Scenario corporate party for teachers end of the school year. Corporate on Teacher's Day - corporate scenario. Contest "Catch the Ball"

  • 21.06.2020

Teacher's Day 2011

Together: Hello!

Klim: Today is an unusual day!

Marina: Today is an amazing day! Today...

Together: Holiday!!!

Klim: Joyful!
Marina: Long awaited!

Together: Teacher's Day!!!

Klim : Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day.


Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,
Today it suddenly blew in the spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday.


The path of the teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not a job, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!


A lot of words have been invented about teachers,
But we want to reiterate:
Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!
The time has come to give you a song.

Music number:

These eyes are opposite

They look at us seriously.

These eyes are opposite

Do not laugh to tears.

These eyes are opposite

They rate us.

These eyes are opposite

You hardly go crazy.

The look of these eyes sometimes

Strict, but still native.

Time against

These eyes are opposite


That's what brought fate

That's what brought fate

That's because fate brought us together!

Just don't let me down

Just don't let me down

Just keep your eyes peeled!!!

These eyes are opposite

Our teachers.

These eyes are opposite

Glow more and more.

These eyes are opposite

We love you very much.

These eyes are opposite

We thank you.

The look of these eyes sometimes

Strict, but still native.

Time against

These eyes are opposite


That's what brought fate

That's what brought fate

That's because fate brought us together!

Just don't let me down

Just don't let me down

Just keep your eyes peeled!!!

Klim: The floor is given to the director of our schoolNadezhda Fyodorovna.(Director speaks).


Nadezhda Fyodorovna has many worries. Need to fix the school
And make repairs
Teachers' councils to hold

And bring food.
But the main concern is

Find employees who
To eat for two

And they worked for seven
To love children heartily

And to be unmarried,
To master all the techniques,
whitewash ceilings,

They knew how to paint desks,
To take care of children more than eyes

And they could always entertain.


For the dedication of young specialists to teachers, we invite our esteemed Nadezhda Fedorovna.

Klim Andreevich and Marina Otarovna, please come out.

The response of young teachers.


(prepare badges with the proud name "Teacher", cut black bread and put it into a whole loaf, a tray with a napkin, a comic statement for receiving the first earned bread)

2 teachers - mentors:

1st We greet today
Your young friends -
Those who are full of strength and knowledge,
Fresh thoughts and ideas.
All of you have chosen the best
Among the many roads
If soon you are at school
She brought the threshold.
2nd Your first lessons
You have successfully completed -
And they taught me something
And they were able to get the kids involved.
You are now worthy of honor
called "teacher".
Here is the first tangible
All efforts result.
Earned per month
Bread is your first, labor!
1st Get it, sign up!
Your first paycheck
You taste it.
The first bread is much tastier
Than bananas and watermelon!
Here we have replenishment.
Our business is difficult
We wish you patience
Infinite, moreover.
Be your children's best friend
And manage to do everything:
teach, teach, compel
And besides, do not get bored.
2nd Yes, even if you have a salary,
To have enough food.
And the surplus for travel:
To the sea, to the palm trees, to the cockatoo...
For fortune to smile
So that at least by a miracle, but lucky,
To protect from troubles
School walls comfort, warmth.


According to the tradition of our school, each newly initiated teacher must take a solemn oath. Swear.

We swear:

1. Arm yourself with plans and notes, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.

2. We swear to teach only based on state program- a step to the right, a step to the left is considered an attempt to escape.

3. We swear to uphold the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger". This means: do not run faster than the wind during breaks, do not jump higher than the administration, do not be stronger than Atlanta, and do not carry bags with notebooks more than 10 kilograms.

4. We swear louder than children not to scream and forgive them for pranks.

5. We swear to love all children and keep loyalty to the school.


We wish you happiness, we wish you success
And we sincerely congratulate you on this day.
Learn a profession, get down to business,
So that tomorrow you would look boldly.
So that many have good friends,
From friendship with whom it would be brighter.
So be healthy, live richly,
And let the salary increase.

For all the wonderful, talented and exemplary teachers of our school,Klim Andreevich. (musical composition.)

(thunder and lightning on the screen, scary music sounds, the devil runs out onto the stage)


Let me introduce myself,

I am the director of the school in hell

I teach all people bad things!

I read your thoughts

I teach girls and boys to do nasty things!

How long I dreamed of getting on a holiday with you!

Well, who invented this day - congratulate the teachers!

Dedicate youth to teachers? Do you give gifts? Yes, all this is not what they need

Here are nice little, newly minted teachers for you and from me gifts (takes out a slingshot from the bag), so they will definitely come in handy!


Thank you, of course, for the gifts, but we will not use them!

Know that all our friendly team are kind people with a sensitive and sympathetic heart!

Student reads: (a heart is beating on the screen, a galaxy with anniversary photos)

Teacher's Heart...
Well, what can you compare it to?
With the cosmic galaxy,
Which has no boundaries?
Or maybe with the sun bright, what
Give people light?
With the abyss of the sea that
Dormant for hundreds of years?
No, we will not compare! BUT
We say: “Knock!
Teacher's Heart

Hope! Believe! Love!


We want to tell you our guest,

Being a teacher is happiness
Purpose and destiny!
All the secrets of the world are in our power
And the strength of the spirit in us is strong!


Ha, ha, ha! Strength of mind! Now I'll check it out! We will bring everyone to clean water! Let's find out what each of you thinks about, here is my inter-telepathic device!

(approaches and brings the device over his head - a selected funny song and video editing sounds).


Well damn! Well, he laughed! It's all your fucking jokes! Of course, our teachers are not gods, but they are all worthy and respected people!


And the profession of a teacher is eternal, just as eternal are the truths of kindness, wisdom and mercy that teachers bring to all people!


Yes, I understand, I understand! You are my only competitors in the world! I'll take you over! I offer you a salary of 3 times more! Will you work for me? Together we will lead the guys astray! And if I promise you villas, cars, diamonds, then you will agree? Oh, and you are boring!

From longing and boredom

You will break your jaws on the granite of science.

Don't kids need it? Nobody needs.

Who needs it? Nobody needs.

And you don't have to study? Nobody needs.


Dear, we do not agree with you!

Need to learn!
Always go ahead! Science is so important!
There is no more joyful thing in the world,
Than the education of the human soul!


Yes, you have no power over science! I am the master, only I can do everything! Ha, ha, ha!


Mr. Director of "muck and evil." Now you will see the power of science, our master of chemistry

Lyudmila Anatolyevna will return you to where you came from.

(Lyudmila Anatolyevna comes out with a chemical reagent - smoke goes up and the devil disappears)

Student reads:

Praise! Praise the teacher!

thinker teacher,

Great asker

And knowledge to the discoverer!

Praise! Praise the teacher!

teacher, creator

ideologically educator

And us to the educator!

And wisdom to the omniscient!

And pranks to the forgiver!

And noise to the tamer!

Vivat! Praise the teacher!


Our holiday continues! Singing for you _________________________________________


Dear teachers! May joy and luck always accompany you! Let the warmth, care and attention of your family and loved ones warm you! May all your wishes come true!


Accept our wishes
Health, happiness and kindness,
And let the bad mood
You will never have!


Let a kind, gentle smile
Every day begins for you
Let worries, worldly anxieties
On the way you meet less often.


May the sun shine brighter on this day
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet.
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good!


Let it be so that in your bright, kind life
You were always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that the school is a reliable marina for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!


Happy holiday!


Comic songs for the men of our school.

I love, I love, I love, I love to fish,

You, you, you, I want a fish

Hurry, hurry, hurry, catch on the hook,

Your golden barrel.

Let, let until I'm unlucky

You didn't get hooked

I still want you

With this dream, I will cast a net,

Catch, catch, I want you!

You accompanied us all from the smoking school,

Suddenly a nervous trembling took over all of us,

You tell me, you tell me - what are those nodos, what do you need,

We ran with you, we tried, oh we tried,

You gave us your gas mask,

You tell us directly - what do you need, what do you need,

We can do whatever you want.

Our Vitaly superman, real superman,

And our nervous trembling has passed
And then it dawned on us what you need, what you need

And we did everything you want!

An engineer is a friend to all of us,

Everyone around knows it

It is clear to everyone as twice two - without neg we have nowhere to go.

He will come to our aid

The antivirus will bring

The computer winks at him

And send a kiss.

Living the dream of becoming mayor

Long time in my brain

And on a dark starry night

I suck at management.

I know the position of mayor

It will suit me so

And I won't forget you

I will take everyone on board.

Ah, Ravil, our Ravil, smile,

After all, we need your smile,

Ah, Ravil, ah Ravil push yourself,

Our athlete, you won our hearts.

That's who went down the hill

Probably our Vladik is coming

He has a protective gymnast,

And he drives us all crazy

He has golden shoulder straps

And a bright order on the chest

Why, why did I meet

Its on the path of life?


Presenter 1

Our lovely men

Allow me to congratulate you!

Your kindness and strength

We want to praise today!

Lead 2

On this wonderful holiday, I would like to give all the warm and tender words in the world to you, our dear men! We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Presenter 1

Meet the special unit of the women's battalion of our school:

battalion march. Stay where you are, once or twice. Equalization to the audience.

(song three tankmen)

The floor is given to the Commander-in-Chief of our school, Nadezhda Fyodorovna Belavina.

Lead 2

In the high rank of "Man"

Merged dignity and honor,

There is strength, nobility in him,

And in it love is the root cause!

Presenter 1

We wish you happiness and good

Worthy position and rank

To all those we call

The beautiful name "Man"

Lead 2

And on this festive day, we invite you to the vernissage of Women's Fantasies.

And all women's fantasies about whom, well, of course, about you, our dear men.

Presenter 1

Today we present you a collection of exclusive personalized paintings:

And our collection opens with the painting “Where are you, goldfish?”.

(picture on screen)

Weekends and holidays are not a pity,
Spent with a fishing rod in silence
After all, for Mikhalych fishing -
This is a state of mind!
We congratulate him today
We wish you happiness, and also -
We wish to catch him at least once
Hooked goldfish!

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you Evgeny Mikhailovich on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day". (presentation of gifts)

Singing vocal group

Presenter 1

We present you a collectible picture called "Our Superman".

He was born Superman:
blue latex suit,
Biceps, triceps. Awesome!
Red cape, cool perfume.

He does whatever
Runs fast, flies.
The hum of the serena, tames,
Basically, he saves the school.

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you Vitaly Vladimirovich on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day". (giving gifts) and give you a song:

Presenter 1

We present to your attention the following exclusive canvas: "Yandex-man"

Our school Bill Gates,

Can't sit still
He is always on the sites,
Head full like a Winchester
Thoughts - in bytes, kilo-, terabytes.
He will save your computer from a virus,
Replace the motherboard
If you want - change Windows,

Alexey will always overcome everything!

Lead 2

The art studio and the women's battalion of our school congratulate you Alexey Vyacheslavovich on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Song (gift giving)

Presenter 1

The next painting in our collection called "Dreamer"

Our Klim dreams of living beautifully,

Smoke a cigar in puff,

Drive up to the gates of the city hall,

And be friends with the deputies.

He will definitely become the mayor,

Then sambrero and honor,

Well, today at our school,

While the story is being told.

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you Klim Andreevich on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

(presentation of gifts)


Presenter 1

We present to your attention the following exclusive canvas: "Secret Desires"

You are a real warrior, we know that!
You were able to win our hearts
Without a gun, saber and horse!

We congratulate you, our Valentine,
Ladies' man, you're breaking our hearts.

Lead 2

The women's battalion of our school congratulates you Valentin Nikolaevich on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day". (presentation of gifts)

Presenter 1

Before you is a picture called: "Irresistible"

Oh, our courageous Ravil!
Today you are a warrior and a hero,
For girls - an athlete.
Irresistible, courageous, important
Probably in something unearthly.
But know that, Ravil:
Without the women of our school, you would hardly have become like this.

Lead 2

The women's special battalion of our school congratulate you Ravil Akhatovich on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day". (presentation of gifts)

Lead 2

And the final canvas of our collection is a painting called “Friend of the Heart”

With Vlad in a car, it's more reliable than in a tank.

Enjoy this run.

Because a soldier is a civilian

Remains a soldier forever.

He will find any way

And will deliver to the address in an instant.

We can not find such a thousand.

Awesome Vlad you are a man!

Presenter 1

The women's special battalion of our school congratulates you Vladislav on the "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (giving gifts) song

Lead 2

We wish you all.

Good health always

We also wish you good luck

Success, happiness and love!

Presenter 1

We wish to live always "on the rise",

Both in personal life and at work!

Attention, attention urgent message A special unit of the women's battalion has just neutralized a group of foreign intelligence officers and intercepted compromising materials on the men of our school from them.

(let's see what they do in their free time)


Turetsky Choir "You are the best"

(fireworks on the screen).


The script of the teacher's skit for Teacher's Day

Music "Buranovskiye Babushki" sounds

Matryona enters the stage:

I'll take the stage

I'll walk along a little

In the evening I will go to the dance,

I will hear the music

How do I go to dance

Maybe someone will lay eyes on the old woman.

We pensioners are passionate people,

Hold on guys, the flower is coming!

Flower appears from behind another backstage


- Yokarny bogeyman, you look how shkandybay!

Show off! Lady Gaga is retired.


What do you have here?



I spoke out! Probably in rehearsals all day long? Do they see you at home?

Why me ... But the teachers have problems ...

The choir of teachers and the head teacher comes on stage.

Head teacher:

My husband wakes me up at dawn

And he will come out from work to meet at night,

He rarely sees me at home

And how I look, I will soon forget.

ALL: to the tune "Airplanes First"

All because, all because

What are you a teacher

And your school, your school

native home,

First thing,

First of all, teach

Well, husband, family and...

Head teacher: All later, later, later.

All: How to relax, eat hunting ...

Head teacher: Work, girls, work.

All: Just give us work

Head teacher: And the bread?

All: Don't! What do we have for breakfast?

Head teacher: Olympics!

All: And the conference in the afternoon!

Head teacher: This is not a joke!

All: What about for dinner?

Head teacher: Dinner is bad for the stomach!

On stage Flower and Matryona.

Yesterday I drank Validol.

What happened?

Yes, the granddaughter wants to become a teacher ... (whining)

Is it bad to be a teacher?

Yes, what good, you know what children are now, they would do everything, just walk, they don’t want to study - what kind of nerves you need to have.

Young teachers sing to the motive "One Moscow Kent ...".

We finished ped

We will work here

Then, to raise the culture among the masses!

Fire burns in the eyes

Plays in the veins of blood

And do not take our enthusiasm. (2 times)

In the morning like at war

Everyone needs to build

And to conduct the lessons perfectly,

The director will visit a friend

Slaps on the neck

And then it will hit us all decently.

Our day is over

At the feet lies a deer,

Deer from 9 B class.

And to help yourself

I run away from the class

I call for help, the head teacher of a man,

Vitaly help,

Take the deer

Because I want to work in this school

I'll get paid, I'll repay you,

Don't let us die in our dear school!

Oh poor, I feel sorry for them...

But slender! But it's not easy, of course.

And the man, try to find.

A bunch of notebooks, a hungry husband and children, work at school, preparation for lessons at home.

Oh poor, I feel sorry for them...

The duet "Pidmanuda-pidvela" sings.

Went down the aisle with you.

You said well done!

Bach! I went to the teacher.

Pidmanula, piddela.


You pissed me off

You pissed me off.

Pushed the kitchen and the children.

Left for class.

How do you come from school

So you scrape everything with your hand.

You write, you write until the morning,

Didn't give it to me today.


You've baited me.

You pissed me off.

Pushed the kitchen and the children,

Left for the meeting.

My years are gone

My whole life is gone.

Who is friends with the teacher

That lost man.


You pissed me off

You pissed me off.

Pushed the kitchen and the children.

I still love you!

The screen moves. On stage Flower and Matryona.

Oh poor...

Still, in the lessons you hear enough of this - your ears wither ...


But when I was in school, I was also so naughty.

- (sings) Three hundred years ago...

Look at yourself ... (slips a mirror to her, Matryona screams in fright). You see, what changes!

Speaking of change. I went to the school and looked and there ... ..


How smart kids are today! I recently ask my grandson:

Tell me, granddaughter, in a scientific way, why do I see lightning first, and then I hear thunder?

And he answers me:

Granny, it's because you have ears behind your eyes!

(choir of "students")

I recognize the teacher from the magazine,

And in the words:

Well, I went to the blackboard,

The student of the blue shiner,

Chips and chewing gum on the head.

I recognize a chemist by a beaker,

History by dates and kings,

Zoologist on a hamster skin

Caretaker at the stolen doors

Doppedagogue I recognize by colors,

Botany by dried flowers,

Basics teachers for instruction

And I know the head teacher by glasses.

I know the physicist by Ohm's law

I recognize Russian by cases

Math on her fractions

A geographer at 32 degrees 3 minutes

North latitude and 42 degrees 32 minutes

East longitude

By deuces I recognize my native school,

Shout directors:

I'll kill you right now!

I recognize my mother by validol,

The priest recognizes the father by the belt

And na-na-na, la-la-la.


After such students, I would like to wish

You have great patience, good luck and health!


Let's go, let's eat a little for the teacher!

Happy holiday everyone!

For February 23
We want a cheerful muse
Sing the praises of a smile for.
You are so smart and noble
You are charming in appearance
You will create anything.
And everyone is famous for something.

Allow me to open the solemn ceremony of presenting the "Man 2011" awards, awarded by the Ladies' Academy.

For a whole year, members of the ladies' academy of our school discussed the merits of the nominees, washed their bones, laid them out on the shelves, saw through and endowed them with all sorts of epithets. And here is the result of this painstaking work today we present to your attention.

The solemn ceremony of awarding is opened by the director of our school - Nadezhda Fedorovna Belavina.


Slow and solid
Blooms, our Vitaly!
Won't turn off the straight path -
He is in the know, in the process, in business.
Straight broad shoulders
And a bold assertive look -
To meet the winds and worries

It flies like an army projectile.

In this nomination "Mr. Tempered Glass" for hardness and multi-layered nature. After a long debate and a graceful squabble, Vitaly Vladimirovich Purygin won!


You, Ravil, are a wonderful man.
Frank, honest, wise.
Kind and sociable
Bold and determined.

Competent in his field
Condescending, correct.

In the nomination "Fighter of the invisible front", for modesty and purity of thoughts Khabirov Ravil Akhatovich is awarded.


You Eugene illuminate the moments
Monotonous female life;
Your songs are inspiration for ladies!
We listen to them with tenderness!

(musical number: Sveta sings)


Valentine is our heartthrob, gives the ladies a compliment!
For a day he caresses everyone!
Near women, he flutters!

In the nomination "Mr. Pheromone of Love", for the inexhaustible craving for the female sex, Grebenyuk Valentin Nikolayevich is awarded.


Ladies passing by

Looking at Andrew

Quietly whisper on the fly:

Ah, my head is spinning

From an excess of courage.

His name is -

It's impossible not to be a hero!

In the nomination "Modest macho", for the most courageous and attractive image,

Andrey Alexandrovich Vorobtsov is awarded.


Artemchik, you are still attached to your toys -
Computer, fishing and war games.
You threaten the sparrows with a cannon.
But despite the young age
You are a reliable comrade in battle.
And we can not find such a thousand.
You are simply amazing buddy!

In the nomination Mr. "Charming simulator", for hiding from the views of persistent ladies and disappearing from sight! Arslanov Artem Alfredovich wins.


Alexei goes into the fire without looking,
For a fair purpose.
With its energy it turns everything and everyone,
And instantly remember the problems.
We quickly remove programs without a license.

Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Skurydin wins in the Doctor Linux nomination for his unbridled craving for computers!


1st woman:

Song (time, time, rejoice)

It's time - let's rejoice

In your lifetime

Because there are men

Free day!

We whisper to fate more than once:

Mercy to the side!


We wish you, real men, great strength ...
So that with this power you protect peace and tranquility!
We will be happy and doubly calm,
When there are guys like that around us...
So be happy and you are twice as happy,
Our knights are dear.

It's time - let's rejoice

In your lifetime

Because there are men

Free day!

Bye, bye, while we have such defenders,

We whisper to fate more than once:

Mercy to the side!

scenarios corporate Scenario corporateCorporate on Teacher's Day Screenplay Corporate Light dance music sounds.

The presenters meet teachers at the entrance, congratulate them on the holiday and give flowers to everyone.

Guests teachers are seated at tables.

Presenter 1: Good evening, dear gentlemen teachers!

Presenter 2: Happy holiday to you, dear friends!

Presenter 1: Today on this wonderful evening we are met by a cheerful musical tavern "Thirteen Chairs".

Presenter 2: You have the right to ask, dear guests, why 13?

Presenter 1: Teachers - love progressive, always bring the light of knowledge to the masses and oppose obscurantism. And today we will try to prove that 13 is a lucky number! Happiness to you, good luck today and always!

Presenter 2: I propose to start our festive evening with a friendly song for everyone (the text of the song is on the tables).

Presenter 1: So, the zucchini opens and the holiday begins!

The soundtrack (backing track) of the song "It's time to go, the road" from the movie "Heavenly slug" sounds

All: "Tonight, festive evening, evening

To all teachers, frankly, there is nothing to do!

We all gathered around the table

Talk about this and that

And let's sing this song together.

It's time to celebrate the holiday

Everyone have fun, relax

And forget the word "lesson"

And the ugly schoolboy

Let our notations have plenty of rest!

During the performance of the song by the teachers, the presenters and their assistants put 13 school chairs in a row on the staged platform. Tips are laid out for each of them (except for the last - the thirteenth)

Presenter 1: The 13 Chairs Zucchini is open! And here they are - the symbols of our festive evening - school chairs. There are exactly 13 of them!

Presenter 2: Our esteemed director of the school is invited to the first honorary chair.

The director approaches the chair and reads the clue from the first chair.

Let the volleys of colorful fireworks

Our long-awaited holiday will open!

It's a pity the school can't afford fireworks...

No worse than the Champagne fireworks with us!!!

Presenter 1: Dear male teachers! Let's open the Champagne together.

Attention! Get ready for the "cork salute" in honor of Teacher's Day! Three, two, one... Volley!!!

Glasses are being filled. The school principal congratulates his colleagues on their professional holiday!

Presenter 2: To continue the holiday

We need to take a hint.

From what chair?

Of course, the second!

Host 1: Amazing teachers people!

After a glass of champagne

They even remember the order!

Presenter 2: Attention, teachers! "Five" for the answers I put! (reads hint)

Do you love your school?

Everyone knows, of course:

In which direction do the lobby doors open?

How many chairs did I see in the secretary's office?

What color are the director's eyes when a thunderstorm rumbles outside the windows?

What did (I.O.) put on last New Year's ball?

Presenter 1: Let's raise a glass for attention, for creativity and for vocation!

Presenter 2: Here is the third chair,

And here is the question:

"What's important?"

Clothing? Growth?

Ability to communicate?

Smiling kids?

(sing a song of their choice)

Presenter 2: What a good singer!

And our soul sings!

Here is the fourth chair - surprise!

Let's raffle off a surprise prize

For friendly singing

And beautiful performance!

Competition "The song goes in a circle" (teachers at one table begin to sing a song, and the other table should continue it. So in a circle, one after another)

Table - the winner says a toast!

Presenter 1: Let there be laughter and a joke, and a dance minute in the hall!

(takes a hint with a treble clef from the fifth chair). We continue

Presenter 2: We have fun,

We invite everyone to dance!

Host 1: (when everyone is back at the tables)

The next chair has a surprise!

There is a great prize for the best dancers!

(a symbolic prize is awarded to the most active dancer)

Host 2: Attention, gentlemen!

Here lies the game for you! (6 chair)

"It's time for the blondes to play"

Presenter 1: You blondes come out and amaze us with your mind!

(any competition, you can guess riddles, etc.)

Presenter 2: Blondes are smart!

They keep the world going!

And we will give each of them a souvenir!

(symbolic souvenirs from chair 7)

A toast from the participants.

Host 1: The Sound of Music Again

They invite you to dance!

(treble clef with 8 chairs)

During the dance, the presenters invite those who wish to prepare for the next number. Participants dress up in Russian folk costumes and take words with ditties. It is possible that men wear women's clothes, and women dress men's)

Host 2: Open the door soon!

Guests are freezing at the door!

(Participants of the number go out and take the balalaika from chair 9)

Artists: We came to visit you

And ditties brought!

(sing ditties about school)

Presenter 1: Teachers are all artists!

We are ready to tell everyone.

With your help today

We can show you the story!

The facilitators choose the participants in the “Fairy Tale” number from the teachers and give them cards on which the role is defined. You can choose any fairy tale, for example, “The Stolen Sun” by K.I. Chukovsky.

Roles on cards: sun, crocodile, cloud, two rams, etc.

The host reads a fairy tale (excerpt), and the participants depict as best they can.

The role of the sun is best given to the headmaster.

In conclusion, presenter 2: We have one sun! (points to director)

Let it shine for us!

Let the salary increase!

Teachers do not offend!

The host invites the director to take a hint from chair 10.

Director: The award is not fun for you!

I wish you all creativity and success!

(if there is an award for Teacher's Day, it's time to present it)

Presenter 1: (takes the treble clef from chair 11)

To become slimmer for all of us

Everyone needs to dance!

Men don't sit

Invite ladies to dance!

Presenter 2: To show dexterity

We must play together!

We will put chairs in a circle,

Let's dance around!

The game "One Extra" is played with twelve chairs.

Presenter 2: Here is the last thirteenth chair.

About the fate of twelve chairs, if anyone has forgotten, you can ask Ostap Bendar. And today we will follow his path. It's a festive evening and we can be a little adventurous! Bring in the magic bag! (chips in a bag, number 13 on one of them)

Host 1: Each of you can take only one chip. The lucky one who came across a chip with a lucky number 13, please come to the coveted chair!

The presenter puts on a ribbon with the inscription “Teacher is a Millionaire” on the lucky one to the solemn music and sits him on the 13th chair and lets him read the hint.

Millionaire: And where is my prize - a million? Did he get lost?

Presenter 2: Only our generous teacher

I dumped a million in a bag (a)

And I bought gifts!

The facilitators bring gifts for all teachers.

Presenter 1: It's time to end the holiday.

To teachers all "Hurrah!"

Facilitator 2: Let the students and their parents

You are respected!

Colleagues let them appreciate and adore!

Presenter 1: May the noble work of the teacher

Rising higher year after year!

Dance music plays. *********

Large collection of scripts and scenes!!!
lists of all scenarios
categories of all scenarios: New Year Christmas St. Valentine February 23 March 8 Easter Maslenitsa April 1 May 9 evening of high school students Last call Prom September 1 School Teacher's Day Birthday Children's holiday Anniversary KVN Students Wedding Orthodox Halloween For adults Various

Scenario for the holiday Teacher's Day.

It was held by the team of MAOU "Gymnasium No. 77" in 2013.

Teacher's Day.

Leading: Hello dear viewers! Good afternoon! Today we have a significant event - the new Uchitelsky TV channel has started its work. And this event is all the more significant, because the launch of our TV channel coincided with a grandiose event - International Teacher's Day! And so our today's issue is dedicated to this holiday. Well, now I bring to your attention the weather forecast for the coming days:October 3, 4, 5, in Gymnasium No. 77 it is sunny from smiles, flowery winds are blowing. Gusts of joyful applause are expected by Saturday, warm short-term tears are possible and a front is expected Have a good mood. The Hydrometeorological Center congratulates everyone on the holiday - Teacher's Day - and gives you the song "Weather in the House". (distribute words, sing all together under "-")

The song "Weather in the house"

What is the forecast at school today,

Fives or twos waterfall?

What is the forecast for today at school?

And what turns you on in the morning?

The most important thing is the teacher at school,

Everything else is vanity.

Easily settled with a call.

What a lesson, where to run with a magazine,

Should I collect money or write a report?

Always smile on tired face,

It doesn't matter - you are such a people.

Your job is the most important

Everything else for later

You only care about one thing -

Teach children by example and kindness.

What subject is such a mood,

Fives or twos waterfall,

Who to praise, where to show patience -

The teacher must guess correctly.

The most important thing is the child at school,

Everything for him, and this is no accident:

There is only him, and everything except,

It will never matter to you.

Leading: And we continue our broadcast. At the request of viewers on our TV channel astrological forecast.
Those born under this sign in the new academic year will praise their students for good deeds, but we recommend not to punish those who study poorly and play pranksTaurus
The right time to work, there will be a lot of it in the new academic year, we recommend that you be patient.Twins
You are expected to meet with the students after the lessons, but not often, and not for long, as soon everyone will begin to learn the lessons as expected.
Your subject will be the focus of attention for many students, try to use this time.a lion
The lions will keep their positions this year, but try not to waste your nerves.Virgo
As always, you are irresistible, your appearance is mesmerizing. This year will be a good year for you to purchase accessories...maybe new equipment will appear in your class.
Time for drafting projects and plans. The previously acquired knowledge will help in their implementation.
Get down to business energetically, do not succumb to circumstances, catch the wave.Sagittarius
This year you will finish the old protracted cases and start new ones, the students will do their homework.Capricorn
Perseverance does not take you, the students will teach, it is possible that there will be replenishment in your class.
This year, changes await you, the children will grow up and the graduates will be replaced by new classes that will carefully listen to all your explanations.Fish
Interesting trips await you, your pupils will take prizes and win many competitions this year, you just need a little patience

Leading: Our broadcast is continued by KVN. (Teams of various MOs perform with their skits.)

Scene "Battle of teachers" (1 presenter, 3 teachers, 1 student)Host: So let's start the program, "Battle of the Teachers". Today we have a new task and our viewers do not believe that our teachers will cope with this difficult task. We hasten to warn you, everything is honest with us and without setups, swaying, tips and trips.

The teacher is invited to complete the assignment. lower grades Ivanova Marya Ivanovna Marya Ivanovna, today you have to enter the classroom and force Vasya, a third-grade student, Sidorov, to give a diary.

Teacher: Sidorov, please give me a diary.Student: I won't.Teacher: Sidorov, open the briefcase, take out the diary.Student: My grandmother took him to read before going to bed.Teacher: Vasya, give me a diary, otherwise I’ll put two in the journal.Vasya: Why?

Moderator: Unfortunately, the time is up.We invite the second teacher - Petr Petrovich Petrov.

Teacher: Vasily, give me the diary, and I will give you candy.Student: My father is the director of a candy factory.Teacher: Vasily, I'll put you in a corner!Student: And what did I not see there?

Leading: It is not regrettable, but the second teacher did not have time to complete this task in time. We invite our third candidate Sidorova Vasilisa Petrovna

Teacher: Vasily Vasilyevich, why don't you give the diary to teachers?Student: I forgot at home (slides under the desk)Teacher: Give me the diary, PLEASEStudent: No. (unsure)Teacher: I'm calling my father (takes out the phone, pretends to choose in contacts)Student: (takes out the diary on which he was sitting) Mom on the diary, just don't call your father! ... those.

Host: As our program showed, all our teachers are professionals, but without parental help it can be very difficult for them. The cooperation of teachers and parents has yielded results this week. What will be the next battle, you will find out next time.

Leading: And we continue our broadcast. At the request of viewers, our TV channel broadcasts the program “Play, accordion!” (6 people come out, they sing ditties)

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here
We can be embarrassed.

The school year has begun
The clock ticked
And the question bugs me:
Are holidays coming soon?

We are all vaccinated against the flu

Received as one.
And now we don't shine
Happy holiday Quarantine.

Take care girls nerves

Harden them like steel

We still have a lot of work to do

We have a long wait for vacation.

School! School! Native house.
On weekdays and on weekends.
We work, we walk
Let's relax together.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

We want you today

With a positive attitude

A year to pass for you!

Leading: It's time for the "By Your Letters" program. A sea of ​​letters came to our editorial office with a request to congratulate our beloved teachers. And here is one of them from our chefs: “Dear program! Teacher's Day is coming. We would like to wish you all the very best on this day!” (men dressed as G. Vitsin, Y. Nikulin, E. Morgunov come out, sing a song).

Scene "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

1st. Bambarbia kirgudu.

2nd. Dear teachers and school staff!

3rd. Markavara Kuze.

2nd. We have come to thank you for your hard work.

1st Mymsyn carat.

Song "If I were a Sultan"

If I were a sultan, I would go to school

And I became a teacher, I would read books,

But on the other hand, in such cases

So many troubles and worries - ah, save Allah.

We know, sultans, how hard it is for you,

Do everything, take everything into account with our children.

Tears flow like a river, but we want to say

We thank you hundreds, hundreds of times.

Chorus: It's not bad to be a teacher

Much better to live in peace.

We want to wish everyone happiness from the bottom of our hearts

And for new victories to gain strength

A warm hello to all teachers

Let's put it this way: there is no better person in this world than you.

Chorus: It's not bad to be a teacher

And in our school to teach kids.

Leading: The broadcast of our TV channel continues, a program beloved by many - “Not everyone is at home yet”. Today we will visit the house of an ordinary teacher. (Othello-husband, Desdemona-wife, teacher by profession. Scene.)


I hear steps. Finally at home

My wife. And cook me dinner.

I'm hungry as hell, Desdemona!


Othello, I don't have lunch.

Othello: I'm really not in the mood for jokes, dear,

Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!

I'm just dying of hunger...

Desdemona: But I worked, and was not in the cinema!

Othello: What's in your bag? Notebooks again!

Did you bring it home? Woe to me!

Desdemona: With your nerves, I see, not everything is in order,

You even screamed more than once in your sleep. (Sits down to check notebooks.)

Othello: Listen, Desdemona, really

Wouldn't it be nice to have a bite to eat now!

Desdemona: Othello! We already ate today!

And even harmful to eat at such a late hour.

Othello: Listen, I also have a job,

But nothing comes to my mind from hunger!

Desdemona: Oh, dear, come up with something, right, something ...

Take lessons! And the hunger will disappear.

Othello: My hunger is insatiable. Really

How hard is it for you to go to the store?

Desdemona: I thought I'd come by at the end of the week

But you could buy something yourself!

You're bothering me, honey. By the way,

So little time left, dear!

I will work at school until the night:

I still need to fill out my journal.

Othello: What kind of work is there? What jokes?

Our family is about to fall apart!

Desdemona: Oh, you know, not a minute left

Colleagues, children, class are waiting for me there.

Othello: Like hell from incense, you run away from home.

Your job is more important than your family.

Did you pray at night, Desdemona?

Die, unfortunate! Die, my love!

Leading: Our broadcast is continued by the Full House program. V. Koklyushkin speaks. (1 disguised person reads)

    The teacher is asked:
    What are three reasons why you love your job?
    - June July August...

    There are no evil teachers - there are few flowers and sweets!

    The academic year, like pregnancy - lasts 9 months, and starts to feel sick from the 2nd week ...

    Minister of Education's advice to teachers:
    - Do you want to double your salary? Put your money in front of a mirror!

    The statement of the teacher to the principal of the school: "Please send me to the courses of salary increase."

    A delegation of teachers in the director's office.
    - Vladimir Petrovich! We have two questions for you.
    - What kind?
    - First: can we increase the salary? And the second: why not?

    In the director's office, a teacher who came to get a job.
    - Do you have references from your previous job?
    - Yes, there I was recommended to look for another school.

    In the director's office.
    - Maria Ivanovna, a new exceptional student will come to your 9th tomorrow.
    - Is it exceptional?
    - Yes, he was already expelled from three schools.

    Watch in all schools of the country: superblockbuster "Sit down"! And the continuation of "Sit down - 2"!

    Crime News: In school library found dead... silence.

    Folk wisdom: "Prepare the sleigh in the summer, and the exam in the winter."

    At school, on the line on September 1, by tanning, you can determine who will go to college by any means.

    Thirteen-year-old Vasya Shibkoumnov graduated from school as an external student, having passed exams and money for school repairs for the 9th, 10th and 11th grades.

    The alumni of 1970 come to the reunion with only one purpose: to see if the teacher is still working.

    On the street, a nice woman approaches a man:
    “I think you are the father of one of my children…
    Horror Man:
    - I?!
    - Calm down, - the woman answers, - I'm a teacher.

Leading: Our channel is called "Teacher's" for a reason. We plan to show various tutorials. And now we are presenting the first such program to your attention - “Dance School”. (Everyone is dancing. You can arrange a dance competition.)

Presenters: So the first broadcast of the Uchitelsky TV channel ends. But we do not say goodbye to you, but we say until we meet again!

In addition to joint calendar holidays, each team hosts corporate events about the birthday of the company, professional holiday, especially a successful contract, etc. Typically, such events are organized in the form of a buffet with congratulations from the management and performances by invited creative teams.

But if you want to have an evening with game program and honoring employees, then this scenario corporate party"Let's compliment each other" would be very appropriate. The scenario contains entertainment, team games that unite the whole team and create high spirits for everyone.

Scenario of a corporate party.

The evening begins with B. Okudzhava's song "Let's compliment each other"

Leading: Good evening gentlemen! Isn't it wonderful words! And they, as well as possible, fit our evening, and you, of course, know that they belong to the pen of Bulat Okudzhava. This wonderful poet did not even imagine that the relevance of his words would only increase every year. After all, in our age high speeds and crazy technologies, completely simple human concepts: communication with colleagues, intimate conversations with girlfriends, meetings around the campfire with friends - they are being replaced by virtual and mobile connection. We live with a constant lack of warmth, attention and ordinary human participation. However, everything is in our hands! And we have gathered here not to be sad, but to give each other this deficit and recharge with its positive energy for the future!

Game for acquaintance and rallying of guests "Truth in the ball"

(you can watch the game or choose another option more suitable for the company at)

A toast for rapprochement and acquaintance.

Presentation of comic nominations to employees.

Leading: Based on the results of this survey and the questionnaire that was conducted in advance, I am pleased to announce that this year each of you has received the following nominations (watchOption 2 )…..

(diplomas or medals are awarded)

Leading: Well, as they say, "the awards have found their heroes." And tell me, what, in addition to thunderous applause and solemn fanfare, is usually accompanied by any celebration?

The players are in charge.

Leading: Of course, the presentation of beautiful and unusual bouquets was not prepared, then we will collect it right here.

Team game "Bouquet-song collage"

This game is suitable for mass coverage of guests, since here we will "collect" bouquets. To begin with, we call five or six of the most active guests and invite them to collect a bunch of “flowers”, that is, to recruit colleagues dressed in a certain color of clothes: yellow, red, blue, orange, etc. into a team. teams can turn out to be unequal in number - it's not scary. What matters is how they show their talents. But first, let the facilitator briefly tell you what each of the colors means. For example, green is the color of health, optimism and hope. You can ask the Green team how they are doing with hope and health, etc. then the teams receive one paper chamomile each, on the petals of which lines from poems and songs are written on the reverse side, where flowers or colors are mentioned, as well as the names of excerpts for the team "color" dance. The teams decide for themselves who reads the verse, who sings, but the dance to the song, where their color is mentioned, they perform all together (the music is put on by a DJ). Thus, each team gives its own little concert. The winners are determined by applause.

Game with the audience "Let's say compliments"

Host: As we can see, flowers are indeed a unique gift. Only compliments can compare with them. Shall we exchange?

Men say adjectives that characterize women with the letter "F", and women praise men with the letter "M". The last one to answer wins.

Leading: You noticed that men were still a little more inventive, apparently they have more experience, and maybe fantasies, After all, when a man seeks favor with a lady he likes, he is sometimes magically inventive. I would like to ask: men, what properties do you give to the ideal woman in your fantasies?

Answers follow, among which the host literally grabs the word “weak”.

Leading: Well, if a woman is weak, then a real man, in my opinion, the one with whom she can afford this quality. Let's fantasize! You strong men, what wish of a weak beloved woman would you fulfill if God gave you the power to create magic?!

Of course, men are accepted to fantasize. In this case, the host should work not just as a commentator, but to make sure that the ladies present also express their opinion about male fantasies.

Song compliments between the male and female half of the team.

Leading: How beautiful men are as wizards, aren't they, ladies! Let's reward their good intentions with at least applause! Of course, if the ladies wish, you can kiss on the cheek! However, I would like to remind you that the main objective of our “compliment each other” evening! So I'm announcing a "Compliment Auction"! I will ask you to remember all the poems and songs where a man or woman declares their love.

For example, song compliments. The female half of the hall suggests: "Oh, what a man was, a real colonel." And the male replies: "Oh, this girl drove me crazy, broke my heart ..."

If the hall is ready to exchange poetic compliments, then hold this option:

Men:"I loved you silently, hopelessly ...". The ladies do not remain in debt and quotes Tsvetaeva: “Thank you with my heart and hand for the fact that you are me - without knowing yourself! - so love! ... ". The one who gives the last compliment wins.

Here you should not rush people, on the contrary, stock up on tips and encourage guests to use as many quotes as possible. Those who remembered the most beautiful or witty quotes can be presented with small gifts.

Leading: Isn't it true that poetry sets our souls in a special way! However, music has a similar effect on us. No wonder these two manifestations of human sensitivity coexist so well with each other and give birth to a song.

Concert number - a song about love sounds.

Corporate drinking chant "Let's be happy?! Hurrah!"

Leading: Mutual compliments have already brought us many pleasant moments, haven't they? Perhaps someone already wanted to scream with happiness ?! I propose to do it according to the rules corporate ethics: friendly and enthusiastic. I read out a quatrain, and after my words "We will be happy" you all shout loudly: "Hurrah!"

Leading: Let them accompany you everywhere

We have fair winds!

May love keep us warm

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let us this evening

There will be kind words!

We don't mind, glad to meet you

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: Let time run, rejoicing,

After all, now is the time!

Games, dances, kisses.

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Leading: We all want to have fun

Until the very morning!

May the holiday last forever

Let's be happy...

All guests: "Hooray!"

Funny photo shoot "Share your smile."

Leading: How much you smiled now and this is the best result that I could count on as a presenter. And let's hold a "Smiling Contest"! conditions are simple: you need to smile! First, let's compete in the breadth of a smile! Even wider! Now show me a smile from the bottom of your heart! Even more soulful! Class! Some even had tears in their eyes, but these are tears of happiness!

It was only a rehearsal, the real competition will start only now. And it will be an express photo contest for the most charming smile itself.

(For the competition you will need: a camera, pre-copied children's photos with funny facial expressions - different one for each participant, a projector or monitor. The participant is given a photo of the child, his task is to repeat facial expressions in front of the camera. Then a slide is quickly made from all the photos and shown to everyone The audience chooses the best.)

Scene for a corporate party in IT - the company "Dialogue at the Monitor"

"breaks" the established tradition, according to which teachers, even on their holidays, remain inside the profession: they accept congratulations from children, laugh at childish jokes and applaud children's talents at a concert that they themselves invented and prepared. Of course, let it all be, but let it be a holiday specially and exclusively for teachers. And to bring this idea to life, we offer our own version - New scenario corporate party for Teacher's Day "Eternal Spring"- which will help organize an unforgettable and meaningful evening for teachers on the topic of their professional activity. And the competitions offered in the program will allow the assembled teachers to show their talents, knowledge and abilities in a new way, and just relax cheerfully, sincerely and with taste.

(Note from the author: such a holiday is easy to prepare and hold on your own, the script is worked out very carefully, the organizers only need to decide on the hosts, with background and dance music to your liking (music for the competitions is attached) and decide in advance whether to include all the entertainment offered in this program or some leave some of them in reserve for another holiday (after all, the script contains more than 15 table and active games, contests, quizzes and relay races).

Scenario for Teacher's Day "Eternal Spring"


Track 0 sounds. How great

Presenter: It's great that we are all here today!

There are so many lovely, kind faces all around.

There are notebooks in the closet. This evening without interference

In the circle of friends we will have fun!

Leading: We will forget all the rules, prohibitions,

Let's dive, as in childhood, into joy with our heads.

Let's sing all the songs, those that are not finished.

And we will spin the round dance.

Presenter: May this evening be our reward

For hard work, and for a night without sleep.

Let Autumn cry alone outside the window.

May Spring reign in our souls!

Leading: Let's raise our glasses, friends, and happy holiday to you, dear ones!

(Banquet break).

Presenter: This evening will not be languid. We, teachers, have chosen a profession that fills our whole life from morning to evening, from the first lesson to retirement. Our life is filled with children, lessons, notebooks, and also filling out journals, writing reports, and so on, and so on, and so on. Let's forget about worries and boring routine today. Our profession gives us joy, children share their youthful energy. We remain in the stream of young ideas until the last lesson in life, and therefore, we do not age! And in our souls Eternal Spring! Otherwise, it is simply impossible to be successful in our profession!

Leading: But ... if you look at ours from the other side, it turns out that the "product of our labor" (do not take this as an insult) comes to honor us on this day. Imagine another holiday. For example, the Day of the Railwayman, to which the locomotive will show up, or the corporate party on the occasion of the Day of the Investigator, at which convicts speak with a welcoming speech, and at the holiday, dedicated to the Day employees of the military registration and enlistment offices, orderly ranks of recruits will parade ... Why all this talk? It's simple: we decided to spend tonight exclusively with a team of teachers, adults, without involving the "children's contingent".

Presenter: Let's try to get rid of school worries, and look at colleagues, friends from the other, out-of-school side. True, it will not work to stay out of the profession, but for that it is a professional holiday.

Leading: Let's try to forget about the rules, strictness and discipline, but just relax and allow ourselves to be not mentors, but ordinary people with their weaknesses, and most importantly, their interests and talents.

Presenter: To make it easier to throw off the mask of the Teacher, we suggest playing a very simple game that will help you get to know each other better and remember your other hypostasis.

The game "Meet again or I'll never..."

Presenter: This game, popular both in Russia and in the West, will help us to learn more about each other. The rules of the game are elementary. I say a phrase that always begins with the words "I never ...", and then the action itself is voiced. For example, "I have never ... been to the Bolshoi Theatre."

Leading: Those of you who were lucky enough to visit the main theater of the country raise their hand and receive a chip. Who will win this game, we will tell at the end of our experiment.

( Hint for organizers: choose the questions you like, so that among them there are both familiar actions and unexpected ones. Get your chips ready. It can be any small items (decorative stones, coins, buttons or stickers), but keep in mind that there should be a lot of them (six to eight pieces per person). It may turn out that the chips will have to be distributed to half of those present. In order not to read from a sheet, you can prepare cards of five or six options for actions that the Leaders will read out in turn. There will be at least two winners in this game. One who will have the fewest chips, he can be awarded a medal (assign the title) of the "Most Stable" (or sustainable). The second player with the most chips will receive the title of "Most Unexpected" (or Unpredictable). In the last nomination, a person who was the only one who was engaged in the most extreme case can be specially noted. The organizers, depending on the infusion and composition of the company, can also consider an alcoholic version of this game, when everyone who did what the participants suggest takes a sip or drinks a shot (small glass), in this case, the situations for choosing should be voiced more provocative . Questions for the game are attached).

Question options for the game " I never... "

I never...

Went to the circus.

Danced in the street.

Wrote songs about love.

Tried the pistachio ice cream.

Been to Egypt

I never...

Saw a reindeer.

Ride a pony.

Sucked icicles.

Used dental floss.

Picked flowers in a public flower bed………………………………….


(36 ready-made options to choose from are included)

- Game "Quitatometer"

Presenter: Tonight is the evening of reincarnations. And the first test will be reincarnation into disciples. You have already touched on this role. But then our lesson was comic. Now everyone faces a rather serious exam.

Leading: I'll say more. Not just an exam, the exam, where you have to choose the correct answers from three options.

Presenter: Quite in the spirit of our school life. True, our USE cannot be attributed to any subject, more precisely, subjects school curriculum There will be several covered in our impromptu exam. But the winner will receive the title of "The most well-read", because in our competition we will remember ...

Leading:...or guess...

Presenter:...accurate aphorisms of famous people.

(The host reads the quotes, the host voices three possible answers. The first person to give the correct answer gets a chip).


(The subject quotes are highlighted in bold, right answers - bold italics.)


Dostoevsky believed that Russia is a game...not a mind.


Napoleon I, aka Bonaparte, spoke of our country like this: There are no roads in Russia - only...



(19 puzzles to choose from included)

(The chips are counted, the winner is determined and awarded).

- comic scene"Comparative human anatomy".

Variation on the theme of the story of the same name by Konstantin Melikhan.

Lead to the scene

Leading: Have you ever replaced a sick colleague?

(Guests answer)

Leading: And in the case of such a situation, did you have to conduct a lesson not in your own discipline, but in the one taught by the replaced teacher?

(Guests answer)

Leading: Certainly, it is not easy. The man I will now introduce had the pleasure of giving an anatomy lesson (and I must say that he did it masterfully!), although he has nothing to do with this subject. I see you are at a loss. Meet Ivan Ivanovich, our respected labor teacher. Now he will hold a master class for us. Just don't forget that now we are all turning into students again, this time in the eighth grade.


labor teacher- in the future "Trudovik" (not out of familiarity, but for the sake of simplicity), the teacher wears a work robe and takes it.

In this monologue, replicas schoolchildren the Leaders say.

Props: Poster "Structure of the human skeleton" is optional.

Trudovik: Human anatomy has long been of interest to man. Pardon the tautology. The first question that puzzled the ancient philosophers: "Where do children come from?". The same question, having got out of diapers, is also asked by children. IJ, depending on the advancement of parents, receive different answers. And what did your dads and moms say in response to this delicate question?

(Guests answer: In cabbage, in the store, the stork brings ..).

Trudovik: Fairy tales, in short, were told. And did you believe? But the science of anatomy answers this question honestly and frankly. (takes out a cheat sheet from his pocket):"Children are the flowers of life, but it is better if they grow in the field." Oh no, that's not it. This is folk wisdom.

Trudovik (Slaps his pockets, finds another cheat sheet): Children are a product of love. There are three types of love: the love of individuals of different sexes, the love of same-sex creatures, and the love of our people for their own communist party. Oh no, it's left over from the election campaign. What am I actually telling you? (sly smile) Don't worry, you already know everything!

(Animation in the hall)…….


Dance game break

- Game "You are my friend and I am your friend!".

(Hint for Leaders: During the entire musical track, the Hosts insert remarks, encouraging the teams, and when the round dances are assembled, they voice the commands for the round dances and monitor their implementation)

Commands can be:

Wider circle!

Let's go right (left)

In words about the beetle (possible in the second verse) team: Beetle in a circle!

We clap our hands.


- Dance competition "Following the leader".

Presenter: So, the kids, or rather, our teams, stood in a circle. And now the captains of each of them will show us their organizational skills and talents in choreography.

Leading: The captain in the center of the circle shows the movements, and the team picks up the captain's "pas". For each team, retro and modern dance hits will sound in turn.

Musical arrangement in a folder "Following the Leader"

Examples to illustrate:

(A competition is being held Dance competition . The most coordinated and (or) the most resourceful team wins).


- Competition with cards "Two suits".

Leading: Stretched, mood lifted? And the festive excitement appeared? I propose to check this and play ... cards. Today it is possible. Today we are not really teachers, we are free adults, right? Moreover, we will play just for fun and according to our holiday rules. I hope that everyone knows card suits.

Props: part of a deck of cards with two suits from six to Ace.

Competition "Two suits" is held.


Presenter: So, we returned to our class, oh, sorry, to our tables. There are those who want to answer the question: What shall we drink to?

(A toast from one of the guests. A short banquet pause.)

- Musical table game "Spring APOL or Another song"

Leading: Ah, spring, ah, love! Happy and unrequited, long-awaited and unexpected, giving us a vivid cascade of feelings from delight to despair. Very often it seems to us that we would like to go back to the beginning of the relationship, then we would not have made the mistakes made, but if it were possible, then it would not be you, and it would be a completely different song. In order to feel this, I suggest trying to find out a familiar song about the relationship between a man and a woman, but written the other way around...................

(30 ready-made musical cuts are included.)

Examples to illustrate


- Competition "Comic alphabet"

Presenter: Now you can work. Let's do the ABC. I need two people from the team who remember the Primer from childhood, and at the last lesson they carefully listened to the Anatomy Lesson.

Props: 4 (2 if there are two players) sets of cards with the letters B, C, D, D, F, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, U.S. You can add a few letters that are difficult find application: F, Z, I, A, X.

While the Host explains the conditions of the competition, the Host distributes cards with letters to the teams.


(The competition "Comic alphabet" is being held)

- Game drinking block "Mastering an adjacent specialty, or Confused lessons."

(Hint to organizers: agree in advance with colleagues who will conduct the planned "lessons". It will be more interesting if the teachers play themselves, that is, the teachers of the subject that he teaches. Only he will teach a different subject. So the next proposed quiz "Geography in Literature" will be conducted by a teacher of literature. But it is also possible vice versa: the geography teacher will conduct a "literature lesson", but then it would be better to call the quiz "Literary geography").

- Smart quiz "Geography in Literature"

The quiz is quite difficult. Select questions that will be "too tough" for your colleagues, adding a couple of more difficult questions for poignancy).

1. Where does the Mistress of the Copper Mountain live, which Pavel Bazhov told about? (In the Urals, in the mountains)

(Hint for Quiz Host: For the mood, you can insert "teacher's remarks", such as: Children in the third grade read these fairy tales. And if you argue, I’ll ask what minerals are mined in the Urals).

7. In which river did Gerasim drown Mumu? (Gerasim drowned the poor man - oh, there were no animal defenders then! - in the Moskva River near the Krymsky Ford. Now here is the Krymsky Bridge).

(20 puzzles included)

- The game "Twice two four?"

This game can be held, as a math lesson, by a primary school teacher with such an eyeliner:

Teacher of elementary grades: I always dreamed of having a real math lesson. Here it seems to be done! Thanks to the organizers. Of course, I won’t be able to surprise everyone as much as in the case of “literary geography”, but I really want to. My lesson will be short: I will ask questions and offer three possible answers, you will have to choose the right one. And the questions will be simple, my first-graders, probably, will be able to answer half.

( Correct answer highlighted in bold)

How many children are shown in the painting "Again deuce"?

1 - 2 - 3

How many assistants did the case have in the fairy tale about the Turnip?

2 - 5 - 11


- The game "What does the expression mean?"

Presenter: We have another person who wants to conduct an unusual lesson.

(Hint to organizers: This lesson can be conducted by one of the teachers of the exact sciences (physics, mathematics, etc.) with the following eyeliner:

Physics teacher: Since the 60s of the last century, a division of people into physicists and lyricists has appeared. But, you must admit that in life it is rare to meet a person of exceptional lyrics, or an undoubted physicist. Too many different tasks to solve modern man. Here's to me, the teacher exact science physics, philosophical reflections and lyrical digressions are not alien. Today I want to talk about the Russian language. Have you noticed how rapidly our language is getting poorer? And what a shame it is to hear how young people, including our students, talk. Moreover, I note that these young people are not stupid at all. They may well know the subject, but, here is their speech... Our language is losing... beauty, fullness, soul, if you like. Proverbs, winged expressions disappear from speech, and if they appear, then in some other form. But can we always explain this or that expression ourselves? I suggest checking. We have passed more than one "USE" today. Shall we get another one? The principle is the same: question and answer options. I just want to warn you that there will not always be a right answer among the options, but to immerse yourself in the topic and make the task easier, I will offer a hint or explanation. For example, like this:

Do you know what the expression "From pig to crucian" means?

An old French recipe.

- pass off the real as the desired.

From dirt to Kings.

( Hint-explanation: As one Russian legend says, one day a monk wanted to eat a pig during Lent. To avoid God's punishment for violating the ban, before the start of the meal, the sly one exclaimed: "Pig, pig, turn into crucian!")

Clear? Now let's recall the simpler expressions that we know from the history of ancient Greece and Rome.

Variants of questions and answers for the game "What does the expression mean?"

(Questions highlighted in bold, Right answers - bold italic (or, if one of the three options was not correct, they are written separately)

Prophetic Cassandra

Constellation name.

plant of the dandelion family.

- a person who predicts unlikely events.

(Hint explanation: According to legend, the god Apollo, in love with the daughter of the Trojan king Priam Cassandra, endowed her with the gift of foresight, but she rejected his love. For this, he made it so that people stopped believing in her prophecies).

Cross the Rubicon

Forget about the reality of what is happening.

- take an irrevocable step.

Move to another level in the game.

( Hint-explanation: When the Roman commander Gaius Julius Caesar decided to seize power in Rome, only the Rubicon River separated him from Italy. Caesar disregarded the ban of the Senate and crossed the border river with the exclamation "The die is cast!", which was the beginning of the war).


Block of active games

Leading: Let's start with team relay races, because they have movement, excitement, and team spirit!

Presenter: And to begin with, we will hold a "Military Review". It will really help you shake things up. I will ask the teams to line up in columns. At the head is the captain.

- Relay race "Military review"

- Fabulous pair relay "Golden Key"

- Fantasy relay races

- Zoological relay races

- Geometric Relay


Presenter: I suggest everyone to stand in one circle and finish our competitions with a cheerful friendly round dance.

Sounds 7. Opanka's dance with acceleration

Sounds like 7a. Dance marathon (optional)

Holiday finale

- Competition "Difficulties in translation"

- Summarizing


Leading: So, Team "N" got nn points, while their rivals, Team "M" got... the same result - "nn". What I, in fact, did not doubt!

Presenter: My friends, you are so beautiful!

Smart, talented, tactful,

Team looks great

Where everyone is friendly and energetic!

Leading: Where we are always to help a friend

We hurry in trouble, or in a difficult matter,

And shared joy with friends

We will always share equally!

Presenter: And happy reasons

Let there be more meetings.

Leading: And Eternal Spring both in life and in the soul

Over the years, you all may only arrive!

Sounds 14. Song "Eternal Spring"

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E.P. Astashkevich, 2018