The salaries of municipal employees in the last year. Features of remuneration of municipal employees. On the equality of civil servants

  • 31.03.2020

Who are state or municipal employees, probably those who, on the instructions of the state or local municipalities, perform some important and the right job, this will be the correct answer, as well as the fact that in every self-respecting country this category of workers is in a special account, a priority and is considered almost the elite of society.

In civil servants, of course, in developed countries, the most qualified personnel are selected who are not only active, but also efficient, proactive, able to contact people, establish relationships, in a word, a civil servant must be sociable, professionally savvy and progressive, this is at least.

The work of a civil servant in such states is estimated at least one and a half times higher average salary around the country. It is not easy for civil servants by the nature of their activities, but their pay is appropriate, as are the social benefits that the state provides them with. By the way, the number of civil servants in a normal country reaches 15%, and this is a lot, because the country needs to be effectively managed.

By what principle civil servants are selected in Russia, we do not know, this is not known for certain and is not particularly advertised anywhere, except sometimes held competitions for replacement vacancies give some reason to think that we do not have a "blat" country, that is, everything is done according to pull, but still there is at least some justice, in a limited amount of it.

We will not compare the salaries of Russian civil servants and those who work in municipalities with foreign ones. One thing is clear, since we have a job as civil servants, oh what a problem, it means that they "do not work underground", such as miners. It is not this that is important, but the very principle by which personnel are selected for such work.

What I would like to say before moving on to the topic of salaries of civil servants and salaries of municipal employees in 2018, its increase and breaking news, so this is about how many in Russia the number of those who serve its interests, work for it, and also compare with other countries, so that's what we managed to find out.

How many civil servants are there in Russia and are they needed in such numbers?

The state is the main employer in Russia, almost half of the able-bodied population works for the country in its various forms - it does not produce some kind of gross product, but simply serves its interests. That is, imagine that we get the following - one works for two, this is unthinkable in a normal country, and why, you will find out below ...

Who works for the state, these are, first of all, such professions as teachers (teachers of all educational institutions), doctors with all the medical staff, cultural workers, a sanitary and epidemiological station, the military (all types of troops, the National Guard, etc.), law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the prosecutor's office, courts, investigators, the penitentiary system, and so on), municipal employees, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the entire bureaucratic apparatus (in including executive authorities), the State Duma with all the deputies and those who serve them, all the dumas of the republics, territories and many others.

All this huge number, which is estimated at half of the working population, needs to be provided with a decent salary, where do you ask us such money from and this is not our question, but to the country's leadership, but we will tell you about how many civil servants there are in other countries and how this is treated in these countries.

From what we have learned, in Spain, Portugal and the United States the level of employment of the able-bodied population in the public sector is 18, 18 and 17 percent, respectively, that is, the number of state (municipal) workers is much less than in Russia. By the way, the US authorities even declare the need to reduce this figure, they believe that it does not allow the economy to develop.

It is worth noting that in these countries, especially in Spain and Portugal, higher education is not held in high esteem, but taking into account the fact that public service they take only those with higher education, then the road for those who received it is for employment in government bodies practically open.

As for the level of remuneration in these countries for civil servants, it is higher than the average salary, about one and a half to two and a half times. The fact is that in Spain, Portugal and the United States the following systems have been adopted - a specialist, after he has worked in the service for five, then ten, and so on, automatically receives an increase in salary, which may ultimately be twice as much as that , which is received by his young colleague in the same position, but without work experience.

By the way, for this, a civil servant does not need to receive new position(for a salary increase, as is customary in our country), the main thing in these countries is that over the years he becomes a more valuable worker and, with more work experience, is accordingly evaluated from a material point of view. Next, we will talk about the latest news regarding the salaries of state and municipal employees in 2018, will they be increased in Russia, when and by how much, what new did we manage to find out on this issue?

Will the salaries of civil servants be increased by 4% in 2018?

If we trust the latest news, as well as the information that is freely available, in 2018 the salaries of civil servants will be increased, the salary increase will take place at the level of official inflation, which is expected to be within 4-5 percent. This is what everyone is talking about now, although not officially, and what will really be is still unknown, but for sure we will soon find out everything in more detail, but for now we have what we have.

Salary increase for state and municipal employees in 2018

As you already understood, the increase in wages for state and municipal employees in 2018, in the form they expected, that is, not indexation to the official inflation rate of 4%, but a real increase, cannot be calculated and this is actually a resolved issue, but why we are so sure of this, let's figure it out together with you, this is not so difficult to do, but you yourself will understand.

Let's not reassure ourselves, but turn to the facts, and they are such that the economic situation in Russia is getting worse every day and this process is aggravating, moreover, the presidential elections are just around the corner, which also need a lot of money, but as soon as they run out, the World Cup will immediately begin, which will also "pull a considerable penny" from federal budget. So sit down and think for yourself - where does Van's money come from?

Latest news of salary increase for civil servants in 2018

According to the available and quite reliable information, which comes from fairly trusted sources, state and municipal employees should hardly count on a significant increase in wages in 2018, even for a slight one, but for a one-time payment, like the one paid to Russian pensioners at the beginning of the year (for five thousand rubles), they may well hope.

Perhaps such a payment will be made taking into account the real state of affairs, that is, not official inflation, but a real rise in the cost of living, an increase in prices for consumer goods and including essentials, as well as all kinds of services. Such a step from the leadership of our country is predictable and can be made, for example, on February 1 or March 1, it is during this period that such a move is quite logical and possible.

The leadership of our country may well go for this option, especially under the pretext described above, that is, it will pay civil servants a one-time compensation in the amount of 10-15-20 percent of the salary (this is what we assume), or everyone equally, for example, five -ten thousand, other options are possible ...

No one knows how it will actually be today, perhaps the Ministry of Finance has received such an assignment and is looking for funds, for sure everything is true, although who knows. It remains for us to wait and hope that the leadership of our country and its government will nevertheless find reserves and be able to somehow compensate for the rise in prices, which would be right on their part.

Will civil servants and municipal employees be reformed in 2018?

Recently, rumors have "crawled" about a reform in the selection of personnel and remuneration of civil servants, which provides for a contractual basis in salaries and wages. What are we talking about - the Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy will amend the law on "Public Service in Russia", ask the State Duma to approve them, which will provide for a contractual basis in relations with the official. How this will look in practice is still vague and incomprehensible.

In other words, they will try to force civil servants, as well as municipal employees, to work with higher quality, to devote themselves to their duties with increased responsibility, we will see what will come of this, but we suspect and there are good reasons for this, that the result will not change from a change in the places of the terms, that Russia repeatedly "successfully" proved ...

The latest news on the salaries of civil servants in 2018

Peace to you and your family, we hope that the leadership of our country, since it maintains civil servants and municipal workers, all kinds of officials, believes that they are necessary and important for it, will also treat them, pay their labor not only on time, but also at an acceptable level, which is sufficient and meets the high rank of a Russian employee who serves his homeland of Russia!

In conclusion, did you know that the salary of a civil servant in Russia also depends on the place of his work, where he lives and works, that is, the region of the country. So, for comparison, let's give an example - the same civil servant working in the Orenburg, Kurgan, Pskov regions, or, for example, in the Republic of Udmurtia, receives half as much for the same job as the same employee as he does in Moscow or Tyumen.

The main document regulating the work of municipal employees is 25-FZ. Article 22 contains all the necessary requirements.

In addition, according to Article 3 of this Federal Law, wages are regulated by:

  • the constitution;
  • Laws of the Russian Federation;
  • normative documents specific region;
  • Charters of municipal formations;
  • TK RF.

General principles:

  • Clause 1 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 25 describes the salary structure of municipal employees.
  • Paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 25 establishes the amount and conditions of monetary payments to employees of the municipality.

Is it obligatory to fix it in the Regulations on wages?

According to paragraph 2 of Article 22 of Federal Law No. 25, municipalities independently establish the amount of wages and working conditions in municipal acts.

The regulation on remuneration is a local act, valid within the same structure.

Thus, the consolidation of the basic principles and nuances in the Regulations on the remuneration of municipal employees is not excluded.

An example of such a document:

Features of remuneration

municipal employees

Consider what the salary of municipal employees consists of, how it is calculated and calculated.

What is it made of and how is it formed?

Salary structure:

  • position salary;
  • salary for the assigned rank;
  • payments made monthly and additionally.

Additional payments:

  • surcharge, made every month, for the length of service;
  • surcharge for special conditions labor activity;
  • monthly allowance paid for carrying out labor activities with data that constitute a state secret;
  • bonus payments for the performance of important assignments;
  • monthly financial incentive;
  • lump sum payment for paid vacation.

What is the payroll fund?

The fund is formed:

  • from salaries for occupied positions;
  • from the amount of salaries for ranks;
  • from the additional payment made every month for the length of service;
  • from the surcharge for special conditions;
  • from additional encouragement for working with information containing state secrets;
  • from bonus funds for the performance of important tasks;
  • from the amount of monthly financial incentives.

What determines salaries?

Here is a table to illustrate the information.

The procedure for accrual and payment

Remuneration of labor in rural settlements is made in accordance with the requirements established in local acts municipality.

If a municipal employee:

  • passes professional retraining or retraining;
  • is on a business trip;
  • removed from office for a period of conflict of interest;
  • works during the period of internal inspection;

then he receives wages, as for the time actually worked (i.e., according to the time-based wage system).

The following payments remain:

  • position salary;
  • salary for rank;
  • bonuses for seniority, special conditions, for working with data containing state secrets;
  • financial incentive paid every month.

If an employee is on paid leave, he/she shall retain in addition to the above list:

  • bonuses for important tasks;
  • financial assistance in the amount of 1/12 of the amount of payments for the 12 months preceding the day of going on vacation.

Surcharges are kept in the following cases:

  • when you are on retraining or retraining;
  • during a business trip;
  • during the period of the current conflict of interest;
  • during a service check;
  • while on vacation;
  • upon dismissal due to reorganization or liquidation.

Financial assistance is awarded:

  • on paid leave;

In all other cases, financial assistance is not saved.

Bonuses are awarded to a municipal employee:

  • while on vacation (for the time actually worked earlier);
  • upon dismissal due to reorganization or liquidation;
  • upon termination of the service contract due to violations of the rules for drawing up a service contract.

Method of calculation

Consider how the salary of municipal employees is calculated.

Calculation examples

Example #1:

Saveliev M.G. replaces the position of a municipal employee and receives:

  • official salary - 4352 rubles;
  • salary for a class rank - 1143 rubles.


The monthly salary will be equal to: 4352 + 1143 = 5495 rubles.

Example #2:

Mukhin E.N. was sent on a business trip from 6 to 8 June 2017 at the initiative of the representative of the employer.

  • salary - 5643 rubles;
  • for a class rank - 1359 rubles;
  • for length of service - 10% (564.3 rubles);
  • for special conditions - 5643 rubles.


5643 + 1359 + 564.3 + 5643 = 13209.3 rubles - total allowance.

By production calendar in June 2017:

  • 21 workers;
  • 9 days off.

Let's make a calculation: 13209.3 / 21 * 3 = 1887 rubles.

Salary indexation

Indexation of wages of a municipal employee is carried out annually, taking into account the level of inflation in accordance with the laws established in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation.

In recent years, the indexation of salaries of municipal employees has not been very significant. Will there be an increase in 2019?

In 2019, it is planned to index the salaries of municipal employees according to the level of predicted inflation, but the procedure has not yet been implemented. The projected level of price increase is expected at around 5.5%.

Employees of municipal authorities receive not only a salary for their position, but also various allowances, additional payments and bonuses. The payment of labor activity to employees of the municipality is regulated by Federal and local legislative acts.

The so-called state employees in our country are this moment there are about 14 million people. Only one fifth of the entire population of Russia is recognized as fit for work. And some part of this labor army is made up of people who serve in the municipality. And they all live in anticipation of whether there will be a salary increase for municipal employees in 2018.
It is no secret that the majority of citizens belong to the this profession negative. And many believe that municipalities receive money for their work undeservedly. Although the level of their salaries are among the lowest among the entire cohort of state employees.
But it is they who, of all the representatives of power structures, are in essence the closest to the common people. It is on their shoulders that the solution of all tasks related to local self-government lies. It is they who implement the special policy of the state on the payment of benefits and the distribution of benefits. It is they who are obliged to promote government policy on the ground.

The current financial component of municipal salaries

If the salary of State Duma deputies is determined by them at meetings, then for a municipal employee it is calculated according to the report card. Plus the district coefficient and the length of service of the municipal employee. In addition, the position of a municipal employee is at the lowest rung of the official ladder. Therefore, to say that they receive big money is ridiculous. Therefore, an increase in the salary of municipal employees in 2018 in Russia will be in place.
Now they on average receive from 15 to 20 thousand. This is an ordinary employee, the leader, of course, receives much more, of course, but not all bosses. And for what an ordinary employee receives, it is difficult to support a family. Moreover, according to government decrees, municipalities have much more work, so the requirements for the quality of work have increased. And as practice shows, if there is still an increase in earnings, then layoffs will definitely follow.

Moreover, there is a clear tendency in the country to reduce the staff of state employees in accordance with the presidential decree on optimizing production. After all, its main requirement was precisely the reduction of inefficient spending of budget funds. And in such a simple way, senior leaders are trying to show the government that its orders are being carried out. And from the outside it looks like the release of free funds to increase the wages of the remaining workers. Therefore, against such an alarming background, it is interesting for employees whether there will be a reduction in municipal employees and by how much? But even though the decision on the number of employees in a municipal body is made by the body itself, then all the decisions it makes should be based on regulations set by the federal government.

What will be the rate of a municipal employee for 2018 in the Russian Federation

So the employees of the described service can count on adding their finances or not. They can count, because according to the decree of the head of the country from 2012, the year under discussion is the last of those allocated to increase the earnings of Russians. If you believe the same decree, then after the increase in salaries, the municipalities even then should have received two more compared to the level of the same twelfth year (we report that in that year employees of municipal services received about 10 thousand rubles a month). But the crisis came, and salary increases were left for later due to lack of finances.
True, independent experts still claim that the country's budget is still not able to pull the increase in wages. But against the backdrop of approaching presidential elections the authorities will not renounce the words spoken from the rostrum. Therefore, an increase is expected, but not much.
The planned indexation of wages for municipal employees will be carried out according to the real inflation index. Again, the government's decision should not be underestimated, because according to analysts' conclusions, the inflation rate is now on the decline and by the time of the planned increases should be 4 percent. But even this will give a small increase in income. There is no talk of additional indexing, but the authorities are considering this option, and they are already looking for the possibility of this.

Let's look further?

Putting an equal sign?

Just recently, the authorities passed an interesting law, according to which in government organizations there should not be a significant difference between the salaries of a manager and his subordinates. Before the adoption of this law, such scenes were not uncommon - the head of the organization flies to rest abroad on his vacation, and his subordinates can only afford to rest in the country. So that a similar situation does not arise in the future, and this law was adopted. According to it, the difference in the salaries of a manager and a subordinate should not exceed 8 times. And these are the maximum figures. In general, the country's government strongly recommends that the heads of organizations establish a difference of no more than 4 times. And the salary increase for municipal employees in 2018 in Russia, according to the latest news, will follow the same pattern.
Those who violate the requirements of the law will be subject to heavy fines. And if they continue to ignore him, they will be asked to leave their position to another official more loyal to the authorities.
It remains unclear how the authorities will solve the problem. Either there will be an increase in the salary of a municipal employee in 2018 in Russia, or the remuneration of the management team will be reduced to the required values. There is no money in the state pocket yet (this is recognized by the authorities themselves). But the higher authorities will be happy to reduce the salaries of the heads of local bodies. Thus, it will kill two birds with one stone - it will provide a solution to the requirements of the law and save a lot of money on wages. And it has to be paid monthly. And if there is a delay, then a fine will be imposed on the head of the structure and compensation payments which will be charged daily.

What else?

Speaking of future wage increases, do not pass by the following news. The government adopted a bill designed to encourage citizens to achieve the maximum heights of their professional qualities. There is some interesting information in the legislation. According to it, anyone who does not even have a “higher education” diploma can confirm their professional suitability by passing a profile exam. And after passing, hope for a good career.
This will allow many citizens who know the profession, but do not have a “crust” in it, after passing the appropriate exam, receive a certificate. It can then be presented to a potential employer as an official confirmation of mastery of the profession. It is understood that it will be impossible to pass such an exam without having a certain level of knowledge.
What will happen to the salaries of municipal employees and how this law is related to it, you ask? It's just that a considerable number of municipal employees are such self-taught. And when they turn to their superiors with a question about a salary increase, they are poked with it. Now, after receiving the certificate, they can say with full confidence about themselves - a professional. Because there is confirmation of this.

The salaries of civil servants, which are fully paid from the state budget, have not increased since 2014. In 2016, it was announced that after the end of the moratorium on salary increases, the ordinary employee will receive an increase of 38%. However, the application was soon withdrawn and the decision on the issue was postponed until better times. Judging by the latest news, the salary increase in 2019 will still take place, which has already been officially announced with the designation of specific numbers.

It should be noted that the principle of paying salaries to civil servants consists of many components, so it is not so easy to figure out how the announced growth will affect real incomes.

It should be said that not all employees of state-owned organizations or institutions are classified by Russian regulatory documents as civil servants. This list includes only those who carry out professional activity in the sectors of the legislative sphere, executive and judicial proceedings.

As a result, civil servants include those who are employed in the presidential apparatus, work in the departments of the prosecutor's office and tax inspection, hold positions in the departments of migration, border and customs service, represents Rospotrebnadzor and Rosreestr, refers to employees of city halls and ministries, is a senator or deputy. It is worth noting that, despite information about the reduction in the number of civil servants (according to official statistics in 2016, they decreased by 10%), many experts believe that Russia is a country with an overloaded administrative apparatus.

As mentioned above, there is one official for every 90 Russians in the country. It is interesting that even in the days of the USSR, which was not without reason called a bureaucratic state, there was one civil servant for about 140 people. Officially, the country finances from the budget jobs for 1.107 million officials, but unofficial experts say that in fact there are more than 6 million. You can calculate:

  • approximately 15,000 people hold positions in the federal legislature;
  • about 35 thousand Russians are deputies of parliaments at the levels of republics, territories and regions. These include deputy assistants and employees of parliamentary bodies;
  • approximately 700,000 deputies represent legislative assemblies in 24,000 Russian municipalities;
  • another 700 thousand people are those who work in various positions in ministries, federal agencies and branches of these departments opened in the regions;
  • it is also necessary to take into account 600 thousand people, speaking about the administrations of the regions, as well as ministries and departments of the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • about a million people are municipal officials;
  • another 1.5 million employees are employed in licensing, control and registration bodies, that is, in various funds such as pension or insurance.

What will be the salaries of civil servants in 2019?

The latest proposal of the Ministry of Labor regarding the indexation of salaries of civil servants, which was planned for 2018, was to increase salaries by 4%. The initiative was approved as meeting economic realities and entered into force on January 1, 2018. This will affect all employees employed in government organizations, including employees of support services serving the premises and equipment of government agencies.

Salaries will be increased not only for officials, but also for programmers, technicians, electricians, locksmiths, cleaners and plumbers. The minimum salary from January 1, 2018 for civil servants will be 9,489 rubles for those who are employed under a contract for 40 working hours per week. As for the prospects and forecasts for 2019, it was said that the increase in salaries will bring them closer to the living wage established in the country. During this period, the minimum indicator will be brought up to 100% of the subsistence minimum wage.

The authorities stated that financial resources for the implementation of such an increase has already been taken into account in the revised state budget. As for the indexation itself, according to the latest plans of the government, it will be carried out not in January, but in October 2019 and 2020. So far, they are talking about the prospects of a 4% increase, but planned inflation may radically differ from the figure recorded by the country's economic departments.

Thus, the Ministry of Economic Development says that further salary growth will slow down and amount to 1.3% and 1.5% in 2019 and 2020, respectively. The budget includes 450 billion rubles, which will be used to increase the salaries of civil servants. Of this amount, about 380 billion in national currency will be allocated for incentive payments. Some government analysts have already voiced a forecast that in 2019 the average monthly salary of officials (including incentive payments) will reach 137.8 thousand rubles.

When to expect indexing

One part of the expected increase is indexation. It should be noted that in this case we are not talking about a real increase in income. The goals pursued by indexing are to catch up with the annual inflation rate and “pull up” salaries in accordance with its pace.

Judging by the latest news, the first stage of the increase is scheduled for the first or second quarter of 2019. The size will be 4%. The second stage is expected in the last quarter, presumably in October. The size will be the same 4%, but already taking into account the previous increase.

Stimulus payments

But the main changes will affect incentive payments. At the moment, monthly payments to officials consist of the following components:

  • salary for a certain position;
  • salary in accordance with the rank;
  • length of service (for employees with experience up to 5 years - 15%, 5 - 10 years - 20%, 10 - 20 years - 30%);
  • additional payments for civil servants when working in secret units or in conditions of particular difficulty (the amount of additional payments varies from 60% of the salary for lower ranks to 200% for management).

Many analysts and economists make predictions that in 2019 there will be an increase in the first two components, while the rest will not remain on the same scale. Now they will not be ubiquitous, but will apply only to those who actually fulfill all the job standards prescribed in employment contract, or overfulfill them, which will need to be proved in individually. It is planned to allocate an amount of 380 billion rubles for incentive payments from the federal budget in 2019.

The responsible authorities involved in the development of the criteria approach say that the emphasis will be placed on the wages of young professionals, because there is a need to attract competent young personnel into the ranks of civil servants. Another goal of the reform is to make the civil service attractive to Russians, which will cause healthy competition and stimulate the receipt of additional higher education and a general increase in the competence of the staff. One of the mechanisms that can be used for this is to increase salaries along with a reduction in the overall number of civil servants.

At the moment, the criteria principle is only being developed by the relevant authorities, and it is likely that it will come into force as early as the beginning of 2019. In any case, according to the plan, it should be approved and put into operation during 2019.

New procedure for granting benefits

Finally, we will announce small innovations in relation to benefits for civil servants. The changes affected annual leave, which for this category of Russians is two days more than it should be for ordinary citizens (30 days). New order granting leave, which will also be valid in 2019, states that the leave will now increase according to the length of service of the official:

  • for 1 day - with experience from 1 to 5 years;
  • for 5 days - with a length of service of 5-10 years;
  • for 7 days - with an experience of 10-15 years;
  • for 10 days - with a length of service of more than 15 years.

Should I be worried about cuts?

Considering the above topic, it is impossible not to separately discuss the question of whether there will be a reduction in municipal employees in 2019, because not so long ago there was the introduction of fairly uncompromising measures in relation to state structures. As a result of past reorganizations of various areas of the state, the number of unemployed budget employees was in the thousands.

However, 2019, apparently, will no longer bring mass layoffs of workers. After all, even without a large number of civil servants lost their jobs, because a huge number of posts were simply removed, and previously performed powers were distributed among the remaining specialists. Today, it’s already almost impossible to fire some, so you shouldn’t worry about this.

When discussing the question of what will happen to the salaries of municipal employees, it must be said that the following changes are also planned for civil servants:

  • adjustment labor law, entailing a decrease in the gap between the profits of representatives of different levels in the hierarchy state structures(from now on, management will not be able to be content with excessive comfort, while employees of the working level will literally live from paycheck to paycheck);
  • an increase in the frequency of payments of the earned rate up to 2 times within a month (now employers are subject to penalties for the lack of timely accrual of monetary allowances, so it should be said separately that an increase in the salary of municipal employees in Russia can also be accrued with the help of compensation in case of delays in providing them wages).

In conclusion, we can say that Russian citizens do not have to get used to adapting to the changing features of the current economy. And the preservation of personal savings, as well as their optimized spending is a paramount task today. However, Russians simply cannot survive indefinitely, and not live, because in the 90s in Russian Federation a similar situation was already observed, but then the population, even if they had small salaries, had various part-time jobs. Today, it will no longer be possible to live like this, since the ruling elites control the domestic labor market, and this must be put up with.

Every resident of Russia worries about his financial well-being, as the financial and economic crisis, which has been going on for three years now, has a negative impact on literally all spheres of life of the population. And most of all, the state budget suffers from it, which finances the payment and increase in the salary of civil servants. Today, there is almost no money left in the treasury. What awaits us in 2018?

What are the authorities saying? How wages have changed in recent years

Everyone knows that back in 2012, the president was very concerned about how low the income was for those people whose salaries were paid from the state treasury. Most importantly, Putin has adopted a number of relevant decrees aimed at correcting this situation. The bills adopted by the president included a resolution that the salaries of state employees over the next couple of years should double. Of course, the text of the laws also referred to an increase in the salaries of municipal employees in Russia. At that time, they received only 10-12,000 for a month of hard work.

For the first time after the adoption of the law, the authorities increased the salaries of civil servants every year. They also carried out a large-scale optimization of various areas of activity of the inhabitants of Russia and remembered the annual indexation. But when the crisis began in the country, the situation changed a little, because it became the reason for the development of a serious deficit public funds. Because of this, regular salary increases were discontinued.

Some members of the government decided to come up with a way to help outwit the system, because they proposed artificially stimulating wage increases in each region. However, only in words. If you look at the text of the innovation, then you need to add the informal incomes of residents to the average salary of a civil servant. Of course, this will lead to an increase in this indicator, only it will be artificial. So the requirements that are written in the presidential decrees will be fulfilled only on paper. In addition, no one has figured out exactly how informal income should be calculated, because they are located in the shadow market, which means that they are not recorded in any documentation.

Real numbers and payroll

There are almost 14 million workers in our country different industries budget. Incidentally, this is one fifth of the entire working population. Among all state employees, it is necessary to single out separately the people who perform municipal service. And the majority have a negative attitude towards specialists in this profession. But, not everyone understands the degree of responsibility of these employees, nor the level of their income. Salaries employees of the municipal service, in fact, are among the lowest in the field.

Municipal services are the closest authorities to the population. It is they who exercise all the powers to fulfill the obligations of the Government on the ground. Municipal employees resolve all issues local government based on the basic needs of the population.

The municipality also implements social policy for the appointment and payment of benefits and benefits. Employees implement state policy in the areas of education, sports, health, culture and youth policy. The employees of the municipality carry out the district policy of urban planning, construction and repair of the local road network, and are also responsible for municipal property and property.

On the shoulders of these services falls direct interaction with the Russians - something that regional, and even more so federal officials are almost deprived of. And only local performers today have real knowledge about the state of affairs, as well as an understanding of how the people live and what are the real problems.

What to expect in 2018?

The latest news regarding wage increases for municipal workers is not yet encouraging. Increasing the income of municipal employees, in fact, is the task of regional authorities. In turn, they rely on the decisions of federal officials. But officials do not give any instructions about the indexation of salaries. Yes, and in our time to compare the revenues of the executive and municipal - it's ignoble, it's deplorable.

For example, federal officials receive an average of 224,000 rubles every month. but the average income of municipal workers is 20 thousand rubles. in the village, the salary of a municipal service specialist is about 8 thousand rubles. as you can see, the difference is significant.

Today, there are no official promises yet, but the hope of indexing the salary of a municipal employee in 2018 remains. It is worth recalling that Putin was instructed to bring by 2018 the salaries of all budget employees to the average salary in the region. Budgets such increases in almost every industry took place. Except municipal employees. Their salaries never got higher.

This inaction gradually leads to the fact that competent managers and specialists leave their profession for higher-paid jobs. But illiterate and not always morally stable individuals come to the service of the municipality. Also, the factor of corruption of local government employees with such a low level of income is not excluded. Since corruption risks are high in the municipal service, it is possible to provide necessary services for some reward.

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