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  • 21.11.2019

Growing crayfish at home brings its owner a guaranteed income, because the demand for them is constantly growing. With little competition, you can make big profits. Of course, you won’t be able to immediately count on large sums, because the payback of the enterprise begins in a few years. But despite this, the crayfish business is quite profitable.

Who is this business for?

Crayfish breeding is suitable for both countryside as well as for the city dweller. Due to the fact that crayfish can be grown in various environments, for example, ponds or home aquariums, this business finds its fans. It is enough to decide how the habitat will be equipped, and having studied the necessary literature, you can organize a business that will bring a stable income to its owner for many years.

Crayfish breeding

Breeding crayfish at home for sale can be done in several ways:

  • in the basement;
  • in reservoirs;
  • in aquariums.

Growing in the basement

Growing crayfish in the basement has a huge plus - it's an underground climate, which is most welcome in this matter. They have a beneficial effect on the development of cancers. Any selected basement must meet the following requirements:

  1. The temperature regime of the room where the lowest temperature indicator will not reach -1 degrees, but rather +15. At the first temperature value, the crayfish will not die, but they will not be able to multiply under such conditions, and in the second case, they can grow comfortably.
  2. The presence of three containers, with a large volume. The material for these containers should be safe for crustaceans, plastic or plexiglass is considered the most suitable. At the bottom of each container, a certain habitat is created, as close as possible to the real one. To do this, sand, stones and clay are poured onto the bottom, the thickness of the clay layer should be sufficient for digging minks.
  3. The presence of cleaning filters. The water in these containers must be purified within 24 hours. If the cleaning procedure is carried out manually, this slows down the growth of crustaceans, and small individuals generally die.
  4. Complete set of equipment for catching and transporting crustaceans.
  5. The presence of an oxygen generator with an oximeter.
  6. Feed.
  7. Artificial conditions of detention imply dense placement of all individuals, therefore, a situation often arises when large crayfish eat babies. To avoid this, large crayfish are transplanted into another tank. For this, the use of three containers is intended.

Growing in ponds

In order to breed crayfish in ponds or other bodies of water, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements and conditions of detention, otherwise the process will not bring the desired result.


  • a lake or pond that will only be used for crustaceans. To populate the first batch of crayfish there, it is necessary to prepare favorable conditions for them, clean the reservoir, remove fish that are predators, and prepare a favorable bottom surface;
  • The reservoir is divided into three equal parts. As in the case of containers, each part is intended for a certain category of crayfish, in the first part - fry, in the second part - growing individuals and in the third part - adults;
  • Be sure to consider changing the water. For this, drain pipes and supply pipes are equipped. If there is a river nearby, then the replenishment of the reservoir can be done using a pump. Water changes should take place at least once a month. At one time, 30% of the entire reservoir should change, the same amount of water is added. A larger percentage is not recommended to be changed, otherwise the microclimate in the reservoir can be disturbed and the crayfish will die;
  • strict adherence to the density of planting individuals. Optimal quantity per 1 sq. m. is 5–7 pieces. Usually there is an excess of these standards, but at the very beginning of the business, it is better not to rush and clearly fulfill all the requirements of the content.

Read also: Breeding dogs at home: how much you can earn

For breeding, it is necessary to select fast-growing breeds that are specially bred for artificial maintenance. One female, during the season, brings about 30 individuals, which will reach a marketable appearance only after 6 years.

Benefits include the following:

  • small costs for the arrangement of a pond or reservoir;
  • thanks to the natural food in the pond, the consumption of purchased food is reduced;
  • during the entire period of growth, there is no large labor costs on the part of the owner.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • this breeding method is not suitable for all regions, but only for those where there are no severe winters, and the water will not freeze in winter;
  • long payback period of the business;
  • low density criteria per 1 sq. m.

Growing in an aquarium

Crayfish breeding in an aquarium as a business involves the creation of artificial habitats. A properly created microclimate, which will be constant regardless of the season, will allow you to receive a stable and uninterrupted income.

The crayfish farm is quite simple - you need to take care of aquariums, the capacity of which reaches 250 liters. At the bottom there are stones, sand, snags, this will bring the living conditions as close as possible to natural ones. For 1 sq. m. in conditions of aquarium breeding, 350 individuals are allowed.

To understand what factors affect the readiness of breeding females, the following should be noted:

  1. The number of trace elements and the level of acidity in the artificial habitat. Usually, one aquarium is allocated for mating, the volume of which must be at least 200 liters. Mating time is autumn.
  2. To get the long-awaited offspring, you must adhere to one rule: there must be twice as many females as males.
  3. The female always carries the laid eggs with her on her paws, so the eggs are constantly in close contact with the mother. After the babies have appeared, they are immediately separated from large individuals in order to avoid their death. Some of the young die during the natural process of molting, and those that remain successfully grow to the desired size.

In order for the business to flourish, it is necessary to expand the volumes, and at home it is unlikely that a large number of such aquariums will be placed. The best place for breeding crayfish will be a home basement. Usually this place is littered with unnecessary things, and by equipping it for a business, you can get quite a lot of profit.

In the basement, the most favorable conditions for the reproduction and cultivation of crustaceans, additional heating and lighting are not needed, it is only necessary to equip special shelves on which aquariums will be placed.

Purchase and transportation

To start a business, you will need the crayfish themselves, which you can buy or catch yourself. The ideal option is to purchase crayfish larvae, but this is not always possible. More often it turns out to acquire adults and raise their offspring. In principle, it does not matter where you get the material for breeding, the main thing is that the proportion of male: female is 1: 2. It is better to postpone the time for buying crayfish until autumn, when the mating process begins, and you can easily distinguish where the female is and where the male is. Females will have eggs under their tails.

For the transportation of crayfish, the dark time of the day is selected, at this time it is especially comfortable for them. Females with caviar are given Special attention, discomfort can adversely affect future offspring.

Wooden boxes are used for transportation. Crayfish are laid out on their backs in prepared containers. Depending on the height of the box, you can put several rows of crayfish, but no more than 20 pieces. for 1 decimeter.

In our country, crayfish are loved with beer and just like that, even children like their tender aromatic meat. Fans of boiled crayfish can organize the process of breeding them, which over time can develop into a business. Growing crayfish at home is not particularly difficult and not very costly, however, long-term. It will begin to generate income only in the second year, and will pay for itself in about 6 years.

The demand for this product is constant, the competition is not so big, and the income is stable with the right business and established sales outlets. For example, a retired person is quite able to cope with such a thing, if he likes it.

Where and what crayfish to buy for breeding

Crayfish can be bred not only in natural or close to them conditions, that is, in the countryside, but also in an artificially created environment, for example, aquariums - in a city.

Information on the organization of the habitat and conditions of detention is not a secret. Having decided, they study special literature and organize the breeding of crayfish at home.

To start a business, you need, in fact, crayfish. You can catch them yourself or buy them. The ideal option - the acquisition of larvae - is not always possible. A much more common option is to purchase adult specimens and raise their offspring.

Sources of cancer livestock:

  1. Fishing in the river or.
  2. Shopping in a supermarket.
  3. Acquisition from a specialized farm.
Naturally, it is desirable to prefer the option of acquiring material from specialists who will provide not only livestock, but also information about the types of crayfish suitable for breeding in this region, about the conditions of their cultivation and the possibilities of use.

Did you know? Salted crustacean caviar is a delicacy dish containing many useful components: for example, protein, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, while its calorie content is minimal.

Industrial types of crayfish, the most popular and in demand:

  • Blue Cuban - characterized by rapid growth and omnivorous, prefers a temperature not higher than 26 ° C;
  • Australian - is the most meaty species, can be bred in aquariums, requires special care and attention;
  • Marble - needs large areas and a stable temperature, hermaphrodite.

You should not buy many individuals at once: the needs of a small farm will be satisfied by 4 dozen males and 8 dozen females, which are easy to recognize at the end of spring by the caviar under the tail.

It is very important to observe the ratio of males to females in a ratio of 1: 2.

How to breed crayfish

For breeding arthropods, you can use a suitable natural reservoir, build an artificial one that meets all the parameters for the successful implementation of the idea, and you can also do this in urban conditions, growing them in aquariums. Each of these methods is good, and each has its own characteristics and disadvantages.

Breeding in water

Natural and most suitable habitat for crayfish. At the same time, it should contain clean water, in a dirty livestock, if it does not die entirely, then it will significantly decrease.

Important! Crayfish can exist in parallel with fish, but it is desirable to remove predators that feed on crayfish and their caviar from the pond.

In winter, they should hibernate, while refusing food. Naturally, the weight at this time decreases. In areas where winters are strong, breeding crayfish in a pond is impractical: the reservoir freezes to the bottom, and the livestock dies.
Breeding in a pond has positive aspects:

  • the cost of maintaining the reservoir in the appropriate state is not too high;
  • in ponds, water purification occurs naturally;
  • feeding animals also does not require any significant costs due to natural food.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • long period of growth of arthropods;
  • low density of livestock per unit area;
  • long-term business payback.

For comfortable well-being in the pond, animals require the following conditions:

  1. The area of ​​the pit is from 50 square meters, its depth is from 2 meters.
  2. It is desirable that the pond is located on its own site in order to avoid trouble with poachers.
  3. Sow around the circumference of the pit.
  4. The coast should be clay.
  5. The bottom should be provided with stones sprinkled with sand for the possibility of shelter and construction of holes.

An artificially created reservoir should already be equipped with a drainage system at the construction stage to control the quality of water and the possibility of replacing it. Water needs periodic replacement, which is done monthly in the amount of 1/3 of the total.

Important! In no case should you change the water completely, this will have a detrimental effect on the current microclimate and is fraught with the death of livestock.

Arguments in favor of an artificial reservoir:

  • its creation does not entail serious costs;
  • the diet is enriched with the resulting natural feed, which allows saving on the purchase of feed;
  • ease of breeding process.

Arguments that make you think about the advisability of breeding crustaceans in an artificial reservoir:
  • not all regions are suitable for this business - the final freezing of the pond in winter should not be allowed;
  • inexpediency of building a reservoir in a sunny place;
  • possible difficulties in selecting a suitable site;
  • low density per square meter
  • inability to control the temperature.

Requirements that an artificial reservoir must meet:

  1. Sandy or clayey shores shaded by vegetation.
  2. Rocky bottom.
  3. Cleanliness and environmental friendliness.
  4. Ability to build burrows at the bottom.
  5. Absence of pathogenic organisms.

When populating a reservoir with crayfish, one should not exceed the density of their planting. The best option the density is considered to be from 5 to 7 copies per square meter. Subsequently, experienced farmers review these standards, however, when starting a business, it is advisable to comply with them.

It is advisable to breed breeds that grow quickly - those that are bred for artificial breeding.

One female is able to bring about 30 units of offspring. However, they will grow to the desired state not earlier than in three, but more often in six years, so you should stock up on both knowledge and patience in order to breed crayfish at home.

Breeding in an aquarium

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium implies artificial conditions that should be provided to the wards. A constant microclimate in the aquarium will allow you to receive a constant income at any time of the year.

To organize a cancer farm, you need a room, you can rent it.

The volume of aquariums must be at least 250 liters. The bottom is equipped with stones, sand, clay, snags - they imitate the natural habitat. For successful breeding, there should be three aquariums: for adults, for mating and for young animals.

The population density of the aquarium can be up to 350 specimens per square meter. The method of aquarium breeding requires a decent amount of time from a businessman, which he can devote to his pets.

Important! The peculiarity of breeding crayfish in an aquarium is that they do not need hibernation and gain weight much faster.

The habitat requires the following conditions:

  • optimal temperature;
  • clean filtered water supplied with oxygen;
  • balanced feed;
  • feeding.

The disadvantage is the area limited by the size of the aquarium. To expand production volumes, habitat areas should be expanded.

Important! The lowest indicator allowed for keeping crayfish is -1 ° C: at this temperature, they do not die, but they do not multiply either.

What to feed crayfish

mostly herbivores, but in nature they can include various organic remains, carrion in their diet. In severe food shortages, cannibalism is possible. In general, they eat everything they can reach, since they are not hunters.
In nature it is:
  • various greens;
  • larvae laid by insects;
  • small fish and

Having captured the prey with the help of a claw, they pinch off small pieces from it and eat them. Obviously, arthropods feed on what nature feeds them - feeding cancer at home is not particularly difficult.

The diet of animals in captivity consists of:

  • crushed steamed grain;
  • meat and meat products;
  • boiled;
  • fish;
  • grated;
  • compound feed;
  • special ;
  • larvae, worms, insects, snails.
Per day for one individual, the consumption of feed in the amount of 2% of its own weight is considered the norm.

Crayfish food is sold in food stores, feed mills, and other specialized places.

Reproduction (mating) of crayfish

Crayfish mate annually, more often in autumn. One female produces 110-480 eggs, most of which die without giving offspring. The average number of adult crayfish produced by one female is 30.

The female is smaller than the male. The latter has pronounced two pairs of legs near the abdomen, with which he holds the partner during fertilization.
Courtship is not practiced: having caught up with a partner, the male holds her and tries to fertilize her, the female seeks to avoid contact so much that the mating process can cost her her life.

The eggs are fertilized inside her body if the partner turned out to be stronger, after which she immediately goes into her hole and in the daytime, when the sexual aggression of males flourishes, she is afraid to leave her.

Did you know? An ordinary male is able to cover two females, and this exhausts him so much that he can, after fertilizing, eat a third partner.

The male no longer takes any part in the matter of reproduction - the care of the offspring falls entirely on the mother.

About a month after fertilization, the female spawns. At the same time, the eggs stick to the prolegs on the abdomen until the larvae from the eggs hatch. This is a very difficult time for the future mother: she is forced to supply the eggs with oxygen, constantly working with her tail, to protect them from the encroachments of predators, to perform hygiene procedures to clean them from mold, dirt and algae growths. In this case, part of the caviar is lost and dies.
At best, she saves 60 eggs, from which the larvae hatch. After a week or two, they begin to leave their mother, hiding under her tail from the dangers of the outside world, and leave her after one and a half to two months. By that time, they are about 3 centimeters long and equipped with survival skills.

Under natural conditions, 10-15% of them will survive, but with sufficient nutrition in artificial conditions, it is realistic save most masonry – 85-90%.

At the age of puberty, cancer enters at 3 years of age. The size of the female should not be less than 67 millimeters. The male grows larger, otherwise he will not be able to cope with the matter of reproduction.

Taking into account the difficulties of reproduction of arthropods in the wild, we see the expediency of their artificial breeding.

Molting crayfish

Moulting time is very dangerous for individuals. Not only the outer shell is shed, but also the covering of the gills, eyes, esophagus and teeth, with the help of which the cancer crushes food. The only solid substance that remains with him is gastroliths - mineral formations that have the shape of a lens. They are located in the stomach of the animal and are the place of accumulation of calcium, which the animal uses to nurture the hard parts of the body.

Did you know? Gastroliths were called "crayfish stones" in the Middle Ages. They were valued as a miraculous medicine that cures all diseases.

Shedding cancer is soft and completely defenseless: for this reason, he prefers to sit out the dangerous period in a mink, so as not to become a victim of predators and cannibal relatives.

In the first year of their life, as they grow rapidly, crayfish change their shell 8 times, in the second year of life this happens 5 times, in subsequent years - once or twice a year. First-year-olds often die during the first molts, about 10% survive to marketable age in the wild.

Until the shell hardens, the crayfish grows intensively in its mink, although it does not eat anything. After the shell is completely hardened, growth stops until the next change of suit.

The largest males can grow up to 21 centimeters, females - up to 15 centimeters.

Additional equipment for efficient breeding of crayfish

To breed crayfish at home, you need some.

Three aquariums equipped with:

  • filters that need to be changed three times a year;
  • compressors enriching water with oxygen;
  • devices for monitoring the level of oxygen, water temperature;
  • heaters that allow you to organize the right temperature for individuals and, importantly, for eggs.

At least two, preferably three pools for adults, babies and mating, equipped with:

  • water drain system;
  • aeration system;
  • attributes that recreate the natural environment.

minimum size 25 square meters, at least 2 meters deep.

It is desirable that the pond was not alone - at some point, young growth will have to be planted in order to save it. The oval shape of the pit helps ensure that gas exchange occurs correctly.

The pond should be provided with such places for shelters:

550 times already

The figures in the table are conditional and reflect data for one indoor pool (8x4 sq. m) and one open pit.

Crayfish breeding as a business: pros and cons

Breeding crayfish is a promising occupation for home production. Such products are in demand, but, unfortunately, not on an industrial scale. Abroad, crayfish entrepreneurs earn millions, although competition there is quite high.

Of the existing methods of breeding crayfish, it is best to choose an indoor artificial reservoir. It is less expensive than indoors and more controllable than a natural pond. Therefore, starting a business from scratch, give preference to this particular method, provided that you have your own piece of land.

The business development process involves three stages:

  1. Arrangement of a reservoir.
  2. Mastering the intensive method of breeding crayfish:
  • selection of a fast-growing species;
  • providing the necessary diet;
  • compliance technical condition aquatic environment.

3. Development of a product implementation plan, which includes:

  • mastering the correct transportation of live goods;
  • catch of crayfish;
  • conclusion of agreements with various retail outlets on deliveries.

The advantages of such a business include:

  1. Significant investment is required only at the initial stage. The amount depends on the expected scale of the activity. It can start from 20,000 rubles, or from one and a half million.
  2. Production has prospects for development and expansion. With accumulated experience in breeding crayfish, there will be chances to scale up the business and make more profit.
  3. Cancer breeding does not require large human resources. The hardest part is the beginning. A lot of effort will be needed to lay the "foundation" for organizing, studying and registering an enterprise. When the business is already established, work on the farm will not cause big problems.
  4. The specifics of the business is such that there are no competitors. In comparison with European countries, the niche in the production of crayfish in our country is not occupied. So, there will be no problems with the sale of products.

Cons are present only when breeding in a natural habitat, these include:

  • payback period, tk. it is delayed for 3-4 years;
  • growth retardation of underyearlings due to hibernation;
  • seasonality of product sales.

How to start breeding crayfish?

If you decide to breed crayfish for profit, then keep in mind that this applies to farming. Start by writing a business plan and start looking at issues such as payback period, risk, costs, expected profit. This will give a clear picture of the implementation of the plan. In business, no one will give a 100% guarantee of success - it depends on many reasons.

Crayfish: choice and purchase

Of the prolific and undemanding, long-clawed crayfish are suitable for keeping conditions. Unlike broad-toed, they gain weight faster. The growth of individuals is affected temperature regime reservoir. The further south the range, the more prolific they are. On average, a female can lay from 60 to 230 eggs in one fertilization.

It is undesirable to buy them from Kazakh or Altai manufacturers, because the difference in climate and the distance of transportation make the products unsuitable for profitable breeding in other latitudes. It is better to catch crayfish in nearby water bodies using a baited trap cage.

The number of individuals is calculated by the area of ​​the reservoir. In order for reproduction to be intensive, it is necessary to adhere to the optimal planting density of sexually mature individuals. It is 6 pieces per 1 sq. m., of which two males are required.

It is important to observe the parameters of the aquatic environment, which, according to chemical composition meet all the requirements for the favorable development of the life of females and fry. Otherwise, the density should be halved.

Breeding methods

Crayfish can be bred in three ways: in open natural or closed artificial reservoirs, as well as in specialized closed nurseries.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following points of each of the methods:

  1. Natural breeding conditions are equipped farms for growing crayfish in a natural environment. The peculiarity of this method is that individuals are dependent on hibernation. Profitability in such conditions is much lower. In a state of suspended animation, crayfish do not grow, which affects the profitability of the enterprise.
  2. Closed rooms with artificial containers (aquariums, baths, pools) - exclude hibernation of individuals. This method of breeding requires significant financial investments in the purchase of equipment, as well as maintaining the climatic conditions for the life of crayfish. In aquariums, they grow all year round, after 1.5-2.5 years (depending on the species) they reach commercial standard sizes.
  3. Artificial, covered by the type of greenhouses, reservoirs. This is the most optimal form of keeping crustaceans in terms of payback. The period of growth from eggs to salable specimens takes 1.5 years. At the initial stage, the farm requires investment in the construction of pools and equipment to maintain optimal conditions of the aquatic habitat.

Creation and development of the farm

Breeding crayfish on the territory of your site, take care of the water supply or create a natural cycle of water purification. Dig several holes with a depth of 2 to 5 m, an area of ​​​​30-60 square meters. m.

Running water is not a prerequisite, but a drainage system will be needed. Change the water after 2-3 weeks, but not all - about 30% of the total volume is enough. So the natural habitat will not be disturbed, and the water will be purified.

Lay stones at the bottom, you can even chipped bricks with hollow holes (burrows), pour a 10 cm layer of coarse sand. Make clay banks, plant vegetation.

To bring an artificial reservoir closer to the natural habitat of crayfish, build streams with thickets of hornwort, jara, elodea, etc. Driftwood and stumps can be a favorite refuge for arthropods, but they pollute the water. In such conditions, it is good to breed the broad-toed (Astacus astacus) species and the long-toed (Pontostacus lepto-dactylus) species.

To breed crayfish in aquariums, you will need a room with heating and lighting. It can be natural or completely artificial - it does not matter. This method will require large cash investments, but the profit grows at times. In open water crayfish molt once a year, and in aquariums from 3 to 5. This indicates that they grow three times faster.

In order to bring the living conditions in closed reservoirs closer to optimal, you will need:

  • cleaning filters (no need to change water);
  • aerator (air compressor), the temperature in the aquarium should not fall below 17 ° C, otherwise the pets will go into hibernation;
  • oxidizer for water enrichment with oxygen.

Please note that in order to breed crayfish in factory conditions (indoors), it is best to visit someone's farm, where you can see everything with your own eyes and get answers to your questions. The advice of practitioners will be more useful than the mountains of theoretical literature - you will avoid many mistakes.

Purchase of feed

Feed requirements depend on where the crayfish are grown. In open reservoirs where there is vegetation, they find food on their own. You can feed them during the appearance of small crayfish. Care should be taken to determine if they need to be fed or not. In winter, crayfish are not eaten.

In the factory, feed must either be purchased or prepared by yourself. They eat cereals from various cereals, boiled grains, carrots, potatoes, herbs, soybeans, etc. The diet must include fish waste, for example, capelin heads.

To achieve maximum growth, it is better to purchase products that are used by fish farms or special food for crustaceans.

Now this is not a problem - many manufacturers produce ready-made nutritionally balanced feed. If you calculate the need for them for a year, you will see that this is a very small amount.

Note that care must be taken to ensure that food does not remain in excess in the water. As it decomposes, it releases toxins that can kill a large number of individuals.

To avoid an overabundance of feed, feed it in special feeders. The amount of necessary food is taken from the calculation of the weight of pets - this is 0.2%. Feeding is carried out every two days in the evening or morning, as during the day the crayfish hide in burrows. For different ages crayfish pick up a diet with additives that accelerate their growth.

Sale of products

Selling products shouldn't be a problem because you don't have industrial production with tons of goods. After registering the IP, the ways for sale to shops, bars, restaurants, markets are open. It is possible that customers themselves will come to the farm for a batch of crayfish. You only need to catch the right amount and get a veterinary certificate.

The financial component of the business

In business, financial profitability is taken into account in the first place. When you have to start a business from scratch, there is a big risk that the representation on paper of all stages of development will diverge from the realities of life. To reduce the risks, you need to start with the purchase of small batches of females, feed, equipment, etc. Gradually, gaining experience, expand production. Consider what awaits you on the way to the implementation of your plans.

Cost of opening and maintaining

It is impossible to talk about exact figures, since the amount of costs depends on many components of the business: the method of breeding and the scale of production.

If you decide to engage in crayfish breeding on a serious scale, then you first need to register your activity with the tax office as an individual business. This, in turn, will make it possible to legally purchase the necessary equipment from the manufacturer at the best prices, and in the future to have documentation that allows you to sell the goods.

To sell a batch of goods to shops, bars, restaurants, you will need a product certificate, which you will not receive without registration.

As an entrepreneur, you will have to pay tax as an agricultural producer. It will be most advantageous to issue an ESHN (Single Agricultural Tax). The cost of expenses must be calculated independently, having collected the necessary information on the prices of purchased equipment, feed, and design.

With a closed breeding method, despite big investment, you can make a profit after 2 years. Depending on the type of crayfish, special feeding for accelerated growth, compliance technological process water purification and enrichment with oxygen, the profitability is 300%. That is, for every ruble spent, you get 3.

Initial investment includes:

  1. Polypropylene sheets for wall cladding of 1 pool - from 20 to 25 thousand rubles.
  2. Aerator for enriching water with oxygen - 5.5 thousand rubles.
  3. Oxidator for supplying oxygen to under-ice water - 12.5 thousand rubles
  4. Filter for cleaning - from 20 to 26 thousand rubles.
  5. Oximeter for measuring oxygen content - 12 thousand rubles.
  6. Salt meter - 1.5 thousand rubles.
  7. Conductometer for pollution control - 1.5 thousand rubles.

Total: the total cost is 73,000 rubles. Add to this other expenses, feed, electricity, which is about 12 thousand rubles. The final figure is 85,000 rubles.

Size of future income

The profitable part of the production will depend on the experience and knowledge of breeding profitable crustacean breeds. Under favorable conditions for business development, the profit from the sale of products will allow:

  • for the first year - to return the invested funds, expand production, lay promising projects for the next season;
  • for the second year - profit increases by 3 times;
  • for the third - profit increases by 5 or 6 times, and then exponentially.

Please note that before you open your business, you must think through everything to the smallest detail.

An important factor is the type of bred crayfish. For example, a long-toed (leptodactylus) can gain up to 200/300 g of weight in a year, and a tropical gloom - 150 g.

Payback period

Starting from 500-700 females in a year, you can get about a ton of products, subtracting losses, unforeseen illnesses and circumstances, in 2 years you can recoup the investment and make a profit.

The type of cancer and proper care play a big role, then incomes will be maximum. Estimate the prices yourself (because they are constantly changing). With a competent approach to business, you will become a millionaire for 2-4 years of the existence of the farm.

All figures given in the article should be considered as conditional. They are provided as an example and may differ from yours. Calculate according to data that is acceptable for your region and the chosen way of doing business.

The high palatability of crayfish meat has long been known to gourmets. Unfortunately, in the natural environment, crayfish grow rather slowly, and the low density of populations reduces the efficiency of industrial trapping. For this reason, with varying success, attempts are regularly made to grow them artificially.

However, the classic breeding of crayfish at home for sale in open ponds has a significant drawback - pronounced seasonality. As a result, the entrepreneur is forced to stay idle for six months a year, waiting for the water temperature to rise to acceptable values. The situation can be corrected with the help of intensive technologies, which make it possible to increase stocking density by a factor of ten and speed up the growth process of individuals by a factor of two. Due to high productivity and constant demand for products, such farms can pay back investments in just two to three years, after which they turn into a source of stable income.

Types of crayfish

Crayfish breeding at home as a business, it is advisable to start by studying the species characteristics and differences in keeping conditions: these factors determine the cultivation technology, the way the farm is organized and the size start-up capital. In artificial conditions, you can breed such species as:

  • Narrow-toed crayfish. Widely distributed in domestic reservoirs, it is characterized by fertility and unpretentiousness. Recommended as a basic breed for beginners - broodstock can be collected in autumn in nearby rivers and lakes;
  • Broad-toed crayfish. Not so prolific, poorly withstands competition from other species, and is currently considered an endangered breed - individuals for breeding can only be purchased on specialized farms;
  • Cuban blue cancer. Easily kept in captivity and grows to adult size in six months, however, requires warmer water (22–26°C) and relatively low stocking density (at least 20 liters per individual). You can buy blue crayfish for breeding at pet stores or via the Internet;
  • Australian red claw crayfish. Due to the growth rate and a large number meat obtained from each individual has become one of the most popular types of restaurant owners. It also applies to heat-loving species - before you buy an Australian crayfish for breeding, you should ensure that the water temperature in the reservoir is at the level of 23–28 ° С;
  • Marble Cancer. It is grown mainly in an aquarium for decorative purposes. Unlike other crustaceans, this species reproduces by parthenogenesis (does not have a division into males and females).

Where to breed crayfish?

Before you start raising crayfish as a business, you should choose a priority direction that determines the way the farm is organized: for growing industrial species intensive technologies and large reservoirs are needed, while decorative ones reproduce well at home.

Possible options include:

  • Breeding crayfish in an aquarium;
  • Using settings recirculating water supply;
  • Construction of a system of artificial ponds;
  • Breeding in natural reservoirs.

In vivo

From an economic point of view, breeding crayfish in a pond is characterized by minimum investment- the main costs are associated only with the acquisition of the broodstock. In addition, a natural reservoir is a ready-made ecosystem with a developed food base, which allows you to save on the purchase of feed.

Suitable for crayfish breeding, the pond is characterized by clear water, a sandy bottom and many natural shelters in the form of thickets, snags and stones. It is desirable that the shallow water area be shaded; otherwise, fast-growing trees, such as weeping willows, will have to be planted on the shore.

Before buying crayfish for breeding, the pond should be cleared of predatory fish and other natural enemies. Then they check the bottom profile: near the coast there should be shallows up to 0.5 m deep, and in the center - a pit for wintering 2.5–3 m deep. In such a pond, the density of crayfish can reach 4–5 individuals per square meter.

In addition to the advantages, this method of growing crayfish has disadvantages:

  • When the water temperature drops to 13–14 ° C, the crayfish hibernate, so the breeding process is impossible in winter;
  • In nature, crayfish grow much more slowly than in artificial conditions;
  • There are no adequate ways to improve water quality;
  • To protect against poachers, the pond must be guarded around the clock;
  • The mechanism for the purchase of natural reservoirs is not defined by law - ponds and other natural objects can only be rented.

In an artificial pond

As an alternative way to organize a crayfish farm, you can consider building several artificial ponds on your own land. Such reservoirs of round or square shape are bowls with an area of ​​0.01-0.02 hectares with a maximum depth of 1.8-2 meters.

To ensure waterproofing, a thick polyethylene film is used. Broken bricks, stones and sand are poured on top, creating semblances of natural shelters. Before buying live crayfish for breeding, the pond must be filled with clean water and kept for two weeks. Subsequently, the water is filtered and saturated with oxygen, and every 10–12 days it is partially renewed, replacing up to 30% of the total volume.

Drainage should be arranged along the perimeter of the reservoir to prevent debris and stormwater from entering the water, and additionally shade shallow water areas. In addition, the crayfish breeding pool itself is divided into three parts: incubation takes place in one, larvae grow in the other, and adults are kept in the third.

An artificial reservoir is devoid of many of the shortcomings of a natural pond, however, in winter it is also covered with ice. To avoid freezing, the pools are covered with a polycarbonate greenhouse and solar collectors are used to heat the water. Thanks to this, crayfish are constantly kept in comfortable conditions, do not hibernate, shed more often and grow faster.

In RAS installation

In cold climates, a recirculating water supply may be the only way to breed Australian red claws and other heat-loving species. However, even when using open ponds, this method is recommended to be used at the stages of incubation and rearing of larvae, because:
  • In the RAS system, the survival of larvae is twice the natural level and reaches 85–90%;
  • In the natural environment, the female bears eggs for 7–8 months, while in the RAS system this period is reduced to three months.

Significant disadvantages of this method are not only high initial investments (prices for installations start from 250 thousand rubles), but also fixed costs for payment utilities. The advantages include the versatility of the RAS system - after a slight reconfiguration, it can be easily used to grow fish or.

The RAS is located in a heated room and consists of several containers with a volume of 800–1500 liters connected to a circulation system, which also includes filters and aerators. To create shelters for crayfish, stones, shards, broken bricks, plastic pipe trimmings and other non-metallic and non-toxic objects are placed at the bottom, or the entire volume of the pool is divided into separate segments using a special cellular structure.

Thanks to artificially created conditions, seasonality is completely eliminated: crayfish grow much faster and reach marketable sizes in 10-14 months, and business can be carried out throughout the year, supplying customers with fresh products in the middle of winter or early spring.

In aquarium

When kept in an aquarium, similar natural conditions are created under which crayfish show maximum productivity:

  • The bottom is covered with stones, snags and sand, plants are planted;
  • The temperature of the medium is maintained at a comfortable specific type level (for example, 25–28°C for breeding Australian crayfish, 23–26°C for Cuban blue crayfish or 20–25°C for marbles);
  • Water quality is ensured by continuous filtration and aeration.

The aquarium itself is a container with a volume of 250 liters or more, made of acrylic, glass or plastic using frameless technology. Any contact of water with metal must be excluded - even traces of iron have a negative effect on crayfish, and copper causes the immediate death of the entire herd.

Despite high stocking densities, industrial production in aquariums is difficult to achieve. However, you can buy crayfish fry for breeding and keep them in comfortable conditions until they reach a length of 5-8 cm, and then move them to ponds or artificial reservoirs of RAS.

Features of breeding crayfish

In parallel with the arrangement of reservoirs, you should look for where to buy crayfish for breeding. Given that the differences between males and females are not obvious to beginners, it is better to involve an experienced specialist in this procedure - when forming a broodstock, it is desirable to observe proportions from 1:2 to 1:5. In addition, the herd needs to be renewed by 20-25% annually to avoid the consequences of inbreeding.

It is pointless to look for crayfish in stores and markets. In such specimens, the gills have already dried up: even if the affected individuals survive, they are highly likely to become unsuitable for reproduction. Best Options- self-catching in a suitable reservoir or the purchase of a broodstock on a specialized farm: here you can not only buy crayfish for breeding at home, but also get some valuable advice on feeding, breeding and other subtleties of keeping.


Crayfish prefer clean water, slightly saturated with minerals. You can use artesian, with the addition of 0.3-0.5 g of sea salt per liter - in such conditions, molting individuals grow shells much faster. Other indicators of water quality:

  • Oxygen content 7–8 mg/l;
  • Hydrogen index pH 7–9 units;
  • Alkalinity 1–1.4 meq/l;
  • Hardness 6–8 mg-eq/l;
  • The content of nitrites is not more than 0.01 mg/l;
  • The content of nitrates is not more than 0.02 mg/l;
  • The content of phosphates is not more than 0.25–0.5 mg/l.

Saturation of water with oxygen is one of the important conditions for breeding crayfish. In natural reservoirs, this is due to the large surface area, which makes gas exchange efficient, however, in RAS units and aquariums, forced aeration is indispensable.


Under natural conditions, the diet of crayfish for 90% consists of plant foods: algae, aquatic plants, fallen leaves. The remaining 10% are dead and living animals: worms, larvae, fish, frogs, snails. At artificial breeding various cereals (barley, pearl barley), boiled potatoes, carrots, meat and fish processing wastes, as well as specially designed compound feed are used as top dressing, which includes:

  • Wheat bran and crushed grain;
  • Sunflower and soybean meal;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Fish, herbal and meat and bone meal;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Vitamin supplements.

Depending on the stage of development, the total daily food intake is 2% of live weight for adult crayfish, 4–5% for fry and 6–7% for broodstock during the spawning season.


Reproduction of crayfish in nature begins in October, when the water temperature drops to 5–6°C. During the cold season, the female carries eggs under her belly and only in late spring, when the temperature rises to 14–15°C, she starts spawning. The fecundity of the female depends on the species and averages 30–60 eggs. Caviar matures in a week at a water temperature of 20–24°C, after which fry appear. Within three weeks, they molt twice and gain the ability to feed on their own. If the water temperature does not decrease in winter, the incubation process is much faster, taking no more than 2-3 months.

In artificial conditions, the broodstock is kept separately. Grown up crustaceans are planted in a nursery pool or pond, where they reach a size of 5-8 cm before being placed in a common pond with adults.

As they grow, crayfish shed their shell several times: 5–8 times during the first year of life, 3–5 times during the second, and 1–2 times in subsequent years. Moulting in an artificial environment occurs one and a half to two times more often: adults reach commercial sizes not after four, but after two years.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Like any other, the crayfish breeding business idea has not only strengths, but also weak sides. The benefits include the following factors:

  • With natural or artificial content in open water, investments of start-up capital are minimal and are of a one-time nature;
  • The products are in high demand - especially if you buy Australian crayfish or other meat species for breeding;
  • Growing crayfish requires minimal intervention in the process and little labor;
  • Products are positioned as environmentally friendly and natural;
  • A cancer farm can become a promising agro-tourism object.

There are few shortcomings in the business, but they are quite significant, which is often the reason why entrepreneurs refuse to breed crayfish:

  • Long payback period - the first profit can be obtained only after two or three years in indoor pools and after four or five years in open reservoirs;
  • Significant financial investments in the construction of artificial ponds or closed water supply systems with water heating;
  • Seasonality of business when growing crayfish in open ponds.

Activity registration

Breeding crayfish for personal purposes does not require official registration and obtaining any permits. However, any species (including the cultivation of crustaceans) involves the sale of products wholesale buyers, which is impossible without issuing certificates of conformity for it. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the form individual entrepreneurship on the unified agricultural tax with the OKVED code 05.02.01.

The construction of a cancer farm is also regulated by law:

  • According to the Land Code, the owner has the right to set up a pond farm land plot. For the tenant, this task becomes more complicated due to the need to go through many bureaucratic procedures;
  • According to the Water Code, isolated ponds located on private property are the property of the site owners. Ponds should not be connected to natural water bodies owned by the state;
  • According to the Law on Fisheries, any water resources (animals or plants) from the specified isolated reservoir are also the property of the owner of the site - provided that, in accordance with the Law on Subsoil, the depth of the object does not exceed five meters.

The sale of live crayfish is accompanied by the execution of some documents:

  • Sanitary passport for transport for the transportation of products;
  • Veterinary certificate No. 2;
  • Declaration of conformity to quality;
  • Certificate of conformity with GOST 50380–2005.

A passport and a certificate can be obtained at the local branch of the veterinary service, and a declaration and certificate are issued at the appropriate branch of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Financial investments

Depending on how the farm is organized, the initial investment can vary tenfold. In any case, you will have to buy crayfish for breeding: prices depend on the size of the individuals - from 250 to 600 rubles per kilogram; up to 30 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the formation of a broodstock of 600 individuals. If you are breeding narrow-clawed crayfish, adults can be caught on your own - in this case, the costs will be minimal, but the annual supply of compound feed will require additional costs of 35-50 thousand rubles.

The device of artificial ponds with an area of ​​100 m² will cost 60-75 thousand rubles for each. In addition, with this method of breeding, you should think about acquiring:

  • Aerators (from 5500 rubles);
  • Filters (from 26 thousand rubles);
  • Oxygen generators (from 12 thousand rubles).

To control the quality of water, you need an oximeter, a thermometer and a salt meter (up to 15 thousand rubles per set). In general, investments in a farm of four ponds will amount to 400-550 thousand rubles.

Growing crayfish in RAS systems requires maximum investment, as it is accompanied by:

  • Purchase of the installation itself (250-750 thousand rubles);
  • Renting premises (up to 200 thousand rubles per year);
  • Payment of utilities (up to 150 thousand rubles a year).

However, with this rearing method, the highest stocking density is achieved - up to 50 individuals in cages per cubic meter of the pool. In addition, domestic breeding of Australian crayfish and other heat-loving species is possible only in artificial conditions, and the high price of products contributes to an accelerated return on investment.

The costs associated with breeding crayfish in an aquarium as a business include mainly the purchase of the containers themselves (35–55 thousand rubles for a fully equipped necessary equipment up to 400 litres), buying feed and paying for the electricity needed to operate pumps, aerators and water heating systems.

Business Profitability

Theoretically, a broodstock of 400 females (at a ratio of 2: 1) is capable of producing up to 12,000 young animals, however, it is impossible to grow them all to marketable sizes: the stocking density is a limitation:

  • 5–6 adult crayfish per square meter of open water area;
  • Up to 50 crayfish per cubic meter of RAS or aquarium installation volume.

The average growth rate of crayfish is 1 year for Australian crayfish and 2–3 years for other species. With an adult weight of 150–160 grams, after this period, up to 450 kilograms of live weight can be obtained from four ponds of 100 m² each. In indoor pools with an area of ​​150 m², up to 600 kilograms of crayfish grow over the same period.

At wholesale the price of a kilogram of narrow-toed crayfish is 600-900 rubles, and exotic Australian ones - up to 1200-1500 rubles. Thus, the total income when breeding in open water is 300-450 thousand rubles a year, and when using intensive methods - up to 900 thousand rubles. In the second case, fresh crayfish are sold throughout the year, which, with a winter price increase, leads to an additional increase in profits.

In the following video, breeding crayfish at home and solving organizational issues are discussed in more detail:

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Sales market

Before embarking on a business plan for breeding crayfish at home, you should study the demand and establish contacts with potential consumers products in large quantities:

  • Specialized fish shops;
  • Supermarkets with fish departments;
  • Restaurants, pubs, beer bars;
  • wholesale buyers.

As an addition, you can consider organizing your own outlet in the grocery market, where the interest of retail buyers will cause crayfish not only live, but also boiled, as well as frozen. You can sell products both by weight and in packaged form - in this case, the business plan for breeding crayfish should include the cost of purchasing the appropriate one.


Despite the low competition, industrial breeding of crayfish causes understandable wariness of entrepreneurs - the business begins to make a profit only after a few years, and intensive technologies require an investment of at least a million rubles. However, given the high demand for products, it is possible to predict a guaranteed return on investment, and attracting visitors interested in agritourism to the farm will become an additional source of income.

The main condition for the success of a business should be considered theoretical training: an entrepreneur must study the lifestyle, taste preferences, the intricacies of reproduction and methods of treating the main diseases of crustaceans. The second component of success is the strict control of temperature and water quality - if all these requirements are met, the main problem will be only the timely satisfaction of high demand for products.
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Many of those who have ever tasted crayfish meat have become true fans of its delicate taste. Crayfish meat is popular and expensive, the demand for it is observed all year round. Therefore, the idea of ​​breeding crayfish for business deserves close attention. In Russia, the cultivation of crayfish on an industrial scale is practically not developed, and the demand for their meat remains consistently high. Before the revolution in Russia, crayfish were grown in artificial conditions, crayfish meat at that time was imported to many European countries. Today, the main suppliers of crayfish to the world market are China, Spain and Turkey, where they are not found at all.

Suitable for almost any water body. fresh water, except for those that are swampy or silty. Fish ponds are also suitable, but inhabited by non-predatory crucians, carps, etc. Breeding crayfish in ponds as a business is hampered by the harsh conditions of the Russian winter. When the temperature environment becomes lower than optimal for the life of crayfish, they fall into suspended animation (hibernation), stop eating and do not gain weight at all. If the pond freezes to the bottom, the crayfish will die.

Under natural conditions, crayfish grow slowly, marketable weight and length (40–50 g, 9–10 cm in length) are gaining approximately by the fifth year of life. That is, another disadvantage of this method of growing crayfish is that profits are made in the sixth year of the business. In natural ponds, the stocking density of crayfish is low: 8 animals per square meter. But the initial investment in such a business is practically absent. Breeding and growing crayfish in a pond has a number of advantages, the pond is a sustainable aquatic system that cleans and renews itself. And you can save a lot on aerators and filters, as well as on food, since crayfish feed on natural plankton, algae and various insect larvae.

crayfish aquarium business

Breeding crayfish at home is possible, but technically difficult. You will need a frameless aquarium with a volume of 250 liters or more. Soil is poured at the bottom of the aquarium, and snags and stones are placed to shelter the crayfish. This method of growing allows them to prevent hibernation at a constant optimum temperature, as well as intensive aeration and water filtration. Under such conditions, the stocking density of crayfish is increased to 350 animals per square meter and provides them with a rapid weight gain.

The only drawback of such breeding is the limited area; large industrial volumes cannot be achieved. But they act as follows: crayfish larvae are grown in an aquarium to the so-called underyearlings, after which they are released into the RAS pool or simply into the pond. The quality of the water in the aquarium should be strictly controlled so that the larvae do not die, and also that they develop faster.

Growing crayfish in the basement

Basements are used to store unnecessary things, but it is wiser to try to get additional income from the operation of this room, which is not used for housing. Growing crayfish in the basement won't require it additional insulation: for these animals it is enough when the temperature does not fall below +7 degrees, and in summer they keep within 17–20 degrees. To light the basement, you only need one 200 watt light bulb in the middle of the ceiling. In the basement, install multi-tiered shelving where aquariums will be placed.

Breeding crayfish at home

For those who are not constrained by funds and are going to make crayfish as a business bring significant income, we advise you to organize a farm for breeding on an industrial scale.

Where to buy crayfish

It is not often possible to purchase crayfish larvae, so you will have to purchase adult animals, and grow young ones on your own. You can buy crayfish in any place where they are sold. For every two females, one male. The mating season for crayfish begins in autumn, and at the end of spring, females differ from males in the presence of eggs under the tail. Depending on the size of the animals, a kilogram of live crayfish costs from 300 to 500 rubles, but you can avoid these costs by catching animals on your own in the nearest pond.

What do they eat

Crayfish are herbivorous animals, but in natural conditions they do not disdain a variety of organic remains and carrion. The object of food is also insect larvae, and small ones. With artificial breeding, the diet of crayfish is made up of steamed chopped grain, boiled potatoes and grated carrots, and fish and meat serve as a source of protein. The daily norm of food is 2% of the weight.

How they breed

Crayfish mate between September and October. Males fertilize two females in a row, when a third comes across, they eat it. This determines the recommended ratio of females and males in the reservoir. First, the eggs are placed under the shell of the female, and later she lays it, and the eggs are attached under the tail to the shell and abdominal legs. For proper development germ constantly cleans the caviar, washes with water. The larvae hatch from the eggs after two months. For another three weeks, the female shelters them under her tail from all possible dangers, until the moment when they turn into independent crustaceans. Under natural habitat conditions, each female, on average, grows 12 young crustaceans. At home, the number of offspring from one female is brought up to 60 crustaceans per year.


In the first year of life, young rachata molt eight times, in the second the number decreases to four or five, and in the third - up to three or four times. Adult crayfish molt 1-2 times a year. During this period, the cancer sheds the old shell, which becomes cramped, and at the same time the growth of the animal occurs. The molting period in the life of cancer is responsible, at this time it becomes vulnerable and is an easy prey for birds of prey and fish.

Important points for growing crayfish

  • Temperature. Optimal for adult cancers are 17-20 degrees. For the rapid development of the larvae, approximately 23 degrees are required. When it is lower, crayfish eat poorly and grow worse, and in winter they fall into suspended animation (hibernation);
  • Aeration. Young crayfish are sensitive to water quality and oxygen content. When growing in a country pond, gas exchange occurs in a natural way, since the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pond in relation to depth is large. Pools and aquariums require forced aeration;

For the full functioning of a crayfish farm, it is necessary to properly equip and choose a place for them. Options for arranging successful breeding of crayfish on a farm:

  • Aquariums. Aquariums are used that are equipped with a filtration system, heaters for incubation of eggs and compressors. When water quality is constantly monitored, larval mortality is minimal and develop rapidly;
  • Pools. From the aquarium for incubation, young crayfish that have become independent are transplanted into one pool, and adolescents are transplanted into the other (or several). As they mature, young crayfish are sorted into different pools, where they grow to the stage of the year, and then they are released into special indoor ponds;
  • Ponds. Those for breeding crayfish make two or more. Area 25 sq. m, and a depth of 2 m. For gas exchange, it is recommended to arrange ponds of an elongated shape. When it is possible to dig a number of ponds on the farm, two or three of them are recommended to be covered. Plus, when the water in the ponds is flowing, so it’s good to have a river nearby. There is none - drill water wells. At the bottom of the ponds, shelters are needed: stones, fragments of ceramic or plastic pipes, snags, etc. In the covered ponds, intensive cultivation of underyearling crayfish is arranged. Use one of them as a "mother" - permanent residence broodstock. In open ponds, crayfish grow naturally. Separation is necessary in order to expand the assortment so that crayfish of different weights and sizes are obtained, they will also differ in price.


With a constant shortage of crayfish, strong demand and low competition, one of the main advantages of this business is the absence of problems with the place of sale. The sale of crayfish is negotiated with bars, cafes and restaurants, in many cases it is immediately a question of wholesale deliveries. They offer live crayfish to relatives, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, etc. Few people know that salted crayfish caviar is almost as good as red caviar in terms of nutritional value and taste. And the chitinous shell of animals is a valuable raw material for various types of production.

Crayfish breeding business plan

The business plan for a crayfish farm looks something like this:

When the farm has a 25 sq. m of natural origin, it is optimal to accommodate 200 underyearling crayfish with a total weight of 30 kg. Feed consumption for this number of animals - 600 gr. per day. In a year and a half, each crayfish weighs twice as much, during which time the cost of food will reach four thousand rubles. Keep in mind that crayfish reach marketable weight in 2-3 years (in an equipped farm) or 4-5 years (in natural conditions). On the market, a kilogram of crayfish costs 450-500 rubles, in a year and a half it will turn out 26 thousand net profit. This figure may seem small, but taking into account the fact that the proposed business does not require start-up capital investments, the profit is tangible. Children or old people will cope with work on a crayfish farm. A tangible profit from the crayfish breeding business appears in the sixth to eighth year of existence, and increases in subsequent years. Long-term income generation is a disadvantage of this business.


Register as an IP. Many farmers recommend dealing with paperwork immediately after receiving the first catches and reaching the opportunity to sell and make a profit. This will allow you to get rid of such problems: for such a long time, the legislation changes, you will not have to deal with reporting during the initial breeding of the population.

In registration and registration of business differences from any other farming will not. The only thing that is required for the sale of goods is the availability of documents on the sanitary inspection of the farm, as well as a veterinary certificate, which confirms the safety of crayfish for eating. In practice, obtaining such documentation does not require large financial and time costs, given the fact that in this activity, a month of waiting is not critical for further business development. It will only be necessary to allow employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station to enter the farm, provide water intake and examination, and also provide veterinary control of individuals for verification.