The scenario of the mother's day concert at school is interesting. Concert for Mother's Day - holiday scenarios and videos. Sketches from life performed by students

  • 01.04.2020

Scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day "THANK YOU TO THE WOMAN WHOSE NAME IS MOTHER"

Technical training aids:(presentation), video recordings, photo materials.
Stage decoration: on paper cut maple leaves, sayings about a mother woman, balloons (can be in the form of a heart), the inscription Mother's Day.
- fostering a sense of love, respect and respect for the mother
- expanding students' knowledge about the celebration of Mother's Day in Russia and in the world;
- develop memory, artistry
Preparatory work:
- Learning poems, skits, songs for the holiday,
- Decoration of the exhibition of portraits of mothers "My dear mom!",
- Making flowers from colored paper.
Event progress
Presenter 1: Hello dear friends, good afternoon to all who have gathered in
Host 2: Thank you for coming to us in spite of business and worries. Today is a holiday dedicated to you - moms.

Presenter 1:
Mother's Day is a great holiday
For all times, for all ages.
For everyone, it is very important -
And words are not enough to express.
Host 2:
Mother's Day - Day of all loved ones,
Day of pristine beauty.
He is unique in everything.
You owe him your life.
What is a mother to our children? Let's find out! We invite our pupils!
1 reader

Beloved mother, I congratulate you, On Mother's Day happiness, I wish you good health! May you, dear, be lucky in life, May joy and happiness find you!
2 reader You are the most beautiful, You are the best. Like the gentle sun and like the moon. I give you a smile, I give you a big flower: I want you to flutter Always like a moth. 3 reader Go around the whole world around, Just know in advance. You won't find warmer hands And more tender than my mother's. 4 reader You will not find warmer eyes, more affectionate and stricter. Mom is dearer to each of us All people are dearer.
Presenter 1: According to statistics, three people are born every second in the country. From the first day the child needs the care of the mother, and for the mother the child becomes the meaning of life.
Host 2: Mom, mommy, mommy ... What a gentle and affectionate word it is.
Presenter 1: Every child needs it, no matter how old they are two or forty years old. No matter how mature, strong, smart children become, mother will always remain mother, and children will always be children.
Performance of the song "Nas, rocking in the cradle"
Presenter 1: Mother is the miracle of the world. With her endless readiness for self-sacrifice, she gives the child a feeling of tenderness and security with her voice.
Host 2: We love our moms. All of them are the best for us, kind, smart, beautiful.
Presenter 1: Mother endures everything, forgives everything. If only there were no war, every mother conjures this, because war gives rise to hatred and fear.
Host 2: We want to appeal to the mothers of our boys. They have a special mission and a special title: they are the mothers of the future defenders of the Motherland. And we want to wish them that the terrible word “war” never enters into their fates and the fates of their sons.
Lead 1. For them it will sound song "Mother and Motherland".
Host 2: In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Although, in fact, this is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation, for every mother, the main person. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers in herself best qualities: kindness, caring, love. In Russia, this holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.
Presenter 1: How many of us say warm words to our mothers on this day? We remember them when we feel bad, we remember when they have a birthday, and on other days?
For you, dear mothers, dance theater-studio "Luchiki"

Host 2: For a mother, the most important thing is the children. Children are the flowers of life, they are like a rainbow, like the rays of the sun, like a gentle breeze.
Presenter 1: Singers of all times and peoples have the most cherished words - about their native land and love for a woman.
A woman is the keeper of not only the home, family hearth, but also humane, beautiful, healthy national customs and traditions, native language and folklore, the spirit of the earth and eternity.
Host 2: Dear mothers, accept a musical gift Song "Ave Maria"
Presenter 1. Mommy, mommy! How much warmth this magic word conceals, which names the person closest, dearest, the only one. Maternal love warms us to old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, she endures all our troubles with us, she gives us life.
Lead 2. Therefore, she is sometimes strict, exacting, because she understands her responsibility for her son or daughter, wishes them well, happiness.
Mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest and most faithful. We do not always appreciate the work of the mother, we express our love and gratitude. But nothing warms the soul like the kind, affectionate words of a daughter or son.
Lead 1. Dear mothers sounds for you Poem "Do not offend mothers"
Lead 2. No matter how adults children grow up, for mothers they will always remain children. Children who have scattered from their parental nest sometimes have no time to call, to come. And a mother's heart hurts.
Presenter 1: Is it so easy to be a mother? No. This is very hard work. After all, a mother is responsible not only for the physical condition of her child, but also for his soul. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her affection, her look, and the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life is.
Lead 2.
Appears to collective of spoons "Russian Souvenir". Dance
Presenter 1: Children for a mother are the most precious thing on earth. A mother's love for her children is boundless, selfless, full of selflessness. Mom always remembers her child, wherever he is.
Host 2: We, like a cartoon mammoth, drift on the ice floes of fate and strive to keep warm in our house, near native mom.
Song Mammoth.
Presenter 1: Dear parents, mothers and grandmothers, today we have not just a concert, but also competitive program. And so we ask you to take an active part in the competitions. We want to invite 2 teams of mothers and daughters to the stage. (Mothers and daughters exit.)
Game 1. The game "We litter - we clean." Two pairs participate in the game, in each pair - a mother and a child. Mom has a bucket with small toys in her hands. At the signal of the mother, she quickly pours the toys out of the bucket onto the floor. Then they pass the bucket to their child, and he tries to collect the toys as quickly as possible. The couple that finishes the "cleaning" first wins.
Lead 2. And 2 teams of mothers and sons are invited to participate in the next competition
2. The game "Decorate your mom."
A table with accessories is placed in the middle of the hall: hats, scarves, beads, clips, hairpins and more. Mothers sit on chairs around the table. On a signal, the children begin to “decorate” their mothers with everything that is available, then the participants demonstrate the result. Those present appreciate the work with applause.

Presenter 1: And now a musical gift for the winning team.
Lead 2. We are proud of our mothers, rejoice in their achievements. But much more - the fact that they cook deliciously, create comfort in the house, warm everyone with their cares and love. After all, the most important thing in the life of every person is his family, which gives him support for life, and the main thing in the family, of course, is his mother. Presenter 1: Let's not limit ourselves to congratulations on this day, but just try to make the life of our mothers a little easier and more festive every day.
Lead 2. Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy and always remember that we are all indebted to them.
Presenter 1. Dear mothers, accept a musical gift
Lead 2. Let all sorrows fade in the light of days,
May all maternal dreams come true.
We wish that you always illuminate
Path of life with the light of kindness.
Lead 1.
Bow to you, dear mothers,
For your hard, necessary work.
For all the children that you raised
And those that will soon grow up.
For your kindness and attention
For sincerity and simplicity.
For courage and understanding
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness.
Lead 2.
Dear mothers, look at the screen.
We want to give a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. Then, we invite you to take a look at our small art gallery, appreciate the work and love of your children.
(The soundtrack of the song sounds "Mom is my dear")
Personal photos from the pupils' family albums are projected onto the screen.
Lead 1. Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you for your attention! See you.

Scenario for Mother's Day at school.

Scenario "Mom is the best on earth!"

Interesting scenario for school on Mother's Day.

Before the start of the performance, songs about the mother are heard in the hall. The presenters come out: a girl and a boy

1st presenter. Good evening, dear mothers, grandmothers, teachers, dear guests!

2nd host. We are glad to see you in our hall on such a wonderful day - International Mother's Day.

1st leader.

Mother's Day is a holiday while young,

But everyone is happy with him, of course, -

All who are born under a lucky star

And mothers with cordial care.

2nd leader.

We are on the wild run of the bustle of the city

Sometimes we forget about mom

We hurry, dissolving in the mass of people.

Getting serious about business...

1st leader.

And mom is waiting for us and does not sleep at night,

Worrying and thinking often -

"Oh, how are they?" - and my heart hurts

And groaning, and torn to pieces ...

2nd leader.

I came to visit you on a holiday,

More often, of course...

I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad,

I love you endlessly

1st presenter. Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest, the day of the holy person, we congratulate all women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother.

2nd host. We congratulate all other people on the fact that they also had great happiness - to be someone's children, to be born on this earth and to know gentle, loving hands.

1st leader. Happy Mother's Day to you!

The song is about mother.

1st presenter. There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother." Most often this word is said by a child - "Mom"!

2nd host. Hearing it, an adult gloomy person will smile and repeat: “Mom!” Because this word carries the warmth of mother's hands, mother's word, mother's soul.

1st leader.

About the one who gives life and warmth,

Sounding like a lullaby.

2nd leader.

About the one who us in infinite patience

Grows, cherishes, puts on the wing

1st leader.

Oh mother...

We will lead the story.

Readers come out.

1st reader(against the background of lyrical music).

There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more necessary:

Of two syllables - a simple word "Mom!"

And there are no words dearer than it!

Music number.

2nd reader.

In the house good deeds busy.

Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.

Good morning with us

Good afternoon and good hour.

Good evening, good night

It was good yesterday.

And where, you ask,

So much kindness in the house

What of this kindness

Flowers take root

Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?

I will answer you directly:

It's mom, mom, mom!

Music number. Leaders come out.

1st presenter. Andrei, can you name the mother of many children who is in this room? And how many children does she have in her family?

2nd host. Well, it's hard to answer this question right away. Maybe in such a family there are 5-6 children.

1st leader. But I didn't guess. The most large mother in this room can be safely called the director of our school. After all, on her shoulders lies the care of ... children. This is the number of students aged 7 to 17 in our large school family this year.

2nd host. Yes you are right. After all, we often call Lyudmila Alexandrovna our second mother. She has worries - do not count. This is to make the school house warm, light, comfortable; so that all students are alive and healthy, tasty food in the canteen, so that they study at "4" and "5".

1st leader. And today we give her these concert numbers.


My little, meek

Do not compare; I am dear to the sun. —

She shines a quiet light on me.

But when suddenly on the fly

Woe clouds the sun obscures, -

The coming darkness

A slightly prominent light accelerates.

My little, meek

Simply - a mother, which cannot be counted in the world,

With a handful of the sun, your whole life,

And the soul shines day and night!

1st leader.

Dear Lyudmila Alexandrovna!

We wish you health and joyful years.

May each day be warmed by the sun

2nd leader.

May happiness always live in your house,

Let the soul be, as it is now, young!

Children give flowers to the director.


O faith of our mothers,

Forever not knowing the measure.

Holy, trembling faith

In us growing children.

Her, like a light in a birch forest,

Will not corrode anything in the world:

Not one in the diary.

No angry complaints from neighbors.

Mothers are such a people -

They will sigh, killing us with a long look:

“Let them get carried away. Pass" -

And again they believe, they believe, they believe.

So only mothers believe

Exactly and patiently.

And, not loud, they

They don't consider it a miracle.

And just nothing of the year

Their faith, quivering and tender;

But we are not always

We justify their hopes.

Municipal educational institution additional education children

Fryanovsk children's School of Music Shchelkovsky municipal district, Moscow region


concert dedicated to the Day mothers

"Dedicated to my beloved mother"

Compiled by:

Efimova Anna Sergeevna - teacher

in piano class,


piano department



To acquaint students with the history and customs of celebrating Mother's Day in our country and abroad.

Develop students' creativity and curiosity.

To cultivate an attentive, caring, reverent, respectful, caring attitude towards the mother, readiness to help her at any moment.


multimedia device, presentation;

audio cassette with the soundtrack of the song, with the sounds of nature;

posters on the board, photos of moms.

Event progress

November 30 we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. In Russia, this holiday began to be celebrated relatively recently. Although it is impossible to argue with the fact that Mother's Day is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation for every person, a mother is the most important person in life, Becoming a mother, a woman discovers the best qualities in herself: kindness, love and care.

A new holiday - Mother's Day - is gradually taking root in Russia. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to maternal labor and their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children. And this is right: no matter how many good, kind words are said to mothers, no matter how many reasons they come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection. Thank you!

And let our beloved children say warm words to each of you more often!

Children's performance:

Mother's Day is a solemn holiday.
A day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women,
Your smiles and flowers!

I smile like a mother. I also frown stubbornly.
I have the same nose and the same hair color!
I'm shorter than I am, but still the eyes and nose are similar!
I walk in step with my mother. So similar - they say.
Only mom looks straight, I'm left and right,
And I'm looking back!

I do not want to argue with you, you believe me so:
My mom is the best, the best in the world!
Mom fries pies, mom glues masks
And tells me stories every evening.
And everyone knows her song “Bayu-bayu”.
Mom only sings, I immediately fall asleep.

The most beautiful word in the world is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it will not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are, you always need a mother, her caress, her look. and the greater your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life is.

And now the vocal group of the school will congratulate you.

How is this holiday celebrated in other countries?

In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 11th. The Australian Mother's Day coincides with the American one - the second Sunday in May - and is celebrated in a very similar way.

Australians use this day to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to their mothers. Adults give serious gifts, kids - flowers and postcards.

As in the United States, in Australia, the tradition of wearing a carnation flower on clothes has taken root on this day. A colored carnation means that the mother is alive and well, white flowers are applied to clothes in memory of departed mothers. In addition to their own mothers, children thank and congratulate their grandmothers, as well as all the women who raised them and cared for them with no less love. Another great holiday tradition is that children prepare breakfast for their mothers and bring it right to bed, along with flowers and gifts.

On May 11, Mother's Day is also celebrated in Italy. On this day, all the children of Italy bring flowers, sweets, small gifts to their mothers to once again express their love and gratitude to them.

Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother is in the happiness of her children. There is nothing in the world more disinterested than her love. Mom is the first teacher and friend, and the closest. She will always understand, console, help in difficult times, protect from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.

A. Barto "Mom"

It was morning in a quiet house

I wrote on the palm

Mother's name.

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,

Not on a stone wall

I wrote on my hand

Mother's name.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

It got noisy during the day

What did you hide in your palm?

They started asking me.

I opened my hand:

I kept happiness.

And now, students of our school, your children, will congratulate you with their musical performance.

Student presentation.

Leading:The most terrible and tragic thing for a mother is to lose her child. Perhaps that is why mothers all over the world hate wars - because they take the lives of their sons.

No one could wait for their children from the war as much as mothers did.

V. Zhukov "Mom"

In the breaches of the walls, the flame hums and dances,

There is a war on the native side ...

Silent, sleepless, like a memory

The old mother bent over me.

Hot ashes burn her gray hair

But what is fire, if the son is in deaf delirium?

It so happened that a mother comes to her son

Through bitter smoke, misfortune and trouble.

And the sons go forward stubbornly,

We are faithful to our native land, like mothers ...

That's why the simple word "mother"

Saying goodbye to life, we repeat.

Bowing their heads to the mothers whose children fought for the Motherland and in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, the vocal ensemble of teachers "Inspiration" performs in front of you


Mother! The most beautiful word on Earth is “MAMA!” This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Mother! Close your eyes and listen, and you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, so dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice.

Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most gentle and affectionate hands that can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for her children never goes out, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Mother! You weren't able to speak yet, but she understood you without words. I guessed what hurts you, what you want. Mom taught you to talk, walk ... Mom read the first book.

Leading:And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50 - you always need a mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter her life! Happy holiday, dear mothers!

Performance by the senior choir of the school.

Concert script for Mother's Day

Mother's day script for school.

Mothers Day. An interesting scenario for schoolchildren

We remind you that Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

Scenario of the holiday "May there always be a mother!"

(The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons and children's drawings on the theme "Portrait of my mother". On the main wall there is an appliqué depicting a bright sun and a large inscription of multi-colored letters: "May there always be a mother!".)

Leading. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate the dearest, sweetest and most beloved mothers on the holiday. Meet our little artists!

(To the song “Talk to me, mom” (music by V. Miguli, lyrics by V. Gina), children enter the hall in pairs and perform a dance composition. Then they line up at the main wall in two semicircles.)

Leading. On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates a special holiday - Mother's Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

Student 1.

Came fun party to us,

A wonderful holiday - the holiday of mothers.

It's called Mother's Day

And at the end of November is celebrated.

Student 2.

Today is our favorite holiday

Cheerful, kind, gentle, sweet.

We will sing songs for mothers,

Let's dance and read poetry.

Student 3.

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom is the first friend!

Not only children love mothers,

Love all around.

Student 4.

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble

Mommy comes to the rescue

Will always help out!

Student 5.

We invited mothers to the holiday,

Our moms are the best!

Let them sound today in the hall

Jokes, music and laughter.

Student 6.

Let the songs ring everywhere

For our beloved mothers.

We are for everything, our relatives,

We say "thank you" to you!

(The song “Hello, mothers!” is performed (music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).)

Leading. Mother! Mommy! How much warmth and tenderness these magic words conceal. After all, they are called the dearest, closest, dearest and only person. Close your eyes and remember your mother. Now say the word "mom" affectionately.

Did you feel warmer? Why do you think? Because the most beautiful word on earth that a person utters is the word "mother".

Student 7.

There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and gentler than all:

Of two syllables, the simple word "mom."

And there are no words dearer than it!

Student 8.

This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages.

Whispers: "Mom!" - caressed child,

Falling asleep in her arms.

First step and first fall

And through tears he calls his mother,

Mom is a true salvation,

Only mom can save me from pain.

Leading. “Mom” is the name of a wonderful song that children will perform for their beloved mothers.

(Children sing a song from the movie "Mom" (music by J. Bourgeois and T. Popa, lyrics by Y. Entin).)

Leading. Children are the most precious happiness for a mother. Of course, you guys don't remember the first meeting with your mother: how delighted she was, how happy her eyes shone when she first saw you. Moms wanted to look at you for a long, long time. And now, when you have grown a little, mothers continue to love you just as much.

Student 9.

Who do we meet first?

Coming to the white world, -

So this is our mother

She is not cuter.

All life revolves around her

Our whole world is warmed by it,

All the century she tries

Save us from trouble.

She is the backbone of the house

Busy every hour.

And there's no one but

Who would love us so much.

So she has more happiness

And life is longer,

And joy is in her lot,

And less sad things!

(Children sing the song “Mom is a good sorceress”, music and lyrics by S. Yudina).)

Student 10.

If suddenly you're in trouble,

Who are you going to then?

Mom we need advice

He will save you from various troubles.

Advise, understand

Hold on tight to yourself.

There will be grief - it does not matter,

Mom will always help!

Student 1.

You are the most beautiful!

You are the best!

To the gentle sun

And similar to me.

I give you a smile

I give you a flower.

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth!

Leading. The girls prepared a gentle dance with scarves as a gift for their mothers.

(Girls dance with headscarves.)

Of course, it happens that mom sometimes scolds. But I think it's always the case. And you guys don't quarrel with your moms, try never to offend them.

Student 2.

I offended my mother

Now never ever

Let's not leave the house together

We don't go anywhere with her.

She won't wave out the window

And I won't wave to her

She won't say anything

And I won't tell her...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders

I will find a piece of bread

I'll find a stronger stick

I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!

I will follow the trail

I will look for ore

And across the stormy river

I'm going to build bridges!

And I will be the chief

And I'll be with a beard

And I will always be sad

And so silent...

And then there will be a winter evening,

And so many years will pass

And here's a jet plane

Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday

That plane is coming

And mom will come out of there,

And my mother will forgive me.

(Children sing the song “Mom will understand everything” (music by E. Bortyaev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).)

Leading. All mothers have a second profession - the mistress of the house. They take care of children, husband, cook, clean, wash and do a lot of other household chores.

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Student 3.

All mothers live so bored -

Wash, iron, cook.

And they are not called to the Christmas tree,

They don't give gifts.

When I grow up big

I will be a mother too.

But only a single mother,

Not a married woman.

I'll buy a new coat

Under the color of a crimson hat.

And never and never

I'm not marrying my dad.

Student 4.

I love my mom very much

I will always help her

Can I sweep the floor

Take the chair to the kitchen

Dust off all things

And pour the kitten cabbage soup.

I can wash the dishes

But today I will not wash.

And I'm ready to help.

I'll bake pancakes.

I will definitely help my mom

I love pancakes myself.

Leading. Now the boys will sing humorous ditties for their mothers.

(Children sing ditties to the verses of E. Serova.)

Ditties for mom

Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties to you.

Congratulations on the holiday

And hello big helmet to you! Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom.

I won't wash the dishes

So that the dishes were the targets. Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom?

Not to raise dust

I won't sweep. Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom.

After all, cook soup, roast -

This is not a man's business. Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom.

I'm ready to water the flowers

We just don't have flowers. Wow!

In general, we are not averse

Help Mom with something!

(The boys are spinning to lose.)


And now we'll play

Who is the assistant here, we will find out.

The game "Venikobol". The game is played by two teams of 3-4 players. It is necessary to go between the skittles, leading with a broom balloon, return, pass the broom to the next player. The team that finishes first wins.

The game "We litter - we clean." Two pairs participate in the game, in each pair - a mother and a child. Mom has a bucket with small toys in her hands. At the signal of the mother, the toys are quickly taken out of the bucket. Then they pass the bucket to their child, and he tries to collect the toys as quickly as possible. The couple that finishes the "cleaning" first wins.

Leading. I'm sure everyone can say many more pleasant, warm words about their mother. And they should be said not only on a holiday, but always - day after day. Once again, congratulations, dear mothers.

Student 5.

We wish our mothers

Every year to be more beautiful

Never lose heart

And scold us less.

Student 6.

We congratulate you with all our heart,

So that you shine with beauty

We wish you happiness forever

To never get sick.

Student 7.

To be at home, at work

You have always been respected.

Have fun, don't be bored

More often, mothers, rest.

Student 8.

We wish you dear

Always be healthy

So that you live a long, long time

Never get old!

Student 9.

We want no reason

They gave you all the flowers,

Smiled so that men

Everything from your beauty.

Student 10.

May adversity and sorrow

They will bypass you.

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

Children (all together). We love you!

(Children congratulate their mothers and sing to the tune of the song “A True Friend” (music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).)

Mom dear,

The most beloved

You are always in care

Busy all day.

Wash, clean

Ironing and washing

Our mother does not know

The word is "lazy".

Here's what we'll tell you:

Take care moms.

Mom's work, guys,

Must be respected.

We all love mom

It's just not enough

We need more for our mothers

To help.


Well, the evening is coming to an end.

We were very pleased with this meeting.

And in closing now

We invite moms to the waltz!

(Children invite mothers and dance with them.)

Bow to you, women of Russia,

For your hard, necessary work.

For all the children that raised

And those that will soon grow up.

For your kindness and attention

For sincerity and simplicity,

For courage and understanding

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness!

Low bow to you for your hard work.

Let the children love you, let them take care of you!

(At the end of the holiday, children give gifts to their mothers - crafts, crafts

Mothers Day. An interesting scenario for schoolchildren

We remind you that Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.

Scenario of the holiday "May there always be a mother!"

(The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons and children's drawings on the theme "Portrait of my mother". On the main wall there is an appliqué depicting a bright sun and a large inscription of multi-colored letters: "May there always be a mother!".)

presenter. Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate the dearest, sweetest and most beloved mothers on the holiday. Meet our little artists!

(To the song “Talk to me, mom” (music by V. Miguli, lyrics by V. Gina), children enter the hall in pairs and perform a dance composition. Then they line up at the main wall in two semicircles.)

Leading. On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates a special holiday - Mother's Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

Student 1.

A merry holiday has come to us,

A wonderful holiday - the holiday of mothers.

It's called Mother's Day

And at the end of November is celebrated.

Student 2.

Today is our favorite holiday

Cheerful, kind, gentle, sweet.

We will sing songs for mothers,

Let's dance and read poetry.

Student 3.

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom is the first friend!

Not only children love mothers,

Love all around.

Student 4.

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble

Mommy comes to the rescue

Will always help out!

Student 5.

We invited mothers to the holiday,

Our moms are the best!

Let them sound today in the hall

Jokes, music and laughter.

Student 6.

Let the songs ring everywhere

For our beloved mothers.

We are for everything, our relatives,

We say "thank you" to you!

(The song “Hello, mothers!” is performed (music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).)

Leading. Mother! Mommy! How much warmth and tenderness these magic words conceal. After all, they are called the dearest, closest, dearest and only person. Close your eyes and remember your mother. Now say the word "mom" affectionately.

Did you feel warmer? Why do you think? Because the most beautiful word on earth that a person utters is the word "mother".

Student 7.

There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and gentler than all:

Of two syllables, the simple word "mom."

And there are no words dearer than it!

Student 8.

This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages.

Whispers: "Mom!" - caressed child,

Falling asleep in her arms.

First step and first fall

And through tears he calls his mother,

Mom is a true salvation,

Only mom can save me from pain.

Leading. “Mom” is the name of a wonderful song that children will perform for their beloved mothers.

(Children sing a song from the movie "Mom" (music by J. Bourgeois and T. Popa, lyrics by Y. Entin).)

Leading. Children are the most precious happiness for a mother. Of course, you guys don't remember the first meeting with your mother: how delighted she was, how happy her eyes shone when she first saw you. Moms wanted to look at you for a long, long time. And now, when you have grown a little, mothers continue to love you just as much.

Student 9.

Who do we meet first?

Coming to the white world, -

So this is our mother

She is not cuter.

All life revolves around her

Our whole world is warmed by it,

All the century she tries

Save us from trouble.

She is the backbone of the house

Busy every hour.

And there's no one but

Who would love us so much.

So she has more happiness

And life is longer,

And joy is in her lot,

And less sad things!

(Children sing the song “Mom is a good sorceress”, music and lyrics by S. Yudina).)

Pupil 10.

If suddenly you're in trouble,

Who are you going to then?

Mom we need advice

He will save you from various troubles.

Advise, understand

Hold on tight to yourself.

There will be grief - it does not matter,

Mom will always help!

Student 1.

You are the most beautiful!

You are the best!

To the gentle sun

And similar to me.

I give you a smile

I give you a flower.

I want you to flutter

Always like a moth!

Leading. The girls prepared a gentle dance with scarves as a gift for their mothers.

(Girls dance with headscarves.)

Of course, it happens that mom sometimes scolds. But I think it's always the case. And you guys don't quarrel with your moms, try never to offend them.

Student 2.

I offended my mother

Now never ever

Let's not leave the house together

We don't go anywhere with her.

She won't wave out the window

And I won't wave to her

She won't say anything

And I won't tell her...

I'll take the bag by the shoulders

I will find a piece of bread

I'll find a stronger stick

I'll leave, I'll go to the taiga!

I will follow the trail

I will look for ore

And across the stormy river

I'm going to build bridges!

And I will be the chief

And I'll be with a beard

And I will always be sad

And so silent...

And then there will be a winter evening,

And so many years will pass

And here's a jet plane

Mom will take the ticket.

And on my birthday

That plane is coming

And mom will come out of there,

And my mother will forgive me.

(Children sing the song “Mom will understand everything” (music by E. Bortyaev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).)

presenter. All mothers have a second profession - the mistress of the house. They take care of children, husband, cook, clean, wash and do a lot of other household chores.

Student 3.

All mothers live so bored -

Wash, iron, cook.

And they are not called to the Christmas tree,

They don't give gifts.

When I grow up big

I will be a mother too.

But only a single mother,

Not a married woman.

I'll buy a new coat

Under the color of a crimson hat.

And never and never

I'm not marrying my dad.

Student 4.

I love my mom very much

I will always help her

Can I sweep the floor

Take the chair to the kitchen

Dust off all things

And pour the kitten cabbage soup.

I can wash the dishes

But today I will not wash.

And I'm ready to help.

I'll bake pancakes.

I will definitely help my mom

I love pancakes myself.

Leading. Now the boys will sing humorous ditties for their mothers.

(Children sing ditties to the verses of E. Serova.)

Ditties for mom

Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties to you.

Congratulations on the holiday

And hello big helmet to you! Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom.

I won't wash the dishes

So that the dishes were the targets. Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom?

Not to raise dust

I won't sweep. Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom.

After all, cook soup, roast -

This is not a man's business. Wow!

I thought day and night

How can I help my mom.

I'm ready to water the flowers

We just don't have flowers. Wow!

In general, we are not averse

Help Mom with something!

(The boys are spinning to lose.)


And now we'll play

Who is the assistant here, we will find out.

Game "Venikobol". The game is played by two teams of 3-4 players. It is necessary to go between the pins, leading a balloon with a broom, return, pass the broom to the next player. The team that finishes first wins.

The game "Trash - clean up". Two pairs participate in the game, in each pair - a mother and a child. Mom has a bucket with small toys in her hands. At the signal of the mother, the toys are quickly taken out of the bucket. Then they pass the bucket to their child, and he tries to collect the toys as quickly as possible. The couple that finishes the "cleaning" first wins.

presenter. I'm sure everyone can say many more pleasant, warm words about their mother. And they should be said not only on a holiday, but always - day after day. Once again, congratulations, dear mothers.

Student 5.

We wish our mothers

Every year to be more beautiful

Never lose heart

And scold us less.

Student 6.

We congratulate you with all our heart,

So that you shine with beauty

We wish you happiness forever

To never get sick.

Student 7.

To be at home, at work

You have always been respected.

Have fun, don't be bored

More often, mothers, rest.

Student 8.

We wish you dear

Always be healthy

So that you live a long, long time

Never get old!

Student 9.

We want no reason

They gave you all the flowers,

Smiled so that men

Everything from your beauty.

Student 10.

May adversity and sorrow

They will bypass you.

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

Children(together). We love you!

(Children congratulate their mothers and sing to the tune of the song “A True Friend” (music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).)

Mom dear,

The most beloved

You are always in care

Busy all day.

Wash, clean

Ironing and washing

Our mother does not know

The word is "lazy".

Here's what we'll tell you:

Take care moms.

Mom's work, guys,

Must be respected.

We all love mom

It's just not enough

We need more for our mothers

To help.


Well, the evening is coming to an end.

We were very pleased with this meeting.

And in closing now

We invite moms to the waltz!

(Children invite mothers and dance with them.)

Bow to you, women of Russia,

For your hard, necessary work.

For all the children that raised

And those that will soon grow up.

For your kindness and attention

For sincerity and simplicity,

For courage and understanding

For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness!

Low bow to you for your hard work.

Let the children love you, let them take care of you!

(At the end of the holiday, children give their mothers gifts - crafts made at technology lessons.)