Already feedback is a copy of the appeal. Recommendations for giving feedback to employees. Obligations of officials when considering appeals

  • 13.11.2019

1. If the written appeal does not indicate the name of the citizen who sent the appeal, or the postal address to which the response should be sent, no response to the appeal is given. If the specified appeal contains information about the unlawful act being prepared, being committed or committed, as well as about the person preparing it, committing or having committed it, the appeal is subject to sending to the state body in accordance with its competence.

2. An appeal in which a court decision is appealed shall be returned to the citizen who sent the appeal within seven days from the date of registration, with an explanation of the procedure for appealing this court decision.

(see text in previous edition)

3. State body, body local government or an official upon receipt of a written appeal that contains obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family, has the right to leave the appeal unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it and inform the citizen who sent the appeal about inadmissibility of abuse of the right.

4. If the text of the written appeal is unreadable, the response to the appeal is not given and it is not subject to be sent for consideration to the state body, local government body or official in accordance with their competence, about which within seven days from the date of registration the appeal is communicated to the citizen who sent the appeal if his name and postal address are legible.

(see text in previous edition)

4.1. If the text of the written appeal does not allow to determine the essence of the proposal, application or complaint, the response to the appeal is not given and it is not subject to be sent for consideration to the state body, local government body or official in accordance with their competence, about which within seven days from the date of registration of the appeal, the citizen who sent the appeal is informed.

5. If a citizen’s written appeal contains a question to which he was repeatedly given written answers on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals, and at the same time, no new arguments or circumstances are given in the appeal, the head of the state body or local self-government body, the official a person or an authorized person has the right to decide on the groundlessness of the next appeal and the termination of correspondence with a citizen on this issue, provided that the specified appeal and previously sent appeals were sent to the same state body, local government body or to the same official . O this decision the citizen who sent the appeal is notified.

(see text in previous edition)

5.1. In the event that a state body, local government body or official receives a written request containing a question, the answer to which is posted in accordance with part 4 of Article 10 of this federal law on the official website of the data of the state body or local government in the information and telecommunication network "Internet", the citizen who sent the appeal, within seven days from the date of registration of the appeal, is informed of the electronic address of the official website in the information and telecommunication network "Internet", on which the answer is posted to the question raised in the appeal, while the appeal containing the appeal against the court decision is not returned.

6. If an answer on the merits of the question posed in the appeal cannot be given without disclosing information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law, the citizen who sent the appeal is informed that it is impossible to give an answer on the merits of the question posed in it due to the inadmissibility disclosure of said information.

7. If the reasons for which the answer on the merits of the questions posed in the appeal could not be given were subsequently eliminated, the citizen has the right to re-send the appeal to the appropriate state body, local self-government body or the relevant official.

In the process of judicial investigation, the petition becomes an official request, set out in writing by the participants in the judicial proceedings in order to carry out certain actions:

  1. clarification of individual facts relating to the court hearing;
  2. ensuring their own safety or legal representatives acting during the investigation or legal proceedings,


A petition is a formal petition submitted individually or collectively to public authorities or local governments in writing with the aim of initializing or changing a government decision.

Petitions, usually sent to higher authorities public authorities, not private, but socially significant public issues are raised.

In Russia, there is no special federal law establishing a special procedure for nominating, petitioning, sending and considering it, and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, due to the absence of articles on petitions in it, does not give Russians the right to file them.

In a number of developed countries, the right to petition, as well as the free will of their peoples, is enshrined at the legislative level. In accordance with the adopted laws, minimum volume signatures that must be collected in order for the document to be submitted for consideration to a government body. The minimum number of signatures in a petition depends on the specifics of the legal system, the ability to quickly process requests and, of course, on political system states.

Petitions in countries where petitions are allowed are one of the essential tools society's influence on government. They provide communication between the authorities and citizens, although often for different reasons.

Opportunity to petition in Russia

The possibility of putting forward petitions in Russia is regulated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the consideration of public initiatives sent by citizens Russian Federation using the Internet resource "Russian Public Initiative" (No. 183 of March 4, 2013).

With the help of this portal, you can reach a very large audience and, as a result, collect much more signatures. In addition, there was no need to prepare a huge layer of paper documents, to conduct personal meetings and to establish contacts. Not surprisingly, for this reason, electronic petitions have become very popular. Electronic and paper (written) versions of petitions are equivalent in legal force.

The task of petitions is not only to collect signatures. They create a more important opportunity - they unite people who are not indifferent to a specific common problem, on which they can work together, achieve the necessary attention to it from both the authorities and organizations, companies and a wide range of socially active groups of the population.

A petition, in essence, is an official statement of will a certain amount citizens. This fact must be taken into account by the authorities. The petition allows you to influence the adopted law, partially change it or cancel it altogether, if there are enough grounds for this. Petitions, by and large, can be put forward in relation to any issue, whether it is the removal of a corrupt official from office or the creation of a children's park in a city or village.

On the page of the website of public services "Russian Public Initiative" official website Registration and Voting" you can read in detail the conditions for filing a petition and online voting for the proposed proposal, in particular, with the requirement that the petition should not contain initiatives that contradict the current Russian legislation.

Virtual receptions for filing applications, appeals, complaints, petitions and proposals

An example of new forms of dialogue between the authorities and various institutions with the population can be:

  • virtual reception of the State Duma of the Russian Federation,
  • official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg, which is an electronic reception for sending appeals and messages,
  • electronic reception of the Government of the Leningrad Region,
  • electronic reception of the Government of Moscow,
  • electronic reception of the Department for the Development of New Territories of the City of Moscow,
  • virtual reception of the Administration of Krasnoyarsk,
  • Internet reception of the Administration of the city of Smolensk,
  • official website (electronic reception) of the Administration of the Guryev urban settlement of the Kemerovo region,
  • Portal of the Department of Health of the Kostroma Region,
  • virtual reception of the rector of the SBEE HE MO "Academy of Social Management",
  • website Active Citizen - a project for those who care about what is happening in Moscow, which is a platform for electronic referendums, launched at the initiative of the Government of Moscow,
  • Portal of those who are not indifferent, created by the Administration of the Lipetsk region,

where people submit their proposals affecting various issues of life in their region. They are discussed by the participants of these interesting projects, the results of which are the implementation of the best ideas and the solution of the problems identified in the appeals.

Absolutely not excluding traditional forms of written appeals and personal reception with leaders, executive authorities and various institutions, providing citizens with the convenience of appeals, additional features to receive comprehensive consultations and answers to questions of interest, to come up with a proposal and initiative, to openly express your opinion on topics relevant to the city, region, region, virtual receptions are becoming more and more popular.

Rights of persons who filed appeals

When applying to the authorities and any other instances, a citizen has the right to:

  • provide additional documents and materials;
  • request additional documents and materials from the addressee;
  • get acquainted with the documents and materials related to the consideration of the appeal, if this does not affect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other persons and if the said documents and materials do not contain information constituting a state or other secret protected by federal law;
  • receive a written response on the merits of the issues raised in the appeal, notification of forwarding the written appeal to the state body, local government or official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal;
  • file a complaint against the decision taken on the appeal or against actions (inaction) in connection with the consideration of the appeal to a higher authority in the administrative and (or) judicial order in case of reasonable disagreement with decision or committed violations that entail infringement of the rights of the applicant
  • file an application to terminate the consideration of the application.

Security guarantees in connection with filing an appeal

The law prohibits the persecution of a citizen in connection with his appeal to a state body, local self-government body or an official with criticism of the activities of these bodies or an official, or in order to restore or protect their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of others persons.

It is not allowed to disclose information relating to the private life of a citizen contained in the appeal, as well as other information, without his consent.

It is not a disclosure of the information contained in the appeal, as well as sending a written appeal to a state body, local government or official, whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal.

The procedure for considering citizens' appeals

1. Personal reception of citizens by officials

You can submit an appeal to state bodies, local self-government bodies or do it orally in the process of personal reception by the heads of these bodies and authorized officials.

Information about the place of reception, as well as the days and hours established for reception, is brought to the attention of citizens. At a personal reception, a citizen presents a document proving his identity.

The content of the oral appeal is recorded in the personal reception card of citizens. If the facts and circumstances stated in the oral appeal are obvious and do not require additional verification, the response to the appeal with the consent of the citizen can be given orally during a personal reception, which is recorded in the citizen's personal reception card. In other cases, a written response is given on the merits of the questions raised in the appeal.

A written application accepted during a personal appointment is subject to mandatory registration and consideration in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law.

If the application contains questions, the solution of which is not within the competence of this state body, local self-government body or official, the citizen is given an explanation where and in what order he should apply.

During a personal reception, a citizen may be denied further consideration of the appeal if he has previously been given an answer on the merits of the questions raised in the appeal.

2. Mandatory registration of a written request

A written appeal may be sent directly to that state body, local self-government body, to that official, whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the application.

A written declaration is subject to mandatory registration. The application shall contain the incoming document number, date of registration, last name, position and signature of the person who registered the document

Registration of citizens' appeals is carried out using one of the following forms:

  1. electronic,
  2. card,
  3. magazine with graphs.

All received appeals, including those accepted at a personal reception, are registered on the day of their receipt.

If the competence of the official or administration body to which the appeal was sent does not allow resolving the issues contained in the appeal, they, within 7 days from the date of registration of the appeal, send this statement to another, appropriate body or to the appropriate official, in whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal. The applicant shall be notified of this without fail.

In the event that the solution of the issues raised in a written appeal falls within the competence of several state bodies, local self-government bodies or officials, a copy of the appeal within 7 days from the date of registration is sent to the relevant state bodies, local governments or relevant officials.

The state body, local government body or official, when sending a written application for consideration to another state body, local government body or other official, may, if necessary, request documents and materials on the results of consideration of the written application from these bodies or the official.

It is forbidden to send an appeal for consideration to a state body, local government body or official, the decision or action (inaction) of which is being appealed.

If it is impossible to send an appeal for consideration to a state body, local self-government body or an official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, the complaint is returned to the citizen with an explanation of his right to appeal the relevant decision or action (omission) in court.

3. Obligations of officials when considering appeals

  • take measures for a complete, objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications;
  • make lawful and informed decisions;
  • inform citizens in writing about the decisions taken as a result of consideration of written appeals, arguing their adoption;
  • explain the procedure for appealing decisions.

4. Deadlines for consideration of applications

  1. if the appeal does not require additional study and verification - no later than 15 days;
  2. if the solution of issues is within the competence of the recipient - no later than 1 month;
  3. if consideration of the appeal requires a special check, requests for information - the period for its consideration is extended, but not more than 1 month (with notification of citizens).
  4. if the appeal requires the need to send requests to foreign states and (or) international organizations, the period for its consideration may be extended up to 6 months.

If the appeal of a citizen, filed with local authorities, to the bailiff service, to Rospotrebnadzor, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, housing and communal services or other bodies was ignored, left without consideration, or a response was provided to him, representing, in essence, a reply, that is, from the side of officials was rude administrative offense and violation of Federal Law No. 59, then this circumstance should be the subject of attention of the prosecutor's office, where you should immediately contact:

5. Control over the consideration of applications

State bodies, local self-government bodies and officials, within their competence:

  1. supervise compliance with the procedure for considering applications,
  2. analyze the content of incoming applications,
  3. take measures to timely identify and eliminate the causes of violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.

Control over the consideration of received applications from citizens is carried out using electronic system control, registration and control cards, magazines.

Instructions of managers (officials) on further consideration of citizens' appeals are drawn up in the form of resolutions.

Citizens are informed in writing about the decisions taken as a result of consideration of their written applications.

In responses sent to higher state bodies, other organizations (superior officials) on appeals of citizens and instructions under control, information is indicated on the notification of a citizen about the results of consideration of his appeal, a note about the performer.

In cases where written appeals of citizens received by state bodies, other organizations (officials) simultaneously contain issues related to the competence of several state bodies, other organizations (officials), copies of these appeals are sent within 5 days to the appropriate state bodies, other organizations (officials) with notification of citizens about this.

6. When the appeal is considered considered and resolved

The appeal is considered considered and resolved if:

  1. the questions raised have been considered.
  2. the necessary measures have been taken;
  3. a written answer was given on the merits of the issues raised in the appeal within the time limits specified in the Law.

The response to the appeal is signed by the head of the state body or local self-government body, an official.

Response to an appeal received by a state body, local self-government body or other official information systems general use, sent to the e-mail address specified in the application.

7. Shelf life of appeals

Applications and appeals of citizens, materials related to their consideration - 5 years.

In case of repeated appeal - 5 years from the date of the last consideration.

Where necessary, in the prescribed manner government agency, another organization may decide to increase the storage period or to permanently store the relevant citizens' appeals.

8. List of grounds for refusal to consider applications

  • the written appeal does not indicate the name of the citizen who sent the appeal, and the postal address to which the response should be sent.
  • the appeal contains information about the unlawful act being prepared, being committed or committed, as well as about the person preparing it, committing or having committed it, the appeal is subject to direction to the state body in accordance with its competence.
  • the text of a written appeal cannot be read, it cannot be sent for consideration to a state body, local self-government body or an official in accordance with its competence, which is reported to the citizen who sent the appeal if his name and postal address are readable.
  • an answer on the merits of the question posed in the appeal cannot be given without disclosing information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal law, the citizen who sent the appeal is informed that it is impossible to give an answer on the merits of the question posed in it with the inadmissibility of disclosing the specified information.
  • the appeal, in which the court decision is appealed, is returned to the citizen who sent the appeal, with an explanation of the procedure for appealing this court decision.
  • the appeal contains obscene or offensive expressions, threats to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family, the official has the right to leave the appeal unanswered on the merits of the questions raised in it, while simultaneously notifying the citizen who sent the appeal about the inadmissibility of abuse of the right.
  • a written appeal contains a question that was repeatedly answered in writing on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals, and at the same time, new arguments or circumstances are not given in the appeal, an official or an authorized person has the right to decide on the groundlessness of the next appeal and termination of correspondence on this issue, provided that the specified appeal and previously sent appeals were sent to the same state body or to the same official, with notification of the citizen who sent the appeal.

9. Compensation for damages and recovery of expenses incurred when considering appeals

A citizen has the right to compensation for losses and compensation for moral damage caused by an illegal action (inaction) of a state body, local government body or official when considering an appeal, by a court decision.

If a citizen indicated deliberately false information in the appeal, the expenses incurred in connection with the consideration of the appeal by a state body, local government body or official may be recovered from this citizen by a court decision.

Useful to consider

In order for the appeal to be considered seriously and on time, it is desirable that it contains references to laws or any other official decisions.

Useful information

  • You can familiarize yourself with the calculation of taxes on real estate objects according to the new rules of 2019.

You know that up to 80% of users leave your site without filling out an application because the form feedback on your site is far from ideal? Or are you sure that your application form is perfect and has the maximum conversion?

Increasingly, our new clients who contact our studio, when discussing the creation and promotion of the site, are wondering about the conversion. This is an absolutely correct question when it comes to Internet marketing, because if the site does not bring customers, then there is no point in investing time and money in it. In today's blog, we will talk about one of the factors that greatly affects the number of customers from the company's website. This factor is feedback forms, or as they are also called, “capture forms”. What is the ideal form of feedback.

We note right away that depending on the business segment, this form may differ, because each business has its own tasks, its own formats for interacting with customers. It is the form that “communicates” with the client while your manager calls other contacts and waits for new applications.

The feedback form on the site is important. You lead the buyer to make a purchase or order a service unobtrusively and discreetly. Use everything you can, from a user-friendly interface to excellent sales conditions. But when the client gets to the order form, he leaves. All work is down the drain. It is unlikely that he will ever return to you again. This can be avoided by simply changing the feedback form.

What is the feedback form for?

Not only for making an order / purchase. Using the feedback form, you find out from users what they like/dislike, what are the "jambs" in the company's work, and even get ready-made tips for its improvement. Conversation with users is:

a) increase loyalty to your company;

b) the ability to quickly respond to a request, reduce the negative and retain the client;

c) the opportunity to improve the product or service;

d) a way to increase sales.

The main mistake that inexperienced site owners make is an overloaded feedback form. Users are put off by the large set of fields that must be filled out in order to make a request to your company. They do not want to provide unnecessary information about themselves, even if you promise them confidentiality. We have collected for you a few rules for the design of the ideal form.

Rule number 1. Keep your form as simple as possible

Which of these forms would you rather fill out?

Or such

Leave only the most important fields. Visitors to most sites do not like to fill out a large number of fields

If the form simplification rule is followed, then we should expect an increase in conversion by 30-60%.

Advice. Remove all unnecessary, leave 2-3 fields or even 1. Usually this is “Name”, “phone number or e-mail”. If you have an online store and you are making an order form, then there will be a little more fields: “Name”, “Phone number or E-mail”, “Delivery option”, “Quantity of goods”, “Address”. See for what purposes you are making a feedback form, and simplify it as much as possible.

Rule number 2. Form must be visible

The feedback or application form from the site must be noticeable, otherwise the visitor may simply not notice it and not fill it out. You can even place some kind of animated element that will allow you to further focus.

Rule number 3. Minimum "required fields"

One required field - phone

Often on the websites of companies, one can observe not only a form overloaded with extra fields, but also the obligation to fill in these fields. The wording "mandatory field" is present on 99% of sites. Do you want to increase conversion? Remove the mandatory filling of all fields, except for the phone number. If a person wants, he himself will fill in the fields that he considers necessary, but the main field is the phone number, which will allow you to call the client back and clarify all the rest of the information. The main thing is not to forget to write the right scripts for managers.

In what cases does the conversion from forms fall:

  • 3% drop in conversions if you ask for an age field
  • Fall in conversions 10% if you need to enter your full name
  • Fall in conversions 2% if you are interested in which locality visitor lives
  • Fall in conversions 4% if you need to fill in the address of residence

If the fields about delivery, address and full name are present in the online store, then the user, of course, fills them in and this does not affect the conversion. But if you want him to fill in the data in order to send you an application, then the conversion will certainly fall.

Rule number 4. Links in the form (conditions of contact)

If you need to send a visitor to read the terms of contact, processing applications, orders, etc., then make these links directly in the form block. When clicking on such a link, it is better to show a pop-up window with information that is easy to close and proceed to filling out the form.

An example of such a form:

Try to minimize the amount of text and conditions in the form, because the user will be too lazy to re-read everything and he will simply close the form without sending you his data. Also errors in this form - too many required fields.

Rule number 5. Consent to data processing

Even though the data in the form may be filled in incorrectly and not be personal data, this checkbox must be checked. There have already been court applicants, according to which the defendants had to pay a fine for failure to comply with this requirement of the Legislation.

Rule number 6. Dropdown lists should not be

If your form is a calculator, then the drop-down list is acceptable. But if you force a person to choose which department of your company he wants to apply to, then this will reduce the conversion, because users want to fill out the form quickly without thinking about unnecessary information.

Rule number 7. Remove the captcha from the form

Entering a captcha can reduce conversions by up to 40%. This is due to the fact that often the captcha is not read at all, or when entering data, it reports incorrect character input. If earlier captcha was justified by the fact that without it a lot of spam could come, now there are technologies that protect the form from data entry by spam robots without entering captcha.

In the artcell studio, we use just such a technology. As you can see, there are no captchas in our forms and we do not receive SPAM.

Rule number 8. Auto notification that the form has been submitted

After the form is completed and sent, a message must appear stating that the data has been sent and the manager will call you back as soon as possible. If there is no such notification, then the user does not understand whether the data was sent or not, whether to expect a call from the company or not. This notification will save you from duplicating applications from the same user.

Rule number 9. SMS notification

Send an automatic notification to the visitor's number if your form had a field for entering a phone number. This will allow you to personalize your message, and the user will once again be reminded of the name of your company.

So what is the ideal form of feedback?

Highlighted in a frame or color, which allows it to be more noticeable against the background of the rest of the information on the site

Minimum fields to fill

One or two required fields

Missing dropdown fields

The presence of a checkbox for consent to the processing of the received data

The presence of links and additional conditions immediately in the form without unnecessary transitions to other pages of the site

No captcha

Do you have an ideal application form, but still few customers? Read this blog in our magazine and you will find the answer to your question. If your site is not performing well in search engines then this information will be useful to you.

If you are unable to make the contact form ideal and you want to turn to professionals for help, then fill out the application below and our manager will call you back as soon as possible.

It is quite difficult to systematically get useful feedback on design work. This article offers techniques to get the most out of your issues so you can improve as a designer.

"Oh, that's great!"

"I like it. It looks nice. Nice colors man… I need to get back to work.”

We bet you've heard this kind of feedback before. Not very helpful, right? What you really want is accurate and effective feedback so you can improve your design work, not vague comments.

If you've ever reached out to a friend or colleague for design feedback, these are most likely the responses you received, perhaps combined with a shy smile and awkwardness as they tried not to hurt your feelings.

No. As we can see, feedback is very important. And there is a proper way to ask for feedback so that you get good thoughts from everyone - every time you ask. We are going to explore them in this article.

Why is feedback so important?

When done right, getting feedback is the most valuable part of any design process. It doesn't matter how experienced the designer is. Without feedback from other people, you cannot be sure that your work will be appreciated and understood by anyone but you. There are about three billion people in the world with an Internet connection, each with a completely different set of experiences, biases and preferences. Trying to create something in isolation is probably crazy.

Other people also provide information that you would never have thought of, thanks to their unique set of experiences and skills. Take advantage of this diversity and use it to your advantage.

For website design in particular, a second pair of eyes helps ensure that:

1) The design is visually pleasing for different tastes

2) the designer's intentions are clear

How to ask for feedback?

Often, when we get generalized feedback, we blame the person we asked. But the fault lies with us, not with them. However, this mistake is natural: linking complex questions and answers is not a skill we are born with.

This is why we need social hacks. We need tricks to master the process of communication.

The most important aspect of receiving meaningful and actionable feedback is to create an environment in which the person you are asking for feedback feels as comfortable as possible. Stress and anxiety destroy our ability to think clearly and critically, and the fear of offending others prevents us from saying what we really think.

To create an atmosphere of comfort, below we will tell you what needs to be done:

  • Let people know ahead of time and give them enough time to review your work. Never surprise someone with your request or put before the fact. If you do this, the feedback you will receive will be hasty and superficial.
  • Tell the person exactly what you expect from them. If people know what kind of feedback you want, then they can respond accordingly. Free direction is not always great idea: People need a limited focus to get things right.
  • Limit their options. It is much easier to decide between two options than with an undefined range.
  • Be aware of how they give feedback and what they don't say. You can uncover thoughts they may not know how to express.

Let's talk a little more about each of the points.

Tell the type of feedback

When someone asks to review, edit or critique something, I always have a lot of questions, What is the purpose for which you are asking for feedback? Do you want me to compliment? Or do you want me to give detailed, non-conflicting, but constructive criticism even about the most subtle details?

If someone asks me to revise my essay for school, I need to know if they just want me to look for spelling mistakes or give a critical assessment of the work. The same goes for design. Designs can be criticized on a dozen factors, and most people don't have the experience to distinguish one factor from the next.

If you don't instruct people on exactly what you expect from feedback, they'll be on the safe side and won't be particularly helpful. The trick is to ask different people critique different parts of your design and then merge all their responses.

give people time

Imagine you are in a meeting. You are surrounded by other designers, managers and other stakeholders. Like most people in the meeting, your mind wanders somewhere else. But suddenly the manager points to you and asks you to talk about your latest project.

You turn to ice. Dazed and unprepared. You stumble over every word that you hope makes sense. But ultimately, you get stressed out and can't think clearly.

You've been caught off guard, so you're trying to come up with something insightful to make the words sound useful and smart. But it takes time and true thought.

So, give people time to think and respond. To get a really thoughtful response, give them the work ahead of time and ask them to look at it before discussing it in the near but respectable future. Maybe later in the day, but not in 5 minutes. Consider asking them to take notes on their most pressing thoughts and review specific questions you submit along with your projects.

Limit your options

When you are in the optometrist's office, they compare the performance of different lenses. Remember that you always only compare two lenses at a time? There is a good reason for this.

Imagine if you were given twenty lenses and asked to choose the best one, or rank them in order from best to worst. Yes, it's much more difficult. Your memory is not so good. And not your perception.

When there are only two options, it's much easier to say which one is better.

The question "Do you think this color is better?" leads to "Hmm, well, I'm not entirely sure...there are several million." Avoid it. Instead, try asking, "Does it look better in this red or this red?" or “Is it better to be center-aligned or left-aligned?”. Then keep repeating your questions until your friend has the patience to answer thoughtfully.

Oh yeah. Make sure you have patient friends. Good luck with this!

Ask them what they don't like

In an interview with Elon Musk, CEO Tesla and SpaceX talked about the greater importance of getting negative feedback - asking people what they hate, not what they love. To make the most of this process, you need to create an environment where the other person feels comfortable enough to criticize your design openly. This brings us to the following:

Accept Feedback Gracefully

The most important step in getting valuable feedback is honing your ability to receive constructive criticism. With a real smile. Instead of feeling offended or embarrassed, be thankful that people have discovered and brought these shortcomings to your attention. They spend their energy for your own benefit. If you are passive aggressive or just dead silent in response, you are counterproductive.

Also, keep this in mind: it's much better for your ego and your career to openly criticize a friend before you hear it from a client later! Listen to your friends and consider their feedback as needed.

At first, it will be difficult not to react negatively to every little niggle. I promise you that with time and practice it will get easier. You must separate yourself from your work: criticism of work is not criticism of your abilities. She points out what can be improved, because the rest is already so good.

Pay attention to how people talk and what they don't say.

Many find it very difficult to express themselves. Also, people don't want to appear ignorant, and they don't want to insult you. All this is manifested in the fact that people do not speak. In other words, it is revealed in the way people express their thoughts.

You may have noticed that your friend noticed something, but keep quiet. Or start to say something and then back off. These are all signs of missed opportunities for constructive feedback. This person has something potentially super helpful to say, but he can't. Make him criticize you. To do this, start by critiquing your own work in a light-hearted way, so that he knows that you don't think that you and your work are always the epitome of perfection. Then politely reassure him that you especially want to hear negative feedback and ask again.

Move forward

Getting feedback is valuable for getting a variety of perspectives and opinions on your projects and spotting flaws that your eyes are used to. However, to maximize the value you get from feedback, it is important to create an environment in which the person giving the criticism is comfortable doing so.

Zavyalov G.A.,
Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for work with citizens' appeals (copy)
Dear Gennady Alekseevich!
Your repeated appeal, received from the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, on the issue of pensions for persons who have done military service, has been considered.

It is reported that we responded to a similar appeal on August 6, 2015 and sent to your address (a copy is attached).

Additionally, it is reported that in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article I of the Federal Law of December 14, 2015 367-FZ “On the suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On pensions for persons who have served in military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service , turnover control bodies drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and their families" in accordance with the Federal Law "On federal budget for 2016” the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions amounted to 69.45 percent from February 1, 2016, which made it possible to increase the amount of pensions for persons discharged from military service and members of their families by 4 percent.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, at the request of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the State Duma, deputies of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation resolves cases on compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of federal laws, regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to paragraph 4 of this article, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, upon complaints of violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens and at the request of the courts, checks the constitutionality of the law applied or to be applied in a particular case, in the manner established by the federal Law, the compliance of federal laws with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Constitutional Law of July 21, 1994 No. 1-FKZ "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation", is considered only by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the appeals of citizens on the issues of revision of pensions after January 1, 2012, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation established that by reducing the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when determining the amount of pensions for persons dismissed from military service from 100 percent to 54 percent, the legislator provided that the calculation of pensions is carried out on the basis of a new - higher - monetary allowance, thereby ensuring an increase in the amount of pensions received by citizens. When introducing a new legal regulation concerning the accounting of monetary allowance for the calculation of pensions for persons who have served in the military and their family members, in accordance with the principle of stability of legal regulation, the level of their pension provision achieved by January 1, 2012 is guaranteed to be maintained. At the same time, this norm fixes the preservation of the amounts of pensions established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which was in force before the date of entry into force of Federal Law No. 309-FZ (Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2012 No. 1800-0).

Thus, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation confirmed the compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the currently existing procedure for calculating pensions and the absence of any infringement of the rights of military pensioners and members of their families by the state.

I ask you to inform the persons who signed the appeal about the foregoing.
Deputy Director of the Department social guarantees
The letter was converted from a file to a text document. There may be errors, do not judge strictly. Read in the original on the photo