The script for mother's day is an average group of fun. Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" (middle group). Contest "Collect beads for mom"

  • 13.11.2019

We present to your attention a possible scenario for celebrating Mother's Day in kindergarten.

Preparing to celebrate Mother's Day in kindergarten

  • hall decoration;
  • design of the “Mood” stand, accessories for the game “Fashion House”;
  • exhibition of drawings and crafts on the theme "My Mom";
  • memorization of poems, songs;
  • preparing gifts for moms: paper tulips, postcard.

Mother's Day in kindergarten: the course of the event

The teacher comes on stage with the children

Educator: Hello dear friends! On this wonderful, sunny day, we gathered in a beautiful hall to congratulate our mothers! Guys, do you know what holiday is today?

Children in chorus: Mothers Day!

Educator: That's right, every year on the last Sunday of November we celebrate Mother's Day. Just for you, our dear first musical gift.

Children sing the song "Mom, Mommy Dear"

Educator: Our mothers, beloved relatives, look at what wonderful children you have: smart, beautiful, neat. But all this is thanks to your efforts and efforts. Thank you again for being in the world. It is for you that the children have prepared a dance.

Children go on stage and dance the dance

Educator: Indeed, our mothers are the best in the world! Guys, do you know how you can please your mom?

Children's answers: Behave well, listen to your mother, help with the housework, clean your room, say kind words, give gifts.

Educator: That's right, do not forget that mothers should be protected and more often say words of gratitude to them. What words of gratitude do you know?

Sample responses from children: thank you please good morning, Good night sorry, all the best.

Educator: Well done, let's sing a good and kind song for our mothers.

Children become a semicircle and sing the song "Mom's smile»

Educator: And now we invite our mothers to play. Once again, we will see what wonderful hostesses they are. And so, the game "Mom is the best hostess." To do this, we need several mothers, we will invite them to the stage.

Moms take the stage and introduce themselves

Educator: In the first task, you need eyes closed determine what kind of food is in the bowl.

Products example: millet, rice, beans, peas, flour, starch.

Moms with their eyes closed, by touch determine what kind of food is in the bowl

Educator: Well done, we coped with the first task, but that's not all. There are toys in the basket. You need to choose those from which you can cook one of the dishes.

Meal example: borsch, cabbage soup, vegetable stew, pickle.

Moms are given the names of dishes, they choose from the basket all the necessary ingredients

Educator: Well done our mothers! Guys, do you know what our mothers are? I invite everyone to characterize their mother.

Sample responses from children: kind, gentle, affectionate, hardworking, beautiful, fashionable.

Educator: That's how much good qualities with our mothers. And now we will all play the game "Friendly family" together. I will ask questions to mothers, and then to children. Let's see who knows more about each other.

Questions for moms:

  1. What is your child's favorite food?
  2. What does his name mean?
  3. What gift is your child dreaming of?
  4. Your child's first word?

Questions for children:

  1. What does mom like to eat?
  2. What fairy tale does your mother tell you most often?
  3. What's your mom's favorite show?
  4. Mom's favorite food?

Educator: Well done, what caring mothers we have and what attentive kids they have. And now we'll all dance together.

Dance of mothers and children

Educator: And so, today our mothers have a holiday. And on a holiday, all women want to look beautiful, our Fashion House will help them with this. Now we will select those who want to go home in a new image.

Those who wish to go up to the stage, take their places. Music sounds, and children dress them up

Educator: Everyone today is convinced that our children are not only talented dancers and singers, but also fashion designers. It seems to me that today the holiday was a success. What do you think? I suggest that every mother with a baby draw a sun on our stand - if you liked the holiday, a cloud - if not!

Educator: How many suns at our booth! I want you to always remain as joyful and happy as you are now. As a sign of children's gratitude and love for your care, accept gifts that the children made with their own hands.

Music sounds, children give gifts to mothers

Educator: May God grant you, dear mothers, good health and simple female happiness. See you soon!

Useful video

Holiday script

"Mothers Day!"

in the middle group

Event progress.

Mothers sit on chairs in a semicircle. Children enter the group under musical accompaniment. (My mom is the best in the world)

Educator: Now it's November. Winter is already coming. The days got shorter and colder. But it is in November that there is a holiday that makes us be better, improves our mood and brings kindness and warmth. It's mother's day. And on this wonderful evening, we congratulate you on the holiday, and we want to give you our smiles and good mood. Happy Mother's Day!

1st child:

They say that today

Day of obedient children.

And whims are not fashionable, Masha

They hurt the mood.

Don't be stubborn

And throw away all laziness

After all, today mom Ksyusha R.

The most festive day!

2nd child:

Every prankster must

Become different forever, Sasha

Even if this holiday

It will flow like water.

3rd child:

After all, everyone knows

It's hard to live without mothers!

So let's be Lera

Treasure your mother's age!

… They say that today

Day of obedient children.

Children sing the song "Mom-Mom" op. E. Leshko, music. O. Yudina

Educator: There are many different things on the fragile shoulders of the mother. Mothers wake up early in the morning, because they need to gather everyone and not be late for work, cook your favorite dishes, play with you and at the same time always remain beautiful. And who helps them in all this?

The teacher makes riddles for mothers and children, commenting on the riddles with humor.

Buzzes, but does not fly, saves the house from dust (vacuum cleaner)

He will stitch like a machine gun, he will sew a new dress (sewing machine)

In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box, and now the frost is gray with us in summer and winter, it saves food: meat, fish, fruits (refrigerator)

This automatic laundress washes everything for us (washing machine)

He clenched his giant fist, made orange juice (juicer)

Not an alarm clock, but ringing, not a receiver - it says. Guess who is he? Well, of course ... (phone)

We aim a glass eye, click once and remember you (camera)

He floats on the sheet, like a boat on a wave. He is a good electric friend to the housewives. (iron) .

Every day at seven in the morning he shouts: “It's time to get up! " (alarm)

The wind-dry wind dries my mommy's curls (hairdryer)

In cans, poured into tubes,

How creamy he looks.

All moms love it.

This is fragrant ... (cream)

Rings shine in the ears,

They have pebbles-hearts,

and strong clasps

On gold ... (earrings)

To be beautiful mom

I need to take mascara and blush,

And make up your lips

Mother-of-pearl ... (lipstick)

Sweet candy scent

The table and stool smell.

Dropped from hand

I am French ... (spirits)

He multiplies two numbers faster than a man,

in it a hundred times the library could fit,

only there it is possible to open a hundred windows in a minute.

It’s not at all difficult to guess what the riddle is about (computer)

Host: Let's play this game: I will start the poem, and you will finish:

I love to work, I don’t like ... (to be lazy).

I myself can evenly, smoothly lay my (crib)

I will help my mother, I will wash the dishes with her

I did not sit idle, I did a lot (of things)

The dishes are all washed and not even (broken).

Educator: And now we will find out which helpers are growing in our group, the guys will tell us about this in a poem.

1st child:

I love my mommy

I'll help mommy. Kira

To the shop for bread

I will run today.

I'll quickly wash the dishes, Nadia

I will set the table for the guests,

Wipe the dust everywhere with a rag

Let the holiday come to us!

2nd child:

I'll put the flowers in a vase, Yana

And I'll write a postcard

And about pranks all at once

I'll tell mommy.

I'll kiss mommy, Marina

I'll hug my mom

Such a good mother

I won't give it to anyone!

Educator: Now I invite everyone to dance together,

After all, not only to work, mothers need to rest.

We all dance together.

Educator: Dear mothers, our children, together with the music director, learned and recorded on video another riddle - a musical one. Listen and sing along.

Video recording of the riddle song "Mommy" on the verses of Ubayt Rajab performed by the children of the group.

Educator: Mom is the best word on Earth! The most gentle, the most familiar, in whatever language it would not be pronounced! There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother, do our mothers know them, we will check now, find out how attentive you are. You just need to guess the country in which the proverb was born.

Presentation "Proverbs about mom different countries peace"

Educator: Our mothers have the kindest, affectionate and skillful hands. But do the children know the hands of their mothers, we will now check. The essence of the game is for the child to guess his mother by the hand. To do this, the child is blindfolded, and several mothers sit on chairs and stretch out their arms. The child touches each hand and determines where his mother is.

The game "Mom guesses her child."

Educator: Dear mothers, the guys want to perform for you one of their favorite songs “Mammoth Song” from the m / f “Mom for a Mammoth”.

: Mom, like a sorceress:

If he smiles, every wish comes true for me.

Mom kisses - the bad is forgotten.

New day, happy day

Starts right away.

4 child

Mom loves and regrets.

Mom understands.

My mom knows everything

Knows everything in the world!

5 child:

Beloved mother, I congratulate you,

On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.

You are in my heart, even if apart,

I always remember your tender hands.

Educator: Our holiday has come to an end. We thank everyone for their attention to children, for the pleasure and festive mood. Your talents are passed on to your children, who have prepared gifts for you.

We are ending our holiday

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, better.

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

Bloom every year.

We want for no reason

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.

Target: contribute to the formation of child-parent relationships, the awakening of a sense of respect and love for the mother, the creation of family traditions.

Tasks: give an idea of ​​the holiday. To cultivate respect for a woman as a person who gives life, the keeper of the hearth. Maintain friendly communication in games, dances, productive joint activities. Teach children to expressively sing songs, poems.
Materials and equipment: phonogram of the song "Mom" by O. Yudina,
Preliminary work: organization of the photo exhibition “Ah, we are not too lazy to work, we are at work all day long” (joint work of mothers and children). Reading fiction about mom. Learning poems and ditties with children. Registration of the reception with proverbs about the mother of different countries of the world. Making a gift for mom "Topiary" with children.

Mothers sit on chairs in a semicircle, children opposite on chairs.
Educator: Now it's November. The days got shorter and colder. But it is in November that there is a holiday that makes us be better, improves our mood and brings kindness and warmth. It's mother's day. And on this wonderful evening, we congratulate you on the holiday, and we want to give you our smiles and good mood. Happy Mother's Day!

Educator: On the fragile shoulders of the mother lies a lot of different things. Mothers wake up early in the morning, because they need to gather everyone and not be late for work, cook your favorite dishes, play with you and at the same time always remain beautiful. And who helps them in all this?

The teacher makes riddles for mothers and children, commenting on the riddles with humor.
. It buzzes, but does not fly, it saves the house from dust (vacuum cleaner).
. He will stitch like a machine gun, he will sew a new dress (sewing machine).
. In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box, and now the frost is gray with us in summer and winter, it saves food: meat, fish, fruits (refrigerator).
. This automatic laundress washes everything for us (washing machine).
. Not an alarm clock, but ringing, not a receiver - it says. Guess who is he? Well, of course, (phone).
. Let's point the glass eye, click once and remember you (camera).
. He floats on the sheet, like a boat on a wave. He is a good electric friend to the housewives ... (iron).
. Every day at seven in the morning he shouts: "It's time to get up!" (alarm)
.The wind-dry wind dries my mommy's curls (hairdryer)
.In jars, poured into tubes,
How creamy he looks.
All moms love it.
This is fragrant ... (cream)
. Rings shine in the ears,
They have pebbles-hearts,
and strong clasps
On gold ... (earrings)
. To be a beautiful mother
I need to take mascara and blush,
And make up your lips
Mother-of-pearl ... (lipstick).

caregiver : And now we will find out which helpers are growing in our group, the guys will tell us about it in a poem.
1st child:
I love my mommy
I'll help mommy.
To the shop for bread
I will run today.
Wash the dishes quickly
I will set the table for the guests,
Wipe the dust everywhere with a rag
Let the holiday come to us!

2nd child:
I'll put flowers in a vase
And I'll write a postcard
And about pranks all at once
I'll tell mommy.
I kiss my mother
I'll hug my mom
Such a good mother
I won't give it to anyone!

Game "Guess your mom's hand"

Educator: Our mothers have the kindest, gentlest and most skillful hands. But do the children know the hands of their mothers, we will now check. The essence of the game is for the child to guess his mother by the hand. To do this, the child is blindfolded, and several mothers sit on chairs and stretch out their arms. The child touches each hand and determines where his mother is.

Educator: Dear guests, prick up your ears, we will sing ditties for you.Execution of ditties by children about mother.

Chastushki (the one who sings takes a step forward).

Our dear mothers, we will sing ditties to you.

We congratulate you heartily and hello to the huge helmet.(Children play on spoons to lose.)

We are funny guys and dance and sing.

And now we will tell you how we live happily.

Who said that I bawl?

Who said that I'm screaming?

This is me leaving my sweet mother for my group.

Dasha cleaned the sooty pot with sand.

For two hours in the shower, Dasha was washed by her grandmother afterwards.

Liza washed the floors, Dasha helped.

It’s just a pity, my mother washed everything again.

We put on high heels.

We hobble along the path - ski poles in our hands.(Boy.)

We walk, and below us the street sways.

How does mom walk straight and not stumble? (Boy.)

Let songs about our beloved mothers ring everywhere.

We are for everything, for everything, relatives, we say thank you!

All: We sang to you as best we could, we are only children.

We know for sure that our mothers are the best in the world!(They sit down.)

1st contest "Guess by touch" mothers play. The plates contain: flour, sugar, salt, rice, buckwheat - blindfolded mothers determine what is in the plates.
Educator: Your mothers are the best, the most beautiful and we will prove it now!

Leading : Who came to me in the morning? (All children in chorus): Mommy!
Host: Who said "it's time to get up? (All children in unison): Mommy!
Leading : Who managed to cook porridge? (All children in chorus): Mommy!
Leading: Shall I pour tea into a glass? (All children in chorus): Mommy!
Leading: Who picked flowers in the garden? (All in unison): Mommy!
Leading: Who kissed me? (All in unison): Mommy!
Leading : Who childish loves laughter? (All in unison): Mommy!
Leading: Who is the best in the world? (All in unison): Mommy

2nd competition "Venikobol" (for moms)Mothers line up. It is proposed to roll a balloon with a broom to the rack and back. Whoever does the job the fastest wins.

3rd competition "Get Over the Obstacle" We put various objects (toys) on the floor that the children will go around. Children are given toy steering wheels. Children go around obstacles and drive. Then mothers play. But only adults are blindfolded so that they cannot see anything. Give them the rudders in their hands, and ... we remove all obstacles! Moms start to steer, going around obstacles.

Dramatization "Seeds (poems told by mothers)
1. What is happiness?
Such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.
And in fact, happiness is simple!
2. It starts with half a meter of growth.
These are undershirts. Booties and bib
A brand new described mother's sarafan.
Torn tights ... Knocked down knees,
3. These are the walls painted in the corridor ...
Happiness is soft warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa ...
It's a whole bunch of broken toys
4. That constant rattle of rattles...
Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor ...
Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections ...
Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on forehead...
5. This constant “What” and “Why?” ...
Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...
A small candle on a huge cake...
This endless "Read me a story"
6. These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka ...
This is a warm nose from under the blanket ...
Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas ...
Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...
Puppet theater, matinee in the garden…
What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;
Everyone has it: who has children!

4th competition. Game "Cook borscht and compote with your eyes closed."

Presenter: Our mothers bake cheesecakes and gingerbread
And buns with poppy seeds and buns with this!
And they cook dumplings, soups and borscht,
Yes, so that it is tastier, go and look!
And what to put in borscht or compote

Our mothers, of course, know!
Show me, moms, how you know how to cook? Come out!(moms come out to play)
Presenter:You need to cook everything very quickly while the music is playing, and most importantly - you need to choose all the products blindfolded!.
Presenter:Ah, what a dinner they cooked! The aroma is wonderful!
Well, what did they put in? Very interesting!
And so our moms share recipes!
Get out of the pots and call us out loud!

Children read poetry.
1. Mom dear, I love you!
All the flowers I have, I give you.
The sun smiles from above.
How wonderful it is - I have you!
2. Happy Mother's Day, we congratulate you!
We wish you all happiness, laughter, joy, health!
May all your dreams come true today.
How wonderful it is - we are in the world!

3. We are ending the holiday.
We wish mothers:
To laugh and joke!
And you were healthy.
4. We want our mothers!
They became even more beautiful.
To make everyone happy
All children in unison: Our mothers are dear.
The song "Mama" is performed (audio recording)

Entertainment script for Mother's Day in the middle group.

Target: Formation in children of middle preschool age of a respectful attitude towards their mother, the ability to express their love to her in words and actions.

Tasks: 1. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mother, a desire to please her.2. Continue to develop and maintain children's interest in theatrical activities.

3. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional impressions of children and parents from the joint celebration of the Mother's Day event.

Preliminary work: 1. Conversations about mother, making up stories from personal experience.2. Memorizing poems and songs for entertainment.3. Rehearsal of the scene "How the animals gathered mushrooms."

Equipment: Hats of a mouse, a frog, a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear, a squirrel, a hedgehog.Models of mushrooms.2 wicker baskets.Models of vegetables and fruits.

Tape recorder, flash drive; contest attributes.

Music material:

"Dance of the Doll" D. Shostakovich

Music from the film "Courier"

"Song-hugging" words and musicA Chugaikina

"My dear mother, my mother..."Words: A. Aflyatunova Music: V. Kanishchev

"Mom for a mammoth"Lyrics: Dina Nepomniachtaya
Music: Vladimir Shainsky

Music from the Polish film "Cinderella"

Entertainment progress:

Children enter the group to the musicPolish movie "Cinderella"with balloons (a photograph of a mother and a child is attached to the balloons on a string) and stand in pairs in a checkerboard pattern, the parents - the audience sit on chairs. Between them, in the middle of the group, all the action unfolds.


Who warms with love
Everything in the world succeeds
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?


My mother is dear!


Mom ... What a native and close word!

Educator. Our dear mothers! Today we are gathered here on a very important occasion - the celebration of Mother's Day. This holiday appeared recently, but has already firmly entered our lives because mother is the most necessary and beloved person in our life, and we always want to please her.


From the heart,

In simple words,

Come on friends

Let's talk about mom.

1 pair

Today is our merry holiday,

We congratulate our mothers.

Health, happiness and good luck

We sincerely wish you.

2 pair

The holiday is wonderful

Happy, big.

Our mother's holiday

Dear, dear.

3 pair

I smile like a mother

Just as I frown stubbornly,

I have the same nose

And the same hair color!

4 pair

The word mom is precious

Mom is to be cherished.

With her kindness and care

It's easier for us to live in the world.

5 pair

Mom is the best

Most dear!

We congratulate our mothers

And we wish you good health.

6 pair

We decided to invite you to the holiday,More often, of course.We wish you not to get sick, not to be sad,And we love you endlessly!Educator. Our beloved mothers!Today your children have prepared for you holiday program. It will begin, of course, with a song about mother.

(“Mom dear, my mother ..” flash drive) children release balloons up.

7 pair. My mother brings me toys and sweets.But that's not why I love my mom.She sings merry songsWe are never bored together!

8pair. I love my mom, I'll tell you straight.Well, just because she is my mother!Mommy has two magical dimples on her cheeks.And when she laughs - such a magical laugh flows.

9para. My sister and I will clean the whole apartment together.We will bake a ruddy pie, we will wait for the arrival of mom.Only mom is on the threshold - and we have a pie ready!

10pair . Mom is my sun, I am her sunflowers.It's good to be happy, love your mom.You live in the world, mother, for many, many years.There is no one like you in the whole world.

11 pair . There is nothing sweeter than a mother's smile -As if the sun will flash light, the darkness will dispel the unsteady.Like a golden fish with a tail,Mom's smile will immediately bring joy!

Educator: Whoever, no matter how caressed by mom, will understand if something does not work out.Come on, guys, sing a song to moms.

The song "Mom for a mammoth".


Mom is always the best in everything. And today we offer mothers in our concert program to participate in competitions with their children. Our firstcompetition , very simple, is called:« We know each other".

Mothers have to close their eyes to find their child(we blindfold our mother and put 5-6 children in front of her, and she, blindfolded, should “feel” her child. Under the backing track “Mom’s first word ...”)

Our secondcompetition : "Now, mothers, we will check how carefully you read fairy tales to children."


1. She is the most important of all in a riddle,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.

2. Waiting for mom with milk,
They let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Small children?
(seven kids)

3. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
(Emelya from the fairy tale "By the command of the pike")

4. This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone to satiety,
That by itself she
Full of delicious food.
(tablecloth - self-assembly)

5. Sweet apple flavor
Lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And light around, as in the daytime.

6. The duck knows, the bird knows,
Where Koshcheya's death lurks.
What is this subject?
Give me an answer, friend.

7. Like Baba has Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful

8. Run away from being dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way.

9. And the hare and the wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

10. I went to visit my grandmother,
She brought the pies.
The Gray Wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed.
(Red Riding Hood)

11. Cinderella has a leg
Fell off by accident.
She was not simple
And crystal.

Caretaker Guys, what do you think, do your mothers like to play, have fun, indulge? Now we'll see!

Our 3contest: Balloon game:

Game "The most fun family"

(or the Smiling Smiley game)

From pieces of sticky tape balloon eyes, eyelashes, a smile appear.

4 competition

Game "Guess by touch"

caregiver .Moms love to cook something delicious for their children. And even with their eyes closed, they can distinguish products: buckwheat, beans, peas, rice, flour, starch.

4 competition

Game "Guess by touch"


And now dolls will dance for our mothers.

"Dance of the doll" D. Shostakovich girls dance, music from the film "Courier" boys dance.

Educator. These are your wonderful children - real artists. And now our artiststhey will show mothers a scene “How animals gathered mushrooms” Mother's Day is celebrated in autumn. I know one interesting story that happened just at this time of the year. Let's take a look together.

Educator. Mushrooms grew in a small forest.A mouse ran past and saw mushrooms.

Mouse. These are beautiful mushroomsI'll take them to my daughter!

Educator. What are you, mouse, what are you, mouse!You ask the kids.All the guys say:

Children. Mice don't eat mushrooms!

Educator. The fox ran pastAnd I saw mushrooms.

Fox. That's how many mushrooms are here!I'll take them to my daughters!

Educator. Oh, fox, don't!Do not feed, fox, foxes.All the guys say:

Children. Fox cubs don't eat mushrooms!

Educator. The bear passed byAlmost crushed the mushrooms.

Bear. Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here!Eat them, let them warm the blood!

Educator. You are funny, lazy Bear!You ask the kids.All the guys say:

Children. Bears don't eat mushrooms!

Educator. A hedgehog with a squirrel ran through and saw mushrooms.We ask our guys: do hedgehogs eat mushrooms? (Yes!)Do squirrels eat mushrooms? (Yes!)

Squirrel. Dry my mushroomsI'm on a sharp bitch.

Hedgehog. I'll take my mushroomsStraight to the hedgehogs in the bushes.

Educator. One, two, three, four, five,It's time to dance!

(The heroes of the scene dance to the music, the rest applaud)

Educator. And now, guys, it's your moms turn to show you their surprise. Now you look how artistic and cheerful your mothers are, and mothers will remember their carefree childhood.

(Parents show surprise) Did you guys like the story? Let's thank our mothers for such a wonderful gift."Hugging Song"


We want you to be happy

Give today

FROM good mood

More fun to live.

Child 7

We sang and danced

How could you be entertained.

Goodbye one more time

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

Child 8

Let smiles bloom

Mom all over the planet.

wish you today

Happiness your children.

Child 9

We did not buy a gift for mom

Prepared by ourselves, with our own hands.

You can draw a house, a blue river,

But we made a Craft like this !!!

(Children run to their mothers and give crafts!)


On this official part Our holiday has come to an end. We invite everyone to tea!


Mammoth song about mother.

Over the blue sea, towards the green landI am sailing on my white ship.On your white shipOn your white ship.

Neither the waves nor the wind frighten me,I'm floatingI swim through the waves and the windTo the only mother in the world.I swim through the waves and the windTo the only mother in the world.

I want to get to the ground as soon as possible"I'm here, I've arrived!" - I will shout to her.I will scream to my motherI'll scream to my mom...

Let mom hearLet mom comeMay my mother find me!After all, it does not happen in the world,For children to be lost.After all, it does not happen in the world,For children to be lost.

"Hugging Song"

Words and music by A. Chugainov

    We are not afraid of winter

Blizzards with cold

We will sing today

Song about mother.

Chorus: We'll sing for mommy

The song is a hug.

beautiful song,

I call, happy!

    At least go around the world,

We know in advance

You won't find warmer hands

And kinder than mothers.

We can start.

But first we must together

We are "hello! " to tell.

(Everyone says hello).

November walks through the yards

In the rays of coolness, light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers,

And we enjoy it

How many stars in a clear sky!

How many spikelets in the fields!

How many songs does a bird have!

How many leaves on the branches!

There is only one sun in the world!

And now we will see how our children will put things in order in the room.

The game "Mom's helpers"


Take care of your children

Don't scold them for being stupid.

The evil of your bad days

Never rip on them.

Don't be really angry with them.

Even if they are guilty

Nothing is more precious than tears

That from the cilia of relatives rolled down.

If fatigue falls from the legs

There is no urine to cope with her,

Well, your son will come to you

Or the daughter will stretch out her hands.

Hug them tight

Treasure children's affection

This happiness is a short moment

Hurry up to be happy.

After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

These golden days will fly by

And leave the hearth of the native

Your grown up children.

Host: And now, dear mothers, I propose to remember how your children were small and you had to feed them. Only now the children will feed you.

Competition "Feed Mom"

Mothers with their hands tied sit on chairs, and children stand and feed their mothers with fruit salad.

There is nothing more delicious in the world

Grandma's pies and buns,

There are no socks and mittens warmer,

That will warm the body and soul.

Moms and dads - in business,

Where to find time for children?

To and from work

Hurry up to the store.

Who will walk with us

Will you sing a lullaby?

Our grandmother is dear

Protects our childhood.

Who scolds us the least?

Who bakes pies for us?

Who accompanies us to the kindergarten

And leads back home?

Well, of course, this is the most

Dear our man!

Let the gray head -

You, grandma, are the best.

Dance "One hand, two hands"

We are ending our holiday

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, better.

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

And scold us less.

May adversity and sorrow

Will bypass you

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

We want for no reason

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.

Dear mothers! Happy holiday to you! Let the children make you happy! May there be more moments when you will feel their attention and love! Happy holiday! Happy Mother's Day!

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