Scene at school dad assistant mom. Scenario of the competition program dedicated to Mother's Day "My mother is the best!". Here are the texts of other mini-scenes for Mother's Day

  • 13.11.2019

Presenter 1

Let me congratulate you

Leave joy in your soul,

Give a smile, wish you happiness,

Away with adversity and bad weather.

Let the shadow of sadness disappear

On this festive day!

Lead 2

Good afternoon, dear guests! We have gathered today for a celebration dedicated to the mother woman. Family holiday! autumn holiday! From the bottom of our hearts we give poems and songs to you!

Presenter 1

When I say: "Mom" -

smile on the lips

And upturned nose stubbornly,

And happiness is in the eyes!

When I say "Mom"

My soul sings

And a heart diagram

Call me to call!

I call my mom

And I'm looking forward to

When will she answer

And I'll say: "I love you!"

(song "My mom is the best in the world")

Lead 2

Mother. With this word, children are born into the world and through the years they carry in their hearts the love that was born in the womb. And at any age, at any time of the year and every hour, this love for a mother accompanies a person, nourishes him and gives new hopes and strength for new achievements! We all love our mothers and on this wonderful holiday we have gathered here to congratulate those who love us and whom we love - our mothers!

Presenter 1

And what is a mother in the minds of their own children? Let's find out soon! We invite our guys to the center of the hall!

(Children recite previously learned poems)

Child 1

What is mom?

it bright light,

That's a lot of knowledge

Dinner and lunch!

Child 2

What is mom?

Fun, joy, laughter!

Mom is like a heart

After all, everyone has a heart!

Child 3

What is mom?

It's like a wall

Protects from drama

Dad and me!

Child 4

What is mom?

This is what it is!

Child 5

What is mom?

It's all in the world!

We congratulate mom

With love, your children!

(Song: "My Mom")

Lead 2

MOTHER! - There is light in this word!

MOTHER! There is no better word!

MOTHER! Who is dearer than her?

MOTHER! She has spring in her eyes!

MOTHER! The best on earth!

MAMA gives fairy tales, a smile and laughter!


Dear friends, let's listen to a parable with you.

Lead 2

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

“I don’t know why I’m coming into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

“I will give you an angel who will be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how can I understand it? I don't know his language, do I?

- The angel will teach you his language and protect you from all troubles.

What is my angel's name?

- No matter. What is his name, he will have many names. But you will call him MOM.

(Dance performed by mothers and daughters to the song "Mom is the first word")

Three girls come out

1 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Just get greener!

2 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Revealed among the fields!

3 girl:


Do you have a mother?

Then about the first

Think about her

Sparkling in the darkness of the night!

(Grigore Vieru)


If drama happens

Who will help? - (ALL) It's MOM!!!

(Dance to the song "Mammoth" with balls)

Presenter 1

Now let's see if our mothers know their immediate duties so well.

You will not find trash at home,

Cleaned everything up mom!

And the frame shines in the window,

Mom washed it all!

Even the soup is delicious

Mom made it for us!

The younger brother ate recently,

His mom swaddles!

At school they gave us a scale,

My mom will help her!

If you are not shame and disgrace,

Here are some tasks for moms!

1. Competition: "A book in the family"

Presenter 1

Let's check how carefully you read fairy tales to children.


I went to visit my grandmother
Brought pies to her
Grey Wolf was following her
Deceived and swallowed.
(Red Riding Hood)

Run away from dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way.

And the hare and the wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

Like Baba's Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Which? (Mortar)

The duck knows, the bird knows
Where Koshcheya's death lurks.
What is this subject?

Lead 2

Well done guys, you did it!
Now hurry up guys
Guess the riddle!
Near the forest, on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
Grew colorful,
all in peas

Presenter 1

(referring to mothers)

Are you tired?
How long have you been dancing?
Well, get out soon!
Stretch your legs!

I invite everyone to dance together, because not only work, mothers need to rest.

We all dance together. ("Lavata")

After the dance, the mothers sit down.

2. Contest "Think"

Interesting questions:

1) Whether he is small or big, he must be kept (secret)
2) In which cage can not be kept a bird (in the chest)
3) Liquid, not water, white, not snow (milk)
4) The softest fish (herring)
5) The shortest month (May)
6) What question does no one answer “yes” to? (Are you sleeping now)
7) What stands in the middle of the Volga (letter L)
8) Favorite melody of the schoolboy (call)
9) Why do people walk barefoot (on the ground)
10) In what month do people talk the least (in February)
11) Why do ducks swim? (from shore)
12) What stones are not in the sea? (dry)
13) What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)
14) What note is not suitable for compote? (salt)
15) There is a table with 4 corners. One corner was cut off. How many corners are left? (5)
16) Why do we eat? (at the table)
17) Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep (on the floor)
18) A grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? (none, all crashed)

Competition 3: "Recognize your child by voice"

4 competition: "Draw a portrait of a child with closed eyes."

Lead 2

What is happiness?

Such a simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.

In fact, happiness is simple.

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts, booties and a bib,

A brand new described mother's sarafan.

Torn tights, knocked knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor.

Happiness is soft warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole bunch of broken toys

It's a constant rattle of rattles.

Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor.

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

It's constant: What? But why?

Happiness is a sled, a snowman and a slide.

A small candle on a huge cake.

This endless "Read me a fairy tale"

These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.

This is a warm nose from under the blanket,

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.

What is happiness? There is simply no answer.

Everyone has it - These are our children.

Mother and child scene:

Son: Three years have passed ... I have already grown up.

Naturally, this begs the question:

Everyone knows that little guys

Why are they sent to Kindergarten.

And there are problems ... Where there are none!

And how do you find answers to questions?

Mom: Well, tell me what you did in the garden?

I know everything: I'll go there!

What does “I didn’t want to eat porridge” mean?

Why did you put it on your head?

Oh, not yourself? Why Seryozha?

Is he a sneak? What are you? Oh my God!

Come on, in the corner! March and don't cry!

Your father will talk to you!

Son: But kindergarten - flowers and no more,

And the berries are waiting for us at school ...

Mom: What did the student bring today?

Tell me, show me your diary!

So… What is this? Where is the two from?

Ah, Zoya cheated on you again?!

Well, answer me, why are you quiet?

Ah, a deuce with Zoya for two ?!

Well done! And what's that? Again?

Broke the window? Did you get pushed again?

Have you forgotten what word you gave me?

Presenter 1

Mothers are our pride

This is our glory, strength!

This is our spirit of firmness,

This is help for impotence!

We bow our heads to mother

And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts

So that you, mothers, know for sure

What is the best only you for us!

(Song and dance “Mom, Mommy-Dear Beloved” by Taisiya Pavaliy.)

Lead 2

Well, now, dear mothers, we have one more gift for you as parting! Take a look at the screen again. We want to give you a few minutes of bright memories of the happiest moments of your motherhood. And then we invite you to take a look at our little art gallery, appreciate the work and love of your children. (The soundtrack of the song “Mom is the first word” sounds. Personal photos from the pupils’ family albums are projected onto the screen. After viewing the slides and children’s drawings, parents are invited to the group for a festive tea party).

Bobrova Oksana Vladimirovna,
music director MBDOUDSOV №5,
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia.

But how difficult it is to be a mother! Your attention is invited to the scene "MOTHER DAUGHTERS".

Scene "Mothers and Daughters".

Leading. Once three girlfriends gathered,

Three funny jokes:

Yana, Svetochka and Mila,

A tomboy and a ringleader.

Mila immediately suggested

Everyone knows the game:

Mila: "Let's go to mothers and daughters,

I'll take the roles for everyone.

Of course I'll be "dad"

Because all the most important, Yana will play "mother" for us,

Just be better.

Well, you, girlfriend Svetka,

You will be our "baby" with Yana.

Well, let's play

It's time to start the day."

Leading. Here for breakfast "mom" - Yana

I baked pies for everyone,

plump, yellowish, ruddy,

“Daddy” with “daughter” handed out.

But suddenly “daddy” knocks - Mila

Fist on the edge of the table:

“Papa” Mila: “I only ruined the food

And took out all the sand.

You are useless mother

Hurry go to the Light

AT kindergarten gather".

Host: But Sveta is naughty:

“Daughter” of Sveta: “I don’t want to go to kindergarten.

Give me candy better

What's in our closet?

Leading: Poor Yana gets it,

Everything seems wrong to them.

Dissatisfied with both "mom",

Saw for any trifle.

No time for lunch

Late 5 minutes.

Light is picky -

There is again does not want soup.

"Daddy" rubbish interferes here,

Why didn't you remove

He rests with a newspaper

And "mom" is all business.

Yana got tired soon

To demolish all their vagaries:

"Mom" Yana: "I will no longer be" mom "

I want to be a girl."

Leading: Girlfriends quarreled,

Three funny chicks.

Everyone looked at Yana,

Nobody wants to be a "mom".

How can you blame them for this?

It is very difficult to be a mother!

Presenter 2. No matter how the run of events beckons you,

No matter how you draw into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother's eyes

From insults, from hardships and worries!

Presenter 1. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of the mother is the happiness of the children. She is strict because she understands her great

responsibility for a son or daughter, wishes them well. Mothers take care of their children even when they themselves have become mothers. Let's see how it goes

Enter Foreign Ambassador and Interpreter

foreign ambassador. Oh, Santa March, woman! .


foreign ambassador. Emancipation is made of you hard worker!

Interpreter. You are beautiful like a tea rose on the southern coast of Crimea!

foreign ambassador. Tongue on the shoulder: Kukhara, styrara, work of a bezhar, child of a nanny, husband of a meeting, in short, a goner!

Interpreter. Your hands are as white as the wings of a bird of paradise. Your camp is as thin as a mountain path!

foreign ambassador. Oh, martha santa, woman!

Interpreter. Oh, incomparable woman, the light of my eyes!

foreign ambassador. Santa March once a year.

Interpreter. For a whole year, a man gives you flowers and wears them in his arms!

foreign ambassador. Emerald, diamond, ruby, bambino rogues!

Interpreter. Your children are obedient like angels.

foreign ambassador. Palace, fountain, servant, two rooms, bath.

Interpreter. Your house is huge, spacious, full of abundance.

foreign ambassador. Eniki, beniki, no dumplings, obedo karama potatoes, delicacy vermicelli.

Interpreter. The dishes on your table are beautiful: fruits, strawberries in champagne.

foreign ambassador. Carino, sarino, bus, buttons.

Interpreter. A luxury car is waiting for you near the house.

foreign ambassador. Oh, Santa March, woman!

Interpreter. Oh, incomparable woman, the light of my eyes!

foreign ambassador. Secret, fantastic, how it is possible to be a beauty?!

Interpreter. How not to be beautiful in life like this!

foreign ambassador. Desirable!

Interpreter. What do you wish?

foreign ambassador. The salary is paid, the strength is enormous, the men endure, so that they help, health, good luck! Thanks for your attention!

Interpreter. Without translation.

Scene "Three mothers"

Leading: Tanya came from a walk in the evening

And the doll asked:

Tanya: How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These girls are in trouble!

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Presenter: Tanya's mother came home from work and Tanya asked:

Mom: How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Managed to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - the grandmother shouted a hundred times,

And you answered: "Now!" Yes now!"

It's just trouble with these daughters,

Soon you will be as thin as a match!

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Leading: Grandma is here, my mother's mother has come

And she asked her mother:

Grandmother: How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Didn't find a minute to eat again?

And in the evening I put it in my mouth

Dry sandwich?

You can't sit all day without eating!

She's already become a doctor, but she's still a fidget.

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will be as thin as a match.

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Leading: Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters.

Tanya, mother, grandmother (together):

What to do with stubborn daughters?

Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Scene "Grandmothers and grandchildren."

Two old ladies.

1st. Hello my dove! Won't you go out for a walk?

2nd. What the hell, I haven't done my homework yet...

1st. Which lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You've been out of school for a hundred years!

2nd. Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren.

1st. Yes, I have been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life.

2nd. Truth? Is that how you pamper them?

1st. I don't pamper! I am very strict with them. I’ll do my homework, and they always rewrite me cleanly.

2nd. O. really strict.

1st. So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

2nd. Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hm-hm ... “At the seaside, the oak is green; a golden chain on that oak ... "

1st. So good.

2nd. "... And day and night, a dog scientist ..."

1st. What dog? What dog?

2nd. Well, I don't know what breed he is.

1st. Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat!

2nd. Ah, I get it, I get it! I then first: “At the seashore, the oak is green; a golden chain on an oak tree; day and night the cat is a scientist ... "

1st. Well?

2nd. ... He goes to the grocery store with a shopping bag.

1st. With what bag? Which deli? Where did you see this?

2nd. Oh, well, what are you, a friend! I have so many more lessons, I messed everything up.

1st. What do you think, if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe some unit will be named in our honor?

2nd. She's already been named.

1st. How?

2nd. Kol! It is given to those grandchildren for whom grandmothers do homework ...

Scene "Mom and Vitya".

The son is sweeping the floor, singing a song. Mom enters the door, a bag in her hands, a bunch of keys in her teeth. He looks at his son with round eyes, the keys fall to the floor ....

Mother. Vitya, what happened?

Vitya. Nothing!

Mother. Like nothing! But you're sweeping the floor!!

Vitya. And he's dirty!

Mother. Vitya, I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept was when you got a D for behavior...

Mother(looks around the room and gets even more frightened). Have you wiped the dust?

Vitya (joyfully). Wiped!

Mother. Myself?

Vitya. Myself.

Mother. What have you done!? Did they leave you for a second year?

Vitya (helping mother take off her hat and coat). Yes, I say nothing. It was dirty, so I cleaned it up.

Mother(suspicious). And did you make the bed?

Vitya. Just like that, removed everything!

Mother. (He ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair.) I'm being called to the principal of the school?!

Vitya. Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, had lunch and brushed my teeth.

Mother. Myself!?

Vitya. Myself! (Mom faints.)

Vitya. Mommy! What happened to you? Now I will bring water. (Pours into a glass water. But then classmates appear at the door.)

Classmates. Well, Makeev, how is the day of helping parents? Removed the apartment?

Vitya. Help Day, Help Day!!! Here, enjoy...

Classmates (together). Lucy, first aid kit!

Lucy (pulling out first aid kit). How nervous we have become! (Drips mom valerian.) Shame on you, Makeev! What did the mother bring! Couldn't tell her right away that the whole idea was for one day!?

Mother (raises his head). So tomorrow everything will be the same?

Classmates. Yes! Old way, old way! (Mom faints again.)

presenter. This is, of course, a joke. But how great it is when a kind, smart, loving mother is next to you. And next to her is a son worthy of her love.

The path of each person begins with the hands of the mother, who until the end of her days remains the dearest and closest person. In gratitude to all mothers for the gift of life, in 1998 a holiday appeared in the calendar - Mother's Day, celebrated on the last Sunday of November. So that children and relatives do not forget to congratulate their dearest women, morning performances and festive events are held in children's groups, the decoration of which can be funny scenes about mom.

For kindergarten

An important educational and teaching moment at an early age is the memorization of poetry. It improves speech and develops memory. Therefore, for children's matinee you should pick up a small rhyming text, filled with the opportunity to express yourself in a game role, so that the kids are interested. You can collect material on well-known poems by prominent authors: Agniya Barto, Elena Blaginina, Grigore Vieru. For the attention of the audience, it is very important that the ending be unexpected and contain intrigue. The most correct thing is if the scene about mom is funny, because positive emotions are very important in it.

But it must necessarily be of an educational nature: not only contribute to the formation of a sense of humor, but also teach kindness, mutual assistance, and pride in one's family. The educator can take on the role of leader, and in senior group- the most prepared child, able to keep the thread of the plot, because otherwise the content will not be brought to the audience.


Children's sketches about mother are widely represented in literary collections, we bring to the attention of the reader the sketch "Festive Day":

Participants: presenter, mother, father, daughter, son.

Today is Mother's Day!

But we are too lazy to sleep with our sister:

A ray of sun only through the window,

We are already playing with the cat.

(A boy and a girl approach the door of the next room, listen).

Daughter says to her brother:

Mom and dad are fast asleep

And they don't want to feed us!

We won't wake them up

We can make our own soup!

(Takes sister to the kitchen.)

Able to knead the dough

And vacuum the chair!

Decorate the closet with flowers

Here's a surprise for mom!

(Children drag a vacuum cleaner, open a can of paint, spill it on the floor. Dough is kneaded on the table, which sticks to hands, clothes, hair).

The sound of footsteps down the hall... who is that?

We'll find out soon!

If mom, that's the trouble,

We didn't make it, as usual!

Final scene "Holiday"

Scenes about mom and children cannot do without dad, who plays a major role in the plot, which is very important:

(Dad enters, looks in amazement at the mess in the kitchen).

What happened, I do not understand!

I will punish you both!

Daughter ( upset):

We wanted, don't be angry

Surprise Mommy!

Dad got sad at the same time

He forgot about the holiday.

Didn't buy a bouquet of flowers

No gift, pies!

He rolled up his sleeves

I dipped my hands into the paint

And said…

Well, kids, it's all over! For one or two!

(With cheerful music, everyone gets down to business. Cleaning is going on quickly, breakfast is being cooked, a cake is being baked, flowers are drawn on the cabinet doors, dad runs off to sleep).

Mom got up in the morning

Quietly trudged into the kitchen.

The door opened, closed...

Wow, how clean!

Smells like hot cakes

The closet is painted all over with flowers,

The cat is purring at the window...

Son and daughter:

Mom, happy holiday to you!

Mom hugs kids

caresses them on the head,

And quietly says:

It's a pity ... dad is fast asleep!

School scenes about mom: features for primary school children

At the beginning of school life, the leading activity for children is educational. The main authority is the teacher, whose opinion is more important for students than parental. Therefore, it is advisable to use a very popular and funny humoresque:

Get up, son. The alarm clock is ringing, you'll be late for school!

I do not want. Again, Petrov will start pestering everyone ... he will start a fight!

If you don't get up, you'll be late for the first lesson.

Well, okay. Watch how Ivanov will throw rags again?

Still, it's not good to be late.

Is it good when Sidorov shoots at people with a slingshot?

Son, you can't not go to school, because you are ... the director!

A scene about a son and mother is a dialogue on the topic that adults remain small children for their parents. And even the director has a caring, understanding mother, in front of whom he wants to be capricious, remembering his childhood.

For middle management

At a time when the teacher's opinion is important for the student, it is necessary to remind them of the need to help the dearest women - mothers and grandmothers. This can be done with humor, using the upcoming holiday. The option in verse is interesting in that it is easier to perceive and makes you think about your own behavior in similar situations, looking at yourself from the outside. " caring son"- a scene about mom. A funny story can be easily played out by two students, because only the son and the mother who has returned from the store are involved in it.

(Mom enters, heavy bags in her hands).

How many times have I asked you

You don't listen, mom

No need to lift bags

10 kilograms each.

Yes, I'd love to advice

I got yours, son!

Can you go to the store

Two times, it's easier!

Funny only when it does not contain sarcasm and disrespectful attitude towards the woman-mother. The object of ridicule is those who show indifference or ingratitude.

In high school

High school students are able to prepare a mini-performance, as well as interesting miniatures, bringing their own creativity to them. They can be prepared:

  • For your peers.
  • Children from elementary grades.
  • Parents and teachers.

Parents and peers need solid scenes about mom for Mother's Day. Funny performances of poems, for example, to the work of E. Uspensky "The Rout", will be appropriate for younger children. What can be played for the holiday?

"In the bar"

Three characters take part in the scene: a boy, a girl and a mother.

(A girl sits at the bar at the counter. The guy is walking towards her.).

Guy: Hello baby! Are you bored?

Girl: Hello! Not without it!

Guy: Do you want me to arrange an unforgettable evening for you? Come with me?

Girl: Yes, I would be glad, only my mother strictly ordered me to return at 23:00.

Guy: Haha! You're not ten years old! Maybe you will still go on dates with your mother?

(Suddenly, a hand takes the young man by the ear).

Guy: Mom? How did you get here?

Mom: How did you get here? You have a test tomorrow!

Guy: Mom, yes I ...

Mom: March home! No excuses!

Guy ( girl): Baby, I'm sorry, I ...

Mom: Home!

This scene about mother is funny, because there is a lot of irony in it, through which a respectful attitude towards the figure of the mother is emphasized.

School KVN

There are probably several KVN teams at the school, between which competitions regularly take place. The theme for jokes can easily be timed to holiday dates, including for Mother's Day, which will expand the audience and develop the ability to notice funny situations in real life. Self-irony is one of the most important qualities real kavanshchik. Among the competitions in KVN are used:

  • Greetings.
  • Warm-up (short jokes on the topic of playing KVN).
  • Homework with the use of an entertainer.
  • A music competition during which the lyrics of famous songs are remade.

In the greeting, small scenes about mom will be appropriate. KVN requires sparkling jokes, so they should be short, but very capacious. As an example, the following would be recommended:

Mother ( adult son):

You see, the son of his mother is growing as an assistant! She washed, and he takes off the linen from the rope!

Yeah ... Only it seems that this is your assistant, our underwear is hanging on a rope!

For adults

At home, during the celebration, a scene about a mother for adults will be appropriate. It can be completely improvised and built on any comic situation. Two options can be offered.

  • Medical examination with the issuance of a conclusion. In the main document will be noted: a flourishing age, universal hearing, one hundred percent vision. Each item can be deciphered with humor. Among the problems, one should state an increased heart rate, which shows a high level of anxiety for children, their education, personal life, and professional career.
  • Rewarding the mother with the Order of Merit with their transfer. You will need an awarder, a support group, spectators who give a standing ovation, an assistant who brings gifts and flowers. An example would be the item: "For the education of faith in God." As an example, phrases from life can be voiced: “Mom, you always said: “Pray, son, that this stain on your trousers is washed off!”.

Improvised sketches about mom on Mother's Day are funny memories from childhood, giving the holiday a special touching and warm homely atmosphere. They can be accompanied by music that evokes the necessary associations, viewing family photos and gift cards.

Scene about mom: "Funny situation"

Today published a lot of reprises and comic scenes about the inability of mothers and grandmothers to cope with the computer. This is especially funny in the "Diesel Show". It will be original to play your version about a daughter and mother. The scene changes the idea of ​​the children about the potential of their own parents:

(Daughter-high school student sits at a computer, mother enters).

I need a computer for a couple of minutes, I want to upload the pictures to Odnoklassniki.

(The girl reluctantly gets up from the table. The mother opens the photo album and tries to insert the photo into the drive).

Daughter: Mom, what are you doing? These are printed pictures.

Mom: But how to reset them to Odnoklassniki?

This is done from a flash drive, do you have an electronic media?

Little thing that looks like a lighter?

Well, yes ... And to reset them, you need to go to the site. What is your login?

What is it?

Login! A code word without which it is impossible to enter the site. Write it here in Latin letters. And a password.

Oh, now, I don't remember by heart.

(He takes out a crumpled piece of paper and begins to clumsily poke at the keyboard. The daughter tries to help her, but her mother hides her note from her. Daughter waves her hand and angrily leaves the room).

mother ( puts on headphones and quickly opens skype):

This is the Arrow. Sea Wolf, are you ready? Daughter freed the computer for a couple of hours. So let's start. Go around One Eye on the left and I'll blow him up on the right. Dive into the crevice, hide! Hi Anaconda! Have you lost your daughter too? Freed myself workplace? Come on, connect, bypass it on the left. Ready! Know ours! Forward to the spaceport, in a couple of seconds, a flight to a neighboring planet. Let's show these Multi-armed Vishers!

Short sketches about mom will easily fit into any scenario of a festive event, giving it a positive mood and bringing a smile to those for whom it is held.

The song "Smile"

Vedas. Today our whole country is celebrating new holiday- Mothers Day.

Today, the whole world is a big and bright holiday.

Listen, mothers, listen - children congratulate you!

(leaves 1 class)

1st - Mother's Day - a wonderful day!
On this cold autumn day
We ask mothers all over the Earth:
Please accept our congratulations!

2nd Our first class congratulations glad

To all mothers on the planet.

thank you mom say

Both adults and children.

1st Many mothers in the world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

2nd Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy!

Vedas. The most beautiful word on earth is mother.

It's the first word a person utters

and it sounds equally gentle in all languages

Children perform (grade 6)

Mom (Yuri Entin)

Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
It happens - sleepless night
Mom is crying slowly
How is the daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning my mother will fall asleep.
Mom is the first word
Mother earth and sky
Life gave me and you.
It happens - if it happens suddenly
In your house, grief is trouble,
Mom is the best, reliable friend -
Will be with you always.
Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
It happens - you become more mature
And like a bird you will fly high
Whoever you are, know that for mom you are -
As always, dear baby.
Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

Vedas. You, of course, do not remember the very first meeting with your mother.

How happy she was when she saw you! How happy her eyes shone!

There was a film number tied to your pen.

Your last name, date, month, year and time of your birth, and your weight were written on it.

To which of you did your mother show this number - your very first one?

Then your mother looked at her baby for the first time - and realized that her child -

the best, the most beautiful and the most beloved.

Now you have grown up, but your mother loves you still firmly and tenderly.

Moms will love you exactly as much as they will live in the world -

remember this always!

And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50,

you will always need a mother, her caress, her look.

And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter life!

For you, dear mothers, ditties from girls 5/6 cells.

(Chatushki - sing Olya, Katya, Lera, Sasha, Tanya)

1. We both write and read,
And we compose ditties
And on the holiday of all mothers
We will also sleep for you!

2. Who said - ditties like,
Is it out of fashion these days?
It's just a matter of fashion
If people love them?

3. Mom writes an essay
And solves the equation.
It turns out that "5"
We will receive together.

4. If necessary, we will dance,
If necessary, we will sing,
Don't worry our mothers
We won't disappear anywhere!

5. Mom asks Vasya:
– What are you doing in class, Vasya?
He thought a little
And he answered: - I'm waiting for a call!

We gathered our mothers
But not for fun
We are reporting today
About your successes.

I love to change
Run, jump and jump.
In the Guinness book I dream
By jumping to get.

Here I am in class
I turn in all directions -
How many girls are beautiful -
I won't look at all.

I will not let anyone write off,
Let everyone call you a pest.
Maybe I'll be harmful later
Early retirement.

AT school uniform I go,
All so solid!
I'll smear the jacket with glue,
I'll fill it with jam.

And our teacher
The whole day torments us
Doesn't let you walk
Everything teaches something!

In the best third grade
I'm going to study
So that even the president
You could marry me!

From the bottom of our hearts we sang to you

School ditties.
We are not at all tired
Pity your ears!

Well ditties sang,
Good and okali.
We would all like
For you to clap us.

(3 students of grade 3 and grade 4 of grade 1 leave)

Fedinskaya Dasha:

Mom worked for a long time:

All things, things, things...

Mom was so tired all day long.

She lay down on the sofa.

I won't touch her

I'll just stand by.

Let her sleep a little -

I will sing a song to her.

I'll be closer to my mother

I love her very much!

Too bad he can't hear

Mom my song.

Leading: Your mothers did not sleep for many nights,

worried about you, wanted you to be healthy,

smart, kind.

Their hands are constantly working to make you feel good and comfortable.

Mary Rodina's poem:

Maslova Dasha:

They say to mom

Hands are not easy

They say to mom

Golden hands!

I look closely.

I bring it closer.

I touch and stare -

I don't see gold.

Why do people

Our factory

They say mom

Golden hands?

I won't argue.

They know better -

Because they work

With my mom.

Host: Our mothers get up early in the morning.

It is necessary to redo the household chores, and not be late for work,

They have golden hands, and they also have the most faithful and sensitive heart.

Get sick - mothers will cure you, sad - they will console you,

and if it becomes scary, they will definitely save it.

Rita Pakulova:

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,

Mom is the best friend!

Not only children love mothers,

Love all around!

If anything happens

If suddenly trouble -

Mommy comes to the rescue

Will always help out!

Mom a lot of strength, health

Give to all of us.

So the truth is not in the world

Better than our moms

Vedas. Mom is the kindest, sweetest, most beloved person for each of us.

Lush Lera: -In the house good deeds busy, kindness walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us, good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night, it was good yesterday.
If suddenly you don’t know where so much kindness comes from,
What take root from this kindness: flowers, fish, hedgehogs, cats.
I will tell everyone around directly, in our house - this is my mother!

The song "My Mom" ​​(Performed by Grade 3)

Most of all I love

my mother,

Dad, brother and sisters -

All my family.

Every day I get up

And I sing a song

About the best

My mother.

My dear mother,

The most beautiful,

tender, beloved

My mommy.

big family

We live together.

We draw, we sing,

We are building a new house.

billiards, volleyball

We love to play


With a dolphin

Swim and dive.

Mom with the holiday of spring

We congratulate

And give her roses

delicate flowers,

Let's draw the sky, the sun

And my family

And I'm a beloved mother

I'll sing a song.

Vedas. -But what a dispute came out of our high school students. Grades 10/11 Scene: “What kind of children are these days, right?”

(4 couples: girl-boy play a scene)

M - I'm thinking, guessing,
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

D - Why are you doing this?

M - For a specific answer!
Preparing for adulthood...

D - You came up with it cleverly!

M - Yes, I feel sorry for my mother,
From the problems of life is not visible.

D - Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Difficult position - mother.
How would it be easier for her
Without children like us.

2 couple: Ignatiev Valera and Bolshakova Vika

D-fu! What nonsense!
She'll be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom without kids!

M - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

D - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
Without children, he is lifeless!

M - But then, I'll say it straight,
Mom is having a good rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solving problems for children
writing essay,
For various tricks
Then scold, then punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Collect toys again.
Not sparing nerve cells,
Get the kids off the computer!

D- And to hear, falling asleep, ....
You are so beautiful
Honestly, I'm honest
Mom, I love you so much! ...

3rd couple: Alyosha Rybakov and Masha Begoedova

M – Yes…hm-hm…sounds nice…

What about such a prospect? — ‘
Just raised kids...
Got married soon...
Do you want to rest now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

D - So what? Play again.
Respond to grandma
Sit down, get up, run
Collected the toys again
stove workout,
Carriage of household vanity,

M - Why do they need such a life?

D - Aerobics is solid!
Hurry up to get it all done.
Even no time to grow old

4 couple: Belomestnov Nikita and Ananina Nastya

M - No! I still doubt
So many nerves and worries!
I'm more and more convinced
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to grow them
And educate, teach,
Sleepless day and night
Survive day and night
Get sick - heal
Guilty - to beat,
And help with studies
And feed, and dress up ...

D - What is the problem? I do not understand!
I dress up dolls!

M - Well, compared! In - gives!

D - Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
All the more important, I'll tell you straight.
Moms - in children a continuation,
Honor and respect!
And great love.

M - And care again and again ...

D - So, my friend, calm down!
Caring is fun!
While you are raising children
You won't get bored for a moment.

1 couple: Zinovenko Seryozha and Kubitskaya Katya

M - Yes-ah-ah, I got the answer -
The meaning of life is seen in this.

D - The meaning of life is seen in the fact
So that the kids are full of house!
Every mother has a child!

All the guys in chorus:

Well, better than two!

So that mommy is bored
Didn't have a headache.

Host: How do you help your mothers? (4 cells read poems)

The student reads a poem by M. Grozovsky Syropyatov Slava:

I save my mother's work

I help as much as I can.

Today mom for lunch

Cooked cutlets

And said:

I ate a little.

Isn't it help?

Gantimurov Roma:

Yesterday I helped my mother:
I washed my own trousers
I twirled them in soapy foam
And sweated for three hours, sweated,
I beat my trousers with a stick,
I squeezed it myself, then dried it.
Clean - no nitpick to them!
But where are the holes from?

Ignatieva Angelina:
Help my mother and I try
Can my mother be proud of me:
Mom wash my dress
I am in the notebook of one.
I am a helper in everything
We also iron together:
Momma irons the sheet,
Well, I am the back of the kitten.
And we write dictations together
We write with mommy, we don’t breathe,
We dictation uneasy:
Mom writes, I dictate.

Syropyatova Ksyusha:
That's when I become a mother
I will never get tired
Wash the dust, knit and sew,
make pies for everyone
Peel potatoes every day
wash dishes, cups, spoons...
No, I'll probably be a dad,
so as not to wash dishes all my life

The song "Dear Mommy, My Mommy" (performed by grade 4)

Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile

The one who is called my mother.

Mommy, my dear, my mother,

The wind will howl, a thunderstorm outside the window,

Mommy in the house - no fear.

Mommy, my dear, my mother,

It's good that I have you!

Business is arguing, fun is a mountain -

Mommy is right next to me.

I love my dear mother very much

I will give this song to her.

And now we will play, but we will entertain the guests!

(Music plays)

"Chamomile for our mothers"

And now you are expected from 5/6 classes

(Based on a poem by V. Volgina).

The Word has hidden somewhere, the Word has hidden and is waiting.

Let the guys find me. Come on, who will find me?

Mom, dad, brother and me -

That's all my ... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap.

We washed the dishes ourselves.

We washed the dishes ourselves -

Helped our ... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden

We water them from a watering can.

Asters, lilies, tulips

Let them grow for our ... (mother)

Scene "Family Lessons" (Grade 7)

Room. Vasya is solving a problem, mom is reading a magazine, dad is fixing the alarm clock, grandma is napping in a chair.

Vasya: That's a damned task! Fought, fought - failure.

Already there were circles in the eyes ... sit down, dad, help!

Dad: Keep your head up, son

You are not alone with dad! (Sits down to class.)

Vasya: We were ordered to underline the parts of speech in the exercise.

Do, mom, a favor, be more attentive!

Mom: Underline parts of speech?

Let's figure it out somehow.

Vasya: And for you, grandma, paint.

Come on, grandma, don't sleep!

Draw a picture for a fairy tale: a cat walks along a chain.

Grandmother: No, she's too old ... The eye is not the same. (Vasya is crying.)

OK OK. There will be a cat! (Vasya gives her paints and an album.)

Vasya: I'll go out for a minute. Where is my jacket? (Puts on a jacket, hides a soccer ball under it and leaves.)

Host: In the morning, Vasya walked cheerfully with a blue bag on his back. (Vasya quickly walks downstage, singing a bravura tune.)

But sadly from school he returned home. (Vasya walks back down the stage, enters the room where mom, dad and grandmother are.)

Mom: What did you bring?

Vasya: See for yourself.

Dad: No, report first!

Vasya: Dad - "five". "Four" - mom. And you, grandma, - "two" ...

All the children in the world call mom
Sweet, good, dear most!
We will grow up and we will take care of our mother ourselves,
In the meantime, let's bring her joy with our song.

(Performed "Mammoth's Song". Grade 7)

Guys, what will you give

to your moms?

We are a gift to mom

We will not buy

Let's cook it ourselves.

With my own hands.

You can embroider a scarf for her.

You can grow a flower.

You can draw a house.

The blue river...

And also kiss

Mom dear!

Children give their mothers their crafts.

Presenter: To you, who gave affection to children, we dedicate this song

The song sounds to the tune of "Little Country" (everyone sings)

Mommy is the best in the world

We love mommy

Mom, all our smiles,

The best dreams in the world.

Mom is always in household chores,

She has many worries.

We know. That mom is very tired in the evening.

There is no mother,

There is no mother,

What is our beloved mother

Youth secret?

We will raise our children

And after many years

We also learn the most important

Mom's big secret:

Only big love for mom

Doesn't let you get old

Let her be native

Lives for a long time.

There is no mother,

There is no mother,

What is our beloved mother

Youth secret?

Leading: Do not get sick, do not be bored and rest more often.
So that at home, at work, you are always held in high esteem.
So that you have fun, so that sadness forgets you.
And in the soul, let young love live every year.

Girl: Our holiday is already over,
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye -
Wish everyone good health!

Leading Be cheerful, healthy.
Give good light to everyone!
Come visit again
And live to be a hundred years old!

At the end of November, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. Festive performances and performances are timed to this day in schools. Mothers and grandmothers, sisters and aunts will come to visit. Have you already decided what to show them? New short sketches for Mother's Day at school, funny and funny, they will definitely be remembered by all guests and mothers will be happy! Watch skits, put them on your holiday and rejoice with your parents.

Mini scene - mother's helpers.
This scene is shown by three children and one adult - a mother (for example, a teacher). But you can replace the teacher with a tall girl who will play the role of mom.

And so, the children are in the room, and their mother, who has returned from work, comes to them.

Hello my good ones!
Children screaming with one voice:
- Hi, Mom! (and run to mom)
How was your day, what did you do?
First child:
Mom, mom - I washed all the dishes!
What a fine fellow you are, what a caring! (takes out a chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
Second child:
Mom, mom - I'm the same well done, I wiped all the dishes after!
And you are the same smart girl, here you go (takes out a second chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
What have you been doing all day? (mother addresses the third child)
Third child:
And I swept up all the fragments from the dishes and took them to the trash!
Mom makes a surprised face, “falls” on a sofa or chair. He comes to his senses and says:
- anyway, you are the best and most caring children!

Mini scene - children are talking.
It is always interesting to watch how children talk to each other. They boast, show who and what they can do and try to be adults in front of each other. In this skit, children will behave the same way, and adults will look at them from the side and understand that they are not doing this in raising children.

There are children on the stage. You decide how many children you need. Perhaps 2-4 children will be enough, but then they will have to learn a lot of phrases. And if there are more children, then everyone will not have many phrases and they will remember them.

Every day, my mother cooks soup, cooks the second one and always adds vegetables to the meal. But I don't eat them!


Vova (thoughtfully and importantly):
This is how nature made me!

Now winter has come. Frosts will hit soon and I will not walk outside until spring.

Why until spring?

How about walking in winter? Suddenly the frost will hit me the same!

And I know all the months of the year.

Come on, tell me.

Mom and I say them together, she says the beginning, and I say the end.

What is it like? So that's it - Ian ...



Ral. Yes. So!

Art, Rel, Ai, Yun, Yul, Gust, November, November, November, Abr!

Look, I have money (shows money)

They are not real! We can print these ourselves on a computer!

So what. But on them you can buy a car in a children's store!

How is that not real money?

So the car is not real!

And I did an experiment yesterday and now I know how long one tube of toothpaste lasts!

And for how long? For a month?

No, for the entire corridor and another half of the room!