Extended features of the corp. Extended features of the korp version Current releases of the program

  • 06.05.2020
Version comparison Basic PROF CORP
Personnel accounting
Calculation wages
Calculation of taxes and contributions
Motivation management
Grades and KPIs
Social benefits and compensations
Talent pool and talent management
Multiplayer mode Single user
Possibility of improvement
Remote access

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" - a program for integrated automation staff payroll and implementation personnel policy organizations. The main users of the configuration are employees of the personnel and accounting department.

Accounting in the program is organized in accordance with the requirements of the law Russian Federation. All changes in legislation related to accounting are promptly tracked and included in regularly released configuration updates.

What tasks does 1C: Payroll and HR 8 solve?

1. Payroll."1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8" ensures the maintenance of mutual settlements of wages with employees of the enterprise, as well as the accounting of labor costs as part of the cost of products and services. The whole complex of settlements with personnel is automated, starting from the input of documents on actual production, payment sick leave and vacations, up to the formation of documents for the payment of salaries and deposit, as well as reporting to state regulatory authorities.

The program supports the following forms wages :

  • time-based (using monthly, daily and hourly tariff rates);
  • piecework;
  • time-bonus;
  • piecework premium.

2. Preparation of unified forms for accounting of labor and wages, approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Among them:

  • pay slips;
  • payroll statements;
  • pay slips for receiving money through the cash desk;
  • expenditure cash warrants;
  • summary of accruals and deductions;
  • personal accounts, etc.

3. Accounting for working hours. To account for the use of working time in the program, general business schedules and individual work schedules for individual workers, registered primary documents of accounting of working time (sheets and piecework orders) and is being all-Russian production calendar , which also takes into account the transfer of weekends and regional holidays.

4. Documentation of the process of selection and evaluation of candidates. In the program, you can quickly prepare questionnaires and tests for questioning both candidates and employees of the enterprise.

"1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8" provides an opportunity to maintain a directory of personnel competencies, which is used for personnel assessment, training and control learning outcomes. Based on the assessment (certification) of employees, key personnel decisions: hiring, rotation, change in wages, dismissal, etc.

5. Personnel accounting and personnel analysis."1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" involves the storage of not only personal data of employees of the enterprise, but also service information. The latter includes: the unit where the employee works, his position, office phones and other contact information.

The promotion of an employee at the enterprise is also recorded: hiring, official travel, vacations and business trips up to and including dismissal.

To analyze the personnel structure of an enterprise, various reports are built based on the accumulated information about employees - lists of employees of the organization, the movement of the organization's personnel, statistics of the organization's personnel, etc.

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" supports the maintenance of military records in accordance with federal law of February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation" and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719 "On approval of the regulation on military registration". The program generates all the necessary information for submission to the military registration and enlistment offices.

6. Maintaining staffing and automation of personnel records management."1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8" supports the maintenance of the staffing of organizations with the ability to specify various kinds tariff rates, an arbitrary number of allowances, additional information about staff units. The staffing table is provided in the form of a unified T-3 form.

The program is automated personnel office work, including filling out unified printed forms: registration employment contracts, hiring (forms T-1 and T-1a), personnel transfers of employees (forms T-5 and T-5a), dismissal from the organization (forms T-8 and T-8a).

Based on personnel data, it is built unified form T-2, containing, among other things, information about continuous, general experience and length of service for the allowance for the length of service of the employees of the enterprise.

In accordance with the approved vacation schedule of the enterprise, a unified form T-7 is filled out and orders are formed to grant leave to employees (forms T-6 and T-6a).

Planned business trips of employees are registered in the program, while orders are prepared to send employees on a business trip (T-9 and T-9a forms), travel certificates (T-10 form) and service assignments (T-10a form) are filled out.

7. Personalized accounting. The program provides automated filling and verification of compliance with the requirements of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of regulated forms containing the following information about insured persons:

  • personal data of employees - ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3;
  • information on the amount of payments and remuneration SZV-6-3;
  • information on the length of service and insurance premiums SZV-6-1, SZV-6-2,
  • ADV-6-2, ADV-6-4, SPV-1;
  • information about the experience of SZV-K.

Information for transfer to the FIU is prepared both in printed and electronic form.

8. Calculation of taxes, contributions, regulated reporting."1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" provides for the calculation of taxes regulated by law and contributions from the wage fund: personal income tax (PIT), insurance contributions to the FSS for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, insurance premiums for compulsory health insurance in the federal MHIF, contributions to the Pension Fund for mandatory pension insurance and insurance contributions to the FSS for insurance against accidents and occupational diseases.

The calculation of insurance premiums is supported for all taxation regimes for corporate income, including special tax regimes - STS and UTII.

The program provides accounting for settlements with funds also in terms of payment of contributions (including penalties and fines).

Based on the results of accounting for employee income, amounts of taxes and contributions calculated, data on payments to funds, regulated reporting is generated (for submission to the authorities of the Federal Tax Service, the FSS and the Pension Fund of Russia) and the corresponding analytical reporting:

  • certificate of income 2-NDFL, a pack of forms 2-NDFL for the list of employees;
  • individual cards for insurance premiums to the FSS, MHIF, PFR;
  • calculations for insurance premiums in the PFR, MHIF and FSS according to the forms RSV-1, RV-3 PFR and 4-FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • information on the average number of employees
  • for the previous calendar year;
  • analytical reports that provide an opportunity to conduct a full analysis of the tax base both in the context of individuals - recipients of income, and in other contexts.

The possibility of detailing (decoding) indicators is supported, the mode of checking the ratios of indicators is implemented.

Unloading of regulated reporting on personal income tax and insurance premiums is provided for transfer to the authorities of the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in electronic form.

The flexible implementation of accounting for accrued wages and taxes allows you to arbitrarily set up the order in which these amounts are reflected in the costs of the enterprise, as well as automatically transfer this data to the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

9. Keeping records of the activities of several organizations. With the help of "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" you can conduct personnel, management and accounting activities several organizations , and in the role of individual organizations can act as legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, each organization can keep records under the general or simplified taxation system within the same information base.

The application solution "1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8" can also be used at enterprises of a holding structure consisting of several organizations that are registered as legal entities or are individual entrepreneurs. The program provides parallel maintenance of two types of personnel accounting - managerial and regulated. Management accounting is kept for the enterprise as a whole, and regulated accounting is kept separately for each organization (legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

About versions of "1C: Payroll and HR 8"

"1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" is available in 3 versions: Basic, PROF and CORP.

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8. Basic version" is a product for a small organization that allows one workplace to fully automate the management of personnel records, payroll and calculation of necessary taxes and contributions in accordance with the requirements of the law.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8 PROF" allows not only to keep personnel records and payroll in companies with a complex legal structure, but also to automate the basic functions of personnel management (recruitment, training, motivation).

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8 KORP"– a comprehensive solution for automating all tasks of personnel management in medium and large enterprises, for which effective human resource management is necessary condition successful work on the market. The product allows you to solve the problems of implementing the personnel policy of the enterprise and a comprehensive assessment of personnel at the modern level, correctly and quickly process information about the state of the personnel of the enterprise and, based on it, give high-quality and meaningful conclusions about the abilities of employees, plan training, development and career, take reasonable management decisions.

Version Differences clearly presented in the table.




Personnel accounting and personalized accounting

Payroll calculation and accounting

Payouts and deposits

Calculation of taxes and insurance premiums

Preparation of regulated reporting

Accounting for the activities of several organizations

Possibility of customizing the application solution to suit your needs

Support for client-server operation

Working with a distributed infobase

Recruitment with the search for candidates on the Internet

Grades and KPIs

Social benefits and compensations

Adaptation, training and development of personnel

Talent pool and talent management

Accounting for expenses by areas and projects

Occupational safety, permits, medical examinations, briefings

Remote access for managers and employees

1C: Salary and personnel management 8 (1C: ZUP 8) is software, which simplifies the tasks of the HR department, from hiring employees to preparing reports for the FIU.

Integration with 1C: Accounting 8 (general settings)

Reporting directly from the program (PFR, FSS) Implementation of several types of wages Correct filling 6NDFL / 2NDFL Ability to work remotely 6-NDFL - automatic filling Work with electronic certificates of incapacity for work (ELN)

Full description

1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8 (in earlier versions 1C: Payroll and Personnel 7.7) is suitable for use in personnel management services and accounting departments of enterprises of any size and field of activity. Effective personnel management affects the company's profit and its stability in the market. By automating routine HR tasks, you can save time for your employees and reduce the risk of human error.

1C: Salary and personnel management 8 "(formerly 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7) allows you to:

Company management:

  • reduce the time spent by the HR department;
  • promptly receive information about employees of the enterprise;
  • conduct an analysis of the staff, competent use of working time and wages, make successful management decisions;
  • make decisions that are successful for management and monitor their implementation;
  • manage corporate culture and maintain it at the proper level.

Heads of line departments:

  • carefully select suitable candidates;
  • carry out adaptation of new employees, train staff and improve their skills;
  • plan incentives, negotiate and approve bonuses;
  • objectively evaluate the KPI of the employees of your department.

scheduled service:

  • plan personnel costs;
  • evaluate the budget and changes in it due to staff increase, unscheduled payments, processing and compensation of employees;
  • control deviations of payroll from planned indicators;
  • analyze cost forecasts based on planning for the introduction of new motivational schemes;
  • choose the optimal system of motivation, suitable for both ordinary employees and managers.

Personnel Department:

The program allows you to conduct workflow for personnel in accordance with modern requirements legislation, search, select and objectively compare candidates for vacant position, keep records of personal data of employees with analysis of personnel for effective enterprise management. It is possible to carry out personalized military accounting and accounting for the PRF, keep records of working hours in 1C ZUP, quickly fixing lateness, time off and processing of employees, competently draw up a staffing table, and also calculate wages according to the tariff scale. And also to manage the career growth of employees, to conduct certification of employees in terms of competencies and KPIs, to develop and implement motivational schemes for employees, to create a single information base for all employees of the enterprise.

Settlement department:

Perform in strict accordance with the law automatic calculation of wages, payment of absences and other charges in version 1C: Payroll and personnel management. Actions such as the calculation of insurance premiums, payroll, the dismissal of an employee with its subsequent calculation, the calculation of personal income tax and the formation of information on income 2-personal income tax, recalculation tariff rate and much more can be done in the new version of 1C ZUP in a couple of mouse clicks.

The ability to work with electronic sick leave (ELN) - you can not be afraid to make a mistake when transferring information from paper documents. Electronic document will not be able to get lost, sick leaves are exchanged through 1C: Reporting - they are stored on the FSS servers.


Synchronize data "1C: Payroll and personnel management" with the program "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0. After setting up synchronization, all documents and entries in directories that are entered and changed in one of the programs will appear in the other during a data synchronization session.


  • receive a payslip e-mail;
  • be able to use an extended list of typical personnel roles with a preconfigured set functionality for each role;
  • reduce the time spent on the processes of "Agreement" and "Approval" of documents;
  • use multi-purpose management tools for control and analysis;
  • get flexible access rights settings;
  • the ability to work remotely in the system via the Internet.

1C:Fresh is an access to 1C:Enterprise solutions via the Internet. You can work from anywhere - from the office, at home, while traveling, on vacation. Nothing needs to be installed on the computer, not even a key electronic signature for reporting via the Internet can be stored in the "cloud".

Advantages of working in 1C: Salary and personnel management 8 through the 1SFresh service:

  • The usual interface of the program, but through the browser
  • All you need is internet to work
  • 24/7 access from any device
  • 24/7 technical support from 1C
  • Access to the system and services 1C:ITS
  • Data privacy and security
  • Free access for 30 days
  • Free use for 1C:ITS PROF users

The cost of 1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 in the 1C: Fresh service - from 2,818 ₽ per month *
*price when paid for a year with continuous service

Order 1C:Fresh now and get 30 days of free access!

Buy Rent

Rent 1C in the cloud - all functions are available anytime and anywhere where you can connect to the Internet. Using 1C in remote access will help optimize the costs of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its work.

Advantages of working with 1C in the cloud:

  • Your 1C will never slow down again
  • Privacy & Security - Data Encryption
  • Access to the 1C program 24/7
  • Work in the program from any device
  • Connection in 2 hours
  • Regular automatic updates
  • Daily backup
  • Assistance from certified professionals
  • Free access for 7 days!

The cost of renting 1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 in the cloud - from 1,250 ₽ per month

Order now and get free access for 7 days in just 2 hours!

Buy Rent

Hosting 1C - allows you to deploy modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any size on a dedicated cloud server. There is no longer a need to purchase expensive equipment to work with 1C and pay for it.

Advantages of 1C hosting service:

  • Instant access from anywhere in the world
  • Privacy & Security
  • Reliable service 24/7
  • Regular backup
  • Server administration and technical support

Buy Rent

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 CORP" contains tools for solving the following tasks:

  • Formation of a personnel plan, determination of the required number of employees and analysis of filling in the personnel plan.
  • Opening of vacancies, description of qualification requirements for candidates for a vacant position.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel planning.
  • Description, updating and placement of vacancies.
  • Conducting operational work with candidates.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of recruitment and recruitment costs.
  • Creation of a talent pool.

With a built-in system of work with personnel, both the personnel reserve and the talent fund can serve as regular sources of recruitment. You can evaluate the effectiveness of using these tools using the Acquisition Cost Efficiency report.

The personnel plan is a tool that allows employees of the personnel service to form the necessary staff structure of the enterprise, both in the context of legal entities and in the context of financial responsibility centers. The staffing plan contains the following information:

  • the total number of bids for each position;
  • the number of employed and vacant positions.

All changes made to the personnel plan are saved in the infobase. If necessary, the head of the personnel service can see all the changes in the personnel plan made for a certain period.

With the help of the personnel plan, a staffing table is formed, which can then be printed in a standard form.

Using a personnel plan allows you to obtain information about the number of vacancies in the enterprise, but this is not enough for the recruitment process. For example, in the personnel plan there is a free rate, but the selection of a new employee for this position is not planned, since this vacancy will be closed by the transfer of an employee from another division of the company. The opposite situation is when an employee plans to quit, and it is necessary to look for a replacement in his place. But at the same time, there are no free rates in terms of personnel.

To solve the problem of highlighting those positions of the personnel plan for which recruitment is open, the List of vacancies is provided in 1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8 KORP.

Work with vacancies and candidates

In order for an employee of the personnel service to compare and control open vacancies with a personnel plan, in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP there is a list of Vacancies, which is directly related to the personnel plan. Using this list, the HR officer can see all the current vacancies of the company, which can be sorted by importance, planned closing date, and other parameters.

In order for the selection for an open vacancy to be effective, it is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible the working conditions for this position and the requirements for the candidate. To solve these problems, 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP provides opportunities for a detailed description of each position according to the following parameters:

  • duties that the employee must perform in this position;
  • qualification requirements to the position (professional knowledge, experience, etc.);
  • working conditions;
  • skills and qualities that are professionally important for this position in accordance with the company's competency model.

You can set the conditions for posting vacancies on specialized sites.

Effective implementation of the personnel plan is a necessary condition for the sustainability and competitiveness of the company. Business Delays necessary personnel can lead to significant losses for the company. "1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP contains reports that allow management to quickly monitor the implementation of the personnel plan and evaluate the effectiveness of this process:

  • the state of the personnel plan;
  • implementation of the personnel plan;
  • staff turnover rate;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of the personnel service.

The HR plan status report is designed for operational monitoring of the fulfillment of tasks according to the HR plan. The report contains actual information on a specific date on the number of employed and vacant positions of the personnel plan in relation to the planned vacancies. The report can be built both in the context of departments and in the context of positions for which recruitment is carried out. Using this report allows you to track failures in filling the planned full-time positions and quickly make the necessary decisions.

Also, additional information about positions can be displayed in the report, such as requirements for the position, job responsibilities and working conditions. This information allows you to analyze the possible reasons why certain vacancies are not closed (for example, excessive qualification requirements).

The HR Plan Execution report is designed to evaluate the performance of the manager responsible for recruitment. The report displays information on the percentage of execution of the personnel plan (plan/actual) for required period time in the context of departments and positions.

An employee of the personnel service can independently set up a convenient way for him to present information in a report: in the form of a table, cross-tab, diagram, volume histogram, etc.

The Employee Turnover Rate report is the following ratio taken over a specific period: (number of laid off employees / average headcount) * 100%.

The staff turnover rate is one of the main indicators used by most organizations to assess the effectiveness of the personnel policy and personnel management processes, including the effectiveness of the implementation of the personnel plan.

In addition to the Staff turnover rate report, "1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP provides a special report Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel service, which has advanced indicators for assessing the effectiveness of HR processes. This report allows the head of the personnel service to receive information on the main indicators of the effectiveness of work with personnel, including the process of implementing the personnel plan:

  • recruitment rate (the ratio of the number of candidates to the number of vacancies);
  • the number of employees served;
  • number of serviced legal entities;
  • the number of trained employees;
  • the number of trainings provided;
  • the quality of selection (the ratio of the number of people who passed the probationary period to the total number of hired employees);
  • average duration of vacancies.

To store information about company vacancies, including detailed description requirements for the candidate official duties and conditions for hiring, in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP is a reference book Vacancies.

In the application solution "1C: Payroll and HR 8" CORP, you can not only specify typical information about the vacancy: position title, vacancy name, requirements for the vacancy, date of opening and closing of the vacancy, but also describe in detail the duties, working conditions, competencies, assign jobs status importance.

When entering a new vacancy, you can assign a number of additional properties to it, allowing you to subsequently control the work on this vacancy:

  • responsible for the vacancy;
  • applicant (the author of the application, the user who initiated the opening of the vacancy);
  • the planned date for closing the vacancy;
  • the actual closing date of the vacancy.

If the vacancy is not closed within the specified time, it is automatically marked in the directory in red. This allows the head of the personnel service to monitor failures in the implementation of the personnel plan and promptly make the necessary corrective decisions.

The work of a company actively engaged in attracting personnel is impossible without the frequent use of specialized recruitment websites. The selection of resumes that meet certain parameters and the publication of vacancies are quite time-consuming processes.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP allows you to fully work with vacancies and resumes posted on leading Internet sites:

  • Publish vacancies on specialized sites on the Internet. When opening a vacancy, the system allows you to select a list of job groups in which the vacancy will be published when it is posted on a specialized website.
  • Search for resumes according to the established parameters on specialized Internet sites and download resumes of candidates from specialized sites.

You can work with resumes and vacancies while inside "1C: Salary and HR 8" CORP, or, if necessary, go to the appropriate site for more detailed work.

To work with candidates in the program "1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" KORP, the Recruitment section is intended, which allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • enter and store data about the candidate, which the personnel department receives in the process of working with him;
  • conduct email correspondence with the candidate;
  • schedule interviews with the candidate.

For the convenience of the manager responsible for recruitment, the Recruitment form can automatically open when logging in and quickly reflect all current tasks for all candidates with whom a particular manager is working: unanswered letters, new resumes, meeting plans for the current date, and etc.

The Candidate document contains all the information about the candidate that arises in the process of working with him: a description of the vacancy, the position of the staff list for which the candidate is applying, the date when work with the candidate began, the status of the candidate. The program provides for the storage of the entire history of work with each candidate. A standard list of possible statuses (states of work) with a candidate is used:

  • Abstract accepted for consideration;
  • Passed the interview;
  • Accepted on probation;
  • Rejected, etc.

Such segmentation allows not only to track the current state of the candidate, but also to analyze the "screening funnel" of candidates at each stage of working with them.

If a positive decision is made on the candidate, the recruiting officer can automatically transfer all the data about the candidate to the directory of individuals or register him as a new employee in the directory of employees. Thus, the personnel department will automatically receive all the primary information on the new employee and will be able to start applying for a job without having to enter data from scratch.

Based on the history of work with candidates, a Report on Candidates' Applications is generated. Using the report data, you can analyze the work with candidates according to various criteria and understand the current state of work with each candidate at a specific point in time.

1C: Salary and HR 8 KORP provides for the possibility of separating user access rights to various information about candidates. For example, one manager is engaged in the selection of personnel for the administrative apparatus, and the other - only production workers. In this case, you can configure the program in such a way that each of the managers works only with his own group of candidates and cannot view or edit information on candidates from another group.

Recruitment of personnel is always associated with a certain expenditure. Money: to pay for the placement of advertisements in specialized publications, Internet resources, services of recruitment agencies, etc. To register the costs of attracting personnel, the document Accounting for costs for personnel sources is used, which maintains the amount of costs for each source of selection (Internet sites, payment to recruitment agencies etc.).

Based on these data, the Acquisition Cost Efficiency report is generated. This report allows you to calculate the cost of attracting one candidate and the average cost of attracting costs for all recruitment sources.

The concept of personnel reserve management involves the nomination of a "reservist" as a potential candidate for one or more positions and management of his preparation so that in the event of a vacancy in this position, an employee from the reserve can be automatically promoted to this position.

To solve these problems, 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP provides the following options:

  • profiling the position and describing it through the relevant competencies;
  • creation of a reserve for a key position and a description of the requirements for candidates for the reserve;
  • evaluation of candidates with a comparison of the totality of the qualities of the candidate and the requirements that are necessary for the reserved position;
  • assigning the candidate the status of "reservist" with assigning him to a specific position or several positions for which he may be considered;
  • formation of the composition of the reserve from the company's employees, candidates, other individuals (for example, employees of competing companies);
  • comparison of candidates for one position and selection of the most appropriate for work in the reserved position;
  • conducting data-driven “what if” analyzes of reshuffles personnel reserve.

Using "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP, an employee of the personnel service can:

  • create a position for which it is necessary to provide a personnel reserve;
  • describe the competencies that are necessary to qualify the reservist for this position (the competencies may differ from those required for this position in the current mode);
  • describe the formal requirements for reservists (gender, age, length of service in the company, etc.).

Based on these requirements and the data available in the company's employee database, the information system automatically proposes a list of employees most suitable for promotion to the personnel reserve for this position.

"1C: Payroll and Human Resources 8" KORP allows you to select in the reserve not only employees holding full-time positions in the company, but also candidates from outside, with whom the company is working and for which the company's database contains the necessary information (for example, specialists working under a civil contract, students on an internship, candidates for open vacancies, etc.).

If necessary, summary information on to an individual in reserve can be printed.

The personnel reserve allows you to make additions and manually edit the list of reservists. An employee of the personnel service can, based on his own considerations or additional information not taken into account in the system, add an additional employee to the list or delete the one who was entered automatically.

If an employee is removed from the list of reservists, the manager responsible for this decision, can contribute to information system comments about the reason for the deletion, which will then be automatically saved in the database, in the employee's personal data card.

The personnel reserve allows not only to add a candidate to the reserve, but also to show a possible sequence of personnel reshuffles after the selected reservist takes the vacant position, to display a list of possible replacement candidates for all reshuffles.

Talent pool report allows you to analyze the positions of the personnel reserve.

The concept of managing the talent pool (talent pool) involves the creation of a single fund of candidates with certain qualities that can be "grown" to a specific position if necessary. This approach does not require preliminary selection to the reserve for a specific position and the assignment of a reservist to this position.

As well as for the personnel reserve, "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" KORP allows you to include in the talent pool not only employees holding full-time positions in the company, but also outside candidates with whom the company is working.

To manage the 1C: Payroll and HR 8 talent pool, KORP provides HR employees with the following options:

  • random selection and comparison of candidates from the talent pool with the requirements for a specific position;
  • comparing the characteristics of candidates with the requirements of a vacant position in order to identify the maximum compliance with the position for which the vacancy is open.

Based on this information, an employee of the personnel service can build purposeful work with a candidate selected from the talent fund and plan the necessary activities for his professional development.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP allows you to maintain a list of persons included in the talent fund, as well as see summary information on the candidate placed in the talent fund.

A candidate may be removed from the talent pool, with information about the reason for the removal retained.

Motivation, Benefits and Personnel Cost Accounting (CORP)

"1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP contains a huge number of different indicators that can be used when developing formulas for calculating payroll. The number of indicators that can be contained in the system is unlimited, and each organization can add its own indicators depending on the motivation policy. The system allows you to use up to 6 indicators simultaneously in one calculation formula, which makes it possible to create complex motivational schemes for different positions.

The application solution implements the ability to use for motivation KPI system. The applied solution allows you to set planned and record actual results according to KPI and build a motivation system taking into account deviations of actual results from planned ones.

In 1C: Payroll and HR 8, you can upload indicator values ​​from other application solutions developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, as well as from arbitrary files of various formats (dbf, xls, txt, mxl).

For example, a user can download the following information from the infobase of the Trade Management application:

And then upload it to "1C: Salary and personnel management 8":

Over time, the motivation system used in the company becomes obsolete. Revision of the motivation system is a serious and time-consuming process. In companies with a large number of motivational schemes and using a significant number of indicators, calculation new system manual motivation can lead to errors in calculations, the choice of a non-optimal scheme that worsens the income of employees. Using the Analysis of motivation schemes tool offered by "1C: Salary and HR Management 8" allows you to solve all the main difficulties that arise when changing the motivation system:

  • prepare various intermediate schemes of motivation for comparison and evaluation of their effectiveness;
  • analyze the results of payroll calculation obtained using various motivation schemes, evaluate how the use of a particular scheme will affect the income of each employee.

To reduce the risks when introducing a new motivation system, many managers use a "pilot approbation", in which during a certain period the salary is simultaneously considered according to the old and new scheme. This makes it possible to compare the income of employees with the actual results of work and evaluate the effectiveness of the new motivational scheme. To solve this problem, 1C: Payroll and HR 8 provides the ability to support several motivation schemes in parallel, which the HR manager can activate independently through the settings mechanism.

The approval of salary changes often raises a lot of questions from management. As a rule, the manager wants not only to see information about how the employee's income will change, but also how much it will change compared to the previous period and by what indicators. Management also needs further comments on the proposed changes. This is especially important in a situation where the company's motivation system does not change comprehensively, but the changes are local and affect one or several employees.

The Accrual Management tool, developed in 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP, is intended for those managers who need to see detailed information on each proposed salary change, analyze it, compare the salary of different employees or compare salary changes for different periods.

The use of this tool allows the heads of departments, who have the right to adjust the salary of their employees, to make proposals for changing the accruals on their own. For ease of perception, changes in accruals are framed according to certain rules. The values ​​increased in the current period are highlighted in green, the values ​​decreased in the current period are highlighted in red. Changes in italics are not effective until approved. Values ​​that are not editable are highlighted in gray.

Also, the manager proposing the change can comment on it. Thus, the director of the enterprise has the opportunity, after analyzing all the information, to accept or reject each proposed change.

The use of these tools gives the head of the enterprise and the head of the personnel service flexible opportunities for modeling various motivational schemes, applying flexible approaches to motivating employees, taking into account the specifics of their work, significance for the company, achieving special results, etc.

The use of the grading system provides the company's management additional features to motivate employees. Grades allow you to group positions according to their importance for the company, which is determined by a number of parameters set as part of the personnel management policy (the complexity of the tasks performed, the impact on the company's business, the complexity of replacement, and others).

Depending on the grade level, an appropriate motivation system can be applied to an employee. Also, taking into account the grade, a system of benefits available to the employee can be used.

In "1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP, a tool has been developed to support grading, the use of which is specified in the Setting the company's personnel management policy section.

To assign and analyze grades in the application solution, the Grades reference book and the Grades Matrix summary report are used. When describing a grade, a motivation scheme can be immediately set for it, which will then automatically be broadcast to all positions that are included in this grade.

This scheme can take into account both the formula for calculating financial accruals and non-financial motivation tools.

The Grade Motivation Scheme Control report allows you to compare the amount accrued to an employee for a given grade according to the motivation system established for him, with the range of amounts possible for a given grade. Thus, the head of the personnel service can analyze the effectiveness of the developed motivational scheme.

In addition to financial motivation, many large companies use additional tools motivation of employees by providing them with various compensation packages and benefits, the composition of which may vary depending on the position or grade.

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" CORP allows the head of the HR service to solve the following tasks of managing benefits:

  • keep a description and record of benefits, including the procedure for granting benefits, and the amount for its provision, using the Benefits directory;
  • create benefit packages;
  • determine eligibility for benefits;
  • set benefit periods, introduce new benefits, or cancel existing benefits using the Enter information about existing benefits document.

When you add a new benefit, you can define different use cases for it. The benefit can be available both to all employees and to groups of employees by position or grade. If the company uses grading, the system allows you to create a package of benefits for a specific grade, from which the employee can choose certain benefits at his own discretion within a given amount (the “benefits supermarket” system).

To account and analyze the use of benefits in the company, as well as the costs of providing them, "1C: Payroll and HR 8" CORP provides the following opportunities:

  • keep records and analyze the use of benefits by employees, as well as the costs of providing this benefit using the Grant of Benefits document;
  • analyze employee benefit costs using the Benefits Granted Details report.

This report allows the head of the personnel service in a consolidated form for the selected period to obtain information on the use of benefits in the company. The report contains information on the total cost of each benefit, as well as detailed information on the cost of providing benefits for each employee.

The graphical capabilities of the system make it possible to visualize the graphs of the share distribution of costs for benefits for various reasons (by types of benefits, by divisions, by grades, etc.). Thus, the company's management can get a complete picture of the use of the benefits system in the company and the costs of maintaining it for subsequent analysis and adjustments.

Personnel training and certification (CORP)

Employee surveys allow you to identify training needs, analyze employee satisfaction, evaluate the effectiveness of internal corporate events, and much more.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP provides the HR service with ample opportunities for conducting various surveys and questioning employees, including receiving feedback according to learning outcomes.

1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP provides several types of questions that can be selected and combined depending on the purpose of the survey:

  • open-ended question with an arbitrary answer (the length of the answer can be limited to a string or have no limits);
  • a question with a yes/no answer;
  • question with a numerical answer;
  • issue with date selection;
  • choosing one answer from several;
  • multiple choice of answers.

It is possible to enter comments and clarifications in a separate field next to the answer to the question, which allows you to receive Additional information for analysis.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP allows you to establish relationships between questions, set subordination and mandatory answers. For example, an employee cannot answer a subsequent question if he did not answer the previous one, or receives a certain question only if he answered the previous one in a certain way. It is also possible to form questions in tabular form with a predefined answer in a row or column.

Prepared questions are grouped into a specific questionnaire using the Questionnaire Template. Data on the purpose of the questionnaire is entered into the template, questions are selected that can be grouped by thematic sections questionnaires.

In order to conduct a specific survey, the Poll Assignment mechanism is used. When you assign a survey, you assign a name to it and select a list of employees for whom this survey intended. This gives the HR department the flexibility to use questionnaires for various surveys and store the history of surveys in a single system in a structured and understandable form.

If necessary, you can set the possibility of pre-saving the questionnaire. Thus, the interviewed employee can return to filling out the questionnaire at a convenient time for him.

The Survey analysis report allows the HR manager to quickly control the progress of the survey and track which of the employees did not fill out or did not submit the questionnaire. In addition, from this report you can get information about the total number of responses, as well as statistics of responses in various sections.

To view the results of the survey, the report Analytical report on the survey is used, which provides summary information on the results of the survey and allows you to view the answers and compare answers to the same question with each other.

In order for training to be effective, it is necessary to design a training program that meets the learning objectives and identified needs in the company. The development of a quality training program involves:

  • selection of training modules (thematic blocks) corresponding to the competencies that need to be developed;
  • determination of the optimal form of training (full-time / correspondence, lecture / training, etc.) and the provider of training services (internal resources, external companies);
  • determination of the optimal duration of the program;
  • determining the need to control the assimilation of knowledge, choosing the optimal form of control;
  • determination of the need and confirmation of the fact of training and the issuance of a document based on the results of training.

If it is planned to order training from external providers, the head of human resources should plan the budget that the company is ready to allocate for a particular program, and also take it into account when planning.

The solution of these problems in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP is carried out using the reference book Types of training and development activities. This tool allows you to create courses, which are then combined into training programs. This makes it possible to create a variety of courses aimed at studying the same discipline, but with different depths.

When describing the required training program, the software product allows you to describe in detail its composition in the form of a set of classes with certain characteristics.

When creating a new lesson for it, you can:

  • indicate the type (lecture, training, workshop, etc.);
  • choose the optimal form of holding (full-time, part-time, mixed);
  • choose a list of competencies, the development of which is aimed at training;
  • indicate the duration of the course.

If the event is held with the involvement of a third-party company, you can specify the amount of expenses for the event, the availability and type of a document on completion of training, attach additional course descriptions, such as a course program or an agreement with a service provider.

Also in the document, you can specify data that is important for the certification of an employee and will then be reflected in the T-2 personal card:

  • status of the event: professional retraining or advanced training;
  • specialty assigned after training.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training is an important tool in the development of staff competencies. The extent to which the training was useful for the company's goals and for the participants in the training determines the motivation of employees for further training, as well as the interest of management in investing resources in employee training.

Learning outcomes can be assessed by four main parameters:

  • participant satisfaction;
  • the degree of assimilation by employees of knowledge and skills formed in the course of training;
  • application of acquired knowledge, technologies and skills in practical work: change of behavior and approaches to accomplishment of tasks;
  • change in performance.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of training in the first three parameters. To solve these problems, surveys and questionnaires are used, as well as personnel assessment based on a competency model.

Based on the aggregate data on the training and evaluation of the results, you can generate a report Learning and Development Outcomes. This report provides in a summary form all the basic information on the training conducted in the company:

  • when and what event was held;
  • Which employees have been trained?
  • training costs in terms of one trained employee;
  • the result of assessing competencies developed during training.

Using the information in this report, the training manager can analyze the effectiveness of investments in training for each program and, based on this data, adjust the training program and the tools used for training.

Also, to analyze summary information about the company's training and development activities for personnel, the head of the training department can use the reports "Indicators of training and development" and "Analysis of the costs of training and development of employees".

To plan training in the program "1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8" CORP, the documents Training Planning and Application for Training are used.

The Training Planning document is designed to manage regular training in accordance with a long-term staff development program. This document contains information about those employees who must complete a certain course or set of courses by a given date.

To collect training needs on a specific topic, use the Training and Development Application document. With the help of this document, the manager can select activities or topics on which he would like to train his employees, indicate the desired training period and send an application for approval to the personnel service.

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" CORP allows you to work on requests by several employees with a division of roles. For example, a manager can form an application indicating a list of employees for training and competencies that need to be developed, and a training manager, based on these data, will select and add to the application the training event that he considers optimal for solving this problem.

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" CORP allows you to work on requests for several employees with a division of roles. For example, a manager can form an application indicating a list of employees for training and competencies that need to be developed, and a training manager, based on these data, will select and add to the application the training event that he considers optimal for solving this problem.

The manager who submitted the application can track its status and the decision made on it using "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" KORP.

Based on the summary information about the identified training needs of the company, a Training and Development Plan is formed, which allows, on the one hand, to create a master plan, on the other hand, to keep records and control the results of its implementation. For these purposes, the following information is reflected in the document in summary form:

  • planned or conducted (depending on the selected reporting period) training and development activities,
  • FULL NAME. employees scheduled for this event,
  • start and end dates,
  • result of the event.

The information in the Learning and Development Plan can be grouped by activity or employee. Also from this document, the head of the personnel service can go to view detailed information about the learning outcomes for the selected event.

In order to be able to analyze the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to take into account and store the results of training for all activities carried out by the company. For these purposes, in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP, the document Result of training and development is intended.

The primary data entered into the information system when planning an event (list of employees, name of the event, date of the event, etc.) are automatically entered into the Learning and Development Outcome. If, according to the results of training, an assessment was carried out on competencies, it can be made additionally, either on a point scale, or in a descriptive form.

Thus, in the Results of training and development, all information on each employee who has passed a specific training event is recorded in a consolidated form. This information can then be used by the HR manager to analyze the effectiveness of the training.

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" KORP provides support for all procedures and regulations necessary for certification.

Regulations on attestation is the fundamental document regulating attestation procedures in the company. This document is formed within the framework of the general module Human Resources Management Policy and allows you to fix the frequency of certification in the information system, enter the categories of employees who are not subject to certification, so that later these data can be used to regulate specific certification activities.

The document initiating a specific attestation event is the Order on attestation. This document allows you to register information about the upcoming certification of employees. The corresponding fields of the document indicate: organization; responsible; commission secretary; responsible for the preparation of certification sheets and other documents - an employee of the personnel or other service. The relevant tabular parts of the document indicate: employees participating in the certification; members attestation commission.

The system provides the ability to enter lists of the attestation commission and employees subject to attestation automatically.

Credentials for employees maintained in 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP allow you to automatically identify employees who are not subject to certification in accordance with the restrictions established by the Labor Law, and exclude them from the list of those who are certified.

On the basis of the document Order on certification, a document Certification results is created, which registers the decisions of the certification commission.

The system provides standard certification results that the employee responsible for registering the certification results can select from the list:

  • corresponds to the position held;
  • does not match the position.

In addition, the system allows you to record and save the decision of the certification committee, which can be arbitrary and entered manually.

After the results of the appraisal are entered into the system, the date of the next appraisal of this employee is automatically generated in it, based on the regulations on appraisal. This allows the head of the personnel service to automatically control the need for recertification for each employee of the enterprise.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" CORP allows the employee responsible for certification to print, based on the information entered into the system, ready-made regulatory documents:

  • Regulations on certification;
  • Order on certification;
  • certification schedule;
  • Certification sheets;
  • Minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission.

It is important for the head of the personnel service and the management of the company not only to conduct certification, but also to evaluate and analyze its results. To do this, "1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP uses the report Information on appraisal of employees.

This report allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of employee management in each department, compare departments with each other, identify areas where the qualifications of employees are the lowest, and make the necessary management decisions.

The 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP program allows you to develop and describe an arbitrary number of employee competencies, assign an assessment scale and develop criteria for each competency, and create a competency profile for each position.

To develop and maintain a competency model in "1C: Payroll and HR 8" CORP, the Competences of employees directory and the tool Personnel planning are used.

The Competences of Employees Directory is designed to form an up-to-date list of competencies used in the company, their description and formalization. Using this tool, the HR manager can:

  • form a description of competence and its manifestations;
  • set for each competence required amount scales to assess the severity and describe the meaning of each scale.

The system also allows you to set the expected share of the score for each scale in the overall distribution of scores. Based on this information, it is subsequently possible to analyze the adequacy of the evaluation procedures or the evaluation scale itself.

For the convenience of work in "1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP, pre-configured evaluation scales from two to five points are set, which the head of the personnel service can choose when describing competencies. The set of scales can be expanded.

For those companies that are just planning to introduce a competency system in 1C: Payroll and HR 8, KORP has developed a Glossary of competencies, which contains examples of competencies and their description. An HR officer can select appropriate competencies from a glossary in their own competency directory and then edit them to suit the specifics of the company.

Once the list of competencies has been formed, they can be tied to a specific position, resulting in a profile of the position's competencies. The job description form in the Human Resource Planning tool is designed for this purpose.

To evaluate an employee based on the competency model in 1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8, the KORP generates a list of competencies that should be assessed. The list is filled in automatically based on the competencies associated with the position occupied by this employee. The system also allows you to enter competencies manually - by selection from the list of competencies. In addition, the program assigns a person responsible for the assessment and a date is set. The HR officer can generate and print evaluation sheets, which will then be used by experts.

After the assessment, its results are also entered into the program and stored in the employee's history.

To create a summary report based on the results of the assessment and subsequent work with it, 1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8 KORP uses the Employee Competency Assessment tool. This tool allows the personnel service to solve the following tasks:

1. View a list of current assessments of the competencies of each employee.

2. Work with the results of the assessment of each employee on the basis of the Employee Competency Assessment document.

3. Display the results of the distribution of assessments of all employees for any competency or for a set of competencies for a specific position and compare the results obtained with the expected ones.

Using these tools allows the HR department to:

  • keep records of data on the results of employee evaluation;
  • analyze changes in competencies for employees over a certain period;
  • compare the results of the assessment with the requirements for the position, and make appropriate personnel decisions (the need for training, inclusion in the personnel reserve, etc.);
  • compare changes in the professional level of employees with each other in order to most effectively manage personnel potential companies.

To obtain detailed information about the results of the assessment of competencies, use the separate report Competency Assessment of Employees. The report is customizable and allows you to group data by department, position, employee, or display the results of competency assessments for a certain period throughout the company.

360 degree evaluation

The "360 degrees" method allows the head of the personnel service to receive a comprehensive assessment of professional and personal qualities employee from those with whom the employee is in direct professional contact (manager, subordinates, colleagues, work partners). This approach, although subjective, allows you to get information about how certain competencies are manifested by the employee directly at work.

In "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" KORP, the questionnaire mechanism allows you to conduct an assessment using the "360 degrees" method. An employee of the personnel service can form a list of formalized evaluation criteria, which can be competencies, or form a list of questions that allow an assessment of the professional and personal qualities of an employee. Using the survey tool, you can assign a survey procedure to certain employees, including sending a questionnaire by e-mail.

Staff adaptation

To effectively manage the adaptation process, the application solution "1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP allows the personnel service to plan the necessary adaptation measures and then monitor their implementation:

  • determine the composition and sequence of actions performed during adaptation and dismissal for the company as a whole, for the unit, for the position or for the workplace (a specific position of a particular unit);
  • assign responsibility to a specific employee for the entire adaptation procedure, a specific event or a separate task within the event;
  • set a deadline for each adaptation action and task;
  • monitor compliance with the adaptation measures themselves and the timing of their implementation.

These functionalities can also be used to organize and control the process of dismissal of an employee.

Successful adaptation of an employee in the company largely depends on how accurately and in a timely manner all the adaptation tasks provided for him will be performed.

"1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP allows you to track the results of the passage of adaptation measures for specific employees or groups, as well as view statistics of deviations in the implementation of adaptation measures for different periods.

Thus, the personnel service can identify adaptation measures that give the greatest failures, analyze the causes and make the necessary management decisions.

"1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP allows you to describe each adaptation event in a meaningful way, assign a person responsible for its implementation and set a mandatory period (for example, 1 day from the moment the employee is hired).

Onboarding program planning for a specific employee, position or department is carried out in a single section, which allows the person responsible for onboarding management to see a holistic picture of all activities provided for at different levels of the company.

After determining the necessary adaptation measures, the system automatically generates the necessary instructions for those responsible for the event, the implementation of which can then be controlled by the personnel department.

All this allows the personnel service to strictly regulate the adaptation procedure and control its implementation directly in the information system.

Manager and employee tools

The manager's monitor is intended for the head of the company and contains operational information on key indicators related to the state of personnel, personnel costs and the efficiency of employees, which directly affect the business of the enterprise.

On the Manager's Monitor in comparative form summarized data for the current and last month for the following indicators:

  • Personnel costs:
    • accrued and paid salary for the company;
    • deductions for the company;
    • payments on insurance premiums and personal income tax;
    • general staff costs;
    • salary dynamics for the year.
  • Frame Status:
  • Loss of working time.

In addition, the Manager's Monitor provides an opportunity to view in detail the structure of the accrued salary in the context of departments, as well as personnel events that are significant for the company's management (for example, the planned absence of key employees or managers).

A decoding of the Monitor indicators is provided up to the document that served as the source of the data. Thus, if some indicators raise questions, the manager can obtain data on the basis of which the value of this or that indicator is formed (for example, the reason for the increase in payroll).

The intensity of the business requires the manager to make quick decisions, regardless of the actual presence at the workplace. The supervisor's monitor is available remotely (via the Internet). This enables the manager to quickly receive all the necessary information, even while out of the office (for example, on a business trip or vacation), which increases the speed of managerial decision-making.

The head of the company can independently set up the indicators that are significant for him, which he would like to see on the monitor, as well as the sources for obtaining data on these indicators and the period for which the head would like to see the data.

The manager's workplace in 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP is designed to automate the tasks of managing their own employees, which most functional or line managers have to solve.

The workplace of the head of the department provides the heads of departments with the following opportunities:

  • View and edit personal data of employees.
  • View information about the salary of employees, generate applications for changing salaries and control their approval.
  • Viewing information about the employment of employees at various events and their absence from the workplace, including vacation data; editing vacation requests by an employee.
  • View reports on the use of working time.
  • Viewing the results of appraisal of employees of your department, data on the training provided, information on the status of competencies.
  • View information about the status of vacancies in your department and about candidates for these vacancies.
  • Monitoring the implementation of adaptation and dismissal tasks.

The intensity of business requires managers to make quick decisions, regardless of the actual presence in the workplace. With the development of modern information technologies most of the management tasks are transferred to a remote form.

The capabilities of 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP allow managers to access HR tools remotely (via the Internet). This enables the manager to quickly receive all the necessary information, even while out of the office (for example, on a business trip or vacation), which increases the speed of managerial decision-making.

The Accrual Management tool allows the manager to see a holistic picture of the proposed salary changes in order to analyze the changes and make appropriate management decisions on them.

Heads of departments who have the right to adjust the salary of their employees can make proposals for changing the accruals on their own. The manager proposing a change can enter comments on it into the information system. Thus, the director of the enterprise has the opportunity to obtain all the information necessary to make an informed decision.

Additional service options provide convenience when working with this information:

  • The Settings function allows you to select the parameters by which the information presentation will be generated: the period for analysis, accrual indicators, accrual presentation currency, groups of employees for which information is presented.
  • For the convenience of perceiving information, changes in accruals have a different visual representation. The values ​​increased in the current period are highlighted in green, the values ​​decreased in the current period are highlighted in red. Changes in italics are not effective until approved. Values ​​that are not editable are highlighted in gray.

"1C: Payroll and Human Resources 8" CORP allows all employees of the company to keep track of the time spent on performing various types of work using the Employee Report document, which can be filled out both by the employee himself and by the person responsible for him.

Based on this document, using the Personnel Cost Allocation Management tool, heads of departments responsible for directions, or project managers, get the opportunity to adjust the amount of working time written off to their facilities. For example, to reject expenses that, in their opinion, are not related to the activities performed on the facility. For clarity, rows with rejected activities are displayed in gray in the form table and in the Employee Report document.

Based on the data entered on the distribution of working time, a summary report is generated Time Spending of the company, which allows you to conduct a detailed analysis of the distribution of employees' time by type of work, projects and areas of activity.

This report provides the management of the company with a clear picture of the use of human resources in various areas in order to identify areas for optimization and reallocation of resources.

Analysis of personnel costs is essential tool to manage enterprise performance and human resources. Standard analytical cuts, which are usually carried out in the analysis of costs in the enterprise, do not provide a detailed picture of the distribution of costs in the context of human resource management. "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8" CORP allows you to analyze the costs of personnel in the context necessary for the HR service to effectively manage both the human resources of the enterprise and the budget allocated for these purposes.

The Personnel Expenses report allows you to analyze the distribution of personnel expenses both by cost item and by line of business.

For clarity and ease of analysis, the report can be presented both in tabular form and in the form of diagrams.

You can get detailed analytics of personnel costs using the Recording of personnel costs in management accounting document. This document allows you to analyze the distribution of personnel costs in various sections:

  • by item of expenditure;
  • by analytics objects;
  • by line of business based on data from employee reports on hours worked.

As a result, the head of the personnel service sees a holistic picture of the amounts of personnel costs for each item, as well as the share distribution of costs for various reasons.

Planning personnel costs is a rather difficult moment, since these costs are often not constant and depend on many factors: the implementation of the personnel plan, the achievement of planned results by employees with the need to reflect them in the motivation system, the dynamics of personnel movement, etc.

In order to reduce risks and ensure the stability of the company, 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP supports personnel cost planning, which includes scenario planning and planning for various periods. Using the document Planned staff costs, you can develop several alternative plans, which are then compared with the actual costs in order to adjust them or use the plan that is most consistent with reality.

The head responsible for planning can form a plan with a breakdown of the amounts in the context of cost items, departments that bear these costs, and analytics set for the cost item.

The document can be filled out both manually, with the input of the necessary expense items, and according to the actual data of the previous period. In this case, the personnel costs for the previous period corresponding to the selected scenario will be included in the document so that they can be adjusted to the new period.

To analyze the execution of the plan, the Personnel cost analysis document is intended, which allows you to compare actual personnel costs with several of the developed scenarios and compare deviations. Thus, the manager can analyze which of the planned scenarios best corresponds to the real situation, and promptly make the necessary management decisions.

The report is customizable and allows you to display data for each department, by line of business, by item of expenditure.

"1C: Payroll and Human Resources 8" CORP allows the head of the personnel service to identify and describe the cost items for personnel with the degree of detail and on the grounds that are necessary for his tasks. At the same time, for each item, you can select a section for which the analysis of expenses will be carried out: line of business, subdivision, project, construction object, nomenclature group, or others.

Of greatest interest to managers is the ability to analyze personnel costs in the context of areas of activity (CFD), departments and projects.

Also, the application solution allows you to set analytics sections for accounting and distribution of working time costs by type of work.

Analytical reporting on personnel composition is the main tool that allows the company's management to conduct operational monitoring of the state of employees of the organization and anticipate possible problems personnel management, which can negatively affect the work of the organization.

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" allows you to automatically receive reports on personnel:

  • Staff turnover rate and average headcount
  • Frame movement
  • Average population employees
  • Personnel statistics (gender and age, social characteristics) and the dynamics of changes in personnel
  • Report on regular arrangement, quantitative and qualitative staffing
  • Vacation report (vacation schedules, vacation usage, vacation balances and vacation schedule fulfillment)
  • Information about the results of employee appraisal (only for the KORP version!)

Analytical reporting on personnel, presented in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", includes a large number of different indicators. This enables the manager to comprehensively analyze the personnel of the enterprise and, therefore, make more informed management decisions. The manager can independently set the grouping parameters and criteria for selecting data in reports in accordance with his needs and the specifics of the tasks being solved. Individual settings can be saved for permanent use.

Reports can be presented in any form convenient for perception: tables, graphs, charts, etc. Thus, everyone can choose the most convenient way to present information for themselves or for reporting to management and justifying personnel decisions.

Performance indicators of HR processes

To analyze the effectiveness of HR processes, 1C: Payroll and HR 8 KORP provides a large set of analytical reports, allowing to obtain information on key performance indicators of each process.

1. According to the recruitment process:

  • Execution of the personnel plan (speed of closing vacancies, percentage of deviations in closing vacancies).
  • Attraction costs (the cost of attracting one employee).
  • Efficiency in the use of sources of attraction (the number of closed vacancies for various sources of attraction and the cost of attraction).

2. According to the process of adaptation of personnel:

  • Percentage of deviations according to the adaptation plan.
  • Adaptation costs.
  • Staff retention rate.

3. According to the process of personnel training:

  • Average cost of training per employee.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of training by the trained.
  • The effectiveness of training (including changes in indicators of competencies and work results after training).
  • Percentage of completion of the training plan.

4. By the competency management process:

  • Dynamics of changes in competencies over the period.
  • Competence development costs.
  • Labor productivity.

5. According to the process of personnel reserve management:

  • The share of replacement from the personnel reserve.
  • The cost of managing the personnel reserve.

6. According to the motivation management process:

  • Labor productivity.
  • Employee performance according to KPI.
  • Average cost and profit per employee.
  • Dynamics of changes in payroll and expenses for non-material motivation and their relation to revenue.
  • Changing performance indicators when changing the motivation system.

7. According to the personnel cost management process:

  • Dynamics of personnel costs by cost items, divisions, projects.
  • The ratio of personnel costs to revenue.

"1C: Payroll and HR 8" CORP allows the manager to receive reports in a standard (preconfigured) form or generate individual reports on various indicators for the specifics of the tasks of a particular organization and present them in a convenient visual form: diagrams, histograms, etc.

Employee Performance Indicators

Employee performance indicators are the main indicators of the effectiveness of the personnel management system as a whole, since their values ​​depend on a number of factors related to personnel management. The effectiveness of employees is influenced by: a properly built motivation system, regular professional development, adequate placement of personnel in accordance with abilities and other decisions related to personnel management.

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" CORP allows the head of the HR service to receive the following performance indicators for personnel:

  • labor productivity;
  • performance of employees according to KPI;
  • average cost per employee;
  • revenue and profit per employee;
  • execution of the planned working time fund;
  • statistics on the distribution of working time by tasks and statistics on the employment of employees in events.

The integrability of application solutions developed on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform allows the head of the HR service to receive from other accounting systems developed on this platform (for example, from 1C: Trade Management 8 or 1C: Production Enterprise Management 8m), information about financial indicators(revenue, costs) in order to use it in conjunction with the data contained in "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" KORP.

To improve the efficiency of work with personnel, it is important to provide the employee with the opportunity to interact directly with the personnel service on all issues relevant to him. A modern information system can provide tools for the rapid exchange of information between the personnel service and employees, which is especially important for large companies.

Using these opportunities, an employee can quickly provide the necessary information to a personal card, keep a record of his working time, and receive the necessary information about himself. This reduces the burden on the personnel service, reduces the amount of time that employees of the personnel service spend on obtaining the necessary information or answering questions (for example, about the number of remaining vacation days or accrued wages).

In "1C: Payroll and HR 8" KORP, a specialized interface has been developed for the Employee Workplace for the operational interaction of employees with the HR service online.

Company employees can:

  • View your data in the personal file and form applications for their correction in case the data has changed.
  • View information about accrued, withheld and paid wages.
  • View information about benefits and, if the company has a choice from a benefit package, select benefits according to the limit set for the employee.
  • View accumulated vacation days and enter vacation requests.
  • Fill in data on hours worked, data on employment or absence from the workplace.
  • Participate in surveys conducted by the company.

Depending on the policy adopted by the company, different levels of access to working with information can be set for employees: some information (for example, home address or telephone number) can be entered by an employee on his own, and some information (for example, a certificate of education) - change only through an application with an appropriate supporting document attached.

"1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8" CORP allows you to organize the interaction of the Employee's Workplace with the personnel service base remotely (via the Internet). Thus, large companies that have a centralized personnel management service can ensure the interaction of this service with all employees of branches or remote enterprises.

Occupational Safety and Health

It is often necessary to have a special permit to perform certain jobs. "1C: Payroll and personnel management 8" CORP allows you to determine the requirements for the need for such permits for certain positions and keep records of their availability.

For each position, you can set the requirement for a certain type of work permit in order to subsequently monitor the employee's compliance with the requirements for the position.

The fact that an employee has received a special right to perform work (licenses, the right to drive a vehicle, the right to carry weapons, other special rights) is recorded in the Permit to work document. For each type of permit, a period of validity is set. Thus, the employee responsible for labor protection will be able to automatically control the end of the employee's access to work and update it in a timely manner.

After issuing an employee access to work in "1C: Salary and HR 8" KORP, you can print an order for the employee's admission to work.

To control the availability and relevance of work permits for employees for whom a permit is a prerequisite, use the Control work permits report.

In the report, those employees whose permit has expired or whose permit has not yet been issued are automatically highlighted in red. This enables the employee responsible for tolerances to easily monitor compliance with the tolerance requirements at the enterprise and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" allows you to fully automate the process of accounting for briefings and control their passage. Based on the fact that the employees have been briefed on labor protection, a document is generated Labor safety briefing, in which all employees who have undergone the briefing are registered, and those employees for whom the briefing is mandatory, but its validity period has expired or the briefing has not yet been completed, are automatically displayed.

An employee of the enterprise responsible for recording briefings can enter data manually from the list of employees or generate a list of employees automatically for a specific type of briefing. When the list is automatically generated, it includes all employees working in positions for which the specified type of briefing is mandatory. Thus, the effect is reduced human factor and increased control over the passage of briefings.

If necessary (for example, an employee was not instructed due to absence), this list can be edited (add and/or delete the employee's full name).

On the basis of the document Occupational safety briefing, it is possible to generate a Register of Occupational Safety Briefings in a standardized form in accordance with the requirements Labor law. This log can be printed or sent printed form by email.

The report Accounting for labor protection briefings allows you to get a complete picture of the status of briefings by employees of the enterprise. The report provides the following information:

  • type of instruction
  • date,
  • validity.

Employees who have not been instructed are automatically marked in red in the report.

Thus, the person responsible for the briefing can immediately see the failures in the briefing and take appropriate measures.

To control the passage of the introductory briefing, a separate report Conducting an introductory briefing is provided. This report highlights the list of employees who did not pass the introductory briefing, which also provides additional control.

Based on Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers employed in hard work and at work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions work, as well as at work related to the movement of transport, are at the expense of the employer, mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations. Passing a medical examination is necessary to determine the suitability of these workers for the performance of the assigned work and the prevention of occupational diseases.

"1C: Payroll and Human Resources Management 8" KORP allows you to determine the need for a medical examination for a position, keep records of the examination, control its expiration date, and also take into account the company's costs for examinations.

The Medical Examination document is intended to register the fact that employees have undergone a medical examination. An employee of the enterprise responsible for recording medical examinations can enter data manually from the list of employees or generate a list of employees automatically according to the selected type of medical examination. When the list is automatically generated, it includes all employees working in positions for which the specified medical examination is mandatory, but its validity has expired, and those who have not yet undergone a medical examination.

If necessary, this list can be edited manually. In addition, this document keeps records of data on the results of a medical examination, indicates the dates of the next examination and the amount of expenses for passing a medical examination.

Based on the results of the medical examination, it is possible to generate and print an Order on admission to work and an Order on suspension from work.

Work on manufacturing plant, in logistics complexes, transport and forwarding companies is often associated with the occurrence of industrial accidents. Analysis of accident statistics and causes of occurrence allows the company's management to identify the factors of the greatest risks and take measures to reduce them.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" allows you to keep records and store all information about each accident, record the results of investigations in a single database. The head responsible for labor safety can enter into the program all data on an industrial accident, including materials on its investigation and information about the consequences, including attaching all Required documents(photos from the scene, protocols of interviews with participants, etc.).

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8" allows, based on the data entered into the information system, to print the Protocol for interviewing an accident victim (an eyewitness to an accident, official) and the Journal of Accidents.

On the basis of summary information about accidents at work, the company's management can receive generalized information with accident statistics for a certain period.

The Damage from accidents report allows the management of the enterprise to see a complete picture of the types of accidents that occurred over a certain period, as well as the types of damage caused to the company and the amount of damage.

"1C: Payroll and HR Management KORP" is an HR solution from 1C, designed to automate the processes of personnel management, personnel records and payroll in medium and large enterprises. "1C: Payroll and HR Management KORP" offers users the functionality of a full-fledged HRM system.

109 000 rub. - 1C:ZUP 8 KORP

Order a product

Implementation of a personnel management policy based on the company's business objectives:

search and selection of candidates: staffing needs planning, automatic loading and unloading of candidate data from recruitment sites, candidate work planning and registration of decisions made,

personel assessment: 1C:ZiUP KORP standardizes the procedure for attesting employees and evaluating the results of their activities. The information obtained is used in planning and promotion of promising employees,

education and development: 1C solution allows you to plan and manage the learning process, evaluate and analyze learning outcomes,

formation of a personnel reserve and talent management: 1C:ZiUP KORP helps to plan and carry out activities to identify talented employees, organize actions for their development and application, and determine human resources.

financial motivation:

  • creation of flexible payment schemes,
  • management of social benefits,
  • employee self-service: self-obtaining information about their salary, vacation balances, offered benefits,
  • staffing planning,
  • grade support,
  • planning and accounting for personnel costs for projects and areas of activity,

Implementation of regulated procedures for working with personnel:

  • occupational Safety and Health,
  • personnel accounting and personnel analysis,
  • attestation,
  • labor Relations, including HR administration,
  • staff payroll,
  • management of cash settlements with personnel, including depositing,
  • calculation of taxes regulated by law and contributions from the payroll fund,
  • reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the costs of the enterprise.

"1C: Payroll and HR Management CORP" is the result of the development of 1C HR solutions in the following areas:

  • orientation to the tasks of medium and large enterprises;
  • extended functionality;
  • support of business processes "Agreement" and "Approval";
  • multi-purpose management tools for control and analysis;
  • flexible setting of access rights;
  • the concept of user workplaces - a grouped set of commands and reports for participation in separate processes;
  • employee self-service;
  • support for remote access to the system.

"1C: Payroll and HR Management KORP" was developed using the new features of the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform. Part of the functionality is available when working in thin and web client mode.

1C:ZiUP KORP allows you to conduct management and accounting activities on behalf of several organizations, while each organization can keep records under the general or simplified taxation system within the same information base.

The configuration "1C: Salary and personnel management KORP" can also be used at enterprises of a holding structure consisting of several organizations that are registered as legal entities or are individual entrepreneurs.

The software product "1C: Salary and personnel management CORP" includes 1 workplace, if there is a need for more jobs, you can purchase Additional 1C Client Licenses.

"1C: Salary and personnel management KORP" is successfully used in personnel services and accounting departments, as well as in other departments whose task is to organize the effective work of personnel.

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Acquisition of a new product at a reduced price on an upgrade basis:

The software product "1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 CORP" can be purchased on an upgrade basis, that is, turn in the products listed below and get a discount:

  • "1C:SALARY v. 4.0 custom delivery 3";
  • "1C:SALARY v. 4.0 custom supply 5";
  • "1C:SALARY v. 4.0 PROF supply 3";
  • "1C: Taxpayer 8";
  • "1C: Taxpayer 7.5";
  • "1C: Taxpayer 7.5. Network version";
  • "1C: Taxpayer 7.7" CD-ROM";
  • "1C: Taxpayer 7.7" 3.5";
  • "1C: Taxpayer 7.7. Network version";
  • "1C: Calculation 7.0";
  • "1C: Calculation 7.0. Network version";
  • "1C: Salary and personnel 7.5. Basic version";
  • "1C: Salary and personnel 7.5 PROF";
  • "1C:Enterprise 7.5. Calculation Conf. Salary and personnel. 3rd half. ";
  • "1C:Enterprise 7.5. Calculation Conf. Salary and personnel set.»;
  • "1C:Enterprise 7.5 for SQL. Calculation Conf. Zarpl. and staff";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.5 + MS SQL Srv 6.5. Calculation. (5 users) ";
  • "1C: Salary and personnel 7.7. Basic version";
  • "1C: Salary and personnel 7.7. PROF";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 (Set. 3 p.). Calculation. Conf. Salary and personnel”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 (Set.). Calculation. Conf. Salary and personnel”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 for SQL. Calculation. Conf. Zarpl. and staff";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + MS SQL Srv 7.0 (5 p.). Calculation.";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + MS SQL Srv 2000 (5 p.). Calculation.";
  • "1C: Salary and personnel 7.7 PROF + ITS USB";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 (Set. 3 p.). Calculation. Conf. Salary + Personnel + ITS USB”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 (Set.). Calculation. Conf. Salary + Personnel + ITS USB”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 for SQL. Calculation. Conf. Salary + Personnel + ITS USB”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7. A set for a small company”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 PROF. Export-tech. supply";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.L7 (Set.). Export-tech. supply";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 for SQL. Complex supply»;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 PROF. Complex supply»;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 (Set.). Complex supply»;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 (Set.). Comp. configuration";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 for SQL. Comp. conf. B + T + C + Z + K ";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 PROF. Comp. configuration";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 for SQL. Complex supply + ITS USB”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 PROF. Complex supply + ITS USB”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 (Set.). Complex supply + ITS USB”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 PROF. Export-technological supply + ITS USB”;
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + MS SQL Srv. Comp. conf. (5 p.) ";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + Win 2003 + SQL 2000 (5 p.). Set fast.";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + MS NT Srv + MS SQL Srv. Comp. conf. (5 p.) ";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + Win 2000 + SQL 2000 (5 p.). Set fast.";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + MS SQL Srv 2000 (5 p.). Set supply";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7 + MS SQL Srv 7.0 (5 p.). Set supply";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7+Win. 2000 + SQL 7.0 (5 p.) Set. supply";
  • "1C: Predpr. 7.7+Win. 2000 + SQL 7.0. Comp. conf. (5 p.) ";
  • "1C: Predpr. 8.0. Personnel Management";
  • "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0";
  • "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8. Basic version";
  • "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8".

The product handed over for an upgrade is removed from service at 1C.

"1C: Payroll and HR Management 8 CORP" can be purchased on an upgrade basis both separately and together with client and server licenses.

The upgrade price is calculated according to general formula: the total cost of the purchased 1C:Enterprise 8 products minus the cost of the returned product plus 150 rubles, but not less than half of the total cost of the purchased products.

Upgrade from the software product "1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 KORP" to other products is not performed.

Current program releases

Payroll and personnel management CORP -

Taking into account the differences in the needs of companies different levels, 1C offers three software products with different functional content and complexity:

"1C: Payroll and personnel management 8. Basic version"- a product for a small organization that allows you to fully automate personnel records, payroll and calculate the necessary taxes and contributions in accordance with the requirements of the law at one workplace.

"1C: Salary and personnel management 8 PROF" allows not only to keep personnel records and payroll in companies with a complex legal structure, but also to automate the basic functions of personnel management (recruitment, training, motivation).

A comprehensive solution for automating all tasks of personnel management in medium and large enterprises, for which effective human resource management is a prerequisite for successful work in the market. The product allows you to solve the problems of implementing the personnel policy of the enterprise and a comprehensive assessment of personnel at the modern level, correctly and quickly process information about the state of the personnel of the enterprise and, based on it, give high-quality and meaningful conclusions about the abilities of employees, plan training, development and career, make informed management decisions.

Functionality Basic PROF CORP
Personnel accounting and personalized accounting + + +
Calculation and accounting of wages + + +
Payouts and deposits + + +
Calculation of taxes and insurance premiums + + +
Preparation of regulated reporting + + +
Accounting for the activities of several organizations - + +
Ability to configure the applied solution - + +
Support for client-server operation - + +
Working with a distributed infobase - + +
Recruitment with the search for candidates on the Internet - - +
Grades and KPIs- - +
Social benefits and compensations - - +
Adaptation, training and development of personnel - - +
Talent pool and talent management - - +
Accounting for expenses by areas and projects - - +
Occupational safety, permits, medical examinations, briefings - - +
Remote access for managers and employees - - +

The successful work of any organization is determined by how efficiently its employees work, what qualifications they have, and how much it coincides with the tasks of the company, to what extent these tasks are motivated, and how management decisions affect the efficiency of the company's specialists.

To receive complete, reliable information for managing the company, in full and without effort, is possible only with the automation of the company.

Software package "1C: Salary and personnel management 8 KORP"- a reasonable solution for automating the processes of personnel management, personnel records and payroll. The application solution is intended for automation of medium and large enterprises. All HR processes will be automated.

The functionality of the software product allows you to solve a number of tasks.

With the help of 1C, a personnel management policy will be established, the company's personnel management policy will be implemented.

With help software product "1C: Salary and personnel management 8 KORP" it is easy to plan personnel needs, post vacancies on the Internet and upload resumes of candidates according to specified requirements, plan and keep records of personnel costs in areas of activity.

It will help to plan the employment of staff with maximum efficiency; evaluate, train and develop employees; develop flexible payment schemes.

The program provides for the management of benefits and social package. In addition, employees of the company can independently obtain information about their wages and benefits offered.

Software product "1C: Salary and personnel management 8 KORP" implements regulated procedures for working with personnel (labor protection, analysis of personnel composition and personnel records, certification of company employees, personnel records management, payroll, management of cash settlements with personnel, including depositing, calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund) . The program reflects the accrued salary and taxes in the costs of the enterprise.

If available, you can always analyze the effectiveness of work with personnel - evaluate the quality of the composition of employees, the effectiveness of their work, evaluate the performance indicators of management processes, monitor key indicators and make timely management decisions.

Configuration "1C: Salary and personnel management 8 KORP"- this is software application that satisfies the needs of all groups of personnel of the company. The company's management can make informed management decisions and monitor their implementation in the main areas of the company's development:

Develop HR strategies

develop organizational structure companies,

evaluate the effectiveness of the HR service,

analyze employee data

maintain and manage corporate culture.

With the help of 1C, the personnel management service can easily search, select and compare candidates, develop the already existing personnel potential of the organization. More 1С Salary and personnel management 8 KORP evaluates employees not only on the basis of performance, but also on competencies. With the help of the program, personnel management services manage the career and promotion of employees, draw up and implement various motivational schemes. In 1C it is possible to create a single information base of employees. Heads of line subdivisions also significantly save their time when they select candidates, or carry out adaptation of new employees, etc.

And the planned service of the company is also indispensable without 1c salary and personnel management 8 corp. With this software product, it is possible to plan personnel costs, evaluate changes in the cost budget for the current period, due to an increase in the company's staff, overtime, unscheduled payments and compensation. The planned service will always see payroll deviations from planned indicators. When introducing new motivational schemes, it is always possible to analyze the estimated labor costs. In addition, you can choose the most optimal motivation scheme from several options for stimulating labor activity.

The positive aspects of automation will also be felt by the payroll department. All types of payroll calculations will be automated. The automation tool will also appear in the calculation and payment of guarantees and compensations in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All types of deductions, salary payments, deposit and calculation of taxes and contributions will be automated with 1C.

Employees of the company receive through reliable operational information on wages. Without contacting the personnel department, they can receive data for government agencies and social funds and other background information.

By purchasing software product "1C: Salary and personnel management 8 KORP", in addition to the main functionality, you get an additional range of service capabilities:

an expanded list of typical roles that are involved in working with personnel, a set of functionality for each role will be pre-configured;

workplace for self-service employees;

flexible configuration of access rights;

support for the processes "Agreement" and "Approval" of documents;

you can also work remotely via the Internet;

get multi-purpose management tools for control and analysis).