Original script for september 1 at nursing school

  • 13.11.2019

New interesting scenario holding a solemn line on September 1, dedicated to the Day of Knowledge in a college or technical school for students. In the script, the words of solemn congratulations to the staff and students of the director of the college (prose).

Poems, congratulations, creative tests for students, competitions, humorous and poetic competitions, presentation of gifts, parting words and wishes to all students and first-year students in prose. The script has been prepared for the leading organizers for holding a line in a college or technical school on September 1.

Presenter 1:

Dear friends!

We welcome you to our wonderful educational institution. In the summer you had a good rest, stocked up on solar energy and creativity, and now it's time to gain knowledge in the field of your future profession.

Host 2:

Congratulations to all on the Day of Knowledge
And we sincerely wish the students:
Success, good luck and daring,
And extraordinary discoveries
The best teachers
And merry long breaks,
The most faithful friends
And of course, worthy ratings!

Scenario 1 host:

For our students, the college (technical school) has become a second home. Here they grow up, acquire new skills, learn the unknown, and feel happy in the circle of their college friends. Freshmen, on the other hand, only have to experience the joy of the upcoming discoveries and exciting creativity, which begins on September 1...

Host 2:

Now our older friends will present business cards of their future professions to freshmen.

(Students pass with business cards their specialties).

Presenter 1:

As you can see, our people are creative and senior students will definitely pass on their activity and creativity to newcomers to freshmen.

Host 2:

The solemn line, which we dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, opens. (The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds).

The floor for the solemn congratulations of the team of teachers and students is given to the director of the college (technical school) (name, patronymic):

Speech, words of the director of the college (technical school):

Good afternoon, dear parents, teachers, students and those who came to our today autumn holiday, Dear guests. The staff of the college (technical school) is glad to welcome you all to this solemn assembly, organized in honor of the Day of Knowledge, in one of the best educational institutions of our glorious city.

We are deservedly proud of our graduates and are happy to pass on our accumulated knowledge and talents to freshmen who come to us. I congratulate everyone on the long-awaited September 1, Knowledge Day, and, of course, I wish all students to reach the heights that you still only dream of. Happy holiday, friends!

Scenario 1 host:

But in order to understand what kind of birds flew into our college (technical school), let's arrange a test for them! Representatives of different specialties from among the first-year students are invited to the stage.


Host 2:

The first test will be a poetry competition. Teams of 5 people from each department must compose an ode to the applicant in 2 minutes. Time has gone!

(Students read invented poems).

Presenter 1:

The second test is to test knowledge! Team members are asked questions from various fields of knowledge, and they must give a concise answer in one word.

Host 2:

The third test is to identify sports talents. A humorous competition in sports all-around is held among all team members. The best are enrolled in the "Olympic Reserve College (Technical School)".

Presenter 1:

On this significant day for all of us, senior students prepared small souvenirs for freshmen. And now it's time to hand them over. Please accept memorable gifts, congratulations and parting words!

Host 2:

It will be nice to receive diplomas and certificates earned by hard work of our best students. The awards are presented by the Deputy Director ... (name, patronymic).

(Fanfares sound, to the sounds of which diplomas are awarded to the winners of the Olympiads and sports competitions).

Words of congratulations to teachers from students, pupils

Student 1:

Dear teachers, please accept sincere warm congratulations on this sunny autumn day from September 1 from their students. We are grateful to you for the warmth, tenderness and love with which you invest in us the knowledge that is very necessary for a long life path.

Student 2:

Peace, light, health and high ranks on your difficult, but so necessary path for everyone! Accept flowers from your grateful students as a sign of gratitude and respect.

(Students give flowers to teachers to applause).

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

Presenter 1:

On this, our solemn line in honor of the Day of Knowledge closes. Once again, we congratulate everyone on September 1, with the beginning of the new academic year and wish everyone great success, diligence, good achievements and excellent grades!

Host 2:

Happy Knowledge Day, friends!

September 1 Line Scenario
2017 academic year
(technical school anthem 1 verse and chorus)
HOST 1: (G.V.) Good morning, dear guests, teachers,
Dear parents, students!
Host 2: We welcome you to our wonderful
educational institution. Have a good rest in the summer
stock up on solar energy and creativity, and now it's time
gain knowledge in the field of their future profession.
Congratulations to all on the Day of Knowledge
And we sincerely wish the students:
Success, good luck, daring,
And extraordinary discoveries.
The best teachers
And merry long breaks,
The most faithful, reliable friends,
And of course, worthy ratings!

Lead 1.:
Only half an hour - and the first call
We will be called back to the lesson.
The wide doors will open again.
The school day starts today.
Host 2:
Well, now it's time for the holidays!
Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!
Presenter 1: The first September morning brings something
new, leading us along unexplored roads of knowledge. This is the beginning
a long journey for freshmen and the start of the last academic
year for graduates.
Presenter 2: And where is our replenishment? Today we are taking
our ranks of new students - future students, our
freshmen. For its first solemn line in our
College welcomes first-year students. Let's say hello
(A melody sounds, freshmen with curators go around
Presenter 1: Group 4 is invited by specialty

Curator Guts Antonina Nikolaevna

Presenter 1: Group 5 is invited by specialty
Curator Elena Kovalenko
Presenter 2: Group 5 is invited by specialty:
Maintenance and car repair
Curator: Evgenia Sinchenko
Presenter 2: The 3rd group is invited by profession: locksmith for
control - measuring instruments and automation
Class teacher: Gruzin Alexander Sergeevich.
Presenter 2: Group 7 is invited by profession: cook, confectioner
Class teacher: Stadnikova Kristina Gennadievna
Presenter 2: Presenter 2: 4th group by profession is invited:
electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
(by industry)
Class teacher: Tyutyunnikova Galina Vasilievna
Presenter 2: The heart beats more joyfully,
If in the morning, soaring to the zenith,
The flag of Russia proudly curls
The anthem of my country sounds!!!

Presenter 1: College! Attention! Attention! State
flag Russian Federation and the flag of the Valuysky Industrial
technical school to bring!
(They take out the flags. MARCH sounds)
(Answers - KOSHMAN A, V,) stand behind the invitees)
(After the standard-bearers stopped, the Russian anthem sounds)
(The anthem is over. The flags are set at the right foot.)
Presenter 2: Solemn line, dedicated to the Day knowledge,
declared open.
(the song "Domes of Russia" is sung by Gavrilova Diana)
Presenter 1: There are guests at our holiday:
1. Lysenko Alexey Anatolyevich Head of the Valuysky Distribution Zone

MODERATOR 2: The situation is not new
And quite understandable
If the director took the floor,
All in complete silence.
Waiting with excitement every time
What will he tell us now?

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the director of Valuysky
industrial college Volokhova V.V. + LETTERS and
thank you letters to parents.
(Tyutyunnikova G.V. announces. Volokhova V.V. hands over)
Presenter 1: The floor for the speech is given to:
1. Lysenko Alexey Anatolyevich Head of the Valuysky Distribution Zone
PJSC IDGC of Center "Belgorodenergo"
2.trade union
(Tyutyunnikova G.V. announces to whom)
You are not just a building
You are like home to us.
Daily in the morning for a date
We are getting ready for you!
We are excited about you
We write all the awkward poems. . .
Replenishment comes every year

And graduates are leaving. . .
HOST 1: Dear freshmen!
The walls of the technical school meet you,
Your friends give you smiles.
For those who came here to study,
There will be a second family here!
PRESENTER 2: A word for greetings from senior students and from
council of student self-government of the Valuysky industrial
technical school is provided to Daniil Shevkunov and Golubchikov
Nikita. (welcome)
(the key is taken by Mikhail Starokozhev)
LEADING 1: With a response from the first year,
Shcherban Hope
HOST 1: Friends, again a holiday in our yard!
Let the first bell ring in September!
Friends, it's a holiday again, a day of knowledge with us!
Dare! Forward! Good luck, good luck!
(The song "Russia" sounds)
(Sings Sinchenko E.V.)

Presenter 2: College! Attention! To the removal of the State
the flag of the Russian Federation and the flag of the Valuysky Industrial
technical school to stand still!
(They take out the flags. MARCH sounds)
(Answers - KOSHMAN A, V,)
Presenter 2: On this solemn line dedicated to
the Day of Knowledge holiday is considered closed.
Presenter 1:
We wish you all to study diligently
And never forget about it
What college you should be proud of
And it is an honor to protect him everywhere!!!
Presenter 2: We congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge!
Presenter 1: GOOD WAY!!!
(Students go to class.)

Chastushki (NIKITA)
1. Oh! Technical College! My destiny!
Good knowledge here, guys!
2. Employers notice us!
Waiting for jobs at the enterprises!!!
3. Students have control here!
And, believe me, any opinion will be taken into account!!!
4. Let the parents now sleep peacefully!
Your children are under the wing of guys like us!!!


Music sounds, students of 1-3 courses are built for holding a line.


Leading: There are technical schools and they are solid,

And representative and visible,

But nothing compares to ours.

The title lies in the verses,

There is a place where dreams come true!

Sounds solid - SPT!

Leading: Hello dear friends!Good September morning everyone!Semibratov Polytechnic College welcomes you!Today is a wonderful day - the beginning of a new school year.For our students, the college has become a second home. Here they grow up, acquire new skills, learn the unknown, and feel happy in the circle of their friends acquired within its walls. Freshmen, on the other hand, only have to experience the joy of the upcoming discoveries and exciting creativity, which begins on September 1...
For some, this academic year will be the last within the walls of our technical school, and for some, the beginning of a new life path.

Leading: Maple leaves turned yellow,

The webs flew

And with excitement, breathing a little,

All students, slowly

They will enter our technical school again,

To gain knowledge.

Years of study behind

And excitement in the chest!

You just need to strain your brains:

And you will solve the problem
And defend your diploma

And a cool commission

Knowledge will surprise you!

I address these words today to our third-year students who complete their studies in February of this academic year. Meet them:

Gr. SR - 1 continues to study together with the master p / o Varankin A.M., but class. their leader will be a teacher of mathematics Starushkina N.A.

Gr. PR - 17 continues to master the profession together with the master of p / o Ponomareva Maria Nikolaevna,

She is also faithful to her group PC - 21 master p / o Ampleeva O.P., and class. the head of these groups is the same - Saraykova E.V.

This academic year completes training and gr. K - 7 - master p / o Ampleeva O.P.


Leading: The doors of the college will open again

Tomorrow the school days will start

Well, today is our holiday.

Happy Knowledge Day, we congratulate you!


Who else today came to this wonderful autumn holiday - the Day of Knowledge? Let's greet the 2nd year students with thunderous applause:

Gr. ES - 19 continues to study with his mentors: foreman Gubantsev V.I. and cl. head Ashikhmina L.N.

Gr. PR - 19 is eager to fight for new knowledge in the profession, together with the head of practice Brunner N.A.

Gr. PC - 22 is ready to storm the heights of professional skills together with the foreman Pakhomova O.N. And all the problematic issues of these two groups, as before, will help to solve class. head Saraykova E.V.

Leading: Today, a new addition is joining our friendly student family - 1st year students.


Leading: Three hot months have passed

When the school saw you off.

Now you are full of vigor:

After all, you are students, this is power!

We address these words to our freshmen.

Let's greet them together:

Music sounds and 1st year students enter

Group SR - 2, foreman - Varankin A.M., class teacher - Gorozhanina M.A.,

PK group - 23, foreman Ampleeva O.P. -, class teacher - Gorozhanina M.A., this will be a joint group where students will study general subjects together,

Group KM - 1, master p / o - Verenina T.A., class. head Brunner N.A.

Group GR - 2, master p / o - Nikekhina E.A.,

Group C - 6, master p / o Sachkov Yu.G., these groups will also be united for general education subjects, and class. E.A. Nikekhina will be the leader of these two groups.

Presenter 1:

Our college has been chosen to your liking

You are already called students.

Congratulations on your admission!

And we appreciate your choice!

Remember this day!

After all, this is the first step.

On the rise to mastery

What will decorate your life.

To master the profession

Succeed in this area

You have to try very hard

And get down to business with heart.

Moderator: Well, that's all in the collection. It's time to give instructions. The floor is given to the director of the Semibratov Polytechnic College Vladimir Nikolaevich Kurylev.

Director's speech

Leading: In the past academic year, we studied well, actively participated in the life of the technical school. It's time to sum up the results for the past 2014-15 academic year. It will be nice to receive diplomas and certificates earned by hard work of our best students. Presents awardsdeputy director for educational production work Pozdnyakova L.A.

Speech, presentation of certificates for good study.

Moderator: Not only in studies, but also in social and sports life, our students are distinguished. I give the floor to the head of physical education E.V. Kozhokhina (speech, awarding certificates to the winners of the Spartakiad).


Host: All the results have been summed up, parting words have been received. There comes this exciting moment when the school bell will call us all to the first lesson of the new school year.


The bell is ringing louder
everything is heard.
What a trill
spills over the world!
Do you think the nightingale sang?
Not a nightingale.
Lessons begin.

Oh how it sounds
all over the earth!
Let him rather sleep
wakes up.
Do you think the guests
come to us?
And here it is not.
Lessons begin.

Leading: The right to give the first call is granted to the best students of our technical school:

Neberekutina Nadezhda, c. PR - 19.

Arkhipova Elena, c. PR - 19.

Kostikov Timofey, gr. ES - 18,

Kurbakov Artem, gr. SR - 1.

The first bell sounds to the applause of those present.


Our years are our wealth

Our desire is to live! And - go ahead!

We are all a student fraternity -

Our motherland is a reliable stronghold!

And today, according to the already established tradition, the first lesson within the walls of the technical school is the Lesson of Russia. And it is dedicated to the revival of the sports movement "Ready for work and defense!" And it will be held for groups in the following rooms:

Gr. SR - 1 - cab. #1,

Gr. PR - 17, PK - 21 - in office No. 4

Gr. PR - 19, PK - 22 - in office. #12

Gr. ES - 18 - in cab. No. 11,

Gr. K - 7 - room No. 3

Gr. SR - 2, PK - 23 - cab. #10

Gr. KM - 1 cab. #2

Gr. GR - 2, C - 6 - maid workshop (in the canteen building)

And I invite all students along with my masters of p / o and class. leaders to go to the Lesson of Russia and start the new academic year. Good luck to everyone and Happy Holidays again!

Music sounds, students leave the line in an organized manner.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Scenario solemn event on the Day of Knowledge of the first-year students of the technical school.

Target: holding a holiday with elements of theatricalization for college students

Tasks: to acquaint with the holiday "First of September", its difference from other days, to form a positive attitude among students before academic year, develop creative abilities, cultivate respect for their teachers, their educational institution.

Forms of organization of children's activities: theatrical, individual-collective.


  • Lead 1,
  • Lead 2,
  • A student named Stas,
  • students,
  • Teacher.

Event progress

Presenter 1: Hello dear friends!

Host 2: Hello, dear teachers and students of the Kursk College of Culture.

Presenter 1: We especially welcome first-year students.

Host 2: It was they who replenished our student fraternity.

Presenter 1: It is also important to say that this is an anniversary enrollment of students, because this year our institution celebrates its fortieth anniversary.

Host 2: Summer flew by quickly and we met again.

Presenter 1: Surprisingly, today no one overslept and came to college on time.

Host 2: After all, today is a holiday! Day of knowledge, which means the day of youth, beauty, students.

Do you recognize life in a non-stop rhythm? - YES

Are you firmly committed to the profession? - YES

Are you part of the brave youth? - YES

Studen is a skillful person - YES

Do you promise to keep learning moments? - YES

Then give your applause.

Presenter 1: We give our applause to the director of the Kursk College of Culture. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker secondary special education Krivolapova Zinaida Konstantinovna.

Director's speech.

Host 2: Students, students, students! Young people who manage to live on their scholarship with such brilliance and scope, as never before, on any dividends and bonuses.

Presenter 1: Resting when everyone is working, and working when everyone is resting. Flowers, beauty and pride of their family, who took all the best from their parents.

Host 2: And continuing to take again and again.

Presenter 1: The main consumers of ballpoint pens and general notebooks.

Host 2: Which, as they become a synopsis, become common in the literal sense of the word.

Presenter 1: Students, they can be found everywhere: in a respectable office, and in a commercial tent. In a cafe and restaurant on both sides of the bar.

Host 2: Students are generously endowed with talents. See how many writers, artists and musicians were students and studied at the Kursk College of Culture.

Presenter 1: Students - how many?

Host 2: This is the biggest state secret. Their number grows with the entry into force of preferential fares and decreases during the session.

Presenter 1: Students are everywhere. In all countries, on all continents. After all, a student is not a title or a profession, it is a state of mind of a person.

Host 2: And probably one of the best.

Presenter 1: We all know what a fun and carefree time students are, it is at this time that we learn, show independence and develop as a person.

Host 2: But there are also lazy people who do not want to study at all. And Knowledge Day is not a holiday for them at all, or rather, they don’t know anything about this day. I will introduce you to one of these students.


Leading 1 :

Not beyond the blue seas
In college, here next to us
There lived a student, let's say, Stas
A mischievous and loafer.

He was concerned:
Went to college like a job
But as soon as he entered the class -
Forgot about everything at once!

His life changed instantly
And Stas changed immediately.
Didn't try, didn't study
He beat all the buckets, was lazy.

Everything was bored, sighed furtively
He is at lectures with a notebook
And, languishing from terrible boredom,
Hated all sciences.

Thinking at your leisure
Why am I here, I don't know!
Maybe College of Culture
My nature is not needed!

Every great teacher
Hammered into his lesson
So that the boy learns knowledge ...
But all efforts are in vain.

So tortured the child
What moaned them little boy.
(True, he did not succumb
And how could he resist.)

Scene 1

coming outstudenthe addresses the audience.


I openly declare to everyone
What a college I'm angry!
I'm tired of work!
How much can you really?

I live here all day
No time to eat
Rehearsals, concerts
Tired of everything - believe me

Everyone teaches their own
Well, what is it for me?
The white light was not nice to me,
Just got exhausted.

Summer flew by quickly
A new autumn has ripened
Road leading to college
Again I stand on the threshold.

Other students come out, they move around the stage, rejoice at the meeting, communicate.


  • Stas, hello! How's summer brother?
  • Something meeting you are not happy!
  • Have you been to the south?
  • Have you read many books?
  • Was he at work for three days?


What are you talking about now?!
Well tell me, do you
We can't really live
Never without culture
That's right - nonsense!
Did people live
Round dances kept circling
Singing songs and playing
And did you collect folklore?
Maybe before without learning
People lived happily
And without colleges of culture
Bypass all structures?


Stas pondered with annoyance
But let's continue our story.
But he decided to risk everything
To look into the past
Maybe in ancient times
Was a student life is easy.

Scene 2

Teacher: The world holiday Day of Knowledge - this is how history marked the first of September. World, because it is the education system that gathers almost the entire population of the planet on this day. The thousand-year tradition of celebrating the first of September dates back to ancient Judea, where the feast of the harvest was celebrated on this day. According to the Gospel, on this day, Jesus Christ first addressed the people with a sermon, and already in 312, on this very day, Emperor Constantine won a fateful victory, leading his troops into battle under a banner with the image of Christ. After the victorious first of September, the persecution of Christians ended and their march across Byzantium began. People celebrated this event. They rejoiced, they sang, they danced. After all, only through creativity people have always been able to express their emotions and admiration for victory.

Number execution.


Whoa, it can't be!
How can I judge this?
What happened before in the world
Are the people of the lyre
Obeyed everywhere
It would be good to see.

Scene 3

Teacher: In Russia, for the first time they began to celebrate the first of September as the beginning of the New Year in 1492 by decree of Ivan - 3, who moved New Year from the first of March to autumn. The day before, the tsar appeared in the Kremlin, where anyone could seek the truth from him that day.

In 1700, new reforms took place in Russia: Peter the Great ordered to switch to a civil account of years and instead of 7200 from the creation of the world, write 1700 from the birth of Christ, and the celebration of the New Year was again postponed - now to January 1. But the Russian Orthodox Church continues to celebrate the New Year in pre-Petrine times - the first of September according to the old style.

Who are you? What is this miracle?
There is no such people among us.
Who is that? And whose will you be?
What do you know? What do you like?


I wanted myself
Know who, how and why
Students have previously studied
Learned at leisure.


What the a strange man
After all, every century that has passed
Bringing culture to the people
Look and you quickly.

Number execution.


Maybe I'm all dreaming
All the centuries to learn
People continued with dignity
The culture was promoted to the masses.
And when will everything be canceled
Leisure knowledge will replace
Maybe in the twentieth century
The man lived in peace.

Scene 4

Teacher: Officially, this holiday was approved by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984 as the All-Union Day of Knowledge. Initially, the day of September 1, after giving it the status of a public holiday, was still a school day: in all educational institutions the holiday began with a solemn line, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other classes. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without rulers, but the solemnity of the moment does not decrease from this, but on the contrary - students greet each other with joyful exclamations after the holidays, sing student songs, go to theaters and cinemas. This day is full of activities and events.


What, everyone was dancing again?
And when did you rest?
Are they willing?
After all, culture is their job!
And we don't have holidays
Daily flip.

Number execution.


Live culture for many years
And I give advice to everyone
Everyone needs knowledge
And at the same time it is necessary together
Live, learn and create
Give peace and happiness to everyone.
Twenty-first century now
But a worthy man
Continues learning...

Presenter 1: With laziness - mother to fight!

Host 2: I hope you understand that the process of learning, learning is a never ending story.

Presenter 1: And with the development of society continues research work both in science and culture.

Student: But at the same time, the student who has never used a cheat sheet is bad. “Put your knowledge closer to your heart and away from the eyes of your examiners” - this is international student wisdom. The spur has always held, holds and will hold any session.

Host 2: Well, I want to know where it is better to hide the cheat sheet.

Student: Four first-year students, four second-year students and four fourth-year students are invited.

Competition "Find a cheat sheet".

Presenter 1: An interesting statement by Plato, who lived 2.5 thousand years ago. He said that the nature of all young beings is such that they are unable to remain calm either in body or in voice, but are constantly screaming and jumping randomly. This characterization is very accurate, as if the author was watching a dance program at a modern disco.

Host 2: Plato didn't count. That young people should eradicate such natural impulses in themselves, but he called for shaping them, cultivating them, esthetically comprehending their manifestation. Unlike animals, Plato emphasized, a person has a sense of order in body movements and sounds, you just need to constantly develop in yourself that sense of rhythm, harmony, which reveals to us the beauty of art, educates the will and leads to knowledge and teachings.

Student: I propose to put things in order in one competition and put all the points. Competition for the best dance performance. I have in my hands cards on which the names of famous dances are written. You will perform a dance, but the music will not match the dance. Your task is not to go astray, but the task of the audience is to determine which dance was performed and who was the best performer. I invite four students of the third year.

Competition "Guess the dance".

Presenter 1: At the entrance to the hall, each course received cards on which the letters of the alphabet were written.

Host 2: The task of card holders is to name compliments to our teachers. Words must begin with the same letter that is indicated on the card.

Student: Begin!

The game "Compliment".

Host 2: The Kursk College of Culture has been producing highly qualified specialists for over forty years. But the main merit of teachers is that they give students a profession - Man.

Student: We are called to serve people.

Presenter 1: Remember that man is the proudest creation of nature. Heaven and earth obeyed him.

Host 2: Man builds magnificent cities, conquers distant planets.

Student: Grows beautiful flowers. Let your hands be the hands of the creator. Be honest and conscientious in any business. Never change yourself, your principles, be true to your word.

Presenter 1: Remember! Love makes a person beautiful. Take care of her! May it be as bright as the sun!

Host 2: Remember that a mother's smile is a symbol of a pure and beautiful feeling of a person. May this smile never be extinguished by the tears shed because of you.

Student: May your shoulders always be ready to take care of your loved ones. Be worthy of the future of our country.

Presenter 1: Our years are our wealth.

Host 2: Our desire to move forward!

Student: We are all student fraternity

Together: Russia's future stronghold! Happy Holidays!!!

Knowledge Day

Scenario of initiation into students for vocational schools, institutes, universities.

Near the school or in it, in the order adopted during the general school lines, the guys line up. There are soundtracks of songs about people of exactly the profession that they master within the walls of this school. A presenter approaches the microphone, the role of which can be entrusted to one of the teachers. The music stops.

LEADING. Good afternoon, dear guys! So the summer has passed with its hot sun and the refreshing coolness of the river, with its carefree times - holidays, which, I dare to assure you, teachers and masters love no less than you. But carelessness and rest from business are good only as long as they do not turn into laziness and boredom. And if this happens, there is no surer and more reliable medicine than a favorite thing. I think that I will not be mistaken if I say that the vast majority of you have exactly this favorite thing, the desire to turn it into your favorite profession, and led to our school. We, teachers and masters, are happy about this and are ready to help you follow the chosen path. Some of you have already taken the first steps, some of you are just entering this road.

Today, at the very start of a difficult but interesting distance of mastering a profession, I want to wish you with all my heart perseverance, patience and hard work. Let no barriers of the first difficulties, which are sure to be, do not upset you and do not force you to leave the race. Let them not be frightened and turned away from the chosen goal by the potholes and ruts of disappointments, which in fact are only overcoming children's romanticism and ideas that something can be achieved in life without making any effort. And if you are capable of this, if your character has perseverance and your will is strong, then you will definitely reach the goal. And your reward will be the newfound professionalism.

We often say: "Professional". And immediately there is respect for the one about whom it is said. This is like the highest mark of a person, no matter who he is: a turner or a surgeon, a machine operator or an athlete. The world is based on professionals. Without them, people would still live in the Stone Age. But they are. And there are not only among your present and future mentors. They are also among you. Is it impossible to call students professionals (names the course and last name of the best guys, characterizes their success in mastering the profession). I think it's possible. Let there be more professionals. And in the profession that you have chosen, they are especially needed. Probably everyone thinks about it. But most of all, apparently, the director of the school wants (names). He'd better talk about it himself.

The floor is given to the director of the school (calls).

(Director speaks.)

DIRECTOR (at the very end of the speech he commands). To take out the banner of the school - at attention! Bring in the banner!

Under the orchestra or soundtrack of the march, the banner of the school is brought in.
Against the background of music, the presenter says that the right to bring the banner of the school is granted to his best students (names). These are the guys whose professionalism has already been discussed in the host's welcoming speech.

LEADING. Let the banner of the school become the banner of knowledge for each of you. But knowledge is not only valued by us. They are also evaluated by strict but fair teachers who examine you from time to time. And let's give them a mini-exam today. I will ask them questions, and you guys will judge the correctness of the answers with your applause. Do you agree? Then let's get started. My question is: “Tell me, dear colleagues, who is the best (physicist, chemist, mathematician, athlete, etc.) of our school?

The teachers answer the question, the guys applaud. For those whose names are called, the host offers to step out of line and stand next to the banner.

LEADING. We have a strong team. With such you can go to the club “What? Where? When?" sign up. What can we really try guys? Do you agree? Wonderful. Let's start with the question "What?". Please be brief, in one sentence at the most. What made you choose our school? Thinking time - 5 seconds.

The leader approaches the guys with a microphone, they answer.

LEADING. Thank you. And now "Where?". Tell me, please, where did you first encounter your future profession?

The guys answer.

LEADING. And finally, "When?". Tell me, please, when do you plan to reach the most unattainable peaks in your chosen profession?

After everyone answers...

LEADING. Thanks for the sincere replies. Frankly, I had no doubts that this team would be combat-ready, even though we did not choose a captain at the very beginning. Let's do it now (the guys call the captain).

LEADING. Thank you. But I ask you not to leave yet. Diligence and purposefulness never go unnoticed, they evoke feelings of respect and joy. All your heights are yet to come. There is no doubt that you will achieve recognition of your professionalism not only within the walls of the school. The main thing is to never stop there. Let the symbols of your chosen profession remind you of this old but never aging truth.

The awards are accompanied by music.