Lexical means in advertising examples. Language means of influence in the advertising text

  • 02.06.2020

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The use of lexical means and versatile play on texts to create linguistic means in the language of advertising is a feature of the playful style of modern advertising. In advertising texts, ambiguity serves to fulfill one of the main requirements for advertising text - the transfer maximum number information in a small piece of text. The phenomenon of the transformation of the meaning of words is a fairly common phenomenon in advertising texts, which accompanies the methods of linguistic manipulation and various methods of psychological influence.

Such language techniques activate attention, make the perception of texts of advertising messages more easy to remember, thus breaking the standard text, its routine, it becomes original, intriguing.

An advertising text can have several interpretations, and the ambiguity of advertising texts can be both linguistic and speech. Of particular interest are examples of creating ambiguity in advertising texts in terms of the use of ambiguous words in them and through verbal context. After all, it is the simultaneous presence of two different understandings - a word, an expression from an advertising text or an advertising text as a whole - that creates new meaning and gives this text a new content as a whole. We share all examples of creating ambiguity in advertising texts, following A.A. Zaliznyak for the following groups:

1) language ambiguity

2) verbal intentional ambiguity

3) verbal unintentional ambiguity (Zaliznyak 2004: 159).

1. Language ambiguity: In this case, diagonally translate

the ball to the left, Dima joins in, Ivanov joins in, and now suddenly… Vadik joins in? When should you join? – Until 30 April. Well, 10 bucks is not superfluous. Jeans, connect before April 30 and get $10(advertising cellular communication"Jeans"); Something special in the air(an advertisement for American Airlines).

2. Speech ambiguity.

2.1. Intentional speech ambiguity:- Every day I ship friends - And I breed them - I get them - I spend hours straightening my friends' brains - And I put them in so that they are collected - And I check my friends in the most sophisticated ways - And I knock on them - And I sell friends ... every day. And that's good business! - WE MAKE REAL FRIENDS - IRU NOTEBOOKS. - And you can also order your friend(sales advertisement computer technology"IRU" on credit); When I grow up I want to be a cat. Really Choosy Cats(The advertising text for Choosy cat food is supposedly spoken by a puppy.)

2.2. Unintentional speech ambiguity: MORE THAN YOU THINK. Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous for your health(an advertisement for Java cigarettes); Auto Repair Service. Free pick-up and delivery. Try us once, you'll never go anywhere again(car service advertisement), (Ilyasova 2009: 195).

In such cases, speech ambiguity does not refer to one word, but to the entire statement as a whole and does not lie in the ambiguous meaning of the word, but in its verbal context.

The use of the ambiguity of a phrase when creating an advertising text by playing with homonyms - the name of the advertised product and a specific word - is a widely used advertising technique of linguistic manipulation and serves as fertile material for creating puns.

proper names;

Anthroponyms: BELLA ahead of time!(an advertisement for Bella products);


Real: ROSTOV - New city on the map "Siberia"(an advertisement for Siberia Airlines);

Conditional: Now we also have an apartment in SVOIE DOM! APARTMENTS IN INSTALLMENT AND DISCOUNT(advertising housing cooperative"My house");

Common nouns;

Animated: TO MONTENEGRO WITH SATELLITE!(advertising of travel agency "Sputnik");

Inanimate: OPEN THE SHELL!(advertisement of the network of salons of metal-plastic windows "Fortochka").

Pronoun: WHERE THE PLEASURE IS THERE I! (advertising juice "I");

Interjection: WINTER! TREE STICKS! UNLIMITED APPROACH TO THE CART!(advertising of the tavern "Yolki-Palki").

Playing with homonymy can be enhanced not only by the presence of contextual homonyms in the word, but also by its ambiguity: Find your OASIS!(advertisement of ice cream "Oasis"). Playing on homonymy in an advertising text can be represented by such varieties as playing on the usual and contextual homonymy; play on homonymy and ambiguity. Playing with homonyms in the advertising text can be built on the interpretation of some well-known fact: Even blondes love ice cream Brunette(advertisement of ice cream "Brunette"), (Amiri 2004: 148).

Advertising texts based on playing on homonymy are also widespread in American advertising: I always stop at the RITZ(advertising confectionery products Ritz). In American advertising, the ambiguity of the advertising text can be created due to the coincidence of the sound form of the word, in such cases homophones take on additional meaning: The City never sleeps!(advertising "Citibank"), and can be based on playing on homonyms through the use of words that are contextual antonyms: Who needs a President? King The Royal Mint(an advertisement for King mints). Moreover, the ambiguity of the advertising text can give the word a meaning that is not assigned to it in the dictionary: Armor Hot Dogs The dogs kids love to bite(an advertisement for Armor hot dogs).

The ambiguity of the advertising text can also be created by referring to different literary, cultural and historical traditions. The use of precedent phenomena is one of the most popular techniques among the creators of advertising texts.

1) poetry and fiction: biblical texts, mythology, folklore (Russian folk tales and foreign fairy tales): There is no reason for a lady to envy us, if you want luggage - come to Robinzon(an advertisement for a Robinzon bag shop); To be or not to be: from business to [email protected] (advertising educational institution);

2) phraseological units: idioms, proverbs and sayings, speech stamps, aphorisms: The subscriber is in the reception area of ​​Stary Melnik(an advertisement for Stary Melnik beer); 4 bedrooms; 3 baths … 2 FORDS(an advertisement for Ford cars);

3) feature films and cartoons: Faberlic - beauty is a terrible force;

4) background knowledge from the field of culture, science and history: musical works, painting, historical events: Boys and girls!!! Do you want to go to sunny Bulgaria?(advertising of the travel agency "Optima");

Don't worry Be huggies Be happy Be huggies(Advertisement for diapers "Huggies"). The texts of advertising discourse themselves began to act as precedent phenomena, which is associated with the spread of the sphere of influence of advertising culture: Where have you been? - drinking beer(advertising beer "Fat Man"). Replication and quoting of an advertising text can occur through various speech situations, stories, the use of contemporary authors in literary works to give the text a comic effect, anecdotes: Cut out three houses in the village and get a branded helmet with the "SS" logo! In advertising, precedent advertising text can be used as a parody of another product (often different from it) or an anti-advertising of a similar product, which can lead to a judicial investigation:

Promoting your product through the advertising text of another product (often different from it): “NO BEER… THERE IS PAPER”(advertising paper for copying equipment) - this advertising text was created on a parody of the advertisement of crackers "3 crusts": “NO BEER… NO CRACKERS “3 CRUSTS”;

Anti-advertising of a similar product, which can lead to a judicial investigation: “ Real croutons will not be called crusts”(an advertisement for the products of“ Siberian Coast ”, aimed at creating an anti-advertising of crackers“ 3 crusts ”).

In American advertising, there are also examples of the emergence of a parody of one advertisement for another, or rather its copy. So, advertising products "Benson & Hedges" - " A "100 millimeter" long cigarette” inspired Chesterfield to create an advertising text - “ A silly millimeter longer". The created advertising text acts as a hidden anti-advertising of a similar product of a competitor company, but it is not aimed at belittling its merits. The phenomenon of the transformation of the meaning of the advertising text is quite common both in the language of Russian and American advertising.

Thus, a variety of language techniques in advertising has great potential due to the fact that its use corresponds to the basic principle of creating an advertising text: maximum information - minimum text. Advertising texts created by playing with ambiguity and homonymy, by referring to precedent phenomena, are vivid and memorable, attracting the attention of a modern person.


The mass media is a powerful force of influence on people's consciousness, a means of quickly delivering information to different parts of the world, the most effective means of influencing a person's emotions, capable of convincing the recipient in the best possible way.

The language devices used in the media are very diverse: from semantic tropes and stylistic figures to graphic highlights based on a word, phrase, sentence or the entire text and precedent phenomena. This linguistic situation testifies to the diversity of linguistic devices. The combination of various language techniques has become commonplace for the implementation of information in the text. To enhance the expressiveness of the text, not one, but several language techniques can be used simultaneously. At the phonetic level, various repetitions, both sound and lexical, are most often used: alliteration, anaphora, playing with homophones, playing with homographs, playing with omophorions. Among graphic techniques, one can single out font highlighting, digital highlighting, paragraphemic and supragraphemic elements. The phenomenon of the transformation of the meaning of words is a fairly common phenomenon in texts that accompanies the methods of linguistic manipulation. Language means at the morphological level are quite rare and are one of the most complex and subtle types in the language of media texts. In this work, the degrees of comparison of adjectives were singled out as a morphological device.

The use of the English language when creating Russian advertising texts and its use in areas of activity related to advertising (when creating such realities as signboards, notebook covers, newspaper names, etc.) testifies to the strengthening of the international principle in communication and fashion. English language;

  • imagery, aphorism, leading to the emergence of slogans, the requirement of brightness, catchiness;
  • conciseness, syntactic dissection, often - the presence of opposing relationships between the components (A, but B; A not B; A, but B), which ensures quick digestibility at the subconscious level ( "Indesit. We work - you rest"; "Kvass is not Cola, drink Nikola" - advertising kvass "Nikola");
  • the presence of such contextual relations that would reveal unusual facets of the usual word-use, a violation of communicative expectations ( "Staying in the kitchen is like traveling. And I like to travel light. Mayonnaise `Light Baltimore`");
  • dialogism of the advertising text, including imperative and exclamatory constructions involving various forms of appeals, advertising questions, etc., which creates the effect of a conversation with a potential buyer ( "Have you received a license for your activity?"- advertising law firm; "I repeat for the tenth time for everyone: ZERO percent - the first installment. ZERO percent for the loan. Loan 10 months. Any questions?"; "I don't understand, what about money?"- advertising of the Eldorado chain of stores);
  • The motivating nature of advertising (reliance on the experience of other people; argumentation for authority).

Listed below are some of the language tools used in advertising.

language facility

Usage example

A pun is a statement based on the simultaneous realization in a word (phrase) of direct and figurative meanings

Use of modern jargon

"The model is perfect, the price is optimal" (washing machines "Candy")

Humorous title, play on words

"Educational center `Interface`. English, French, German".

Anaphora (repetition of the same elements at the beginning of each parallel row)

"DOORS Stylish, Steel"

"Aesthetic?.. ..Cheap, reliable, practical"

Winged expressions, sayings, proverbs, direct quotes or just quoted text

"VEKA. Club of manufacturers of domestic windows.You recognize him by his profile "

"And from our window you can see Smolny! And from yours?"(an advertisement for a residential complex under construction)

"The computer is not a luxury, but an educational tool"(advertising of the network of stores" Computer World ")

Syntax parallelism

"Born by nature, calculated by science, made by a master!"

"Matrix. Matrix. Matrix. A lot is only half of what we offer"

Inclusion of words that attract the attention of the consumer group for which it is intended (if it is a limited circle of people)

"T-ZONE are natural remedies for skin vagaries"

Inclusion of words that have a positive connotation or evoke an emotional reaction

"Absolutely . KBE. New windows for Russia. KBE ELITE "

Deviations from the normative spelling:

  • following the norms of pre-revolutionary spelling;
  • the use of capital letters at the beginning, middle or end of the name;
  • combination of Latin and Cyrillic

Newspaper " Kommersant"


"LADAmarket - maximum benefits!"

The use of occasionalisms - new words that are absent in the language system

Personification - transferring the properties and functions of a living person to an inanimate object

"Tefal takes care of you"

Advertising does not tolerate verbosity and complicated amorphous syntactic turns, since by its nature it must be dynamic (call to action). As a rule, text advertising is dominated by simple sentences that help to increase the comprehensibility of the advertising message and increase expressiveness. Phrases of a more complex syntactic structure should be alternated with simple sentences (of 3-4 words). A short text is better perceived by the reader:

* the text of five words is remembered all;

* out of 10 words, about four to five are remembered;

* out of 25 words - four to eight.

But sometimes it takes a lot of advertising text to convince. Then a dynamic, expressive syntax is of great importance. Consider options for using syntactic constructions.

1. Parceling reception- this is the division of a sentence, in which the content of the statement is realized not in one, but in two or more intonation-semantic speech units, following one after another after a separating pause. A simple or complex sentence is divided into shorter independent segments. Here are some examples:

Kodak Moments. Every day. Ariel. Flawless looking clothes. For a long time. Gucci. Italian sophistication and Swiss quality. For true connoisseurs.

Nuts bar. Charge your brains! If they are.

2 . Segmented design- this is such a construction, in the first part of which an object or phenomenon is called in order to evoke an idea about it (expressed in the nominative case of a noun). In the following text, the object or phenomenon receives a second designation in the form of a pronoun, less often in the form of a synonym. For example:

Yoghurts. What exactly do we know about their usefulness?

New flat. Which agency is better to contact, so as not to miscalculate?

3 . Nominative proposals are used to emphasize the uniqueness and quality of the advertised product. For example:

Eau d "Eden. Paradise fragrance.

Big store. A legend in the world of jeans.

4 . Question-answer constructions borrowed by advertising from colloquial syntax and used to draw the attention of the advertising consumer to the content of the message, to push him to independent thinking (excluding questions that are devoid of specific content and inappropriate). Such constructions create ease of presentation.

With the help of this technique, the reader's questions are, as it were, foreseen, the advertiser-text writer puts them in the headline and himself gives a detailed answer. For example:

Sprite: What do beautiful, very beautiful people drink? The same as everyone else.

5. The reception of antithesis is built on opposite concepts and is used to enhance expressiveness and better memorization of the text. For example:

Indesit. We are working--you are resting.

Antithesis can be characterized as a connection and juxtaposition of opposing ideas, which are used to achieve greater clarity of images or to express feelings and ideas more strongly. In the case of using this stylistic device, the effect is achieved from the contrast and acquires a more original sound, and the meaning is determined more accurately due to the imposition of its opposite meaning on this explanation.

6. gradation reception- this is such an arrangement of words in which each subsequent one contains an increasing (less often decreasing) meaning, due to which an increase (less often weakening) of the impression produced is created. Typically, gradation is used when various actual or numerical comparisons are given and arranged as they are strengthened.

Thus, gradation can be characterized as a technique in which homogeneous syntactic constructions are layered. The idea is expressed through these constructions, which are graded along an ascending or descending line and are respectively divided into ascending and descending gradations. In advertising, ascending gradation is mainly used, through which a product or service is advertised in ascending order.

7. Rhetorical appeal - an underlined appeal to someone to enhance expressiveness. The appeal not only enlivens the text, but also helps to establish contact with the consumer. For example:

Milano. Gourmets, we will surprise you!

8. Exclamatory sentences play the role of signals - indicate the importance of advertising information and give special expressiveness to the statement.

The use of exclamatory sentences, as well as expressive appeals, contributes to the creation of the necessary emotional mood, preparing the addressee for the action. For example:

How to study foreign language at home? Join ESHKO!

CANON--the best choice for your office!

Direct speech - used to enliven advertising text:

* statements on behalf of a representative of the target audience:

L "Oreal. After all, I deserve it!

* statements on behalf of relatives of the consumer:

Juice "Yasli-sad". Mom knows what I'm happy about!

conversational structures:

Laughter... Tears... Can your mascara withstand this? Persistent--at least laugh, persistent--even cry.

11. Incomplete sentences- these are sentences of incomplete grammatical structure or incomplete composition - one or more significant members of the sentence are missing. Most often, there is no verb-predicate, which is easily restored from the context or situation, for example: Tetrapack. Keeping the best.

The advertising text must be attractive. To a large extent, it depends on the originality of the title, slogan, ORT, echo phrase. Associations create an advertising image in the mind of the consumer. An advertising image is the discovery by the consumer of any new aspects of the advertised product. Therefore, figurative means - paths - play an important role in creating associations.

Trope - This is a turn of speech in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense. The trope is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem to us close in some respect. The use of tropes makes the advertising language more original and therefore more effective.

Tropes are metaphors, metonyms, synecdoches, hyperboles, litotes, epithets, comparisons, personifications, allegories and some other turns of speech. All types of tropes are used in advertising headlines and texts, but the frequency with which individual types are used varies.

1. Epithets are words that define an object or device, emphasizing in them some characteristic property or quality. Most effective in advertising.

The use of epithets contributes to the creation of the image of the product - the definitions of goods and services should evoke specific associations, ideas.

Milka. Fabulously soft chocolate.

Elegant built-in appliances exist. Proven by Zanussi.

Finally, the radiant color will remain on your lips for a long time. Juicy Rouge-- lasting effect of wet lips. Appetizing color, fresh and sparkling. A real delight: the melting sweetness of raspberries, moisturizing and delicate texture. For radiant and alluring lips.

Sensu: March fantasy. They are awakened by the magical aroma of "Sensu"-- "fan". The gentle combination of exquisite green notes surrounded by warm floral shades cannot have any other name, because it was created by Japanese designers Ki-sado as the embodiment of sophisticated femininity.

In an advertising appeal, you should try to avoid inappropriately flowery epithets such as: “a magnificent scattering of souvenirs”, “indescribable pleasure”, etc. Epithets should be interesting. The more unusual the epithet, the better it will be remembered, for example:

Soft prices-- fluffy quality(fur salon "Michelle").

Epithets are arranged according to certain standard patterns. One of them is the selection of epithets by contrast. Antonyms allow you to emphasize the positive qualities of the product - "Little joys of a big wash." A strong effect is given by epithets in the form of triads, giving a tripartite assessment of the object: an idea of appearance, utilitarian value, social significance: "classic, comfortable, prestigious car". Triad option:

Ford. High. Compact. Spacious.

LCD TV Toshiba. Bright. Rare. Home.

New blackest black from Great Lash. Blacker than black.

Shamtu. Dizzying volume!

2. Comparisons- a comparison of two phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other. Comparisons are usually the first step in structuring tropes. In some cases, comparisons are used to explain the unknown with something known. But in advertising, comparisons are more used to achieve the original sound.

persil color. The colors are brighter than summer.

Swarovski. Pure as love.

With the help of comparison positive characteristics object of analogy are transferred to the product: Domodedovo Airlines. In the sky, like at home!

The formula “more than...” has been actively used in advertising - this allows not only to state that the product is the best in its product category, but in general to take it beyond the product category - as a result, it begins to be perceived as a “superproduct” , for example: Vanish. More than bleach.

Opel. More than a vehicle.

3. Hyperbole -- figurative expression containing an exaggeration of certain qualities of an object or phenomenon. Hyperbole creates a clearer advertising image. They turn to hyperbole, trying to emphasize the special properties of the object, its exclusivity.

Chewing gum "Stimorol". Taste is on the edge.

Adidas sneakers. Control over the elements.

4. Personification - the transfer of human properties to inanimate objects and abstract concepts. The object of advertising receives a tangible objectivity and, as it were, is included in the sphere of our life.

When using an image, a product can be identified with a living being, animal or person, it can arbitrarily move, make sounds or speak. For example, Bridgestone's studded wheels turn into powerful cheetahs; in the Nescafe Gold ad, the vase turns into the body of a woman, and the body into a can of coffee.

Vaop. clothing With character.

geox. Shoes that breathe.

5. Metaphor -- a word or expression that is used in a figurative sense based on the similarity in some respect of two objects or phenomena. At the same time, the similarity between them is based on a variety of features.

Nestle for men. Tenderness in a thin binding.

"Motilium"-- motor for your stomach.

One day the gods got angry and divided one whole into two halves-- for a man and a woman,-- and now they roam the world in search of each other. Gai Mattiolo creates a new pair perfume That's Amore! Tattoo in the hope that the halves can meet. Notes of feminine and masculine eau de toilette uncontrollably strive for each other and mix with irresistible passion to never part again. Orange and tangerine make up an exciting citrus duo , ginger and basil merge into a spicy composition, masculine sage embraces sensual vanilla.-- only part of the heart, it becomes clear when both are put together. Same with fragrances.-- they sound louder when they are together and shout their love without hesitation.

Metaphor functions:

a) is a material for illustrating the main thought, idea. The specificity of human memory is that an idea in the form of a metaphor is remembered faster than in a dry rational presentation;

b) serves as a clue to the solution (the plot can lead to the right thought) or an incentive to action;

in) generates new ideas and enhances intrinsic motivation. Influencing indirectly, mostly "bypassing consciousness", the metaphor reduces the criticality of the consumer in relation to advertising: it is difficult to resist one's own thoughts or associations.

speech figures

Figures of speech -- it is a departure from the neutral mode of presentation for the purpose of emotional and aesthetic impact.

Consider the speech figures most often used in advertising texts.

1. Figures using questions.

* dubitation -- a series of questions to an imaginary interlocutor, serving to pose the problem and justify the form of reasoning:

At Are you getting out of hand? Are you already feeling tired in the morning? Nothing brings you joy? The drug complex "Bentapol" will help you-- a stress reliever.

* Objectification -- The author poses a question and answers it himself:

Do you think I just dyed my hair? No, I have washed them many times already! Shauma shampoo for colored hair.

* Discussion -- a question is posed to discuss and guide consumer choice:

Why does Natalya Ivanovna buy Fairy?

* Rhetorical question -- expressive affirmation or denial, when a question is posed not to get an answer, but to attract the reader's attention. If the rhetorical question is at the end of the text, it becomes an open question:

What could be better than a vacation on the Black Sea coast? Is it worth it to run around the city in search of what you need, if in mall"Omsk" is everything?

2. Shapes to maintain contact with the reader.

* Communication -- imaginary transfer of the problem to the consideration of listeners (readers):

See for yourself: to get a loan, you need to deposit only 10% total cost cars.

* Parenteza -- an independent, intonationally and graphically highlighted statement inserted into the main text and having the meaning of an additional message, explanation or author's assessment:

The Topaz jewelry store has everything: earrings, pendants, chains, bracelets and (well, what woman can refuse you!) wedding rings with diamonds.

* Rhetorical exclamations:

How much time can you save by purchasing our washing machine!

* Default -- an indication in a written text of the unspokenness of a part of a thought with the help of an ellipsis.

The default allows you to create an interesting understatement, some intrigue that makes the advertising text more interesting.

The default technique works well when a part of a statement well known to the consumer is omitted or different variants of the missing word or phrase are possible. For example:

Freedom ... Here it is, the main male value, which the stronger sex is sometimes ready to defend at any cost. Don't argue with your loved one. Better give him the men's fragrance Kenzoair by Kenzo-- light, airy, ultra-modern. Let your man feel as free as the wind by staying... next to you, of course!

3. Figures using repetitions.

* Repetition of a word (part of a word) or expression (lexical repetitions) gives speech emotionality, dynamism, figurativeness.

"Lefty"-- these are the most low prices, the highest quality service, the largest selection of building materials.

Repetitions also work to create artistic techniques in advertising texts.

Vichy. Health for the skin. Health for life.

Asya. Gentle whitening-- shining white!

There are special tricks:

Anaphora - the same beginning of the phrase. For example:

Peugeot: Made for fun. Made for you.

Epiphora- the same endings of phrases. For example:

Do you want to feel good?- Artodisk. Do you want to lose 20 years?- Artodisk. Do you want to enjoy life like in your youth?- Artodisk.

* Syntax parallelism -- the same syntactic construction of a phrase, for example:

Washing machines "Samsung": Management is easier-- the result is better.

4. Application - the use of well-known expressions (phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, speech stamps, winged expressions).

Everything in a person should be perfect: and soul, and clothes, and thoughts in the head, on which-- exclusive hat from the salon "Lady".

The advertising text carries a wide variety of speech figures, tropes, expressive means of speech, but they must be used skillfully and be clear. Chasing the originality and expressiveness of the text, we must not forget that the text should be easy to remember and understandable to different strata of society. We must not forget that the main purpose of advertising is to be dynamic (call to action).