Informative entertainment program in the library. Competitive game program “Literary ring. Other forms of events

  • 02.05.2020

Natalya Khatenovich
The script of the game entertainment program for children "In the country of childhood"

Purpose of the event: introduction children with new games for them, development of the emotional sphere, imagination, attention, speech children; constructive communication skills.

game program can be done in the hall or on fresh air. Children sit in a large semicircle. The melody of Yu. Nikolaev's song "Little country".

presenter: Guys, today I invite you to go on a trip to country of childhood to have a fun and interesting time, chat with each other, play. In order to go there, we purchase tickets.

Ticket game. Playing in pairs, they become facing each other, forming two circles. The inner circle is "tickets", the outer circle is "passengers". In the center stands a stowaway - "hare". Presenter t command: "Go!". The circles begin to rotate in different directions. Sounds command "Controller!".

"Tickets" remain in their places, and "passengers" must quickly find a new pair. "Hare" quickly grabs the "ticket" that he liked. A "passenger" left without a "ticket" becomes a driver - a "hare". At a meeting "passenger" and "ticket" get acquainted.

presenter: Here we come to country of childhood. Now tell us about yourself, how good are you? This is the name of our first game. I will ask questions, and you can agree with me or not. Just be careful.

Are you brave? - Yes!

Skilled? - Yes!

Lazy? - No!

Beautiful? - Yes!

Noisy? - Not!

Funny? - Yes!

Lovely? - Yes!

Obedient? - Yes!

Pugnacious? - Not!

Happy? - Yes!

That's how good we are here. Let's shake hands with the neighbor on the right, let's shake hands with the neighbor on the left.

The phone rings.

Leading: Hello! Hello! (Laughter erupts over the phone.). Guys! This is my friend Petrushka! He loves to have fun. Let's invite him to the party!

(Speaks into phone) Parsley! We are going through a very fun party! The boys invite you to have fun!

Petrushka appears.

Parsley: Hello guys, girls and boys! And what is your holiday? (Children answer). Vacation! I love holidays very much. This is a time when you can only have fun and relax. (Notices in the hands of the presenter Balloons with wings). And here are the fairy balls, they have wings! Guys! Do you know the flying ball game? (He takes out a ribbon with flags from his pocket, distributes it to two children who are difficult to use in the game.)

Hold this tape firmly with your hands,

Let's play with balloons!

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given 3 balls.

So guys, while the music is playing loudly,

Balls must be thrown quickly for the tape.

As soon as the whole melody is played,

You can't touch the balls with your hands anymore!

And where you will have fewer balls,

Those, then, will win this time!

And before the start let's say together: "1,2,3,4,5 - let's have fun playing!"

The game is played to the music. The music stops when both teams again have the same number of balls.

Parsley: Both teams played decently and amicably. Sing a song about friendship!

Children sing the song "True Friend".

Leading: The next game is called "Boys and Girls". It is necessary to complete the poetic lines according to the meaning, and for this we say loudly “boys” or “girls”.

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Weaving, of course, only ...

Bolts, screws, gears

Find it in your pocket...

Skates on the ice drew arrows.

Hockey is played only...

Silk, lace and fingers in rings.

Look out for walk ...

They chat for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

With all measure strength

Don't always be alone...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

Of course, only….

Parsley: I propose to check the attention and endurance of our players. Game "Take the Prize".

Invites from 4 to 8 participants in the game, puts them at the same distance from the chair on which the prize lies. Explains the rules of the game.

Parsley:Loudly repeat our motto: "1,2,3,4,5 - let's have fun playing!"

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three",

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were seen

Yes, not one, but whole ... two!

Dreaming boy tempered

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command: one, two, ... march!

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, another, and better ... five!

Newly train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you did not take the prize,

When it was possible to take!

Leading: It was time to play

Now let's dance!

Guys, have you ever seen a centipede dancing? Such a long caterpillar, which has only 2 paws-handles and 40 legs? Let's stand one after another with a rope, put our hands on the belt of the one in front and become a fun dancing centipede ourselves.

Our motto: "1,2,3,4,5, - let's dance!"

Children dance to cheerful music, repeating simple movements after the leader and Petrushka.

Parsley: Oh, you turned out to be a real super-centipede! And now the most difficult task. The game is called "40 seconds". In 40 seconds, you need to complete all the actions that are listed on the task sheet. Players are given sheets. The game starts at Petrushka's signal.

Job sheet.

1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump up on your left foot 5 times.

3. Raise both hands up 2 times.

4. Read the entire assignment carefully.

5. Shout your name out loud.

6. Meow loudly twice.

7. Turn around your axis 3 times.

8. Laugh at the host of the game.

9. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

10. Jump up on your right foot 5 times.

11. After you have read all the tasks, complete only tasks #12 and #13.

12. Squat down.

13. Give the sheet to the game leader.

Leading: At the end of our holiday, let's give each other a good mood. Game "Soap Bubbles".

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Scenario of the children's competitive game program for the Children's Day


children's game program for Children's Day

"Hello, children!"

Vedas. : Hello, hello, hello, children! Hello to all those who have a hundred freckles on their noses, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and pretty bangs. Hello, elegant, cheerful, happy. Today you can all be congratulated - it's time for the holidays, and the holidays are great!

Guys! When we meet, I remember

First things first, get to know each other!

And now your help guys need:

Say your names! (children call)

Oh oh oh! Understood nothing! Louder! Even louder! No, that will not do. So we can't do anything. Let's do it: I call the name, and those to whom it belongs respond. Deal? Started! Sasha! Oli! Natasha! If! Vani! Petit! Oksana, Tanya, is there anyone I didn’t name? Guys, and you will help me to get acquainted. etc.

Well, we got to know each other! Now, in order to become completely friends, we need to start some kind of common cause.

Well, for example, I will make riddles for you, and you will solve them all together. Do you agree?

Heals little ones children,

Heals small animals.

Looks at everyone through glasses

Kind doctor.


The man is not young

With short beard.

He is a notorious villain -



Walks to school with a primer

Wooden little boy.

Gets instead of school

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is that boy's name?


He visits a little light:

Trouble for the owner!

And "puffers" like a poet

Writes sometimes.

And has a scent for honey

He is called.

(Winnie the Pooh)

Mom found her daughter

In a blooming flower.

Who read this book

Knows a little girl.


The man is not young

In-oh-from such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina.

And, in general, for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is he?


Mixed with sour cream

It's cold on the window

Before the wolf did not tremble,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Still got it.


He plays a little

For passers-by on the harmonica.

He wants to build a house

To live in it with friends,

And the naughty old lady

Doesn't want to be friends with him.

You know for sure

Crocodile green.


girl sitting in a basket

On the back of the bear

He, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

And the road is not easy

And the basket is high.

To sit on a stump, to eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

He is crooked and lame,

All washcloths commander.

He, of course, will wash everyone,

Wash basin.


Now be especially careful. I'm reading and you have to finish correctly. Clear?

Above the forest the sun's ray went out -

The king of beasts is stealing... (a lion)

Here's a riddle for kids:

Who is the cat afraid of? (dog)

Curled up in a ball, come on, touch it,

Prickly on all sides... (hedgehog)

He has a big ears.

He loves to eat brooms.

He is powerful and full of strength -

Insatiable… (elephant)

Sing songs under the moon

Sat on a branch... (nightingale)

Who loves to run on branches?

Of course the redhead... (squirrel)

He beats like a drum.

Sitting on a pine tree... (woodpecker)

He understands a lot about raspberries

The owner of the forest, terrible ... (bear)

Found beauty in the tail

proud bird... (peacock)

He is a large and large bird.

He has a nest in the mountains.

Among the birds, he is the strongest.

This is a bird... (eagle)

Look at your friend -

How many eyes does a friend have... (two)

If the head is full of knowledge,

So, at school you will get ... (five)

So, at school you will get ... (two)

Tail tucked in and went into the forest

Not a lamb, but... (wolf)

He was a thundercloud.

I went to battle with Piglet!

He loved honey the most.

Tiny little… (Winnie the Pooh)

Everyone should know this:

The cat's paws are straight ... (four)

Well, for the mind we did exercises, but our arms and legs also need to be stretched.

The game "Fun Charge"

Repeat after me

Hands to the heels and to the ears,

On your knees and on your shoulders

To the side, on the belt, up,

And now a funny laugh (the game is played 3 times)

Vedas. : We did well! Solve all the riddles! We've done a load! Now we are real friends! There is nothing better than a holiday with friends! True guys!

But, and now I suggest you break into teams. And for this we have prepared tokens of two colors. Everyone will draw out for themselves, and, according to the received color, 2 teams are formed. (break into teams to cheerful music)

Now it's up to you to come up with a name for yourself.

Competition"Puss in Boots"

Performance: The first child from each team puts on a hat, runs to the first landmark - takes off his hat near him, turns to his team and makes a beautiful bow, puts his hat on his head and runs to the next landmark - bows, puts on his hat and runs to the third landmark - does bow, go around the landmark and run back to his team, pass the hat to the next child.

Competition "Relay race Malvina"

Two teams line up in two columns one at a time. The first player, on a signal, turns around and ties a long hairband around the head of the next player. Then, the second player unties the bow, turns around and ties the ribbon around the head of the next player. So, until the last player unties the tape.

Competition for spectators"The most beautiful"

AT competition two boys are involved. For each, a sundress and a scarf lie on a chair. You need to run to the chair, put on a sundress, tie a scarf: who will complete the task faster. Then the melody sounds "Kalinka", and nesting dolls should dance. Can be repeated as many times as desired children.

Vedas. : And now, with the help of a riddle, we will find out what task our teams will perform


Flew over the lawn

pat over a flower,

And share honey! (Bee.)

Come on, bees, fly out,

And collect your honey!

Relay game “Bees”.

(Who will collect nectar from flowers faster.)

Bright disposable plates are laid out on the chairs, in the middle of which there are caramels (nectar). It is necessary for the bees to transfer one caramel to their house - beehive (box with slot). Each team has its own “hive”.

A violinist lives in the meadow,

Wears a tailcoat and walks galloping,

He's green like a cucumber

It is called.

All. Grasshopper!

Relay game "Grasshoppers".

The relay team consists of 5 people. At the command of the host, each participant must ride on two legs from start to finish and back.

Competition for spectators

Guys, it's summer today, but I'm sure there are those among you who love winter. There are such?

And now let's remember one of the most favorite winter activities. This requires four participants.

By using toilet paper make a snowman, wrap.

Vedas. :

It's time for a new puzzle

Dear kids!

In the forest by the stump

Fuss, running.

working people

Busy all day!

Children. Ants!

Relay game "Ants".

2 teams of 10 people are selected. Teams need to build houses from cubes - “anthills”. Each team member takes 1 die and runs to the building site. The last participant installs the roof. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Game with spectators

- The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly (four)

- I have a dog, she already has tails .... (one)

- There is a funny sign, it snowed, meet .... (winter)

- The blizzard howls like a drill, stands in the yard .... (February)

- Birthday on the nose, we baked .... (cake)

- Irinka and Oksanka have three-wheeled ones .... (bike)

Vedas. :

Hard workers - ants -

Real heroes

The house is built to perfection...

Again guys

funny riddle:

centipede crawling

along the narrow path,

Feeds on leaves

Turns into a butterfly!

All. Caterpillar.

Competition "Funny Caterpillars".

The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second one joins him, holding his waist, and now they are running together. Then the third one joins, and so on.

Game for spectators "Merry Relay"

Need two members (prizes for two participants)

Well done to all participants! Completed the task. And we continue! I want to know if you watch cartoons? Remember the blind and the lame from the Russian cartoon! (Fox Alice and cat Basilio from "The Adventure of Pinocchio") Correctly! And now you have to play the role of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. This is the next task.

Competition"Basilio the Cat"

Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded, and he puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In such a position (one is blind, the other is lame) they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair. Whichever team does it the fastest wins. FOX ALICE AND THE CAT BASILIO (funny music)

Competition"Give it to someone else"

(jury summing up)

I know you can draw very well,

Now you can show your talents.

And for this you need colored crayons.

I expect from you beautiful, bright drawings about the summer.

Competition"Drawing on asphalt"

dance game "How beautiful I am".

Everyone plays, becoming in a circle. From each other to the music, the players pass a basket of things. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting.

The game "Train"

"Train". In this game, everyone becomes one after another in a row, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front. Train head - "locomotive"- runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must follow him and at the same time not break away from the train. I will name the part of the body that you must grab while moving. (head, ears, shoulders, belly, knees, heels, etc.). Ready? Answer - "Yes!" Then let's go!

Quest is a great solution for a holiday in the children's library. During the quest, guests of the holiday will be able to feel like real adventurers, solve charades and puzzles. The guys will receive the task: “to follow the trail of the heroes of the books”, and having coped with it they will receive a well-deserved reward! The quest is easy to organize using the script of the literary quest in the Heroes children's library.

The script of the literary quest in the children's library "Heroes"

The librarian meets the guys. To create a mysterious atmosphere, you can turn on background music.

Librarian: Hello guys, do you like books? (Children answer) What are your favorite book characters? (Children answer) Did you know that the characters in the books love you too? Books love to be read. They especially love neat and attentive readers. Today, all our readers are waiting for an award for attentiveness and accuracy, to get it you guys need to complete a quest from the heroes of our books. And we'll start the quest from here. Here, the heroes of the books left their footprints, follow the footsteps of the heroes and see where they will lead you and what lies there. The one who found the message from the heroes returns with the message back.

Task 1. "In the footsteps"

Children follow the tracks left by the heroes of the books (for example, bear tracks, human tracks, etc.) that lead them to the place where the card with the charade is hidden.

Librarian: the guys, the heroes of the books, left us clues in the form of charades, listen and guess.

Task 2. Charades.

Charades are written on cards. The librarian reads the first charade, the next one is read by the one who guessed the previous one. All guessed words must be written on the board (if there is one) or whatman paper.


My first syllable screams a child

My second syllable is the remnants of the fire.

My first syllable and last syllable - the fan at the stadium screamed

And I found the middle syllable in the garden.

(Ole - bow - oye)

Saves your head from the sun

Boys headdress

But if the first letter is replaced by a growl

That is a fairy-tale hero in front of you.

(Cap – Turnip)

First syllable - bad mood

The second syllable - there are two of them on the head.

(Angry - ear)

My first syllable is the name of the king

My second syllable is rest from the day.

(Karl - dream)

Librarian: and now you and I need to add the first letters of the names of the guessed characters and read what happens. The vowel may be repeated several times.

Children fold. It turns out "FROST"

Librarian: looking for a book that contains this tale.

Children are looking for a book. In the book, children find a puzzle.

Librarian: guys, you need to assemble the puzzle and see who is drawn there.

Task 3.

Children collect a puzzle on which there is an image of the shadows of the characters in the book. For example, the book Alice in Wonderland.

Librarian: Guys, what book do you think these characters are from? That's right, these are the characters from the book "Alice in Wonderland", we are looking for this book in our library!

Children find a book in it a letter.

Librarian guys look what a strange letter do you think what subject can help us read the letter? correct mirror. And in which book about Alice was the mirror? Correctly, “Alice Through the Looking Glass” is looking for this book, attaching a letter to the mirror and reading.

Task 4.

Letter: “Dear Readers! I'm going on an adventure again. This time we will travel through the country of Zazarkalye, where the whole world is a chessboard, and the main characters are pieces on a chessboard. A journey full of unexpected events, meetings with extraordinary heroes and of course I have absolutely no idea where it will lead me. But still, for the most courageous travelers, I will leave the key where there is a description of the heroes of this book. Your Alice.

The children go in search of the key. Find the key in a chess book or on a chessboard.

Librarian: Guys, what do you think this key can open?

The children answer. Try on the key to the door. The reading room is open.

Librarian: here we are also waiting for a hint and not one. Hints are not to be found in books. We look and search.

Children examine the reading room, find clues written on the bottom of chess pieces standing in different places in the reading room on their own or with the help of a librarian. Number hints.

Librarian: guys, these numbers are a ciphered message. Let's think about how to decrypt it.

To decipher the message, you need to translate the numbers into letters. (Alphabet in numbers) and read the title of the book. For example: "14-1-21-4-13-10" is "Mowgli"

Librarian: the guys are looking for the book "Mowgli"

Children find a book in it, a map of the library with a note where the treasure is hidden.

Librarian: the guys look carefully at the map and go in search of the treasure.

With the help of the map, children find the treasure. Participant awards.

List of props for holding literary quest in the children's library: traces; cards with charades; whatman paper or board; puzzle with the image of the shadows of the heroes of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"; mirror; letter; key; library map; box with prizes according to the number of participants.

“An amazing profession is a librarian!”

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests and dear colleagues! We are glad to see you in full health and in a good mood! May 27 is our professional holiday: the day of the librarian, I would like to congratulate all the librarians present here and wish them success in their work, health and well-being!

Presenter 2:

Who stores knowledge on bookshelves,

Does he sort them, give them to us?

Who will tell us about the new products properly

And in the filing cabinet that anyone will find?

To be a librarian is a calling for those people,

Who loves a book with texts starting with "you"

Who appreciates human knowledge,

Not knowing self-interest and vanity.

And if you want entertainment - please!

Here is a detective and humor, an action movie ...

The librarian will find everything easily

And he will write it on our card - he's used to it.

But still his work among the dusty books

Not just labor, but akin to mysticism:

Librarian helps to survive

Art in our difficult days,

Not forgetting, however, about science.

Here, any genre is held in high esteem and honor,

After all, the best medicine against boredom -

Spend an evening with your favorite book.

Usually they don't talk about themselves.

Librarian - cultural worker,

Worthy of titles, prizes and awards!

Presenter 1: Today we have prepared for you a small competition in which you can show and apply your knowledge, skills and abilities.

Librarian is a profession!

Librarian is a calling!

And for this profession you need:

Skills, skills, knowledge!

Presenter 2: Now I would like to introduce our contestants :(FULL NAME)

And, of course, our strict but fair jury :(FULL NAME)

Presenter 1 : So, we start the qualifying round! Every librarian, by virtue of his profession, must be well versed in the sea of ​​fiction. Our first contest is the "Literature Quiz" For each correct answer you get a token.

"Literary quiz"

1. Which character of the poem "Dead Souls" owns a book that is always opened on the 14th page?

(to Manilov)

2. Who is considered the founder of the detective?

(American writer Edgar Poe

3. Name the Russian Nobel laureates in the field of literature .

4. Which of the famous Russian writers masterfully played the piano and was the author of the famous waltzes?

5. Which of the prose writers of the 20th century was a professional doctor?

(P. Merimee)

7. Which of the prose writers of the 20th century was a mathematics teacher?

"Happy Hours Don't Watch" ("Woe from Wit")

"Deeds for a long time past days» ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

“I didn’t notice the elephant” ("Elephant and Pug")

· "Love for all ages" ("Eugene Onegin")

"The Hero of Not My Novel" ("Woe from Wit")

9. Name three writers of the same name.

10. Remember which works the following characters are from, and name the authors of the works.

Pierre Bezukhov ("War and Peace")

Grigory Pechorin ("Hero of our time")

Woland ("The Master and Margarita")

Peter Grinev ("Captain's daughter")

Andrey Sokolov ("Captain's daughter")

Quasimodo (V. Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral")

· Edmun Dantes (A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo")

Presenter2: Years of work have certainly not been in vain, now let's check your professional knowledge.

Professional quiz

1. A lover and collector of rare and valuable books is called ... (Bibliophile)

2. A summary of the content of the book is ... (annotation)

3. In which country was paper invented? (in China)

4. Name the first European book printer. (Johann Gutenberg)

5. What was the name of the first Russian printed book, published in 1564. Ivan Fedorov? ("Apostle")

6. What is the name of the list of all printed items available in the library? (Catalog)

7. What is the emblem of the bibliography? (Golden Key)

8. What was the name of the predecessor of the book - a rolled-up canvas made of papyrus? (scroll)

9. What is the name of the book. especially successful and in high demand? (Best-seller)

10. What is the name of the series of drawings, accompanied by a brief commentary text, for the first time Moni appeared in the USA. (comics)

11. What is the name of the first Slavic alphabet? (Cyrillic)

12. Name the largest library in our country (Russian State Library in Moscow)

13. What are the main indicators of the library (Book lending, negotiability, attendance, readability, updateability)

14. What is the name of the unit of accounting for the volume of the library fund (instance)

Presenter 2 counts the tokens of each participant in the qualifying round, there are 4 participants who have the most tokens.

Presenter 1: So our finalists were determined (full name). Those who did not make it to the final, do not be upset, we hope that you will support our finalists with a friendly applause.

Presenter 2: Third contest - "Book Review". On one table, our assistants have already laid out the books, on the other you see cards with the topics of the book review. Now each contestant will draw a card, and then go to the first table and choose books that are suitable for the topic that he got. Then, within 10 minutes, you will prepare book reviews for us. I ask you to.

Participants of the competition draw cards, pick up books, then the Host notes the time. Contestants start compiling a book review

Presenter 2: In the meantime, we will hold a competition with the audience called "Guess the song." I will read to you summary songs, and you will say their name.

Contest for the audience "Guess the song"

1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a red headdress (Song of Little Red Riding Hood from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood")

3. A song about animals with long ears that work as lawn mowers. ("Song of the Hares" from the movie "The Diamond Arm")

4. A song about four men in hats with feathers who are grateful to their fate. (Song of the Musketeers: "It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in our lifetime...")

5. Song about the tragic death of a small insect ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

6. A song about a trip to the wilderness on a bicycle (“I will drive a bicycle for a long time ...” Barykin)

7. Song about using a smile as electricity (“From a smile it will become brighter for everyone” from the cartoon “Baby Raccoon”)

8. A song about a creature that every mongrel knows ("Song of Cheburashka")

9. A song about an animal that the whole house hates ("Black cat")

10. Song about misuse of sodium chloride ("Don't rub salt on my wound..." Dobrynin)

Presenter1: While we were playing with the audience, the contestants prepared book reviews, let's listen to them.

(Participants talk about the books they have selected according to their topic.)

The jury assigns scores for the Book Review competition, and then sums up the points of each participant scored during the entire competitive program) Presenters 1 and 2 award the winners.

Presenter 2: And now, the floor is given to the director of the MUK of the Volgodonsk region "MCB" Pankratova Lyudmila Viktorovna. , you have the floor.


Presenter1: In conclusion of this evening, I would like to once again congratulate all librarians on professional holiday. Happiness to you, dear colleagues, creative success and Have a good mood!!! Goodbye!!!

MUK of the Volgodonsk region "MCB"

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01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 14057 human

Presenter 1. Good afternoon! We are glad to welcome you to the game program "Fun Kaleidoscope".
Presenter 2. Remember the kaleidoscope - this cute magical toy from your childhood. You look through a small hole, and behind it Magic world. Turned a little...

Game program "Call of the Jungle"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 10031 human

Today is a holiday for the guys
Today will be noisy.
Everyone is talking about it
The school is very friendly!

Why is it in class today
Are the windows on fire?
Because I call the jungle
Guys - "Hello" - they say.

B-2: Hello! We tell you...

Educational game program for children "Up the Magic River"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 4989 human

The hall is a library, on one of the walls of which one can see pictures of a magical forest. An unlucky student comes here, who received a task on Russian fairy tales. The girl does not like to read, but she does not want to get a deuce. About Us...

Game program "Journey to the country of Good"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 9167 human

Today we will make a trip to the country of Good. We will do it on the magic train Appendix. And for starters, you must split into 3 wagons. 1 car - "Sun", 2 - "Rainbow", 3 - "Asterisk". Guys, I forgot the most important thing. ...

Game program "Amusement park of the Jurassic period"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 4419 human

Hello dear guys! Now we will go on an exciting, but very risky journey into the mysterious, unexplored world of dinosaurs. We are going to the distant, distant past of our planet. The park opens its doors wide before you...

Scenario of the game program "Guests from Space"

01.06.2010 | We looked at the script 4914 human

1 led. Hello dear friends! Today our holiday program we dedicate to Cosmonautics Day.
2 led. On a dark, cloudless night, you can see thousands of stars. The stars are grouped into constellations. And each constellation has its own name. And today to...