How is economic efficiency calculated? Calculation of the economic effect from the introduction of an automation system. Progressive discounts for large purchases

  • 31.03.2020

Essence economic effect

In order to identify the main ways to improve social and economic efficiency management of Russian organizations, it is necessary to evaluate the effect. The effect can be represented as an absolute value, which can be used to reflect the achievable result in the process of performing a certain procedure.

Definition 1

Economic effects are the result of the use of human labor, which can be directed to the creation of certain material benefits. In this case, it is important not only to ensure the result, but also to determine how it was achieved.

As a basis for calculating economic efficiency, specialists should take the annual economic effect, including the costs of achieving it. In addition, in addition to the absolute magnitude of the effect, the magnitude of the effect is needed, which is calculated by the ratio of the total result obtained to the cost of resources to obtain it.

Efficiency can be determined by the degree of profitability. Performance indicators are relative and are used for comparison with the existing standard or with other effect options.

Benefit from the implementation of the effect can be determined through three circumstances:

  • minimum costs for events,
  • maximum effect from the implementation,
  • duration of the effect.

In accordance with the economic efficiency of what needs to be measured, capital investments for the acquisition of new equipment, technologies, fixed assets, Money that are invested in a particular project.

Thus, we can say that the economic effect is the result of the used human labor aimed at creating appropriate benefits or a better result.

In this case, it is important not only to ensure the result itself, but also the forces with the help of which the result was achieved. For this reason, economic efficiency is calculated through the annual economic effect, including the costs or costs of achieving it.

In addition, after determining the absolute value of the effect, the relative value is determined, which is calculated through the ratio of the overall result to the cost of resources to obtain the effect.

Formula of economic effect

The economic effect formula characterizes the final economic result obtained from the introduction and implementation of appropriate measures that can improve the performance of the company.

The best result is absolute indicator, which is measured in monetary units.

AT general view obtaining the effect is based on the initial implementation of certain costs, and in the future in obtaining additional size income from activities. In general, the economic effect can be expressed in the form of additional income that the organization can receive through additional profit, minimizing labor and material costs, increasing production volumes, and increasing the quality of products, expressed in price.

There is no specific formula for the effect, but several different formulas are often used in calculations. So, the total amount of economic effect can be determined as follows:

$Etotal \u003d (NR - SR) - Z$, where:

  • $НР$ – new result,
  • $SR$ - old result,
  • $3$ is the discounted amount of costs for the entire period of implementation and implementation of changes.

The annual amount of the economic effect is determined in accordance with the formula:

$GE \u003d (NR - SR) - Z GO $

$GO$ - the annual standard amount of return on investment.

The value of the economic effect formula

The essence and significance of the formula for calculating the economic effect is to determine the degree of efficiency, which in turn is able to determine the degree of profitability. The effect indicator is considered relative, for this reason it is most often used when compared with the existing standard.

In a general sense, the benefit from the implementation of the effect is characterized by several facts: the costs of the measures taken should be small, the effects of the implementation should be large, preferably maximum, the period during which the effect is expected to occur.

Depending on the nature of the measures taken to increase the effect, its calculation is carried out in different ways. There is no general formula for the economic effect; it is determined according to the sources of obtaining this effect.

If the calculation requires obtaining the annual effect from the implementation of measures, then to obtain the total amount of the effect, it is necessary to multiply it by the number of years that this effect can bring.

Sources of problems effective management in Russian organizations are mainly in the low quality of management personnel. In Russian practice, a small number of persons who have the practice of effective management. The bulk of managers receive only theoretical knowledge in universities, without reinforcing them with practice. For this reason, individuals with little life and managerial experience are included in the work.

Another important problem of management efficiency in Russia is the high proportion of corruption at all levels of government. If we consider the practice of management in Western states, then there public managers are separated from the distribution of material wealth. In our country, there is a large proportion of officials who become owners of large fortunes.

Remark 1

The low efficiency of management at the state level is also associated with a large number of managers, since in Russia it is the management of state resources that is profitable and efficient business. At the same time, the sector of private enterprises lacks highly qualified high-level specialists.

If we consider enterprises separately, then the main problem of management lies in the inefficient use of their working time by Russian managers.

Alexander Poddubny - Department Lead Specialist corporate clients Antegra consulting company

The economic effect of the introduction of automation tools can only be indirect, since the implemented automation tools are not a direct source of income, but are either an auxiliary means of organizing profits or help to minimize costs.

You can evaluate the economic effect of using the program in two ways: simple and complex(more time consuming, but more accurate). The simple method is some simplification of the complex method, taking into account various "reservations". For example, if material costs do not change after the implementation of the program, then they can be excluded from the calculation, thereby simplifying it. A full assessment according to a complex algorithm, as a rule, is carried out by qualified specialists based on the results of a survey of the enterprise's business processes. But if it is necessary to quickly and approximately evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of an automation tool, then it is possible to substitute estimated cost values ​​in the presented formulas. Of course, when using cost estimates, and not their actual values, the economic effect will not be calculated accurately, but nevertheless will allow to evaluate the profitability and necessity of automation.

The main economic effect of the introduction of automation means is to improve the economic and economic indicators operation of the enterprise, primarily by increasing the efficiency of management and reducing labor costs for the implementation of the management process, that is, reducing management costs. For most enterprises, the economic effect is in the form of savings in labor and financial resources received from:

  • reducing the complexity of calculations;
  • reduction of labor costs for the search and preparation of documents;
  • savings on consumables(paper, diskettes, cartridges);
  • layoffs of employees.

Reduction of labor costs at the enterprise is possible due to the automation of work with documents, reducing the cost of information search.

The criterion for the effectiveness of the creation and implementation of new automation tools is the expected economical effect . It is determined by the formula:

E \u003d E r -E n * K p,

where Er - annual savings;

E n - normative coefficient (E n =0.15);

K n - capital costs for design and implementation, including the initial cost of the program.

The annual savings in Er is the sum of savings in operating costs and savings in connection with increased productivity of the user. Thus, we get:

E p \u003d (P1-P2) + ΔP p, (1)

where P1 and P2 are, respectively, operating costs before and after the implementation of the program being developed;

ΔР p - savings from increasing the productivity of additional users.


If we evaluate the economic effect taking into account all the details, then the capital costs for design and implementation are calculated taking into account the duration of work at this stage. So, let's take a closer look at the calculation of capital costs for the design and implementation of an automation system.

Design refers to the totality of work that needs to be done to design a system, part of a system, or a task. Implementation is understood as a complex of works on putting the system into commercial operation with its possible modifications.

To calculate the costs at the design stage, it is necessary to determine the duration of each work, starting with the preparation terms of reference and ending with paperwork.

The duration of work is determined either according to the standards (in this case, special tables are used), or they are calculated on the basis of expert assessments according to the formula:

T 0 \u003d (3 * T min + 2 * T max) / 5 (2)

where T 0 is the expected duration of work;

T min and T max ~ the shortest and longest, according to the expert, the duration of work, respectively.

The calculation data for the expected duration of work are given in the table.

Table 1

Table of duration of work at the design stage (example)

Name of works

Duration of work, days


Development of technical specifications

Analysis of terms of reference

Literature study

Working in the source library

Getting to know the main steps thesis

Registration of TK

Algorithm development

Program improvements

Program debugging

Economic justification

Making an explanatory note

Execution of posters

Capital costs at the design stage K to are calculated by the formula:

K to \u003d C + Z p + M p + H (3),

where C is the initial cost software product;

Z p - wage specialists at all stages of design and implementation ;

M p - the cost of using computers at the stage of design and implementation;

H - overhead costs at the stage of design and implementation.

One of the main types of costs at the design stage is the salary of a specialist, which is calculated by the formula:

Z p \u003d Z p *T p * (l + A s / 100) * (l + A p / 100) (4)

where Z p is the salary of the developer at the design stage;

Z d - developer's daily wage at the design stage;

A c - percentage of contributions to social insurance;

And n is the percentage of premiums.

In general, the cost of machine time consists of the cost of processor time (when working with an object or absolute module) and the cost of display time. The calculation formula looks like:

M \u003d t d * C d + t p * C p (5)

where C p and C d - respectively, the cost of one hour of processor and display time;

t d and t p - respectively, the processor and display time required to solve the problem (hour).

Since the program was developed on modern high-speed computers, there is no need for additional processor time; taken as C p =0 and t p =0.

When calculating M n, one should take into account the time for preparing the source texts of programs, their debugging and solving test cases.

Overhead costs according to formula (2) are 80-120% of the salary of the personnel involved in the operation of the program.

If the design and implementation of an automation tool is completely carried out by a third-party organization, then a simplified calculation scheme can be used, i.e. as capital costs for design and implementation, accept the amounts paid to a third party, including the initial cost of the automation tool.

Operating costs include:

  • content of information expenses;
  • the maintenance of personnel for the maintenance of the complex technical means;
  • expenses for the operation of the program;
  • building maintenance costs;
  • other expenses.


Costs for various types workers are determined by the formula:

Z= n i z i *(1+ A c /100)*(1+A p /100)

where ni - the number of personnel of the 1st type associated with the performance of work;

A c - percentage of social security contributions

A p - the average percentage of premiums for the year


The costs for the operation of the program consist of the costs of machine time and the costs of operating various accessories (paper, printer inks, etc.).

From formula (5) we will calculate the costs for the operation of the program:

M=t d *C d +t p *C p

At the same time, it is possible to estimate similar costs before the implementation of the program and compare the obtained values. When implementing the program, the time of work with the same task is reduced, and this already results in savings.


The cost of operating accessories is determined by a simple calculation of the cost of purchasing them at wholesale (or free) prices.


Other costs range from 1 to 3% of the total operating costs.

  • before the implementation of the program

P pr1 \u003d (Z + M 1 + H) * 0.03

  • after the implementation of the program

P pr2 \u003d (Z + M 2 + H) * 0.03

Thus, the operating costs are:

  • before the implementation of the program

P 1 \u003d Z + M 1 + H + P pr1

  • after the implementation of the program

P 2 \u003d Z + M 2 + H + P pr2

If the user, when saving i-type using the program, saves T i , hours, then the increase in labor productivity P i (in %) is determined by the formula:

where F j is the time that was planned by the user to perform work of the j-type before the implementation of the program (hours).

table 2

User Work Table (example)

Type of work

Before auto-matization, min Fj

Saving time, min.

Increasing labor productivity P i (in %)

Information entry

Carrying out calculations

Preparing and printing reports

Data analysis and sampling

The savings associated with an increase in the productivity of the user P will be determined by the formula:

where Z p - the average annual salary of the user.


For a better understanding of the material, consider as an example a small typical Russian organization engaged in the provision of services, in which the accounting department with one workplace is automated. As a means of automation, the software tool of the "1C company" - "1C: Enterprise Accounting 2.0" was chosen. We mean that a third-party organization implements the software tool. The cost of "1C: Accounting Enterprise 2.0" is 10,800 rubles.

The cost of services of a third-party organization for its implementation is 10,000 rubles.

As a result, the capital costs for implementation will be:

K = 10800 + 10000 = 20800 rub.

We calculate the cost of maintaining staff, based on the condition that the employee's salary is 50,000 rubles.

Z = 1 * 50000 * (1 + 34% / 100) = 67000 rub.

In our example, for simplicity, we will consider overhead and other expenses before and after the implementation of the program as unchanged, i.e. the implementation of the program did not cause ink savings in printer cartridges, paper consumption, etc. Thus, the annual savings will be equal to the savings associated with increased user productivity.

We calculate the savings due to an increase in employee productivity. In our example, accounting was carried out on a computer, but manually using various programs that allow you to store data in tables. For example MS Excel. We will use the data given in Table 2 as initial data.

User productivity savings:

P=67000*9= 603000 rub.

As a result, we obtain the following expected economic efficiency:

E = 603000 - 20800 * 0,15 = 599880 rub.

What do these numbers say? Even with an approximate calculation, the economic efficiency from the introduction of the software turned out to be significant. This was achieved by increasing employee productivity.

Accordingly, having spent only 20,800 rubles, we get savings of 599,880 rubles per year!


Based on the results of calculating the economic efficiency of designing and implementing automation tools, it is immediately possible that this is beneficial. Although the benefits are indirect, they are usually noticeable in the medium and long term. The introduction of automation tools can lead to adjustments in the business process itself, as tasks are completed faster. Employees can process large amounts of information for their working time, which can be used either to reduce staff costs or to quickly develop a business with the same number of employees involved in information processing.

As practice shows, the automation of business processes, in particular, such as calculating the cost of production, preparing regulated reporting on the results of activities, accounting for mutual settlements with counterparties, generating and accounting for printed documents, has great potential for development and material benefits over time.

In the process of calculating economic efficiency, one property of automation must be taken into account. It consists in the following: the more money and time spent on automation, the higher the economic effect of implementation. This is explained quite simply: if you qualitatively approach the choice of a software product, thoroughly work out all business processes at the design and implementation stage, describe and debug everything, then in the future much less money will be spent on operating the program.

It is important to note that if one software tool automates various divisions and employees, then the costs of organizing the workflow between them are reduced. Both time and material costs are reduced.

For any leader, it is important that production is profitable, and all activities are productive. But how to evaluate it? For information on what indicators allow you to evaluate the company's efficiency and how to calculate them, read the article "Financial Director".

The activity of the company is considered effective, in which the enterprise makes a profit, using each unit of available resources as efficiently as possible, while striving to minimize the costs of the enterprise.

A single indicator that would cover all aspects production activities company and characterized its effectiveness, does not exist.

Enterprise performance indicators - this is an assessment of the profitability of the enterprise and the return on assets, this is an analysis of asset turnover, and an increase in labor productivity and efficiency in the use of equipment and available resources of the enterprise.

In other words, in order to evaluate the effectiveness, it is necessary to calculate a number of financial ratios and then analyze the results obtained in the aggregate. This will give us a final picture of the effectiveness of the enterprise as a whole.

Ef \u003d Production results / Production costs

However, it is difficult to apply this formula in practice, since it is not easy to quantify the results and all production costs. For example, the results of activities can only be assessed qualitatively, in which case it is difficult to reduce everything to a single result.

Enterprise Key Performance Indicators + Formulas

To assess the effectiveness of activities, it is customary to use a system of indicators:

  1. Production efficiency indicators. Here, first of all, we consider such indicators as net profit company for the reporting period and the profitability of the company. They give an idea of ​​the final result of production activities for a certain period and, as a rule, are calculated according to the company's financial statements:

PE \u003d Gross profit + other operating profit + profit from investment (financial) operations - Taxes.

Gross profit can be calculated if we subtract the cost of goods manufactured from the revenue received for the reporting period. Further, if we remove from the gross profit all the administrative and commercial expenses of the enterprise for the period, we get the profit from sales. If we add all income from investment activities to the sales profit and subtract the expenses for interest payable and other expenses, we get profit before tax, which, in turn, differs from the final net profit only by the presence of the amount of unpaid taxes in its composition. As a result, we get the following formula for Net Profit based on the lines of the Statement of financial results:

CHP = p.2110 - p.2120 - p.2210 - p.2220 + p.2310 + p.2320 - p.2330 + p.2340 - p.2350 - p.2410.

  • Profitability of sales shows how much net profit the company received per 1 ruble of sales. This ratio is calculated as follows:

Рп = Net profit / Sales proceeds * 100%.

For ease of calculation, let's refer to the Statement of Financial Results, in this case the formula will be:

Rp = line 2200 / line 2110 * 100%.

The growth of the indicator indicates an increase in profit per unit of the product produced.

  1. A group of indicators characterizing the use of material and production resources and fixed production assets. These include:
  • material consumption. The ratio reflects how efficiently the company uses each unit of available raw materials and shows how much gross profit falls on each ruble of used reserves. It is calculated as the ratio of material costs for the production of products to the volume of output of manufactured goods:

Me \u003d Material costs / Volume of production of this type of product

As a rule, the result of calculating the material consumption is compared with normative value. If the resulting coefficient exceeds 1, we are talking about the overspending of raw materials and materials for production. A result of less than 1 indicates savings in raw materials in production.

  • Cost per unit marketable products . Allows you to analyze the cost of goods and is calculated as the ratio of material costs of production to the cost of production. If the indicator exceeds the value of 1, then the production is unprofitable - it is necessary to increase the prices for products or reduce the total cost of producing goods. This indicator is applicable to any industry, since it directly reflects the relationship between profit and the cost of the product.
  • Working capital turnover. It reflects how efficiently the current assets of the enterprise are used and is calculated as the ratio of proceeds from the sale of manufactured products to the average cost of all current assets companies. As a rule, due to the simplicity and availability of data, accounting data are used for calculation.

Kooa \u003d s.2110 OFR / ((s. 1200 BB at the beginning of the year + s. 1200 BB at the end of the year) / 2).

The higher the number of turnovers that the company's working capital makes during the reporting period, the more funds are released from circulation, which leads to a decrease in the company's need for current assets. It is possible to accelerate the turnover of assets by reducing the material consumption and energy intensity of production; improvements and updates production equipment, reducing manufacturing time through the use of new methods and technologies, improving product quality, increasing its competitiveness in the market for similar products, and so on.

  • Capital intensity and capital productivity. Capital intensity shows how much the cost of fixed assets falls on 1 ruble of manufactured products. It is calculated as the ratio of the average cost of fixed assets for the period to the sales revenue for the period. Return on assets is an indicator that is the inverse of capital intensity. It shows the return in rubles of revenue for each ruble invested in fixed assets of the enterprise. It is calculated as the proceeds received from the sale of products (net of VAT, excises) to the average cost of fixed assets for the period.

The formulas for the data in the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Results will look like this:

Fe = ((s. 1150 BB at the beginning of the year + s. 1150 BB at the end of the year) / 2) / s. 2110 OFR

Fo \u003d s.2110 OFR / ((s.1150 BB at the beginning of the year + s.1150 BB at the end of the year) / 2) \u003d 1 / Fe

The lower the capital intensity index, the higher the return on assets, and hence the more efficient use of production equipment at the enterprise. The growth of capital intensity and the decrease in capital productivity indicates the irrational use of equipment, equipment downtime, and tired fixed assets. Within each industry, it may be normal different meaning indicator.

  • capital-labor ratio. The indicator characterizes how much equipment in rubles falls on each employee of the enterprise. in other words, how much fixed assets each employee has.

Fv \u003d average cost of fixed assets / average headcount employees for the period

It is necessary to analyze this indicator of the efficiency of the enterprise's activity together with the analysis of labor productivity, since the growth of labor productivity should go at a comparable pace with the growth of capital-labor ratio. Otherwise, we will talk about a decrease in the efficiency of using equipment in production, an increase in equipment that is little used in production, downtime of production equipment, etc.

01.07.19 39 053 0

profitability is economic indicator, which shows how efficiently resources are used: raw materials, personnel, money and other tangible and intangible assets. You can calculate the profitability of an individual asset, or you can calculate the profitability of the entire company at once.

Profitability is calculated to predict profit, compare a company with competitors, or predict the return on investment. The profitability of an enterprise is also assessed if they are going to sell it: a company that brings more profit and at the same time spends less resources costs more.

How profitability is calculated

There is a profitability ratio - it shows how efficiently resources are used. This ratio is the ratio of profit to the resources that have been invested in order to receive it. The coefficient can be expressed in a specific amount of profit received per unit of invested resource, or maybe as a percentage.

For example, a company produces sour cream. 1 liter of milk costs 5 rubles, and 1 liter of sour cream costs 80 rubles. From 10 liters of milk, 1 liter of sour cream is obtained. From 1 liter of milk, you can make 100 milliliters of sour cream, which will cost 8 rubles. Accordingly, the profit from 1 liter of milk is 3 rubles (8 R − 5 R).

And another company makes ice cream. 1 kilogram of ice cream costs 200 rubles. For its production, 20 liters of milk are needed at the same price - 5 rubles per liter. From 1 liter of milk you get 50 grams of ice cream, which will cost 10 rubles. Profit from 1 liter of milk - 5 rubles (10 R − 5 R).

Profitability of the resource "Milk" in the production of ice cream: 5 / 5 = 1, or 100%.

Conclusion: the return on resources in the production of ice cream is higher than in the production of sour cream - 100% > 60%.

The profitability ratio can also be expressed in terms of the amount of resources spent that were needed to get a fixed amount of profit. For example, to get 1 ruble of profit in the case of sour cream, you need to spend 330 milliliters of milk. And in the case of ice cream - 200 milliliters.

Types of profitability indicators

To evaluate the performance of the company, several indicators of profitability are used. Each of them is calculated as the ratio of net profit to some value:

  1. To assets - return on assets (ROA).
  2. To revenue - return on sales (ROS).
  3. To fixed assets - profitability of fixed assets (ROFA).
  4. To the invested money - return on investment (ROI).
  5. To equity - return on equity (ROE).

Profitability threshold

The threshold of profitability is the minimum profit that covers costs. For example, investments, if we are talking about investments, or cost, if we are talking about production. When talking about the threshold of profitability, the term "break-even point" is most often used.

Return on assets (ROA)

The ROA indicator is calculated to understand how efficiently the company's assets are used - buildings, equipment, raw materials, money - and what kind of profit they bring in the end. If the return on assets is below zero, then the company is operating at a loss. The higher the ROA, the more efficient organization uses its resources.

ROA = P / CA × 100%,

P - profit for the period of work;

CA - average price assets that were on the balance sheet at the same time.

Return on sales (ROS)

Return on sales shows the share of net profit in the total revenue of the enterprise. When calculating the ratio, instead of net profit, gross profit or profit before taxes and interest on loans can also be used. Such indicators will be called respectively - the profitability ratio of sales by gross profit and the operating profitability ratio.

ROS = P / V × 100%,

P - profit;

B is revenue.

Return on fixed assets (ROFA)

Fixed production assets - assets that the organization uses to produce goods or services and which are not spent, but only wear out. For example, buildings, equipment, Electricity of the net, cars, etc. ROFA shows the return on the use of fixed assets that are involved in the production of a product or service.

ROFA \u003d P / Cs × 100%,

P - net profit of the organization for the required period;

Cs - the cost of fixed assets of the company.

Return on current assets (RCA)

Current assets are resources that are used by the company to produce goods and services, but which, unlike fixed assets, are fully spent. Current assets include, for example, money in the accounts of the enterprise, raw materials, finished products in stock, etc. RCA shows the effectiveness of current asset management.

RCA \u003d P / Tso × 100%,

P - net profit for a certain period;

Tso - the value of current assets that were used to produce a good or service during the same time.

Return on equity (ROE)

ROE shows the return on the money invested in the company. Moreover, investments are only authorized or share capital. To calculate the efficiency of using not only own, but also borrowed funds, use the return on capital employed - ROCE. It makes it clear how much income the company brings. Return on equity is compared not only with similar indicators of other companies, but also with other types of investments. For example, with interest on bank deposits, to understand whether it makes sense to invest in a business.

ROE = P / C × 100%,

P - profit;

K is capital.

Return on investment (ROI)

The return on investment indicator is an analogue of the return on capital, but it is calculated for any type of investment. For example, bank deposits, exchange instruments, etc. ROI shows the return on investment.

ROI = P / Qi × 100%,

P - profit;

Qi is the price of investment.

Profitability of production

The profitability of production is the ratio of net profit to the cost of fixed assets and working capital. In fact, the profitability of production shows the efficiency of the entire company. Diversified enterprises calculate profitability for each type of production separately. You can also calculate the profitability of production separate species products or the profitability of a particular production area, such as a workshop.

Rpr \u003d P / (Cs + Tso) × 100%,

P - profit;

Pr - the cost of fixed assets of the company;

Tso - the cost of current assets, taking into account depreciation and wear.

Project profitability

The profitability of the project, in contrast to the profitability of an already operating production, is an attempt to assess how effective investments in new business. The profitability of a project is the ratio of future profits to all the costs that will be needed to start a business. This indicator is calculated not only by those who start a business, but also by investors - in order to understand whether it makes sense to invest in this project.

As the ratio of the value of the business to the investment in its launch.

Rp \u003d Sat / Qi,

Sat - the total cost of the business;

Qi - the amount of investment.

As a ratio of net income and depreciation expenses to start-up investments.

Rp \u003d (P + A) / Qi,

P - net profit;

A - depreciation;

Qi - costs.

How to increase profitability

Profitability is the ratio of net profit to any other indicator: the value of current assets, fixed assets, capital, investments, etc. To increase profitability, you must either increase the value of the numerator - profit, or reduce the denominator - the value of assets, capital, investments, etc. d.

For example, in order to increase the profitability of sales, you can improve the quality of products or develop an effective marketing strategy - as a result, demand will increase and, as a result, profits. And you can reduce the cost of production - then the profitability will increase with the same demand.

The creation of a formula for calculating economic efficiency could greatly facilitate the life of enterprises. In order to increase profits, every company is trying to improve the quality of products and increase their income or invest money in manufacturing process in order to reduce costs.

Types of efficiency

Efficiency falls into two categories. The first is economic. The second is socio-economic.

With economic efficiency, the criterion is the company's ability to maximize its profits. The criterion of socio-economic efficiency is the level of satisfaction of the interests and needs of the population.

Classic efficiency calculation

The general formula for calculating economic efficiency is as follows:

EkEf \u003d R / Z, where

ЕкЕф - economic efficiency;

Р - the result received from investment;

Z - the costs incurred to achieve the result.

This formula can be used to calculate the cost-effectiveness of activities whose duration is designed for a short period of time. In another case, this indicator is not able to reflect the feasibility of investments, since additional variables appear in the formula that are not included in the above formula.

Absolute Efficiency

There is also a formula that displays the absolute efficiency. It looks like this:

EE abs \u003d (Eph 1 - Eph 0) / (I + K * K n), where

ITS abs - economic efficiency;

Ef 1 - the overall result after the events;

Eph 0 - the result before the events;

I - total costs;

K - capital investments for holding events;

Regulatory coefficient

This index shows what the minimum allowable efficiency in a particular area can be. The parameter is the same for all types of activities in a particular industry, but may differ depending on the area.

The value of the coefficient is in the range from 10 to 33 percent. In trade, this figure is 25%, in the industrial sector - 16%.

Efficiency in the use of factors of production

Any enterprise has labor resources, fixed and working capital. Without them, the production process is unrealistic. Companies are also trying to improve their investment performance to improve performance.

To calculate the effectiveness of the use of each of these factors, their own methods are used. Some of them are based on the same principles.

Staff efficiency

In order to measure how effectively an enterprise uses its workers, two parameters are used. The first is production. The second indicator is labor intensity. The output is calculated as the ratio of the number of goods produced to the cost of personnel:

B = O / Z, where

B - production;

The labor intensity indicator is the reverse of the previous indicator and displays how much money needs to be spent on the personnel of the enterprise in order to produce one unit of output.

T \u003d W / O \u003d B -1 \u003d 1 / B, where

T - labor intensity;

B - production;

O - the volume of products manufactured at the enterprise;

Z - the costs incurred by the enterprise for labor resources.

Formula for calculating economic efficiency for labor resources companies can be displayed as follows:

EE tr \u003d ((O 1 * C - Z 1) - (O 0 * C - Z 0)) / And, where

ITS tr - economic efficiency for labor resources;

О 1 - the volume of manufactured products after investment in personnel;

C - the price of products;

О 0 - the volume of product sales before investment in labor resources;

Fixed assets (PF)

There are two main parameters for calculating the efficiency of using fixed assets: capital productivity and capital intensity. The return on assets is calculated as the ratio of the value of all products that were produced by the enterprise within one year to the average annual value of funds.

F o \u003d VP / C this year, where

VP - all products of the company in monetary terms (including the cost of semi-finished products and work in progress);

F o - return on assets;

Since this year - the cost of the OF in the calculation for 1 year on average.

The index of capital intensity is the inverse of the return on fixed assets. You can determine the value of the coefficient using several formulas.

F e \u003d (F o) -1 \u003d 1 / F o, where

F e - capital intensity;

F o - return on assets.

In the event that the return on fixed assets (OS) is not found, capital intensity can be determined as follows:

F e \u003d (S.g. / VP), where

F e - capital intensity;

VP - the value of gross output in monetary terms;

Since this year - the average annual cost of fixed assets.

All companies are trying to reduce capital intensity and increase capital productivity. An example formula for calculating the economic efficiency of investments in fixed assets is presented below:

EE of \u003d ((O 1 * C 1 - Z 1) - (O 0 * C 0 - Z 0)) / And, where

ITS of - economic efficiency for fixed assets;

О 1 - the volume of manufactured products after investment in OF;

C 1 - the price of products after investment;

P 2 - the price of products before investing in fixed assets;

Z 1 - the cost of production after the events;

О 0 - sales volume before investments in fixed assets;

Z 0 - the cost of production before the events.

Working capital (Ob. C.)

To determine the effectiveness of the use of working capital of the enterprise, three indicators are used:

  • turnover ratio;
  • turnover period;
  • load factor FROM.

Turnover ratio C. Is the same as the return on assets for the OS. It is calculated according to the formula:

K about \u003d RP / C obs, where

K about - turnover ratio;

The workload ratio is the inverse of the turnover ratio:

K s \u003d (K about) -1 \u003d 1 / K about \u003d C obs / RP, where

K s - load factor;

K about - turnover ratio;

RP - goods sold by the company in monetary terms;

C obs - the average amount of the balance Obs. FROM.

The turnover period is the number of days that it takes for working capital to make one full turnover, calculated as follows:

T about \u003d D / K about \u003d D * C obs / RP, where

T about - turnover time;

D - the number of days of the analyzed period;

K about - turnover ratio;

RP - goods sold by the company in monetary terms;

C obs - the average amount of the balance Obs. FROM.

The formula for improving the use of working capital is based not so much on additional profit, but on cost reduction.

EE obs \u003d E y / I, where

ITS obs - economic efficiency of working capital;

E y - conditional savings of working capital;

And - the size of investments.

Economical effect

Cost-effectiveness formulas have found widespread use among companies that make short-term cash injections to improve certain aspects of their operations. The formula for its calculation is as follows:

Eph \u003d D - I * K, where

Ef - economic effect;

D - income or savings from events;

I - the cost of events;

K n - normative coefficient.

Advertising effectiveness

Advertising is a set of marketing tools, the purpose of which is to disseminate information about goods, services, people, companies, as well as to attract customers. The formula for calculating the economic efficiency of advertising displays the result obtained after the advertising campaign. The formula for determining the coefficient looks like this:

EE p \u003d (VD 1 - VD 0) / And, where

When calculating the effectiveness of the use advertising media it is very difficult to determine how much the gross income of the enterprise has grown precisely because of advertising. There is no guarantee that the company's revenue would not have increased if the company had not advertised itself or its product. Despite this, the cost-effectiveness of advertising is still considered.

Economic efficiency of the company

The main indicator in the work of the company is net profit, the part of the proceeds that remains after all costs are deducted and all taxes are paid. There is no point in increasing revenues if costs increase at the same or even greater rate.

Thus, the classical calculation of economic efficiency cannot always show how the proposed measures will eventually affect the final result. This is due to the fact that it is calculated as the ratio of the result to the costs only to achieve it. In cases where the result is gross income, the economic efficiency indicator is not accurate, as it does not take into account the possible increase in production costs.

The formula for calculating the economic efficiency of an enterprise can be expressed as follows:

ITS n \u003d (PE 1 - PE 0) / And, where

EE n - economic efficiency of the enterprise;

PE 1 - net profit after investment;

BH 0 - net profit before investment.

Long-term investment project

All of the above methods of calculating efficiency can only be used for short-term activities (up to one year). AT long term the calculation formula does not take into account discount factors that make it possible to calculate the feasibility of holding, taking into account alternative incomes.

As such, there is no formula for calculating the economic efficiency of a project that is designed for a long period of time. The feasibility of an investment is calculated on the basis of the net present value, as well as the payback period, which shows how long it takes for the investment project to pay off in full and start making a profit.

Net is calculated as the sum of all payments and income from the investment, taking into account discount factors for each period. The NTS formula can be represented as follows:

PTS = (CF / (1 + p) 1) + (CF / (1 + p) 2) + (CF / (1 + p) 3) + ... + (CF / (1 + p) n), where

NPV - net present value;

CF - payment flow (difference between income and expenses);

p - calculation percentage;

n - the term of the investment project.

This parameter shows how efficiently the investment funds are used. If the NPV is higher or equal to zero, this means that it is expedient to carry out an investment project. In the case where the net present value is shown to be negative, the internal interest calculation should be done to see how much the money has paid off.