Interesting prom party

  • 13.11.2019

Songs about graduation sound: “In our class, the old class”, “School graduation” and others.

The lights go out in the hall. On the stage, only the glare of light. A graduate comes out with a slow, smooth step, leading a first-grader by the hand.

First grader. And what will happen now? Story?

Graduate. Story.

First grader. Terrible?

Graduate. No, sad.

First grader. But will it have a happy ending?

Graduate. Undoubtedly! All fairy tales have a happy ending. But this tale had a very happy beginning...

Many, many years ago, when the trees were big, the paths in the school yard were long, and the school stairs were steep and high, mothers brought boys and girls to school. Thus began this fairy tale called "Childhood" ( against the background of the presentation about the 1st grade and the childhood of graduates).

First grader. I know this tale. I myself live in this fairy tale!

Graduate. But for us today this fairy tale ends. And we go into the big adult world.

First grader. And you won't go back to your childhood?

Graduate. No, we won't be back.

First grader. Never ever?

Graduate. Never ever.

First grader. Goodbye then, have a good trip.

(The first-grader waves his hand to the graduates and slowly leaves the stage). The light turns on.

The song “That's it, we are not children” sounds.

Lead 1.

When is born
Baby - very interesting -
Scientist, sculptor or poet
Came into the world. But it is not known
Who will he become. Before him are open
Roads to gaining knowledge.
Maybe become famous
And our city can glorify.

Finish school with excellent marks
Able to put in the effort.
And he will be personally invited
Here for the gold medal.
Or for silver, which is also
Very commendable. After all, success
To that comes, who himself can
Reach it. So I'm all
Congratulations on his arrival.
And I always want to keep it that way.


Lead 2. Good evening!

Presenter 1. We are glad to welcome everyone who came today to congratulate the graduates: the teaching staff of school No. ..., mothers, fathers, grandparents, dear guests.

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds

Lead 2.

Everyone is in high spirits
Everything froze in solemn excitement.
For those who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,
Let the ball roll! High score!

Lead 1.

The school education process is over.
Childhood today will melt like smoke.
The girls are so beautiful
It is impossible to take your eyes off them.
If only you were always happy.
Great paths are open to you in life.
Boys are adults, no doubt
All matured and they are unrecognizable.
God bless these kids
So that they do not know adversity and grief.

Lead 2.

The school is full of guests today,
Festive noise and commotion.

Lead 1.

The music will play until late -
Graduation party at school today!

Lead 2.

Our children say goodbye to school.

Lead 1.

Today they will be awarded certificates!

Lead 2.

So they all became a year older.

Lead 1.

And the time is coming - the school of the best of their children
Escorts you on a long flight.

Lead 2.

And it was not for nothing that they suddenly felt sad,
And the whole class was unusually silent -

Lead 1.

It fluttered right out of your hands.
Years of childhood leave them.

Lead 2.

Colored years,
loud and bright,
We call childhood for a reason.

Lead 1.

Joyful childhood holiday
Sunny and rainbow
We are all your friends!

Lead 2.

Spread smiles, sun!
The wind gives us freshness!
The holiday invites
Open wide the doors!

Lead 1.

And the planet of childhood, happiness and kindness is circling,
The magical world opens
school country.

A graduation song sounds (or high school students dance a waltz)

Lead 2.

So, the hall is full of excitement,
Graduates' hearts tremble,
The music is tired of blaring
Everything is frozen, the outfits are shining.

Lead 1.

Parents, having ended the disputes,
Children are anxiously awaiting
Joyful eyes sparkle
Hearts are fluttering.

Lead 2.

After all, daughters, sons,
Only yesterday we were so young
But here are the graduation balls,
Years fly, alas, like days.

Lead 1.

A little more in this room
They will appear now
I'll ask everyone to stand up!
11th grade is coming!

(Sounds “School waltz, graduates enter the hall.)

Lead 2.

This holiday is his
He is a hero today
This class is amazing
Graduation class.

Lead 1.

Welcome graduates of 2013!
Heartbreak and warmth
You will carry away from these walls,
Before you is the world and all the ways,
You are on the threshold of change.

Lead 2.

And let the beat of hearts today
Smiles light and eyes fire
The whole room brings you as a gift -
Take them, friends, with you.

Lead 1.

How long have you been waiting for this moment
Drove days and months, dreaming about the future,
And only now, perhaps, you understand
That school has been completed. You are just a graduate.

Lead 2.

Today we came to congratulate our graduates...

Lead 1.

The school years went by
Bright days of your cheerful life.
Farewell evening, your graduation ball,
Goodbye dear school.

Lead 2.

And, of course, at the hour of parting, at the hour of parting,
There will be parting words and wishes!
And be the first to say the word
We entrust the high honor to the director of our school ...

Lead 1.

To present certificates, the principal of the school is invited to the stage ...

Lead 2.

The floor is given to our guests…

The teachers take the stage.

1 teacher. We were invited to the party! Thank God we didn't forget!

2 teacher. Thank you all day long! You know, there are no better guys!

3 teacher. Yes, they are dear to us, these kids are graduation!

4 teacher. For me, there is nothing dearer - my daughter has been here for exactly 10 years!

5 teacher. You now will not be weak to prove who loves more?

6 teacher. Okay, stop arguing, let's get down to business!

7 teacher. What is our business?

8 teacher.

Time at school flew by
And they are all the same children ...
I'm here at dawn
Suddenly woke up from consciousness,
That not everyone gave them knowledge!

7 teacher. Give me a list of books, let them read what they don't know - they'll catch up!

8 teacher. You don't understand me, and you interrupt me!

My worries about something else: now it’s time for them to choose their own paths, to enter institutes. Someone was drafted into the army, someone suddenly got married.

1 teacher. Yes, business ... And what about us?

8 teacher. If a school is a home, then we are responsible for them. You understand, because our children! We carried the heavy cross of school life at the ready.

Together with them, we learned and achieved what we have. Who are we without them?

Wives, mothers! Where are the lessons, where are the programs? And with them we are teachers!

2 teacher. You sound like gods!

5 teacher. Giving knowledge is one task, luck is important for them now, so that after all the teachings, life can start without adventures!

(Teachers sing to the melody of the reworked song "Call Me, Call")

It's time to say goodbye!
You are no longer children
But for us you are still a class,
The best class in the world.
These walls for many years
They were our common home.
Remember them with a kind word
Remember them with a kind word
After all dearer than school no.
Help me help
Survive our parting
Extend the hand of friendship
Ine hide the tear of farewell.
Through the long years
You won't forget school
Even if you're an adult
Even if you're old
School is forever.

3 graduates come out one after another.

Graduate 1. Oh, our teachers are sad!

Graduate 2. Of course, because our graduation is the only one of its kind.

Graduate 3. And there will be no more like us at school!

Graduate 1. No! It's just that their youth leaves school with us. Their years are gone.

Graduate 2. Yes, their youth does not go anywhere! Our teachers are always young at heart!

Graduate 3. And every year they hear from graduates ...

Together. Confessions of love.

3 more graduates come out one by one.

Graduate 1.

No need to be sad, gentlemen teachers,
That the years go by, they can not be returned.
Another issue sums up,
And our hard way was not in vain.

Graduate 2.

Let us all be disobedient once,
But firmly you led us up the steps.
But here are the peaks, in the hands of certificates.
And it's time to send ships to the sea.

Graduate 3.

And each of us is almost a winner here,
Studying is all about fighting.
Thank you my beloved teacher
For your severity, for your lessons!

3 more graduates come to the fore.

Graduate 1. That's all. And it's time for us to leave the school.

Graduate 2. Someone must leave, and someone will have to stay.

Graduate 3.

And wherever we are and wherever fate throws us,
Everything good in us in our school had a beginning.

Graduate 1.

All exams passed, essays written.
And you have to come to terms with these thoughts.

Graduate 2.

Outside the window, the breeze quietly sways the maples,
But we will not hear the call to the lesson.

Graduate 3.

We went through all the subjects for many months,
Our school stairs became very low.

3 more graduates are coming out.

Graduate 1.

Our childhood, school days
We will remember sometime.
School certificate - from this point
We are starting a new path in life.

Graduate 2.

School is our first quiet haven
Every day we were always attracted to the lesson.
We will not repeat here memorized, elementary truths,
But the school gave us the warmth of the maternal soul.

Graduate 3.

Leaving, we will wave to the careless,
Happy school years
Let's say with heartfelt gratitude
Good word to teachers.

The song "Giving warmth to us" sounds

The previous speakers step aside and their places are taken by alumni pairs who will nominate teachers.

Graduate 1. We invite our teachers to take part in the annual competition “School teacher. The teacher of the school “…”.

To the tune of the song “The Waltz is spinning”, graduates award teachers with certificates of honor and give flowers.

Presenter 1. The first teacher of our graduates is invited to the stage ... Please greet her while standing! She is awarded a certificate of honor in the nomination “My first teacher”.

(One graduate presents a diploma, the other flowers).

Host 2. Do you know? All pre-holiday days, graduates held a competition. Everyone was asked what the competition was called: “Dear teacher”.

Graduate 1. Our class teacher is awarded in the nomination “The Coolest Classroom” ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 2. In the nomination “The most fashionable teacher” is awarded ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 3. In the nomination "The most beautiful voice."

Awarded… (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 4. In the nomination “The most democratic teacher” is awarded ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 5. In the nomination "The most interesting lessons" Awarded ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 6. In the nomination “The most strict teacher” is awarded ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 7. In the nomination “The kindest teacher” is awarded ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 8. In the nomination “The most fair teacher” Awarded ... presentation of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 9. In the nomination “Our favorite teacher” is awarded ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate 10. In the nomination “The most cheerful teacher” Awarded ... (delivery of certificates and flowers).

Graduate sings a song

Graduate. Yes, our school life was full of surprises.

Graduate 1. And we will keep the memories of school days for life.

The 2nd graduate runs in. Found!

Graduate. What did you find?

Graduate 2. Found a magic hat.

Graduate. What did you come up with again? What hat?

Graduate 2. (shows cap) Here, look.

Graduate. And what is the magic here?

Graduate 2. You see, with its help you can find out the innermost thoughts of a person

Graduate. How?

Graduate 2. Yes, just. You wear a hat. You ask a question. Well, for example, what does Lenya think about 11 years of school life?

Lenya. Why just me?

Graduate 2. For the purity of the experiment (puts on a hat). Music “Sawdust in my head is not a problem”.

Graduate. Great, now let's see what our teachers think about us, about the school and about themselves.

Graduate 2. You can also listen to the thoughts of graduates.

Graduate. Yes? And who do we start with?

Graduate 2. Of course, from the director. (Goes down to the hall): “What does Tatyana Nikolaevna think about today?”

Music “Where did the circus go, it was yesterday”.

Graduate. And how did Sergey Viktorovich (physical education teacher) gather his athletes for training?

Music “Antoshka, Antoshka. Let's go dig potatoes."

Graduate 2. And what does Ekaterina Viktorovna (informatics teacher) think when our computer freezes?

Music “I will shout, and in response silence.”

Graduate. And what did Olga Stanislavovna (math teacher) teach our matclass?

Music "Twice two - four".

Graduate 2. And what does Sofya Aleksandrovna (teacher of Russian language and literature) think about the past attestation?

Music “don't rub salt in my wound”.

Graduate. And how is Valentina Mikhailovna (chemistry teacher) going on vacation?

Music "I'll go out into the street, I'll look at the village."

Graduate 2. And now we will find out what the history teacher thinks about us?

Music "And the battle continues again."

Graduate. And what did Taisiya Sergeevna (the first teacher) see when she entered her class?

Music "Spouts - snub noses sniff."

Graduate. Can we listen to the thoughts of graduates? Well, for example, what does Lenya think about Anna Sergeevna?

Music "Oh, what a woman."

Graduate. What Cyril said at the end of the lesson, saying goodbye to the teacher of English language?

Music “Good bye my love”.

Graduate 2. But ... Lyosha. What does graduation mean to him?

Music "Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence."

Graduate 2. Let's return to our teachers again. And what does our class teacher think after a hard day's work, getting ready for bed?

Music “How delightful evenings are in Russia”.

Graduate. And what did the geography teacher think when we were noisy in class?

Music "Release me to the Himalayas, to be in primeval silence."

Graduate 2. How do our teachers feel now? After all, today is our graduation.

Music: “Farewell, do not promise anything”, “Be brave, comrades, in step”, “You know, there will still be”.

Graduate. But seriously, we thank our teachers for their kindness, understanding, care and love for us.

Three graduates (boys) come out.

Graduate 1.

Friends, and the school age is short
We just realized now.
The trumpet is blowing, the canopy is thrown back,
Finished the last class.
And a farewell evening,
Alas, spinning in my head
We promise a sweet school
Eternal love on earth.

Graduate 2.

And our lovely teachers,
Who lends a shoulder to us
Who made us gnaw science.
Who believed in us here every hour,
We bow our heads low
Although with a smile on his forehead,
And we promise you, dear ones,
Eternal love on earth!

Graduate 3.

Without cute lush phrases,
With deep respect
Let me at this hour
Here to kneel
Before lovely teachers.
Believe me, the heart stays with you. ( kneel).

Graduates approach from both sides.

Graduate 1.

With all my heart, with respect and love,
We wish you happiness, long years,
Girls - pretty students,
Good boys, teacher victories.

Graduate 2.

Let the sun shine brighter for our school!
Teachers - health, like granite!
May all children please you, relatives!
May God always keep you all in everything!

The song “Teachers, for us you are the light in the window” sounds

Presenter 1. ( Against the background of a presentation about the school life of graduates).

You, who taught them to distinguish the bad from the good, the truth from the untruth!
You, who all these years helped, advised, insisted. Persuaded!
You, the most kind and strict, patient and caring!
You, relatives, relatives and loved ones!
Teacher! What a word!
After all, he cuts, glues, removes,
Often clogs nails and waters flowers.
Depicts a hundred roles, dances, jumps, plays,
Composes poems on the go, protects from thousands of troubles
And he replaces mom and dad.

You probably guessed who we are talking about? Of course, about class teachers. And now I give the floor to the class teacher of the 11th grade ...

Classroom teacher.

Seeing off graduates, you catch yourself thinking that there will no longer be such talented, bright, outstanding children at school. All insults are forgotten

and misunderstandings, only the kindest, the brightest remains.

Dear graduates! So the day of farewell to the school has come. You are on the threshold of adulthood. Ahead of you is the choice of profession, the creation of a family, work.

Once a writer was asked: “What kind of people does humanity need?” And he doesn't hesitate. Confidently replied:

“Humanity needs all people, there are no unnecessary people.” And no matter how your school life develops, no matter what results you come to adulthood today, everyone will have their own path and their chosen profession. I just want to remind you that the rarest and most needed profession at all times is good man. And you need to develop in yourself the most important talent - the talent of humanity. And then you will feel good in the world, and people will be warm and comfortable next to you.

I wish you guys all
Stay as it is, always.
I call on all the forces for this,
To fill your years with happiness.
May the powers of heaven give you eternity,
May the earthly forces give you firmness,
May the night stars fill you with tenderness,
May the sun and rain give you kindness.
May your every step be bold and strong,
Let someone's love save you from trouble,
May your soul be so pure
How pure are the flowers of the forest.
I want you to be different
Be an angel and a demon at once
But stay as beautiful
What are you like for us now ...

Graduate sings a song dedicated to teachers

Lead 2.

One of the most difficult times has come for parents. Time will fly by unnoticed, and your children will flutter out of their parental nest. And, in my opinion, the phrase that has already become an aphorism is not quite right, that children study for themselves, and not for their parents, and for them too, because they rely on you so much. Thank you for your care, patience and love.

And your parenting troubles with them will never end. As the saying goes, little kids are little troubles. Or, small children do not let you sleep, but with big ones you will not fall asleep yourself. And they are already big.

Soon you will hear parental words on the phone, read in letters, and the words will be something like this: “My sun, how I miss you.” In the meantime, your suns are with you, they want to thank you for your care and love. This is their direct duty.

Graduate 1.

We want to say thank you to our dearest people - our mom and dad, who loved us, no matter what, scolded us when returning from parent meetings, but always believed in us and, no matter what happened, hoped for the best.

Graduate 2.

Mommy, school is over
And there are no lessons to learn!
How many nerves were damaged!
How glad I am, Mom! Are you happy?
Why are you crying, my dear?
She bit her lips stubbornly.
Smile, because the school is over,
Well, laugh, dear mother!
11 years is not one moment,
They went crooked and straight.
11 years of your patience
Fear, tears and doubts, mother.
I know you are very happy
And admire your sweet daughter.
Why is autumn in your eyes
Do you cover your face with a handkerchief?
Maybe you remember me when I was little
Did you feel a hand in your hand?
As she whispered: “A little scarlet flower,
Don't shawl in class, baby.
Listen, baby, teachers are strict,
Do not draw on your notebooks!”
And met me at the doorstep
She kept her briefcase in order.
And now your daughter has grown,
But tears run stubbornly.
Well, school is over, period.
Congratulations my mom!

Other graduates are coming.

Graduate 3.

Mom, mom, we are already adults,
Look, we already said goodbye to braids.
Violent flowering of the spring garden ...
It was his seventeenth birthday.

Graduate 1.

Mom, mom, why are you crying
And you smile, you don't hide your tears?
I will rush off into life from the ball ...
Mom, Mom, but I'll be back!

Graduate 4.

A huge blue sky is waiting for us,
Roads where there is no trace of us yet.
Mommy, mommy can understand everything
Will hope, believe and wait!

Graduate 2.

Look, I'm a head taller than my father.
“You are a copy of him,” my friends tell me ...
Yes, you have to be brave, but the voice is trembling.
After all, in youth, time flies so quickly.

Graduate 5.

I'm sorry if I was very stubborn
Understand and forgive me, dear mother!
For the gray hair at the temples of the father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.

The song "Mom" is performed by a graduate

Lead 1.

Dear friends! Our festive evening is coming to an end.

Friend, graduate, freeze for a moment!
That day has come, that hour!
The school escorts you all with excitement -
School childhood is leaving you!

Lead 2.

Let you part with the class today,
But you will always be friends
And farewell school echo
Will remain in your hearts.
Wish each other success
Goodness and love without end.

Lead 1.

Don't be sad, graduate
Smile goodbye
Remember those days, remember
Wish your wishes come true
We wish you all a new meeting.

Lead 2.

And in a moment of farewell, but beautiful,
Ready for another surprise.
Catch your ball happy
As a sign of achievement and good luck!

Multi-colored balloons are released onto the stage to the music, wishing good luck to the graduates. The guys catch them and leave to thunderous applause.

Hall escorts them standing.

The final songs sound - “On the French side”, “How great that we all gathered here today”

Snezhana Sendazhi
Scenario of the ceremony High school prom 11th grade "Star Graduation"

Scenario of the ceremonial part of the graduation party of the 11th grade« star graduation» .

2015-2016 academic year.

The hall is decorated star style. Everywhere stellar Balloons . The auditorium is divided into two halves, between which there will be graduates on stage.

Fanfare sounds. Leaders come out.

1c. Kind evening! We are pleased to welcome you to the most long-awaited holiday for schoolchildren of all generations - graduation party! In both teacher and parent life, another exciting moment: today our children get a ticket to an adult, independent life.

2c. Listen, if the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it, then it is necessary that everyone evening over the roofs of houses lit up at least one star…

1c. Graduates!

2c. For 11 years they flashed bright sparks in the classroom.

1c. Shined on the control and offsets.

2c. Glittered at school evenings.

1c. Now they will shine in the big life!

2c. Each star has its own name.

Each star is unique and unrepeatable.

1c. Let's all together, with kind and sweet smiles on our faces, to warm and friendly applause, let's meet an unusually beautiful, charming, and, of course, solemnly excited constellation of graduates our festive evenings!


1c. Meet 11 "a" Class, cool head Mongush Nadezhda kara-oolovna.

2c. eleven "b" Class, cool leader Ertne Salbakai Shangyr-oolovna.

1c. eleven "in" Class, cool leader Oorzhak Galina Sergeevna.

2c. See how our children have grown and prettier. And how wiser ... Each in his own way star. And all together - bright constellation. Therefore, our today we'll call the evening"Star high school graduation» .

1c. You yourself have become the brightest and biggest stars in our school sky.

2c. Each of you during these school years turned from a tiny spark into a bright star.

1c. And none of you are alike stars because each of you is very individual and unique.

2c. Our today's holiday is for you, those who have shown their skills, talent, knowledge... The ability to set goals and achieve victories... For all those who have reached their first finish and took the first 11-year bar, and entered a new even more difficult start - to the beginning of an independent life path!

1c. Today you illuminated the hall even brighter with your feelings for all those present here, with your smiles, youth and beauty, with your desire to get a certificate as soon as possible and leave the school walls that have become cramped for you! But we know that you will return here more than once, where your childhood remains!

2c. So here we go!

1c. We ask everyone to stand up.


2c. Congratulate our alumni not only parents, teachers, friends came. At our holiday there are guests:

1c. Oh how beautiful proms!

Suits, dresses, ties, hairstyles,

The fate of the future is only a timid sketch,

Oh how beautiful proms!

2c. Let you leave school forever

But leaves a memory of your childhood.

Don't forget school years

Hearts and souls a wonderful neighborhood.

1c. High school graduation! This means that childhood is leaving and an independent life is coming.

2c. Is it all going to end today? And it will never happen again...

1c. Unfortunately yes. But it's too early to be sad, because we haven't done the most important thing yet.

2c. In order for our stars to freely begin their journey into adulthood, they need to be presented with a document on secondary education, to which they have been going for 11 years!

1c. Beautiful stars! No dispute

But still the main thing at school is light

Stars like the sun is bright,

What's the name? Mystery?

2c. Who is this for star

Not only lives here

Illuminates the school house

To happiness was in him.

1c. The word is given to the main luminary in our firmament - the director of the gymnasium, Dolaana Orlan-oolovna Salchak.

2c. The floor for the announcement of the order on graduation from the secondary basic school is given to the deputy director for educational work Dolaana Vitalievna Tartan-ool.


11 "a" Class. Hood. room___

11 "b" Class. Hood. room___

11 "in" Class. Hood. room___

1c. You are holding certificates in your hands. You are already adults and it’s up to you to surf the expanses of the universe, you discover new stars.

2c. So let it burn star at our party will illuminate your life path with its radiance and bring you good luck.

1c. Day after day, the years go faster and faster,

Leaving questions, changing answers.

Knowledge is power and light. And to whom, no matter how we

To know that life is distinguished by the desire for light.

Life is full of obstacles along the way.

It's not too late to look back, it's not too late to stay.

There is no strength, no aspirations, but you have to go

Through hardship to the stars.

2c. And you started your journey through thorns to the stars with very small sparks in the warm hands of your first teachers Lyudup Lydia Kyrgysovna and Chuldum Chechen Kyzyl-oolovna. To a standing ovation scene we invite the FIRST TEACHERS.


1c. This evening - best time in a year.

Everyone is smart, kind and considerate.

We all wish that the sky is big star,

You must be on fire today.

Let stellar fate without delay

Will open a new chapter of life!

Dreams, love, success and inspiration,

Today we will give you reality!

1c. On the scene invite one of the main stars in the school firmament of the deputy director for educational work Kunchu Lyudmila Vasilievna.


2c. High in the dark sky

The stars shine bright for us.

It's not easy to get to them

It is difficult to get to them.

2c. There are many constellations on earth.

As in a field of spikelets,

And our stars on earth.

Among the students.

1c. The word is given to the chief astrologer of the gymnasium, which reveals talents in children and ignites the stars scenes, head structural unit additional education Ailime Alexandrovna Tyulyush.


2c. It turns out that in 10 years our Graduates heard 25012 bells, wrote down 13 kg of chalk, drank 4500 glasses of tea in the canteen, attended 12506 lessons, read 132 textbooks. In general, they gained their minds and gradually grew and grew ...

1c. And together with them they grew up and walked hand in hand to this finest hour of their cool moms. Each teacher is dear to his students in his own way. But probably dearer cool There is no leader in the school. Cool the leader knows all the secrets, hobbies and characters of his pupils. Let's call your glorious names cool heads - Nadezhda Kara-oolovna, Salbakay Shangyr-oolovna, Galina Sergeevna and we will give them the floor for our parting words.


2c. There are two constellations in the sky

Ones that cannot be separated.

Parents and children are one.

Ursa Minor and Ursa Major.

1c. All our parents are loved by us, they help us in everything, support us in all our endeavors, they are always with us.

2c. It's time to give thanks to the best of the best, who have been actively involved in all these 11 years participation in the upbringing of our children, they helped the gymnasium both in word and deed.

1c. To give thanks to scene we invite the director of the gymnasium Dolaana Orlan-oolovna and.


1c. Dear dads and moms,

Don't be sad now.

Your children are on the move.

Support - please!

2c. On behalf of all parents alumni with parting words, the word takes ___


1c. Each person only himself can unravel the secret - how to become star. Everyone must go their own way. You are still at the beginning of this path - there is a whole life ahead of you. But now you have achieved something important - say goodbye to childhood and take the first step into the adult world.

2c. And today new stars have lit up in the starry sky - your Stars! And let there be even more Light, Goodness and Beauty on our planet!

1c. Let it shine brighter for you star,

cherished star of fate.

You are always ahead in everything,

You are the most visible.

2c. We think that in the hour of parting, you have something to say. So he came - your finest hour.

1c. Attention! On the graduates are invited to the stage!


1 student. Summer! And it's time to say goodbye to school!

All: Long live release 2016!

2 student: You can no longer be afraid of exams!

All: Long live release 2016!

3 student: I want to jump, joke and laugh!

All: Long live release 2016!

4 student: There will be songs and dances all night today!

All: Long live release 2016!

5 student: Parents can't wait for you today!

All: Long live release 2016!

6 student: I want to join hands with everyone!

All: Long live release 2016!

7 student: Let's shout loudly and cheerfully, brothers!

All: Long live release 2016!

8 student. Our beloved teachers! We could now traditionally read poems about you, our dear ones, but we decided to say briefly and clearly, but from the bottom of our hearts, that each of you is unique and unrepeatable. Everyone has invested in us a piece of your warmth and soul.

9 student. Without you, we would not have reached the stars that open the way to adulthood for us today.

10 student. And we honestly admit that we have absorbed all the best from you, our kind, sweet, dear teachers.

From --- purposefulness.

From ___ - severity.

Borrowed the mind from.

A___ - so all, so. Let's add beauty.

Seriousness from.

And don't forget humor.

Let's take it from.

And the ease of

Put some pepper in there.

What if you don't know how to program?

We'll grab it.


And tightness.


Ability to speak English from.

Liability from.


And u___ to understand people.


The ability to make friends.

Groovy character.



Student: And finally, the most important thing they taught us is ...

TOGETHER: … to work in a team, because our teachers are a team of loyal and dedicated friends.

1c. And what graduation without a waltz, the more stellar!

2c. most memorable evening -

School evening with you.

graduate graduate,

1c. student teacher

Invites to the waltz.



2c. Dear Guys! Today is your prom. After that, everyone's paths will part. Everyone will start their own path. But 11 best years life you have spent in school. Someone will later remember them with joy, someone with longing, and someone, maybe with pain.

1c. But one way or another, warm moments of school life, interesting lessons of kind and noble teachers - all this you can never forget.

2c. You were all born under lucky star. God bless you happy and star path through life. What is it to be happy? It's very simple. This is when people light up the stars. May your life always accompany you, warming your souls, cherished star.

1c. (addressing the audience). Dear friends! According to the tradition of the school, let's celebrate our graduates into adulthood!


Leading Together: Have a good trip dear Graduates!

Graduation script for the eleventh grade "Our Radio"

Author of poems and lyrics Tkachenko T.V.
Solemn holding graduation party.

- develop independence, creativity, initiative;
- congratulate teachers, parents;
- form a tradition.

Festively decorated venue for the evening, soundtracks, costumes, props for scenes and clips.

Presenter 1
You have endured us for so many years
But then he came, goodbye hour.

Lead 2
What the walls have not seen:
Lessons, delays, changes,

Lead 3
And first love, and parting,
Expectation of parental thunder

Lead 4
Excellent grades and not so,

Presenter 1
And we tried so hard, by the way!

Lead 2
Granite sciences podgyzli we pretty much,
And now we demonstrate clearly:

Lead 3
Let not everyone have medals in the storeroom,
But we won the certificates!

Lead 4
Annoying interference in the form of "twos",
We do not interfere with giving you love

Presenter 1
For dedicating yourself to us
Taught mind-reason, loving,

Lead 2
With each lesson, the world was opened to us,
Credited with their trust,

Lead 3
Because you had the patience
After all, we have been naughty here a lot!

Lead 4
For sensitivity, for attention and warmth ...
We consider:

We are lucky in life!

Presenter 1
For knowledge, the lowest bow to you,
Debt is red with payment - such is the law,

Lead 2
We want achievements not to fade,
So that you never blush for us,

Lead 3
And we promise to keep the brand,
And justify all your hopes.

Lead 4
Well, now the happy hour has come:
After all, the certificate still found us!

The presentation of certificates and diplomas to graduates in groups is accompanied by poems

They breathed sciences like air,
Therefore, medals are waiting for them now,
And this is just the beginning of their journey.
We wish them the jackpot!

Olympiad winners
They won the Olympics
Their mind is organized and strict,
And in the classroom, without them, any business
Nobody could imagine.
They give to write off - there is not a drop of greed in them,
Imagine, because you are in love with science,
They are playful, they are cheerful - aren't they?
And they love the charm of novelty.

Our elder is above all praise,
One hundred points in the organization will give everyone,
Knows who ran away, overslept, lied,
But reliable: she will not hand over anyone!

They are cool, who doesn't know
We can't define their style
They dream of becoming a couturier
So as not to repeat anyone.

Their erudition is rare
Extraordinary and reasonable
Doesn't look down on you
In addition, she is often witty.

Finding the positive in the negative
This quality is rare, valuable,
In life, a bouquet of prospects awaits them:
And everywhere they have excellent chances.

When asked for help, they will not refuse,
Kindness deep they hide
And moderately responsive, and moderately modest,
And friends mean a lot to them.

book lovers
They have been living in the world of books for a long time,
Fantasy, fiction in the classroom shine,
Books are definitely friends for them,
They cannot be separated from each other.

They are not lazy, they are not loafers,
Everyone owns the secret of the needle
Oh, what needlewomen they are,
And how joy they could give to everyone!

They haven't grown up yet
And they often like to play in childhood,
And entertain with their jokes,
And they are not in a hurry to choose a path in life.

merry fellows
Fireworks man, mood man
He does not always have inspiration for everything:
He is ready, he taught, he searched the Internet,
But the lesson without the mood, he did not answer.

They love to sleep
They are just too lazy to get up in the morning,
But we believe that their time will come,
Success and they are easy to find.

Timid, shy,
Very positive
We may also be surprised
They just need to be inspired.

Athletes, pranksters and ringleaders
They like to be in the center of attention
We wish that life taught them
Obey the laws of discipline.

They are athletes, activists and beauties,
Competition is never missed
And their athletic flying gait
Guys often get attention.

Music fans and musicians themselves,
Undoubted talents are hidden in them,
Yes, and they are always sure of themselves,
They are led by a music star.

Shine a Hollywood smile
On the stage they see success in the future,
It looks like they are friends with a goldfish:
She will help conquer them all.

Silent people
Again someone's voice is heard in the classroom,
Maybe (name)? What are you not!
The voice is resting, it is in reserve,
And silence is the answer.

Confidently they go through life
Difficulties for them are just nonsense,
They would get themselves profitable business,
We think it's a good idea.

These creative natures
Not afraid of any storms:
They will express them in verses -
Creativity always helps!

They would have a brush and a pencil in their hands,
And they will decorate your holiday,
Open the soul on paper
Anything you want is shown there.

Their nature generously endowed:
The voice captivates everyone
The public didn't love them for nothing.
Of course, success awaits them all!

Sergei and Misha - do not spill water,
They have everything for two: laughter and trouble,
In physics they like daisies
And for two of them they have one go-ahead.

Alexander and Oleg are a couple,
Inseparable in everything and always,
To joke, to be late for the ball,
The rest is all nonsense!

Presenter 1
Calm down, fanfares, the waltz sounds,
And youth circles in the rhythm of the dance,

Lead 2
Our last school, graduation waltz,
He invites us to the future.

Graduates dance the waltz

Lead 3
Wish us achievements in life,
Straight roads, success and accomplishments,

Lead 4
So that everyone is happy and healthy;
We give the floor to the director.

Word to the director

Song for Administration


Vera Brezhneva

The world we live in
Live, not paper
He will enter our hearts.
Our ship is sailing forward
And the brave captain
It leads him easily.

After all, the administration
This is a pro team
Her and knowledge
And experience has been gained.
Chorus: We know the password
It's called success
Our administration is worth a million.
Organizes everyone
And leads
With such a team, everyone will always win.

Our life is not boring
After all, by command from above
Scheduled every hour.
We were able to appreciate
And our gratitude
We want to give you.

After all, the administration
This is a pro team
Her and knowledge
And experience has been gained.

Chorus: We know the password
We have a reference:
Administration -
This is a common idol.
Always an example for us
Always high class
She is always on top right now.

Presenter 1
Traditional, maybe not new
We want to say a word to teachers.

Congratulations teachers

Student 1 For the fact that you have endured us for so many years,
Student 1 We wanted to bow low to you,
Student 3 For taking care of every day
Pupil 4 Exams were sometimes passed for us,
Student 5 For endurance, for sensitivity, intelligence,
Pupil 6 For a ticket to a happy life,
Pupil 7 For the fact that you were nannies for us,
Pupil 8 We confess: we loved you very much!
Pupil 9 Because you kept us from troubles,
Pupil 10 For wisdom, kindness, for your advice,
Pupil 11 Because we were taught to be human,
Pupil 12 We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Graduates dance with teachers during the song



1 You greeted us with love,
And shed light of knowledge
And our noisy class fell silent
For many years, school years.

2 Everything was: the sun and thunder,
Despair and triumph
And your kind eyes
They did magic again, yes magic.

Oh, teachers eyes, they can not be forgotten,

1 What a pity that the years are rushing,
We didn't appreciate what we have
But we can't turn back time
And we can't count all the mistakes, can't count.

2 Oh, how we will miss
All understanding smart eyes,
And if I had known this before,
We would not regret now, now.

Etc. 1 + 2 Your wise eyes, in them a flashing tear,
Your eyes look straight into our hearts,
Ah, you can’t forget the teacher’s eyes,
In memory we will keep these eyes.

Giving flowers to teachers

Presenter 1
They were so worried about us

Of course, the hour has come to give them a word

Lead 2
And the tears in my eyes now shine;
Parents bless us.

Word to parents phonogram "God forbid" A. Malinin

Lead 3
Where else can you find these:
Beautiful, strong, smart, young!

Lead 4
Cheerful, artistic and active -
There are no primitives among us, imagine!

Presenter 1
In our own way, we are all not without talent:
Singers, dancers, even musicians

Lead 4
And the artists - this can not be taken away,
The concert is about to begin!


phonogram "Our radio"

Presenter 1
On the wave of "Our Radio" is the program "Hot Ten" and I, its host (F I). And my friend (F I), who knows all the secrets and novelties of the season, will help me.

Presenter 2
We will introduce you to the "hot" top ten hits of the season and hopefully they will get your recognition. They entered the hit parade ... but not all at once, everything has its time.

Presenter 1
That's so intriguing!

Presenter 2
The holiday begins! The first number of our program will be a song that is generally out of competition.

Presenter 1

Presenter 2
Because no one can compete with class teachers. But first, advertising on our radio!

On our wave page of the program "Health". We bring to your attention the scheme of acupuncture points of our class teacher: point No. 1 is located in the region of the heart, its name is: the drop in academic performance and the quality of students' knowledge; several important points are located in the temechka area: point number 2 - being late, point number 3 - absenteeism, point number 4 - ignoring contributions to the class fund. The best thing you can do to improve the health of the class teacher is a gentle massage of the points with the received certificates.

Word to the class leader

Presenter 1
Because they woke us up in the morning,
For the fact that so many pranks were forgiven,

Presenter 2
For teaching life to appreciate,
Let me thank you for everything.

Song for class teachers


L. Dolina, A. Panoyotov

1 You have nothing unnecessary in your character,
You are the face and conscience of a friendly class,
You have been with us for so many years
Saved us from trouble
You didn't lie to us, no.
2 And although we were inventive,
Could not hide from attentive eyes,
You could strictly ask us
And then forgive
You taught us how to live

1 +2 We won't forget this!

2 You greeted us with a smile every morning,
They said something very important
How many nights spent without sleep
We saw love
There is love in your eyes.

1 How many years have you been mothers for us,
The best and most expensive,
Spare no time for us
And so our class
Always been in love with you

1+2 We sing to you now!

Etc. There was always a leader with us,
He was able to support and wise to give advice,
You are our educator and soul teacher,
Know that you are always in the window of light for us!

Presenter 1
First teacher and first call
The first desk and the first lesson -
They once came to you as kids,
You took us to the world of sciences with you.

Presenter 2
You taught us not only to read,
Taught to think, to dream about something,
Please now, please guide us
And announce your wise command.

Word to the first teacher

Song for primary school teachers


Chorus: One simple song
Or maybe not a song
Or maybe not simple
We want to sing for you.
We composed it
And they didn't even forget
-Maybe you forgot?
No, she remembers her class!

Girls and boys.
Or maybe sluts?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
And suddenly it's not easy at all
Have you been picked up somehow?
The courtyard of the house is tired,
teasing, noisy
Left and together
You are in first class.

They began to study
-Maybe they didn't?
Or maybe they decided
That it's nothing
But then the teacher came
And the road to knowledge
Together they found
Plus, one for all!

And the years rushed by
Or maybe not in a hurry
Or maybe unnoticed
They've been gone for a long time
Oh how they run
To return no more
- But the teacher is the first
Stayed the same!

Presenter 1
This friend of mine is an astrologer. She can look not only into the future, but also into the past.

Hello. I'm not a magician, but I can do something. Look here demonstrates a flask and a physical apparatus or formulas. If you want the university exams in physics and chemistry to pass like clockwork, use these devices correctly. No, no, you don’t need to put them under the pillow or under the threshold, but if you know them well, they will help no worse than the coolest talismans. Who does not believe me, see for yourself.


Potap and Nastya
Song for teachers of physics and chemistry

Potap The lesson is on, and we are sitting with Nastya,
Nastya And what is this topic? Some kind of horror!
Potap That is not, this theory is from Einstein,
Nastya And who is this?
Potap Well, it's just the end of the world!
Nastya Think! Well, I know all the rappers
And I just don't remember
Potap That same physicist, scientist, fool,
Nastya Who? Physicist? Oh, I'm already sick!

Chorus: I don't know what to do with this trouble,
There are some laws here, I'm afraid of them, I won't hide them,
And Potap insists that it will be necessary to pass the exam,
Maybe my father's or my mother's experience will help me?

Potap, recitative
I will ease my soul
And I'll sing about chemistry
Wait, without leaving the cash register,
Right here where I stand

Potap Okay, there's been a big change
Shall we go to chemistry?
Nastya Do you invite me?
Potap What more! You repeat faster
Nastya About what?
Potap About gram moths, maybe you will have time.
Nastya Tell me, what do these moths look like,
Do they fly and eat fur coats too?
Potap Well, you are dark, how will you write a practice book?
Nastya And you do not rush, show me the page.

Chorus: How to write me a practical worker, tell me urgently,
I need a remedy for moths - I know that for sure!
I will learn the rest, and Potap will help,
Somehow I will cope with the misfortune and with Potap too.

Presenter 1
And this hit is for a person in love with nature, for someone for whom the achievement of genetics is more important than a new fashion show - for a biology teacher. Stas Mikhailov
I will share with you, friends,
I've been in love since I first met
I can't live a day without her
Even though I'm not very good at it.
I don't eat without it and I don't sleep,
All because I love her.

Chorus: Only for her I sing like Caruso,
I recognize her as my muse,
For her I will cross wormwood with watermelon,
For her.
And with her alone I will be the best at school,
For her, I will sound the fish of the sea,
For her, I'll torture Darwin,
For her.

And in high school, they say
Teaching genetics
Paragraph every sweet poison,
And I drink it with delight.
I'm ready to teach for days
To receive her affectionate glance.

Presenter 2
They came to visit me ... you will never guess! Give up? Integral and Logarithm!

Hello Logarithm!

Hi Hi. What's new in mathematics?

sighs Everything is old. I worked at the lesson, as I visited a hot spot.

And do not say! When our ... "great mathematicians" come to the blackboard, I have a heart attack.

Fortunately, we are parting ways with them today. Wait, you hear one of them muttering something.

Logarithm with horror/i]
Just not proof!
Elena Vaenga
math teacher song
With formulas for "you"
I've never been
Though I crammed them until dark,
But this was not enough.

I'm afraid of logarithms
And I'm scared of integrals
I can't deal with simple roots,
And I don't even try anymore.

Chorus: I'm alone at the blackboard,
I write and erase again
And all around is silence
And do not take it as a basis.

Friends call for a walk
Friends cut off the phone
And I'm trying to solve theorems.
But I don't understand them!

Chorus: I'm alone at the blackboard,
And again no one will help
And all around is silence.
And there seems to be no way out.

Presenter 1
call in the studio. Oh, they seem to speak English, I think it's about Shakespeare. Now let's turn on the auto-translator ... speak, we listen to you!


duet: teacher - student
For teachers of English and foreign literature

I tried to tell you in English...
I didn't understand anything, trust me...
- I didn’t have time - the nightingales sang sweetly ...
- You forgot all my tasks!

Chorus: - Hello, hello, hello, mom,
Hello, hello, hello, mom,
(teacher picks up phone)
- Hello, hello, hello, mom,
Hello, hello, hello, mom,
I'm sorry, she has no excuse!
- I didn’t manage to pass the verse abroad,
And again, mother is called to school tomorrow ...
- If your success continues like this,
That “goodbye” will tell you the institute!

Chorus: Hello, hello, hello, mom,
Hello, hello, hello, mom,
You are now called to the teachers' council!
(teacher picks up phone)
Hello, hello, hello, mom,
Hello, hello, hello, mom,
I'm sorry, she has no excuse!

Presenter 2
Political advertising is on our wave. The UCHOP party (the full name is the student opposition) calls to join its ranks. Party program: for each student - ready-made cheat sheets for
exams, tips from teachers on each issue, solved test papers, scholarship, finally, in the amount of the subsistence maximum! Join our ranks!

Presenter 1
And where was this party before? I think the ad is a bit late?

Presenter 2
Wait a minute, someone else is breaking through to us phone call. We listen to you!


N. Babkina
Song for the teacher of the Russian language

That I love the Russian language so much
I study day and night, I drive my friends away,
And they say it's bullshit.

Am I to blame, am I to blame
What is sweet for me to say,
That my voice trembles, speech runs like a stream,
He knows how to give me joy.

Am I to blame, am I to blame
That I'm the only one who teaches him
Let it be hail, let it be thunder, I sleep with a dictionary -
I want to know the language perfectly.

Presenter 1
Attention! Action on the wave of "Our Radio": everyone who wants to express their love for their native literature can go live, you can also dance, and all this is free!
Here comes the first call!


Nikolay Baskov
Russian language and literature teacher

How many of your lessons
We sat without breathing
Line products
We all wanted to hear.
Cleverly how they attached
To Russian you us culture,
And today we all said:
Thanks to literature.

Etc. We will kiss your hands
We will thank you for everything
We will now open the world ourselves -
After all, you taught him to love.

We will kiss your hands
For the fact that you did not spare the soul,
We have learned so many new things
And we are not in a hurry to part.

For theme essays
You knew how to choose
We are happy to write
What you dare not say.
They taught us to keep our souls,
Always be yourself
Thanks from us the best -
We speak with love.

Presenter 1
And now an advertisement for a thriller popular in school circles: mysteriously classes are long over, the darkness is getting thicker... the front door opens with a soft creak... a fantastic shadow creeps along a dark corridor... what will happen next? patter You will learn about this and much more if you visit the gym at the end of classes, and for one and our shooting range. By the way, the gym is one of the pain points of our administration.
Olya Polyakova
Physical education teachers, pre-conscription training

I didn't really like physical education,
In six months, once I went to the lessons,
Why do I need some kind of goat for life,
When a long time ago my dad found everything I needed.

I ate pies and cakes,
There should be a lot of good bodies,
But something my whole family fell into horror,
When for the first time I did not fit into the door of the apartment.

Chorus: When I raced from physical-ry without looking back,
Fashionable flip flops spanked heels,
Slap, slap, slap,
And the lesson was left behind again.
Now I can't run, don't ask
You are looking for me on the bench,
One two Three,
It's a shame, well, girls, don't say anything there.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

And DPY is somehow not very good either,
Although the military instructor is just (kiss), by the way,
Imagine, once he gave me a machine gun in my hands,
Although then he himself was, believe me, not happy.

Chorus: When I accidentally pulled the trigger,
The whole school was shaking in unison,
Oh, oh, oh
What started such a commotion?
When we rushed from the lessons without looking back, 2-3 times
Conscience did not step on our heels,
We're wrong
I would like to return everything back, but alas!

Presenter 2 looking at something carefully

Presenter 1
Something interesting?

Presenter 2
Yes, I'm going on vacation, I'm studying the map.

Presenter 1
And where are you going?

Presenter 2
Yes, somewhere in historical places, but I haven’t decided yet, come with me for company!

Presenter 1
Lets do it! I also had an eternal problem with cards at school, so we'll figure it out together.


Borisenko brothers
Geography, history (teacher-student duet, two couples)

Chorus: 1 At the map, you and I will again make an appointment,
Get ready to sit over it at home you evening,
And only in the sky the stars-candles will light up,
Find the polar one right away.
She will show you the right path to me,
According to the compass, you take an approximate azimuth,
Tell me everything you've launched since the first week
And we will be with you along the way.

2 You will pronounce the magic words:
- The lesson is over, goodbye,
I hasten to disappear from your eyes, but, alas,
Desire is not fulfilled.
Your stern voice at the door caught up with me,
And I have to return to the table,
But after all, I already told you everything I could,
And now you are like a rock.

Chorus repeats

3 And again the lesson, and the map again, but with dates,
For some reason I must remember them,
Well, let me go and don't torment me anymore
Release, history, me.
After all, slavery in the world, it seems, ended a long time ago,
And I'm a slave, I'm your hostage,
You better show a movie in class
And then we will make friends with you.

4 Chorus: - I'm sorry, but I don't really understand you,
After all, you didn’t give me so many topics, I remember,
I just fall asleep under your answers
And you decided to joke with me.
Find me when you're ready for the answer
Otherwise, I'll just ruin your summer,
And your song will be ingloriously sung,
So hurry up to learn history.

Presenter 2
Meet the star guest: Verka Serduchka!

Hi all!

Presenter 2
How are you, Vera, are you okay?

But it's good there! I am here and he is there!

Presenter 2
Who is he?

Who, who, computer! I'm like a hare without a drum without him!


Verka Serdiuchka

Chorus: I communicate with him alone
And I don't miss
I'll grow wiser next to him
I promise.
If he's out,
Boredom hurts me
I know everything about me
He'll teach.

I will tell you a secret
You just need to start
Even if it's not worth it
I can't be silent
I'm not like everyone
Not like everyone else:
My computer is dearer to me
World treasures of all.

Why am I without him
like Venus without hands
In summer and winter he
My best friend
What is love,
He taught me
And me, who would believe
For life he tamed.

Presenter 2
And now, as always at this time, we are starting the Hello Kiss program. phone call. We listen to you, speak.

Presenter 2
Hello. Where are you from, what is your name? Oh, there seem to be a lot of you?

Presenter 1
Are you calling straight from graduation?

Presenter 1
To whom shall we say hello?

Presenter 1
Wonderful. After all, parents are sacred! Will you kiss?

Presenter 1
Curl your lips, are you ready? Kiss! kiss sounds Very expressive! What will you order?

Presenter 1
No problem. Go ahead, and I temporarily say goodbye to you, smack, smack!

During the performance of a song for parents, graduates dance with them

I miss you

Sergey Trofimov
It would seem, why be bored,
After all, we are still here, near,
And you are already bored.
Yes, you have to follow
Saddened by a secret glance,
When we leave home.

School left behind
And the children grew up
And the wide world awaits us,
As before, mom, wake up
You me at dawn
And hug for a long time, in reserve.

Pr Don't you miss us
Time can't be stopped
Our time has just come
Build, win, love.

We remember everything you give us
Learn without giving up
And we assure you, we will not let you down.
We will try for you
So that the aspirations come true
And we will come to you for advice.

Because you are always near
Both in joys and in troubles.
Thank you for everything today
We're flying out of the nest
And we are not allowed to know
What's ahead, because the world is unique.

Presenter 1 phone call
I listen to you, speak.

Presenter 1
Sure, with pleasure!


from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Service staff
A new artist appears for every verse.

1 If I were a secretary at this school,
I would give you references for everything, friends:
People got permission to smoke
And about not walking - sleep all year round!

2 If I were a sultan, I would love books,
I would be more educated than all my wives!
In the meantime, God knows, I'm too lazy to read them -
Wives with a book sit every single day!

They go to the library in the morning,
On me, imagine, all their kids!

3 Technician here if I were,
I would forget about a rag with a bucket forever -
LG vacuum cleaners three per floor
Your obedient servant would have bought then!

4 If I were the supply manager here for at least a day,
I would, like Copperfield, work wonders:
I would have materialized a hundred bucks,
And then the interior would become unrecognizable!

Not bad very sofa from "Progress",
The kids will be immediately interested!

5 If I could have summed up the table stat here, (emphasis)
I would open a restaran, I would feed everyone:
Chips, cola and mars, orbit, marmalade
Ne zhalel I would hand out for you for free!

All We can sing this song to you without end,
But we can't wait to finish the concert,
If you like our whole skit,
We will repeat in a year, and now the Sabbath!

Invite us again in a year,
Our new concert will shock you all!

Presenter 1
Breaking up is never easy
But the roads are already calling into the distance,

Presenter 2
The world has spread them so wide
That it’s not a pity to part with childhood,

Presenter 3
School was our alphabet,
Here we learned the first steps,

Presenter 4
She poured the power of knowledge into us,
Opening the Temple of Science.

Presenter 1
With her, we matured and grew,
Dawn experienced the first feelings,

Presenter 2
And sure: on Earth
There is simply no better school.

Presenter 3
It's just time to leave
Please, school, do not forget us,

Presenter 4
Well, we will love you
Our incomparable, farewell!


S. Rotaru
General song of the school

What is happening to us all of a sudden?
We all want to solve the mystery
This childhood is leaving today
And there's no way to catch up with him.

Do not return, no matter how much we want,
We can't bring him back, we can't stop him,
And we, we can't forget school.

Chorus With childhood, we part here on the threshold,
Tomorrow we will all be on the road
Everyone will follow their dream
Everyone will meet love.
How are we now without you, dear,
You were our home, everyone knows
But this night will pass


ceremonial part of the prom, 11th grade

Leading.: Good evening, dear parents, teachers, guests! Today in our school is a traditional and at the same time always special holiday for generations of graduates - their graduation ball! We congratulate everyone who came to this celebration, and, above all, graduates and their parents. Graduate! How proud that sounds!
Alumni invitation to the evening
2.Attention! And now, dear guests! The solemn moment is coming! To greet the graduates - nominees for the "Success" award, I ask everyone to stand up! Meet, greet the cheerful, charming, brilliant, wonderful graduates of our school - graduates of 2016.
(applause, graduates enter to the music and take their places)

Leading .That's behind the year of your studies...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And tonight we wanted to
You would remember every moment...
While you are together, in class, still nearby ...
And ahead is a long, difficult path.
And there is the possibility of a kind, gentle look
Ask for forgiveness - for something!
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams, and dreams!
So that you find a job to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again

Reportage "Graduates of 2016" (head teacher)


Presentation of certificates

student1. Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
Try to make your dream come true

student 2

On a farewell note, he froze.
Only the most important lesson
Ahead, where all life is an exam.

Leading. Graduation party is declared open.

(Anthem sounds)
Leading . Nowadays it has become fashionable to hold awards in various categories. Remember, for example, "Teffi", "Nika", "Golden Gramophone", "Oscar" finally!
2. We decided to keep up with these traditions, and tonight the winners in the following categories will be announced.
1. Sponsors of the evening are respected parents.
2. Please note that there are young ladies and gentlemen in dresses from the best couturiers in the world!
1. But these are not haute couture days at our school, but a solemn ceremony of presenting certificates of basic education for 11th grade graduates of the Municipal Autonomous educational institution"Secondary school No. 52 of the city of Orsk"!
2. Still, by this day the guys went almost 11 thousand lessons!
1. 20 thousand calls rang!
2. At least half a ton of notebooks was written, 2 tons of school chalk were spent, 100 packs of powder were used to wash off devils, formulas and various words from school desks!
1. Look how beautiful children have grown up - your hope, your support, your future!

Our ceremony would not have taken place without the head of the Success Award. The floor for greeting is given to the director of the school Chursina V.A.

And we proceed directly to the ceremony of announcing the nominations of the winners of the award

"Success 2016"!


The first nomination - "Pride of the school"! music screensaver

11th grade students are nominated. The winners are(open envelope)

Shirkina Anastasia

Yuchinskaya Maria

Yapparova Karina

Martyanova Ekaterina

Afonina Alena

Certificates and medals are awarded.

And we continue to announce the nominations of our festive evening and announce nomination No. 2, which sounds like this: “Ready for work and defense.”

The winners in this nomination, please announce to the representatives of the city sports committee. The word is given by __________________________________________

The third nomination "Modesty is the sister of talent"! music screensaver

These are some of the best. We learned about their achievements very often after the announcement of the results.

Mokina Irina

Martynov Alexey

Kondrakov Vladislav

Nomination next "Sun of class". music screensaver

No matter what the weather is today
Even if it's raining outside
In the soul and in the heart it is easy in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.

Barykina Ekaterina

Maderov Vladimir

Vybornov Valery

The next nomination is “Golden Voice of the Issue -2016”! music screensaver

1. If you suddenly play what you need,
They will set the stage for you in an instant,
And marvel at the talent
Everyone in the school is a student!

Zaluznaya Elizabeth

2. The winner in this nomination is invited: Inimitable, sweet, tireless dreamer, flexible and slender, worthy of all gifts, daring, funny, groovy, glorious - this is our ...

The next nomination is ""They only dream of peace"!!! music screensaver

It's definitely about them.
About those who are called the ringleader
and the "soul" of any company.
This is a sparkle in the eyes and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy
There they are - sitting next to you on the neighboring chairs!

The winners in this category are

Zhitenev Maxim

Mirmanov Roman

Sobolenko Victoria

Nomination "Dreamer" music screensaver

Girls dream of princes since childhood,
And Grey, sailing scarlet, is waiting,
Not noticing that with them together
Nearby their dreams go through life.

The winners in this category are
Basina Inessa

Afanasiev Egor

Chobanyan Elizabeth

Nomination "Brush of the Century" music screensaver

Great people are not born, they become great. Perhaps we will see the works of the nominees of this nomination sometime in the galleries of the world.

The winners in this category are

Maksimova Daria

Galyuk Ekaterina

Teymurova Sabina

Sumenkova Xenia

Baileyson Daria

How nice that we have such geniuses who claim to become winners innomination "Sleepy Hollow"

Lobanov Vyacheslav

Tolokonnikov Ivan

Buklenkova Valeria

Preparing for the presentation of the "Success" award, the organizing committee established the following nomination, having analyzed every moment of the school nomination

Success Award. Nomination "Three from the casket".

The winners in this category are

Panamaryuk Alexey

Aitzhanov Arstan

Karelin Vladislav

Final words


That the circle will not open for days,
However, the evening comes
And everything is changing around.
The candle will drop the cooled age,
With a strange silence in harmony.
And suddenly you want in the palm of your hand
Catch a Fallen Star:
And between the future and the past
Dream and childhood behind

Tonight is graduation night.

Leading .A good tradition has developed in our school: graduates leave wishes to the oldest students of the school - future graduates.

Dear children, fill out the TIME CAPSULE by writing your wishes to future graduates.
music screensaver

Tired of the spring noise
Through the exams we broke through.
And as if we have become more mature,
And they gathered for the graduation ball.
This holiday, it is wonderful, magical,
Repeats every summer.
It is for school, albeit not the last one,
For you, it is the final chord.

Departs childhood to distant countries,
Forever leaving your pier.

And at this hour of the last parting,
Suddenly both joy and sadness mingled.
You do not say to childhood: "Goodbye"
And you whisper after a short: "Farewell."

Well, let's honor a moment of silence,
Funny childhood - an imaginary school region.
You do not say to childhood: "Goodbye"
And you whisper after a short: "Farewell."

Leading. The ceremonial part of the prom is declared closed

This year our school is graduating its best students. This is truly a stellar release. Among the graduates there are diploma holders and winners of olympiads and scientific and practical conferences, prize-winners creative competitions and sports competitions, the guys were active participants in all competitions, olympiads.
And today the long-awaited graduation ball has come! Among all this fuss, I want to stop and remember how eleven years ago you, having come with your parents by the hand in a brand new beautiful uniform, heard the first call for the first time! As the first teacher, so kind, sensitive and attentive, she invited you to the class. And there - the first acquaintance with classmates, then the first books, the first grades, the first break. First love...
Eleven years! For eleven years, all of you, all so different, rejoiced together, grieved, came up with scenarios together, listened to morality from the class teacher, drew wall newspapers, prompted those who stood at the blackboard, and you yourself often needed a hint, copied off and let them write off ...
Eleven years!.. These long eleven years will forever remain in your memory as an exciting adventure filled with events! So take a deep breath of this unforgettable flavor of the school! Do not rush to erase everything connected with it from your memory, because it will never happen again in your life! Look around, standing in the corridor, of the school: these are your last days of being here as a student ... Feel how childhood is slipping away from you like a transparent, elusive haze. Realize that you are parting with the need to see every morning with your usual, so different, but still beloved classmates. Love all the teachers, if only for the fact that they will never again teach you and give you two marks ... And let the tears not seem surprising to you, because at this moment you are one whole - a class that in a few hours will crumble into many small particles ...
We wish you to carry through the years and distances that childhood dream that was born right here - within the walls of your native school!

Lisa. Years flew by unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know this moment of parting
You can never forget!
Try to make your dream come true
And boldly go into a big life!

Katya Bar .Believe in friendship, do not doubt yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!
The last bell has rung
On a farewell note, he froze.
Only the most important lesson
Ahead, where all life is an exam

Katya Mar.

Let them say that time heals
That the circle will not open for days,
However, the evening comes
And everything is changing around.
The candle will drop the cooled age,
With a strange silence in harmony.
And suddenly you want in the palm of your hand
Catch a Fallen Star:
And between the future and the past
Dream and childhood behind
Like a fragile bridge, thrown over
Tonight is graduation night.