Posture presentation. Presentation - correct posture - the key to health. Manifestations of lateral curvature of the spine

  • 16.11.2019

MOU secondary school No. 2

Yatsishena Yulia Nikolaevna

slide 2

  • Posture
  • Lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis)
  • Loading the spine when lifting weights
  • Positions of the spinal column
  • Prevention measures
  • Posture Correction
  • Outdoor games for the prevention of posture disorders
  • slide 3


    Posture is the habitual position of the body when standing, walking, sitting; is formed in the process of growth, development and education (in the period from 5 to 18 years).

    The posture of ballerinas, as well as athletes involved in sports and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, can serve as a role model.

    Signs of correct posture:

    • the head is raised, the chest is deployed, the shoulders are at the same level;
    • when viewed from behind, the head, neck and spine form a straight vertical line;
    • when viewed from the side, the spine has small indentations in the cervical and lumbar regions (lordosis) and a slight bulge in the thoracic region (kyphosis).
  • slide 4

    Signs of bad posture

    • the head is extended beyond the longitudinal axis of the body (lowered head);
    • shoulders brought forward, raised (or asymmetrical position of the shoulders);
    • round back, sunken chest; the stomach is protruded, the pelvis is set back;
    • excessively increased lumbar curve.
  • slide 5

    Posture. How to find a defect

    To detect defects in posture can be as follows. The child should undress, stand up straight (heels and toes together) and put his hands down. Standing a few steps behind his back, you need to carefully examine the axis of the spine (it must be strictly vertical), compare the levels of the shoulders, shoulder blades, gluteal and knee folds. Asymmetry indicates a violation of posture. With regular examinations, the slightest deviations from the norm can be detected.

    slide 6

    Bad posture

    Incorrect posture causes early onset of osteochondrosis, unfavorable position internal organs(with a decrease in their functions). For example, the habit of slouching creates a posture that compresses the chest, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. This complicates the work of the lungs, does not allow to saturate the body with oxygen in the required volume. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have a weakened musculoskeletal system, inelastic ligaments, reduced depreciation abilities of the lower extremities and, most importantly, the spine. This leads to the fact that children do not tolerate physical activity, get tired quickly, complain of back pain.

    Slide 7

    Varieties of posture disorders

    Violation of posture is a deviation in the position of the spine.

    • Round back: increased thoracic kyphosis and slightly reduced lumbar lordosis. This condition is called stoop.
    • Flat back: the thoracic and lumbar curves are reduced, the depreciation ability of the spine is reduced.
    • Saddle-shaped (round-concave) back: increased thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis, the abdomen is protruded.

    Round back

    Circular back

    flat back

    Slide 8

    Manifestations of lateral curvature of the spine

    The possibility of scoliosis manifestation is especially high at the age of 11-15 years, when the skeleton grows rapidly, and the muscular system lags behind in its development. It is during this period that sleep on a soft bed, incorrect body position while sitting and standing, and uneven load on the spine affect posture.

    One of the causes of posture disorders in school-age children is incorrect seating (position) at the desk during school lessons, as well as when doing homework or when reading.

    • Right side scoliosis
    • Left side scoliosis
    • S-shaped scoliosis
  • Slide 9

    The position of the spinal column


    Slide 10


    slide 11

    When lifting a weight

    • back bent (incorrect)
    • back straight (correct)
  • slide 12

    Prevention measures

    To prevent posture disorders, observe the following preventive measures:

    1. When performing written and oral lessons, lean against the back of a chair with your back. Try to sit straight, without tilting your head or upper body forward so as not to strain your muscles.
    2. At long work sitting, you need to change your position more often, get up and walk around the room, arrange physical education.
    3. Do not sit in front of the TV in an overly soft chair or sofa. The seat should be at a height of half a meter from the floor.
    4. When moving heavy things over a considerable distance, it is better to carry them on your back, for example in a backpack, and not in your hands or in a bag over your shoulder.
    5. When lifting something heavy, you need to bend your legs, not your back.
  • slide 13

    Posture Correction

    Physical exercises contribute to the normalization of posture. However, the effect can be expected only with their systematic and prolonged implementation.

    Correction of posture, achieved through exercises, can give a lasting effect only with the simultaneous formation of "the skill of correct posture (based on the muscular-articular feeling), which allows you to feel the position of certain parts of the body.

    After explaining the correct posture and showing the "ideal" posture, they begin to develop the corresponding muscle-articular sensations. Use: training in front of a mirror (visual self-control); mutual control of those involved; adopting the correct posture and correcting defects near the wall, when tactile sensations are added to the muscular-articular sensations when in contact with the wall; correcting posture defects as directed by a physical education teacher (for example: “Galya, turn your shoulders!”, “Sergey, don’t slouch!”, etc.).

    Slide 14

    Posture correction. Lessons

    In the preparatory part of the classes aimed at developing the skill of correct posture, exercises in constructions and rearrangements, breathing exercises, and walking are used.

    In the main part, exercises are used that provide general and strength endurance of the muscles of the back, abdominals and chest - the creation of a muscle corset; corrective exercises in combination with general developmental and breathing exercises. The predominantly used starting positions in this part of the lesson are lying and standing in emphasis on your knees. At the end of the main part, an outdoor game is usually held, the rules of which provide for the preservation of normal posture.

    In the final part, running, walking, coordination exercises, breathing exercises are used. It is advisable to include games for attention in this part of the lesson, provided that the correct posture is maintained.

    In the lesson, you should also use exercises in balance and general developmental exercises: for the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks; for stretching; with a gymnastic stick, a hoop; on the gymnastic wall; swimming (breaststroke), etc.

    With regular exercises (three to five times a week for 35-45 minutes), it is possible to eliminate functional posture disorders, muscle asymmetry, and so on.

    slide 15

    Exercises for the formation of correct posture


    Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades, pelvis and heels. Maintain this position for 5 s. Remember it and, trying not to break it, take a step forward, then back.

    Standing against the wall, pull the leg, bent at the knee, with your hands to the stomach, without losing contact with the wall.

    Standing against the wall, stretch your arms forward. Raise your straight leg forward without losing contact with the wall.

    slide 16


    Rest with straight arms on the floor. Arching your back, hold on like this for 5-7 s; bend in the lower back, hold on for 3-5 s.

    Rest with straight arms on the floor, pull back straight legs (alternately) and head, bending in the lower back

    Slide 17


    Rest on the floor with bent arms. Unbending your arms and not lifting your hips from the floor, throw your head back, bend as much as possible, hold on like this for 3-5 s, return to and. P.

    Connect the hands behind the back. Raise your head, shoulders and legs; bend over, return to and. P.

    Hanging on the gymnastic wall or crossbar.

    slide 21

    Outdoor games for the prevention of posture disorders

    "Don't drop the bag." Mark the start and finish lines. The distance between them is 5-10 m. Two or three columns of 3-4 players each line up at the starting line. Everyone has bags of sand weighing 100-150 g on their heads. You need to go along the corridor marked with chalk, gymnastic sticks or skipping ropes, without losing the bag and maintaining the correct posture. The width of the corridor is -30 cm. The team that completes the task more quickly and correctly wins.

    Methodical instructions. The corridor can be passed in different ways, for example, on toes, keeping hands on the belt, or in a semi-squat with a straight back, hands on the belt, etc. Being in columns, And the players start moving from the start after the previous player has crossed the finish line. When moving, do not lean forward. You can play the game by building players on the start line in one line; then the one who crosses the finish line first wins.

    slide 22

    "Salki". Choose a driver. His task is to stain (stain) as many players as possible, but only those who did not have time to take the correct posture in time. As soon as the evader takes the correct posture, he is already safe. The driver has to resort to tricks: to run as if for one player, and in passing, having contrived, to touch the other (to touch the hand). Defeated players are out of the game.

    Methodical instructions. Duration of the game - 5-10 minutes; | two or three times to change the driver. At the end of the game, the best driver and players who have never been tagged are noted.

    After doing posture exercises, you can hang on the crossbar, gymnastic wall, etc., relaxing your muscles for 15-20 seconds.

    View all slides

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Correct posture. Posture is usually called the usual posture of a naturally standing person, the ability to keep the torso and head straight without tension (with slight natural curves of the spine: in the cervical and lumbar regions - forward, in the thoracic and sacral - back).

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    Description of the slide:

    Let's check the posture With the correct posture, the head and torso are located along one vertical line, the shoulders are deployed, slightly lowered and are at the same level, the shoulder blades are pressed, the physiological lines of the spine are normal. The chest is slightly convex, the abdomen protrudes slightly or slightly drawn in, the legs are extended at the knees and hip joints. The chest is cylindrical or conical. The muscles are relief, all joints are mobile. The legs are straight, the closure of the hips, knees, shins and heels occurs without much muscle tension, with a small gap below the knees and above the inner ankles. The inner parts of the feet do not touch the floor. In order to determine the flaws in your posture, stand close to your back against a closet or wall. Close your feet, look straight ahead (head should touch the cabinet). Hands down at the seams. If your palm passes between the lower back and the wall, then the posture is good, otherwise your abdominal muscles are weak and the stomach pulls the spine

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    Description of the slide:

    DEFECTS OF POSTURE Many curvatures of the spine can be prevented, and in the initial stage - corrected. Therefore, it is impossible not to pay attention to incorrect posture, uneven position of the shoulders and shoulder blades, displacement of the pelvis, etc. Children with posture disorders should be shown to an orthopedist and specialist in physical culture. To prevent bad posture, you need to do gymnastics daily. Incorrect posture violates the position of the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity and contributes to the early appearance of osteochondrosis. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have weakened musculoskeletal system and muscles, inelastic ligaments, reduced depreciation abilities of the lower extremities and, most importantly, of the spine. These children have a very high risk of getting seriously injured when jumping long jumps, high jumps, exercising on sports equipment, wrestling and other contact species sports

    5 slide

    Description of the slide:

    With incorrect posture, the natural curves of the spine are noticeably increased. In addition, lateral curvature of the spine - scoliosis can develop. With a stooped posture (Fig. 1. 2), the bend of the thoracic spine is pronounced. The chest is sunken, the shoulder blades lag behind, the shoulders protrude forward, the head is tilted forward. For lordotic posture (Fig. 1. 3) is characterized by an increase in the lumbar bend. The angle of the pelvis increases, the stomach protrudes.

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    Description of the slide:

    DEFECTS OF POSTURE With a round-concave back (Fig. 1. 4), the bends in the thoracic and lumbar spine are increased. The angle of inclination of the pelvis is increased, the buttocks protrude sharply back, the stomach forward, the chest is sunken, the waist is somewhat shortened. With a flat back (Fig. 2. 1), all the curves of the spine are underdeveloped, the angle of the pelvis is reduced, the stomach is retracted, the buttocks are excessively protruding. The anteroposterior size of the chest is reduced, and the transverse size is increased. The child is held tensely, emphasized straight, his movements are clumsy. Oblique back (asymmetric posture) (Fig. 2. 2) occurs when the shoulder girdle and pelvis are asymmetrical, the legs are different lengths, or the pelvis is oblique. If you do not take measures to correct your posture, changes in the intervertebral discs and bone tissue may occur, which are characteristic of a serious illness - scoliosis

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    Description of the slide:

    1) Posture largely depends on the state of your muscles; In addition, it is important to remember that the wrong posture at the table especially spoils the posture; 3) The habit of reading while lying on your side worsens your posture; Carry in the same hand of gravity; 5) The bed should not be excessively soft, and the pillow should not be high; What does posture depend on?

    8 slide

    Description of the slide:

    How to correct posture? Posture can be corrected if you constantly pay attention to some things and purposefully perform exercises to correct your posture. . Specially selected physical exercises are an effective means of preventing postural disorders: stoop, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (a disease of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged stay in physiologically uncomfortable positions). It is recommended to alternate the loads associated with sitting with intense physical exercises: special exercises for the muscles of the back, abdominals, shoulder girdle, limbs. The duration of the exercises is 1 - 3 minutes.

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    Description of the slide:

    A set of exercises to correct posture .. 1. I. p. - lying on your back. The head, torso, legs form a straight line, arms are pressed to the body. Raise your head and shoulders, check the correct position of the body, return to and. p. 2. I. p. - the same. Alternately bend and straighten the legs at the knees and hip joints. 3. I. p. - lying on the stomach. Chin on the back surface of the brushes laid on top of each other. Raise your head and shoulders, put your hands on your belt, connect your shoulder blades .. 4. I. p. - lying on your back. Move from a lying position to a sitting position, maintaining the correct back position. 5.I. p. - the same. Alternately lifting straight legs, without lifting the pelvis from the floor. The pace is slow.

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    Description of the slide:

    Fish, bicycle 6. I. p. - lying on his stomach, chin on his hands. Take your hands back and raise your legs ("Fish") 7. I. p. - lying on your back. "Bike". 8. I. p. - lying on the right side. Raise both straight legs, hold them on weight for 3-4 counts, slowly lower them into and. p. 9. I. p. - the same on the left side.

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    Squats. walking 10. I.p. - standing. Half squats and squats on toes, arms to the sides, up, forward (Fig. 4.1). 11. Walking on toes, on the outer edges of the foot.

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    Scissors 12. I. p. - sitting on a chair. Capturing the legs of a chair with your feet from the inside and outside 8-10 times. (Fig. 4.2). 20. I. p. - sitting, knees bent (angle 30 "). Shake your legs to the sides. 13. I. p. - lying on your back. "Scissors" - horizontal and vertical movements with straight legs (Fig. 4.3).

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    Lock 14. I. p. - standing. "Lock" - put one hand behind the head, the second behind the shoulder blades. “Saw” several times, changing the position of the hands (Fig. 5). 15. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Take a breath and slowly raise the pelvis (“half-bridge”), as you exhale, lower yourself into and. n. (Fig. 6).

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    Guidelines Do not slouch, do all exercises at a calm pace, without holding your breath. Each exercise is performed 4-5 times, then the number of repetitions gradually increases to 10-12 times. You need to practice in a well-ventilated room. Clothing should be light, comfortable and not restrictive. It is better to exercise barefoot or in socks. Exercise one hour before and 45-60 minutes after meals at different times, but the last time no later than 19 hours. The morning of each student should begin with a charge, because. morning exercises give energy for the whole day Waking up in the morning, stretching lying down. Then sit down, cross-legged, and stretch again, trying to feel how the spine straightens. Be sure to stretch the cervical region - turn your head in different directions, gently tilt it, trying to touch your shoulder with your ear.

    Slide_image" src="" alt="(!LANG:Contents: Posture Types of posture disorders Manifestation of lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis) Loading of the spine when lifting weights Positions of the spinal column Prevention measures Correction of posture Exercises to form correctly" title="Contents: Posture Varieties of posture disorders Manifestation of lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis) Loading of the spine when lifting weight Positions of the spinal column Prevention measures Correction of posture Exercises to form correctly">!}

    1 of 22

    Presentation on the topic: Human posture

    slide number 1" alt="(!LANG:Content: Posture Varieties of posture disorders Manifestation of lateral curvature" title="Contents: Posture Varieties of posture disorders Manifestation of lateral curvature">!}

    Description of the slide:

    slide number 3

    Description of the slide:

    Posture Posture is the habitual position of the body when standing, walking, sitting; is formed in the process of growth, development and education (in the period from 5 to 18 years). The posture of ballerinas, as well as athletes involved in sports and rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, can serve as a role model. Signs of correct posture: the head is raised, the chest is deployed, the shoulders are at the same level; when viewed from behind, the head, neck and spine form a straight vertical line; when viewed from the side, the spine has small indentations in the cervical and lumbar regions (lordosis) and a slight bulge in the thoracic region (kyphosis).

    slide number 4

    Description of the slide:

    Posture Signs of incorrect posture; the head is extended beyond the longitudinal axis of the body (lowered head); shoulders brought forward, raised (or asymmetrical position of the shoulders); round back, sunken chest; the stomach is protruded, the pelvis is set back; excessively increased lumbar curve.

    slide number 5

    Description of the slide:

    How to detect a defect You can detect defects in posture as follows. The child should undress, stand up straight (heels and toes together) and put his hands down. Standing a few steps behind his back, you need to carefully examine the axis of the spine (it must be strictly vertical), compare the levels of the shoulders, shoulder blades, gluteal and knee folds. Asymmetry indicates a violation of posture. With regular examinations, the slightest deviations from the norm can be detected.

    slide number 6

    Description of the slide:

    Incorrect posture Incorrect posture causes early onset of osteochondrosis, unfavorable position of internal organs (with a decrease in their functions). For example, the habit of slouching creates a posture that compresses the chest, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. This complicates the work of the lungs, does not allow to saturate the body with oxygen in the required volume. Schoolchildren with poor posture, as a rule, have a weakened musculoskeletal system, inelastic ligaments, reduced depreciation abilities of the lower extremities and, most importantly, the spine. This leads to the fact that children do not tolerate physical activity, get tired quickly, complain of back pain.

    slide number 7

    Description of the slide:

    Varieties of posture disorders Round back: increased thoracic kyphosis and slightly reduced lumbar lordosis. This condition is called stoop. Flat back: the thoracic and lumbar curves are reduced, the depreciation ability of the spine is reduced. Saddle-shaped (round-concave) back: thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis are enlarged, the abdomen is protruded.

    slide number 8

    Description of the slide:

    Manifestations of lateral curvature of the spine The possibility of scoliosis is especially high at the age of 11-15 years, when the skeleton grows rapidly, and the muscular system lags behind in its development. load on the spine. One of the causes of posture disorders in school-age children is incorrect seating (position) at the desk during school lessons, as well as when doing homework or when reading.

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    Description of the slide:

    Preventive measures To prevent violations of posture, observe the following preventive measures: 1. When performing written and oral lessons, lean on the back of a chair with your back. Try to sit straight without tilting your head or upper body forward so as not to strain your muscles. 2. When sitting for a long time, you need to change your posture more often, get up and walk around the room, arrange physical exercises. 3. Do not sit in front of the TV in an overly soft chair or sofa. The seat should be at a height of half a meter from the floor. 4. When moving heavy things over a considerable distance, it is better to carry them on your back, for example in a backpack, and not in your hands or in a bag over your shoulder. 5. When lifting something heavy, you need to bend your legs, not your back.

    slide number 13

    Description of the slide:

    Posture Correction Physical exercises contribute to the normalization of posture. However, the effect can be expected only with their systematic and prolonged implementation. Posture correction achieved through exercises can give a lasting effect only with the simultaneous formation of the “skill of correct posture (based on the muscular-articular feeling), which allows you to feel the position of certain parts of the body. After explaining about correct posture and showing the “ideal” posture, they begin to develop the corresponding muscular-articular sensations.They use: training in front of a mirror (visual self-control); mutual control of those involved; adopting the correct posture and correcting defects near the wall, when tactile sensations are added to the muscular-articular sensations when in contact with the wall; correction of posture defects as directed by a physical education teacher ( for example: “Galya, turn your shoulders!”, “Sergey, don’t slouch!”, etc.).

    slide number 14

    Description of the slide:

    Correction of posture In the preparatory part of the classes aimed at developing the skill of correct posture, exercises in constructions and rearrangements, breathing exercises, walking are used. The main part uses exercises that provide general and strength endurance of the muscles of the back, abdominals and chest - the creation of a muscle corset; corrective exercises in combination with general developmental and breathing exercises. The predominantly used starting positions in this part of the lesson are lying and standing in emphasis on your knees. At the end of the main part, an outdoor game is usually held, the rules of which provide for the preservation of normal posture. In the final part, running, walking, coordination exercises, and breathing exercises are used. It is advisable to include games for attention in this part of the lesson, provided that the correct posture is maintained. In the lesson, you should also use exercises in balance and general developmental exercises: for the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks; for stretching; with a gymnastic stick, a hoop; on the gymnastic wall; swimming (breaststroke), etc. With regular exercises (three to five times a week for 35-45 minutes), it is possible to eliminate functional posture disorders, muscle asymmetry, etc.

    Description of the slide:

    Exercises for the formation of correct posture Rest with straight arms on the floor. Arching your back, hold on like this for 5-7 s; bend in the lower back, hold on for 3-5 s. Rest with straight arms on the floor, pull back straight legs (alternately) and head, bending in the lower back

    slide number 17

    Description of the slide:

    Exercises for the formation of correct posture Rest on the floor with bent arms. Unbending your arms and not lifting your hips from the floor, throw your head back, bend as much as possible, hold on like this for 3-5 s, return to and. n. Connect the hands behind the back. Raise your head, shoulders and legs; bend over, return to and. P.

    slide number 20

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    Description of the slide:

    Outdoor games for the prevention of postural disorders "Do not drop the bag." Mark the start and finish lines. The distance between them is 5-10 m. Two or three columns of 3-4 players each line up at the starting line. Everyone has bags of sand weighing 100-150 g on their heads. You need to go along the corridor marked with chalk, gymnastic sticks or skipping ropes, without losing the bag and maintaining the correct posture. The width of the corridor is -30 cm. The team that completes the task more quickly and correctly wins. Methodical instructions. The corridor can be passed in different ways, for example, on toes, keeping hands on the belt, or in a semi-squat with a straight back, hands on the belt, etc. Being in columns, And the players start moving from the start after the previous player has crossed the finish line. When moving, do not lean forward. You can play the game by building players on the start line in one line; then the one who crosses the finish line first wins.

    slide number 22

    Description of the slide:

    Outdoor games for the prevention of violations of posture "Salki". Choose a driver. His task is to stain (stain) as many players as possible, but only those who did not have time to take the correct posture in time. As soon as the evader takes the correct posture, he is already safe. The driver has to resort to tricks: to run as if for one player, and in passing, having contrived, to touch the other (to touch the hand). Defeated players are out of the game. Methodical instructions. The duration of the game is 5-10 minutes; | two or three times to change the driver. At the end of the game, the best driver and players who have never been tagged are noted. After doing posture exercises, you can hang on the crossbar, gymnastic wall, etc., relaxing your muscles for 15-20 seconds.