Carrying out certification of personnel (workers) for professional suitability. Regulations on certification of employees. Certification Commission Commission for professional suitability at the enterprise

  • 11.03.2020

Efficient Management personnel in any, even the smallest organization, is impossible if the manager does not learn to pay due attention to the issues of assessment and certification. What is the main essence of such personnel events?

Certification of employees is clearly described in the Labor Code

Certification is a procedure that allows you to assess how much the personality traits and potential of an employee (and hence the quality level of the work carried out by him) labor activity) meet the requirements of the position occupied by a particular person. The main task of this event is to optimize.

It is certification that allows you to identify potentially promising employees who are in dire need of more detailed training in their specialization. In addition, based on the results of such a check, the manager can develop an effective motivation program for the most competent (and therefore most beneficial to the enterprise) employees.

Of course, there are other, secondary tasks of such events. So, from a legal point of view, certification can serve as a reason for:

  • transfer of an employee to another division of the organization;
  • size changes wages employee (no matter, up or down);
  • bonuses or promotions of individual valuable personnel;
  • displacement of an employee from his occupied (that is, downgrading or even).

Consequently, well-conducted personnel events do not just allow the manager to determine the actual potential of the organization and "feel" the existing reserves for its growth. Timely certification helps to competently manage the resources already available to the enterprise, qualitatively improving the level of work of employees through the optimal use of the capabilities of each individual person.

How is certification carried out?

Evaluation of employees can affect every employee

The described personnel activities can be carried out in any department of any organization. In other words, every employee can be subject to mandatory certification, regardless of their position.

The head of the enterprise is directly involved in scheduling such procedures. There are 4 types of certifications in total:

  1. Next. These are mandatory events for all employees of the organization, without exception, carried out on the initiative of the organizations controlling the enterprise. An ordinary employee is required to undergo such certification once every 3 years. The person who occupies - at least once every 2 years.
  2. At the end of the probationary period. Such procedures, as a rule, are introduced by the heads of organizations themselves in order to determine the potential of applicants applying to the company. Competently organized events allow you to “screen out” employees who do not meet the requirements for the position in advance. For other applicants, such certification is no less useful, because it is it that allows managers to develop effective measures aimed at adapting a new employee to an already established team.
  3. On promotion. As is clear from the name of the procedure itself, it is performed when the employer has the goal of promoting a particular employee. The reason for holding such an event may be the need to motivate the employee or the desire of the manager to optimize manufacturing process. In any case, during this certification, the employee will be checked for compliance with the requirements new position. The general level of his professional training will also be assessed.
  4. When transferred to another department. Events of this kind are mandatory only if, after the transfer of an employee to a new department, his official duties will change significantly. As with the pre-promotion review, the employee is assessed in terms of eligibility for the job.

Regardless of the type of certification, it is carried out by one of the following methods:

  • ranking, during which the manager makes a kind of "rating" of subordinates, based on information about their merits to the company, working potential and some other characteristics;
  • classification, which differs from ranking only in that employees, in accordance with their achievements and demonstrated efficiency, are distributed into status groups, the criteria for being in which are determined in advance;
  • rating scale, which is a flexible data analysis system, thanks to which the manager can determine how each individual employee meets the characteristics he needs in his work (while checking is carried out on all points separately);
  • open certification, during which the manager evaluates the very nature of the employee's performance of his work ( this method considered innovative and has been widely used only recently).

About certification stages

Certification of employees is carried out in stages

Any recruitment activity is carried out in three stages. This is preparation, the procedure itself and, finally, summing up. When it comes to attestation specifically, the steps described include:

  • Training:
  1. development of a training program (if a personnel event of this nature will be held for the first time);
  2. development of the certification methodology itself, taking into account the basic principles that will need to be observed during the verification;
  3. publication of relevant regulatory documents (an order to hold an event, a list of members of the certification body, an audit plan indicating the specific methods used, a training program for managers and, of course, instructions for storing personal data);
  4. procurement of materials (forms and forms) necessary for certification.
  • Certification:
  1. preparation of reports by the head and the certified employee (in accordance with the rules announced in advance by the personnel service);
  2. filling in by the head, certified, as well as other employees of the enterprise, special evaluation forms;
  3. analysis of the obtained results;
  4. final meeting of a specially assembled attestation commission.
  • Summarizing:
  1. analysis of personnel information obtained during the verification process and development of methods for its further use;
  2. development of recommendations for working with personnel;
  3. fixing the results of certification.

How are test results analyzed?

The leader makes the decision

The analysis of the certification results is carried out separately according to two parameters: this is the assessment of the personnel themselves and the level of their work. In other words, it is the diagnosis of the resources (workers) actually available at the enterprise and the identification of employees who do not meet existing standards and requirements for positions held.

Naturally, carrying out this kind of analytical research is impossible without collecting and processing all the data obtained during the certification process about the people working in the company:

  1. compiling comparison tables employee efficiency;
  2. identifying employees who are in “risk groups” (in other words, inefficient workers who do not have the necessary professionalism);
  3. selection of promising employees from the “growth group” (that is, people who are ready for further professional development);
  4. preparation of recommendations on strategies for using the obtained data (at this stage it is very important and proper organization storage of personnel information).

Whatever conclusions are made by the leader himself and his managers as a result, it is the certification commission that ultimately decides the fate of each individual employee.

How certification is carried out, learn from the video consultation:

What is the benefit of social worker certification? What are the features of certification medical workers per category? What regulates the regulation on certification for compliance with the position held?

Arriving at work, you will find out that personnel changes have taken place in the team! Head economist Maria Ivanovna urgently wanted to retire. Senior accountant Natalya is glowing with happiness - she is now the deputy chief accountant. But the leading economist Lyudochka is in tears - from today she is just an economist.

The reason for this is the certification of workers, which no one attached much importance to two weeks ago. As you can see, in vain!

In order not to get into trouble and be fully armed, to know all the pros and cons of this procedure, I, Alla Prosyukova, have prepared for you a new article on the subject of personnel assessment!

As always at the end of the post - helpful tips and an overview of reliable companies offering personnel certification services!

1. What is the certification of employees and why is it carried out?

Every year, business leaders and business owners pay more and more attention to the company's personnel. Popular expression "Cadres decide everything!" finally began to acquire practical significance.

In order to remain competitive, companies must have a highly professional workforce, the level of training of which corresponds to its size.

How to determine this level correctly? It's very easy to get certified!

This is a periodic examination of personnel for professional suitability and compliance with the position held.

The purpose of this event is different. We have presented some of them in our diagram.

Legislatively, the frequency of attestation activities is provided for at least 1 time in 3 years. Based on this, each company independently approves the terms acceptable for it. They are fixed in a local act regulating this process, developed and approved within the company.

You should know which categories of workers are not certified:

  • working in the organization less than a year;
  • employees over the age of 60;
  • employees expecting a child;
  • workers-vacation workers for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • women who have taken leave to care for a child up to 3 years.

Now certification has become popular in the field social work. Examination of the professionalism of social workers makes it possible to form a staff of highly qualified specialists, which positively affects the quality of the services they provide.

It is also important to remember the peculiarities of certification of certain types of employees. For example, certification of medical workers for a category. These employees have the right to independently initiate an examination for the assignment of a category. The voluntariness of the test is its distinguishing feature.

Examinations of this kind are conducted by an expert group of a specially formed commission.

2. What are the forms of certification of employees - 3 forms of conducting

Depending on the goals, the method of certification is also selected. The most well-known 3 forms of this procedure. In practice, there are many more of them, because mixing often occurs and as a result a combined format is obtained.

Within the framework of this publication, I propose to consider only the main ones: two oral (individual and collegiate interviews) and written testing.

Form 1. Oral in the form of an individual interview

An individual interview is conducted, as a rule, by the head of the department in which the employee works. The results serve as the basis for compiling a review-characteristic.

In the process, the attitude of the certified person to work is clarified. The problems that the employee has in the performance of labor duties are determined.

Form 2. Oral in the form of a collegiate interview

A collegiate interview is conducted by a commission approved for this purpose. First, they listen to the report of the subject himself about his duties within the framework of the position, the positive and negative aspects of the work. If necessary, clarifying questions are asked.

During the conversation, the level of professional training of a specialist and his compliance with the position are determined.

Form 3. Written in the form of tests

Testing is considered the most objective form. Certification testing requires serious preparation.

First, it is necessary to form and approve test questions. They must fully correspond to the specialty and qualifications of the certified employees.

Secondly, the % of correct answers should be determined in advance to determine the success of the test.

3. How is the certification of employees - 5 main stages

Such a serious and important procedure as certification of employees requires thorough preparation.

In order for the results of this event to have value and practical significance, it is necessary to know some of its organizational subtleties and features of the conduct.

Stage 1. Drawing up a local regulatory act

The main document regulating the attestation procedure is the “Regulations on the attestation of employees”.

Its approximate structure is shown in the table.

Approximate structure and composition of sections:

1 Concept, goals, tasksspecific goals and objectives are indicated specifically for the company that approved the Regulation (for example, the formation of a personnel reserve)
2 List of categories of personnel not subject to certificationnon-certified categories of employees are legally established (pregnant women, working less than a year, etc.)
3 Datesscheduled, unscheduled, frequency and duration
4 Forms of attestationindividual or collegiate interview, testing
5 Composition and powers of the commissionthe composition of the commission with the functions assigned to them is indicated
6 The procedure for certificationthe most complete description of all stages of the process, a list of submitted documentation, a list of those responsible for the preparation of documents
7 Criteria for evaluationthe number of points for successfully passing the test, the compliance of the employee’s work with his work instructions, etc.
8 Types of final conclusionscorresponds / does not correspond to the position held, corresponds to the position held and is recommended for enrollment in the personnel reserve

The local act is approved by the head of the company. After that, all staff are familiarized with it under the signature. Subsequently, newly employed people get acquainted with the situation in a similar way.

Stage 2. Formation of the certification commission

The commission is approved by the organization order.

The composition includes:

  • chairman;
  • vice-chairman;
  • secretary;
  • members of the commission.

The number of members is not limited by law. Minimum - 3 people. They are elected from among the most professional workers, heads of departments, chief specialists.

If a trade union operates in the company, then its representative must be included in the commission. Otherwise, the certification results may be invalidated.

Stage 3. Preparation of the necessary documents for the attestation commission

The order of the head on certification has been issued. A schedule for its implementation has been developed and approved. Now comes the turn of preparing documentation for the commission.

List of standard documents:

  • form for assessing working and business qualities;
  • reports of certified;
  • qualification sheets;
  • form of conclusion of the commission;
  • form for recording proposals from employees.

Stage 4. Certification

Certification is carried out by the commission strictly according to the approved schedule. During the meeting, the submitted documents for each certified person are considered, the employees themselves, their immediate supervisors are heard.

Stage 5. Obtaining certification results

Based on the results of certification, the commission issues a verdict for each certified person. The wording of the decision is prescribed in the local act and usually looks like: “corresponds to the position held” and “does not correspond to the position held”.

The attestation conclusion is drawn up in the form. The results are formed into a summary report, which is then presented to the manager for a final decision.

4. Who provides employee appraisal services - an overview of the TOP-3 companies

Are you having difficulties with the personnel appraisal procedure and you don't know where to start? I suggest you turn to professionals.

We have selected companies that will quickly and efficiently conduct certification of employees in any field, including education, medicine, government and social services.

"HR-praktika" is a St. Petersburg company that has been operating for more than 20 years throughout the Russian Federation in the field of personnel management. During this period, the company has become an expert in the field of its professional interests.

The company provides services in the field of personnel management in the following areas:

  • audit;
  • outsourcing;
  • education;
  • consultations;
  • design work.

Managers and business owners, applicants and employees of companies, HR specialists - they will find everything useful information on the corporate Internet resource of the company "HR-praktika". You can get an initial consultation by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

Hermes is a licensed center from Moscow, established in 2006. The company has all the necessary certificates and licenses to carry out the declared activities.

Services of Germes LLC:

  • quality management certification;
  • licensing;
  • SRO permits;
  • training and retraining courses of various kinds;
  • certification: personnel,;
  • sale of ready-made companies with a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and KGIOP.

Having started its activity in the distant 2006 as a division of the holding, the company "Kadry is!" became a separate business unit with a wide network of specialized agencies.

Recruiting and consulting services are the main activities of the firm. The most popular among customers were personnel certification and.

The results of the events held by highly qualified specialists of the Kadry Is! allow customers:

  • identify the causes of inefficient work of personnel;
  • determine directions for optimizing personnel and organizational work;
  • develop measures that increase motivation and productivity;
  • revise job responsibilities and wages;
  • redistribute the workload among specialists.

5. How to get objective results of employee appraisal - 3 useful tips

Objectivity is an important component of the attestation examination of personnel.

Our advice will help you avoid problems in this matter.

As I already wrote, the number of participants in the attestation commission is not limited. Include as many specialists as necessary for the quality of the procedure.

The main condition: all members of the commission must enjoy authority, be competent in the professional specializations of those being certified. Such a composition will inspire more trust and reduce the risk of conflicts.


In the process of certification at Albatros LLC, a conflict situation arose during the assessment professional competencies system administrator Fedor Kuzkin.

The commission decided to downgrade Kuz'kin's category. Fedor wrote a complaint addressed to the director of the company, in which he drew attention to the incompetence of the commission members in matters of system administration.

Indeed, the commission did not have a single specialist in this direction, and therefore they could not properly evaluate professional quality sysadmin Fedor.

The director of Albatros LLC agreed with Kuzkin's arguments and the recommendations of the attestation commission were not accepted.

Tip 2. Carry out certification only in the presence of an employee

Despite the fact that the law provides for cases of certification in the absence of an employee (unreasonable absence, unwillingness to undergo an examination), it is better to conduct it in his presence.

So you reduce the risk of conflict and challenging the result on the part of the assessed employee.

Tip 3. Trust third-party certification

If you want to get really high-quality certification results and get rid of a headache about this, I recommend ordering this event in specialized companies.

Such companies can be entrusted not only with the certification of personnel, but also, for example, with a special assessment of working conditions (

In order for the certification to be carried out correctly, it is worth adhering to the norms that regulate this issue in 2020.

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It is worth knowing not only the stages of the procedure, but also the features of the formation of an attestation commission, the rules for attesting jobs and persons for compliance with their positions.

Many enterprises periodically carry out certification of personnel. If the company has been operating for a long time and has extensive experience in organizing the work of employees, then there will be no difficulties in conducting certification.

All that is required in this case is to revise the regulations and adhere to the recommendations.

But it is not so easy for beginners to organize certification. We will figure out who and when should undergo it, as well as how the procedure itself is carried out.

What do you need to know?

We will mention which documents are relevant and what definition is given in normative documents certification.

Basic concepts

Certification is called the organizational form of assessing the qualifications, the level of knowledge of an employee.

This is a procedure that is periodically carried out at the enterprise to decide the subject, subject, forms, methods, time of evaluation.

The regulation on the procedure for conducting the certification procedure is a normative act that regulates the purpose, tasks, period, category of persons that are subject to certification, as well as citizens that are not subject to it.

Considers also the preparatory stage, implementation and decision-making on the result.

For what purpose is it carried out?

The main tasks of certification:

What are the main The performance of the staff is evaluated.
Determine whether employees are suitable for the positions they occupy.
Identify gaps in training.
Create an employee development plan
Additional Check how a person is compatible with the team.
Check the motivation of a person to work in a position.
Determine career prospects
General To improve employee management and improve the efficiency of the HR department.
To increase responsibility and executive type of discipline
specific Determine the circle of employees, positions that should be fired and reduced.
To improve the moral and psychological atmosphere in the company

Legal framework

The attestation commission must sum up and submit a report on its work to the management. Such a document should be prepared by the chairman.

When checking jobs

Such a document is relevant for all business entities of any organizational and legal form. Certification of workplaces is carried out by a specialized agency that has accreditation.

What is the essence of the procedure? It is carried out in order to determine how likely it is to lose health in the workplace.

After certification, it is necessary to create an information base on the current working conditions, calculate the supplement and discount to the tariffs for compulsory accident insurance.

As a result of the procedure, it is possible to create safe working conditions. If a new one is introduced workplace, you need to immediately carry out its certification.

Then the procedure is carried out every 5 years. Be sure to set clear deadlines - when certification begins and ends.

They work out the certification program, write a report on their work, the conclusions of the certification commission.

For all workplaces, a protocol is drawn up and the necessary marks are put. They assess whether it is possible to get injured, whether the workplace and the employee are provided with overalls, shoes, and additional means.

A report must be drawn up, which reflects the following information:

  • list of places that are checked;
  • test card;
  • summary sheets of results;
  • summary tables on working conditions;
  • an action plan aimed at improving conditions;
  • results (protocol);
  • information about the company that carried out the certification;
  • conclusions on the result.

Sample Application

If the employee himself becomes the initiator of the certification, then he must submit, which the certification commission will consider.

If an employee is applying for an increase in the qualification category, then the application is submitted 3 months before the end of the validity period of the category that is available.

The Commission has 30 days to consider the application. It is necessary to establish when the inspection will be carried out and notify the time and place of the certification.

A person submits an application independently or through a person who has the right to represent his interests. It is also possible to send an application by mail or in the form of an electronic document.

Methods for assessing personnel in an organization

Personnel assessment methods are an integral element in the performance appraisal to manage the work of employees.

This is a specific system with a complex structure that allows you to perform a regulatory function regarding the work of employees who are assessed.

Evaluation provides motivation for more effective work. This is the basis for transfer, career advancement.

Criteria for assessing business and personal qualities management personnel provide that a person must:

Know office work Technical and technological features of the direction of development
Know economics Planning methods, economic type of analysis
Be able to choose the method and means To achieve results with the lowest financial, energy and labor costs
have abilities Rational recruitment
be able to mobilize Employees to solve the problem
be able to plan Activities of the administrative apparatus, etc.

Requirements to personal qualities- the face must be:

  • fair and just;
  • seasoned and tactful;
  • purposeful;
  • principled, etc.

The grading system should ensure that accurate and reliable information is provided. Stages:

Methods for assessing management personnel are divided into:

Subjects of assessment:

  • fulfillment of official obligations;
  • behavioral features;
  • efficiency of personnel activity;
  • the degree of achievement of the goal;
  • degree of competence;
  • personality traits, etc.

When choosing a subject of assessment, it is worthwhile to figure out how much an enterprise can define standards. For example, if there are no clear obligations, the assessment of their implementation can be approximate.

And this means that the results will be superficial. In preparation, it is worth installing:

  • what is assessed;
  • what are the evaluation criteria;
  • what data is available.

Objects of assessment during certification:

  • result of work for a specific time;
  • aspects of work or attitude towards obligations;
  • qualities that are associated with the performance of duties;
  • activity ability.

Evaluation factors are the characteristics of the person that is being evaluated, which allow obtaining adequate information. They can be basic and additional (which contribute to the disclosure and clarification of the content of the assessment).


  • professional type;
  • moral;
  • strong-willed;
  • business and organizational;
  • potentiality is a quality that can be revealed in the future.

To assess the complexity of the work and the quality of an employee, a number of methods are used:

  • descriptive characteristics of the job or employees;
  • characteristics that proceed from an ideal criterion, but then define ideals;
  • comparisons with criteria that are real.

At some firms, certification is carried out in 3 traditional areas:

Estimated How job obligations are fulfilled, the work plan is fulfilled, the tasks set are achieved. If the company has a weak organizational basis, it will be difficult to obtain an objective result.
Exam in progress Employees must answer in writing a number of questions in their specialty. Questionnaires are prepared in advance and agreed with the leading specialist. It should be established what results are considered acceptable for an employee of a certain qualification.
Assess the personality This uses the Thomas system. The behavior of a person is determined, the characteristics are compared with the requirements that are established for these positions, and relations in the team are evaluated. Based on the results, training and development programs are developed, the causes of the conflict situation are determined and ways to solve it are established.

Monitoring compliance with the procedure

The inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications is one of the grounds for terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employer. The surest way to identify unqualified personnel is to conduct certification.

AT labor law qualification is understood as the level of preparedness, skill, degree of suitability for performing work in a particular specialty or position, determined by rank, class, rank and others qualification categories. In turn, the lack of qualifications is a discrepancy between the professional training of an employee and his position.

According to the Labor Code, the lack of qualifications of an employee is one of the grounds for terminating a contract at the initiative of the employer. labor contract(Clause 3, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, you can fire an employee only if he cannot be transferred to another job that matches his qualifications - for example, to a vacant lower position or a lower-paid job that the employee is able to perform taking into account his state of health. Moreover, the transfer of an employee is possible with his written consent. The letter of Rostrud dated April 30, 2008 No. 1028-s also says that it is possible to dismiss an employee for inconsistency with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications only after certification. Otherwise, the Labor Code does not provide.

To avoid possible misunderstandings a clause on the obligation to undergo certification must be included in the employment contract with the employee.

Aptitude test
Certification is a test of professional knowledge and business qualities of an employee. It is carried out by the employer in order to determine the level of qualification of the employee and his compliance with the position held.

Labor Code does not limit the range of employees subject to certification. However, the firm can exempt them from it. separate categories. The list of persons subject to and not subject to certification, it is advisable to fix in local regulations. For example, persons whose probationary period has not yet expired by the time the certification begins, graduates educational institutions primary, secondary and higher vocational education employees working for the first year at the company, pregnant women, people employed in unskilled jobs, and others. Such guarantees are provided for in paragraph 4 of the Resolution of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the USSR State Committee for Labor dated October 5, 1973 No. 470/267 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 470/267). In addition, it is also recommended to include a clause on the obligation to undergo certification in the employment contract with the employee.

The organization independently establishes the frequency of certification. It may differ for different categories of workers. On average, attestation should take place once every three to five years (clause 4 of Decree No. 470/267).

The company also determines its duration independently, based on headcount certified employees and other factors. A period of three to six months is considered optimal.

Certification can be carried out in the form of written testing, interviews, written exams, practical classes, sample making, etc., depending on the specifics of the profession of the person being certified. For employees whose labor functions do not require special knowledge or training, certification is not carried out.

Step by step preparation for certification
Targets and goals. To begin with, decide what are the goals of certification at your enterprise. It can be used to identify training needs, improve current activities, plan the selection of candidates for subsequent periods for movements within the organization and collect the information necessary for a decision on promotion.

But the dismissal of employees cannot be the purpose of certification. Its main task is to update personnel policy which benefits both the company itself and each of its employees.

Regulations on certification. The Labor Code does not contain recommendations on the development of the Regulations on certification. We advise you to use the provisions of Decree No. 470/267.

The regulation on attestation must be approved by the head of the organization. With the adopted document, it is necessary to familiarize all working employees and each newly hired against signature (part 3 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Decor. The head of the organization decides to conduct certification and draws up an appropriate order. The decision must include the following information:
- dates and place of attestation;
- range of employees subject to certification;
- composition of the attestation commission;
- grounds for certification (if it is extraordinary);
- the procedure for reporting its results.

In the order for certification, it is desirable to fix the duties of employees and the timing of the preparation of documents. In addition, it is necessary to establish the procedure for preparing and submitting to the certification commission information about which of the employees improved their qualifications and when, certification sheets for previous certification, customer and colleagues reviews, and other necessary information.

Certifying commission. Its composition can be anything. It usually includes heads of departments and an employee of the personnel department. If the organization has a trade union, then, according to part 3 of article 82 of the Labor Code, its representative must be a member of the commission. Independent experts can also be included if desired.

Certification schedule. It contains the following information:
- the name of the unit whose employees are certified;
- list of employees subject to certification (their names and positions);
- date, time and place of certification;
- date of submission to the attestation commission required documents indicating the heads of the relevant departments responsible for this;
- positions and names of employees responsible for the training of those being certified.

It is necessary to inform about the timing and schedule of certification at least one month before its start (clause 4 of Decree No. 470/267). The employee should be familiarized with the review (characteristics) submitted to him no later than one week in advance (clause 6 of Resolution No. 470/267).

Carrying out certification.

The course of the meeting and decisions taken are reflected in the protocol, which is kept by the secretary of the commission. It is recommended to record the name of the organization and the date of the certification, the list of members of the commission present, the names of the heads of departments in which the certified persons work, and other invitees, indicating the position and place of work (for third-party organizations).

Next, the surname, position and place of work (division) of the certified person are reflected, questions asked and brief answers to them, proposals and recommendations made by the members of the commission on the candidacy of the person being certified, assessment of his activities, voting results (the number of votes for and against).

The minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission are signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the commission. It is stored in the worker's file. When conducting testing in the protocol, you must indicate its results and attach tests with the answers of the person being certified.

The decision on the conformity or non-compliance of the employee with the position held. Based on the results of certification, it is issued by the commission.

As a rule, the Regulation on certification provides for the following types of decisions of the certification commission:
- the employee corresponds to the position;
- the employee does not correspond to the position;
- the employee corresponds to the position held, subject to the recommendations of the attestation commission;
- the employee corresponds to the position held and is recommended for transfer to another higher or higher paid position.

The attestation commission can also be authorized to make recommendations on encouraging employees for their successes, on changing their working conditions, on improving their skills, etc.

The decision taken by the commission is reflected in the certification sheet, with which the employee should be familiarized against signature. At the same time, he should be given the opportunity to express his opinion on the results of the certification and appeal against them if he does not agree with the conclusions of the commission. In addition, information about the results of the certification carried out is entered in section IV of the employee's personal card in the form No. T-2 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Upon completion of certification, all materials must be transferred to the head of the organization within the time limits established by the Regulations on certification. It makes one of the following decisions:
- keep the terms of the employment contract;
- maintain the terms of the employment contract and stimulate the employee;
- keep the terms of the employment contract with the assignment to the employee additional duty- eliminate the comments of the attestation commission and within a year from the date of the decision to undergo re-attestation;
- change the content of the employment contract in part labor function employee;
- terminate the employment contract under paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code.

In addition, on the basis of a decision prepared by the certification commission, the head issues an order on measures following the results of certification. It analyzes the results, approves measures to improve work with personnel, to implement the recommendations of the certification commission, as well as to conduct the next certification.

Paragraph 12 of Decree No. 470/267 says that the manager can decide to transfer an employee who, according to the results of the certification, is not suitable for the position held, to another job with his consent, within no more than two months from the date of certification. If the employee cannot be transferred to another position, the head of the organization may terminate the employment contract with him within the same period.

This is the procedure for performance appraisal of personnel. If the employer has violated the procedure for conducting it, established by regulatory legal or local regulations, this is the basis for reinstating the employee dismissed as a result of it.

Under the traditional system of attestation of employees, the current legislation refers to a procedure, the content and procedure of which the employer develops independently. There is no article under the title "Certification of employees for compliance with the position held." However Labor Code, according to article 81, determines that the procedure for conducting certification is established by the local regulatory act of the employer.

For example, certification of cultural workers is determined by the Procedure approved by the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, dated February 8, 2010 No. 7790-44 / 04-PKh. This normative act, in particular, stipulates that employees who, by the nature of their activities, do not require special skills or knowledge, for example, unskilled workers, are not subject to certification.

There is a nuance: the employer develops the provision on the certification of subordinates independently, taking into account the opinion of the trade union. But if there is no trade union in the organization, then there is no need to coordinate anything with anyone.

Regulations on certification of employees


Since in 2020 the certification of employees is regulated by the employer, as a basis for developing an internal normative act we recommend taking the Regulations on the procedure for conducting attestation, approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR dated 05.10.1973 No. 267.

The current legislation does not limit in any way the categories of employees in respect of which certification can be carried out, as well as the frequency and procedure for certification itself. The employer has the right to establish at its discretion any procedure for carrying out this procedure in relation to any categories of employees.

We recommend that you approach the development of the document, which will be called the "Regulations on the certification of employees", with attention. In order to avoid possible negative judicial practice, and also so that the certification of employees for compliance with the position held is as clear as possible to both employees and the employer itself, it is advisable to include the following sections in it:

  1. General information.
  2. Section on preparations.
  3. Section on certification.
  4. Final provisions.
  5. Applications.

These sections are given as an example and do not claim to be universal. We want to give the employer a step-by-step algorithm so that the certification of employees at his enterprise does not fail and is as objective as possible.

General section

Step 1. Designate the purpose of certification

For one employer, it will be enough to write that the purpose of this event is to determine the compliance of the employee’s qualifications with the position he occupies.

Another may state the goal of rational use labor resources their employees, increasing the effectiveness of their work and responsibility for the work assigned. Formulate clearly and specifically exactly the goal that you are trying to achieve.

For example, in accordance with the Regulation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2000 No. 234, the objectives of certification of enterprise managers are:

  • objective assessment of the activities of managers and determination of its compliance with the position held;
  • assistance in improving the efficiency of enterprises;
  • stimulation of professional growth of heads of enterprises.

Step 2. Determine the composition of the certified workers

Taking into account that the legislation does not restrict the employer in choosing categories of employees for their certification, we still recommend NOT including in the lists of those who are certified:

  • pregnant women;
  • who have worked in the position for less than a year;
  • on parental leave and employees who have worked for less than one year after returning to work from this leave;
  • old-age pensioners;
  • minors;
  • employees with whom a fixed-term employment relationship is concluded.

The rest of the staff can be certified.

For example, when attestation of prosecutors is carried out, the number of those being attested does not include:

  • pregnant women;
  • on parental leave (they can be certified six months after leaving the leave);
  • employees who have reached the age limit for being in the service (if they have not made significant omissions in their work);
  • officers in the reserve of the military prosecutor's office upon assignment to them of the initial class rank.

All other employees of the prosecutor's office are subject to certification in accordance with the Order of the Prosecutor General of June 20, 2012 No. 242.

Step 3. Fix the frequency of certification

Certification can be carried out every year, but such a frequency is unlikely to contribute to the formation of a healthy atmosphere in the team. That's why the best option there will be a period no more than once every three years and no less than once every five years.

For example, according to the text federal law dated November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ, certification of employees of internal affairs bodies is carried out once every four years.

Step 4. Indicate the grounds for an extraordinary certification

It is better to foresee (in case of parting) and fix that an extraordinary certification can be carried out:

  • by agreement of the parties;
  • in case of changes in working conditions for technological reasons;
  • in case of repeated improper performance of their duties.

Then the employer will have the right to send the employee for an extraordinary certification, based on the results of which to make an appropriate decision, including those provided for in paragraph 3 article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For example, in the Regulation approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1994 No. 13/11 (registered with the Ministry of Justice on April 18, 1994 No. 548), early certification is carried out in cases where gross violations of the rules and regulations governing the safe operation of vehicles are detected, or traffic accidents with serious consequences.

Section on preparation for certification

In this section, it is necessary to clearly and clearly indicate what steps and measures the employer and subordinate officials are obliged to take.

Step 1. Determine the composition of the commission

The composition of the commission is determined by the order of the employer.

The commission must have a chairman, ordinary members and a secretary.

It is necessary to indicate which of them has the right to vote and which does not.

It is also important who will have the decisive vote if the opinions of the members of the commission are distributed equally (to avoid this, the commission should be created from an odd number of representatives of the employer).

The composition of the commission is permanent, changes can be made either due to a conflict of interest, or in connection with personnel movements.

It is important to indicate the powers of the members of the commission. Thus, the chairman is responsible for the validity and legitimacy of the collegiate decisions made, the members of the commission for the comprehensiveness and objectivity of the decisions made, the secretary for the technical work.

Step 2. Schedule

The certification schedule is a document that the employer draws up annually. Approved by a separate order. The schedule should be approved in advance in order to have time to acquaint those who are to be certified with it.

The chart indicates:

  • list of employees subject to certification this year;
  • date and place of the procedure;
  • the time of submission of the necessary personnel documents for the certified employees and full name. responsible for providing.

Step 3. Notify employees about the upcoming certification

All certified workers must be notified of the procedure in advance and under signature. How far in advance, the employer decides, but optimal time is one month.

The form of the notification is not important, the fact confirming the acquaintance is important.

If the employee refuses, an appropriate act is drawn up.

If sick, a corresponding notification is sent to the place of registration and residence by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.

Step 4. Obtain the necessary personnel documents

Due to the fact that the attestation commission makes decisions on the basis of the documents provided, the employer has the right to independently provide for which document and within what time frame should be submitted to the commission.

It can be any requirement, like a portfolio, for example.

For example, until recently teaching staff state government institutions social service in the Leningrad region had to provide a portfolio for certification social worker characterizing the results of their activities. However, it is worth noting that at present this requirement has been canceled by the Order of the Committee for Social Protection of the Population of the Leningrad Region dated January 21, 2013 No. 1.

Sample portfolio of a social worker for certification

In practice, most often, the employer requires the commission to provide a description or service review of the employee, which must be prepared by his immediate supervisor.

With the characteristics of the employee must be familiarized under the signature. After familiarization, this document is submitted to the certification commission.


It is necessary to provide an opportunity for the employee to disagree with the content of his testimonial and submit written objections to the certification commission.

The deadline for submission of all documents is indicated in the schedule.


A characteristic not provided on time with disputable certification results is a formal reason for the court to recognize the decision of the certification commission as unlawful due to a violation of the procedure.

Section on certification

This section is a description step by step procedure certification of employees at the enterprise.

Step 1. Determine the quorum

To do this, the regulation should state that with the participation of two-thirds of the composition of the commission, its decisions are considered valid. If the number of members of the commission is less, the certification is postponed for another period determined by the employer, taking into account the requirements of the described provision.

Step 2. Describe the procedure itself

We write that the certification of employees for compliance with the position held should be carried out in the presence of the employee himself and his immediate supervisor in a friendly atmosphere (the employee is already under stress).

We indicate that the boss represents the employee, and then the members of the commission ask questions of interest to them.

After the questions are asked and the employee answers them, the certified employee is removed, and his head and members of the commission remain to discuss and make an appropriate decision.

After the decision is made, the employee is invited, and the chairman announces the decision of the commission to him.

Step 3. We fix the decision-making mechanism


Any decision must be justified and supported by an appropriate document. If an employee is a scoundrel, this is not a reason to recognize him as inappropriate for his position.

The professional activity of an employee should be evaluated in conjunction with qualification requirements to his position. It is necessary to take into account the personal contribution of the employee in achieving the goals of the organization, as well as the complexity and intensity of the work that he performs.

It is worth paying attention to the absence or presence of facts of violations work schedule and job responsibilities.

All doubts are interpreted in favor of the employee.

Step 4. Commission Decision Options

We describe what decisions the commission can make:

  • the employee corresponds to the position;
  • send for training to match the position;
  • apply to the employer for an increase (salary, position);
  • consider demotion due to insufficient qualifications;
  • does not correspond to the position held, to recommend sending for training for advanced training or dismissal due to insufficient qualifications.

Step 5. We draw up the decision of the commission.

All decisions of the commission are drawn up in a protocol or entered in the employee's certification sheet. It makes no sense to draw up both documents, in fact they are the same thing, only the form is different. At the same time, no one forbids filling out both documents.

The attestation sheet and protocol are signed by all members of the commission present at the attestation.


Those members of the commission who were not present at the certification are not entitled to sign these documents. If they sign, this may serve as a reason to cancel the decision of the commission and initiate a criminal case under Article 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The order must be issued within a certain period, the employer himself will determine in which, but not more than one month.

It is necessary to provide that the terms can be interrupted (when going on vacation, temporary absence for unknown reasons or temporary incapacity for work, this period should be interrupted).

Violation of the terms entails the cancellation of the decision by the attestation commission.

For example, if A.V. Petrov will be recognized as inappropriate for his position, the employer has the right to fire him, send him to training or demote him (his will, the attestation commission granted him such powers).

If the employer decides to move A.V. Petrov to a lower position, and A.V. Petrov will refuse, the employer will have the right to fire him on the same grounds.

Step 6. Worker rights

It is advisable to indicate that in case of disagreement with the results of the certification, the employee can appeal this decision in the manner prescribed by law.

Final provisions

This section contains information about where to store appraisal documents. All attestation documents are stored in personnel departments, protocols - in the nomenclature folder, attestation sheets - in the personal files of employees.