The work plan of the educator for each. Daily calendar-thematic plan of the educator. Planning. Work plans - Perspective-thematic plan for the implementation of the section "Labor education" in sensitive moments

  • 11.05.2020

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Often, novice educators have a very difficult time in terms of maintaining documentation in the preschool educational institution, since an incredible amount of paperwork needs to be filled out and maintained. And no one cares that the main task of the educator is to love and educate the kids of their group, in our country the paperwork is becoming more and more voluminous every year for both preschool educators and teachers. What documentation and how to maintain? Let's figure it out.

In view of the fact that the educational process introduced state standards, for kindergartens this is GEF DO, then documentation preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, DO is a necessary stage of work. But keeping records can be a stumbling block for young, inexperienced caregivers. But properly designed plans are designed not to complicate the work of the educator, but to facilitate it. This is where the paradox arises. Why shouldn't the Ministry of Education itself develop at least approximate plans, in which it would be necessary to make their own adjustments in accordance with the specifics of the group. It is unlikely that they need it, it is always easier to push work to those who are lower in the career ladder. But we are not talking about that now. As a result, documentation is still necessary, the system requires.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the educator must maintain and issue:

1. Local acts- this is a folder with instructions: official, labor protection, health and life protection for children, modeled on your preschool. It is done once and updated periodically. Shelf life is permanent.

The list of the main documentation of the educator includes local acts to ensure the activities of the educator:

1.1. Job description of the educator.

1. 2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children.

1.3. Labor protection instruction.

2. Documentation on the organization of the work of the educator:

2.1. The work program, which was compiled as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education by age groups for 1 academic year. It reflects the main directions of educational and educational work with children of a certain age. Take as a basis, for example, the work program "From Birth to School" and on the basis of general program you need to make such a document for your group.

Complex-thematic planning.
It is built on the thematic principle and allows the teacher not only to systematically solve the tasks and easily introduce regional and ethno-cultural components, but also, depending on the characteristics of his preschool institution, at his own discretion, partially or completely change topics or topic names.
Comprehensive thematic plans are plans for working with children by season and week of each month, where general areas of work are recorded. That is, what do you want to achieve during each month.

Calendar plan of educational work.
To specify and adjust the educational work provided for by the comprehensive thematic plan, the educator uses in the work calendar plan. For the convenience of using the plan, the teacher divides it into two parts: the first and second half of the day.
To write a plan, it is recommended, in addition to the complex thematic plan, to use a cyclogram educational activities groups (it is not obligatory, but it is very convenient and helps the teacher to properly plan his work with children during the day.)
In the morning, the teacher plans conversations, individual and joint activities, reading fiction, morning, finger, articulatory gymnastics, didactic games, instilling cultural and hygienic skills, a walk.
In the afternoon - invigorating gymnastics, conversations, individual work, experimentation, role-playing and didactic games, a walk, work with parents.

The calendar plan of upbringing and educational activities is already a specific detailed plan on every day. It must be consistent with work program and a comprehensive thematic plan. Here we write down everything that we will do with the children during the day: exercises, classes, games, walks, regime moments, work with parents, etc.

2.3. Model of organization of educational activities (network of classes).

The lesson grid simplifies the planning of educational activities and is a table by day of the week, in which we enter all classes, including music, physical education

It helps the teacher to systematize work with children during the current month. According to the requirement of SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations» on the maximum allowable amount of educational activities, the load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups should not exceed 30-40 minutes, in the senior and preparatory - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous and educational activities - at least 10 minutes.

2.4. Evaluation of the results of the development of the program

Pedagogical diagnostics.
Each teacher during work constantly studies his pupils. Such work is carried out in the course of observing the activity of children in spontaneous and specially organized activities. To do this, the documentation of the kindergarten teacher includes child development observation cards that allow you to record the individual dynamics and development prospects of each child during various kinds activities (speech, cognitive, artistic, game, design and physical development)
In the course of educational activities, teachers must create diagnostic situations in order to assess the individual dynamics of children and correct their actions.
An example is ready-made observation maps of child development with recommendations for building an individual development trajectory for each child for all age groups to an approximate basic general education program "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Folder of pedagogical diagnostics - here are maps of observations of children, diagnostics and recommendations.

2.5. Educator Portfolio

In a modern preschool institution, educators have to work in conditions of constant competition. In most cases, the portfolio of a kindergarten teacher is a folder that a preschool teacher creates and replenishes in order to improve his qualifications, going to which confirmation is required. labor activity. It can also be said that the teacher's portfolio is a kind of form for certification of a teacher, with which you can present the materials of your work, courses attended, progress achieved. The portfolio of the educator is in the group or in the methodical office of the preschool educational institution. Shelf life is permanent.

2.6. creative self-education folder (Shelf life - permanent).

Any profession requires self-improvement, and even more so work related to children. One of the ways to improve the professional skills of teachers is self-education. This is a purposeful work of the educator to expand and deepen their theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements pedagogical and psychological sciences. The teacher must, during the academic year or another period of time, deal in depth with the problem, the solution of which causes him certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest. Timely completion of this document also helps in the collection of materials for teacher certification. Choose a theme and gradually fill the folder with materials

3. Documentation on the organization of work with pupils of the preschool educational institution.

3.1. Attendance table.

It is necessary in order, firstly, to record the number of children in the group daily. This helps to provide food for children and the calculation of parental fees.
Secondly, it is easier for the educator to focus on conducting classes and distributing material for each child.
Thirdly, it helps to track the incidence of children in certain periods, to outline to the nurse her work aimed at improving, and during the adaptation period to identify causeless gaps that complicate the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. Individual information about parents and pupils.

The documentation of the teacher of the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, necessarily involves the identification of information not only about children, but also about parents.

In officially accepted practice, a special journal usually contains the following information about children attending a group:
- surname, name of the child;
- Date of Birth;
- residential address and phone numbers;
- Name of parents, grandparents;
- place of work of parents and telephones;
- social status of the family (number of children in the family, living conditions, complete - incomplete family).

The teacher should find out information from the parents in a tactful conversation and reflect it in the journal. Moreover, it is impossible to disclose the received data, this information must be confidential. Now parents are also required to give written consent to the processing of personal data.

The information obtained helps the educator to neutralize the possible negative impact of the family environment on the child, if any. Yes, and the child can be better understood if you know more about the conditions of his residence and the status of his parents.

3.3. Age list of children.

The composition of children in the same group is heterogeneous in age, and sometimes the difference can reach up to a year. The teacher must take into account the age of each child in the group, since the difference in age affects the characteristics of the individual approach to each of the children. A simple age list can help prevent very serious problems in the group.

3.4. Health sheet for the pupils of the group.

In practice, it is important to develop a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their state of health. To do this, groups have so-called "Health Sheets" to be completed by medical staff. Indeed, as a rule, children do not attend preschool due to illness. Medical staff and educator must work closely with each other. Without this relationship, competent health work.
The doctor carries out the distribution of children by health groups. According to the results of professional examinations (carried out 2 times a year in kindergarten groups and 4 times a year in early age groups), depending on the nature and severity of deviations in the health status of children, the doctor makes recommendations, documenting them.
AT practical work educator, it is recommendations that are important, not a clinical diagnosis (it is a medical secret). All of the above is reflected in "Health Sheet" for every child.

3.5. Journal of tempering events

The journal of tempering activities helps to purposefully carry out recreational activities with children in compliance with individual features child.

3.6. The scheme of seating children at the tables.

As you know, for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of visual impairment important has the correct seating of children at the table, for which each child is selected a set of furniture (table and chair height). The height and weight of children is determined 2 times a year, respectively, and a set of furniture should be determined 2 times a year. To do this, we need a scheme for seating children at the tables, which, as necessary, is adjusted depending on changes in the physical condition of the children in the group.

3.7. Group daily schedule.

The regime of the day for a warm and cold period of time is necessary for a rational duration and a reasonable alternation of various types of activities and rest for children during the day.

3.8. Children's stool map and morning filter (only for children under 3 years old).

The children's stool map and the morning filter make it possible to detect a child's disease at an early stage and take measures to preserve the health of the children's team of the group. The morning filter in other age groups is carried out and filled only during the epidemiological period.

3.9. Adaptation sheet.

For the period of adaptation of children, another type of document is introduced - an adaptation sheet. It notes the date of admission of the child, his time of stay in the preschool educational institution, the features of behavior in a symbolic performance. Timely analysis of this document helps teachers to identify and eliminate or mitigate the problem of adaptation of the child. Based on the analysis, coordinated teamwork "teacher - physician - psychologist - parents".

3.10. Journal of the reception and care of children under the signature of the parents.

The daily morning reception of children should be carried out by educators who interview parents about the state of health of children, examine the pharynx, and, if indicated, measure the body temperature of the skin. AT nursery groups reception takes place with a daily measurement of body temperature. During an influenza epidemic, body temperature is measured daily in all age groups. Children identified during the examination with suspected disease in Kindergarten are not accepted, and the sick during the day are isolated from healthy children in an isolation room until the parents arrive.

4. Documentation on the organization of interaction with the families of pupils.

4.1. Interaction with the parents of the pupils of the group.

The content of work with parents is planned for a month or a week. It should be indicated on what days and what will be done by each teacher of the group, and what kind of garden activities will be held. Moreover, it is necessary to write not only those activities that are carried out by the educator, but also by specialists working on this group. Regardless of who conducts the classes, the teacher will be the organizer in any case.

Work can be scheduled in various forms of conduct:

parent meeting,
- consultations (individual, group,
- workshops,
- thematic exhibitions,
- episodic conversations with parents,
- interest clubs
- joint holidays
- entertainment and leisure,
- questioning,
- parent meetings
- trainings
- excursions,
- tourist trips,
- participation of parents in the social life of the group and so on.

How many events to plan, everyone decides for himself. Work in kindergarten with parents should be planned in accordance with the annual objectives of the institution. You can find out about the joint activities of educators, which can be organized in a variety of traditional and innovative forms, in the program "Birth to School".

- master classes
- trainings
- assembly,
- evenings of music and poetry,
- visits by families to family subscription program events organized by institutions of culture and art, at the request of the kindergarten;
- family living rooms
- festivals,
- family clubs
- Q&A evenings
- salons, studios,
holidays (including family holidays,
- walks, excursions,
- project activities,
- family theatre.

4.2. Protocols parent meetings groups.

The protocol of parent meetings in kindergarten is an important document. Its preparation must be approached responsibly and competently. Any decision becomes valid only if there is a protocol. It must always be conducted, regardless of the degree of importance of the issues under discussion. A notebook of protocols is started during the recruitment of the group and is maintained until graduation from kindergarten. It is numbered by page, filed, sealed with the seal of the kindergarten and the signature of the head.

Protocol plan:

Full name of the institution
- Date of the meeting in the DOW
- List of attendees (teachers, administration, parents)
- Topic of the meeting (agenda)
- List of speakers (educators, medical worker, speech therapist, educational psychologist, leaders of circles, studios, parents, etc.)
- Solutions
- Signature of the secretary, educator, and chairman of the parent committee

All protocols are kept by the teacher.

All this documentation can be divided into mandatory and recommended. But what is mandatory and what is not, is decided not by the educator, but by the authorities.

For competent planning and documentation, you need to know the subject of documentation: the work program of your kindergarten, on the basis of which almost all other documents are built.

The following documentation is required:

Calendar plan of educational and educational activities for the group;
- The work program of the teacher for his group;
- The report card of attendance of children.

Recommended documentation that may or may not be maintained:

Information and regulatory folder: local acts, job descriptions, safety, health, etc.;
- Planning and analysis folder: information about children, parents, a plan for hardening and other regime moments, a schedule of classes, a scheme for seating children at the table, adaptation sheets, a journal for receiving children, etc .;
- Methodological support of the educational process: a comprehensive thematic work plan, a list of programs, technologies, author's developments, pedagogical diagnostic materials, a teacher's portfolio, self-education materials, work with parents and everything you have.

If you are not a fan of long texts, you can switch to flashcards. It is not prohibited and very convenient. A card index of work with parents, a grid of classes, work plans can be drawn up in the form of separate sheets of cardboard with inscribed activities.

An example of integrated thematic planning according to GEF DO

An example of how to draw up a comprehensive thematic plan for October for middle group. According to the same principle, we compose for other months, but we take other tasks.

So October:

1-2 week theme "Autumn". The content of the work: to expand the children's ideas about autumn as a season, to give an understanding of the different signs and features of autumn weather phenomena, to teach how to establish elementary connections between animate and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations of nature, note its changes, beauty. To give an idea about the professions of agriculture and forestry. Expand knowledge about seasonal vegetables, fruits, including exotic ones. Get to know autumn colors. Cultivate respect for nature and its gifts. To form initial information about ecology.

Events: holiday-matinee "Autumn", an exhibition of crafts from natural materials, Harvest project, targeted walks.

3rd week topic "ABC of courtesy". The content of the work: the formation of ideas about moral and ethical standards, to develop friendly relations between all pupils. Strengthen positive habits: greet, thank, correctly express requests, etc. Filling out a development card for each child.

Events: role-playing games "Polite Bear", puppet show"Hello!" Development of an individual development sheet for each child.

4th week topic "My favorite toys". The content of the work: improvement and development of play activities of preschoolers. Formation of knowledge and practical skills of communication between peers, with adults through the game. Expand play techniques and enrich children's experience in play activities. To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in the direction of independent development of new plots of games. Consolidate cognitive material through didactic games.

Events: a holiday of folk games and festivities, competitions in folk outdoor games, a complex of didactic and plot-role-playing games.

What does the schedule for each day look like?

Calendar-thematic plans for each day are drawn up differently, there are ready-made magazines for sale, graphed. Usually the columns are: month, day of the week, date. The theme of the week in accordance with the long-term plan, for example, as I wrote above, “Autumn”, “ABC of politeness”, “My favorite toys” for October.

Then the graphs are as follows: vertically - the joint activities of the educator and children, the organization of a subject-developing environment, support for the child's individuality. There may be other columns at your discretion. For example, according to goals: social and communicative, cognitive and speech, physical and aesthetic development.

If we choose the second option for writing the plan, then what can we write in the column " Team work” on the topic “Autumn” in the line of cognitive-speech development: Observation “Autumn trees”, examining the leaves, bark of trees that are on the site, we learn to distinguish between a tree and a bush, characterize the shape of the leaves of different plants, color. Encouraging children to actively communicate. We listen to the rustle of leaves, the sound of the wind, we develop sensory sensations.

Research activity: "What do trees like?" We find out what conditions are suitable for the growth of trees. We develop cognitive abilities, the ability to observe, analyze, express our thoughts.

Problem situation: autumn is a controversial season. We learn to analyze cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena and people's attitudes towards them, we try to analyze the pros and cons of autumn, we develop the ability to prove our point of view.
Conversations on the theme of autumn. There can be many topics, I will not list.

FEMP: learning to count, compare values, in general, according to the lesson plan. Didactic games. Also a great variety, define as you wish.

This is just one column filled in. You also need to fill in the rest, starting from the program and the long-term plan, as well as the grid of classes. Difficult for a beginner, right?

You can find 7gurus on our website ready plan and just rewrite, changing the dates and modifying it for your group.

Main part

September, 1st week, topic “Today, preschoolers, tomorrow - schoolchildren”

The goals of the teacher : introduce children to the autumn holiday - the Day of Knowledge; to form knowledge about the school, interest in the school, cognitive motivation; consolidate knowledge about kindergarten as the nearest social environment; develop friendly relationships between children; create an emotionally positive attitude towards the kindergarten and its employees; to cultivate respect for the work of the teacher

1st day, Thursday

Talking about school with children

Reading a poem by S. Marshak "The first day of the calendar"

Viewing the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" - a series of "First of September"

Listening to songs about school


OS theme __________________,

OO ______________________________________________ ,

OS theme __,

FROM. _________

Target walk to the school building.

Purpose: to develop interest in the school; consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street

Conversation "What does a cloud look like" with children

Exercise with the ball: rolling the ball to each other, into the goal (width 50-40 cm) from a distance of 1.5-2m

Labor: cleaning leaves from the veranda

Study of the table setting algorithm.

Purpose: to consolidate in children the ability to consistently set the table, correctly laying out the cutlery


Examining the illustrations about the school

Mobile game "Traps"

Organized educational activities

OO __________________________________________________ ,

OS theme _______________________________________________________________ ,

Making a bouquet of autumn leaves

Mobile game "Hatchling and chickens"

Talking with parents about the need for flu vaccinations for children

*PPRS C -TO P R - "Speech development",X-E F - "Physical development"

Main part

Organization of PPRS* for independent activities of children

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational areas

Independent activity of children

Integration of educational areas

Specially organized group, subgroup activity

Individual work with children

Educational activities in regime moments

2nd day, Friday

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

1. Poetic minute: reading Z. Alexandrova's poem "To School"

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the school, the role of the teacher in the life of students; develop an interest in knowledge, a desire to learn

Modeling on the topic: "My favorite toy" with children

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of sculpting

Purpose: to develop auditory attention

2. The game "What do I need at school?"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about school supplies

3. Conversation about the rules for caring for indoor plants

Purpose: to instill a love for plants "Consumer goods store"

Purpose: to learn to act according to roles

2. Building a school from a constructor

Purpose: to learn how to build buildings

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ___________________________________________________________________ ,

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme,

Preparing for a walk. Walk: games, observations, conversations, work, experimentation, physical culture and health work

Walk around the territory of the kindergarten.

Purpose: to introduce children to natural areas on the ecological path of the kindergarten

2. P.I. "1,2,3 - run to the tree."

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the names of trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten

Task for children

"Select the grain."


Sedentary game "Flight - short flight".

Purpose: to train children in different ways of throwing.

P.I. "We are funny guys."

Purpose: to develop children's coordination, dexterity of movements

Running exercises: in a column, with a change of direction.

Game: "What has changed"

Return from a walk, catering and sleep for children

Consolidate knowledge of table setting

Purpose: once again to consolidate in children the ability to consistently set the table, correctly laying out the cutlery

Evening: games, leisure activities, socializing and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner






Didactic games "What lies where", "Every thing has its place"

Purpose: to consolidate the rules of safe behavior in the group

Task for children

"Jumping on one leg"

Purpose: to develop balance

Reading poems by G. Ladonshchikov “About myself and about the guys”

Exercise "Guess the riddle and explain what helped you solve it"

Goal: develop logic

Making attributes for the story game "School"

Organized educational activities

OO _______________________ topic OS __________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

1. Observation of moving clouds.

2. Experience "How to feel the air" (use sultans, turntables)

Game "Finish the sentence" with children

Purpose: To develop logic and speech in children

P.I. "Classics"

Purpose: to teach children to jump on one leg.

Collection of beautiful leaves for the herbarium

Manual labor:

Paper fan folding

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hands

Interaction with family and society

Collection of applications from parents for permission to visit the pool of their children

*PPRS - subject-spatial environment,C -TO -“Social and communicative development”,P - "Cognitive development",R - "Speech development",X-E - "Artistic and aesthetic development",F - "Physical development"

Main part

Organization of PPRS* for independent activities of children

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Integration of educational areas

Specially organized group, subgroup activity

Individual work with children

Educational activities in regime moments

3rd day, Monday

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Playing and discussing the situation "You came to kindergarten in the morning."

Purpose: to consolidate the forms of verbal expression of politeness at a meeting.

Conversation on the topic "We are now in the senior group"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the new status of children in the senior group

Strengthening the skills of direct and reverse counting in the game "Living Number" with children

Conversation on the topic "How to play with comrades"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of a friendly attitude towards others, the ability to play together, share toys.

Reading the story of S. Makhotin " Senior group»

Game "Find a dangerous object"

Purpose: to determine the degree of danger of objects

S-R.i "Kindergarten"

Purpose: to teach to act according to roles

P.I. "Whose link is more likely to gather"

Purpose: to develop mindfulness and speed

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ___________________________________________________________________ ,

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ____________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk. Walk: games, observations, conversations, work, experimentation, physical culture and health work

Conversation on the topic "On what I came to kindergarten"

Watching different types transport

Purpose: to expand knowledge about land transport, its classification, purpose

Forward jumping with kids

P.I. "Who is the most accurate?"

Purpose: to develop independence, ingenuity, courage.

Collective work in the garden for garbage collection.

Purpose: to develop teamwork skills in children

S-r.i. "Bus" using callout attributes

Purpose: to teach to play the role of a driver

Return from a walk, catering and sleep for children

Game-competition "Who will undress faster and neatly put things in the closet

Purpose: to teach children to order

Evening: games, leisure activities, socializing and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner





Conversation on the topic "How we study and play in kindergarten"

Purpose: to develop the speech of children

Reading the story of R. Zernov “How Anton fell in love with going to kindergarten”

Purpose: to teach children to dry and remember what they heard

Task for children

"Find the same pattern"

Purpose: to develop mindfulness

Looking at books in the book corner, making baby books about toys as a gift for kids.

Reading competition "Favorite kindergarten"

Purpose: to motivate children to actively participate in the life of the group

Washing clothes for dolls based on the scheme-algorithm

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme,

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

Examining a birch.

Round dance "There was a birch in the field"

Target throwing with kids

Purpose: to develop accuracy

Game exercise: jumping on two legs around a birch

Purpose: to increase physical activity

Labor: collecting flower seeds

Interaction with family and society

Advice for parents "On the benefits of medicinal plants"

*PPRS - subject-spatial environment,C -TO -“Social and communicative development”,P - "Cognitive development",R - "Speech development",X-E - "Artistic and aesthetic development",F - "Physical development"

Main part

Organization of PPRS* for independent activities of children

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Integration of educational areas

Specially organized group, subgroup activity

Individual work with children

Educational activities in regime moments

4th day, Tuesday

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Conversation on the topic "Who takes care of us in kindergarten"

Purpose: to cultivate respect for the employees of the kindergarten.

word game"What do they teach at school?"

Purpose: to remember with the children as many words as possible about the school

Task for children

"Make a whole out of parts"

Purpose: to develop visual attention

Consideration of the thematic album "Who works in kindergarten"

Di. "School items"

Purpose: to introduce children to school supplies and their purpose

ecological game"I will think of a tree, and you find it"

Tul: learn to distinguish trees

P.i. "Find Your Place"

Purpose: to develop


Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ___________________________________________________________________ ,

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ____________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk. Walk: games, observations, conversations, work, experimentation, physical culture and health work

Spider watching

Purpose: to expand and consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features appearance spider, his life

Exercise "We go with the wind"

Purpose: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent wind directions

Jumping rope on two legs with children

Goal: development of agility

Sand building "Beautiful towers"

Purpose: to teach to apply knowledge about the properties of sand in productive activities

Exercise "Guess where I am"

Purpose: to develop orientation in the area in children

Jumping over a path of leaves

Fulfillment of labor assignments for work in the flower garden

Purpose: to instill a love for plants

Return from a walk, catering and sleep for children

Reading a poem by M Vishnevetskaya "Dear Aunt Semolina"

Evening: games, leisure activities, socializing and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner




Leisure activities "Multconcert for kids", performance of songs from cartoons

Purpose: to create a joyful mood in children

Drawing on the theme "School" with children

Purpose: to learn to draw

Di. "Learn by description"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about indoor plants

The game "Recognize the flower by description"

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme _,

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

plantain watching


Introduce the popular names of this plant; show the adaptability of the plantain to life on the roads

Selection of pictures about school with children

Purpose: to teach to identify school subjects

Exercise "Paratroopers"

Purpose: to learn to spin in place with a stop in the squat

Ball game "Finish my sentence"

Purpose: to learn to find the right answer

Exercise: throwing cones at a tree with the right hand and the left hand

Purpose: To develop the muscles of the hands

Interaction with family and society

Working with parents on an exhibition of vegetable crafts

*PPRS - subject-spatial environment,C -TO -“Social and communicative development”,P - "Cognitive development",R - "Speech development",X-E - "Artistic and aesthetic development",F - "Physical development"

Main part

Organization of PPRS* for independent activities of children

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Integration of educational areas

Specially organized group, subgroup activity

Individual work with children

Educational activities in regime moments

5th day, Wednesday

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Tour of the kindergarten.

Purpose: to instill in children respect for the work of kindergarten employees

P.i. "Run and Jump"

Purpose: to develop motor activity, the ability to jump in length

"Connect the drawing by dots and shade it" with children

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of hands

Reviewing the calendar of nature with children

Purpose: to teach to notice changes in nature

Performing graphic dictations in squared notebooks

Purpose: to develop mathematical abilities

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ___________________________________________________________________ ,

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ____________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk. Walk: games, observations, conversations, work, experimentation, physical culture and health work

Supervision of the work of the janitor

Purpose: to expand knowledge about the work of adults in the fall; cultivate respect for work

Exercise "Score a goal"

Purpose: to develop an eye in children

Folding cut pictures with children

Purpose: to develop mindfulness

P.i. "Cat and Mice"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to follow the rules of the game; activate motor activity

Game-competition "Who will collect the school bag faster"

Return from a walk, catering and sleep for children

E. exercise "Who will fold the clothes correctly"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to properly place your things in the closet

Evening: games, leisure activities, socializing and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner




Conversation on the topic "Why do we need a daily routine"

Purpose: to form the right attitude towards your health and daily routine

Task for children

"Cut along the contour"

Purpose: to learn to work with scissors

Di. "Recognize by voice"

Working with coloring pages on the theme "School"

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ______________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

Looking at the flower bed

Job assignment: collect sand in a sandbox, sift it

Memorizing poems about school

Exercise "Jumping"

Purpose: to teach children to jump rope

Ex. "Wand-saver"

Purpose: to exercise children in running, agility

Collecting chestnuts for counting in math class

Interaction with family and society

Working with parents to design a flower bed

*PPRS - subject-spatial environment,C -TO -“Social and communicative development”,P - "Cognitive development",R - "Speech development",X-E - "Artistic and aesthetic development",F - "Physical development"

Main part

Organization of PPRS* for independent activities of children

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Integration of educational areas

Specially organized group, subgroup activity

Individual work with children

Educational activities in regime moments

6 th day, Thursday

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Conversation “My small homeland”. Purpose: to educate children in patriotic feelings, love and respect for their homeland, to form the concept of “small homeland”.

Reading the story of K. D. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland".

Learning the poem "Small Motherland".

Repetition of your home address with your children.

Explanation of the meaning of proverbs:

- "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song."

- "A man has one mother, he has one Motherland."

- “Is he happy with his little funnel on someone else’s side?”

Consideration of the symbols of the country and the city

Viewing the presentation "My homeland".

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ___________________________________________________________________ ,

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ____________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk. Walk: games, observations, conversations, work, experimentation, physical culture and health work

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten. Outdoor games: "Leaf fall", "Catch a leaf",

Work in throwing balls to each other, standing in ranks, throwing the ball with two hands from below.

Education of self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing and undressing.

Free activity on the walk.

Experimenting with sand (changing the shape).

Return from a walk, catering and sleep for children

Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Jug" in the processing of O. Kapitsa.

Evening: games, leisure activities, socializing and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Game-conversation "Learning to speak correctly."

Creative play"Land of Courtesy"

Repetition of the poem "Small Motherland".

Listening to the folk song "There was a birch in the field."

Work in the center of the book: selection of books on the topic "Autumn", "My Motherland"

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ______________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

Observation "How daylight hours change in early autumn." Outdoor games for children. Reading poems about autumn.

Exercise in throwing the ball on the floor between the ranks with one hand and catching it with both hands after the bounce on the floor.

Site cleaning instructions;

e / game "Define the time of year" (learn to notice seasonal changes that are happening in nature).

games of choice.

D / games "Find a tree", "Compare".

Solving riddles.

Interaction with family and society

Conversations with parents about how the lifestyle of the family affects the health of the child. Recommendations for parents of benefits for homework with children.

*PPRS - subject-spatial environment,C -TO -“Social and communicative development”,P - "Cognitive development",R - "Speech development",X-E - "Artistic and aesthetic development",F - "Physical development"

Main part

Organization of PPRS* for independent activities of children

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activity of children

Integration of educational areas

Specially organized group, subgroup activity

Individual work with children

Educational activities in regime moments

7th day, Friday

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Conversation with children about what they did yesterday, what plans for today.

Learning the poem by A. Pleshcheev "Autumn has come."

Learning a song for the Autumn holiday "Cranes-Cranes".

Repeating the sequence of seasons, months of the year and days of the week

A situational conversation about the benefits of water, about how it should be used and protected.

Work in the corner of nature.

Experimenting with artistic material.

Self-play at activity centers

Board game "Find the treasure according to the scheme" (development of thinking, memory, attention).

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ___________________________________________________________________ ,

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ____________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk. Walk: games, observations, conversations, work, experimentation, physical culture and health work

Flower watching. Consider annual and perennial plants, name and show flowers known to children. Labor: collect dry seeds.

A conversation about what we will sow these seeds for next year.Outdoor games: "Rain clouds", "Rain", "Mousetrap"

Work on the development of basic movements

Target: exercise: in jumping on two legs moving forward

Conversation - reasoning "Rules of behavior in nature in autumn" for the formation of the prerequisites for ecological consciousness (examine plants without harming them, observe animals without disturbing or harming them).

Children's games with enduring material. Labor: collecting garbage on the site. Weather observations, compare morning and evening weather.

Return from a walk, catering and sleep for children

Listening to the musical composition of P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" (September).

Evening: games, leisure activities, socializing and activities of interest, preparation for meals, afternoon tea, dinner





Wellness exercises after sleep. Tempering procedures: washing with cold water. Exercises for the prevention of scoliosis in children. Game-journey "Village". Purpose: to develop imagination, sense of rhythm, to cultivate a desire to participate in joint games

Memorizing poems for the holiday of Autumn

Cognitive research activity "On the contrary" Purpose: development of the ability to find the opposite word for each word (action). Role-playing game "Family", "Supermarket". Free activity (under the supervision of a teacher)

Role-playing game "Let's cook dinner and feed the family" Purpose: improving the ability to take on a role and perform actions according to the accepted role

Organized educational activities

OO ___________________________________________________ ,

OS theme ______________________________________________________________________ ,

Preparing for a walk, evening walk

Observation of changes in air temperature in the morning and afternoon hours (in the sun and in the shade). Labor: assistance in cleaning fallen leaves - sweeping paths on the site. P / game "Change Places".

Practice counting things

Didactic game"Helpful - harmful" (to develop the need to follow a diet, eat vegetables and fruits, and other healthy foods).

Independent play activities of children on the site, games of choice. Remind them to be friendly to each other.

Interaction with family and society

Individual consultations on request.

*PPRS - subject-spatial environment,C -TO -“Social and communicative development”,P - "Cognitive development",R - "Speech development",X-E - "Artistic and aesthetic development",F - "Physical development"

Anna Shilova
Daily care plan

Daily care plan


Purpose: Find out the results of the day (a conversation with the teacher about the health, behavior, academic performance of children, about the assigned homework).

Checking the condition of clothes, order in the closet and bedside tables.

Individual work___

13.00 STROLL

“Early autumn has come - we meet it, we observe nature together with interest.”

Purpose: To learn to name the signs of autumn, changes in nature using figurative words and expressions; expand and clarify ideas about plants; to activate the attention of children on changes in the immediate natural and social environment.

Organizational structure of the walk.

Observation of seasonal changes in nature with the onset of autumn.

What time of year did we go for a walk?

What season is it?

What is the name of the first autumn month?

Research activity.

Try to find a tree that is the first to prepare for autumn

(Aspen, birch?

By what means did you understand this?

Is it possible to find the most beautiful leaf of birch, aspen? Why?

Outdoor games.

Mobile game "Thunderstorm"

Purpose: Development of motor activity, attention; training of coordination of movements, articulation, memory.

Game progress: Hoops "houses" are laid out in a circle according to the number of children. Leaving the "house", the children run, jump all over the site in different directions. With the words "home" the children take empty seats. The one left without a “house” is out of the game.

Purpose: To form labor skills. To cultivate love for work, respect for the work of other people, to teach to bring the work begun to the end. Assist the janitor in cleaning the area from dry leaves.

Individual work___

14.00 DINNER.

Purpose: To form the skills of cultural behavior in the dining room.

Learn how to properly set the table, use cutlery, instill sanitary and hygienic skills before and after meals.

Individual work___


Purpose: Development of creative abilities.

Individual work___


Purpose: To consolidate the rules of eating.


Purpose: To form independence in the implementation homework keep accurate notes in notebooks.

Develop cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, deliberate memorization). Cultivate perseverance.

Organizing time.

corrective exercise.

Exercise for the development of perception, attention.

Purpose: To activate the attention of pupils.

Russian language.

Individual work___

Dynamic pause

(physical minute, gymnastics for the eyes, fingers).


Individual work___

Speech therapy minute

Goal: Development of the articulatory apparatus

Individual work___

Corrective exercise

(development of memory, attention, thinking, perception).


Purpose: Removal of physical fatigue, improvement of pupils.


"My daily routine leads to success."

19.00 DINNER

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to use cutlery, observe correct posture at the table.


Purpose: To form the ability to troubleshoot clothes, ironing. Training school uniform. Develop labor skills (wet cleaning class).

Individual work___



Purpose: To form sanitary and hygienic skills. Individual work___


Purpose: Organization of pupils for sleep, discipline.


21.30 CLEAR

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Good day everyone! Tatyana Sukhikh is in direct contact with you. On the pages of my blog, a reader shared a professional problem with me and asked for help. The bottom line is that, having never worked as a teacher before, she got a job in a preschool educational institution with strict rules with apparently not very responsive colleagues, since there is no one to tell the newcomer what kind of documentation the teacher should keep and how work plans are drawn up for the middle group. Let's figure it out!

I would not want to scare my young colleague-educator, but there is enough documentation, so that my head is spinning at times. But, if you do not start this "paper art", then everything can be done.

So, what you definitely need to draw up and lead in the middle group:

  • Local acts are a folder with instructions: official, labor protection, health and life protection for children, modeled on your preschool institution. It is done once and updated periodically;
  • Work program for age group for a year in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, compiled according to your choice preschool educational program, such as "Birth to School". Based on the general program, you need to make such a document for your group;
  • Comprehensive thematic plans are plans for working with children by season and week of each month, where general areas of work are recorded. That is, what do you want to achieve during each month. Below I will give an example of filling for October;
  • The calendar plan of upbringing and educational activities is already a specific detailed plan for every day. It should be coordinated with the work program and the comprehensive thematic plan. Here we write down everything that we will do with the children during the day: exercises, classes, games, walks, regime moments, work with parents, etc .;
  • Class grid - simplifies the planning of educational activities and is a table by day of the week, in which we enter all classes, including music, physical education;
  • Folder of pedagogical diagnostics - here are maps of observations of children, diagnostics and recommendations;
  • Portfolio of the educator - I wrote a separate article about him and not one. You need a portfolio for certification;
  • Folder for self-education - choose a topic and gradually fill the folder with materials;
  • Attendance sheet of pupils;
  • Information about children and parents;
  • List of children;
  • hardening plan;
  • The scheme of seating children at the tables;
  • Daily regime;
  • Adaptation sheet;
  • Journal of admission and care of pupils;
  • Folder of work with parents;
  • Minutes of parent meetings.

Comprehensive thematic planning for October for the middle group

As promised, I will show an example of how to draw up a comprehensive thematic plan for October for the middle group. According to the same principle, we compose for other months, but we take other tasks. In principle, all plans are freely available on the Internet for download.

So October:

1-2 week theme "Autumn". The content of the work: to expand the children's ideas about autumn as a season, to give an understanding of the different signs and features of autumn weather phenomena, to teach how to establish elementary connections between animate and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations of nature, note its changes, beauty. To give an idea about the professions of agriculture and forestry. Expand knowledge about seasonal vegetables, fruits, including exotic ones. Get to know autumn colors. Cultivate respect for nature and its gifts. To form initial information about ecology.

Events: "Autumn" matinee, an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials, the "Harvest" project, targeted walks.

3rd week topic "ABC of courtesy". The content of the work: the formation of ideas about moral and ethical standards, to develop friendly relations between all pupils. Strengthen positive habits: greet, thank, correctly express requests, etc. Filling out a development card for each child.

Events: role-playing games "Polite Bear Cub", puppet show "Hello!" Development of an individual development sheet for each child.

4th week topic "My favorite toys". The content of the work: improvement and development of play activities of preschoolers. Formation of knowledge and practical skills of communication between peers, with adults through the game. Expand play techniques and enrich children's experience in play activities. To develop the creative abilities of preschoolers in the direction of independent development of new plots of games. Consolidate cognitive material through didactic games.

Events: a holiday of folk games and festivities, competitions in folk outdoor games, a complex of didactic and plot-role-playing games.

What does the schedule for each day look like?

Calendar-thematic plans for each day are drawn up differently, there are ready-made magazines for sale, graphed. Usually the columns are: month, day of the week, date. The theme of the week in accordance with the long-term plan, for example, as I wrote above, “Autumn”, “ABC of politeness”, “My favorite toys” for October.

Then the graphs are as follows: vertically - the joint activities of the educator and children, the organization of a subject-developing environment, support for the child's individuality. There may be other columns at your discretion. For example, according to goals: social and communicative, cognitive and speech, physical and aesthetic development.

If we choose the second option for recording the plan, then what can we write in the column "Joint activities" on the topic "Autumn" in the line of cognitive-speech development:

  • Observation "Autumn Trees", examining the leaves, the bark of trees that are on the site, we learn to distinguish between a tree and a bush, we characterize the shape of the leaves of different plants, color.
  • Encouraging children to actively communicate. We listen to the rustle of leaves, the sound of the wind, we develop sensory sensations.
  • Research activity: "What do trees like?" We find out what conditions are suitable for the growth of trees. We develop cognitive abilities, the ability to observe, analyze, express our thoughts.
  • Problem situation: autumn is a controversial season. We learn to analyze cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena and people's attitudes towards them, we try to analyze the pros and cons of autumn, we develop the ability to prove our point of view.
  • Conversations on the theme of autumn. There can be many topics, I will not list.
  • FEMP: learning to count, compare values, in general, according to the lesson plan.
  • Didactic games. Also a great variety, define as you wish.

This is just one column filled in. You also need to fill in the rest, starting from the program and the long-term plan, as well as the grid of classes. Difficult for a beginner, right? I hope I helped a young colleague a little. If so, write, I will answer. I advise you to find a ready-made plan on the Internet and just rewrite it, and make adjustments for yourself along the way. Should there have been work plans from the predecessor?
If you liked the article, share it with those who may need it. Also subscribe to the news, we will be in touch.