Hassp system at catering establishments: implementation methods. Hassp for catering

  • 20.09.2022

In accordance with the provisions of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 "On Food Safety", from February 15, 2015, the introduction of the HACCP system (HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, risk analysis and critical control points) became mandatory at food industry enterprises - food safety management systems. The main task of this system is to ensure control at all stages of the production process, as well as during the storage and sale of products, that is, wherever a dangerous situation may arise related to consumer safety. Catering establishments are part of the food industry.

On January 1, 2016, GOST 30390-2013 “Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions”, in accordance with which mandatory requirements are established for the procedures for ensuring the safety of catering products, based on the principles of HACCP.

Public catering products are a set of culinary products, bakery, flour confectionery products, and belong to perishable products. The food safety management system in catering is based on the identification of critical control points in order to prevent all possible risks as much as possible, the determination of their limits and constant monitoring. Currently, HACCP in catering is the main tool in ensuring food safety.

The point of implementing the HACCP program is to identify and take under system control all the critical control points of the enterprise, that is, those stages of production at which violations of technological and sanitary standards can lead to fatal or difficult to eliminate consequences for the safety of the manufactured food product. In the process of creating HACCP (HACCP), processes are analyzed along the entire food chain - from the initial raw material segment to the moment it reaches the consumer. There are four sources of hazards - raw materials, personnel, equipment and the environment.

The main principles for the development of the HACCP system are defined by GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements".

In order to identify risks, determine the degree of their danger and indicate the limits in the field of catering, a number of analytical actions are necessary. At the same time, 3 factors of potential product contamination are taken into account: physical, chemical and biological.

Chemical hazard. This type of hazard includes substances or molecules that:

Naturally found in plants or animals (for example, in poisonous mushrooms);

May be deliberately added during growing or processing of foods. Such substances may be safe when the limits are met, but become dangerous when they are exceeded (eg, sodium nitrite, pesticides);

May be inadvertently ingested (e.g. after chemical cleaning of packaging);

May affect the immune system of individuals (eg, food allergens).

Chemical hazards include: toxic metals, radionuclides, pesticides, antibiotics, GMOs.

Physical danger. This type of hazard includes substances that should not normally be found in food. Such substances may be harmful to the health of the end user (eg wood chips, glass fragments, metal chips, bones).

The management system in public catering is similar in structure to other food production systems, but at the same time it has its own nuances. Public catering enterprises are characterized by periodic updating of the product range and, as a result, a change in the variety of raw materials (seasonal dishes), which entails changes in the processes of production technologies and an increase in the diversity of processes. This causes significant difficulties in the control of cross-allergenic contamination, and also requires significant time costs for conducting risk analysis for raw materials and the technological scheme.

The way out can be a grouping of the same type of processes when drawing up a technological scheme, as well as raw materials, provided that the degree of detail remains sufficient for a correct assessment of all possible hazardous factors.

Another difficulty that most public catering enterprises face when implementing HACCP is that, unlike manufacturing enterprises equipped with their own laboratories, catering enterprises usually do not have such laboratories. Control of safety indicators of raw materials and finished products in third-party accredited laboratories is carried out only as part of production control.

In view of this, it becomes more difficult to control the safety performance of incoming raw materials, and verification upon acceptance can only take place by checking compliance with the conditions of transportation, accompanying documentation and evaluation of organoleptic indicators. Safety control of finished products is carried out only organoleptically. It should be remembered that if, during the development of the HACCP plan, organoleptic indicators are selected as a hazard control measure, such a control measure must be validated, i.e. verification of the effectiveness of the selected control measures or their combinations before their implementation.

There are seven principles that underlie HACCP:

1. Conducting a complete risk analysis by assessing the significance of hazardous factors at absolutely all stages of the life cycles of food products that are under the control of the manufacturer. It also assesses the likelihood of risks, and develops measures to prevent them, as well as minimize the identified hazards.

2. Identification of critical control points, within which tight control helps to prevent a potential hazard or, with the help of specific measures, to reduce the possibility of risks to zero.

3. Establishment of critical limits for control points. It also defines the criteria that show that the process is fully under control. System developers form limits and tolerances that must be observed so that the situation does not get out of control at critical points.

4. Establish monitoring procedures for all critical control points. For this, surveillance systems should be installed at critical points and various inspections should be established through regular analysis and other different types of production supervision.

5. Development of corrective actions to be taken when observations and inspections indicate that the situation may get out of control.

6. Establishment of procedures for maintaining and accounting for documentation, in which the necessary parameters are fixed.

7. Establishment of procedures for checking documents, which must always be maintained in working order and reflect absolutely all measures for the implementation, execution of all HACCP items.

Article 10 TR CU 021/2011 "On Food Safety" establishes the obligation of a food manufacturer to develop, implement and maintain procedures based on the principles of HACCP.

At the same time, the technical regulations do not provide for mandatory certification of quality and safety management systems, including those based on the principles of HACCP.

Compliance with these requirements is the responsibility of the manufacturer in accordance with Article 11 TR CU 021/2011.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed and implemented procedures based on the principles of HACCP is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor specialists in the course of federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and supervision of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union by business entities engaged in the production of food products.

At the same time, to ensure the safety of catering products in the process of its production, the following are evaluated:

Compliance with technological processes of production;

Ensuring the completeness and reliability of production control;

Ensuring documentation of information on the controlled stages of technological operations and the results of food products control, as well as providing other procedures provided for in part 3 of article 10 of TR CU 021/2011.

For non-compliance by the manufacturer of food products, including catering products with the requirements of TR TS 021/2011 “On Food Safety”, administrative liability is established in accordance with Part. 1-3 of article 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of an administrative fine of up to 1 million rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Modern food production is impossible without an implemented and well-established system, which is designed to guarantee the production of products that meet all safety and quality requirements.

Despite the fact that several years have passed since the entry into force of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union No. 021/2011 “On Food Safety”, some manufacturers do not know, and possibly ignore, one of its main requirements: manufacture) of food products related to the safety requirements of such products, the manufacturer must develop, implement and maintain procedures based on the principles of HACCP (in English transcription HACCP - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) ”- TR CU No. 021/2011, art. 10, paragraph 2 (officially, this Technical Regulation has been in force since 2013, but a transitional period was established for the HACCP system by a special decision of the Commission of the Customs Union - until February 15, 2015). At the same time, organizations that are aware of the HACCP system and plan to develop and implement it, and enterprises working in this direction, face a number of issues and problems:

- Which organizations need the mandatory implementation of the HACCP system?

What does the HACCP system mean?

— How to develop, implement and maintain a HACCP system?

— How to document the HACCP system?

— What problems can arise in the process of developing and implementing the HACCP system and how to solve them?

— How is the audit of the HACCP system carried out by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor?

— Is it necessary to certify the HACCP system?

Which organizations need the mandatory implementation of the HACCP system?

To find out which enterprises are subject to the mandatory implementation of the HACCP system, let's turn to the text of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union No. 021/2011 "On Food Safety":

“The objects of technical regulation of this technical regulation are:

1) food products;

2) the processes of production (manufacturing), storage, transportation (transportation), sale and disposal related to the requirements for food products.

"food products are products of animal, vegetable, microbiological, mineral, artificial or biotechnological origin in natural, processed or processed form, which are intended for human consumption, including specialized food products, drinking water in containers, mineral water, alcoholic products (in including beer), soft drinks, biologically active additives (BAA), chewing gum, starter cultures and starter cultures of microorganisms, yeast, food additives and flavors, as well as food (food) raw materials.

Thus, TR CU 021/2011 covers enterprises whose activities are somehow related to food products. These include: cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, canteens, canteens of organizations (schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.), wholesale warehouses and bases that store and sell food, transport companies involved in the transportation and sale of food , companies engaged in packaging, repackaging and packaging of finished food products, food product manufacturers (factories, plants), including agricultural producers, manufacturers of dietary supplements, food additives, etc.

HACCP principles can be applied in other parts of the supply chain on a voluntary basis: production of food packaging; production of animal feed. The implementation of HACCP principles in these enterprises will allow them to better understand how they can influence the risks associated with the food supply chain. The issue of applying HACCP principles in the production of agricultural products at the growing stage remains debatable, because the requirements of TR TS 021/2011 apply to food products, while live animals, fish (aquaculture), plants at the growing stage are not. In our opinion, at these stages, the principles of the HACCP system should also be introduced, since this will allow farmers and agrarians to be competitive, because producers using their products will be confident in their safety.

There are several ways to meet the legal requirements:

Develop a HACCP system in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements"

Develop a food safety management system (hereinafter referred to as the FSMS) in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005) “Food Safety Management Systems. Requirements for organizations involved in the food chain

What does the HACCP system mean?

According to GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements” the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points): A concept that provides for the systematic identification, assessment and management of hazards that significantly affect product safety.

HACCP system: The set of organizational structure, documents, production processes and resources necessary for the implementation of HACCP.

risk analysis: A procedure for using available information for hazard identification and risk assessment.

critical control point: Location of control for hazard identification and/or risk management.

danger: Potential source of harm to human health.

dangerous factor: Type of danger with specific signs.

safety: No unacceptable risk.

In order to produce safe food products, it is necessary to take into account all possible hazards (microbiological, chemical, physical) at all stages of technological processes, and if “risk” technological areas are identified, appropriate measures should be taken to prevent the impact of these hazards on humans.

Thus, the HACCP system involves several successive stages:

— conducting a thorough analysis of the technological process from start to finish;

- identification of technological stages at which the presence of significant risk factors is possible, designating them as critical control points;

— application of measures and means of preventive control for certain critical limits;

– continuous monitoring of measurement data, appointment of responsible persons;

— development of adjustments and corrective actions in case CCP indicators go beyond acceptable critical limits, appointment of responsible persons;

— documentation and storage of information (evidence base of ongoing work);

- checks (audits) of the system operation.


How to develop, implement and maintain a HACCP system?

How to document the HACCP system?

First of all, you need to understand what kind of system you will implement in your enterprise - the HACCP system in accordance with GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements” or a food safety management system (FSMS), which includes all the principles of HACCP according to GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005). In order to determine the variant of the implemented system, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements of these standards, analyze which variant is applicable to your production and draw up a development and implementation plan.

Let's try to figure out how HACCP differs from SMBP (ISO 22000)

The main difference between HACCP according to GOST R 51705.1-2001 and the food safety management system according to GOST R ISO 22000-2007 is that HACCP is a set of principles on the basis of which each organization can build a food safety management system. The structure of this system will depend on the choices and capabilities of the organization. ISO 22000 is a standard that includes all the principles of HACCP and itself defines the structure of a food safety system. If an organization applies ISO 22000, then its food safety system must contain all the elements of the structure, in accordance with GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005).

In addition to the above, ISO 22000 distinguishes from HACCP in the following ways:

- ISO 22000 is a complete management system built on the basis of the ISO 9001 structure. It includes the key elements of this system - a clear definition of the scope, setting goals, analysis of system performance, process management, documentation, establishing effective channels of interaction with consumers, suppliers and by all interested parties.

— GOST R 51705.1-2001 is rational for small businesses. Flowcharts of production processes, HACCP worksheets, HACCP group reports, documents reflecting the functioning of the HACCP system are the main documentation of the system.

— GOST R ISO 22000-2007 is identical to ISO 22000:2005 (is an international standard) has more extensive documentation and by implementing it, you can confidently count on passing the inspection of Rospotrebnadzor. Along with the HACCP documentation, ISO 22000 requires a number of system and specialized documents, such as:

— programs of mandatory preliminary measures for safe production planning;

— documents for managing these activities;

— procedures for the control of documents and records;

— management procedures for emergencies and emergencies affecting product safety;

— A description of the monitoring system, including a description of the applied hazard assessment methods and instructions;

— procedures for handling potentially hazardous products, implementation of corrections and corrective actions, withdrawal of products, notification of the customer in case of non-compliance after delivery of the product to the customer.

— records of information exchange, product traceability and its subsequent verification;

- records of internal audits, corrections and corrective actions taken, as well as other documentation, taking into account the characteristics of the organization.

The first step in the development and implementation of a product quality management system is the creation of a HACCP working group, which will include competent specialists trained in the application of HACCP principles.

HACCP group: A group of specialists (with qualifications in various fields) that develops, implements and maintains the HACCP system (GOST R 51705.1-2001).

Members of the HACCP team must have sufficient knowledge and experience in such areas as: food production technologies, engineering aspects, veterinary medicine (for products of animal origin), microbiology, chemistry, toxicology, environment and ecology, legislation and other mandatory requirements established for food products, as well as those who understand the principles of HACCP and are capable of logical analysis. It is necessary to understand the existing and most likely risk factors, as well as ways to control them.

The effectiveness of the HACCP system depends on the competence of employees. Therefore, when creating a working HACCP system, the most important element is the education and training of personnel. In the absence of appropriate specialists in this organization, you can use the help of third-party expert consultants who have knowledge of the potential risks associated with this product.

The second step is a description of raw materials, ingredients, products, production processes. At this stage, the HACCP group describes in as much detail as possible all the raw materials used, ingredients, packaging materials, manufactured products. In addition, we must not forget about the allergens that are part of the raw materials and assess the ingress of allergens into the finished product. The most common components, the use of which can cause allergic reactions or are contraindicated in certain types of diseases, are indicated in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 022/2011 "Food products in terms of their labeling".

Members of the HACCP team must be familiar with the products and how they are produced, how the product is to be consumed, and describe mishandling and misuse of the final product. For example, everyone knows that the dough is not eaten raw, but some people ignore this requirement and this can cause poisoning. You can not use "effervescent" candy with carbonated drinks, because candies react with the gases of the drink and this can lead to severe pain in the stomach and other rather dangerous consequences.

The third step should be the development of production flowcharts. It is necessary to involve employees directly working in the process areas (cooks, storekeepers, etc.) in compiling flowcharts. Flowcharts don't have to be complicated and cluttered.

The next, fourth step is to identify potential hazards and analyze them. The purpose of the analysis is to identify all possible risks and compare them, which is important for product safety and consumer health.

risk: The combination of the probability of the implementation of a hazardous factor and the severity of its consequences (GOST R 51705.1-2001).

Hazards are divided into biological, chemical or physical, the presence of which in food products can make products dangerous to the health of the consumer. Dangerous biological factors are bacteria, viruses, molds and other fungi, as well as insects. The source of their occurrence can be water used in the production, technological equipment, they can get into raw materials and finished products from the air.

Chemical hazards are allergens, antibiotics, toxic substances, pesticides, food additives not approved for food production, disinfectants, lubricants, etc.

Physical hazards - metal, glass fragments and fragile objects, pebbles, etc., which can lead to physical injury (for example, cuts in the oral cavity, suffocation, etc.) or cause aesthetic dislike (hair). Physical factors can get into products with raw materials, equipment, premises, and employees.

The next steps will be: defining critical control points (CCP) - establishing critical limits for each critical control point - establishing a monitoring system for each critical control point - establishing corrections / corrective actions in case of deviation from critical limits - developing a HACCP plan - maintaining documented records .

To determine the CCP, you can use a decision tree, which is a series of questions, the answers to which relate to certain risk factors.

After identifying the CCP, critical limits are determined.

critical limit (critical limit): Criterion for separating acceptability from unacceptability (GOST R ISO 22000-2007)

Critical limits include such indicators as actual product dimensions, volume, presence of pathogens, viscosity, temperature, time, salt concentration, degree of oxidation of frying fat, absence of metal particles, etc.

A monitoring system is established for each critical control point. Depending on the type of CCP, the features of the monitoring procedure and the technological process, the frequency of monitoring is determined.

monitoring (monitoring) Carrying out a planned sequence of observations or measurements in order to assess that the control measures are producing the expected effect. (GOST R ISO 22000-2007)

The monitoring results are documented in HACCP logs and/or worksheets and must be signed by the performers.

If critical limits are exceeded, corrections and corrective actions are required. These actions are procedures to avoid the occurrence of poor-quality products in the consumer's home.

It is essential to keep permanent records. This allows you to establish: the effectiveness of HACCP; following the HACCP plan.

In addition to monitoring, it is necessary to establish procedures for internal audit (checks). Verification procedures are tests, tests, and other ways to assess the compliance of the system with the HACCP plan. An audit of the implemented HACCP system is one of the verification methods, as it helps to identify system failures and take appropriate corrective actions.

verification (verification): Confirmation of compliance with established requirements by providing objective evidence (GOST R ISO 22000-2007)

When developing procedures based on the principles of HACCP, you can use the following documents:

TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety"

GOST R 51705.1-2001 Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements

GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005) Food safety management systems. Requirements for organizations involved in the food chain

GOST R ISO/TU 22004-2008/ ISO 22004:2005 Food safety management systems. Guidelines for the application of ISO 22000:2005″

GOST R ISO 22005-2009 / ISO 22005:2007 Traceability in the food industry supply chain. General principles and basic requirements for the design and implementation of systems

GOST R 54762-2011/ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Food safety prerequisite programs. Part 1. Food production

GOST R 56746-2015/ISO/TS 22002-2:2013 Food safety prerequisite programs. Part 2. Catering

GOST R 55889-2013 Catering services. Food Safety Management System. Recommendations for the use of GOST R ISO 22000-2007 for the food industry

GOST 33182-2014 Meat industry. The procedure for developing a HACCP system at meat industry enterprises

GOST R 53755-2009 (ISO/TS 22003:2007) Food safety management systems. Requirements for bodies that audit and certify food safety management systems

MR 5.1.0096-14 Methodological approaches to the organization of the assessment of the production (manufacturing) of food products based on the principles of HACCP

The list of the main documents being developed is presented in GOST R 56671-2015 "Recommendations for the development and implementation of procedures based on the principles of HACCP" Appendix A (mandatory).

1) Input control

2) Ensuring the operability of measuring instruments, sieves and metal traps

3) Preventing the entry of physical contaminants

4) Documentation of information

5) Storage of raw materials, materials and finished products

6) Sanitary treatment of equipment and inventory

7) Cleaning and sanitization of premises

8) Sanitary and hygienic requirements for personnel

9) Pest Control

10) Traceability

11) Waste disposal

12) Management of nonconforming products

What problems may arise during the development and implementation of the HACCP system and how to solve them?

Based on the experience of working with manufacturers, it can be argued that the main problem in developing a HACCP system is the difficulty of analyzing risks and identifying hazards, as well as documenting them. Despite the fact that there are GOSTs according to which the HACCP system is being developed, a sufficient level of knowledge and experience is still required to correctly identify control critical points. And here the following problem immediately arises - insufficient qualification of personnel or their absence at all. A common practice in small and medium-sized enterprises is the absence of a production manager, technologist, foreman, not to mention a person responsible for quality, in the staff list. Who in this case will monitor the quality of the product, take corrective actions, from whom to form the Quality Council, remains a mystery. If you can resort to the help of third-party experts for the development and implementation, then qualified personnel of the enterprise itself is still needed to maintain the system. Therefore, the heads of organizations implementing the HACCP system should hire experienced and professionally trained employees in this matter or train existing personnel in the principles of HACCP.

Needless to say, when often even the management of enterprises themselves sees in the HACCP system another whim of the government, designed to complicate the life of entrepreneurs, and they begin to deal with the system itself after the instructions of the inspection authorities or consumer complaints about the quality of the product. But it is worth clarifying that the developed HACCP system serves to help the manufacturer in managing food safety, and not to complicate his activities.

A lot of enterprises operate on outdated equipment and in premises left over from Soviet times, entrepreneurs open production in premises that are often completely unsuitable for implementing the requirements of the HACCP system. But despite the fact that the development and implementation of a fully functioning system is possible only under good conditions for ensuring food safety, less developed enterprises need a HACCP system. Analysis of risk factors in such enterprises will allow to prioritize the improvement of production and a better understanding of the overall problem of food safety. You should also know that a food product must be safe for human health, regardless of where it was produced in a large "perfect" production or in a small workshop of an individual entrepreneur.

It is necessary to mention the various misconceptions that arise among many manufacturers who decide to start developing a HACCP system. Among them, the idea is widespread that the HACCP system is an expensive pleasure. In fact, paying fines for not having a system, reimbursing for possible damages, or reputational damage from consumer complaints is much more expensive. Ultimately, it will pay off by increasing the competitiveness of products.

Another misconception is that the HACCP system is based on a huge amount of writing. Here you can object - the number of documents can vary greatly, the manufacturer himself must determine how many documents will guarantee the release of a safe product.

Very often, manufacturers are mistaken that it is enough to create a HACCP system once and it will be suitable for the entire period of the current production. This is not true, the HACCP system itself provides that it is constantly necessary to keep it up to date, to make adjustments depending on the results of monitoring and internal audits. It would be a particular mistake to think that developing a HACCP plan is the same as creating a HACCP system. One formal development is not enough, it is necessary to continuously work on improving the quality of products. Very often you can hear the following phrase: “Developing a HACCP system requires a lot of resources” - this judgment is not entirely correct. The main resources are attracted only at the beginning of development and implementation, then the need for them is sharply reduced.

There is a persistent myth that the HACCP system is able to guarantee the absence of the risk of producing low-quality products. No system can cope with such a task, the goal of HACCP is somewhat different - it is to reduce risks to an acceptable level.

How is the audit of the HACCP system carried out by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor?

Basically, Rospotrebnadzor bodies conduct inspections in accordance with MR 5.1.0096-14 "Methodological approaches to organizing the assessment of food production (manufacturing) processes based on the principles of HACCP", which include:

a) checking the availability of fundamental documents confirming the development of procedures based on the principles of HACCP in the Management System in accordance with Article 10 of TR CU 021/2011:

— policies and/or documented statements, intentions of food safety management, safety management (voluntarily);

- the organizational structure of the enterprise (indicating the structural units, their subordination and interaction);

— developed and documented procedures based on the principles of HACCP in the Management System, including production control programs;

— normative documents regulating product safety;

b) safety assessment of manufactured products with sampling and laboratory tests on the basis of an accredited (independent) laboratory in order to confirm the compliance of products with regulatory documentation and confirm the effectiveness of the management system. In order to ensure the objectivity of the results, the rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements should be used, including the sampling rules necessary for the application and execution of the adopted technical regulation and the implementation of conformity assessment, the list of which is defined in a specific decision of the Customs Union Commission that approved the technical regulation Customs Union for a certain type of product;

c) checking the implementation and maintenance of procedures based on the principles of HACCP, including the implementation of the production control program;

d) analysis of the submitted documents for compliance with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011, TR CU 022/2011, TR CU 005/2011 and technical regulations of the Customs Union for certain types of food products and the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

g) evaluation of communication with interested parties within and outside the organization;

f) checking that procedures for validation, verification and continual improvement of the management system are in place. Performance criteria and continuous improvement of the management system are presented in Appendix 2;

g) inspection of the object;

h) risk assessment of the release of hazardous products in order to determine administrative measures and select priority objects of supervision;

i) verification of the availability and evaluation of regulatory documents at the enterprise, their updating, determination of priority regulatory documents that are the basis of the Management System implemented at the enterprise. At the same time, the type and scope of documents that confirm the existence and functioning of procedures are determined by the enterprise independently;

j) assessing the functioning of the safety management system based on the principles of HACCP, and the procedures regulated by the requirements of Article 10 Part 3, Article 11 Part 3, Part 4 of TR CU 021/2011, is documented and visually confirmed during the inspection of the facility.

When establishing the fact of the absence of procedures developed and implemented at the enterprise based on the principles of HACCP in the management system, in accordance with part 2 of article 10 of TR CU 021/2011, the enterprise is classified as an enterprise of unacceptable or critical risk (category 4 or 5) already at the first verification stage. Such enterprises require the development of corrective measures for almost all procedures. (MR 5.1.0096-14, clause 4, subclause 4.2.).

If the manufacturer of food products does not comply with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011, then he falls under the provisions of Article 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Is it necessary to certify the HACCP system?

Certification is currently not required. , but a certificate is required if:

— Your organization takes part in tenders;

— You enter into a contract with a foreign company;

- You are going to export products;

– You intend to place the HACCP icon on the packaging or on the website page;

– You want to receive an independent assessment of the quality of the HACCP system;

— You are planning to cooperate with a company that requires a certified food safety system from its suppliers.

You can also get certified for compliance with GOST R 51705.1-2001 and GOST R ISO 22000-2007. These standards provide for the conduct of safe activities, and certification for compliance with GOST R ISO 22000-2007 allows you to strengthen your position not only in the domestic, but also in the foreign market.

When choosing a certification body, pay attention!

- whether the certification body has a certificate of accreditation of management systems for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO / IEC 17021-2012, issued by the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosakkreditatsiya).

— whether the certification body has the right to conduct certification in the registered Voluntary Certification System. The functions of maintaining the register of registered voluntary certification systems belong to the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). The certification body (legal entity) must either be the holder of a voluntary certification system, or be authorized to carry out certification work for any registered system (the fact of authorization must be confirmed).

— for the presence of sufficient experience and a positive reputation with the certification body.

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite the legislative pressure and a lot of problems in the development and implementation of the HACCP system, organizations producing, storing and selling food products need to remember that there is nothing more important than a real desire to provide the consumer with safe and high-quality food products, and A well-implemented HACCP system can help in this.

HACSP OR SANPIN? Alexander Ivanov (Vice-President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers) explains why catering establishments do not require HACCP certification Currently, restaurateurs are bombarded with proposals for HACCP certification, which is supposedly mandatory. The decision, of course, is made by everyone. In large restaurant companies and chains with kitchen factories and complex logistics, the identification of critical control points and the implementation of HACCP principles, I think, are justified. And in this case, quality management certification can be very, very useful. But not for the sake of obtaining a certificate, but voluntarily, consciously, with a clear understanding of what specific result we want to get in terms of safety for the consumer. Food safety, or is there HACCP in Russia There is a conclusion of some lawyers who not only misinterpret the Technical Regulations "On Food Safety", but, I would say, deliberately distort it. The most acute issue is the speculative reading of Article 10 "Ensuring the safety of food products in the process of its production (manufacturing), storage, transportation (transportation), sale." Let's read what is written in the law! All the procedures described in Part 3 are an integral part of both the design stage of the catering establishment and the subsequent stage of its operation. Moreover, practically all the principles specified in part 3 of the Technical Regulations are, in my opinion, an integral part of the current Sanitary Rules, which impose very detailed requirements for production processes and control over them. An entrepreneur working in the field of public catering, guided by the above Sanitary Rules, and so performs the necessary amount of work to ensure product safety. After all, the Sanitary Rules are a document based on critical control points identified during supervision. The temperature of the products in production, the sequence of operations, the requirements for personnel, secondary contamination, the requirements for raw materials and their acceptance, the control of finished products and deep fats - this is all that underlies the principles of both HACCP and the Sanitary Rules. The most significant difference is that the Sanitary Rules provide standard solutions for predetermined points, while HACCP is supposed to determine these points, provide for deviation ranges, work out options for actions in case of non-compliance, etc. I repeat, the basic critical control points for catering have long been known and worked out. Follow the Sanitary Rules, build the right production control - and all food safety issues will be resolved. At the same time, we should not forget that at present, the emphasis in the development of public catering, as in business in general, is on stimulating the opening of small, family businesses, as well as on the development of self-employment. At such enterprises, the number of personnel is very limited, from three to ten people, and with strict observance of both the Sanitary Rules and the HACCP principles laid down in them, it is incorrect to impose requirements on them similar to large enterprises with laboratories and specialized services. Moreover, for small and medium-sized businesses, HACCP certification of enterprises is an additional financial burden, and a very serious one, which is unacceptable in the current economic situation. Instead of working to work, we have those who seek to make money on those who really do this very thing. And these, mind you, are not officials, who are sometimes just feuilleton figures. These are “businessmen”, in our case “businessmen” from HACCP. Without quotes, I'm sorry, I can't, because a new "business" is rising on this fertile ground.

Development and implementation of management systems based on the principles of HACCP at public catering establishments. Preparation for certification and confirmation of compliance of the management system with the requirements of national and international standards: the procedure for certification, issuance of certificates, practical recommendations for preparing for certification of a public catering establishment.

From time immemorial, nutrition has been one of the most important factors determining the health of the population.

Food poisoning and disease remain a huge problem that needs to be addressed. The consumer has the right to expect that any product purchased by him will be safe for consumption.

One of the options for solving the problem of food safety is the introduction of the HACCP system.

What is HASSP?

The abbreviation HACCP is an abbreviation for the system "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" in translation from English - HACCP "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points"

HACCP is a food safety hazard (risk) reduction tool. In the HACCP system, risk factors (possible malfunctions) are identified and preventive measures are provided to ensure that the manufactured product will be harmless to the consumer.

The HACCP system helps to define responsibility for safety decision making and removes uncertainty by ensuring that decisions are made at the right time and by the right people with the knowledge and skills.

Basically, public catering enterprises produce a fairly large assortment of dishes, therefore, a large number of types of raw materials are purchased. But these features of this activity do not interfere with the implementation of the HACCP system.

Where did the HACCP system come from?

The HACCP system was first developed at NASA to provide microbiological food safety for American astronauts. It was necessary to ensure their unconditional health - just imagine food poisoning in zero gravity! In those days, most of the systems for ensuring the quality and safety of food products were based on the control of the final product, but experts quickly realized that such methods ensure safety only if 100% control of all products, which is impossible, since by the time of control the entire product would have already eaten. A reliable preventive control system was needed, and the HACCP system became such a system.

The relevance of the implementation of the HACCP system

At present, the issue of implementing HACCP is very acute, because in accordance with the requirements of the legislation - chapter 3, articles 10,11 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety" all public catering enterprises are obliged to develop from February 15, 2015 , implement and maintain procedures in the organization based on the principles of HACCP.

Which organizations are subject to these requirements? For all public catering enterprises that carry out the processes of production (manufacturing), storage, sale, transportation of food products - restaurants, pizzerias, snack bars, buffets, bars, bakeries, food units of preschool institutions, educational institutions (universities, technical schools, schools), food units at correctional institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, camps, etc.

TR CU 021/2011 "On food safety" was adopted on December 09, 2011, and entered into force on July 01, 2013. Until February 2015, a period was given for the implementation of procedures based on the principles of HACCP.

Many enterprises have already implemented procedures based on the principles of HACCP, some, unfortunately, hear about it for the first time and believe that since no one informed them, this removes responsibility. Alas, but this is not so, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility.

Inspections have been carried out in full force since February 2015 by authorized representatives of the sanitary inspection of Rospotrebnadzor. Also, the prosecutor's office, the police and, of course, the consumer are interested in the presence of the implemented HACCP principles.

Enterprises that do not implement the system face fines of 20,000 rubles. up to 1 million rubles, and in extreme cases - the suspension of activities for up to 90 days in accordance with Art. 14.43 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

Options for implementing the requirements of TR CU 021/2011

There are several ways to meet the legal requirements:

  1. Develop a HACCP system in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements"
  2. Develop a food safety management system (hereinafter referred to as the FSMS) in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005) “Food Safety Management Systems. Requirements for organizations involved in the food chain

When developing procedures based on the principles of HACCP, you can use the following documents:

  • GOST R 51705.1-2001 "Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements"
  • GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005) "Food safety management systems. Requirements for organizations involved in the food production chain"
  • TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety"
  • GOST R 55889-2013 "Catering services. Food safety management system. Recommendations for the use of GOST R ISO 22000-2007 for the food industry"
  • MR 5.1.0096-14 "Methodological approaches to the organization of the evaluation of the processes of production (manufacturing) of food products based on the principles of HACCP"
  • GOST R 54762-2011/ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Food safety prerequisite programs - Part 1: Food production
  • ISO/TS 22002-2:2013 "Prerequisite programs for food safety - Part 2: Catering"
  • Codex Alimentarius CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 4-2003;
  • Regulation EC 852/2004
  • GOST R ISO / TU 22004-2008 / ISO 22004:2005 "Food safety management systems. Guidelines for the application of ISO 22000:2005"
  • GOST R ISO 22005-2009 / ISO 22005:2007 "Traceability in the food industry supply chain. General principles and basic requirements for the design and implementation of systems"

Development and implementation of the HACCP / FSMS system - practical recommendations

First of all, you need to understand what kind of system you will implement in your enterprise - the HACCP system in accordance with GOST R 51705.1-2001 “Quality systems. Food quality management based on HACCP principles. General requirements” or a food safety management system (FSMS) in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 22000-2007 (ISO 22000:2005), then develop a plan for the development and implementation of the HACCP / FSMS system.

In order to determine the variant of the implemented system, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the HACCP / FSMS system and internal audits. It is desirable to conduct training for employees, including management positions, in a third-party specialized organization with an experienced teacher.

Consider the development and implementation of the HACCP / SMBS system step by step.

Step 1: Appoint a HACCP Working Group

The HACCP group may consist of 2 or more people who have knowledge of the organization's activities, manufactured products and the technological process.

In public catering, these can be heads of organizations, production managers, chefs, storekeepers, restaurant service employees, heads of administrative services, etc.

The task of the head of the enterprise is to give appropriate instructions to all production units to assist the HACCP group.

The members of the HACCP team together should have sufficient knowledge and experience in the main and related areas of knowledge, such as:

  • food production, food safety management,
  • raw materials, ingredients, finished product and related hazards,
  • veterinary medicine (for products of animal origin),
  • general microbiology,
  • general chemistry,
  • equipment, its maintenance, including equipment for monitoring and measuring,
  • environment (room and territory),
  • HACCP/ISO 22000 principles,
  • as well as in terms of legislative and other mandatory requirements established for food products.

The HACCP team may require the assistance of third party expert consultants who have knowledge of the potential risks associated with this product.

However, it is impossible to give the complete development of the HACCP system to outsiders, since they do not have all the information that the employees of the organization have.

Step 2. Description of the product, raw materials and materials

The HACCP group must describe the raw materials and food products produced. The product description must be kept up to date.

In addition, allergens in finished products must be assessed. We must not forget about the allergens that are part of the raw materials as a component. The most common components, the use of which can cause allergic reactions or is contraindicated in certain types of diseases, are indicated in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 022/2011 "Food products in terms of their labeling".

Tabular forms and specifications are most convenient for describing raw materials and finished products. Often, specifications for raw materials and materials of public catering enterprises are requested from suppliers, thereby facilitating the procedure for incoming control of raw materials and materials.

For example: Finished products (hot, cold dishes, drinks, etc.) are made from fresh raw materials and ingredients that have passed the input control. The raw material composition of each dish is indicated in the technical and technological maps. The allergens used to make the meals are analyzed and managed. Raw materials are purchased from regular suppliers who have passed the procedure for assessing the quality and safety of the products supplied.

In accordance with the technical and technological maps, dishes or their individual components are subjected to heat treatment, after which they are sold.

Step 3. Establishing the scope of the HACCP/ISO 22000 principles and the purpose of the product

Describe the normal foreseeable use of the product.

For example: The meals prepared are intended for the general population, including those in high-risk groups, including children.

Products can be consumed on site in the organization, and can also be sold to take away.

Describe any unintentional but possibly expected mishandling and misuse of the final product.

For example: when selling products to take away, violation of temperature conditions and the implementation period is possible.

Application area:

  • should include all activities, processes, production sites and groups (categories) of products included in the program (system)
  • must not be misleading and contain advertising statements
  • any exceptions should be described (if any)

Step 4 Building Block Diagrams

The HACCP team must draw up a production scheme, which is a step-by-step and sequential description of all the technological operations necessary to manufacture the product.

The block diagram does not have to be complex and cluttered.

It is necessary to involve employees directly working in the process areas (cooks, storekeepers, etc.) in compiling flowcharts.

Since most of the technological operations in catering are complex, and are based on completely different "sub-processes", in catering it is logical to use a modular approach when drawing up flowcharts.

That is, the dishes must be divided into groups:

  • dishes undergoing heat treatment;
  • dishes and side dishes without the use of heat treatment;
  • dishes with complex working operations.

Also, dishes are divided into hot and cold first courses, side dishes, drinks, bread, bakery and confectionery products, etc.

An example of a flowchart for preparing salads is shown in Fig. 1

Step 5 Refinement of the technological scheme on the spot (verification of the technological process directly in the kitchen)

The HACCP team needs to check the generated flowcharts on site before starting the hazard analysis.

For example: You can observe the process, give the diagrams for approval to the direct executors of this process to clarify that the flowcharts are clearly drawn up, and operations that can adversely affect the safety of the final dishes and the health of consumers are not missed.

If necessary, make documentary changes to the flowcharts.

Step 6 1st principle of HACCP. Hazard Analysis

The dangers for each enterprise are individual.

The correctness of the choice and analysis of hazardous factors determines the effectiveness of the implemented preventive measures. The purpose of hazard analysis is to identify what is important for product safety and consumer health.

There are several options for assessing hazards, and the enterprise has the right to develop its own methodology.

What are the dangerous factors? They are divided into biological, chemical or physical components present in food products that can make the product hazardous to the health of the consumer. All hazards must be adequately controlled.

First, the HACCP team identifies potential hazards that are possible in a particular type of activity. Data are collected through a brief review of the literature, monitoring data from the Internet, consultations with third-party experienced experts. Each hazard is characterized, including a description of the hazard in general, the sources of its occurrence in the product and options for eliminating or reducing the hazard during the technological process.

Typical food service hazards are:

Physical hazards - foreign bodies (metal, fragments of glass and fragile objects, etc.) that can lead to physical injuries (for example, cuts in the oral cavity, suffocation, etc.) or cause aesthetic dislike (hair).

Physical factors can get into products with raw materials, equipment, premises, and employees.

Measures used to control and prevent hazards from entering products: visual inspection, supplier guarantees, installation of magnets, metal detectors, filters, bone separators, use of sieves.

Chemical hazards are allergens, antibiotics, toxic substances, pesticides, food additives not approved for food production, packaging materials, disinfectants, lubricants, and medical and pharmaceutical products.

Microbiological hazards - the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in prepared foods that can infect or cause intoxication in humans.

Further, the analysis and assessment of hazards is carried out according to the degree of probability of occurrence of a hazardous factor in a given organization and the severity of the consequences for the health of the consumer from this factor is determined, as a rule, by a "brainstorming" of the HACCP group with registration of the results obtained.

Step 7. 2nd principle of HACCP. Definition of critical control points (CCP)

A critical control point (CCP) is a process step at which a control procedure can be used to prevent, eliminate, or reduce risks to an acceptable level.

To determine the CCP, you can use a decision tree, which is a series of questions, the answers to which relate to certain risk factors. When choosing a CCP, all considered hazards in each technological operation are taken into account. The choice of CCP must be registered.

Typical CCPs in catering include:

  • heat treatment for microbiological hazards
  • screening for physical hazards
  • processing eggs for microbiological hazards

Step 8 3rd principle of HACCP. Establish critical limits for each critical control point

After determining all control-critical points, for each CT, critical limits are determined to ensure product safety. The critical limit is the maximum and/or minimum parameters to ensure operation within safe limits.

Critical limits should not be confused with process limits, which are set for reasons other than food safety.

Critical limits include such indicators as temperature, time, salt concentration, degree of oxidation of frying fat, absence of metal particles, etc.

Step 9 4th principle of HACCP. Establish a monitoring system for each critical control point

Monitoring - carrying out planned measurements or observations in order to confirm that the CCP is under control and the process parameters do not go beyond critical limits.

Monitoring can be continuous action and periodic action.

The regularity of control (frequency of monitoring) depends on the type of CCP, features of the monitoring procedure and the technological process.

Monitoring results are documented.

Step 10 5th principle of HACCP. Establishment of corrections and corrective actions

In case of deviation from critical limits, for each deviation, correction and corrective actions must be established, which must be developed in advance and included in the HACCP plan. At a minimum, the HACCP plan should specify what actions to take in the event of deviation from the established norms, who is responsible for taking corrective actions and maintaining a record of the corrections and corrective actions taken.

Step 11 6th principle of HACCP. Establishing verification procedures

Verification procedures, in addition to monitoring, are methods, procedures, tests, trials, and other ways to assess the system's compliance with the HACCP plan.

An audit of the implemented HACCP / SMBP system is one of the methods of verification (verification), as it helps to identify failures in the system and take appropriate corrective actions.

Step 12 7th principle of HACCP. Creation of documentation and record keeping

The seventh principle of HACCP requires the availability of documentation and a data archiving system that will be evidence of the operability of the HACCP system.

Everything that is important to ensure safe products must be documented.

All documentation must be organized so that, if necessary, the relevant persons can find any information.

The extent of the required documentation is a matter for the organization, but it should have a reasonable answer. The main thing is that the right document is available at the right time in a certain place.

Possible Mistakes: Excessive Documentation

Step 13 Top management commitment

Top management should:

  • demonstrate that product safety is a priority for the organization;
  • inform employees of the importance of complying with product safety requirements, including legal and regulatory requirements;
  • approve the product safety policy;
  • provide the necessary resources.

Step 14 Mandatory Preliminary Action Programs

To ensure product safety, Prerequisite Programs (PRPs or PRPs) are almost as necessary as the HACCP system.

Mandatory Preliminary Action Programs may include:

  • Carrying out activities in accordance with the law
  • Ensuring the security of the enterprise territory
  • Fulfillment of requirements for buildings, territory, equipment
  • Identification and control of risk areas by security categories
  • Pre-production testing
  • Selection (assessment, audit) of suppliers
  • Ensuring the safety of incoming raw materials and materials
  • Ensuring water safety
  • Control and testing of manufactured products
  • Evaluation and confirmation of conformity of finished products
  • Control of technological discipline
  • Sanitary and hygienic program (including washing of inventory and disinfection of technological equipment, personal hygiene, cleaning of premises, collection of garbage and production waste, reception of visitors, etc.)
  • Control of rodents and other pests
  • Preventing glass shards and other foreign matter from entering products
  • Fulfillment of product transportation requirements
  • Training
  • Ensuring product identification and traceability
  • Ensuring chemical control
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Equipment maintenance and repair
  • Other

Step 15 Creation of documents of the HACCP / SMBP system

In the HACCP / FSMS system, as a rule, the following documents are also developed:

  • Quality and Safety Manual (optional)
  • Quality and Safety Policy
  • Quality and safety goals
  • Schemes, production stages
  • Documentation and Records Management
  • Input control of raw materials and materials
  • Acceptance control (screening) of products
  • Management of nonconforming products
  • Emergency Management
  • Withdrawal and recall of products
    (The procedure for recalling and withdrawing products should be described. Many believe that these requirements are not applicable to public catering. But this is not the case, even in preschool institutions, it is possible to withdraw inappropriate products. Let's say that finished products, in accordance with the menu, were distributed to groups , after which the staff of the food department discovered a chip in the equipment.The person in charge must begin the procedure for the immediate removal of products from the groups.)
  • Management of internal audits
  • Procedure describing the rules of personal hygiene
  • Procedure describing pest control activities
    (As a rule, all organizations have agreements for carrying out works on deratization, disinfestation, disinfection with specialized organizations. But few people are interested and request documents about the means used, their expiration dates, and the direction of action. The organization must record data on monitoring pest activity, have schemes for the location of traps for pests or layouts of baits, acts on the work performed indicating the means used, etc.)
  • Procedure describing waste management activities
  • Procedure describing the restriction of access to the enterprise and the reception of visitors
  • Procedures for cleaning, washing, disinfection of premises, equipment
  • Management review
    (At least once a year, a management review is required.)
  • And etc.

It is not enough just to create documentation and assume that the system works. The most important thing is the implementation of the system in the activities of the organization. The HACCP system must be properly implemented and then improved, and only after that it can have an impact on reducing product safety risks to consumer health.

To do this, all employees can and should participate in the implementation of the HACCP system, and each of them plays an important role. This fundamental requirement is often forgotten: the HACCP system is not only “documentation”, it is a “humanized” system. The people using the HACCP system are its "owners", it is they who ensure its performance.

Certification of catering establishments.

It is important to note that certification is not required at the moment, but many organizations go through the certification process.

Let's take a closer look at the management system certification procedure.

The enterprise sends to the certification body (hereinafter referred to as the CB) an application for certification of the management system.

The OS specialist reviews the application, determines the complexity of the audit and prepares a certification agreement.

The head of the certification body appoints a commission for certification.

Conformity assessment (certification) of the management system occurs in several stages.

The first step is to review the documentation. Analysis of the documentation can be carried out both with and without a visit to the organization (on the territory of the certification body, subject to the provision of the necessary documents of the HACCP system to the OS.

The second stage is an on-site audit. OS experts draw up an audit plan and agree with the Applicant organization. Experts go to the organization to assess the compliance of the organization's management system with the standard. The audit begins with a preliminary meeting.

During the audit, nonconformities or notifications may be identified by experts. Nonconformities are classified as minor or major. For each non-compliance, the Applicant organization must develop corrective actions, as well as analyze the causes of non-conformities.

CB experts evaluate the acceptability of corrective actions and make recommendations for the CB manager on issuing / not issuing a certificate of conformity.

The final decision on the issuance of a certificate of conformity is made by the head of the OS/deputy head of the OS.

In case of a positive decision, the certificate is issued in accordance with the established procedure in Russian (and, upon request, in other languages).

A certified enterprise is given permission to use the sign of compliance with the management system and a banner placed on Internet portals.

The procedure for certification of management systems

When choosing a certification body, pay attention!

1. Does the certification body have a certificate of accreditation of management systems for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO / IEC 17021-2012, issued by the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosakkreditatsiya).

2. Does the certification body have the right to conduct certification in the registered Voluntary Certification System. The functions of maintaining the register of registered voluntary certification systems belong to the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). The certification body (legal entity) must either be the holder of a voluntary certification system, or be authorized to carry out certification work for any registered system (the fact of authorization must be confirmed).

Before choosing a certification body, it is necessary to check whether it is included in the register of accredited persons. You can check the accreditation of a certification body:

  • on the official website of GoCISS, at
  • on the website of Rosaccreditation in the section Register of accredited persons http://www.fsa.gov.ru/index/staticview/id/297/

3. Experience and positive reputation of the certification body

A legitimate certificate always indicates the legal entity that issued and issued the certificate. Of course, the more solid the organization that issued the certificate, the more confidence in the certificate issued to it.

Before concluding a certification agreement, it is necessary to ask how long the certification body has existed, whether there are large or state organizations among the customers of the certification body.

If the certification body meets all the above parameters, do not hesitate, in such a body you will receive a legitimate and recognized certificate and will not spoil your reputation in the future.

The text is taken from the article: "Development and implementation of management systems based on the principles of HACCP in public catering establishments. Preparation for certification and confirmation of the compliance of the management system with the requirements of national and international standards: the procedure for certification, issuance of certificates, practical recommendations for preparing for certification of a public enterprise food" placed in the directory "Quality control and food safety +CD Premium" Publishing Forum Media http://www.forum-media.ru/catalog/detail.php?ID=1029

Article author: Semenchenko T.V. - expert in management systems (HACCP, ISO 22000, ISO 9001), consultant, teacher, deputy head of the certification body for integrated management systems of the Institution "State Center for Testing, Certification and Standardization" (GOTSISS) http://www.website/

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Catering enterprises act as an integral component of the food industry, which, among other things, involves the introduction of the HACCP system. Such organizations include buffets, cafes, pizzerias, restaurants, eateries and so on. Consider in the article the features of the application of the HACCP program in a food enterprise: what it is and why it is needed.

General information

Not everyone knows why the program is needed. What is it? Let's start with the issue of food safety. This problem is currently quite relevant in the industry. The fact is that, for example, in a restaurant, the entire chain of the technological process goes through. It begins with the delivery of semi-finished products and ends with the preparation and consumption by customers. To ensure food safety, the HACCP system is introduced at food enterprises.

Relevance of the issue

The natural prerequisites that determine the need for the application of the HACCP program at a food industry enterprise are:

  1. Specificity of storage and use of products.
  2. The results of epidemiological statistics, which indicate that most of the poisoning is the result of eating dishes prepared at catering establishments.
  3. Massive cases of consumption of low-quality products.


In connection with the above reasons, there should be no question whether the implementation of HACCP principles in a food enterprise is necessary. The inattention of the heads of establishments to solving the problems of ensuring the proper quality of products and observing sanitary standards leads to serious consequences. According to statistics, more than half of the reported cases of poisoning were the result of eating improperly prepared meat dishes. In 35% of cases, the products were expired. Among the main causes of poisoning is non-observance of hygiene rules by the employees of the establishments. It becomes more than obvious the need to apply HACCP requirements in a food enterprise.

Program specifics

Since 2014, more and more establishments have begun to develop and apply measures aimed at ensuring product safety. This work was carried out on a voluntary basis. Currently, many managers of establishments are interested in whether they should apply the HACCP program in a food enterprise, is it mandatory to introduce it?

Industry expansion prospects

From February 15, 2015, the HACCP program is mandatory for all food enterprises. The implementation of measures to ensure the safety of products in establishments is a manifestation of concern and concern for the health of visitors, and helps to maintain competitiveness. However, this is not a complete list of the benefits of the HACCP program in a food enterprise. What does it mean for the industry as a whole? When using the activities within the framework of the program under consideration, the following goals are achieved:

HACCP principles in food enterprises

Before the introduction of the program, the development of basic sanitary measures is carried out. They are also referred to as prerequisite programs. Their development is carried out in accordance with the current legislation in Russia, which may differ from the standards provided for in other countries. Before knowing the operation of HACCP in a food business (what it is and how it works in practice), a hazard analysis is carried out with the selection of control and management methods for significant critical control points. As practice shows, this stage is not yet the most responsible in the course of the introduction of the program. The most difficult and responsible is the work associated with the description of ready-made dishes, the raw materials used in them, and the ingredients. Particular attention should be paid to recipes and Do not forget about those ingredients that are not included in the composition, but during the technological process may come into contact with the dish being prepared. You should also remember about the material and cleanliness of the packaging.

Implementation of the HACCP system in a food enterprise: a sample plan

In the above descriptions, the most relevant criteria should be used:

The next stage of implementation is accompanied by a flowchart of the preparation technology. A grouping of similar dishes is carried out. For each category from the range, one common flowchart is being developed. For example, there may be such groups:

  • First meal.
  • Salads.
  • Second courses.
  • Desserts.
  • Drinks and so on.

Data on all additional / preparatory operations is also entered into the diagram. For example: frying, slicing, preserving, etc. It should be noted that the flowchart can be developed not only in relation to the selected group. In some cases, it is advisable to apply such a system to individual dishes. This will be especially true for those establishments that specialize in "mono-cuisine". For example, these are pizzerias, sushi bars, etc.

Why is a block diagram needed?

It is quite easy to identify and evaluate the likely hazards that require appropriate control using the foreseen management measures. The flow chart allows you to identify critical points (CCP) - those moments and stages of production in which risks may arise. The classification of CCPs involves the receipt of raw materials, storage, subsequent heat treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms, and serving cooked hot meals to customers. In pizzerias, restaurants, cafes, additionally, such critical points can be:

  • Accounting for the characteristics of frying fats.
  • frozen semi-finished products.

Important point

Approving the regulation on the HACCP group at a food enterprise, the manager must understand that at present this program acts as the main model for managing possible risks and provides control over product safety. Its purpose is not limited to the formal establishment of critical points and permissible limits of the technological process. The HACCP system acts as a powerful protection of operations against physical, microbiological, chemical contamination of products.

Practical points

The head of the enterprise should first of all decide what kind of product he will introduce:

  1. Simple principles of HACCP. They correspond to GOST R 51705.1:2001.
  2. A complete system. It is introduced according to the ISO 22000:2005 standard, which corresponds to GOST R ISO 22000:2007 or FSSC 22000 (a set of ISO 22000:2005 standards and ISO / TS 22002-2:2013 specifications).

As mentioned above, the development of basic sanitary requirements is carried out first of all. They should cover all necessary measures regarding compliance with hygiene rules by personnel, cleaning of premises and equipment, washing and disinfection of tools and systems (including ventilation), kitchen utensils and equipment, pest control, storage of ingredients and raw materials, waste disposal, etc. Further.


After the preparatory stages, the direct development of HACCP sheets begins. During this stage, monitoring and verification procedures are established, and corrective actions are determined when limits are exceeded at critical points. In addition, responsible persons (HACCP group) are appointed. As you can see, in order to introduce the program into the activities of the institution, it is necessary to do quite painstaking and difficult work. It requires certain knowledge and skills.