How to reduce traffic. How to reduce traffic consumption on Android? Active malware scanning

  • 14.06.2020

Saving traffic is one of the principles for any Internet user. Subscribers have to monitor traffic consumption especially carefully. mobile operators, which view the contents of browser pages from a phone, tablet or laptop. This is due to the fact that few operators provide unlimited packages, so the amount of data received is limited.

To prevent the device from eating up the entire package available for a month, you have to turn off access, extend the amount of available data, or install special extensions and programs to compress and limit the information received. You can also use the built-in features of some browsers, which can both save Internet traffic and monitor the amount available in order to warn the user in time.

Every user global network should be aware of the maximum amount of memory occupied by media files. These include photos and videos, music and animation files. Watching online videos or downloading movies and photos from the Internet consumes the largest amount of megabytes of available data.

If connected unlimited tariff, then you don't have to worry about it. However, not all users have the opportunity to get such tariffs and packages. This is especially true for mobile access.

To date, the most popular browsers include the following:

  • Google Chrome;
  • Opera;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Yandex browser and others.

Note! Each operating system has its own built-in browsers, for example, Internet Explorer for Windows or Safari for iOS.

The following functions and actions can answer the question of how to save Internet traffic.

Entering media restrictions

Disabling or limiting the viewing of multimedia files can be a great help in saving money. With the help of certain functions, you can achieve a complete or partial ban on spending data on watching videos or photos. Most browsers have this option available.

However, this method is suitable only in cardinal cases. Because by restricting pop-up banners and rich media ads, the owner of the device will not be able to see photos of friends in in social networks and other important points. A more suitable option is not aimed at complete blocking, but only at compressing such files. Opera has this option.

The developers realized that compressing objects would allow not to limit surfing on the user's network, and at the same time significantly save the amount of information consumed.


Cash is a special section of the browser's memory. It contains all previously viewed pages. This allows you to speed up the opening of previously viewed pages on repeated visits. When caching is active, the page is loaded only with those fragments that have undergone changes.

All others are taken from the browser's memory.

Note! In this case, a good saving of received data is obtained, but it is recommended to clear the cache periodically, since over time it takes a large number of device memory.

Inappropriate content and its blocking

Almost all sites on the global web today have built-in ads. Banners can be located around the entire perimeter of the page, there may be pop-up ads. All this significantly slows down the program and consumes a huge amount of traffic. In addition, pop-up windows can carry a lot of unwanted and harmful content. You can enable the mode of blocking the appearance of such intrusive advertising by installing special utilities. The most popular today are:

  • flashblock;
  • AdBlock;
  • Simple AdBlock;
  • adguard;
  • AdsCleaner;
  • Proxomitron;
  • webcompressor.

Page Compression

Such services work in the same way with the functions of compression of multimedia files. However, in this case, the entire opened page is compressed. Programs for this use their own servers, on which the pre-compression process takes place. As a result, the end user receives already compressed data. Programs help both spend less traffic and protect the user from unnecessary content.

Important! The disadvantages of the presented functions and programs are that compression is not always of high quality. Partial or no compression occurs if the connection is secure.

Malware Protection

The development of the global network has led to the development of all kinds of software. However, it is not always useful. Various viruses, infecting devices, carry many threats. One of them may be completely uncontrolled consumption of data from the network.

As a result, a threat is applied to the equipment used and the user's personal data, which may be in the public domain or in the hands of intruders.

As a protection against such threats, it is recommended to use a good anti-virus program that allows you to protect and warn a person in case of infection. In addition, in order to close yourself from visiting unwanted resources, you should take care to install a high-quality firewall.

The fact is that the built-in tools are not always of sufficient quality, so it is recommended to use third-party programs. For example, Outpost Firewall. Its activity is aimed at protecting the browser from malicious content and unwanted program activity.

Extensions for compression

Extensions to save traffic allow you to activate the compression of all incoming data when viewing pages. The principle of operation of all presented extensions is that when information arrives to the end subscriber, it is processed on the servers of these programs. There, the data is compressed and sent to the user's modem or router.

Note! Options can either disable the saving of received traffic for a while, or work permanently in a hidden mode.

The following extensions can help in compressing incoming information:

  • a special extension called "Traffic Saver" for "Google Chrome";
  • for the browser "Opera" there is a function "Turbo";
  • Traffic Compressor, Web Compressor, programs.

Programs for compression

Such programs have become widespread and are popular:

  • TrafficCompressor. Software, which compresses the received and transmitted information by almost half. Pretty easy to use and free.
  • A paid utility called Onspeed. One of the most common and effective. It works on the principle of compressing information on its own server and transferring it to the user in this form.
  • Another free utility called MyProxy allows you to compress data, increase speed and hide annoying ads.

Savings in Yandex Browser

In "Yandex Browser" you can save traffic, turning it on and off is quite easy.


The presented option is developed on the basis of the world-renowned Opera Turbo technology and is activated if the connection to the global network is slow enough. Using the extension increases the speed of opening pages and saves traffic.

Note! Features are in the preliminary sending of the requested information to the Yandex server. There it is compressed as much as possible into the gzip format, and in the processed form it is transferred to the browser.

Activation and deactivation

You can enable or disable the option in your browser settings. To do this, just open the "Add-ons" tab and enable or disable the acceleration tool switch.

Additional properties

It is noteworthy that using the extension helps to visit resources blocked by Roskomnadzor. In addition, there is a special "Scoreboard" panel, which contains the twenty most visited resources. The intelligent search bar allows you to enter queries in writing and by voice.

Google Chrome

Chrome also has a data saver feature.

Principle of operation

It consists in a principle identical to Yandex and other services. All data received on the PC is compressed on the company's servers. In addition, if the connection speed is low, then a simplified version of the resource opens.


To manage the service, you need to go to your browser settings. After that, open the "Additional" section and find the "Traffic Saver" item. There will be an option enable slider.


The fastest way to troubleshoot any issues with an extension is to contact technical support companies. Specialists respond very quickly and are able to solve any problem of the service.

Note! To contact, open the settings and select the "Help / feedback" section, in which to write and send feedback.

You can save the received data using the built-in functionality of browsers or using third party programs and applications. In addition, it is recommended to secure surfing with the vastness of the global network, installing an antivirus and a firewall.

Probably everyone who has a smartphone uses high speed internet. Otherwise, most of the functions of the gadget will not be fully implemented. Another thing is that the very fact of having a connection is indispensable here, because everything depends on the amount of available Internet traffic, which directly determines what exactly you can do with your gadget. If the tariff is unlimited, all doors are open to you - from web surfing to watching movies and TV shows. But if the volume of traffic is limited, you have to involuntarily think about saving it, so as not to be left with a brick in the middle of the month.

What could be worse than being left without traffic in the middle of the month?

Turn on traffic control

How to use Internet traffic wisely

Each smartphone has a traffic consumption alert function. Thanks to it, you can control your daily consumption. To do this, go to "Settings" - "Wireless networks" - "Traffic statistics" and set the amount of traffic that is available to you monthly. The system will automatically distribute it by day and will warn you about the danger of overspending.

Enable Smart Data Saver

Why smart traffic saving is needed

Some manufacturers, in addition to the regular traffic saving functions, include the so-called smart mode. Most often, it allows you to reduce traffic consumption by prohibiting applications running in the background from receiving and transmitting data. Because of this, incoming messages in messengers, letters and other notifications may arrive with a delay, and images will only be loaded when you click on them. Usually this mode is hidden in the "Wireless networks" - "Traffic statistics" section.

Take advantage of data management software

Are you afraid that the traffic will end at the wrong time? Save a little

Although the sleep mode described above is highly effective, it does a rather poor job of saving traffic while in the active state. In this case, there are special managers that control the traffic consumption of all applications without exception. One of the best solutions in our opinion is Google's Datally app. It allows you to set the amount of traffic for each application separately, allows you to monitor the consumption of family members and, most importantly, allows you to set aside traffic in order to use it at the end of the month if the main volume was not enough.

Turn off mobile data in the background

First of all, you need to check the applications - these are the most senseless and merciless traffic eaters on your phone.

Go to Android settings, select "Data usage" and then "Mobile data usage". Here you will see a beautiful graph, under which it is indicated how much mobile traffic each of the installed applications eats up. Your task is to go through the most gluttonous applications and turn off the background mode in each.

Disable downloading updates via mobile network

To do this, go to the Google Play settings, then select the item "Auto-update applications" and the item "Only via Wi-Fi". Ready!

Save bandwidth on your most important apps

Yes, the advice is vague, but now we will concretize. Let's take a browser as an example - in Opera or Google Chrome, you can turn on the traffic saving mode. To do this, you need to go to the browser settings, select "Traffic saving" and turn on the mode of the same name.

Another must-have application is Google Maps - living in a foreign country is doubly calmer with a map than without it. Yes, in my hometown too. Be sure to download the cities and regions you want to visit so they become available offline. Then go to the app's settings, turn on the Wi-Fi only option, and follow the link "Your offline maps". Here you will see all loaded regions, even if there is no Internet at hand.

Similarly, in the settings you can manage the traffic saving mode in a variety of applications - YouTube, Google Photos, Google Music and others.

Set a traffic limit on your phone

In the settings of your Android, you will find "Data transfer", and there - "Billing cycle". This is the date on which the subscription fee is charged. By setting it, you make your life much easier, and you can also set a traffic limit - when the specified value is reached, the system will simply turn off Mobile Internet until the next replenishment of the account.

Now mobile Internet is relatively inexpensive, but this is no reason to scatter it left and right. Full unlimited still costs a pretty penny, and many operators, by the way, are already refusing such a luxury.

Most of the available tariffs are conditionally unlimited, that is, they give a certain and rather limited amount of traffic per day or month. If you exceed the limit, then the speed will drop to the level of a dial-up modem and it will become impossible to use the Internet.

Perhaps you do not fit into the volume provided by the tariff or dangerously approaching the limit. Perhaps you want to save some traffic to use it in case of urgent need. In any case, it is useful to be able to save megabytes, and now we will tell you how to do it.

Get rid of pest apps

Increased traffic consumption is not always associated with your appetites. Often, the unjustified gluttony of individual applications is to blame. Such scoundrels sit in the background and constantly transmit and send something. You can find them using a standard tool that is built into any current version Android.

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select Mobile Data Sharing.

Here you will see the general graph of mobile traffic consumption, and below it - the rating of the most voracious inhabitants of the system.

To moderate the ardor of an individual application, tap on it and turn off the background mode. After that, the trickster will not be able to receive and send data in the background.

The problem is that in order to identify bastards, you need to understand what is the normal Internet consumption for a particular application. Obviously, the browser, music and video streaming services, and maps are capable of eating hundreds of megabytes, but offline-oriented and working with a small amount of data have nothing to do on this list.

Set alert and traffic limit

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select "Payment Cycle".

The billing cycle is the date when the subscription fee is charged. Usually on the same day a new Internet package is given. Specify it so that the system knows the date when the traffic counter was reset.

  1. Turn on Alert Settings.
  2. Select Warnings.
  3. Specify the amount of traffic, upon reaching which the system will inform you about it.

If you want to severely limit the traffic consumption, enable "Set traffic limit" and specify the value, upon reaching which the system will turn off the mobile Internet.

Disable app updates via mobile network

  1. Go to the settings of the Google Play app store.
  2. Select Auto Update Apps.
  3. Select the "Only via Wi-Fi" option.

Enable Data Saver in Android

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select "Traffic Saver".

After turning on the data saving mode, the system will disable background data communication for most applications, which will significantly reduce the overall traffic consumption. To allow background data sharing for individual applications in economy mode, tap on the corresponding item.

Save bandwidth with Opera Max

In fact, the Opera Max application does the same thing as Android's built-in data saver mode, that is, it blocks background data, but it looks a little nicer and more visual.

Turn on data savings in individual apps

Any normal developer, if his application works with potentially large amounts of data, allows you to optimize traffic consumption using settings. For example, almost all tools from Google are able to save precious megabytes of mobile Internet.

Google Chrome

  1. Go to Google Chrome settings.
  2. Select "Traffic Saver".

In addition to Google Chrome, the traffic saving mode is provided in the Opera browser.


  1. Go to YouTube settings.
  2. Select General.
  3. Turn on the "Traffic Saver" mode.

Google Maps

  1. Go to Google Maps settings.
  2. Turn on Wi-Fi Only and follow the Your Offline Maps link.

Offline maps allow you to save hundreds of megabytes of traffic. Be sure to download your area of ​​residence and don't forget to add the areas you plan to visit in the near future.

  1. Click "Other Area".
  2. Use the pan and zoom gestures to select a download area and click Download.
  3. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Downloaded Areas menu.
  4. Select "Download Settings" and select "Wi-Fi Only".

Google Press

  1. Go to your Google Press settings.
  2. Select "Data Saver Mode" and select "On".
  3. In the "Download" section, turn on the "Only via Wi-Fi" mode.

Google Photos

  1. Go to your Google Photos settings.
  2. Find the "Use mobile data" section and turn off the option for photos and videos.

Google Music

  1. Go to your Google Music settings.
  2. In the Playback section, lower the quality when transferring over a mobile network.
  3. In the "Download" section, allow to download music only via Wi-Fi.

If necessary, allow music playback only over Wi-Fi.

Google Music can save albums for offline listening. You can download music to your device when you have Wi-Fi and play it without an internet connection.

  1. Go to the artist's album list.
  2. Click on the vertical ellipsis icon in the lower right corner of the album and select "Download" from the menu that appears.

Google Movies

  1. Go to your Google Movies settings.
  2. In the Mobile Streaming section, turn on Show Warning and Limit Quality.
  3. In the "Downloads" section, select "Network" and select "Only via Wi-Fi".

Keep track of your carrier's rates and options

Often a person overpays for communication simply because he is sitting on an outdated tariff. Ask what's new with your operator. It's possible you can get more internet for less money.

Now mobile Internet is relatively inexpensive, but this is no reason to scatter it left and right. Full unlimited still costs a pretty penny, and many operators, by the way, are already refusing such a luxury.

Most of the available tariffs are conditionally unlimited, that is, they give a certain and rather limited amount of traffic per day or month. If you exceed the limit, then the speed will drop to the level of a dial-up modem and it will become impossible to use the Internet.

Perhaps you do not fit into the volume provided by the tariff or dangerously approaching the limit. Perhaps you want to save some traffic to use it in case of urgent need. In any case, it is useful to be able to save megabytes, and now we will tell you how to do it.

Get rid of pest apps

Increased traffic consumption is not always associated with your appetites. Often, the unjustified gluttony of individual applications is to blame. Such scoundrels sit in the background and constantly transmit and send something. You can find them using a standard tool that is built into any current version of Android.

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select Mobile Data Sharing.

Here you will see the general graph of mobile traffic consumption, and below it - the rating of the most voracious inhabitants of the system.

To moderate the ardor of an individual application, tap on it and turn off the background mode. After that, the trickster will not be able to receive and send data in the background.

The problem is that in order to identify bastards, you need to understand what is the normal Internet consumption for a particular application. Obviously, the browser, music and video streaming services, and maps are capable of eating hundreds of megabytes, but offline-oriented and working with a small amount of data have nothing to do on this list.

Set alert and traffic limit

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select "Payment Cycle".

The billing cycle is the date when the subscription fee is charged. Usually on the same day a new Internet package is given. Specify it so that the system knows the date when the traffic counter was reset.

  1. Turn on Alert Settings.
  2. Select Warnings.
  3. Specify the amount of traffic, upon reaching which the system will inform you about it.

If you want to severely limit the traffic consumption, enable "Set traffic limit" and specify the value, upon reaching which the system will turn off the mobile Internet.

Disable app updates via mobile network

  1. Go to the settings of the Google Play app store.
  2. Select Auto Update Apps.
  3. Select the "Only via Wi-Fi" option.

Enable Data Saver in Android

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select "Traffic Saver".

After turning on the data saving mode, the system will disable background data communication for most applications, which will significantly reduce the overall traffic consumption. To allow background data sharing for individual applications in economy mode, tap on the corresponding item.

Save bandwidth with Opera Max

In fact, the Opera Max application does the same thing as Android's built-in data saver mode, that is, it blocks background data, but it looks a little nicer and more visual.

Turn on data savings in individual apps

Any normal developer, if his application works with potentially large amounts of data, allows you to optimize traffic consumption using settings. For example, almost all tools from Google are able to save precious megabytes of mobile Internet.

Google Chrome

  1. Go to Google Chrome settings.
  2. Select "Traffic Saver".

In addition to Google Chrome, the traffic saving mode is provided in the Opera browser.


  1. Go to YouTube settings.
  2. Select General.
  3. Turn on the "Traffic Saver" mode.

Google Maps

  1. Go to Google Maps settings.
  2. Turn on Wi-Fi Only and follow the Your Offline Maps link.

Offline maps allow you to save hundreds of megabytes of traffic. Be sure to download your area of ​​residence and don't forget to add the areas you plan to visit in the near future.

  1. Click "Other Area".
  2. Use the pan and zoom gestures to select a download area and click Download.
  3. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Downloaded Areas menu.
  4. Select "Download Settings" and select "Wi-Fi Only".

Google Press

  1. Go to your Google Press settings.
  2. Select "Data Saver Mode" and select "On".
  3. In the "Download" section, turn on the "Only via Wi-Fi" mode.

Google Photos

  1. Go to your Google Photos settings.
  2. Find the "Use mobile data" section and turn off the option for photos and videos.

Google Music

  1. Go to your Google Music settings.
  2. In the Playback section, lower the quality when transferring over a mobile network.
  3. In the "Download" section, allow to download music only via Wi-Fi.

If necessary, allow music playback only over Wi-Fi.

Google Music can save albums for offline listening. You can download music to your device when you have Wi-Fi and play it without an internet connection.

  1. Go to the artist's album list.
  2. Click on the vertical ellipsis icon in the lower right corner of the album and select "Download" from the menu that appears.

Google Movies

  1. Go to your Google Movies settings.
  2. In the Mobile Streaming section, turn on Show Warning and Limit Quality.
  3. In the "Downloads" section, select "Network" and select "Only via Wi-Fi".

Keep track of your carrier's rates and options

Often a person overpays for communication simply because he is sitting on an outdated tariff. Ask what's new with your operator. It's possible you can get more internet for less money.