Mother's Day celebration. Scenario for mother's day at school. competition: "Draw a portrait of a child with eyes closed"

  • 13.11.2019

Presenter 1

Let me congratulate you

Leave joy in your soul,

Give a smile, wish you happiness,

Away with adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

On this festive day!

Lead 2

Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered today for a celebration dedicated to the mother woman. Family holiday! autumn holiday! From the bottom of our hearts we give poems and songs to you!

Presenter 1

When I say: "Mom" -

smile on the lips

And upturned nose stubbornly,

And happiness is in the eyes!

When I say "Mom"

My soul sings

And a heart diagram

Call me to call!

I call my mom

And I'm looking forward to

When will she answer

And I'll say: "I love you!"

(song "My mom is the best in the world")

Lead 2

Mother. With this word, children are born into the world and through the years they carry in their hearts the love that was born in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for a mother accompanies a person, nourishes him and gives new hopes and strength for new achievements! We all love our mothers and on this wonderful holiday we have gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers!

Presenter 1

And what is a mother in the minds of their own children? Let's find out soon! We invite our guys to the center of the hall!

(Children recite previously learned poems)

Child 1

What is mom?

it bright light,

That's a lot of knowledge

Dinner and lunch!

Child 2

What is mom?

Fun, joy, laughter!

Mom is like a heart

After all, everyone has a heart!

child 3

What is mom?

It's like a wall

Protects from drama

Dad and me!

Child 4

What is mom?

This is what it is!

Child 5

What is mom?

It's all in the world!

We congratulate mom

With love, your children!

(Song: "My Mom")

Lead 2

MOTHER! - There is light in this word!

MOTHER! There is no better word!

MOTHER! Who is dearer than her?

MOTHER! She has spring in her eyes!

MOTHER! The best on earth!

MAMA gives fairy tales, a smile and laughter!


Dear friends, let's listen to a parable with you.

Lead 2

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

“I don’t know why I’m coming into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

“I will give you an angel who will be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand it? I don't know his language, do I?

- The angel will teach you his language and protect you from all troubles.

What is my angel's name?

- No matter. What is his name, he will have many names. But you will call him MOM.

(Dance performed by mothers and daughters to the song "Mom is the first word")

Three girls come out

1 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Just get greener!

2 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Revealed among the fields!

3 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Sparkling in the darkness of the night!

(Grigore Vieru)


If drama happens

Who will help? - (ALL) It's MOM!!!

(Dance to the song "Mammoth" with balls)

Presenter 1

Now let's see if our mothers know their immediate duties so well.

You will not find trash at home,

Cleaned everything up mom!

And the frame shines in the window,

Mom washed it all!

Even the soup is delicious

Mom made it for us!

The younger brother ate recently,

His mom swaddles!

At school they gave us a scale,

My mom will help her!

If you are not shame and disgrace,

Here are some tasks for moms!

1. Competition: "A book in the family"

Presenter 1

Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.


I went to visit my grandmother
Brought pies to her
Grey Wolf was following her
Deceived and swallowed.
(Red Riding Hood)

Run away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way.

And the hare and the wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

Like Baba's Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Which? (Mortar)

The duck knows, the bird knows
Where Koshcheya's death lurks.
What is this subject?

Lead 2

Well done guys, you did it!
Now hurry up guys
Guess the riddle!
Near the forest, on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
Grew colorful,
all in peas

Presenter 1

(referring to mothers)

Are you tired?
How long have you been dancing?
Well, get out soon!
Stretch your legs!

I invite everyone to dance together, because not only work, mothers need to rest.

We all dance together. ("Lavata")

After the dance, the mothers sit down.

2. Contest "Think"

Interesting questions:

1) Whether he is small or big, he must be kept (secret)
2) In which cage can not be kept a bird (in the chest)
3) Liquid, not water, white, not snow (milk)
4) The softest fish (herring)
5) The shortest month (May)
6) What question does no one answer “yes” to? (Are you sleeping now)
7) What stands in the middle of the Volga (letter L)
8) Favorite melody of the schoolboy (call)
9) Why do people walk barefoot (on the ground)
10) In what month do people talk the least (in February)
11) Why do ducks swim? (from shore)
12) What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
13) What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)
14) What note is not suitable for compote? (salt)
15) There is a table with 4 corners. One corner was cut off. How many corners are left? (5)
16) Why do we eat? (at the table)
17) Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep (on the floor)
18) A grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? (none, all crashed)

Competition 3: "Recognize your child by voice"

4 competition: "Draw a portrait of a child with closed eyes."

Lead 2

What is happiness?

Such a simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.

In fact, happiness is simple.

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts, booties and a bib,

A brand new described mother's sarafan.

Torn tights, knocked knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor.

Happiness is soft warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole bunch of broken toys

It's a constant rattle of rattles.

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

It's constant: What? But why?

Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.

A small candle on a huge cake.

This endless "Read me a fairy tale"

These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.

This is a warm nose from under the blanket,

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.

What is happiness? There is simply no answer.

Everyone has it - These are our children.

Mother and child scene:

Son: Three years have passed ... I have already grown up.

Naturally, this begs the question:

Everyone knows that little guys

Why are they sent to Kindergarten.

And there are problems ... Where there are none!

And how do you find answers to questions?

Mom: Well, tell me what you did in the garden?

I know everything: I'll go there!

What does “I didn’t want to eat porridge” mean?

Why did you put it on your head?

Oh, not yourself? Why Seryozha?

Is he a sneak? What are you? Oh my God!

Come on, in the corner! March and don't cry!

Your father will talk to you!

Son: But kindergarten - flowers and no more,

And the berries are waiting for us at school ...

Mom: What did the student bring today?

Tell me, show me your diary!

So… What is this? Where is the two from?

Ah, Zoya cheated on you again?!

Well, answer me, why are you quiet?

Ah, a deuce with Zoya for two ?!

Well done! And what's that? Again?

Broke the window? Did you get pushed again?

Have you forgotten what word you gave me?

Presenter 1

Mothers are our pride

This is our glory, strength!

This is our spirit of firmness,

This is help for impotence!

We bow our heads to mother

And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

So that you, mothers, know for sure

What is the best only you for us!

(Song and dance “Mom, Mommy-Dear Beloved” by Taisiya Pavaliy.)

Lead 2

Well, now, dear mothers, we have one more gift for you as parting! Take a look at the screen again. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. And then we invite you to take a look at our little art gallery, appreciate the work and love of your children. (The soundtrack of the song “Mom is the first word” sounds. Personal photos from the pupils’ family albums are projected onto the screen. After viewing the slides and children’s drawings, parents are invited to the group for a festive tea party).

Bobrova Oksana Vladimirovna,
music director MBDOUDSOV №5,
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia.

MKOU Mezhevskaya secondary school

Scenario extracurricular activities Mother's Day

for 3rd grade students

for all!"

Maslova Larisa Andreevna

year 2012

    to cultivate respect and respect for the mother; develop a sense of duty and responsibility for their actions; contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere; encourage student creativity.
Presenter 1. I believe that a woman - Miracle of the earth What on the Milky Way Don't find And if a woman holy word, That is thrice sacred -"Woman-Mother". Presenter 2. Good afternoon, dear friends!Presenter 1. Hello!Presenter 2. On the last Sunday of autumn, we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day.Presenter 1. On this day, we are talking about the closest people - our mothers and grandmothers, thanks to whom we have comfort and warmth.
Presenter 2. There are a lot of kind words in the world, But one thing is kinder and more important than all: From two syllables, a simple word "mother" And there are no words more precious than it.
Concert number: song "Hello, mothers"
Presenter 1 The words mother, mother are one of the most ancient on Earth, they sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples of the world. How much warmth is concealed by the word that we call the closest, dearest and only person!Presenter 2 Who came to me in the morning?All: Mommy! Presenter 1 Who said "It's time to get up!"All: Mommy! Presenter 2 Who managed to cook the porridge?All: Mommy! Presenter 1 Pour tea into my glass?All: Mommy! Presenter 2 Who narwhaled flowers in the garden?All: Mommy! Presenter 1 Who kissed me?All: Mommy! Presenter 2Who childish loves laughter?All: Mommy! Presenter 1 Who is the best in the world?All: Mommy!
Presenter 2. Every second, three people are born in the world, and they, too, will soon be able to pronounce the words "mother." From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, as the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.
Concert number: song "Mom" (first word) Presenter 1. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands in the world.Scene "Conversation" Boy:Our call is terribly sonorous,
I fly out into the corridor ...
and we started a Corridor conversation here.
Girl:And we had an intern! This time!
We wrote a dictation! It's two!
Thirdly, we read a book,
It's about one boy.
He invented the helicopter
Flying backwards! And you?
Boy:And we have Natasha - a crybaby,
She has a blot in her notebook.
Natka will not erase the blot,
Because of the blot, the day roars! And you?
Girl:And we have flowers on the wall,
And on the wall - a plan ...
He also doesn't like foam.
There is one kid in milk ... And you?
Boy:And we have Vasiliev Petya.
He is the strongest in the world -
Broke two boys' noses!
Dad came to school...
Girl:Andryusha loves sweets,
He's always chewing on something...
He ate one and a half cake -
My stomach hurt for ten days! Here!
Boy:And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium
He throws weights from above -
Will be the strongest in the world!
Girl:Though men are strong
Can't bake pancakes...
You men are stupid
To educate you, teach you:
And parsley from dill
You can't tell!
By the way, who does the washing at home?
God didn't give you a talent...
TV consuming,
You lay down on the sofa!
Boy:Is the man useless?
Is this talent not given to us?
Who nailed a shelf for books?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?
Girl:You don't feel like cooking borscht,
Do not fry cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there is no more sense!
Boy:You, prickly splinter,
You don't know men well
Every now and then you shed tears
And also for no reason...
You speak prickly words, shy ...
Dad's HEAD in the house!
Girl:And mom in the house - NECK!Boy:I waved my hand to Light.
Eh! I missed the buffet!
It's always these girls
Get away from important things!
Leading:Not! It is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is more tender than everyone!
Presenter 2. Mom is a huge window to the world. It helps the kid to understand the beauty of the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... Mom's lessons are for life.Concert number song Presenter 1. The life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care. Guys, what do you think, is it easy to be a mother?Scene "Three mothers" Leading:Often, children, you are stubborn, everyone knows this,
Your mothers tell you, but you don't hear your mothers.
Katya came from a walk in the evening and asked the doll:

KatiaHow are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These girls are in trouble!
Come to dinner, pinwheel, today for dinner, cheesecake!
Leading:Katya's mother came home from work and asked Katya...Mother:How is your daughter doing?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
“Dine,” Grandma shouted more than once,
- and you answered "now" yes "now"!
It's just trouble with these daughters,
soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Leading:Then my grandmother - my mother's mother came and asked my mother ...Grandmother:How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
again there was not a minute for food,
And in the evening she put a dry sandwich in her mouth?
You can't sit all day without eating!
She's already become a doctor, but still a fidget!
It's just trouble with these daughters,
soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!
Leading:Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
Chorus: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Video "Mom" and each child reads a poem
*** Mother's Day is celebrated today And I would give it the whole year I can't fit gratitude into today For a whole heap of mother's worries. For my mother's tired smile, For the beauty of all our mothers, Not enough words, flowers and congratulations, Centuries, years, and, of course, days. But now let special joy Burning in your most beautiful eyes Accept a gift from us on Mother's Day, Take a breath, and, laughing, shout: "Ah!"*** From the heart, In simple words Come on friends Let's talk about mom. We love her Like a good friend For what we have All together with her For what, when We're having a hard time We can cry At the native shoulder. We love her for What sometimes Are getting stricter In the wrinkles of the eyes But it is worth confessing Come head - Wrinkles will disappear The storm will pass. For what is always Without concealment and directly We can trust She has her heart. And just for That she is our mother We are strong and gentle We love her *** Mom - in the whole world there are not enough words, To thank you for everything. For sleepless moments by the bed And for tears of bitter resentment. For your support and care upbringing first steps, And for every hard Saturday, That you dedicated to us alone. For a smile that warms the heart For the hugs of beloved hands, Mom - you are the best in the world! Heroine, Woman and Friend.
*** My dear mother, I love you beyond measure! And I wish you happiness And health by all means! And I also wish you Many good warm days To keep you as long as possible Made us children happy.*** Only mothers love us not for something, but simply, Just because we are, we live, We only go to mothers on important issues, We only bring our troubles and problems to them. We dedicate successes, victories to mothers, And on Mother's Day, on the holiday of filial love, We wish them to pass all troubles, So that their children only bring them happiness. *** Mommy, dear mother, Happy Mother's Day to you I congratulate you today Sincerely, dearly loving. Clearly you are the best My dear man! May it be long and joyful Mom's and grandmother's age! *** For your good heart Such warm attention For your subtle flair, And for simple understanding For maternal love All the tenderness of the world and care I thank you again and again Succumbing to feelings whirlpool.
*** "To do good? Oh, it will be in time! I'll wait for an opportunity..." Our mothers always hope That we will be the best.
That we will become the smartest Heart pure, brave, glorious; Only at breaks noisy And with Einstein equal talents ...
We spent them warmly without measure, Like, what they give is not returned - So let this Mother's Day All the hopes of mothers will come true!
*** Dear Mommy, Mommy, It's good that there is a mother's holiday. I love you, my dear All your virtues are uncountable. In life you are protection and support, You protect me from bad weather, You love without looking back and reproach And your whole family is warmed. I want to wish you health So that no one gives alarm. You are the only one in the whole wide world My beloved mother! *** Beloved mother, I congratulate you, On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health. You are in my heart, even if apart, I always remember your tender hands. May your every day be filled with light Be warmed by the love of your relatives, like the sun. I'm sorry, sometimes I upset you Believe that involuntarily ... I reproach myself.
*** Multicolored hearth I decided to give a gift to my mother. I tried, I drew with four pencils. But first I'm on red Pushed too hard And then, behind to the red ones Purple broke And then the blue broke And about the orange broke ... All the same, the portrait is beautiful, Then y what is it - mom!
*** How many stars are in the sky!Do not count everyone. I will give these stars to my mother again. And one morning, Looking at me, Mom will smile: "My little star!"
*** I love my mom Mom brings metoys, candy, But I love my mom Not for that at all. Happy songs she sings We are bored togetherNever happens.
I open it All your secrets. But I love my mom Not only for this. I love my mom I'll tell you straight Well, just for That she is my mother!*** Mom means tendernessThis is kindness, kindness,Mom is serenityThis is joy, beauty!Mom is a bedtime storyIt's morning dawnMom - a hint in difficult times,This is wisdom and advice!Mom is the green of summerIt's snow, autumn leaf,Mom is a ray of lightMom means LIFE!

After these words, the children give their mothers

LEGAL LETTERS with words

For giving life How patient and kind! What for attention and care You are amazingly generous!
For the fact that with your sensitive heart You warm every moment! For what you give selflessly Souls of his holy spring!
For sharing the joy of a joke, What do you appreciate help and success! May God send you health More happiness, long years!

Scene: "What kind of children are these days, right?"
Boy - I'm thinking, I'm guessing Why are children born? So, do you guys mind? Let's weigh the pros and cons!
Girl - Why do you need all this?
Boy - For a specific answer! Getting ready for adulthood...
Girl - You came up with it cleverly! Boy - Yes, I feel sorry for my mother, From the problems of life is not visible.
Girl - Yes ... we have a lot of problems ... Not an easy position - mom. How would it be easier for her Without children like us,
- Ugh! What nonsense! She'll be bored then! Yes, and in old age compote Who will bring in a glass? Imagine now Mom without kids!
Boy - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!
Girl - And emptiness! The house is cozy but empty! Without children, he is not alive!
Boy - But on the other hand, I’ll say frankly, my mother is having a nice rest. She will not have to check all the lessons again, Solve problems for children, write an essay, For various tricks, then scold, then punish, Kitchen, dinner, laundry, collecting toys again. Not sparing nerve cells, to drive children into bed!
Girl - And hear, falling asleep, .. You are so beautiful I honestly say Mom, I love you so much!...
Boy - Yeah... hmmm... sounds nice... What about such a prospect? Just raised kids... Got married soon... Do you want to rest now? Here are your grandchildren! Get it!
Girl - So what? Play again. Respond to grandma Sit down, get up, run Collected the toys again stove workout, Carriage of household vanity.
Boy - Why do they need such a life? Girl - Aerobics solid! Hurry up to get it all done. No time to even get old.
Boy - Not! I, nevertheless, doubt, so many nerves and worries! I am more and more convinced: Children are troublesome people. It is necessary to raise them for a long time, and educate, teach, Do not sleep at night, worry day and night, Sick to treat, guilty - to beat, And in the study to help, and feed and dress up ...
Girl - What's the problem? I do not understand! I dress up dolls!
Boy - Well, compared! In - gives!
Girl - Children are troublesome people! But for mom All the more important, I'll tell you straight. To mothers - in children continuation. And honor and respect! And great love
Boy - And care again and again ...
Girl - So, my friend, calm down! Caring is fun! As long as you raise children, you will not get bored for a moment.
Boy - Yes - ah - ah, I got the answer - the meaning of life can be seen in this.
Girl - The meaning of life is seen in the fact that the kids have a full house!Every mother has a child!
All - Well, it's better to have two at once! Girl - So that mommy doesn’t have a headache from boredom!
Leading:Mothers love us for who we are, but mother's most cherished desire is to see us healthy, kind, smart. And we want to see them always young, cheerful and cheerful. Once again, Happy Holidays, our dear mothers and grandmothers!Student: Both children and adults know: From mother's affectionate hands It's warmer at home and in space And as if it's brighter around! We say: "Thank you!" we, relatives, to you After all, the earth is beautiful with the kindness of mothers.Concert number song

Valentina Nasonova
Scenario of a Mother's Day event at a special school

Event, mother's day at a special school.

Target Events:

Cultivate respect for mothers, desire to help, deliver

Create a warm emotional climate between mothers and children;

- speech correction, imagination through participation in competitions

1. Introduction: Musical presentation about mom on screen

Presenter What kind of holiday is being prepared here?

Maybe guests of honor will come?

Maybe the generals will come?

Children: Not!

Leading: Maybe the admirals will come?

Children: Not!


Quit guessing in vain.

Today our mothers are guests!

Honorary, most important!

Our mothers are wonderful!

Leading: There is a wonderful day on the calendar - Day mothers. Day of the keeper of the hearth. It is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November.

2. Presentation about mom

3. Lead Words "Mother", "Mother"- one of the most ancient on earth. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.

Autumn leaves, rustling leaves,

In winter, breathing is more audible in the morning.

But on this day of all our mothers, our souls

Love fills up faster.

A quiet holiday of our lovely mothers.

Unfortunately, he does not collect parades.

He opens the door to my mother's house for us,

It brings us back to our childhood.

4. Children read poetry:

Today is a special day

How many smiles in it,

Gifts and bouquets

And affectionate "Thanks".

Whose day is this, tell me?

Well, did you guess?

Autumn day on the calendar. Whose is he? Of course, mother.

Leading. What does the word mean "mother"?

Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is a blessing!

Better mom no.

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is a joke!

Mom is a treat!

Moms love everyone.

5. The host conducts the game Children's look at mom. (Children list the qualities inherent in their mother).

Mom will smile

Mom will be sad.

Mom will scold.

Mom will forgive.

Mom is kindness

Mom will always help.

Leading. For every person, big or small, young or old, mother is the dearest person in the world. All the best in each of us comes from mothers who gave us the most priceless life. Maksim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love for others there is no happiness, without no mother no poet, no hero.

Busy with good deeds at home

Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.

Good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour.

Good evening, good night.

It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,

Is there so much kindness in the house?

What of this kindness

Flowers take root

Fish, hedgehogs, chicks.

I will answer you directly:

It's mom, mom, mom!

6. Lead Game Feed the baby. (to the music).

Leading. A woman is not only a good housewife. A woman is also a caring mother. Let's see if our girls can handle maternal responsibilities.

Two girls and two boys are invited to participate in the competition. We blindfold the girls, give each a napkin, a piece of banana. Dear girls, you must feed your child breakfast.

It's been four days now

I have a fever and cough.

Mom is so tired of me

She stopped smiling.

I don't feel sorry for myself now

Even though I'm on fire again.

"I'm sorry I'm sick",-

I speak quietly to my mother.

Mom was very angry

She went to the cinema without me.

I'm sorry that this happened

But I don't cry anyway.

I'm punished for pranks.

Fair enough, maybe.

Only I'm sorry right away

I didn't dare to ask.

And now I would tell my mother:

"Well, sorry for the last time!"

I do not cry ... Tears themselves,

They roll out of their eyes.

Leading. respect for mothers people passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation through proverbs and sayings. (We connect parts of sayings).

Lights are lit outside the window.

You weren't with me the whole evening.

You've got things to do, yes things to do.

You do not stand over the soul,

I walk and keep silent, like a big one.

Sit with me, talk before bed

Let's look at the lights outside the window.

I'm like, mama don't like

In a house of chaos.

The duvet is laid flat and smooth.

For down pillows

I'll put on a muslin.

Admire - ka, toys,

To work, to mine.

Leading. The game "Good deeds at home". To music 2, we pass the basket in a circle. With the end of the music (stop, the one with the basket in his hands tells how he helps his mother at home.

The most important thing in the life of every person is his family, which gives him support for life. And the main thing in the family, of course, is my mother, and also my grandmother. Let's say kind words to our caring, beloved grandmothers. After all, they are also mothers - mothers of our mothers and fathers.

There are many friends around

But I think

That my best friend

My grandmother.

I am with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She is in everything

Along with me.

I do not know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandmother's hands

I love everything the most.

7. Competition "Say a word"

Leading. The word is hidden somewhere

The word is hidden and waiting.

Let the guys find me.

Come on, who will find me?

Mom, dad, brother and me -

That's all mine. (a family)

Our hands were covered in soap.

We washed the dishes ourselves.

We washed the dishes ourselves -

Helped ours. (mother)

We plant flowers in the garden

We water them from a watering can.

Asters, lilies, tulips

Let them grow for ours. (moms)

These balls on a thread

Don't you want to try on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box... (beads)

In my mother's ears sparkle,

The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

Silver drops crumbs

Decorations…. (earrings)

8. Presentation about mom

LEADING. Noise and rush off any trouble,

Like springtime rumbling thunder,

If she is with you, if she is always near

Maybe she's thirty-three, or seventy-three

No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it.

In anxiety, in business from dawn to dusk

The person who holds the house.

Very rare, but still sick,

And then everything around somersaults, upside down,

Because she, because she

The person who holds the house.

We are somewhere carried away by the rapid age.

In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that

That she is not a foundation, she is a person.

The person who holds the house.

So that it is light in the heart and in the house,

Repay her kindness with kindness.

May you always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house.

I think everyone will agree with me: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it will not remain indifferent to anything.

And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. And the more your love for mothers the happier and brighter life.

Mommy, dear mother,

Happy Mother's Day to you

I congratulate today

Sincerely, dearly loving.

Clearly you are the best

My dear man!

May it be long and joyful

Mother's and grandmother's age.

Play a song about mom.

Related publications:

"My dear mother, I congratulate you." Mother's Day Matinee Scenario Matinee script dedicated to Mother's Day "My dear mother, I congratulate you!" preparatory group Prepared by: teacher Maltseva.

Purpose: patriotic education of children preschool age. Tasks: to involve children in the celebrations of the national scale; bring up.

"Echoes of Memory". Scenario of the event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Arctic from the fascist invaders Purpose of the lesson: To form in children an idea of ​​the Great Patriotic war through integration various kinds activities. Abstract.

Teacher primary school Larionova L.V.

MOU secondary school No. 21, Ramenskoye 2013


Show the significant role of the mother in the family and society, develop feelings of respect and love for the closest person - mother.

- promotecohesionchildrenandparents, formationpositiveemotions.

Tasks holiday :

- be able toexpressmylovetomothersthroughart, word, music;

- createenvironmentcomfortforfreecommunicationandrecreation;

- showcreativecapabilitiesstudentsclass.

Preparatory work:

1. Prepare an exhibition of drawings "My dear mother"

2. Conduct an interview with students "Why is your mother the best?"

3. Make a “magic” chamomile: on the back of the petals are written the words “the most charming”, “the most affectionate”, “the kindest”, “the most charming smile”, “the most beautiful eyes”, “the cutest”, etc.

4. Prepare Balloons with wishes for a gift to mothers.

5. Invite parents to the party.

The course of the holiday.

Teacher: Close your eyes, listen. You will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar and dear. You can't confuse him. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands. You didn’t know how to speak yet, but your mother understood you without words. She knew what you wanted. Mom taught you to walk, talk, mom read you the very first book. Mom was always there. Everything that you saw, everything that surrounded you, began with your mother ....

Clip on the screen "Conversation with God" (Appendix No. 1).

Leading. Good afternoon!

Leading . Hello our dear mothers!

Leading. And also the mothers of our mothers and fathers - beloved grandmothers!

Leading . We welcome our second mothers, our teachers.

presenter . By tradition, at the end of November, our country celebrates the Day of Mothers of Russia.

Leading. Mom is the only one whose life from beginning to end is dedicated to us children.

Leading. And it doesn't matter how old we are - mothers are interested in our every step, every deed is important.

Leading. Only the mother's heart experiences our successes and mistakes as if it were its own.

presenter . As long as we love and protect our mothers, everything will be fine both at home and in the country.

Leading . Our concert program we called

"Mom" - sounds like a poem, like a song!

Leading. We dedicate it to you!

Together . Happy holiday, dear ones!

The leaders leave. The song is about mother.

1. There are a lot of good words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
From two syllables, a simple word "mother"
And there are no words more precious than it.

2. This word is our happiness
Our life and beauty.
Mother, dear mother -
This is what is sacred forever.

3. How we want to say a lot of words
To all the women of our beloved land
Wish them health and happiness
Hope, patience, joy, good luck.

4. We live in the world for a few years
And many more, friends, we do not know.
But I believe in victory and success,
When your mom is next to you!

all Our friendly class is happy to congratulate
To all mothers on the whole planet
thank you mom say
Both adults and children!

1 . November walks through the yards

In the rays of coolness, light.

Today is our mothers day

And we enjoy it.

2.Today we have gathered to say to our mothers: thank you very much!

3. Thank you for your hard work!

4. For sleepless nights at our cribs!

1. For patience during our training!

2. On behalf of all children, we say:

All - Low bow to you, our dear mothers!

3. Happy holiday!

4. Happy holiday!

1. Happy holiday,

2. wonderful, wonderful!

3. Happy holiday of affection, love

and attention!

4. Happy Women's Charm!

( dance) 2b class, 3b class

Sounds music at the exit of the 1st class.

    Go around the world around

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's.

    You will not find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mother to each of us

All people are more precious.

    One hundred ways, roads around

Go around the world:

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mom!

    What is the very first word?

What is the most important word?

What is the brightest word?


    And I want again, and I want again

Say it softly, say it loud

Most important word child.


    If I read alphabetically,

I say the first word again.

There are very few letters in it:

Two short syllables:


    Come on, M

Give a hand

Come on, MA

Give your hand to MA.

MA and MA, and together - MAMA!

I am writing this myself.

Need to know,

How to write

The letter "M" and the letter "A".

I will write the whole notebook:

M and A, MA and MA.


Quietly I creak with a feather.

Take a look, mom

That's how much I love you!

It was morning in a quiet house
I wrote on the palm
Mother's name.
Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,
Not on a stone wall
I wrote on my hand
Mother's name.
It was quiet in the house in the morning,
It got noisy during the day
What are you hiding in your palm? -
They started asking me.
I opened my hand:
I kept happiness.(A. Barto "Mom")


For your patience and care, kindness and affection, accept funny ditties from your children.

    Here comes the holiday
    We are glad to the ears.
    Let's sing to our mothers
    We are our ditties.

2. Dear Nani Moms

Weditties we will sing to you.

Congratulations on the holiday

And a big hello to you!

3. Alla went for mushrooms,
I chose a beautiful mushroom.
Collected, as a selection,
Whatever the mushroom, the fly agaric!
Oh business, oh business
Got fly agarics! (2 times)

4. Mother instructed Misha
Remove pits from cherries.
Misha managed to do everything
He took out the bones - he ate cherries.
Oh business, oh business
Cherry let Misha down!

5. Larisa assured us:
These are narcissus bulbs,
And in our flowerbed suddenly
Green onions began to grow.
Oh business, oh business
Larisa let us down!

6. Whether in the garden, in the garden
Volodya helped to weed.
After his help
Nothing grows there.
Oh, deeds, oh, deeds
Nettles have bloomed!

7. Narwhal flowers Marina
And gave a calf.
He did not understand beauty
Took and ate her flowers.
Oh, deeds, oh, deeds
It's a pity I didn't get enough!

8. To get mom to work

The evil alarm clock did not wake up

I am for him tonight

Unscrewed three pieces.

9. Mom's anger, like the first snow,

Melting quickly,

Us for she pranks

Forgiving a hundred times a day!

10. I walk with my mother by the hand,

I hold my mother tightly

So that mom is not afraid

Not to lose one.

11. So I decided that I was on holiday

I will do it for my dear mother -

I will become very obedient

For a whole week!

12. I love my mother very much!

I state it directly.

There's a new star in the sky

I'll call you "mom"!

13. I am very proud of the heroic

Your sweet mother!

Because our mother

Being everything is the hardest thing!

14. I train with a barbell,

I started to pump muscles,

But here's mommy's bag

I can't lift it!

15. We finish singing ditties

And we give this advice:

"Help more mothers -

They will live 100 years!

(poem about mom winner: 1st grade, 3rd grade)

Student : Listen! Listen! Listen!

Today we sing for you!

All the best, the best

Warmed by the warmth of your eyes.

We say "Thank you!"

We, relatives, to you.

Cause the earth is beautiful

Kindness moms!


1 student: Mom is the most precious thing.

2 student: mother gives us life.

3 student: With her help, we take the first steps ....

4 student: And the first word we pronounce is also “mom”.

Who warms with love
Everything in the world succeeds
Even play a bit?
Who will always comfort you
And wash and comb,
Kiss on the cheek - smack?
This is how she always is
My mother is dear!

Who do we meet first?

Coming to the white world, -

So this is our mother

She is not cuter.

All life revolves around her

Our whole world is warmed by it,

All the century she tries

Save us from trouble.

She is the backbone of the house

Busy every hour.

And there's no one but

Who would love us so much.

So she has more happiness

And life is longer,

And joy is in her lot,

And less sad things!

You know, mom, an ordinary day

We can't live without you!

The word mom is so familiar

From the first days we speak!

It's worth it just to look

The whole world is warm around

The warmth of a mother's heart

Gentle, kind hands...

Our troubles and tribulations

Retreat before you

Everything is clearer to us every year,

How are you fighting for us!

Mom, there is no friend more expensive

Do you believe in our every takeoff!

Who else can help like you?

Who else understands like you?

Dance 2 in class

4a class

Presenter 1 There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother. Her love for children is boundless, selfless, full of selflessness. And motherhood in Russia has always been synonymous with holiness.


Yuri Schmidt
Named Mother
The rain beats on the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman, named MOTHER.

The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that is with us, sometimes, did not sleep at night.
Warm hands pressed to her chest.
And she prayed for us to all the Holy Images.

The one who asked God for happiness,
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step we took was like a holiday for her.
And she was sicker from the pain of children.

We fly from our native nest like birds:
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground.
Our Russian woman, named MOTHER.

Lead 2 What could be more sacred in the world than the name "Mother" for any of us, a child, a teenager, a young man or a gray-haired adult, a mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world, who gave the most valuable thing - life.

Presenter 1 Mom, mommy ... How much warmth this magic word conceals, which is called the closest, dearest, only one.

memories will always bring us back to the bright world of childhood, to the image of the mother who taught us to speak.

Lead 2 In torment, in suffering, a person whispers “mother”, and in this word everything is concentrated for him, it becomes equivalent to the word “life”. A man calls his mother and believes that, wherever she is, she hears him, sympathizes, hurries to help.


Who opened this world to me

Not sparing your strength?

And always protected?

The best MOM in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world

And warm with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOM.

Reading books in the evening

And always understands everything

Even if I'm stubborn

I know my mom loves me.

Never get discouraged

He knows exactly what I need.

If, suddenly, a drama happens,

Who will support? My mom.

I walk the path

But my legs are tired.

jump over the hole

Who will help? I know - MOM.

Presenter 1 No matter how mature, strong, smart, beautiful we become,

no matter how far life takes us from parental shelter, mother always remains mother for us, and we are her children

Take care of your mothers!

We are glad to congratulate now
Women of all who are with us!
But congratulations
Our grandmothers and mothers!
And with love we dedicate our concert today to you.

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.

If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mom will come to the rescue
Will always help out.

Moms have a lot of health forces
Give to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

We live easy and simple
Because with its warmth
Our grandmothers, our mothers
Warm up our sweet home.

The world is ready to protect us
Any mother with a good heart.
We will give you the floor for this.
That's the same in life to become.

You can travel all over Russia
Spend many days on the road
You won't meet anyone prettier
You won't meet anyone.
Performance of the song.


Oh, how beautiful is this word - mother!

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She us. Disobedient and stubborn

She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.

Yes, the word "mother" has long been among the people

Rise above the brightest stars.

Dear mother, dear nanny,

We bring you flowers on holidays.

Both in the city and in a small village

You are dearest to us, only you.

Your sweet image, unforgettable,

He is before me everywhere, always,

unattainable, immutable,

Like a star in the sky at night. (F. Tyutchev)

Teacher: For each of us, mother is the best. But all mothers are different. Remember the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov "What do you have?":

    We need different mothers
    Mothers are important.
    It was in the evening

    I'll tell you about my mother.
    And who is she? - Find out.
    Well, so be it, I'll give you a hint:
    She is a housewife.

    Do you think just to be
    She is the most important in the house?
    After all, you need to wash, cook -
    The to-do list here is huge.

    She is both a cook and a tailor,
    And a doctor, too.
    The secret of any profession
    She needs to know well.

    Lessons if checked
    She sits with me
    You don't have to call the teacher
    Review all notebooks.

    And even a bedtime story
    So read in the faces -
    Any actor, having learned about
    Now admire.

    Do not go to the service of mother -
    Her work is at home.
    Can't find the same anywhere
    Professions are weighty!

Presentation about mothers (slide --------------------)

Good evening, dear friends!

On the last day of Russian autumn - November 30, we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day.

On this day, we talk about the closest people - our mothers and grandmothers, thanks to whom they give us comfort and warmth.

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. It is the first word a person utters. In all languages ​​of the world, it sounds equally gentle.

Today we have gathered to say to our mothers: thank you very much! Thanks for your hard work! For sleepless nights at our cribs! For patience during our training!

On behalf of all children we say: Low bow to you, our dear mothers!

Student : This word is spoken first by the baby. In the one to whom it is addressed, the whole world lies for him. She feeds him and bathes him, sings him a lullaby and rides him in a stroller, she jumps up at night when he screams and does not leave the bed when he starts to have a fever. There is no need to call her, because she is already there, exhausted and tireless. But the baby, like a spell, repeats this one single word, unconsciously believing that mother can do everything and knows everything, that nothing is scary with her, that she is the only one who will help and save ...

And she saves, averting misfortune with the violent power of motherly love.


Student : I love you, mom, why I don’t know

Probably because I live and dream

And I rejoice in the sun, and a bright day.

Why do I love you, dear?

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you mom you are the best my friend.

Student : Not knowing fatigue,

No rest every hour

Day and night native mother

Everyone is worried about us.

She cradled us, fed us.

She sang to us by the bed.

She taught us first

Kind, happy words.


Student : Praise mother, praise mothers mothers praise!

Her beautiful eyes are pure, May gentle words always live in the heart,

Worthy of great beauty.

Leading : Each of you has his own manifestation of love, but we put the same feelings in this little word. And mother always answers us with love, understanding. And now I want to read your children's answers to the question: "Why do I love my mother?"

Now you will listen to short essays about yourself, dear mothers and grandmothers! If you recognize yourself, stand up please!

Reading essays.
The scene plays out: "What kind of kids are these days, right?"


- I'm thinking, I'm guessing
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

Girl - Why do you need all this?


For a concrete answer!
Getting ready for adulthood...

Girl - You thought of it cleverly!


Yes, I feel sorry for my mother,
From the problems of life is not visible.

Girl -

Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Not an easy position - mom.
How would it be easier for her
Without children like us,


- Ugh! What nonsense!
She'll be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom without kids!

Boy - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!


- And emptiness! The house is cozy but empty!
Without children, he is not alive!


- But on the other hand, I’ll say frankly, my mother is having a nice rest.
She will not have to check all the lessons again,
Solve problems for children, write an essay.
For various tricks, then scold, then punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry, collecting toys again.
Not sparing nerve cells, to drive children into bed!


- And hear, falling asleep ...
You are so beautiful
I honestly say
Mom, I love you so much!


- Yeah... it sounds nice...
And what is the prospect?
Just raised kids...
Got married soon...
Do you want to rest now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!


- So what? Play again.
Respond to grandma
Sit down, get up, run
Collected the toys again
stove workout,
Carriage of household vanity.

Boy Why do they need such a life?


- Aerobics solid!
Hurry up to get it all done.
No time to even get old.


- Not! I, nevertheless, doubt, so many nerves and worries!
I am more and more convinced: Children are troublesome people.
It is necessary to raise them for a long time, and educate, teach,
Do not sleep at night, worry day and night,
Sick to treat, guilty - to beat,
And in the study to help, and feed and dress up ...

Girl - What is the difficulty? I do not understand! I dress up dolls!

Boy - Well, compared! In - gives!


- Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
most important, I'll tell you straight.
To mothers - in children continuation.
And honor and respect!
And great love

Boy - And care again and again ...


- So, my friend, calm down! Caring is fun!
As long as you raise children, you will not get bored for a moment.

Boy - Yes - ah - ah, I got the answer - the meaning of life can be seen in this.

Girl - The meaning of life is seen in the fact that the kids have a full house!

Every mother has a child!

All - Well, it's better to have two!

Girl - So that mommy does not have a headache from boredom!

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.

We are for you, for everyone, relatives,

We say: "Thank you

We end the concert

We wish our mothers

To always be healthy

To laugh and joke!

So that our mothers

Became more beautiful!

To make everyone happy

Our mothers are dear! (together)

Vedas. : Dear mothers! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. Let your children be obedient and your husbands attentive. Let your home be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love.

We are wonderful gifts
We give mom for the holiday
Bouquets of flowers are bright,
Airy red balloon.
We also give a song
She calls and pours,
Let mom have fun
Let mom smile

Event progress.

I sing of what is eternally new,

And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,

But in the soul the word born

Gets his own music...

The word is a call and a spell.

In this word, the living soul.

This is the spark of the first consciousness, the frisky smile of the baby.

This word will never deceive,

In it is hidden the essence of life, In it is the source of everything, There is no end to it.

Get up!

I pronounce it:


(Gazmanov's song "Mom")

Dear colleagues!

November 30 will be Mother's Day.

Preparation for the holiday:

-Competition of readers "Poems about mother". 20 November

- "Mother's portrait" 1-2 classes on November 16

- Proverbs about mom (on the emblem) Grade 2 November 16

-Newspaper "Different mothers are needed, different mothers are important.” (about mother’s profession)

-Composition "My Mom". (obligatory photo with mom) Grade 4

    Favourite hobby.

    Favourite song.

    Favorite movie.

    Favorite time of the year.

    Favorite food.

    Favorite holiday.

    Favorite flowers.

Oleg Gazmanov



In the midnight silence you sang songs to me
And I smiled at you in a dream
Night clouds rocked on the hands
And the river carried us into the distance

Mom go and meet trains
Mom how sad I am
without your warm hands

In the shade of big birches of naive children's tears
When scolded jokingly and seriously
I got up and left without asking for forgiveness
It's a pity that I used to be like this

Mom I always miss you
Mom go and meet trains
Mom how sad I am
without your warm hands

Sometimes I'm afraid that there is sadness in my heart
Settled and I keep coming back
In those childhood years, I know I'll give everything
To be with you forever and ever

Mom I always miss you
Mom go and meet trains
Mom how sad I am
without your warm hands

Mom I always miss you
Mom go and meet trains
Mom how sad I am
without your warm hands