Constructor for creating phone conversation scripts. We write programs (scripts) in Windows Notepad. Script ON - convenient sales scripts in html format

  • 29.03.2020

Sales scripts are what we promote and consider as part of both sales and marketing. And I'll tell you even more, we implement them in all the projects we work with.

For all the time we have already issued a couple of hundred scripts for different areas and faced with different “wishlists” of clients.

One make a script in Word, the other in Excel, the third in CRM, well, and the fourth one needs a sales script designer. This is exactly what we are going to share with you now. What to choose and where to dig.

To whom - tators, and to whom - lyators

There is an interesting moment in the novel "The Naked Year". It means a person is standing and looking at the sign “Switches, batteries”. And he says: "To whom - tators, and to whom - lyators."

It's the same with scripting. It all depends on the scenario itself. So in our work, we roughly divide scripts into two types of design:

  1. consistent;
  2. sketchy.

Sequential - this is when everything is formed in the form of blocks that go strictly one after another. Schematically - when the blocks are untwisted and you, depending on the type of answer, go to one or another branch.

And as practice has shown, there is a place to be one and the other option. Moreover, experience has also shown that it is not always necessary to focus on complex constructors, sometimes an ordinary printed leaflet is enough.

To decide what is best for you, let's look at the pros and cons of each design with examples, and then move on to specific services, if you still choose a constructor.


The simplest and most commonly used version of the design. Suitable for most cases and at the same time quite convenient.

The design follows a sequential pattern, where you just scroll down and read everything, but for greater convenience, we add small hyperlinks to the blocks for a faster transition.

The main advantage of this design is that it is easiest to navigate in it if your interlocutor can answer differently than what is written in the script.

And trust us, this happens quite often. And all because the seller does not have a specific list of questions and answers in front of his eyes, but a general structure along which, if necessary, he can move freely, given the context of the conversation.

Sales script example


Almost the same option as the Word. The whole difference is that you take a script and make it look like a text site.

Where, when you click on one of the answer options, you are redirected to the next phrase. But all this is done within one page.

I personally do not like this kind, because it is “neither fish nor meat”. This is not a lightweight script, as in Word, and not a system one, as in the constructor. As a result, we torment operators by searching for a phrase if something suddenly went wrong.


A more successful intermediate option between the Word and the sales script designer. The point is that we take the entire dialogue and break it into a huge number of branches.

Where each moves the operator and the client in the direction we need. And all this, as you understand by the name, is drawn up in Excel using squares and arrows.

It is very difficult to issue such a script, or rather edit it. Because if you suddenly have to insert a new answer, or even more so a block, then you will have to move everything, set up all the relationships again, so that everything is OK.

If the script is large, then this is done extremely slowly due to the fact that Excel was not originally created for such tasks.

And besides, a big disadvantage of this design is jumping between blocks.

This is the very moment when you drag your mouse from one side of the sheet to the other for a few seconds to see what you need to say to the client. And at this time he asks you another question and you find yourself in the rat race.

sales script in excel

mind map

Improved version of Excel design. All arrows and blocks are created with a single keystroke, and if necessary, you can quite easily add a new situation.

But again, due to the long movement from one side of the script to the other, we do not recommend this method. Although it has a place to be on our list.

Script in MindMap


Now many people make so-called constructors on their platforms.


So we come to the most interesting, to special services / programs / plugins that allow you to make it so that when you click on a particular phrase, you move to the desired text on your platform.

In 3 years of scripting, we have tried quite a few a large number of different solutions.

And they even managed to conceive the idea of ​​creating their own, but as a result they postponed it for later. After all, we are, first of all, professionals in sales scripts, and not in services.


We agree that constructors should be implemented in the company, but not in all cases. And taking into account the wishes of customers who contact us, we can say that they are needed only in 2 cases out of 10.

Perhaps we have such clients, but the fact remains. And the statistics are like this, because you really should switch to special software only in two cases:

  1. You have a very large and complex script. In which it is difficult to move with all other designs. And not just difficult, but rather impossible, even with a strong desire;
  2. You have a very rigid conversation structure. In 99% of cases, the client cannot jump out of the scenario and “soak off” something unusual. The ideal niche is the call center of the bank.

In all other cases, it will only aggravate the situation. If the script is really small, then everything is immediately clear, there is no point in the constructor.

If clients often do not behave in a pattern, then there is no point either. Otherwise, you are dooming your manager to failure in advance.

And all because even if he comes up with an answer from his head, then, based on the context of the conversation, he will have to abruptly jump to another branch of the script, and this is not so easy to do.

And what do you suggest?

If you insist

But since the topic of the article focuses on sales script constructors, let's figure out which one is better for you to choose.

I’ll just jump ahead and disappoint you a little, “Best of the Best” or, in Russian, “Best” will not be on this list. Because, firstly, such a statement will be very subjective, and secondly, we have not yet found such a service 🙂

Today we will consider only those that are installed on a computer or used through the site. We do not take into account all other options for plug-ins that are built into CRM systems due to the fact that these are almost all services.

To your attention a list of those designers that you can definitely try in work:

NameFree version/
The cost of the minimum
for one month
script generator - Free / access for 1 employee
HyperScript30 days499 rublesThe best result is achieved when integrated with CRM
script designer14 days500 rublesPretty simple service without unnecessary features
CallHelper15 days (promo code PRT-VY33K)665 rublesConstructor that includes CRM
sales elevator- 199 rubles/
access for 1 employee
Service without additional functions, but quite convenient for creating complex relationships
Scenarium14 days (promo code PRT-VY33K)Is freeService for creating scripts in HTML format

But at the time of this writing, all constructors had bugs, so you need to look at what will be critical for you and what will not.

And I want to warn you right away that in order to create and execute such a script in any of these systems, you need more time than you would do it in another format.

And all because you need to think through and adjust all the logic so that there are no dead ends in communication. And such a monster looks like this:

Script example in constructor

But managers in this business are more lucky, they already see a ready-made version, which, in their opinion, can be done on the knee in 5 minutes.

But we know that in order to achieve such a result, it was necessary to go through 7 circles of hell. And this is what the manager sees:

How the script manager sees

Briefly about the main

You probably still expected to see a specific constructor of logical sales scripts that you need to take and use.

But, alas, it is not easy to catch a fish from a pond. Not because we are greedy, but because, I repeat, there is no better. Although we hinted in our table which sales script constructors you should pay attention to in the first place.

In general, you can at least kill me, but how the script will be designed does not matter. If you are not a call center, then ideally you just need to memorize it.

And visualization will just be an extra reminder that you are moving in the right direction of the conversation.

To be even more serious, what is much more important is not the type of script, not knowing it by heart, but that it be compiled at a very high quality level, taking into account your individual specifics and latest technology sales.

Everything else will follow. Therefore, I am not hinting at anything, but openly saying - entrust this business to professionals, that is, to us 🙂

P.s. The visualization option is the second question. The first is the script itself. Therefore, if you do not have them yet, be sure to read our articles.

With this article, you will not learn how to program or even write a program as such, but you will find excellent VBS scripts and BAT files here, which you can write without any problems in a regular Windows notepad, you can improve it in your own way, then brag to friends and relatives. Perhaps this will cheer you up and you will have a great time.

Most of these scripts are written for the convenience and automation of any actions on a computer running Windows. The scripts presented below will not be very useful (maybe it seems to me), but they are great for an initial acquaintance with "coding". You will have a great time surprising both yourself and fellow dummies (not programmers), plus this is another a good option.

Some terminology:

  • VBS - programming language for creating scripts in Windows OS, created/edited in Windows Notepad, has ".vbs" permission. I think it makes no sense to continue, because it will not tell you much, especially for beginners. Interested - .
  • BAT - a batch file, popularly just a "batch file". The file extension is ".bat". Further similarly -.

These extensions (vbs, bat) files are created in the well-known Windows Notepad (Notepad). For greater convenience in creating scripts, it is recommended to use an improved (let's say so) notepad - Notepad ++. It is convenient to highlight the syntax of a large number of programming languages, if it doesn’t tell you much, then download and write in it - you will make fewer errors in the code, or it will be easier to find them than in the same little functional Windows Notepad.

For clarity, an example (on the left - Windows Notepad, on the right - Notepad ++):

Let's get started

If you are already familiar with VBS scripts and batch files, then most likely the following examples will not be of interest to you, but if you are a beginner, then for the initial acquaintance - what you need.

Let's teach the computer to say hello

  1. Open Notepad (or Notepad Plus Plus).
  2. Copy to paste the code:

    Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
    sapi.Speak "Hello!"

  3. Mandatory condition: quotes must be “such”, “Christmas trees” will not work, the script will not be processed and an error will occur. Instead of the word "Hello" you can write anything, even in Russian, if you have a Russian voice engine.
  4. Then select File - Save as - File type - All files - name.vbs
  5. Name the file whatever you want, but do not forget to add the extension - .vbs at the end (example - Privet.vbs).
  6. Now try to test your script - run the file by double-clicking.

One nuance: if you have written words in quotes in Russian letters, and at startup it is not clear what is pronounced, then you simply do not have a Russian voice engine installed. Detailed installation and configuration of the voice engine is beyond the scope of our article, so read it in more detail and come back here again.

Now, let's do the following: write this script to autoload, which means that when you start the computer, the word (s) written in the program will be pronounced to you, if, as in the example, it will say "Hello" every time the computer is turned on. How to do it?

It's simple, you can add a program (script) to startup in the same way, that is, through the same VBS script. Create a file in notepad, copy/paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V) the following code:

Dim vOrg, objArgs, root, key, WshShell
root = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite root+keyHP,"C:\Privet.vbs /autorun"

We change the path to the "talker" script, this line - C:\Privet.vbs to our own. We prescribe where you have this script and what it is called. Next, save the newly created mini program in notepad and run it. Everything, now the computer will greet you every time you turn it on.

Open drive

  1. Open notepad. Copy/Paste the following code:

    Set a = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
    Set b = a.CdromCollection
    Set c = b.Item(0)
    Set d = c.Eject

  2. Save with .vbs extension
  3. Run the script and the drive will open.

There is a more interesting modification of this script:

Set WMPlayer = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")

In this case, the CD / DVD drive will open and close all the time, on laptops in this case it will open after each closing.

Attention! The second code (opening-closing the drive), some antiviruses see it as malware. Kaspersky Anti-Virus (including and) sees it that way and destroys it immediately. In the first case (simply opening the drive) for anti-virus programs is not a malicious script.

To stop automatically opening/closing the drive:

  1. Launch Task Manager (- Ctrl+Alt+Del).
  2. Go to the "Processes" tab.
  3. Find the wscript.exe process - right mouse button - end the process.

The game

An interesting find from the Web is a game on VBS. It is necessary to guess a number from 0 to 100. The script automatically sets (guesses) the number that you need to guess and enter in a special box when you start the script; if the answer is wrong, hints are given, for example, less or more.

Below is the same code that you need to copy and paste into notepad, then save (extension.vbs).

You can also change messages in your own way, everything that is written in Cyrillic is edited without problems. Don't be afraid to break the code. Experiment. In which case, copy the working code from here again.

Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set y = Nothing
a = 0
u = 0
Number = Int((RND*99)+1)
MsgBox "I guessed a number from 1 to 100, try guessing",64,"Guess"
a = a + 1
c = InputBox("Guess the number" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Try: " & a & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Enter number to see results!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Leave empty to exit" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf," Guessing")
If c = "!" Then CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "notepad C:\Windows\Result.dll",3,True: Exit Do
If c<>"" Then
If IsNumeric(c) = True Then
If CInt(c)< Number Then MsgBox "Нет,это не " & c & ". Я загадал число больше",64,"Угадайка"
If CInt(c) > Number Then MsgBox "No, it's not " & c & ". I guessed a number less than",64,"Guess"
If CInt(c) = Number Then
Set y = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
MsgBox ("Number of attempts: " & a)
If MsgBox("That's right, it was the number "&c&". Start over?",36,"Guess") = 6 Then Exit Do Else WScript.Quit
End if
MsgBox "That's not a number!",16,"Guess"
a = a - 1
End if
a = a - 1
l = MsgBox ("You didn't enter anything. Exit the program?",36,"Guess")
If l = 6 Then WScript.Quit
End if

Well, before moving on to batch files (.BAT), let's use the most useful VBS script from all those listed in this article.

Script to close wscript.exe

The script itself:

Set TaskKill = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
TaskKill.Run "TaskKill /f /im wscript.exe"

In fact, it does the same thing that was explained a little higher in the task manager, for example, you can’t just take and close the annoying script that opens and closes the drive, and by running this script, all running ones will be closed. It's like a wedge is knocked out with a wedge.

We got a little acquainted with VBS scripts and how to write them in a notepad, now let's look at a few examples of using BAT files (hereinafter referred to as the batch file).

A very simple batch file consisting of just one line.

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. We write the following code:

    shutdown -s -t 1 -c -f

  3. Next File - Save as - name.bat
  4. Pay attention to the file extension, this is no longer a VBS script, but a batch file, so we write .bat at the end of the name (Example compoff.bat).
  5. We launch the newly created batch file by double-clicking and the computer will turn off (Shutdown).

There is a code like this:

shutdown -r -t 1 -c -f

Everything is the same, we write it in a notepad, save it with the .bat extension and after starting the computer will reboot (normal computer restart).

Removing updates

This batch file is useful if you already. What is the point? This batch file lists commands for removing several updates, as the name implies - telemetry updates, or just one of the system's spyware, we once said how to turn it off, in this case you just create a batch file, copy the code below into the content and run , after which the listed updates will be removed.

echo Step 1: Delete Updates Telemetry
wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart

Thus, you can remove absolutely any update, even annoying KB971033 which checks .

There are many different scripts on the Internet that are supposedly harmless, but be careful before trying which script is not clear, some of them can do harm, for example, make changes to the registry, and in case of any errors the system will give errors, in which case you will have to either Windows Or do a system restore.

In previous articles, we talked about how scripts help you sell more, how to write them, and what happens when managers do not have phone call scripts.

Now I want to tell you, using an example, how salespeople work with scripts on improvised media and work in a specialized interface.
And also briefly compare improvised solutions for using scripts in order to understand when it is reasonable to use them.

So, the options that we have and that we used ourselves:

  • Printouts, paper cards, stickers
  • Text files, spreadsheets
  • Wiki pages, html files
  • Script constructor

Situation: we have planned an event and it needs to be sold.

Landing pages and ads for successful sales there are few events, so we start active sales by phone.
Sellers are completely unaware of the features of the event, the personality of the speaker, options for price offers and others. important nuances conversation.

What we do to start sales:

1. The specialist writes a script based on past sales experience, based on information about the speaker, participation conditions, USP.

2. The script is instructed, together with the sellers, adjustments are made if they arise.
3. The leader of the group forms lists of calls to potential participants of this event for sellers.
4. Sellers open the required script that they will work with today and see a list of pending calls:

5. After choosing a call, the seller immediately sees who he will call, which company, by which phone, and what the group leader recommends to him:

Displays the necessary information about the client from CRM during the conversation:

7. And reminds you what needs to be done at each stage. At the same time, you can give links to the necessary actions and documents, or immediately edit the information in CRM:

8. The salesperson then selects the next scheduled call and continues to work.

Is it possible to organize the same business process with improvised tools?

Obviously not. Salespeople constantly have to switch from leaflet, file, wiki to CRM.
You need to manually search for a field in a contact or company card, move from a call description to a company card, create a letter, and disperse your attention to a variety of media and interfaces.

All these inconveniences greatly affect the result - sellers call less, spend more time talking and doing things after it.

Less calls means less sales. The difference can be expressed in tens of percent, and even be less than planned at times.

Of course, sometimes you can get by with simple solutions.

Below are the pros and cons different instruments to work with phone scripts.

Printouts, paper cards, stickers

  • Almost free.
  • With short scripts and a small number of managers, this is quite a sufficient solution.
  • If the script does not fit into 5 answers, chaos begins.
  • Finding information in complex scripts is very difficult.
  • Convenient navigation through event options is not possible.
  • The script is completely separated from CRM, it is impossible to automate the routine.
  • The need to retype the script every time it changes.
  • Knowledge is stored in a text document, which makes it difficult to visualize the structure of the dialogue.
Text files, spreadsheets
  • Is free.
  • With short scripts and a small number of managers, this is quite a sufficient solution.
  • uncomfortable and long search by script during a call.
  • Complicated creation of event navigation.
  • There is no possibility of integration with CRM.
  • It is difficult to visualize the structure of the dialogue.
Wiki pages, html files
  • Almost free.
  • It is possible to create event navigation.
  • Can be used for fairly large scripts.
  • Opportunities for integration with CRM are minimal.
  • Requires knowledge to work with wiki/html editors.
  • There is no convenient visualization of the script structure for editing.

You can see how scripts are created in our application in this video:

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Unfortunately, not all Megamind readers can vote in polls and comment on articles, so if you manage sales, we ask you to spend 2 minutes on

A sales script is a sequence of actions prescribed in a special regulation that instructs the manager how to communicate with a client in a given situation. This is a written or visual scenario (algorithm) of interaction with new and regular customers. are standards of communication in many commercial firms. In order for the sales department to work more efficiently, the manager needs to prescribe separate algorithms for each stage of interaction with a potential client. What programs for writing scripts are best to use, let's figure it out together.

Available Programs for Creating Simple Scripts

If you have a small company, a small sales force and only one segment target audience, you can write the script yourself in free constructor sales scripts:
  • word text editor. The sequence of actions (steps) of managers will be presented in the form of a table with 2 columns (the manager's speech and the client's speech) or a numbered list.
Such a script can be quickly scrolled from top to bottom, easily edited. For ease of searching, text blocks should be provided with hyperlinks. Disadvantage: managers will be constantly distracted by searching for the necessary information, which greatly slows down the process of talking with the buyer.
  • Excel program. The scripts created here are more visual than Word scripts, but they are problematic to edit. Adding a new block entails a mandatory shift of the entire structure, you will have to rebuild the location of previously added blocks.

  • mind map. The generated algorithm is a tree of connections, where all information is visually structured. Disadvantage: inconvenient search for blocks, long scrolling between the branches of the map;
  • program for creating sites, books and scripts Turbo Site. With the help of a visual editor, you can create a simple scheme of manager actions without understanding programming;
  • Sale Script editor. In addition to ready-made scenarios, the program allows you to create your own interaction algorithms, view and edit them.
Prescribed scenarios are diagrams from the questions of the manager and the expected answers of the buyer.
The head of the sales department has the right to configure access to the finished script. For the correct operation of the algorithm, the created circuit should be looped - write target action, which ends the interaction with the buyer. When creating a script in Sale Script, you will be able to:
  1. Create links between different text blocks;
  2. Write any number of answers to one question;
  3. Associating an answer option with just one question (a disadvantage of the script generator).
Unlike Word and Excel, you get visual scripts that automatically align as you edit. When adding new blocks, the cells do not overlap each other.

Creating a Multi-Case Scenario in Sales Elevator

Companies that provide a wide range of services or sell goods different groups clients, a large number of scripts are usually required. They can be created quickly and inexpensively in Sales Elevator, a paid program for writing and working with sales scripts.
The cost of use is only 16 rubles per employee per day. Conversation scripts are mind maps. After creation, any scheme of work can be played in test mode by clicking the "Run script" button. If you work in B2B, write the manager's tasks in separate scripts (to communicate with the secretary and the decision maker). Then set up automatic transition between scripts. When changing opponent, the manager will instantly open new scenario conversation.
Features of the paid program:
  1. Creating fields for customer comments directly in the scheme;
  2. The presence of a built-in search to find the desired conversation blocks;
  3. Manual fixation of objections that were not provided by the script;
  4. Automatic fixation of the most FAQ from clients;
  5. Adding manager comments.
Integration of Sales Elevator with an automated system allows you to create new contacts and deals directly from sales scripts. All outgoing and incoming calls are recorded by the program and included in the statistics. The head of the sales department can view a report on any script and evaluate its effectiveness.

Script ON - convenient sales scripts in html format

If you have prepared a telephone conversation script on paper or in Word, but want to make it more visual and effective, add the finished script to Script ON - a ready-made call script constructor with a free 10-day trial period. Paid tariff starts from 990 rubles per month. Create call scripts together with all employees of the sales department, the program does not require training, all interaction schemes are saved automatically.
Benefits of a paid generator:
  • easy to edit ready scripts;
  • there is no limit on the number of scripts;
  • you can order the help of a professional scriptologist;
  • created algorithms are available for copying and downloading;
  • the program is compatible with any operating systems and mobile devices.

Phone Sales Script Builder Hyper Script

If you want to not only create handy scripts but also track their effectiveness, try the Hyper Script Builder.
The developer offers a month of free use of the program without functional restrictions:
  1. Add new conversation threads at any time;
  2. Delete unnecessary blocks with one click;
  3. Configure user access to the created interaction algorithms (access is registered through email manager);
  4. Analyze the conversion of individual blocks and phrases.
By integrating the program with amoCRM, you can set tasks for managers directly from the script, track weaknesses in work scenarios and correct them in a timely manner.

Ready-made templates and individual scripts in Script Designer

Script Designer is a unique program for working with scripts that allows you to generate visual algorithms for free for 2 weeks, analyze their effectiveness and track the compliance of managers with these scripts. Built-in speech analytics captures new objections that were not built into the script.
The program generates written reports on incoming and outgoing calls: the beginning and end of the conversation, the result, the responsible manager, and also records conversations.
The manager sees how many calls were made for each script, how many of them were successful, and how many conversations did not take place. The program captures what phrases the manager managed to say before the script broke (an objection that the employee could not close). In this regard, you can correct the text of conversations at the stage where the script broke.
If necessary, you can listen to any part of the conversation between the sales department and the client, this is especially true for conversations where there was a failure. Results from using a paid program:
  1. Deep marketing study of the work of the sales department;
  2. Analysis of atypical customer objections;
  3. Control of the deviation of the manager's speech from the prescribed regulations;
  4. Detailed analysis of the effectiveness of scripts.
The paid tariff starts from 500 rubles per month and allows one employee to use the software, maximum amount users - 10, the cost of the monthly tariff will be 2930 rubles.

Embed ready-made sales scenarios in crm with CallHerper

CallHerper is a visual editor that allows you to compose visual sales algorithms in the form of separate nodes. The node is a manager's speech with multiple customer responses. To search for the desired phrase, the manager does not need to scroll through the screen, everything possible options answers are displayed on the screen in the form of icons. The employee clicks on the icon and a window with information opens.
The script editor allows you to:
  • add contact lists to the program;
  • customize fields according to business needs;
  • format the text of the conversation;
  • prescribe statuses for contacts;
  • add themed icons and colors for nodes;
  • write tags.
Nodes with important information can be added to the shortcut menu. You can set up automatic transitions between different conversation blocks.
Advantages of a paid constructor: easy to edit ready-made algorithms, the ability to assign tasks to employees from a script, call efficiency analytics. CallHerper integrates with amoCRM - now you can create scripts without leaving your automated system or load ready-made algorithms into the database.
Using CallHerper, you will be able to analyze the effectiveness of calls and scripts: their duration and result, the number of clicks on each script branch, the comments of the persons conducting the dialogue. The developer proposes to use the editor as a separate constructor or as an additional block of an automated system. The cost of monthly use is 665 rubles. For this price, no more than 50 managers will be able to use the editor.

Brief conclusions on the article

Drawing up work scenarios is a complex and labor-intensive process. A scenario created once cannot work for years - competitive products and services may appear on the market, the budget of buyers will decrease, and your offer will change. Free programs for creating sales scripts are primitive tools that are suitable at the initial stage of company development. With the growth of the number of clients/managers, the expansion of the service sector and the emergence of new customer segments, you will increasingly have to prescribe new working algorithms. And here paid generators and script designers will come to the rescue. They are more visual, require less time, integrate seamlessly with crm systems and are indispensable in the process of analyzing the effectiveness of marketing tools.

Let's see how sales scripts are usually created?

In my practice, I usually come across 3 ways to write and design sales scripts. Let's take a look at these methods in order. Write in the comments if you use sales scripts and, if YES, how exactly do you do it.

First way. Script by hand.

You can write a sales script (or at least exemplary scenario communication with the client) on a piece of paper, put it in front of you and use it as a cheat sheet while talking with the client.

It might look like this:

No costs on your part.

But the effectiveness of such scripts leaves much to be desired:

  • various conversation scenarios are not provided here and the development of objections is not registered (and if registered, it will take up a lot of space and make it difficult to use the script);
  • Perhaps only the person who wrote it can use such a script. It is difficult to replicate to new employees;
  • there is no systematic approach to telephone sales, which I talk about on the online 10 calls - 10 sales.

This method may be appropriate when you make one-time calls to some clients and, in order not to miss anything, write out the contents of the conversation in a concise manner.

Unfortunately, this method is often used in many small and medium-sized businesses. This usually happens when the telephone sales system is not set up and managers make calls as best they can and use the tools that they know :-).

The second way. Sales script in office programs (Excel, Word, etc.)

A more advanced and systematic approach to the implementation of sales scripts is the compilation and use of scripts in office programs such as Excel or Word (or similar).

You can write down all possible options for objections and excuses from clients, your own arguments and ways to motivate the client to make a decision “here and now” in one file, and then automate the script by creating hyperlinks.

In this case, it will be convenient for the manager to use it: he heard an objection - he clicked on the link in the script - the answer to this objection appeared on the screen.

This is the principle of creating scripts that I used in the course. I analyzed not only phrases and speech turns that increase call conversion, but also showed how to automate a script in a regular Excel.

The advantage of this approach is that you do not have to pay a monthly subscription fee for using the services. Most likely, you already have Excel or Word - which means that you can write a script once and start using it with the entire sales department.

Cons - no integration with CRM systems and telephony.

The third way. Special services "Constructors of sales scripts"

Recently, special services have been gaining popularity that allow you to design sales scripts. This usually happens through the web interface.

You go to the service website, register, and start drawing your sales script.

It might look like this:

Perhaps the picture looks complicated, but in fact, the process of creating sales scripts is quite comfortable and allows even a beginner to easily navigate.

When using a script, the screen looks much simpler: there is a manager's phrase, there are options for customer responses. The manager listens and presses the right button.

I tested some sales script builder services and made certain conclusions for myself. In the next article, I will share with you and review some of the scripting services that I liked more.

The advantages of such services, in my opinion, are

  • convenience of creating scripts (everything is visual, the script can literally be drawn);
  • ease of use of scripts by employees (even a beginner can easily navigate);
  • advanced analytics of working with the script (you can track at what stage the conversation with the client most often ends, what objections cause difficulties, what call conversion each employee has);
  • integration with CRM systems and telephony (many script builders support this).

As you understand, you have to pay for such amenities. Typically, a monthly subscription fee is charged for each manager who uses the system.

In the following articles, I will tell you more about sales script constructors.