When can greenhouses be left open at night. Do I need to close the greenhouse with tomatoes at night? When the temperature rises

  • 26.05.2022

For many, "fashionable" peacefully coexist with film and glass. Because, for all the importance of the material, agricultural technology for growing greenhouse vegetables is more important.

My husband made the greenhouse himself, so there are no cracks or holes in it at the joints of polycarbonate sheets. The wind does not shake it, it stands very tightly. The doors are slightly shifted to better blow through, there are vents on both doors. There is another one - from large window frames, and the roof. It is a little cooler there in spring and autumn, but tomatoes bloom and ripen until frost, when they no longer grow in polycarbonate.

Here are my simple rules

  1. Open the window in the greenhouse on one side no later than 6:30 on a sunny morning. If later, it will become hot and condensation will accumulate. It is very bad when there are drops of water on the leaves - you get a burn. (I read that the greenhouse should be opened around 9 o'clock. In the heat, everything will burn out by this time, and you will be thrown out of the doors by steam as soon as you open them!).
  2. If it’s cold, it’s raining, then steam needs to be let out through the windows: one - the one in the wind - left open, the second closed. The steam comes out and the plants are comfortable.
  3. If the wind is very strong, you need to open both windows. Let there be a draft so that the greenhouse is not demolished. In rain, thunderstorm, wind, I close the greenhouse, when the bad weather passes, I open everything, arrange a draft.
  4. In hot summers, walls with clothespins and threads. Hanging covering material until the tomatoes begin to pour.
  5. If the summer nights are cool (not higher than 15 °), I open one window and hang an old fabric curtain on it. My curtains hang near the windows from spring to autumn.
  6. I always water cucumbers at 10:00 and 16:00 - no later than (if the weather is hot). I water the tomatoes in the morning at 10:00-10:30, as watering gives a lot of moisture - that's fungal diseases for you.

If you are in the country all the time, go into the greenhouse more often - every hour and a half, and you will immediately feel what kind of air is there, and quickly figure out what and when to open.

For early planting, a polycarbonate greenhouse is better: it is warmer there. I plant tomatoes until May 10th. And in glass - later for 5-7 days. I never pinch the tops: nature ordered that the plant grow as much as it has enough strength.

Yes, the game is worth the candle! There will always be a good harvest and there will be no infection in the greenhouse.

Elena Nikolaevna Umnyakova, Sharya

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In general, the main thing is not the temperature of the outside air at night, but the temperature to which it drops overnight in the greenhouse. That is, it is believed that air temperatures below 15 degrees are no longer comfortable for tomatoes and most other plants that are grown in greenhouses. But if after the heat of the day at night the temperature gradually drops to 10 degrees, then in the greenhouse, even with the door open, the temperature still remains quite high. You can hang a special thermometer there and see how the temperature changes in the morning - the coolest time of the day, or you can get up at 5 o'clock and close the doors of the greenhouse, if possible. then the peak of the morning cold snap will not affect the plantings. I personally do not close the doors if the temperature is above 20 degrees during the day - the greenhouse does not cool down too much during the night.​

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Also remember that it is best to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse in the morning, and then ventilate. It is not worth watering a lot and often - tomatoes will get sick with late blight or cladosporiosis. A very good article about growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is here - http://domurad.ru/pomidory-v-teplice/, I also advise you to learn about diseases that occur due to excess moisture.​

Must be closed at night. Plants do not grow at this temperature, as well as at temperatures above 30 degrees.​

How quickly and in what way can the air temperature be increased.

During the day, a lot of moisture will be collected, which threatens with suppuration of the rhizome and mold. Mulching should be done. You can also use oilcloth for this method, but only in dark colors.

How to arrange a greenhouse for growing vegetables?

Irrigate the oilcloth (outer side) with the following composition: Flour - 4 kg / 20 l - water; milk - 1 l. It is possible to replace flour with chalk and clay. It is impossible in this case to use a solution of quicklime and emulsion paint, because in the future the oilcloth from these components will be less transparent, which will affect light transmission. Irrigation of the mixed components should be carried out twice a day - in the morning and late in the evening.

In order to constantly monitor the growth and temperature level in the greenhouse, many install machines that control these properties. This setup is very easy to use. You can increase or decrease the temperature as needed. This is very convenient because you do not need to run around with thermometers and thermometers, spend precious time on measurements. Sector-shaped housing, viewing cover, valve that rotates, pushing link - these are the components of such a regulatory installation, with which you can lower the temperature. How to reduce the temperature in the greenhouse due to such a resource?

The soil is heated with an electric cable immersed in the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm. This is the same "warm floor" system. By the way, you can use it. The only thing to keep in mind is the insulation of the cable. Wear rubber boots and gloves to avoid accidents. In addition, additional insulation in the form of special plastic protective containers for wiring will not hurt. It is recommended to protect the cable with an additional steel mesh. Remember that watering and electrical cable is a dangerous combination. The wires should not touch each other, they should be fixed with special brackets at a great distance. For greater thermal conductivity and safety, the cable is placed on the sand, and sprinkled with sand on top. Then the soil is laid and watered: moist soil warms up faster. The key to a healthy tomato crop depends on the quality of the soil in which tomato seedlings are planted. It should be as close as possible in composition to the one in which the seeds ripened.

Decide what kind of greenhouse you need: capital or temporary. The construction of a capital greenhouse is more laborious, since it requires the installation of a foundation. This makes the structure heat-resistant and durable. So if you are planning to turn the cultivation of tomatoes into a real business, you will have to work hard by making a real palace with artificial lighting and heated soil. Then your tomatoes will grow at any time of the year and will not yield to their summer “comrades” in taste! The greenhouse is recommended to be “sheathed” on top with timber, iron. The most optimal is the classical form: drop-shaped or semicircular. It is believed that this form does not allow precipitation to linger on the roof of the building.

In order to grow tomatoes all year round, you need to live in a warm country with a Mediterranean climate. However, with the help of modern technologies, this climate can be artificially recreated in the northern latitudes. In this case, the risk of fetal death can be reduced. To do this, it is necessary that the temperature in the greenhouse for the tomato is optimal.

We stop closing greenhouses and greenhouses when the temperature outside at night does not drop below 8 degrees.

To be honest, it's all a waste of energy. if it’s so cold at night, just a greenhouse will be of no use. you need a heated one, and even better with light.​

Lighting for vegetables and berries

Better close.

Temperature for our tomatoes

What actions need to be taken to lower the jumped temperature.

Temperature indicators in the greenhouse should not decrease or increase. The same temperature balance ensures the correct growth of the root system, providing the entire plant with nutrients from the root to the top, and most importantly, what greenhouses are built for is the content of natural vitamins in the fruits. Before building a greenhouse, planting seedlings or seeds in a greenhouse, you need to review the literature, learn by heart indicators of humidity, soil, temperature. This knowledge will ensure a rich and rich harvest. The main and, importantly, free source of heating is sunlight and heat. But you can not be so trusting to this source of heat. Because sometimes such heat turns into an absolute evil for plants.

Abundant watering of plants in the morning. Preferably at 4-5 o'clock in the morning. Then the moisture will spread evenly and there will not be too much evaporation, which leads to burns of leaves and fruits. Watering crops in a very hot time of day is strictly prohibited. From this there will be only a negative result. This device works like this: as soon as the temperature in the greenhouse becomes higher than the set one, the tank begins to expand in volume, heated by air. All excess air hot mass occupies the chamber compartment, in which the valve turns automatically. And then, with the help of a pusher link, the sash opens slightly. When the air cools (cooling takes place inside the tank) to the desired temperature, the volume of the chamber decreases. The fanlight sash will be closed due to the weight indicator. Thus, the temperature can be lowered. The automatic mechanism does not require constant repair and is distinguished by good work that lasts for many years. Another way to keep the temperature for tomatoes is to avoid any heat loss. To do this, the greenhouse is built very carefully, “glue” all the cracks and properly adjust the windows and doors, leaving only a properly installed chimney and ventilation. Broken windows and torn polyethylene are doom for tomatoes in winter.​

In order to determine the temperature inside the greenhouse, you must first measure it outside.

Air humidification in a greenhouse or greenhouse

The frame is built from durable elements that can withstand heavy winds and hurricanes.

You can not allow sudden changes in temperature during the day.

Heaters for growing vegetables

If the temperature is stable at +8 - +10 at night, then you can safely not close the greenhouse.

+10 is not enough I close and then there is +23

The main thing is not to forget to open.


Greenhouse temperature control


The use of reed mats and special white shields that do not allow any radiation and precipitation to pass through.

Why is it necessary to regulate the temperature in the greenhouse

The temperature can both rise and fall. This happens due to weather conditions that affect the air system of the greenhouse. It is imperative to be safe from such drops.

So, summing up, we recall: correctly maintained temperature, thorough watering with warm water and timely care are the key to good tomato growth. With a master's approach, you will get a generous harvest of tomatoes at any time of the year. Good luck!​

Automatic regulators

If the temperature of the greenhouse outside is minus, then inside the greenhouse it should be plus.

If you already have a suitable greenhouse, then you need to prepare it in a special way. Remember that where tomatoes grow, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below 17 degrees. Tomatoes are very thermophilic! The optimum temperature for them is 26-27 degrees. If you grow tomatoes in the summer, there should be no problems. For "winter" tomatoes, it will be necessary to significantly complicate the equipment of the greenhouse itself.

It is rare that a traditional houseplant can be compared with the beauty of a bush of such a tomato - the whole plant is simply strewn with clusters, each piece of 10 fruits sized 20-30 g.

Types of temperature adjustment

And from the cool air, the seedlings only harden.

Emergency temperature drop

Your greenhouse is strange. Why are windows arranged closer to the ground? The lower, the colder the air, and in the greenhouse there is hot air, which affects the sterilization of flowers, at the top and the flowering of tomatoes in the same place ... At +10, I close the door, leave the window ajar, but there is a net hanging on it. My greenhouse is 3.5x6m, about 3 m high, made of polycarbonate on wood, it is much warmer in it than in the same one but with a metal frame.

I close it completely at night. Moscow region, polycarbonate greenhouse

  1. In winter, complete tightness and thermal insulation of greenhouses and fences should be carried out. This is done using foam, as well as other synthetic materials. Oilcloth greenhouses are covered with multilayer additional layers. But this method delays the flow of heat from the "free battery". But the use of such a method as sliding curtains (closed at night, open during the day) will allow you to maintain a balance of temperature indicators.
  2. Such a free battery must be controlled in every possible way, maintaining a balance, only in this case the plants will thank you by giving tasty, sweet and healthy fruits. The greenhouse effect provides heat in the greenhouse itself: short waves of solar energy penetrate into the greenhouse and turn into heat energy, remaining in the greenhouse. When heated by the sun, the difference between night and day temperatures becomes noticeable. For example, for tomato crops, the optimal solution in terms of temperature is +19 -23°C. Violating this indicator, the fruits will begin to die, or even not grow at all.
  3. Full, constant control and prevention of the process of wilting crops.
  1. The temperature indicator of greenhouse heat should be +14 - 30 ° С. These are daily readings. Night in no case should not fall below + 7 ° C. If the lower temperature is every day, it greatly affects the growth quality of crops and yields. If the opposite happens, and the degrees become higher than a certain norm, the plants begin to get sick, get burns from ultraviolet rays on the fruits. Hence, it reduces the harvest. In addition, there will be less fruits in the greenhouse, and a sea of ​​​​green tops.
  2. The agrotechnical minimum for the growth of any plants was established once and for all. The temperature in the greenhouse cannot be lowered below +6 degrees. This means that with a complete power outage, the temperature in the greenhouse does not drop below 6 degrees. Tomatoes, as already mentioned, will not live at +6, this is too low a temperature. Give them a limit of +15 - +17 (while their growth will be very slow). So, we conclude: you should take care of an “alternative” heating source so that the optimal temperature indicator is always maintained.​
  3. A lot depends on the latitudes where you live. So, in the north, in Belarus and Siberia, maturation will go more slowly, but in the Crimea - faster. The difference between the ripening of greenhouse tomatoes in different climatic zones is 1-2 months.
  4. Tomato is a very tasty and healthy fruit. Among all known vegetables, it rightfully occupies a place of honor. However, not many people know that a tomato is not a vegetable at all, but a real berry! Maybe that's why it's so hard to grow? After all, berries, as you know, are much more whimsical.

When the temperature rises

She will not freeze and will not get sick with late blight - the temperature of the earth does not drop in the greenhouse, and the surface air will not harm her.

During the day, about 25 degrees, at night it drops to 7-10, it seems to be cold, but in the morning there is strong condensation, I want to avoid late blight and it’s scary to freeze the plants. In a polycarbonate greenhouse there are only tomatoes, in a film greenhouse there are peppers, eggplants and a few tomatoes. Can it be left open? Or just vents?

As far as I remember, at a temperature of 11 degrees, the life processes in the bush completely stop in a tomato. . .You ask about 10...​


At high rates, the photosynthetic process is slowed down, the seeds do not grow. When the temperature drops, a mold process occurs.

​The use of automatic sensors and regulators is mandatory, if, of course, there is a material opportunity for this.​

To quickly reduce the temperature, you can ventilate the room, install air conditioning and air circulation, impose technical ice for several hours, but not on seedlings and on the soil. If overlaid with ice, close windows and doors for effect. When lowering at the same fast pace - take out the ice. In order for the temperature not to be very high, you must adhere to the following rules:

Scheme of the device of the automatic ventilation system of the greenhouse: 1 - lower transom; 2 - frame; 3 - upper transoms; 4 - flexible rod of the lower transom; 5 - flexible rod; 6 - hydraulic cylinder; 7 - brackets; 8 - blocks; 9 - door.​

You should start laying heating pipes even before the construction of the greenhouse begins. Moreover, over the entire area of ​​​​the greenhouse, since the tomato does not like the cold. It is recommended to put thermometers to check the temperature in a greenhouse in several places at once, in advance of planting. You should check the temperature in each of them and keep records for several days.​

Another important tip: don't grow tomatoes in the same greenhouse every year. They will “deplete” the soil and stop growing. It is better to alternate crops: for example, sow tomatoes once, and cucumbers the next year.

  1. First, let's figure out what a tomato is and what it is eaten with. In Europe, this vegetable-berry has been known since the 16th century. At first, the tomato was considered an ornamental plant and people were afraid to eat it, considering it poisonous, unlike tobacco, which was brought along with tomatoes. Smoking tobacco was considered good for health.​
  2. It is very desirable that the greenhouse or greenhouse at night should not be open at temperatures up to thirteen to fifteen degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher than this, you can safely leave the openings of the greenhouse open - for air access and better ventilation.
  3. I stop closing the tomato greenhouse when the nights get +15 degrees and above. While everything is in order, I did not observe phytophthora in July. True, during a period of cooling or prolonged rains, I process tomatoes with HOM, to prevent phytophthora.

Pollen is sterilized (fruits are not tied) only after 30 degrees Celsius. If inside you are not even close to this value, then what's the point of being afraid to overheat?

On hot days, the use of curtains will help against overheating of the greenhouse. Biological heating is a biochemical reaction that occurs when organic materials decompose. As a result of these reactionary actions, a mass of heat flow is released, which is biological heating.​



Should I leave a greenhouse with tomatoes open at night if the temperature is +10? What is the general temperature regime in the greenhouse?

Galina Volk

There is no need to set up greenhouses large in terms of length. This negatively affects the temperature because huge rooms always warm up and cool down worse. At the moment when the seedlings require heat, it will only receive cold.


For a certain species, there should be their own temperature indicators in the greenhouse. Plants differently perceive humidity, warm and cold earth, air. Some cultures bear fruit with a huge harvest, others - with one vegetable in the field. Therefore, it is necessary to create for each type of crop planted in a greenhouse, the right ones for the full development of the habitat. Temperature fluctuations in the greenhouse affect plant nutrition.​


A certain distance should be maintained between racks, shelves with plants and walls. Thus, natural air will circulate in the greenhouse. When it comes to winter planting, the air should enter the greenhouse already warmed up. This means that the air supply should be installed away from the plants. Air outflow can be carried out with a special ventilation device. This way you will avoid mold problems. Since the humidity in the greenhouse for the tomato must be high, this should be achieved artificially.

Marina Nikolaeva

The equipment of the winter greenhouse will have to be approached systematically and carefully, without extra expenses. What to do, you have to fork out to pay for electricity.​


Tomatoes, or, as they are also called, tomatoes, are a plant of the nightshade family. The name "tomato" was given to the fruit by the American Indians, and the word "tomato" was coined by the Italians, who, as you know, are big fans of these berries. They already know a lot about real tomatoes. Italians add them wherever possible, and in any form: fried, boiled or stewed. But the Spaniards even combine them with strawberries, preparing a special cold soup - gazpacho.


Personally, I always close the greenhouse if the temperature drops below 15 at night. If the temperature is above 15, then I leave it like that. I advise you to use only vents at this temperature, then, I think, there will be no problems.

Tatyana Karpenkova

If the night frosts have not yet passed, and during the day up to +18 degrees Celsius, then the greenhouse must be closed for the night and opened for the day.

For fears about humidity, I won’t tell you.

We leave one small window for the night. so that moisture does not accumulate on the walls. vents high. the temperature in the greenhouse is above 10 degrees.​

Artur Fayzalisyan

A culture such as a cucumber does not like low temperatures, it grows a stem that is absolutely unnecessary to anyone and pulls out seedlings. Therefore, in addition to the efforts of a person, the help of devices is needed, because not every second people can observe the situation in the greenhouse. Intelligent systems will do all the work for a person. Let it not be a cheap pleasure, but it is very effective. If this is not an industrial greenhouse, and investing serious money is not possible, then you should remember the following points:​

In some types of greenhouses, the internal temperature drops by several degrees, in contrast to the outside air. Such processes are associated with the influx of warm air and heavy rains. There is no insurance in this case; quick and clear actions are needed. To increase the degrees, it is necessary to install an additional layer of oilcloth at night (as a temporary shelter). It should not be forgotten that a distance of 3-7 cm should remain between the coatings. Second coatings are attached either using special fasteners or using clamps.​

Andrey Enyutin

​Ensure daily ventilation and accessibility to airflow through gable paths. Naturally, in this case, the increase in costs for the film coating and for the construction of the structure will increase significantly, but in hot weather, a decrease in the temperature index by 12-13 ° C is guaranteed.​


With a decrease in the permissible norm, the entire plant suffers completely. The rhizome becomes weak because it does not have the ability to absorb all the necessary substances from the soil. The soil heat index should not be lower than 9°С, and not higher than 26°С. It is necessary to build on which plant is planted and what conditions it requires for development, growth and productivity. And for the normal growth of the rhizome, the temperature indicator should be the same at any time of the day. During daylight hours, heat should be regulated from + 14 to + 30 ° С. Above 30 ° C, greenery is inhibited and dies. For soil, the best option is + 13-24 ° С. At lower rates, starvation of plants in the greenhouse will occur due to a lack of phosphorus. And in a very hot air space, even with sufficiently moist soil, they will get sick.

Tatiana B

First, you can install special humidifiers. Secondly, it is necessary to water the tomatoes with hot water more often. Water temperature during irrigation should not be below 20-25 degrees. This means that water heating is also required. Some "kill two birds with one stone": they make pipes with water heating. This requires thermoregulation or vigilance. How you heat the water is up to you. Some gardeners use solid fuel boilers, others use gas or electric devices. Sometimes the system is closed in such a way as to heat the greenhouse along with the house. Do not forget that the greenhouse should be heated both day and night. Given that the air temperature drops at night, then at this time it is better to warm the air, that is, the heating systems should be turned on at full power (especially when it comes to cold areas where the temperature drops to -40 at night).​

It is unlikely that anyone will object to the fact that tomatoes are the most common crop grown in greenhouses in the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation. Today, there is an incredible number of tomatoes of all colors and sizes, adapted for growth and development in greenhouses. Fresh, salted and canned - homemade organic tomatoes are always respected on the table at any time of the year. This article is devoted to the consideration of the main points for planting and caring for tomatoes.

Soil preparation and planting seedlings in the greenhouse

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse is a crucial moment. In order for the seedlings to take root well and quickly, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it. Firstly, you should not rush to disembark if the weather conditions do not favor it. It is desirable that it was not too hot, it was quiet cloudy weather. Previously, the soil in the greenhouse must be dug up on a bayonet and additionally added under a shovel per square meter, one and a half to two buckets of compost and mineral fertilizers in the following composition and quantity: one hundred grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of potassium chloride, 50 grams of potassium magnesia, five grams of copper sulfate and iron. The soil should be thoroughly shed with water two days before planting so that it gets wet by 15-20 cm.

Tomatoes are short and tall. Before planting, you need to decide on the places for each variety. In this case, the distances between plants should be 40 cm if the bushes are undersized and 50-60 cm if the bushes are tall. Seedling seedlings should be planted in holes with a depth of about 15 cm. They should be lowered there strictly vertically along the very cotyledons. After that, close the hole with nearby earth. The aisles after planting need to be loosened. After a few days, when the seedlings get stronger, each seedling needs to be tied up.

Feeding and shaping the stem

Tomato bushes grow quickly in favorable conditions. At the same time, they consume a large amount of organic and mineral substances. Therefore, during the growing season, tomatoes need to be fed at least 3-4 times, not counting the fertilizers applied during digging.

Top dressing can be carried out either with a compound organo-mineral fertilizer, or with a complex mineral fertilizer. One of the common dressings is the following: ten grams of urea, fifty grams of superphosphate or 25 grams of double superphosphate, 15 grams of potassium sulfate. With each subsequent top dressing, it is necessary to reduce the proportion of nitrogen, and increase potassium and phosphorus.

The formation of the plant is best done in one stem. Maximum two stems. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly break off stepchildren - shoots that are trying to grow in the sinuses between the trunk and branches. It is important that stepchildren do not have time to grow up. Otherwise, the plant will waste energy and nutrients, which should be directed to increase the fruit. To do this, you need to go into the greenhouse every day and devote a little time to the tomatoes. You also need to remember to twist stems of tall varieties around the garters. About a month before the end of fruiting, you need to pinch the top at the bottom to limit upward development and direct nutrients to the side branches and fruits. With the beginning of fruiting, you need to break off the lower leaves of the first brush with tomatoes. The yellowed leaves are removed first, and then the green ones.

Watering should be carried out with warm, settled water from a watering can with a small stream under the root. Some gardeners arrange peculiar funnels from plastic bottles directed under each bush. Watering should be plentiful, but not frequent. The root system of tomatoes can raise water from a fairly large depth on its own. After each watering, the soil in the aisles must be carefully loosened. To retain moisture, you can mulch the aisles with humus. Each loosening should be accompanied by hilling, as tomatoes release aerial roots that can be used to develop the plant by digging them.

During flowering, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the greenhouse no higher than 29 degrees, since at 30 degrees the pollen becomes sterile. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the ventilation mode. Windows, vents and doors should be open during the day. Close the greenhouses only at night.

Proper care of tomatoes in the greenhouse will allow you to get exceptionally high and stable yields from year to year. But in addition to general recommendations on the technique of growing tomatoes, it is necessary to pay attention to the experience of local gardeners who have been practicing growing this useful and beloved crop for a long time. Indeed, each locality has its own climatic and soil nuances, which can be understood and felt only in practice.

It is necessary to provide proper care, which consists in creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of this crop: sufficient lighting, timely watering, ventilation, tying up, pinching, pollination and feeding.

1. Greenhouse lighting

Tomatoes are very demanding on light, so it is necessary to provide good lighting in the greenhouse. You need to think about lighting the greenhouse even before planting seedlings in the ground. However, if you have not done this, immediately after planting the seedlings, see if the branches of neighboring trees or bushes obscure your greenhouse. If they shade, trim them. Even a little shading can have a bad effect on the crop.

2. Humidity in the greenhouse and watering the tomato

Tomatoes do not like excessively humid air. In conditions of high humidity, tomatoes are more affected by fungal diseases. Also, tomatoes do not like getting water on the leaves when watering, this makes them sick. Tomatoes should be watered sparingly. Excessive watering of seedlings leads to its extension. The first two weeks after planting seedlings in the ground, it is better not to water the tomatoes for real, but only slightly moisten the soil, preventing it from drying out. This will keep the seedlings from stretching out and allow the root system to develop well.

After two weeks, the first real watering of tomato seedlings is carried out. In the future, tomatoes are watered 1 time in 5 - 6 days. In the period from planting in the ground to the beginning of flowering, tomatoes are watered at the rate of 4 - 5 liters per 1 m 2, during flowering and fruit formation - 10 - 15 liters of water per 1 m 2. Tomatoes need to be watered under the root with warm water at a temperature of 22 - 25 ° C. In hot weather, tomatoes need to be watered more often - a couple of times a week as the soil dries.

Since tomatoes do not like high humidity, a couple of hours after watering in the greenhouse, you need to open all the windows and doors to reduce it. In film greenhouses, it is better to water the tomatoes in the morning rather than in the evening, because when watering in the evening, when the temperature drops by night, the moisture from the air will condense and settle on the tomatoes, which is very harmful for them.

Prolonged waterlogging of the air, combined with low temperatures, causes the flowers and ovaries to fall from tomatoes.

3. Airing the greenhouse

It is imperative to ventilate the greenhouse, especially during the flowering period. With excessive soil moisture in tomatoes, the content of dry matter and sugar decreases. This makes the tomatoes sour, watery and not fleshy.

4. Tying tomatoes

10 - 12 days after planting seedlings in the ground, tomatoes must be tied up. Plants can be tied to pegs installed next to them, or to a wire stretched over a bed at a height of 1.8 - 2 m. So that the stems do not rot, it is better to tie the tomatoes with plastic twine.

5. Formation of bushes

Tomatoes are usually formed into one stem, leaving 7 - 8 flower brushes. When the stepchildren from the axils of the leaves and roots reach a length of 8 cm, they can be removed and only one lower stepson with one flower brush is left. Stepsons should not be cut, but broken off. At the same time, you need to try so that the juice of the plants does not get on your fingers, otherwise, in case of illness, the tomato can be transferred by hand from one plant to another. In place of stepchildren, columns 2–3 cm long are left.

6. Pollination of a tomato in a greenhouse

Since insect access to the greenhouse is limited, you need to pollinate the tomatoes yourself. Pollinate tomatoes by lightly shaking the flower clusters. Pollination of a tomato in a greenhouse should be carried out during the day in warm sunny weather. Immediately after pollination, tomatoes should be watered or lightly sprayed with water over the flowers. This is necessary in order for the pollen to germinate on the stigma of the pistil.

7. Top dressing tomato

Usually, when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, 3-4 basal top dressings are carried out. There are many feeding options. For example:

  • First dressing carried out 3 weeks after planting tomato seedlings in the ground. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska + 1 tablespoon of Ideal fertilizer or half a liter of liquid mullein per 10 liters of water. Dosage: 1 liter of mixture per plant.
  • Second top dressing tomato is carried out 10 days after the first. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of superphosphate + 1 teaspoon of potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. Dosage: 5 l of mixture per 1 m 2 .
  • Third top dressing tomatoes is carried out 12 - 14 days after the second. Ingredients: 1 liter of mushy mullein, or 1 liter of chicken manure, or 1 tablespoon of sodium humate, or 2 tablespoons of wood ash, or 1 tablespoon of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. Dosage: 6 - 8 liters of solution per 1 m 2 .
  • Fourth dressing tomato is carried out when the fruits begin to appear. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of sodium humate powder + 2 tablespoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. Dosage: 5 l of mixture per 1 m 2 .

During the flowering period of the second and third flower brushes, tomatoes are sprayed with a solution of boric acid, prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the drug per 10 liters of water.

I hope that this information will be useful for you and very soon you will taste delicious tomatoes from your own greenhouse!


Do you want a good harvest of tomatoes? Do not make mistakes in agricultural technology! If you sowed seedlings in early spring, took care of them for a long time and later transferred the grown plants to open ground, it remains only to avoid serious mistakes when growing tomatoes in order to get a good harvest.


Every day we try to improve our own growing technique, but sometimes we forget about the possible consequences and take risky steps. DachaDecor.ru suggests not chasing experiments and observing the rules of agricultural technology more precisely, because only then you can count on a positive result. A high-quality result in growing tomatoes is possible only if special rules are observed

What mistakes do we make when growing tomatoes?

The following list can be safely called a gardener’s memo, because if you try to eliminate known errors as much as possible and devote more time to cultivated plants, then you won’t have to be nervous during the harvest season! Here are good tomatoes grown without errors

Wrong choice of tomato seeds

We will start from the very beginning, namely, with the acquisition of tomato seeds. So, try to choose high-quality hybrids that are adapted to your region. They are more resistant to climatic factors, diseases and pests. Therefore, it is quite realistic to get a crop increased by about 20-30% (you may also need an article on sowing seedlings of tomatoes). where experts will not only give you a glass of seeds for seedlings, but will describe as much as possible the best variety of tomatoes for a greenhouse or open ground, and select the right one for your requirements. Poor quality seeds seriously affect the yield in a greenhouse and open ground

Changing varieties between greenhouse and open field

It must be understood that there are a lot of greenhouse hybrids, as well as varietal tomatoes for open ground. Of course, you can experiment, but it makes no sense, and therefore planting greenhouse tomatoes on the street and, conversely, from open ground in a greenhouse, makes no sense. Each variety has its own requirements for temperature, humidity and air freshness, soil and opportunities pollination, and therefore by changing the place of deployment, you immediately change the positive factors to negative ones. The result, we believe, you yourself understand. Remember that each variety of tomato has its own growing area

The right choice of tomato seedlings

We have already told you how to choose the right seedlings, and therefore we will only remind you that the material on the topic is already on the site! Use the advice of experts, and a good tomato garden will definitely rise from high-quality seedlings! High-quality tomato seedlings are the first step to high yields

The choice of film for the greenhouse

If you are building a greenhouse or a greenhouse, and then grow seedlings and adult plants on your own, it is necessary to choose the right material for covering the structure. Most often, this is a plastic film, and we try not to think about its quality, checking only the strength and translucency at the place of purchase. These are important factors when growing a wide variety of plants in a greenhouse, but there are others that you should also pay attention to. You do not need to take the thickest film or the most expensive one, thinking that it will last longer. Choose hydrophilic unstabilized, on the inner surface of which only flat-drop condensate forms. When using it, the drops will not fall down on the bushes and fruits, but will simply run down. In addition to this advantage, it is worth evaluating the dust-repellent properties of the material, and the ability to better maintain the internal temperature. The best film for a greenhouse and an inexpensive greenhouse

Lighting and temperature

Most of us assume that high light and high temperatures allow plants to reach up and their fruits to swell. But this is not always the case, especially if we are talking about tomatoes. Be sure to pay attention to such modes, because experienced specialists have long known that the best temperature for growing tomatoes is + 8 + 10 ° C, but the illumination should remain within 15 hours. Be sure to observe temperature conditions, provide high-quality lighting

Tomato seedlings with inflorescences

Buy strong seedlings, but without inflorescences, as promises of an early harvest are far from always true. The most important thing when planting seedlings is rooting, and only then color and ovary. Accordingly, when buying high-quality seedlings, flowering will appear very soon. Tomato seedlings with flowers are not the best option

Watering tomatoes

Tomatoes do not like water like cucumbers, and therefore such frequent watering can only contribute to the decay of the root system or the development of diseases. Try to water about once a week, but make it abundant by watering the soil itself near each bush or in a row, and not the leaves of tomatoes. Watering tomatoes requires a special attitude and regimen

Pasynkovanie tomatoes

Stepson tomato bushes should be very timely, at the moment when the length of the shoot reaches 3-4 cm. It makes no sense to do this later. You should not leave the so-called hemp during pinching - pinched processes. Many summer residents feel sorry for the plant, and there are many stumps on the bushes after pinching. But their presence only leads to a more active life of various microorganisms on the surface of the tomato bush, and therefore try to remove stepchildren to the very foundation. Proper stepchildren will help increase the yield of tomatoes

Formation of tomato bushes

Have you decided to take pity on the tomato bushes in the garden or in the greenhouse? Get spreading plants with strong side shoots, on which fruits have begun to grow, and thanks to this they just lie on the ground. Below is a spoiled tomato, and from above, due to the increased supply of nutrients to the lower fruits, there is also no result. You should not feel sorry for the tomatoes, you need to do the right thing - remove the side shoots in time and pinch the top. Remember, you are the one who decides how the tomato plant grows, and trust me, this will only lead to better results. Forming tomato bushes is the most important step in growing!

Ignoring disease prevention

It is very wrong to wait until cultivated plants in the garden start to get sick, it is necessary to take preventive measures constantly in order to prevent complex diseases. We are starting to think about how to save tomato bushes at the moment when they are one step away from death. We go to the market, choose drugs, confer for a long time on the forums, come to the dacha, and there is nothing left to save. Make sure in advance that you know how to diagnose diseases (powdery mildew, rot, and others) and pests (scoop, aphids, bears) of tomatoes, in order to be able to save the plantings in time, but rather, carry out preventive treatments when planting seedlings, after the start of flowering, during the formation of the fruit (strictly according to the agricultural technology of the variety). Do you want healthy tomatoes in the garden and in the greenhouse? Timely prevention will help!

garter of tomatoes

Don’t step-child tomatoes, don’t remove side stems, and don’t tie up weighty bushes? How then are you going to get a good harvest? In such cases, rotting of the fruit, the formation of uneven ovaries, the breaking of a bush under weight, late blight of tomatoes, eating fruits by ground pests, and so on are possible. stem. Do not forget to properly tie up the tomato bushes

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse without ventilation

It will be almost impossible to get fruits in this way, especially if you come to the dacha only on weekends, and the tomatoes wait for airing in a musty greenhouse for a whole week. In this case, pollen grains can stick together, pollination stops, and a significant decrease in the number of fruits on the bush. If there is an ovary, then the fruit will be hollow, of poor quality, deformed. Timely ventilation of the greenhouse will help grow large and juicy tomatoes

Growing tomatoes and cucumbers in the same greenhouse

You should not plant cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse, this will definitely not lead to a good result. These plants have different agricultural practices and care requirements, completely different preferences for air temperature and ventilation, preventive measures. Do not make such mistakes, otherwise you will not get a good harvest from either cucumbers or tomatoes. You should not grow tomatoes and cucumbers in the same greenhouse simultaneously

Thickened plantings of tomatoes

The more often tomatoes are planted and the higher they climb along the trellis or supports, the more leaves need to be removed from the bushes in order to organize the most proper ventilation. This is more true for greenhouse conditions, where, of course, you can get a good result at the end of the season, but for this you will need to work hard. Thick planting of tomatoes is a problem! Try to make plantings more rare, as in this photo. Remember, preventing tomato diseases is much easier than dealing with them later!

Top dressing of tomatoes

Here we will only say a couple of things - do not overdo it with nitrogen, which will only help drive out serious greens, and also be sure to pay attention to a set of special elements for tomatoes. You should not dwell on only one or two of them, since each variety requires its own set of nutrients. Top dressing is very important for tomatoes, but only the right and timely

Tomato processing, spraying

Classical methods such as spraying only Bordeaux mixture save in rare cases, and therefore this is not the best method of prevention. Tomatoes during the period of bush growth and fruit ripening need much more than one drug. It is necessary to choose processing methods and means depending on the region, variety, cultivation in open ground and greenhouse. But we can give an example so that you understand how much we can offer tomato beds today for better ripening and a good harvest.

  • At the very beginning, seeds that are still acquired or grown independently are treated with manganese. This is followed by treatment for planting seedlings to improve the rooting and destruction of the bear. Before flowering, preventive treatment with Abiga Peak, after - with Fitosporin and Ridomil. During fruit growth, you can switch to Actellik or Fufanon, and before picking tomatoes, use Oxyx and Lepidocid.

Do not forget to process and spray tomato bushes. As you can see, it is necessary to carefully inspect the beds, monitor the condition of the bushes and fruits, but even without noticing problems, still carry out preventive spraying and processing.

How to grow tomatoes (video)

There are a lot of mistakes when growing tomatoes, and it is very difficult to collect them all in one article. Therefore, we will be grateful if you help us supplement this knowledge base in the comments.

Also read:

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse?

The greenhouse method of growing tomatoes allows you to harvest during periods when it is impossible to do this in open ground. Using a modern polycarbonate cover, it is possible to grow plants in early spring without additional heating. Consider what includes caring for tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Planting seedlings of tomatoes

Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse begins with planting prepared seedlings in a place of permanent growth. The further successful development of adult plants and the yield of tomato fruits depend on the quality of the planting in the ground. To plant seedlings, a tomato should have the following parameters:

  1. plant height 25-35 cm; the presence of the first bud (possibly the opening of the first flower); dark green color of the shoots and leaves; the diameter of the main stem in the zone of the root collar is at least 1 cm; the presence of at least 7 well-developed true leaves; the root system is completely entangles a lump of substrate and has only white live roots.

It is necessary to plant according to a certain scheme, which depends on the characteristics of the cultivated variety. With a dense planting, the plants will shade each other, stretch out, which will lead to a predisposition to the development of diseases and a decrease in yield. With a very sparse arrangement of seedlings, the greenhouse area will not be used, which will lead to a shortage of the total yield. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the optimal landing scheme and it is recommended to use the following parameters:

  1. Early ripe determinate varieties with a formation of 2-3 stems are planted according to the scheme 60x40 cm. Determinate tomatoes with 1 main stem are planted denser - 50x30 cm. For indeterminate tall tomatoes, the planting pattern is sparse - 80x70 cm.

Glasses with high-quality seedlings are planted in holes, deepening up to 3-5 cm. If the plants are overgrown, then the tomato stem can be laid in the soil at a depth of at least 10 cm, while digging a ditch. Additional roots are easily formed on the stem, which can more intensively nourish an adult plant.

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse after planting?

Many factors affect the survival rate of seedlings and the further growth of a tomato plant. Consider in detail the important points when caring for tomatoes.


During the period of adaptation of seedlings in new greenhouse conditions, the air temperature must be kept within the optimal range from +22 to +25 degrees, while the soil should already warm up above +15 degrees. Under such conditions, plants quickly give new roots and they begin to grow intensively. Caring for tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse includes the need to constantly monitor the temperature regime.

Polycarbonate has high thermal insulation properties and good light transmission, therefore, in sunny weather, the air temperature during the daytime can rise sharply and reach the critical one for plants (above +35 degrees). Open doors and transoms will reduce the temperature. If there is no constant heating in the greenhouse, then with the likely onset of frost, it is necessary to install an additional heat source. In its quality, various types of burners, heat guns or just kerosene lamps can be used.


Before planting, it is advisable not to water the seedlings for 2-3 days. It will not be brittle and will receive additional hardening. Immediately after planting the tomatoes, it is necessary to carry out abundant watering. This is one of the important rules for caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse.

It is necessary to create contact of the roots with the soil. If this is not done, the plants can wilt and then get sick for a long time, which will ultimately negatively affect the yield. Further watering is carried out when the topsoil dries up.

The humidity level is kept at 85% of full capacity. The easiest way to determine is by squeezing the soil from a layer below 10 cm into a fist. If, after opening the palm, a non-crushing lump forms and it does not smear on the hands, then the humidity is optimal, when the lump crumbles, watering is required. On hot days in summer, daily watering or even two times a day. Excessive soil overflow is detrimental to the roots, therefore, in cool weather, watering should be carried out no more than once every 3-4 days.


When planting seedlings at the bottom of the hole, it is necessary to pour starter fertilizer. To do this, use 20 g of nitroammophoska containing N16P16K16.

The roots should not come into contact with the granules due to the risk of burns, so they are mixed with the soil. Top dressing is one of the most important jobs in caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse. They are carried out weekly, followed by watering.

Tomatoes are very demanding on the content of nutrients in the soil, especially on phosphorus. In the arsenal of a tomato vegetable grower, there should be monopotassium phosphate and potassium nitrate. These are two fast-acting fertilizers that will fill the tomato plant's need for macronutrients.

They are taken at 20 g each, dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of water and watered at least 10 bushes.


Caring for tomatoes during the mass opening of buds includes operations that improve the formation of ovaries. Tomatoes have self-pollinating flowers. In order for the pollen to spill out and fall on the pestle, it is enough to shake the tomato plant slightly.

This operation is performed in the first half of the day in sunny weather. During airing, insects fly into the greenhouse, which help the flowers to be pollinated. Bumblebees do it very well. You can put a hive with bumblebees in the greenhouse to increase fruit set. By following all the described rules for caring for tomatoes in the greenhouse, you can get a bountiful harvest of delicious tomatoes.

How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

How to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse

At first glance, it seems that growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is not a tricky business, but it’s still not so simple, there are a number of specific recommendations that, if followed, will help to significantly increase the productivity of your greenhouse and collect the maximum yield of tomatoes. And so, growing tomatoes in a greenhouse begins from planting seedlings, but before that we need to properly prepare the greenhouse and seed or seedlings.

Preparing a greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings

Do not underestimate the importance of this stage, because the health and productivity of tomatoes depends on it more than others. Ten days before planting the seedlings, the beds must be prepared.

First of all, we need to disinfect the soil, because most of the pathogens hide there. To do this, remove a layer of soil of 10 cm, and treat the remaining one with a solution of copper sulfate, 1 tbsp per 10 liters.

And it is highly not recommended to plant tomatoes two years in a row in the same greenhouse, the risk of tomato disease will increase dramatically. After disinfecting the soil, it must be loosened, weeds removed and fertilized. To enrich the soil, 6-8 kg of humus and 1 cup of charcoal per 1 sq.m. are usually used, but if the kidney is not very pale, then 3 kg of humus can be dispensed with.

For growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, breathable soil (sandy and loamy soils) will be the best. We make beds for planting seedlings 70-90 cm wide, the distance between the holes between the holes should be at least 40 cm, this is the distance between the extreme holes and walls greenhouses. Between the beds we leave a passage of 50 cm.

The size of the holes themselves depends on the variety of seedlings, but, as a rule, for undersized tomatoes, the holes are 20 cm, for tall ones, 30 cm. At first glance, it may seem strange to prepare the holes a week before planting, but there is a completely logical explanation for this. Seedlings should be planted in warm soil.

At a depth of 15 centimeters, the temperature should be at least 14 degrees. You can achieve the required temperature by covering the ground with a black film or pouring it into the holes before planting warm water. Tomatoes cannot be planted in cold ground due to the fact that the root system and, as a result, the whole plant will develop poorly in it. As for the greenhouse design itself, it must be covered with a second layer of film, with such an operation we will kill two birds with one stone: we will additionally insulate the greenhouse, thanks to the air cushion between the layers, we will protect the inner layer, thereby extending its service life. Be sure to make windows on each side for regular ventilation. If you plan to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse in winter, then it must be equipped with additional lighting and heating.

Preparing tomato seedlings for planting in the greenhouse

Before planting, seedlings need to be hardened and treated to protect against pests. The hardening process should begin two weeks before planting. First of all, the room where the seedlings are stored should be well ventilated, leaving the windows open even at night.

If the weather allows, the seedlings should be brought outside, first for a couple of hours and gradually increasing the time spent in the fruit to around the clock, provided that there are no night frosts. A well-hardened plant can be identified by a slightly noticeable purple hue. Five days before planting, tomato seedlings should be treated with a 1% solution of boric acid, this is done as a prevention of possible diseases. before planting in a greenhouse, cut off the lower leaves of plants. Ideally, seedlings before planting should have a thick stem and a well-developed root system.

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

First, let's talk about what not to do:

  • As mentioned above, you can not plant tomato seedlings in cold, unheated soil, this will slow down the growth of the plant. You can not plant seedlings too deep, in which case, instead of growing a bush, the stem sprinkled with earth will take on additional roots. Look at the video at what depth it is right to plant seedlings, it will be clearer. If your seedlings are very stretched up, you need to make two holes one in one. Immediately plant the plant in the inner one, and after it takes root, you can already fill up the main one. You don’t need to abuse the fertilizer too much, everything should be in moderation. Above, we discussed how to fertilize the soil, if you did everything as written, then you do not need to add additional fertilizer to each hole, otherwise you will not get many beautiful tomatoes, but a huge green tree.

Planting tomatoes should be done in the evening or on a cloudy day in pre-moistened soil. Before planting, carefully inspect each seedling, remove all damaged and lower cotyledon leaves.

We fill each hole with warm water and plant it in the resulting mud mixture. After planting the tomato in the greenhouse, you need to water them immediately to prevent the formation of a dense crust on the surface of the soil. Around each plant, the soil is compacted and then dry mulched. It is not necessary to water every day. Those leaves that touch the ground also need to be cut off, but this should be done in the morning so that the wound has time to dry by evening.

The scheme of planting tomatoes in the greenhouse

There is a lot in what the scheme of planting tomatoes is envy on the variety you have chosen. So it is better to clarify this information on a pack of seeds. We will consider the basic schemes that are suitable for different groups of tomato varieties.

  • Low-growing varieties that form in 2-3 stems are usually planted in a checkerboard pattern in two rows. The distance between the rows is 50-60 cm, and between the plants themselves, approximately 40 cm each. The standard and determinant ones, which are planned to be formed in 1 stem, are planted a little thicker. The distance between the rads is 50 cm, and the plants are 35-40. Tall, indeterminate varieties are planted less often, as in the first case, planting is done in a checkerboard pattern, only the distance between plants is already much larger. Between rows 70-80cm, plants - 60-70cm.

You should not plant seedlings more often than described in the planting scheme, in this way it is unlikely to achieve a good harvest. Lack of light, poor ventilation and cramped conditions will only make the tomatoes worse.