What does digital mean. What is a digital agency. Ability to understand paid social media advertising

  • 13.11.2019

Quite recently, one SEO-promotion was enough for successful life activity in the global Internet network. But times go by, and progress in a century information technologies does not stand still. Internet advertising is developing and gaining momentum, while all other (outdoor, print, etc.) advertising is already at its peak or even in decline. So all the same, digital - what is it?

Digital is everything possible on this moment information, electronic channels, such as television, the Internet, social networks, radio, as well as other media on the Internet.


Digital is a completely new marketing field that brings together the possibilities of all existing ones. The main focus is on the possibilities of new media. This term is replacing the already familiar Internet marketing, which is now understood more broadly. When answering the question "digital - what is it?" It should be remembered that this is a complex effect on the consumer.


Digital marketing has several undeniable advantages, these are:

  • Targeting. The Internet allows you to differentiate the user in many ways, this makes advertising impact more accurate.
  • Price. In general, digital is still cheaper than the usual one, although with the complication of tools, with the advent of more and more people who want to use the Internet environment for promotion, its cost is also growing.
  • High ability to track the effectiveness of the impact.

Marketing model of effective digital

Dealing with the question "digital - what is it?", you need to understand that this is a certain model of promotion actions. It includes the following elements.

1. Brand/product knowledge.

This channel is best used in the following cases:

  • For a narrow target audience. Might be profitable here. contextual advertising or integration with well-known, most visited portals of this audience.
  • The profitability of digital is much higher with a young and advanced audience, besides, it is also the second largest in terms of reach. target audience channel.
  • In case if advertising company cannot be done through television.
  • With a small budget.

2. Brand acceptance.

Digital works best when:

  • The brand needs to convey information about itself, to make the consumer inclined to buy.
  • The brand is characterized by a deep emotional involvement of the consumer.
  • It is easy to make brands understandable on the Internet, to give them a quick "promotion".
  • Brands (sale or purchase, provision of services) work only if there is a sample, a sampler.

3. Trial purchase.

If you introduce the brand to the audience through digital, then the sample must be tested on the spot, in the same way.

4. Rational benefits when buying through digital.

Customer retention through incentives, periodic price cuts and ongoing incentive programs.

5. Loyalty.

In order for users to feel more emotional involvement than rational, it is necessary to study them deeper and develop a dialogue. And in this digital is strong like no other.


Digital marketing is the promotion of a product to the masses through digital channels. To understand digital - what it is, we list the most popular digital promotion channels:

  • search engines;
  • contextual and teaser advertising;
  • advertising on banners;
  • SMM and blogs;
  • advertising in mobile applications;
  • advertising in video content;
  • viral advertising.

Internet marketing has progressed into digital digital marketing. Today it is a more complex and precise name.

An enterprise needs digital marketing for the following reasons:

  • SMS and MMS messages are losing their popularity, but mobile devices, on the contrary, are gaining it.
  • Currently, the dynamics of the transition of the Internet to local networks is visible.
  • Every year, digital TV is gradually replacing terrestrial and connected to Internet applications, which allows users to link their accounts with smart applications on electronic devices and simplifies the use of TV, as a result of which its popularity is falling.
  • Electronic advertising (POS-terminals, LED screens, running lines) is gradually replacing the familiar to our eyes outdoor advertising with its banners and light boxes. This allows you to attract the attention of consumers with greater force, not only during the day, but also at night. Stimulates to buy, motivates.
  • Special applications on smartphones allow not only to observe the events in real time, but also to take an active part in them.
  • Even the arts have been shaken by digital marketing. The use of various drawing apps, musical instruments, etc. has made a huge step forward in the art industry.

Digital agency - what is it?

Compared to the usual media agencies that place your ads, digital agencies provide a completely different range of services that are more effective at the moment:

  • Creation, maintenance and promotion of sites, design.
  • Development of a company development strategy, its information environment.
  • Work in online communities, groups, blogs, social networks, forums and special platforms.
  • Organization of event events, competitions, presentations in conjunction with online promotion.
  • Passion and further transfer of the consumer from the online to the offline sphere.

The main difference between a digital agency and a conventional advertising agency is the work in small independent teams with freelancers and the lack of offline activity. The main tool of a digital agency is social media monitoring systems.

You can prove the effectiveness of investing in digital in a huge number of ways: from your resume and letters of thanks and awards to qualitative measurements and reports.

It is common today to build a customer service with more complex media reports than dry statistics.

Active maintenance of websites, blogs, social networks, participation in blogs, the presence of unique articles. If the content of all of the above is not updated, then most likely these agencies have no future.

The most popular digital agencies are ADV, R/GA, Promo Interactiv, Gray New York, Pirogov's Bureau, Zebra, Razorfish, DesignDepo, Viral Factory, Mr. Youth/RepNation.

Digital advertising: main differences

The rapid development of the global Internet and its services, as well as the emergence of new gadgets and many applications, are pushing the company to use digital strategies. It is necessary to keep up with the times, quickly respond to all events. But even this is not the most important thing, the main thing is the forecast, the ability to look at the situation coldly, to imagine it in the future.

Digital advertising defies most of the laws of offline marketing, so when considering a digital partner, first look at their online merits. To control a digital promotion artist, you need to get at least minimum set knowledge about the possibilities of the Internet. Today it is not a problem to take digital courses on the Internet that teach the basic concepts and methods.

This is exactly what my grandfather said when he wanted to know about something incomprehensible, in his understanding. Of course, the first words were different, but the essence does not change. Our world is moving at an incredible speed, everything is changing faster than ever. Just seven years ago, knowledge of SEO was enough to feel confident in the Internet space (and optimization was easier then, oh .. sweet past), three years ago, Internet marketing seemed something new and unusual, and for many incomprehensible term. Now each big company wants to have an Internet marketer on staff who is able to effectively organize promotions, analyze competitors' activities and help improve the company's image on the network. The speed of change is evidenced by the fact that often the owners of enterprises themselves do not understand why they need such a specialist, although they are sure that this is critically important for the company. But now there is not enough knowledge in Internet marketing - a new era has come - digital marketing .

Definition of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing (digital or interactive marketing) it is the use of all possible forms of digital channels to promote the brand. In our time, this includes: television, radio, the Internet, social media and other forms. Digital Marketing closely intertwined with Internet marketing, but it has already developed a number of techniques that allow you to reach the target audience even offline (using applications on phones, sms / mms, advertising displays on the streets, etc.).

Here I wanted to say that digital is the evolution of development internet marketing, but it's not. If only because it effectively uses mobile marketing, and LCD exhibition stands with spectacular presentations are also part of it. In fact, it is a complex discipline (based on digital technologies) using different types marketing to promote the product. Today digital marketing begins to widely use traditional types of advertising, the main task of which is to "capture" the attention of the audience and drag it into the virtual world. The most obvious example is QR codes in advertising posters and magazines. The most popular digital channels are:

What media channels for obtaining information can we confidently call digital?

most important can rightly be called the Internet and devices that provide access to it (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc..). As a means of obtaining information, communication and self-realization of a person.

Local networks. Internal computer networks companies () or urban areas, in fact, are self-sufficient information systems. Where users can communicate, play, share the necessary information. At the moment, integration is gradually taking place. local networks with internet.

The next digital channel is mobile devices. Previously, brands delivered messages via SMS messages, now it is popular to install branded applications or organize WOW calls to the phone.

Digital TVe, every year more and more confidently pushes analog and gradually integrates with Internet applications. Already now you can use your TV to go to your Facebook page, watch a video on vimeo or find out the latest news.

interactive screens, POS terminals. We often encounter them in the store, on the street, even in subway cars. This is a type of digital media that is gradually replacing standard outdoor advertising, because it allows you to interact much more closely with the consumer and hook him with a message or, like POS terminals, help him make purchases.

Touchscreens (Tablets), readers and other devices - special applications for them allow the user to gain new knowledge, play, watch movies, go online and much more. For many, the beloved tablet is a part of life in which information is consumed around the clock.

Digital gadgets- devices that can collect information and transfer it to other media. For example, glasses, fitness bracelets and others..

digital art is any form of art where a computer is used to create or reproduce an artwork. It can be a drawing, sound, animation, video, game, website, algorithm, performance or installation. Many traditional art forms are integrating digital technologies, and as a result, the lines between traditional art and digital media are becoming blurred.

What do digital agencies provide?

Unlike ordinary media agencies that provide platforms for placing your ads. Digital agencies offer the following services, which can be used to judge the specifics of working in the digital sphere:

  • Standard services (website creation, media and contextual promotion, design, website production);
  • Development of a comprehensive strategy for the development of a company in a digital environment (expertise and promotion);
  • Working with online communities (groups and pages on social networks, blogs, forums, specialized sites);
  • Organization of events, competitions (strategy, creativity, execution, performance analysis) in combinations of online / offline promotion;
  • Transferring a consumer from online to offline and vice versa (promotions, activities, etc.);
  • Experimental marketing QR codes, geolocation services, RFD, Wow calls, augmented reality, etc.

As for digital marketing specifically on the Internet, I recently held a training webinar, a presentation from which you can see below, and if you want to learn more about the profession of a digital marketer, then you will.

My educational presentation on the basics of digital marketing

And for those who want to study this presentation in more detail - video from the webinar:


I am sure that the trends in the development of the digital sphere will be aimed at creating new types of interaction with the audience. The last two words are key in understanding the essence of this trend. For the first time in the history of marketing, there is such an opportunity for interaction when consumers themselves can create a product, such as they want to receive. Speak what they think - and be sure that they will be heard. Now even small company with a unique and interesting product, without special advertising budgets, can in a matter of minutes convey your message to millions potential consumers, and become large corporation. But on the other hand, one negative product review can critically affect the company's sales level. The ability to quickly respond to changes has become a critical survival factor. We consume more information in a day than our ancestors did in a year of life. The world has become faster, the world has become more transparent, the world has become more interesting. And only in such a world could there be digital marketing in all its manifestations.

P.S. At the moment I have prepared a free training course on Fundamentals of Digital marketing on . Therefore, if you are interested in learning more about digital, then I advise you to take a look at this course.

If you have read this publication to the end, then you are really interested in digital marketing. Therefore, get a pleasant surprise - without SMS and Registration - Immediately download prepared kindly by me -. If you downloaded - put in the comments - "thank you" - I will be pleased))

P.S.S.S. Phrase of the day: « Many live in hope for the future, and such people are always unhappy. They hope for a quick success - winning the lottery or something like that. I know goals are important. And money is important. But the main thing is this: money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. And what happens to you now is just as important as what you plan for the future. So even though my calendar is full months ahead, I have learned to live for today.”

digital marketing- marketing of goods and services, using digital technologies to interact with consumers at all stages. Unlike Internet marketing, it uses not only the global network, but also offline channels: for example, POS terminals or smart electronic gadgets.

Different areas are relevant in marketing, but Digital is gaining particular popularity, as in segment b2c, and in b2b. It allows you to interact closely with consumers and cover a large part of the target audience, so it is highly effective. For example, it is actively used to promote brands Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, and their profits can be judged by the cost of flagship smartphones and the degree of fame of companies.

Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing tools include all activities that allow you to notify a large number of people or draw the attention of the target audience to the product or the company itself. They can be used on different channels. More often than not, several digital marketing tools work together.

  • SEO - search engine optimization, due to which you can increase the position of the site in the search results for certain queries.
  • Offline QR codes - they can be used to motivate you to install the application.
  • Contextual advertising - placement of advertisements on sites that correspond to the subject of your business.
  • Television advertising - expensive commercials that are broadcast throughout the country
  • Banner advertising - banners advertising your product/service/website, which are placed on the relevant thematic resources.
  • Advertising on the radio is the same expensive but effective tool with a wide audience of listeners.
  • Viral advertising - advertising that is made popular by users themselves - for example, advertising with a large number of reposts.
  • Advertising windows - windows with advertising that pop up on a resource with a similar theme.
  • Email-mailing - sending letters to the database of addresses Email or based on your company's client addresses.
  • In-app advertisements are advertisements that are shown to users of games or other applications on mobile phones.
  • Targeted advertising - personalized advertisement The corresponding to the user's requests.
  • Native advertising - natural advertising materials on third-party resources, for example, a review of your product.
  • SMS-mailing - sending messages to a standard or target base of your customers.
  • Content marketing - attracting customers through the publication of interesting and useful content.

Digital marketing tools also include advertising of any other type - for example, videos in phone chargers or a beautiful banner on an interactive window in a store.

Digital Promotion Channels

World global network(the Internet).This channel includes all devices with Internet access - Cell phones, tablets, laptops, personal computers. On the Internet, they place ads in search results, on third-party sites, in teaser networks, and on social networks. These ads include videos, articles, posts, audio recordings, pictures, including infographics.

Digital television. Every year it is pushing analog TV out of the market more and more integrated with the Internet. The main promotion format is short videos with voice acting, which are broadcast during the so-called commercial breaks. There are also TV shops that sell goods and tickers, but they are rarely used.

Mobile devices. The most popular promotion channels in Digital Marketing are SMS messages, branded apps and WOW calls. Ads can also appear in third-party applications - for example, this is how games are often advertised.

Local networks. Most often, promotion is effective in local networks integrated with the Internet. Such networks include corporate networks companies, networks of urban areas and other "associations".

smart gadgets. Most of them have access to the Internet via Wi-Fi. These devices include smart watches, smart scales, fitness bracelets and other gadgets. Advertising in them is not yet popular - most often they interact with users using branded applications.

interactive screens. These include digital advertising banners, in-store fitting room screens, POS terminals, smartphone chargers, and other devices. The main tool of this channel is promotional videos or promotional windows. They also use branded interactive screens.

digital art.It is any kind of art created or broadcast using digital technology. To artwork include games, music, pictures and other works. The main method of advertising is branding: placing the company logo in a conspicuous place.

Examples of Digital Marketing

One of the most prominent examples of the use of digital marketing in brand promotion is advertising campaign McDonald's. The company constantly releases new videos on digital television, so it is known to all Russians with rare exceptions. For example, the motto “McDonald’s is what I love” has already firmly entrenched behind it. In addition to posting videos on the TV screen, the brand is actively conquering social networks - for example, it has its own groups, one of which iscommunity for workers. The mention of the brand can also be seen on interactive screens, on the Internet, and heard about it on the radio.

A less obvious use case for Digital Marketing is the Fiat app. Every time a new car was released, the brand wanted to convey the characteristics of the model to users. You can’t do this on TV - all the information will not fit in one video. Use printed editions not very effective Therefore, the brand created its own application, in which the user is interestingly told about the characteristics of the new model, as well as drawing prizes. True, now such an application is almost never used. More popular programs for diagnosing car ECUs.

Another interesting example using a sophisticated digital marketing tool - viral advertising from LG. When the company released a new vacuum cleaner, ads, which has gained more than 2,000,000 views on the well-known video hosting YouTube. The idea of ​​the video is that a vacuum cleaner can even pump out subcutaneous fat from a photo model. This idea is funny, unusual, bordering on delirium. Therefore, it interested users, and the video became viral. This is another plus for brand awareness and an increase in the number of vacuum cleaner buyers.

A good example of the successful use of digital marketing "from the past" is the Starbucks coffee shop. In 2009-2010, they began to lose the bulk of visitors, because they had not updated the concept for a long time. Coffee shop style has ceased to dictate premium value, so consumers have opted for cheaper locations. The company's management decided to launch the My Starbucks idea project. Users registered in it could offer their ideas for improving coffee houses and vote for the ideas of other users. The most popular proposals were brought to life, which made coffee houses popular again.

Do you have personal examples of good digital marketing? Describe them in the comments - share your success with others!

Modern digital marketers need to have a wide range of skills in their arsenal. It is an understanding of all kinds of media channels and the ability to identify all available opportunities, and, of course, to have a brilliant knowledge of a marketer. Moreover, for the success of their company, they must possess the perfect balance of critical and creative thinking.

Looking for ideal marketer a universal list of criteria for the skills that such a specialist should possess was compiled. 15 members of the Young Entrepreneurs Council (YEC) were interviewed. Their best answers on what they are looking for when hiring digital marketers are below for you in the article:

1. Ability to understand paid advertising in social networks.

A new layer of digital marketing personnel sets its own rules. A specialist in a company that regularly advertises on social media simply has to be well versed in paid media advertising, especially through Facebook or a similar social platform. He must be able to understand and implement analytics, invent and create "bots", constantly monitor the user audience, experiment and test the creative ideas of the company and its image. And at the same time, he must do this, absolutely, safely for the social landscape of the media and his own company.

A company looking for such a specialist should make sure that its digital marketer knows all the ins and outs of this popular and easy-to-implement marketing space.

2. Sales skills

Companies that have been hiring marketers for many years have come to the conclusion that people with sales experience become much better marketers than those who do not have this experience. They know how to interact with people and turn them into sales opportunities. Although digital marketers cannot make deals themselves, they must know how sales happen. If they only know sales theory, they will be wasting their valuable marketing dollars without creating qualified opportunities for your sales team.

3. Expertise of specific marketing channels

There are a large number of marketers who tout the virtues of every conceivable marketing channel: email, SEO, SMM, social, etc. And many of them can work for you at the same time, but the key to a successful marketing strategy will always be just a few channels that need to be used really well. Often this means a good understanding of the dynamics of this marketing channel and the need to use these dynamics for a particular company. For example, in helping local businesses, Pinterest is less interesting. And perhaps in this case it is worth focusing on the intricate tactics of local SEO in order to get the number 1 client on Google Maps, and Yelp.

4. Ability to think objectively

Marketers tend to be some of the most passionate workers in the office. However, this passion can often cloud the judgment and evaluation of marketing theories and initiatives. A marketer who is able to separate himself from his work will always be objective and will be able to focus on what actually works - and not just what he hoped would work.

5. Ability to execute and analyze "drip" marketing campaigns

Recently, "advanced" marketers use the term "drip" marketing (drip marketing). Of course it is beautiful name and we are talking primarily about marketing automation. But this is not just automation, it has its own characteristics. Such marketing is one of the key skills of the driving generation. This is an individual process of interaction between your company and a potential buyer, the nature of your activities depends on what stage of your funnel your lead is at.

This process is sometimes referred to as Lead Nurturing.

A "drip" marketing campaign is not a collection of email addresses for the entire mailing list, it is a large collection campaign. It's about personalized, well-crafted written communication that varies depending on the actions performed through the campaign's seven deeply crafted letters. There can be a lot of variations here that require analytical and strategic thinking. When the art of communication takes shape fundamental science increasing the conversion, then there is exceptional marketing.

6. Combination of creativity and analytical skills

Digital marketing requires both creative and analytical thinking in equal measure, so you need to find a candidate capable of both types of thinking. Many new candidates only want to focus on one side. But for a new generation of marketers, it is very important to combine the qualities of "art and science" for each digital project. Digital marketing allows us to be very measurable even in beautiful creative campaigns. With the help of analytics, we can predict and calculate future PR strategies.

7.Good copy and visual storytelling ability

Digital media, unlike any other before them, is a visual copy of the medium they manage. Our social heart rejoices every time it gets double clicked. By making copies and reposts visualizing these effects, they touch our emotional strings every time. Understanding these truths and being able to manipulate these two elements is critical in today's digital marketing landscape.

8.Pleasant personality

Building relationships in such a huge space as digital marketing, any person can go through a very long haul. When contacting a huge number of people: bloggers, journalists and just influencers, your digital marketer must always be ready for the fact that someone will definitely want to stand out and attract attention. And the situation when you are sandwiched between two different opinions, like between a rock and a hard place, is the usual everyday life of a marketer. The same applies to maintaining relationships within the team. Having a nice personality in your company plays a huge role, but it's often overlooked by employers.

9. Understanding WordPress

Nowadays, WordPress works with so many platforms that it is vital technical tool and necessary to add it to the toolbar. Whether you want to create and manage a blog or even a website, WordPress is a great platform for digital marketers. It also helps to constantly educate yourself on new plugins and functionality because WordPress always comes up with something new and useful which speeds up content production.

10. Healthy self-promotion

If you say in an interview that you have a solid understanding of social media and brand mobilization, then it should be very easy for you to do the same with your own account. Any digital marketer at the interview, providing his page on social networks, thereby submits his own project for consideration. And everyone who hires a specialist can make his final choice, considering the specialist, including from this side. Thus, when you search for such a specialist by name in a social network, his page should definitely tell you something. And preferably it should be on all the same platforms that you want to use for your clients. Communication and self-presentation skills are a must have for a marketer on most social platforms.

10. Understanding brevity

It doesn't matter how good your product is if you can't communicate its value to potential customers in a 140 character sentence. Digital marketers need to be effective with minimal messaging.

11. Ability to analyze quantifiable indicators

Now, more than ever, it is vital to be able to quantify the value of an investment in marketing and advertising. The fight for market dominance is no longer won by percentage points. It is necessary to make the right choice every time, pushing your product a little forward at every opportunity. Digital marketing consultants must be competent and general knowledge needed to deliver actionable metrics and prove your value with real data. Gone are the days when you could guess campaign performance based on simple sales numbers. Page tracking combined with analytics and metrics software- these are the tools for marketers. And every progressive company expects its team members to be able to use these tools to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of their marketing campaign.

13. Listening skills

One of the qualities of a successful digital marketer is the ability to promote services through words, images, videos and social media. Digital marketing also provides an opportunity for its professionals to listen in new ways to different groups of people, from customers to consumers. Through social media and analytics tools, we can listen to our consumers' thoughts on a product of interest to us. And also ask questions about the services provided. When hiring a digital marketer, you can see for yourself whether they tried to listen to their consumers and customers, or whether they made decisions based on their own observations or conclusions.

14. Agility

At least once a month, a platform becomes more relevant or the main platform to correct your sales algorithm. If you/they are working on a methodology designed without flexibility and/or there is not the right person in place who may be able to adequately respond to such changes - you and your business will fall behind the curve and quickly lose ground.

15. Basic design skills

Being able to formulate advertising messages properly is extremely important. However, digital marketing involves more than just words. Much of digital marketing is appearance. Anyone who calls themselves a digital marketer should have at least some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, or Photoshop.

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We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

A digital agency is an organization that develops and promotes Internet resources in the media space. Their area of ​​activity is the promotion of Internet resources in all areas where digital media are used: social networks, the Internet, television, etc.

More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA

Digital agency - what is it and what does it do

Translated from English digital means "digital". This means that the digital agency works in .

The main areas in which digital agencies work:

  • Creation of sites and organization of their optimal functioning.
  • Promotion through digital media: radio, television.
  • SEO website promotion.
  • Promotion in online communities: publics in social networks, forums, thematic platforms.
  • Ensuring the participation of resource owners in forums, seminars, and profits. Some agencies conduct such events themselves.

Digital agency tools

A digital agency uses a variety of tools. The most common of these are:

  • Creation of local networks and dissemination of information through them. The network combines several devices that are usually close to each other. Users can get useful information, share files and messages.
  • Promotion through cable and digital television. Most cable networks have their own information and advertising channel. Its resources can be used for digital promotion.
  • SEO promotion.
  • Organizing and ensuring the participation of the resource owner in seminars, forums and other professional events.
  • Use of terminals for advertising goods and services.
  • Infographics. The audience receives complex information in a simple and understandable format - in the form of illustrations, graphs, diagrams.

Digital agency clients - who are they?

The clients of digital agencies are the owners of Internet resources. However, the services of such agencies are not cheap, so those for whom the site is a source of business can turn to them. Owners of new, low-demand resources can start with one type of promotion, and then, if successful, use other options. Most often, their services should be contacted in the following situations:

  • Promotion own goods with a limited budget. In such cases, it is not possible to order expensive advertising on TV or radio, but you can conduct a marketing campaign.
  • The need for constant interaction with customers, customers.
  • The great importance of emotions in the implementation of trading.
  • Work with a narrow category of clients.
  • Sale of rare goods.

Thus, contacting a digital agency helps to optimize business using Internet technologies. However, you must first agree on your costs for such services and decide which of the areas are most important to you.