Performance of eleventh graders on September 1 lineup. Scenario of the line "September 1" - Collection of scenarios - Regional educational portal of the Pskov region. Well, bolder on the long journey

  • 13.11.2019


LEADING.- Hello adults, Hello children! Today is an unusual day in the world. Music everywhere, smiles and laughter - The school opened its doors to everyone. Today is a big holiday for both teachers and students! It's great when it's so solemn and exciting the new school year begins! May all your dreams and expectations come true! The holiday today is special, although every year it is repeated again and again. He because it brings with it something new, leading us along the unknown roads of knowledge. R.1 ved .- School bell again
Call for a lesson
So the noisy summer is over
On the first day of September
Giving us all joy
This is repeated every year!
X.2 ved . - The new school year has started!Are the school people ready to start?We start the roll call, we call the classes loudly.Listen carefully! Be sure to respond!

1 ved .-We are not counted at school now!

Primary classes guys are you here?


2 Vedas . - Fifth graders, are you here? (Here!)

So we'll be friends!

1 ved .-Sixth graders, are you with us? (With you!)

2 ved .- And the seventh, as always,

Happy to meet again, right? (Yes!)

1 ved .-: What about the eighth notes?

Are you out of the habit of studying?

That, brothers, is not a problem!

Do we all want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)

2 ved .- Classes 9 are not easy,

He's almost graduating.

Come on, give us an answer:

Will there be many twos? (Not!)

1 ved .- Where are the 10ths with us?

Grow up like everyone else!

Hands up now raised

And waved with a smile!

2 ved . - Eleventh graders! Our high school students!

We won't stop being proud of you

Shout loudly: "We are with you!"

1 ved .Everything is in place, everyone is ready for the start of school with us

A new year is about to start..

2 ved . - Stop! Where is class 1?

Elegant, ceremonial,

Our beloved ones!

We meet first graders

Heroes of the main holiday!


LEADING - Well, here it is! Now everything is assembled! The solemn line dedicated to the new academic year and the Day of Knowledge is opened by the director of the school S.A. Shabanov.

LEADING - The word for congratulations is provided……………………………………………………….

HOST - And now, by tradition, we are pleased to give the floor to our first-graders - this is your debut, guys! Let's support the debutants with friendly smiles and applause!

SPEECH 1 class:

    Hello school! School hello!
    Finally we grew up
    We assure you: not in vain
    We have come to study with you.

    I'm a first grader today
    This is the best holiday
    I will study at school
    Mom will be proud of me!

    I am 7 years old
    And I'm not happier!
    Look what a miracle -
    My first class bouquet.

    The uniform is new.
    White shirt.
    Look at me,
    What a first grader!

    Alphabet from "A" to "Z"
    I learned before school
    Going to school -
    Here's what I tried.

    Soon the song will fill
    school happy bell
    And solemnly begin
    Our very first lesson.

    Boast, mommy will not,
    I promise firmly
    What will be proud soon
    Me all my relatives.

    I can become an excellent student
    After all, I'm not too lazy to study!
    I will bring "five"
    I'm out of school every day!

    And with toys, perhaps,
    I need to say goodbye.
    I'm learning now
    I will be doing.

    I will have books
    Thick - thick.
    I will read - I will know
    Everything adults know.

    To be honest, we are tired
    Accept congratulations.
    Like the main thing said
    We need to round off the speech!
    First time, first class
We have arrived - welcome!Is the school happy to see us?Answer friendly!

LEADING: The first September morning is the beginning of a long school trip for First graders, a new step for fifth graders and tenth graders, and the start of the last academic year for eleventh graders. We give the floor to the graduating class! SPEECH grade 11. 1. September - the starting line, And a calendar with an exciting date - Everything is so, and everything is different than it once was: After all, this year is the last graduation year!2. And memory turns time like a movie, And the shots bring us back: Ruler, first class, and we guys V-o-o-o-n there, with flowers ... but a long time ago.3. You will be called to your first lesson Wake up with its cheerful melody. And on a May day, our last call - Farewell to childhood and native school.4. In our last school year We firmly promise you to work, So that he could be proud of our releaseAll school people of different ages!

5. More rain on the window pane
Knocking at us with a reminder
What is the first number
And it's time for everyone to sit down!
We do not prevaricate a single gram:
After all, we ourselves hurried summer,
To see everyone soon! And you
We publicly admit it!

6. We also admit that we really wanted to come to school as soon as possible. Because this is our last holiday on the First of September. We understand that we are entering the last school start. And this thought does not give us rest now. We really want to complete our studies with dignity, to correct all the mistakes that we have made over the years. We love you dear school. Please accept our recognition of this.


Song about school to the tune "Moscow windows."

1. Every day the school meets us,
As home, we go to a familiar class.
My friends are waiting for me at school
School is my family.
Everyone here is happy to see me, I know for sure.

2. Silence is replaced by noise and din,
But no one rushes home
We have unfinished business,
They can not be done in a year,
School is waiting for us again tomorrow morning.

3. In the world of school, everything cannot be counted,
Maybe somewhere better than ours.
I'm dearest to me,
Just think of her
And immediately it will become warmer in the soul.

4. Let's remember every day, every hour,

Kind light remember your eyes

Let the school bell ring

And calls us to a lesson

Last time in 11th grade!

LEADING: The first day of September is always very festive, a little hectic and always magical! And now in the hands of the headmaster there are multi-colored balls, not simple - magic!

Director: Balls, of course, are magical, but whether the fairy tale comes true depends on each of us!

RED BALL - these are feelings and emotions. May they always be positive, kind, sincere!

WHITE BALL is knowledge, intellect. Let the knowledge be strong, and the intellectual potential become the guarantor of success in the Olympiads, intellectual games and, of course, in exams.

YELLOW BALL - creativity and fantasy. Let from implementation creative projects our life will become brighter and more interesting!

GREEN BALL - leadership. Strive for new heights in studies, sports, creativity, be able to set and achieve goals, work in a team and lead - all this is necessary in modern society!

BLUE BALL - a world without upheavals and hardships. Happiness in every home, including ours, school!

By releasing these balloons into the sky, we will believe in ourselves, in our family, school, friends, in the best that is in each of us!

I invite representatives of 1.5 and 11 cells. for the ceremonial launch of balloons!

Ved.1 - The bell is ringing louder and louder
What a trill over the world spills
Do you think the nightingale sang?
But no - the lessons begin!

Ved.2- The bell rings, we have many years in a row,
Hearing it, people smile.
And the faces of the guys bloom.
It's time for the lessons to begin!

LEADING- The right to make the first call in the new academic year is granted…………………………………………………………………………………

Come up with good script ceremonial lineup on September 1 at school today is very difficult. This is due to the fact that stereotypes and the usual course of this event have already been put into our heads. Agree, probably, each of you had a line at school in the same way. All classes gather, the national anthem plays, then the director reads a congratulatory speech, first-graders read poetry, then comes the numbers prepared by the guys, and, in the end, the first bell rings, marking the beginning school year.

But after all, everything can go not so familiar and not as boring as usual. And all it takes is to find unusual scenario. And you can find it right on our website. We will offer you a new, fresh look at the holiday of September 1st. We will invite you to throw aside all the usual views and try something original. We will be able to bring something bright and interesting to the solemn line!


Soundtrack of the song "Stork on the Roof"

Sunbeam illuminating the planet
Gives birth to a new light of dawn.
And again the world is warmed by love
Creates a melody of hearts.

So, in the clear sky of a peaceful life
In a gentle touch - two wings
Two birds fly in harmony
The folk tale goes:

Where is the proud white stork of happiness
Touches the roofs with his wing
There the light will disperse all bad weather
Joy comes to this house

From the mystery of the first cause
The magic flower will bloom
And into the eternal peace of the sacred land
The wise child will come again...

Seeing the light, exclaim loudly:
"I was born, meet the earth"
And take care of the child
Family in your arms.

Seven years old, good parent
He raised his child in love
Leads to the gates of the world of knowledge
There will meet the "school family"

"Oh, our baby, a miracle will happen -
You have grown up in your destiny
New road opened
Happy journey to you!

Fanfare sounds

Presenter 1:

Early September morning
Festive and cheerful
We act wisely
The door opening the school.

Host 2:

The holiday is wisely conceived
Get a little more fun
Early September morning
You have become older.

Presenter 1:

The long awaited day has come
For you to know more
The school should open the door
She was waiting for you.

Host 2:

If you wake up in the morning
And I saw outside the window:
All dressed up and with flowers,
And the house is full of fun.

Presenter 1:

If you see along the way
Many schoolchildren go
So autumn has come
The school year has arrived!

Host 2:

Good morning, guys!

Presenter 1:

Good morning, our dear guests!

Host 2:

Good morning, dear dads, moms, grandparents!

Presenter 1:

Good morning our lovely teachers!

Host 2:

Our holiday is also special because it is 30 years old!
This is the age of our school building.
30 generations of cheerful and noisy grew up here,
Smart and smart, beautiful and brave, dexterous and skillful.
Today, for the 30th time, the bell will ring at our school.

Presenter 1:

The heart stops with excitement.
A little dawn will shine outside the windows:
The guys are waiting with eager impatience
Festive September morning.

Host 2:

Let already pencils and books
In a brand new briefcase,
All the same girls and boys
Don't get into bed late.

Presenter 1:

They can not sleep, contrary to the advice,
And they can't sit still
Ask grandparents
Look at the clock often.

Host 2:

The minutes are too long.
Come on, the desired time!
I see: on holiday routes
Reached out to the schools of the kids!

Presenter 1:

And now it's time to invite to our line of those
who will remember this year more than the rest.
Some take their first steps here
others approach the turn of school life.

Host 2:

I ask you to get ready for the solemn meeting of the children who are going to school today for the first time, and Natalya Antonovna Vashchenko will lead them along the road of Knowledge.

Presenter 1:

First graders, welcome to the World of Knowledge!

Host 2:

We invite you to a joyful holiday
In honor of the first call in life
You, the little ones,
happy and different
Excited, maybe a little!
Say hello to our little first graders!

Music "First Grader"

Presenter 1:

When September is at the school threshold
Scatter delicate phlox petals,
Our hard road will begin
As they say, from an untouched board.

Host 2:

And the first ray in the blue sky
He sends his regards to us today.
Over the boundless Russia
A solemn dawn rises.

Presenter 1: Dear guests are present at our celebration today




Host 2:

Here proudly threw up two wings
Your coat of arms is a double-headed eagle.
And the sounds of the anthem majestically
Float over the eternal power,
Flying freely in the blue sky
Tricolor flag of my Russia.

Presenter 1:

School, attention! The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the school year is considered open!

Anthem sounds.

Presenter 1:

Flying, spinning yellow leaf,
Rowan in the glow of the monist.
And a bunch of school kids
Leaving all your games
In a hurry for the holiday of September.

Host 2:

And he has his rights
He is in every life forever
Sounds like a ringtone
And suddenly the soul freezes
Graduate and first-timer
For the last time, for the first time.

Presenter 1:

To start our holiday now,
Let me give the floor to the director.

Host 2: The word for greeting is given to the director of the school…………

Presenter 1: On this September morning, the honored guests of our holiday address their congratulations:

Host 2: The word is given….




A word to the guests.

Presenter 1:

Dear kids, today a new page of life is opening for you. Today you will meet your first teacher, who, believe me, will become a ray of sunshine for you, illuminating the path to knowledge, the wisdom of life.

Host 2:

Look closely at the person standing next to you.
It is this girl or boy, perhaps
will be your best friend, buddy, comrade.
And we want to wish you unforgettable years in our school,
only good impressions, diligence and diligence.

Presenter 1:

Fluffy first grader bow
Plays along with the breeze,
And the eyes of little Natasha
Scared of this day.

Host 2:

The boy in the white shirt
He should be her friend...
Here everyone and everything is covered with warmth
"Kids, everyone from Knowledge in the afternoon!
With Knowledge in the afternoon!"

Presenter 1:

pencil kids,
We know you are ready!
Read your poems
Are you already set up?
Music "Teach at school"

Words of first graders

Hello school! School hello!
Finally we grew up
We assure you it's not wrong
We have come to study with you.

I leave the doll at home
I'm leaving for school
And with you in a briefcase green
I'll put down the book.

I got bored at home
I don't want to play.
I want to learn soon
And become a first grader.

More recently
We went to kindergarten.
We slept and ate a lot.
Grew up for new desks.

I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand
Because of the lush bouquet
I can't find the door.

I have books in my portfolio
I have a bouquet in my hands.
All the familiar boys
They stare in surprise.

Everything is taught in school:
Account, literacy, writing,
We learn a lot here
School is just the beginning!

We will all have books.
Thick - thick
Read, we will know
Everything adults know!

We will be diligent
Diligent and diligent
And we will study
Just wonderful!

How many joyful, cheerful
Faces everywhere, look!
Personally, the principal of the school
Smiled three times!

I'm a first grader today
This is the best holiday
I will study at school
Mom will be proud of me!

We're not just kids anymore
We are students now!
And we lie on the desks
Books, pens, diaries!

For some reason mom and dad
So excited
As if instead of me to school
Gathered for the first time!

Daddy shined my shoes
He shook off the dust from me,
Mom is my big bag
Collected all day!

On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome!”

ALL (in unison):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

Host 2:
Dear kids, put your ears on top!
Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Presenter 1:
Masters of control and essays.

Host 2:
Professors for passing tests and exams.

Presenter 1:

The school is proud of them!
They serve as an example for us.
Let's give them the floor.
To our graduates.


1st graduate:

Last school fall
How sad to realize.
And that's why I especially want
Good luck to you all!

2nd graduate:

The day will come - we will say goodbye to the school,
Our graduation will end the year.
And from here along an unfamiliar path
Forever our childhood will be gone!

3rd graduate:

Today let us turn
For those who are just starting to learn.
We congratulate you, first graders,
We wish you great success in your studies!

4 student:

We are at the finish line, and you are still at the start,
And before you is a fabulous flight.
Take off without doubt and confidently,
There is a teacher that will correct and understand.

5 student:

Trust him, he won't say bad things.
Correct mistakes, teach everything.
Shows the right path to success
You just trust, relatives, him.

6 student:

The teacher is a magician, the teacher is a scientist,
Teacher and doctor, and mother, and friend.
If your class is cohesive,
Troubles are not terrible for you, illness is not terrible.

7 student:

Be friends with each other, dream together
And be prepared for those who are weak to defend.
And in difficult times, do not leave your friends,
Learn to be heroes from childhood.

8 student:

We wish to find new friends at school,
Make friends with the school and teachers.
You will spend many happy days here
And soon you will be graduates!

Presentation of gifts

Host 2:

A leaf fell off the calendar
The family will sigh, he is no longer a baby
September autumn morning
You stand with a briefcase.

Presenter 1:

Hurry, rush all relatives:
I want to know everything, soon
The teacher has been waiting for me for a long time,
The school door is open.

Host 2:

And accept with a good hand
From mother's hand
Your first teacher
Bon Voyage!

Yes, I'm crying. But these are tears of happiness.
I see in the form of my child.
And hundreds of mothers agree with me
There is no prettier dress than this.
Yes, I cry, but I'm not sad.
I rejoice, I expect miracles.
'Cause my baby will master all the arts
Study all scientific material.

(The teacher comes out, stands next to mom.)

They are no longer babies
They carry their own portfolios.
Now our garden is a little empty,
And we came to visit a colorful holiday.
(for first graders)
We accompany you on your school journey.
With love, care, a little sadness.

And we trust your teacher
Soon you will pass into your light class.

The first teacher comes out with balloons in his hands.

Finally the meeting took place
Which I was looking forward to.
I want to hear your words
See your kind eyes.

Congratulations words

But before our lesson,
Let's fly the balls
Let's let go. Let's say to this world
That we are always moving forward!

Poems of first graders.

My ball, my pot-bellied friend,
Fly higher than everyone else.
After school, if not soon,
Banks will be all mine.

Sharik, be my astronaut,
So don't let me down!

I want to sing beautifully
Little ball, come on!

Take off the balloons to the white clouds.
Let all colorful dreams come true.

Presenter 1:

How good are the balloons...
Look, a blue ball soars up,
so that the dreams of graduates come true,
successfully pass any exam,
fly, ball, fly up.

Host 2:

And the yellow ball, like a ray of sunshine,
First graders' hopes skyrocketed.
Look, the green ball sparkles above your head,
a magical bird hovering over the earth,
you make your dreams come true!

Presenter 1:

Fly around the world, a red ball,
fly bolder without touching the roofs.
Carry with you the hopes of our teachers
on all his students.

Music "Teach at school"

Care of first graders

Host 2:
Children's dreams must come true
And the work of the teacher is not forgotten.
Dear teachers, please accept gratitude from your children,
love and autumn flowers.

Music (giving flowers to teachers.)

Presenter 1:

School 30 is great
So September 30th
The bell rang - there is no better reason:
Well, than, say, not an anniversary!

Host 2:

Opening the anniversary year
Let our school bell ring.
Meeting with a bell ringing
Everyone who came to the first lesson.

Presenter 1:

Let the balloons fly into the sky
Let the cranes fly high.
We congratulate you, school!
Bell, call, call!

Host 2:

The sonorous trill of a nightingale
Fly across the country
And the beginning of a new life
Fully marked.

Presenter 1:

For a lesson, for a change,
Good luck, to the heights of knowledge -
Everyone is led by a diligent call,
Let the country know about it!

Host 2:

And yesterday's children
Those who were babies
After this signal
They will be called students.

First grader:

Can't wait to open the Primer.
Drink, call, be bold, come on!
It's time for us to join the team,
And develop all around.

Presenter 1:

The right to give the first call is granted to a student of grade 11 and a student of grade 1.

The school bell rings

Host 2:

The cheerful bell rang
Here comes the holiday.
We say: "Hello, school!"
School year ahead!

Presenter 1:

Let him be the best
A hundred times better than the last.
Let us learn a lot
And, of course, ask us!

Host 2:

Let the tasks be solved
The exam will be easy.
And health and good luck
Everyone for the whole school year!

Presenter 1:

By tradition, the youngest students, our first-graders, are the first to leave our holiday. Good luck!

Host 2:

The right to take a lap of honor and be the first to enter our home school, for your first lesson. Provided to our first graders accompanied by our esteemed high school students…

Presenter 1:

Take these little warm hands in your strong hands and lead the children to our native school.

Music "The Way of Kindness"

Host 2:

Well, it's a start.
And on time according to the plan from the pier
Let's sail for the whole year!

Presenter 1:

May he bring pleasant discoveries!
Dictation on "5", solved problems,
May everything be successful for everyone.

Together: Happy school year everyone!

Scenario line of the first of September - Knowledge Day at school

It is of interest to head teachers for educational work, organizers, class teachers of the eleventh and first grades.
The scenario is of interest to the organizers, head teachers for educational work, class teachers of the graduating classes.
Target: organization of the solemn beginning of the academic year;
- to congratulate first-graders on the beginning of the first academic year, to arouse interest in the school;
- create a festive mood for all those present;

First call 2017

Presenter 1
The day is sunny and bright
Light as feathers, clouds,
Autumn distributes its gifts,
And she is a little worried.

Lead 2
The school year comes into its own,
The first leaf is spinning in the sky,
School opens doors again
And the bell is calling us at the desks.

Lead 2
The holiday must begin solemnly:
The anthem of our Motherland will sound!

national anthem is played

Presenter 1
Again September calls everyone
Laughter is heard in the school yard again
Summer rushed by like a ghost, like a dream,
Knowledge we open the season.

Lead 2
Presentation tonight
New and varied knowledge
First consultation of the season
For the fulfillment of desires.

Presenter 1
So, we start the school year,
Hurry forward to new victories,
Discoveries and achievements are waiting for us -
Of this we have no doubt!

Lead 2
And besides, today we have
Many came to school for the first time!

Presenter 1
I think we all need to support them,
Let's greet them with applause!

Graduates lead first graders to the line to the music

Lead 2
School, attention, stand still,
It's time to raise the flag of our knowledge!

To the solemn music they carry out and raise the banner of the school

Presenter 1
Who is in charge at school, of course, we know
We all involuntarily imitate him (her),

Lead 2
He is wise and kind, well educated...
You guessed it, the director has a word.

A word from the school principal

Lead 2
We accept newcomers to our family,
We wish them all great success

Presenter 1
Of course, we will give them a word now,
And in a year we will look at them ...

Word to first graders
I woke up very early
I quickly got up from the couch
Washed, dressed up,
Wow, I got there just in time!

Well, I'm not only books,
I took my monkey
To not get bored at school
Together we will answer.

I consulted with my mother
So that the school itself, itself
It was interesting
To immediately captivate.

I came here with a bouquet
I've been preparing all summer
Letters, maybe I forgot
But I honestly taught them!

Dad told me yesterday
That you have a big gym
I love physical education
And I'll set a record.

Little me, everyone keeps saying
But I'm not a bastard,
I'll tell you without fuss:
I am with the computer on "you".

Let the size not forty-five,
I'm also not in the tenth,
Wait a little,
I will outgrow anyone.

Parted with kindergarten
Bargained with dad for a long time,
If I go to school
What can I find under my pillow?

I'm worried about my grandfather
I will tell you a secret:
The school is full of trouble -
Who will he play football with?

My whole family knows:
I slept in the summer -
Found the correct approach:
Enough for the whole year.

I promise you honestly:
I will wake up myself
And do the lessons too -
I will be stricter with myself.

Lead 2
For such performance
The guys are rewarded!

Eleventh-graders in chef's hats take out a loaf for each class

Just in time for the first lesson
We baked a loaf
Caravan, caravan,
Be brave, don't yawn!

First graders take a piece of finely chopped part from the loaf in advance

Presenter 1
Everyone eats a piece of bread
To keep the sky clear
To make learning easy
To go far!

Lead 2
One bread and many "I":
You are now one family!
You do not quarrel, everyone is friends,
Share the difficulties for everyone

Presenter 1
Joy is also in half,
And listen to the words
By what we tell you now:

Good luck! And in good hour!

Eleventh-graders give their gifts, bring in a “wish tree”, from which each first-grader tears off a leaf with a wish

Eleventh graders

1 Fulfillment of desires
Everyone can guess

2 Even the secrets of the universe
At school you can learn

1 Someone wants to be a model

2 Someone become an astronaut

1 Who is the multiplication table
At 12 wants to know?

2 Everything is possible in our school
You just need to wish

1 Everyone is free in their desires
Become the best in studies!

Presenter 1
You have been congratulated for so long
Are you guys tired? (Not!)
Stop standing still
Dance we will dance together

Eleventh graders lead the kids in a circle and dance with them “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

Lead 2
Treasury of knowledge opens
She is richer than gold treasures,
And let no one doubt this:
We can't go through life without them!

Song to the tune "Big Secret for a Small Company"

It's no secret that without knowledge you are simply a beggar,
You will not sell and you will not buy them,
Everyone needs knowledge and no less than food,
We are like kittens without them, we are blind.

Etc. Known to everyone, without knowing
There can be no recognition
As well as popularity, and success will not come,
So, be sure to learn, you are friends, consciously,
AT Magic world knowledge we invite everyone.

Physics textbook appears

Physics Textbook
Looks like there's a holiday here?
According to my theory, it happens
Get to the show in time…

A confused Volka appears with flowers that he hides behind his back.

Volka? I do not hide my surprise!

Sorry - these are flowers for you ...
Well, for this ... for beauty ...

Physics viewers
I don't understand what he wants...
Did he learn the law?

I ... I tried ... I got to the 13th page ...

You're confusing something, I'm not a picture book, they don't leaf through me, they teach me!

Volka bewildered
Hottabych appears

Oh, photon of my radiation, what has darkened your forehead? Look how cheerful faces are around, and you are sad!

Volka sighing
You would have my problems, I would have looked, how would you have fun.

Open yourself to the wise Hottab ibn Daud, O joule of my energy!

I'm not your joule. I have a re-examination in physics, but the textbook does not recognize me ... Wait, why did you suddenly start talking like that? Have you been to school again?

Do not scold me, O volt of my tension, I just looked into the textbook, and now I am eager to continue my acquaintance with it and improve my knowledge of esteemed Physics (bows towards the textbook). Maybe I can help your trouble if you open up to me.

Okay, listen.

Song to the melody "Wizard - half-educated"

She has a law pointing to physics,
This ... well, that ... Pendant,
Or maybe Newton
He invented it for us.
Or maybe it's Om
Only thing is,
I only heard about him
But somehow it didn't.

Etc. The formulas are too complicated
Truths Impossible
I tried to learn
But not strong enough! Yes Yes Yes!
I suffered with them day and night,
But I can't figure it out
If you can't help me
I don't like white light!

Oh pascal of my pressure, your problem is easily solved: you just need to make friends with the textbook, and the great genie, the teacher of the venerable Physics bows to the teacher will be pleased with you.

Volka incredulously
And that's it? But he doesn't want to be friends with me! You know, Hottabych, the process would be much faster if I had a friend who could be relied on for advice, unlike you...

This is not difficult breaks a hair, Dunno appears

Hey buddy, guess what?
What is my name?


Everyone knows me because I know everything!

Listen, do you really know everything?


And physics?


And math?

No problem!

Now let's check unfolds a poster with the formula Well, solve an example!

This is me easy!

Song to the melody "Or maybe a crow"

Or maybe add?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
Maybe multiply?
Maybe remove the brackets?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Well give me some advice!

Or maybe extract the root?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
And raise everything to a power?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Or maybe an integral?
And get an answer?

Hottabych, whom did you slip me? I can do it myself!

Forgive the old genie, O derivative of my function!

tears a hair, Harry Potter appears

And who is this?

Harry Potter
I am Harry Potter, mage and wizard bows

Another! I have enough of Hottabych! Tell me that you can do anything!

Harry Potter
Certainly can.

And who taught you?

Harry Potter

I wish I had such friends! Could you introduce me to them?

Harry Potter
Please! conjures, textbooks and a ballerina appear

These are friends?

Harry Potter
The best! They keep treasures of knowledge and willingly share with everyone who wants to be friends with them.

textbooks are presented


I am the keeper of knowledge of literature,
Treasury of world culture,
I can bring up spirituality in you,
Help become wiser and nobler!

We will teach you the secrets of the universe,
Let us give knowledge of the basic laws,


To be able to describe everything with a formula,
Penetrated into the essence of Mother Earth!

I will reveal secrets to you,
Believe me, it's very interesting
And I will even teach you miracles -
Everything that I can do myself!

English language
Do you speak English? Know? We will teach!
Moreover, we won’t torture you by cramming at all,

Their spreche deutsch, and you will speak,
Stronger only with us you are friends!

Presenter 1 refers to the ballerina
And you?

And I'm called choreography
And I'm not afraid of hypodynamia
Movement - life, health, mood -
I will teach you dance with inspiration!

The choreography shows simple movements, first graders and eleventh graders repeat them to the music, all the characters dance with them

Harry Potter
Well, Volka, do you like such friends?

Still would!

Harry Potter
What about you guys?

Let's be friends!

sing textbooks, Volka, Harry Potter

Song to a melody from the Bremen Town Musicians "Our carpet is a flower meadow"

In our life, knowledge is the basis,
We can convince anyone!
It is simply impossible to live without knowledge,
It is not difficult for you to get them from us!
It is not difficult for you to get them from us.

We wanted to convince you together,
What a diligent study you need!
And then you are not afraid of obstacles,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,

Presenter 1
The school year starts
How much new knowledge he brings!

Lead 2
So you guys try
And do it with great enthusiasm!

Presenter 1
Well, you all deserve it
Let the true school bell ring

Lead 2
The elders just didn’t finish everything,
And the kids are waiting for the first lesson!

The last call is given: a first grader, who is led by the hand by an eleventh grader, and a first grader with an eleventh grader. They come out from one point and go around the ruler along the perimeter in opposite directions. At the end of the circle against the backdrop of a school song they are followed by first-graders with eleventh-graders, then all other classes

It is possible to continue the first lesson for first-graders in the assembly hall with these fairy-tale characters

Surname, name, patronymic of the author: Shergina Svetlana Alekseevna
Place of work: MBOU "OOSH No. 12", the city of Mariinsk
Job title: teacher of fine arts, computer science
Solemn line on September 1- a festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to hold a solemn line in an interesting, bright, positive way.
I propose a scenario for holding a solemn line on September 1 at your school for grades 1-9
Venue - gym or playground near the school.

The song is "Back to School"
/Dasha Yakovleva _________________________________/

Presenter 1:
Good morning, dear students, dear parents and beloved teachers!

Host 2:
This morning can be called good not only because of the clear sky and the bright sun, but above all because of the good that it brings to us, students.

Presenter 1:
After all, today - September 1 - the beginning of a new academic year, new meetings with wonderful world knowledge that our teachers will open before us.

Host 2:
Let this year be kind for everyone - for those who cross the threshold of our school for the first time, and for those who come here not for the first time.
Good luck to all participants of our holiday and our guests!

Presenter 1
September has come, summer is over,
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.
Children, parents, teachers!
Congratulations on your holiday, friends!

Lead 2
It seems like yesterday we stood
We met a fun vacation time,
Which after the academic year
How long ago did it start? But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In the past. And the school uniform is on.

Presenter 1
A couple of minutes - and the first call
You will be called back to class.
School doors open again
Tomorrow the school days will start.
Well, today is a holiday!

Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!

Lead 2
An unusual day today in the world
Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -
The school opened its doors to everyone.
And do not be sad girls, boys,
On games, undertakings and fairy-tale books
In school life, the magic does not end,
The story continues here as well.

Presenter 1
Where are the lesser of you?
Let it come out now
The very first, first class!

Lead 2
School, meet your youngest students, your first graders!

Presenter 1
To loud applause, we invite first graders led by their first teacher - Elena Ivanovna Abdulkhakova, and ninth graders led by a cool mother - Morozova Vasilisa Alexandrovna

(Music No. ___ sounds, accompanied by 9th graders, first graders enter)

Lead 2
The heart beats more joyfully
If in the morning soaring to the zenith,
The flag of Russia proudly curls,
The anthem of my country sounds!

Presenter 1
School! Attention!
During the performance of the national anthem of Russia, stand still!
Sounds the Anthem of Russia No. ____

Lead 2
The long-awaited September has come,
Especially desirable for schoolchildren,
After all, the school opens its doors again
With love and special trust.

Presenter 1
Holidays are ending
Many rest days
Friends meet again
At the school doorstep.

Lead 2
The one who cares about the school
Caring for night and day
Our school principal
We gladly give our word.
The melody No. ___ “Exit of the director” sounds
Speech by the director, 9th grade presents flowers

Presenter 1
We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to all
The guest of honor is in a hurry now
Happy Holidays to all of you!

Lead 2
The word for congratulations is provided by __________________________________________________________________
Guest performance, 9th grade hands flowers
Song "Hello, our school" _________________________

Presenter 1
Autumn turns golden leaves,
And in the beautiful golden rain
Chrysanthemums white, large
Blooming stars everywhere.

Lead 2
It's a first-grader bloom
At the time of golden, wonderful days.
This is the glow of new stars
And flying white doves.

Presenter 1
The word is given to the youngest students who begin their exciting journey to the Land of Knowledge today.

Lead 2
Greet our dear first-graders with friendly applause!
Exit "First Grader" No. _____ Performance of first graders

School doors today
Open for us.
The first time we came to school
Entered first grade.

I won't go to school without my beloved mother,
I can't find my way to school without her.

I will not part with my grandmother,
My grandmother will cry without me.
With my own sister, we are everywhere together,
Without her, school is not fun for me at all.

My mother gave birth to a brother that same year.
If I go to school, who will help them?

I'm not against knowledge at all
Just not now
Another summer beckons like a river,
And does not pull in the class.

At home I have a computer, TV, DVD,
Well, in the school office there are only tables and books ...

Well, those are excuses.
Minor breakdowns.
Just afraid
Schools are afraid...

The school is the same house.
We have a long time to study in it.
And mom and dad know:
Best friends at school
And your teacher can't be better!

Yes, how did she appear?
That's when I fell in love with her...
Smart and kind

It's actually good here!
I went to the dining room
Well, there - attention -
Everything is like in a restaurant.

Here are the cabinets
Beauty is like in space!
Here are the toilets
Just like McDonald's!

Well, I would say this:
I liked the gym.
They say it's new
And already ready.
In general, to be honest,
Our school is wonderful!
This will be our second home.
Here we will live happily ever after!

Admire us all
And remember us.
We promise the best
Will be at school...

All: First grade!
Care "First Grader" No. _____

Presenter 1
Well done first graders!

Presenter 1
To know how big the earth is
To discover sciences, like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.

Lead 2
The floor is given to the first teacher Elena Ivanovna

Presenter 1
On behalf of fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, greetings are addressed
Parents' speech
The background sounds “Exit of Baba Yaga” No. _____ Baba Yaga flies to the whistle

Baba Yaga:
But Baba Yaga is against!
Took you away for the holidays!
Who is in charge here? (referring to director)
Are you a prankster?
How much can each year
Gather all the people here?
As if someone wants to go to school!
Yes, quite the opposite!
(refers to any boy on the line)

Yes, you would again
Go to "Archekas" to have a rest,
And they took you to school
Stay on the line!
I speak for all the guys:
They don't want to study here.
And who wants - for God's sake -
Let them sit at the desk.

Presenter 1:
Hey beauty, go away

Host 2:
Calm down, don't get angry!

Presenter 1:
What are you angry about?

Host 2:
Al toadstool chewed on?

Baba Yaga:
You didn't invite me to the party.
You didn't let me speak!
Do you know my soul
How did I hope?
I've been planning for six months
Once in five hundred years combed your hair!
My only tooth
Washed with soap and water.
I don't have in the forest
Neither "Qua - fresh", nor "Blendamet".
You see, everyone has gathered for school,
Did you get any knowledge?
Well, I'm sitting in the forest stupid -
A foolish girl?
Neither read nor write?
I don't want to leave you!
I'm Yaga, not stupid!
Right now without knowledge anywhere!
I want to study a lot
To enter the institute.

Lead 1.
Let it go, finally

Lead 2.
Well, she came - and well done!

Baba Yaga:
I can't, my soul!
I was so offended!
Look how everyone is dressed up here
Washed and powdered!
I've been walking in this for a hundred years
And in the winter in one, and in the summer!
I have no more strength to endure!
So you can get sick!

Presenter 1:
Calm down, there is a way out!
In school pantries do not count
For such a "beauty" of outfits.
Well, go, you'll be glad!
Hurry up dress up
Come back to the guys!
Will you be our student
Become a wise girl.
music "At the school desk" No. _____
Baba Yaga leaves, changes into school uniform

Host 2:
Graduates are in a hurry to congratulate the first-graders, for whom the Knowledge Day is the last within the walls of our school.
Sounds of music come out graduates No. _____

SPEECH 9th grade

We rested over the summer and grew up a little,
And today we came to the line at our school.
Here we are like in a very friendly, understanding family,
Hello dear school, we missed you!

Today we are very happy to meet all the teachers,
And we want to go to school again - to study as soon as possible!
We know that this will not last long: soon the zeal will pass.
But today is a special day - the school is calling us!

Eight years ago they came here to study for the first time.
The years of study went by quickly - now we are graduation class.
We are saddened by parting more and more every day.
If we are allowed to stay, we will not leave the school!

We are a little sad, looking at first-graders ...
Ah, if only childhood could be returned even for a moment!
But we know that we need to move forward.
And we know that the path will be beautiful!

School, we are excited about you
We write our first poems
Every year comes replenishment -
Your new students.
So let us turn
For those who are just starting to learn.
We congratulate you, first-graders
We wish you great success in your studies!

We wish you fast
The circles of school days
most interesting events,
Good, devoted friends,

So that homework
Completed right on time
To with joy, with desire
Came to class

To understand what is important
Not grades, but skills,
Quick mind and good heart.
You - good luck and patience!
music presenting gifts to grade 1 No. _____

student 1 / 9 cells /
In our school, the best in the world
What a teacher is a star
And all over Russia is better
You will never find!

student 2 / 9 cells /
Understand our souls
Don't be afraid to love us
They do not suppress their kindness,
You can give a heart!

student 3/ 9 cells/
You are great talents
But clear and simple
Today we will give you
All autumn flowers.
the song No. _____ “Teacher” sounds, on the third verse of 9 cells gives flowers to teachers
Baba Yaga appears, dressed in a school uniform.

Leader 1 .
Guys, look how our guest has changed, now you won’t recognize her.

Baba Yaga.
Now I understand! Brothers, I respect you!
The holiday can go on! I won't interfere with you!
I see that your kids are wonderfully good!
I want to check them out: are they up to the task of studying?
First-graders, do not yawn, answer the questions!
If it's about you, "Yes!" shout at the same time.
If there is no talk about you here, say “No!” in reply.
- Did you get up early today?
- You did not become capricious?
- You came here to study?
- Will you be lazy at school?
Will you always fight?
- Well, then tease, right?
- Will you study for "five"?
- And also get "deuces"?
- Do you want to find friends here?
- Then have a good trip!

Baba Yaga.
As a sign that I love you, I will give a bell.
The bell is not simple - it is sonorous and mischievous!
If you call him, open the door to the world of knowledge!
Hands the bell to first graders, leaves.

Lead 1.
Thank you, this gift is very useful for us, because today the first school bell will sound for all the children this academic year.

Lead 2.
Let the very first bell ring now
And the long-awaited lesson will begin.
You will keep these moments in your hearts
And carry the joy from them through the years!

Lead 1.
Ring, call! Ring, call!
Cheerful, sad, cheeky!
Another lesson awaits you in life
Quietly childhood is leaving! ..

Lead 2.
Ring, call! Ring, call
Opening Lessons!
We are moving towards knowledge
Fatigue without knowing!

Music sounds No. _____ "Calls" The bell rings

Lead 1.
Well, it's a start...
And on time according to the plan from the pier
Let's sail for the whole year!

Lead 2.
Let him bring discoveries!

Presenter 1.
Dictation for five ...

Lead 2.
… solved problems…

Lead 1.
So that everything goes well!

Lead 2.
Our holiday is coming to an end, but let the joy of meeting be endless!

Presenter 1
Well, good luck and good luck,
Smile, schoolboy, do not forget!
The school invites us to the Land of Knowledge,
And the school account begins its year!

Presenter 1:
And the first to leave our line, students of the first grades, to our loud and unceasing applause.

Host 2:
Hold hands tightly
And go to class.

Lead 1&2:
Good luck, friends, go ahead!
The school is looking forward to it!
Sounds song No. _____ "First of September"