Where to go to work if the break is 10 years. How to look for a job after a long break in work experience. How to do your job search after a long break

  • 11.12.2019

Pregnancy, illness - one's own or a loved one, study sometimes force us to leave work for a while. And we are not talking about months, because here you can always take a vacation without saving wages somehow negotiate with the manager. We are talking about years. Coming back to work after a long break is never easy. At this moment, our professional image in memory has almost been erased, it is very difficult to pick up a career in the place where we left it. Especially if you need to look for a new job, but you don’t want to go for a demotion. How to convince the employer that you have not lost your skills and have not lost your qualifications? Just updating the resume here will not be enough. We will tell you what steps to take if you have to return to work after a long break.

Assess the situation

Before you start preparing to go to work, you need to think about what situation you are in. If you are looking for new job, then potential employers will ask why you have not worked for so long, what have you been doing all this time, why do you want to return. You must know the answers to all these questions. And in this case, honesty, as they say, is the best policy. These are not trick questions, but better prepare for them in advance, because if you think about them for a long time, you will look suspicious.

The next thing to think about is what kind of work you want to do. Do not panic sending out resumes and responding to every more or less suitable vacancy. Pay attention to the scope, employment and location of potential jobs. Again, if you don't take it seriously, and don't write detailed cover letters, the employer will immediately think that you are preparing to take another break and turn you down in favor of another candidate.

Prepare carefully

Prepare carefully

Try to find as much information as possible about the job and the field you plan to return to. The most a big problem that people face in a similar situation is technological progress, new computer programs that need to be mastered, new market trends. Stay up to date and brush up on your skills if required. Read professional blogs and forums, subscribe to the newsletter, join the relevant groups on social networks. By the way, put your profiles in order. Less cats and stupid jokes, provocative photos and statuses. Sometimes . Good preparation lesson is volunteering. After working for a couple of months on good principles, it will be easier for you to join the workday.

Work on your resume

Work on your resume

If you haven't worked for an impressive amount of time, it will be strange if you do not write about what you have been doing all this time on your resume. Make sure that your profile matches the one required by the potential employer. In the event that you took a part-time job, list the skills that you have mastered. But do not forget about the experience that you got before the break. Focus on your accomplishments, whether they happened yesterday or a year ago. The result is important here - you have achieved something, coped with some difficulties.

Write a cover letter

You need to start with the fact that for some time you did not work. Explain why it happened, why you decided to return to work. If you plan to continue the career you once started building, write that you want to start doing what you love again. If you want to try something new, notice how this challenge inspires you. It is very important that your arguments are solid, that you sound confident, that there is not even a shadow of doubt in your words. You can start working now - note this in your letter.

So many years, so many years, where are you wearing

"Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

Continuous work experience is often the determining factor in a company's decision to hire you. Long and frequent gaps in your resume will be the first thing that attracts the attention of a recruiter. The reasons for career breaks can be different: family circumstances, an attempt to organize your own business, health or study.

Good reasons? Definitely. But they can be a serious obstacle to getting the desired position. What to do if, after a long pause, you start looking for a job again?

Step 1. Awareness

Start with a sober assessment of the situation. Now you are in a slightly losing position, because the recruiter considers your skills to be almost lost. On the labor market, half a year is enough to loosen business acumen, to forget foreign language, lose business contacts. Your task is not to defend and justify, but to clearly explain that you had good reasons for the break, and this period caused the least harm to your qualification. Is not it?

Step 2. Preparation

A well-written resume is the first step to a personal meeting with a recruiter. In the first step, you already realized that you will need to work twice as hard as usual.

The main rule is to avoid all kinds of lies and deceit. You can not give the names of fictitious companies where you could "work unofficially." Check this information with the security service large organization will not be difficult, but your reputation will be put an end to. You are not in the best position anyway: the ghost of dequalification hovers over your “bright image”, whether you like it or not.

To prove to the recruiter that you are ready to return to duty after wandering on free bread, write a detailed cover letter. Describe the reason for the long absence of a permanent job, focus on the fact that it has already been eliminated: for example, a child goes to a nursery garden, a fresh diploma of a web designer is in a folder with documents, and a seriously ill relative has already fully recovered from the operation and goes to salsa lessons.

Show that you continued to develop in the right direction during the break. Be sure to tell us about additional courses, trainings, seminars that you attended. If you've been freelancing, then put together a portfolio. At this stage, any evidence of your professional activity will play into your hands.

Step 3: Shatter the Illusions

Be prepared to mentally tune in to a few unpleasant, but inevitable moments:

  • Failures

No matter how painful it is, you will stumble upon the phrase "Your candidacy was rejected." This is normal, but not fatal. Do not get hung up on one position, make several resume options. Consider allied majors, or even a less prestigious position than the one you held before the break. It will not be difficult to catch up with old skills, even if you start over.

Be moderately persistent. No need to besiege HR departments or terrorize recruiters with daily calls. But making sure your resume gets to the right hands and eyes is still worth it.

  • Your labor market value will be less than normal

Willy-nilly, you will have to give up the expected salary somewhere, as your competitiveness will be weaker than that of people with continuous professional experience. A slightly lower price tag will be a compromise for a partial loss of skills, which you will quickly restore and will be able to discuss a salary increase or accrual of bonuses and bonuses for the implementation of the plan.

  • Searchwork may be delayed

Finding a job with a career break will definitely take more than a month. The exception is rare and highly demanded specialists. Every year, thousands of new talent enter the labor market to compete with you. Do not rush to be upset or lose heart! There is a time for everything: do not lose confidence in your abilities, and continue your search.

Step 4. Remember everything

At the interview stage, you will need to convince the recruiter that you understand your specialization. It is necessary to be aware of the latest changes, trends and trends in the industry in order for the conversation to become substantive. Do not be too lazy to read specialized literature, take the time to study new articles, blogs on your topic. It also doesn't hurt to take a look at computer programs that have become popular during your absence. Bring up old connections and seek help from former colleagues who would bring you up to date.

Returning to the career ladder is not so easy, but the first stage is the most difficult, and it must be overcome with all your efforts. In a work environment, catching up for a professional would be a piece of cake.

Well, how are you there after the holidays? Everyone is alive? :)

Today is Friday. And you have most likely already caught a couple of orders and returned the fighting spirit. And someone, perhaps, did not celebrate, but ate tangerines without leaving the monitor. Someone else is in a creative search - himself, a muse, an order, a laptop, Wi-Fi ...

Returning to work after a long break is never easy. Mother laziness tightly grabs into her arms and does not let go. How good it is to sleep during the day, eat and watch TV shows!

In principle, no one and nothing prevents a freelancer from continuing to engage in laziness. But sooner or later, the stocks of salads in the refrigerator run out, the money on the card also tends to run out. And again to the machine, that is - to the laptop, write, draw, create!

While communicating with colleagues, I noticed that many of them work according to a schedule that is similar to the office. Someone has a permanent customer, and requires to be online from 9.00 to 17.00. It is more convenient for someone to plan work, and not to spread like an unmotivated puddle on a stool.

This is how I work myself. As in the office - from 9.00 (10) to 18.00, 5/2.

It is clear that in new year holidays most freelancers rested like everyone else. From 1st to 9th, with all the consequences. Well, maybe someone in free mode cheated.

On January 9th, we all went out to work ... hugging with a pillow and a cup of strong coffee. And how hard it is ... You vaguely remember logins / passwords from mail and exchanges, your fingers do not hit the right keys, if you are pulling long-term projects - you don’t remember where you ended up and where to start now.

This condition can last from a day to a week. How to get back into action after a long break, with the least resistance?

The concept of a long break

I noticed that even after two good weekends, when I don’t sit down at the computer at all, it’s hard for me to get involved in work. No, I do not forget anything, I make a work plan for the week ahead, so as not to get confused and not hang on unnecessary things. It’s just that the body rebels for the first half of the day - you want to sleep, the keyboard, as if on purpose, slips the wrong letters under your fingers, and by the evening your eyes get very tired.

Breaks in work are necessary: ​​rest is important so that you do not burn out and do not overwork. You need to switch. And rest completely too.

Breaks can be:

Short (two days off);

Medium duration (from a week to a month - usually a vacation);

Long - from a month to several years (decree, for example).

It is clear that the longer you are not working, the more difficult it is for you to return to the work process. But not always. After very long breaks, with enough skill, the job can go very well.

Moms who have left the decree for their favorite (important!) work will understand me. Everything just burns in the hands, the boredom for what you love is so strong. You have a lot of new ideas, and your head is fresh.

Each person handles long breaks in their own way. labor activity. There are such unique people who can not rest at all for years and feel great; as a rule, they dive into work with their heads immediately, without swaying.

There are those who even relax for a day, then come to their senses for a long time.

Usually psychologists explain this by the type of your temperament. Phlegmatic and melancholic people always change the type of activity with difficulty, swing for a long time and get involved in work. Sanguine and choleric people quickly change the situation, but they also burn out faster.

You cannot change your temperament type. But to do a couple of tricks to return to work after a break was easier - easily.

Current Techniques for Staying in Shape

- Plan before leaving. Applies to short breaks and breaks of medium duration. Before you go on a weekend or vacation, write out a rough plan for work after your return. When you return, you will have a list of things to do before your eyes. Organizes and motivates very well, does not allow to be distracted by secondary tasks.

- Come back gradually. You are a freelancer, and you can plan your day and your workload yourself. You don't need to kill 150% on the first day. Work for half a day, then a little longer ... Like in a kindergarten, children adapt gradually and painlessly.

- Don't give up work completely. If you find it very difficult to quickly return to duty, work in easy free mode. We went out for an hour a day, drew / peed something, so as not to lose the skill.

- Get out a day or two early. I went to work on the 8th in the evening. Prepared for the first working day, adjusted the tails from that year. In the morning, she came out fully prepared for battle.

- Learn. Studying is a type of activity that will keep you in good shape and help you find new ideas, get inspired. Read literature, watch educational videos. You can't wait until the end of your vacation to try out what you've learned!

- Try to live in the same rhythm as during a full-time job A: get up at the same time, go to bed also not very late. Otherwise, you will break the regime, and for the first days it will be very difficult to get up, you will feel overwhelmed.

Rest more. It is necessary. I hope my tips will help you get back to work normally, without stress!

After a long break in employment, finding a new job is always difficult and it is quite possible that the process of finding another place of employment will not be as fast as we would like. Therefore, at the beginning of this path, you need to decide in advance how you will explain the prolonged period of "rest".

The main valid reasons that are customary to explain the break in work

Usually long breaks in work can be justified by the following reasons:

1. Family circumstances. This reason is considered valid for a woman, since according to the law she is given the right to care for a child until he reaches 7 years of age. For a man, such a justification for a break in the experience will look doubtful.
2. Unsuccessful searches. One of the most commonly used explanations for the situation that has arisen. It is especially typical for narrow specialists. But it is also suitable for other professions.
3. Moving to a place of residence in, the need for time for the arrangement of life.
4. Availability of additional sources of income.
5. Diseases of relatives, the fact of which is documented.

What steps will help you find a new job after a long break?

It should be understood that the absence of work for a long period is fraught with a loss of confidence in yourself and your skills as a specialist. The employer begins to look at such people as not having sufficient knowledge of the situation in the professional field. Therefore, first of all, you need to gain former confidence.

You can help yourself this way: make a list of questions that are most often asked at interviews and rehearse the answers to them with a partner. Before the interview, it is advisable to buy new stylish clothes. great way to prove to the future employer their professional viability - to take refresher courses. This will convince the management of any company that the time off from work is not wasted.

Before starting a job search, it is advisable to read specialized magazines and other professional literature. It would be nice
ask experts in the same field about what changes have occurred over the past period. To make your search for a new job productive, you should not refuse those interviews that offer a salary less than what you expect. This will allow you to develop the skill to correctly answer the questions of employers, overcome the fear of rejection and gain self-confidence.

It is important to learn how to properly write a resume. You can find the information you need on the Internet or other sources. The attention of the employer should be focused not on how long you worked, but on what positions, what duties were performed. Once the resume has been completed, it should be sent to maximum amount instances. Thus, the chances of finding a decent job will increase significantly.

Tip 2: How to get a job after a long break

When applying for a job after a long break, you should not be based on search standards with continuous work experience. If you do not set too high standards for yourself, your job search will be short-lived.

There can be many reasons for a long break in work: the lack of interesting and advantageous offers from employers, maternity leave, care, etc. But regardless of the reason, recruits are distrustful of such applicants and often believe that such workers have lost their professional skills.

What should you be prepared for when looking for a job?

The most common problem faced by job seekers with a long break in employment is the low assessment of their qualifications and employment potential. HR managers and employers are distrustful of such employees, believing that they have lost their knowledge and skills during a long vacation.

Finding a decent job can take a long time. If you urgently need money, you can get a job for several months at the first position that comes across and at the same time search best place. Employers prefer to take on high paying job professionals without interruptions in their work experience.

How to look for a job after a long break?

Despite all the problems, get a decent and promising work after a long break, it is still possible, if you follow a few rules: do not demand too high a salary, indicate in your resume a significant range of pay for your work (for example, from 15 to 30 thousand rubles), send as many resumes as possible daily, demonstrate the preservation of your professional abilities.

After a long break in work, you should not hope for a high salary, but you should not belittle your abilities either. Recruits advise such specialists not to indicate too high a salary level in their resumes. For example, you can indicate from $ 500 to $ 1.5 thousand, and already at the interview prove your worth and try to increase the level of remuneration for your work.

Set a goal to send as many resumes as possible every day, at least 10 if possible. When meeting with the employer at the interview, you need to prove that you have not lost your labor potential and professionalism. Demonstrate the knowledge that you managed to gain during a break from work.

If you do not want to spend a lot of time looking for a job, you can get a low-paying position that will help restore your professional skills. In this case, you can openly tell the employer everything and immediately agree to the salary offered by him.

In the described situation, when looking for a job, you should rely on several settings:

  • Willingness to self-restraint in their professional claims.

You can evaluate your own labor potential as high as you like, but you will always receive for it only the money that the employer agrees to pay you. It's like in the old joke about the elephant in the zoo: "He will eat something, but who will give him!". Therefore, your appetites must be balanced with objectivity: you will not be able to compete with the same specialist as you, but without a break in your experience. True, sometimes you can turn the "vacation" to your advantage, but more on that later. Initially, you will have to accept and accept a job that is inferior in terms of qualifications and pay to the one with which you once left your previous place (not taking into account, of course, the average increase in salaries over the past time). However, this does not mean that you need to agree with the underestimation of your labor potential, which most personnel officers and managers show when they skim through resumes. You will have to fight to reduce the reduction factor, but it is unrealistic to completely eliminate it.

  • Looking for a job will take a long time.

Since it is difficult for you to assess the real value of your labor potential after several years of absence from the personnel market, you will have to spend some time on marketing research to form an appropriate query. In principle, this does not mean that it is necessary to refuse employment for several months. If you urgently need money, then without a long search you can get the first job that comes across, which will feed you at least at a minimum and will not interfere with the continuation of an active search for an interesting, worthy job. In addition to wasting time studying the market, you should also take into account the fact that there will be much fewer responses to your resume than to those of your competitors. You will have a poor choice, therefore, you will have to wait longer for a good offer.

  • Search multivariate.

Send out resumes with a wide range of offered salaries. For example, you think you have the right to claim $1,000 a month, although your competitors with continuous experience receive an average of $1,300. In this case, send out two resumes - indicating both $500 and $1,500. This is due to the following considerations. Employers' announcements are often not quite adequate to the realities of the market, as a result of which, already at the interview, a person who is interested in you can greatly change his offer in the direction of a salary increase immediately after you start working, showing even more tempting prospects in the near future.

As a result, several real proposals, even if not entirely interesting for you, will form confidence in your own position. You will always remember that in which case you can quickly get at least such a job, and calmly continue your systematic search.

As for the overestimation of the upper limit of the interval, here, too, one should be aware of the possible inadequacy of the employer's request. Some executives offer good pay for jobs where either a creature with ten arms and three heads or a team of several people can handle all the functions and expected amount of work. After suffering for some time with the search for a miracle employee, the employer becomes psychologically ready to revise his requests, trying to reshape workplace. In such a situation, you can get to the leader in a state of temporary uncertainty, when his consciousness ceases to think by formal criteria and repels in its assessment from the direct perception of the person in front of him.

It should also be remembered that sometimes employers stop their choice on a candidate who is not the strongest, guided by completely non-business sympathies. Therefore, you should not, on your own initiative, exclude yourself from the struggle for vacancies, the reality of which seems doubtful to you.

  • Entry into a professional context.

Search technology

  • Wide sowing.

Given the low return on resume distribution, send them in dozens, if not hundreds, to a wide variety of ads. Feel free to respond even to those offers that at first glance are incompatible with your data. Remember that many ads are poorly crafted and inadequate. The Internet is the most convenient medium for sending resumes today, but multicasting should not be abused. personnel officer, who receives e-mail your resume and sees fifty others in the line in addition to his address, this is hardly a pleasure. If you were too lazy to send your resume individually, then wait for the appropriate response.

  • Interview breakthrough.

Considering that on formal grounds you are frankly losing to competitors, success can only be achieved at an interview. But it will not be easy to get into it: in most cases, your candidacy will be screened out at the resume sorting level. Do not put pressure on HR employees on the phone in order to break through to them. Passes through them a large number of applicants, and problematic candidates are not liked here. Each element of interaction they usually worked out to the smallest detail in order to save time. And if someone begins to insist on an individual approach, he is immediately sent to the "dump", otherwise the psyche of the personnel officer will not last long.

When an employee of this service asks you to send a resume, it is better not to insist on a live meeting "without any papers there." When you come into contact with the personnel officer, try to clearly and concisely do what he says. Evaluate his approach to you, and if you don’t like something, stop contact without further ado, but don’t sort things out and don’t put pressure: usually this does not give any positive result. Only after reaching the interview, you can begin to improvise and show your individuality.

  • Destruction of negative expectations.

If an employer who has read your resume forms an underestimate (he assumes the presence of dequalification), then you will have to demonstrate the maximum preservation of professional tone at the interview. Specially think over a story and a clear demonstration of how you managed to maintain your potential without loss over the years of a labor pause.

It will be better if you can convince the employer that you managed to acquire some new knowledge, skills and experience that can be very useful. There is nothing unusual in this, because a true professional grows even when he does nothing. Being disconnected from the operational fuss allows you to look at your work from the outside, to understand the deeper layers of its essence. But it is not enough just to talk - it is necessary to somehow demonstrate the manifestations of such professional advancement.

  • Reskilling work.

If you do not want to spend long months searching, then you can quickly get a job in your specialty that is very good in content, but gives little income. Many people look at such employment as temporary, its main goal is to overcome dequalification. After working for several months, start the search again, but now without taking into account the long pause in your experience, since you have already closed it with this temporary employment. You can talk openly with employers about your strategy.

You tell the first one that you agree to his uninteresting conditions only because you want to restore your qualifications. At the same time, you warn that, having achieved your goal, you will either leave quickly enough or stay, but only if he then offers you a salary corresponding to the restored qualification.

You explain to the second that you worked so little in your previous place after such a long pause, since it was such a move that was originally planned, and the former employer is not offended by you, because you acted honestly and frankly with him.

So, with the right approach, finding a job after a long pause is not an intractable task. You should not be guided by the standards of changing jobs when continuous experience. The first employment after a break is best not to be considered as a full-fledged one. Let this be a transitional stage between the protracted "vacation" and full employment. And then everything will work out for you with a minimum of time, physical effort and nerves.


And I liked the article, I’m just in such a job search and many of the tips are relevant to me, I especially liked about “wide sowing”, entering a professional qualification, temporary work and multiple search options. I will rely on these tips in my current search. Thank you!

11/27/2005 02:47:47 PM, Maria

Idiot article. It seems that the author expressed his views based only on logic, and not on reality (Interestingly, the author himself tried to "systematically" look for a job, having already got a new job? In our country, does an employer pay $500 or $1000, does a hired full-time worker to the eyeballs). No practical and practical advice, one "water". The author has absolutely no idea about what he wrote. In short, the article is complete nonsense.

07/03/2005 10:52:24, Alena

The article is about nothing. It all boils down to "you'll be looking for a long time, if you're lucky, you'll find something." No practical recommendations, some general phrases.

Comment on the article "How to look for a job after a long break in work experience"

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