Introduction of new technologies into production. New technologies in production. The main generalizing indicator of the effectiveness of scientific and technical measures is the rate of increase in the efficiency of production of specific types of products from the introduction of new technology - reflecting

  • 25.04.2020

The introduction of the latest technology intensifies and accelerates production processes while improving working conditions, ensures the continuity of production processes, and reduces the cost of products.

Such a system facilitates the transition to another position and the introduction new technology. It improves productivity through

RESISTANCE TO CHANGE. People may also use the informal organization to discuss anticipated or actual changes that may occur in their department or organization. In informal organizations, there is a tendency to resist change. This is partly because change can threaten the continued existence of an informal organization. Reorganization, introduction of new technology, expansion of production and, consequently, the emergence of a large group of new employees, etc. may lead to the disintegration of an informal group or organization, or to a reduction in opportunities for interaction and satisfaction of social needs. Sometimes such changes can enable specific groups to achieve position and power.

American mandarins - professional managers with master's and bachelor's degrees - are now under fire for their contribution to this unfortunate situation. The first salvo was fired by Business Week in its issue of July 21, 1980, which wrote Too many managers have lost their understanding of the main tasks of satisfying customer needs, reducing costs and increasing productivity, developing and implementing new technologies, and making risky decisions. More often than not, they are tempted by the opportunity to invite certified administrators, armed with knowledge of the most modern methods strategic planning. Masters and bachelors in business strategy are smart, but all too often they fail to put their ideas into action and the firms they work for lose their ability to act.

The second problem of the industry of the United States is connected with the specifics of the organization of trade unions - they unite workers according to professions, and not according to enterprises, as in Japan. Therefore, American unions are most resolutely opposed to the introduction of a new technology that can radically change the usual production operations.

Costs, the value of which does not change from the introduction of new technology, rub.

For the effective functioning of the Russian oil complex, it is extremely important to create an interest in combining the efforts of oil production, processing and marketing enterprises in order to save on production costs and based on the introduction of new technologies.

Directions for improving sectoral planning are determined by the tasks of ensuring the complexity of sectoral planned designs, increasing the economic efficiency of planned decisions for the development of individual industries and types of industries. To date, large inter-industry and multi-industry complexes have developed in the country, uniting industries closely related by the unity of the purpose of their products or the commonality of their production technology. Such changes in the object of planning should also be reflected in the content of the sectoral section of the national economic plan, which, along with individual sectors, should also cover complexes of interrelated industries. This will make it possible to better orient sectoral designs towards meeting final social needs, to ensure structural shifts and intersectoral ties in plans, dictated by the requirements of scientific and technological progress and the fullest use of production potential. In anticipation of such a need, from the very beginning of the design of the ASPR, it was decided to create in its structure a number of subsystems of sectoral complexes, in which methods and tools are developed to determine the need for the final product of the complex for optimizing the proportions of development and intersectoral relations included in the complex of sectors of planning scientific and technological development , the introduction of new technologies, improving the quality of products and services of the complex, the formation of a regulatory framework for calculating the needs of the complex in all types of resources, substantiating tasks for improving the management of the complex. With the formation of integrated planning departments in the USSR State Planning Committee, not only fundamental possibilities are created, but also the necessary organizational prerequisites for the development and implementation of these subsystems.

In turn, the development of the industry, the region and the country as a whole is closely related to the efficiency of the enterprise, the introduction of new production technologies.

Implementation of a new acid treatment technology when testing exploration wells with temperatures above 150°C, etc.

In cases significant changes, such as the release of a new product, the introduction of new technologies and new equipment that require budgets are developed for a period of five or even more years. An increasing number of companies use budgets as the main tool in long-term planning.

In cases of significant changes (for example, the release of a new product, the introduction of new technologies and equipment) that require additional capital investments, budgets are developed for five years or more. More and more organizations are using budgets as the main tool for long-term planning.

The choice by investors of the shares of a particular joint-stock company is also influenced by the direction of use of funds mobilized by issuing securities, supported by appropriate feasibility studies or business plans. These areas include the organization of new production, expansion, modernization or reconstruction of the existing one, environmental protection measures, development and implementation of new technologies, commercial activities in the field of production, processing, transportation, and trade. Directions for the use of funds can be divided depending on the duration of the investment. The more diverse the use of funds, the more stable the stock price, the higher dividends, and the lower the risk of bankruptcy. However, real investment projects can be carried out by those joint-stock companies that ensure the liquidity of issued securities and are able to place their new issues in a short time.

At the same time, significant reserves for increasing the efficiency of the use of working capital lie directly in the economic entity itself. In manufacturing, this applies primarily to inventories. As one of the components of working capital, they play an important role in ensuring the continuity of the production process. At the same time, inventories represent that part of the means of production that is temporarily not involved in the production process. The rational organization of inventories is an important condition for increasing the efficiency of their use. Reduction of stay current assets in work in progress is achieved by overcoming the negative trend towards a decrease in capital productivity, the introduction of new technologies, the renewal of the production apparatus, etc.

An important role in the restoration and development was played by innovators - high-speed drilling, who deployed 6qpb6y for work in forced modes, for achieving highest speeds drilling. In oil production, there is a widespread movement to establish optimal well operating conditions. All this taken together allowed the oil industry to successfully cope with the tasks of the fourth five-year plan. The pre-war level of oil production was reached by the end of 1948, and in 1950 it amounted to 37.9 million tons. Specific gravity Eastern regions in the total oil production reached 44%. Many new oil fields were discovered in Tataria (Romashkinskoye), the Volga region, Central Asia, under the bottom of the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan, in the Krasnodar Territory and other regions. Since 1948, the industrial introduction of a new technology for the development of oil fields began - edge flooding.

Along with the introduction of new oil production technology, secondary production methods were used in old areas - areal flooding, forced withdrawal of fluid from heavily flooded reservoirs, etc.

To understand this phenomenon, let's refer to Professor Shoichi Watanabe, who explained it by analogy with the weft loom weaving the warp threads. According to him, the system of lifetime employment provides an exceptionally strong and reliable basis, thanks to guaranteed employment, the weft of new technologies is woven into this basis. In the US and Western Europe, the situation is qualitatively different. Workers are constantly at risk of losing their jobs due to the introduction of new technology. No wonder they vehemently oppose it.

As the president noted, the energy problem is one of the most critical that the United States is now facing. The country's energy sources are unable to meet the ever-increasing demand, and if we do not take urgent and effective measures, we will face a real energy crisis in the coming years. In this regard, the president announced the creation of an energy policy department under the government, whose task will be to coordinate energy policy at the highest level. In addition, in order to balance the use and save energy and

In conditions of fierce competition, no enterprise can exist for a long time without making noticeable improvements in its work. As a result of the introduction new technology and technology in the activities of the enterprise, the quality increases and the characteristics of products progress, as well as the means, methods and organization of production are improved. The introduction of innovations is carried out, as a rule, in the following areas:

    development of new and modernization of manufactured products;

    introduction of new technologies, machines, equipment, tools and materials into production;

    use of new information technologies and new ways of producing products;

    improvement and application of new progressive methods, means and rules for organizing and managing production.

The tasks of the comprehensive improvement of technology and the organization of production are directly linked to the needs of the market. First of all, the products that the enterprise should master are determined, its potential consumers and competitors. These issues are solved by engineers, marketers and economists who develop an enterprise development strategy and its technical policy. Based on this policy, the direction of the technical development of production and the market sector in which the enterprise is going to gain a foothold are determined.

The innovative activity of the enterprise for the development, implementation, development of innovations includes:

    carrying out research and development work to develop the idea of ​​innovation, conduct laboratory research, manufacture laboratory samples new products, types of new equipment, new designs and products;

    selection of the necessary types of raw materials and materials for the manufacture of new types of products;

    development technological process manufacturing new products;

    design, manufacture, testing and mastering of samples of new equipment necessary for the manufacture of products;

    development and implementation of new organizational and managerial decisions aimed at the implementation of innovations;

    research, development or acquisition of the necessary information resources and information support of innovations;

    training, education, retraining and special recruitment methods;

    carrying out work or acquiring the necessary documentation for licensing, patenting, acquiring know-how;

    organizing and conducting marketing research to promote innovation, etc.

The totality of managerial, technological and economic methods that ensure the development, creation and implementation of innovations, is the innovation policy of the enterprise. The purpose of such a policy is to provide the company with significant advantages over competing firms and, ultimately, increase the profitability of production and sales.

For the implementation of innovative activities, it is necessary to have the innovative potential of an enterprise, which is characterized as a combination of various resources, including:

    intellectual (technological documentation, patents, licenses, business plans for the development of innovations, an innovative program of the enterprise);

    material (experimental and instrumental base, technological equipment, area resource);

    financial (own, borrowed, investment, federal, grant);

    personnel (leader-innovator; personnel interested in innovations; partnership and personal relations of employees with research institutes and universities; experience in conducting innovation procedures; experience in project management);

    infrastructural (own divisions, department of the chief technologist, marketing department of new products, patent and legal department, information department, Competitive Intelligence Department);

    other resources necessary for the implementation of innovative activities.

The choice of a particular strategy depends on the state of the innovative potential, which in this case can be defined as a measure of readiness to fulfill the goals set in the field of innovative development of the enterprise. Practice shows that not all enterprises need to master new technologies, despite the constant increase in the importance of innovation. Some types and forms economic activity, let's say small pharmaceutical enterprises, are unable to independently develop new drugs. And for enterprises that are in complete decline or at the stage of bankruptcy, it simply does not make sense to modernize production.

Innovations in the sphere of material production are closely related to investments. The development and production of new products, the use of new equipment and technology become real only if they can be financed. Financial resources, intended for investment, are conditionally divided at enterprises in the following areas:

    development and production of new products (in this case, progressive changes are almost always made in the technology and organization of production, which ensures the comprehensive and rapid introduction of advanced scientific achievements into production);

    technical re-equipment (a form of updating the production apparatus, when the old production equipment and technology are permanently replaced with a new one, with higher technical and economic indicators);

    expansion of production (involves the construction of new additional workshops and other divisions of the main production, as well as new auxiliary and service workshops and sites);

    reconstruction (activities related both to the replacement of morally obsolete and physically worn-out machines and equipment, and to the improvement and restructuring of buildings and structures);

    new construction (it is expedient only to accelerate the development of the most promising and developing products and industries, as well as to master fundamentally new equipment and technology that does not fit into traditional production structures).

Enterprises are at high risk when introducing new products or new technology. The level of risk varies greatly and is directly dependent on the degree of novelty of the product or technology. It is no secret that the higher the novelty, the higher the uncertainty of how the product will be perceived by the market. There are various approaches to classifying and identifying the diverse types of uncertainties that affect performance. innovation process, including: scientific and technical, marketing, financial, legal, environmental and other risks. The main failures with the introduction of new products to the market are considered to be:

    insufficient analysis of external factors of the environment for the functioning of the enterprise, prospects for the development of the market and the behavior of competitors;

    insufficient analysis of internal innovation, production, financial and other opportunities;

    ineffective marketing and insufficient (or unprofessional) support for a new product when it is introduced to the market.

When considering the generally recognized shortcomings of introducing innovation to the market, we can conclude that the success of innovative technologies can largely depend on the management system used in the enterprise in general and innovative technologies in particular.

The need for an integrated approach to the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology and production organization introduces significant amendments to the conceptual apparatus and production management system. When using new engineering solutions, production is forced to rely on scientific developments in the field of economics, sociology, mathematics, biology and other sciences. Thus, the concept of "introduction of new technology" expanded and became an integral part of the concept of "scientific and technological progress", which characterizes the development of science and technology and their practical application to solve the socio-economic and political problems.

The main directions of implementation of new technology in the enterprise

Selina O.V.

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Transport, f-a economy and management of the Ural state university means of communication Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg e-mail: [email protected]

Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department "Economics of transport", f-Economics and management Ural state University of Railways Russia, Ekaterinburg e-mail: [email protected]

Bazheeva E.O.

4th year student, Faculty of Economics and Management, Ural State University of Railways of the Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg e-mail: [email protected]

4th year student, f-Economics and management Ural state University of Railways Russia, Ekaterinburg e-mail: [email protected]


In this article, the authors reveal the main directions for the introduction of new technology in the enterprise. The main reasons for the unsuccessful introduction of new products to the market are considered. The introduction of new technology in the enterprise is relevant and extremely significant today, as it is necessary for survival, competitiveness and further prosperity. Of course, the main condition for creating a competitive strategic perspective of a manufacturing enterprise can be its activity in the innovation sphere. The problem of introducing new technology in the enterprise is relevant and extremely significant today, as it is necessary for survival, competitiveness and further prosperity. The purpose of this article is to develop the main directions for the introduction of new technology in the enterprise.

In this article, the authors revealed the main directions of implementation of new technology in the enterprise. Discuss the main reasons for the unsuccessful launch of new products to the market. The introduction of new

technology in the enterprise is important and extremely significant in our day, as it is necessary for survival, maintaining competitiveness and prosperity. Of course, that the main condition of creation of competitive production of the strategic prospects of the enterprise may be his activity in the innovative sphere. The problem of introducing new technology in the enterprise is relevant and extremely important in our days, as it is necessary for survival, maintaining competitiveness and prosperity. The purpose of this article is to develop guidelines for the implementation of new technology in the enterprise.

Keywords: the introduction of new technology, the sale of new products, competition, the risks of introducing new technology.

Key words: the introduction of new technology, implementation of new products, competition, risks of developing new technology.

Global external processes, for example, the growth and needs of the population, the evolution of science and technology, the universally developed reproduction and competition, are forcing today's manufacturing enterprises to introduce something new in all spheres of its activity.

The progression of the market and market relations, the decline in production volumes, the increase in the number of insolvent organizations and enterprises change the mechanism for regulating scientific and technological progress, affect the creation and implementation of new technology, as a foundation economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and the economy as a whole.

In situations of strong competition, enterprises that do not make significant improvements in their work will not be able to survive for a long time. As mentioned above, enterprises introducing new equipment and technologies into their activities improve the quality of products, improve the means, methods and organization of production. The introduction of new technology is usually carried out in the following areas:

Development of new products, its modernization.

Putting into production new technologies, equipment, materials, etc.

Application of new methods of production, as well as new information technologies.

Application and improvement of new progressive methods and rules for organizing and managing production.

The improvement of technology and organization of production is directly related to the needs of the market, the products that the enterprise needs to master, as well as its potential consumers and competitors, are determined. All these issues at the enterprise are solved by marketers, engineers, economists who develop strategies for the development of the enterprise. Based on these strategies, the directions of technical development of production and the market sector for which it is worth gaining a foothold are determined.

The innovative activity of an enterprise that develops, implements and masters innovations includes:

1) Carrying out research work to create innovation ideas, performing laboratory research, manufacturing new types of equipment, structures and products.

2) Selection of the necessary raw materials and materials for the production of new types of products.

3) Creation of a technological process for the development of new products.

4) Development, manufacture, development of samples of new technology that will be necessary for the manufacture of products.

5) Development and adoption of new organizational and management decisions, which are aimed at the implementation of innovations.

6) Training and education of personnel.

7) Search necessary documentation for patenting, licensing and acquiring know-how

8) Carrying out market research to promote innovation.

The innovation policy of the state is the unification of managerial, economic and technological method who develop and create innovations. Its purpose is to provide the enterprise with significant advantages in comparison with competitors, therefore, increasing the profitability of production and marketing of products.

For the implementation of innovative activities, it is necessary to have the innovative potential of the enterprise, which is characterized by the combination of such resources as:

P material (equipment, space resource);

P intellectual (documentation, business plans, licenses);

P financial (investment, own and borrowed resources);

personnel (personnel who is interested in innovation; experience in innovation and project management);

infrastructural (marketing department, chief technologist, etc.);

other resources that are necessary for the implementation of innovative activities.

The choice of this or that strategy directly depends on the state of the innovative potential of the enterprise, which is determined as far as the readiness to fulfill all the goals in the field of innovative development.

As practice shows, not all enterprises need to master new technologies. For example, small pharmaceutical organizations are unable to independently invent new drugs. And for such enterprises that are at the stage of bankruptcy, it makes no sense to modernize production. The sale and production of new products, the use of new technology is possible only if they are financed. Financing, which is intended for investment, is figuratively divided into the following areas:

1) Development and implementation of new products (introducing significant changes in technology and organization of production, ensuring the holistic and rapid introduction of advanced scientific achievements into the production of the enterprise).

2) Technical re-equipment (updating the production apparatus, permanent replacement of obsolete equipment and technology with a newer one).

3) Expansion of production (construction of new workshops, divisions of the main and auxiliary production).

4) Reconstruction (replacement of obsolete and worn-out equipment, as well as improvement of buildings and structures).

5) New construction.

When introducing new products and techniques, risk cannot be avoided. Its level varies significantly and directly depends on the novelty of the product or technology. The greater the degree of novelty, the greater the uncertainty of how the product will be received in the market. The main reasons for the unsuccessful launch of new products on the market are:

defective analysis external environment the functioning of the enterprise, as well as the behavior of competitors and development prospects in the market;

P defective analysis of the internal capabilities of the enterprise;

P ineffective marketing and insufficient support for a new product when it is brought to market.

When analyzing the generally accepted shortcomings of introducing innovation to the market, we can say that the success of innovative technologies largely depends on the management systems that are used in the enterprise. Significant amendments to the conceptual apparatus and production management system are introduced by the need for an integrated approach to the creation and implementation of new equipment and the organization of production. Using new engineering solutions, production is based on scientific developments in various fields, thereby the concept of introducing new technology is expanding and is an integral part of the concept of scientific and technological progress, which characterizes the development of science and technology.

Conclusion. Improving the technology for the production of manufactured products with subsequent implementation in the domestic and foreign markets, the use and extraction of the results of scientific

research and development related to expanding and updating the range and improving the quality of these products are the leading areas of innovation.

The introduction of new equipment and technologies contributes to the fulfillment of one of the main tasks of the enterprise - the extraction of maximum profit at minimum cost.

Evaluation of the economic efficiency of measures to introduce new equipment and technology is very important, since their implementation requires significant material and financial costs. The economic goal of an innovative solution is the right choice of new technology that will provide an influx of real Money which is more than the initial investment.


1. Beketov, N.V. Principles and methods for assessing the economic efficiency of functioning construction firms/N.V. Beketov // Economic analysis. Theory and practice. - 2008. - No. 4. - S. 12-32.

2. Innovation: Tutorial/ A.V. Barysheva, K.V. Baldin, I.I. Perederyaev; Under total ed. prof., d.t.s. A.V. Barysheva. - 3rd ed. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2012. - 384 p.: 60x84 1/16. (hardback) ISBN 978-5-394-005152, 1000 copies.

3. Gruzinov V. P. Efficiency of management of industrial enterprises: theoretical aspect// V. P. Gruzinov, I. A. Astafieva // Automotive industry, 2012. - No. 8.

4. Gracheva, M.V. Risk - analysis of the investment project: Textbook for universities / M.V. Gracheva. - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2009. - 351s.

5. V. I. Radchenko, S. V. Rachek, and A. Yu. Methodology for the coordination of management decisions // Economics railways. - 2012. - № 3. - S. 97.

6. Obukhova O.V. Structural-logical model for determining the effectiveness of innovations // Management of economic systems: electronic Science Magazine. - 2011. - No. 35. - S. 42.

7. Obukhova O.V., Pikalin Yu.A., Rachek S.V. Economic analysis of the activities of regional structures of railway transport in the context of innovations // scientific problems transport of Siberia and Far East. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 131-133.

In conditions of fierce competition, no enterprise can exist for a long time without making noticeable improvements in its work. As a result of the introduction of new equipment and technology into the activities of the enterprise, the quality increases and the characteristics of products progress, as well as the means, methods and organization of production are improved. The introduction of innovations is carried out, as a rule, in the following areas:

development of new and modernization of manufactured products;

introduction of new technologies, machines, equipment, tools and materials into production;

use of new information technologies and new ways of production;

· improvement and application of new progressive methods, means and rules of organization and management of production.

The tasks of the comprehensive improvement of technology and the organization of production are directly linked to the needs of the market. First of all, the products that the enterprise should develop, its potential consumers and competitors are determined. These issues are solved by engineers, marketers and economists who develop an enterprise development strategy and its technical policy. Based on this policy, the direction of the technical development of production and the market sector in which the enterprise is going to gain a foothold are determined.

The innovative activity of the enterprise for the development, implementation, development of innovations includes:

carrying out research and design work to develop the idea of ​​innovation, conduct laboratory research, manufacture laboratory samples of new products, types of new equipment, new designs and products;

selection of the necessary types of raw materials and materials for the manufacture of new types of products;

development of a technological process for the manufacture of new products;

design, manufacture, testing and mastering of samples of new equipment necessary for the manufacture of products;

development and implementation of new organizational and managerial solutions aimed at the implementation of innovations;

research, development or acquisition of the necessary information resources and information support of innovations;

training, education, retraining and special recruitment methods;

carrying out work or acquiring the necessary documentation for licensing, patenting, acquiring know-how;

organizing and conducting marketing research to promote innovation, etc.

The set of managerial, technological and economic methods that ensure the development, creation and implementation of innovations is the innovation policy of the enterprise. The purpose of such a policy is to provide the company with significant advantages over competing firms and, ultimately, increase the profitability of production and sales.

For the implementation of innovative activities, it is necessary to have the innovative potential of an enterprise, which is characterized as a combination of various resources, including:

intellectual (technological documentation, patents, licenses, business plans for the development of innovations, an innovative program of the enterprise);

material (experimental and instrumental base, technological equipment, area resource);

financial (own, borrowed, investment, federal, grant);

personnel (leader-innovator; personnel interested in innovations; partnership and personal relations of employees with research institutes and universities; experience in conducting innovation procedures; experience in project management);

· infrastructural (own divisions, department of the chief technologist, marketing department of new products, patent and legal department, information department, competitive intelligence department);

· other resources necessary for the implementation of innovative activities.

The choice of a particular strategy depends on the state of the innovative potential, which in this case can be defined as a measure of readiness to fulfill the goals set in the field of innovative development of the enterprise. Practice shows that not all enterprises need to master new technologies, despite the constant increase in the importance of innovation. Some types and forms of economic activity, say small pharmaceutical enterprises, are unable to independently develop new drugs. And for enterprises that are in complete decline or at the stage of bankruptcy, it simply does not make sense to modernize production. Innovations in the sphere of material production are closely related to investments. The development and production of new products, the use of new equipment and technology become real only if they can be financed. Financial resources intended for investment are conditionally divided at enterprises in the following areas:

development and production of new products (in this case, progressive changes are almost always made in the technology and organization of production, which ensures the comprehensive and rapid introduction of advanced scientific achievements into production);

technical re-equipment (a form of updating the production apparatus, when the old production equipment and technology are permanently replaced with a new one, with higher technical and economic indicators);

Expansion of production (involves the construction of new additional workshops and other divisions of the main production, as well as new auxiliary and service workshops and sites);

Reconstruction (activities related to both the replacement of obsolete and physically worn out machines and equipment, and the improvement and restructuring of buildings and structures);

New construction (it is advisable only to accelerate the development of the most promising and developing products and industries, as well as to master fundamentally new equipment and technology that does not fit into traditional production structures).

Enterprises are at high risk when introducing new products or new technology. The level of risk varies greatly and is directly dependent on the degree of novelty of the product or technology. It is no secret that the higher the novelty, the higher the uncertainty of how the product will be perceived by the market. There are various approaches to classifying and identifying diverse uncertainties that affect the efficiency of the innovation process, including: scientific and technical, marketing, financial, legal, environmental and other risks. The main failures with the introduction of new products to the market are considered to be:

Insufficient analysis of external factors of the environment for the functioning of the enterprise, prospects for the development of the market and the behavior of competitors;

· Insufficient analysis of internal innovation, production, financial and other opportunities;

Ineffective marketing and insufficient (or unprofessional) support for a new product when it is brought to market.

When considering the generally recognized shortcomings of introducing innovation to the market, we can conclude that the success of innovative technologies can largely depend on the management system used in the enterprise in general and innovative technologies in particular. The need for an integrated approach to the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology and production organization introduces significant amendments to the conceptual apparatus and production management system. When using new engineering solutions, production is forced to rely on scientific developments in the field of economics, sociology, mathematics, biology and other sciences. Thus, the concept of "introduction of new technology" expanded and became an integral part of the concept of "scientific and technological progress", which characterizes the development of science and technology and their practical application to solve the socio-economic and political problems.

innovative technology introduction

* this work is not a scientific work, is not a graduation qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information, intended for use as a source of material for self-study educational work.


1. The importance of introducing new equipment and technology to improve production efficiency

2. The main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise

3. Economic efficiency events on engineering and technology




Objective external global processes, such as population growth and its growing needs, the development of science and technology, general expanded reproduction and competition, force modern manufacturing enterprises to innovate in all areas of their activities.

The development of the market and market relations, the reduction in production volumes, the growth in the number of insolvent enterprises and organizations have changed the mechanism for managing scientific and technological progress, influenced the pace and nature of research, development and design and survey work, the development and implementation of innovations (innovations) as the basis for economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the organization and the economy as a whole.

It is quite obvious that one of the main conditions for the formation of a competitive strategic perspective of an industrial enterprise can be its innovative activity. Around the world, innovation today is not a whim, but a necessity for survival, competitiveness and continued prosperity. That is why the problem of introducing new equipment and technology at the enterprise is relevant and extremely significant today. The urgency of this problem determined the topic of our work. The purpose of our work is to analyze the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology in the enterprise.

1. The importance of introducing new equipment and technology to improve production efficiency.

The introduction of innovations is increasingly seen as the only way to increase the competitiveness of manufactured goods, maintain high rates of development and profitability. Therefore, enterprises, overcoming economic difficulties, began to conduct developments in the field of product and technological innovations on their own. There are many definitions of innovation activity. Yes, according to the project federal law"On Innovation Activity" dated December 23, 1999, innovation activity is a process aimed at translating the results of scientific research and development or other scientific and technological achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, into a new or improved technological process used in practical activities.

ON THE. Safronov gives the following concept of innovation: innovation is a system of measures for the use of scientific, scientific, technical and intellectual potential in order to obtain a new or improved product or service, a new way of their production to meet both individual demand and the needs of society for innovation as a whole. .

Relevance of implementation technological developments due to two groups of changes in the environment of the enterprise, having a domestic and international nature. In other words, enterprises are under pressure from the external and internal markets. This pressure is expressed in changing consumer behavior; development of markets for goods and services and, as a result, increased competition; global development of new diverse technologies; globalization of supply and demand.

Before talking about the importance of innovations to improve production efficiency, it is necessary to define the concept of innovation, identify the types of innovation, and also describe the main forms of organization of the innovation process.

Innovation (innovation) is a new way to meet needs, giving an increase in useful effect, as a result of the development and mastering of the production of new or improved products, technologies and processes.

It is customary to distinguish between the following types of innovation:

Technological innovation is the activity of an enterprise associated with the development and development of new technological processes.

Product innovation involves the development and implementation of new or improved products.

Process innovation involves the development and development of new or significantly improved production methods, including the use of a new, more modern production equipment, new methods of organizing the production process or their combination.

In foreign and Russian practice, there are three basic forms of organization of the innovation process: administrative and economic, program-targeted and initiative. The administrative and economic form implies the presence of a research and production center - a large or medium-sized corporation that combines research and development, production and marketing of new products. The program-target form provides for the work of program participants in their organizations and the coordination of their activities from the program control center. The initiative form consists in financing activities and administrative assistance to inventors - singles, initiative groups, as well as small firms created to develop and master innovations.

The main forms of organization of innovative activity at present are:

Scientific centers and laboratories as part of corporate structures;

Temporary creative scientific teams or centers that are created to solve certain major and original scientific and technical problems;

State scientific centers;

Various forms of technology park structures: science parks, technology and research parks, innovation, technology innovation and business innovation centers, business incubators, technopolises.

It should also be noted that innovation activities can be carried out by specialized research organizations as the main activity and represent the development of new products for sale in the market of innovative technologies. At the same time, the widest range of enterprises is engaged in the development of new technologies as an auxiliary direction for their use in the production of products.

The totality of interrelated processes and stages of innovation creation constitutes the life cycle of innovation, which is defined as the period of time from the birth of an idea to the removal from production of an innovative product implemented on its basis. In its life cycle, an innovation goes through a number of stages, namely:

Origin, accompanied by the implementation of the required amount of research and development work, the development and creation of an experimental batch of innovation;

Growth (industrial development with simultaneous entry of the product to the market);

Maturity (stage of serial or mass production and increase in sales volume);

Market saturation (maximum production and maximum sales);

Decline (curtailment of production and withdrawal of the product from the market).

The composition and structure of the life cycles of new equipment and technology are closely related to the parameters of production development. For example, in the first stage life cycle new equipment and technology, labor productivity is low, the cost of production decreases slowly, the profit of the enterprise slowly increases, or economic profit is even negative. During the period of rapid growth in output, the cost price is noticeably reduced, and the initial costs are paid off. Frequent change of equipment and technology creates great difficulties and instability of production. During the period of transition to new equipment and the development of new technological processes, the efficiency indicators of all departments of the enterprise decrease. That is why innovations in the field of technological processes and tools should be accompanied by new forms of organization and management, operational and detailed calculation of economic efficiency.

ON THE. Safronov highlights the factors that determine the importance of innovation:

The need to adapt the enterprise to new business conditions;

Changes in tax, monetary and financial policies;

Improvement and dynamics of sales markets and consumer preferences, i.e. demand pressure;

Activation of competitors;

Market fluctuations;

Structural industry changes;

The emergence of new cheap resources, the expansion of the market for factors of production, i.e. supply pressure;

The desire to increase sales;

Expansion of market share, transition to new markets;

Improving the competitiveness of the company;

Economic security and financial stability of the enterprise;

Profit maximization in the long run.

The process of diffusion of innovations is called technology diffusion. The rate of diffusion depends mainly on the effectiveness of the technological innovation. Moreover, the greater the number of enterprises used this innovation, the higher the losses of those enterprises that did not use it. Moreover, the sooner an enterprise starts to innovate, the faster (and cheaper) it will be able to catch up with the leaders.

This implies the need to highlight the conditions under which it is useful for enterprises to develop new products. These criteria are: the threat of obsolescence of existing products; the emergence of new customer needs; changing tastes and preferences of consumers; shortening the life cycle of goods; tougher competition. Among internal factors, at which the efficiency of innovations increases, can be called:

The ability of management and staff to identify and evaluate economic, social and technological changes in the external environment;

Orientation of management to the long term and the presence of clear strategic goals;

Developed sales and marketing system capable of researching and evaluating market trends;

Implementation of a continuous search for new market offers; ability to analyze and implement new ideas.

2. The main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology in the enterprise.

In conditions of fierce competition, no enterprise can exist for a long time without making noticeable improvements in its work. As a result of the introduction of new equipment and technology into the activities of the enterprise, the quality increases and the characteristics of products progress, as well as the means, methods and organization of production are improved. The introduction of innovations is carried out, as a rule, in the following areas:

Development of new and modernization of manufactured products;

Introduction into production of new technologies, machines, equipment, tools and materials;

Use of new information technologies and new ways of production;

Improvement and application of new progressive methods, means and rules for organizing and managing production.

The tasks of the comprehensive improvement of technology and the organization of production are directly linked to the needs of the market. First of all, the products that the enterprise should develop, its potential consumers and competitors are determined. These issues are solved by engineers, marketers and economists who develop an enterprise development strategy and its technical policy. Based on this policy, the direction of the technical development of production and the market sector in which the enterprise is going to gain a foothold are determined.

The innovative activity of the enterprise for the development, implementation, development of innovations includes:

Carrying out research and design work to develop the idea of ​​innovation, conduct laboratory research, manufacture laboratory samples of new products, types of new equipment, new designs and products;

Selection of the necessary types of raw materials and materials for the manufacture of new types of products;

Development of a technological process for the manufacture of new products;

Designing, manufacturing, testing and development of samples of new equipment necessary for the manufacture of products;

Development and implementation of new organizational and managerial decisions aimed at the implementation of innovations;

Research, development or acquisition of the necessary information resources and information support for innovations;

Training, education, retraining and special recruitment methods;

Carrying out work or acquiring the necessary documentation for licensing, patenting, acquiring know-how;

Organization and conduct of marketing research to promote innovation, etc.

The set of managerial, technological and economic methods that ensure the development, creation and implementation of innovations is the innovation policy of the enterprise. The purpose of such a policy is to provide the company with significant advantages over competing firms and, ultimately, increase the profitability of production and sales.

For the implementation of innovative activities, it is necessary to have the innovative potential of an enterprise, which is characterized as a combination of various resources, including:

Intellectual (technological documentation, patents, licenses, business plans for the development of innovations, an innovative program of the enterprise);

Material (experimental and instrumental base, technological equipment, area resource);

Financial (own, loan, investment, federal, grant);

Personnel (leader-innovator; personnel interested in innovations; partnership and personal relations of employees with research institutes and universities; experience in conducting innovation procedures; experience in project management);

Infrastructure (own divisions, chief technologist department, new product marketing department, patent law department, information department, competitive intelligence department);

Other resources necessary for the implementation of innovative activities.

The choice of a particular strategy depends on the state of the innovative potential, which in this case can be defined as a measure of readiness to fulfill the goals set in the field of innovative development of the enterprise. Practice shows that not all enterprises need to master new technologies, despite the constant increase in the importance of innovation. Some types and forms of economic activity, say small pharmaceutical enterprises, are unable to independently develop new drugs. And for enterprises that are in complete decline or at the stage of bankruptcy, it simply does not make sense to modernize production.

Innovations in the sphere of material production are closely related to investments. The development and production of new products, the use of new equipment and technology become real only if they can be financed. Financial resources intended for investment are conditionally divided at enterprises in the following areas:

Development and release of new products (in this case, progressive changes are almost always made in the technology and organization of production, which ensures the comprehensive and rapid introduction of advanced scientific achievements into production);

Technical re-equipment (a form of updating the production apparatus, when the old production equipment and technology are permanently replaced with a new one, with higher technical and economic indicators);

Expansion of production (involves the construction of new additional workshops and other divisions of the main production, as well as new auxiliary and service workshops and sites);

Reconstruction (activities related both to the replacement of morally obsolete and physically worn-out machines and equipment, and to the improvement and restructuring of buildings and structures);

New construction (it is expedient only to accelerate the development of the most promising and developing products and industries, as well as to master fundamentally new equipment and technology that does not fit into traditional production structures).

Enterprises are at high risk when introducing new products or new technology. The level of risk varies greatly and is directly dependent on the degree of novelty of the product or technology. It is no secret that the higher the novelty, the higher the uncertainty of how the product will be perceived by the market. There are various approaches to classifying and identifying diverse uncertainties that affect the efficiency of the innovation process, including: scientific and technical, marketing, financial, legal, environmental and other risks. The main failures with the introduction of new products to the market are considered to be:

Insufficient analysis of external factors of the environment for the functioning of the enterprise, prospects for the development of the market and the behavior of competitors;

Insufficient analysis of internal innovation, production, financial and other opportunities;

Ineffective marketing and insufficient (or unprofessional) support for a new product when it is introduced to the market.

When considering the generally recognized shortcomings of introducing innovation to the market, we can conclude that the success of innovative technologies can largely depend on the management system used in the enterprise in general and innovative technologies in particular.

The need for an integrated approach to the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology and production organization introduces significant amendments to the conceptual apparatus and production management system. When using new engineering solutions, production is forced to rely on scientific developments in the field of economics, sociology, mathematics, biology and other sciences. Thus, the concept of "introduction of new technology" expanded and became an integral part of the concept of "scientific and technological progress", which characterizes the development of science and technology and their practical application to solve the socio-economic and political problems.

3. Economic efficiency of engineering and technology measures.

The quality of the technological process is realized in its ability to create innovation. It is evaluated both from the standpoint of technical and technological characteristics, and the system of economic indicators.

In order for the introduction of new equipment and technology to be effective, such qualities as adaptability, flexibility, the ability to "embedded" in old production, synergy opportunities, a clear strategy, patents and technology licenses, highly qualified personnel, adequate organizational and managerial structures. All these concepts cannot be reduced to a single indicator, so the quality of technology is determined directly by the market, and the criterion for the whole variety of properties is economic efficiency.

When designing, developing and implementing new equipment and technology, the procedure for determining the economic efficiency of these measures consists of four stages. The first stage is the definition necessary costs for the implementation of innovative activities; the second is the identification of possible sources of funding; third - score economic effect from the introduction of new equipment and technology; the fourth is an assessment of the comparative effectiveness of innovation by comparing economic indicators. Thus, economic efficiency is characterized by the ratio of the economic effect obtained during the year and the costs of implementing this measure.

Widely used technical, economic and functional cost methods of analysis make it possible to establish the relationship between technical and economic indicators of processes and find an algorithm for optimal functioning. production systems. It is impossible to solve the problem of quality and economic efficiency of new equipment and technology separately. It is most expedient to apply a generalized technical and economic model, which reveals the impact of technical level indicators on generalizing technical and economic economic indicators: cost, productivity, reduced costs, etc. To do this, at the very beginning of the design of an innovation, it is necessary to choose an alternative option: 1) the optimal properties of the innovation with maximum economic efficiency or 2) the most perfect level of innovation with satisfactory economic efficiency.

The effectiveness of any innovative project is evaluated on the basis of " methodological recommendations for performance evaluation innovative projects and their selection for financing", approved by the State Construction Committee, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance and the State Committee for Industry of the Russian Federation on March 31, 1994. The following main indicators of the effectiveness of an innovative project have been established:

Financial (commercial) efficiency, taking into account the financial implications for the budgets of all levels;

Budget efficiency, taking into account the financial implications of the project implementation for its direct participants;

National economic efficiency, taking into account costs and results that go beyond the direct financial interests of the project participants and allow for monetary expression. For large-scale (significantly affecting the interests of the region or country) projects, it is recommended to evaluate the economic efficiency.

The effectiveness of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise is determined by assessing the conditions for the success of the enterprise's innovative activity in comparison with past experience and previously established trends. Analysis of the effectiveness of new equipment and technology requires the study of not only novelty and priority, but also such important properties as the ability to adapt to existing conditions, the ability to readjust the production apparatus. Of particular note is such a property of technology, technology and organization as flexibility.

An increase in the technical and organizational level of production is ultimately manifested in the level of use of the main elements of the production process: labor, means of labor and objects of labor. That is why such economic indicators as labor productivity, capital productivity, material intensity, turnover working capital, reflecting the intensity of the use of production resources, are indicators of the economic efficiency of increasing the level of applied new equipment and technology.

Among the indicators of increasing the economic efficiency of measures for technical and organizational development the following can be distinguished:

Increment of labor productivity, relative deviation of the number of employees and wage fund;

Increment of material output (reduction of material consumption), relative deviation in the cost of material resources;

Increase in capital productivity (decrease in capital intensity) of fixed assets, relative deviation of fixed assets;

Increment in the speed of turnover of working capital, relative deviation (release or binding) of working capital;

Increase in the volume of output due to the intensification of the use of labor, material and financial resources;

Increase in profit or production cost;

Increment of indicators of the financial condition and solvency of the enterprise.

The proposed system of indicators of the economic efficiency of new technology is the same for all branches of material production.


It is quite obvious that in modern conditions the formation of market relations requires revolutionary qualitative changes, the transition to fundamentally new technologies, to the technology of subsequent generations.

In the conditions of modern competition, the reduction of the life cycle of goods and services, the development of new diverse technologies, one of the main conditions for the formation of a competitive strategic perspective of an industrial enterprise is increasingly becoming its innovative activity.

Enterprises that form strategic behavior based on an innovative approach, main goal of the strategic plan put the development of new technologies, the release of new goods and services, have the opportunity to win leadership positions in the market, maintain high rates of development, reduce costs, achieve high profit margins.

An analysis of the strategic behavior of an innovative product on the market shows that industrial enterprises it is necessary to constantly monitor the development of science and technology in order to introduce the latest achievements in these areas in manufacturing process and timely abandonment of used obsolete products and technologies for their production. Sources of environmental information include industry conferences, trade papers and magazines, scientific information networks, professional meetings, business reports, personal experience and other channels.


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