Regulations for the interaction of the contract service with other departments. On approval of the regulation on the procedure for interaction of the contract service with structural divisions, officials of the Klintsy city administration. IV. Purchasing from a single

  • 03.12.2020

Document as of January 2016

In accordance with the order of the Ministry Russian Federation development Far East dated March 11, 2014 N 11 "On the contract service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East" I order:

1. Approve the attached procedure for the interaction of the contract service with structural divisions Ministries.

2. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East K. STEPANOV

Approved by order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East dated May 15, 2015 N 73


This Procedure was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 44-FZ "On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on the contract system) and determines the scheme of interaction between the contract service and structural divisions, officials, procurement commissions in terms of planning, drafting terms of reference, procurement, execution, modification and termination of government contracts concluded on behalf of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

The contract service carries out its activities in accordance with the order of the Ministry dated March 11, 2014 N 11 "On the contract service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East". The contract service and other structural units, officials, procurement commissions interact on the basis of the principles of openness, transparency of information in the field of procurement, professionalism, efficiency of procurement, responsibility for the effectiveness of meeting the needs of the Ministry.

Employees of the contract service provide methodological support in terms of preparing proposals for the procurement plan, the schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the procurement plan, the procurement schedule), terms of reference, proposals on the criteria for evaluating competitive bids and the significance of such criteria.

I. Procedure for interaction in procurement planning

1. In order to develop a procurement plan, a procurement schedule for the financial year, structural subdivisions of the Ministry and employees who are not part of the Departments of the Ministry interested in purchasing goods, works or services (hereinafter referred to as the interested Departments or the initiator of the procurement), represented by the directors of the Departments or deputy directors of Departments before October 15, and for research, research and development work (hereinafter referred to as R&D) - no later than November 15 of the year preceding the planned one, as well as in case of occurrence in accordance with the Federal Law on the contract system, the need to make changes to the procurement plan, the procurement schedule, within the approved limits of budgetary obligations, send applications to the procurement plan, the procurement schedule addressed to the head of the contract service, agreed with the supervising Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East.

1.1. Planning for the procurement of goods, works, services in the field of information and communication technologies (expense type 242) is carried out with the direct participation of the department information technologies and in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 N 365 "On the coordination of measures for the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of state bodies."

2. Applications are made according to the form in accordance with the appendix to this procedure.

2.1. Applications sent by the Departments or the initiator of the purchase must contain information in accordance with the appendix to this procedure, as well as:

Name and description of the object of procurement, indicating the characteristics of such an object, taking into account the provisions of Article 33 federal law about the contract system;

Quantity of goods supplied, volume of work performed, services rendered;

Planned terms, frequency of delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services;

Justification of the procurement in accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law on the contract system for inclusion in the procurement plan, procurement schedule;

Justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), for inclusion in the procurement plan, procurement schedule, prepared in accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law on the contract system and the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 2 2013 N 567 "On approval of guidelines on the application of methods for determining the initial (maximum) contract price, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer)" (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations on substantiating the contract price), the amount of the advance payment (if payment is provided advance), stages of payment (if the execution of the contract and its payment are provided in stages);

Additional requirements for procurement participants (if the type of activity that is the object of procurement is subject to licensing) and the rationale for such requirements;

Surnames, first names, patronymics of responsible employees (employee) of the Department concerned or the initiator of the procurement.

3. Applications sent by the interested Departments or the initiator of the procurement are considered by the employees of the contract service within ten working days for compliance with their requirements for the implementation of the procurement established for the development of the procurement plan, the procurement schedule, the requirements, the correctness and completeness of the specified information, the allocated volumes financial resources, the chosen method of procurement, form and other requirements and are agreed in writing.

4. Applications that do not comply with the approved form, as well as completed without specifying the mandatory information provided for in clauses 2 and 2.1 of this Procedure, are rejected and returned to the Department concerned or the initiator of the purchase at the time of filing the application or immediately after discovering these grounds for rejecting the application.

5. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the head of the contract service makes a decision to include this application in the procurement plan or to return the application to the interested Department or the initiator of the procurement to eliminate comments. At the same time, these comments must be eliminated by the interested Department or the initiator of the purchase within a period of not more than two working days.

6. Employees of the contract service check the application with the corrected comments within one working day. Based on the results of this check, the head of the contract service makes a decision to include this application in the procurement plan or to reject the application.

7. Within two working days after consideration of all applications, contract service employees form a procurement plan and a procurement schedule. When forming a procurement plan and a procurement schedule, it is allowed to combine applications from interested Departments and various procurement initiators containing the same type or related procurement objects, planned dates, frequency of delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services into one procurement.

8. After the formation of the procurement plan and the procurement schedule, these documents are submitted for consideration and approval to the head of the contract service.

9. Within three working days after receiving the documents, the head of the contract service makes a decision to approve the procurement plan and the procurement schedule or to return them to the contract service for revision.

10. Changes to the procurement schedule are made no more than once a month in cases provided for by law. Proposals for amending the procurement plan, the procurement schedule are considered at a meeting of the contract service.


The interested Departments or the initiator of the procurement develop and send to the name of the head of the contract service, agreed with the supervising Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East, reasonable proposals for amending the procurement schedule by the 15th day of the month preceding the order placement date specified in the approved schedule procurement.

The submitted documents are agreed upon by the responsible officials of the contract service, and the proposals are included in the procurement schedule or, if there are comments, returned for revision. If there are comments regarding the change in the term for placing an order, the head of the contract service has the right to decide to cancel the purchase.

Changes to the procurement plan, procurement schedule are made (not made) by decision of the head of the contract service.

II. The procedure for interaction when determining the supplier (executor, contractor)

11. Based on the approved procurement plan and the procurement schedule, the interested Department or the procurement initiator, no later than one calendar month before the expected date of publication of the procurement notice on the official website, performs the following actions.

11.1. Provides the following documentation package to the contract service:

a) justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract. The clarification of the justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract is made without fail in the event of a change in the descriptions of the objects of procurement, as well as if the period from the date of justification of the initial (maximum) contract price using the method of comparable market prices (market analysis) until the date of placement of the notice of the purchase is more than six months (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 2, 2013 N 567);

Information about the subject of the procurement;

Description of the subject of procurement, including, if necessary, requirements for quality, technical, quality, environmental and operational characteristics of the object of procurement, safety requirements, requirements for functional characteristics (consumer properties) of the object of procurement, requirements for dimensions, packaging, marking, labels, conformity assessment, to processes and production methods in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, standards, specifications, requirements for symbols and terminology, as well as, if necessary, specifications, plans, drawings, sketches, photographs, requirements for the shipment of goods, requirements for the results of work, testing of work results, requirements for testing, test methods, and other indicators related to determining the compliance of the procurement object with the needs of the Ministry;

Criteria for evaluating the applications of participants in the event of tenders in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 N 1085 "On approval of the Rules for evaluating applications, final proposals participants in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" for inclusion in the draft procurement documentation;

Criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the request for proposals, the magnitude of the significance of these criteria, the procedure for reviewing and evaluating applications for participation in the request for proposals in accordance with the Federal Law on the contract system.

11.2. Employees of the contract service consider the received package of documents for compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system.

11.3. If there are comments, the contract service employees, no later than ten days, return the submitted documents for revision with a memo.

11.4. In the absence of comments, contract service employees prepare draft notices and procurement documentation within five working days.

12. Draft notices and procurement documentation prepared by contract service employees are considered and agreed upon by the interested Departments or procurement initiators within two working days from the receipt of these documents by the Department. Coordination of documents is carried out by endorsement in the procurement documentation of the rationale for the initial (maximum) price of the contract, evaluation criteria (during the tender) and terms of reference by the responsible employees of the interested Departments page by page.

13. If it is necessary to make changes to the approved tender documentation, auction documentation or notification of a request for quotations or a request for proposals, the interested Departments shall send such changes by memo to the head of the contract service.

14. In the event of a request for clarification of the provisions of the procurement documentation, contract service employees send, within one working day, the specified request to the responsible employee of the Department concerned or to the procurement initiator who has necessary knowledge about the object of procurement, in order to prepare an explanation, which, within one working day after receipt of the request, prepares clarifications of the provisions of the procurement documentation, submits the prepared clarifications to the contract service for placement in a single information system or before the commissioning of the specified system on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunication network Internet for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services.

15. When holding tenders at the stage of consideration and evaluation of applications received from participants, the procurement commission notifies the interested Departments in writing about the applications received. Within four working days from the date of notification, the interested Departments conduct an examination of the submitted applications in accordance with the tender documentation (if necessary, with the involvement of external experts) and send, signed by the Director of the Department or the Deputy Director of the Department, to the head of the contract service, a conclusion on the results of consideration and evaluation of applications for compliance with the terms of reference and criteria for evaluating applications.

16. If a contract (agreement) is concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer), the Department concerned or the procurement initiator prepares (specifies):

16.1. Justification of the contract price (clarification of the justification of the contract price) is carried out without fail in case of changes in the descriptions of the objects of procurement, as well as if the period from the date of substantiation of the contract price using the method of comparable market prices (market analysis) to the date of placement of the notice of purchase is more than six months, in accordance with paragraph 3.14 of the Recommendations on justification of the price of the contract;

16.2. A draft contract (agreement), including one worth not more than one hundred thousand rubles, containing the calculation and justification of the contract price in the cases established by paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law on the contract system, must contain: name and description of the procurement object, information on the quantity and the place of delivery of the goods, the place of performance of work or the provision of services, the timing of the delivery of goods or the completion of work or the schedule for the provision of services, the price of the contract, as well as other information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

16.3. Report on the impossibility or inexpediency of using other methods for determining the supplier (contractor, performer) in cases established by Part 3 of Article 93 of the Federal Law on the Contract System.

16.4. The package of documentation is sent to the contract service by the interested Department or the initiator of the purchase. Contract service employees perform actions in accordance with subparagraphs 11.2, 11.3 of paragraph 11 of Section II of the Procedure.

16.5. A contract (agreement) agreed upon and signed by both parties with a single supplier (contractor, performer), including a cost not exceeding one hundred thousand rubles, is transferred by the interested Department or the initiator of the purchase to the chief accountant of the Ministry no later than the next day after the date of signing the contract (agreement).

The contract (agreement) submitted at a later date is returned to the interested Department or to the initiator of the purchase.

Subsequently, the contract (agreement) can be taken into account only with the written permission of the Minister.

III. Acceptance of goods, works, services

17. To accept the goods delivered, work performed, services rendered, or the results of a separate stage of contract execution, an acceptance committee may be created, which, in accordance with Part 6 of Article 94 of the Federal Law on the Contract System, consists of at least five people.

18. At the stage of acceptance of goods, performance of work, provision of services, the Departments concerned send the head of the contract service a memo signed by the Director of the Department or the Deputy Director of the Department indicating the employees responsible for the provision of services, performance of work, acceptance of goods (hereinafter referred to as GRU), as well as for monitoring the progress of the contract. Acceptance of GWS should be carried out in accordance with the terms of the contract and terms of reference.

19. Acceptance of the results of a separate stage of the execution of the contract, as well as the delivered goods, performed work or rendered services, is carried out in the manner and within the time limits established by the contract, and is formalized by an acceptance document signed by members of the acceptance committee. In the event that the acceptance committee has not been created, the described actions are carried out by employees appointed in accordance with clause 18 section III of this Order. On the basis of the acceptance document, the act of acceptance of the delivered goods, work performed (work stage) or service rendered by the head of the contract service of the Ministry is signed.

20. Within the terms specified by the contract, during the acceptance, an examination of the results provided by the supplier (contractor, performer) provided for by the contract is carried out in terms of their compliance with the terms of the contract, including based on the analysis of reporting documents and materials, the fulfillment of obligations under the contract within the established terms.

The director of the concerned Department or the deputy director of the concerned Department appoints employees responsible for the examination of the results provided by the supplier (contractor, executor) provided for by the contract.

The examination may be carried out on its own or experts, expert organizations may be involved in its conduct on the basis of contracts concluded in accordance with the Federal Law on the Contract System. At the same time, the supplier (contractor, performer) may be requested to provide the documents and materials necessary for acceptance, as well as clarifications on the submitted documents and materials.

IV. Features of the interaction of the contract service with the structural divisions of the Ministry in the implementation of procurement for the implementation of research and development

21. Procurement for R&D and R&D is carried out in accordance with general requirements of this Procedure, taking into account the specifics established by paragraphs 22 - 26 of this Procedure.

22. In order to accept the results of R&D or R&D (separate stages of the execution of the contract), an acceptance committee is created, which consists of at least five people, including employees of the Department concerned.

23. The acceptance committee checks the report submitted by the contractor for the presence of borrowings and makes a decision on the possibility or impossibility of admitting research and development for acceptance.

24. Acceptance of the results of research and development or research and development (separate stage) within the terms established by the contract is formalized by an acceptance document, which is signed by members of the acceptance committee and approved by the head of the contract service of the Ministry.

25. After signing the document on the acceptance of R&D and R&D, the acceptance committee submits to the contract service one copy of the report on the implementation of R&D and R&D, an electronic version of the report on the implementation of R&D and R&D, and a review.

26. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2013 N 327 "On a unified state information system for accounting for research, development and technological works civil purpose" (together with the "Regulations on the Unified State Information System for Accounting for Research, Development and Technological Works for Civil Purposes"), the Department concerned sends information for their accounting in the unified state information system for accounting for research, development and technological works for civil purposes according to the forms approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Director (Deputy Director) ___________________ of the Department _______________ (Date, signature)

How not to violate deadlines? What data to provide to the accounting department? How to draw up a schedule based on requests from departments? These are just some of the issues that contractors face on a daily basis. Let's figure it out.

Working under strict deadlines
The work of the contract service is associated with strict adherence to deadlines. In accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013, the schedule must be posted within ten business days after the customer receives the scope of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations or approve a plan of financial and economic activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Changes to the schedule for each object of procurement may be made no later than ten days before the date of posting in the unified information system a notice of the implementation of the relevant procurement or sending an invitation to participate in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) in a closed way. Therefore, changes in the schedule must occur in a timely manner.
The fulfillment of these deadlines depends not only on the efficiency of the customer's work in compiling the relevant documents, but also on external factors(Internet availability, site performance).
Drawing up a schedule based on requests from departments
In many organizations, schedules are compiled on the basis of requests from departments. Drawing up a general plan-schedule from them takes a long time. The main difficulties in doing so are as follows:
A) The need to manually transfer information from applications to the schedule;
B) Late submission of applications.

The need to provide data on purchases to the accounting department
Since the beginning of 2015, the contract service has faced another difficulty. On November 16, 2014, the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 89n "On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n" On Approval of the Unified Chart of Accounts accounting for organs state power(government bodies), bodies local government, management bodies of state non-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Instructions for its application".
In accordance with the provisions of the Instructions for the Application of a Unified Chart of Accounts for State Authorities (State Bodies), Local Self-Government Bodies, Management Bodies of State Extra-Budget Funds, State Academies of Sciences, State (Municipal) Institutions, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 01.12. 2010 N 157n (hereinafter - Instruction 157n), taking into account the changes introduced by the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 08.29.2014 N 89n, accounting (budget) accounting provides for the reflection of accepted and deferred obligations.
In accordance with the changes in accounting records, the following liabilities are reflected:

  • obligations assumed by the institution in the amount of the initial (maximum) price of the contract when determining suppliers (contractors, performers) using competitive methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) are reflected by the date of placement of the notice;
  • acceptance of the amount of expenditure obligations when concluding an agreement (contract) based on the results of the competitive procedure;
  • clarification of the assumed obligations for the amount of savings received in the course of the purchase.
Accordingly, the accounting department should receive information about the course of competitive procedures under 44-FZ.

Control of the receipt and return of the application security and contract security
The collateral may come from the customer in the form of a bank guarantee or in the form of Money. Accordingly, if cash is chosen as the security method, then the contract service must, in one way or another, receive information from the accounting department about the receipt of funds. Also, the functions of the contract service include informing the accounting department about the need to return the collateral. In some cases, it is difficult to establish interaction between the two departments, which leads to violation of deadlines.

Entering information about the execution (termination) of the contract
Contract employees also have to monitor the execution of the contract. When the contract is fully executed, they must post information about the execution of the contract on the official website and attach the relevant acts and invoices to this document. To perform these actions, contract service employees must also receive data from the accounting department in a timely manner, which can cause difficulties.

Savings control
As a result of competitive procedures, it is often possible to reduce the contract amount compared to the initial initial (maximum) price. These funds can later be used for other purchases, for this it is important to track savings on contracts. Most often, for these purposes, the order placement department maintains a report on the execution of the schedule in Excel. Moreover, due to human factor, there may be errors in this report.
It is important to note that often this report is kept simultaneously by employees responsible for the implementation of the schedule, as well as employees of responsible departments. The first lead it, because their duties include monitoring the implementation of the schedule, the second, because they are interested in organizing the redistribution of funds.
Coordination of documents
Before posting on the site, all documents must be approved. Often it takes a long time for the responsible executor.

One of the ways to solve the problems discussed is the creation of a single information space between the accounting department, the department for placing orders and the planning department. Ideally, this system should have been integrated with the official public procurement website. This will help solve the following problems:

  1. Obtaining data from the accounting department by employees of the contract service and, accordingly, vice versa, obtaining the necessary data from the order placement department by the accounting department employees.
  2. Avoiding delay. This problem can be solved by controlling the timing. So contract service employees can control the process of creating applications for the schedule from departments.
  3. No need for duplication of information. If a single system is integrated with the official website, then the procurement department employees will not have to enter data in parallel on the website and in reports. It will be possible to generate the necessary reports directly on the basis of the site data.
  4. Coordination of documents. This process will probably be carried out in electronic form, which will speed up the process of coordinating documents.
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to the order of the Archives Service
Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region– Ugra
dated 07.03.2019 No. 28-Pr-23


interaction of structural divisions

Services for the archives of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and

contract manager when making purchases

goods, works, services for state needs

I. General provisionsI

This Regulation on the interaction of structural divisions of the Service for Archives of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and the contract manager in the procurement of goods, works, services for public needs (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) establishes the requirements for the interaction of structural divisions of the Service for Archives of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug district - Yugra (hereinafter referred to as the Service) and a contract manager in the procurement of goods, works, services for the state needs of the Service (hereinafter referred to as procurement) in accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods , works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ).

The basic concepts used in these Regulations are applied in the same sense as in Law No. 44-FZ.

This Regulation applies to purchases made by the Service.

Procurement is carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Law No. 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts the Russian Federation and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and these Regulations.

The structural subdivisions of the Service interact on the basis of the principles of openness, transparency of information in the field of procurement, professionalism, efficiency of procurement, responsibility for the effectiveness of meeting the needs of the Service.

II. Procurement planning and justification

1. Procurement planning is carried out on the basis of the objectives of procurement determined taking into account the provisions of Article 13 of Law No. 44-FZ through the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans, schedules within the time limits established by Law No. 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and these Regulations.

2. When forming, approving and maintaining the procurement plan, the Contract Manager shall:

formation of a procurement plan, on the basis of the applications submitted by the specialists of the structural divisions of the Service, initiating the procurement in the form (annex to this Regulation) of applications;

approval of the formed procurement plan from the head of the Service, or a person replacing him;

publication of the procurement plan in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement (hereinafter - the UIS in the field of procurement) and the Regional Information System in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (hereinafter - GIS "Goszakaz");

if necessary, on the basis of an application submitted by the structural subdivision of the Service initiating the procurement, makes appropriate changes to the procurement plan.

3. When forming the procurement plan, the specialist, structural subdivision of the Service, initiating the procurement, provides the contract manager with an application in the form (annex to these Regulations) with the procurement justification attached.

4. If it becomes necessary to make changes to the procurement plan, the specialist of the structural unit of the Service initiating the procurement provides the contract manager with an application in the form (annex to these Regulations) with the rationale for making changes.

5. When forming, approving and maintaining the schedule, the Contract Manager shall:

the formation of a schedule, based on the application submitted by the specialists of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the purchase, according to the form (annex to these Regulations);

together with specialists of the structural subdivision of the Service initiating the purchase, preparation of a justification for the purchase;

coordination of the schedule with the executive authorities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area;

approval of the generated schedule by the head of the Service, or a person replacing him;

publication of the schedule in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz";

if necessary, on the basis of an application submitted by the structural subdivision of the Service by those initiating the purchase, makes appropriate changes to the schedule.

6. When forming the schedule, the specialist of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the procurement, provides the contract manager with an application in the form (annex to these Regulations), with the application of the terms of reference and the rationale for the initial (maximum) price of the contract.

7. Applications for the formation (amendment) of the procurement plan and schedule of the application are drawn up in the form (annex to these Regulations) and signed by the head of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the procurement.

8. Purchasing, not provided by the Schedule, cannot be implemented.

III. Organization of supplier identification

(contractors, performers) in a competitive way

9. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule , within the time limits established by Law No. 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and these Regulations, the specialist of the structural unit of the Service, initiating the purchase, independently carries out:

coordination of the terms of reference and justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract with the executive bodies of state power of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area, in cases established by the regulatory legal acts of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra;

development of a draft contract, in terms of the name of the object of procurement, the deadlines for fulfilling the terms of the contract, the requirements for the supplied goods (works, services) and warranty obligations, taking into account the standard terms of the contract, which are placed in the EIS in the field of procurement and in the GIS "Goszakaz";

preparation of an opinion on the compliance or non-compliance of bids received from procurement participants with the provisions of the procurement documentation, as well as evaluation of bids during a tender or request for proposals;

preparation of explanations of the provisions of the procurement documentation and the provisions of the contract, in terms of the object of procurement of its volumes, deadlines for performance and warranty obligations, and submission to the contract manager no later than 16:00 on the day of transfer by the contract manager to the specialist of the structural unit of the Service initiating the purchase;

takes part in the consideration of cases on appealing the results of the procedures for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) in the part related to the procurement object;

providing the contract manager with the information (documents and information) provided for by the procedure for agreeing on the conclusion of a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer), in order to agree on the possibility of concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) with the executive authority of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, in the cases established by Law No. 44-FZ, no later than 3 (three) business days from the date of the decision to purchase from sole supplier(contractor, performer).

Information (documents and information) is transferred by a specialist of the structural unit of the Service to the contract manager in writing with the simultaneous provision of an identical copy in electronic form (on email contract manager). Responsibility for compliance with the deadlines for providing such information, as well as for the identity of the information provided in writing and electronic forms carried by a specialist of the structural subdivision of the Service.

10. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule the contract manager performs:

choice of method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer);

clarification as part of the justification for the purchase of the initial (maximum) price of the contract and its justification in notices of procurement, invitations to participate in the selection of suppliers (contractors, performers) by closed methods, procurement documentation;

clarification as part of the justification for the purchase of the initial (maximum) contract price of the price concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer);

preparation of notices on procurement, procurement documentation (except for the description of the procurement object), draft contracts, amendments to procurement notices, procurement documentation, invitations to participate in the selection of suppliers (contractors, performers) by closed methods;

organization of acceptance of the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of the delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services provided for by the contract, including the examination of the delivered goods, results of the work performed, services rendered in accordance with the Federal Law, and also individual stages of contract execution, ensuring the creation of an acceptance committee;

interaction with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing, terminating the contract, as well as when applying liability measures and taking other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) or customer of the terms of the contract;

placement in the UIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of notices of procurement, procurement documentation, in case of procurement independently;

registration and placement in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of protocols for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) based on decisions of the Unified Procurement Commission to meet the state needs of the Service, as well as protocols on refusal to conclude a contract in case of procurement independently;

verifying the performance of the contract in terms of the compliance of the bank guarantee with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, monitoring the term for consideration of the received bank guarantee, filing a refusal to accept the bank guarantee and informing the person who provided the bank guarantee about it, checking the availability of information about the provided bank guarantee in the register of bank guarantees;

placement in the UIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of clarifications of the provisions of the documentation on the basis of such clarification provided by the specialist of the structural unit of the Service;

acceptance, registration and storage of documents for placing orders, as well as storage of other documents in the field of procurement, provided for by Law No. 44-FZ;

organization of the conclusion of contracts based on the results of the procedures for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), including the preparation and submission of draft contracts (including protocols of disagreements to them);

preparation and entry of information on the conclusion / termination (amendment) of the state contract in the register of contracts in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz";

preparation and placement of a report on the execution of a state contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution in the EIS in the field of procurement and the GIS "Goszakaz";

preparation of an appeal in order to agree on the possibility of concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) with the executive authority of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, in cases established by Law No. 44-FZ.

preparation and placement in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of reports and other information (if necessary) provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra;

sending to the federal executive body authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, the information necessary for inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, about procurement participants who evaded the conclusion of contracts, as well as about suppliers (contractors, performers) with whom contracts were terminated by decision court or in the event of a unilateral refusal of the customer to execute the contract due to a material breach by them of the terms of the contracts;

application and submission required documents, to carry out the procedure for determining the supplier (contractor, performer), to the authorized body of the Autonomous Okrug in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated December 6, 2013 No. 530-p "On the authorized body, authorized institution to determine suppliers (contractors , performers) to meet the needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra";

taking part in the consideration of cases on appealing the results of determining suppliers (contractors, performers) and preparing materials for the performance of claim work;

development of draft contracts in terms of compliance with the legislation in the field of procurement;

exercises other powers in terms of determining suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state needs.

11. In order to determine suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, a specialist in the administrative department in the field of accounting, financial - economic security, providing functions in the field of procurement, goods, works, services to meet the needs of the Service performs:

verification of the security of bids and execution of contracts in terms of verification of information and documents provided by the procurement participant, in case of security of the bid and execution of contracts by depositing funds, providing copies of payment orders for the receipt of such funds to the contract manager no later than 1 (one) business day following the day of receipt of funds to the account of the Service, as well as monitoring compliance with the terms of the return of funds to the procurement participant in accordance with the terms of the contract;

taking into account budgetary obligations under contracts;

provision to the contract manager in the event of the execution of the contract (including the execution of the next stage of the contract) copies of all documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract (payment order, etc.) with the obligatory attachment of copies of documents confirming the occurrence of a monetary obligation upon delivery of goods ) act, invoice and (or) invoice), performance of work (act, invoice and (or) invoice), provision of services (act, invoice and (or) invoice) indicating the volume of goods supplied, work performed and rendered services no later than 1 (one) business day following the day of drawing up documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract, as well as providing the contract manager with information on debiting funds from the account of the Service on the day they are debited.

IV. Purchasing from a single

supplier (contractor, performer)

12. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule , the specialist of the structural subdivision of the Service independently carries out:

preparation of terms of reference (description of the procurement object). When describing the object of procurement, it is mandatory to apply methodological documents(methods) approved by the authorized body for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) to meet the needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (hereinafter - the authorized body of the Autonomous Okrug) published on the website of the authorized body;

preparation of justification for the initial (maximum) price of the contract. The preparation of a justification for the initial (maximum) price of the contract is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 2, 2013 No. 567 “On Approval methodological recommendations on the application of methods for determining the initial (maximum) contract price, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer)”;

in cases established by Law 44-FZ, it justifies the impossibility or inappropriateness of using other methods of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), as well as the price of the contract and other essential terms of the contract, in a documented report signed by a specialist of the structural unit of the Service, agreed by the immediate supervisor and approved by the head of the Service , or by a person replacing him;

approval of the terms of reference for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services and justification (calculation) of the initial maximum price of the contract with the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area, in accordance with the list of individual goods, works, services for which terms of reference and justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract are subject to mandatory agreement with the executive authorities of the Autonomous Okrug, implementing a unified state policy in the relevant area, the state bodies of the Autonomous Okrug, determined by the Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated December 6, 2013 No. 530- p "On the authorized body, authorized institution to determine suppliers (contractors, performers) to meet the needs of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra";

development of a draft contract, in terms of the name of the object of procurement, the deadlines for fulfilling the terms of the contract, the requirements for the supplied goods (works, services) and warranty obligations, taking into account the standard terms of the contract, which are placed in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "State Order"

organization of the conclusion of the contract, as well as sending the supplier (contractor, performer) of the original contracts;

control over the timing of the contract (delivery of goods, provision of services, performance of work);

acceptance of the results of the execution of the contract (stages of the contract) (acceptance of goods, works, services) in accordance with the terms of the contract;

organizing and conducting an examination of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered, as well as individual stages (if it is provided for by the contract) for compliance with the terms of the contract. Based on the results of the examination, draws up an expert opinion;

together with the contract manager, interaction with the supplier (contractor, performer) when changing, terminating the contract, as well as when applying liability measures and taking other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) or customer of the terms of the contract;

provision of information (documents and information) necessary for inclusion in the register of contracts to the contract manager on the day they are drawn up and (or) signed;

providing the contract manager with a copy or the original of the conclusion based on the results of the examination of the execution of the contract (or its separate stage) of the delivered goods, work performed or services rendered and a document confirming the acceptance of such results on the day they are drawn up and (or) signed;

13. In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule the contract manager performs:

preparation and placement of information on procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) of the UIS in the field of procurement and the GIS "State Order" in cases provided for by Law No. 44-FZ, and on electronic platform to post information about small volume purchases;

preparing a notice of procurement from a single supplier (contractor, performer) and sending it to the executive authority of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement, in cases provided for by Law No. 44-FZ;

checking the enforcement of contracts in terms of monitoring the term for consideration of the received bank guarantee, filing a refusal to accept a bank guarantee and informing the person who provided the bank guarantee about it, checking the availability of information about the provided bank guarantee in the register of bank guarantees;

entering information about the concluded / terminated contract, about making changes to the register of contracts, in cases established by Law 44-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra in the field of procurement;

preparation and placement in the EIS in the field of procurement and GIS "Goszakaz" of a report on the execution of a state contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution;

preparation of materials for conducting claim work;

generates information about the purchase of a small volume and uses price information provided by potential suppliers (contractors, performers), using the GIS "Goszakaz".

In order to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet public needs, in accordance with the procurement plan, schedule, an administrative specialist Department in the direction of accounting, financial - economic support, provision of functions in the field of procurement, goods, works, services to meet the needs of the Service performs:

payment for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of contract execution;

checking the enforcement of contracts in terms of verifying the information and documents provided by the procurement participant, in case of securing the execution of contracts by depositing funds, providing copies of payment orders for the receipt of such funds to the contract manager no later than 1 (one) business day following the day of receipt of funds funds to the account of the Service, as well as monitoring compliance with the deadlines for the return of funds to the procurement participant;

return of the security for the performance of the contract, within the time limits established in the contract (in the event that the supplier (contractor, performer) provides security in the form of cash to the Customer’s settlement account), subject to the signing of the document on acceptance of the goods (performance of work, provision of services);

taking into account budgetary obligations under contracts.

provision to the contract manager in the event of the execution of the contract (including the execution of the next stage of the contract) copies of all documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract (payment order, etc.) with the obligatory attachment of copies of documents confirming the occurrence of a monetary obligation upon delivery of goods (invoice and (or) acceptance certificate and (or) invoice), performance of work, provision of services (act of completed work (services) and (or) invoice and (or) invoice) indicating the volume of goods supplied, work performed and rendered services no later than 1 (one) business day following the day of drawing up documents confirming the fact of payment for the contract, as well as providing the contract manager with information on debiting funds from the account of the Service on the day they are debited.

V. Responsibility

14. Persons participating in the procurement process to meet the needs of the Service shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the division of powers provided for by these Regulations.

VI. Final position

15. In all other respects not specified in these Regulations, the persons involved in the procurement process to meet the needs of the Service are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and other regulatory legal acts in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet government needs.

Appendix to the Regulations in the attached files.
about contract service

interaction of the contract service with other departments of the Customer, single commission for procurement

1. General requirements

1. The contract service carries out its activities in cooperation with all structural divisions of the Customer, including:

With the Department of Accounting and Reporting;

With the Department of Legal Support and Organization of the State Civil Service;

With the Department of Information Technology;

With the initiators of the purchase.

2. In cooperation with the Accounting and Reporting Department, the contract service performs the following functions:

procurement planning;

justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract; organization of payment for the contract; consideration of bank guarantees; acceptance of goods, works, services under the contract.

3. In cooperation with the Department of Legal Support and Organization of the State Civil Service, the contract service performs the following functions:

acceptance of goods, works, services under the contract; claim work under the contract;

conclusion and amendment of the contract.

4. In cooperation with the information technology department, the contract service performs the following functions:

ensures the uninterrupted operation of the information and technical resource of the contract service;

justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract; public discussion of procurement; acceptance of goods, works, services under the contract.

5. In cooperation with the initiator of the procurement, the contract service performs the following functions:

procurement planning; justification of purchases;

justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract;

public discussion of procurement; acceptance of goods, works, services under the contract;

contract work.

6. The contract service performs all other functions independently, including:

Development of a notice and procurement documentation; organizing the work of procurement commissions; involvement of specialized organizations;

involvement of experts to verify the results of the execution of the contract;

work in a unified information system in the field of procurement or before the commissioning of this system on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the regional information system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet the state needs of the Republic of Crimea, including including sending documents and information for placement in the register of contracts;

sending information to the register of unscrupulous suppliers;

participation in the consideration of complaints in the regulatory and judicial authorities.

2. Order of interaction during planning

7. The procurement plan is formed by the contract service in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law in the process of drawing up and reviewing draft budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of budget legislation.

8. The contract service generates procurement schedules after the submission of the draft law on the budget for the corresponding financial year for consideration by the State Council of the Republic of Crimea.

9. The procurement initiator, taking into account the deadlines established by regulatory legal acts in the field of procurement, submits to the contract service applications for the inclusion of procurement in the procurement plan, the procurement schedule according to the forms in accordance with the requirements for the procurement plan forms, the procurement schedule established by the Government of the Russian Federation (filled within the established competence). The application must be preliminarily agreed with the Accounting and Reporting Department.

10. Along with the purchase order, the initiator of the purchase must submit a justification for the purchase and a justification for the initial (maximum) price of the contract.

11. Within 10 days after the approval of the budget for the corresponding year, the contract service forms an updated (if necessary) draft procurement plan, procurement schedule and sends it for approval to the head of the Customer.

12. The procurement plan, the procurement schedule must be approved within ten working days after the customer is informed of the scope of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. The contract service ensures the placement of the procurement plan, procurement schedule in a single information system within three working days from the date of approval or change of such a plan, with the exception of information constituting a state secret.

14. Not later than the 10th day of the month preceding the beginning of the corresponding quarter in which the procurement is planned, the procurement initiator sends to the contract service confirmation of the need to make the relevant procurement or information about the need to postpone the publication of the procurement procedure or exclude it from the procurement schedule.

15. Not later than the 20th day of the month preceding the beginning of the corresponding quarter, in the event of a change in product needs, the contract service makes changes to the procurement schedule.

3. The order of interaction in determining the supplier (contractor, performer)

16. 3 weeks before the start of the planned month of publication of the procurement procedure, the procurement initiator submits to the contract service:

description of the procurement object in accordance with Article 33 of the Federal Law N 44-FZ (terms of reference);

adjusted justification for the initial (maximum) price of the contract, agreed with the Accounting and Reporting Department;

proposals on the criteria for evaluating applications.

17. When compiling the procurement documentation, the contract service coordinates with the Department of Legal Support and Organization of the State Civil Service and the Department of Accounting and Reporting the draft procurement documentation within the established competence.

18. Answers to requests, clarifications of documentation received from procurement participants on the issues specified in clause 16 are given within the established time limits by the procurement initiator and posted by the contract service in a single information system in the field of procurement.

4. The procedure for interaction when concluding and executing a contract

19. The contract service, in accordance with the requirements of the law and within the established time limits, sends the relevant draft contract to the winner of the supplier (contractor, performer) determination.

20. In the event that a protocol of disagreements is received from the winner of the determination of the supplier (contractor, performer), this protocol is subject to joint consideration by the contract service and the initiator of the purchase.

21. If it is necessary to make changes to the concluded contract, the contract service prepares a draft of the relevant additional agreement to the contract, coordinates it with the Department of Legal Support and Organization of the State Civil Service and the Department of Accounting and Reporting and ensures its signing.

22. The contract service, together with the initiator of the purchase, ensures the acceptance of goods, works, services, as well as the examination of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered.

23. If necessary, the contract service ensures the creation of an acceptance committee of at least five people to accept the delivered goods, work performed or services rendered, the results of a separate stage of contract execution in the manner and within the time limits established by the contract, and draws up an acceptance document.

24. The contract service prepares and sends relevant documents to the Accounting and Reporting Department to organize payment for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of contract execution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Republic Crimea.

The Accounting and Reporting Department informs the contract service about the payment made under the contract (a separate stage of contract execution) within 1 (one) working day.

25. The contract service, together with the Department of Legal Support and Organization of the State Civil Service and the Department of Accounting and Reporting, during the execution of the contract, interact with the supplier (contractor, executor), apply liability measures, including sending the supplier (contractor, executor) a request for payment of penalties (fines, penalties) in the event of a delay in the performance by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations (including a warranty obligation) stipulated by the contract, as well as in other cases of non-performance or improper performance by the supplier (contractor, performer) of obligations stipulated by the contract, commit other actions in case of violation by the supplier (contractor, performer) of the terms of the contract.

26. The contract service has the right to request from the structural subdivisions of the Customer other information and documents necessary for the performance of the functions and powers of the contract service. Structural subdivisions of the Customer are obliged to submit such documents and information to the contract service in due time.



On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for interaction of the Contract Service with structural divisions, officials of the Administration of the urban settlement "Novoorlovsk"

In accordance with the Federal Law of April 05, 2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", Resolution of the Administration of the State Enterprise "Novoorlovsk" dated April 15, 2014 No. 37 " On the creation of a contract service for the administration of the urban settlement "Novoorlovsk", the Charter of the urban settlement "Novoorlovsk",


1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for interaction between the Contract Service and structural subdivisions, officials of the Administration of the State Enterprise "Novoorlovsk" in accordance with the Appendix to this Resolution;
2. This Resolution enters into force from the date of signing.
3. I reserve control over the execution of the Decree.

The head of the urban settlement "Novoorlovsk" V.V. Abadaev

Regulations on the procedure for interaction
Contract service with structural divisions, officials
Administration SE "Novoorlovsk"

I. General provisions
1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on the contract system), by the Resolution of the State Enterprise Administration "Novoorlovsk" dated April 15, 2014 No. 37 "On the creation of a contract service for the administration of the urban settlement" Novoorlovsk ".
2. This Regulation establishes the procedure for the Contract Service, which is not a structural subdivision of the Novoorlovsk State Enterprise Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) to exercise its powers and determines the mechanisms for interaction of the Contract Service with structural divisions, officials, commissions for procurement in terms of planning and procurement, execution, modification and termination of municipal contracts concluded by the Administration in accordance with the Federal Law on the contract system.
3. The contract service and other structural units, officials, procurement commissions of the Administration interact on the basis of the principles of openness, transparency of information in the field of procurement, professionalism, efficiency of procurement, responsibility for the effectiveness of meeting the needs of the urban settlement "Novoorlovsk".

II. The order of actions of the Contract Service and interaction with structural divisions, officials in the course of procurement planning
1. Not later than three working days from the date of approval by the Council of SE "Novoorlovsk" local budget State Enterprise "Novoorlovsk" in the second reading, structural divisions, officials of the Administration (hereinafter - the initiators of procurement) submit to the Contract Service applications for procurement for planning period(hereinafter referred to as applications).
2. The application shall indicate:
2.1. the name and description of the object of procurement, indicating the characteristics of such an object, taking into account the provisions of Article 33 of the Federal Law on the contract system;
2.2. the quantity of goods supplied, the volume of work performed, services rendered;
2.3. planned terms, frequency of delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services;
2.4. substantiation of the purchase by establishing the compliance of the planned purchase with the objectives of the purchase, determined taking into account the provisions of Article 13 of the Federal Law on the contract system.
3. A rationale for the initial (maximum) price of the contract may be attached to the application, as well as additional requirements for procurement participants and the rationale for such requirements.
4. Applications filled out without specifying the mandatory information provided for in paragraph 2 of the Regulations are rejected and returned to the initiator of the purchase at the time of filing the application or immediately after the discovery of these grounds for rejecting the application.
5. Within three working days, the specialists of the Contract Service check the applications for compliance with their requirements of the legislation on procurement, the correctness and completeness of the specified information, the amount of financial resources allocated to the initiators of the procurement, and other requirements.
6. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the Head of the Contract Service makes a decision to include this application in the procurement plan of SE Novoorlovsk (hereinafter referred to as the procurement plan) or to return the application to the procurement initiator to eliminate comments. At the same time, these comments must be eliminated by the initiator of the purchase within one working day.
7.Specialists of the Contract Service check the application with the corrected comments within one working day. Based on the results of this check, the Head of the Contract Service makes a decision to include this application in the procurement plan or to reject this application.
8. Within one working day after consideration of all applications, the specialists of the Contract Service form a procurement plan and schedule.
9. When forming a procurement plan and a schedule, it is allowed to combine bids from various procurement initiators containing the same type or related procurement objects, planned lines, frequency of delivery of goods, performance of work or provision of services into one procurement.
10. After the formation of the procurement plan and schedule, these documents are immediately sent to the Head of SE "Novoorlovsk" for approval.
11. Within three working days after receipt of the specified documents, the Head of SE "Novoorlovsk" makes a decision on their approval or on their return to the Contract Service for revision.
12. If it is necessary to make changes to the procurement plan and schedule, the initiator of the procurement submits an application to the Contract Service no later than twenty working days before the expected date of implementation, modification or cancellation of the procurement.
13. The approved procurement plan and schedule, as well as changes to them, are subject to placement by the specialists of the Contract Service in a single information system or on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to post information on placing orders for the supply of goods, fulfillment works, provision of services within three working days from the date of approval.

III. The order of actions of the Contract Service and interaction with structural divisions, officials, the procurement commission in the course of procurement
1. Not later than fifteen days before the planned date of placement of the notice of procurement, the specialist of the Contract Service, on behalf of the head of the Contract Service, begins to develop the notice and documentation for the procurement, the draft contract.
2. An authorized specialist of the Contract Service organizes the preparation of a description of the procurement object, included in the procurement notice, draft contract, specifies the initial (maximum) price of the contract and its justification, checks the procurement for compliance with the requirements of the legislation on procurement from small businesses, socially oriented non-profit organizations, other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. The notice of the procurement, the documentation of the procurement, the draft contract are posted by an authorized specialist of the Contract Service within one working day from the date of the planned date of the procurement.
4. In the event of a request for clarification of the provisions of the procurement documentation, an authorized specialist of the Contract Service, within the time period established by law, prepares and sends in writing or in the form of an electronic document an explanation of the provisions of the procurement documentation.
5. In the event of a request for clarification of the provisions of the procurement documentation relating to the description of the procurement object, an authorized specialist of the Contract Service engages the procurement initiator, municipal employees of the Local Administration with the necessary knowledge of the procurement object, experts to prepare the clarification.
6. The contract service provides organizational and technical support for the activities of procurement commissions, including:
6.1. Ensures the compliance of applications, documents submitted by procurement participants with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and documentation on the procurement;
6.2. Ensures the safety of envelopes with applications for participation in procurement, security, inviolability and confidentiality of those submitted in the form electronic documents applications for participation in procurements and ensures consideration of the content of applications for participation in procurements only after opening the envelopes with applications for participation in procurements or opening access to applications for participation in procurements submitted in the form of electronic documents;
6.3. Ensures the implementation of an audio recording of the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in procurement and (or) the opening of access to applications for participation in procurement submitted in the form of electronic documents;
6.4. Ensures the storage, within the time limits established by law, of the minutes drawn up during the procurement, applications for participation in procurement, procurement documentation, changes made to the procurement documentation, clarifications of the provisions of the procurement documentation and an audio recording of opening envelopes with applications for participation in procurement and (or) opening access to applications submitted in the form of electronic documents for participation in procurement;
6.5. Attracts experts, expert organizations.
7. The specialist of the Contract Service, within the time limits established by law, places in the unified information system or on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to post information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services, protocols of the procurement commission.
8. An authorized specialist of the Contract Service organizes the conclusion of a contract by sending a draft contract to the supplier (contractor, performer).

IV. The order of actions of the Contract Service and interaction with structural divisions, officials in the execution, amendment and termination of contracts

1. The contract service ensures the acceptance of the delivered goods, the work performed (its results), the services rendered, as well as individual stages of the delivery of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services.
2. If necessary, an authorized specialist of the Contract Service prepares a decision on the establishment of an acceptance committee and includes, in agreement with the Head of SE "Novoorlovsk", other officials of the Administration.
3. An authorized specialist of the Contract Service prepares a document on the acceptance of the results of a separate stage of the execution of the contract, as well as the goods delivered, work performed or services rendered.
4. An authorized specialist of the Contract Service organizes payment for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services rendered, as well as individual stages of contract execution by informing the financial and economic department of the Administration about essential conditions of the concluded contract, including the price, subject of the contract, name, characteristics and quantity (volume) of the goods supplied, work performed, services rendered, the timing and frequency of deliveries, performance of work, provision of services, as well as the message contact information and bank details of the supplier (contractor, performer).
5. The specialist of the Contract Service transfers or ensures the transfer to the financial and economic department of the Administration of documents on the acceptance of goods, performance of work, provision of services, individual stages of the execution of the contract as a basis for transferring funds to the settlement account of the supplier (contractor, performer).
6. Chief Accountant The Administration, within one working day from the date of payment, is obliged to provide the Contract Service with copies of documents drawn up in accordance with the law on payment for goods delivered, work performed, services rendered, a separate stage of contract execution.
7. The responsible specialist of the Contract Service prepares, with the participation of authorized specialists from other structural divisions of the Local Administration, and submits for signing to the Head of Administration the requirements for payment by the supplier (contractor, contractor) of penalties, fines, penalties, decisions on other measures of responsibility, including inclusion in the register of unfair suppliers, in case of improper performance by the counterparty of the contract.
8. Specialists of the Contract Service, including at the suggestion of members of the acceptance committee, organize an examination of the delivered goods, work performed, services rendered, involve experts, expert organizations.
9. The responsible specialist of the Contract Service, on the basis of the information provided, places in the unified information system or before the commissioning of the specified system on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" to post information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services a report containing information on the performance of the contract, on compliance with the intermediate and final deadlines for the performance of the contract, on the improper performance of the contract (indicating the violations committed) or on the non-performance of the contract and on the sanctions that were applied in connection with the breach of the terms of the contract or its non-performance, on the change or on the termination of the contract in the course of its execution, information on the change of the contract or on the termination of the contract.