What makes people rich? What makes a man rich is his heart What good have rich people done

  • 03.06.2020

Almost all people strive to achieve material success. But it doesn't work out for everyone. Today we want to talk about the activities that keep poor people poor.

We understand that reading this article will be frustrating for many. It can cause a feeling of rejection and a desire to argue. But before you give in to emotions, think about what you are doing from what you read, how it affects the situation in which you are now. Draw conclusions, and then try to apply them in practice to improve your life.

The list of occupations that hinder the growth of a person’s financial opportunities is compiled taking into account the opinions of representatives of different segments of the population: rich and poor people. Do not take it as an undeniable truth. There are always exceptions. No one can control all life circumstances and random moments. However, knowing these activities and habits will help you look at the situation from a different angle. It is possible that by stopping wasting time on unproductive habits, you will achieve the goals that you have been striving for a long time. So let's start.

1. TV

Poor people often watch TV for a long time. The connection is not the most obvious, but if a person has a lot of time to watch their favorite programs, films and TV shows, as a rule, the material condition of such a person leaves much to be desired. Count the hours the average family spends mindlessly staring at the TV screen. Almost all free time! This occupation distracts a person and does not allow him to move forward. If you know when the next celebrity wedding is, keep an eye out for new episodes of evening shows, or have a favorite sports channel, you may be watching too much TV.

How does this affect financial success? Let's explain. gossip about life famous people don't help you succeed. But they benefit celebrities. Rich people tend to be on TV, not watch it. You might argue that you watch comedy shows to take a break from your problems. But therein lies the catch! You run away from reality in the series instead of solving the problem and changing the reality that does not suit you.

John Lennon once said: "It is rare that we have time with pleasure and at the same time do not waste it." Think about it. Do you really enjoy watching TV that much?

You can say that television helps to keep abreast of what is happening in the world. For example, if you watch the news. However, most news channels cover events in a biased way to fit their direction. Instead, you can skim the news on the Internet. In a few minutes, compare different sources and get an idea of ​​what is happening. Then immediately get down to business.

2. Fast food

Poor people eat fast food. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of health. But strangely enough, many poor people are not interested in the composition of what they eat, and what a healthy diet should be. A poor person eats a lot of sugar and fats, which have little nutritional value and practically destroy the body. As a result, they do not get enough energy, get tired quickly and do not give 100% at work. If a person is unhealthy, all aspects of his life are affected. He suffers physically and mentally. The professional and even romantic aspects of his life sag.

3. Mindless savings

Poor people buy things and products at discount prices. Although the only thing worth investing in is assets. While the poor are trying to stretch what they have over the long term, the rich are multiplying their incomes. Think clothes are sold on sale because people who have the money to buy things at full price didn't want to buy them. Therefore, by purchasing such things, you begin to look like exactly the one who could not pay the full price.

4. Long sleep

At a young age, the poor get up later than the rich. In youth, such people are more lazy. This statement is based on statistics. Those who strive for development and growth in their younger years are less likely to remain poor in adulthood. If a person wakes up at noon, does not educate himself, fills his day with meaningless activities, he is so far behind life that he ends it without having achieved success. The interesting point is that people who don't focus on personal growth in their youth, are forced to work much more in the future, and at the same time receive less, just to ensure their survival.

Recall the examples of famous rich people: Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and others. They all wake up early in the morning.

5. Interest in sports

Poor people are very interested in sports. At the same time, they do not go in for sports, but are fans, that is, they watch sports competitions. However, if a person is not an athlete and does not own a famous football club, there is no good reason for him to watch sports. It, like TV, helps to escape from the real world. Think about it, you deliberately choose a position in which you have absolutely no influence on the outcome of the game. Gradually, you get used to this behavior and become an outside observer of life, and not its full participant or owner. Therefore, it is easier for you to criticize others, rather than go and do better.

6. Hygiene

Poor people bathe less often than rich people. It sounds strange, even absurd. But if you think about it, there is a logical explanation for this. Many activities are related to the service sector, where people contact each other and exchange values. People who do not follow personal hygiene, it is more difficult to succeed than their clean counterparts. After all, a person tends to trust more with whom it is pleasant to interact. If someone smells bad, people try to avoid his company. These factors directly affect personal success. If people don't like you and don't want to spend time with you, what kind of partners will you attract? So the first step to success is a morning shower.

7. Responsibility for your actions

Poor people tend to blame others for their failures. How many of you know always find third-party reasons that prevented them from succeeding. 99% of your life depends on you. Remember, you are in control of your time, relationships, and opportunities. To bring about change, do something. Life is not a series of circumstances, but our reaction to them. When failures occur, the poor choose to be the victim. While the rich analyze the situation and find out its causes in order to prevent this from happening in the future. While some suffer and feel sorry for themselves, others use it for development.

8. Cash savings

Poor people don't have money savings. They differ from the rich in that they do not think about what awaits them next. Savings help secure the future. If something unexpectedly bad happens, saving money will solve the problem. But if they are not, your life is in serious danger. You may have to sell your house or car, or look for a second job. When the situation is corrected, the rich retain their former position, but without savings. The living standards of the poor are seriously deteriorating.

The savings rule works not only in a bad situation, but also in a good one. If an opportunity to improve their lives comes across, wealthy people can invest the saved money and take advantage of it. And the rest are not able to afford it. Therefore, the rich increase wealth, and the poor increase poverty.

9. Loans

Poor people use credit cards or take out bank loans for unnecessary things. Rich people also take out loans, but use them differently. The rule is: if you borrow money to buy something that won't make you more money than was spent on it, don't do it. That is, loans are suitable for investing in profitable projects.

10. Children

Poor people tend to have children early and have more children than rich people. It takes a lot of money to raise a child. People rarely think about this when planning a child. In European countries, parents spend about 250 thousand euros on raising one child. This money hits hard on the family budget. Due to lack of education, poor environment and other factors, poor people have children at a young age. In contrast, wealthy people prefer to focus their energy on improving their lives in their youth, and then have children. They know what they can provide for the child good conditions for growing up, education and leisure, while not changing their lifestyle. The poor are different. With the birth of a child begins the eternal lack of money and almost the struggle for survival.

11. Health

Poor people do not get regular medical check-ups. What happens if a person develops a serious illness, such as cancer? If he regularly undergoes examination, he will detect it at an early stage, when there is a high probability of successful treatment. But if you do not make honey. inspections often enough, you can find out about the disease too late. Then the treatment will cost more and the chances of recovery will decrease.

12. Living beyond your means

Poor people spend money they haven't earned yet. This is a dangerous signal that indicates that you are living beyond your means, but you yourself do not notice it. If you constantly borrow money for purchases, you run the risk of sliding to the very bottom.

13. Friends

Poor people are surrounded by poor people. There is an assumption that a person is a cross between five of his close friends. That is, we are like the people with whom we most often communicate. If you are surrounded by five poor people, then you are probably the sixth. One of the good reasons why a person does not get rich is that there are always poor people around him, who reinforce each other's habit of being poor. You need to create an environment that will inspire and push you to take action. These are people who have achieved success, are doing serious projects, and are satisfied with their lives. Someone who is successful will more easily motivate you to succeed and help you overcome the current stagnation.

If your social circle hasn't changed since university, be doubly careful. Don't be afraid to step out of your usual campaign and find something better. By not doing this, you risk wasting your energy on people who want to see you the same as you were 10 years ago.

14. Achieving goals

Poor people never realize their ideas. We don't choose where we are born, our parents, or how society treats us. The only thing that is in our power is the efforts and efforts that we put into the realization of a dream. There are 24 hours in a day. It's the same for everyone. But some do a lot more than others. If you give your time to learning and achieving goals, then success will come to you sooner or later. Statistically, 9 out of 10 business ventures fail within the first three years. But how many of them didn't have a chance to succeed because they didn't even get started? In fact, all nine. If you have an idea, invest time and energy into its implementation, talk about it, listen to comments, make improvements, and try again and again.

15. Self-reliance

Poor people believe that someone else must help them achieve success. This is not true. No one owes nothing to nobody. You choose your own path and follow it yourself. Everything that happens in life is the result of your choice. In youth, every person dreams of being successful. He sees the result, but does not think through the actions. Therefore, often does not achieve the desired. Nothing happens by magic. Only the best and the best are rewarded with success, those who do not give up, are not afraid of difficulties and do not hide from reality. Such people always learn new things, adapt their behavior if the situation changes. They accept their responsibility for their lives.

Do the same and you will most likely meet strong people who share your views and desire for success. Otherwise, you will remain among the gray mass, which is prone to failure.

We hope this article will help you change your life and achieve your goals. Share it with those who are motivated by it just as much as you are.

Successful people differ from unsuccessful people not only in their charisma and determination, but, most importantly, in their way of thinking. What makes people rich? Directing their thoughts in the right direction. Do you want to become a successful and rich person? Start thinking differently! How? Read the article and find out...

What makes people rich

1. Correct programming.

2. The best time is now.

Most best time for success - now! You need to become successful and rich right now, not tomorrow, and not in a week, and not in a month. Any "tomorrow" always turns into "today", so there is no point in postponing something until tomorrow when you can do it now.

3. Look into the distance.

When you buy something, evaluate the thing in terms of long-term effect. That is, look not at the price that you will pay now, but at how much you will formally spend and what investments and resources (financial, temporary, labor) it will require in the future. Get into the habit of evaluating a purchase realistically before making it.

4. Healthy attitude to money.

Most people experience 2 opposite emotions for money - hate and love. Hatred arises when money begins to "control" a person's life. If they are not there, people take out a loan or a loan and fall into a debt hole and there is no longer a question of love for money. Refuse loans, do not borrow money, read about this in detail in the article. Also give up emotional purchases, euphoria passes, leaving behind a feeling of guilt and regret.

At the same time, people love money when they make their lives better with it and experience positive emotions at the same time. So, enjoy money, but don't let it "control" your life.

5. Creating value.

Money is attracted when a person focuses on creating value. We must learn to create value that other people need,
then the money will go to you. Many people who win the lottery quickly squander or lose that money because they didn't create value. And the money slipped through my fingers in an unknown direction. And people who create something necessary and valuable for other people will always be successful and rich.

6. Right thoughts.

If you yourself or your environment has a negative attitude towards money, then your subconscious mind is programmed against achieving success in financial sector. This approach needs to be changed. You also need to pay attention to your surroundings, to your friends and acquaintances - are they successful, can they teach you something useful or, on the contrary, drag you to the bottom. Successful people know that their income is equal to the average income of everyone around them. If you take the income of your friends and girlfriends and derive an average figure from it, this will be your approximate income. Therefore, communicating with successful, energetic and prosperous people is not only pleasant, but also very profitable.

7. Storing state in assets.

Prosperous people don't keep their wealth in money, they have assets. Unlike poor people who have only liabilities in the form of loans, debts and obligations. Money should always go in plus, not minus. I wrote about this in an article.

And, of course, successful and prosperous people always invest in their learning and development. Learning is your most valuable asset, because by gaining new knowledge and developing new skills, you can earn more.

Now you know, what makes people rich and you too can begin to thrive by starting to work on your way of thinking. Start thinking like a millionaire!

Good luck and pleasant surprises from life!

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Wealth is a very relative concept, and practically everyone puts something special into it. Not for everyone, wealth lies only in millions of salaries and expensive apartments, which is confirmed by many billionaires. In this regard, it is important for anyone who dreams of a solid state to have a clear idea of ​​what makes a person rich.

How to become rich: the rules of life for millionaires

According to people with colossal fortunes, they were able to achieve this only by learning to treat themselves and money properly. The main skills that wealthy people advise everyone to acquire are as follows:

- the ability to save money. Any money that comes to a person easily will not be appreciated by him, and, most likely, he will spend it quickly and senselessly. In this regard, no matter how much a person earns, the ability to save the received finances will be an important point;

- the ability to spend money wisely. Until a person learns how to properly manage money and spend less than he has earned, he will not be able to save anything even with a good salary. The fact that most people have not yet acquired this skill is evidenced by the high percentage of loans to the modern population;

- timely care for prosperity in retirement. Financial experts recommend not relying on the state or the help of children in old age, and recommend saving enough money from a young age so that you don't deny yourself anything after retirement. Thus, it is optimal to save 70-80 percent of your income for the retirement period.

Psychological approach to wealth

Talking about what makes a person rich, many experts call psychological willingness and the right attitude to money. So , money should become for a person not an enemy or a necessary evil , but a friend and ally , helping to realize all his desires . The same applies to the attitude to money as an end in itself. Such a view of wealth is fundamentally wrong - money should be for a person, first of all, a means to achieve goals.

For every rich person at one time, earning money at one time was an incentive for new beginnings or an opportunity to free themselves from various circumstances that deprived them of their freedom. For everyone, such an incentive may be different: getting rid of an unloved job, moving to another city, and much more.

In general, it does not matter what makes a person rich in each case, the main thing is that making money is meaningful and purposeful.

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Wealthy people do things that help them stay focused, energized and motivated, E finds ntrepreneur. This ensures income growth. If you want to get rich too, then copy these habits.

1. They try to be cool

Rich people control their emotions. Chartered financial planner Tom Corley surveyed 233 high-income and 128 low-income people from 2004 to 2007 to write Rich Habits. He found that wealthy people are united by the habit of maintaining self-control. “When you let your emotions take over, you literally turn off half of your brain. This is especially bad in a stressful situation when all your resources are required to solve the problem,” Tom wrote on his blog.

2. They set a goal and do not deviate from the path

Wealthy people have a clear plan of action that they adhere to. This was found out by Idan Spitzer, who earned $ 27 million from the company 911 Restoration (is engaged in the restoration of premises damaged by water). He says focusing on goals makes a difference successful people from those who are trying to survive.

3. They make a to-do list for the day

In Habits of the Rich, Tom Corley talks about how making a daily to-do list is one of the key habits of wealthy people. According to his research, such lists make up 81% of the rich and 19% of the poor. The author advises copying this habit. According to him, the list should include things that have an 80% chance of being completed within a day. In the evening you need to sum up.

4. They watch little TV

Tom Corley found that 67% of rich people watch TV for less than an hour a day, while 77% of poor people spend more than an hour daily on this process. Only 9% of wealthy people watch reality shows, while among the poor, 78% do. Do you want to become rich? Watch less TV.

5. They invest in relationships

Networking is one of the main secrets of millionaires. On his blog, Tom Corley reveals that 79% of wealthy people spend at least five hours a month networking. Only 16% of poor people do the same.

The expert recommends using contacts with acquaintances. These can be former classmates or classmates, work colleagues, friends and just acquaintances. They may be related to the people you need. Just ask for contacts that are missing.

6. They are educating themselves

Millionaires are learning to make money out of thin air. To do this, they are engaged in self-development. They use podcasts, read business books, watch TED as tools. The rich want to know everything.

Research by Tom Corley shows that 63% of wealthy people listen to audiobooks on their way to work. Only 5% of poor people are like this.

7. They reserve time for themselves

Bestselling writer Brandon Burchard dated many rich people, including Bill Gates and Richard Branson. He noticed that all rich people make time for themselves. Use it for promotion, doing art, thinking about strategies, etc. “If you haven’t scheduled this time in your calendar for today, then you can lose your footing,” says Brandon.

8. They limit the working day

In an article for Inc, entrepreneur Murray Newlands said rich people know when to end their work day. “Company owners fall into the trap of thinking that the more they work, the more they achieve. I rarely do this,” Murray writes. He advises to stop the working day at 5 or 6 pm. After that, do not follow the phone and email until the next day. This restriction helps to relax and recharge.

9. They eat healthy food

No, rich people don't constantly eat steaks and drink expensive red wine. Healthy eating is one of the habits of millionaires. For example, writer and philanthropist Tony Robbins has revealed that he does not use caffeine, alcohol, nicotine or drugs. According to his personal trainer, Tony eats eggs and coconut bread for breakfast, a big green avocado salad for lunch, and organic protein potatoes and vegetables for dinner.

You have probably noticed that families with the same monthly income live differently. Someone can save money, someone lives from paycheck to paycheck. Why is this happening?

In psychology, there is a direction that studies the way of thinking and behavioral strategies of poor and rich people. According to experts, a person with a high income has certain habits that help them earn more. We will talk about these habits in this article.

Habits are our second nature.

They make us act and think stereotypically. And to do so again and again, despite the unsatisfactory results obtained. So, the habit of buying things in installments or on credit deprives us of the opportunity to fully manage our own income.

The actions that we perform daily or in a certain situation, that is, our habits, depend on the way we think. By changing your own perception of the world, in particular, ideas about wealth and rich people, you can earn more.

People who received inheritance or winning in lottery large sums, most often do not become millionaires. Because they don't know how to handle money. Scientists say that poor people have a psychological ban on wealth. Since in our society there is a stereotype that you cannot become a millionaire in an honest way.

Researcher Thomas Corley I tried to understand the difference between the behavior and habits of a person who earns millions of dollars and people whose annual income was less than $150,000. He found that most millionaires have the same habits and lifestyle. He cites figures that were obtained from a survey of 233 people with a high annual income and 128 whose income was low.

  • 44% of wealthy people Wake up at least three hours before work. Only about 3% of the poor do this.
  • 88% of millionaires read daily, allocating this from half an hour. Although among the poor, 26% said they love to read, only 2% do it every day.

Among the habits of wealthy people, Corley notes that 67% write down their goals. As the survey showed, the rich do not watch TV and reality shows, but prefer to play sports and conduct healthy lifestyle life.

Let's take a closer look at what habits unite people who have managed to earn millions of dollars.

Habits of rich people

Don't procrastinate. Once you've made a decision, take action. Do not delay, someone can realize your idea, and you will be left with nothing. Do not wait for the "convenient" moment, you may miss your chance. have read useful information- start using it. If you act under the motto of Scarlett " I'll think about it tomorrow", you'll never get rich.

Work not for someone else, but for yourself. So you can earn in proportion to the efforts invested, and not a salary. And this is the strongest incentive. is in second place in the Forbes ranking. To date, he has 67 billion dollars. And in 1975, he and his wife started a business of sewing bathrobes and underwear in their own living room. Today the firm Zara world famous brand.

Do what you love. If a person sincerely loves his work, he will undoubtedly succeed. And professionalism and dedication will help you become financially independent. It's never too late to change careers.

Set global goals. If the task is to earn a certain amount, then you will receive it. Start by setting a goal of earning $5,000. You can do more, but not less. And take small daily steps towards your goal. The right goals are those that are realistic to achieve, and depend only on you, and not on the weather, other people or fortune.

Connect with people, make contacts. Other people pay us money. A large social circle will help you quickly find investors or potential buyers.

Invest. Money must make money. They should not lie under the mattress, waiting in the wings. Expand the geography of your business, buy shares, invest in real estate.

Know your worth. Your time is your money. Before calling the cost of services, study the market. Treasure your reputation and do not miss the opportunity. The creator of the ATM prototype received only five dollars for his invention, although he could have earned millions on the money dispenser. And one more vivid example, you know the image of a smiley face on a yellow background? The Spain Brothers bought a licensed image and earned over $50 million from it. Emoticon creator Harvey Ball received $45.

Think outside the box. Income can bring completely unexpected things. Paul Brown the creator of the capped bottle was able to sell the business and design rights for $14 million. Inventor of children's bright toys Rainbow» earned about $250 million. The idea came when he saw how a metal spring fell and began to "step over" on the floor. The creator of the stickers, his idea helped to earn more than a billion dollars.

Spending less than earning. Most people increase their spending in proportion to their income. So, if the salary was raised, then again it all goes to acquisitions. Rich people do not try to spend money right away, they save it before they are successfully invested. We must learn to live on a certain amount, and when receiving more than that, create savings for passive income. You need to properly plan your expenses and not make impulsive purchases. The aforementioned Warren Buffett, ranked third on the Forbes list, lives in a house he bought back in 1957 for just over $30,000.

Appreciate your time. Rich people do not count how much they earn per month or year, but how much they receive per hour. Review your day and consider what activities are not benefiting your health, business, or family. Exclude watching useless films, secular correspondence in in social networks, empty phone calls and you will have temporary resources for self-education, planning and for a good rest.

See the possibilities. For a person going to financial independence, the glass is not half empty, but one in which you can add water. He does not focus on problems and why this happened, but quickly looks for ways to solve or eliminate it.

willingness to share. Most rich people are distinguished by their generosity. They participate in charity, sponsor public and scientific programs, become patrons of art. They are ready to help other people, but only if they themselves want it. Don't treat money as an end, it's just a means to an end.

Create a quality product that people need. Only that product or service will generate income that really simplifies a person's life. If the client is satisfied, then he will definitely come back to you.

Take responsibility. Wealthy people attribute all their successes and failures to themselves. The rich believe that he himself makes his life the way it is, while the poor believe in luck and believe that nothing depends on him. Wealthy people are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

By changing your habits, setting clear goals for yourself, and making a plan to achieve them, you are sure to achieve financial success. The main thing is not to stop, but to go towards your dream.

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