How to make money in the new year children's holidays. How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays? Working ways from Anatomy of Business! Sale of Christmas decorations

  • 17.11.2019

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 13 minutes


On the eve of the New Year, people part with money more easily, because this long-awaited holiday happens once a year. Money is spent without regret in exchange for positive emotions, the expectation of a miracle, the opportunity to give joy to your family and friends. Some people spend a lot on the New Year, others make good money on it. For those who decide to take advantage of the holiday turmoil and grow their business, we offer 15 ways to make money on New Year's Eve.

Set of sweet New Year's gifts

Not only children, but also adults love sweet New Year's gifts.

On the eve of the New Year, their sales are miraculously growing.

Children's Christmas sets are very popular due to the affordable price.

Most parents can afford to buy them.

If we consider the sale of sweet New Year's gifts as a business, then you can have a good income.

What you need to make sweet sets:

  • Package . This should be thought about in advance. In summer, the prices for packaging are quite reasonable, and its shelf life is not limited. What to buy? Colorful cardboard and tin boxes, textile bags, ribbons, backpacks in the form of animals and much more.
  • Confectionery . Toward the end of autumn, you can start buying sweets. What is usually included in the kits? Chocolates, gingerbread, halva, lollipops, cookies, soufflé and so on.

After completing a sufficient number of sets, you can begin to sell them: sell them in bulk to a store or distribute them to enterprises yourself.

New Year's cards, calendars

An interesting idea for the design of postcards and calendars with photographs of the customer. Grandparents will love the calendar with images of their beloved grandchildren.

Friends and colleagues will love cool New Year cards. On the eve of the New Year, postcards are also in good demand. self made. Made with high quality and original, they are much more expensive than factory ones. On postcards for children, you can write a congratulation from Santa Claus, as well as any fairy tale character at the request of the customer.

With the onset of winter, the sale of calendars and New Year's cards enters the active phase. That is why their production and design must be started in advance.

Organization of New Year's corporate parties, children's trees

If you have creativity and creative ideas, you can make money on organizing New Year's holidays.

For children's matinees and corporate parties you will need:

  • Actors, presenter, musicians . A professional team can be hired by agreeing on this in advance or by attracting acquaintances.
  • Carnival costumes and equipment . The costume of Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. It is not necessary to buy them, at first you can rent them.
  • Holiday script . Interesting and original script will allow you to receive more applications for events than competitors.

If a person has never been involved in organizing holidays, then it is unlikely that he will succeed right away. It is better not to waste time in vain and consider another line of business, find a business to your liking. Moreover, there are plenty to choose from.

Sale of fireworks, fireworks

Today it has become a tradition to celebrate the New Year with an abundance of fireworks and fireworks. They are bought in thousands of pieces, and sellers of pyrotechnics make a solid profit.

To new year holidays went well, you need to take care of the implementation of the business idea in the summer:

  • Find profitable suppliers . Mostly Chinese products are supplied, but they are certified, since they are strictly with this. Domestic manufacturers offer wholesalers only sparklers and firecrackers.
  • Pick up a good place for trade . AT mall a pyrotechnics shop can only be located on the top floor and this must have an appropriate permit. Many trade from stalls semi-legally, at their own peril and risk.

When choosing a product, you should focus on the price of up to 500 rubles, it is the most popular. Approximately 90% of buyers will purchase just such products.

What should be included in the range outlet:

  • Roman candles, firecrackers, class 1-3 flying fireworks are easy to operate and do not require a license.
  • Rechargeable batteries for 1,600-2,000 rubles.
  • High-altitude fireworks for 15,000-20,000 rubles.

As always, the New Year creates a demand for live Christmas trees smelling of pine needles. Their purchase and further sale, than not a ready-made business idea?

True, for the successful implementation of the project, some nuances should be taken into account:

  • Choose the right price range, otherwise there is a risk of burning out with fierce competition.
  • There are time limits. Unfortunately, after December 31, no one will be interested in Christmas trees.

Preparations for the sale of Christmas trees will need to begin long before the New Year.

What will you have to do to organize the New Year process:

  • Find a forestry with the best prices and conclude an agreement with it.
  • Draw up documents for trade and rent a place.
  • Equip the outlet in accordance with the law.

On New Year's Eve, the price of green goods reaches its maximum, which is 100 percent or more of the trade margin.

For those who know how to sew well, sewing New Year's costumes can be offered as a business idea. With proper organization and correct calculations, the implementation of the idea will bring tangible profits. Do not forget about the manufacture of carnival masks, because in last years this is one of the important elements of the New Year's costume.

What is required for quality work:

  • The ability to sew.
  • Workplace.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Patterns of suits.
  • Fabrics, threads, accessories.

The most popular images on the New Year's holiday are Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowflake, Snow Queen, Cinderella, wolf, hare, Pinocchio, bee, butterfly and others. There will be no shortage of orders, as with good quality products new customers come already on the recommendations.

Decoration of rooms for the new year

Having your own style and understanding interior design, you can temporarily. Such a business on New Year's Eve is quite profitable, as orders are well paid. For example, the design of a small office usually costs from 24,000 to 30,000 rubles. In addition to your own ideas, you can use options for decorating rooms from the Internet. Large investments are not required to implement the idea.

Attention should be paid to:

  • Advertising (distributing flyers, a group in a social network, posting ads).
  • Preparation of decorations and garlands for decoration of premises.

The profitability of the project depends on the ability to sell services and the speed of order fulfillment.

Personal congratulations from the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus at home

The idea of ​​personal congratulations from the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus at home is becoming more widespread. Its implementation does not require large investments, since the main costs will fall on the purchase of New Year's costumes. But at first, you can rent them (from 200 to 1000 rubles) or sew them yourself.

To stand out from the competition and ensure a good income, you need to do not so much:

  • spend a small advertising company(Customers will go further on the recommendation).
  • Compose an interesting and non-standard script for an entertainment program.
  • Give attention to each customer.
  • Work with all family members.

If you work out 10 orders per day, then the daily revenue will be 10,000 rubles.

Needlework: making New Year's souvenirs

Many people love free time do handicrafts. But a hobby can easily become profitable business on New Year's holidays. decorative candles, Stuffed Toys, beadwork, topiary, key chains - all this is certainly in demand. People are ready to pay money for an original and high-quality souvenir that you cannot buy in any store. If you still attract family and friends to help, then you can make good money on New Year's Eve.

True, it is necessary to understand that New Year's souvenirs will be sold only if they meet the needs of buyers.

To date, the following requirements are put forward for souvenir products:

  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Functionality.
  • Exclusivity.
  • aesthetic appeal.

Do not be afraid to start your own business on New Year's Eve, and when designing souvenirs, let your imagination run wild.

Letter to Santa Claus: development and sale of a form

What business ideas are not implemented in the New Year! It has already appeared new service- a letter to Santa Claus and it is becoming more widespread. The competition in this niche is still small, as many are stopped by painstaking work.

Well, for those who wish to start implementing the idea, you will need:

  • Color printer.
  • Colorful letter templates to Santa Claus.
  • Advertising on social networks or on the street.

True, in order to earn decently, you have to work hard. Together with a letter to Santa Claus, parents can offer the service "Congratulations from Santa Claus", which includes the delivery of a letter and a gift chosen by the customer.

Sale of Christmas decorations

The idea of ​​selling Christmas decorations is far from new and seems uninteresting due to the high competition. But if you put up for sale what others do not have? After all, Christmas trees are decorated every year, toys are beaten, become unusable. To stay ahead of the competition, you can make and sell handmade Christmas decorations. Toys made of leather, beads, glass, paper will look good.

Preparation for the production of Christmas decorations must begin in advance:

  • Get family and friends involved.
  • Carefully select sketches and materials.
  • Conduct an analysis of the toy market and offer exclusive products.

On New Year's holidays, it is customary to give gifts to each other. Even a small sign of attention cheers up if it is packaged brightly and in an original way. Not without reason, on the eve of the New Year, a lot of people gather near the gift wrappers.

If you like a business idea, do not hesitate, but bring it to life.

What is needed for this:

  • Of course, skills in this matter are necessary, because without training it will not be possible to pack a gift beautifully (you can learn master classes on the Internet).
  • Still have to buy packaging material: ribbons, beads, multi-colored bright paper.
  • Find a place and rent a counter in the mall (best at the entrance).
  • Get to work.

The display of skill in the form of quick and elegant packaging of goods will attract a lot of people to the counter. You can make good money on this.

Video: personal congratulations from Santa Claus

You won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary greeting card from Santa Claus. Modern kids often do not believe in its existence. And if it will be a video appeal, and even a nominal one? Here is a real miracle that even an adult skeptic will believe in. Yes, and how not to believe when you hear your name from a good wizard.

What does the addressee find in this case under the tree? A colorfully designed DVD with an animated or real movie. Much depends on the skills and capabilities of the entrepreneur.

At the same time, the child does not just listen to a banal congratulation:

  • Santa Claus is talking to him.
  • He asks you to solve some riddles.
  • Offers to meet his fabulous friends and so on.

With the help of the Internet, you can easily set up such a business. In addition to the main order, it is appropriate for customers to offer a unique personalized postcard and a coloring book. Then you get a whole New Year's set - a memorable original gift.

Organization of excursions to the homeland of Santa Claus (Veliky Ustyug)

Where to go on the eve of the New Year holidays? Of course, to visit the main character of this event. The organizer of such an excursion obviously will not lose financially. Many people are curious to visit the homeland of Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug.

How to attract tourists:

  • Visiting the residence of the main New Year's hero with a personal audience in the throne room.
  • A trip to a special post office, from where everyone can send a postcard signed by Santa Claus. Those close to you will be surprised when they receive it.
  • A trip to the shop with magical souvenirs.
  • Journey along the fairy trail.
  • A walk through a small zoo and a winter garden.
  • Other entertainment - attractions, game programs, theatrical performances, various kinds winter skiing.
  • Historical sights of Veliky Ustyug - churches, temples, monasteries.

One-day or multi-day tours can be offered. Of course, the organization of sightseeing trips requires experience in this field.

Earnings on a New Year's photo shoot

That wonderful time when you can make good money on photo shoots in kindergartens, at corporate parties, theme parties. Before that, of course, you have to work hard. Advertise in local media and on Internet sites, prepare and debug special equipment (camera, color printer, computer). You can even put on a costume of a fairy-tale character to make it more interesting for children.

How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays?

Don't know how to make money fast? Then you have come to the right place. If you want to make money in a short time on your own business try yourself as a webmaster. All you need for this is a few hours a day. Read more about the offer in the article
And in this article, we will present some of the most promising ideas that will help you get quick money on the eve of the holidays. More ideas for business can be found in the article:

How to quickly earn money before March 8?

For those who want to earn a lot and quickly, best time holidays can be counted. At this time, people are actively shopping. And one of the ideas of enrichment during the holidays is the sale of flowers on the eve of March 8th.
Idea number 1. Buy flowers (lilies of the valley or tulips) and hire a few students who will sell your flowers in different parts of the city. The pros of this idea are not only that you will have a lot of purchases. It has already become customary for buyers that the prices for flowers on the eve of the holidays are rising. And you, in turn, can make good money on it.

Making money on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is one of the most anticipated. And if on March 8 your buyers are men, then on New Year's Eve the number of potential buyers doubles. For this holiday, gifts are bought by all the solvent population of the country.
Idea number 2. Buy in advance a large batch of New Year's souvenirs, magnets, mugs and other small things. Small gifts for the New Year are a tradition. They are usually given to colleagues, distant relatives and random guests, and therefore they buy several pieces at once. In another case, you can sell more serious and expensive gifts.
Idea number 3. Do not forget that the second half of December is always full of corporate events. Try to make money by decorating halls, holding a festive evening or organizing it.

There are two ways to receive an order: offer them directly to customers or start cooperating with restaurants and cafes. In the first case, you will have to spend more time and effort on advertising your services. In the second case, advertising is not needed, but the profit from the cooperation of such a plan is much less.
Idea number 4. Try to create a product with your own hands. For this holiday, the creation of Christmas decorations is actual. Only it is worth considering one nuance - it is better to use the cheapest materials. Since you always need a lot of toys, the final price of the entire set can turn out to be sky-high. Therefore, try to minimize their cost.

How to make a profit at the beginning of summer?

In June, it's time for graduation from schoolchildren, and a little later - from students. And this means that in one period the demand for certain goods and services increases dramatically. So provide them!
Idea number 5. Design photo albums, hold photo shoots and celebrations themselves, decorate halls and write holiday scenarios. These services are the easiest to offer: print flyers, visit nearby schools, and hand out booklets to students and teachers.
Idea number 6. Another idea on how to make money fast is aimed at female graduates. If you know how to build nails, do a festive manicure, hairstyles, makeup, then it's time to start making money on it. Before the graduation, the lines to the salons are quite long, and not everyone manages to get there, so the likelihood of an influx of customers in your direction will be high.
Idea number 7. Dresses, jewelry, accessories, suits, ribbons - all of this will be needed by each of the graduates. Try to buy some of this and sell under the slogan "To Graduation".

Idea for any holiday

Idea number 8. If you have a car, be a taxi driver on a holiday. Whatever it is: graduations, Christmas or March 8 - on this day there is a great demand for taxi services.
Arrange in advance with any taxi company in your city about work for one day. In this case, you will be able to receive orders that come to the company's internal number. But then you will need to give part of the profits to the company with which you decide to cooperate. Otherwise, you can try to find clients on your own: park in a crowded place, advertise the service in newspapers or the Internet, offer a taxi to your friends.

Idea number 9. Not everyone can prepare holiday gifts on time, so before the holidays there is a need for the services of a “hired gift buyer”. It works like this: your customer asks you to find a gift for his friends and family members, paying for their purchase and your services.


As you can see, you can’t even catch a fish without difficulty ... In order to get quick money, you will need to make a lot of effort. Indeed, in the pre-holiday time, not only demand is growing, but competition is also becoming tougher. Therefore, it is important to calculate each step in advance. Good luck in your endeavors!

Where to make money: TOP 6 business ideas! Choose yours and earn a million!!!

The anticipation of the New Year is a feeling familiar to us from childhood. But if in childhood dreams we thought only about gifts, then at a more conscious age we have to realize that the celebration is also associated with rather big expenses. Everyone prepares for them in different ways: someone saves throughout the year, someone takes on more work, and someone is looking for additional sources of income. Precisely to last option many of us often resort before the New Year holidays. And if you are an entrepreneur, then you probably know that seasonal business before the New Year will provide you good earnings. Therefore, we will consider how to make money before the New Year and increase your budget on the eve of the holidays.

Check out a few ideas for profitable earnings in the pre-holiday period. Maybe some of them will seem interesting and promising, and you will enthusiastically take up the chosen activity.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

As a New Year's side job, you can consider an interesting idea - participation in children's matinees or a visit to visit in the costume of the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus. Even the children of today, despite their early fascination with electronic devices, still believe in the legendary New Year's heroes and want to receive gifts from them. To earn in this way, you will need:

  • New Year's character costume;
  • a bag for gifts (the gifts themselves will be provided by the parents);
  • creativity and love for children;
  • advertising to receive orders (from word of mouth to advertising banners on the Internet).

Most often, such services are paid by the hour, and you can visit several clients at once in a day. If you like to communicate with children and can arrange a small holiday for children with big expectations from the New Year, then this option is definitely for you.

Realization of New Year's costumes

Dressing up in a suit is not the only way to earn money before the New Year. You can also sell these costumes or rent them out. Such a business will be relevant every year in the pre-holiday period. To organize this business, you will need to rent a room and buy the necessary goods. In order to save money, you can order suits from Chinese suppliers. In addition, it makes sense to purchase or create unique costumes, which are often appreciated by creative, exclusive-loving buyers.

Sale of New Year's beauties

We are talking about the main attribute of every New Year's holiday - the Christmas tree. For a long time we have been able to abandon a cut down tree in favor of an artificial Christmas tree, which costs an order of magnitude more expensive, but does not harm nature. But there are always those who are not particularly concerned about the environment, or who simply have no idea. winter holidays without the intoxicating smell of fresh spruce. With an eye on this category of people (and it is quite large), a promising idea would be to organize a business selling fluffy Christmas trees. It is popular from year to year, so starting from mid-December, you can actively sell trees and save up good revenue on New Year's Eve. But here it is still important to understand that spruces will be relevant exactly until the last day of December. Then the unsold Christmas trees inevitably face a sad fate - drying up and disposal.

Renting out real estate

If you have an apartment where you will spend a holiday, but, for example, your summer cottage will be idle, you can profitably use this opportunity and rent out your property to those who need it. We often spend the New Year in the company of friends and relatives, so a spacious cottage will be a good option for a comfortable time big company and an option for you, how to make money before the New Year. The announcement should be posted a few weeks before the holiday on forums or social networks, and, most likely, there will be a lot of responses.

The country house can be rented both for the night and for a longer period. In both the first and second cases, you can count on a solid income, especially if the cottage is in good condition and there is a bathhouse, a swimming pool or a large number of bedrooms. If the cottage already has a Christmas tree and festive decor, the rent can increase significantly. Thus, this option is perfect for those who have an empty country house in winter and who want to turn a liability into a pleasant asset.

New Year's delivery

Taxi services are relevant at any time of the year, and the New Year period is no exception, so this a good option how to make money before the New Year and during it. Taxi services are generally not the cheapest, but especially the price increases during the holidays. Moreover, the tariffs on New Year's Eve increase several times at once. Large cities provide a stable flow of orders, but during this period residents of small towns also actively use the services of taxi drivers.

Of course, the big minus will be the inability to spend a holiday with family and friends. But if you are willing to sacrifice such a pastime, good earnings will not keep you waiting. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to be assigned to a specific taxi service - you can work independently, simply by having your own transport.

New Year's photo session

Those who throw a loud and noisy party on New Year's holidays most likely want to capture this moment in their lives, for which they often use the services of photographers. Moreover, remembering something in the first days of January can be quite difficult. If the camera is a working tool for you, not a toy, you can earn extra money on New Year's Eve and have an enchanting photo shoot for a good reward.

Thus, you can choose one of these ideas for making money before the holidays or during them. But these options are definitely not exhausted, because you can also learn how to make money before the New Year on gifts, making them yourself, on exclusive New Year's calendars, making artificial snow, etc. The choice is very large, and how the chosen idea will come true - will depend only on you.

In contact with

AT modern world technologies can be earned at any time of the day without leaving your home and with a minimum of investments or without them at all. The chances of significantly improving your budget increase several times before major holidays, especially on the eve of the New Year. If you correctly approach the choice of a business idea and prepare for its implementation, you will be able to earn a good amount in a short period of time. At the same time, education, sales experience and even age do not play a key role. The result depends on the level of preparation, the right choice of an idea that should be relevant to people in the region, and, of course, pricing policy. As practice shows, business for the New Year brings a very good income, because before this holiday you can earn on almost everything. We propose to consider the most interesting proposals.

What do they buy before the New Year?

New Year's Eve Preferences target audience are changing. Priority in purchases is won not by everyday needs, but by those related to the New Year or Christmas theme.

What can you earn before the New Year:

  1. Christmas paraphernalia, festive decor.
  2. Accessories and souvenirs - symbols of the year, etc.
  3. Household products.
  4. Cosmetics and perfumery.
  5. Clothes, accessories.
  6. Goods for children, toys (carnival costumes, toy sets).
  7. Goods for maintaining comfortable temperature conditions (heaters, warm outerwear).
  8. Electronics (game consoles, smartphones, tablets, cameras).
  9. Photographers Service.

The demand for household appliances, books, pet supplies, products from the "sports" segment. Discounted products participating in bonus programs. As for gift certificates, gift coupons for goods for children, homes, tourist tours, promotions in clinics and dental offices are well bought, but there is less demand for discounted services from beauty salons.

Business ideas for the New Year

How to make money for the New Year? Before the New Year holidays, some categories of goods and services are beginning to enjoy great popularity. Having chosen an actual business idea, it will be very good to make money on it. But in order to achieve success, it is necessary to correctly implement it, having studied the competition and preferences of the target audience, reaching a decent level of service provision and a wide range. Not only holiday goods, Christmas paraphernalia are in demand, but also some services that are relevant during the New Year period (taxi, animators, skate rental, room decor, themed photo shoots, etc.).

Sale of Christmas trees for the New Year

The Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of the holiday on December 31st. Regardless of the financial condition and life circumstances, almost everyone buys this living tree or its artificial counterpart. That is why selling Christmas trees for the New Year is so profitable. Business requires certain investments, but with proper organization they will pay for themselves very quickly.

Before starting the preparation, it is important to take into account several factors: high competition and the need to pre-purchase most of the goods. First of all, you will need to agree with the forestry manager on purchases and find a retail outlet with good traffic. Almost always, the supplier requires at least 50% prepayment and the purchase of goods in bulk, most often from 100 pieces. Mass felling begins around the 10th of December. You need to choose copies based on financial capabilities, but the wider the range and the more flexible the pricing policy, the more buyers the entrepreneur will be able to interest. It is better to buy not only Christmas trees of different heights, but also pine trees. During the transportation of goods, it is imperative to have a consignment note with data on the machine and the quantity of products.

Find wholesale and retail suppliers of Christmas trees (heads of forestries, farms) can be done via the Internet by scrolling through local periodicals with announcements or by arranging a personal meeting with a representative in your region. In order to avoid problems when trading Christmas trees, it is necessary to ensure the presence of a brand on a cut of a tree, an invoice for cashless payments, a tax and consignment note, a certificate of an individual entrepreneur, take care of coordinating the location of the trading place with the department of trade and services of your city. It is also possible to organize a Christmas tree market without papers, but you will have to work at your own peril and risk. You can also start selling both live Christmas trees and artificial ones in an online store.

Advice: in addition to full-fledged trees, your assortment can be expanded with spruce and pine branches. It is profitable to sell them both separately and to form small homemade Christmas trees from them. They also use in great demand due to its compact size and affordable price. Illiquid residues should not be thrown away at the end of the season - in order to avoid losses, you should first agree on chopping them into compost and find potential buyers (summer residents, farmers who use it as fertilizer).

Work Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

You can earn on the New Year holidays by playing Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. This is within the power of not only students of theater schools, but also simply artistic, cheerful and resourceful people. To do this, it is not necessary to open a private enterprise or get a job in a holiday services agency. With the desire and quality preparation, almost everyone can make good money on this idea. It is best to do this every year, then you will be able to develop a permanent client base. Some generally take vacations at their own expense or take sick leave and in the pre-New Year period they are exclusively engaged in providing the services of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Of course, this option is suitable for those who have previously collected orders. It is most effective to talk about your services via the Internet (posts in social networks, groups where ads are placed), but word of mouth, messages in local periodicals, and advertising posting also give a certain result. For beginners who want to earn extra money, but do not know how to do it right, it is better to find a vacancy in a holiday services agency. They will tell you about the nuances of work, provide orders, a suit, as a rule, and transport, but the payment will be lower.

Sale of fireworks and pyrotechnics

A good side job before the New Year is the sale of fireworks and pyrotechnics. Basically, this is a seasonal business, so markups are set from 100%. The highest profit in the pre-New Year period can be obtained if you find wholesale buyer- an enterprise, a company that arranges a corporate party and is interested in large volume such products. Retail trading is also profitable, but earnings will be less. With a serious approach to organizing a business, you will need to obtain a license from the Ministry of Industry and Science, the Ministry of Economic Development, a Certificate of Conformity, and find a suitable premises.

With a minimum start-up capital and the absence of permits, it is easiest to retail in places with good traffic. But in this case, you need to consider the likelihood that the police can force you to roll up (and fine), as well as the presence of high competition. It is advisable to take a certificate for products from the supplier, instructions for using the goods. Pyrotechnics of 1-3 categories can be traded without problems, professional (level 4) without permission and experience in the field is better not to buy.

Renting sleds, skates and skis

One of the easiest New Year's business ideas is to rent seasonal sports equipment. Having made a purchase different sizes skates, sledges and skis, they can earn at least a few seasons. In order for people to learn about the service, it is worth creating a business card site and leaving its address on social networks, asking friends to recommend to their friends, leaving an ad in local periodicals, handing out flyers in places near entertainment centers and sports clubs. Another option is to come with equipment to a place where a lot of people gather to ride down a hill or ride on a makeshift ice rink, and offer your services. With good business management, you can pay for a few sleds and skis in a few days. But it should be borne in mind that if it is not possible to agree with the park administration and avoid meeting with the tax or police, work will continue only in a legal format: we open an individual entrepreneur, we receive documents and permits, but then the percentage of profit will decrease significantly. It is profitable to engage in this type of income on New Year's Eve without registering a business, only if there are points in the city where a lot of people gather in winter and where the attention of regulatory authorities is not riveted.

Creation of quest games

A good way to earn money for the New Year for modern and active people, mostly young people, is the creation and organization of quest games. It is possible to turn a computer adventure game into reality with a minimum of investment, but it will require very serious preparation both in terms of script and advertising, and in terms of finding props. It will be possible to organize a quest game in a specially equipped room with puzzles, hints indicating where the exit is. It is important to choose the most suitable format of the game - "escape the room", which provides for an exit from a closed room by solving problems and getting hints, that is, a role-playing game. In the New Year's Eve and the first days of the holiday, people are looking for emotional relaxation, ways to have an interesting and easy time, so this idea can become relevant for each region. It is worth paying attention to the target audience aged 20 to 35 and looking for corporate clients.

Making souvenirs

Making souvenirs is one of the most popular, affordable and easy ways to make money on New Year's Eve. But in order for the products to be in demand, it is necessary to assess the situation on the market, the level of competition and choose the optimal sales format - via the Internet, spontaneous trade, deliver goods to offices, offer products to store owners, and most importantly - choose an interesting idea that is not hackneyed in the region.

Here's what you can sell for the New Year:

  1. Christmas decorations (from cones, acorn caps, felt, paper tubes, a foam ball decorated with ribbons, beads and beads, decorative cord, etc.).
  2. Author's candles on New Year's theme.
  3. Symbols of the year from different materials (wood, cardboard, New Year's ball painting, etc.).
  4. Banks with New Year's figurines.
  5. Decoration of cups with molding from polymer clay, painted on the theme of the holiday.
  6. Decor of bottles with alcohol ribbons, beads, painting.
  7. Creation of candy bouquets.

Profitability depends on the quality of goods, the correct promotion of the service and the location of the outlet. If you first form a database of potential customers, pay attention to advertising, you can earn a good amount on souvenirs.

Making calendars

With basic skills graphic editors and you can earn your own printer in the New Year by making calendars of various formats - wall, desktop, flip, pocket. If necessary, use the services of a printing house. In addition, it’s really possible to sell through the Network and just a file finished work. There you can find hundreds free templates calendars, sets of pictures, frames, textures, scrap-sets. Having shown a creative approach, in a short period of time it will be possible to create an original and practical thing. It is really possible to quickly find potential customers among acquaintances, employees of large offices, enterprises, using social networks, specialized sites with ads.

Room decoration

This business idea requires preliminary preparation, some investments and active advertising. It is necessary to purchase decor by theme in advance (garlands, fabric for creating bows, artificial snow, snowflakes, ribbons) from wholesale suppliers who offer favorable price. It is much easier and cheaper to do it yourself, saving a significant amount. You can find examples of successful hall decoration, New Year's compositions for shop windows and offices on the Web. It remains only to qualitatively combine and fix the decorations. It is imperative to look for customers in advance, it is difficult to spontaneously find free orders during the period of active preparation for the holiday (or there will be very few of them).

Renting out real estate

If you have free real estate, you can make good money for the New Year with virtually no investment. The service of renting an apartment or house on New Year's Eve, as well as the first days after the holiday, is very relevant for many. It is best to write a message on social networks and on sites with ads in the first half of December and regularly update or republish it. A rented apartment is always cheaper than a more or less decent hotel room, so this idea does not lose its relevance for each region from year to year. But it is important to take into account possible losses, to approach the choice of clients very responsibly. You need to insure and always take an advance payment for rent, because the client can refuse a few days before the New Year, and the landlord will lose profit due to the incomplete employment of the apartment, even if he finds several clients for 1-2 days. You can also rent real estate for the New Year through specialized resources: Booking, Avito, Inndays, etc.

New Year's photographer services

Organization of thematic photo shoots, services of a photographer at parties and corporate parties is a classic way to earn extra money for the New Year. For the provision of high-quality services, you will need experience in this area, good equipment and props. At the initial stage, when there is no regular customers, you should first present your services, create posts on social networks, ask friends to recommend you to friends. If necessary, you can rent a photo studio for shooting with backgrounds, props and light. The approximate cost is about 300-500 rubles. in hour.

New Year's Taxi

You can earn decent money on passenger transportation during the New Year period. It is most convenient to use your car, including depreciation and the likelihood of breakdown in the price, or rent a vehicle. Driver services during this period are always in demand despite high competition. It will be possible to find orders in different ways: through the dispatch service, recommendations from friends, advertising on social networks, stopping near points with high traffic. Many drivers on New Year's Eve and on the first day of the holiday simply park their car close to places where a large number of people gather and wait for customers, offering their services.

Script writing

You can make good money writing New Year's scripts only if you seriously prepare and search for clients. It will be possible to offer your services through groups, posts on pages in in social networks, special text exchanges where authors publish their material, wait for a buyer and receive money, it is also possible to find a task there and write a text to order. Typically, the cost New Year's scenario starts from 1000 rubles, but everything is very individual and depends on the amount of work, its quality and customer requirements.

How much can you earn for the New Year holidays?

One of the most profitable business ideas- This is a trade in Christmas trees for the New Year. The price per unit largely depends on the region, the cost of goods and the costs of the entrepreneur, and the cost is also affected by its characteristics, grade, purchase period (the closer to the holiday, the cheaper they are). On the eve of the coming year, experts predict the approximate price of a Russian Christmas tree 1.25-1.5 m high at least 700-1200 rubles, a Danish one will cost much more - about 2500, a pine tree - around 1300. Of course, these prices are approximate, it all depends from purchase price, the level of competition and the solvency of buyers in the region.

If you take a part-time job as Santa Claus and Snegurochka, then for each hour of work the agency asks for about 3-4 thousand rubles. The closer to the holiday, the higher the cost. If you work directly with people, you can keep all the earnings for yourself, although careful preparation and an independent search for clients will be required. The amount of earnings depends entirely on the initiative of the performer.

The profitability of the pyrotechnics and fireworks business is 25-30%. If you trade without permission at retail for only a few days, you can get up to 5-20 thousand rubles.

You can also make good money by renting out sports equipment - specialized companies ask for about 200-500 rubles. per day for renting snowboards, skis cost about 500, inflatable sleds - 300, but you can only ride on their territory.

It is also beneficial to decorate rooms. The price depends on the area of ​​​​the room, the style and volume of decoration, time costs. But for this service they rarely ask for less than a few thousand rubles per order. Renting a 1-room apartment on New Year's Eve will cost about 2-4 thousand rubles. depending on its condition and region.

It’s also possible to make good money on the provision of photographer’s services - 1 hour of work costs about 2 thousand rubles. (the price largely depends on the level of professionalism, the personal pricing policy of a person), they ask for about 200-300 rubles for retouching each photo. Also, photographers often offer the service slide show creation duration 5-10 minutes for 1000-1500 rubles. A personal photo session lasting 30 minutes will cost about 1500-300 thousand rubles.

On the first day of the New Year and the Christmas holidays, a New Year's taxi can bring its owner up to 5-7 thousand rubles per day of work. This will not be net income, from this amount you need to subtract the cost of gasoline, depreciation, food, but still the profit will be pretty good.

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During the New Year holidays, everyone can earn a good amount. There are a lot of business ideas for the New Year. The main thing is to choose the most profitable option and pay due attention to the implementation of the idea. It is important to make sure that the product or service is relevant to the target audience, and to objectively assess the level of competition. The amount of income depends on the number of working hours, the client base, the quality of the services and products provided.

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Always involves massive financial hype. People spend huge amounts of money to create a memorable celebration, a cheerful mood. They do not spare money to buy expensive gifts and entertainment. But the holiday has another side of the coin, indicating to all of us how to make money for the New Year.

Every year, there are more and more people who want to get rich on the eve of the celebration. Someone prefers proven schemes, while someone strikes with an original idea. People who use traditional earnings are forced to survive in the strongest competition, so the game is not always worth the candle. Nowadays, there are more and more New Year's "chips", so it is important to have time to occupy your niche with minimal competition.

Traditional schemes

First, let's figure out how to make money in the usual ways. The advantage of these options is stability and demand. Such services will always be relevant, but remember: in addition to you, a good part of businessmen will be involved in this. If you decide to start earning without experience, you can suffer serious losses. Calculate the possible risks.

The list of eternal New Year's business ideas is as follows:

  • Trade in forest beauties will remain relevant for several decades. create a unique atmosphere of the New Year. There are two schemes: purchase and sale and own cultivation of trees on the site. Since there are a lot of outlets with such goods, offer customers home delivery.
  • Souvenir products should not be underestimated. It will always be popular with those who decide to buy an inexpensive gift. You can find points of sale, or you can open your own small department in some shopping center. It is worth considering that the rent increases on New Year's Eve, so conclude an agreement with the management in advance.
  • It is hardly possible to meet a person who does not know how to make money for the New Year, having a Santa Claus costume. Even if you are not an actor, you can find an animator who is willing to work for you. You find customers - it goes to order. This option is suitable for those who do not know how to make money before the New Year. It would be ideal to find the Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters.
  • If you want to keep the holiday business going for a long time, open a fireworks shop. Today, this niche is not too busy due to the big bureaucratic problems in the design. You will need to obtain the necessary permits in advance. All efforts will definitely pay off, since in the future you can provide pyrotechnics for weddings, corporate parties, etc.
  • People who have a driver's license and do not consume strong drinks always remain in the black. They can put a sword on the car and work as a taxi driver after it, and, perhaps, all the long weekends. This option is guaranteed to bring good profits.

These ideas are as old as the world. Despite this, they continue to be relevant to this day. Thanks to proven schemes, you can strengthen your shaky financial situation.

Sale of luminous balls

More recently, a new offer has appeared on the holiday services market. Gel balls can bring you home. It would seem nothing surprising, but they are highlighted and acquire incredibly beautiful shades. Such a decoration will undoubtedly appeal to both children and adults.

This technology has not yet taken root in our country, so you have the opportunity to be the first to implement the idea. It consists in placing LEDs in the ball, which give it an original look. To understand all the subtleties, we recommend discussing the possibility of buying a franchise.

New Year's quest games

Another idea to talk about how to make money before the New Year is to create a real adventure. This type of entertainment appeared relatively recently and is successfully developing in megacities. If you live in small town, where the population has nothing special to do, then the idea will be a success. True, not all people will be able to play quests, but only those who have always been distinguished by creative thinking.

If you decide to sell such a service, then think about how it can turn into a long-term business. Accordingly, in addition to the New Year theme, you will have to think about new programs. Proper Advertising and PR policy will allow you to get a good profit. How to earn more before the New Year? Start selling certificates in advance, let people buy them as a gift.

Christmas tree rental

Not everyone decides to buy a fluffy beauty due to moral or financial considerations. Undoubtedly, a good way out of this situation would be to rent a festive tree. Rent artificial Christmas trees to those who are not able to buy or keep a real beauty. Or let's temporarily use a living tree planted in a pot. This method is very popular in Europe. By organizing such a business, you will no longer worry about how to make money for the New Year.

Popular handmade

Needlework is becoming widespread. Today, every girl considers herself the apogee of talent and individuality. Even if you do not have the creativity or time to actively engage in this, then invite several needlewomen to create for you several options for New Year's gifts with their own hands.

They know exactly how to make money for the New Year. Almost everyone had ideas for a unique gift - give people the opportunity to surprise their loved ones with an exclusive present. Take the masterpieces from the craftswomen and resell them for more. It's simple: commerce will always remain an affordable method of earning.

Costume rental for theme nights

This one is for the laziest. Buy popular costumes and rent them out. To implement the idea of ​​​​how to make money for the New Year, you will have to work on advertising. In addition, you can hire several animators who can entertain guests in fancy dress.

Pack sweet gifts

It's hard to imagine without treats. Receive sweets like both adults and children. This is where it arises interesting idea how to make money before the new year. It is enough to visit sales offices with confectionery and visit wholesale bases for florists.

Buy candies and sweets, add beautiful packaging - you will get a unique New Year's gift that costs more! Firms that are used to giving gifts to their employees on the eve of the holiday can become clients. Presentations can also be offered to stores for active sales.

Host a holiday for your pets

Animals are often compared to children. They also want a holiday. Therefore, especially for furry friends, they buy delicacies and feed them to pets from the table. Buying outfits for animals can only be afforded by rich people, famous politicians, stars. Why don't you give the opportunity to be beautiful pets of ordinary people? If you have not yet chosen a way to make money for the New Year, ideas lie on the surface! Look around, maybe somewhere in the corner a cat or a dog is sighing, dreaming of a festive cap, collar or even a unique stylistic blanket?

The difficulty can only be in finding a manufacturer. If you have minimal sewing skills, then making costumes yourself is not so difficult. Otherwise, visit the studio, where they will gladly take an order for a collection for little fashionistas. This is not the whole list of what you can earn before the New Year. It all depends on your desires and creativity.