Instructions for the storage of fertilizers. Storage and use of fertilizers. Distinguish manure according to the method of obtaining

  • 26.05.2022
Document's name:
Document Number: 12.3.037-84
Type of document: GOST
Host body: State Standard of the USSR
Status: current
Published: official publication
Acceptance date: December 18, 1984
Effective start date: January 01, 1986
Revision date: March 01, 2001

GOST 12.3.037-84 Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). The use of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.037-84

Group T58


Occupational safety standards system


General safety requirements

Occupational safety standards system.
Use of fertilizers in agriculture and forestry.
General safety requirements

OKSTU 0012

Introduction date 1986-01-01

INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated December 18, 1984 N 4511.

The limitation of the validity period was removed by the Decree of the State Standard of 06/22/92 N 564.


This standard applies to the use of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry and establishes general safety requirements for the preparation and performance of these works.

The standard does not apply to the use of mineral fertilizers in protected ground.



1.1. Mineral fertilizers should be used in agriculture and forestry in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.002-75, this standard, as well as in accordance with the sanitary rules for the storage, transportation and use of mineral fertilizers approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.2. When applying mineral fertilizers, measures should be taken to protect workers from the possible effects of hazardous and harmful factors specified in the mandatory annex.

1.3. The levels of dangerous and harmful factors when using mineral fertilizers should not exceed the maximum permissible values ​​established by the standards, as well as the sanitary and hygienic standards of the USSR Ministry of Health.


2.1. Warehouses for the storage of mineral fertilizers should be built according to standard designs.

2.2. Production facilities and sites for the storage of ammonia and liquid complex fertilizers must comply with the requirements of building codes and design rules for industrial enterprises approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

2.3. The locations of production facilities must be agreed with the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire supervision authorities.

2.4. In industrial premises, a natural, mechanical or mixed ventilation system must be provided in accordance with GOST 12.4.021-75.

The air exchange organization scheme and the amount of supply air to maintain the optimal air regime must comply with the requirements of building codes and rules for heating, ventilation and air conditioning approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

2.5. Natural, artificial and emergency lighting must comply with the requirements of building codes and rules for natural and artificial lighting approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

2.6. Premises for the storage of mineral fertilizers must be equipped with mechanisms for loading and unloading and transport operations, as well as fire fighting equipment.

2.7. Temporary sites for storing daily reserves of mineral fertilizers should be located on leveled and compacted areas of the terrain.


3.1. Solid mineral fertilizers must be stored in warehouses, and liquid fertilizers in tanks (on sites).

3.2. Daily reserves of mineral fertilizers may be stored at temporary sites, provided that the requirements of environmental protection are observed and the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of fertilizers are preserved.

3.3. Temporary storage for the period of applying mineral fertilizers to the soil is allowed in adapted premises, subject to the requirements for storage conditions for various types of fertilizers, and in agreement with the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire supervision.

3.4. The technology for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses must comply with the requirements of the sanitary rules for their storage, transportation and use, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.5. Tanks for storing ammonia and liquid complex mineral fertilizers must comply with the rules for the construction and operation of vessels approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.

3.6. Mineral fertilizers should be stored in isolated warehouses away from pesticides, mineral additives, preservatives, feed and food products.


4.1. The technical condition of machinery and equipment for the transportation of mineral fertilizers must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91, loading and unloading operations - with the requirements of GOST 12.3.009-76.

4.2. Vehicles must be equipped with fire extinguishers and personal protective equipment.


5.1. The technical condition of machinery and equipment for applying mineral fertilizers must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

5.2. Work on the preparation of mineral fertilizers for application to the soil must be carried out using mechanisms equipped with devices to reduce dust formation.

5.3. When using mineral fertilizers together with pesticides, it is necessary to observe the measures for safe work, established by the rules for the storage, transportation and use of pesticides, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

5.4. To prevent intoxication with volatile compounds of nitrogen and liquid complex fertilizers, as well as gaseous products of their interaction with pesticides, it is not allowed to:

carry out manual work (weeding, loosening, etc.) during plant feeding;

apply fertilizers to the soil immediately after the application of organochlorine pesticides; the interval must be at least 72 hours;

carry out work on fields treated with fertilizers, organochlorine and phosphorus pesticides during the hours of the highest solar radiation with soil moisture above 60% of the full field capacity.

5.5. With the simultaneous application of fertilizers by several units, the distance between them must be at least 50 m.

5.6. Fertilization by agricultural aviation should be carried out at a wind speed of not more than 4 m/s at a distance of at least 500 m from settlements, water supply sources, livestock farms.

5.7. Every year after the completion of the transportation and application of solid mineral fertilizers, all working bodies and bodies of vehicles and spreaders must be cleaned of fertilizer residues and washed with water.

After completion of work on the transportation and application of liquid fertilizers, tanks, tanks and working bodies of machines must be washed with hot water or steam.

Cleaning and washing of machines and equipment should be carried out at specially designated washing areas.


6.1. Persons allowed to work with mineral fertilizers must meet the requirements established by GOST 12.3.002-75.

6.2. Organization of training of workers in labor safety - according to GOST 12.0.004-90.


7.1. Workers must use personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.011-75, issued to them in accordance with the standards approved in the prescribed manner.

7.2. The use of special clothing and footwear and other personal protective equipment, their care and storage - in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation for these protective equipment.


8.1. Sanitary and hygienic parameters of working conditions - according to GOST 12.2.002-81.

8.2. Control over the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area - according to GOST 12.1.005-88.



When using mineral fertilizers, the following dangerous and harmful factors specific to agriculture and forestry can occur:

physical (increased dust content in the air of the working area, increased air temperature, increased noise and vibration levels, moving parts of production equipment, explosive mixtures);

chemical (gaseous substances of general toxic and other harmful effects: ammonia in all types of work with ammonia fertilizers; phosphoric acid vapors, sulfuric anhydride and fluorine gases - when working with phosphorus fertilizers);

biological (microorganisms, including pathogenic ones - bacteria, fungi, protozoa);

psychophysiological (dynamic physical overload).

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
The system of labor safety standards: Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001

GOST 12.3.037-84 Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). The use of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry. General safety requirements

Document's name:
Document Number: 12.3.037-84
Type of document: GOST
Host body: State Standard of the USSR
Status: current
Published: official publication

The system of labor safety standards: Sat. GOSTs. - M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001

Acceptance date: December 18, 1984
Effective start date: January 01, 1986
Revision date: March 01, 2001

GOST 12.3.037-84 Occupational safety standards system (SSBT). The use of mineral fertilizers in agriculture and forestry. General safety requirements

Prices for mineral fertilizers are not democratic, so you need not only to use them economically, but also to store them correctly. Even a simple loss of flowability worsens the effect of their introduction. After all, they are no longer so evenly distributed in the soil. And the plants, due to the fact that it is empty here, and densely there, will begin to grow unevenly, oppressing the neighbors and reducing the possible harvest.

For better preservation, each type of fertilizer is stored separately. Ideally, thick plastic bags should be used for this. Large batches of fertilizers are sold in bags with a mandatory internal polyethylene liner.

Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are less demanding for storage. They will survive the winter well in paper multilayer bags. Nitrogen fertilizers must be kept in film bags, if possible sealed. Otherwise, part of the nitrogen will "evaporate".

But the most problematic is magnesium sulfate. It must be kept not only in a film, but also wrapped with dark paper on top. It loses its properties even from diffused light...

All fertilizers must be isolated from the air, especially humid. The ability to absorb moisture (hygroscopicity) destroys fertilizers, making them caked or wet. This is especially true for ammonium and calcium nitrate, azofoska, urea.

Darkness is also useful for mineral water. Magnesium sulfate is the most decomposed and loses its qualities in the light. The rest are more resistant, but this does not mean that they can be kept in the sun.

And all saltpeters are very flammable. Well, in order not to throw money away, it’s better not to be greedy and not keep fertilizers for many years, apply them immediately fresh. This makes it easier to apply them, and when using small doses, the plants will receive all the necessary food throughout the season.

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Increasing supplies of mineral fertilizers to agriculture lead to the need to build special warehouses in collective farms and state farms.[ ...]

Before starting the construction of a warehouse, an appropriate project is selected and a place is selected. The capacity of the warehouse should be such that the amount of costs for storage and transportation of fertilizers is minimal.[ ...]

The size of the warehouse should be based on the prospective (10-15 years ahead) need of the economy for mineral fertilizers, taking into account the turnover ratio. The warehouse should be located so that the production teams of the farm are approximately the same distance.[ ...]

It is not always expedient to build warehouses on farms with a capacity of less than 1,000 tons, since in such warehouses it is difficult to mechanize warehouse processing, loading and unloading them. In this regard, in farms with a prospective need for fertilizers of less than 1-2 thousand tons per year, it is not economically feasible to have warehouses. The transition to the construction of larger inter-farm warehouses will significantly save both capital investments in construction and the costs of storing and transporting fertilizers. Inter-farm warehouses create favorable conditions for organizing the delivery and application of fertilizers to the soil by mechanized detachments of the Soyuzselkhoztekhnika system.[ ...]

In clear and dry weather, storage rooms must be ventilated, and in damp and rainy weather, warehouse doors should be carefully closed.[ ...]

Storage of packaged fertilizers. Currently, agricultural enterprises receive about 35% of mineral fertilizers in paper or plastic bags. In the near future, due to the improvement of the physicochemical properties of fertilizers (lack of hygroscopicity, strong granules, etc.), the supply of packaged mineral fertilizers will be reduced to 20%, therefore, a correspondingly smaller part of the warehouse is allocated for the storage of packaged fertilizers. In sections for storing packaged fertilizers, shelving is built in 3-4 tiers. Packaged fertilizers, except for ammonium nitrate, are stored on flat or rack pallets. Each type of fertilizer is stored in a separate rack or stack.[ ...]

Ammonium nitrate, as flammable, is stored in a specially equipped section at the end of the warehouse, on flat or rack pallets. When storing saltpeter on flat pallets, the height of the stack should not exceed two meters, and on rack-mounted pallets - four.[ ...]

It is strictly forbidden to store ammonium nitrate (even temporarily) on the warehouse ramp, under a canopy and in open areas. It is impossible to store ammonium nitrate together with peat, sawdust, straw, oil products, paints, meal, cake, pesticides, bleach, mineral acids, powders of aluminum, zinc, copper and their oxides, cotton bales, coal, tow, etc. It is strictly prohibited use explosives to crush the compacted ammonium nitrate. It is forbidden to sprinkle floors with sawdust, use heaters in warehouses, occupy (even temporarily) sections intended for storing ammonium nitrate, and other goods.[ ...]

Loading and unloading operations in the section of packed fertilizers are carried out by a front loader of the PF-0.75 brand with gripping shafts. In the section where ammonium nitrate is stored, it is recommended to use explosion-proof electric forklifts EPV-1 or EPV-104 for reloading operations.[ ...]

Near each heap (stack) of fertilizers there should be a plate indicating the fertilizer, the content of nutrients and moisture.

When storing mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to avoid getting them wet with water, as this leads to a deterioration in the physical properties of fertilizers and loss of nutrients. It is best to store fertilizer outside the living area, in a separate utility room that is dry and well ventilated. Fertilizers are stored separately from one another, preferably in closed, non-corrosive containers, isolated from the floor (on the floor, platform) and the walls of the room.

Ammonium, sodium and potassium nitrate must be stored with extreme caution, as they are explosive and flammable, capable of detonation.

It should not be allowed to contaminate ammonium nitrate with scraps of paper, cloth, peat, because after a while they form very combustible materials. Ammonium nitrate is generally preferably stored separately from other fertilizers. The quality of fertilizers during storage depends on a number of their properties: moisture, hygroscopicity, caking, and dispersion.

From the humidity of fertilizers, the basic physical and mechanical properties of fertilizers change. For nitrogen fertilizers, the humidity should be kept as low as possible. Superphosphates are less critical and allow storage at some excess humidity, the same applies to potassium chloride.

Hygroscopicity is the ability of fertilizers to absorb moisture from the air. With increased hygroscopicity, fertilizers become damp during storage, then they mix poorly, and the granules lose their strength. Calcium nitrate is highly hygroscopic, and powdered forms of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride are also hygroscopic. Superphosphates are less hygroscopic.

Caking is an unpleasant property of mineral fertilizers, which causes a lot of trouble for vegetable growers. You have to break the clods and sift the fertilizer through a sieve. Before breaking the clods, place them in a strong bag and crush them with light blows of a hammer. At the same time, remember that saltpeter detonates! However, it is unlikely that detonation will occur from a hammer blow through the bag, but still be careful.

Dispersibility is an important property of mineral fertilizers, which facilitates application to the soil. Sometimes there is a problem when storing artificially mixed fertilizers. The fact is that many of them contain crystallized water, as a result, the mixture after a while turns into a raw porridge, which is very difficult to evenly distribute over the soil surface. To prevent this from happening, you need to store the mixture in a tightly closed container.

It should be noted that in this case the mixture does not lose the fertilizer properties, but only makes it difficult to introduce them. The container must be plastic or enameled metal. Thus, the main condition for maintaining all the initial properties of fertilizers during storage is their isolation from moisture.

soil crop rotation fertilizer

Table 13 - Calculation of the capacity of the warehouse for the storage of mineral fertilizers

In the process of preparation and storage, the components of fertilizer mixtures can be highly reactive and chemically interact with each other; decomposition reactions take place. The quality of the resulting mixtures, their chemical composition and physical properties are largely determined by the chemical processes that take place when mixing fertilizers. Therefore, when preparing mixtures, it is necessary to correctly approach the choice of one-sided fertilizers, taking into account their interaction with each other. The following basic rules for mixing fertilizers can be formulated.

1. Fertilizers must not be mixed if they lose nutrients or turn into a mass that is poor in physical properties and is not amenable to mechanized application.

2. Due to the high hygroscopicity of the resulting mixture, it should not be mixed with each other, and also included simultaneously in the mixture of ammonium nitrate and urea.

3. Do not mix ammonia forms of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphates - ammophos, diammophos) with fertilizers with active alkaline properties (phosphate slags, thermophosphates, calcium cyanamide, cement dust containing potassium in carbonate form) in order to avoid nitrogen losses in the form of ammonia.

4. The moisture content of fertilizers must not exceed the maximum allowable value. The increased humidity of fertilizers significantly reduces flowability and does not ensure uniform application to the soil. The maximum permissible moisture content should be no more than 0.2-0.3% in ammonium nitrate, 0.2-0.25 in urea, and no more than 3.5% in superphosphates (simple and double). With an increased moisture content in mineral fertilizers, their granules lose their strength. For ammonium nitrate, this state is observed at a moisture content of 1.7-2.0%, urea - about 1, potassium chloride - over 3%. The moisture content of fertilizers increases dramatically with increasing storage temperature. For example, a mixture of urea with double superphosphate and potassium chloride at an initial moisture content of 0.2% after a month of storage at a temperature of 40 contained 6.6% moisture, at 200 - 8.3, at 400 - 24.9%.

5. The acidity or alkalinity of mineral fertilizers intended for mixtures should not be higher than the indicator provided by the standard. Fertilizers containing free acid or having an alkaline reaction chemically actively interact both with each other and when mixed with other fertilizers. The current standards provide for the content of free phosphoric acid in simple granular superphosphate not more than 2.5%, in double - 5%. Mixtures based on double superphosphate are moistened much more than those based on a simple one. The negative effect of the high acidity of double superphosphate is especially pronounced when the mixtures are stored in humid conditions. With an increase in the ambient air temperature, the humidity of the mixtures increases. In this regard, double superphosphate is an undesirable component of mixtures. therefore it is impractical to prepare them in advance.

6. When neutralizing materials (limestone, dolomite flour, etc.) are added to mixtures, ammonia losses are noted.

7. Good quality mixtures can be prepared on the basis of phosphate rock. The effectiveness of mixtures prepared on the basis of superphosphate and phosphate rock in a ratio of 1: 1 and applied in a busy fallow or fallow on acid soddy-podzolic soils and leached chernozems is not inferior to mixtures prepared on pure superphosphate. For acidic soils, it is advisable to prepare a mixture of potash fertilizers with phosphate rock. A mixture of ammonium nitrate and phosphorite flour can be prepared and applied for autumn plowing. It doesn't dry out and keeps for a long time. The presence of NH4NO3 and KCl contributes to an increase in the solubility of P2O5 of phosphate rock. When adding 10% of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and urea to phosphate rock, due to the increased hygroscopicity of the latter, the sprayability of phosphate rock is sharply reduced while maintaining the stability of the spreader sowing apparatus.

8. You can not mix superphosphate, especially powdered, directly with ammonium nitrate, as the mixture very quickly turns into a sticky mass due to the formation of more hygroscopic calcium nitrate.

9. Mixing superphosphate with urea promotes the release of water of crystallization, which increases the moisture content of the mixtures. Thus, due to the interaction of the components of mixtures from standard forms, from 12.2 to 64.7 g of water of crystallization was released in a free state (per 1 kg of the mixture), and when the dried products were mixed, the amount of released water of crystallization decreased to 7.2-13.5 g (per 1 kg of mixture).

10. A mixture of superphosphate with ammonium sulfate is cemented into a dense mass, which must be crushed and sieved before being applied to the soil. This creates organizational difficulties, requires additional costs, increases the cost of fertilizer application.

The quality of fertilizers during storage is affected by a number of parameters, in particular changes in temperature and humidity. How to avoid storage errors?

The best place to store mineral fertilizers is in a warehouse for non-combustible materials, with sufficient ventilation and a level floor surface. The optimum storage temperature is 5-20 °C. It is necessary to place fertilizers inside the warehouse at a distance of at least 1 m from the roof and from the walls. It is better to choose the largest possible packaging for storage - fertilizers are very stable in it. It is best to place fertilizers on pallets, which are placed on a flat and dry surface.

Fertilizers should be stored away from flammable materials such as straw, sawdust, feed and other flammable substances used in agriculture (oils, lubricants, fuels, agricultural chemicals). This is especially important for nitrogen fertilizers, which oxidize quickly. It is also recommended to store nitrogen fertilizers away from a heat source. Do not store nearby fertilizers that can react with each other, such as urea, in close proximity to nitrate fertilizers.

All fertilizers stored outdoors must be protected from external influences. Avoid direct contact with soil and water. Liquid fertilizers should be stored at an appropriate temperature to prevent them from freezing, causing the fertilizer to crystallize.

Another unfavorable phenomenon is stratification, which leads to the formation of a precipitate. It contains minerals that are inaccessible to plants and fertilizer will be ineffective.

Incorrect storage conditions lead to a deterioration in the consumer value of fertilizers. Often, especially in the case of fertilizers that have salts in their composition, if they are stored incorrectly, more water is absorbed from the environment, which, in turn, makes the fertilizer lumpy. The reason for this phenomenon in the case of nitrogen fertilizers is their storage at temperatures above 30 °C. In order to granulate agglomerated manure, very costly technical measures have to be resorted to. The only way to protect fertilizer from clumping is to lower the storage temperature. Excessive absorption of water from the environment, for example due to damage to the packaging, also results in the formation of lumps or precipitation, which significantly reduces the useful value of fertilizers.

High temperature and humidity can cause nitrogen fertilizers to oxidize, resulting in chemical decomposition and even spontaneous combustion. Improperly stored fertilizers can pollute ground and surface water, so it is best to store fertilizers at least 10 m away from watercourses. (