Everything you need for a kids pirate party. Scenario, games, competitions of a pirate party for children of different ages. Holiday dress code: pirate party for kids DIY costumes

  • 26.03.2020

First of all, you need to choose how the upcoming evening will be: traditional or unusual. Candles and chocolate-covered strawberries are great, but what's stopping you from having a themed date? For example, in the style of the 20s? Or in the spirit of your common favorite movie? Based on the theme, you can choose music, menus, entertainment, and even costumes.


There are two ways here: either discuss the date in advance, or surprise your partner. Last option, of course, more romantic, but there is a risk that on this evening your passion will plan something or just stay at work.

So that the surprise is not spoiled, ask in advance to come to you under a plausible pretext (if you do not live together) or plan a joint meeting with friends who, of course, will not come


Subdued light and pleasant aromas are conducive to romance. and flowers are classics, but you can experiment and make an original composition out of them. Well, add garlands, lanterns and incense sticks to them. And do not forget about the main symbol of love - the heart.

Another solution for decoration is the rearrangement of furniture. Try removing the dining table and having a homemade picnic on the floor, or moving the bed to the center of the room and making it the main date spot.

And, of course, nice music. Make from your favorite songs or turn on .


When planning a romantic dinner, try to adhere to three rules:

  1. Cook tried-and-true dishes or practice making new ones ahead of time. Otherwise, you risk spoiling all the romance with tasteless food.
  2. Choose recipes that do not require much time and effort. A stormy evening awaits you ahead: demonstrating all your culinary talents and immediately collapsing into bed from fatigue is not the best option.
  3. Cook something easy. Otherwise, romance will turn into a sleepy digestion of food.

Here are a few dishes that you and your significant other will love.



For canapes:

  • 6 pieces of melon;
  • 6 balls of mini mozzarella;
  • 6 slices of prosciutto.

For sauce:

  • ⅓ tablespoon of olive oil;
  • ⅓ tablespoon chopped basil leaves
  • 1 shallot;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Thread the melon pieces, mozzarella balls, and prosciutto slices onto wooden skewers. In a blender, mix all the ingredients for the sauce, except for the pepper. Pepper the finished sauce, put the appetizers on a plate, drizzle with sauce and serve immediately.

Instead of one piece of melon, you can use two, placing them on different ends of the skewer. No melon? Cherry tomatoes are a great alternative.



  • 2 teaspoons of truffle oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • 300 g salmon fillet;
  • a little olive oil;
  • 300 g of white mushrooms;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.


Mix one teaspoon of truffle oil with salt, red and black pepper and lemon juice. Rub the fish with this mixture.

Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Put coarsely chopped mushrooms, finely chopped garlic into it, add the rest of the truffle oil and a little more olive oil, salt, pepper and place the prepared fish on top.

Bake the dish in the oven at 200°C for about 10-20 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the fillet. Serve as an independent dish or with a side dish from.



  • 1 small rabbit carcass (0.7-1 kg);
  • salt - to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 large onions;
  • ½ glass of white wine;
  • ½ cup mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme;
  • ½ cup of water;
  • ½ cup heavy cream;
  • 4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley.


Cut the rabbit carcass into portions, salt and leave to marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour.

Then heat the butter over medium heat. Fry the meat pieces until golden brown. Try not to let the pieces touch each other. If the pan is not very large, divide the meat into two parts and fry in turn.

Transfer the rabbit to a bowl and sauté the diced onion in the skillet for 3-4 minutes. Add wine and increase temperature. Then add the mustard, thyme, water and bring the sauce to a boil. Salt if necessary.

Return meat to skillet, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. If you want the meat to almost fall off the bone, increase the stewing time to an hour.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the pan and boil the sauce over high heat until it has reduced by half. Then turn off the stove, add the cream and parsley, stir in the sauce, and return the rabbit to the pan. Serve hot with crispy bread and white.



  • ½ cup Greek yogurt;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • tiny pinch of cayenne pepper - optional


Mix all ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Stir for about 3 minutes. The yogurt should become a uniform dark color, and the sugar should completely dissolve. Serve with fresh berries, fruits, marshmallows and sweet biscuits.



  • 1 head of brie cheese (150-200 g);
  • ⅓-½ cup cranberry sauce
  • ¼-⅓ cup of pecans.


Make a small hole in the rind of the cheese and place the cranberry sauce on top. You can find the homemade sauce recipe below. The exact amount of sauce depends on the size of the brie. Place the cheese on a parchment-lined baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to 220 ° C.

Bake the cheese until it starts to melt and bubble. After that, take it out of the oven and decorate with chopped nuts. Serve with or without crackers or bread as a complete meal.

You can use store-bought cranberry sauce for this recipe, or you can make your own.

homemade cranberry sauce


  • 1 glass of apple juice;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • 340 g fresh cranberries;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon.


Combine the juice and sugar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the washed cranberries and cook for about 10 minutes until the berries are soft and start to burst. Remove sauce from heat, add cinnamon and set aside.

More Romantic Dinner Ideas

Cook something you tried on your first date or some other special moment. Or just order food at home: a dish from a good restaurant is unlikely to leave your soulmate indifferent.


Or taking a bath together are far from the only options for a romantic evening. Here are some more ideas:

  1. Take a walk. It seems trite, but surely you don’t often walk together under the moonlight. It's time to fix it and admire the city at night.
  2. Get a massage. Long with fragrant oils - something that the partner will definitely appreciate after a hard day's work.
  3. play. You can try out a new paired video game or come up with your own. For example, invite your partner to remember the best moments together or tell why you love each other.
  4. Do something together. Cook a cake, arrange a shadow theater or draw portraits of each other? The choice of activity depends only on your preferences and imagination.
  5. Add variety to your intimate life. Romantic evening one way or another will end in bed. Why not use this special time for something new? Choose what you want: erotic lingerie, striptease, sex toys, role play, or types of intimacy.

The main thing is that you both like the chosen pastime. And then the date will definitely be unforgettable.

What kind of romantic evenings did you arrange? Share your experience, ideas and recipes in the comments.

Children should come up with pirate aliases in advance. And of course, it will be necessary to prepare props for competitions. So, you will need:

- letters of invitation(they are handed out a few days before the event to children and their parents) in the form of a rolled scroll with the text:

"Deeply respected and noble pirates! It will be an honor to see you on our ship "Black Pearl" when the clock on the city hall strikes 12 times. We are setting off for Blackbeard's innumerable treasures. yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!" P.S. Don't forget the saber, corsair!" Scrolls can be made on thick paper, for other reliability, burn the edges and attach a small string with a wax (or plasticine) seal with the image of a Jolly Roger. If there are few participants, you can put the invitation in a bottle and seal it.

- black marks. They are pre-printed on paper, traditionally they should be black and have an image of a skull and crossbones. The black marks will indicate the points that the children will receive for winning competitions throughout the party. The one who collects more black marks will be the owner of Blackbeard's treasure.

- glasses with straws and drink(of your choice) equal in number to the number of participants for the competition for the best connoisseur of rum.

-prepare questions for the contest "The smartest pirate" in advance. A sample list of questions can be found below.

- fishing rods for the competition "Fishing"- a meter stick, to which the rope is tied, we attach a small magnet to the end of the rope. You also need "fish" (coins or any small metal objects) that the pirates will catch.

- cardboard target with a balloon in the middle(balloons should be inflated more) for the competition "The most accurate" and children's slingshots. If the kids are older, darts can be used.

- chairs for the contest "Boarding!".

- cards with animal names for the contest "Guess who I am".

- poster or paper with a drawn pirate for the contest "Parrot - in place!". Separately, you need to make a parrot figurine from thick cardboard. Attach a piece of double-sided tape to its back so that it can be attached to the poster.

- chest (or chest) with Blackbeard's "treasures". It will contain a pirate saber, a cocked hat and the "Best Pirate" medal (you can put anything sweets, coins, etc.)

The hall is decorated in the style of a pirate schooner: sail, wooden barrels, thick ropes etc. The walls of the room can be decorated with multi-colored balloons with painted symbols of piracy. On the walls you can place drawings depicting masts, ship anchors, marine animals. will look original rope ladders from ordinary twine. Garlands with the image of the "Jolly Roger" will do.

For musical arrangementpirate party suitable soundtracks from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", songs from the cartoon "Treasure Island"

"Chance is not a pay, not an advance"

"The Story of Bobby the Boy Who Loved Money"

"We are all participants in the regatta"

"Song about the dangers of drunkenness"

"Sport Song"

"Song of Greed"

"Song about the dangers of smoking" and any other mischievous and incendiary children's songs.

So, characters :

John Silver, he is the leader;

Boy Jim, his assistant;

Blackbeard, a character for greater intimidation;

Angelica - Lady of the Seas, his daughter and faithful assistant.

To help the main characters, it is necessary to dress up as pirates at least two more people who will greet guests, help in holding contests, bring props, and arrange chairs.

The soundtrack from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" plays.

At the entrance, guests are greeted by pirates (they will later help hold contests), they always ask menacingly for the password that is indicated in the invitation, and answer the password "Smash me with thunder!"

When all the guests gather and take their seats, John Silver:

- Thousand devils! What people! All respected pirates who terrify the sea! What's your name, buddy? And your?(Children respond to the pirate with pre-made names such as Jack Sparrow, Dirty Harry, John Ragged Ear, etc.) For each name, John Silver gives a black mark.

- So, my wonderful pirates, meet my young friend Jim, he has something interesting for us.

Enter Jim bows gracefully:

- Dear friends! Quite by chance, I happened to have a map of the island where the famous pirate Blackbeard hid his ill-gotten gains. But I can't do it on my own, so I just need your help. Do you agree to go sailing towards unforgettable adventures?(Children respond in chorus "Ready!")

Competition for the best connoisseur of rum

John Silver:

- My friends! A real pirate cannot set sail without moistening his throat with a bottle of strong rum. And let's find out which of you is the fastest to deal with this divine drink.

(The essence of the competition is that glasses with drinks, naturally non-alcoholic, and straws are prepared in advance for children. Several people line up, and the one who drinks the drink through the straw the fastest becomes the winner and receives a black mark).

John Silver:

- Well, I see that the team has picked up what we need!

(Here you can include a fragment of the cartoon "Treasure Island" or an episode from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", and best of all, if it is a dance number prepared by the guys themselves (or parents, which will be just gorgeous!)

John Silver:

- What to do with yourself while swimming? And let's go through Competition for the best pirate curse!(This competition will consist in the fact that the guys will take turns calling pirate curses, whoever forgets, leaves the game and so on until the last winning participant. Don't forget to give black marks!)

Thousand devils!

Burst my spleen!

Piranha by the scruff of your neck!

Freshwater clam!

To scrub the deck for you all your life!

Leech Eater!

Forever rattling your shackles!

Anchor in your right ear!

Eater of fish giblets! etc. etc.


- Your curses hurt my ears! I have never heard such a thing in my life! Let's find out who's the smartest on your team!

Competition "The smartest pirate"

What is the name of the symbol of pirates - a skull and crossbones? ( Jolly Roger)

What is the rudder of a ship called? ( Steering wheel)

There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. What's this? ( Sea)

What types of pirate weapons do you know? ( Sabers, muskets, cannons, daggers).

What does the SOS signal mean? ( save our souls)

When needed, they throw it away; when not needed, they pick it up. ( Anchor).

What tool do pirates most often use to find treasure? ( shovel).

What seas have "color names"? ( Black, Red, White, Black)

A giant swims across the sea and releases a fountain. Who is it? ( Whale)

What stones are not found in any sea? ( Dry)

Which continent has no rivers? ( Antarctica)

What is the name of the house for indoor fish? ( Aquarium)

What is the unit of measurement in the sea? ( Mile)

John Silver:

- You see, Jim, my guys are not only the smartest pirates in all the seas, but also the most dexterous! Let's catch fish and cook dinner!

Competition "Fishing"

Each participant is given a fishing rod, a line is marked, beyond which pirates cannot go. Coins or objects that are magnetic are scattered at a short distance. Within a certain time, the participants begin to cast fishing rods, as if catching fish. Who "catch" more items, he won.

Competition "One - a leech, two - a leech!"

This game is about the attention of our young pirates. All participants sit around John Silver, who asks various questions. Children should answer any question from Silver: “ Leech!". Questions are asked in turn to each child. For example, John Silver points to a child and asks: “ Who are you?". He should answer: Leech!". Questions are asked at a fast pace. If the pirate is unable to answer any question in the right way (he will be ashamed or simply forget), then he leaves the game. The cunning pirate John Silver can ask about anything - from the names of favorite treats and toys to the names of parents and nicknames of pets. Each question and answer will cause an explosion of laughter.


- And now let them show which of them is the most accurate! Suddenly we have to fight off the enemies.

Competition "The most accurate"

Pirates shoot at a target attached to the wall with children's slingshots. You can attach a balloon in the middle. Whoever hits gets a black mark.


- Look, the earth is on the horizon! This is Blackbeard's island! Hooray! We are in place!

Under the song from the cartoon come out Blackbeard and Angelica Queen of the Seas.

-Oh-ho-ho, here are the guests! Is it not for my treasure that you came? Look, my daughter, how cunning! My treasure must be earned! Are you ready to fight for my treasure?

Children in chorus: YAAAAAA!!!

John Silver:

- It happens, oh, it happens, my friends, that for completely harmless deeds we are caught by the royal guards. And in order not to catch their eye, you need to be able to pretend to be someone. Let's practice. Just in case, so to speak, a fire case.

Competition "Guess who I am"

John Silver spreads out cards with the names of different animals in a fan, the participants approach him, draw out a card, read the name of the animal to themselves and depict this animal in front of other participants. The one who guesses first gets a black mark. Let the guys try to portray a monkey, a goose, a snake, etc. Don't forget to warn the participants to show the animals in silence. It is important!

Competition: "Boarding!"

The traditional game, when the participants run around the chairs placed in a circle to the music. The music ends, the pirates must sit on chairs, which are one less than the pirates themselves. Those who do not have time to sit down are out of the game and take one chair with them. And so on until the last participant.


- John! John! There's been trouble! Our venerable pirate Old Flagship has lost his beloved parrot. What to do?

John Silver:

- Do not worry! Our brave guys will instantly return it to its place.

Competition "Parrot - in place!"

Each participant is given a figurine with a parrot in their hands, blindfolded, turned around several times and brought to a poster with a drawn pirate. The child must randomly attach the parrot to the pirate. It happens that no one correctly attaches a parrot to a pirate's shoulder. Therefore, the most original participant can be declared the winner, who, for example, put a parrot on the pirate's head.


-Here he is the best corsair of all time and all the seas! Well, Angelica, bring my treasure, now it's yours, the great winner.....(name of the winning participant)!

Angelica brings a treasure chest and solemnly, to the applause of all those present, hands it to the winner.


- In honor of our hero is announced pirate disco!!! Everybody is dancing!

During the disco you can spend competition for the best pirate dance . The participants stand in a circle, to the songs from the cartoons, the participants take turns going to the middle of the circle and dancing a pirate dance (preferably waving weapons and crouching), the rest dance and applaud the participant in the circle. Evaluate the pirate dance Blackbeard and his daughter Angelica. Jokingly, they can even argue who won. You can choose the best pirate couple and they will dance for an encore.

You can end the party with a stormy feast, which will be prepared by the parents of the formidable corsairs.

Look for attributes for a pirate party on our website. Goods are sent by mail across Belarus. A courier works in Minsk or you can pick up your goods by self.

If you decide to arrange a themed event for an adult or mixed-age audience, then perhaps the best choice for you will be a pirate party.

Adventures filled with the colors of the times of filibusters, with a touch of romance and light brutality - this is exactly what will ignite the audience, regardless of their age and temperament.

At the pirate party, everyone will be able to show the most strengths character, show skills and abilities, emphasize their individuality and at the same time work as part of a team.

And most importantly - have fun and have fun!

If there are children in your company, then they can also be actively involved in the party.

Meeting with guests

Where does every holiday start? Of course, with an invitation!

A few days before the "meeting of the pirates" guests receive invitations, which can be made in the form of scrolls, rewound with twine or laid in a bottle, or as postcards resembling chests or piastres in shape.

A good intrigue will start if each individual invitation is a piece of one whole card. Subsequently, these pieces can be used for the competition, which we will describe below.

Leave a costumed character at the entrance, who, meeting the arrivals, will ask them for a password (the password is pre-written in the invitation).

Party guests who correctly named the secret words are given pirate attributes: bandanas, pistols, blindfolds, etc. Then paint them pirate tattoos, bruises and scars with face painting.

Now your guests are ready for adventure!

Script Idea

Tortuga is a beautiful island in the Caribbean, resembling a huge turtle. To be considered the most daring and wealthy among the inhabitants of this "nest of free brotherhood" is a great honor for every true pirate. And today your guests will have such an opportunity.

But for this they will have to go through a series of exciting and sometimes dangerous tests.

Crews raise the flag

Before proceeding to the competitive part, you need to create two pirate teams. But what team can do without a captain? Choose two captains "in a pirate way" - whoever shouted louder is the main one. Give them each a pirate hat and a sword.

And now each of the captains recruits a crew using a counting rhyme:

- I'll invite you for an abortion,
a miracle crew.
I know a lot about pirates.
Come to me quickly, sea wolf!

When both teams are formed, each comes up with a pirate name, for example, "Black Cuttlefish", "Desperate Heads", "Merry Rogues", etc. and present themselves unusually. It is these two teams that will compete for the title of the bravest crew in Tortuga.

Be sure to prepare two flags with pirate symbols in advance, one can depict a Jolly Roger, the second can have a steering wheel with a skull or two sabers.

Testing your knowledge of pirate terminology

Of course, pirates are well acquainted with pirate terminology. To be convinced of this, you need to listen to the answers of the teams to a number of questions (at the same time, you can compete for the title of the most “informed”).

  • What is the back of the ship called? (stern)
  • What is the name of the front of the ship? (nose)
  • Room on the ship where food is prepared? (galley)
  • Does he cook food in the galley? .. (cook)
  • The captain's room on the ship? (cabin)
  • What is the side of the ship called? (board)
  • The room where the sailors live is called ... (kubrick)
  • What is the name of the ladder to get off the ship? (ladder)
  • The name of the rudder on the ship? (steering wheel)
  • Floors on a ship (deck)
  • Toilet room (latrine)
  • The name of the bell on the ship (rynda)
  • Steel hook (hook)
  • What is the name of the bench in the boat? (jar)
  • A window on a ship? (porthole)
  • Pirate name for an hourglass? (flasks)
  • Rope to the sea? (the end)

Give the team that gave the most correct answers one coin (this can be a nickel cut out of cardboard, a paper bill from the Monopoly board game, or a chocolate coin bought in a store).

Throughout the holiday, present the members of the leading crew with such “piastres”.

Pirate Party Contests

During the competition, it would be good to encourage not only the team, but also those pirates who did the best job.

Fit here prizes such as Balloons, bandanas and t-shirts with a pirate pattern, magnets and key chains in the form of an anchor, parrots, steering wheel and other themed souvenirs.

tug of war

Pirates are a strong and fearless people. And the easiest way to prove this is in the classic pirate fun - tug of war.

Mark the middle of the rope by tying a red ribbon to it, on the floor draw the boundaries of the two ships. Now let each team try to drag the members of the second team onto their “ship”.

Dream deck

A good sailor should be able to polish the deck to a shine. Give both teams a brush on a long stick and a small box to represent the trash.

Now their task is to bring the box to the mark with a broom, then return it back and pass the baton to the next participant.

Whoever is the fastest of the teams will be the winner.


If the pirates get on the island, then they definitely need to learn how to pass over the bridge over the river or the abyss.

Ask the two captains to hold the rope at opposite ends above their heads. Lay out the rope on the floor along the same path - this will be the bridge. Now both teams will take turns crossing the bridge, holding on to the upper rope, which the captains must swing strongly from side to side - the wind, after all!

Whose team fell off the bridge less - receives a coin in this competition.


While the musical accompaniment is playing, all the pirates are dancing.

As soon as the music stops, they need to get the whole team on their ship (chairs put together, sofa).

The crew that completes the task faster wins.

With the help of karaoke, you can diversify the competition. The best voice of the Caribbean will receive a separate prize!

"Drink at speed"

Pour rum-cola into two large glasses and give each adult participant a long tube (connect two together).

Now let's check which team will drink this pirate drink faster?!

"Underwater Volleyball"

Give both teams a large piece of blue fabric - these will be the waves. Now the pirates need to throw a beach ball to each other using these same waves.

The score is kept as in regular volleyball, the team with the most 15 points gets the coin. This competition is more suitable for a party under the open tropical sky. the islands of Tortuga.

"Count the coins"

Scatter gold and silver coins around the room (print and cut out of thick paper in advance).

Now let each team quickly collect and count their coins.

While adults are playing the last three games, children can draw pirate maps, where they will definitely depict the ocean and continents with all their colorful reliefs.

When all participants are a little tired of active games, take a “smart pause” break in the program and test both teams on their knowledge of Pirates of the Caribbean. There are several answers to choose from, one of which is correct.

Questions for the competition based on "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Name of Captain Barbosa:

  1. Croquet
  2. Aleftin
  3. Hector (+)

Name and surname of the actress who played Elizabeth:

  1. Demmy Moor
  2. Keira Knightley (+)
  3. Milla Jovovich

Jack Sparrow insisted on being called:

  1. Captain (+)
  2. Mister
  3. Senior

What did the seekers want to take from Sirena?

  1. Tear (+)
  2. Hair
  3. Voice

The fourth film in the series was called: "Revenge of the Queen ..."

  1. Elizabeth
  2. Anna (+)
  3. Helena

What was the name of the soothsayer and fortuneteller in the film?

  1. marriotte
  2. Constinia
  3. Calypso (+)

Nickname of Will Turner's father:

  1. Bootstrap (+)
  2. Slap
  3. Vociferous

Award the winning team of fans of this film with a coin or some pirate attribute.

award ceremony

All tasks are completed, it's time to sum up.

Count which team collected the most coins, it is she who will be declared the most daring and wealthy crew of the island of Tortuga. Prepare medals with inscriptions in advance and distribute to all participants.

If the winner is not identified, you can give out an additional coin for the best outfit. Both teams will be on the jury of the competition for the best pirate party costume, making a decision by simple voting.

Examples of inscriptions:

  • Daredevil Captain
  • Trickster Captain
  • keen eye
  • Desperate
  • Shustryak
  • Chatterbox
  • merry fellow
  • Strength-fist
  • Beautiful girl
  • Sea storm
  • the charm

Everyone has been awarded, and now it's time to test your skills in action.

Pirate Treasure Search

So it's time to remember the invitations with which the guests came.

Each of them is part of one big map. Only by connecting all the parts together, the pirates will be able to find the treasure.

The teams have no choice but to unite together and start their journey. On each starting point should be a task, by completing which the pirates will be able to get part of the note.

Point "Buoys"

Plastic boxes from Kinder Surprise with notes are floating in a large basin. Bold participants take turns catching them with their mouths until they get the word " treasure».

Item "Burn the ball"

Balloons hang on a rope, in which there are either empty sheets or a note with the inscription " hid". Participants throw sharp darts until the desired ball bursts.

Blindfold item

On the table are five opaque bowls with noodles, broken eggs, some fluffy plants, cotton wool and toy slimes. It is necessary to get the boxes from there without looking, in one of which there is a note “ from you».

Item "Final"

Six envelopes hang here, each of which has numbers from 1 to 6 written on it. One of the participants rolls a dice. The envelope with the dropped number is opened: it contains either a phantom task or the last part of the inscription.

Participants perform fantas until they find a note. The content of the final note will notify where the treasure is located, for example, in the refrigerator, in the closet, on the balcony etc.

It is best if the treasure is of a general nature: a cake, sky lanterns, bowling alley tickets, fireworks, etc.

If you are hosting an open-air pirate party, you can add a water pistol fight, search for notes at the bottom of the pool. And it is better to distribute all games at points throughout the territory.

And, finally, at the end of the holiday, it is simply necessary to take a photo of pirate crews led by captains. The scope for the imagination of the participants is unlimited.

The song from the clip below can be used as a musical warm-up.

Friendly teams often organize themed events where employees relax and recharge with positive emotions. A pirate party is a celebration where people of all ages will feel comfortable in a pirate look. It is important for the organizers to prepare a scenario, funny contests, souvenirs and menu.

How to invite guests?

A pirate party is an informal event that should be announced in an unusual way. As invitations, it is better to choose not standard white envelopes, but leaflets in the shape of a ship or a hat - this will create intrigue for the guests and they will certainly accept the invitation. Stock up on Jolly Roger stickers that look great on any color of paper. For the most honored guests, issue an invitation to a pirate party in the form of an appropriate message in a darkened glass bottle. Burn the paper around the edges, remember and straighten it - this will give the impression that it is several hundred years old.

The text of the invitation should be written with an ink pen. Put the letter in a bottle, cork it and tie it with a rope. If you want guests to be interested in how the pirate party will go, prepare the script in advance and notify that in entertainment program there will be games and costume contests. You can be sure that your idea will be highly appreciated, and the impressions of the event will remain unforgettable.

pirate dress code

It will be easy to find clothes for a party on your own. Ripped jeans, a bandana, a hat, leather belts and T-shirts are sure to be in everyone's wardrobe. A very fun and interesting pirate party will turn out, the costumes for which you will make with your own hands. Donate a vest for a fun evening and stretch it, remember and spill a cup of coffee on it. A school lace blouse will instantly become a great choice if you wear a leather vest or raincoat over it. Decorate a wide belt with metal clips and chains. The scenario of a pirate party for adults can be drawn up in such a way that there are elements of eroticism in the games - leather and lace will suit the beauties. A bandana or a hat can act as a headdress.

If the guests came to the party without clothes, take the initiative in your own hands and provide them with clothes. First of all, prepare Costumes can be built from a black tablecloth or oilcloth. You can trim the bottom of the garment with scissors. Invite the ladies to take off their elegant earrings and replace them with clip-on earrings in the form of rings.

The role of accessories in a pirate look

At any party, clothes are given an important, but not the most important role, since the completion of the image is due to additional items. In a pirate image, there should be as many accessories as possible - these are chains with elements, and a cane. Shoes can be both lace-up high boots and sandals. It is worth distinguishing between male and female pirate image. So, girls can wear a white blouse with a black corset, capri pants or a long skirt, and on their feet - high-heeled shoes and fishnet tights. If you're hosting a retro-style pirate party, you can dress the ladies in voluminous outfits that will allow guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of bygone centuries.

Leather belts and bracelets are something without which a complete image is unthinkable. They can be tied with metal chains or tied with a rope. It will be appropriate to put large rings on your fingers or use fingerless gloves to create an image. You can ask your child for plastic sabers, pistols, binoculars and spyglasses. Sew a toy parrot on the shoulder of a jacket or vest, and if this bird lives in your house, put the cage with it in the forefront. Provide all your guests with Jolly Roger flags. Cut out the desired shape from black paper, attach it to a thin plastic or wooden leg, and glue the skeleton on top. Provide filming at an event such as a pirate party - photos taken at the time of the celebration will remain a long memory for each guest.

What should be the lair for pirates?

For a noisy party with a large number of people, you should choose a spacious room. If the holiday is held in a close circle of friends and colleagues, the owner of a country house should be responsible for holding it. In order for all the guests to remember the pirate party for a long time, the script should have something in common with everyone's favorite movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". On the street at the entrance, set up a decorative steering wheel, tie a rope ladder. The main decoration of the interior will be black balls with pirate symbols, which can be used for thematic competitions. Arrange skulls and treasure chests. The room should be more black, leather and wood. Hang a map on the wall, on which the place with the treasure is marked with a cross. For an adult pirate party to be fun and positive, the script must include drinking. And taking into account the fact that pirates are noisy guys, it should be present not only on the table, but also in the interior. Arrange bottles with dark glasses on cabinets and on the floor. Make sure there are a few wooden kegs of booze at the party.

Since the water element is associated with the activities of pirates, decorate the room with shells and fishing tackle, sprinkle sand on the floor. Put an aquarium with live or artificial fish in a conspicuous place. Compasses, globes and spyglasses are what will enhance the impression of the holiday.

Pirate-Style Party Script Condensed

The correct order of the holiday is half the success, so long before the chosen day you should discuss all the conditions with the organizers. The program of the event includes greeting the guests, during which they will be initiated into pirates. If your party invites arrive without costumes, give them hats and other accessories at the entrance to match the theme. It often happens that not all guests know each other, in which case you should give everyone the right to a few words - everyone should introduce themselves and tell about themselves.

At the next stage, you can start entertainment: from the simplest to the most complex competition. Make sure that pirate party music is constantly playing and let the guests dance and sing, and then offer refreshments. "For dessert" leave the treasure hunt on the map. After that, you can sit on a soft sofa and watch one of the episodes of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". Give each guest memorable souvenirs, and after a few days send them to e-mail Photo.

Pirate Initiation

When all the guests have gathered, entertain them with the first competition. Not a single pirate party passes without provocative questions: the script for it should consist not only of dances and songs, but also of logical tasks. The participant who gave the largest number correct answers, can qualify for the title of ringleader. Test your knowledge of nautical terms with the following questions:

  • What is the name of the pirate whose treasure everyone is looking for? (Flint.)
  • What is another name for a ship? (Ship.)
  • Shark breed.)
  • What is the name of the front of the ship? (Nose.)
  • Who is the most important person on a ship after the captain? (Boatswain.)
  • What is the sailor's quarters called? (Cockpit.)
  • How many parts are there in Pirates of the Caribbean? (Four.)
  • What does the phrase "raise the Jolly Roger" mean? (Have fun.)
  • What is the largest marine mammal? (Blue whale.)

The winner is given a hat with the image of a Jolly Roger, and from now on he becomes the leader of the gang and has the right to conduct other competitions. Music for a pirate party should be played every time the next test passes, so that the guests show more excitement.

Contests for adults

A real pirate must certainly take part in the battle, even without a bloody battle. In the next competition, both men and women can participate. 5 inflated balloons are tied to the belt of each daredevil. The weapons will be plastic spoons or forks. On the “start” command, everyone tries to pierce the opponent’s ball - the winner is the one who has the most whole balls left.

The celebration of a pirate party cannot be complete without alcoholic drinks, fun dancing and beautiful girls. A party in the style of no limits ("without borders") is not complete without attracting ladies. Line up several beauties in a row, and blindfold the daredevil men and invite them to guess by touch who is standing in front of them. Spectators do not have the right to suggest, and if after 10 seconds the name is not called, the right to guess is given to the next person.

The next competition requires preliminary preparation. One person leaves the room, the other sits on the floor, in the space between two tables. A hole for the head is pre-cut in the tablecloth. The tables are connected, the head is covered with a large cup so that the daredevil does not feel discomfort; several more cups of the same size are placed on the surface. The visitor is allegedly invited to find a treasure under these plates, but as soon as he gets to the head, the daredevil screams, and the observers laugh happily.

Competitions for children

Invite the boys and girls to tie knots on a tight rope - the participant who makes the most knots within a minute is declared the winner. Do not forget to give prizes to children so that they get excited. Everyone should be involved in the competitions, then they will remember the children's pirate party for a long time.

The scenario is not complete without the game "Marine figure, freeze!" - She is the most recognizable for all ages. In addition, this competition can be included in the adult party program. The host of the event pronounces the words: "The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the marine figure - freeze", after which each participant must take an interesting pose and stand motionless until the end.

Of course, a pirate-style party cannot be held without sweets. The next contest is designed for older children: they will have to put a few crackers in their mouths and try to whistle. The task is complicated by the fact that it will be very difficult to do this without preliminary preparation, so there will most likely be few winners.

Menu for hungry pirates

Dishes for theme party may be the most ordinary, but above them appearance you will have to work hard. Pirates, as you know, spend most of their time at sea, so the menu should be composed mainly of seafood. This is just the case when, in addition to fish, it would be appropriate to offer a cocktail of oysters, octopus and shrimp. Salads can be served in large shells, put red caviar on the table in ice blocks. Bet on snacks or similar dishes that will not get cold and can be eaten off the table: these are sandwiches, canapes, fondue.

In summer you can go outside and fry fish or you can bake meat in the oven. To make everyone remember the pirate party for a long time, take pictures of absolutely everything. The table should be full of booze and exotic fruits. Pirates don't usually like sweets, but as a dessert, you can offer a huge cake and spread it on the face of the leader - this action will amuse the guests.

treasure hunt

The treasure chest is a long-awaited trophy for each of the pirates, so this party is unthinkable without it. Draw on the drawing paper a plan of the room, symbols and mark the hiding place with a cross. Pre-purchased items can be placed in it, but it will be more interesting if each of the guests at the entrance takes off a valuable item and puts it in a box with a return policy.

Consider safety rules so that all your household items remain safe and sound during the treasure hunt: hide antiques, glass objects, rearrange flowers and leave as much free space as possible in the room.

Pirate party: script, algorithm, contests

At least one person should be responsible for holding the event: the owner of the house or the toastmaster. A small script is designed for two hosts. When preparing an invitation to a pirate party, indicate to guests that the holiday will be active so that they are ready in advance to complete collective tasks.

The girl welcomes the guests at the entrance with the words: "Welcome on board. The guy lets everyone in, hands over a hat or other accessory and says that he is now a full member of the team. When everyone gathers, invite them to split into several teams and give them names - "Naval wolves", "Sea rulers" or "Filibusters". Teams will participate in competitions, and at the end of the party the winner will be the one that will do the job best of all.

The next stage is the election of the leader of the pirates. This can be done by voting or holding the first competition, according to the results of which a person who knows maritime terminology perfectly will become the leader. After this entertainment, offer guests a snack. "Well, gentlemen, pirates, you have refreshed yourself, and now it's time to have fun," the host says and invites you to participate in other competitions. One of the organizers presents trophies for winning competitions on time.

The scenario of a pirate party for young people also involves the most long-awaited test - the fight for the treasure. "Well, now it's time to start searching for treasures," the second leader announces and brings everyone to the map, on which the cache is shown with a symbol. At this time, the music turns on, and the most interesting part Events. When all the contests are completed and the treasure is found, the hosts end the party and offer free time.

A fair wind, a hold full of treasures and no dull everyday life - solid adventures. Yes, sometimes exciting, but even more fun! And after the screen acquaintance with Jack Sparrow, the pirate party for adults has become almost the most favorite holiday theme for Halloween, birthdays, corporate meetings and even weddings!


To start decide whether the design will be cartoonish or cinematic. In the first case, almost all the scenery will have to be drawn, cut, painted. There are cartoon attributes for a pirate party in stores - garlands, disposable tableware, flags, boats, etc.

This is a more economical option when you just want to have fun with friends without scrupulously thinking through decorations. Great for family holiday where there will be many children. Read more.

If we are talking about a party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean, the design is supposed to be more realistic. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the bright holiday paraphernalia. It’s just that the interior in the end should turn out more like a scene from a movie than like a kindergarten hall hung with colorful decorations.

The colors of the evening are black, white-red and white-blue stripes, red and blue, brown. Some attributes can be decorated with "precious" stones. The interior should have silver and gold - spray paint, sparkles.

Easy to implement ideas for a pirate party:

  • remove anything that obviously doesn't fit the theme. Close what is difficult to remove. For this print and glue on thick cardboard (or draw) ships, chests, etc. Replace inappropriate paintings with photos, movie posters, Jolly Roger flags, sails, fishing nets;
  • the ceiling can be closed with cuts of fabric, freely hanging in waves - the same imitation of nets and/or sails;
  • it is advisable to choose furniture rough, wooden or wicker. Instead of chairs, benches, backless stools and even drawers will fit perfectly.;

If the comfort of the guests is a priority, drape regular chairs-armchairs. For a pirate-style party, chiffon, tulle, burlap, nets - tulle, paint, mosquito are suitable.

  • tie marine knots from thick ropes, hang on walls, chair backs, ceiling. On the net here and there, attach seahorses and stars, crabs, fish, algae;

  • arrange barrels, roughly knocked together boxes, fake guns. Forged lanterns, treats in large bowls, deliberately soiled bottles of rum can be placed on barrel boxes;
  • certainly use candles in decoration, you can simulate battery-powered. "Vintage" candlesticks are easy to make with your own hands, for example, from aluminum cans(painted with silver/gold). Atmospheric look candles in "dirty" bowls, glass jars with shells and sand;

  • if you decide to organize a Halloween pirate party, do not skimp on gloomy details - skeletons, cobwebs and spiders, bats, creepy sea monsters, gravestones, ghosts (cardboard, figurines, silhouettes);
  • make anchors, life buoys out of cardboard / plywood, hang and lay out old maps. Great if you can find a marine compass, spyglass, sextant, barometer, telescope. If not, print the photo, cut it out and glue it onto a cardboard base;

  • use fake gems, pearls, silverware in compositions, coins and antique jewelry, symbolizing innumerable treasures. Put the most valuable loot into chests. A real pirate chest is still an anachronism, so it's better to spend time gluing a paper / cardboard template. Although, if desired, you can put together a pirate chest from a base-box or plywood, chipboard. Caskets are also suitable - carved wooden ones, without colorful drawings.

  • although this is an adult pirate party, but without bright festive accents, the decor will turn out to be too gloomy. Add colors:
    • garlands of recognizable paraphernalia and pirate accessories - ships, flags, anchors, skeletons, figurines of pirates, weapons, sea monsters;
    • knotted ribbon decoration on a clothesline or sisal rope (imitation of a rope) they will enliven the space (the fabric is better striped, blue or red and white, plus flags with a skull / bones);
    • buy stylized balloons or draw themed attributes on red, black, blue balloons.


  • If you are having an outdoor party, build a "facade" of a pirate ship from improvised materials. Place stools at the back for guests to climb onto the deck. Cut out porthole windows in the board.

  • Tantamaresque- a brave company of pirates celebrates a successful trip, divides the loot, etc. Cardboard base, print over, windows for faces. Or organize a space - scenery for the selected scene.
  • Boat on a blue background with clouds. In the foreground of the photo zone are paper lambs of waves. We climb inside, take pirate accessories - a map, a spyglass, a bottle of rum (who cares).

  • Banner with photos of movie pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean is especially popular. You can print on the banner repeating photos of characters or your favorite movie scene.
  • Black Pearl cabin, captain's bridge, etc. More suitable for indoor party. Although it can be organized on the street, only the background will have to be covered with wooden shields or a photo zone should be placed against the wall of the house, barn, in front of the fence.


It's great if invitations to a pirate party reflect the level of preparation for the holiday. If the decorations are simple-cartoon, so should the invitations.

All at the highest level? Aged paper, elegant vintage font, pearls, silver.

  • rolled up message in a corked bottle with rock shells;
  • paper pirate schooner, matches, wooden modelka. Text on the sail or in the hold;
  • card with burnt, frayed edges. Schematically the road to the venue of the party (mark several main points on the way). Text over the background map;
  • Black label. Text on the spread of the postcard;
  • miniature paper chests. The text on the letter inside, in a placer of chocolate coins, sweets in foil.

Come up with pirate nicknames for guests if this moment is not included in the script. Include pirate slang and recognizable phrases in the invitation. Write the time, place, dress code and other official information in the bottom corner or on the card attached to the invitation.

On the sixth day, the company of the most notorious pirates gathers on the deck *Name of the ship, cafe*. And you are one of them, *Guest name*
There will be something to fill the holds and wet the throat. Shake the bones in the company of young and very generous girls. sea ​​urchin in your ass if you don't come!
P.S: Rumor has it that in addition to drinking to the devils, the old *Organizer's name* is preparing an exciting and profitable business for us!


Girls in the image of a lady - a dress and hairstyle are retro, elegant, with a needle. Or tomboys, seductive bandits - torn stockings, fishnet suspenders, a retro-style short skirt, a corset with a deep neckline, a creative mess on the head, bright makeup.

Just in time for a pirate party costumes in unisex style. Forgetting for a moment about the stupid bike about women on ships, the ladies can transform into the most charming members of the crew. In this case, the clothes only differ in execution from the men's. pirate costume– more open and not so baggy.


  • vest in blue or red stripes. For girls - with a deep neckline, lowered on one shoulder, tied under the bust with a knot, etc .;
  • The image of a pirate girl It is easy to recreate from a couple of elements of clothing: a short dress with a deep neckline, fluffy skirt and wide sleeves, over which a fitted leather tank top is thrown over or a miniature corset is put on. Themed accessories complete the look.
  • white or cream shirt. The sleeves are loose, better with puffy cuffs. "Pirate" cuffs and frills are easy to sew with your own hands or assemble with an elastic band (put on like a bracelet, fasten with buttons, on eyelets, etc.);

  • not in the heat in nature is appropriate pirate frock coat, camisole, vest, leather cloak. But indoors/in the sun they are burdensome. It is better to take a couple of photos and take off your outerwear. Or let this part of the costume be made of light fabric, fake;
  • cropped breeches, like Jack Sparrow. Baggy pants, loose, tucked into boots. Leather trousers, ladies - tight, close-fitting. Boots with high tops, fabric ones are more convenient: fake tops are sewn directly to the trousers. Short boots or high heels are suitable for girls. Tight stockings and closed shoes in color will pass for over the knee boots.

Clothes can be perforated in several places, disheveled, aged. So the image will turn out to be more natural - a battered camisole, an unwashed shirt, trampled boots. Transfer tattoos are also in the subject.

Enthusiasts willing to take the time to create an elaborate costume have plenty to choose from: William Turnet, Billy Bootstrap, Tia Dalma, Elizabeth Swan, Davy Jones, Mr. Cotton. And that's just Pirates of the Caribbean!

Accessories for a pirate-themed party are almost as important as costumes. It is they who make the chosen image unambiguous and recognizable:

  • pistols, saber or sword, knife. Harness over the shoulder, scabbard;
  • compass, spyglass, watch on a chain;
  • wide sling (a scarf is suitable, it can be deliberately bright, with a fringe);
  • leather belt, with a buckle (you can have two at once, like Jack Sparrow);
  • neckerchief, bandana, eye patch, cocked hat;
  • stylized jewelry (large rings, ring earrings, skull bones);
  • various little things in the hair, on the belt, wrists. Talismans, amulets made of skins, bones, fabric, beads.

Menu, serving

Easy Pirate Party Table Decoration Ideas:

  • General buffet table-ship. Close with a tablecloth, put on a net. Decorate the "skirt" of the tablecloth with steering wheels, anchors, ropes. Place the mast with sails in the center of the table or on the back wall, in the background. If there is no room for the mast, you can place the "sail" horizontally, in waves right above the table, under the ceiling.

  • Several garden tables with sticks for installing sun umbrellas. But instead of umbrellas, build masts-sails. Come up with a name for each table-ship, sew it on the tablecloth from the front side of the “board”.
  • Move a large table to the wall, close it to the floor with burlap or a thick cloth. Put boxes on top, barrels - several tiers, randomly. And on them - plates and dishes with snacks, bottles, jars instead of glasses(port surroundings or hold).

  • Choose dishes based on the level of preparation and the importance of the event. These can be stylized paper plates-glasses, glass and crystal, or "silver" - cups, trays, "antique" cutlery.
  • Use pirate flags and other recognizable paraphernalia to decorate skewers, tubules, serving molds. Beautifully laying out / sticking cards is easier than racking your brains over the thematic design of each dish.

  • Several barrels with taps and globe bar fit perfectly into the theme.
  • Buy ice molds - skulls, bones, balls, fish, boats, diamonds. You can replace them with molds for chocolate, baking.
  • Are you having a Halloween pirate party? Be sure to use watermelons, melons and pumpkins to decorate the hall and for serving any dishes (bowls of halves).

  • For a pirate birthday, order a cake in a recognizable style. Islands, treasure chests, ships, etc. An unforgettable surprise for the birthday boy and all the guests!
  • Place sweets in cardboard chests and boats, in decorated transparent jars, vases. Buy a lot of candies in multi-colored foil (gems, in bulk), chocolate bars (also in foil - ingots). Blind flags, anchors, steering wheels, etc. from mastic, decorate muffins, cakes, cookies.

For entourage, include a large whole baked fish and seafood in the pirate menu. And the rest - to your taste. Cutting, vegetables, fruits, any salads. The buffet is ideal when active fun, games, dances are in the plans. Canapes, miniature sandwiches, snacks in baskets and vases, kebabs themselves are a bright table decoration.

Any drinks, but for the atmosphere you can put a few bottles of rum on the table. Print "old" labels, reglue. You can “age” the bottles themselves - dust them, wrap the necks with twine, and glue themed decor.

Since this is an adult pirate party, there is no point in fiddling with each dish for a long time. But some of the appetizers from the menu can be served in "boats" and "sails" can be hoisted. Making a boat with your own hands is very simple. Need a skewer (mast), board and sail. A boat is an empty half of a cucumber, an orange, an egg, a rhombus bread, a basket, etc. Inside, any filling, a sail on a skewer - lettuce, shrimp, a thin slice of cheese, ham, cucumber.


When choosing a pirate party scenario for adults, consider the space available to guests. For example, it is better to organize a treasure hunt on a map in nature. Those. literally look for a place marked with a cross, walking nearby and completing quest after quest. Treasures can also be hidden indoors. But if there is not enough space, you won’t be able to walk around much. This means that the quest itself and the competitions must be doable on the spot.

Pirate scenario options:

  • with the invitation, each guest also receives a piece of a pirate map. Coming to the party guests put them together, into a map with marked points. Tags are games and contests that "lead" to a hidden chest;
  • the map is torn and lost. Guests perform tasks, receiving an award for each competition - another fragment. At the end, the card is folded and just go to the chest;

Theme songs and music for a pirate party will come in handy during competitions. Download several compositions from movies and cartoons, cut them. And you can dance and relax to any incendiary music, especially since there are not so many pirate songs really suitable for a party.

  • instead of a card for games, fragments of the message are given. For example, "The treasure is buried under a palm tree." Cut the text into as many pieces as provided by the competitions. The chest is placed in a box and in the far corner of the room. And above the box or in front of it is a cardboard “landmark”. In our example, this is a palm tree. You can come up with a riddle instead of a direct indication: "The treasure is where the two pirates anchored." In pirate slang, "anchored" - they fought, i.e. on the box you need to stick a picture of two fighting pirates.
  • Several teams are fighting for the right to open the treasury. Suitable for large-scale parties, when at least a couple of dozen "pirates" gathered;
  • in the chest are rewards with price tags. For each competition, the winners are awarded with gold coins, doubloons or black marks. At the end, the accumulated wealth can be spent on gifts from the "dead man's chest".

Regardless of the chosen scenario, you can schedule both team and single competitions. If the plot does not provide for division into teams, just beat this moment, for example, as a training session for a close-knit pirate gang.

Any competitions for adults (paired, far from puritanical - according to the mood of the company) or children's, slightly modified in accordance with the theme, will fit into the scenario of a pirate party. Use pirate slang and nicknames to create an atmosphere:

Moor - sit down
Shake your bones - dance
Fill the hold - have a bite
Where can you whisper with the Jolly Roger? - where is the toilet?
It's storming in the hold - I'm drunk

Pirate Initiation

Leading: to become a real pirate, it’s not enough to be able to tear the throat, fill up the tonsils and drag everything that is badly lying into the hold. Anchor in my liver if I'm wrong! Each pirate is also obliged to keep order on the ship! We are not garbage rats!

Divide the floor in two with masking tape or another mark. Scatter balloons, crumpled newspapers. Give guests mops. Two teams, on either side of the dividing line. The goal is to throw "garbage" from your "deck" on board to your neighbors. For three minutes, the guests, accompanied by a cheerful song, are pushing "garbage" back and forth with mops. At the end, you need to evaluate the "cleanliness of the ship" of each of the teams.


AT: but it’s weak to board a combat frigate without preparation? Not? Well, let's see if you are sea devils or boiled jellyfish!

Two chairs, two teams. The goal is to climb onto someone else's chair-ship in a minute. The team whose members were able to fit on the enemy "frigate" in greater numbers wins.

friendly duel

AT: Hey on deck! How many holds can be filled? Let's see how you draw with sabers. And then all the brave ones grind with their tongues, but when it comes down to it - inept fry!

Thin board or bench, sham weapon. Two of them swing their swords, trying to throw the enemy to the floor. The loser gives way to the next pirate.

Not a single battle

AT: You know how to swing mops and sabers, I admit it. Well, how will there be nothing to scrub and no one to measure the length of the knives with? Suddenly, Fortune will turn around to you as a stern, and will throw you onto an uninhabited island?

For a pirate-style birthday party, you can rent equipment and play Pirates VS Savages paintball. An easier option is to get food on a desert island:

  • spear darts at the target;
  • rings on hooks suspended on a shield;
  • from a bow with sucker arrows into prey (the gunpowder got wet, it has to be done in the “grandfather’s” way);
  • throw a lasso on mops in a bucket (glue a fake deer head to the mop);
  • any other way to test the accuracy of a pirate, depending on the location of the party.

close elbow

AT: It's not for me to tell you how often several worthy teams of thugs and notorious rogues go along the same route. Competition, so that it is torn apart ... But there are fewer treasures that have not been dug out than worthy young ladies in the port at night ... I grind something with my tongue like a drunken boatswain, strike me with thunder! Come on, dig out!

A large basin with sand and buried treasure - any shiny nonsense. The goal is to get more treasures in a minute with a teaspoon (or Chinese chopsticks) than rivals. Can be done in teams or every man for himself.

One leg is good!

AT: The pirate, not ready for any losses, has rotten cuttlefish ink instead of brains! There *pirate nickname of a guest in a blindfold* lost his eye, and nothing - hearty! And if the leg is opened with a core? Let's see how you handle this trick!

Relay, two teams racing or all together. At the finish line is a chair with a bottle and glasses. On the bottle is the label "Rum is a life-giving drink!". The guest bends one leg and jumps to the finish line, leaning on a crutch or cane (for entourage). Having reached the stool, he pours and drinks the “life-giving drink” - the leg grows back! Back running, passed the crutch to the next. If you're having a pirate birthday, have all party guests toast before being "healed".

Regatta on frigates

AT: It remains to test the strength of the pirate spirit. Weak Davy Jones, an anchor in his throat, lets the fish feed in packs!

Miniature paper boats, start-finish on a smooth surface. It is necessary to blow on your boat so that it “sails” to the finish line before the rest. It is possible in teams - two large ships and all together to blow into the "sails" of their frigate.

Where does the rum go all the time? (c) Jack Sparrow

AT: Yo-ho-ho, venerable pirates! I have no more doubts that only the most notorious swindlers, dodgers and other filibusters have gathered here! Let's drink to the bottom of this!

Two teams and two large bowls. Or every man for himself - a large plastic glass. It is necessary to empty the container at speed (it’s funnier through a straw).

Quizzes, board games (minutes of rest)

  • to untie sea knots at speed;
  • guess riddles on the marine and pirate theme;
  • decipher pirate slang (phrases, turns, curses);
  • a test for knowledge of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" or just a pirate life;
  • funny questions and answers. Only one option is correct, the other two are absurd. What was the name of J. Sparrow's ship: Devil's Dozen, Black Pearl or Salty Beluzhin? Using the rhyme generator, it's easy to come up with as many questions/answers as you like.

At the end of the scenario - "open" and open the chest, share the treasures(thematic gifts, medals "The most notorious pirate"). If the party is in honor of a birthday, solemnly take out a pirate cake - a surprise from the cook. You can arrange an explosion in a powder warehouse (fireworks) or money rain (paper show).