Examples of wording about state awards in the work book. An entry about the award in the work book is a sample. Information about awards

  • 12.12.2019

The employer has the right to encourage his employees for conscientious work, individual and collective achievements. In some cases, information about the award must be entered in work book. Features of this post, ready-made examples designs are presented in the article.

The mark is made with a blue or black pen (paste or gel). Recording is done carefully, corrections, streaks, unreadable text are not allowed. The order of entry is as follows:

  1. The HR specialist indicates the record number (in simple chronological order). The numbering starts with 1 employer - for example, if the last entry is number 2, you just need to assign number 3 to the new note.
  2. The date the entry was made must be indicated - for example, 07/10/2018. Usually the date coincides with the day of signing the relevant order of the employer.
  3. Enter the full name of the company. If there is also an abbreviated version of the name, indicate it.
  4. Then the grounds for the award are formulated - for example, "for long service and successful work"
  5. In the last 4 column, you need to write the date and number of the award order.

Unlike cases when it is necessary to indicate a specific wording in the entry, when awarding, you can use different phrases. In this case, the record must necessarily reflect 2 facts at once:

  1. Type of award (award, valuable gift, etc.).
  2. Reason for the award (for long, conscientious work, for organizing a competition, etc.).

However, if we are talking about state or departmental awards (receipt of an honorary diploma from the ministry, state award), the exact title of the document should be quoted in the wording.

Thus, the accuracy of the formulations in most cases does not matter. However general principles filling (according to the columns) must be observed in any case.

Step by step instructions for registration

The specific grounds, as well as the procedure for awarding awards and making relevant records, are not regulated by law. This means that each company can independently decide and approve its own regulations for this procedure. In practice, the following sequence of actions is followed.

Step 1. Deciding on the award

The decision-making process varies from company to company. Usually the immediate supervisor of a distinguished employee (for example, the head of the sales department) submits an initiative, draws up an application addressed to the management. The director of the company makes a positive decision, after which the type and form of remuneration is determined. Further, the corresponding order is issued, and the award is presented in a solemn atmosphere.

Step 2. Making an order

When drawing up an order, you can use a single form or any other sample accepted by the company. The employee must get acquainted with this document personally, which is confirmed by his signature (the date and signature are put at the end of the order).

Step 3. Making an entry in the labor

The entry is written in accordance with the rules described above. At the same time, it is important to understand that making a note is an obligation, and not the right of the employer. This means that after the issuance of the order, the employee of the personnel department must immediately make an appropriate note in the work book.

In practice, there are often cases when such records are not made, which is a violation labor law. As a rule, the employee himself is more at risk of suffering than digging, since the absence of records from a formal point of view indicates that he did not show himself in any way during work. It might interfere with it career advancement within the current or other companies.

Normative base

The book is started for each employee without fail. This document is drawn up in accordance with the uniform requirements that are provided for by such documents:

  1. Government Decree.
  2. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation (instructions for filling out are in the appendix).

This instruction (paragraph 4) also describes in detail the rules for making entries about the award. Marks are placed in the section of the book of the same name, while it is necessary to prescribe:

  • sequence number of the record;
  • the date on which the award took place;
  • Name of the organization;
  • the basis of the award and the type (for example, a certificate of honor);
  • link to the corresponding order with its number and date.

Scroll specific types incentives are also regulated at the level of federal legislation - Labor Code and the specified Instructions for filling out books. It can be:

  • thanks;
  • certificates of honor;
  • awarding the title "Best in the profession", etc.

With regard to specific types of incentives, the Instruction provides for the following:

  • state awards;
  • awards on behalf of the company - these can be certificates of honor and other types of incentives;
  • other types of awards that are spelled out in the collective employment contract or other documents.

It is also important to understand that bonus entries can be made to the labor, excluding such cases:

  • the premium is paid regularly;
  • the bonus is clearly stipulated in the employment contract.

Moreover, the Instructions do not specify a deadline for making an entry. Only a specific case related to employer awards is considered there. Information about incentives from the institution is entered within a week after the issuance of the relevant order. Everything else is unregulated. But it is more expedient to record within a reasonable time, and not to delay for a long time. Award material and reasons for making Usually, in order to receive Certificates of Honor, Acknowledgments, Badges of Distinction, in general, any serious awards (the Order of Alexander Nevsky), the personnel department has to work hard. They prepare documents:

  • nomination of a candidate by petition;
  • filling out the Award sheet;
  • a letter to a higher organization;
  • characteristic.

In each case, a separate package of documents is compiled. The regulations for the award spell out everything that is required when nominating applicants.

Information about the awards in the work book. sample

This document stores information about the employee and his labor activity at the enterprise. Significance of the entry Persons who have earned state awards receive material and social privileges in accordance with the law.

Citizens with such a title receive social benefits in accordance with the laws of the subjects Russian Federation. A promotion record can influence decisions about hiring, about responsibility for a disciplinary offense.
When moving up the career ladder, success is made up of small things. Employees personnel service it is necessary to enter into work books all information about awards and incentives, reflected in the orders of the head.

Entering information about incentives and awards in the employee's work book

Unfortunately, the methodology for calculating the length of service according to the work book does not take into account gratitude, but encouragement, firstly, it increases the prestige of the employee in the eyes of his managers. The employee has acquired a good reputation, he will be trusted and other employees will want to match their hardworking colleague. Secondly, when the device is on new job, the employee will immediately be on in good standing. He will no doubt be trusted challenging tasks, and also this will contribute to the rapid advancement of the career ladder.

That is why, even if the employer did not offer you to give gratitude for difficult work, hint to him that it would be nice to receive it. How to make other records of employee incentives? If the employee was encouraged in a different way than gratitude or reward, then this should also be indicated in the work book.

How to make an entry about the award of an employee in the work book?

These include:

  1. Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, the production of forms of work books and the provision of employers with them. The document was approved on April 16, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225.
  2. Instructions for filling out work books.
    Approved on October 10, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69.

These documents are mandatory for use by all organizations, enterprises and individual entrepreneurs countries. The value of incentives In fulfilling his main duties in the workplace, a person receives a reward in the form of wages.


Incentives are used as an additional incentive for production achievements. By publicly celebrating production achievements, the manager encourages the team to take a responsible attitude to work, the fulfillment of assigned tasks, and the observance of labor discipline.

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Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • gratitude;
  • bonuses;
  • valuable gift;
  • diploma;
  • honorary title "best in the profession".

The employer may encourage employees in other ways, if they are provided for in the collective agreement or local acts. Record of the award in the work book. Sample Section 4 of the Instructions indicates the procedure for including relevant information on rewarding an employee in a work book:

  • in the third column of information about the award in the work book, the name of the employer is reflected;
  • the first column indicates the number of the entry in the work book about the award;
  • the second column indicates the date of the award;
  • in the third column, information is entered on who exactly awarded the employee, for what specific achievements, as well as the type of encouragement.

Employment history. making an entry in the section "information about the awards"


Record of promotion in the work book - sample: The section "information about awards" is over If the employee constantly receives incentives and, in principle, is very hardworking, then surely the page devoted to awards and other incentives can quickly come to an end. What should an HR officer do in such a situation? The answer to this question is simple.

enough to print new form on awards and incentives and place in the labor, putting on it the seal of the organization and the signature of the head. After that, you can safely make new entries of various kinds about rewards on newly printed sheets. Is there a certificate of honor? A certificate of honor is a type of award, therefore, if there are determining factors, it should be mentioned in the work book.

2. filling out work books

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for maintaining and storing work books)). According to paragraph 24 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, the following information on awarding (encouragement) for labor merits is entered in the work book: a) on awarding state awards, including conferring state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions; b) on awarding certificates of honor, awarding titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor carried out by organizations; c) on other types of incentives provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as collective agreements, rules of internal work schedule organizations, statutes and regulations on discipline.

What incentives and awards are entered in the work book?

In the presence of disciplinary action, they are recorded in accordance with the rules described here. Information about awards in the work book - sample: On what basis? The basis for making an entry about the award in the work book, in addition to the fact of the award itself, is an order. This document is published by the organization in the form of a local regulatory act on behalf of the head or deputy head. The order must be posted at a common viewing place in order to familiarize employees with its contents.

If the employee was issued a certificate, then its text is also necessary for keeping an entry in the work book. The text of the diploma is succinctly retold in the column of information about the award.

Procedure for gratitude Gratitude is a verbal “thank you” to an employee for his work. Gratitude can be extolled in the form of a certificate, diploma, letter or memorable gift.

What incentives are included in the work book

A collective or body may apply for a state award. local government. Applications are handled by federal authorities. state power. The procedure for awarding departmental awards The management of the enterprise division or labor collective who evaluate the quality of work, attitude to work, discipline, compliance with safety standards. The decision to reward an employee is made by the head of the enterprise, based on the provisions, rules, regulations operating in the enterprise.

An order is issued that reflects information about the employee, indicates his achievements and the type of encouragement. The award is presented to the employee in a solemn atmosphere at general meetings.

Perhaps in connection with this, the presentation of valuable gifts.

What incentives are included in the work book Ukraine

For example, a record in the labor of rewarding diploma can be done only after the head of the relevant order is signed. You can encourage an employee with good words at a general meeting, and a laudatory article in a newspaper, or just applause.

But these incentives will not be grounds for entry into the work book. Records of penalties and punishments are not entered into the work book.

Information on bonuses included in wages is also not reflected. Entry in the work book about the award Information about the award is recorded in the section "Information about awards" in the prescribed manner:

  1. In the top line in the form of a heading in column 3 the full name of the organization is indicated. If there is an abbreviated name, it must also be indicated in column 3.
  2. The line below in column 1 indicates the serial number of the entry.

What types of incentives are included in the work book

This allows you to raise the prestige of conscientious work, especially when its deadlines are tight. Encouragement should be received by an employee who constantly strives to increase labor efficiency, improve the quality of manufactured products, continuous and flawless work, and the use of innovative ideas in his work.

The incentive may be:

  • thank you note)
  • issuance of an award)
  • presentation of valuable gifts)
  • honorary awards)
  • entry in the Book or on the Board of Honor and other incentives, if they are provided for by the charter, regulations on discipline or rules affecting the internal labor regulations.

At the same time, the issuance of a cash bonus provided for by the wage system is not mandatory in order to make an entry about the promotion in the work book.

The work book records all the important events in the professional activity of a person. It records information about hiring, dismissal, moving to new position, reflects the transfer to another job, the transition to public service. One of the sections of the work book is devoted to the production success of the employee. Managers appreciate good employees, try to encourage their labor achievements. Information about incentives for conscientious work is reflected in the section "Information on awards" of the work book. How to make a record? Let's give an example.


For the correct entry of information into the work book, you should familiarize yourself with the documents approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. These include:

  1. Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, the production of forms of work books and the provision of employers with them. The document was approved on April 16, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225.
  2. Instructions for filling out work books. Approved on October 10, 2003 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69.

These documents are obligatory for use by all organizations, enterprises and individual entrepreneurs of the country.

The value of rewards

Performing his main duties in the workplace, a person receives remuneration in the form of wages. Incentives are used as an additional incentive for production achievements. By publicly celebrating production achievements, the manager encourages the team to take a responsible attitude to work, the fulfillment of assigned tasks, and the observance of labor discipline.

List of rewards

According to Article No. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employee incentives for labor achievements can be expressed as:

  • gratitude announcements;
  • presentation of a diploma;
  • issuance of an award;
  • giving a valuable gift;
  • conferring an honorary title.

In some industries, other forms of employee incentives are also used. They are established by collective agreements, regulations, charters. Employees are awarded the titles of "Honorary Railway Worker", " Honorary Worker Navy", "Honorary polar explorer". The internal regulations of the organization, as an incentive for achievements in work, establish additional bonuses, benefits for issuing vouchers, payment for employee training.

Types of awards

The list of incentives that are noted in the work book includes:

  • awards, honorary titles for services to the state;
  • diplomas, badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of the employer;
  • other types of incentives, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, collective agreements and others internal documents enterprises, organizations.

Only the incentives reflected in official documents are recorded in the work book. For example, an entry in the labor office about awarding a certificate of honor can be made only after the manager signs the corresponding order. You can encourage an employee with good words at a general meeting, and a laudatory article in a newspaper, or just applause. But these incentives will not be grounds for entry into the work book.

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Records of penalties and punishments are not entered into the work book. Information on bonuses included in wages is also not reflected.

Entry in the work book about the award

Information about the award is recorded in the section "Information about awards" in the prescribed manner:

  1. In the top line in the form of a heading in column 3 the full name of the organization is indicated. If there is an abbreviated name, it must also be indicated in column 3.
  2. The line below in column 1 indicates the serial number of the entry. This numbering is carried out throughout the entire labor activity of a person, and is not interrupted when rewards are presented in other organizations.
  3. Column 2 contains the date of the award.
  4. Column 3 indicates the organization that awarded the employee, the merits of the recipient and the type of remuneration.
  5. In the 4th column of the section, the number and date of the document on the basis of which the award is carried out is recorded.

Information is entered with a blue, purple or black pen. Instead of a record of the name of the organization, you can use a stamp. Abbreviations are not allowed.
Records of awards must be made within a week from the date of signing the order. In case of dismissal of an employee, all the necessary information is entered in the work book on the day of dismissal.

In addition to the award entry in the work book, information about the promotion is noted in the personal card of the employee of the T-2 form. This document stores information about the employee and his work activities at the enterprise.

Record value

Persons who have earned state awards receive material and social privileges in accordance with the law. These can be supplements to pension payments, benefits for utilities, medical care, free travel.

Awards of individual departments are necessary when receiving the title of "veteran of labor". Citizens with such a title receive social benefits in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

A promotion record can influence decisions about hiring, about responsibility for a disciplinary offense. When moving up the career ladder, success is made up of small things.

The work book has a section “Information about awards”, a sample of which is often required by employers. For the entire professional activity a person can be recognized for merit. However, managers do not always know which awards to fix and which not. Therefore, situations often arise when unnecessary information is entered, but the necessary ones, on the contrary, are not mentioned. It is important to know what entries are made in the work book about the award in order to correctly indicate everything in the employee's document.

Information about awards

If a person has accomplished a labor feat, then a record of the award should be made. Now let's take a closer look at what is subject to mandatory entry. First of all, we are talking about state awards. This event must be recorded in the employee's document. You should also indicate the awards that the organization has issued. As a rule, in this case, gratitude is announced, a diploma is awarded, and the title of the best in their profession is awarded. It also happens that there is a presentation of a diploma and a badge of distinction.

Also, their own awards can be established by the labor regulations, the collective agreement of the company. They must also be included in the work book of the employee. But regular bonuses or other cash payments should not be fixed. Therefore, this kind of encouragement need not be mentioned. After all, they do not indicate that a person has accomplished a labor feat. Therefore, departmental awards are more significant than when a person was rewarded by a boss with a cash payment.

Note that gratitude and awarding a certificate of honor will be useful for a person’s career. Because in the future they will allow you to qualify for higher ranks. But you need to understand that it is impossible to immediately receive a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of the Russian Federation, if before that a gratitude was not issued from the Ministry of the region in which the person lives. Therefore, the movement must be progressive: first they say "thank you" at the level of the district, then the city, after the subject, etc.

The employee himself must monitor whether his achievements are recorded in the work book or not. Because the authorities do not always in good faith indicate information about the award. In this case, it is necessary to demand that they consider the order by which a mark of gratitude is entered in the work book.

Recording time

Each award must be confirmed with official papers. Because just in words, gratitude will not be added to the work book. As a rule, an order is issued or a special letter arrives. Already on the basis of such a document, it will be possible to make an entry for a specific employee.

If the order has not yet arrived at the personnel department of the relevant organization, then no one will fill out the award form. It doesn’t even matter that the person has already been officially thanked.

Now let's talk separately about the period during which information about awards must be indicated in the work book . If the person was marked by the company itself, then exactly one week after the issuance of the order will be given. During this period, you need to have time to make the necessary mark.

It is quite another matter if the person was not encouraged by the company. In this case, the specific period for which information is entered into the document is not indicated. Therefore, the organization can do this both within a week and in a month. But, of course, the time period must be reasonable. Because if information about awards gets into the work book, for example, in a year, then this will not be entirely honest with respect to the person.

Grounds for making

You should know exactly what achievements are recorded in the labor document. Because there are cases when an award is announced in the form of a bonus, however, this cash payment is not indicated in the book by law. Note that in order to receive serious awards, the participation of the personnel department will be required.

You will need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Application for the nomination of a candidate.
  2. Completed Award List.
  3. Characteristics of a person.
  4. Letter to a higher authority.

For each case, a list of official papers is determined. The regulations for the award indicate the documents that will be required. After they are submitted, a special body will consider the candidacy and decide whether the person is worthy of the award. If the answer is yes, a special order will be issued, and thanks to it will be awarded with entry in the work book.


What gives gratitude in the labor, it has already become clear - a person gets the opportunity to move up the career ladder. Now you need to figure out exactly how the recording is made so that it is not found fault with.

Important! With the announced decisions, you need to start working as soon as an order or a special letter arrives. Without the relevant document, the form is not filled out.

First you need to put a serial number in the first column. It has nothing to do with the "Job Details" section, so you need to start the countdown again. If a person has the first award, then you should put the number 1. Then, when making new marks about gratitude, you will need to write 2, 3, and so on.

In the second section, you must specify the date when the entry is made. This is followed by 3 columns, and it contains basic information about the event. There you need to indicate who awarded, what title or award the person received. In addition, it is written for what merit the person received gratitude. Here everything can be specified in a certain format.

Now consider a sample entry about a letter of thanks in a work book. For example, a person received an order, in which case it should be written like this:

"Open joint-stock company Gvozdika (JSC Gvozdika). He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 3rd class.

The mark will look something like this, but, of course, the information will change depending on the situation. As a rule, all important information can be obtained directly in the order or letter. In the fourth column, you should write on the basis of which document the entry is made. For example, on the basis of Order No. 85 of 11.08.2005. Be sure to specify the organization, for example, the Ministry of Health.

It is important to write everything without errors, otherwise you will have to make changes later. In no case should anything be crossed out or glossed over, as this is not legal. If you need to correct the entry, then you will have to issue another order that will refute the erroneous one. It is also entered in the column on awards and refers to the entry where the blot was made. But, of course, it is better to write everything right at once, so that later due to an error there will be no difficulties. Then the personnel department will not have to adjust anything, and the employee will not have to worry about the mark of achievement.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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If an employee has a work book of 1973, then it provides for 2 sections: Information on awards, where information is entered on the awarding of an employee with state awards (orders, medals, honorary titles, etc.) and information on incentives, in which records are made about the promotion of an employee at the level of a particular employer. Please note that Article 191 of the Labor Code refers to employee incentives and rewarding them with a diploma, an announcement of gratitude. If an employee has such a work book, and the employer’s gratitude has been declared to him, then it must be entered in the “Information on Incentives” section.

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Encyclopedia on the design of work books on a turnkey basis from the Kadra System.

Information about the employee is entered in his work book in accordance with the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 and Instructions for filling out work books (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69 "On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books" ).

In accordance with Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to encourage employees who conscientiously perform labor obligations (announces gratitude, gives out an award, awards a valuable gift, a certificate of honor, presents to the title of the best in the profession).

A thank you note is a form of encouragement.

Enter an entry about the award (encouragement) in the employee's work book on the basis of the relevant order no later than a week in the following order. First, in column 3 of the section, in the form of a heading, indicate the full and abbreviated name of the organization. Under this heading in column 1, put the serial number of the record (numbering that grows throughout the employee's work). In column 2, indicate the date of the award. In column 3, write who awarded the employee, for what achievements and what award. In column 4, indicate the name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made.

An example of filling out the "Information about the award" section of the work book. The organization rewarded an employee with a cash bonus

Employee of the organization A.S. Kondratiev was awarded a cash prize for long work experience and successful work.

Responsible for maintaining personnel records made an entry about the promotion in Kondratieff.

Material from KSS "System Personnel"
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Copy date: 05/08/2016

With respect and best wishes comfortable work, Ekaterina Zaitseva,

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