Drawing Khokhloma painting in the senior group. Summary of the lesson “Khokhloma painting. Didactic game "Elements of painting"

  • 13.11.2019

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Target: To acquaint children with the type of folk craft Khokhloma.


  • Tell children about the history of the Khokhloma craft
  • Consider the main elements of Khokhloma painting, products of Khokhloma painting, explore what materials are made of.
  • Develop interest in the study of folk crafts
  • To cultivate love and respect for the work of craftsmen

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to them. Can you please tell me what time of year it is? From the warm spring sun, all people are in a good mood, and when we good mood we give each other smiles.

Guys, what country do we live in? (children's answers).

And who knows the name of the capital of our country? (children's answers)

What city do we live in? (children's answers)

Conversation "History of Khokhloma"

slide number 1

caregiver: Previously, a long time ago, Russia was called Russia, and it was famous for its crafts, which were made by masters, and each master did everything himself - from beginning to end. Yes, our country is beautiful and rich. It originated a very long time ago and it has an ancient and interesting history.

Every nation has its own traditions. How do you understand this word? What is tradition? (children's guesses)

Tradition is not a Russian word, it is translated from Latin as the word “transmission”, that is, tradition is something that is transmitted from one person to another. There are traditions that originated a long time ago and have survived to this day.

So the products made by the hands of Russian masters have survived to this day. These are products such as toys and dishes. Look, we have dishes on the table. Look at her, how bright, elegant she is. This is Khokhloma. Khokhloma! What a strange and funny word. You can hear laughter and admiration in it - OH! And an enthusiastic AH! But how did it all start?

slide number 3

Tale of "Khokhloma"

The tale begins not about us, not about you, but about a wonderful drawing of Khokhloma.
They say that a miracle master lived in ancient times in the Nizhny Novgorod forests. He built himself a house on the banks of the river and began to make and paint wooden utensils. His patterned cups and spoons looked like gold. The fame of this dish reached Moscow and spread all over the world. And then the master handed over the secret of the “golden” dishes to the inhabitants of the village of Khokhloma, and he himself disappeared ...

slide number 4

In the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, there is a village with a cheerful name Khokhloma. In Khokhloma, dishes were made from soft woods (linden, birch, alder). But the dishes were also made in many surrounding villages, then they were brought to Khokhloma and from there they were sent to the fair for sale. That is why the dishes are called Khokhloma.

slide number 5

The branch smoothly bent, and turned into a ringlet.
Next to the three-fingered leaf, the strawberry is scarlet.
She shone, rose, poured sweet juice.
And the grass is like a fringe. What is this? …

Children in chorus: Khokhloma.


On the table is a Khokhloma samovar,
("inflate" the stomach, one hand on the belt).
Very important, from the spout of steam.
And around the painted cups,
(circling, drawing a circle with hands)
No Khokhloma dishes are brighter.
Next to them are golden spoons,
(stretch, arms clasped above head)
On them "grass" is an ancient painting.
Here is a tray with raspberries,
(hold hands, form a large circle)
He brought it all to us.

Our miracle is wonderful! (hands up, down through the sides)
We draw Khokhloma (hands in front of the chest one on top of the other)
Beauty unseen! (hands up, down through the sides).
Let's draw grass (hands in front of the chest one on top of the other)
Solar paint (raise your hands up, lower them down through the sides)
Rowan berries (hands in front of the chest one on top of the other)
Scarlet paint (hands up, down through the sides)
Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma (hands on the belt, body turns to the right - to the left)
This is such a marvelous miracle! (hands up, down through the sides).

Educator: Well done! Have a seat.

slide number 6

What is the secret of colorful Khokhloma? How is she drawn? It turns out this is not at all easy.

Algorithm for the manufacture of Khokhloma products:

  1. Turning products on the machine. slide number 7
  2. Cover with a thin layer of clay.
  3. Wipe with sandpaper.
  4. Coated with a special composition for wooden surfaces (linseed oil).
  5. Ludyat - covered with aluminum powder. slide number 8
  6. The master applied the drawing with a brush, then the product was again impregnated with drying oil and hardened in an oven. slide number 9
  7. Cover the product with a special varnish. Under the influence of temperature, the varnish turns yellow, then this delightful shine appears. Slide number 10, 11.

The painting of Khokhloma products is full of unique originality and is rooted in the past, let's take a closer look at it. Slide number 12,13, 14, 15.

The main drawing is berries, leaves, flowers and, most importantly, grass

Slide number 16, 17

Another traditional pattern was called "Kudrina" (from the word Curly - curly hair).

Slide number 18,19

What colors did the artist use? That's right, there is black, red. There is green, but most of all gold. Now do you understand why they say "golden Khokhloma"?

"Grass" - black and red grass on a golden background - is considered a classic for the Khokhloma artist.

What patterns did the artist use? (The patterns contain different berries, leaves (most often triple, decorative flowers.) But this element, which is most often found, is called “grass”. Artists make up a variety of compositions from grass. Even images of Birds of Fire, fish Slide number 20

Game "Put the word in the box"

Question: What are the dishes? (beautiful, elegant, golden, fabulous, delightful, amazing, bright, pleasing to the eye, patterned, festive, wonderful, serves for beauty).

Guys, what mood does it evoke in you when you look at this Khokhloma crockery? (joyful, cheerful from brightness and elegance) Guys,

What colors for patterns do the master choose? (gold, black, red)

Guys, what patterns do the masters decorate their dishes with? (twigs, flowers, bushes). Children look at the patterns on the dishes

AT modern world people use Khokhloma painting to decorate various products. slide number 21

Research activity.

Invite the children to take any of the items they like and carefully consider.


  • What is the name of the item?
  • What material is the item made of?
  • And what patterns are drawn on the subject?
  • What do you think this item is for?

Game "Decorate dishes"

Children lay out elements of Khokhloma painting on the template of dishes, decorate.

The teacher summarizes:

  1. What beautiful dishes you have! How beautifully decorated!
  2. Remind me what it's called?
  3. What color are your dishes?
  4. What patterns did you need to decorate the dishes?

Well done! Learned a lot of interesting things today? (children's answers)

Elena Gerasimova
Synopsis of OOD on artistic creativity in senior group"Drawing based on Khokhloma painting"

Program tasks:

To acquaint children with a new type of arts and crafts - Khokhloma, with its history and origins, with the stages of making Khokhloma products.

To teach children to draw elements of Khokhloma painting: berries, grass, leaves, curl, droplet, antennae, etc.

To develop the ability of children to paint products in accordance with the type of art being studied.

To cultivate love for art, love for beauty, interest in the knowledge of Russian folk culture.

Material: Khokhloma products, blanks-templates of Khokhloma dishes (for each child, brushes, pokes, gouache, cups of water, napkins.

Preliminary work: examining illustrations, products of arts and crafts, reading poems about Russian folk crafts.

A very good mood gives us all arts and crafts.

decorative- decorated, beautiful.

Applied- used in everyday life, i.e. all these products were made for use in everyday life.

And yet this art is called folk art, since all this was created and is being created by the people. Today we will get acquainted with one of the types of arts and crafts - Khokhloma.

To whom dishes for porridge-okroshka,

A miracle - a dish and cups, spoons?

Where are the dishes from? Yes, she came to you

Golden Khokhloma!

Golden grass grew on a spoon,

A flower has blossomed on a bowl,

The cranberry ripened on the ladle.

The bird pecks at this berry - the golden wing.

Admire the objects painted with the Khokhloma pattern.

Listen to the legend of Khokhloma painting.

“A long time ago, a cheerful little man settled in the forest beyond the Volga - a craftsman. He set up a hut, set up a table and a bench, cut out wooden dishes. He cooked wheat porridge for himself and did not forget to pour millet for the birds. Somehow the bird Fire flew to his doorstep. He fed her too. The Firebird touched a cup of porridge with its golden wing, and the cup became golden.”

There was another story in the village of Khokhloma:

“There was a peasant who did not have much wealth, but he was very talented. Everyone came to visit him and marveled at his wonderful dishes. Once the king asked him: - Why do you praise your art so much? And the peasant replies: “The gold of Khokhloma does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.”

Indeed, if you put the dishes in water, they do not sink, because they are made of wood. And when the artist covers the painted dishes with varnish, and not once, but 5-6 times, then puts it in the oven, this is where the magic happens. From the heat, the varnish will turn yellow, and the metallic sheen from under it will become golden. The golden cup is taken out of the oven.

Now it's time to take up the brush. But how to paint this dish?

The masters took elements for painting from life - these are blades of grass, berries, leaves, flowers, birds.

What are the main colors in the painting?

(red, black, green, yellow, gold)

What feelings do these colors represent?

(red - joy, gold - warmth, happiness, wealth, green - the color of life, nature, black - solemnity)

The main element of the painting is grass.

How to draw grass (end of a thin brush)

In Khokhloma, curling grass is called "Kudrina".

- "Berries"- usually applied in threes or a sprig (currant). To draw berries, you can use a brush or poke.

- "Antennae"- are drawn as a continuous line of the same thickness.

- "Curls"- are performed with light pressure in the middle of the element.

-"Sedges"- are performed with a slight movement of the brush tip from top to bottom.

Black paint makes animation - thin twigs and blades of grass.

In addition, we must remember about the conformity of the pattern and shape of the object. The ornament should not be interrupted.

Pay attention to the location of the ornament (the plate is in a circle, the vase is in a curved line).

And now that we have learned all the secrets of this art, let's try to paint this amazing dish.

But in order for your lines to turn out accurate and neat, you need to work with our fingers.

A folk tune is playing. Children repeat after the teacher movements with fingers in the air (wavy lines, curls, grass, sedges, berries, droplets).

Guys, you have templates of various dishes on your table. Imagine that you and I are in a workshop and you are craftsmen.

Each of you must choose the ornament you like the most and decorate your dish pattern with it.

Summary of the lesson

Take a look at the exhibition, what a wonderful dish our folk craftsmen turned out to be, bright, colorful, festive. What works turned out to be the most expressive and accurate. Explain your choice.

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There the grass curls and flowers

Amazing beauty.

They shine like gold

As if sun-drenched.

All the leaves are like leaves

Here, everyone is golden.

The beauty of such people

They call it Khokhloma.

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Zakirova Gulnara Mizfatovna
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group "Introduction to Khokhloma painting"

Target: Contribute to the consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about the folk art craft of Russian masters - Khokhloma painting and its features.

Program content:

Learn paint"curls". exercise in drawing thin smooth lines with the end of the brush.

Improve the ability to make a pattern based on Khokhloma painting on products that are new in shape, using the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in previous cycle lessons.

To promote the development of a sense of color, rhythm, composition;

Contribute to the education of interest in folk - applied arts and traditions of the Russian people, a sense of pride in their country and respect for the work of folk craftsmen.

Demo material: finished goods Khokhloma masters, sample elements Khokhloma painting(sedge, blade of grass, antennae, droplet, berry), a piece of paper to show the way drawing"curl" with drawn by master branch(criulem, sample vase with Khokhloma painting.

Handout: ready-made silhouettes of vases toned in yellow, gouache, a jar of water, a napkin, sponge poke, a brush for each child, leaflets for training drawing"curls".

Methodological techniques:

1. Verbal - a story to children about the occurrence Khokhloma products and paintings.

2. Visual - examination of painted products Khokhloma painting, handout and demonstration material.

3. Practical - the work of children at the tables.

vocabulary work: "curl", kriul, vegetation.

Integration with OO:

"Cognitive Development"

"Speech Development"

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Invented by someone

Simple and wise

Say hello when you meet!

Good morning kids!

Good morning guests!

caregiver: Guess the riddle

The branch smoothly bent, and turned into a ringlet.

Next to the three-fingered leaf, the strawberry is scarlet

She shone, rose, poured sweet juice.

And the grass is like a fringe.

What is this?.


caregiver: This is a riddle about Khokhloma painting. - Why painting named« Khokhloma» where did she come from?

caregiver: A long time ago, this painting. It got its name from the name of the village Khokhloma where they started decorating wooden crafts. And then there were fairs. They sold beautiful Khokhloma dishes, attracting and bewitching everyone with its brightness and richness of colors.

caregiver: -Today we will go to "Fair of products of folk craftsmen".

They circled and circled and found themselves at the fair.

(Merry music sounds, children stand in a semicircle (doll voice)

Doll: Hey, honest gentlemen!

Please visit us here!

How do we have containers - bars, Khokhloma eat goods!

Dear guests, come, look,

Children are considering the products of folk craftsmen at the fair.

caregiver: - Masters apply drawings with an accurate, confident movement with a flexible brush, making a smooth bend of a branch, as if bending under the weight of a ripe berry, graceful "antennae" thin grasses are about to sway in a light breeze. Khokhloma masters know many wonderful tricks murals- here are large golden flowers on a red background, and an ancient "herbal" painting- thin-thin black-red grass merrily curls over a golden background. Each color has its own meaning.

Red - fire, love, devotion.

Golden - the sun, light, warmth.

Black - earth, solemnity.

Green is life.

caregiver: Products serve as a wonderful decoration of any room, and at the same time they are needed, useful in everyday life. The room becomes lighter and cozier from a warm golden glow. Khokhloma products. Now we will arrange a fair in our kindergarten. Let's paint the dishes Khokhloma pattern. Take your seats in the workshop.

caregiver: -But first you need to clarify. What background Khokhloma masters apply their pattern?.

Children: On yellow, red and black background.

caregiver: - What colors are used when murals?

Children.: Red, yellow, green, black.

caregiver: -What is the main drawing?

Children: -Vegetation.

caregiver:-What are the elements of this murals you already know and can paint?

Children: "sedges", "antennae", "droplets", "berries", "grass of grass".

caregiver: - Let's play a game "Guess". I will show you various elements Khokhloma painting and name them correctly. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: -What are all the elements located on?

Children: On the central stem (kriul).

caregiver: And now we'll rest. (physical minute)

Hands raised and shook.

These are the trees in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken.

The wind knocks down the dew.

Hands to the sides, gently wave.

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we will also show.

Wings folded back.

caregiver: - Today we let's get acquainted with one of the elements "curl".

I pay attention to how you need to hold the brush in relation to the paper. (hand is on weight above the table): with three fingers, vertical to the paper.

See carefully how draw a beautiful Khokhloma element -"curl".

caregiver: Let's start first draw with the end of the brush, make a rounding, gradually increasing the pressure on the brush. With further twisting of the "curl", the pressure on the brush is weakened. Now practice paint"curl" on their leaves (children are exercising) .

caregiver: Exercised, let's move on to the main work. You have vases on the table. Today we will paint them Khokhloma painting.

Let's remember in what order you will paint your product.

Children: First "berries" poke, then "sedges", "antennae", "droplets",

"curl", "grass" .

caregiver: We will arrange an exhibition - a fair of your work, let everyone admire it. What work did you like best? Why? (children's statements)

caregiver: - From what hand-painted products for the fair were painted?

Children: Khokhloma.

caregiver: - Why the painting was called Khokhloma?

Children: got its name from the village Khokhloma.

caregiver: What elements mural you know?

Children:: "sedges", "antennae", "droplets", "berries", "grass of grass", "curl". caregiver: I would like to say the words:

"Like a sorceress, heat is a bird,

Enchantress, craftswoman - golden Khokhloma

caregiver: Thank you guys for such beauty!

Related publications:

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Olga Ilinykh

Theme: "Golden Khokhloma". Painting plates Khokhloma painting


1 Continue to cultivate interest in Russian folk crafts and the desire to study them, a sense of patriotism;

2. To acquaint with the history of fishing, the features of Khokhloma painting;

3. Learn to draw a wavy line, short curls and blades of grass in a continuous, smooth movement;

4. Exercise in drawing thin smooth lines with the end of the brush;

5. Develop a sense of the color of rhythm, the ability to convey the color of Khokhloma.

Region Integration:

"Knowledge", " Fiction» "Labor", "Communication"

preliminary work

1. Acquaintance with the history of the emergence of Khokhloma painting.

2. Reading poems about Khokhloma.

3. Consideration of illustrations with Khokhloma painting.

Materials and equipment

1. Wooden utensils painted with Khokhloma painting.

2. Samples of elements of Khokhloma painting.

3. Papier-mâché plate.

4. Watercolor paints.

5. Brushes for drawing.

6. Glasses for water, napkins.


Today we will continue to get acquainted with Russian folk arts and crafts - Khokhloma painting. Look at these products and say: do you like them? Why did you like them? What do you think. What is special about this dish? Golden-colored wooden products of this craft with floral ornaments are called Khokhloma.

Khokhloma is the name of an old trading village where painted wooden utensils were brought for sale.

Where did this wonder come from? Do you want to know? Then listen.

People talk about a miracle master who lived in the Nizhny Novgorod forests. The master built a house in the forest on the banks of the Khokhlomka River and began to make dishes. Once a firebird flew to him. The man fed her crumbs. The bird wanted to thank the man. She touched with her wing a simple wooden dish and the dish turned into “golden” in an instant. Since then, the peasant began to make dishes and all his patterned cups and spoons looked like gold. They found out about this in Moscow, and the tsar sent for the master of the tsarist soldiers. When the master heard about this, he called the men, told them the secret of the "golden" dishes. And he disappeared...

And other craftsmen began to make “golden” dishes. Do you think it is difficult to make such dishes? Of course, it is not easy to make it. The product must first be turned on the machine, then it is puttied, sanded, oiled, tinned, that is, covered with aluminum powder, and subjected to hardening in a high temperature furnace.

Showing the presentation "Golden Khokhloma". During the presentation, do the children read poetry?

Khokhloma Khokhloma! All the people went crazy!

Bright, radiant, Golden patterns!

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There the grass curls and flowers

Grow unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sun-drenched.

Here is Rook: a flowering tail is feed,

The nose is a cock's head.

Floats through the Khokhloma forest,

Painted very cleverly.

And here is the tray.

But the duck is swimming along the river,

Above the bank carries a head.

Waves a black wing

She shakes off water on the flowers.

In the green grass

silk splashes

Golden foliage.

Our Khokhloma spoons -

The best souvenir.

With gilding - not simple

Thundered all over the world

Didactic game "Elements of painting"

Surprise moment:

This morning I received a package. I completely forgot about her. let's open it ... oh, what is it (the dishes are painted with Khokhloma painting). What kind of painting are the guys on the dishes? (answers)

Take any object you like and look at it. What colors did the artist use? That's right, there is black, red. There is green, but most of all gold. Now you understand why Khokhloma is called "golden". What patterns did the artist use? (The patterns contain different berries, leaves (most often triple, decorative flowers.) But this element, which is most often found, is called “grass”. Artists make a variety of compositions from grass. Even images of birds and fish are made from “grass of grass” "Look how gently curved branches with berries. Leaves, flowers. "Grass" occupies all the space between them. It is light, curved or similar to curls with sharp tips ("like a sedge in the wind"). The pattern occupies almost the entire surface of the product. The edge of the product is decorated with a straight border.

And now that we have learned all the secrets of this art, let's try to paint this amazing dish. What is the name of our plate? made out of paper? (papier mache)

Imagine that you and I are in the workshop, you are the masters, let's get to work.

Physical education minute

One and two! One and two! Rubbing palms against each other

The game starts

We paint the wings and stomach, Stroke with the palms of the hands

We paint the breast and tail, belly, chest, lower back of the leg, head,

We paint the back, paint the legs,

Paint the scallop a little

That's what the cockerel has become They put their hands on their belts, proudly

Bright red comb. Straightening up and doing a few

turns left and right.

Final part:

exhibition of children's work.