Scenarios 2 leading about a good mood. Scenario of the concert “Good mood. Good Mood Planet - Beginning

  • 17.05.2020




I. Department of the concert

Break #1, Exit Leads

Tanya: Good afternoon, dear viewers!
Sonya: Hello dear friends!

Julia: Everyone, good afternoon!

Sonya: (steps aside, frowns) Some are kind, and some are not very ...

The music stops

Julia: Yes, if there is no mood - go on stage, and even lead holiday concert just can't!

Tanya: So, I think we have a problem!

Julia: And if there is a problem, then it must be urgently solved!

Julia: What to do, what to do!
Tanya: The main thing - do not panic! I suggest to concentrate and think (thinks).
Julia: While you are thinking, all the spectators will disperse!

Tanya: Then, I propose to take up the solution of the problem together with our viewers, we will together come up with a Recipe for a Good Mood! So to say invent a new dish! And First of all, we need to create a festive atmosphere!
Julia: Nothing is easier. Fanfare and loud applause from the audience will do?

Sonya and Yulia: They will do!!!

Tanya: Then, I ask FANS!!

Beat number 1 sounds again

Tanya: And now, applause from the audience!

Audience Applause

Julia: So let's get started with the recipe!

Sonya: And what will be the first ingredient in our recipe?

Tanya: I think that for starters, we just need to remember the sunny summer days! After all, if the chefs do not get along with each other, not a single dish will turn out delicious! By the way, the first number of our program (performed by the exemplary choreographic ensemble "Joy" under the direction of Natalia Fomina) is called "Rhythms of Summer".

Julia: We greet the artists with thunderous applause!

"Rhythms of Summer", ensemble "Joy"

(Sonya and T.I. come out)

Tanya: Sonya, have you already decided what you will add to our recipe?

Sonya: I really like the Clouds, I love to dream looking at them! I just don't know if they are suitable for our recipe?

Tanya: Your dreamy clouds will give the dish very tender and touching notes! Only with them you must introduce our viewers! So, performed by Sofya Lapaukh, we listen to the song "Clouds"!

"Clouds", Spanish. Sofia Lapaukh

(one remains on stage)

Sonya: (thoughtfully)I really want to add something from myself to the recipe for a good mood ... I think that a few funny emoticons will not hurt! And the exemplary studio of free dance will help me in this!

"Smilies", free dance studio

Tanya: Despite the fact that our recipe for a Good Mood, it would seem, requires fun and laughter, in my opinion, serious things are still indispensable here!

Julia: I agree! Seriousness never hurt anyone!

Tanya: Then, we announce the next number!

Julia: Exemplary vocal studio "Constellation" under the direction of Lyubov Zakurdaeva!

Tanya: "Hundred Holy Churches"!

One Hundred Holy Churches, Constellation Studio

"Requiem", free dance studio

Julia: We are seeing off the exemplary dance studio led by Oksana Serebrennikova with applause!

Tanya: We are always proud to announce not only the name of the studios and creative associations of our House of Creativity, but also the names of the leaders Natalia Fomina, Oksana Serebrennikova, Lyubov Zakurdaeva and Daria Salnikova! After all, talented artistic numbers are born thanks to their love for creativity!

Julia: And also, thanks to their love for children! After all, they treat all their pupils like real mothers! I would even say like super moms! By the way, this is the name of the next number of our program, performed by the exemplary vocal studio "Constellation"!

Tanya: "Super mom"!

"Super - Mom", studio "Constellation"

Sonya: (as if looking for someone): Where are they? And here they are not! (to the audience) Friends, have you seen my girlfriends from the Joy ensemble here? What to do now, because now according to the program there should be their number! I can't keep up with them all the time, because they are realGirlfriends - turntables! I'll go look behind the scenes!

"Girlfriends - turntables", ans. "Joy"

II. Concert department

Beat number 2 sounds. Exit of the Leaders.

Julia: Our concert is gaining momentum, the singers and dancers are working with enthusiasm, and the grateful audience applauds heartily!

Tanya: Yes, of course, it’s great here, but meanwhile, it’s already getting dark, and the first star has already lit up ...

Julia: (dreamy) Yes, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it ....

Tanya: Who cares?

Julia: And the exemplary choreographic ensemble "Joy" can tell us about this!

Tanya: "The month of May"!

"The month of May", ans. "Joy"

Tanya: Julia, I hope you have not forgotten that today we are developing a Good Mood recipe?

Julia: Of course I remember it! And by the way, I have a suggestion! What if you include SOAP BUBBLES in the recipe?

Tanya: Are you talking about those very small jars and those small bubbles, do I understand correctly?

Julia: You should definitely see my REAL soap bubbles!

"Soap bubbles", studio "Constellation"

Announces backstage

"Reflection", free dance studio

Sonya: If anything is suitable for the recipe, maybe you can also include the flight of white doves? It's decided, I'll add ....... While there is no one! And Katya Borodina from the exemplary vocal studio "Constellation" will help me with this!

Dove in the Window, Constellation Studio

Leading out

Tanya: So, what's the matter, where's my co-host? With whom should I continue the concert?

The Child comes out in a Mambo dance costume.

Adult: (surprised) ….. what's the matter with you? Are you going to continue to conduct a concert in this suit?!

Child: Well, it puts me in a good mood!

Adult: Well, not just you, but all of us! Really, dear viewers? In this costume, it’s just right to dance some kind of fun dance!

Child: Which is what I'm going to do!

Adult: So, we meet an exemplary free dance studio led by Oksana Serebrennikova with the Mambo dance!

Mambo, Spanish Free dance studio

Julia: Well, well, thanks to the free dance studio for the colorful and incendiary number!

Tanya: By the way, in terms of brilliance in its performance, the Ivory DPT Workshop, under the leadership of Tatiana Malevannaya, will not yield. The creative team is ready to present a collection of costumes "Temptation".

Julia: Bright costumes can certainly cheer up any mood!

Tanya: Your applause!

"Temptation", DPT workshop "Ivory"

The following numbers are announced backstage

"Morning Dew", ans. "Joy"

"Flower - seven-flower", studio "Constellation"

Leading: (pleased) Well, now, probably, everything is ready!

Presenter: (joyfully) I think our recipe is complete!

Adult: I absolutely agree with you! But, before we see what we have done, let's name once again everyone who created today with us ....

Together: (loudly, with mood) RECIPE FOR A GOOD MOOD!

Leading: Exemplary vocal studio "Constellation", leader Lyubov Pavlovna Zakurdaeva!

Presenter: Exemplary choreographic ensemble "Joy" under the direction of Natalia Nikolaevna Fomina!

Leading: And the vocal group "Young Russia" leader Daria Alexandrovna Salnikova!

Adult: The doors of our House of Creativity are open for those who love to sing, dance, draw, sculpt, play, have fun and, of course, create a Good Mood!

Presenter: And we are not for long, we say goodbye to you, our dear viewers!

Leading: And may the good mood never leave you!

Together: Until we meet again!!!

The concert ends.

"Holiday of good mood" for children of the senior group.

Target: Creating a festive atmosphere.

Tasks: Develop creativity, curiosity, imagination. Improve independent musical, artistic and cognitive activities. Cultivate a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective holiday activities.

preliminary work: parents with children are preparing summer-themed hats. Children with teachers draw and cut out smiles from paper.

Characters: Adult - Fairy good mood. Sounds audio - recording of the song "Smile" Shainsky. The children enter the room. Meets the fairy of good mood.

Holiday progress:

Fairy: Hello children.

I am a good mood fairy. Look how beautiful, green, fresh all around. But why are you so sad? (Children complain about rainy weather, as they cannot walk outside, and it is boring to sit in a group). I invite you all to stay in the country of "Good mood". But you need to take hats with you, because in the country the sun is hot, it heats the head (children take each other by the hands, walk like a snake to the music of Shalamova's Cornflower Glade)

Fairy thinks riddle :

Among the field of blue, the bright brilliance of a large fire (the Sun). What it is?

Look what a wonderful sun. From its light the world becomes more beautiful and the mood rises. Stretch your palms to the sun, warm them.

Facial massage:

The face of the sun warmed, warmed, warmed.

Our hands stretched, our lips smiled (massaging the face, giving smiles to each other).

Finger gymnastics:

Sunshine, sunshine, take a walk by the river (wiggle fingers).

The sun, the sun, scatter the rings (they clench their fists).

We will collect the rings, take the gilded ones (grasping movements). Let's roll, roll (circular movements).

And we will return you back (Raise your hands up, spreading your fingers).

We warmed up nicely and smiled at each other.

Just don't fall behind

we start dancing (children dance freely to the audio - a recording of Shainsky's Grasshopper Sat in the Grass).

Well done guys, have fun.

What is the sky like in summer? How does it happen? (Children speak).


How fast the clouds run across the sky

One looks like a horse - humpbacked

The other is open like a coat

And the third one, I don't know what.

Let's sit down, look at the clouds, dream and fantasize what they look like (audio sounds - a recording of Shainsky's White-Maned Horses. Children fantasize and name what the clouds look like). How beautifully you described the clouds. They gave us a good mood. And you know, words of good mood can be found everywhere.

I find words everywhere

Both in the sky and in the water

On the floor, on the ceiling

On the nose and on the hand

Haven't you heard this?

Don't worry, let's play with words!

Game "Tender words". The fairy calls the word, and the children call it affectionately (river - river, sun - sun, etc.).

(sounds like a brook sound effect). What does the river do? (Children answer: it makes noise, worries, runs, murmurs ...).

Etude "River"

We are sailing on a warm river.

Quietly splashing water (imitate the movement of hands in the water)

Here comes a big bird

smoothly circles over the river (flying in a circle, waving their arms).

Finally, she sits under a snag under water (sat down).

We get out of the river to dry off for a walk. (Dance in pairs “I am friends with a cheerful song” by Shalamova) (photo 28,29,30,31).

Light breeze blowing,

I have a box

It has beautiful words.

Words of love, words of kindness (photo 26).

And you know the words of good mood. Add them to me in a magic box (the fairy collects magic words spoken by children in a box). Here is my box and filled with wonderful words. May they spread all over the world. Well, we will dance with you.

"Warm Summer Dance" music by Shalamova.

What wonderful hats you have. Let's show each other our hats.

The defile of hats sounds magical music.

Fairy: I see a joyful mood on your faces. Where did your sadness go? (children say that they are not sad now, because in the country of Good mood there was no time to be sad).

Tatiana Peredruk

Exit Leading to the fanfare. The music fades away

IN 2: Hello, dear friends!

IN 1: Everyone, good afternoon!

IN 2: (steps away, frowns) Some are good and some are not...

IN 1: Yes, if not mood - go on stage, and even to conduct a concert is simply impossible!

IN 2: So, in my opinion, we have a problem!

IN 1: And if there is a problem, then it must be urgently solved!

IN 2: What to do, what to do!

IN 1: The main thing - do not panic! I encourage you to focus and think. (thinks).

IN 2: While you are thinking, all the spectators will disperse!

IN 1: Then, I propose to take up the solution of the problem together with our viewers, we will together come up with Good Mood Recipe! So to say invent a new dish! And first of all, we need to create a friendly atmosphere!

IN 2: Nothing is easier. Fanfare and loud applause from the audience will do?

B1I B2: Fit!

IN 2: Then, please FANS!

The fanfare resounds

IN 1: And now, applause from the audience!

Audience Applause

IN 1: Well, let's start thinking recipe!

IN 2: And what will be the first component in our prescription?

IN 1: If for recipe fits all, anything, can I put on a fashion show? I propose to plunge into fashion, however, if you turn around from bygone days ...

IN 1. Just wonder how beautiful they are

You will not find such outfits. Exclusive, the way to fashion!

(Output fashion.)

IN 1: Zhenya, have you already decided what you will add to our recipe?

IN 2: (thoughtfully) Would like to add to good mood recipe something from myself ... And by the way, I have a suggestion!

What if you include recipe poem?

IN 1: Are you talking about the very poem in which the boy chooses roses?

IN 2: You should definitely hear my favorite poem

IN 1. Educator. "The boy chose a rose", concertmaster S. Yu

(Verse and immediately unannounced vocal number

IN 2. The song was performed for you by the Teacher. and her pupils.

How did it get upset? Yes? … Well, it's just a dream.

IN 1: I think it's just necessary to remember the sunny summer days! After all, chefs should always have good summer sunny mood then the dish will turn out delicious!

IN 2. Something needs to be added for the taste and aroma, joyful, rhythmic ...

IN 1. And for the taste there are not enough rhythms. And by the way ... the next issue of our program is called ... "Happy Rhythms".

IN 2: We meet a group of teachers and their pupils!

"Happy Rhythms"

IN 1: (Dreamily) Yes, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it ....

IN 2: Who cares?

B. 1 I think everyone! Need good mood, good friends, caring parents.

IN 2. So for our prescription the most soulful song is still missing, because any cook puts his whole soul into cooking his dish.

IN 1. Vocal ensemble with song "The road of goodness"

(Song "The road of goodness".)

IN 1: (pleased) Well, now, perhaps, everything is ready!

IN 2: (joyfully) I think that our the recipe is complete!

Together: (loudly, with mood) RECIPE FOR GOOD GOOD MOOD!

IN 1: And we are not for long, we say goodbye to you, our dear viewers!

Leading: Let it go good mood never

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concert and game programs for children

"Good mood"

as part of the city holiday "City of Childhood" with the participation of the head of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod

Time spending:10h 40 min to 11h 20 min.

Location:theater square near the Drama Theater in Nizhny Novgorod

Members: Children school camps cities, teachers and creative teams.

Age of participants: 7 -15 years old

Purpose and objectives of the event:

Create conditions for organizing leisure activities for children of different school age,attending daytime school camps, to join in the celebration of socially significant holidays - Children's Day, the birthday of Nizhny Novgorod., instilling in the younger generation love and pride for their homeland, for traditions, to promote the developmentfestive gaming culture and creativity.

Leading events:

Teacher-organizer Serebryakova N.N. - clowness Clapperboard

Active of the Youth Association "Union of the Young" and Children's House of Culture named after A.P. Brinsky - 9 hours.

MO "Union of the Young" - 21 people

Creative teams of MBOU DOD DDK A.P. Brinsky (choreographic studio "Rossiyanochka", vocal studio" Rainbow"),

multi-studio "Quatro",choreographic studio MBOU secondary school No. 22 "ship of childhood.


Costumes of fairy-tale heroes: Doll, tirg, cat, mouse, miracle bird, clowns, pirates


Props: Inflatable balls 6 pcs.,

large colored pyramids,

5 meter blue canvases 3pcs..


big inflatable dolphin fish.

Cheerful music sounds.

run out fairy-tale heroes 3 (Doll, Iriska, Clown Bom) and 6 hours of mummers, in a dance composition they depict a game on the playground (they hold large inflatable balls in their hands)

1 doll : Who looks sad here?
We are not allowed to be sad!
We invite everyone to the holiday.

2 Butterscotch:

Here, friends, summer has come! Rest, entertainment awaits you.
We will conduct a program today, we have prepared it for you.

3 Bom: We want you not to lose heart, have fun, run, play.
And then they told their friends that today they had been in a fairy tale.

Together: We open the doors to this fairy tale and begin our program!

(depict an open gate to a fairy tale and meet a Flapper)

A funny screensaver sounds - the clowness Clapperboard comes out

(colorful suit)

Clapperboard. Hi all! Hello! Hello!

My question is your answer.

Are you waiting for me?..

Spectators. Not!

Clapperboard Are we familiar with you?

Spectators. Not!

clapperboard Let's meet then?

Spectators. Yes!

I am a funny friend

And my name is (children's answers, frog, parsley, cheesecake)

colorful cracker

And a big laugh

"Who will clap louder"

Who can clap loudly?

All boys or girls?

To find out which of us is right

We'll clap now.

Don't feel sorry for your fingers

Dear boys!

Boys clap.

And now friendlier, louder

Let the girls clap!

The girls are clapping.

Well, let's clap our hands louder and louder now


But I'm sorry, my friends

I don't know what to call you.

To keep the game going

It's time to get acquainted.

As I tell you "freeze",

You do not move, be silent.

I’ll just say “die off” -

Say your name out loud.

The host conducts an acquaintance game according to the “freeze-dead” principle.

A summer chant is held according to the presenter's show

Clapperboard: Summer - what a warm and affectionate word. So we are waiting for him and so we are in a hurry to enjoy the warmth and sunlight.

And who loves summer - raise your right hand and shout loudly - Summer

And whoever loves the sun, raise your left hand and shout loudly - Sun

Now stretch one hand forward, hold it in a fist and raise your thumb and say- Class

And now the other hand say class

Now move your hips together with your hands (hands right, left and we say loudly 3 times - Class!_

Clapperboard: And now we will play, who is attentive - find out?

Leading: Guys, now we will tell you various statements, and you will answer ussing along with one phrase “You can in the summer!”

What can you do in the summer (they teach the melody at school)

Do not wear a warm scarf
And walk until dark!


Collect all friends in the morning
And get out of the yard!

Children: It can be in the summer, it can be in the summer, it can be in the summer!

And roam the streets!
Well, don't go to school!


send esemes,
Play on the computer!

Children: Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!

Drive east, drive south
And return, making a circle!

Children: Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!

meet classmates

Very fun to play!

Children: Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!

Clapperboard: Well done boys! You did well!

Vocal ensemble on stage

DDC them. A.P. Brinsky with the song "Vacation"

Clapperboard: Hey boys and girls! The warm summer has come.

We will jump high for joy today!

together with the guys we will make a festive jump into the summer, and for this we need to warm up.

Clapperboard: Guys, do you agree?

First, let's get on our toes. One, two! One, two! Well done! Now let's try to make small high jumps. Jump in place! And now - higher! Higher! And quite high! And now we complicate the jumps. Let's jump left and right! Left - right! Back and forth! Back and forth! Well done!

Leading: And for the most important jump, you need to join hands with everyone together. On the count of three, we all jump together in height. Sit down - One, two, three! Shout Wow!!!

Clapperboard: Hooray! The jump into summer is complete! We can congratulate you on the first summer holiday.

Meet the Cheertime Team of the choreographic studio

"Ship of Childhood"

Clapperboard : Answer me without error - friendship begins with ...

Spectators. Smiles!

acquaintance begins with a smile. A smile is worth nothing, but it is highly valued. It lasts a moment, but in memory, sometimes, remains forever.

Do you want to have a hundred friends? - Smile!

Look around, what smiles do not surround us! But by the way, what kind of smiles are there? ... The last one who picks up an epithet for the word "smile" wins."... But the one who comes up with the most original epithet will also win.

We perform 1 verse of the song "smile"

Clapperboard: And wish you as much joy as possible, from which you want to dance.

Choreographic studio "Rossiyanochka" dance "Lady"

Presenter: We invite the head of the Administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod O.A. Kondrashov.

(The host welcomesthe head of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod O.A. Kondrashova, invites him to the stage, conducts a dialogue about childhood, summer, children's camps that worked during the childhood of the head of the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod.

O.A. Kondrashov welcomes from the stageparticipants of the holiday and accompanied by a leader through the symbolic “Gate to Summer” (an arch from balloons) goes to creative sites

and takes part in the work of the site "Checkers".)

Sounds like fun music

Clown Bom: What do you think, Flapper, who does the sun love?

Clapperboard: Of course, red-haired, freckled, in general, who have a lot - a lot of freckles. Those like me!

Clapperboard: let's see if the guys have freckles?

You will repeat the movements after us and you will get a fun freckle dance

Freckles on top, freckles on cheeks

Freckles on the smile, freckles on the shoulders

Freckles on the back of the head, freckles on the elbows,

Freckles on the ears, freckles on friends!

(all fairy tale characters dance) oppa gangnam style

Clapperboard: I realized that the sun loves all the guys, because it gives warm, fun days and warms everyone with its sunshine.

Clapperboard: Oh, I'm hot, are you hot? How you want to lie on the hot sand, breathe in the fresh sea air. Swim on a white yachtexperience extraordinary adventures and maybe find treasures. ...

Sounds like a marine screensaver - Exit of the Pirates (two pirates in bright pirate costumes)

Pirate 1 : On boarding, on boarding, we will capture your boat.

Pirates tie a flapper with a rope

Someone here was talking about treasures, but our treasures.

Pirate 2 : That's how many witnesses (points to children), let's feed them to sharks

Clapperboard: They are good .... yes, we only wanted sea adventures

Pirates 1: You will have adventures

You (Clapperboard) and they (point to the children) will help us find treasures.

Pirate 2 : But to find treasures for all of us

You need to pass a test.

The pirates ask the children: Are you the most

Brave., - the answer of the children is YES



Carry out musical exercises (pull the rope, swim, climb the stairs, row with oars)

Pirate: Do you guys know the pirate cry?

Children: give options.

Pirates: Do you want to know our call?

Children: Yes

Pirate chant

We are happy to see friends here! Hey!
Children: Hey hey!
After all, together it will be more fun, Hey!
Children: Hey hey!
Raise your hands quickly! Hey!
Children: Hey hey!
Beat loudly with me in your hands! Hey!
Children: Hey hey!

Distribution into 2 teams for: Black Pearl and

Jolly Roger

Leading: On the ship, everyone obeys the captain and follows his orders, and they are not afraid of sea rolling, so let's check your attention.

And gra: “Whistle everyone upstairs!”

The pirate calls out sea commands, the players follow them,

Left hand drive! - step to the left.

Rudder right! - step to the right.

Nose! - step forward.

Stern! - step back.

Cannonball! - everyone sits down.

Raise the sails! Everyone stops and raises their hands.

Clean up the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.

All hands on deck! - clap on the palm.

We inflate the sails (4 assistants from the TO of the "Union of the Young" go on stage, unfold large blue canvases and inflate the sails - Storm Teams of 10 people each.

The game is a storm (sounds of the sea), who drowned (did not dive under the wave) is out of the game

Leading: But a little rain fell over our sea and a magnificent rainbow appeared, and it crumbled into multi-colored rings.

Competition "Collect a rainbow of good mood - pyramids" - teams of 7 people


You guys are in a good mood

Children: Yes

Pirate: Then it's time to arrange hip hop battle

Meet Quatro Studio

Children of the youth association run out in red T-shirts and red bandanas: And we also love to travel, take us.

Flashmob of travelers (children and pirates participate in the dance)

Pirates: Well done guys, bravo, you danced well, we decided not to be harmful and we won’t leave you to be eaten by sharks, but we ask for your forgiveness.

Clapperboard: Pirates, but what about treasures.

Pirates: And treasures, this is friendship, this is laughter, this is joy and success.

Clapperboard: yes you are right -The sky is clear and the sun is red, we are in a great mood.

You and I cannot count all the miracles here, if there is friendship, then the song will eat.

The song "Just" sounds performed by a vocal ensemble

" Rainbow"

Leader: Everyone is dancing.

They run onto the stage of the Youth Union in multi-colored (green and red) T-shirts in caps (matching the color of the T-shirts).

Youth Feshmob "Nanotechno"

Young people chant the City of Childhood (3 times) and give balloons to all spectators and participants.

Clapperboard: Fun today, joyfully with us!

Congratulations on the holiday!

Let your merry, ringing laughter ring, ring everywhere!

Enough joy for everyone.

Clapperboard: It was so great...

Dear my friends! After all, only our magic ends, and the holiday of Good mood continues! Shine smiles, warmed by the sun, happiness and peace to you, dear children!

Clapperboard: Therefore, we do not say goodbye to you, but we say:

Together: See you soon!

Natalia Mikhailovna Shlyapnikova
Holiday script for children preschool age « Good mood»

Holiday script« Good mood» .

Event objectives:

create fun the mood of the participants of the holiday;

Cultivate a sense of collectivism;

Develop at children and adults coordination and dexterity of movements, the ability to navigate in space, promote health.

Equipment: high chairs, skittles, 2 balls, circles with a diameter of 40 cm, costumes for a fairy tale "Fox and Hare".

Members: children preschoolers and their parents.

Event progress:

1. Greeting. Event theme message.

Music sounds, two presenters come out.

1st Leader. Hello guys.

2nd Leader. Hello dear parents!

1st Leader. We are glad to see you on our game program « Good mood» .

2nd:Leading. BUT mood everyone really good. And to make it even better, we have prepared a lot for you interesting games. Do you agree to play with us?

1st Leader.

Please clap your hands together

We don't need loners

Laugh where you need to

And not just one either.

2nd Leader.

Don't cough, don't sneeze, don't sleep

Be good in everything!

Not mind? Excellent! Our holiday can start!

This year our guys competed "Young Talents". They have prepared poems, let's listen to them.

Andrey Shutko "Blockade" Ekaterina Korobkova reads.

Tatyana Shapiro "Telogreyka" reads Yuri Gamazin.

Andrey Shutko "Russia's faithful sons" reads Nefyodova Melania.

3. Game "Hedgehogs and Bunnies".

I propose to find out who holiday today there are more girls or boys. Let's play a game right now called "Hedgehog Bunnies".

Attention game "Hedgehogs - bunnies" (Children repeat words and movements after the leaders):

Came running - 2 times (children make movements like when running)

Hedgehogs - 2 times (hands make movements "flashlights")

Forged - 2 times (fists banging against each other)

Scissors - 2 times (cross arms)

Running in place - 2 times (run in place)

Bunnies - 2 times (hands show bunny ears)

Come on together, come on together

Girls, boys shout loudly: boys word "boys", girls word "girls". Who is louder)

4. Song performance .

Let's start our holiday with a song"Jumps through the fields, from the sky in half".

Well done boys. Thank you.

5. Game "Birds Have Arrived".

1st Leader. - Well, now let's warm up a little, play a game "Birds Have Arrived".

I will say a phrase "Birds Have Arrived" and then call them. And when I call the birds, you must you will wave your hands like wings. And when I call non-birds, you don't raise your hands. And we will try to deceive you and will raise our hands when necessary and when not necessary. Be careful! Shall we try?

The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, crows, gulls, pasta. Yeah, someone's pasta has already flown!

2nd Leader. Let's try again, be careful! The birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, crows, swifts, magpies, hedgehogs ... Now the hedgehogs have flown!

1st Leader. We play again.

Crows, jackdaws, swallows, sticks.

2nd Leader. Last time for the most inattentive.

The birds have arrived: doves, tits, nightingales, rooks, starlings, bricks.

Well, well done! Let's slap ourselves.

presenter: - And now I invite everyone to stand in pairs one after another. (when the children stand in pairs, the leader passes between them, thus dividing without special efforts children for 2 teams)

presenter: - We have formed two wonderful teams. Wonderful! Time to start our competition. Well, who will win?

presenter: - And the strongest will win! So let's get started!

6. Game - relay race "Turnip".

Leading: - Two teams of 6 participate children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.

The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, clings to it. (takes him by the waist) grandmother, and they continue to run together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, the turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

7. Game - relay race "Snake". Pins are placed in front of each team at a distance of 1m from each other. Children put their hands on the shoulders of the player in front of them. It turns out "snake" on signal "snake" starts to move between the pins. The relay race is considered passed if not a single pin is touched, the players do not disengage.

8. Game - relay race "Kangaroo". Each team is given a ball. On a signal, the children insert the ball between their legs and begin to jump to the chair. Back also.

9.The game is a trick: "Say a word".

Now we invite you to take a break. Everyone sat down on chairs. Let's play a game "Say a word".

There is one game for you

I will read poetry now.

I'll start and you finish

Add in chorus.

Like a green log

I have been in the water for a long time.

But don't touch your belly

I can eat you! I -.


I bark and bite

I guard your house.

I always look into my eyes

And what is my name?


Likes to quack and swim

Splashing in the water all day

She is a friend of the turkey.

What is her name?.


I'm a chicken son

I'm a yellow lump

I'm still quite a baby.

Well, what's my name?


I live in the jungle for a long time

You will see me in the cinema:

I'm mustachioed and striped,

And with claws on the paws.

You think a little

Guess who am I?


I like to frolic in the river

Swim in a flock. Who am I?


Everyone is afraid of me

I can bite.

I fly and eat

I'm looking for a victim.

I don't play games at night

Guess who I am?


10.Story: "Fox and Hare".

And now, dear parents, children have prepared a fairy tale for you "Fox and Hare". So, attention.

11. "Coach".

Option 1: Parents clasp their hands in the form "seats" and endure children to the intended location. The team that gets there faster wins.

Option 2:In the event that there are no dads 4 people, then there is a competition with moms: each child invites their mother or grandmother to participate in the competition. They are divided into 2 teams, holding the handle with their mother, they need to run to the chair, then the child gets up on the chair, kisses and hugs their mother and returns by the handle.

12. Relay race "Jumping over bumps".

The snow has long since melted, and bumps have appeared. Let's play the game "Bump Jumping". Try not to fall into the swamp.

In front of each team from the start line to the finish line, there are circles with a diameter of 40cm. (in a straight line). At the signal of the leader, the first numbers, jumping from circle to circle, reach the end line, after which they return along the shortest path and pass the baton to the next player. Having handed over the baton to the next number, the player stands at the end of the column. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Leading. Well done Good coped with this difficult relay race. The next race is announced.

13. Relay “Cranky burden”.

Two players from the same team join hands, put a large ball on their shoulders so that everyone can hold it with their heads. In this form, they must go to the flag and return back.

14. Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Leading. "Now let's see how smart you are." I will ask questions. If the answer is no, then you are all silent, and if yes, answer in chorus phrase: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."

Who is not looking around,

Does he go to kindergarten every day?

Who knows what red is

Means: no move.

Which one of you kids

Walks dirty to the ears?

Who loves to help mom

Throwing rubbish around the house?

Who keeps clothes

Does he put it under the bed?

Who goes to bed early

In dirty shoes on the bed?

Which one of you is going home,

The ball drove on the pavement?

Which of you does not walk gloomy,

Do you love sports and exercise?

15. Song "If a friend does not laugh".

- came wonderful sunny days. We are happy to play, walk with friends. Let's sing a song "If a friend does not laugh".

16.Competition: ARTIST

Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Moms are given inflated balloons and felt-tip pens. For a certain time, mothers must draw their beloved sons or daughters on the balloons. The jury chooses the most similar portrait.


Two teams are selected, the first 5 or 3 players run and glue tulips folded from colored paper (origami), and the rest of the players finish the stems and leaves.

18. The result of the event.

Leading: - On this our game program came to an end, we wish you all Have a good mood.

To the cheerful music, the children leave the hall with good mood.