Analytical agency under the government of the Russian Federation. Analytical center under the government of the Russian Federation. Vladislav Onishchenko was appointed head of the AC

  • 05.04.2020

The survey was organized in pursuance of the instructions of the Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich No. AD-P8-6251 dated August 18, 2014. The goal is to develop a “plan for improving the activities of development institutions in the innovation sphere, taking into account the tasks established in the Strategy for Innovative Development Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and government programs Russian Federation". The survey is conducted by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation together with the Expert Center for Electronic State.

The topic of the survey was defined by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation as follows: "The effectiveness of state support measures in the field of innovation." The survey is intended for organizations that receive or may receive government support for innovation activities. it commercial organizations, higher educational establishments, scientific organizations and non-profit organizations.

The survey is conducted online on the government website, the link to it is. You can complete the survey by September 30th.

Participants in the survey will receive a summary report of the survey results and an invitation to a conference debriefing the survey. To do this, it is necessary to indicate the TIN in the questionnaire (it is requested in order to exclude "cheating", to guarantee compliance with the rule "one profile - one organization").

The Analytical Center promises participants confidentiality - no one will be able to obtain the information specified in the questionnaire "except at the legal request of law enforcement agencies."

The information obtained as a result of the survey will be included in reports on the effectiveness of the state innovation policy and elements innovation system RF, which the Analytical Center is developing for the government. In a summarized form, this information will be published on the website and other information resources Analytical Center and on the site of the Expert Center of the electronic state site.


Innovative activity - a type of activity associated with the transformation of ideas (usually the results of scientific research and development or other scientific and technological achievements) into technologically new or improved products or services introduced on the market into new or improved technological processes or methods of production (transfer) of services used in practical activities.

Innovative goods, works, services - goods, works, services, new or subjected to varying degrees of technological changes over the past three years.

Technological innovations are the activities of an organization related to the development and implementation of:

  • technologically new products and processes, as well as significant technological improvements in products and processes;
  • technologically new or significantly improved services;
  • new or significantly improved methods of production (transfer) of services.

Ecological innovations are new and significantly improved goods, works, services, production processes, organizational or marketing methods contributing to the improvement of environmental safety, improvement or prevention of negative impact on the environment.

An organization that carried out innovative activities in the reporting period is an organization that had expenditures on innovations in the reporting period.

Advanced production technologies - technologies and technological processes (including the equipment necessary for their implementation) controlled by a computer or based on microelectronics and used in the design, production or processing of products (goods and services). New technologies for Russia are considered technologies that have no domestic analogues. Fundamentally new technologies are recognized that do not have domestic and foreign analogues, created (developed) for the first time and possessing qualitatively new characteristics that meet the requirements of the current level or exceed it.

The Analytical Center is a key institution for organizing work with external experts in the development and implementation of projects of the Main Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2012 and monitoring projects of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for Modernization and technological development economy of Russia.

The purpose of the analytical center is to provide information that allows you to warn in advance Russian government on significant circumstances that contribute to or hinder the achievement of the main results of state programs and projects for socio-economic development.


2019: Joining Big Data Association

The Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation will take part in all the activities of the association, including the development of fundamental documents aimed at developing the domestic big data market: a strategy for the development of the big data market, a code of ethics for using data, and national standards for enriching data from various sources.

The main goal of the Association is to create an open, responsible and civilized big data market in Russia, which will become an additional driver for the development of the economy and improve the quality of life of citizens. To achieve these goals, we are conducting a constant dialogue between the business community and the state. We are pleased to join our organization of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation - one of the leaders in the field of work with government data, - said Anna Serebryanikova, President of the Big Data Association.

global development The digital economy in the framework of working with data is transforming the institution of management as a whole. International experience shows how market participants collect and process large amounts of data using new digital technologies and create new benefits for the economy and social sphere. We consider it relevant to participate in the work of the Association on the formation of a culture of working with data. We hope that the result of our interaction will be the creation of new products and services that are in demand by society, business and the state, - said Vladislav Onishchenko, head of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.


Vladislav Onishchenko was appointed head of the AC

On August 18, 2018, in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladislav Valeryevich Onishchenko was appointed head of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Head of AC Konstantin Noskov appointed Minister of Digital Development of Russia

2017: ATs is appointed by project office for implementation of the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation program

In August 2017, the AC under the leadership of Konstantin Noskov was appointed as the project office for the implementation of the program


Personal data on the Internet: opportunities and risks

A significant part of the Russians surveyed see the danger in the use of their personal data on the Internet by third parties and have a negative attitude towards the practice of transferring them from one company to another for commercial and other purposes.

Analytical review





Briefly about the main

  • 47% of users posted information on social networks for Last year
  • 55% of respondents believe that user information is used by third parties
  • 52% of respondents do not see a threat in the use of data by third parties

MOSCOW, November 1, 2018 All-Russian Research Center public opinion(VCIOM), together with the Project Office for the implementation of the national program "Digital Economy" of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, present survey data on how Russians evaluate the use of their personal data in in social networks third parties. Almost two-thirds of Russians (62%) use social networks with varying frequency: 41% of respondents access social networks daily, 14% - several times a week, another 4% - several times a month. Young people (18-24 years old) are the most active user cluster, among them the share of daily use is 82% (among 60 years old+ - 15%). Almost half (47%) of users have posted some information about themselves on social networks in the last year. Most often, users of social networks “like” what they liked (85%). Two-thirds of respondents (67%) post photos and videos on their social media pages. More than half of respondents (56%) comment on posts, photos and videos of other users. Leave information about their hobbies and hobbies 30% of social network users. Finally, 23% of survey participants publish their own texts and posts on social networks. The opinion dominates in society that information about users is used by third parties (55%), while only 18% of social media users in high degree sure of it. The opposite opinion is shared by 34% of respondents (the share of answers “definitely not used” is 14%). The attitude towards the use of data in social networks by third parties is predominantly negative (55%). Users also have a negative attitude towards the use of data by social network operators (60%). At the same time, every second (52%) believes that the use of personal data by third parties does not pose any threat. Giving users the ability to allow or deny third parties access to a particular personal information is seen rather as a formal measure (77%) that cannot fully secure personal data.

The research data is commented by the head of the practice information policy and Communication Technologies VTsIOM Kirill Rodin: “Despite the fact that the use of the Internet has actually become widespread, except for senior age groups, for the majority of the population, the threat of a collision in this reality with unlawful actions against oneself or loved ones is still in most cases hypothetical in nature and largely poorly reflected. Taking into account the fact that, at the same time, the respondents express a rather high level of anxiety regarding the possible use of personal data, today it is extremely important to direct the public and expert discussion to the discussion of the necessary norms and institutions for regulating this sphere, guaranteeing the protection of citizens' rights, supported by an information and explanatory campaign to improve digital literacy”.

Vladimir Mesropyan, head of the Project Office for the implementation of the national program “Digital Economy” of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, comments on these studies: “The concept of “digital twin” appears in the digital economy. Each of us has our own “twin”, and on this occasion there is a discussion about who should own the data that we post on social networks and on various resources on the Internet. There are two opinions - the published data belongs to the social network itself or is publicly available, i.e. belong to anyone who can get them and process them. The answer to this question must be given when adopting the relevant bill in the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", which should equally take into account the interests of both citizens and the business community. And if entrepreneurs want to use data to develop their services and get additional profit, then people are interested in ensuring that no third party can use their personal information to harm. Thus, priority tasks should be aimed at increasing digital literacy through educational programs and initiatives for different age categories citizens and the creation of services for the user, allowing in one click to follow all the agreements on the processing of personal data that the citizen has given to various companies. In this sense, Russia can rely on European experience and pay attention to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation adopted in Europe (GDPR).”

The VTsIOM-Sputnik initiative survey was conducted on September 24-25, 2018. Russians over the age of 18 took part in the survey. The survey method was a telephone interview based on a stratified two-basic random sample of fixed and mobile numbers of 3,200 respondents. built on the basis of a complete list of telephone numbers involved in the territory of the Russian Federation. The data are weighted by probability of selection and by socio-demographic parameters. For this sample, the maximum error size with a probability of 95% does not exceed 1.8%. In addition to sampling error, survey data can be biased by the wording of questions and various circumstances that arise in the course of field work.

Contains questions of this thematic block and socio-demographic variables.

Do you use the Internet and, if so, how often? (in % of respondents, closed question, 1 answer)

All respondents 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-59 years old 60 years and older
Every/almost every day 41 82 65 47 32 15
Few times a week 14 11 14 15 14 12
Several times a month 4 1 5 5 6 3
Once a month or less 3 1 3 4 4 3
Do not use 18 4 9 22 26 17
I don't know what it is / I find it difficult to answer 0 0 0 0 0 1
Did not answer the question because they do not use the Internet 20 1 4 7 18 49

Do you ever do the following on social media, or do you never do it? (closed question, one answer per line, % of those who use social networks)

Yes, sometimes No I never do Difficult to answer
I post my photos, videos 67 32 1
I publish my own texts, publications/posts on social networks 23 77 0
I comment on other publications/posts, photos/videos in social networks 56 44 0
I mark what I like, put marks "like" / "likes" 85 15 0
I leave information about my hobbies, hobbies 30 70 0

Users of social networks post all sorts of information about themselves when creating a personal profile and in the process of communication: someone adds photos, someone marks a vacation spot, someone describes their mood, etc. Please tell me, in the last six months or a year, have you posted any information on social networks about yourself or not? (closed question, one answer, % of those who use social networks)

18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-59 years old 60 years and older
Yes, posted 47 67 58 47 36 26
No, I didn't post 53 33 42 53 64 74
Difficult to answer 0 0 0 0 0 0

Do you think the information you post on social networks is used by third parties or not? (closed question, one answer, % of those who use social networks)

Social media users 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-59 years old 60 years and older
Definitely used 18 20 20 21 17 10
Rather used 37 31 42 42 36 27
Rather not used 20 27 20 17 21 18
Definitely not used 14 15 10 12 11 27
Difficult to answer 11 7 8 8 15 18

How do you generally feel about the fact that your personal information on social networks is used/may be used by third parties? (closed question, one answer, % of those who answered that the information is "definitely used/rather used/rather not used" by third parties)

% of those who answered that the information is "definitely used/rather used/rather not used" by third parties 18-24 years old 25-34 years old 35-44 years old 45-59 years old 60 years and older
Positively 7 5 6 6 8 10
negative 55 46 57 55 60 55
Don't care 36 48 35 37 30 33
Difficult to answer 2 0 2 2 2 2