Responsibilities of a mobile phone seller. Job description of the store manager, mobile phone salon. Subordination and substitution

  • 05.03.2020
  • Concept, subject, method, system of social security law
    • The right to social security is the constitutional competence of the individual
    • Subject of social security law
    • Social security law method
    • Social security law and social law
    • Social security law system
  • Constitutional Principles of Social Security Law
    • The concept of constitutional principles of social security law
    • The principle of universality of social security
    • Social security assurance
    • The principle of financing social security at the expense of budgets of all levels, social insurance (mandatory and voluntary), charity and additional forms of social security
    • The principle of delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers between bodies state power Russian Federation and public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social security
  • Sources of social security law
    • The concept of sources of social security law and their classification
    • general characteristics sources of social security law
  • Legal relations on social security
    • The concept and types of legal relations on social security
    • General characteristics of legal relations on social security
  • Concept, types, calculation of work experience
    • The concept and meaning of seniority
    • General seniority
    • Insurance experience
    • Special insurance experience. Seniority
    • Calculation and confirmation of seniority
  • General characteristics of the pension system of the Russian Federation
    • Characteristics of modern Russian system pension provision
    • The concept of pensions, their classification
  • Labor pensions
    • Old-age labor pension
    • Old-age labor pension due to special working conditions
    • Disability labor pension
    • Labor pension in case of loss of the breadwinner
    • Assignment, recalculation, indexation and adjustment of labor pensions
  • State pension provision
    • Characteristics of the state pension provision subsystem
    • Pensions paid to persons affected by radiation and man-made disasters
    • Social pensions
    • Pension provision for civil servants
    • Lifetime maintenance of judges
  • Pension provision of military personnel and categories of citizens equated to them as part of the state pension provision
    • Military personnel and categories of citizens equated to them in the pension system of Russia
    • Seniority pension
    • Disability pension incurred during service
    • Service survivor's pension
  • Temporary Disability Benefit
    • The concept of temporary disability benefits. General rules destination
    • Grounds for providing benefits for temporary disability
    • The amount of temporary disability benefits. Earnings from which benefits are calculated
    • Documents certifying temporary disability
  • Unemployment benefit
    • Grounds for granting unemployment benefits
    • Amounts and terms of payment of unemployment benefits
    • Termination, suspension of payment and reduction of the amount of unemployment benefits
  • Benefits paid to citizens with children
    • State support for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood
    • Maternity allowance
    • Lump sums citizens with children
    • Monthly allowances for citizens with children
  • Other social benefits
    • Benefits paid to citizens involved in the fight against terrorism
    • Benefits and compensation in the event of post-vaccination complications
    • Burial allowance
  • Compensation payments
    • The concept and types of compensation payments
    • Compensation to citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters
    • Compensation payments to non-working able-bodied citizens caring for disabled citizens
    • Compensation payments to citizens with children
  • Provision in connection with accidents at work and occupational diseases
    • Compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases
    • Types of insurance coverage
    • Appointment and payment of security for insurance
  • Medical care and treatment
    • The right of citizens to health care
    • Health insurance
    • Types of medical and social assistance
    • medicinal help
    • Spa treatment
  • Legal regulation of social services
    • The concept and principles of social service
    • Types of social services
    • social service elderly and disabled citizens
    • Social services for children

Calculation and confirmation of seniority

Calculation of work experience.

The calculation of the periods included in the length of service can be carried out in a calendar or preferential manner. All types of seniority are calculated in a calendar order, the preferential procedure is applied only for certain periods, in cases provided for by law.

Calculation of periods of work and other activities in calendar order is based on a full year (12 months). At the same time, every 30 days are converted into months, and every 12 months are converted into full years.

If several periods coincide in time (for example, work and simultaneous care for a disabled child), one of such periods is taken into account at the choice of a citizen.

On a preferential basis in the total length of service Until January 1, 2002, the following periods were included: work in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to them (in one and a half times); work in leper colonies and anti-plague institutions (double); work and service in military units, headquarters and institutions that are part of the army in the field, as well as the time spent on treatment in medical institutions due to a military injury (in a triple amount); work in Leningrad during the blockade (triple); work during the Great Patriotic War, except for work in areas temporarily occupied by the enemy (double size); conscription service (double size).

In a preferential manner, the length of service for the appointment of a labor pension is calculated in two cases. Firstly, when working during the full navigational period on water transport. This is due to the fact that the duration of the navigation period depends on climatic conditions and whatever it is, it is credited for a full year of work if the employee has worked for the full navigation period; secondly, when working during the full season in organizations of seasonal industries. Seasonal work is carried out for a certain period - no more than six months due to natural or climatic conditions. Duration seasonal work it doesn't matter (it could be two or three months), the main thing is to work through the full season. In this case, the period will be taken into account in such a way that the length of service in the corresponding year will be a full year.

The time of service in special conditions is subject to offset in the length of service for the assigned pension in a preferential calculation. Thus, the time of service in military units that are part of the active army is counted - one month for three months, the time of service in highlands - one month for two.

Employment confirmation.

Legislation provides two ways to confirm the length of service - documents and testimonies.

Confirmation of seniority with documents is the main way of proof. When calculating the length of service, the periods of work and (or) other activities before the registration of a citizen as an insured person in accordance with federal law dated April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ "On individual (personalized) accounting in the system of state pension insurance" is confirmed by documents issued in the prescribed manner by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies. After registration of a citizen as an insured person, the length of service is confirmed by the information of an individual personified account.

The main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is a work book.

In the absence of a work book, as well as in the case when work book contains incorrect and inaccurate information or there are no records of individual periods of work, written employment contracts drawn up in accordance with labor law operating on the day of the emergence of the relevant legal relations, labor books of collective farmers, certificates issued by employers or state (municipal) bodies, extracts from orders, personal accounts and statements for the issuance of wages.

If the work book is not maintained, the periods of work under an employment contract are confirmed by a written employment contract drawn up in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the legal relationship in question arises.

The periods of work under a civil law contract, the subject of which is the performance of work or the provision of services, are confirmed by the specified contract, drawn up in accordance with the civil law in force on the day the legal relationship arose, and the employer's document confirming the payment of mandatory payments. In this case, the duration of the period of work included in the insurance period is determined according to the term of the contract, corresponding to the period of payment of mandatory payments. In cases where the term of the contract is not set, the duration of the specified period is determined based on the period of payment of mandatory payments.

periods of individual labor activity persons who had registration certificates or patents issued by the executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies before January 1, 1991, are confirmed by a document financial authorities or certificates of archival institutions on the payment of mandatory payments. The specified periods of activity (with the exception of the activity of individual entrepreneurs who switched to paying a single tax on imputed income and applied a simplified taxation system) starting from January 1, 1991 are confirmed by a document of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or territorial tax authority on payment of mandatory fees.

The periods of entrepreneurial activity during which an individual entrepreneur paid a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities are confirmed by a certificate of payment of this tax issued by the territorial tax authorities.

Periods of business activity during which individual entrepreneur, applying the simplified taxation system, paid the cost of the patent in accordance with the established procedure, are confirmed: for the periods before January 1, 2001 - by a document of the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and for periods after January 1, 2001 - by a document of the territorial tax authorities.

Periods of activity as heads of peasant (farmer) households are confirmed by a document of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or a territorial tax authority on the payment of mandatory payments.

Periods of activity as members of tribal, family communities of indigenous peoples of the North, engaged in traditional economic sectors, are confirmed by a community document on the period of this activity and a document of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the territorial tax authority on the payment of mandatory payments.

The periods of creative activity of members of creative unions who are not on the staff of organizations are confirmed by a certificate from the organization that paid the remuneration to the specified person for the work created by him, on the payment of mandatory payments from the amount of this remuneration. The periods of activity as private detectives, engaged in private practice of notaries, lawyers and other persons who independently provide themselves with work, are confirmed by a document of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the territorial tax authority on the payment of mandatory payments.

The period of military service, as well as other service equivalent to it, provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families", is confirmed by military tickets, certificates military commissariats, military units, archival institutions, entries in the work book made on the basis of documents, and other documents containing information about the period of service.

The period of receipt of state social insurance benefits during the period of temporary disability is confirmed by the document of the employer or the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation on the period of payment of the said benefit.

The period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years is confirmed by documents certifying the birth of the child and the achievement of the age of one and a half years. As these documents, a birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate, death certificate, certificates of housing authorities on cohabitation until the child reaches the age of one and a half years, documents of the employer on granting parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years and other documents confirming the necessary information. In addition, a citizen (one of the parents) applying for the establishment of a labor pension must provide information about the second parent necessary to resolve the issue of which parent should count the time spent caring for a child in the insurance record.

The periods of receiving unemployment benefits, participation in paid public works and moving in the direction of the state employment service to another area for employment are confirmed by a certificate from the state employment service. The periods of detention of persons who have been unreasonably brought to criminal liability and the serving of sentences by these persons in places of deprivation of liberty and in exile are confirmed by documents of the institution executing punishment, on the period of serving punishment in places of deprivation of liberty, in exile, detention and a document on unreasonable bringing to criminal liability, issued in the prescribed manner.

The period of detention of persons who were unreasonably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated, and the period of serving the sentence by these persons in places of deprivation of liberty and in exile is confirmed by the documents of the institution executing punishment, on the period of serving punishment in places of deprivation of liberty, in exile, detention and is counted in insurance experience in the presence of a document on rehabilitation, issued in the prescribed manner.

The period of stay of persons from among the repressed peoples in special settlements (places of exile) is confirmed by documents of the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation on the period of stay in special settlements (places of exile) or on the period of stay under supervision with restriction of rights and freedoms and is counted in the insurance experience if there is a document on rehabilitation issued in the prescribed manner.

The period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child under the age of 18 or for a person who has reached the age of 80 years is counted in the insurance period by the decision of the body providing pensions at the place of residence of the person being cared for, taken on the basis of an application by an able-bodied caregiver and documents certifying the fact and duration of being on a disability (for disabled people of the 1st group and disabled children), as well as the age (for the elderly and disabled children) of the person being cared for.

When the able-bodied caregiver and the person being cared for live apart, in addition to the listed documents, a written confirmation of the person being cared for (carried out) or his legal representative that he was actually cared for is provided; the surname, name, patronymic of the person who provided care, and the period of care are indicated.

The actual circumstances of leaving can be confirmed by an inspection report of the body providing pensions. The fact and duration of being on a disability are confirmed by an extract from the examination certificate in an institution of the state service of medical and social expertise. Birth certificate, passport and other documents can be presented as proof of age.

Confirmation of seniority by witness testimony applies only to periods of work prior to the registration of a citizen as an insured person. The procedure for confirming the period of work with witness testimony depends on the reason for the non-preservation of documents. If work documents are lost due to a natural disaster (earthquake, flood, hurricane, fire, and similar reasons) and it is impossible to restore them, periods of work may be established based on the evidence of two or more witnesses who know the citizen through joint work with one employer.

The following must be attached to the citizen's application to establish the period of his work on the basis of witness testimony:

  1. a document of the state (municipal) body in whose territory the natural disaster occurred, confirming the date, month, year, place and nature of the natural disaster;
  2. a document of the employer or the relevant state (municipal) body confirming the fact of the loss of work documents in connection with the specified natural disaster and the impossibility of restoring them;
  3. certificate of an archival institution or a state (municipal) body confirming the absence of archival data on the period of work, established by testimony.

In the event of the loss of work documents and the impossibility of obtaining them due to careless storage, deliberate destruction and other similar reasons through no fault of the employee, periods of work are established based on the testimony of two or more witnesses who know this employee through joint work with one employer and who have documents about their work for the time confirming the work of a citizen. An employer's document or other documents confirming the fact and reason for the loss of work documents and the impossibility of obtaining them must be attached to the employee's application for establishing the period of his work on the basis of witness testimony. The duration of the length of service established on the basis of testimonies cannot in this case exceed half of the length of service required for the assignment of a labor pension.

When establishing the period of work according to testimony, the following is taken into account:

  • the period of work, starting from the achievement by the employee of the age from which it is allowed to conclude an employment contract in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arises;
  • testimonies only for that period joint work, at which the witness has reached the age when it is allowed to conclude an employment contract in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arose.

This article will discuss the concept and types of work experience. This topic is extremely important for the modern population. Especially for those who hope to retire and live on the appropriate government benefits. What do you need to know about work experience? How is it calculated? What is it all about? All of these questions will be answered below. If you carefully study the current legislation, then there will be no problems with such a topic.


The concept and types of work experience have nothing incomprehensible. Length of service refers to the total duration of employment.

Usually, only periods of official employment are included in the length of service. They are written in a special document.

In addition, the mentioned component includes the time intervals in which the citizen carried out entrepreneurial activity. This is a fairly common occurrence. Running your own business is not reflected in the employment document, but it will be possible to take a certificate from the FIU or the Federal Tax Service stating that the applicant worked "for himself" at a certain time.

About Calculus

Calculation of seniority is not a hassle. As we have already said, we are dealing with the total duration of a person's work for a lifetime. This period is calculated in years. Then months and weeks follow. Only then - days.

To calculate the experience of formal employment, you just need to add together all the periods in which a person worked. And to them you will need to add some special periods of time that are not considered employment, but bring a person closer to retirement. They will be discussed later.


The concept and types of work experience are of interest to every person who counts on state support in old age. After all, the mentioned component plays an important role in calculating the pension.

Work experience is of different types. Namely:

  • continuous;
  • insurance;
  • general insurance;
  • special.

What can be attributed to each item? And what happens when you get a work experience? How to properly document it?

Continuous work period

Continuous experience is a concept that has sunk into oblivion in Russia. It was actively used in the USSR, but in the modern Russian Federation the significance of this component has been lost.

Continuous experience is the period of work of a person in the same field of activity without dismissal. Most often, work in a particular company is implied.

Previously, the presence of continuous work experience brought the employee closer to retirement faster. In addition, such personnel were valued, they were given certain state bonuses. But now continuous experience does not give any special opportunities. And therefore, they are not particularly eager for it.


The concept and types of insurance work experience are also of interest to many. Since 2015, in Russia, the importance of the duration of a person’s work has partially depreciated. After all, now when you retire, the insurance record plays a decisive role.

This is the name of the periods in which deductions were made to the FIU for a citizen. For example, during official employment or while in the status of an individual entrepreneur.

Insurance experience is general, labor and non-labor. In the first case, the sum of working and non-working periods is implied, in the second - official employment, in the third - special cases that can be considered work experience without a person having a job.

General insurance

We are more or less clear legal significance, the concept and types of work experience. It is worth paying attention to the general insurance subtype.

As a rule, when calculating a pension in Russia, it is he who will play a decisive role. The total length of service includes, as already mentioned, all the periods in which certain deductions were made to the FIU for a person. This is the time of work, and doing business, and the use of special life situations.

It is easy to calculate this component. First you need to find out the length of service, then - non-working periods. Adding all this, we get the total duration of the item of interest to us. Most often, to clarify the situation, citizens come with SNILS to the FIU. Employees will quickly help to calculate the total insurance experience of a citizen.

Special works

The last alignment is a special seniority. concept this term not interesting to all citizens. And only a few workers face it.

By special experience it is customary to understand the duration of a citizen's work in a particular field of activity. For example, when staying in a position that provides for early retirement due to seniority.

This component plays a role under the following circumstances:

  • appointment of pension payments for work in special conditions;
  • superannuation pension.

The special duration of work often affects the allowances and other remuneration due to a person for length of service. Most often, the military, doctors and teachers face this form of experience.

About Confirmation

The main points related to the concept and types of seniority are now known to us. It is worth paying attention to the features of the topic being studied.

Confirmation of a person's work experience plays a huge role. Most often, evidence is presented by documents. But sometimes testimony is required.

Confirmation of seniority ideally occurs upon presentation of a work book to the FIU. All periods of official employment are recorded here. Also, any certificates indicating the time of opening and closing of the IP may be suitable as documents.

A military ID and certificates from the commissariat can also indicate the duration of a person's work. But in real life they are rarely used. Unless if a citizen has the right to receive an increased pension and various allowances.

Non-working periods

The institute of work experience necessarily includes non-work periods that will be counted in the insurance experience. Since 2015, after the entry into force of the new principles for calculating pensions, the government recommends actively using the proposed opportunities. After all, they will bring them closer to retirement without official employment.

Unemployed periods include:

  • conscription (urgent) and military service;
  • care for children up to 1.5 years;
  • caring for the disabled;
  • registration as a caregiver for a citizen after 80 years;
  • detention by mistake (illegal);
  • receiving benefits social type temporary disability;
  • living with a military spouse in an area where there is no place to work (no more than 5 years in total).

Accordingly, all the periods of life listed above will be taken into account when retiring. During them, transfers to the FIU take place. They are exactly what the citizens need!

About retirement

The concept and types of work experience are already known to us. But what about a citizen who decides to retire? After all, he will have to confirm the periods of official employment!

When assigning a pension, citizens will need the following package of papers:

  • SNILS;
  • the passport;
  • military ID (if any);
  • employment history;
  • extracts on the conduct of labor activity;
  • certificates from the FIU on caring for the disabled and the elderly;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • account number to which the pension is to be transferred.

In addition, other statements may be required. For example, a marriage certificate and certificates of residence of a military spouse in areas that are problematic in terms of employment. This is quite normal.

As a rule, the calculation of seniority will be performed by employees of the FIU. All listed papers will be taken into account. But if desired, a person himself can find out what experience he has.

Counting Methods

How to do it? The fundamentals of calculus have been brought to our attention earlier. Therefore, it is already approximately clear how you can find out your seniority.

Among the most effective solutions of the assigned task are distinguished:

  • applying to the FIU with SNILS and a work book;
  • self-calculation;
  • use of special online calculators.

Independent clarification of their work experience often ends in failure. Errors and inaccuracies are identified. Therefore, it is better to either use calculators or seek help from the FIU.

About calculators

On the website of the Pension Fund of Russia for all citizens in the public domain there is an online length of service calculator. It allows, according to the data available to a person, to find out how much he has worked. And taking into account the current pension system, the pension points that a person has will be displayed on the screen.

It is not necessary to delve into the concept and types of work experience. It is enough just to enter data on doing business, non-work life moments and information from the work book into the appropriate fields in the calculator. After clicking on the "Calculate" button, the information of interest to us will appear on the screen. Very convenient and easy! Although, inexperienced Internet users can enter the requested information for a long time.


We got acquainted with the concept and types of work experience. In addition, we studied non-working periods, which play an important role in calculating pensions.

In Russia, the retirement age for men so far is at 60, and for women at 55. With years of service, you can go on a well-deserved rest earlier. But the bulk of the population is faced with just such restrictions.

By 2020, to retire, you will have to have a minimum insurance period of 15 years, as well as about 30 pension points. Previously, 5 years of work was enough. If the person has not received the right indicators he is entitled to a social pension. It is issued at 65 and 60 for men and women, respectively.

What if a person works unofficially? These periods are simply crossed out and do not count towards retirement. They are not included in work experience.

When calculating a pension, as well as temporary disability benefits and various benefits, two concepts play an important role: work and insurance experience. The calculation of seniority is the calculation of all periods of official employment of a person. They are important when calculating the amount of pension, sick leave and other social guarantees. Until recently, continuous experience was a very important value - this is the absence of breaks between periods of employment. Today, it practically does not play a role: it is taken into account only when calculating bonuses and incentive payments. The insurance experience has become much more significant. That is, the periods during which contributions to the Pension Fund were paid for the employee.

How seniority is calculated

In Russia, there is a rather complicated procedure for calculating the length of service, since it is necessary to calculate the duration of labor activity with an accuracy of one day.

The total length of service is all periods of the employee's official labor activity. It has several varieties:

Subspecies What includes
Insurance experience The periods of work during which a person or his employer paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This is the main indicator on which the calculation of pensions is based.
Public service experience Total duration of work in government bodies
Special experience This is a special category, as it includes periods of work in hazardous industries. They give the right to preferential accrual of experience, that is, a citizen receives the right early exit for old age pension. This may be work in harsh climatic conditions, in conditions of increased radioactivity, etc.

For military personnel and representatives of law enforcement agencies, such a concept as length of service is more important. This is the period after which the employee is entitled to an additional pension from law enforcement agencies.

In modern Russian legislation, the term "general" is missing. Previously, it meant the totality of labor and other useful activities for the allotted period, which guaranteed the citizen the right to social protection and pension management.

There are several types of work experience:

  • general
  • special
  • insurance
  • continuous

In 2002, a pension reform was carried out, as a result of which the term “general seniority” was replaced by “insurance experience”. Such innovations are associated with the introduction of new system citizen insurance. After the introduction of the reform, each entrepreneur took upon himself the obligation to pay for employees. As a result of the summation of all periods, a citizen has a pension.

Work experience includes:

  • the time the parent was on parental leave
  • the period of time when a citizen was declared incompetent (the so-called sick leave)
  • time in the army
  • a period of time when a citizen was deprived of liberty and was in places of its restriction, but then charges were dropped from him and found not guilty
  • if a citizen is registered with the employment service and receives unemployment assistance from there
  • if a citizen for a certain period of time participated in public works that were paid
  • if the employment service sent a citizen to another locality for employment, then the time to move is also taken into account in the length of service
  • if a citizen constantly takes care of a disabled person of the first group or a pensioner who is over eighty years old
  • time spent abroad by the husband or wife of a consular officer or diplomat sent there by the government of the Russian Federation

Until 2012, the total work experience also included full-time work. But in connection with the implementation of the reform, such a need has disappeared. After all, studying at a university does not provide for the payment of insurance premiums, and therefore it is not included in the calculation for determining a pension.

When is a seniority calculation necessary?

It is necessary to calculate the length of service only in two cases: with or for receiving a pension. Both of these cases are somewhat different from each other.

To calculate the sick leave, the length of service includes:

  • the period of work that was formalized by the employment contract
  • period during which the citizen public service in civil or municipal bodies
  • time of other activity when the citizen received wages and insurance payments were made for it

To calculate the length of service, it is necessary to take into account all types of a person’s labor activity, including service in the Armed Forces and caring for a child up to 1.5 years old.

Calculation of work experience

The amount of some depends on the length of the employee's work experience. We are talking about temporary incapacity (sick leave). Its size directly depends on the length of service. The same can be said about maternity benefits.

Russian legislation provides for a minimum length of service for men, which will allow them to retire, for a period of 25 years, for women - 20. If a citizen has worked for this number of years, then his pension will be accrued in full in the amount of 55% of the average salary of an employee.

It is also possible to increase this percentage. For each year above the specified terms, the state adds 1%. But this number cannot be more than 20%.


First you need to take a work book and sequentially write out all the dates of admission and dismissal from work. This must be done strictly in chronological order (then it will be easier to count). For greater convenience, you can write out data for each organization in a column. You also need to remember that you should subtract the first working day from the date of dismissal and add one more day.

Experienced personnel officers know that when calculating, one must take into account the fact that 1 year of experience includes 12 months, and a month is strictly 30 days.

If there are no exact entries in the work book, taking into account the days of the month, then half the month (15th day) should be considered the beginning of work, or the middle of the year - the beginning of July.

Those data that are obtained by summing up data from all places of work must be converted into the necessary units of time (year, month).

With the help of programs

For those for whom such work turns out to be too difficult or boring, and they are looking for how the length of service is considered easier, there is a method for calculating seniority using computer program. This can be either a 1C program installed on a computer, or simple online services that offer such a service.

Programs for calculating the total or continuous experience allow you to use the following:

  • calculate seniority with a simple mouse click
  • the ability to enter data both from the keyboard and with the help of a computer mouse
  • navigate through cells by simply pressing the function keys and much more

Such programs make it possible to calculate seniority in a couple of minutes. You just need to enter the necessary data in the cells and wait for the result.

If there is no work book

The workbook may be lost. And the reason for this is not only negligence. There may be a fire, flood or other troubles. But work experience still needs to be calculated. In such cases, you can resort to the use of other documents that confirm labor activity:

  • certificates issued by the employer
  • extract from the order of employment or dismissal
  • personal account
  • payroll records

All documents must be original and contain a number and date.

Calculation example

The algorithm for calculating seniority (even manually) is quite simple. For a better understanding, it can be brought to.

Prior to starting work (November 12, 2005) at Siyanie LLC, Sergey Vladimirov Ivanov was an employee of two more enterprises with which he signed an employment contract. This is evidenced by entries in the work book:

  1. He worked at Tyulpan LLC from September 15, 1995 to January 17, 2000 inclusive.
  2. He worked at CJSC Sosna from February 01, 2000 to September 22, 2005 inclusive.
  3. He worked at Siyanie LLC from November 12, 2005 to October 15, 2007 inclusive.

After that, he fell ill, as evidenced by a medical certificate. The illness lasted from 15 to 25 October 2007.

It is necessary to determine the duration of the labor (insurance) period in order to calculate the disability benefit.

To do this, you need to calculate the length of service. At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that it must be included, but not the day of the onset of the disease.

  • the employee spent 4 years, 4 months and 2 days at the Tyulpan LLC enterprise
  • at ZAO Sosna - 5 years, 6 months and 21 days
  • he worked at Siyanie LLC for 1 year, 11 months and 2 days

If we summarize all these data, it turns out that S.V. Ivanov has 11 years 9 months and 25 days of work experience. Based on these data, a temporary disability allowance of 100% can be accrued to him.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation who works in a permanent place must have a special document. One of them is the workbook. It is in it that the length of service is recorded. According to the work book, it is easiest to calculate it. Today, you can find a huge number of approaches for this.

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