Essence and features of commercial activity. Essence of commercial activity. Essence and types of contracts

  • 10.03.2020


Trade under market conditions, operates within the framework of a large-scale, rapidly changing external environment. The whole range of complex positive and negative processes, contradictory trends taking place in the economic and social life of both the country and the regions is also reflected in trade.

The commercial activity of a trading enterprise, in these conditions, is becoming increasingly important. Efficient commercial activity ensures the sustainable development of a commercial enterprise, its competitiveness.

Commercial banks belong to a special category of business enterprises called financial intermediaries. They attract capital, savings of the population and other funds released in the process economic activity and provide them for temporary use to other economic agents that need additional capital. Banks create new claims and obligations that become commodities in the money market.

OJSC "Alfa-Bank" is one of the leading commercial banks in our country, which provides a wide range of services for both individuals and legal entities. On the basis of this bank, one can trace the features of commercial activities in the banking sector.

The purpose of this work is to study commercial activities in the banking sector.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

The role of banks in commercial activities

Analysis of the main indicators of Alfa-Bank OJSC

· Analysis of the services provided by OJSC "Alfa-Bank".


The concept and essence of commercial activity

Commercial activity is part of entrepreneurial activity in the commodity market and differs from it by and large only in that it does not cover the very process of manufacturing a product or providing a service. In a broad sense, any organization that offers the products of the labor of its employees to the market, and, therefore, participates in the exchange process, can be classified as a sale entity. It is important to bear in mind that if a given entity assumes the receipt of income from the sale (marketing) of goods or the provision of services that exceed the cost of their creation, then its activity is usually classified as commercial. Similarly, an idea is formed about the activity of acquiring raw materials, materials and products for the production of goods and the provision of services.

The entrepreneur always seeks to acquire resources and use services in accordance with his own commercial interests. The task that the market puts before him comes down to the need to create a quality product and sell it profitably. Therefore, logistics (purchases, etc.), as one of the main conditions for the creation of goods, should be fully attributed to commercial activity and considered as its most important element.

The interpretation of the term "commercial" is primarily of practical importance, since the organization of the work of commercial services involves taking into account many specific features, starting with economic fundamentals and ending with the structure of the workflow. Professional training of commercial workers is carried out in a special way. In addition to traditional knowledge in the field of economics and management, a merchant must have a number of specific skills in the field of business communication and negotiations, be able to make non-standard decisions to identify highly profitable areas of labor application.

The professional activity of a merchant is carried out in the sphere of production and commodity circulation and is aimed at ensuring the functioning of enterprises of all organizational and legal forms in order to rationally organize commercial activities, taking into account the industry, regional and nomenclature specifics of the enterprise. The merchant must, on the basis of professional knowledge, ensure effective commercial activity and thereby contribute to the solution of an important socio-economic task - the satisfaction of the needs of buyers.

Objects professional activity merchant are tangible goods and intangible goods and services subject to sale or exchange in the sphere of circulation.

The main types of professional activities of a merchant:

organizational and commercial;



· trade and economic;


· trade and purchasing;

foreign trade.

It is very important for science correct definition essence of commercial activity. Many problems associated with the study of economic patterns in the sphere of production and commodity circulation are still awaiting their solution. Among them, the most relevant are:

· a system of criteria and methods for evaluating the results of the work of the commercial service of the enterprise;

· system of payment and economic incentives for employees of commercial services.

A significant problem is the clear definition of the boundaries of commercial activities for tax purposes. Yes, in accordance with the law Russian Federation the main criterion for attributing a particular type of activity to a certain category of taxation is the existence of a statutory goal for the corresponding enterprise or organization to make a profit. At the same time, the form of ownership and organizational and legal form of a business entity does not play a role. From the standpoint of taxation, it is only important to clearly establish the belonging of a commercial enterprise to a specific type and field of activity: the production and sale of any products (materials or raw materials), the provision of production or non-production services, trade and intermediary operations, etc. Income tax rates in different cases differ from each other in size.

All enterprises, organizations and institutions operating in the commodity market can be conditionally divided into two main groups: commercial and non-commercial. Commercial enterprises include almost all enterprises in the sphere of material production (plants, factories), a significant part of the enterprises of the production infrastructure (transport and trade and intermediary enterprises, communications enterprises, etc.) and the non-production sphere ( domestic services, entertainment industry, etc.), almost all subjects of the securities market.

Non-profit activity has traditionally been concentrated in health care and education, although in recent years there have been sprouts of entrepreneurship. The activity of any non-profit ("non-profitable" - in Western economic literature) entity is based on the principle of maintaining a balance of equality of income and expenses. The tax legislation of Russia clearly defines the directions in which expenses included in the cost price can be incurred. In addition, the sources of income generation for a non-profit organization are strictly defined. In the event of a profit, this organization must use it in strict accordance with the requirements of the law or carry out a special procedure for calculating the state budget by reviewing the amount of funding or paying the appropriate taxes. To the number non-profit organizations include government agencies (federal and municipal).

The subject of commercial activity is the sale and purchase of goods. However, in the broadest sense of the word, not only produced material objects, but also services, and even objects intellectual property. A product as an object of commercial transactions (purchase and sale transactions) has potential and real utility.

The potential utility of a product (service, etc.) or the ability of any product of labor to satisfy individual specific needs, taking into account affordability, is determined by its two integral characteristics: quality and price. The ratio between them, which has developed in a particular market situation, makes it possible potential consumer to solve the fundamental question - is this proposed product needed and available to him?

The real utility of a product appears at the moment of its acquisition by the consumer (sales by the seller), i.e. as a result of the exchange.

The prerequisites for a potentially useful product to become really useful for the buyer are:

the presence of a given product of potential utility, the correspondence of its consumer properties to existing requests, i.e. Availability internal factor that has an effect on preselection buyer;

the presence of a sufficient amount of potentially useful product in the right place and at the right time or external conditions for the implementation of the choice.

Creating conditions for the realization of the potential usefulness of the product is the most important task of commercial activity. It is for these purposes that the relevant sales services are formed, inventories are accumulated, trading and intermediary firms are created.

The main varieties of commercial activity fully reflect its essence. Firstly, we are talking about supplying the enterprise with the necessary raw materials, materials and products. The work associated with their procurement includes the following main operations:

planning of material needs;

organization of the acquisition of resources and their delivery to the enterprise;

regulation of the size of inventories;

organization and control of resource consumption in the enterprise must be carried out by special units.

In typical situations, they (subdivisions) are assigned the following names:

department of material and technical supply (providing); department of production (industrial-technical and production-technological equipment);

· service of acquisition by the equipment of objects under construction.

AT modern conditions, when all new terms and concepts enter the professional lexicon of a merchant, the subdivisions for material resource management and logistics can play this role. The procurement service of an enterprise is usually also involved in obtaining the necessary commercial information.

It is necessary to allocate sales finished products(services). The sales function is performed by a special service of the enterprise, which organizes the formation of shipment lots, promotes goods on the market, searches for and formalizes relations with buyers (clients). In modern conditions, the success of this activity to a large extent depends on the professionalism of the sales staff and therefore marketing becomes the main technology of the sales service.

AT separate category it is necessary to single out trade and intermediary operations in the consumer and industrial (business) markets, meaning, first of all, wholesale and retail trade. The participation of an intermediary in the process of goods movement in many cases is necessary condition conclusion of a purchase and sale transaction, as it provides consumers with wider access to the product. Moreover, in the consumer market, the buyer, almost always, can purchase goods only through an intermediary (retailer), since manufacturers almost never work with individuals.

Commercial activity is always associated with the performance of operations to bring material resources from suppliers to consumers. These operations include:

at manufacturers - preparation of products for shipment, shipment, vacation and its documenting;

· in the warehouses of intermediary and transport enterprises in the process of product movement - its acceptance, storage, formation of complete batches, shipment;

in the warehouses of consumer enterprises - acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality, storage, bringing purchased materials to high degree technological readiness for production consumption, release and delivery of materials to workplaces.

In general, all these operations, depending on the specific situation, can be conditionally divided into two categories - marketing and supply. Sales operations and processes are related to the production and delivery of products. The production process ends with the sale of products. Supply operations are associated with the production consumption of material resources, obtaining material resources and providing them to enterprises in the production and non-production sectors.

Theoretical part. Analysis and evaluation of the commercial activities of the enterprise

Business is a broad and complex concept. This is a set of techniques and methods that ensure the maximum profitability of any trading operation for each of the partners, taking into account the interests of the end consumer. The main goal of commercial activity is to make a profit through satisfying customer demand with a high culture of trade service. This goal is equally important for organizations and enterprises, as well as for individuals who carry out purchase and sale operations in the market for goods and services.

Commercial relations can develop in the conditions of economic freedom of subjects business relations which involves the ownership of capital and the ability to manage finances, extracting the maximum possible profit, the ability to manage commercial risk, the formation of such organizational structures of commerce that are able to adapt to changing conditions, susceptibility to changes in market needs, full equality of partners. At the same time, economic freedom in commercial activities cannot be considered complete independence from the interests and actions of market entities, since in some cases a compromise with business partners is necessary to achieve any strategic goals.

In addition, the freedom of commercial relations may be limited by the conditions of the external environment, trade secrets and other objective factors.

The main participants in commercial activities are not only business structures but also consumers. This statement is based on the fact that for entrepreneurs, the most important factor in concluding transactions is income (economic benefit), and for consumers, the benefit is the product (service) he needs if it satisfies his needs (consumer interests) to a greater extent. The consumer is not a passive buyer, but a full participant in commercial activities. Thus, the most important subject of business relations between suppliers of goods and the retail link is the consumer (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. A set of tasks of commercial activity in the market of goods and services

To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to be guided by the following basic principles:

1. The inextricable link between commerce and marketing principles.

2. Flexibility of commerce, its focus on taking into account constantly changing market requirements.

3. Ability to anticipate commercial risks.

4. Prioritization.

5. The manifestation of personal initiative.

6. High responsibility for the fulfillment of obligations under trade transactions.

7. Focus on achieving the final result - profit.

Until the middle of the last century, the concept of marketing was in effect, which focused on enhancing commercial efforts. The significance of this concept has not yet been lost in Russia. With the help of marketing, commercial workers, business leaders receive the necessary information about what products and why consumers want to buy, about the prices that consumers are willing to pay, about in which regions the demand for these products is highest, where the sale of the company's products can bring highest profit. With the help of marketing, they determine in which types of production, in which area it is most profitable to invest capital, where to establish a new enterprise.

Marketing allows you to understand how a manufacturer, an enterprise should organize the sales process, allows you to calculate various options for cost efficiency for the production and sale of products and services, determine which types of products sold to a particular consumer in a particular region will bring the greatest return on each ruble,

invested in production, transportation, storage, advertising, marketing.

The flexibility of commerce should be manifested primarily in the timely consideration of market requirements, for which it is necessary to study and predict commodity markets, develop and improve sales advertising, as well as introduce innovations into commercial activities, if necessary, change the profile of activities, make changes to organizational structures commerce.

The ability to anticipate commercial risks is a very important principle for an entrepreneur in the field of trade. Risk is the degree of uncertainty in the outcome. Business risk is the potential loss in a business operation.

It can be defined as the sum of the damages incurred as a result of an incorrect decision and the costs prior to its implementation. Commercial risk may arise due to inflation, with deterioration financial position firms, as well as as a result of the conclusion of a risky transaction, non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by counterparties related to the actions of competitors, due to the destruction or damage to cargo during transportation, from natural disasters, from possible dishonesty of the company's employees. In addition, commercial risk may arise due to the instability of the socio-political situation.

According to the degree of risk, acceptable risk is distinguished - the probability of loss of profit; critical - the probability of loss of profit and loss of part of the income; catastrophic - the possibility of bankruptcy.

In order to reduce the degree of risk and at the same time ensure the achievement of specified levels of profitability, it is necessary to:

1) search for partners with sufficient financial resources and having information about the market. If successful, they will have to

share part of the profit;

2) turn to the services of external expert consultants, for example, to conduct scientifically based forecasts of changes in prices, demand, and competitors' actions;

3) form a special reserve fund for self-insurance at the expense of a part of the profit;

4) transfer part of the risk to other persons and organizations through insurance of the trading business.

Commercial activity without risks is impossible, however, when planning it, it is important to foresee the impact of commercial risk. In order for the risk to be “weighted”, it is necessary to use the maximum possible amount of information. Comprehensive analysis of commercial activities, financial results, effectiveness of partnerships, comprehensive market research, careful selection of personnel.

Prioritization in commercial activities is no less important than in production. The implementation of this principle involves constant study and knowledge of all the details of commercial activities.

Personal initiative depends directly on each person working in the field of commerce, and is determined not only by personal characteristics, but also by the work culture of the individual. Characteristics form the basis business qualities businessman. Work culture refers to a certain level common organization labor, rejection of obsolete and susceptibility to new, more effective methods and methods of communication with colleagues and subordinates, the search for and involvement in the world of work of new scientific and technological achievements, respect for property, as well as the willingness to quickly perceive everything new, which may have an impact on improving performance.

A high level of responsibility for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed in commercial transactions is a principle that creates a reputation for a merchant in the business world. The implementation of this principle is the key to the effectiveness of commercial activities.

Commerce- a word of Latin origin (commercium - trade). Commerce is a kind of commercial enterprise or business, but a noble business, that business, which is the main part of any truly civilized market economy

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. I. Dal defines commerce as "bargaining, trade, trade, merchant crafts"

The concept of commercial activity (CA) as an object of study was formulated by the Harvard School of CA Management in 1958.

The classic definition is that commercial activity exists to profitably satisfy consumer demands.

commercial activity is a narrower concept than entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is the organization of economic, industrial and other activities that bring income to the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship can mean organization industrial enterprise, a rural farm, a commercial enterprise, etc. Of all these types of entrepreneurial activity, only trading is a pure commercial activity.

In this way, commerce should be considered as one of directions(types) of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, in business activities, transactions can be carried out for the sale of goods, raw materials, prepared products, semi-finished products, etc., i.e. directions or elements of commercial activity may be inherent in all types of entrepreneurship, but not be decisive, main for them.

Therefore, commercial work in trade represents a vast area of ​​operational and organizational activities trade organizations and enterprises aimed at completing the processes of buying and selling goods on the consumer market to meet the demand of the population and make a profit.

Commercial activity is characterized as:

activity in the market in the sphere of commodity-money relations;

activities carried out on the principles of marketing and aimed at obtaining maximum profit;

management activities, including purposeful management decisions on the objects of collection and processing of the necessary information and the implementation of appropriate decisions.

The purpose of the CA is sale most goods with the highest income and at the same time ensuring the high reputation of the company, achieving sustainable maximum sales in the future.

Peculiarities CD:

commercial work occurs only when trade organizations bear full economic responsibility for the purchase and sale of goods;

commercial work is not limited trading industry, since industrial enterprises act as wholesalers and buyers of goods and services;

commercial work has its content and therefore requires a special service and appropriate professionals.

KD principles:

inseparable connection with the principles of marketing; prioritization;

responsibility for the fulfillment of obligations under trade transactions;

focus on profit.

CD functions:

marketing research; product range and quality management;

sales management, promotion of goods and services.

1.2 .Subject, content and tasks of the discipline "Commercial activity"

The course "Commercial Activity" as a scientific discipline studies the rational organization of commercial processes in trade with the aim of their most efficient implementation, the fastest delivery of goods to end consumers through the implementation of sales acts.

Course subject - commercial processes performed in wholesale and retail organizations in the sphere of commodity circulation .

The object of study of the course in the narrow sense is trading, intermediary, marketing, marketing organizations and structures where commercial processes are carried out.

In a broader sense, to the object of study d discipline should be attributed to the commercial side of the entire process of movement of goods from producers to consumers.

The basic principles or a set of research techniques used in a given discipline (course) are methodology of scientific discipline.

The methodological arsenal of the discipline "Commercial activity" includes both general scientific and special methods of cognition (research).

One of basic general scientific methods cognition is the method dialectical materialism, involving the study, study of categories (concepts) from the simplest to more complex ..

To general scientific methods research in the course should be attributed methods of observation, experiment, comparison, analogy, etc.

Special Methods studies include customer surveys, expert opinions, economic and mathematical calculations, providing a definition of the economic efficiency of commercial activities.

The structure of the discipline "Commercial activity" provides for a strict sequence and logic of presentation of topics, starting with the characteristics of the essence and content of commercial work and ending with the formation of the store's image.

Such a sequence of presenting the topics of the course allows you to equip students with a methodically systematized volume. necessary knowledge in the field of commerce for the successful implementation of professional activities in a market economy.

Concept, essence, functions and tasks of commercial activity.

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Production Scope of commercial activity in subsistence farming.

Lecture 2

1. Conditions necessary for the development of commercial activities

2. Types of commercial activities

Legal conditions of any commercial activity operates within the appropriate legal environment.

The essence of the commercial activity of a trading enterprise

Of great importance is the constitution of the Russian Federation, the civil code, the tax code, the housing, family, arbitration, procedural, budget code of the Russian Federation, air, town planning, land, the code of inland water transport, forestry, customs, criminal, and there are also a large number of decisions both federal and local importance.

2. economic conditions - ϶ᴛᴏ primarily the supply of goods and demand for them.

These are the types of goods that buyers can purchase, the amount of money that buyers can spend on purchases, the availability of jobs and labor, and the availability of credit and loans.

Turnover structure retail: 2001 - food products 49.1%, non-food 50.9%, 2009 - food products 45.6%, non-food 54.4%.

3. Social conditions - the desire of the buyer to purchase goods that meet certain tastes and fashion. A significant role in this is played by moral and religious norms, as well as the socio-cultural environment.

Commercial activity develops in the commercial system, ᴛ.ᴇ. in the aggregate of diverse economic relations between commercial entities.

A commercial system is an integrated whole in the form of a production and commercial complex of goods and services that exist in a certain economic, legal, cultural, and territorial environment at specific points in time.

A large number of types of enterprises and commercial activities can be grouped into 4 basic ones: production activities, commercial activities, financial activities, advisory activities.

To production activities refers to the activity in which the manufacturer directly carries out the production of products, goods, works subject to further sale. At the same time, the production function is the main one for the enterprise, and all other functions are auxiliary, such as product sales, delivery, purchase of goods, etc.

Example: all food enterprises, enterprises of mechanical engineering, mining industry, etc.

Example: shopping markets, centers, complexes.

Financial entrepreneurship - the field of activity is the circulation, the exchange of value. A feature of financial entrepreneurship is that it penetrates into all areas of activity, into all types of commercial activities.

Advisory type of entrepreneurship (consulting) - advisory services are enhanced, one-time, in the form of projects (design, diagnostics).

Scope of consulting business: legal services, medical services, tourism services, customs services, advertising services, transport services, investment services, cultural and entertainment services (restaurants, clubs, fitness)

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  • — Scope of commercial activity in subsistence farming.

    Lecture 2. 1. Conditions necessary for the development of commercial activities 2. Types of commercial activities 1. Legal conditions of any commercial activity operates within the appropriate legal environment. 1. The constitution of the Russian Federation is of great importance, ... [read more]

  • Commercial activity of the enterprise


    The term "commerce" from the linguistic point of view comes from the Latin kommercium, which means - trade. Based on this context, commercial activity is a series of interrelated transactions that serve the exchange of material values ​​and services. In order to make such an exchange, you must:

      find a buyer, supplier;

      conclude a deal with him - an agreement in which all conditions are stipulated;

      fulfill the contract.

    However, commercial activity cannot be reduced only to sales or trade-purchase operations, which constitute only a part, albeit the main one, of this activity. With the development of commodity-money relations, the variety of forms of commercial activity has sharply increased. In the course of commercial activity, enterprises study the demand of the population and the market for goods, determine the need for them, identify sources of income and suppliers of goods, establish economic relations with them, conduct wholesale and retail trade, and engage in advertising and information activities. In addition, work is underway to form an assortment and manage inventory, provide trading services. All these operations are interconnected and are performed in a certain sequence.

    Thus, commercial activity is one of critical factors ensuring the effective functioning of the economic system in market conditions of management. Commercial work in trade is a vast area of ​​operational and organizational activities of trade organizations and enterprises aimed at completing the processes of buying and selling goods to meet the demand of the population and make a profit. Based on the study of economic literature in this paper, it is necessary to determine the essence and economic content of commercial activity.

    The organization of commercial activity in modern conditions is based on the principle of full equality trading partners on the supply of goods, economic independence of suppliers and buyers, strict material and financial responsibility of the parties for the fulfillment of their obligations. The role of commercial services of enterprises has increased, the activities of which are currently influenced by various factors. Thus, it is worth considering modern tendencies in the activities of the commercial services of the enterprise.

    One of the factors determining the successful functioning of a commercial enterprise in a constantly changing market environment is the analysis of commercial activities, the systematic conduct of which contributes to the implementation of a quick, high-quality and professional assessment of the effectiveness of the commercial work of an enterprise; accurate and timely identification and accounting of factors affecting the profit received by specific types goods sold; choosing the best ways to solve the commercial problems of a trading enterprise and making sufficient profits in the short and long term.

    The purpose of this work is to study the organization of commercial activities at the enterprise and determine recommendations for its improvement.

    The tasks of the work are as follows:

      Form general idea on commercial activities as an integral part of the enterprise;

      To reveal the basic concepts of commercial activity;

      Determine the principles of organizing commercial activities at the enterprise;

      Explain new trends in commercial activity in the current conditions of the Russian economy;

      To give an analysis of the commercial activities of the enterprise;

    The object of the study is the commercial enterprise "Rial-plus". The subject of the study is the commercial processes of the enterprise. The information base of the analysis is the data of the enterprise for 1998-2000.

    The main methods for achieving the goal of the work are considered:

      Analysis of documents (scientific economic literature, statistical data, data on the economic activity of the enterprise, company documentation).

      Standard Methods economic analysis(comparison, factor analysis etc.)

      Observation, which is based on the recording of events and their analysis in the system of commercial activities.

      Survey of management, staff, customers, etc.

      within the framework of the commercial activities of the enterprise.

    1. Commercial activity of the enterprise: methodological and theoretical aspect

    Essence, meaning, economic content of the commercial activity of the enterprise

    Commercial activity is, in accordance with the legislation of Russia, an activity the main purpose of which is to make a profit. "Commerce" in Latin means - trade. Trade is nothing more than the purchase and sale of goods, in the narrow sense, a series of purchases and sales. The sales process is understood as a sequential series of actions performed by a commercial employee and aimed at pushing the client to take the desired action, which ends with a set of after-sales activities to ensure customer satisfaction with the concluded transaction.

    However, this consideration of commerce does not meet the modern needs of a rapidly developing society. If we consider any enterprise from the standpoint of marketing, then its goal is the most complete satisfaction of customer needs. In this context, commercial activity is the activity of organizing the sale and purchase of goods and carrying out the corresponding calculations in order to obtain maximum profit. Marketing in this case acts as a tool in achieving the goal.

    The economic mechanism of commercial enterprises has a certain specificity of commercial activity. The specificity in the field of commercial activity lies in the fact that it contains the following main elements: procurement activities, and the sale of goods.

    An urgent task of the commercial apparatus of trade organizations and enterprises is to involve manufacturers of various forms of ownership and various organizational and legal structures, intermediary suppliers, citizens engaged in self-employment, foreign suppliers and other sources in the turnover of products.

    AT general view commercial activities at trading enterprises include the following functional tasks:

      purchase of commodity resources, commercial acquisition;

      planning the volume of purchases of goods, taking into account the planned level of profit;

      planning the range and sale of goods;

      organizing the sale of goods;

    We can say that the above areas of commercial activity determine its concept and content in the broad sense of the word.

    Procurement work is one of the main blocks of commercial activities in trade. Its main task is the profitable purchase of goods in order to meet consumer demand. Procurement of goods includes a complex of interrelated commercial transactions, which include:

      study and forecasting of consumer demand in order to justify commercial decisions on the purchase of goods;

      determination of the need for goods;

      identification and study of procurement sources, selection of suppliers and channels for promoting goods;

      establishment of economic relations with suppliers;

      control over the execution of contracts and the progress of delivery of goods.

    Product portfolio management is also one of the important functions commercial services of commercial enterprises. It ensures the maintenance of such a range of goods in warehouses that would best satisfy the needs of buyers.

    Commercial activities for the sale of goods is one of the most important stages in the work of the commercial structures of the enterprise. The economic efficiency of the work of enterprises engaged in the sale of goods depends on its success.

    Commercial activity (S. N. Vinogradova, 2012)

    At this stage, it is important to choose the right business partner, successfully conduct operations with him to register the sale of goods, and organize control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

    At retail and wholesale trade enterprises, commercial operations have their own specifics, which is especially true for operations following the bulk purchases of goods. In retail trade enterprises, these operations, in contrast to operations in wholesale links, have their own specifics, which are determined by completely different sizes and structure of commodity stocks, the terms of the presence of goods at enterprises and other approaches to the formation of the assortment, etc.

    Since the retail trading network the process of bringing goods from production to consumer is completed, then commercial activities related to retail th goods, is the most responsible, since at this stage you have to deal with the final consumer of the goods. Therefore, it is very important not only to offer the retail customer a wide choice high quality goods, an extensive list of services, but also use modern, convenient for the buyer methods of sale, progressive systems payment for purchases, etc.

    As noted above, the commercial activities of trade enterprises in a market economy should be carried out on the basis of marketing approach, the principles of which should be applied throughout all stages of the commercial activities of a trading company. Trade marketing is a set of measures responsible for the success of the company's local actions, for promotions that are not extended in time, for the promotion of a specific product at specific intervals of time. The use of a marketing approach will ensure a focus on the interests of the end consumer, otherwise it is impossible to count on a successful commercial result.

    Since the main object of commercial activity is the act of purchase and sale, here the settlement, monetary and related legal side of the activity of the enterprise manager comes to the fore:

      determination of the price of goods that provides maximum profit;

      conclusion and implementation of agreements and contracts;

      work with suppliers of goods;

      organization of purchases and sales of goods;

      organization of goods distribution;

      commercial risk calculations;

      work with banks;

      implementation of customs operations, etc.

    In all cases, conducting the necessary commercial calculations. Summarizing the above, we can say that commercial activity is an activity to ensure the sale and purchase of goods, accompanied by appropriate calculations, in order to extract the maximum possible profit in the conditions of existing legal norms.

    To ensure the ultimate goal of entrepreneurship, which is to satisfy social needs and realize one's own material interests (that is, making a profit), a final business operation is necessary - the sale of goods. It is possible to carry out promotion of goods more effectively thanks to proper organization commercial activities. If the goal (making a profit) is facing all departments of the enterprise, acting as a single entity, it is quite clear that the management of the enterprise will have to carefully consider the organizational aspect - how to correctly and most effectively coordinate the work of all elements of such a complex mechanism as a business.

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    Commercial activity is a narrower concept than entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship - the organization of economic, industrial and other activities that bring income to the entrepreneur. This can mean the organization of an industrial enterprise, and a rural farm, and a trading enterprise, and a service enterprise, a bank, a law office, a publishing house, a research institution, and so on. Of all these types of entrepreneurial activity, only a trading enterprise is a pure commercial activity. Thus, commercial activity should be considered as one of the types or forms of entrepreneurship. At the same time, in some types of entrepreneurial activity, there may be elements of commercial activity, but they are not decisive or main for them.

    Thus, commercial activity in trade is a vast area of ​​operational and organizational activities of trade organizations aimed at completing the processes of buying and selling goods to meet the demand of the population and make a profit. Therefore, commercial activity in trade is a broader concept than just the act of buying and selling goods. To carry out such activities, a merchant needs to carry out a number of activities, starting with market research and searching for suppliers and ending directly with the sale and purchase act, as well as, possibly, providing a number of services, both before the sale of goods and after.

    The complex of operational, organizational and economic operations for organizing commercial activities is not limited to buying goods from “some” supplier and selling these goods to “some” buyer, but also implies the establishment of a wide range of services related to the sale and purchase act, the establishment of permanent relationships with certain suppliers and with certain buyers.

    That is, the goal of commercial activity is to maximize profits while optimally satisfying the demand of a particular target segment buyers. The implementation of these goals is guaranteed by the content of commercial activities: studying the process of forming a market for goods and services, substantiating the directions and scales of development of their production in accordance with the needs of society and individual segments of consumers, bringing goods to consumers and organizing the consumption process itself, commercial mediation and the establishment of contractual relationships in the market for goods and services.

    The essence of the commercial activity of a trading enterprise or organization is to study the demand of the population and the market for the sale of goods, identify and study sources of income and suppliers of goods, organize rational economic relations with suppliers, including the development and submission of applications and orders for goods to them, the conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods, organization of accounting and control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers.

    The subject of commerce is the sale and purchase of goods in the sphere of commodity circulation, taking into account the satisfaction of consumer requests, their receipt in the ownership of a trading enterprise for subsequent sale.

    It should be noted that all commercial activities are inextricably linked with the market and with buyers in this market. And any operation, any aspect of commercial activity must be consistent with market conditions and must be focused on the buyer, because if there is no buyer, there is no commercial activity itself.

    2 The nature and content of the processes carried out in trading activities online store

    By the nature of the functions performed, the processes performed in trading activities can be divided into two types:

    · commercial (or purely trade);

    production (or technological).

    Commercial (trading) processes are the processes associated with the purchase and sale of goods. They imply organizational and economic processes directly related to the sale and purchase of goods, as well as processes that ensure the continuity of the sale and purchase processes (studying needs, searching for suppliers, negotiating, concluding sales contracts, advertising, etc.)

    The main commercial processes in trade can be divided into the following types:

    study and forecasting of consumer demand, study and identification of the needs of the population in goods and services;

    Identification and study of sources of income and suppliers of goods;

    organization of rational economic relations with suppliers of goods, including the conclusion of agreements (contracts) for the supply of goods, the development and submission of applications and orders for goods, the organization of accounting and control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations, various forms of commercial settlements, etc.;

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    General characteristics of the activities of Altoir LLC
    The main goal of an enterprise in a market economy is to make a profit in the production and distribution of goods and services. The achievement of this goal depends on the economic need or availability of these goods and services; working conditions of all employees at the enterprise and, accordingly, the desire to work at this enterprise; efficient use of the total...

    Commercial activity in trade is a set of sequentially performed trade organizational operations which are carried out in the process of buying and selling goods and providing trade services for the purpose of making a profit.

    Act as subjects commercial activities, i.e., it can be carried out by both trade organizations and enterprises, and individual entrepreneurs. As objects such activities should be considered goods and services.

    Carrying out commercial activities, its subjects must:

    • strictly observe the current legislation;
    • improve customer service culture;
    • make effective commercial decisions to maximize profits.

    Compliance with these principles will contribute to the successful fulfillment of the tasks facing commercial services, the main of which are:

    • increasing the level of work on the study of market conditions on the basis of marketing research;
    • timely decision-making in accordance with the current market situation;
    • formation of mutually beneficial relations with partners;
    • strengthening the role of contracts and strengthening contractual discipline;
    • establishment of long-term economic relations with suppliers;
    • increase in the efficiency of commercial activities due to the automation of individual operations.

    The success of the commercial activities of trade organizations and enterprises will largely depend on the level of qualification of commercial workers, the state of the material and technical base of trade enterprises, the range of goods sold and the list of services provided, the level of competition in the market and other factors.

    Commercial activity can be divided into several stages. These stages are:

    • study of demand and determination of needs for goods;
    • identification of suppliers of goods and establishment of economic relations with them;
    • commercial activities for the wholesale of goods;
    • commercial activities for the retail sale of goods;
    • assortment formation and inventory management;
    • advertising and information activities;
    • provision of trading services.

    At each of the listed stages, certain commercial operations are performed. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the content of operations may differ depending on at what stage of the product distribution process they are carried out.

    Thus, the nature and content of the operations performed in the implementation of commercial activities will depend on the chosen form of product promotion and the stage of the product distribution process at which this product is located. A more detailed description of the main elements of commercial activity is given below.

    Effective commercial work is possible only if there is a complete and reliable market information, i.e., socio-economic, trade organization and other conditions for the sale of goods that have developed in a certain period of time and in a particular place. To obtain such information, it is necessary to collect information about both the product itself and its manufacturers.

    It is also important to have information about the social, economic, demographic and other factors that determine the demand for goods, and about the purchasing power of the population. Along with this, it is necessary to have reliable information about the capabilities of prospective competitors, which will allow you to make the right commercial decisions and occupy your own niche in the market.

    The information obtained allows you to determine the possible volume of sales of goods on the market, justify the range necessary goods, i.e. calculate the need for them.

    In addition, information about the state of the market contributes establishment of rational economic relations. To do this, it is necessary to study potential suppliers and choose those that will be the most profitable in the current conditions. At the same time, attention should be paid to the location of suppliers, the range and quality of the goods they offer, terms of delivery, prices, etc.

    At this stage of business contracts are concluded with suppliers of goods. It is very important to agree on all the terms of the future agreement: a well-drafted agreement will allow not only to take into account the interests of partners, but also to avoid future disagreements associated with insufficient elaboration of its individual provisions.

    Once signed, the contract becomes binding on the parties. Therefore, trade enterprises and organizations must carry out a constant and effective control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

    Following operations on wholesale purchases of goods, a number of technological operations related to the receipt of goods, unloading of vehicles, acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, their storage, packaging, etc. The listed operations are performed both in the wholesale and retail trade. Along with the technological ones, commercial operations continue in these links.

    Commercial activities in enterprises wholesale trade as the following steps includes:

    • product range management;
    • inventory management;
    • advertising and information work;
    • commercial activities for the wholesale of goods;
    • provision of services to wholesale buyers.

    Product range management associated with the formation of such an assortment that would best meet the demand of wholesale buyers. Taking into account their requirements, it is necessary to constantly update the range of goods in warehouses. To solve this problem, the commercial services of wholesale trade enterprises should actively participate in the formation assortment policy commodity producers.

    Inventory management in wholesale trade consists in their regulation, operational accounting and control over their condition. To form commodity stocks, first of all, should be based on the demand for goods. Maintaining inventory at the proper level contributes to the uninterrupted supply of goods to wholesale buyers and speeds up the turnover of goods, reducing the cost of their storage.

    At the stage of wholesale of goods, an important role is played by advertising work. A well-organized, based on reliable information and timely advertising campaign contributes to an increase in demand for certain goods and has a positive effect on their sale.

    One of the key stages of commercial activity is wholesale trade goods. At this stage, there is a search for buyers of goods, which, as a rule, are shops, small retail trade enterprises, etc. Then, work follows to agree on the conditions and conclude an agreement, in accordance with which the sale of goods will be carried out. Effective work wholesale enterprise at this stage is impossible without the organization of control over the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

    An important place in the commercial activities of the wholesale link is occupied by service operations. Wholesale trade enterprises offer their partners services that are impossible or difficult to perform in retail trade. For example, they may be intermediary (search for suppliers of goods), advertising (holding in a retail network advertising campaigns, exhibitions and sales with the participation of commodity producers, etc.), informational (collection and analysis of information about market conditions, marketing research, etc.), advisory (acquaintance of employees of retail enterprises with new products, rules for their operation, etc.). ) and other services.

    The role of trade services is especially great in the presence of competition: wholesale customers are interested in contacting the seller who, along with high-quality goods, is able to offer a set of services that best meet their requirements.

    As already noted, commercial transactions in enterprises retail have their own specifics. First of all, this is due to the fact that the consumer of goods and services here is the population.

    It is the requirements and demands of the population that become decisive in the formation of the assortment at retail enterprises. Of the services that a trading enterprise can provide, only buyers in demand are selected. The interests of buyers are also taken into account when choosing methods for selling goods.

    It should be noted that, carrying out commercial activities, retailers can, to a certain extent, shape the needs of the population. To this end, new products are offered to customers and those that meet the approval of consumers are included in the assortment of the retailer.

    When managing inventories, they proceed primarily from the fact that they are stored at retail trade enterprises in much smaller volumes and for shorter periods.

    The advertising work carried out in the retail trade network also has its own characteristics, primarily related to the choice of types and means of advertising.