What to do if the Internet speed suddenly drops. Internet slows down. What should I do to get it back to high speed. Tariff and real numbers

  • 28.03.2020

It happens that after buying and connecting a router, the user notices a decrease in the speed of working with the Internet. Those. in other words, the speed drops through the router and this happens not only when working through a wireless network, but also with a wired connection.

For example, when working directly, the speed was about 50 Mbps, when connected through a router, it drops to 40 Mbps. Moreover, the speed drop on the router is not observed when it is connected to another provider. Why this happens and how to solve this problem - let's understand further.

Speed ​​testing

First you need to figure it out, and it’s precisely on the router that the speed drops or the decrease is caused by other factors. Go to the site 2ip.ru/speed/ and click - "Test".

Website for speed testing

For your information, you can check the speed of your network on other sites (internet.yandex.ru, speedtest.net).

If during the process of repeated testing the connection speed drops by 10-20% from a direct connection, then the router is to blame.

Another decrease in connection speed can be seen when watching IP-TV. If the speed has decreased, then the image may “jump” or freeze, or it may even disappear for 1-2 seconds. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

Reasons for slowing down

Decrease in wireless network

Wireless network operation

When working over a wireless network, even when using the “newfangled” 802.11n protocol, the connection speed may not be sufficient. Theoretically, speed indicators should be about 300 Mbps, but in practice you can “squeeze out” about 75 Mbps. And if you connect a large number of wireless devices, the speed may drop significantly.

We conclude that when working over a wireless network, the router always reduces the speed. But how much, it all depends on the hardware of the router itself.

Decrease in routing

The speed performance of the router directly depends on the communication protocol used by your provider. So, when working with DHCP or Static IP, the majority of routers show good speed characteristics, and already with the VPN protocol, a decrease in speed can be observed and a significant drop can be seen when using PPTP. The speed of WAN-LAN routing is to blame for everything. The main reasons for the speed decrease can be “weak hardware” or poor router firmware. It often happens that the router works worse with the factory firmware than with the updated one.

Router input

It also happens that the speed decreases due to the “weak” processor of the router itself (for example, it is generally impossible to work with the VPN protocol with a 240 MHz processor). Although it also happens that on “weak hardware”, but with “successful” firmware, the router gives good speed performance.

You can get acquainted with the results of testing the operation of the main models of routers on a specialized website - www.smallnetbuilder.com.

Router test site

Decline on simultaneously open connections

It also happens that only one computer is connected to the router, and the speed drops. This can be caused by a large number of connections. After all, any program or process (even “hidden”) is able to create a connection and more than one, and this can significantly slow down the operation of the router.

The most “gluttonous” program in terms of the number of connections is the torrent client. This program, by default, has an unlimited number of connections. And a regular router “cuts” the speed if the number of connections goes beyond 100-200.

The problem can be solved by changing the torrent settings.

Torrent settings menu

Go to the torrent settings section, find the "Speed" parameter, there you can see the setting - The maximum number of connections, this number can be changed, set as much as you think is necessary for comfortable work online.

There are cases when directly, even with a large number of connections, the speed indicators were normal, and when the router was connected, they decreased. It should be borne in mind that with a direct connection, your computer was connected to the provider's router and it often happens that this router is much more powerful than your home router, and it can easily cope with a large number of connections.

How to solve a problem

If you are sure that the speed drop is due to your router, then there are several options for solving this problem. We will not consider the option of replacing the router with a more expensive model.

Option two. If possible, change provider. With protocols such as DHCP, or PPPoE, even the most "weak hardware" can give good results. Your provider started working on the VPN protocol and the speed immediately dropped, which means you need to change either the router or the provider.

A separate problem is the decrease in speed when working over a wireless network. After all, the farther you are from the access point, the lower the data transfer rate.

The intensity of the wave decreases with increasing distance, and in proportion to the square of the distance. It is necessary to take into account reflections from various "conductive" surfaces, the presence of diffraction on metal fittings in the walls - all this leads to a significant decrease in speed performance.

You can set the router to a slower protocol (802.11g). This should offload the router's processor, with a large number of connections. At the same time, nothing needs to be changed in wireless devices.

Protocol replacement option

There is another option for setting the speed of the router, it is very often advised to use it on thematic forums. If your connection is DHCP, then the DNS addresses must be set explicitly.

Option to set DNS addresses

Let's see why the Internet speed drops sharply and how it can be increased. Unfortunately, no one can give a definitive answer to this question. The thing is that many factors affect the speed of data transfer over the network.

All reasons can be divided into two groups: depending and not depending on you. The first you can fix yourself, to solve the second - you should call a specialist. Let's look at the main reasons that cause problems when using the Internet?

Reasons up to you

All the reasons that you can influence and eliminate them yourself come down to installing programs, properly configuring them, searching for viruses and checking the router.

Viruses, antiviruses and firewalls

One of the most popular problems is getting a virus into the computer. There are many programs that allow you to fully track your actions: transitions, entering passwords, reading personal information, and more. For this reason, the Internet speed may drop to zero, if the virus is not removed, the computer as a whole may also slow down.

The algorithm for solving this problem:

  • install an antivirus program;
  • scan your computer for threats;
  • all detected viruses - delete;
  • configure the program so that it works constantly and does not allow viruses to enter your computer.

Often the reason for the slow loading of traffic from the network is the antivirus itself, as well as its firewall.

The program and firewalls check the information as soon as it enters the computer. Of course, this negatively affects the speed of downloaded information and the operation of the system as a whole.

For diagnostics it is necessary:

  1. disable the antivirus program and all firewalls;
  2. wait a bit so that all processes stop exactly;
  3. check internet download speed.

Evaluation result:

  • if the speed has not changed, look for another reason;
  • if the speed has increased, update the program or install another antivirus.

Operating system

In some cases, the operation of the Internet is slowed down by the operating system. This is especially true for owners of devices on which various assemblies of operating systems are installed, since in most cases they are of poor quality. Such a system will definitely affect the speed of traffic transmission from the network.

Video: slow internet speed. Causes and diagnosis

Router Limitations

Perhaps the router you are using is not designed for high-speed data transfer (usually this is written on the box). If you have a wireless router, check its settings - it is quite possible that someone else is using your Internet via wifi (Wi-Fi), reducing your speed when downloading and loading pages.

In the first case, network troubleshooting is possible only through the purchase of a new, faster router. If your neighbors use your Internet, set a password for wifi.

Network Card

Regardless of whether it is determined Network Card in the system or not, it may be faulty. Then the Internet starts to slow down and load slowly.

If you are a DSL user, you this information unlikely to be useful. It often happens that the network card is connected, it is detected by the system, but the speed of the Internet slows down.

To check, you need to connect to another computer, and, already on it, measure the speed. If it matches your tariff plan, then the reason is in the network card.


  • for a computer - you can simply replace the card by buying a new one;
  • for a laptop - purchase an external USB card.

You can also set the mode to 10Mbps, Full Duplex:

  1. go to the settings of the network card;
  2. go to the Advanced tab;
  3. select the Connection Type or Speed&Duplex section.

This will provide you with a stable speed, but will not eliminate the cause, so you should definitely call a specialist.

Why did the Internet speed drop through the router?

Sometimes it happens that under an agreement with an Internet provider, the speed should be the same, but in reality it is much lower. The speed of the router is affected, first of all, by the number of active access points to Wi-Fi. If there are too many of them, then the speed becomes much slower.

Consider the possible reasons for the drop in speed:

  • the provider has some traffic restrictions;
  • tariff plan may change unexpectedly for the users themselves;
  • network congestion, more often manifested in the evening and at night. One way to solve this problem is to restart the router. If the speed is low even during the day, call the operator;
  • The device needs a flashing. Usually the router starts to "fail" if it is used for a long period of time. Flashing the device often fixes all problems with the Internet;
  • station problems. Call the operator, report the problem, leave a request and find out when the problem will be fixed;
  • communication network problems. In this case, the best solution would be to call the company and report the low speed of the Internet. There you should be told why the traffic transfer rate has dropped. If only you have such problems, the company must send a wizard who will fix the problem;
  • the company began to work on a new VPN protocol. Then you will have to change the Internet provider, because this protocol does not provide for stability in the supply of traffic. This means that the network speed will depend solely on the time of day. Moreover, as a rule, the number of access points to the network with such a protocol significantly exceeds the permissible norms, which significantly affects the speed.

Reasons beyond your control

Unfortunately, there are reasons that the Internet user cannot do anything about. You just have to wait until the provider company fixes the problem. Below are the most common problems that affect Internet speed, but which you cannot solve on your own.

Problems on the line

Bad weather outside the window (wind, snow, thunderstorm) can damage the traffic transmission cable and cause poor Internet speed or its complete absence.

In this case, it remains only to wait for the company's specialists to repair the cables. For more detailed information, please contact the providers.

To check your internet connection speed:

  • go to the command line;
  • select the ping command;
  • put the ping to the gateway in the line, for example ping -t -l 1500, where is the number of your gateway;
  • if there is indeed a problem with the connection, you will see the message "Timed out for this request".

Influence of connection type

There are three types of Internet connection:

  • cable;
  • switched;

It should be remembered that a cable connection will always transfer data faster over a network than the other two types. In addition, the quality of telephone lines also affects the speed of the Internet. Depending on where you live, network connection speeds can vary significantly.

External factors

Many are interested in why the Internet speed drops in the evening, the answer is network congestion, as more users watch movies and play games in the evening. This is what causes the speed to drop. If you encounter a problem at this time, and during the day everything is fine, then most likely this is your cause. Call your ISP and report the problem, they may be able to boost your signal.

Testing the speed of the Internet

To check how fast your Internet connection is, you should:

  • enter in the search box "Test Internet speed";
  • the very first link often turns out to be suitable for a qualitative speed test;
  • the exact number will appear on the dial, which indicates the transfer rate of Mb / s.

If you want to have uninterrupted access to the Internet, please read carefully the following recommendations, which will help to make the speed as fast as possible:

  • choose a reliable browser that provides good speed traffic processing. Google Chrome is considered a good web browser;
  • disable ads in your browser. To display it, a lot of traffic is spent, because of this, pages load more slowly;
  • install a good antivirus program. It will "intercept" all viruses on the fly and destroy them. This will significantly increase the speed of data transfer over the network;
  • do not forget to regularly pay for the Internet, otherwise the provider will deprive you of access to the network altogether.

It is quite possible to solve the problem with a slow connection on your own, for this you just need to identify the existing problem and find ways to solve it. In this case, the Internet will again please with speed and new opportunities!


The global network today has become as integral a part of human life as television or radio. Every day, millions of people spend from 4 to 12 hours in it, and at the same time, few people know what to do with a low Internet speed.

What is internet connection speed

Internet speed is the amount of information transmitted in one second. Usually it is measured in bits, less often in bytes (for reference: 1 byte is 8 bits), although the latter seems more practical.

A quick internet speed test can be done using the built-in Windows programs 8, for this you need to go to the "Start-Run" menu or by pressing the key combination "Windows + R" and, in the window that appears, execute the command "ping ya.ru -t".

This feature allows you to exchange small data packets of 32 bytes with the site ya.ru. By the response time, you can judge the speed of the Internet. For a fast connection, these indicators will be in the range of 10-30 ms, more than 2000 ms are considered very bad. With an unstable connection, this window can simply be minimized, this will not “eat” a lot of traffic (about 100 kb per hour) and will help your connection to be “in good shape” and monitor its speed at any time.

Possible speed issues

Here is a list of the most common connection speed problems:

  1. provider restrictions. The reason that the connection speed has become lower than declared may be: too much load on the network, reaching a certain amount of traffic, speed limits at different times of the day;
  2. server limits. Not all sites have enough resources to maintain high speed when working with a large number of users;
  3. the workload of your communication channel with the work of background applications, such as updating Windows 8, downloading new virus databases, the operation of Trojans and spyware, etc.;
  4. lack of computer resources. Outdated hardware, the simultaneous launch of a large number of applications (including viruses that can work unnoticed) can cause low Internet speed, even if these programs do not use it;
  5. incorrect configuration of network equipment. Network card, router, modem - any of these devices, if configured incorrectly, will affect the connection speed.

Video: low Internet speed - causes, diagnostics, elimination


In order to increase the speed of the Internet connection with insufficient experience in setting up a computer, software or additional devices, the best choice would be to contact specialists. If you want to understand for yourself how to find out the reasons for data transfer at a low speed, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most effective ways to solve this problem.

What to do if the Internet speed is low:

  • carefully read the contract for the provision of Internet communication services. Perhaps the reason for the low speed lies in it.
  • contact your ISP's technical support. The questions “Why are my downloads slow” are addressed there many times a day and they know most of the reasons by heart.
  • install antivirus and firewall. If your computer is not powerful enough, it is better to use programs that are not too demanding on resources. For example, Avira Antivir and Outpost Firewall. The latter in "learning mode" will ask you for permission to provide access to the network for any program. This will help you find out what applications use the Internet.
  • if you are using custom operating system(beast, extreme, GameEdition, etc.) it is better to replace it with the original one. Often the reason lies in the wrong configuration of the shell.

If the above measures did not work, try changing the settings of your equipment, namely the router.

Perhaps the whole point is the signal passing through the router, a very low speed in this case may be due to the following reasons:

  1. at the same frequency as your neighbor's router works;
  2. the number of open channels leads to either slowdown or interference with the operation of the device;
  3. the signal level does not allow you to gain maximum speed;
  4. using outdated equipment or software on the router.

Change the channel in the router

One of the reasons for the low speed of the Internet via wifi may be the congestion of the used channel of the router. If there are several wireless networks with similar settings in your area, it is likely that your routers are using the same channels, which is causing the network to slow down.

To change the settings of the router, you need to go to its control panel. To do this, you need to drive in the address bar of the browser or, usually it is located at this address.

There we are looking for menu items in the name of which the word “channel” will appear, you need to set the channel to auto-detect, in which case the device will independently search for a free frequency.

Number of concurrent connections

You should also pay attention to such a parameter as the number of simultaneous connections (Current Connected Wireless Stations numbers or something similar). The security level of a home wireless connection often fails to stop skilled hackers.

To do this, router manufacturers have provided another protection option - limiting the number of devices. If you use a constant number of wireless devices, feel free to specify their number, everyone else will simply not be able to connect.

Measuring wifi connection speed

If suspicions about the reasons for the decrease in speed fall on the router, there is an easy way to confirm or refute them. To find out what your outgoing (incoming) Internet speed is, today there are many Internet resources, such as: www.bravica.net, www.speedtest.net or NetWorx, DUTrafic programs.

For example, in order to check why a laptop has a slow connection, you must first disable all programs using the Internet on it. Next, you need to take measurements on a wireless device using one of the methods indicated above. After that, connect it with a cable and repeat the procedure. If the speed differs by more than 10%, then the router really lowers it.

Ways to increase speed

  • Reducing the number of connections.
  • Setting the auto-detection of the data transmission channel.
  • Replacing a router with a device using a more modern connection protocol or flashing an old one (today the 802.11ac protocol is considered the most modern).
  • Connecting a more powerful antenna to the router will give a better signal in places with interference and improve data transfer speed.
  • If your provider works on the VPN protocol and it is possible to change it, do this by choosing one that uses DHCP or PPPoE protocols (on a static IP address).

The speed of the Internet from providers MTS, Megafon, ByFly, Beeline, Ukrtelecom is underestimated

Most wireless providers, and sometimes cable internet limit the speed. The problem is this - access to the World Wide Web is carried out through the same channels as communication, which is why, with a good network signal, the speed will still be low.

With cable providers, the problem is the same - to prevent network congestion, they set internal limits, often without the consent of customers. There is only one way to deal with this - complaints and persistent demands.

Let us consider in more detail what are the speed limits of the mobile Internet for different providers.


Depending on the tariff plan, 50 or 100 MB per day can be provided without speed limits, everything that is provided above is limited to 64 kbps. There are monthly tariffs - 3,4,6,20 or 50 GB. After overcoming the limit, the use of the Internet is blocked.

Video: how to increase internet speed


Offers monthly tariffs without download speed limit with a maximum traffic of 70 MB and 3,7,15,30 GB. After the exhaustion of this volume, access to the use of the service is blocked.


This is a cable carrier. Its service packages start at 1 Mbps and end at 50 Mbps. However, it should be remembered that wired Internet is also experiencing difficulties in areas where there are no fiber optic lines and with the declared 1-2 Mbps, the real reception speed will be 512 kbps, and the upload speed will be 256 kbps.


This company today provides both mobile and wired Internet services. In the latter, the speed varies from 10 to 100 Mbps, there are tariffs with a speed limit when a certain traffic threshold is reached, and there are without it. Mobile Internet differs only in the amount of traffic provided within a certain tariff. The declared speed is up to 256 kbps, the real one can drop to 32 kbps, it all depends on the network load.


Provides services like wireless internet using 3G technology, which provides speeds up to 7.2 Mbps, and cable fiber optic connection, the speed of which can be up to 5 Mbps without traffic limitation.

Understating the speed of the Internet can have a wide variety of reasons from the banal restriction of the site to interference with the operation of your equipment and work through wifi router strangers. The first step to identifying this problem is to constantly monitor your internet speed using any of the tools suggested above.

If you are convinced that an understatement is present, begin to act according to the plan proposed above:

  • calls to the technical support of the provider;
  • setting up or changing software;
  • flashing or replacing equipment.

It's no secret that the Internet is one of the most important places in our lives. Without it, it is difficult to imagine many things that have become familiar to us. With its help, we communicate in social networks, make video calls, download movies and TV shows, play games, pay our current bills, study, work. To satisfy all cognitive needs, a fairly high-speed access channel is needed.

How to restore the speed of Internet access.

To date, the average speed of access to the World Wide Web for residents of large cities reaches 100 Mbps. We are all so accustomed to a fast connection that we get nervous when something goes wrong. And modern websites are far from being as lightweight as they were 10 years ago. What are the reasons for slow internet speed? What can be done to improve it again? Let's look at the answers to these questions together.

All possible reasons can be conditionally divided into two groups: through the fault of the provider and related to your equipment. No matter how honest the provider is, the Internet speed can become much lower than declared or even completely disappear for various reasons. However, do not rush to call technical support, because the problem may be in your hardware.

IMPORTANT. If in the case of a provider, absolutely nothing depends on you, then if your router or network card does not work correctly, you can fix the situation yourself. Therefore, all advice will relate specifically to your network equipment.

Incorrect operation of network equipment

If you use a Wi-Fi router at home, then very often the problem may lie precisely in it. Some of the most popular reasons for its incorrect operation are overheating, dust on microcircuits, firmware failure. What to do in this case?

If even after resetting the Internet speed is low when connected through a router, there is only one way out - to buy a new device. If you live in an apartment, you can get by with an inexpensive device, it will serve you for more than one year.

Incorrect browser operation

If you notice a drop in Internet speed when working through a browser, this may indicate that it is time to clear the cache or install a new version. If you use the application very often, then over time a large number of temporary files accumulate in the system, which can significantly slow down the work.

After clearing the cache, check if the situation has changed for the better. If the Internet is still slow, try resetting your browser settings or using another program. Sometimes a very effective way will be to install an updated version.

Considering how much a user does over the Internet today, it is not surprising that the speed of your Internet connection may not be enough to perform several resource-intensive tasks at the same time. For example, if you watch a broadcast of your favorite match or series in high quality on a TV or computer and at the same time try to download something voluminous, it may happen that either the video will slow down or the download speed will drop significantly.

ADVICE. This will be especially true if your tariff plan does not provide the highest speed. In this case, you should decide what is for you in this moment more important, and if possible, disable the extra load on the Internet channel.

CPU and memory usage

If your computer is used to the maximum, it will directly affect the speed of all applications. Therefore, even if the connection speed is high, it will visually seem that the Internet is working very slowly. How to check if the computer is overloaded?

To do this, you need to simultaneously press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete. This utility displays how busy the resources of the processor and RAM, as well as the hard disk. Ideally, there should be a small margin of power.

But it may happen that some parameter is loaded at 100% or close to it. In this case, the overall performance of the system will drop significantly. Check which processes load the system the most and disable them. In some cases, only a complete restart of the computer can help.

Sometimes the system is overloaded due to the fact that viruses have entered the computer. If you have such a suspicion, or the list of running processes displays the names of programs that you did not install, scan your system for viruses. This can be done using the built-in Windows Defender, as well as a third-party antivirus program or a regular antivirus scanner.


The speed of the Internet may drop, not necessarily due to the fault of the provider, it may also be in your equipment. Therefore, before you call technical support, check if everything is working as it should. In the comments, please indicate which of the tips helped you fix the problem.

    Yesterday I downloaded the game from the tarant, installed it but did not launch it, downloaded the WOT installer, everyone probably knows that this is a game about tanks, started downloading files, noticed that the speed is very low somewhere around 1.1 megabit, I think the dike will check through the torrent, the speed was put on the jump, the movie was downloaded before the size of the movie was 2giga in 5-10 minutes here I see a picture above 1.1 and less, since the game is downloading the installer, it has not become a stalemate, the anarchy of my computer has begun to blunt, everything has started to blunt, slow down, the speed of the Internet has generally fallen to 600kb I went into the task manager CPU is loaded at 100% the network is loaded at the top 50% in the middle 25% karochi the maximum speed turned off the Internet a bit calmed down, but everything also slowed down through the monitoring in the memory or disk section, I don’t remember exactly in the first place nipisono The system and it was loaded in red a lot today began to look for what such a speed is but 1.1 does not rise higher, and so my speed is somewhere almost 10 migobits per second, almost everything is taken by someone and there was a nuance with antevir stait doctor web letsuha was blocked today found the key put and after a bit everything decreased in terms of the brakes on the computer they disappeared, but the speed and cut into the cmd line led the values ​​​​of ping -aon just popped up a dafigische of ip addresses and struck from where they are some of the USA some of MOSCOW are short from everywhere for sure I caught something like a miner help how on the video I didn’t get anything the packets don’t send the command not correctly I write a trip for mistakes excuse me with such a problem I encounter 2 times but at that time it is the current system loaded, and then it loads the system and the whole Internet takes karochi kakbutto without a PC at home, you yourself understand the nerves are walking

    Same problem! I don’t know how to solve it (I want to reset the settings on the router and on the computer), but it seems to me that this is a virus and I need to fight it

    I advise COMODO antivirus I have been using it for 2 months, it cleans my computer well

    Hello! I have money in my account, I called the operator and they said there are no problems with the Internet, but I can’t do anything except send SMS, I rebooted, I waited more than 30 minutes, the problem remained .. the laptop won’t be able to go into Settings as you say, but I don’t know and another way out how to return the speed !! what do you advise?

    3. IF YOU HAVE THE MOST SIMPLE PRESS START - NEXT - FIND PROGRAMS AND FILES - AND THERE WRITE - msconfig /// go to the startup tab and uncheck all the boxes. restart and check the speed. if everything is also checked for viruses by itself! if there are no viruses, then either wait for heavenly mana))) as it helps many - or just reinstall Windows! And you can sit for days and guess it forever!!! I also downloaded the Tanki World of Tanks WoT client and you know they sew a miner there. after a couple of days of active play, I also noticed the speed dropped. I call the operator, he says we have reduced your speed because you are mining. Of course, I began to argue, but they say we have evidence. In general, they offered me to clean the computer, since I assured that I was not a miner at all and I don’t do this. They asked what clients are installed and I only have a torrent and a WoT client and that's it. So then it turned out that as soon as I launch the WoT client, mining starts. I removed these tanks to hell and the provider increased the speed, now everything is fine, there is no crime. It was sickening to play tanks anyway, and now having learned that they are doing such things through their client, they generally spat on this game, since at least they didn’t pour money into it.

    if anyone opened port/s for games (mlm not games) in the router.modem, then close it, in my case I opened port 26900 TCP/UDP for 7 days to die. when it closed the speed rose from 5 Mbps to 70 Mbps.

    My outgoing speed drops.
    turn on online game. I've been playing well for a while.
    The speed is about in-10MB/s, and out-9MB/s
    But after some time, the characteristics change
    in-10MB/s, and out-1.5MB/s
    And lags begin and throws out of the game.

Often, Internet users from Rostelecom complain about the low connection speed. This trouble can cause a lot of inconvenience, especially at times when you need to quickly find or download information or watch your favorite movie online. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to quickly identify and fix a problem quickly, because it is influenced by many factors, some of which are not at all dependent on us. Below we have collected the most common causes of Internet speed drops and possible ways their elimination.

Hardware problems

No matter how trite, but quite often the cause of the slow Internet is equipment, namely a modem or router.

The first thing to do if you suspect incorrect work router is to check its characteristics. It happens that the bandwidth of the router is much lower than it should be, and then receiving one speed over the cable, it outputs half as much at the output. You can usually find out this important characteristic by examining the box from the router or the accompanying documentation. If your router is not designed for high-speed data transfer, then you can fix the problem by replacing it.

You can check if the problem is really in the router by connecting the Internet cable directly to the computer. If the speed has increased, then the reason really lies in the equipment.

If your WiFi does not have a password and the speed has dropped sharply, then most likely someone else is using it. Set a password and check if the situation has changed.

Perhaps your router has just outlived its usefulness. The normal service life of such equipment is 6-8 years, so if the equipment starts to work incorrectly, then it may just need to be replaced.

To check if your modem is working, call service center and ask if it is visible in the system. If not, then it definitely needs to be replaced. Another way to bring back to life old modem or a router - flashing it, if it is advisable to do so.

Wrong settings

Also a fairly common cause of speed problems. The modem or router settings can go wrong with frequent reboots, power failures, or for other reasons. You can solve this problem by calling the Rostelecom operator or independently set up the connection correctly by following the video instructions on the Internet.


This is one of the reasons that cannot be ruled out. During rain or thunderstorms, snowfalls or strong winds, the Internet speed decreases, and the only option in this case is to simply wait until the bad weather subsides.

Operating system issues

This can also happen if an unlicensed version of the OS is installed on a computer or laptop or RAM overloaded. To fix this trouble, sometimes it is enough just to restart the operating system. If this does not help, then you may need to reinstall the OS or check your computer for viruses.

virus attack

Sometimes viruses and various spyware penetrate our computer unnoticed, but then noticeably affect the speed of the Internet. To eliminate this possibility, you need to install a good antivirus program and conduct a full computer scan for viruses. After that, you need to delete all found files and configure the antivirus so that it protects the computer in active mode. As a rule, this measure solves the problem of low speed.

Paradoxically, sometimes it is the antivirus program and firewalls that slow down the speed of the Internet connection. The reason is that the antivirus checks all files and sites, and this check takes time, which affects the speed of loading web pages. You can check if this is the case by temporarily disabling the antivirus and checking the connection speed again. If the reason is in this program, then you should think about changing it to another one.

Server and line load in the evening

Unfortunately, this factor also does not depend on you. In the evening, the network has the most users who watch movies online and play video games, so the speed naturally drops. A similar situation is observed on weekends. There is only one way out - to sit and wait, or to transfer Internet surfing sessions to another time.