Responsibility of the head results of the decision

  • 22.05.2021

Responsibility is the obligation of the employee to fulfill the tasks delegated to him and be responsible for their satisfactory solution.

By responsibility we mean coercion to comply with and fulfill certain requirements, norms and rules.

A managerial decision is the result of a specific management activities manager. Decision making is the basis of management. The purpose of such a decision is to ensure movement towards the tasks assigned to it. Therefore, the most effective management decision will be the choice that will actually be implemented and will make the greatest contribution to the achievement of the ultimate goal.

The decision can be viewed as a product of managerial work, and its adoption as a process leading to the emergence of this product. The solutions used in management are diverse. Different levels of management create many solutions. There are many different reasons and grounds for them, they apply to a wide variety of objects and regulate various social relations and relationships that arise in all spheres of the economy and public life.

Production management provides for the purposeful influence of the management system on production activities enterprises and their divisions in order to ensure optimal functioning and development, the creation of normal working conditions for employees, the satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs.

From a functional point of view, a management decision is both the process of selecting acceptable measures from a given set, and the process of developing measures that were not previously specified. In addition, the decision-making process includes the collection and processing of the necessary information, the coordination and approval of measures, the legal execution of the decision act, etc. constituent elements acceptance theory management decisions are the generation of alternative solutions, their implementation, control and analysis of the results of actions.

A significant difference between the theory of managerial decision-making and related sciences is that the subject of study of the theory of decision-making is not only quantitative methods, but also methods based on obtaining and analyzing information of a qualitative nature. Such methods include methods of expert evaluation, multi-criteria and meaningful analysis.

The production process is dynamic and the conditions for its functioning as a control object are constantly changing, which leads to the emergence of various production situations and problems. The latter are the most dangerous for the management of the enterprise and are accompanied by a violation of the process of functioning of individual elements of the managed object. All this necessitates decision making.

In the sociological literature, there are various points of view on what decisions made by a person in an organization should be considered managerial. The point of view seems justified, according to which only those decisions that affect relations in the organization should be classified as managerial.

Management decisions, therefore, are always associated with changes in the organization, their initiator is usually an official or an appropriate body that bears full responsibility for the consequences of controlled or implemented decisions. The boundaries of the competence within which he makes a decision are clearly defined in the requirements of the formal structure. However, the number of persons involved in the preparation of the decision is much greater than the number of persons in authority.

The preparation of managerial decisions in modern organizations is often separated from the function of their adoption and involves the work of a whole team of specialists. In the "classical" management theory, as a rule, it is a function of the staff services.

The process of implementation of the decision is associated with the implementation of a special plan, which is a set of measures aimed at achieving the goals and deadlines for their implementation. The development of such a plan is the prerogative of the relevant services in the administrative apparatus. However, today those who will implement it, that is, direct executors, are involved in its development.

In the expanded plan, the adoption of a managerial decision is understood as the entire management process.

Thus, a managerial decision is a choice that a leader must make in order to fulfill the duties due to his position. The purpose of an organizational decision is to ensure movement towards the tasks set for the organization.

When developing and adopting SD, the manager must, first of all, realize the goals of the company. Due to the fact that there are many of them, and their implementation requires the same objectively limited resources, the inevitability of conflict between them is obvious. Besides, different groups in the enterprise have not exactly coinciding interests. Thus, the individuality of the leader is manifested, first of all, in what are his priorities in various areas of goals, as well as how much he is managed and influenced. We must not forget about the existence of the leader's own interests.

When implementing most decisions, their collision with the interests of various counterparties is inevitable. The first fundamental point in this regard is the extent to which the manager is able to understand the system of their goals. This largely determines the possible methods of harmonizing interests. So, if he sees only one goal for the enemy, then he can seek a compromise only in the sense of "sharing". The main strategies are maximizing your gain or minimizing your loss (maximin and minimax strategies).

If the decision maker (DM) perceives the system of goals of counterparties in all its diversity, and sometimes even more detailed and accurate than they themselves formulated it for themselves, he has great room for maneuver. An important point is the leader's willingness to compromise, as well as the very technique of reconciling interests.

Methods for generating ideas for solutions in ascending order of their degree of novelty can be divided into:

1) borrowing;

2) borrowing with adaptation, i.e. the ready-made solution is somewhat adjusted to better suit the situation. What is important is how many logical transitions or changes were made when they were finalized;

3) analogies, when a solution from a completely different field of activity is analyzed, its basic principles are identified and, on their basis, a solution is built in the required area; qualitatively new solutions.

One of the most important points that is strongly influenced by the personality of the leader when making a decision is how the analysis of the situation as a whole is carried out for the subsequent determination of the adequacy of the measures being developed. In addition, when adopting SD, it depends only on the leader how many options for decisions he will form, which will largely determine the quality of the final version. Undoubtedly, the choice of the degree of elaboration of projects, in particular, the composition and volume, is also a personality trait. necessary resources, as well as taking into account the possible manifestation of risk and readiness for it.

Each leader, meeting with the need to develop SD, must determine to what extent he performs himself, and to what extent he shifts it to his subordinates. However, as in the previous case, it is impossible to say which option is preferable in a particular situation. The final result will be strongly influenced not only by the manager's predilection for centralization or delegation, but also by competence, both his own and that of the entire team.

The competence of the leader is understood here in a broad sense, i.e. not only as knowledge and skills in the relevant area, but also as the ability to competently delegate decisions, defining goals, tasks, rights and obligations, methods and forms of control, while taking into account the real capabilities of the performers. In addition, the manager's ability to adequately and quickly respond to deviations in the process of implementing the decision from the planned course is of great importance when making a decision.

So, the leader (manager) as a subject of management must analyze the situation, predict the strategy and organize operational management for its implementation. And the performer as an object of management must implement the management decision made by the leader. In this case, the leader and the performer face completely different tasks. Therefore, it is illegal to apply the same principles of management to the subject and object.

The main conditions that determine the degree of achievement of management goals are the professionalism, organization and decency of the leader. And the higher the level of the leader's hierarchy, the higher the complexity of the problems and the responsibility for their solution.

Since the responsibility for making a managerial decision lies more with the manager, the latter must have a number of personal qualities that help him cope with these problems.

It is customary to distinguish between leaders with an internal strategy and a leader with an external strategy when making decisions.

The former believe that the correctness of the chosen solution, the achievement of its goals depends, first of all, on their own professional qualities, intelligence, creativity. Managers of the second type believe that the results of the decisions made depend on external conditions that cannot be influenced.

There are several types of decision-making depending on the combination of psychological qualities: productivity of thinking and criticality. The first quality is the development of new proposals, hypotheses, innovations. The second quality includes a thorough check, elaboration of various proposals, hypotheses.

1. Impulsive decision. A clear predominance of solution productivity over criticality.

2. Risky decision.

3. Balanced decision.

4. Careful decision.

5. Inert solution. The predominance of critical thinking over productivity.

Of no small importance in decision-making is such a quality of a leader as decisiveness, that is, the ability to independently make decisions and take responsibility.

The leader strives to ensure that the solution chosen by him is as effective as possible. For this, factors influencing decision-making are taken into account: information factor; motivational factor; characterological factors; technological factors.

When making a decision, a person always focuses on someone or something: on the business, on the people around him, on a higher leader, on himself.

In order for the decision to be more effective, it should be brought to the need to make this decision subordinate. Since in this case the decision will not seem imposed and oppressive.

Every decision needs its own specific moment. Therefore, it is important not to miss it, because otherwise the expected result will not be as effective or not effective at all.

Management, consulting and entrepreneurship

Management decisions and responsibility. Responsibility of the head as an element of the decision-making and implementation process; 12. Responsibility and its forms depending on the field of activity Responsibility category of ethics and law expresses a special social and moral-legal attitude of the individual to society. Depending on the spheres of human activity, responsibility has a number of forms.

Discipline: "Management decisions" s / o


Topic 12. « Management decisions and responsibility».

2 hours.

12.1. Responsibility and its forms depending on the field of activity;

Implementation of the solution;

12.3. Types and forms of responsibility in management;

12.1. Responsibility and its forms depending on the field of activity

This concept characterizes the measure of compliance of the actions of an individual, a group of people or society with mutual requirements, historically specific social norms, and common interests.

Depending on the spheres of life of people, responsibility has a number of forms.

Subject level (social organization) distinguish between responsibility:



social group,



Personal responsibility.

By temporal stands out:

Responsibility for the past

Responsibility for the present and

Responsibility for the future.

For example, responsibility for crimes against humanity, for the future ecological state of nature, regions and the planet as a whole.

Legal liabilityin management is implemented in various forms and can be:


Civil (liability under contracts),




Legal (legal) a responsibilityexpresses the need to comply with the adopted state laws and norms of state regulation.

civil liabilityconsists in the right to impose unfavorable property consequences on a person who has committed misconduct.

Disciplinary responsibility- this is a form of influence on violators of labor discipline by imposing disciplinary sanctions on them: remarks, reprimand, severe reprimand, transfer to a lower-paid job for up to 3 months, removal to a lower position for the same period, dismissal.

Responsibility material- the obligation of the employee to compensate the enterprise (institution) in which he works for property damage caused through his fault.

Criminal liabilitymeans that the person who committed the crime is obliged to answer for his act.

Administrative responsibility- one of the forms of responsibility of citizens and officials for an administrative offense, offenses in the field of state and public order, protection state property, rights and freedoms of citizens, in the field of management.

12.2. - Responsibility of the manager as an element of the process of acceptance and

solution implementation

Acceptance of responsibility and bringing to responsibility are integral elements of actions for the adoption and execution of decisions made in the conditions of the division of labor.

in management “responsibility” should not be understood as a right to make a decision, in the sense of a legal commitment or personal attribution of blame.

In control responsibility should be interpreted as follows:

firstly , responsibility in the sense of consciousness;

Secondly , responsibility in the sense of readiness to be responsible for the consequences;

third , responsibility in the organizational and functional sense.

Under responsibility in the sense of consciousnessunderstand readiness for own decisions or actions to respect or take into account the interests of those affected by the management decision. It includes a willingness to be accountable for one's actions and their consequences to those affected by the decision. This position characterizes the use of their powers by the carriers of decisions or actions. Responsibility in this sense is closely related to business ethics.

Under responsibility in the sense of readiness to be responsible for the consequencesmanagement decisions, it is customary to understand personal responsibility for the consequences of actions and errors in the development and adoption of management decisions. This is connected with the implementation of information work around the development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. The obligation to be responsible for success and failure, as a rule, is closely related to the ability or right and competence to make and implement independent decisions and actions.

Responsibility in the organizational and functional senserefers to the organization of production. It is in connection with the perception of the transferred knowledge and experience, as well as the use of decision-making competence. The consequences of one's own or someone else's performance must be taken personally by the carrier of tasks. Deviations from prescriptions are usually established as part of the control process. As part of the analysis of deviations, it is necessary to determine the causes of their occurrence. If the responsible persons are responsible for the occurrence of deviations, and not a higher authority or unforeseen circumstances, then they should take responsibility for themselves, without shifting it to specific task performers. For the task bearer, the consequences of liability may be in the form of rectification of shortcomings, resignation, application for dismissal or transfer to another job, compensation for damages and compensation for losses at the request of a third party.

Responsibility must also be viewed in a positive sense. This is understood as the attribution to the personal account of the positive results of managerial decisions and their implementation. In this aspect, the consequences of responsibility are manifested in incentives, promotions, awards, etc.

12.3. Types and forms of responsibility in management

Types of responsibility.

In management practice, there are different kinds responsibility. The most common types:

Own responsibilitymeans the obligation of the relevant officials to be responsible for their own management decisions and actions. Shifting responsibility to subordinates in the business world is unethical.

someone else's responsibilitycharacterizes the obligation to be responsible for the decisions and actions of persons subordinate to the manager, who, by his decision, are given the authority to make decisions and implement managerial actions.

Responsibility to yourselfarises, as a rule, in the case when the setting standards and the executor are one person. In enterprises with a developed corporate culture and corporate values self-responsibility can arise for each employee as an awareness of his own guilt before the corporation, the team for deviations or failure in the implementation of the assigned actions.

External responsibilityoccurs in relation to the external areas of the enterprise or counterparties dependent on its activities.

Internal responsibilityarises in relation to the internal areas of the enterprise and its personnel.

Responsibility to the enterprisecharacterizes the consideration of the interests of the enterprise or its representatives.

public responsibilityreflects the consideration of the interests of public welfare and the rule of law.

Social responsibilityinvolves taking into account in the activities of the leaders of the enterprise, the activities of the enterprise itself, primarily the social interests of employees.

Environmental responsibilityimplies taking into account the impact of the enterprise's activities on the environment and the ecosphere.

Global Responsibilitymeans taking into account the impact of the enterprise's activities on the economic, social and political situation in the world community. This type of liability is most relevant for transnational corporations.

As a conclusion, we must note that the professional manager is at the point of intersection and conflict of interests of various stakeholders.

Naturally, the main tasks of the managerial activity of managers are to preserve the funds of enterprises and make profit in the interests of the owners. Implementation of these business tasks, under some circumstances, conflicts with other interests.

The main areas of interest that develop around the enterprise and influence the development and adoption of managerial decisions by managers are:

Interests of the owners of the enterprise. For example, the desire to maintain, expand and improve fixed assets, maintain and increase dividends, increase the amount of a share or share in the share capital, timely receipt of reliable information about the state of affairs at the enterprise and its prospects.

Interests of employees and employees. For example, the desire to increase incomes, create wealth, ensure old age, social security, job retention, decent working conditions and pay.

Consumer interests. Striving for quality products favorable prices, reliability of products, warranties, maintenance difficult consumer goods, reliable information about consumed products, etc.

Interests of competition. They are manifested in the desire of the state and society to ensure that all economic agents comply with the rules of fair competition and professional ethics in doing business.

public interest. These include job security, protection environment from the consequences of the business activities of economic agents, promoting the development of culture, sports, health and education, etc.

In its activity manager must always take into accounttwo circumstances:

firstly , that he is directly responsible only for the interests of the owner or enterprise;

Secondly , for the long-term achievement of the goals of the enterprise, it often needs the assistance of carriers of other interests and, therefore, cannot neglect their interests for a long time.

The development and implementation of management decisions from the standpoint of the maximum possible harmonization of the interests of all stakeholders is truly creative and is an art.

forms of responsibility.

When considering responsibility as an obligation to be responsible for the consequences of the adopted and implemented management decisions, the acceptance of responsibility can take the following forms:

Definition of negative results. L Persons, both those carrying out control measures and those subjected to control, should not be afraid of establishing negative deviations based on the results of control. The embellishment of the state of affairs leads ultimately to the collapse of the entire project or enterprise.

Definition of personal conditioning. It is one of the results of the analysis of the causes of deviations in the implementation of management decisions.

Personal incentives and penalties. They are divided into:

Reward for example, payment of a bonus, promotion, strengthening of authority, awarding prizes, honorary signs, etc.;

Facilitation Decrease – for example, a decrease in remuneration paid as a percentage of profits, a change in promotion plans, etc.;

Sanction for example, reduction in pay, compensation for damages, loss of competence or transfer to a job with less authority, resignation, dismissal, criminal prosecution, etc.

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In the study of decision-making processes, until recently, the main attention was paid to the stage of developing decision alternatives and issues related to finding the best option. It was even believed that it was the development of a solution that occupied most of the time and funds allocated to solve a problem that had arisen.

Management practice, however, shows otherwise. It is the implementation of decisions, being the most complex, labor-intensive and lengthy stage of the PPR, absorbing the bulk of time and resources, which is also the weakest link in the process of managerial activity.

One of the main functions of management is leadership (leadership), the essence of which is personal management . The components of leadership are command and control. Power in the organization is expressed in the real ability to single-handedly take final decisions, and management - in the organization and control of its implementation, i.e. in the distribution of resources, the selection and placement of performers who are able to independently carry out orders, and the creation of effective incentives for execution.

In conditions modern management in connection with the participation of a large number of specialists in the process of developing and making decisions, they are becoming more and more collegial (participatory) in nature. This gives grounds to assume that the ratio of the efforts of managers expended on decision-making and on organizing and monitoring their implementation should change. The center of gravity in the activities of the leader is gradually moving from the sphere of decision-making to the sphere of organization and control their implementation, as well as maintaining the continuity and stability of the entire process of preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions. This, however, does not in the least reduce, but, on the contrary, increases the responsibility of managers and their role in the organization.

One of the main issues in making managerial decisions is the question of the responsibility of the head, which arises in the event of harm to the organization or its elements. external environment. Responsibility for the results of the decision and its implementation (or non-execution) is very important factor management activities, therefore, the manager in the process of developing a solution must evaluate the possible measure of responsibility in the case of choosing each of the possible alternatives. To do this, it is necessary to determine the type of responsibility and the extent to which managers are accountable to other people or groups, both within organizations and outside them.

Under responsibility we will understand coercion to comply with and fulfill certain requirements, norms and rules.

Such requirements and norms can be developed and established:

(1) by the state (law), and then we are talking about legal responsibility;

(2) the leadership of a certain organization - in this case, responsibility can be defined as administrative ;

(3) civil society - responsibility is social,

(4) a group of people in the process interpersonal communication- such responsibility is called moral.

To find out to whom the manager is responsible, it is necessary to know to whom and how he is accountable. Accountability It is a way of exercising responsibility. Accountability is determined by the type, methods and procedures of control under which the manager and his decisions are.

The types of responsibility correspond to certain control mechanisms (Table 14.2).

Table 14.2. Types of responsibility and the mechanism of their control

Depending on the historical, social and national-cultural characteristics of the country, these types of responsibility have different significance.

In modern Russian conditions, due to the hypertrophied role of the state over the centuries in all spheres of human activity, the bureaucratic nature of power, the unformed civil society and public opinion Social responsibility actually does not work and the most significant administrative and legal responsibility. As for moral responsibility, in a society experiencing a systemic crisis and a sharp change in values, it inevitably weakens.

1. Legal liability may be of a criminal and civil nature. Criminal liability arises in the event of a crime and consists in the application of state coercion to the guilty person in the form of a punishment determined by a court verdict. Civil liability arises in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations and consists in applying to the offender the measures of influence established by law or contract, entailing economically disadvantageous consequences of a property nature for him: compensation for losses, payment of a penalty (fine, fine), compensation for harm.

The main method of ensuring legal liability is the right to go to court in connection with the decisions and actions of managers (officials).

2. The most common type of managerial responsibility is administrative responsibility , the means of implementation of which is the mechanism of hierarchical control. Responsibility and accountability in an organization is impossible without authority, expressed in the right to lead.

Administrative liability, depending on the type of sanctions, may be: (a) disciplinary , where the form of influence is a remark, reprimand, transfer to a lower position, dismissal; (b) material - the obligation of the employee to compensate the organization in which he works, property damage caused through his fault.

In enough large organization the higher the manager climbs the hierarchical ladder, the less time he has left for at least general control over the decisions of his subordinates. Besides, modern organization involves deep specialization. The leader is always forced to generalize, and the more, the higher his status in the hierarchy. Thus, very often the leader does not have sufficient knowledge of the problem to independently analyze the solution proposed by specialists, even if he had the time.

To a large extent, at the highest levels of the hierarchy, the acceptance by the manager of the recommendations of his employees is based on trust in subordinates.

The hierarchical control mechanism is also limited by rather frequent failures in the process of information exchange. If performers are not sufficiently informed about what their top managers think, then management knows little about the true moods and thoughts of subordinates. If the motives and goals of decision-making are not communicated in time, if information is filtered or distorted in the process of communication, then hierarchical control ceases to operate to the same extent.

3. The leader also bears informal for his decisions - moral responsibility, i.e. the need to follow the norms of human relations, the mechanism for the implementation of which is the corporate culture.

Under corporate culture the whole set of group values, norms of behavior and methods of activity shared by members of the organization is understood. An organization that has existed for a long time forms a certain culture in itself. In accordance with it, a set of rules and traditions develops that connect the past and the present, current decisions are consistent with the past, and past and present with the future.

Thus, by establishing unwritten rules, the corporate culture also limits the decisions made to a certain range of moral principles, norms and traditions, and thus fills in the gaps inevitably left by the mechanisms of formal control.

The effectiveness of SD is the ratio of a new resource or an increase in an old resource as a result of the process of preparing or implementing a management decision in an organization to the costs of this process. Resources can be a new division of the company, finances, materials, personnel health, labor organization, etc. Costs can be old divisions, personnel, finances, etc. The basis of each type of efficiency is the degree of satisfaction of the needs and interests of a person, team and company in in general. Organizational effectiveness of SD is the result of achieving organizational goals with less effort, fewer people, or less time. The result of organizational efficiency can be a new department, an incentive system, etc. Economic efficiency SD is the ratio of the cost of the surplus product obtained through the implementation to a specific SD and the costs of its preparation and implementation. Social efficiency SD is seen as the result of achieving social goals for more employees and the company in a shorter time, with fewer employees, and with lower financial costs. The technological efficiency of SD is the result of achieving the industry, national or world technological level of production, planned in the business plan, in a shorter time or at lower financial costs. The result of technological efficiency can be modern techniques creative work, competitiveness of products, professionalism of personnel. The psychological effectiveness of SD is the result of achieving psychological goals for more workers or the population in a shorter time, fewer workers or less psychological costs. The results of this effectiveness can be manifested in the corporate culture of the company, mutual assistance, patriotism and loyalty. The legal effectiveness of SD is assessed by the degree to which the legal goals of the organization and personnel are achieved in a shorter time, with fewer employees or less financial costs. The environmental performance of SD is the result of achieving the environmental goals of the organization and staff in a shorter time, with fewer employees or at lower financial costs.

The effectiveness of SD is divided by the levels of its development and implementation, the coverage of people and companies. They single out the effectiveness of SD at the level of production and management of a company, a group of companies, an industry, a region, a country. SD efficiency management is carried out through a system of quantitative and qualitative assessments based on real indicators, norms and standards.

Control is a management function that establishes the degree of compliance of the decisions made with the actual state of the system, identifying deviations and their causes. The need for control is obvious, practice shows that even well-developed solutions are not implemented due to the lack of a well-functioning control system. The process of control is the activity of the subjects of control, aimed at the implementation of the decisions made by implementing certain tasks, methods. It is characterized by three components: content, i.e. what is carried out in the control process, organizational, i.e. by whom and in what sequence control is carried out, technological, i.e. how control is exercised. The purpose of control is to ensure the unity of decision and execution, to prevent errors and shortcomings, deviations. The content of control is manifested in the functions it performs. The diagnostic function of control is to identify the actual state of the implementation of the decision. The orienting control function is aimed at indicating landmarks, i.e. those questions that this moment deserve attention. The stimulating function is manifested in the identification and involvement "in the work" of all unused resources, primarily human factor. The corrective function of control is to clarify the essence of the decision itself in the event that the situation has changed. And finally, one of the functions of control is architectural supervision, which allows you to check the implementation of the idea. Proactive control is developed on the basis of norms, standards, rules in the process of developing a solution. The scheme for organizing proactive control is as follows:

Requirements for effective control: - Strategic focus (should reflect the overall priorities of the organization and support them); - Orientation to results (The ultimate goal of control is not to collect information, set standards and identify problems, but to solve the problems facing the organization); - Timeliness

Preliminary control carried out before the implementation of the decision. Its main task is to establish whether the goals are correctly defined and the strategy chosen. At this stage, criteria for evaluating the solution are developed and adjusted, and the methodology for the next type of control - the current one - is being debugged. Current control is carried out in the process of developing and implementing the solution. It includes the necessary measurements, weighing, evaluation. In a one-time order, a filtering type of current control is used when, due to sharp deviations, the implementation of the solution is suspended. The process of current control to increase its flexibility, accuracy and objectivity must be carried out with the involvement of a PC. The final control has three important features: a) creation or replenishment of a database of implemented solutions on a PC; b) formation of statistics of the organization's activities for decision-making in expert situations; c) identification of innovative proven technologies. The development of theory and practice has led to the emergence of a new direction in management - controlling, the object of which is also management decisions.

Responsibility is the need to give someone an account of their actions, deeds and compensate for non-performance or improper performance of the assigned action. Responsibility can be official and personal, compulsory and voluntary. The latter is interpreted as a trait of a person's character - a sense of responsibility. Official types of responsibility are divided into two groups: technological and humanitarian. Technological types of responsibility include: professional, disciplinary, administrative, legal, economic and material, humanitarian - social, ethical, environmental and political. All these types of responsibility can be classified according to: levels of responsibility (international, state, the level of the company and its divisions and the level of one's own self); time of responsibility (for past, present or future results of a decision already made); damage caused by erroneous decisions (liability for significant damage that does not have a statute of limitations, damage for which liability has a statute of limitations usually 3 or 5 years).

Professional responsibility is reflected in job descriptions. The disciplinary responsibility of the head is reflected in the internal regulations of the company (instructions, regulations, etc.) and relates to the organizational aspects of the head's activities. Administrative responsibility comes for civil procedural violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Legal liability partially or fully relates to those types of liability that are regulated by the Civil and Criminal Codes. Economic liability is usually considered in relation to a legal entity (company) for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations.

An essential sign of management is the assignment (acceptance and

transfer) of responsibility for operations for the preparation and implementation of decisions. Responsibility means the obligation (duty) and readiness of managers to act in a certain way in relation to the higher management, to themselves, and also to the public, i.e. to various individuals and groups of individuals within and outside the organization.

A certain part of managerial decisions can be delegated in whole or in part by leaders or managers to lower levels of management. However, the actual adoption of managerial decisions, the issuance of orders for their implementation and the associated responsibility are integral essential features of management and therefore are not delegated. In the process of posing a problem, monitoring its solution and implementing the solution, only individual tasks can be delegated (a task as a prescribed work).

Responsibility in the management process can be borne either only for one's own management activity (responsibility for oneself), or for delegated one (responsibility for others).

Responsibility from the standpoint of managerial decisions is a form of dependence in the conditions of division of activities, which determines the measure of censure in case of non-fulfillment or insufficient fulfillment of functions and obligations, powers and expectations.

Responsibility should be consistent with decision-making authority. There is a concept of a measure of responsibility and a form of responsibility.

The manager's responsibility for making a decision is manifested in the event that the execution or non-execution of a direct managerial decision has led to losses for the company or damage to the elements of the external environment.

Responsibility for the results of the decision and its implementation (or non-execution) is a very important factor in management activities, so the manager in the process of developing a management decision must assess the possible degree of responsibility in the event of choosing each of the possible alternatives. To do this, it is necessary first of all to determine the type of responsibility and the extent to which managers are responsible to other people or groups, both within organizations and outside them.

By responsibility we mean coercion to comply with and fulfill certain requirements, norms and rules. Such requirements and norms can be developed and established:

State (law) - then we are talking about legal responsibility;

The management of a certain organization - in this case, the responsibility can be defined as corporate;

Civil society - then the responsibility is social;

A group of people in the process of interpersonal communication - such a responsibility is called moral.

Legal liability may be criminal, civil and administrative.

Criminal liability provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to individuals, arises in the case of a crime and consists in the application of state coercion to the guilty person in the form of a punishment determined by a court verdict.

Civil liability, provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in relation to individuals and legal entities, arises in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations and consists in applying to the offender the measures established by law or contract, entailing economically disadvantageous consequences of a property nature for him: compensation for losses, payment of a penalty ( fines, penalties), compensation for harm.

Administrative liability, provided for by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, arises in the event of the commission of physical and legal entities administrative offenses and consists in applying administrative penalties (usually fines) to them.

The conditions for the emergence of legal liability are:

Committing an illegal action (inaction);

The presence of harm;

Causal relationship between illegal action (inaction) and harm;

Proven fault of the perpetrator

The main method of ensuring legal liability is the right to apply to the court in connection with the decisions and actions of managers (officials).

A much more significant area of ​​managerial decisions is the subject of administrative law regulation and is controlled by executive authorities.

Administrative law is designed to regulate social relations arising in the process of implementing executive power, therefore it is often also called management law, since the content of the activities of executive authorities and bodies local government- that is "public" management.

may be subject to administrative liability officials in the event that they commit administrative offenses in connection with the performance of organizational, administrative or administrative and economic functions of the head, as well as persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

The most common type of managerial responsibility is corporate responsibility, the means of implementation of which is the mechanism of hierarchical control. Responsibility and accountability in an organization is impossible without authority, expressed in the right to lead.

Corporate responsibility Depending on the type of sanctions, it can be disciplinary and material:

Disciplinary responsibility is a form of influence that uses disciplinary action: remark, reprimand, transfer to a lower

position, dismissal;

Liability is the obligation of an employee to compensate the organization in which he works for property damage caused through his fault.

However, the mechanism of hierarchical control has certain limitations.

In addition to the formal types of responsibility discussed above, the manager also bears informal - moral - responsibility for his decisions: the need to follow the norms of human relations, the mechanism for the implementation of which is organizational culture.

Under organizational culture the whole set of group values, norms of behavior and methods of activity shared by members of the organization is understood.

Block 7. " Crisis management»

1. Causes of crises and their role in socio-economic development. Varieties of crises, features and types of economic crises