Writing lesson in the preparatory group. Work in a preparatory school group to prepare preschoolers for learning to write. Theme: "Funny competitions"

  • 20.05.2020

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution kindergarten 11 "Story" urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Prepared by the teacher of the 1st category Khabirova Ilmira Raisovna

Program content: To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about their hometown. Exercise in the ability to depict straight and inclined lines, circles, ovals, rectangles, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Develop finger motor skills, graphic skills, the ability to start and end a letter together. To cultivate accuracy, the ability to achieve results, to adequately evaluate it.

Equipment: containers with semolina and millet, sujok for massaging fingers, a sheet of paper in a cage, a simple pencil for each child.

Activation techniques: conversation, self-massage of fingers, drawing on semolina and millet, finger play, reading a poem.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment: The one who calls affectionately will sit down: house, city, yard, bridge, garden, square, arch, theater, factory, forest, traffic light, person.

Teacher: Listen to the poem:

Our small town
Spread between the mountains.
It is surrounded by forest
Great is its space.

I love Kumertau
Here is my homeland.
May you be forever young
He is just like me!

Our city is really small, cozy, surrounded by forest. Imagine a winter forest. What is in the winter forest?

Children's answers

Educator: And let's depict a winter forest on a piece of paper in a box. I will show the elements on the board, name the place where you need to depict these elements, and you need to complete the task correctly. Let's warm up our fingers first. Take the rings and let's play a finger game "A family" .

finger game "A family" (self-massage with sujok ring)

Educator: You have containers with semolina and millet on your tables. Let's try to depict the elements that we will need for our picture.

Children draw with their index finger on semolina and millet straight lines, oblique lines, an oval, a circle, a rectangle

Educator: And now take a sheet of paper, put it correctly, take a simple pencil and we will draw a picture. Ready?

Children: Ready!

The teacher names the element, shows it on the board, names the place on the sheet of paper where you want to depict, the children perform

Teacher: Did you get a picture? Now think about what to call it.

Children's answers

Educator: Let's call our picture like that - "Forest walk" . I suggest taking a break and playing with your fingers.

finger game "Brothers"

Brother, bring firewood! - Headache!

Medium, will you chop wood? - I'm not well today!

Well, will you fire up the stove? - Oh, my heart hurts!

You little one, cook dinner! - I have no strength!

Well, I'll do everything myself, but I won't give you dinner!

Ready to starve? We are already healthy!

Educator: picture "Forest walk" we drew. Look carefully and tell me if everything worked out for you?

Galina Schipunova

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson (mathematics, literacy) In the preparatory group "Letter from Pinocchio"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge of the days of the week, exercise in solving problems

Continue to exercise children to do sound-letter analysis of words, drawing up word schemes

Achieve a complete solution of the intended word

Learn to differentiate words that respond to different questions(which, which, which, who, what, etc.)

Exercise in the selection of the right word to the semantic series (according to the supporting features, adding the right word)

Develop mindfulness, memory and interest in the lesson. Generate a desire to help a friend.

Lesson progress:

Guys, very soon you will go to school, And in order to study well at school, you need to know a lot, be able to. So today we will show our guests what we have learned in the kindergarten in the classroom.

Attention, what a miracle!

Someone in the corridor there is making a lot of noise,

Someone knocks loudly at the door to us ... (the postman Pechkin enters)

Hello guys! You recognized me?

I am a happy postman!

I've known the kids for a long time!

Lots of letters and newspapers

Carries my bike!

colorful envelopes,

And postcards and packages

And parcels are very happy

Deliver me to kindergarten!

Here is a package for you ... or maybe not for you ...

Reads: “Kindergarten “Scarlet Sails” (reads to himself)

And what is your d/s called? , And the group? Everything is accurate, everything matches ... sign and pick up your parcel ...

Postman Pechkin, since you have come to our d / garden, sit and rest. See what our guys can do.

Thank you for the invitation

But I won't stay, sorry

Not a few letters here

And they are probably waiting too!

Excuse me, I'll go

I need to be in another garden.

I made a promise to the guys

And to you - another time, goodbye! (Pechkin leaves)

Let's open the box guys. Who do you think it could be from (children's answers)

Now we will find out ... oh, but I seem to guess!

Solve the riddle and you'll find out...

What a very strange

The little man is wooden.

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key.

Everywhere the nose sticks its long,

Who is this ... BURATINO!

Well done! (opening the parcel) ... Yes, there is a letter! Gotta read it.

“Hello, dear guys! I am writing to you - Pinocchio! My dear children: girls and boys! Please help me find my friend, the Gnome. He was in a hurry to go to the kindergarten, but ended up in the Kashcheevo kingdom. In order to find and save him, you need to unlock 10 locks. All these castles are MAGIC. But it must be saved on the third day of the week! Do not forget! Good luck. Pinocchio"

…So these are the keys and magic locks…

Guys, do you remember what day of the week we need to save the Gnome? How many days in a week? What day of the week was yesterday? Will be tomorrow? And what is today? So today! Then go! Are you afraid of difficulties? Ahead of us are waiting for different tasks, if we cope with them, we will save the gnome! Haven't changed your mind? OK, OK… which lock are we going to open first? Go, Julia choose!

Task "Make a word"

Wow! Here is the real “Field of Miracles” ... we are looking at a poster with children on which magic flowers are given a code for decoding (it is indicated which number which letter corresponds to) Children need to solve the problem that is written on the flower, write out all the answers in one line, then each replace the number with the appropriate letter, and specified code read the word: 1-Ch, 3-E, 8-B, 6-U, 2-P 4-A, 5-Sh, 7-K, 9-A)

1. How many suns are in the sky? (one)

2. The hedgehog walked through the forest, found mushrooms for lunch

Two under a birch, one under an aspen

How many will be in a wicker basket? (3)

3 10 birds are sitting on a tree: two sparrows, the rest are crows

How many crows are in the tree? (eight)

4 Andryushka placed toys on the shelf:

Next to the monkey is a teddy bear.

Together with the fox, the bunny is oblique,

Following them is a hedgehog and a frog ...

How many toys did Andryushka arrange? (6)

5 How many tails do two donkeys have? (2)

6 May beetles lived under the bushes by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother,

7 Six funny bear cubs rush to the forest for raspberries

But one kid was tired, lagged behind his comrades,

Now find the answer - how many bears are ahead? (5)

8 Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats

The fisherman Roots caught three perches,

Rybak Yevsey - four crucians.

How many fish did the fishermen catch from the river? (7)

9 How many heads do nine cows have? (9)


We substitute the received letters, the word turned out: CHEBURASHKA

Well done! The next task...

To study well, you must be very attentive

Task Game table "What is missing?"

(unfinished letters are drawn on the table, children need to find a part and “fill in”)

Let's take a closer look at the table with you, Here, probably, Dunno wrote letters ...

Children write and correct mistakes

Here are some good fellows, they did it again!

Task "Be Careful"

(to the sounds "zh", "sh")

I will call you the words, if you hear the sound “g” in the word, you will “wag” your wings together, and if you hear the sound “w” in the word, show the snake, like this ...

Task Game table "Guess whose rug"

(Multi-colored rugs are drawn, on which squares are placed indicating the number of syllables, and various animals are attached at the bottom of the table (cat, lion, bear, dog, giraffe, etc.)

(by the number of syllables in a word, children need to determine where whose rug is)

Clever, quickly found.

Task game "Ball"

(children come up with words that answer this question)

Catch the ball, do not yawn, answer questions ...

Who is it? (cat, mother, Roma, Vika)

What's this? (book, apple, typewriter)

What is he doing? (draws, sleeps, washes)

Which? (green, big, snowy)

Which? (juicy, red, tasty)

Task "Tell me differently"

Guys, I'll throw the ball to you, and you quickly answer ...

A house for a starling is ... a birdhouse,

Brick house…

Log house-…

Walk in the evening…

Chocolate Candy-…etc.

Quest "Magic Word"

(children consider the pictures attached to the board: HAT, KEY, CLOUD, WATERING POOL, WATERMELON,

It is necessary to form a new word by the first letters of these words)

What happened? SCHOOL

You and I have got a very necessary word. We need to map this word. Who wants guys? Go, Zhenya (the child is at the blackboard, and all the children in the field make diagrams, then we check)

Task "Telegram"

Guys, we got a telegram.

This is not a simple telegram, who can read it? (children read)


How many words are in a telegram?

What is the first word in this telegram?

What is the fourth? 2nd, 3rd?

Knock on the door...

Who could it be? Guys, look, Gnome! (the gnome thanks the guys, is interested in the tasks that the children had to overcome)

For the sake of our friendship, let's dance with the Dwarf!

Dance "Stomp, leg, mine"

The gnome distributes his "Photos" to the children as a keepsake.

Pedagogical project

"On the path to school" (preparing the hand for writing)

MKDOU "Kireevsky d / s Romashka" "

Romanenko E.G.,

Project participants: pupils of the preparatory group for school, parents of children.

Children's age: 6 – 7 years

problem question : Preparing hands for writing children of the preparatory group.

Relevance of the problem:

The main task of preschool education is to teach children

Learn to develop their mental faculties without striving

and an abundance of knowledge.

V.F. Odoevsky.

The issues of preparing kindergarten students for school are becoming increasingly important. They are especially relevant now, when the content has changed. primary education. The school is interested in ensuring that children entering the first grade are well prepared for learning. Unfortunately, the level of their preparedness does not always meet these requirements.

Preschool age is the time of intensive development in children of the orienting basis of their actions. Full education should be based on the sensory experience of the child, on his direct observations of the surrounding reality. Therefore, one of the principles of teaching preschoolers is the principle of visibility. Famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky believed that learning should go ahead of development and lead it along, relying on the “zone of proximal development”. This statement is closely related to theoretical concept the fact that the child has a special sensitivity to certain kinds of external influences. In other words, training should begin during the formation of the mental functions of a preschooler. Late in learning, teachers lose the opportunity to direct child development along the right path, to regulate this process. The most effective use of the rich possibilities of the child is real only when the period of special sensitivity to the assimilation of this or that material in his development has not yet passed.

At the first stage of learning, children most often experience difficulties with writing: the hand gets tired quickly, the working line is lost, the correct spelling of letters is not obtained, mirror writing is often found, the child does not distinguish between the concept of "left", "right", "sheet", "line" , "page", does not fit into the overall pace of work.

These difficulties are due to the weakness of fine motor skills of the fingers and the insufficient formation of the skills of visual-motor coordination, voluntary attention, analytical perception, and auditory attention.

All this negatively affects the assimilation of the first grade program by children and necessitates the organization of special classes in the kindergarten, the purpose of which is to prepare the child's hand for writing. Such classes combining the training of fine motor skills of the fingers with the solution of problems of mental development can be organized through circle classes under the program "Preparing the Hand for Writing".

Objective of the project:Formation of components of intellectual and sensory readiness for school through:

The development of fine motor skills of the child's hand.

The development of auditory attention.

Development of graphic reproduction.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks:

Educational: Development of finely coordinated hand movements. Development of auditory attention and graphic reproduction.

Developing: Development of graphic movements, visual perception, hand-eye coordination.

Educational: Education of diligence, accuracy, independence and confidence in one's skills.

The project is designed for 9 months (preparatory group). The class is held once a week. 4 times a month. 36 lessons per year. It is organized during the free activities of children, after lunchtime sleep.

Estimated result of the project:

· By the end of the year, children should know and be able to:

· Know the hygiene rules of writing

· Maintain proper posture and hand position while writing.

· Know the correct position of the notebook and pen when writing.

· be able to hold a pen and pencil correctly.

· Know the rules of hatching.

· Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper in a box, in a notebook.

· Know the rules for working with a notebook.

· Be able to perform hatching, following the rules.

· Know the rules for working with scissors.

· Be able to independently draw simple elements, shapes.

· Be able to navigate in a notebook, on a line, on a page.

· Know how to properly hold scissors and work with them.

· Drawing by cells according to auditory perception.

Project stages.

Project implementation stage




Expected Result

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Condition Analysis


To study and analyze psychological, pedagogical and special literature, pedagogical experience, legislative documents on preparing hands for writing preschoolers.


Contributes to a better understanding of certain aspects of theoretical and practical issues on the chosen topic

Explore parents' opinion on this issue through their questioning;

Promotes a better understanding of the problem and choiceways to solve them.

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment to prepare the hand for writing

Pick up, make visual, didactic, handouts for preparing the hand for writing, games, stationery, diagrams.

All period

The subject-spatial, developing environment on this problem will be enriched.

System improvement methodical work

Summarize your experience in preparing the hands of preschoolers for writing;

Make an analysis andadjustment of forms of organization;

To determine the model, system, content, forms of work, the structure of classes for preparing a hand for writing in kindergarten;

Study and select diagnostic material;

Select and purchase methodological literature on teaching preschoolers to read and write;

· draw up a perspective-thematic plan for preparing a hand for writing, taking into account age;

· Develop a series of thematic lessons to prepare the hand for writing preschoolers;

· Make presentations for classes, interactive games for the studied material for children on this issue;

All period

Created a system of methodological work on teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age and on preparing their hands for writing, planning work has been improved;

used interactive forms of work in the classroom with children in teaching literacy;

A selection of diagnostic material was made to determine the level of development in children in this area;

The subject-developing environment of the kindergarten for teaching preschoolers to read and write and prepare their hands for writing has been enriched;

Stage 2. Practical.

To intensify close cooperation with the parents of pupils in teaching literacy and preparing the hand for writing


Parent survey

"Teaching literacy to preschool children";


"Preparing a hand for writing";

Arranging folders:

1. "Getting ready for school. Games that develop the child's speech";

2. "Funny tracks or I can write beautifully" (Exercises to prepare the hand for writing).

October - April

Cooperation with the parents of pupils has been activated;

parents are involved in the preparation of their hand for writing; developed a plan of cooperation with parents in this area.

Increasing the level of readiness of the hand for writing in preparatory group.

Organize work with children to prepare their hands for writing (according to complex thematic planning) in the immediate educational activities, during regime moments and independent children's activities;

Organize work on the development of fine motor skills in knowledge centers, role-playing and didactic game fine arts, design, music, modeling;

October - April

Children master the basics of spelling, a hand is prepared for writing.

Children show an active interest in learning activities.

Stage 3. Final, summarizing.

Approbation and verification of the final product

To identify the success of the development of the system for preparing the hand for writing in children of senior preschool age.


The level of success of the system of teaching the basics of literacy and preparing the hand for writing has been revealed.

Prospective lesson plan.

Structural elements of classes

Finger gymnastics, work with counting sticks.

Hatching, graphic exercises.

Cutting out

Repetition of what has been learned, taking into account learning outcomes.

Academic plan

Number of lessons per month - 4

Number of classes per year - 36

Class structure

Part 1 - Exercises for the development of coordination of the fingers:

finger gymnastics, exercises with counting sticks.

Part 2 - Drawing, application, modeling.

Part 3 - Exercises for the development of hand-eye coordination and orientation on the sheet: work in a notebook, graphic dictations.

Part 4 - Summary.

Duration of the lesson: Lessons are held for 25-30 minutes

This work involves a system of techniques and tasks from simple to complex. Given the age characteristics of older preschoolers, the characteristics of auditory and visual perception, classes are held in a notebook in a cage. The cage provides great opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and elementary graphic writing skills, since drawing by cells requires small and precise movements, and also develops the ability to navigate in space.

At the first stage, the child gets acquainted with the notebook in the box, then learns to perform tasks in a limited space-cell, improves the ability to measure with a conditional measure-cell.

Subsequently, the tasks will become more complicated, we gradually move on to complex auditory dictations after the children have already formed sufficiently clear spatial guidelines and they freely perceive auditory tasks. Classes are recommended once a week for 25-30 minutes. Before completing the task, the psychological attitude, and after the completion - exercises for the hands. Tasks can be completed with various materials: a ballpoint pen, a felt-tip pen, simple or colored pencils.

All the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom "On the path to school" children consolidate in free activities. To do this, in the corner of educational games, notebooks and checkered leaves, pens, pencils, samples of various tasks from the books of the publishing house "Karapuz from the series "Preparing the child's hand for writing", "Mathematics in a box" and others are placed.

Children independently redraw the pictures in the cells, come up with their various shapes.

Measures for the implementation of the project.

Preparing the hand for writing.

Working out correct posture, the inclined position of the notebook on the desk and the ability to hold a pencil and pen while writing and drawing. Preparatory exercises for the development of the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers: tracing and hatching contours, connecting lines and shapes, drawing and coloring patterns and borders with a continuous movement of the hand. Line mastery.

Writing elements of letters: a straight oblique short stick, a straight oblique long stick, a stick with a rounded bottom, a long stick with a loop, a stick with a rounded top and bottom, a semi-oval and an oval.

Finger gymnastics.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas is carried out under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands, or rather from the fingers. Need to be stimulated speech development children by training finger movements. Performing various exercises with fingers, the child achieves good development fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively stimulates speech centers), but also prepares the child for drawing and writing. The hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, which will further facilitate the acquisition of writing skills. "Finger games" are very emotional and exciting. They seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the "finger games" children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.

"Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.

These games are very important for the development of children's creativity. If a child has learned any one "finger game", he will definitely try to come up with a new staging. Children over 5 years old can decorate games with a variety of props - houses, cubes, small objects, etc. It is advisable to start each lesson in preparation for writing with "finger games" in order to stretch the fingers, activate the motor skills of the hands for the children to successfully complete a variety of graphic exercises. Time of holding 3 - 7 minutes.

Graphic exercises. Hatching.

Performing graphic exercises and shading help prepare the hand for writing. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the image of the lines, but also by ease and freedom: hand movements should not be constrained, tense. Correctly observing graphic proportions, writing smoothly and symmetrically is important for developing a beautiful and clear handwriting. The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. When drawing straight lines, the clarity of the handwriting and the confidence of the movement of the hand are clearly visible. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important in the formation of handwriting. The ability to write with an inclination from top to bottom and from bottom to top is necessary for the formation of handwriting. Graphic exercises also contribute to the development of accuracy of movements, attention and control over one's own actions.

Hatching is one of the most important exercises. By mastering the mechanism of writing, children develop such confidence in the stroke that when they start writing in notebooks, they will do it like a person who has written a lot.

Hatching rules:

Hatch only in the specified direction.

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

Keep the lines parallel.

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

Performing various exercises in preparation for writing, the child and the teacher must constantly remember and observe the hygienic rules of writing, bringing their implementation to automaticity. Compliance with hygiene rules will help the child to overcome difficulties in the future. technical side letters.

Cutting with scissors.

The teacher pays Special attention mastering the basic techniques of cutting - the skills of cutting in a straight line, the ability to cut various shapes (rectangular, oval, round). The task is to bring children to a generalized understanding of how to cut out any objects. When explaining the task, it is necessary to teach children not only to passively master the process of cutting, but also to encourage them to give a verbal description of the movements of the teacher's hands when showing the methods of cutting. Getting symmetrical shapes when folding paper folded like an accordion, children should learn that they are not cutting out a whole shape, but half of it.

Older preschoolers begin to master the skills of silhouette cutting without preliminary drawing, preparing the contour line. When teaching silhouette cutting, the technique of tracing the contour of an object in the air is successfully used. The development of the ability to "see" an object in the air is facilitated by the systematically conducted games "Guess what I'm drawing?", "Guess, I'll guess" (children or a teacher outline an object in the air, guess). Before you start cutting out the silhouette, you should consider where, from what angle, in which direction of the sheet, to direct the scissors, i.e. learn to plan ahead.

The ability to confidently use scissors plays a special role in the development of manual skill. For preschoolers, this is difficult, it requires coordination of movements. Symmetrical cutting, cutting out various figures from old postcards, magazines - useful and an exciting activity for future first graders.


Ability to accurately perform finger gymnastics

Ability to perform hatching, observing all its rules

Ability to correctly perform graphic dictation

Ability to properly hold a pen

Ability to navigate in space

Compliance with the rules of hygiene requirements for writing

Ways to test knowledge, skills, skills.

3 points - fully meets the criterion (there is significant evidence that PEI activities meets this criteria).

2 points - partially meets the criterion (there is some evidence that the activity of the preschool institution meets this criterion);

1 point - does not meet the criterion (there is practically no evidence that the activity of the preschool institution meets this criterion)

During the primary diagnosis, it was revealed that motor skills are not sufficiently developed in children, which is very clearly manifested in the ability to hold a pen in their hand, in the ability to correctly perform shading, and in other criteria. The development of motor skills of children should be given special attention, this need is experienced not only by first graders, but by all students. primary school. That is why it is necessary to start work on the development of fine motor skills as early as possible - already in preschool age.

Perspective lesson plan "On the path to school"




1. Introductory lesson

To identify the level of formation of graphic skills in children,

The ability to trace the drawing point by point and color it

Identification of the dominant hand in children

Check the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper,

2. Autumn. Hatching. Graphic exercises

Learn to make a base from plasticine, lay out a pattern from beads.

Development of fine motor skills

Get to know the method creative work beading Creating a pattern using different materials.

Work on the development of coordination of movements with speech

Learn to connect the dots without lifting the pencil from the sheet, learn to control the force of pressure on the pencil.

3 Autumn leaf fall (work with beads). Outline

Develop an aesthetic perception of color in nature and landscape art; learn to create a decorative composition, placing images over the entire surface of the sheet.

Develop color perception. Teach children to see the boundaries of the picture.

Mixing paint right on the leaves.

4. Migratory birds(origami). Hatching

Continue learning to follow verbal instructions

Introducing the Art of Origami Origami Bird


1 Fruit (screen printing). Graphic exercises

Practice stencil printing techniques; develop teamwork skills.

Introduce a new method - stencil printing. Develop a sense of rhythm.

Creating a pattern using a stencil

2. House (modular application). Outline

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, exercise in the coordination of speech with movement

Train arm muscles

Learn how to use modular applications.

Learn to cut paper along the contour To form the ability to plan work and technologically implement a creative plan

3 Autumn tree in the rain (drawing). Hatching

Exercise in the ability to build their activities according to verbal instructions.

Learn to draw a tree in windy weather.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercise in the coordination of hand movements.

To consolidate the skills of working with colored pencils (hatching, maintaining vertical lines, curved lines with different pressure, without lifting the pencil from the paper.

4 Berries (screen printing). Outline

The development of imagination of fine motor skills, aesthetic taste.

Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Learn to control the movement of the hand, hand, control the force of pressure.


1. Pets (application). dot tracing

Develop a sense of color and composition. Continue learning to navigate on paper. Learn to perform a plot application consisting of two characters.

2. Fairy tales (origami). Hatching

To create interest in the preparation of mini performances based on the plots of familiar fairy tales.

The development of fine motor skills, continue to learn how to complete the task according to the model. Working with paper, continue to learn how to fold paper according to the model, carefully, calculate the strength of the brush when smoothing the paper.

3. Mother's Day (plasticine-picture). Graphic exercises

Development of imagination of fine motor skills of color sense.

Acquaintance with the type of painting - a portrait Continue to teach children to work with plasticine, learn to proportionally draw parts of the face with a pencil, select a contrasting color for beads.

4. First snow (finger painting) Hatching

The development of the imagination.

Continue to teach orientation on a piece of paper.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands

Introduction to finger painting


1. Winter (drawing with appliqué elements). dot tracing

To arouse interest in the image of a winter landscape. Emotional response to poetic images.

Use a cold range of colors when conveying winter color.

Arm muscle training Learn to use the drawing technique - poke (drawing with a hard semi-dry brush, and spraying

Adding birch (3D application) by gluing.

2. Spruce branch (drawing with cotton swabs). Hatching

Development of visual-spatial perception.

Learn to draw needles at a certain distance from each other Acquaintance with an unconventional drawing technique - cotton swabs.

3. Making a panoramic New Year's card(appliqué with design elements) Outline

The development of visual-motor functions, exercise in orientation on the sheet. Creating a festive mood, a positive emotional response.

Learn how to make greeting cards - homemade with a surprise.

4. We decorate the Christmas tree (application using cotton pads). Graphic exercises.

Learn to perform actions according to the model, learn to use glitter, cotton pads in the application.

The development of fine motor skills, attention, imagination. Learn to work with glue, cotton pads, glitter. Monitor the accuracy of the work.


1. Snowman (wire work). Outline

Learn to work with wire, familiarity with safety precautions

2. Trees in the snow (work on a plasticine basis and with cereals). Graphic exercises

Arouse children's interest in depicting a winter landscape, teach them to reflect the impressions received during observation winter nature. Learn to make a plasticine base 2-3 mm thick. According to a given contour, press the grits one by one, so that you get the silhouette of a tree in the snow.

3. Patterns on glass (magic drawings). Outline

Creating a festive mood, a positive emotional response.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Learn to paint over, evenly placing one tone of paint on the sheet Drawing - a surprise.

4. White birch (drawing with appliqué elements). dot tracing

Learn to create a plot composition, depict a winter (silver) birch based on a poem.

Work on the development of motor skills and visual perception.

Harmoniously combine different visual techniques.


1. Zimushka - winter (drawing). Outline

Learn to reflect the impressions received when observing the winter landscape.

Exercise in orientation on a plane, work on the development of visual-spatial perception

Continue learning to use non-traditional drawing techniques

2. The polar bear admires the northern lights (drawing and application). dot tracing

The development of fine motor skills, imagination.

Improve graphic skills and abilities. Learn to create a plot composition using the collage technique.

3. Clothing (decorative drawing with appliqué elements). Hatching

The development of the imagination.

Hand muscle training, development of visual-spatial perception.

Consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal clothing. Learn to create original images based on the silhouette of your hand

4. Tea set (application.) dotted circle

Development of general and fine motor skills.

The development of aesthetic perception, to learn to apply the same ornament

The development of logical thinking imagination.

Learn to perform the application by cutting off.

Learn to select and distinguish between warm and cold tones for composition


The development of the imagination.

evoke positive emotions.

Development of fine and general motor skills. Learn to control your actions, monitor the accurate performance of work.

2. Kingdom of wild animals (work with threads). Graphic exercises

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, train the muscles of the hands.

Acquaintance of children with the application technique - gluing the silhouette with finely chopped threads to convey the effect of fluffy fur.

Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer.

3. Blooming spring (drawing). Outline

The development of imagination, fine motor skills.

4. Spring flower (origami) dotted circle

Development of motor skills, logical thinking. Learn to perform actions according to the model, learn to fold paper, press, smooth.


1. Aquarium (3D application). Hatching

Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception. Continue to learn how to cut along the contour, teach how to twist the paper.

2. Cosmonautics Day (application made of colored paper, fabric, foil). Outline

Learn to observe color contrast, complement the drawing with compositional lines that create a beautiful rhythm and accent.

The development of imagination, fine motor skills. Continue to learn to cut along the contour, Learn to select and distinguish between warm and cold tones for composition

3. Lilies of the valley (picture - plasticine work with beads). dot tracing

Learn to make a plasticine base 2-3 mm thick. According to the given contour, press the beads one by one

4. The first puddles (drawing on a wet sheet). Hatching

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, train the muscles of the hands.

Development of attention, imagination.

Learn to follow the example


1 Spring rain (drawing spatter technique). Graphic exercises.

Use a range of colors

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, train the muscles of the hands.

Acquaintance and training new technology drawing Learn to create original images based on the silhouette Learn to create a plot composition.

2. In the meadow (work with beads and cereals). Outline

Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception. Hand muscle training, development of visual-spatial perception.

Learn to make a plasticine base 2-3 mm thick. According to a given contour, press the beads and cereals one by one

3. Insects (origami). Hatching

Arouse interest in working with colored paper, origami.

Development of motor skills, logical thinking Learn to perform actions according to the model, learn to fold paper, press, smooth.

4 Insects (volumetric application) circle by dots.

Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception. Learn to control your actions, monitor the accurate performance of work.


In the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex, the projection of the hand is huge in relation to the projection of other parts of the body. In addition, it is extremely close to the speech motor area (Broca's area). Once again, I would like to emphasize that the training of finger movements is a stimulus for the development of the child's speech, and a powerful tonic for the cerebral cortex as a whole. Exercises allow you to develop memory and imagination, increases children's interest in learning activities.

Fine motor skills in life and activity perform many different functions. It activates the necessary and inhibits the unnecessary this moment psychological processes, promotes an organized and purposeful selection of information entering the body in accordance with its actual needs, provides selective and long-term focus on one object or activity.

Work on the development of the hand and the correction of existing deficiencies should be carried out in close contact with parents, preschool educators and primary school teachers. This will ensure continuity of control over the formation of the correct motor skill and help you achieve the desired results faster.

Any exercises will be effective only with regular classes. You need to practice daily!

Writing is a complex coordination skill that requires the coordinated work of the muscles of the hand, the whole arm, and the correct coordination of the movements of the whole body. Mastering the skill of writing is a long and laborious process that is not easy for all children. Preparing for writing is one of the most difficult steps in preparing a child for systematic learning. This is due, according to doctors, physiologists, psychologists, with the psychophysiological characteristics of a 5-7 year old child, on the one hand, and with the writing process itself, on the other hand. Psychologists note that in children 5-6 years old, the ability to assess spatial differences, which determine the completeness and accuracy of perception and reproduction of letter shapes, is not sufficiently formed. In addition, children find it difficult to navigate in such spatial characteristics necessary for writing, such as the right and left sides, top - bottom, closer - further, under - above, near - inside, etc. The accuracy of graphic actions is ensured due to muscle control over fine (fine) motor skills of the hands. This is the dexterity of the fingers and hands, the coordination of their movements.

The development of fine finger movements can be judged by observing how the child draws or paints over the details of the picture. If he constantly turns the sheet, cannot change the direction of the lines with the help of subtle movements of the fingers and hand, then the level of development of fine motor skills is insufficient. Thus, the process of writing requires from the child not only physical, intellectual, but also emotional efforts. All kinds of overloads and the overwork associated with them have the most negative impact on the mastery of graphic skills and, moreover, on the development of the child's body. Therefore, at preschool age, it is the preparation for writing that is important, and not teaching it. It is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills.

We focus on the formation of the correct posture when writing: we teach children to sit correctly, hold a pen, place the necessary items on the desk, work independently and navigate on a sheet of notebook. We also pay attention to exercises, games, various tasks for the development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, we solve two problems at once: firstly, they indirectly affect the overall intellectual development of the child, and secondly, we prepare for mastering the skill of writing, which in the future will help to avoid many problems of schooling. Tasks should bring joy to the child, boredom and overwork should not be allowed.

Your attention is presented to a set of measures that contribute to the development of hands and manual skill. These exercises are useful for both left-handed and right-handed children:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Games with cereals, beads, buttons, small stones, natural material.
  • Practice with plasticine.
  • Laces. Clasps.
  • Work with designers. Tightening nuts, screws.
  • Mosaic games. Puzzles.
  • Cutting with scissors.
  • Drawing various materials- pen, simple pencil, colored pencils, chalk, watercolor, etc.
  • Paper work. Folding (origami). Weaving. Tear-off applications.
  • Coloring pictures in coloring books.

Let's take a closer look at some of the tricks:

Finger gymnastics.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas is carried out under the influence of impulses from the fingers. It is necessary to stimulate the speech development of children by training the movements of the fingers. The hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears. “Finger games” is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.

It is advisable to start each lesson in preparation for writing with "finger games" to stretch your fingers, so that children can successfully complete a variety of graphic exercises.

Games with cereals, beads, buttons, small stones.(Slide 6)

These games have an excellent tonic and healing effect. Children are offered:

- sort,

- guess with eyes closed,

- roll between thumb and forefinger.

You can teach a child to roll two walnuts or pebbles with the fingers of one hand, with the fingers of one hand or a six-sided pencil between two palms.

You can invite children to lay out letters, silhouettes of various objects from seeds, buttons, twigs, etc.

All classes using small objects must be under the strict supervision of adults!

Cutting with scissors.

Provides the skill of cutting in a straight line, the ability to cut various shapes (rectangular, oval, round). It is necessary to encourage children to give a verbal description of the movements of the hands when cutting.

The ability to confidently use scissors plays a special role in the development of manual skill. For preschoolers, this is difficult, it requires coordination of movements. Symmetrical cutting, cutting out various figures from old postcards, magazines is a useful and exciting activity for future first graders.

Drawing, coloring.

It is necessary to teach children to paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of the depicted objects, evenly applying the desired color. Coloring, as one of the easiest activities, is introduced to a large extent for the sake of children learning the hygiene rules necessary for writing.

The child, doing the work of coloring, unlike the work associated with writing letters, does not feel tired, he does it with pleasure, freely, although his hand does the same manipulations as when writing.

Drawing with various materials (pen, pencils, colored pencils, chalk) requires varying degrees of pressure in order to leave a mark on the paper from the writing object.

Paper work. Origami. Weaving.

The development of precise movements and memory is helped by weaving rugs from paper strips, folding boats, figures of animals from paper.

It is necessary to show the techniques of bending and folding paper, to give initial information about the types of paper (writing, drawing, newsprint, wrapping).

Graphic exercises. Hatching.

Done on unlined paper. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the image of the lines, but also by ease and freedom: hand movements should not be constrained, tense.

The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right, with an inclination from top to bottom and from bottom to top, is important in the formation of handwriting.

Hatching is one of the most important exercises.

Hatching rules:

  • Hatch only in the specified direction.
  • Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.
  • Keep the lines parallel.
  • Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

Graphic dictation:

Graphic dictations for preschoolers help parents and teachers systematically prepare the child for school and prevent such typical learning difficulties as underdevelopment of spelling vigilance, restlessness and absent-mindedness. Regular classes with these graphic dictations develop the child's voluntary attention, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements, and perseverance. Drawing by cells is a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a playful way to develop a baby's spatial imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of movements, perseverance. Graphic dictations can be successfully used for children from 5 to 10 years old.

Performing a graphic dictation, the child will broaden his horizons, increase his vocabulary, learn to navigate in a notebook, and get acquainted with different ways of depicting objects.

By the end of the year, children should:

  • know and observe the hygienic rules of writing (this is the landing, the position of the hands when writing, the position of the pen, notebook);
  • navigate in a notebook, on a line, on a page;
  • perform hatching, observing the rules of hatching;
  • confidently use scissors;
  • make simple paper figures by folding.

The above tricks Preschoolers preparing their hands for writing contribute to the development of not only the muscles of the hand, their coordination, but also the eye, as well as the formation of inner speech, figurative and logical thinking.

Nomination: Kindergarten, Summaries of classes, GCD, additional education, Preparatory group
Veligovskaya Alla Anatolievna

Summaries of classes for the preparatory group for preparing a preschooler for writing

Theme: "Fun competition".

Goal: Development of attention, speed, reaction, motor dexterity, preparation of the hand for writing,. Material: handout (for each child): notebooks, a set of simple and colored pencils, chips of different colors, lacing, samples of the graphic exercise "Geometric pattern", "Rectangles", "Superman"; medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Course progress.

Educator.“Children, today we will have fun competitions. For each correctly completed task, the child will receive a chip. At the end of the session, we will count your chips and award the winners for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Remember the main thing is that the task be done correctly and accurately, and not quickly!

- But first, as before real competitions, athletes warm up, and we will do a warm-up.

Dynamic pause

The warm-up begins. We got up, leveled our backs. To the right - to the left we bent over. And we repeated it again. (tilts to the side) We squat on the account One, two, three, four, five. This the right job– Leg muscles to train (squat) And now jerking hands We perform with you (jerking hands in front of chest).

1st task "Geometric pattern" (children are given samples)

Why do you think it's called that? (consists of geometric shapes).

- Be careful each rectangle has its own pattern, you need to repeat it correctly.

For the correct performance of the task, the child is given 1 chip.

- I will dictate half of the drawing, you have to guess what it is and draw the second half.

(chips dealt out)

You need to lace up your own laces, just like

shown in sample (sample show)

- Guys, you have been studying at the Obedient Pencil school all year. I believe that by the end of the year you have become real supermen. And I suggest you draw such a Superman (sample show)

For the correct completion of the task, the child is given 1 chip.

Outcome: Chips are counted, medals are distributed.

Abstract of a lesson on preparing a hand for writing with preschoolers in kindergarten
Theme: "Snowflake".

Target: Development of attention, speed, reaction, motor dexterity, preparation of the hand for writing, development of the accuracy of hand movement.

Material: snowflake illustrations; handouts (for each child): notebooks, a set of simple pencils, prickly balls; pouch.

Course progress.

Educator: Hello guys! Look what I brought for you today (showing a picture with parts from a snowflake). Do you understand what it is? Yes, I also think that this is a snowflake, only unusual. Do you know why she is like this? The evil north wind broke our snowflake. And he said that we can only return it when we complete all of his tasks. Let's help our snowflake become beautiful again and shine for our joy? ( Yes)

Then the 1st task.

In order for the first ray of the snowflake to return to its place, you need to do a winter warm-up: ( Children imitate walking in the snow, shoveling snow, making a snowman and playing snowballs)

Educator: Guys, after completing the task, we will put one ray of snowflake into this magic bag, which will then help us return our snowflake (put the first ray of snowflake in the bag).

2. From sticks


Educator: Well done! Another ray saved from the evil north wind (put in a bag).

Educator: Guys, I propose to draw a kind wizard who will help us pacify the north wind so that it doesn’t break anything else.

Educator: Well done, everyone did a great job! I hope a good wizard can help us. We place one more ray of snowflake in our magic bag.

4th task. "Let's play with the snow" (spiny ball)

We will play with a snowball and warm our hands. (Children roll the ball between their palms in different directions, squeeze the ball in their hands, throw it up and catch it with both hands, then with each hand alternately)

Educator: Well done! 4th ray saved from the evil north wind (put in a bag).

Educator: Well done! 5th ray rescued (put in a bag). The last task remains.

Educator: We have 1 beam left. To disenchant him, you must complete the most difficult task.

(draw with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings - snowflakes).

Educator: Guys, look, while you were drawing snowflakes, our bag returned our snowflake to us. (show). Now she will again delight us with her radiance! Snowflake thanks you for your help!

Nomination: Kindergarten, Class notes, GCD, additional education, Preparatory group, class notes for preparing for school for children 6-7 years old, preparing a hand for letter exercises

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU No. 66
Location: Tomsk