Internet as a channel of mass communication. Internet technologies in advertising. Features of the Internet as a communication channel

  • 25.11.2019


Communication is the exchange of information between individuals through a common system of symbols, which can be carried out by verbal and non-verbal means. “Mass communication is the systematic distribution of messages among numerically large, dispersed audiences in order to influence the assessments, opinions and behavior of people” [Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Communication is one-way feedback; bilateral - dialogue; multilateral - communication of two or more communicants, each of which can act as a sender or recipient of information.

Recently, the Internet has become widespread throughout the world and in our country in particular. On the this moment it is the most complete, prompt and accessible source of information and media.

"The style of communication is a way of transmitting information, due to the individuality of the addresser, expressed in the preference for certain codes, channels and means of communication, as well as the degree of compliance with the rules of a particular language"

The emergence of the Internet and its further development have made fundamental changes in the modern view of the means of advertising and communication. The Internet combines the interactive nature of communication, hypermedia nature and the possibility of building individual interaction. Global computer network was both a new medium of communication and a market with tens of millions of potential customers with a fairly high level of income. The new communicative characteristics of the Internet require a new look at communication processes and a revision of the previously used approaches to consumers.

Object - Internet as a channel of mass communication.

The subject is the communicative characteristics of the Internet.

Target term paper find out and consider the communicative characteristics of the Internet.

Objectives of the course work:

Consider Internet communication models,

Consider the effectiveness of communication

Research the audience of the Internet

Internet as a channel of mass communication

The Internet is a completely new medium for communication and communication, different from the usual mass media. As a result, traditional marketing techniques and business practices are in many cases inapplicable to the Internet world in their current form. The wide possibilities of the Internet pose enough challenges for modern companies difficult task their effective use in commercial activities and require adaptation of old or development of new business methods.

In order to show the difference between the Internet and traditional media (media), this paper examines their main features, presents a comparison of the characteristics of traditional and new media.

The term "traditional media" refers to television, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail advertising. Under the new means is understood, first of all, the Internet.

At the very first acquaintance with the Internet, it is clearly seen that, unlike traditional media, it provides a much greater degree of control and freedom of choice on the part of the consumer. The Internet, thanks to the interactivity properties discussed below, the effect of presence and information richness (text, image and even sound), as well as through the use of network navigation, surpasses other media in terms of communication with existing and potential customers.

On the other hand, the Internet, like any other communicative medium, always transforms and, as it were, "blurs" the personality of the author, which leads to the relative anonymity of users communicating through this medium.

Volokhov A.A.

Marketing Manager, Holiday Service LLC



Technical development, the development of communication properties, as well as the widespread use of the Internet - makes the use of this channel of communication with the consumer mandatory for modern companies. This paper analyzes the ways of interaction on the Internet. Understanding a number of specific properties that need to be considered and applied in Internet communications with consumers, as well as understanding target audience, enables companies to improve the effectiveness of outbound marketing messages.

Keywords: Internet development, Internet marketing, Internet communication, customer acquisition.

Volokhov A.A.

Marketing Manager, LLC



Technical development and the development of communicative properties, as well as the widespread prevalence of the Internet, make this channel of communication with the consumer obligatory for modern companies. In this paper, we analyze the ways of interaction on the Internet. Understanding a number of specific properties that need to be considered and applied in Internet communications with consumers and understanding the target audience enables companies to improve the efficiency of outgoing marketing messages.

keywords: development of the Internet, Internet marketing, Internet communication, attracting customers.

The Internet has become an integral part of life modern man. Every day people use the Internet to communicate and search for necessary information. The number of Internet users is increasing exponentially, and the network itself is becoming accessible to different segments of society.

According to a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study public opinion, as of October 2014, 46% or 53.6 million adult Russians used the Internet daily. A re-conducted study on April 24, 2017 showed that already 55% of those surveyed use the Internet daily.

The Internet is a global information and communication space that serves as a physical basis for web-based data transmission systems, which determines two levels of its research: communication (technical hardware and technological software) and communicative.

Considering the Internet from the communicative side, it should be noted that the area of ​​using Internet communications has now expanded significantly. Initially originating as a system for sending short messages between very few devices, the Internet has grown into a mass communication medium between users around the world.

The relevance of this work is determined by the developing communicative properties of the Internet, which make fundamental changes to the approach of communication between users and companies.

The development of communicative properties and tools on the Internet requires the company to take a new look at the ongoing interaction processes and revise the communication methods used.

Communication on the Internet is a full-fledged virtual channel that makes it possible to fully satisfy the various needs of the user from searching for information to buying necessary things. The conditions of interaction in the virtual Internet network differ from the conditions of communication in the real world. Home hallmark Internet communication is the anonymity of the user, as well as physical non-representation and limited sensory experience. All these features lead to some equality of communication participants, which makes communication less formal.

The Internet, as a communication channel, has the following properties:

  • Multimedia - the ability to accompany interaction with users with sound and visual effects;
  • Personalization is the creation of content for certain segments of the target audience at any level of interest;
  • Interactivity - the ability to actively involve users in interaction with the produced content;
  • No intermediaries - the possibility of direct access to all available information;
  • Independence from time - round the clock access to information resources, independent of the time zone;
  • Independence of place - no geographical barriers for users seeking information and for users creating popular content;

With the development of computers and means of communication, it can be said that the Internet is not only a place that is limited to the transmission and processing of the flow of information between users. The Internet is also beneficial for the creation of new business projects and is indispensable for existing companies in interaction with the general population.

With global Internetization, the division into the real "offline" world and the Internet world "online" can be considered conditional. Today, we have the infrastructure, huge capacity of processors, storage devices and technologies - mobile, cloud, which allow us to find new applications and business opportunities. As a result, existing marketing techniques and business methods in most cases cannot be applied in the Internet space without appropriate modification.

Internet channels, as a way of communication with the target consumer, begin to occupy a dominant position in marketing communications modern companies. Industry ecommerce, related to digital advertising and services for the development of companies' own channels, shows the highest growth dynamics. The digital advertising market is developing at a faster pace. According to the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR) in 2016. The Internet showed 21% growth, the volume of this channel reached 136 billion rubles.

To maintain competitiveness in the market in the current conditions for a company, simply having an Internet site is not a sufficient condition. Lack of Internet channels, such as: email marketing, contextual advertising, content marketing and SMM is already a big gap in communication with consumers. Companies also need a well-established customer relationship management system CRM and online promotion.

The listed Internet channels, when properly configured, are an effective tool for transferring information from companies to users. The efficiency of Internet channels can and should be calculated.

In most cases, the Internet channel is the path along which the user moves. Companies can direct all user traffic to controlled media, which include: corporate websites, blogs, pages, groups and representations in social networks.

The use of controlled media enables companies to communicate directly with the target audience. Official representation in social media is a great opportunity to express yourself, share relevant and interesting information with clients, advise them and receive feedback. Companies control the communication process and thereby precisely bring the marketing message to the target audience.

Marketing messages or the company's own content contributes to the involvement of customers at all stages of interaction with them. The formula for successful communication on the Internet on controlled own sites is the quality of content plus its quantity, multiplied by the frequency of publication and divided by the understanding of the target audience.

The necessary understanding of the target audience and answers to the questions: "To whom and what kind of message is addressed" can be provided by research agencies and independent study of this issue.

The qualitative and quantitative composition of users, their needs, desires, preferences can be established by studying user requests in open data search engines, and the behavior model and much more can be gleaned from the analytics systems installed on your own site.

The introduction and use of Internet communications in the marketing strategy of companies is a prerequisite for the existence of a business at the present time. And understanding the features of communication processes on the Internet and knowing the target audience enables companies to increase the effectiveness of marketing messages.

The Internet is a modern communication channel. Each company has the opportunity to independently choose and develop communication channels based on its marketing strategy. In the digital age, a business must use all the possibilities of the Internet space in order to find potential customers, to interest and benefit buyers.

The use of Internet communication also brings material benefits to businesses. Using the digital feature of this channel, each company has the opportunity to calculate the amount of profit or loss of the communication channel used. The effectiveness of Internet marketing can be calculated using the return on investment ratio - ROI.

The calculation of the return on investment in the e-mail marketing strategy I developed when implemented in the organization's communication strategy showed a coefficient of 2400%. Those. for every ruble invested in the e-mail campaign, the company earned 24R. What is definitely a good indicator and serves as a motivator for the implementation and improvement of both e-mail marketing and the complex of Internet communication channels as a whole.

Internet communications are such methods of communication in which information is transmitted via Internet channels using standard protocols for the exchange and presentation of information. Information can be transmitted in various forms - voice, video, documents, instant messages, files. The Internet, thanks to the properties of interactivity, the effect of presence and information richness (text, image and even sound), as well as through the use of network navigation, surpasses other media in terms of communication with existing and potential customers.

On the other hand, the Internet, like any other communicative medium, always transforms and, as it were, "blurs" the personality of the author, which leads to the relative anonymity of users communicating through this medium.

Internet technology makes communication cross-border. Communication ceases to be tied to the location of those who communicate. On this basis, the Internet can perform a social and creative function, that is, form new communities with a single information base and a common value-normative foundation. Compared to traditional media, the Internet wins in several ways at once:

1. Multimedia - The Internet has the ability to combine the visual, audio, print and video aspects of other media, the cost of sending an email by email is much lower than sending it by regular mail.

2. Personalization - the Internet provides the necessary information at any level of interest of individuals or groups of people; in this case, delivery can be provided according to the preferences of users through content personalization, email distribution and cable television.

3. Interactivity - The Internet involves dialogue, not the monologue that traditional media implies. Interaction, dialogue and feedback between hundreds of users is possible through e-mail, bulletin boards, forums, chats and teleconferences.

4. Absence of intermediaries - the Internet enables direct access of the government to the population and vice versa, the population to power, without interference and manipulation by the media.

How to deal with the dissemination of information discrediting the company in the media?

Negative information about doing business is information about managers, management methods, and the results of the company's activities. For example, the information that the top managers of your company are tyrants, forcing employees to work in terrible conditions. Or that the AAA company extracts minerals in ways that cause irreparable harm to nature. It should be understood that this kind of information can be considered as an opinion, and then, from a legal point of view, the answer can only be given in terms of discussion. It must be remembered that not a single company and not a single person is for expressing an opinion (namely, an opinion, that is, something that cannot be

way to prove) cannot be held liable. The author of the opinion can only be answered. It is also advisable in this case to take into account the characteristics of the audience and the style of the media that published the opinion with which you do not agree.

A good solution would be to involve in the discussion specialists (preferably independent ones) who hold a different point of view from the published point of view. For example, able to prove that this method mining does not cause environmental damage. You can order an examination if there are experts whose conclusions on the controversial issue will be so convincing that they will make the continuation of the discussion useless. Having received the results of the examination and seeing that they reasonably refute the opinion of your opponents, you can already think about protection business reputation companies, including in court (the procedure is the same as in the case of refutation of negative information about employees).

How to resist public speaking

Presentation at a conference or seminar in the presence of a large number people also entails liability in case of dissemination of false information about the company; the algorithm of legal prosecution of the speaker is similar to the one discussed above (refutation of publications in the media).

When substantiating the wrongness of your opponent, it is advisable to rely on the testimony of witnesses. Keep in mind that from a legal point of view, it is very important to accurately (verbatim) reproduce what the person said from the podium or during the discussion. According to the law, transcripts of speeches are accepted as evidence, and whether or not audio and video recordings are accepted depends on the judge. At conferences, seminars, continuous recording is often kept - from the opening of the event to its completion; it is considered as a transcript, and in transcribed form (or in the form of an audio or video recording) is accepted by the court as evidence.

Communication is a socially conditioned process of transmitting and perceiving information both in interpersonal and mass communication through various channels using various verbal and non-verbal communication means.

The use of traditional communication mechanisms, such as fax or wired telephone, is now rapidly being replaced by new technologies - instant messaging, Email, voice and video transmission over the Internet. Currently, there are already a number of products, each of which provides the operation of one or another communication mechanism, with minimal intrusion into the neighboring area.

Communication using Internet technologies is called Internet communication.

Internet communications are such methods of communication in which information is transmitted via Internet channels using standard protocols for the exchange and presentation of information. Information can be transmitted in various forms - voice, video, documents, instant messages, files.

Babaeva Yu.D., Voiskunsky A.E., Smyslova O.V. distinguish the following main types of communication on the Web:

  • 1. Real-time communication (so-called chat):
    • * with one interlocutor (a specific channel for such communication is selected);
    • * with a large number of people at the same time;
  • 2. Communication, in which messages to the addressee arrive with a delay:
    • * with one interlocutor (e-mail);
    • * with many people participating in the teleconference (newsgroup).

Today, no one doubts that electronic digital technologies combined with the Internet (and next-generation information network technologies) define the future of communications.

At the very first acquaintance with the Internet, it is clearly seen that, unlike traditional media, it provides a much greater degree of control and freedom of choice on the part of the consumer (the concept of "traditional media" means television, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail advertising. Under new means is understood, first of all, the Internet).

The Internet, thanks to the properties of interactivity, the effect of presence and information richness (text, image and even sound), as well as through the use of network navigation, surpasses other media in terms of communication with existing and potential customers.

On the other hand, the Internet, like any other communicative medium, always transforms and, as it were, "blurs" the personality of the author, which leads to the relative anonymity of users communicating through this medium.

Communication via the Internet is arranged in such a way that a professional producer of information acts at one pole, and at the other there always remains a mass subject - a set of anonymous users that is in advance indefinite in number. Even the pole of information production often gravitates towards anonymity, such is the strength of its nature in this media environment. No wonder there is so much information on the Internet, the origin of which is not established.

Internet technology makes communication cross-border. Communication ceases to be tied to the location of those who communicate. On this basis, the Internet can perform a social and creative function, that is, form new communities with a single information base and a common value-normative foundation. The general direction of the development of information dissemination means is to establish a heterarchical (horizontal, equal) order in place of a hierarchical (vertical, with the dominance of one of the subjects of communication). There is a transition from a one-way to a two-way communication model.

In the conditions of the Internet, the audience can participate in the production and exchange of information, including among themselves. The audience ceases (if it wants to) to be only the recipient of messages. However, here the use of interactive features will never overcome the natural division of roles.

There are three aspects to network interactivity:

  • 1. "people and documents" - the ability for the user to form and implement a request for information;
  • 2. "people and technology" - adaptability, convenience information technology for users;
  • 3. "people and people" - we are talking about the adaptability of this communication to two-way communication, about social communication technologies that help achieve positive social goals; about how the possibility of communication between journalists, society, government and business is realized - the main subjects identified in the analysis of the functioning of modern society.

Analyzing the communicative function of the Internet, one should distinguish between the concepts of "interactivity" and "feedback". The first is wider than the second. Feedback is a reaction, a response of the subject to information impact. It is in this capacity that the "forum" function is most often used on the Internet. Yes, and traffic indicators also act as feedback: they indicate whether users are interested in the site and its content. Interactivity also implies other possibilities: user control over the content (request, evaluation), participation in its formation through posing problems for coverage and discussion, initiative in discussion, authorship, exchange of opinions with other users, etc. Some possibilities of this kind can be used in traditional media as well. But what has never been there is the possibility of communication horizontally, between users. However, the potential new technology realized only through the activity of people.

Communications in which the subjects representing the two poles of communication have the opportunity to both send and receive messages, which means that their roles are reversible. G. Lasswell suggested calling them bilateral. In the media, reciprocity can never be complete.

The Internet is a multilateral media that creates many different forms of communication. M. Morris suggested dividing them into 4 categories:

  • 1. one-on-one asynchronous communication (emails);
  • 2. asynchronous "many-to-many" communication (for example, the Usernet network: summaries, mailing lists where consent to mailing lists or a password is required to enter a program in which messages relate to certain topics);
  • 3. synchronous communication "one on one", "one and several", "one with several" are built around a specific topic, for example, role-playing games, chats;
  • 4. asynchronous communication, where usually the user tries to find a site to obtain certain information, and here you can find communication "many and one", "one on one", "one and many" (websites, horoscopes).