Scenarios of children's competitive programs. Competitive game programs for children: scenarios. Farewell and awards

  • 26.03.2020

Natalya Khatenovich
Game scenario entertainment program for children "In the Land of Childhood"

Purpose of the event: introduction children with new games for them, development of the emotional sphere, imagination, attention, speech children; constructive communication skills.

game program can be done in the hall or on fresh air. Children sit in a large semicircle. The melody of Yu. Nikolaev's song "Little country".

presenter: Guys, today I invite you to go on a trip to country of childhood to have a fun and interesting time, chat with each other, play. In order to go there, we purchase tickets.

Ticket game. Playing in pairs, they become facing each other, forming two circles. The inner circle is "tickets", the outer circle is "passengers". In the center stands a stowaway - "hare". Presenter serves command: "Go!". The circles begin to rotate in different directions. Sounds command "Controller!".

"Tickets" remain in their places, and "passengers" must quickly find a new pair. "Hare" quickly grabs the "ticket" that he liked. A "passenger" left without a "ticket" becomes a driver - a "hare". At a meeting "passenger" and "ticket" get acquainted.

presenter: Here we come to country of childhood. Now tell us about yourself, how good are you? This is the name of our first game. I will ask questions, and you can agree with me or not. Just be careful.

Are you brave? - Yes!

Skilled? - Yes!

Lazy? - No!

Beautiful? - Yes!

Noisy? - Not!

Funny? - Yes!

Lovely? - Yes!

Obedient? - Yes!

Pugnacious? - Not!

Happy? - Yes!

That's how good we are here. Let's shake hands with the neighbor on the right, let's shake hands with the neighbor on the left.

The phone rings.

Leading: Hello! Hello! (Laughter erupts over the phone.). Guys! This is my friend Petrushka! He loves to have fun. Let's invite him to the party!

(Speaks into phone) Parsley! We are having a very fun holiday! The boys invite you to have fun!

Petrushka appears.

Parsley: Hello guys, girls and boys! And what is your holiday? (Children answer). Vacation! I love holidays very much. This is a time when you can only have fun and relax. (Notices balloons with wings in the hands of the presenter). And here are the fairy balls, they have wings! Guys! Do you know the flying ball game? (He takes out a ribbon with flags from his pocket, distributes it to two children who are difficult to use in the game.)

Hold this tape firmly with your hands,

Let's play with balloons!

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given 3 balls.

So guys, while the music is playing loudly,

Balls must be thrown quickly for the tape.

As soon as the whole melody is played,

You can't touch the balls with your hands anymore!

And where you will have fewer balls,

Those, then, will win this time!

And before the start together say: "1,2,3,4,5 - let's have fun playing!"

The game is played to the music. The music stops when both teams again have the same number of balls.

Parsley: Both teams played decently and amicably. Sing a song about friendship!

Children sing the song "True Friend".

Leading: The next game is called "Boys and Girls". It is necessary to complete the poetic lines according to the meaning, and for this we say loudly “boys” or “girls”.

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Weaving, of course, only ...

Bolts, screws, gears

Find it in your pocket...

Skates on the ice drew arrows.

Hockey is played only...

Silk, lace and fingers in rings.

Look out for walk ...

They chat for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

With all measure strength

Don't always be alone...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

Of course, only….

Parsley: I propose to check the attention and endurance of our players. Game "Take the Prize".

Invites from 4 to 8 participants in the game, puts them at the same distance from the chair on which the prize lies. Explains the rules of the game.

Parsley: Loudly repeat our motto: "1,2,3,4,5 - let's have fun playing!"

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three",

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were seen

Yes, not one, but whole ... two!

Dreaming boy tempered

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command: one, two, ... march!

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, another, and better ... five!

Newly train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you did not take the prize,

When it was possible to take!

Leading: It was time to play

Now let's dance!

Guys, have you ever seen a centipede dancing? Such a long caterpillar, which has only 2 paws-handles and 40 legs? Let's stand one after another with a rope, put our hands on the waist of the one in front and become a fun dancing centipede ourselves.

Our motto: "1,2,3,4,5, - let's dance!"

Children dance to cheerful music, repeating simple movements after the leader and Petrushka.

Parsley: Oh, you turned out to be a real super-centipede! And now the most difficult task. The game is called "40 seconds". In 40 seconds, you need to complete all the actions that are listed on the task sheet. Players are given sheets. The game starts at Petrushka's signal.

Job sheet.

1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump up on your left foot 5 times.

3. Raise both hands up 2 times.

4. Read the entire assignment carefully.

5. Shout your name out loud.

6. Meow loudly twice.

7. Turn around your axis 3 times.

8. Laugh at the host of the game.

9. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

10. Jump up on your right foot 5 times.

11. After you have read all the tasks, complete only tasks #12 and #13.

12. Squat down.

13. Give the sheet to the game leader.

Leading: At the end of our holiday, let's give each other a good mood. Game "Soap Bubbles".

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Festive and entertaining event "Button Kaleidoscope".

The goals and objectives of the holiday are:

Development of cognitive interests and the formation of cognitive activity;

Formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality;

Development of aesthetic feelings;

Introducing the child to the beautiful in life;

Formation of the desire to be beautiful in everything: in thoughts, deeds, deeds, appearance.

Upbringing moral qualities(perseverance, determination, discipline, responsibility, collectivism);

The development of the desire to be kind, to bring joy to yourself and others.

Introducing children and adolescents to creative search, development of cognitive activity;

Attracting children's attention to everyday objects around us

Creating a festive atmosphere Have a good mood pupils.

Education of aesthetic culture.

Preliminary work:

Holiday invitations. They are a must to do. The main thing is that every child takes an active part in preparing for the holiday. Half of the pleasure is in anticipation and anticipation! The easiest way to make invitations in the form of a clown mask is using colored paper appliqué. And you can make small balls out of foam rubber, paint them with red paint and attach cute noses to the clowns on the invitation. It turned out very funny. Next to the clown or on the back, write the invitation itself.

Costumes for children. First of all, we paint all the guests like clowns with the help of special face paints, which can now be bought everywhere. Children paint themselves or each other as best they could, it turned out great. Yes, and making a clown face is very simple: a red nose and cheeks, eyebrows with a house, huge freckles, a wide mouth. We show pre-prepared clothes and invite children to dress up as clowns. What is the clown usually wearing? Wide and long trousers in colored patches (patches and multi-colored buttons were sewn in advance), dimensionless shoes, hats, scarves, bows, bright ties. You can make cardboard hats and clown noses with the children in advance.

Not only clowns set the fun in the "real" circus. It is difficult to imagine a decent circus without a magician. There is such a focus - easy, but makes an indelible impression. You can juggle two oranges and it will already be unusual and fun.

hall decoration. We make a tent-tent from ribbons suspended from a ceiling chandelier and diverging from the center. We complement the festive interior with a lot of balloons.

Props: costumes for a clown, costumes for the participants of the holiday, balloons, satin ribbons, a thread tied with ends, a small button is strung on it - 1 piece, a sprinkler for flowers - 2, coins, corks, buttons, tokens, buttons of various shapes and sizes (about 50 pieces); mastic, thread, needle - 2 pieces; scissors - 2 pieces, tennis balls - 10 pieces; oranges - 2 pieces; 2 small wax candles; medals for teams - 16 pieces.

There is no need to select a Jury during the celebration, because after each competition the Clown and the children present a button to the winning team. Instead of medals, the winners are awarded large buttons on a thread, the captains are given sets of buttons “For all occasions”.

Equipment: tape recorder, discs with a record, fake buttons,

Age: 6-12 years old.

Number of participants: 8 people in 2 teams.

Total: (spectators and fans): 40 people.

Music sounds, a clown comes out, holding a large fake button in his hands)

Clown:- I tell you - Hello!

Let this not sound new - Hello!

I'm ready to repeat a hundred times - Hello!

So a friend wishes a friend to be healthy - Hello!

I am a cheerful good friend, my name is Pugovkin!

(The clown greets the guys by the hand).

Dear Guys! Commemoration Day is approaching. On this spring day it is customary to arrange happy holidays, make fun of friends, arrange funny pranks. Today, we will have fun, joke, play, compete. My friends will help us with this. Here, try to guess, in the explanatory dictionary it is written about my friends, like this: fasteners threaded into the loops of clothes.

Children: buttons.

Clown: - That's right, buttons are fasteners that are threaded into the loops of clothes. What do you think, why do we need buttons in life?

Children: buttons help us fasten clothes, decorate clothes, etc.

Clown: (scratching his forehead, thinking) - Great! And I would like to offer you buttons today to use throughout the holiday "Button Kaleidoscope". We have two teams" "Thread" and "Needle". As a token for the winning team, a large fake button is strung on a string. At the end of the game, let's count the number of won buttons - tokens. Whoever has more is the winner.

1. "Pugovkobank". Clown: - Each team must count the total number of buttons on their members' clothes. Which team has more buttons?

(While the music is playing, the children count the buttons. Pugovkin hands the first button to the winning team).

2. "Who's next?". Clown: (draws a line with chalk, gives out 8 buttons per team). - From this mark, one by one, everyone tries to put the button as far away from themselves as possible with one hand (you can’t throw it, it shows). Team members can help each other (you can line up in the “Caterpillar” by the legs). The team with the button furthest away wins.

(Music sounds, at the signal of the Clown - a whistle. The teams complete the task, the audience "cheers" for the teams. Presentation of a fake button).

3. "Invisible button". Clown: - Each team has a thread tied with ends, a small button is strung on it. All team members take the thread with 2 hands, pulling it and forming a circle. At the time when the members of the other team turn away, they pass the button to each other, moving along the thread. The second team, on a signal, must guess: who has this moment there is a button in the fist. If they guess, they get a token. Then they change places.

4. Goal. Clown: - The next competition is my favorite! (places 2 pins for one team at a distance, one from the other 1 meter, for the other team in the same way). - This is our gate. And these are our "clubs" (shows sprayers for flowers), here are the "washers" (shows small buttons). - We catch up with the puck to the line with the help of our “stick”, make 1 throw. (Pugovkin shows his skill) We pass the "stick" to the next player. Spare pucks are located near the team members. On the whistle, we begin to perform.

(Music sounds, the participants in the teams perform, the Pugovkin Clown helps the children. After the number of goals scored is counted, the cherished button is awarded to the winning team).

Clown: - Next contest "Fairytale". Compose a fairy tale "Button's Adventure" (distributes sheets with pens). There is not much time for a fairy tale - while we play, you will compose a fairy tale! I invite all the guys - spectators to the game, come out to me! (children come out, become in pairs). The game is called Friend. Repeat after me the words and movements:

I am a friend (say your name, point your finger at yourself),

And you are a friend (point to your neighbor),

I have a button (we point to our button),

And you have a button (we point to the neighbor's button),

You and I are two friends (they hug, slap their hands on the neighbor's back),

We love each other! (hugs, clapping hands on the back of a neighbor)!

Clown: - It was a rehearsal. Swap your pairs with the other guys. Let's play again!

(Clown Pugovkin plays the game with the guys again). - The "Fairytale" contest is over, let's listen to the fairy tales that our teams composed. (After the team members read their fairy tales, a vote takes place for the best fairy tale"Adventures of Buttons". Handing the button to the winner.)

5. "Button relay". Clown: - The baton, of course, is a button. We pass the button located on the outside of the hand while the music is playing. We do not help by hand. The relay is not held on

speed, the main thing is not to drop the button! (at the whistle signal, the teams pass their buttons).

6. "Where is the button?". Captains competition. Clown: - The captain of the team is blindfolded. He must select by touch from a bunch of various items similar to buttons (coins, corks, chips, tokens, etc.), buttons and put them aside. The player who performs correctly and quickly wins. (The competition is held to the music)

7. "Designer button" Clown: - Buttons are different, in shape, color, material from which they are made. In ancient times, when instead of clowns there were jesters in the royal courts, and the buttons were different, with expensive stones and jewelry. Task: from soft mastic-plasticine, each mold your own button, which a modern teenager would like. You can also add beads, small embellishments to your buttons.

Clown: While our teams are working on design work, I suggest 3 people who wish to come to me. (Showing juggling with tennis balls). If you can, repeat. I complicate the task - who can juggle oranges? (shows juggling 2 oranges).

9. "Strong button". Clown: - Dear guys, which of you sewed on a button yourself or with the help of adults? (children's answers)

What do you need to sew on a button? (thread, needle, scissors, fabric, button).

Do you think our participants will cope with sewing on a button? Each team will sew a button faster and stronger, making 1 stitch, each team member. The knot is made by the last participant, cuts the thread and loudly says “Done!” (Music sounds, participants complete the task) Summing up.

Awarding the winning team with medals.

Clown Pugovkin: Here comes the moment of farewell,

My speech will be short

I say to everyone "Goodbye,

Until happy new meetings!”

(The clown says goodbye to the children, the children leave the hall)

This material has been tested on pupils. The holiday requires a lot of preparation. The game program "Button Kaleidoscope" is of interest in that the entire event can be hosted by one host.

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"Secretly around the world...":

Scenario of a competitive game program for children 7-14 years old.

"Secretly around the world..."

Competitive game program for children 7-14 years old.

Hall decoration:

    Poster with the name of the event: "Secret to the whole world"

    Multicolored balloons.

    Music center, cassette with recordings of musical fragments.

Leading: Hello dear guys! Today we will hold a very interesting and fun competition - game program with the cheerful title "Secret to the Whole World". This exciting program will make fun and play not only children, but even adults. We will try to make sure that everyone takes part in our program, having fun from the heart, so that all the children remember our competitions and that each of the participants is awarded with sweet prizes.

(After a general greeting, the host conducts a warm-up game)

Leading: In order for you guys and me to prepare for our program, let's have a little warm-up game called "Maybe no, maybe yes."

(Everyone participates in this game. The meaning of the game: the host calls the statement, if the participants in the game agree with the statement, everyone says “YES” in unison, if they do not agree, say “NO”).

Maybe no, maybe yes.

Hint is a game.

I have a game for you:

"Maybe no, maybe yes."

Tell me the answer:

Maybe yes, maybe no".

The fish sleep at the bottom of the pond

Is it true kids? (Yes.)

Give me an answer quickly

Does it snow in winter? (Yes.)

Monday and Wednesday-

Are these the days of the week? (Yes.)

Does the sun give people light?

Let's answer together! (Yes.)

Whiskas - cat food

What will you tell me? (Yes.)

I anticipate your answer:

Is the mouse afraid of the cat? (Yes.)

Crocodile lives a hundred years

Is it true kids? (Not.)

Maybe a 5 year old

To be an old grandfather? (Not.)

And wormwood and quinoa -

These are vegetables, right? (Not.)

Everyone will say without difficulty:

After winter - summer? (Not.)

The light of the moon and the light of the sun

Is it visible to people? (Yes.)

Tell me the answer:

Do frogs sleep in winter? (Yes.)

Camel is capable, give an answer,

Go three days without food? (Yes.)

Can you give me an answer:

Does the wolf change his coat? (Not.)

Answer, kids

Did you like the game? (Yes.)

Leading: Our next competition is called "Music Casino". Now I invite you to play this contest. I have fragments of fast and slow melodies recorded on an audio cassette. For the game you need 10-12 people. I suggest that players make bets: guess which melody will sound - fast or slow. Players who bet on a fast melody stand to the right of the leader, those who bet on a slow one - to the left. Those who didn't guess are out. The game continues until there is only one person left - the winner of the music casino, who will receive a sweet prize.

Music snippets:

    “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (lyrics by Y. Entin; music by G. Gladkov.)

    “Plantain-grass” (lyrics by M. Tanich; music by S. Muravyov.)

    “Everything will pass” (lyrics by L. Derbenev; music by M. Dunaevsky.)

    "Guardian Angel" (lyrics by I. Nikolaev; music by I. Krutoy)

    "Antoshka" (lyrics by Y. Entin; music by V. Shainsky)

    “Three white horses” (lyrics by L. Derbenev; music by E. Krylatova.)

    “Steppe and steppe all around” (music and lyrics folk.)

    “The Last Train” (lyrics by M. Nozhkin; music by D. Tukhmanov.)

Leading: Well, now, guys, let's compete in speed and agility. I suggest playing the next Clothespin contest. For this game, I need 2 pairs, each of which is a boy and a girl. (The meaning of the game: as many clothespins as possible are attached to one of the partners, and the other is invited to collect them blindfolded, and as quickly as possible, at least before the opponents. The pair whose player first collects clothespins from his partner will win. ( Required to play: 20 clothespins and 2 handkerchiefs At the end of the game, the winning couple will receive sweet prizes.)

Leading: Now I invite you guys to remember the famous fairy tales, riddles, fables, find out fairytale heroes. And it will help you in this quiz. After answering the quiz questions, we will remember the fairy tales famous for everyone. Anyone can take part in the quiz. (The facilitator reads out the questions, for each question several answers are offered, from which you need to choose the correct answer.)


    Which fairy tale character pierced a hole in a cauldron with his nose?

A. Tin Woodman. V. Pinocchio. S. Baba Yaga. D. Thumbelina.

    What word ends the riddle: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle ...”

A. Carnation. V. Boltik. S. Screw. D. Tail.

    What is the same color in winter and summer?

A. Negro. V. Elka. C. Money. D. Nose of Santa Claus.

    Who did not drag a cart in the famous fable of I. A. Krylov?

A. Pike. V. Swan. C. Cancer. D. Vol.

    Who did K. I. Chukovsky talk to in his poem "Telephone"?

A. Grandmother. B. Wife. S. Elephant. D. Snow Maiden.

    What is left of the gray goat after a walk in the forest?

A. Horns and legs. B. Wool shred. C. Ears and tail. D. Fleas.

    Who did not meet Kolobok on his way?

A. Bear. V. Lisu. S. Leo. D. Volka.

    Who can eat small children in Africa if they go for a walk there?

A. Crocodile. V. Barmaley. S. Shark. D. Gorilla.

    What is the favorite dish of the Thieving Magpie?

A. Kashka. V. drying. S. Galushka. D. Insect.

    Which pear should not be eaten?

A. Green. V. Boxing. S. Light bulb. D. Aunt Grusha.

Leading: Now we have just made sure that everyone, you know very well and love fairy tales, riddles, poems. But, and now, we will check how quickly and deftly you will cope with the next task. Our next competition is called "Balloon". For the game, I need 2 teams of 5 people each. The task is as follows: Try to race to carry air balloons in tablespoons across the room. The winner is the team, all the players of which have never dropped a ball from a spoon. (For the game you will need: 2 inflated balls, 2 tablespoons, the competition is performed to the music.)

(The guys complete the task, music sounds, the winning team receives sweet prizes).

Leading: But, and now it's time to show your musical abilities, now, we will check how well you know, love and remember children's songs. Now, we will hold a music quiz on children's songs. The main condition for the quiz participants is not just to remember the correct answer, but to sing the lines from the song.

Musical quiz on children's songs:

    What words did the boy “attribute in the corner” in his drawing? (May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be mother, may there always be me.)

    What were the geese doing in the puddle by the canal? (Washing the geese paws in a puddle by the groove.)

    Who was the grasshopper friends with? (I didn’t touch the booger either and was friends with the flies.)

    What's on Winnie the Pooh's mind? (In my sawdust head, yeah, yeah, yeah!)

    Where does friendship begin? (Well, friendship starts with a smile.)

    Hanging on the fence, a paper sheet sways in the wind. What is written on it? (A dog named Druzhok has disappeared.)

    What causes a dog to bite? (Only from the life of a dog can a dog bite.)

    The Bremen Town Musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than ...? (Than friends wander around the wide world.)

    One needle, two needles - what will happen? (There will be a Christmas tree.)

    What song did the brave captain sing in trouble and in battle? (Captain, captain, smile, because the smile is the flag of the ship ...)

(For participating in a music quiz, children receive sweet prizes.)

Leading: Our 7th competition is called "Rvachi". 2 people compete in this competition. (The players are given a newspaper sheet and are invited to tear it into as many pieces as possible in 10 seconds. After completing the task, it is announced that the winner will be the one who quickly glues his sheet back with adhesive tape.). For the game you need to have: 2 sheets of newspaper, 2 rolls of adhesive tape.

Leading: But the "Word Game" is designed for those who wish to show their logical thinking, to reveal their intellectual abilities. (2 teams of 3 people participate. Each team is given the same word "Administration", each team must write as many words as possible. The team that made up the most words wins.)

Word options:






    Astra and others

At the end of the game, the host summarizes the results, checks the words and displays the winning team, awarding sweet prizes.

Leading: For the next competition, I need very dexterous, active, friendly guys. The competition is called "Brigade". (2 teams take part in the game, each team consists of 3 people, the teams get the task: to decorate the hall. To do this, the first player inflates the balloon, the second one ties it, and the third one sticks the inflated balloon to the adhesive tape.)

(The host allocates time for 7-10 minutes. At the end of the time, the host asks the teams to show their ribbon, the team wins by raising a ribbon of adhesive tape with a large number of balloons over their heads. For the game you will need: balloons - 7-10 pieces for each team, threads, scissors, adhesive tape.) After summing up, the teams receive sweet prizes.

Leading: For the next game, I invite the 2 strongest players. The game is called Readers. The meaning of the game: in front of each player on the table is a book, opened on a page with the same number. At the command of the host, the players begin to blow, trying to turn over as many pages as possible in a certain time. The player who ended up on the page with the highest number wins. At the end of the game, the guys receive sweet prizes.

Leading: Our competitive game program continues. All of you guys know and remember proverbs and sayings very well and very often use and use them in your life. Now, I propose to remind you of some of them. We will hold a small "Mini proverb contest". (The essence of the competition is that the presenter names the meanings of proverbs, and the guys must name the proverb itself.)

Variants of the meanings of proverbs:

    They don’t discuss a gift, do they accept what they give? (They do not look at a given horse's teeth.)

    You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge. (Live and learn.)

    How you treat others is how you will be treated. (As it comes around, it will respond.)

    Don't take on things you don't know. (Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.)

    Trouble, misfortune usually happen where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, it breaks there.)

Leading: And now, guys, I propose to test how carefully you can listen to other people. Our next competition is for attentiveness and responsiveness. I offer you a chant for playing with the hall "Super fashionista". Purpose of the chant: You guys should clap if the things I name can be worn, and stomp if they can't.

Shout text:

I once met

One Superwoman.

You don't see this

And never meet.

I saw a skirt on her ... (claps)

Not one, but two at once ... (Stomp)

On the shoulders of a fish coat ... (Stomp)

And a pot on his head ... (Stomp)

Boots on her feet ... (claps)

With high heels ... (claps)

And earrings hang in my ears ... (claps)

And tights on the arm ... (Stomp)

The scarf dangles around the neck ... (claps)

Glasses on the nose, like a shadow ... (claps)

A fan is tangled in the hair ... (Stomp)

And there is a belt on the belt ... (Claps)

And she also has a blouse on ... (claps)

Cane umbrella in hand ... (claps)

A jellyfish hangs on his shoulder ... (Stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash ... (Stomp)

There is a ring on the finger ... (claps)

And on the neck a bowler hat ... (Stomp)

And also a heart pendant ... (claps)

And a cambric scarf ... (claps)

If you meet that girl

Remember this nonsense

But I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas.

Leading: To finish our competitive game program, I propose the game “Let's play, guess!”, In this game, I have riddles not only for you guys, but also riddles for adults. So, dear adults, we invite you to take part in this game and support the guys. (The host reads the texts of the riddles aloud, and adults and children answer.)

Riddles texts:

What do you guys know

About my riddle poems?

Where is the answer, there is the end

Who will tell - well done!

    It is important to walk around the yard

With a sharp beak, a crocodile

I've been shaking my head all day

He muttered something loudly.

Only this, right, was

No crocodile

And turkeys true friend

Guess who…( turkey).

Yes, turkey, confess brothers

Was it hard to guess?

A miracle happened to the turkey

He turned into a camel!

He began to bark and growl,

Tap on the ground with your tail.

Oh, I'm confused, however,

Is he a camel... or... (dog).

    And now I'll check the adults,

Who has a grip

Will the riddle be solved?

The enemy caught me by the tail

What to do?

The way out is simple

I will give my tail to the enemy

And I'll run free!

I'm not crying, I'm not sad!

I'm growing a new ponytail! (lizard).

(Ah, yes, adults, well done!)

    The dog's name is not Shavka.

And she does not sleep under the bench,

And she looks out the window

And meows ... who? (cat).

Right! That's right! - Guessed,

Like where did they see her?

    Come on adults tell me

What is a heavenly celestial?

The whole path is strewn with peas (Milky Way).

    What is this post

With a bright red head

Gotta cry at the post

Chasing away the darkness? (candle).

    What a ridiculous person

Sneaked into the 21st century?

Carrot nose, broom in hand

Afraid of the sun and heat (snowman).

    And here, adults, will guess?

Who walks in the white space?

And in the white space there are two even lines,

And next to it are commas and dots (skis).

    Now let's go with you

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

Look, friends:

Here are chanterelles, there are mushrooms,

Well, it's in the meadow

Poisonous... what? (toadstools).

What? Toadstools? Really?

But the toadstools wanted

Be useful mushrooms

And they came to the kitchen themselves

And they said: - as you wish -

Either fry or boil.

We love chefs

We hate… whom (doctors).

What I told you is a secret!

You guessed by chance

It was a big secret...

But there are no secrets from you!


Leading: So our program has come to an end. You played wonderfully today, answered questions, had fun, supported each other. See you guys!

(Summing up, awarding.)


    Our whole life is a game! Play yourself, play with children // How to entertain guests. - 2002. - No. 5. - C. 4-6

    Osipova T. A. Musical quiz on children's songs / / How to entertain guests. - 2002. - No. 6. - C. 8-9

    Reponina T. G. A good question: “Who wants to become an excellent student?”// How to entertain guests. - 2003. - No. 3. – C. 8-9

    Superfashionista // How to entertain guests. - 2004. - No. 6. - P. 4

    Shatskikh L.V. “Maybe not, but maybe yes.”// How to entertain guests. - 2004. - No. 3.- P. 6

The main goals and objectives of this event are:

Formation of moral qualities of a person;

development of creative imagination, the formation of a positive attitude towards others;

instilling in children a sense of mutual assistance and comradely support;

development of competition and team cohesion among the participants.

To participate in the event, 5-6 teams are formed with an equal number of people.

Participants of the competitive program go on a journey through "City of good people" where they will walk "Street of kind words" and Friendship Avenue, will visit "Alley of Good Deeds" meet at "Square of good deeds" and rest on "Musical Boulevard" and most importantly, perform a series interesting tasks associated with the concepts of "kindness", "responsiveness", "friendship", etc.




competitive gaming program



(Children's tunes play.)

Presenter: Good afternoon dear guys!

We are glad to welcome you to the city competition and game program "Dobrograd".

Today we will take you on a journey through"City of good people" let's go through "Street of kind words" and Friendship Avenue, we will visit "Alley of Good Deeds" see you at "Square of good deeds" and rest on Musical Boulevard.

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on growth.

Kindness makes people happy

And in return does not require a reward.

Kindness never gets old

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun

Adults and children rejoice.

But before we go on our journey, let's warm up a bit.

Guys, tell me in which literary works good always triumphs over evil.

(Children answer.)

That's right, these are stories.

Now I will call the fairy-tale characters, and if this is a good character, then you clap your hands loudly and shout “Hurrah”, and if you are evil, then stomp and shout “Oooh”.

Warm up:

  • Karabas-Barabas
  • Old woman Shapoklyak
  • shrek
  • Puss in Boots
  • Malvina
  • Crocodile Gena
  • Cat Matroskin
  • Rumpelstitzchel
  • Alyosha Popovich
  • Cheburashka
  • Shamakhan queen
  • Winnie the Pooh
  • The Snow Queen
  • Dreamkeeper Jack
  • Dragon
  • Thumbelina
  • Tugarin Serpent
  • Chippolino

(Warming up.)

Presenter: Now we see that you are ready to travel. We offer team captains to receive route sheets in the form of a sun, which at our event will be a symbol of kindness and good mood.

(Teams receive route sheets and go to stations.)

Station: Good Deeds Lane

The number of points corresponds to the number of correct answers.)

A day in the life of a summer camp

The morning at the summer camp "Solnyshko" began with exercises.

Two friends, Vasya and Petya, pushed and interfered with others during the exercises. The girl Zhenya made a remark to them, but they only laughed and called her an unpleasant word.

The teacher decided to teach the boys a lesson and invited them to exercise with the coach.

This turned out to be no easy task. Vasya and Petya realized that they were wrong and apologized to Zhenya.

At breakfast, Katya did not have enough space at the table, and Dima gave her his own, saying that he would wait and have breakfast after Katya.

After breakfast, the camp "Solnyshko" went to the cinema. All the guys carefully, following the rules traffic, crossed the road. And only bosom friends Petya and Vasya, looking at the cat sitting on the fence, began to catch up with the detachment and ran across the road without looking around.

In the cinema, while watching the cartoon, Dima and Andrey laughed out loud, discussing what was happening on the screen. And Petya and Vasya began to throw bread at them, which they grabbed from the dining room, so that the guys would be silent.

Cinema workers made a remark to the boys, threatening to kick them out of the hall. Petya and Vasya apologized, and Dima and Andrey pretended not to hear anything, and as a result, they sat in the hall for the rest of the time, waiting for their squad.

Dinner at Camp Sunshine passed without incident. The food was very tasty, and all the guys loudly thanked the chefs for their efforts. To which they heard in response: “Bon appetit!” and "To health!".

At the end of the camp day, the teacher, saying goodbye to the guys, wished everyone good evening, and the girls and boys unanimously answered her: “Goodbye!”, Except for Timur, who waved his hand at everyone and silently went home.

Station: "Street of kind words"

Proverbs are not in vain they say

It is impossible to live without them.

They are great helpers.

And true friends in life.

Sometimes they guide us

The wise give advice

Sometimes they teach

And save us from trouble.

(Teams are invited to combine the first and second parts of the proverbs or sayings about kindness and friendship, which are on cubes of different colors.)





Station: "City of kind people"

(Teams were asked to use the task to find

There is a grain of kindness in every person.

Participants are given an image of a person with signed body parts: "Head", "Back", "Arms", "Legs", "Heart", "Eyes". It is necessary to list such qualities of these parts of the body, possessing which, each person will feel kind, happy.)

For example:

Head - smart, wise, patient, attentive, bright.

Arms - hardworking, sensitive, gentle, caring, warm.

Legs - strong, flexible, fast.

Back - hardy, straight, strong, unbending.

Heart - kind, sympathetic, open, golden, gentle.

(Each correctly spelled word is worth 1 point.)

Station: Good Deeds Square

(At this station, the teams participate in the relay race. While overcoming the obstacle course, the participants perform different kinds household chores: garbage collection, hanging laundry after washing, table setting, etc.)

(The winner is the team whose time to overcome the obstacle course will be the smallest. The number of points received by the team depends on the place taken in the relay.)

Station: Friendship Avenue

(At this station, the team needs to make the Flower of Friendship, which grows on this Avenue. The time for completing the task depends on the coordinated, friendly actions of the participants, and hence the number of points received in this competition.


Each participant receives one sheet of paper, outlines their hands and cuts them out;

The cut out palms are folded a little, inserted into each other and glued along the edge (or fastened with a stapler);

The edges are twisted with scissors;

The stem is made by tightly twisting the paper into a tube; joins the flower.

Station: Musical Boulevard

(At this station, all the teams get together. The participants listen to the soundtracks of children's songs and write down one line of them in the answer sheet.