You can't live the script without him. The script of the holiday "we are for a healthy lifestyle." "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

  • 13.11.2019

Decoration, equipment, props. Book exhibition: "Road to good health" with subsections: "Charging life's batteries", "Stand up!".

Posters: “There is no greater victory than victory over yourself!”, “Sport is health!”, “If you want to be strong, run!”.
Projector and screen for showing presentations, balls, balls, sticks, buckets, bows.

Leading. Hello! People often say this good, kind word when they meet. They wish each other health. So we turn to you - hello, dear participants, guests.

Greetings to all who found the time,
And he came to us for a health lesson,
We will be healthy, friendly with charging.
We need sports with physical education, as we need air.

Leading. Students of the 9th grade of school No. 1 came to congratulate you on the opening of classes.

student 1. Hello! Hello! Hello!
Today here in the reading room,
We are a sport, skill is compatible.
We will dedicate this glorious holiday with you to wonderful games.

student 2. Abu Ali Ibn Son "Medical advice"
Proud of a slender figure.
He who sits for a century Is subject to all flaws.
Be friends with gymnastics
Always be cheerful
And live a hundred years
And maybe even more.
Potions, powders - A false path to health.
Heal by nature - In the garden and in the open field.

student 3. To grow us strong
Three four. (stomp)
dexterous, skillful,
To grow up healthy
We are charging!
Charging - stand up!
One-two! (Stomps right - left foot)
Islands. (Hands show a circle)
Three four! (stomp)
We sailed. (Hands makes "swimming"
Five six! (stomp)
Get down here! (Right hand forward palm up, left palm down)
Seven eight! (stomp)
How many pines! (Hands up alternately.)
Nine ten! (stomp)
We're on our way! (Imitation of a step with the fingers of both hands)
Counted (Stomp)
To ten. (Head tilt forward)

Leading. Health is a priceless gift that nature gives to man. Did you know that 10% of our health is genetic, 5% is given by medicine, and 85% depends on ourselves, on our lifestyle. Therefore, without health it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. And often we waste this gift in vain, forgetting that losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult.
Better to be active and healthy than passive and sick! It is better to go through life with a bright smile than with a grimace of pain. Healthy living habits are as essential as air, water, food!

Leading. So, the strongest, most resourceful and friendly teams arrived to us.

First team: "Sportsmen"

Motto. Be healthy!
Always healthy!
Our best friends Sun, air and water Sun, air and water Our best friends.
Speech. Love sports, be strong,
We gave the word to the Motherland to strengthen peace on earth.
Song. We are the southern region, we are a friendly detachment,
We are made up of cool guys.
The commander will always help us - We are a team together, we are a family together.
Our team is called "Sportsmen"
Move over people, we're always ahead!
Team two: "Vitaminchiki"
Motto. We cannot do without movement We are always energized We will ignite your spark,
Let's recharge everyone around.
Speech. One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two The sport of high achievement - This is a dispute of high goals.
Song. Sports and health,
Agility and strength.
It is necessary that the school instilled it.
One day the children will say affectionately:
No lesson
Better in the world.
Leading. We can start our fun starts! proverbs, because folk wisdom says the truth, proverbs, and you continue.

Proverbs For team 1:

Take care of the dress again, and health ... (from a young age)
Cleanliness is half ... (health)
From health ... (not treated)
It would be health, but happiness ... (there is)
Where is health there ... (beauty)
Move more - you will live ... (longer)
Lie down after lunch, after dinner ... (walk around)
Bow seven ailments ... (heals)

For team 2:
Disease does not go through the forest ... Taking care of health is the best ... To each his own disease ...

Teams are responsible.
Leading. Where does it start good morning? (Guys answer). Someone thinks that spending precious time in the morning on exercises, when you are about to be late for school, is an unforgivable luxury. And absolutely in vain. It has been proven that it is exercise that helps wake up and make the body work. To be useful, charging must be done for at least fifteen minutes. By exercising every morning, you increase immunity by at least 50%. You know that exercises are done not for show, but for the sake of your health.
Leading. Now let's move on to the main competitions.

"Breath! Do not breath"

The task of the players is to inflate one balloon. Whoever completes the task faster, that team wins.

Leading. It's good that there are games in the world!
Second test.

Relay "Hold the ball"

The players stand in pairs. Each participant in the game has a stick 35-40 cm long. One has it in his left hand, and the other has it in his right hand. Each pair is given a ball. Holding the ball with sticks, run the distance and, without stopping at the finish line, return to the start line. Which team can do it faster, that team will win. If the ball fell, it must be picked up and the run continued, then passed to another pair, etc.

Relay "Carry the ball"

Players stand in pairs opposite each other. The ball must be carried by foreheads to a certain place and back, then passed to the second pair. Etc.

Relay with a bow

The target will be a bucket, and the bow will be a garden onion. The bucket is placed at a distance of two meters. Bulbs are laid out at the finish line, their number is equal to the number of team members. On a signal, the players throw the bulb into the bucket. A team earns as many points as there are bulbs in its bucket.

Team quiz

1. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? (No)
Comment: chewing gum cleans only
the chewing surface of the teeth, and the most dangerous areas in terms of caries in the gaps between the teeth cannot be cleaned with chewing gum! The best way to fight tooth decay is a toothbrush.

2. Do bananas really lift your spirits? (Yes)


program "We are for healthy lifestyle life!"


Location: assembly hall DDT

Leading:Moroz N.V.

Deputy Director for BP

Time: 14.00

Purpose of the event: teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle

Tasks: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of students' convictions about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, determining the conditions for maintaining health, about health as the most important value, the implementation of children's initiatives.

Decoration of the hall, stage: posters "Yeralash of Health", (association "Tin Club") "First Aid Kit of Health" ("Spirit"), pictures about health.

Event equipment: projector,healthy lifestyle videos , posters, musical arrangement, visual and handout material.

Music sounds: "Breath of nature"

Screen saver: "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Vedas:Human! He's nature too!
He is also a sunset and sunrise,
And four seasons in it,
And a special time course in it,
And a special mystery of light,
Now with cruel, now with good fire!
Man - he is winter or summer,
Or autumn with thunder and rain?

Hello guys!I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all good health. Why does greeting always sound like a wish to each other for health? Because health is the most important value for a person.People often say to each other when they meet this is a good, kind word. The word hello is very old. Associated with the word tree. Once upon a time, people, pronouncing the word hello, wished others to be healthy, strong, powerful like a tree, like an oak, for example.

And now, when we say this word, we wish a person to be healthy, strong, strong.

Do you know what is the most precious thing in the world? Of course, this is life, health. Even in ancient Russia they said "Health is more valuable than wealth."

The most important thing in life is health!Try to understand this from childhood!The main value is health!Can't be bought but easy to lose.

On the healthy meaning of life
We must discuss the matter.
How can we live for many years?
How to achieve big wins?

Be happy and successful
And be beautiful, of course!
Do not grumble, do not lose heart,
Don't shy away from difficulty!

Don't be afraid of drafts
Forget about doctors!
There is one simple recipe:
Health - yes!
Diseases - no!

Health is a priceless gift that nature gives to man. Without it, it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. But how often do we waste this gift in vain, forgetting that losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult.A person's health, first of all, depends on himself, on how he takes care of him, on his lifestyle. It has been proven that more than half of all diseases are acquired in childhood.

I want to tell you one story:

In one fairy-tale country, on the shores of a beautiful sea, there was a palace. It was inhabited by a ruler who had 3 sons. The father loved his sons, and they responded to him in return. Children grew up kind, obedient, hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - the children were often sick. The ruler invited the wisest people of the country to the palace and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done so that people live happily ever after? The wise men conferred for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “A person’s health depends largely on the way of life, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations.” The ruler listened to the sage and ordered to open a Health school for all the children of the country.

Today we will go to Health School . You will learn a lot about yourself, about the characteristics of your body, learn how to take care of your health so as not to get sick, grow strong and healthy.

What is a healthy person?

(Strong, strong, he is not sick, physically and mentally well.)

To be healthy, you need tohealthy lifestyle.

By what signs do we know that a person leads a healthy lifestyle?

(A person goes in for sports, has no bad habits, observes the daily routine, does not get sick, eats right.)

Meals need to be planned during the day. How many times do you need to eat?(At least 3 times.)

The most important meal of the day is the morning. The ancients said: "Eat breakfast yourself." Why?

What products did your breakfast consist of today?(Doctors recommend eating dairy dishes, scrambled eggs, tea with a sandwich for breakfast.)

Can you buy health?

Received from nature gift

Not a ball or a balloon.

It's not a globe. Not a watermelon

Health. Very fragile cargo.

To live a happy life

Vitamins are just amazing!

They bring so much joy:

All diseases and colds

Fall before them

That's why always

For good health

Complete food -

The most important condition!

Berries, fruits, vegetables are the main sources of vitamins. Vitamins are essential for our body.

Remember the simple truth:

The only one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drink carrot juice.

Vitamin A - this is a growth vitamin, helps our eyes maintain vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions.

Very important early

Eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Vitamin B makes a person cheerful, strong, strengthens the heart and nervous system. It is in black bread, in walnuts.

Fish oil is the healthiest

Though nasty - you have to drink.

He saves from diseases

Without diseases - it is better to live!

Vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong, keeps our teeth. There is an egg, cheese, milk, fish.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

Well, it's better to eat a lemon,

Although it is very sour.

Vitamin C helps fight disease. There is in potatoes, garlic, cabbage, in all berries and fruits.

Competition "Knowledge is power".

1. What plants with a characteristic pungent odor are good for preventing colds? (answer: onion, garlic);

2. What substances must be consumed if you experience fatigue, loss of strength, especially in spring?

(answer: vitamins);

3. A fruit product that is recommended to drink 30 minutes before meals. (answer: juice

4. What contributes to the hardening of the body?(Answer: sun, air, water.)

5. How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

6. Is it true that cacti pick up radiation from a computer? (No)

7. To save your eyes, you need to read lying down?

8. Microbes are very small and live, do they enter the body and cause disease? (Yes)

9. What should be done to protect yourself from germs?

10. How far should you sit from the TV screen?

11. How long can you sit at a computer monitor?

12. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth?
(Answer: no.)

13. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)

14. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes)

What gives sports?(The student is not sick, always cheerful, energetic, sports help in his studies.)

15. What bad habits ruin a person's health? (alcohol, smoking, etc.)

You guys should know

Everyone needs more sleep.
Well, in the morning do not be lazy -
Get on the charger!

brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Temper, and then
You are not afraid of blues.

Health has enemies
Don't be friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
Fight it every day.

So that not a single microbe
Didn't accidentally get into the mouth
Wash hands before eating
You need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products
Here is healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Go out for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!

Well, what if it happened:
Got sick,
Know it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!

Here are some good tips
Secrets are hidden in them.
How to keep healthy.
Learn to appreciate it!

Let's continue with youfolk proverbs and sayings dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

1. A healthy mind in a healthy body

2. Smoking is harmful to health.

3. Health is the most precious thing.

4. Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age

5. You will be healthy - you will get everything.

6. Health is more valuable than money.

7. You will be healthy - you will get everything.

8. Strong in body - rich in soul.

8. Sick - get treated, and healthy - beware.

9. In a healthy body - a healthy mind.

Try to remember them, and be always healthy.

Riddles about the daily routine

    you decided to become healthy, so observe ... (answer: regimen);

    in the morning at seven our persistently rings cheerful friend... (answer: alarm clock);

    All of our friendly people got up to exercise ... (answer: family);

    I won’t break the regime, of course - I wash myself under cool ... (answer: shower);

    after a shower and exercise, a hot one is waiting for me ... (answer: breakfast);

    I always wash my hands with soap, no need to call to us ... (answer: Moidodyr);

    after dinner, you can have a sweet sleep, or you can also in the yard ... (answer: play);

    fun after dinner - we take dumbbells in our hands, we do sports with dad, our mom ... (answer: smile);

    the moon looks out the window at us, which means that it’s time to sleep for a long time ... (answer: it’s time)

Leading . let's playin the game-chant "Helpful-harmful".

    Look at the bright light :(harmful)

    Wash your eyes in the morninghealthy)

    Watch TV up close :(harmful)

    Protect your eyes from bumps :(healthy)

    Eat carrots, parsleyhealthy)

    Rubbing your eyes with dirty handsharmful)

    Do physical education:(healthy)

    Well done!


Every person is the master of his own life. A poster hangs on the board, which depicts a tree without leaves and fruits. Each of you has leaflets, colored balls with words. You need to select the names you need for health on leaflets and balls, and we will draw up ourHEALTH TREE.

Showing videos about healthy lifestyle from cartoons .


We wish you guys
Always be healthy.
But get results
impossible without effort!
Try not to be lazy
Every time before meals
Before you sit down at the table
Wash your hands with water.
And charge
Daily in the morning.
And, of course, temper -
This will help you so much!
Breathe fresh air
When possible, always
Go for walks in the forest
He will give you strength, friends!
We have revealed secrets to you
How to maintain health
Follow all the advice
And it will be easy for you to live!

After all, our health is in safe hands!

Goodbye! See you guys!

We are waiting for you on Sunday for the holiday "Merry Journey to the Land of Road Signs", at 12 o'clock.

Success and victory...

On the healthy meaning of life

We must discuss the matter.

How can we live for many years?

How to achieve big wins?

Be happy and successful

And be beautiful, of course!

Do not grumble, do not lose heart,

Don't shy away from difficulty!

Don't be afraid of drafts

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - yes!

Diseases - no!

You can easily recognize his posture:

He's like a dick! And what is it?

The song is about Vovochka.

Heel will eat and for a walk,

Three sweaters, two coats,

Leaders sing ditties:

1. I was constantly sick.


Just started to heat up

I can sleep in a draft!

Holiday script

  1. The topic is very important

To fight both school and family

  1. We are by the sun and by the wind

They took a fiery enthusiasm,

With alcohol and smoking

We are having an argument today.

We develop muscles:

He always brings us closer

Without parents, of course,

We are nowhere in sports.

  1. Games and trips together

Relay and tournament

Let's go to nature together

Let's get to know the world of health!

  1. Help to be healthy

We have a school and a family.

After all, the unity of the spirit with the body -

This is the only goal for us!

(Sport dance)



Leading: Contests, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on the topics:

  • "Our health is in our hands!"
  • "Three whales of health"
  • "Family is a healthy lifestyle"
  • « Ten rules of health
  • Journey to the country "Health" and others.

Leading. Systematically, the school is working to combat bad habits.

  • What are bad habits?
  • It's smoking!
  • It's alcoholism!
  • It's an addiction!
  • They are harmful to human health.
  • The saying is true: “I lost money - I lost a little, I lost time - I lost a lot, and I lost my health - I lost everything!
  • But do we always take care of our health?
  • Not! (Together)
  • Nicotine is one of the most dangerous plant poisons!
  • Remember!
  • Birds die when a glass rod dipped in nicotine is brought to their beak.
  • A rabbit dies from one fourth drop of nicotine.
  • Dog from one second drop.
  • And for a person, the lethal dose is 2-3 drops.
  • Each cigarette smoked shortens a person's life by 5.5 minutes.
  • Smoking causes great harm to the child's body:
  • Anemia,
  • indigestion,
  • Heart diseases,
  • memory impairment,
  • Slowdown of mental and physical development,
  • Another harmful habit that destroys human health is alcohol.
  • Remember!
  • Alcohol reaches the brain 10-20 seconds after drinking.
  • Alcohol circulates in the body until completely decomposed within 2 weeks. In this case, the heart, liver, kidneys suffer.
  • Remember!
  • The brain reacts even to meager doses of alcohol: memory, attention decrease, sensitivity, sincerity disappear,
  • There is cynicism, malice, aggressiveness.
  • Remember!
  • There are no healthy alcoholic drinks!
  • Figures and facts:
  • There are 160 bottles of vodka per man in Russia per year.
  • Thousands of people die every year from drinking before they reach the age of 30.
  • We can't be at peace when this happens!

It becomes very scary

If you hear this terrible word "plague"!

Over the planet, over the whole world

She pulls her black hands!

  • Addiction! One of the most terrible habits and human diseases.
  • The drug, like a ruthless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get another dose, take it!
  • Drug addiction gave rise to an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
  • Say NO to drugs!
  • Let's bring drug addiction to justice!

Ready for any deeds

For the lives of lost children.

2. It contains mean fatherly tears

And ruined hundreds of destinies,

In it for the life of the coming threat

And fragments of broken hopes.

3. This word sounds like a curse,

Bringing only grief and fear.

We must rise to fight him:

Our life is only in our hands.

(Students come out with lit candles)

  1. We live in a wonderful age

We are lucky with you

In the 21st century

We are given to live with you.

  1. We dream good things

And we want everyone

Did not get sick and lived

A very long time on Earth!

  • Life is good! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
  • And it depends on us what content we fill our lives with.
  • It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dreams!
  • It's great when the sun shines and the birds chirp!
  • It's great when you have real friends and when you are loved and welcomed at home!
  • It's great to be surrounded by happy and healthy people!
  • It's great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
  • Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, a symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparks from this fire kindle in the heart of every person the belief that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, harmony.
  • A century of healthy life!

(Song to the tune of "Hope")

The topic is very important

Gathered us together in this hall

To fight both school and family

Stand up for a healthy lifestyle.

We say "NO" to drugs

And smoking, and alcoholism,

How much trouble they brought us

How many young lives have been stolen!

Health! There is no more important

After all, children know about it.

Let the everlasting light shine

Health on our planet!

Scenario "Agitation team for a healthy lifestyle"

Sections: Sports at school and children's health, Extracurricular work

1 leader. Greetings to all who found the time
And I came to school for a holiday of health!
Let winter knock on the window with snowfall,
But in the hall we have warm and light
We are growing up here, we are growing up here
And, of course, gaining weight!
We are always healthy, friendly with charging,
Us sport with physical education,
Like air, you need
And with them order, comfort, cleanliness,
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!
We protect our health from an early age,

It will save us from pain and trouble!

2 leading Our presentation is dedicated to health and sports. It's never too late to start healing. it is better to take this step today than tomorrow.

The reader reads the poem, everyone repeats the words “Who will answer why?”

Reader. We run faster than the wind.

All. Who will answer why?
Kolya jumped two meters.

All. Who will answer why?
We have a smile on our lips.

All. Who will answer why?
Can Julia make a bridge,
I'm climbing the rope
Because with exercise
We are old friends.

The game "Who is more?"

Name the types of emotions. ( Joy, delight, admiration, sadness, sadness, fear, surprise, shock, grief, fear, rage ...)

Learn to manage your feelings and emotions. Try to maintain a good mood, self-confidence in difficult times, fight despondency, avoid gloomy thoughts. And then the gloomy day will seem brighter.

Performance of the song "Smile"

Host 2: So our tree has grown fruits: our decisions in favor of health.

What needs to be done to live healthy and happy for many years?
- Complete the sentence: A healthy lifestyle is... (reading, decisions taken on the decision tree)

Presenter 1:(Conclusion) Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle strengthens health, educates the will and character of a person.

What new and interesting things did you learn today? What did you learn?

Host 2: Health is a priceless human asset.

Presenter 1: When meeting and parting with loved ones, we wish them good health, as this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Everyone from a young age should take care of their health, how not to harm their body.

Host 2: A wise person prevents diseases, not cures them. (Ancient Chinese saying). Show with what mood you leave our meeting!

We wish you good health, excellent grades, happiness, cheerfulness and Have a good mood. Be healthy!

Healthy lifestyle event script health holiday free download

Scenario of the event on healthy lifestyle "Health Holiday"

Attention attention! We are starting a holiday of youth and beauty...

Optimism and good mood...

Success and victory...

We are starting a holiday of health!

On the healthy meaning of life

We must discuss the matter.

How can we live for many years?

How to achieve big wins?

Be happy and successful

And be beautiful, of course!

Do not grumble, do not lose heart,

Don't shy away from difficulty!

Don't be afraid of drafts

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - yes!

Diseases - no!

Grandma runs out onto the stage, in her hands a scarf, a bag of rolls, asks the presenters:

Grandma: Oh, guys, have you seen my granddaughter?

Presenters: Grandmother, who is your granddaughter? Maybe he is in the hall or on the stage!

Grandma: No! These guys are lean and strong. And their posture is not the letter "sic", and they smile quite. And they had breakfast, apparently, in the morning it was normal: porridge with milk or cheese with kefir! And those who are in the hall, well, over there, in the front row, go ahead, and study well, carry fives home to the delight of mom and dad, and grandmother, of course!

Leaders: Of course! We all have them in the hall!

Granny: His name, of course, is Vova.

You can easily recognize his posture:

He's like a dick! And what is it?

When the boy loves to sleep very much.

A well-fed Vovochka enters the stage:

Vovochka: Grandma! I'm lost! I'm hungry! I got sick! I'm sneezing now! Apchi! I won't go to school tomorrow! (Sits on a chair, sneezes, pretends to be sick. Grandma runs nearby)

The song is about Vovochka.

Granny: I bake rolls for him in the morning,

My Vovik loves to chew on muffins.

Heel will eat and for a walk,

And can walk for five minutes!

Three sweaters, two coats,

And then it will freeze, it will grieve!

Leaders sing ditties:

1. I was constantly sick.


Just started to heat up

I can sleep in a draft!

Leading: Our meeting is coming to an end, guys,

But the holiday of health knows no boundaries.

What about health care?

We have shown you, and life will show you!

Beautiful smile, slim figure,

The success of your studies depends on us.

Sick to us, sadness will forget the way,

After all, our health is in safe hands!

Holiday script "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

  1. The topic is very important

Gathered us together in this hall

To fight both school and family

Stand up for a healthy lifestyle.

  1. We are by the sun and by the wind

They took a fiery enthusiasm,

With alcohol and smoking

We are having an argument today.

  1. When only functions are rushing about in my head,

When spellings froze in the eyes,

Diseases are so easily treated with us,

Let's hurry to the gym.

  1. Physical education helps us to live,

Let's become light, like light fluff.

We develop muscles:

In a healthy body healthy mind!

  1. We have been friends with sports since childhood,

He always brings us closer

Without parents, of course,

We are nowhere in sports.

  1. Games and trips together

Relay and tournament

Let's go to nature together

Let's get to know the world of health!

  1. Help to be healthy

We have a school and a family.

After all, the unity of the spirit with the body -

This is the only goal for us!

(Sport dance)

Leading: Not only sports, trips to nature help us to be healthy. Our school is doing a lot of work to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: Communication hours and parent meetings about the benefits of vitamins, about the need for hot meals

Leading: Contests, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on topics.

The purpose of the event: Promotion of a healthy lifestyle

Tasks: formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, conscious rejection of bad habits and addictions that contribute to the development of various somatic and mental illness;

systematization and generalization of schoolchildren's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

formation of an active life position.

Design: large: name and epigraph of the event, posters, visual information signs. Conduct form: intellectual game with elements of conversation and student performance

Event progress:

Host: Hello guys! When we meet, we always say “Hello”, which means that we wish each other health. Have you ever thought about why greeting people includes wishing each other health? Health for a person is one of the main values.

The purpose of today's event is to promote a healthy lifestyle. Let's start with the words of Heinrich Heine: "The only beauty I know is health."

What do you understand by the word health?

That's right, and also health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social welfare and not just the absence of disease.


Spiritual Physical

The ability to live in harmony with oneself, the absence of diseases, diseases, injuries.

with family, friends, community.

Survey results:

Moderator: Let's do a little quiz:

1. What gives a person energy? (Food).

2 "Brave warriors" in the human body fighting pathogenic bacteria (Antibodies).

3. What great Russian writer, who lived to the age of 82, adhered to a very strict daily routine all his life? (L.N. Tolstoy).

4. No amount of money can buy it (Health)

5. What fruits, vegetables, and plants are used to treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden, chamomile, sage).

6. Why can't you change clothes, shoes, take other people's hats? (You can get infected with skin, infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

7. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sunlight. (Vitamin D).

8. This activity is a natural massage, improves muscle tone, improves heart function (Swimming)

10. Why can't you change clothes, shoes, take other people's hats? (You can get infected with skin, infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

11. The smallest organism that carries the infection. (Bacterium).

12. What was grown in the "pharmaceutical gardens" in Russia in the 18th century? (Medicinal plants).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. In ancient China, one of the worst tortures was to deprive a person of this state. What is this state? (Dream).

14. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sunlight. (Vitamin D).

15. In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your profession, you need curiosity, hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-confidence and ... What else? (Good health).

16. When you feel unwell, who do you turn to first of all? (To the nurse)

Svetlana Vasilievna's advice to maintain your health ....

Presenter: Scene "Medical examination".

Body check.

The school doctor asked Grisha:

No complaints about the nose and ears?

There is. Ears interfere with nose

Wear a sweater with fleece.

The school doctor asked Dima:

Is everything okay with your head?

The radiologist took a picture

Didn't find anything there.

The school doctor asked Misha: -

Are there hearing difficulties?

If you knew how badly I hear

I'm left ear tips!

The school doctor asked Fedya:

Do you want to heal right away?

Cheat less from your neighbors

And you will not be cross-eyed.

Are there any hearing difficulties?

The school doctor asked Lyova.

There is. One ear flies

Flies out of another.

The school doctor asked Petya:

How do you sleep at night boy?

Petya answered the doctor:

No shoes and pajamas.

The school doctor asked Lyosha:

Are there any complaints?

Do not count!

Both mom and dad

And on the grandfather too!

Stage 2.

Moderator: We understand that in order to maintain health and to have enough for a long and active life, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which also involves giving up bad habits - giving up the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Information block.

(Students' performance)


Smoking is a voluntary poisoning of your body with nicotine and other harmful substances. All organs of the human body are affected by tobacco. Smokers have a bad memory, poor physical health, unstable mentality, they think slowly. In smokers, the skin fades faster, the voice is hoarse, the teeth turn yellow. Tobacco smoke brings great harm to non-smokers.

There are several ways to quit smoking. The main thing - you need to really want to get rid of a bad habit, to show your will.


Alcohol is the most widely used drug, killing a huge number of people every year. It's the poison that destroys internal organs person. A drunk man who has lost his human form is an unpleasant, repulsive sight. On the basis of drunkenness, many crimes are committed, families are destroyed, loved ones suffer: mothers, wives, children.


Drugs are an even more serious poison, getting used to them, a person cannot live without them, pays big money to die faster. He becomes a drug addict the first time. With its poisons, the drug acts strongly and quickly. A person who uses drugs does not belong to himself, for the sake of drugs he commits any crimes. Drug addicts have three paths: prison, mental hospital, death.

Moderator: The questions of the 2nd stage of the game will most fully reveal this topic, we will talk about how these addictions adversely affect a person.

(Tickets with questions are laid out on the table. Players choose a ticket and answer the question without preparation).

1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, among which carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. (Tobacco smoke.)

2. How does alcohol affect a teenager's body? (Delays his mental, mental and physical development.)

3. What disease is most often associated with smoking? (Lungs' cancer.)

4. With this disease, on the basis of alcoholism, there is a deception of vision, hearing, hallucinations. What is this disease? (Acute alcoholic psychosis - delirium tremens.)

5. How long does an average person live after becoming a drug addict?

10 years.

5 years.

12 years.

6. Why do doctors say that a drug addict dooms himself to slow suffocation? (The activity of the respiratory center decreases and then is inhibited.)

7. Drug dealers argue like this: "drug addicted cattle will do" - and add to drugs to increase profits ...



Washing powder.

8. What effect does drug use have on offspring? (To parents who are drug addicts, children are born mentally and physically handicapped.)

9. At what concentration of alcohol in the blood can death occur? (0.6 - 0.7%)

10. What toxic substances that destroy the body are contained in tobacco smoke? (Prussic acid, hydrogen sulfide, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzpyrene, arsenic, etc.)

Moderator: All questions of the 2nd stage were answered. Let's count the tokens.

Guys, let's find out with you what it consists of:

Healthy lifestyle.

This is social behavior - i.e. rejection of health destroyers. What can be attributed to the destroyers of health? (bad habits, smoking, drinking, etc.)

This is personal hygiene, which includes skin care, oral hygiene, clothing hygiene.

This is rational nutrition. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Nutrition should be complete and include vitamins and minerals.

motor mode. This includes morning exercises, swimming pool, sports sections, hardening. After all, it is not in vain that they say that movement is life.

Speaking in the language of numbers, human health depends on:

15% - medicine;

15% - heredity;

15% - ecology;

50% - lifestyle. Please pay close attention to this number. Your health, both physical and spiritual, depends on what lifestyle you choose for yourself in the future.

Stage 3.

(Students who scored maximum amount tokens).

Moderator: I invite students who have collected the maximum number of tokens to the final stage. It will be short. A total of three questions will be asked to the players to determine the winner of the game.

And so, "Questions from the hat."

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What is the substance in the hat? (Water).

2. In the hat - substances that a person needs in an amount of only a few milligrams per day. But without them, a person gets sick and quickly gets tired. Not for nothing that their name is derived from the Latin word "life". (Vitamins, vita- life).

3. Name the personal hygiene item that is in the hat. They should be used at least 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is complex complex salts, macro - and microelements, it is not for nothing that it is called "living water". What is in the hat? (Mineral water).

5. The hat contains a vegetable that is useful in the prevention of diseases such as the flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat contains a vegetable that slows down the aging process of the human body. (Carrot).

Host: The game has come to an end and while the jury is summing up, we present to your attention a fairy tale - a hint called "Turnip".


The story is a hint.

An oak tree was cut down near the seashore

And the chain was taken to the landfill,

The cat was placed in a shelter

The mermaid was salted in a barrel ...

Why are you opening your mouth here?

This is a saying, go, -

The story is ahead.

In short, there lived a grandfather,

He is a hundred years old at lunchtime,

And he decided to plant a garden,

I decided to plant a turnip.

Grandfather planted a turnip.

The turnip grew and grew

And it grew big, big.

Grandfather goes to the garden

He takes a turnip for tops,

Pulls - pulls

And he can't pull it out.

Where there! All life

Smoked and drank

It would be better to be friends with sports.

Grandpa called grandma.

grandma for grandpa

Grandfather - for a turnip,

Pull - pull

And they can't pull it out.

Grandma before

Not friends with sports

And she got herself into so many pains!

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma for grandpa

Grandfather - for a turnip,

Pull - pull

And they can't pull it out.

But where is the granddaughter to help!

Drives a Harley day and night.

I'd rather go to the gym

I would have gained strength.

They called the bug.

The bug barely crawled.

Still would! Wow how fat!

Sleeps all day and "Chappie" eats -

Here is the fat from it and rushing!

Bug - for the granddaughter,

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma for grandpa

Grandfather - for a turnip,

Pull - pull

And they can't pull it out.

Again, they didn't get the turnip.

Nowhere to go - the cat was called.

Where can you help a cat?

She is on diets day and night -

From these diets already and forces there is no.

They sit and weep

What to do - do not know.

Throwing all the tricks

The mouse came running.

Ran in vain:

Brought a lot of sports equipment.

Grandfather - dumbbells,

So that the hands do not hurt;

Grandma - a jump rope,

For the sake of health nothing is a pity;

Granddaughter and Bug - the ball -

The solution to all failures.

Cat - hoop:

Lose weight at least day, at least night.

They worked all week

Then they took up the turnip again.

And pulled out!

Here's how it happens:

Sports always help!

Conclusion. Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have a desire to be healthy and strong, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today's event was not in vain for you, you understood a lot and can say in unison:

"We are for a healthy lifestyle".


Presentation of prizes to the winners and participants of the propaganda team.


Dear friend!
Please take the questionnaire seriously and answer all questions by underlining your chosen answer with a straight line. If you are not sure of your knowledge on a particular question, then underline the answer with a wavy line or complete your answer. You can highlight two or more answers.
Your gender: male, female
Your age? …………………….years
1. What are your hobbies in your free time?
-A computer
2. Do positive emotions affect your health?
3. How active are you in physical culture and sports?
-From time to time
-I don't do
4. What sports sections do you attend?

5. Do physical education and sports affect your health?
6. Do you harden your body?
-Yes, I do.
7. Do you consider personal hygiene to be an important condition for a healthy lifestyle?

8. Is drinking alcohol dangerous for your health?

9. Is smoking dangerous for health?


10. Have you ever had a problem with drug use?
- No
11. In your opinion, is rational nutrition an integral part of a healthy lifestyle?

-Don't know
12. Do you follow any special diet?
13. In your opinion, a healthy lifestyle is...?
-Rejection of bad habits
-Personal hygiene
-Optimum driving mode
-Balanced diet
-Positive emotions
-Lessons physical culture
and sports
- Possession of safe skills

Open school-wide event on healthy lifestyle. Scenario for grades 5-9 of a correctional school

Scenario of the event on the topic: Healthy lifestyle for grades 5-9 of a correctional school

Author: Pryakhina Elena Yurievna, educator.
Place of employment: OGKOU Cherntsk boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care of the VIII type

Material Description: I offer you a script for an event on the theme "Healthy lifestyle". The script is designed for children aged 12-16 years. This material will be useful not only for educators of orphanages in preparation for events, but also for teachers. Carrying out such events contributes to the emergence and consolidation of a healthy and safe lifestyle among students, a valuable attitude towards their health.

Scenario of the event "We choose life"

Target: To expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle, to encourage self-development, self-improvement.
1) formation of a positive attitude to an active lifestyle, to physical education;
2) show the harmful effects of nicotine and alcohol on the human body, dispel the myth about their usefulness;
3) development of creative and stage abilities of children, education of a culture of behavior.
"Health is the only treasure." /Cicero/
"You will be healthy - you will get everything."
"I choose life!"
"In a healthy body healthy mind"
"Smoking is bad for health"
"Health is the most valuable"
"Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age"
"We have one planet,
And there is only one life!
Given not for vices.
For happiness it is given to us!"
"The brave is not the one who learned to smoke, drink, take drugs, but the one who managed to refuse it and helped make this to others."
Event progress:

Educator: Dear Guys! Hello! Hello! Hello! When people, greeting each other, say “Hello!”, what do they mean by this word? (children's answers)
- Correctly. Wishing everyone good health.
The most valuable thing a person has is life, and the main value in life is health. You can't buy it for any amount of money. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcoming life's tasks, you will not be able to fully realize yourself in the modern world.
For some reason, people do not appreciate what is given to them for free. For example, the health that we get from nature. People take care of things, clothes, jewelry. And health is only wasted. They are too lazy to do morning exercises, eat too much, spoil their eyes at the TV, smoke. In general, as if on purpose, they are doing everything to reduce health.
But health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy as long as possible and to achieve longevity.
Everyone knows that it is better to be active and healthy than lazy and sick. It is better to go through life with a bright smile than with a grimace of pain.
Recently, a lot has been said about a healthy lifestyle, about proper nutrition, and now all over the world being healthy and looking good has become very fashionable ...
(Music sounds, costumed guys come out: they symbolize bad habits: with a bun - Glutton, in soot - Dirty, with a certificate from the doctor - Sluggish, with glasses - Telemann, thin, in a fashionable dress - Fashionista, with a cigarette - Hooligan).

Who came at an unexpected hour?
We have an event now.
We didn't expect guests.
Just started listening
And we are dressed beautifully
these have a strange look.
Something he does not amuse.
Who are they? Answer!
Don't disturb our evening!
The mummers introduce themselves (in chorus): We are the bad habits of some children sitting in this room, and you will understand which ones we have!
Glutton: I like to eat hearty,
many, tasty, appetizing
I eat everything and without distinction,
because I am… a glutton.
Dirty: I do not like, brothers, to wash.
I'm not friendly with soap and brushes.
That's why guys
I'm always dirty.
And now, isn't that why
They will call me ... dirty.
Fashionista: I am slim, skinny, beautiful
All girlfriends marvelously.
Although there is little strength left,
But I got leaner.
I eat almost nothing
And it's completely dry
When I don't want to eat
I'll probably go.
I'm proud of myself now
But they call me thin.
Hooligan: I come when from school
I do not sit down for verbs.
I go for a walk in the yard
And bully passers-by!
I gave Slava a bruise.
He introduced Katya as a fool.
I lit a cigarette.
I replaced her with candy.
I know next year
I'm going to start drinking vodka.
Telemann: I don't walk or eat
I don't read books.
Today I announce to everyone:
I got into the TV
I have forgotten how to speak
I forgot my friends
Light, maybe turn off at school,
For me to come alive again?
Couch potato: I don't play sports
I don't get hot at all.
Run, jump no strength.
The light doesn't seem nice to me.
I am stooped and lame
I'm already sick for everyone.
(The couch potato falls, the rest of the children pick it up and take it backstage)
Reader 1: What is hygiene, a cat and a hyena know,
Brown bear, white bear, hedgehog, dog and bee,
That it is always not a sin to wash, wash paws and hooves,
Well, after that you can safely get down to business!
Educator: Guys, imagine people who stopped caring about cleanliness and order. They stopped washing their faces, brushing their teeth, keeping their rooms clean. In the morning they would not rush to the washbasin to wash themselves, their nails would become “lined with black velvet”. Can such people be called beautiful, healthy? (Answers from the audience). Of course not!
People who always take care of their cleanliness, have a neat appearance and never get sick, and if they get sick, it is very rare. After all, if you wash your hands before eating, germs will not get into our intestines; if you wash your face in the morning after sleep, in the afternoon when you come from the street, in the evening when you go to bed, our pores, which are many in the skin, will breathe easily and our body will be healthy and strong.
Cleanliness of nails, hair, skin is not only neat and pleasant appearance but also the way to health.
(They enter the stage: Sluggish, sits down in an armchair and two Chistyuli, who sing to the tune of the song “If you don’t have an aunt”)
If you put things in order
you are not afraid of illness
and all the children in the world know:
Main law, main law
The main law of purity. Purity! (stand on opposite sides of the Lezhebok)
1 Cleaner: Our advice is quite simple… Always be friends with cleanliness!
2 Chistyulya: Our advice is not difficult at all ... Be careful with dirt!
(A melody sounds, scratching the Dirty enters)
Dirty: Are you talking about dirt? And I showed up at the same time! (tries to greet Chistyuli by the hand)
1 Cleaner: Better not come near us!
2 Chistyulya: And don't touch with your hands!
1 Cleaner:(referring to Dirty) Oh, you dirty girl, where did you get your hands so dirty? Black palms, paths on the elbows!
Dirty: I lay in the sun, I held my hands up. Here they are on fire.
2 Chistyulya: Oh, you grimy girl, where did you smear your face like that? The tip of the nose is black, as if sooty.
Dirty: I was lying in the sun, I held my nose up, so it got tanned!
1 Cleaner: Where do you live, such a filthy one?
Dirty: As where? In the city of Dirty. They're all there. In the mornings we don’t wash our faces, we don’t brush our teeth, we don’t cut our nails, we don’t take care of our hair, and we don’t know how to do many other things.
2 Chistyulya: You can't live like this! Hey Soap, Brush and Water come here soon!
(To the music of “Saber Dance”, Soap, Brush, Water with brooms, mops run out onto the stage and sweep dancing, surrounding Dirt).
Dirty: (stomping feet) Stop cleaning! Stop sweeping!
I hate rags, brushes! And in general I sing tickles!
(The music gets louder, and making a circle around the stage, the participants drive the Dirty away. Couch potato, lazily pulls a pillow towards him)
Couch potato: Oh, you hurt your friend! Give me my pillow!
Tilts his head to sleep, lie down and rest! (gets comfortable in the chair)
1 Cleaner: Better wake up with the sun! (Wakes Sluggish on the right)
2 Chistyulya: And splash water! Sports, exercises every day! (Approaching Lezhebok on the left)
Couch potato:(kicking out) Here's another! Leave me alone! I'm lazy.
1 Cleaner: Hey Slugger! Let `s together! Let's start running on the spot! (Raises Sluggish from the chair by the hand)

2 Chistyulya: Left, right! One and two! Your head will be fresh!
(Chistyuli and Lyzheboka sing to the motive of the song “If you don’t have an aunt”)
If you don't have health, money can't buy it,
But you can have it in the gym, you can have it.
You can, you can strengthen it. Strengthen! (leave the stage)
Reader 2: Sports is life force dawn!
Sport is life and a cure for troubles!
Sports - the path to longevity is straight!
And we can handle any load!
Choose any sport of your choice!
And don't give up on your dreams!
Educator: That's right, in addition to observing the rules of hygiene, a person from childhood should accustom his body to physical activity, play sports, and do exercises. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say “Move more - you will live longer”, “Temper from youth - come in handy for the whole century.”
But there is another component of health, which is proper nutrition, which some of you guys forget about. And there are several violations that are harmful to health ... For example, when a person prefers only certain dishes and products, likes to eat cookies and sweets and does not eat vegetables at all. Or he interrupts his appetite by constantly chewing something, and does not eat soup during dinner.
Scientists have found that if you eat at certain hours every day, then it is by this time that appetite appears, gastric juice begins to be produced, food is digested faster and better. It benefits the whole body. Food should be varied, because. through it we get useful substances and vitamins for the body.
But even the most wholesome and well-chewed food can be harmful if there is too much of it. In no case should you overeat, there should be a measure in everything!

And now let's check whether you listened to me carefully or not, let's play the game "Yes and no"
- I want to give you advice
You decide where yes, where no.
If my advice is good
You clap your hands.
On the wrong advice
Speak in unison: no.
- Constantly need to eat
For teeth for your fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, curdled milk.

- Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,
It's not very tasty at all.
Better eat chocolate, waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice? Not!
Lyuba told her mother: I will not brush my teeth.
And now our Lyuba has a hole in each, in each tooth.
What will be your answer? Young love? Not!
- To give shine to your teeth, you need to take shoe polish.
Squeeze half a tube and brush your teeth.
Is this the right advice? Not!
- Oh, awkward Lyudmila, she dropped the brush on the floor.
He picks up the brush from the floor and continues brushing his teeth.
Who will give the right advice? Young Luda? Not
- Always remember, dear friends, without brushing your teeth, you can’t go to sleep!
If my advice is good, clap your hands.
- You brushed your teeth, and go to bed,
Take a sweet bun to bed.
Is this the right advice? Not!
- Remember the useful advice: you can not gnaw on an iron object.
If my advice is good, you clap your hands.
- To strengthen teeth, it is useful to chew nails.
Is this the right advice? Not!
- Well done, they didn’t blunder, they gave the right answers.
It is necessary to remember for a hundred years what is useful for teeth and what is not.
(Hooligan enters the stage).
Hooligan: Health, sports, exercise! I don't like order!
I've heard this song a hundred times! I'd better take a cigarette!
Educator: What are you? From this cigarette spasm of blood vessels, colitis, gastritis,
The entire mucous membrane of the mouth is corroded, and bronchitis develops!
Hooligan: Are you scaring me? Yes, I can’t get out of bed without this fire!
Smoking helps to think, increases my activity, Yes, nicotine is my first friend!
Educator: Come on, get it out of your hands! Do you even realize that you are talking nonsense to us here?
Hooligan: The filter will protect me!
Educator: He speaks like a child! Yes, the filter only absorbs nicotine by 25%, and the rest of the substances in the bouquet cannot be handled alone!
Polonium, resins and arsenic... Carbon monoxide and ammonia... cyanic acid!
Better stop smoking, Hooligan!
Hooligan: Why?
Educator: Yes, because a smoker becomes an enemy not only to his own body, but also to the health of everyone around him .... All organs of a smoking body become sufferers - they signal their owner with various diseases and poor health ...
But, smokers do not want to hear either their own organs or those who are nearby suffering from their smoking!
Reader 3: Cigarette country -
She is very dark.
Who ever stepped into it,
I smoked a cigarette
He missed a lot
He lost his health.
Health fades day by day
And the lungs turn black, the skin turns yellow
And yet, your brains are dull.
And your head hurts
And the cough overcomes
The memory is weakening, the heart is shaking
And everything gets sick...
Educator: Smoking is especially dangerous for a child's body that is not yet strong. Poisoning with nicotine and other poisons associated with it - poisons the growing body and its growth slows down, and sometimes even completely stops. And from a frail and sick child you will never get a strong and healthy adult.
Reader 1: So, friends, we begin to boldly expose the vices.
Let's talk about a cigarette, about not starting early.
Well, what do we have today? It's worth talking about
The plots are clearly familiar to everyone - it will not be difficult to understand everything!
We will not go far - an example is clear to everyone around.
Everyone has been talking about this for a long time - it didn’t happen right away all of a sudden.
Leaving the school, it is clearly visible that the boys, hiding, "puff",
After all, our boys so want to be like adults.
Educator: We got to watch this episode...
Scene "Dialogue of smoking youngsters." (three primary school students stand in a circle on the stage)
1 Child: How much is in our pocket?
2 Child: Enough for a pack of cigarettes...
3 Child: Buy it soon at the kiosk, And then there is no more patience.
1 Child: Now everyone smokes in every school. Are we not men?! Bring more cigarettes, we are tired of bulls!
2 Child: Are you coughing, bro? And tears are running from my eyes. And the lips suddenly turned blue. God forbid, adults will come!
3 Child: It makes me sick and vomits, shakes me. And my head hurts. I won’t be anymore, take them away - I don’t want to hurt myself ...
Educator: This story ended well. The body itself does not accept what is harmful to it. But in life this is not always the case. The elders do not notice how they set an example for the younger ones.
Reader 2: The younger ones are not inferior to them -
A couple of cigarettes in my pocket.
They don't understand yet
They bring so much harm to health.
And in the classroom they do not delve,
And they stand at the board, mooing.
Alas! tobacco poison
Not for young kids!
Educator: Now listen to another story.
Reader 3: (poem by N. Dorizs “Four guys drink vodka”)
Four guys drink vodka
At the entrance to the store
And now they're good
Such an abundance of power!
Excess strength, heartfelt fervor.
The whole world is sweet to them.
There would be talent, any of them
He wrote a hundred songs.
Four guys drink vodka
Their intoxicating smiles
And now they're good
What few words alone.
They need to do something
Hug someone.
Or someone with a knife
Sadanut under the heart.
Educator: The thief of reason - this is how alcohol has been called since ancient times. Even in ancient times, people got acquainted with the unusual amusing effect of some drinks made from milk, honey, fruit juice. And they did not immediately notice that the next day comes weakness, headache, bad mood. It can be firmly said that at all times - from the ancient Greeks to the present day - progressive people everywhere condemned and fought against drunkenness. If we look into past eras, we will find out that Russia was one of the sober powers in history. Only on selected holidays they brewed mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10 °. Charka (a cup made in advance of papier-mâché is launched around the hall to get acquainted with the utensils) started up in a circle, and from it everyone drank a few sips. On weekdays, no alcoholic drinks were allowed, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.
Reasoning about the benefits of alcohol is a fairly common misconception. Where does drinking start? Until the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs by accident. From the age of 14-15, traditional occasions appear, such as occasions “for company”, “for courage”, “for fun”.
If you do not want to sink to the state of an alcoholic, get into a drunken company, lose your ability to work, your good name - do not touch wine, even if it is offered by friends, people close to you. Alcohol is poison! It causes diseases of all human organs, affects the nervous system, lungs, blood. Our body begins to fight alcohol, seeks to neutralize and remove it. But the insidiousness of alcohol is that retribution is prepared imperceptibly and it is inevitable.
And now let's see the truth about the consequences of drinking alcohol. (Watch a video about the dangers of alcohol on the body)
After watching this video, I want to repeat once again the truth familiar to everyone: “Your health is in your hands.” This means that a person decides for himself what kind of lifestyle he should lead, have or not have bad habits, whether he plays sports or constantly lies on the couch .
Proper nutrition, observance of the daily routine, an interesting hobby and a good mood - it turns out that all this is of great importance for health. But you need to strive for and get used to all this from childhood: “What you get used to in your youth, you will not soon get used to in old age”
Reader 1: We have shown you:
Smoking is evil, smoking is poison!
It will give cancer one day -
We are all told about it.
But there is a way out!
Open your eyes! Watch and repeat! (All participants come on stage and speak in unison)
Down with drugs!
Down with smoking!
Alcohol all down!
Open doors to sport!
Educator: And health is largely dependent on our state of mind. Never save up for evil people, even if they caused you trouble. Develop the habit of smiling every day. A smile is the key to a good mood!