After the presidential elections, the Federal Penitentiary Service may become subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Where can I work after graduation

  • 19.04.2021

In Russia, the reform of power structures is in full swing. Innovations will also affect employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This service is planned to be included in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The FSIN system will be reformed this year. It was decided to remove the special structure responsible for ensuring order in the country from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice and give it a special status.

The reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should lead not only to a reduction in staff, but also to an increase in wages for the remaining employees. The current level of salaries for executives and ordinary civil servants differ significantly. By optimizing the staff, the authorities intend to minimize the existing gap in the amount of official salaries. Such measures, unfortunately, cannot do without staff reduction. All structures are subject to reform. This will improve the efficiency of all government agencies and systems.

Reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service from April 1, 2018: features of the reform

Managers with high salaries are subject to reduction in the first place. Ordinary civil servants are promised to be left in their places. First of all, it will be proposed to cut positions that do not directly interact with the department. It is possible that the wave of layoffs will also affect psychologists.

It is also planned to expand the powers and responsibilities of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but with an increase in monthly salaries. The amount necessary for the implementation of the announced reform is not yet in the budget. In this regard, it is quite possible to expect the reform of the colonies.

Reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service 2018: a high-profile case

The decision to revise the legislation regarding employees of the penitentiary structure is overdue in connection with the high-profile case of Oksana Gurova, an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The woman was dismissed from the post of inspector due to a criminal record. However, at the time of hiring, the crime that was attributed to Gurova was decriminalized. Therefore, the decision to dismiss can be considered illegal.

To date, the Constitutional Court has not made a decision regarding the legality of the dismissal of citizen Gurova. According to the draft law adopted by the State Duma, it is prohibited to dismiss employees of the penitentiary service if, at the time of the decision to extend the contract, the crimes were decriminalized.

At the end of 2017, the President of Russia signed a law reducing the maximum number of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from 2018. The issue of merging the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also under consideration - this is one of the most likely ways to promote reform in this department. The reorganization of this structure gave rise to the need for wage indexation, which has not been carried out for many years.

Currently in Russian Federation the reform of power structures continues. The changes will not bypass the Federal Penitentiary Service. IN breaking news on February 6, it was reported that in 2018 this service could be merged with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The changes will affect each employee in the institution, the salary of employees of the department will be revised, control over the quality of performance will be strengthened professional duties.

In the event of the merger of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, the department will not lose its mission

The Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences is a federal executive body exercising law enforcement functions.

The Federal Penitentiary Service also performs the functions of control and supervision in the sphere of the execution of criminal sentences in relation to convicts, the functions of maintaining persons suspected or accused of committing crimes and defendants in custody, their protection and escort, as well as the functions of monitoring the behavior of probationers and convicts who have been granted a reprieve by the court.

The Federal Penitentiary Service was created for the execution of punishments and for the detention of suspects, accused, convicted. All places of deprivation of liberty in Russia are subordinate to the service.

After the merger of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, some employees will change their service uniform to civilian

On December 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin put his signature under the Decree ordering to optimize the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from January 1, 2018 by 10 thousand people - up to 894 thousand 871 people, including:

  • employees of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • civilian personnel.

After the presidential elections and the Federal Penitentiary Service may come under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This possibility is being discussed in the units of the Federal Penitentiary Service throughout the country. In addition, personnel reform in the department is possible.

“A significant part of the FSIN employees will be transferred to the civil service, that is, they will be left without shoulder straps. With shoulder straps, only those employees who work with weapons will remain. There will hardly be mass layoffs, because there is already a catastrophic shortage of personnel in the system, ”

Said one of the sources.

The merger of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 implies a decrease in the number of generals

The penitentiary system was in the structure of the internal affairs bodies until the reform of 1998, when, on the basis of the Decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Until 2005, Russia had the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which later, in the course of administrative reform, was transformed into the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments, which was still under the control of the Ministry of Justice.

However, experts note that “if the Federal Penitentiary Service, as it is now, is taken under the umbrella of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to see what, for example, posts and positions in the system were superfluous, where someone could be made redundant to save the budget, then this fits well into the logic of optimization that the Russian authorities have been pursuing lately.”

Experts do not rule out that law enforcement agencies are preparing for a reform option, when after the elections the authorities will return to the idea of ​​​​creating a “megadepartment”, under the wing of which several law enforcement agencies will unite. So the security forces, apparently, are waiting for "optimization", as in healthcare. There will be fewer generals.

The Ministry of Justice decided to reorganize the federal penitentiary service. Innovations will affect the activities of the Office, the procedure for calculating wages and development of new requirements for employees. This is provided for by a separate bill that regulates the process of reforming the Federal Penitentiary Service in 2018 and 2019. It is assumed that the organization will be removed from the subordination of the Ministry of Justice and will receive a special status, which will affect its functions and powers. In general, the government positively assesses the decision to increase the official salaries of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, since the order and observance of laws in the country directly depend on this structure.


Due to the fact that the Department was cut funding, the salaries of employees for a long time were not revised. But on the agenda is not only an increase in salaries, but also a reduction in the gap between the salaries of ordinary employees and management. It is assumed that changes in wages will take place in stages, and the rate of senior officials will gradually decrease, which will make it possible to increase the salaries of ordinary security guards.

The number of employees of the Office will be reduced, and the final staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service will be formed by 2019. Such optimization is typical for all government agencies, since without reducing the number of employees it is impossible to achieve a significant increase in wages. But ordinary employees should not be afraid of mass layoffs. It is assumed that, first of all, the optimization of leadership positions will be carried out. Also, specialists who do not have a significant impact on the work of the Office (for example, psychologists) may fall under the reduction.

The salary of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service will be calculated taking into account the following parameters:

Taking into account inflation, the average indexation of salaries of employees of the Department will not exceed 6% (in 2017, indexation was 5% with an inflation rate of 12%). However, according to some experts, if the country's economy does not demonstrate steady growth, then salaries will not be indexed due to the lack of sufficient funding.

Reducing staffing can expand the range of responsibilities of ordinary employees. It is possible that individual colonies will even have to be closed to implement the program to optimize the activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service. First of all, those institutions where a small number of prisoners are kept will be closed. In this case, those serving sentences will be transferred to other colonies, which will affect the workload of their guards.

Requirements for employees

The reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service of 2019 provides for tougher requirements for employees, which will be spelled out in the new law. These are the innovations:

  • observance of the rights of persons serving sentences;
  • respect for the traditions and religion of different peoples;
  • complete rejection of corruption in any areas of the Agency's activities;
  • good attitude towards prisoners;
  • rejection of immoral habits and absenteeism.

Having revealed the fact of corruption, the employee is obliged to immediately convey such information to the regulatory authorities. Otherwise, he will be fired for non-compliance professional ethics and norms of the current legislation.

Even after the Federal Penitentiary Service becomes part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019, testing and checks for drugs and alcohol use will be periodically arranged for employees.

Strict requirements for employees will be offset by additional social guarantees. For example, for length of service, vacation time will increase or material assistance will be issued. In the event of pressure from criminal elements, an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service can count on protection, which will be guaranteed by the state.

For a settlement labor relations a binding contract will be concluded with each jailer. But every new employee will have to pass a probationary period, the duration of which will be 2-6 months. Employment of a specialist applying for leadership position, will be a more complex procedure. In addition to the fact that the applicant will have to meet the requirements of the Office, he will be able to take a leadership position only after successfully passing the competition.

It is possible that employees should prepare for more global changes: the Federal Penitentiary Service may become part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 or 2019, which will be a logical continuation of the reform of the power structures of the Russian Federation. This decision will be the result of a reduction in the number of senior staff in order to optimize the costs necessary to maintain the work of the Office. But at the moment final decision on the inclusion of the federal penitentiary service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet been adopted. The fate of the Office will be determined after the consideration by the Ministry of Justice of the draft law on its reform (it is assumed that the final draft of the document will be published in the spring of 2018).

At the end of 2017, the President of Russia signed a law reducing the maximum number of staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from 2018. The issue of merging the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also under consideration - this is one of the most likely ways to promote reform in this department. The reorganization of this structure gave rise to the need for wage indexation, which has not been carried out for many years.

Currently, the Russian Federation continues to reform the power structures. The changes will not bypass the Federal Penitentiary Service. In the latest news for February 6, it is reported that in 2018 this service may be merged with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The changes will affect every employee in the institution, the salary of employees of the department will be revised, control over the quality performance of professional duties will be strengthened.

The Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences is a federal executive body exercising law enforcement functions.

In the event of the merger of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, the department will not lose its mission

The Federal Penitentiary Service also performs the functions of control and supervision in the sphere of the execution of criminal sentences in relation to convicts, the functions of maintaining persons suspected or accused of committing crimes and defendants in custody, their protection and escort, as well as the functions of monitoring the behavior of probationers and convicts who have been granted a reprieve by the court.

The Federal Penitentiary Service was created for the execution of punishments and for the detention of suspects, accused, convicted. All places of deprivation of liberty in Russia are subordinate to the service.

After the merger of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, some employees will change their service uniform to civilian

On December 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin put his signature under the Decree ordering to optimize the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from January 1, 2018 by 10 thousand people - up to 894 thousand 871 people, including:

  • employees of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • civilian personnel.

After the presidential elections and the Federal Penitentiary Service may come under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This possibility is being discussed in the units of the Federal Penitentiary Service throughout the country. In addition, personnel reform in the department is possible.

“A significant part of the FSIN employees will be transferred to the civil service, that is, they will be left without shoulder straps. With shoulder straps, only those employees who work with weapons will remain. There will hardly be mass layoffs, because there is already a catastrophic shortage of personnel in the system, ”

one of the sources said.

The merger of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 implies a decrease in the number of generals

The penitentiary system was in the structure of the internal affairs bodies until the reform of 1998, when, on the basis of the Decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Until 2005, Russia had the Main Directorate for the Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which later, in the course of administrative reform, was transformed into the Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments, which was still under the control of the Ministry of Justice.

However, experts note that “if the Federal Penitentiary Service, as it is now, is taken under the umbrella of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to see what, for example, posts and positions in the system were superfluous, where someone could be made redundant to save the budget, then this fits well into the logic of optimization that the Russian authorities have been pursuing lately.”

Experts do not rule out that law enforcement agencies are preparing for a reform option, when after the elections the authorities will return to the idea of ​​​​creating a “megadepartment”, under the wing of which several law enforcement agencies will unite. So the security forces, apparently, are waiting for "optimization", as in healthcare. There will be fewer generals.

FSIN is federal Service execution of punishment. She is responsible for monitoring the execution and also controls the behavior of people who are serving time in society, or rather people are under house arrest. The federal executive body is responsible for the preservation of the rights of convicts in custody.

The Federal Penitentiary Service also helps convicted persons after their release. This body must protect and escort convicts who are being held in custody. The task of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation implies the creation of conditions for his detention, which are established by the norm of international law and the law of the Russian Federation. The subordination of the Federal Penitentiary Service includes all institutions that are related to deprivation of liberty and are located on the territory of Russia.

Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) of Russia

The federal body must protect, support, shock, employ persons who were convicted. Speaking in ordinary language, this service deals with all issues relating to them. In other words, the Federal Penitentiary Service is a body related to the executive branch, which is under the control of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Functions of the Federal Penitentiary Service

FSIN has the following functions:

  • law enforcement;
  • a function that is responsible for monitoring and supervising the execution of criminal punishment in relation to convicts;
  • the function of keeping persons who are suspected or accused of committing crimes, and defendants who are in custody;
  • the function of controlling the behavior of persons who are conditionally convicted, or who are on a suspended sentence.

Gennady Alexandrovich served in the state security agencies. From 2001 to 2002 he was the Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service of Russia, and from 2002 to 2012 he was the Director of the State Department. Gennady Alexandrovich has several state awards. From 2012 to this day he has been the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Powers of the Federal Penitentiary Service

1. Provide in accordance with the law:

2. FSIN according to the law:

  • Sends convicts to places of punishment, places them there, and transfers convicts and persons who are in custody from one institution executing punishment to another.
  • Provides employees with tools of defense and special necessary means that can help during self-defense.
  • Provides medical support to convicted persons.
  • Engaged in pension provision of persons who were dismissed from the penitentiary system.
  • Guarantees material assistance to institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, etc.

Therefore, the Federal Penitentiary Service can be safely called the most important body of state power.