How to spend mother's day in the nursery. Joint leisure time dedicated to Mother's Day (for children and parents of the nursery group). "The gray bunny washes"

  • 13.11.2019

Synopsis of leisure entertainment "Mother's Day"

Fun with moms for kids 2-3 years old on Mother's Day

The course of the holiday

Educator: Good evening our dear mothers and grandmothers! It is no coincidence that we all gathered together today. After all, it is in November that such a holiday as Mother's Day is celebrated. The most beautiful word on earth is mom! Close all your eyes for a minute and remember your mother. Now gently say the word "MAMA". (Children and adults pronounce the word "Mom"). Did you feel warmer? To keep this warmth with us for the whole evening, we will play and have fun together.
Playback: Everyone in childhood probably heard a fairy tale about a white-sided magpie that cooked porridge. Let's remember together.
Read the nursery rhyme "Forty-white-sided"
Guys, do you know what you can cook porridge from? Do mothers know? Let's check: if I name the product that is needed to make porridge, you must say “yes”, and if the product is not needed, then “no”.
Magpie - white-sided, conceived to cook porridge to feed the children.
I went to the market and this is what I got...
New milk? Yes!
Egg? - No!
Semolina? - Yes.
Headed cabbage? - No!
Pickle? - No!
Meat jelly? - No!
Sugar and salt? - Yes!
White beans? - No!
Melted butter? - Yes!
Is the fish salty? - No!
Bay leaf? - No!
Chinese rice? - Yes!

Prunes and raisins? - Yes!
Chocolate delight? - No!
Bulgarian pepper? - No!
Tatar sauce? - No!
Strawberry jam? - Yes!
Biscuits? - No!
Yes, nice porridge turned out!
Vox .: We cooked porridge, and now we will play. And our game is called "Winders" (who wraps the ribbon around the stick faster).
Play: The next contest is called "The Most Reading Family" Puzzles:
1. She is the most important of all in a riddle, although she lived in the cellar:
Helped grandpa and grandma to pull the turnip out of the garden. (mouse)
2. They were waiting for mom with milk, but they let the wolf into the house.
Who were these little children? (seven kids)
3. Run away from dirty cups, spoons and pots.
She looks for them, calls, and sheds tears on the way. (Fedora)
4. Both the hare and the wolf–
Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)
Voice: And now we will warm up a little, show our mothers how we play with rattles.
"Dance with rattles»
Question: And now, let's remember who prepares delicious pies for our kids? (Children: grandmother.) Let's also bake delicious pies for grandmothers and for our mothers.
The song "Pies".
Vosp.: And now our mothers will sing with us.
The game "Mom sang a song"
Mom sang a song, mom dressed the baby: Imitation of dressing
She put on a white shirt for her daughter. They run their hands along the back, along the tummy.
She put on a red shirt for her son.
Good shirt, fun daughter!
Good shirt, fun son!
Mom sang a song, mom shod the baby:
She put on a slipper on her right leg, Hands run along the leg
She put on a shoe on her left foot.
Knock, knock, heel!
That's how mom pleased -
Dressed up our baby!
That's what mom is - golden right!
Resp.: Well done! And now, kids, it's time to dance. Invite your moms!
Dance "Gopachok" (children dance with their mothers)
Vosp: Thank you mom for your activity and cheerful mood. We wish you to always be as young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful! And now, and now - tea drinking with us! Tea drinking.

This summary is aimed at fostering a sense of love and respect for the mother.

Purpose: To show the image of the mother that is significant for the child; to form the moral emotions of children; to cultivate love and respect for the dearest person - the mother, to contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family.

Event progress:

A girl and a boy come out.

Host: Mom! What's this word?
1 - What is a mother?
It's a bright light
That's a lot of knowledge
Dinner and lunch!

2 - What is a mother?
Fun, joy, laughter!
Mom is like a heart
After all, everyone has a heart!

3 - What is a mother?
It's like a wall
Protects from trouble
Dad and me!

4 - What is a mother?
It's all in the world!
We congratulate mom
With love!

Both: Your children!

Dance "Mom, I can't see enough of you"

1 reb: Mom is the sky!

Mom is the light!

2 reb: Mom is happiness.

Mom is no better!

3rd child: Mom is a fairy tale.

Mom is snow.

4 reb: Mom is a weasel.

Mom loves everyone!

5 reb: Mom will smile,

Mom will be sad.

6 reb: Mom will regret it.

Mom will forgive everything!

7 reb: Mom is kindness.

Mom will always help!

8 reb: Mom - there is no more you!

Mom can do everything!

9 reb: Mom, I love you,

I give you a song!

The song is my only mother.

They sit on chairs.

- Good evening! Today we have gathered in this hall for the sake of the closest people in the world! Mother's Day is international holiday. We congratulate all women who have such a happy and difficult fate - to be a Mother! The human race begins with the Mother. Mother is the most sacred thing in our life, and therefore we dedicate our holiday to you - dear mothers! Today, your dearest, most beloved, most charming children want to please you with their performances!

Children read poems for mothers:

Poems about mother (Olga Chusovitina)

1st child.

Who opened this world to me

Not sparing your strength?

And always protected?

The best mom in the world.

2nd child.

Who is the cutest in the world

And warm with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my Mommy.

3rd child.

Reading books in the evening

And always understands everything

Even if I'm stubborn

I know Mom loves me.

4th child.

I walk the path

But my legs are tired.

jump over the hole

Who will help? I know Mom.

5th child.

Not many nights passed without sleep

Worries, worries can not be counted

Big bow to you all, dear mothers

For the fact that you are in the world!

Children sing the song "It's good that I have you"

Children go to the chairs, sit down.

- Special words are needed in order to thank for the care and kindness of our mothers. What is the most important thing for a child? This, of course, is a home and a mother who will always regret and call her the kindest and most tender word: the sun, a kitten ...

(Several children stand, turned away, guess the voices of their mothers).

- Not so much time has passed when you cooked different porridges for your children. We will now check if you know how to cook porridge!

The game "Cook porridge" (with mothers, children help)

"Magpie - white-sided" decided to cook porridge to feed the children.

I went to the market and this is what I got:

Fresh milk - yes!

Chicken egg - no!

Semolina - yes!

Head of cabbage - no!

Pickled cucumber - no!

Meat jelly - no!

Sugar and salt - yes!

White beans - no!

Melted butter - yes!

Salted fish - no!

Bay leaf - no!

Chinese rice - yes!

Prunes and raisins - yes!

Chocolate delight - no!

Bulgarian pepper - no!

Tatar sauce - no!

Strawberry jam - yes!

Biscuits - no!

- Usually artists are invited to a big holiday. We have for you

also have a surprise! Artists have arrived! They are very worried

Let's give them a round of applause!

Boys dressed as girls come out.

Scene "Three girlfriends"
Host: Three friends on an autumn day
They were in a good mood.
Cooing on the bench
And they dreamed about the future.

Girl 1: What would I like to be?
I will fly in the sky
I want to be a stewardess.
I'll fly on the plane.
I will choose a husband, like a dad,
To meet me at the gangway.
And my children, I, Dasha,
I will not stuff porridge,
I will take them to the cinema
Buy them an eskimo.

2 girl: I want to become an artist,
And perform on stage.
To take me to the movies
The main roles were given.

3 girl: I will study at school,
I'll try not to be lazy
To become president
And adopt the following law:
Don't worry about your moms
Don't let them get tired
From worries and worries
Always protect them!

Host: Thank you for telling us about your dreams, I think they will certainly come true!

All the children come out and sing ditties.
Everyone: (speaking)

We are funny guys, we dance and sing.

And now we will tell you how we live with moms

1st child.

Rita washed the floors, Arina helped,

It's just a pity, mom washed everything again

2nd child.

Sooty pan Nadya was cleaning with sand,

I “dirty” Nadia for two hours, my grandmother washed it later!

3rd child.

We put on high heels

We hobble along the path - ski poles in our hands

4th child.

We walk, and below us the street sways,

How does mom walk straight and not stumble

7th child.

We warmed up the soup and porridge, poured salt into the compote

When my mother came home from work, she had a lot of trouble!

8th child.

We finish singing ditties and always promise you:

Listen to you always, in everything - morning, evening and afternoon!

We sang for you as best we could, we are only children.

We know for sure that our mothers are the best in the world!

— I know that our children are very fond of dressing up.

Do you think your mothers liked to dress up as children?

Then invite moms to the circle!

The game "Pass the bag" / different outfits in the bag, it is passed to the music. When the music stops, the one with the bag takes out something and puts it on himself / At the end of the “Defile” game

- Girls give this dance with ribbons to our mothers

Ribbon dance (girls)

Host: Guys, I have a heart in my hands. The heart is a symbol of love. Whoever gets it at the end of the music, that mother will say affectionate words to the child from the bottom of her heart (mothers stand in a semicircle and pass a heart to the music, when the music is over, who has a heart in their hands, says affectionate words (what mother has a child and why she loves).

Game "Say a good word"

Moderator: Thank you all for such kind and gentle words. And now we have a surprise for you, mom. Children want to congratulate you on the holiday and you will now listen to the sound recording and try to recognize your child by the voice.

Mom is everywhere

The sun on a clear day.

Affectionate word and look

Warms me from birth.

Mothers love and adore us

And they call us peanuts.

Dance "Karapuzy".

Children stand in a semicircle.

- Children dedicate these lines to dear, dear, beloved, our only mothers!

1st child.

We wish our mothers never to lose heart.

With each one to be more beautiful and scold us less!

2nd child.

Let adversity and sorrow pass you by,

What would every day of the week be for everyone, like a day off!

3rd child.

We want flowers to be given to you for no reason,

all the men smiled from your wonderful beauty!

4th child.

We are finishing our concert, but the celebration will continue.

And so that the good light of your eyes does not fade -

We will try: to obey you in everything,

Not only on holidays, of course.

We dream of only one thing -

All: May our mothers live forever!

And now the children want to invite you to a fun dance called "Well, goodbye!"

Our evening has come to an end. Thank you for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to the children and give them warmth!

We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of children! For your participation in our celebration

And for the fact that you are always with us and for the fact that you are the most, most

We tell you

Children: "THANK YOU!", "WE LOVE YOU!"

Entertainment scenario for "Mother's Day", with the participation of parents for children of primary preschool age

Joint activities of parents with children.
Holiday-entertainment for children of primary preschool age
"Mommy, dear, my mother- how good that I have you!

Melnikova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher of the first qualification category, Moscow, CJSC, GBOU School No. 1238 with in-depth study of English language, preschool department.
Description: This material will be useful to educators, music workers, parents in order to involve children and adults in joint holidays, as well as in organizing events with children of primary preschool age.
Purpose: A holiday for mothers and grandmothers, prepared by children, with the help of adults.
A bit of history: The initiative to create the Mother's Day holiday in Russia came from the State Duma Committee for Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The order to establish Mother's Day in Russia was signed on January 30, 1988. The date of the celebration was set for the last Sunday in November. Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family. On this day, sincere congratulations are addressed to beloved mothers. Children of all ages prepare surprises for the holiday. Kids make gifts with their own hands and draw beautiful postcards. Grown-up children visit their parents with gifts, flowers and useful gifts. On this day pass everywhere holiday concerts, competitions, festivals, exhibitions dedicated to mothers. in schools and preschool organizations entertainment and theme nights.

Preliminary work:
-designing a wall newspaper, together with parents, for Mother's Day;
- design of the photo exhibition "My mom, the most beautiful!";
-preparation with children of gifts for mothers ("hearts" on ribbons);
- design of an exhibition of crafts with the help of parents "Golden Mother's Hands";
- memorization of poems for festive entertainment;
-decoration of the music room balloons, flowers.
Target: developing children's interest in family traditions, attachment to the closest person - mother, helping families to create warm relationships.
teach children to express their feelings for their mother;
cultivate respect for the mother;
contribute to the creation of a festive, trusting atmosphere at the holiday;
encourage the creativity of mothers and children;
develop coherent speech of younger preschoolers,
develop motor skills.

Event progress:

(Parents with children enter the music hall by the hands to cheerful music)
Dance of pupils and mothers "Mommy, dear, my mother!"
Music by V. Kanishchev, lyrics by L. Aflyatunova
1. Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile
The one who is called my mother.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,

2. The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
It's good that I have you!

3. Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -
Mommy is right next to me.
I love you, mommy,
I will give you this song.

Educator: Hello, dear women, mothers and grandmothers! It is no coincidence that we have gathered today, because today we celebrate Mother's Day. We dedicate this holiday to the dearest, most caring, most beloved and, of course, the most beautiful - our mothers!

In the house good deeds- busy,
Dobrota quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us!
good afternoon and good hour!
Good evening, good night
It was good yesterday!
And where, you ask,
So much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:

Educator: And now, dear parents, let's listen to our children, they will read poetry for you!
"Gift for Mom"

Cut out a piece of colored paper
From it I will make a small flower.
I will prepare a gift for my mother,
The most beautiful mother I have!


Who will sing me a song?
Who will sew my shirt?
Who will feed me tasty?
Who laughs the loudest
My, hearing ringing laughter?
Who is sad when I'm sad? Mother!


I'll sleep next to my mother
I will stick my eyelashes to her.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up your mom.


Who is the cutest in the world?
And who in the world is more beautiful?
Children's best friend
This is our mom!


I told my mother:
- Don't go too far!
Tears will flow on their own
If you are far...
Suddenly you are in a dense forest
And far from me!
Better, just in case
Don't go far.

Educator: Guys, now let's tell and show how much we love our moms! (Children stand in front of the guests in a semicircle and recite a poem with the teacher, showing characteristic movements with gestures)
Physical education:
Mom is heaven! (hands up)
Mom is the light! (with hands above we show flashlights)
Mom is a blessing! (put hands on chest)
Mom is better than nothing! (lean slightly forward and shake your head to the side)
Mom is a fairy tale! (thumbs up)
Mom is a joke! (smiling, arms wide apart)
Mom is a treat! (children hug their shoulders)
Moms love everyone! (blowing kisses to moms)

Educator: Competition number 1, for moms. There are many proverbs and sayings about the mother among the people, and our mothers, of course, know them. Dear mothers, you need to finish the proverb, I will start, and you continue!
There is no sweeter friend than dear mother.
Without a father - half an orphan, but without a mother all orphans.
Warm in the sun, mother good.
Mother's caress of the end does not know.
The bird is glad of spring, and the baby mother.
There are many relatives, and the dearest of all - mother.
As you grow up with your mother, so everything will be know.
- I am glad to amuse you with a song, our cheerful children's choir!

Children sing the song "Pies"
Music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by N. Kuklovskaya
1. I bake, bake, bake
All the kids have a pie.
And for the sweet mother
I'll bake two gingerbread.

2. Eat, eat, mommy,
Delicious two gingerbread.
And I'll call the guys
I'll treat you to pies.

Educator: Competition No. 2, for mothers "Visiting a fairy tale!"
- And now we will check how often you, dear mothers, read fairy tales to your children, and the guys will help you!
He rolled out of the house
On an unfamiliar road...
Do you recognize him, my friend?
This is the most naughty
Talkative, ingenuous
And ruddy... (Kolobok)

Who didn't want to work
Did he play and sing songs?
To the third brother then
We ran into a new house.
Saved from the sly wolf
But they shook their tail for a long time.
The story is known to every child.
And it's called... ("Three pigs")

The girl is sleeping and yet does not know
What awaits her in this tale:
The toad will steal it in the morning,
An unscrupulous mole will hide in a hole ...
However, enough! Do you need a hint?
Who is that girl? Whose fairy tale is this?
("Thumbelina" G.-H. Andersen)

Walks to school with a primer
Wooden little boy.
Gets instead of school
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name?
("The Golden Key", Pinocchio)

A girl sits in a basket with a bear behind her back.
He himself, unknowingly, carries her home.
Well, guessed the riddle, then quickly answer ?!
Title of this book ("Masha and the Bear")

And now about someone's house
We'll have a conversation...
It has a rich mistress
Lived happily,
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned to the ground! ("Cat house")

Smile soon, mom, I'm going on stage,
Appreciate my efforts - I'm dancing for you!

Dance "Chok-chok, heel"
(parents paired with their child dance a fun dance)

Educator:- And now the guys will give their beloved grandmothers and mothers postcards that they made with their own hands. (Children give postcards to their mothers).

There is an eternal word in our world,
Short but heartfelt.
It is beautiful and kind
It is simple and convenient
It is soulful, beloved,
With nothing in the world - incomparable,

Educator: And now, dear guests, I invite you to join the circle of Friendship with your children, (everyone joins hands and moves in a circle, then, if desired, you can use any dance elements, as well as any musical accompaniment.)

The song "Oh, what a mother!"
Music and lyrics by Irina Ponomareva
1. I'll wake up my mother in the morning,
"Hello, mommy!" - I'll say.
Oh what a mother!
Looking straight ahead!
2. I love you very much,
My beloved.
3. You sing a song with me,
After all, today is your holiday.

- In the house is busy with good deeds,
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night
It was good yesterday.
- "And where?" - you ask
So much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
Children: - This is mom, this is mom!
Host: Who loves us dearly?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Who wakes us up in the morning?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Does he read books to us?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Does he sing songs?
Children: Mom, mom.
Host: Who hugs us?
Children: Mom, mom.
Presenter: Praises and caresses
Children: Mom, mom.

We congratulate our lovely mothers on their holiday - Mother's Day. And these congratulations also apply to our dear grandmothers - after all, they are also someone's mothers. The holiday today will be a little out of order.

Our mothers are always somewhere in a hurry, in a hurry. And they practically do not have time to relax, play with their beloved children. But children like it when you sing, dance, play with them. So let's forget about our problems at least for this day. I suggest you start playing with your child right now.

There is a wonderful holiday and a happy time,
Where there is a child and a beloved mother.
And in the proximity of these feelings, a lot is hidden
Patience, affection and life is the beginning!
Here are all the echoes of love and care;
There is no time to sit here, as there is a lot of work:
The hostess and the washerwoman, and the cook with the nurse,
And a doctor, if necessary, with a large warm heating pad.
She is always a master of all trades
And everyone should be proud of their mother.
After all, closer to her can not be found in the whole world.
She is responsible for the child from birth!

Mom's hands rocked the children in the cradle when they were small. It was their mother who warmed them with her breath and lulled them with her song. Let's remember the time when your baby was just born. He was so small, defenseless. And you, to calm the baby, sang lullabies to him. I invite mothers with children and invite you to sing a lullaby to your children

1. Lullaby(3 mothers take their children in their arms and sing the lullaby “Tired toys are sleeping” to the soundtrack, 1 verse each)
But now your children are growing up, and you begin to read little poems to them. Do you, mothers, remember these poems well? (3 moms look for bugs and name them)

2. Find the mistake and answer correctly.
* Dropped the bunny on the floor,
They cut off the bunny's paw.
I won't throw it away anyway.
Because he's good.

* Sailor's hat, rope in hand,
I am pulling a basket along a fast river.
And the kittens are jumping on my heels,
And they ask me: "Ride it, captain."

* I sewed a shirt for Grishka,
I'll sew him pants.
Gotta put on a sock
And put candy.
Well done our mothers. And they know how to sing songs, and read poetry. And how tasty they cook ....
Now we'll see. 3 mothers will cook with their children.

3. Master class "Together with mom."
For each pair of mother-child, sets of plasticine for modeling are prepared in advance. Task: you need to prepare a "treat" for the guests (pie, cake, pastries).
In the meantime, we will listen to poems performed by our children.

1.After a delicious lunch
I'll help mom right away
But get up off the couch
For some reason I can't.

2. In order not to oversleep in the kindergarten,
Gotta try
I have to ask my mom
Get up at five o'clock!

3.-To mom on Sunday
Don't oversleep for work
I'll set her alarm
And I'll put it under the bed.

4. I love my dear mother,
I'll give her candy.
I'll bring her home: -Mom,
Will you share with me?

5. To make mom smile,
And she was pretty
I'll draw her in her passport
A funny face.

6. What kind of noise, what kind of din?
Mom is surprised!
It's Mother's Day
Papa is leaving!

7. I'm happy about cleaning too
I'll break all the dishes
May everyone be happy!

Well done, kids, real helpers for moms. See what wonderful treats our mothers have prepared. Simply wonderful! Do you know why? Because they made them together with their children.
. And now your children are asking you all to dance.

Dance to the soundtrack "Well, so do moms"
We go in circles - well, mothers too
We are not far behind - well, and mothers too.
We will all squat - well, mothers too
Sit down together, stand up together - well, and mothers too.
Let's have fun jumping - well, moms too
And how birds fly - well, mothers too.
We will wag our tail - well, mothers too
Let's hug mom - well, mom too.
Well done our mothers - they sing songs, bake pies, dance dances. And of course, interesting fairy tales are read to children.

Competition "Visiting a fairy tale"(All mothers participate. Each answers one question). Let's remember the fairy tales that your children love. These are the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
What did the fly find - Tsokotuha? (money)
What did butterflies eat? (jam)
Where did Aibolit fly to treat animals? (in Limpopo)
What did he give them? (thermometer)
Who ran away all the dishes? (at Fedora)
What is her last name? (Egorovna)
What were the names of the sons of the crocodile from the verse. "Moydodyr » ? (Totosha and Kokosha)
What did the gazelles ride? (on carousel)
Who was eaten by the sparrow (cockroach)
How was the cat? (back to front).
What did the fly-Tsokotuha buy? (samovar)
Who is sitting under the tree? (Dr. Aibolit)
What were the bears riding? (by bicycle)
What did the crocodile ask you to send? (galoshes)
Where did the elephant call from? (from camel)
Whose blanket ran away? (have dirty)
Who bit the fox? (wasp)
Where did the hippo go? (to the swamp)
Who came out of mom's bedroom? (Moidodyr)
Who stole Mukha-Tsokotukha? (spider)
From whom did the shoes and boots run away?

Well done our mothers. And what needlewomen they are! Don't believe? Look! 3 mothers with their children are invited.

4. Competition "Beads". (string pasta on a string for 1 minute)
In the meantime, our mothers will sew, the children will read poems for their mothers.
1. We congratulate mothers from the bottom of our hearts -
Poems are read and sung today by kids.
Who will wake us up in the morning, who will cook porridge for us?
In the world there is no more pleasant embrace of tender mothers.

2. Who will argue with us a little, but will immediately smile?
Whose heart beats stronger than a bird for their children.
We congratulate mothers from the bottom of our hearts -
"Thank you mom!" - the kids say today.

3. Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is no better!

4. Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a laugh!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is better than nothing!

5. Mom will smile
Mom is sad
Mom is sorry
Mom and forgive

6. Mom is golden autumn,
Mom is the dearest.
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help!

7. Mom - the sun, a flower,
Mom is a sip of air,
Mom is joy, mom is laughter,
Our moms are the best!

In our computer age, the age of progress and speed, we, as always, are in a hurry somewhere, catching up with something and suffering from lack of time. Early in the morning you have to redo a lot of things, take the child to the Kindergarten and be in time for work, but the child gets dressed very slowly, and you naturally need to help him. Our mothers do it already simply and easily even with eyes closed

5. Competition "Dress the child" (3 mothers) (
phonogram "In every little child")

Vedas. Guys, which of you has the most beautiful mother?
Children. I have!
Vedas. Guys, who has the kindest mom?
Children. I have?
Vedas. Who has the best mom?
Children. I have!

Mother! There is light in this word of the sun.
Mother! There is no better word in the world.
Mother! Who is dearer than her?
Mother! She has spring in her eyes.
Mother! The best on earth.
Mother! Gives stories, gives laughter.
Mother! Because of us sometimes sad.
Mother! Regret and forgive.

Children stand in front of the guests in a semicircle and recite a poem together with the teacher, showing characteristic gestures:
Mom is heaven! (hands up)
Mom is the light! (with hands above we show flashlights)
Mom is a blessing! (hands to chest)
Moms are better (leaning forward and waving head no-no)
Mom is a fairy tale! (thumbs up)
Mom is a joke! (laughing, smiling)
Mom is a sweetheart (pat yourself on the head)
Moms love everyone! (slam a kiss with two hands to moms)

Dear guests, we have already made sure that our mothers are smart, musical, skillful, and good artists. And now we will test them for dexterity.

6. Competition "Catch the ball with a hat." (3 moms).
The mother is given a baseball cap, and the child is given plastic balls. The child throws, and the mother catches with a baseball cap. Who will catch more balls.
Phonogram group Talisman "Mom"

Well done! Our mothers are very smart. And now our congratulations continue.
1. Mom caresses,
Mom will encourage.
If it breaks
It will always forgive.
With her I'm not afraid
No villain!
There is no better and better
My mothers.

2. My dear mother,
I'm your baby
I love you, dear
And hearty congratulations!

3. I promise to be obedient,
Only to please you
Well, if it doesn't work out,
Don't pout on me!

4. Let's play dolls with you,
Let's drink tea and cake
Take away my toys
Let's sing something!

5. Mom is my sun,
I am her sunflower.
It's good to be happy
Love your mommy.

6. Mom can easily
Give the medal "Hero of Labor".
All her deeds cannot be counted,
Even no time to sit down -
And cooks and cleans
Reading a fairy tale at night.

Well done, guys, and now, to please moms, get up in a circle, start a fun dance. And mothers dance with their children.
Dance "Spots - specks" , sl. And muz. Zheleznova E.

Presenter: What do you need to tell the birds?
Children: The sun, the sky, the greenery of the garden.
And for the sea?
- Coast.
Well, to us, we will say directly:
Children: To be with us - MOM!

Mom caresses us
The sun warms
Sunshine like mom
Only one happens.

And here is our sun. (Shows a yellow circle.) And what is our sun missing?
Children: - Luchikov.
-So let's make them from mom's hands, and your moms will help you.
Children and their mothers do team work.

Phonogram song "Mom"

What a beautiful sun! We will take it with us to the group, it will warm you with mother's warmth.

Thank you mom for the beauty.
Thank you moms for your kindness.
Because you have such babies.
For the fact that they do not have a soul in you.
Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer
It's snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!
Happy holiday, dear mothers! Accept small gifts from your children.

Title: Joint leisure of mothers and children of the second younger group for Mother's Day
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, Mother's Day, 2 junior group

Position: preschool teacher
Place of employment: MBOU Dobrinsky Lyceum
Location: Dobrinka village, Uryupinsk district, Volgograd region

Larisa Ivanova

Parents are in the music room. Music sounds, children with a teacher enter the hall.


Who loves you kids

Who loves you so tenderly

Don't close your eyes at night

Who cares about you? (mother)

Who shakes the cradle

Who amuses you with a song

Or tells a fairy tale

Who gives you toys? (mother)

Guys, look who came to visit us? Yes, they are your mothers! It's great! Today we will show how we can dance, sing and play.

Look who else came to visit us (draws attention to a big toy (doll, hare, bear). He (a) also wants to congratulate your mothers. Look, he has rattles in his basket - ringing toys. Let's show our mothers our fun dance.

Dance with rattles.

Educator: Well done! Guys, it's autumn outside right now. It is cold, it often rains, a strong wind blows. In order not to freeze, we need to dress warmly. What will we wear?

Children: Hat, scarf, boots, mittens, jacket (imitate dressing).

Educator: Well, are you dressed warmly? Let's go for a walk!

(Children with a teacher walk on a rug, the teacher scatters autumn leaves and recites a poem):

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

rustling underfoot,

And fly, fly, fly.

Oh guys! Look at how many leaves are on the rug: red, yellow, orange. Let's pick them up and dance with them.

Song-dance yellow leaf.

(collected leaves)

Guys, it looks like it's going to rain! Everyone run to me under the umbrella.

The game "Sun and rain".

Educator: Guys, now let's show our mothers what we can do ourselves.

Can we dance? (show to music)

Can we sing? (la-la-la)

Can we dress up?

Can we wash?

Let's sing a song as we wash ourselves.

"The gray bunny washes"

Educator: Goodies! And now the game has come, we have kids to play! Now we will see how you help moms collect toys.

Game "Collect toys".

Educator: Well done! You can immediately see the assistants are growing!

Now it's time to give your mom a handmade gift! With love and tenderness! (children give gifts to mothers).

Presentation of letters of thanks.

Tea drinking.


1. Rattles

2. Demonstration toy

3. Autumn leaves

5. 2 hoops + toys (small size in a basket or box)

6. Gifts for moms

7. Thank You Letters