine teaching with practical work is of interest.

Often, educational programs provide for partial education using electronic and distance technologies. The use of e-learning and distance learning technologies in educational institutions of additional professional education is possible if they have created conditions that meet the requirements of Art. 16 of the Federal Law N 273-FZ.

E-learning is understood as the organization of educational activities using the information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and information providing its processing. information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure the transmission of the specified information over communication lines, the interaction of students and teaching staff. e-learning does not require the interaction of students and teachers.

Distance educational technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teachers.

Thus, when choosing educational organization it is recommended to pay attention to the programs offered, the form of study, the teaching staff, the document issued upon completion of the study, the conditions of study and, of course, the compliance of these parameters with the cost of education.

Summing up, we note the following important points:

– in accordance with the current legislation, the employee has the right to training and receiving additional professional education;

— the expediency of obtaining additional professional education is determined by the employer;

- additional vocational education can be obtained in different types and forms;

- question documentation the direction of an employee for training is not directly regulated in the current legislation, therefore it is determined by the employer himself;

- it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of an educational organization and a training program in order to avoid various kinds of problems.

On the expanses of the network, there are samples of applications for various life cases, but all the same, when compiling this document, citizens have difficulties. Below we will talk about important issues regarding this document.

In addition to important information, in this article you will learn how to write a proper petition to the court and get acquainted with step by step instructions to check the relevance of sample applications found on the Internet.

Application and purpose

From a legal point of view, the concept of "petition" means a request that is addressed to the authorities state power or other structures empowered to review and resolve it.

Competently write a petition to the court should not only be lawyers who, due to their professional activities, have to send the document to different instances: to the court, to the preliminary investigation bodies, etc. In some cases, citizens also cannot do without the skills to draw up a petition, which may be needed at any time.

For example, the application must include a letter to the Department of Education in order for your child to be allocated a place in a preschool institution - kindergarten. In order to encourage a distinguished employee, you will also need the ability to correctly write a petition to the court. Or, on the contrary, when a penalty was imposed on the offending employee, which he redeemed over time and now it must be removed - in this case, a petition is also written.

If your petition is addressed to the court, then the form of the document has nothing to do with the type of trial. That is, it does not matter whether a criminal case is being considered or it is a civil dispute - the petition must be drawn up in compliance with the norms of the relevant legal branch.

The options for compiling a document can be very different - it is difficult to count their number. It can be:

  • Witness request.
  • Request for installment payment of state duty.
  • Petition to change the requirement or clarify it.
  • Postponement of the court session.
  • Application for an interpreter.

There are many options, but how to write a correct petition to the court for your particular case should be based on a legally competently drafted sample. If you are faced with the acute question of how to write a petition to the court, then it is better to use the help of trusted resources on the relevant network, where you can download a sample that is most suitable for a particular case.

There are a number of elements that will remain the same regardless of the subject matter of the petition:

  • Requisites.
  • The name of the judicial authority.
  • Applicant details.
  • Description of the subject matter of the request. Reasons for the request to be granted.
  • Substantiation of the application in accordance with legal norms. This includes by-laws, references to relevant laws, other legal sources.
  • The date the request was made.

Sample example of how to write a petition for rewarding or encouraging an employee

In the course of the workflow, various situations may arise when it is necessary to encourage, reward or remove a penalty that was previously imposed on an employee. You can start these pleasant procedures by making an appropriate petition to the higher authorities. Each enterprise has its own business practices - it will depend on them who exactly should draw up the request document.

In most cases, given function falls on the shoulders of the personnel department, but it happens that the task is shifted onto the shoulders of the employees themselves, who are waiting for bonuses or other types of incentives.

In this case, no one will guarantee that the HR manager will provide a well-written sample application that is adequate for your situation.

For this reason, it is recommended to find and study a sample application in advance, which will allow you to avoid delays and endless corrections of the document in the future. To do this, you just need to ask the appropriate query in the search engines.

If the petition concerns the promotion of an employee, it must be addressed to the first head of the company. You can use a free form of presentation when compiling paper, but there are a number of points that must be taken into account:

  • Labor worker.
  • Description of his accomplishments.
  • Personal characteristics of the employee.

In the resolution of the petition, it is necessary to briefly state the conclusions from the above written. In other words, the final essence of the document is to reward, recommend for a higher position, reward, and so on.

What is a solicitation letter and how to write it

At its core, a petition letter does not differ significantly from a regular petition, since the details, drafting style, and form remain absolutely identical.

There is only one difference - in the name. It is believed that the letter of petition received its name for the reason that in most cases it is sent to the addressee through postal services. Although this method can be delivered and the usual petition.

It is precisely this term - “letter of petition”, however, in most cases, requests are called that are related to everyday issues, including:

  • Encouragement of an employee in the case when a citizen desires it. For example, such a petition can be written by a patient medical institution in relation to an employee who, when providing medical care showed a high level of professionalism.
  • enrolling a child in school or preschool located outside the place of residence.
  • extradition Money credit institution. A number of banks in practice use the following option: they require the borrower to bring an appropriate application from the employer.

In this case, you do not really need a sample of the petition - it is allowed to state the arguments in free form. But don't forget the official business style and that it is better not to use colloquial and literary turns - after all, this is a petition.

Record keeping standards should also not be ignored:

  • In the upper right corner of the sheet you need to register the addressee of the letter.
  • You need to start the petition with the following appeal, which is accepted by the customs of business: “Dear Pyotr Venediktovich, I ask you ..”.
  • Availability of full contact and personal data of the author of the letter of petition.
  • Short and concise listing of arguments.
  • If necessary, please provide a link to regulations, which support the arguments of the petition letter.

There are situations when a letter of petition must be in a certain format (for example, a petition to the Department of Education). In this case, it is recommended to request a sample from the addressee. At the legislative level, there are no accepted templates, and for this reason, each institution has the right to set its own standards and require that they be observed.

It should be noted that if a citizen makes some deviations from the form adopted in the institution, then this fact cannot be the basis for invalidating the letter of petition.

But still, it is better to use a “self-proclaimed” sample in order to save nerves and time for disputes that no one needs.

How to choose the right application format

If you are puzzled how to write a petition and are looking for a suitable sample, then it is not a fact that you will immediately come across a sample on the net that you can trust. To determine this, follow a series of steps that will not require much work:

  • Examine the sample petition and see if it contains references to normative sources (by-laws, decrees, laws).
  • If there are such links, then you need to find out the degree of their relevance. For this in search engine you need to enter the name of the regulation.
  • To study the specific legislative norm, which is spelled out in the sample. It may be that at the time of the search it changed.

In any case, you first need to figure out whether a particular sample or template is up-to-date at the time of the search. It is important to know that it is wiser to use multiple sources when searching for a sample petition. This rule applies to any subject of the petition and the addressee.

There are two types of referrals for employees to training events.

  1. For education.
  2. For advanced training.

These two species are similar, but still quite different from each other.

In the case when an employee is sent for training, it is precisely about learning.

That is, the employee is sent by his employer to an educational institution with which the latter a certain contract.

According to the current legislation, namely part two of article 197 Labor Code, in order to be sent for training, an appropriate agreement must be concluded between the employee and the employer.

Or agreement to a valid employment contract. In addition, such a clause can be included in the contract as an employee working out a certain period in the organization after completing the training.

Employer bears all costs associated with employee training. Or he can compensate such expenses to his employee.

The employee is not required it is mandatory to give your consent to attend or undergo training.

Article 197 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The right of workers to vocational training, retraining and advanced training.

Employees have the right to vocational training, retraining and advanced training, including training in new professions and specialties.

This right is exercised by concluding additional agreement between employee and employer.

Upgrading is a little more difficult. Based on the timing of the courses, and what amounts of knowledge are given to them, there are several types according to the duration of this training:

  1. Short courses. This is a type of training in which the classes take less than three days(72 hours). As a rule, such classes take place right at the workplace and are defended by writing a control test or an essay.
  2. Seminars. Seminar dates from 72 to 100 hours. They are more global in nature and consider the problem areas of the industry in which employees work.
  3. Long courses. last over a hundred hours and are devoted to a deeper study of issues similar to those of the seminars.

When to send

There can be many situations in which the level of knowledge of employees may be insufficient.

Most often, this is due to the fact that new ways of working are introduced or improvements in the instruments of production.

For example, when one of the workshops is modernized at the plant, new equipment is brought into it, then the workers, accustomed to the old mechanisms, may no longer be able to cope with the new systems.

Therefore, they are sent to refresher courses or even to training if the new methods have little in common with the old ones.

The same thing happens when the company changes, for example, document flow. Computers are being installed in offices, and all documents are now processed in in electronic format. So that employees can quickly track all the information and correctly operate software tools, they are sent to courses on the basics of using a PC.

In addition, there are certain activities in which the constant improvement of the level of knowledge is mandatory. Such professions include, for example, drivers of all categories, machinists trains and other similar activities.

In these cases, the course is strictly mandatory and is included in the terms of the employment contract.

Documents for referral

In any case, when it becomes necessary to train an employee of the company, first of all, a order to send an employee to training(you can download a sample below), or an order for referral to advanced training courses.

As such, there is no mandatory form according to which the order is drawn up. Since this document is intra-organizational, then the form of its preparation is arbitrary.

Order for employee training (sample):

Order on advanced training (sample):

If it becomes necessary to send several employees for training, in this case one order is drawn up.

Order on sending an employee for training (sample):

There is general provisions, which must be indicated in the order to send employees for training:

  • must be standing order number and its date (in the header of the document);
  • Name and position an employee who is sent for training;
  • date or time period during which the training or courses are being taken;
  • the name of the institution, to which the employee is sent;
  • justification, that is, in the order it is necessary to indicate the reason why the employee of the company is sent for training;
  • specify the conditions under which the training will be conducted and compensation amounts student (travel, accommodation, if the training will take place in another region);
  • nominate a person responsible for employee training;
  • The order must state that on what basis the worker is sent: labor contract and/or supplementary agreement to TD;
  • the signature of the sent that he is familiar with the order;
  • manager's signature organization and responsible person.

In addition to an order for advanced training or for training employees, the company must draw up Plan of the education. It should reflect all employees who will be sent to training or refresher courses for the year, indicating the dates when the training takes place.

Competent specialists are often the merit of a good employer who cares about the quality of work of his employees.

A good leader always thinks about improving the skills of employees and will try to train existing employees in courses with something new, rather than contribute to an increase in staff turnover.

After all, it is always better to have proven people in the company and expand their horizons than to constantly hire new staff and teach them from scratch.

This is the benefit for the employer. For an employee of the company, training is also a boon, as it allows you to improve your existing knowledge, share and adopt the experience of other employees in the same area, and simply improve the quality of your life. After all, as a rule, salaries and rates are increased for highly qualified personnel in accordance with their training.

Very often, citizens find themselves in contentious situations, when a petition from the place of work can affect the decision. The document is more of a conditional reference.

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There is no specific sample in the legislation, but when drawing it up, you still have to adhere to the standards for writing official petitions.

Points of interest

Applying for an employee is very conditional view document, since the grounds on which it is drawn up are not subject to regulation at the level of legislation.

For the correct preparation of the application, you must follow the standard rules of office work. This request is useful for:

  1. Admission to graduate school or university.
  2. Changes to the exam schedule.
  3. Employee promotion.
  4. Provision of holiday vouchers.
  5. Providing housing.

There are many such situations. In each of them, the patronage of the employer will be an argument for making a positive decision.

Key Concepts

An employee petition is a formal request from an employer for a specific employee. That is, the management of the company officially appeals to some organization with a request.

This document is compiled for any employee, regardless of position and length of service.

The document provides for a specific purpose for writing, and also describes what contribution the employee made while at this place of work.

The petition can be written about a bonus promotion, or from a place of work as a testimonial. Assures the management of the organization.

It can also be added that such a request can serve as a benefit for foreigners to obtain a patent for an official labor activity on Russian territory.

It is desirable to draw up a document on a special letterhead of the company, where holograms are displayed, but it is also provided on a regular letterhead.

To date, large firms are increasingly printing official letters on special forms, thus showing their image in the labor market.

Such forms look much more prestigious, as well as professional, which is a guarantee of success when submitting a petition to government agencies.

Purpose of the document

Often a formal petition is drawn up in order to be able to influence an important decision in case of contentious issues.

An application from an employer can be submitted not only at the place of work, but also for other purposes:

To a kindergarten For example, when one of the employees needs to go to work, and places for children are limited. In such a case, management may petition that the employee's child be given priority.
Often a petition can be made for the lawyer of one of the employees if he faces legal punishment. To mitigate the punishment, the employer may state this in the document
Written by management to make some decision in the direction of the employee To make an employee stand out from the rest
Very often, a petition can act as a letter of recommendation. For example, it may be for an educational institution to enroll one of the employees for part-time education, or for a full-time form, they provide a separate schedule for attending classes

Legal framework

The Labor Code governs the relationship between an employee and an employer. Chapter 15 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation reveals the concept of petition.

Articles 119-122 contain information on the rights of persons who can use it, the main criteria for drawing up a document and the timing of its consideration. The application is made in accordance with general rules business correspondence.

How to write a petition for an employee

The petition itself does not have clear regulations on the part of the law, and is a conditional document.

In any case, the petition has some rules for writing, namely:

  1. It is necessary to draw up on company letterhead, but it is also provided on a regular letterhead.
  2. The sighting is carried out by the management of the organization.
  3. The document must be affixed with a hologram of the organization, seals, stamps.
  4. Write down all the details of the organization that draws up the petition.
  5. The exact nature of the request.

What to look out for

When writing a petition, it is important to consider why it is being drawn up, what request will be described in the petition, because the content of the main text is important.

Petitions are written for different purposes, so it is important to write down its motives and direction.

For example, if an application needs to be registered for obtaining housing, then you should indicate the conditions in which the employee’s family currently lives, attach evidence, etc.

Sometimes a petition needs to be sent to the court, then competent compilation can influence the decision of the court, and mitigate the punishment.

It does not hurt if the petition specifies the entire career path of the employee, prescribes his personal qualities, work abilities, and other characteristics.

Sample Fill

The legislation does not provide for a single sample filling, but there are general rules writing a request:

In the upper right corner The details of the organization, the full name of the head, the full name of the organization are prescribed
Employee data To whom the application is issued (full name, address, position, contact details)
in the middle of the sheet The name of the document is written - the petition
After that, you need to write down the essence of this petition. And also disclose in full information about the employee for whom the petition is being carried out
Describe your request as accurately as possible If this is a petition, for example, to a university, then it should be written that the request is for the provision free graphics visits to an educational institution, as well as provide an employee’s work schedule
If the petition is filed with an administrative or criminal court Then it requires the broadest possible description of all the circumstances, whether the employee was previously brought to administrative or criminal liability, etc.
Signature of the manual, as well as seals

To reward an employee

As a rule, a petition for an employee for promotion should be made by the head of the department addressed to the director of the organization.

An employee promotion application is a document by which an additional bonus to an employee can be agreed upon in the future.

Depending on what internal standards are provided for in the organization where the employee works, the details of the document will also depend.

In this petition, the employee’s data should be prescribed, as well as the grounds on which he is entitled to additional encouragement.

True, encouragement can be of various forms, and in the form of verbal gratitude, in the form of a medal, diploma, and, of course, a cash payment.

Often, the petition is written on the letterhead of the enterprise, but the law also provides for the usual A4, on which the stamps and seals of the company are affixed.

In the text of the letter, it is necessary to indicate what type of incentive is due, on what grounds, if the incentive is in the form of cash, then it is necessary to indicate the amount of the payment.

That is, the main objective document in this case is the desire of the organization's management to pay a motivating bonus to the employee.

From work

A petition from the place of work is a fairly frequent document, and necessary for some situations.

It can be issued to an employee for specific purposes, it can also be for a lawsuit, when moving to another job, sometimes in order to arrange a child in a kindergarten.

Very often, a petition can be a decisive document that gives grounds to replay the case in the direction of the employee in whose name the petition is addressed.

A petition from the management can be submitted to the kindergarten so that such a sought-after employee can go full-time at work, and not be on parental leave.

It is important that the purpose of the petition should be to single out a specific employee from the entire team, to prescribe his authority among colleagues. Therefore, the design of such a document requires a subtle approach to its preparation.

About transfer to another position

An application for transfer to another position is written in the name of the head in free form, since the legislator does not put forward special requirements for its preparation.

But there is general practice writing documents of this type, which must be respected. In its text, the applicant must write a request for his transfer to another job with the name of the company and new position with the date of translation.

In addition, the transfer of an employee can be made on his initiative or by decision of the employer with or without the consent of the employee.

The nuances of filing a document with the migration authorities

A petition from a person’s place of work will definitely be needed in order to issue a labor patent with the Federal Migration Service. With his help, a foreign citizen has the right to work in the country.

The period for issuing a patent is one year. Extend it to the FMS. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a certain package of documents, among which an important role is played by the application drawn up by the employer.

The FMS, based on the documents received, decides whether to grant an annual patent to a person or not. A year later, a foreign employee has the right not to leave Russia and apply to the FMS.

A petition from the place of work is a fairly common and sought-after document. It is issued not only in court proceedings, but also upon admission to educational institutions, to obtain a place in a kindergarten, and even when moving to another job. A petition from your place of work can be a decisive argument that will tilt management or the court in your favor.

Then fill out our no-obligation online form! We look forward to meeting you and your child. For the application, you will receive a password from your current school. You can apply to all host schools participating in this scheme, also in other regions. They walk five paces.

Talk to your class teacher if you are unsure whether you will achieve the required graduation certificate. If you are unable to achieve your planned degree, please contact the school you have registered with. You will receive advice on possible alternatives.

To obtain a place in a kindergarten, you can submit an application from the management. In it, it must make a request for a place so that such a valuable and necessary employee could go to work.

Application from the place of work, sample:

"In connection with the need for an employee to go to work, we ask you to provide a place living there in a kindergarten (such and such) for her daughter Ivanova B.V. born on 10.10.10."

What is the time to apply for a visa? You can only apply for a visa in the morning: Monday to Friday: 9 am to 12 pm. What documents do I need to apply for a visa to China? Declaration of the employer, confirming the profession, with a seal and signature. Copy of return flight reservation if necessary, Chinese hotel reservation, travel program and schedule, health insurance and personal insurance contract, etc. For foreign citizens in Portugal, a residence permit is required.

The passport is valid for a minimum of 6 months in addition to the validity of the requested visa. I. a Chinese citizen or a passport with a valid visa of the foreigner who sent the invitation from China, in addition to documents certifying their relationship with the guest. For foreign citizens in Portugal, a residence permit is required. In the case of an Independent Worker or unemployed person: you must submit a statement explaining the reason for the trip and you must also add a bank balance; in case of retirement: must present a pensioner's card; in the case of a Student: must provide a student card; Official notification of a visa application issued by a Chinese authorized body or an official note from a Portuguese diplomatic body.

Second option:

"LLC "Vasya Pupkin and Co" is applying for a place in the municipal preschool educational institution (name of the institution) Ivanova. A.B. living at Lenina 27 for her son born on 11/11/11."

Do not forget that the application from the place of work is advisory in nature, and a place in a kindergarten only on the basis of this document may not be given.

Official note of the Portuguese diplomatic body. What are the requirements for a group visa? The following documents must be submitted: The form is completed without errors with the same data as the passports. Proof of an authorized Chinese agent with all people's names and itinerary and hotel reservations; Passports will be returned after your verification, leaving only photocopies of the passports at the embassy. A foreign citizen can apply for a visa in Portugal if he or she has a residence permit in Portugal.

How long does it take to process a visa? The issuance of a visa takes 4 working days. Continuing education is a right that applies to all employees and job seekers in France. Its goal is to give them the opportunity to strengthen their skills and develop throughout their working lives. To this end, many organizations specialize in adult education.

The petition from the place of work to the court should be more thorough and complete.

For example:

“On such and such a date (day, month, year) a criminal case was opened against our employee Ivanov Ivan Petrovich under article XXX (a protocol was drawn up on violation of traffic rules).

During his work from 10.10 to the present day at Superstar LLC, Ivanov Ivan Petrovich has established himself as a responsible employee. He did an excellent job with his job responsibilities. From the side of the team Ivanov I.P. enjoys authority and respect, colleagues characterize him as a responsible and hardworking person. Earlier Ivanov I.P. did not commit serious offenses, was not brought to criminal and administrative responsibility, did not have reprimands and disciplinary sanctions."

Vocational training in France

In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, vocational training is a lever for access, service and return to employment. In recent years, the level of employees' access to training has increased significantly. Previous reforms have made it possible to adapt the adult education offer to various technological, economic and social changes.

Vocational training includes, for example. The training request may include. If you want to change careers, study it, diversify your skills, etc. your employer. If he wants you to develop or change your strategy to increase your competitiveness, for example. Two opportunities for continuing education.

If the proceedings are about an accident, or a violation of traffic rules and the issue of deprivation of rights is at stake, you can make the following addition:

"Employee Ivanov Ivan Petrovich holds the position of a forwarding driver. His position is traveling in nature, and in addition, his minor son and wife are dependent on him. another place. Based on the foregoing, we ask you to make a positive decision for Ivanov IP. If his guilt is proven, we ask you to limit yourself to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine and not to deprive your driver's license. "

Individual vacation

For full-time studies, support is provided for up to one year. These are often diploma courses that have been taken care of by state-approved parity bodies like Fongetsif or Opasif. The application is sent to the employer, as well as to the organization for which the company is responsible.

Individual right to education

Every employee has the right to training. This training takes place mostly outside of working hours, but will take care of it. The employee must make a written request to his employer, indicating all the information about the nature of the training.

Experience check

It is for everyone, regardless of age and skill level, in terms of at least three years of experience.

A petition from the place of work is often brought by applicants for admission in a specialty. Of course, it will not replace the results of exams, but with equal scores, it can persuade the leadership of the faculty to enroll, especially if the future student worked at a specialized enterprise.

"Ivanov Ivan Petrovich has been an employee of Superstar LLC since 2009 and holds the position of a process engineer. During this time he has shown himself to be a diligent, hardworking worker. We ask you to enroll Ivanov Ivan Petrovich in the Faculty of Mechanical Wood Processing in case of successful completion of the entrance exams ."

Various courses for adults and employees

Hours credited to a personal account will remain available during periods of unemployment. The lifelong learning group offered in France is very broad. IT, communications, management, accounting, marketing - all areas of activity are represented. Among the most select are foreign language teaching, office automation, or professional efficiency.

If you are in a position, training is not necessarily related to your current missions, your professional background, or your industry. Here is a list of some professional trainings in accounting and management.

If necessary, you can ask the boss to write a petition from the place of work to get a place in the hostel.

The text of this petition is approximately the same as in the previous versions. Write where, how much and by whom an employee who is a student of such and such a faculty works. Ask for a place in the hostel and indicate that the student needs it for successful study and work.

Professional Training Fundamentals of Project Management Professional Training Accounting Manager Professional Training Accounting Assistant Professional Training Professional Training Professional User Accounting and Management Software Expert Professional Training Control Controller Professional Training Senior Production Management Specialist. Here is a list of some professional trainings in the hotel and restaurant sectors.

Vocational Training Hospitality Service Vocational Training Hotel Administrator Vocational Training Basic Implementation of Hotel Room Renovation Vocational Training Room and Room Maintenance in Hospitality Vocational Training Hotel Agent. Here is a list of some professional trainings in the field of trade, sales and distribution.

In principle, there is no exact wording of this or that petition. Each time it is written individually, based on a specific situation.