How to choose a blogger to advertise on Instagram. Promotion through bloggers and opinion leaders: how to make money on other people's subscribers. Search engines

  • 13.11.2019

There is an opinion that any advertising is an engine of trade. Not any! Bad advertising is not an engine, but a brake.

© David Ogilvy

As is known, Instagram‘But two problems: lack of statistics and bots. And both of these problems make your life very difficult if you decide to buy ads from one of the insta bloggers. But even this seemed to the supreme forces not enough, users of the Russian part of the World Wide Web are another serious problem for the Belarusian Internet marketer choosing a platform for advertising. But first things first.

This article will be most useful to small and medium-sized businesses, with limited budgets and regional reference. That is a local business. close-up grid companies in this regard, it is much simpler and the success of their life is centered around “millionaire bloggers”. In this case, the name is a derivative of their fees rather than the number of really targeted subscribers.

Where and how to find the right blogger?

The most popular answer to this question would be - on advertising exchanges. Only here it is difficult to find a regional blogger, and those who accidentally registered do not give practically any picture of the worldview. Therefore, the option with advertising exchanges is no longer for us due to the lack of what we are looking for.

You can start searching for bloggers with geo-referenced hashtags. This means that they must contain the name of your city / country or another place name applicable to your region.

How to do it? Yes, it's easy, for example I'll use the web version of Instagram, and yes, it exists.

1. First, remember the name of your city / locality. For example, I will search for the geo-hashtags of the city of Minsk, since I live in it. Add #instagram to it to make a hashtag like #minskinstagram or #instaminsk, #minskgram and the like.

We select the first hashtag and get a list of the nine most popular, on this moment, photos with this tag. Another plus of such a search is the mechanics of displaying in the "best publications" - the speed of collecting likes for a photo, which somewhat complicates the life of profiles that wind up likes on photos. And the more popular the hashtag, the harder it is to hit.

I boldly choose any photo and find myself on a popular blogger in our area, whose account can be analyzed by topic, content, number of interactions.

The hashtag tops usually contain photos of large and promoted accounts, among which you can already find a couple of bloggers for our RK. The algorithm of actions after that is simple - we write to the blogger and find out the terms of cooperation.

But the hashtag search has one annoying feature that can prevent us from finding the perfect blogger to advertise. Photos in the "best publications" are not updated often and usually hang up to a day, although in not the most popular hashtags, a photo can be in the top positions for 2-3 days. Therefore, it can take too long to find all the bloggers, and some hashtags are simply neglected, which makes our selection even less complete.

How do you know if this blogger is right for you?

Using the previous tip, you have selected a dozen profiles that should visually suit you. But not everything is so simple.

First, let's take a look at the overall engagement of subscribers in profile content. For a normal account of 10,000 followers or more, the average ER should be 3% or higher. That is, with 10,000 subscribers, each post gets about 300 likes and around 10 or more comments. But they are so easy to wind up that focusing only on likes is a fatal mistake.

Likes and comments can be boosted not only with the help of bots, although this is a very cheap and fast option. Such “activities” also spoil the real picture of the world.

We dig deeper. Now a huge number of perfectly licked accounts have bred, with beautiful collages and photographs of the city, with a large number of likes and comments, not just profiles, but business cards. I recommend avoiding them, as well as accounts with naked female bodies, in the first place. And that's why:

Let's consider a situation where you represent an ordinary local Belarusian business that wants to sell / advertise something through insta-blogs. Who are you interested in? Minsk residents, Belarusians or lovers of beautiful pictures? According to the laws of logic, there are definitely lovers of beautiful pop and collages among Minsk residents, but how many Minsk residents are among the lovers of pictures?

Not once during my cooperation with bloggers did anyone there answer a simple question: where do your subscribers come from? It is believed that it is simply impossible to collect such information, which suits bloggers, but not advertisers. And here statistics services again come to our aid: (free) (free trial week available)
(there is a paid and free versions)
(free analysis of your account up to 3k subscribers, and 1 kopeck per subscriber after 3.000) (another free analytics option with the ability to collect statistics on other people's profiles)

I have only selected a few, but there are actually many more. The only significant problem is that you can only analyze the account that you personally own, i.e. you can log in under it in the analytics system. And this means that the blogger of your choice must throw off his “media kit” with information about subscribers, but this is a utopia.

A good locally linked account should have follower stats that look something like this:

And here is how the account of one of the top insta bloggers in our country looks like with beautiful pictures and cats.

The first account has about 10,000 subscribers, the second has about 70,000. Only the audience interesting for our business in two profiles is approximately equal in number, but advertising in the second will cost many times more.

Therefore, I strongly recommend requesting information about the geography of the blogger's subscribers. But most likely they won’t give it to you, such a stupid situation, because you came to buy and you need their audience, and not vice versa. Therefore, there is a last option.

Choose profiles whose content is interesting only for geo-referenced users. I explained it poorly, but the point is that the profile of the blogger you choose contains content that, for the most part, was of interest only to the population of Minsk, or Polotsk, or the whole country, but no further.

Therefore, profiles containing:

  1. Just beautiful pictures
  2. Naked and beautiful bodies
  3. Naked and ugly bodies
  4. Cats, dogs and other pets
  5. Travels

Fall away with almost 100% guarantee. They will have an overwhelming number of non-target users that you simply do not need. Why pay for extra?

There are vanishingly few profiles that fall under all of the above parameters, which means that we have a huge number of free niches for making money out of thin air using blogs on instagram and not only there.

What else you need to be prepared for when working with insta-bloggers

You should be ready for absolutely any twists and turns and surprises. What happened most often in my practice:

  1. Absolute inability to write. More precisely, they usually know how to write texts, but not of an advertising nature. And they usually react negatively to criticism. In two cases, I had to write the text for them with easy adaptation to the style of the blogger.
  2. Your product in the photo will simply be invisible. It happens and it's sad.
  3. Deadlines will be missed with almost 100% probability.
  4. The comments will discuss not your product, but something else.
  5. You will not get any effect from the placement :)

And I’ll make a remark, in none of the placements I tried to get laudatory odes about my product, I didn’t want to break the blogger’s style and try to dictate to him how to live and what to do. At the start, there was only a small specification that the post should be as similar as possible to a regular recommendation and not look like an advertisement, but all this rolled into either an advertisement for a neighbor’s cat or a banner with my product. Alas.

Don't try to chase top bloggers with hundreds of thousands of followers. Most likely they managed to add up a certain price for themselves, which will probably shock you a little. And their audience already poorly perceives advertising. For the same money, you can easily find several smaller scale opinion leaders who will approach your assignment responsibly, but unprofessionally :) Negotiate. Write down the points for what you are willing to pay. If a person is really interested, he will meet you halfway. If your requirements are ignored, this is the same budget drain, and you need to look for someone else, or promote the product in another way.

Final checklist

To select the perfect Instagram blogger for your ad, you will need:

2. Evaluate the profile's ER, the number of comments and their quality.

3. Find the latest video on your profile and multiply the number of views by 2. This will give you the actual reach that your ad can get.

4. The main value of the profile should not be only in naked bodies, animals and just beautiful photographs.

5. Do not forget that the subject of your business should theoretically be interesting to the subscribers of this blogger.

If your efforts and effect are not commensurate, and the costs are impressive, I will offer another option:

Hi all! Several times I was asked questions about how to find a blogger to advertise on Instagram, how to advertise yourself on Instagram, and in general how to make money as a blogger on Instagram or Facebook. I have a personal list top 10 services for bloggers which I have personally tested. If you're interested, read on.

This is not the first time I have written about this service. LiveDune is a huge service for analytics of any Instagram accounts (both your own account and those of others). If you decide to order advertising from a blogger, check it out through LiveDune! You will see how his account grew, whether there were cheats of subscribers and likes, what percentage of involvement the blogger has, and indeed all the information about this account. Now this is easy to do! I like to delve into analytics and often monitor other people's accounts. It can be very funny to watch the obvious cheating of our bloggers.

LiveDune is a paid service, but often there are discounts and gives promotional codes. For example now blogging tariff for 1 account costs only 255 rubles per month. You can pay through any bank card, Poison or Webmoney.

I have been using this service for a very long time. Basically, with VK. I often get ads in my VKontakte groups, and occasionally I buy ads in other publics. But this service is also great for Instagram bloggers. By placing your accounts on the service, you can quickly find a suitable account in which you can order advertising. Don't forget to check it out via LiveDune!

I advertised my account @roof_talks from bloggers, and also published advertising posts on their own. It was not so often, but I was able to test the service. Advertising is usually given and placed for 24 hours, after which you receive your earnings, which can be easily withdrawn to YandexMoney, Webmoney or Qiwi (which can then be withdrawn to your PrivatBank card through the Obmenka service, which I have personally been using for more than 6 years) .

Sociate is an excellent service for bloggers and advertisers on Instagram and VK.

Another exchange for Instagram accounts, VK and Youtube. In fact, it is very similar to the previous service. The exchange is mainly for Russian bloggers and advertisers, but many of them do not mind being placed on Ukrainian profiles as well (Why? I have no idea.) I managed to place one ad post through this exchange in my marine @soulinthewaves account. The post cost 1000 rubles and hung in my account for 24 hours. Withdrew money from the exchange without problems.

There was a time when the exchange was idle, but now I see its active growth.

Another exchange for bloggers and advertisers on Instagram, Facebook, VK, Twitter and Youtube. I like this platform and I personally tested it more than once. During the year, I published 5 advertising posts on my personal Facebook profile and withdrew part of the funds to the PB card. True, there was a hitch with the withdrawal: the guys promise a withdrawal within 4 working days, but I waited more than 10. I had to write to the chat, after which the money was sent. It is also worth considering that the service takes a commission for withdrawing funds - 15%, and the minimum withdrawal amount to the card is 375 UAH.

In Publicfast, you need to link your accounts, after which the site itself will form the cost of your posts (but you can change the price for a post yourself when sending an application). Once you've set up your personal profile and selected interests, promotional offers will appear in the Available Campaigns section for you to respond to. If an advertiser likes your price and your profile, you'll receive a notification that the advertiser has accepted your request and is waiting for an ad post from you. The money will automatically be reserved for you from his account. And after the advertiser accepts the post from you, the money will go to your account. It's so simple and convenient.

The largest advertising exchange on Instagram - this group in VK. Here you can apply by telling about yourself, as well as choose an account and contact the admin to discuss the details. Basically, here you can find large sites on the topic of humor, beauty, cars, etc. Personally, for myself, I have not yet been able to find something suitable there in terms of audience and price, but ... who knows.

Many people want to know how to get more comments on Instagram. Commenter is a brand new live comment service for Instagram. Many of you must have already heard about some activity chats, but not many know what this poop really is. Commenter - the essence is the same, but the effect is completely different.

In general: you write comments to real people, and people write comments to you. It's all moderated, verified, and most importantly, you get real thoughtful comments from completely different people every time (and not like in activity chats - from the same ones). I registered with the service in the first days, but have not yet tested it in practice. However, the comments about Commenter are very good!

p.s. already tested and wrote a great commenter 2000 review! Read.

This service is a great helper for bloggers, owners of Instagram business accounts and VK groups. SocialHammer has a wide variety of functions: various mass following (by hashtags, geolocation, competitors, etc.), mass liking, sending messages to direct, blocking bots on Instagram (Why block bots on Instagram?), etc.

The first 14 days are free with my link. Next, you need to deposit funds into the account and select the desired tariff plan.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

Despite the fact that many marketers today are trying to refuse cooperation with bloggers, preferring targeted advertising, it's worth facing the truth: we have no effective methods of promotion left, except for association with influencers and targeting. And if the second option requires certain knowledge in setting up advertising, then cooperation with bloggers is an effective way of advertising, of course, only if you choose the right trendsetter.

Recall that today the Instagram service strictly monitors and blocks all illegal ways of promoting an account (even favorite mass following and mass liking are subject to strict control), and in the realities of today's business, there is no point in cheating bots.

What does cooperation with bloggers give?

Let's highlight 4 main advantages:

  • Attracting a new audience. By advising the advertised profile on his page, the blogger shares a link to the account, which opens up the opportunity to visit your page. This increases the attendance and activity of users in the profile, which is reflected in the statistics and ranking of the account.
  • Expert opinion. The blogger's audience is mainly users who listen to the opinion of the trendsetter. Even though everyone has already learned to distinguish an advertising post from a standard one, high-quality information always brings subscriptions to the advertised account.
  • Prepared by CA. Turning to a blogger, you find yourself with a person who has long and carefully gathered an audience of interests around him. So, for example, advertising for children's clothing is great for mom bloggers, and a travel accessory store will be better promoted by a traveler.
  • Increasing sales. This is the ultimate goal of any advertising, and promotion from reputable bloggers often brings the desired result.
    These benefits only work when working with influential trendsetters, otherwise you will simply waste your money.

How to find a blogger to advertise on Instagram

In fact, those who constantly “cook” in Instagram life have long liked authoritative bloggers who are actively promoting their own and third-party accounts. However, it is never too late to learn about successful newcomers or update information about the chosen trendsetter.

Popular search methods

  • by keywords (hashtags);
  • by rating in Livedune (this is generally an indispensable software that is useful for both the account owner and the store owner);
  • through the "similar profiles" function;
  • in thematic publics where the blogger himself can be advertised;
  • asking friends for advice.

Let's consider each option in more detail.

Searching bloggers on Instagram by keywords is a simple and affordable way to manually select an influencer. All you need to do is go to the search, enter a thematic hashtag (for example, to advertise a travel equipment store - "tourism") and select an entry. The service will give you thousands of publications, divided into the "Top" and "Recent" tabs. First of all, you should pay attention to the top entries, as a rule, photos and videos of famous bloggers are posted there.

Livedune is an Instagram profile analytics service. The main advantage of the program is that you can view not only your own statistics, but also the indicators of other people's accounts. This is very useful for a detailed evaluation of a blogger. From the statistics, you will immediately see the presence of cheats and the activity of the trendsetter's audience. As for the search itself, it is also available in Livedune, but for an additional fee.

"Similar Profiles" is a convenient service that allows you to find Instagram bloggers with similar topics. The method works when you are already subscribed to one blogger and want to find similar pages. In order to use this method, open the main page of the trendsetter and click on the down arrow, where you will be offered a few more profiles.

Thematic publics will allow you to find a person who advertises his profile himself. If we consider the same example of a travel equipment store, then you will need communities about tourism and traveling around the world.

A friend's tip is an easy and affordable way to find a blogger on Instagram. The opinion of an experienced colleague who has already had experience in advertising with a certain influencer will reveal all the "pitfalls" and tell you more about the benefits of cooperation.

All these methods will allow you to create a list of potentially suitable bloggers and proceed to the next step - the analysis of trendsetters. The main thing to remember is that a thorough search is 40% of success.

Exchange of bloggers Instagram

We did not take into account the exchanges in the general list and decided to talk about them in more detail. Before looking for bloggers on Instagram on the stock exchange, it should be understood that this is a service that accumulates offers from various trendsetters and applications from business owners for advertising.

On the one hand, everything is very simple and affordable. But cooperation with the exchange also has disadvantages, the main of which is a large number of cheated accounts that are not useful in advertising.
But still, deciding to use the services of the exchange, choose proven sites that have proven themselves in the market. One of these is the EPIC STARS exchange. In it, you can find really profitable and worthy offers by placing ads with a real opinion leader.

Understanding how to find bloggers on Instagram on the exchange is very simple: the site has a simple interface that is accessible even to a beginner.

How to choose a blogger to advertise on Instagram

First of all, you should know about 5 important indicators of the quality of an Instagram profile:

  • No markups and an active audience in the profile. Between 10k active and 300k inactive audience, choose the first option.
  • A large number of video views. You see thousands of likes under the photo, but only 50 video views. There is clearly something wrong with the account.
  • Quality content. From photos to punctuation in the text - everything should be at the highest level.
  • The personality of a blogger advising the preferences of your target audience.
    For example, it will be difficult to advertise cribs with a childless bodybuilder, and a lawyer will not sell exercise equipment.

Checking the profile

  1. We have already mentioned the Livedune application, which allows you to analyze the statistics of any profile. Use it at the stage of checking the blogger for cheats and engagement (ER), the normal rate of which for a large blog is about 5%.
  2. You can calculate engagement manually without resorting to third-party resources using the formula: ER = likes + comments / followers * 100%. The number of likes and comments is collected from the last 10-20 publications.
  3. Another way is to ask the blogger to send you a screenshot of his account statistics, in particular, information on views of Stories and live broadcasts. As a rule, influencers send this information without any problems. Why Stories and live? It's simple: they cannot be cheated, which means that you will receive the most honest information about the activity of the audience.

Who is not right for you

There are certain groups of bloggers, perhaps very popular ones, with whom you should not waste time. Account with beautiful/funny/sad pictures, poems and drawings. Probably, it will not be necessary to explain for a long time that the situation with the target audience is too blurred here. Of the possible 500k subscribers, 80%, 50%, 10% or even 0% may be interested in advertising your profile. And all why? Because there is no attachment to the city and country, no unity of interests. If you do not want to play the lottery, we do not recommend advertising your resource with such bloggers.

Just beautiful photos. If there is no point in the profile, then you will again encounter a situation where the main audience of the blogger is incomprehensible. And for effective advertising, you need “your people” who are ready to see, be interested and buy.

Cute videos and images of puppies, kittens and other animals. Again the same reason and inexpediency of cooperation. Now, if the page with dogs talked about training, it would be possible to add an advertisement for a pet supply store there. Otherwise, pass by.

Blogger Checklist

  1. You've studied their engagement and learned their reach.
  2. They asked to send screenshots of statistics on Stories and live broadcasts.
  3. We studied the audience of the account by selectively opening the pages of subscribers and viewing their activities.
  4. Opened data on the geographic location of subscribers. (Remember that even an account from Moscow can have a target audience from Mexico and the USA).
  5. We asked for advice from a colleague who had already worked with this trendsetter or read reviews in special publics or blogs.

To fully verify the effectiveness of the blogger's work, look at the previously posted ads of other entrepreneurs and write to them. As a rule, store managers go forward and talk about cooperation with the opinion leader. Just be careful not to ask this question to direct competitors.

Prepare in advance for different situations

Having finished searching and analyzing a blogger, be prepared for the fact that not everything will go according to the intended scenario.

  1. Many trendsetters do not know how to write sales texts at all, most likely you will have to do this.
  2. Your product may not even be visible in the photo (for example, stand on the table, while the blogger himself will show off in close-up).
  3. Advertising can be published later than the agreed time, most likely it will happen.
  4. Expecting a heated discussion about your product, you may be disappointed, and in the comments you will see talk about the wrong manicure / bad shorts / new carpet, in general - about something completely extraneous.
  5. And of course, the main fear of many entrepreneurs is that advertising will not work. Yes, even the best blogger can do this. The main thing in such a situation is not to get upset and not to blame the trendsetter for everything, but to try to soberly assess the reasons for the failure of the campaign.

In the end, it is worth emphasizing that advertising with bloggers is still one of the most effective ways to promote an account, which in some situations works better than targeted advertising. Remember the selection criteria, check the data and try to communicate with the blogger, evaluating his professionalism.

How to choose a blogger to advertise on Instagram? Surely, many of you have abandoned mass following and mass liking and are gradually switching to official targeted advertising on Instagram. Well done! But, I think it is worth recalling that this is not the only way of legal and high-quality promotion on Instagram. There are more bloggers! Blogger advertising is also very effective. But! The most important thing here is to choose the right blogger for advertising. This is what I will tell you in detail today.

How to find bloggers to advertise on Instagram

So, now I will describe in detail how to do everything.

Step 1: Choose a blogger account to search for the next bloggers

Step 2: Press the "down" button to the right of the subscription label, after which the profiles that Instagram recommends to you will appear

Step 4: Query statistics.
Ok, let's say the blogger answered you. What's next? Next, you MUST request the statistics of his account in the form of screenshots:

  1. Screenshot of Stories view statistics. This is necessary in order to check how many subscribers this blogger has actually watching him in Stories. And in general, to understand how many active users he has, approximately. Likes can be wound up and you will not understand who liked and how many% of these likes are real people. But the stories are watched by real people))
  2. Statistics screen: gender, age, geo, subscription activity by day of the week. Gender, age, geo - you need to estimate the volume of your target audience in this blogger's account. Subscription activity screen - active days in which more people subscribe to the blogger. To advertise these days.

Thus, you collect 10-20 bloggers in order to later find out who, after all, to advertise.

Let's say that the blogger sent you all the prices and screenshots of the statistics. What to do next?

Drawing up a table to estimate the cost of advertising

After you have collected data from 10-20 bloggers, you need to make a table so that you can clearly see who is overpriced and who is adequate. We enter the following data in the table:

  1. Number of subscribers
  2. Average number of likes on the last 10 posts
  3. Average number of comments on the last 10 posts
  4. Feed ad price
  5. Price for advertising in stories
  6. Average number of views per story (from ___ to ____)
  7. Age of CA
  8. % of women and % of men
  9. Geo (needed for you)

So, we end up with a table like this:

And, of course, fix what kind of advertising was, what was posted and with what text! THIS IS IMPORTANT TOO! 🙂

More ways to find bloggers to advertise on Instagram

And now I will talk about other ways to choose a blogger for advertising on Instagram:

  1. In VKontakte communities, such as "Instagram Advertising Exchange" (I will not recommend communities, since we usually do it ourselves and search only through Instagram).
  2. In telegram channels and chats, such as "Instagram Advertising Exchange"
  3. On various sites, such as Sociate (I will not recommend it either, since I did not use them)

And that's all for today. If you have additional questions - write them here

And so you decided that you need to advertise with a blogger. They took the money and ....... thought about it! Bloggers, there are so many. To whom to go? And where can one find all these comrades to turn to? My advice to you, put the money in your wallet and sit down. Despite the fact that the word “blogger” is associated with simplicity, freedom and easy achievements, buying ads from a blogger often looks like money thrown away. To start looking for a blogger with whom you will place an ad, you need to chill a little and on a cold head, think about what you want to get from such advertising, and about which blogger is right for you. And you will always have time to take your money to someone. Below I will talk about how to understand who you need, as well as how how to find a blogger to advertise on instagram.

Which blogger to look for?

First of all, decide on your goals. Advertising from bloggers is ordered to achieve the following results:

  1. Getting orders (or, otherwise, sales).
  2. Getting new subscribers.
  3. Increasing brand awareness.
  4. Pont!

This is very important, because based on this you will answer the next question - “Who needs you?”. This is not about you specifically, but about your goal. For example, if you are selling a product, then think about who needs your product. If you want to get new subscribers from advertising, think about who will be interested in your account. If you're promoting a brand, ask yourself who the brand's target audience is.

For example, you sell children's knitted hats in Voronezh and want to sell them through a blogger. Children's hats are designed for children, and your advertising should be aimed at their mothers. Nurses are your target audience, which you should target.

Now the last question is “What should be the audience of the blogger from whom we want to order advertising?”. I think the answer is obvious!

Having decided on your interests, you can start searching for bloggers who will approximately have your target audience as subscribers. Based on the example above, you need to look for all bloggers from Voronezh who are MOSTLY interesting for mothers with children.

Where to look for bloggers?

Who we are looking for is now clear. Let's try to think about where you can find the bloggers we need.

Search engines

First of all, I recommend trying search engines. For example, enter a search phrase in Yandex - “Instagram bloggers of Voronezh”. Having entered such a phrase into the search, in the first 3 positions I see pages with the headings: “Top 5 Voronezh insta-bloggers”, “Who and how became a popular instagrammer in Voronezh”, “Rating of bloggers of Voronezh, Russia”. Obviously, on these sites you can also find instances of bloggers that interest us.

On Instagram itself

Try to search for bloggers on Instagram by search. For example, by entering “blogger” or “blogger in Voronezh” into the Instagram search. In the list of found users, you can find the option that suits you.

In addition, you can look at bloggers in the search by hashtags and geolocation, since the posts of popular users often end up in the top by hashtags and geolocation. And bloggers are always popular. If you are interested in bloggers from one specific city, such as Voronezh, then look at the hashtag entries - #bloggervoronezh.

Search in Vkontakte

You can look for a blogger to advertise on Vkontakte. VK has a search with filters. Go to the search page and set up filters. In the case of my example, I indicated the city of Voronezh, gender - female, age 24-50, since very young bloggers rarely maintain a page about motherhood. Don't forget to specify the most important setting - the sort order. Specify in this field the value - by popularity. If a user is popular on VK, then he is probably a blogger and he has an Instagram page that is no less popular than a VK page. You just have to open all the users you found in a row and see if there is a link to Instagram in their profile.

On advertising exchanges

There are many social media advertising exchanges on the network, where users leave information about their accounts, offering to place ads on them. Of course, for the most part, this is all kinds of slag, but sometimes quite worthy bloggers come across here. For example, I use the Plibber service to search for pages of interest to me. He has a large base of Instagram users, including bloggers who sell ads in their account. Filtering the right users is quite simple, but the downside is that there is no filtering by regions and cities.

Ask your followers

The best blogger can be advised by someone who personally worked with him. Perhaps among your subscribers there are many who order advertising from bloggers. Ask! Suddenly they will tell you something useful.

That's all! If you have your own search methods, I will be glad to read about them in the comments.

Helpful post? Take it to your social networks so as not to lose it!