Evaluation of the quality of trade services in the retail trade. Assessment of the quality of trade services, general requirements for trade services, indicators for assessing trade services Assessment of the quality of customer service in retail trade

  • 02.06.2020

Quality Trade Service Buyer

culture trade service- this is organizational culture, aimed at serving customers based on the development of certain rules, procedures, practical skills and abilities. For shoppers entering the salesroom, her influence begins with the salesperson's smile, cleanliness and order, and the abundance of goods in the store. The buyer is pleased when a beautiful exterior and interior is created for him, service is organized additional services etc. All this does not arise suddenly, but as a result of long and hard work. 10, p. 154

The culture of service is dictated by the policy of the enterprise, supported by the personnel incentive system and a number of other measures. Today, the understanding of service culture in the narrow sense is widespread, as a set of rules of courtesy, sensitivity, competence, availability of personnel for customers, the level of skill of employees, comfort, aesthetics of service provision, etc. (ethics of conduct), however this concept should be considered much broader in all its states and in the manifestation of all its elements.

Culture - from lat. cultivation, education, processing. It is generally accepted that culture is divided into material and spiritual, so culture includes a combination of material and spiritual goods and values, as well as ways of human activity to create and use them. 8, p. 86

Service culture is an integral part common culture society, and it should be considered as a certain level of development of the trade service process, which is expressed in psychological, ethical, aesthetic, organizational, technical and other aspects. It is produced by every company. The manifestation of a high culture of service is determined through the behavior of the staff, who clearly knows how to act in any situation, and what buyers and management expect from him.

The culture of trade service is included in a broader and more complex concept - "trade service" and is closely related to such concepts as "quality of trade service", "trade culture", "level of service". These concepts are based on concern for the buyer, who should be able to purchase everything necessary in the trade with the least amount of time and the greatest convenience. eleven . p.134

The quality of trade services is completely dependent on the achieved level of production of consumer goods in the country and the resources available to satisfy it and is expressed in the quantity and quality of goods, the conditions for their purchase, the time spent by buyers and the quality of services, the culture of service. The culture of trade service is determined by the degree of development of progressive forms and methods of sale, the quality of the conditions created for buyers, the quality of trade service management, skillfully presented advertising and information, the professionalism of personnel, the fulfillment of duties by sellers, the culture of communication, and the organization of studying demand. 8, p. 102-103

The main condition for a high culture of trade services is the constant availability of all goods necessary for the population. The growth of the material well-being of the people and their purchasing power makes it necessary to expand the assortment and improve the quality of goods.

Regulatory support for the quality of trade services

A generally accepted document confirming the quality of trade services is a certificate. The certificate certifies that the product meets a certain quality standard or other normative and technical document.

Law Russian Federation"On Protection of Consumer Rights" regulates relations in the field of consumer protection, establishes the rights and obligations of the manufacturer in the field of establishing the service life, shelf life of the goods, as well as warranty period for goods (Appendix 1).

Regulatory documents are documents containing rules, general principles and characteristics that are relevant to certain activities or their results and are available to a wide range of users. First of all, these documents include the so-called standards.

The trade service quality assurance system is based on standardization. Mandatory quality requirements are included in state standards Russian Federation -- standards for products and services.

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How to implement customer service quality standards in the store? - this problem is faced sooner or later by every owner of a retail business, who aims to ensure that the store sells "more", "better" and "with an individual approach to each client." In our article, we provide typical customer service standards in trading floor, which are suitable for implementation in the work of any retail store.

Customer Service Standards: Why Follow Them?

Each of us today is a buyer of something and each of us wants to be served "on the highest class", regardless of which company provides this service: in a cafe, restaurant, cinema, when buying a tour to hot countries or in a store "at home" format.

Today, people do not just buy goods, but try to make purchases only in those trade enterprises where they will be truly welcome, and they will know that they will be served efficiently and quickly. Any buyer wants to be pleased to communicate with the seller, to be satisfied with his purchase, to enjoy the process, and only then will he want to return to the trading enterprise again.

This can be achieved today only when store employees his face" comply with customer service standards. Without a doubt, service quality standards must be developed in every trade enterprise. This document allows you to solve several problems at once.

Firstly, the store's customer service standards help the work of new employees: they help to avoid stupid and serious mistakes in communicating with customers, they help to better understand and understand what is called the "corporate culture" of the company.

Secondly, customer service standards greatly simplify the work of sellers: they know the rules for working with customers, what is acceptable in dealing with them, and what is strictly prohibited.

Sellers do not need to once again "think" about how to sell goods more efficiently, how to communicate with customers all the information necessary for their work is already systematized and structured in customer service standards.

The CRM system for a store from Business.ru allows you to assign tasks to responsible employees. sorted by importance. The service also provides for the possibility of commenting and discussing each individual task, which will simplify communication between employees.

Many entrepreneurs believe that the strict adherence of employees to the standards of customer service "eliminates" the individuality of sellers. In fact, it is not.

An employee of a trade enterprise simply works in accordance with the principles and rules accepted in the company, and they do not prevent him from showing all his abilities and the gift of persuasion within the framework of accepted standards customer service.

Quality service in the store today can become its “trick”, hallmark, competitive advantage that will help keep customers.

If an entrepreneur manages to bring the quality of service to a new high level in a store, he will immediately receive a number of advantages:

  • customers themselves will return to such a store, they will recommend it to friends, acquaintances, relatives;
  • the average check amount will steadily grow, and sales will not depend on seasonality;
  • each salesperson in the store will be motivated to sell more, generate more revenue, and receive more bonuses for excellent work.

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It must be said that customer service standards in each store will differ, often they can even be diametrically opposed, but, in general, they are usually standardized and include:

  1. General requirements of a trade enterprise;
  2. Requirements for the appearance of sellers;
  3. Requirements for the behavior of sellers on the trading floor;
  4. Requirements for customer service, principles of working with store visitors;
  5. Rules for working with buyers in conflict situations, non-standard situations;
  6. Requirements for compliance with sales stages;
  7. Requirements for knowledge of the assortment of goods in the store, types of products, ongoing promotions.

Let's take a closer look at some of the listed requirements within the framework of the developed standards for customer service at a retail enterprise.

Requirements for the work of employees in trade

As mentioned above, the general requirements for the work of employees in each trade enterprise will be different, but all sellers and consultants must comply with them without fail. For example, these are:

  • Each visitor to the store, regardless of gender, age, financial condition, must be served only at the highest level;
  • To each visitor and buyer of a trade enterprise, sellers must treat with the utmost respect and only on "You", regardless of the age of the visitor, his nationality, solvency;
  • In the trading floor of the store, the absence of sellers is not allowed;
  • Regardless of what the seller is doing, he must answer the buyer's question, as much as possible to satisfy his interest in the assortment of goods in the store;
  • The store clerk should always be extremely polite with customers, friendly, courteous, attentive and try to create the most pleasant impression about the trade enterprise for the buyer;
  • Any request and "whim" of the buyer must be fulfilled everyone possible ways as soon as possible, while the seller must always be considerate towards store visitors.

Requirements for the appearance of shop assistants

An important section of such a document as « Standards of customer service at a retail enterprise” are the requirements for the appearance of store sellers.

This is really important because they “meet”, including in the store, “by clothes”, which means it depends on how appearance employee will meet all the requirements, depends on what impression the buyer will have about this trade enterprise.

  • Store employees must wear uniform, if any. The seller's clothes should always be clean and ironed;
  • The store employee must wear a badge with name, surname and position;
  • The hair of a store employee must be clean, beautifully styled., long hair should be tied up. It is allowed to use only wedding rings, watches, a chain, small earrings as jewelry;
  • The seller's hands and nails must be immaculately clean., it is allowed to have a manicure, but without long nails and the use of varnishes of bright colors; the seller's make-up should be moderate, bright colors in make-up are unacceptable;
  • The aroma of the seller's perfume should not be sharp and intrusive, also the store employee must monitor the freshness of breath;
  • The salesperson's shoes must always be kept clean and match the color of the employee's uniform., shoes should be closed, the heel should not be high.

Requirements for the behavior of sellers on the trading floor

In a document like « Customer Service Standard at a Retail Enterprise”, the requirements for the behavior of sellers on the trading floor should be described in detail. Often these requirements are not observed by store employees and it is absolutely impossible to allow such a state of affairs. this can negatively affect the image of the company.

  • In the trading floor to the seller prohibited enjoy mobile phone , including talking on the phone on personal matters;
  • In the trading floor to the seller prohibited turn your back on the customer;
  • Leave or "ignore" buyer questions addressed to the seller is prohibited. The buyer must always be assisted at his first request;
  • All store employees must greet each visitor politely trade enterprises, regardless of whether he just came to look around or intends to make a purchase, regardless of his age and social status;
  • prohibited: lean on equipment, talking among themselves on abstract personal topics in front of buyers, chew gum;
  • Store employees on the sales floor it is forbidden to allow oneself familiarity in communication with visitors;
  • Store employees on the sales floor don't talk too loudly, take food and drink, yawn;
  • Store employees are forbidden to speak negatively about the trade enterprise in which he works, about the assortment and quality of goods, to discuss internal problems of the company with customers.

Comprehensive trade automation at a minimum cost

We take a regular computer, connect any fiscal registrar and install the Business Ru Kassa application. As a result, we get an economical analogue of a POS-terminal as in a large store with all its functions. We enter goods with prices in the Business.Ru cloud service and start working. For everything about everything - a maximum of 1 hour and 15-20 thousand rubles. for the fiscal registrar.

Requirements for customer service, principles of working with store visitors

This section of the store's customer experience standards describes how a salesperson or consultant should behave when dealing with customers. These rules must also be strictly followed. It must also be remembered that in dealing with customers, salespeople and consultants should not be too intrusive.

Most store visitors do not welcome the "increased" attention from outside service personnel and prefer to make choices on their own without anyone's intrusive help and participation. This also needs to be remembered.

  • Every client needs unobtrusively offer help in the choice of goods, in case of refusal, allow the visitor to inspect the retail facility and the range of goods on their own;
  • When communicating with a client, the seller must try to determine his needs as much as possible and, based on this, to assist in the selection of goods;
  • The seller should not "put pressure" on the client, impose on him the purchase of goods, "sell" slow-moving goods, should give him time to choose and think and try to help him in his choice as much as possible, select only best goods, give him alternative options to choose from, listen to his opinion and wishes;
  • Consultation must be provided only to those buyers who themselves ask for it or who will not mind it;
  • Seller Help or a consultant should be provided to everyone who asks for it: the seller must find the right product, answer questions about the assortment, availability of goods;
  • The seller must good knowledge of the range goods of the store and be able to give full detailed answers to any questions of buyers, regarding this, sellers and consultants must constantly improve and increase their knowledge about the goods;
  • If a customer asks about the availability of goods in a store, the seller should not just show their approximate location, but should escort a person to the location of the goods, walk with him in the right direction, get and show the required goods, give advice;
  • The seller must not complain in the presence of a client, make a displeased or bored expression. Remember the shop visitor this is a guest of a trade enterprise!

The rules of working with buyers in conflict and non-standard situations are really important for each seller or consultant of a trade enterprise.

In the CRM system for a store from Business.Ru, you can maintain a detailed database of customers with various notes to them. This will allow you to track conflicting buyers and target them to more competent employees.

In stressful situations, many employees get lost, start to either be silent, or say something unintelligible, or begin to “quarrel” with the buyer in response. This also cannot be allowed. Sellers must strictly follow the rules for working with buyers in conflict situations.

  1. Not a single complaint, problem, situation that has arisen with the buyer should be left without the attention of store employees;
  2. The seller is obliged to listen carefully to any complaint from the buyer, to treat each complaint as kindly as possible, regardless of the tone in which the client expresses his dissatisfaction;
  3. The seller must try to sort out the problem that the buyer has, on his own, but if this is not possible, you must contact the manager or management of the store for help;
  4. The seller must accept the goods if the buyer returns them, and try to find out what the reason for the return is;
  5. If the reason for the return can be eliminated, then the seller must replace the product with a product of a different size, or offer an identical item in return;
  6. In any conflict situation, the seller must behave with the buyer as correctly as possible, not allow himself to raise his voice, be irritable, and express his dissatisfaction aloud;
  7. The seller or store consultant should not: argue with the buyer, succumb to provocations, raise his voice; the seller or consultant must offer solutions to his problem, argue his proposal, then solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Compliance with sales stages

As you know, any sale telephone or retail store must be carried out according to a certain algorithm. When working with clients, each seller must follow the 7 stages of selling goods:

  1. greetings;
  2. establishing contact;
  3. identification of wishes and needs;
  4. presentation of goods, assistance in their selection;
  5. work with objections;
  6. sale of goods, settlement;
  7. farewell, subsequent service.

It is the observance of the stages of sales that will become the standard of "branded" customer service.

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The service will improve the efficiency of the store by reducing the loss of product balances, significantly speed up the process of revaluation, printing price tags / labels, strictly discipline the work of the cashier and limit his opportunities when working with discounts / sales at a free price.

  • When a buyer appears, the seller must show sincere joy and attention to him, say hello, be sure smile;
  • The first phrases when communicating with a client should not cause tension in the buyer, irritate him. The seller must try create the most pleasant atmosphere for the client, demonstrate your interest in his person;
  • The seller must try "establish" contact with the client, arrange him for a conversation, set him up in a friendly way, but skillfully questions asked help the buyer to “open up” and identify his needs for a particular product;
  • The seller must maximize the interest of the buyer in the product range store, offer various options, at the same time listen to the preferences of the buyer, compliment his taste, help the client to choose the right product, size, look, do everything willingly and as sincerely as possible it always disposes each client;
  • In order to identify customer needs, the seller must set open questions , listen carefully to what the buyer will say, try to get maximum information from him, clarify the details, all the data collected will help the consultant to sell maximum amount goods and increase average check purchases;
  • Based on information about the needs of the client, the seller makes a presentation of certain products. It is necessary to show the goods, giving them into the hands of the client, it is also necessary to tell about the main advantages of the goods, the buyer must be able to independently inspect the goods, try them on;
  • Completing the sale, serving the client at the checkout, the seller must be sure to thank him for the purchase, offer to visit the store again, as well as talk about planned promotions, the existing bonus system, etc.

Implementation of customer service quality standards in the store this is one of the effective methods to improve the work of store employees. When each of the employees knows exactly what rules must be observed in communicating with customers, and what mistakes should not be made, then the quality of service will increase accordingly.

All entrepreneurs who have introduced customer service quality standards into the work of their employees note a positive sales trend, and sellers the simple fact that it has become much easier for them to work with clients.

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  1. How to write scripts for sales managers that will give results